#glass frankreich
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2023/08/09 Después fuimos a Francia a pasar unos días en familia. Visitamos un pueblo de montaña muy bonito con una torre de reloj en todo lo alto. En la iglesia principal había cuadros y vidrieras. Y nos encontramos con un señor que parecía muy serio. Nos dijo que él venía de un país en el Océano Pacífico y echaba de menos el mar.
Then we went to France to spend a few days with the family. We visited a very beautiful mountain town with a clock tower at the top. In the main church there were paintings and stained glass windows. And we met a man who seemed very serious. He told us that he came from a country in the Pacific Ocean and missed the sea.
Google Translation into French: Ensuite nous sommes partis en France pour passer quelques jours en famille. Nous avons visité une très belle ville de montagne avec une tour d'horloge au sommet. Dans l'église principale, il y avait des peintures et des vitraux. Et nous avons rencontré un homme qui avait l'air très sérieux. Il nous a dit qu’il venait d’un pays de l’océan Pacifique et que la mer lui manquait.
Google translation into Italian: Poi siamo partiti per la Francia per trascorrere qualche giorno con la famiglia. Abbiamo visitato una bellissima cittadina di montagna con una torre dell'orologio in cima. Nella chiesa principale c'erano dipinti e vetrate colorate. E abbiamo incontrato un uomo che sembrava molto serio. Ci ha raccontato che veniva da un paese affacciato sull'Oceano Pacifico e che gli mancava il mare.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Depois partimos para França para passar alguns dias com a família. Visitamos uma cidade montanhosa muito bonita com uma torre do relógio no topo. Na igreja matriz havia pinturas e vitrais. E conhecemos um homem que parecia muito sério. Ele nos contou que vinha de um país do Oceano Pacífico e que sentia falta do mar.
Google Translation into German: Dann reisten wir nach Frankreich, um ein paar Tage mit der Familie zu verbringen. Wir besuchten eine sehr schöne Bergstadt mit einem Glockenturm auf der Spitze. In der Hauptkirche gab es Gemälde und Buntglasfenster. Und wir trafen einen Mann, der sehr ernst aussah. Er erzählte uns, dass er aus einem Land am Pazifischen Ozean stamme und dass ihm das Meer fehlte.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Më pas shkuam në Francë për të kaluar disa ditë me familjen. Ne vizituam një qytet malor shumë të bukur me një kullë sahati në majë. Në kishën kryesore kishte piktura dhe dritare me xhama. Dhe takuam një burrë që dukej shumë serioz. Na tha se vinte nga një vend i Oqeanit Paqësor dhe i kishte marrë malli për detin.
Google Translation into Arabic: ثم ذهبنا إلى فرنسا لقضاء بضعة أيام مع العائلة. قمنا بزيارة مدينة جبلية جميلة جدًا يوجد بها برج ساعة في الأعلى. في الكنيسة الرئيسية كانت هناك لوحات ونوافذ زجاجية ملونة. والتقينا برجل بدا جديًا للغاية. أخبرنا أنه جاء من إحدى دول المحيط الهادئ وافتقد البحر.
Google Translation into Armenian: Հետո գնացինք Ֆրանսիա՝ ընտանիքի հետ մի քանի օր անցկացնելու։ Մենք այցելեցինք մի շատ գեղեցիկ լեռնային քաղաք, որի գագաթին ժամացույցի աշտարակ էր: Գլխավոր եկեղեցում կային նկարներ և վիտրաժներ։ Եվ մենք հանդիպեցինք մի մարդու, ով շատ լուրջ էր թվո��մ: Նա մեզ ասաց, որ եկել է Խաղաղ օվկիանոսի մի երկրից և կարոտել է ծովը։
Google Translation into Bengali: এরপর পরিবারের সঙ্গে কয়েকদিন কাটাতে ফ্রান্সে যাই। আমরা চূড়ায় একটি ক্লক টাওয়ার সহ একটি খুব সুন্দর পাহাড়ী শহর পরিদর্শন করেছি। মূল গির্জায় পেইন্টিং এবং দাগযুক্ত কাচের জানালা ছিল। এবং আমরা একজন লোকের সাথে দেখা করেছি যাকে খুব গুরুতর মনে হয়েছিল। তিনি আমাদের বলেছিলেন যে তিনি প্রশান্ত মহাসাগরের একটি দেশ থেকে এসেছেন এবং সমুদ্র মিস করেছেন।
Google Translation into Bulgarian: След това отидохме във Франция, за да прекараме няколко дни със семейството. Посетихме много красиво планинско градче с часовникова кула на върха. В главната църква имаше картини и витражи. И срещнахме един човек, който изглеждаше много сериозен. Каза ни, че идва от страна в Тихия океан и морето му е липсвало.
Google Translation into Czech: Pak jsme odjeli do Francie strávit pár dní s rodinou. Navštívili jsme velmi krásné horské městečko s hodinovou věží na vrcholu. V hlavním kostele byly obrazy a vitráže. A potkali jsme muže, který vypadal velmi vážně. Řekl nám, že pochází ze země v Tichém oceánu a moře mu chybí.
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 然后我们去了法国和家人一起度过了几天。 我们参观了一个非常美丽的山城,山顶有一座钟楼。 主教堂里有绘画和彩色玻璃窗。 我们遇到了一个看起来很严肃的男人。 他告诉我们,他来自太平洋的一个国家,很想念大海。
Google Translation into Korean: 그런 다음 우리는 가족과 함께 며칠을 보내기 위해 프랑스로 갔습니다. 우리는 꼭대기에 시계탑이 있는 매우 아름다운 산간 마을을 방문했습니다. 본당에는 그림과 스테인드글라스 창문이 있었습니다. 그리고 우리는 매우 진지해 보이는 한 남자를 만났습니다. 태평양에 있는 나라에서 와서 바다가 그리워졌다고 하더군요.
Google Translation into Croatian: Zatim smo otišli u Francusku provesti nekoliko dana s obitelji. Posjetili smo vrlo lijep planinski gradić na čijem se vrhu nalazi kula sa satom. U glavnoj crkvi nalazile su se slike i vitraji. I sreli smo čovjeka koji je djelovao vrlo ozbiljno. Rekao nam je da je došao iz zemlje na Tihom oceanu i da mu je nedostajalo more.
Google Translation into Danish Så tog vi til Frankrig for at tilbringe et par dage med familien. Vi besøgte en meget smuk bjergby med et klokketårn på toppen. I hovedkirken var der malerier og glasmalerier. Og vi mødte en mand, der virkede meget seriøs. Han fortalte os, at han kom fra et land i Stillehavet og savnede havet.
Google Translation into Slovak: Potom sme odišli do Francúzska stráviť pár dní s rodinou. Navštívili sme veľmi krásne horské mestečko s hodinovou vežou na vrchole. V hlavnom kostole boli obrazy a vitráže. A stretli sme muža, ktorý vyzeral veľmi vážne. Povedal nám, že pochádza z krajiny v Tichom oceáne a chýba mu more.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Potem smo šli v Francijo, da bi preživeli nekaj dni z družino. Obiskali smo zelo lepo gorsko mesto s stolpom z uro na vrhu. V glavni cerkvi so bile slike in vitraži. In srečali smo človeka, ki je bil videti zelo resen. Povedal nam je, da prihaja iz države v Tihem oceanu in pogreša morje.
Google Translation into Estonian: Seejärel läksime Prantsusmaale perega paar päeva veetma. Käisime ühes väga ilusas mägilinnas, mille tipus oli kellatorn. Peakirikus olid maalid ja vitraažid. Ja me kohtusime mehega, kes tundus väga tõsine. Ta rääkis meile, et tuli Vaikse ookeani riigist ja igatses merd.
Google Translation into Suomi: Sitten menimme Ranskaan viettämään muutaman päivän perheen kanssa. Vierailimme erittäin kauniissa vuoristokaupungissa, jonka huipulla oli kellotorni. Pääkirkossa oli maalauksia ja lasimaalauksia. Ja tapasimme miehen, joka vaikutti erittäin vakavalta. Hän kertoi meille tulleensa Tyynenmeren maasta ja ikävöi merta.
Google Translation into Georgian: შემდეგ საფრანგეთში წავედით რამდენიმე დღე ოჯახთან ერთად გასატარებლად. ჩვენ ვეწვიეთ ძალიან ლამაზ მთიან ��ალაქს, რომლის თავზე საათის კოშკი იყო. მთავარ ეკლესიაში მოხატულობა და ვიტრაჟები იყო. და ჩვენ შევხვდით კაცს, რომელიც ძალიან სერიოზული ჩანდა. გვითხრა, რომ წყნარი ოკეანის ქვეყნიდან იყო ჩამოსული და ზღვა ენატრებოდა.
Google Translation into Greek: Μετά πήγαμε στη Γαλλία για να περάσουμε μερικές μέρες με την οικογένεια. Επισκεφθήκαμε μια πολύ όμορφη ορεινή πόλη με έναν πύργο ρολογιού στην κορυφή. Στον κυρίως ναό υπήρχαν αγιογραφίες και βιτρό. Και συναντήσαμε έναν άνθρωπο που φαινόταν πολύ ��οβαρός. Μας είπε ότι ήρθε από μια χώρα του Ειρηνικού Ωκεανού και του έλειψε η θάλασσα.
Google Translation into Guarani: Upéi roho Fránciape rohasa hag̃ua unos kuánto día pe famíliandi. Rovisita peteĩ puévlo iporãitereíva oĩva montáñape ha yvate gotyo peteĩ tórre de reloj. Tupao guasúpe oĩkuri pintura ha vidriera. Ha roikuaa peteĩ kuimbaʼe haʼetévaicha iserioitereíva. Omombe’u oréve ouha peteĩ tetãgui océano Pacífico-pe ha ofaltaha pe mar.
Google Translation into Hawaiian: A laila, hele mākou i Farani e noho i kekahi mau lā me ka ʻohana. Ua kipa mākou i kekahi kūlanakauhale mauna nani loa me ka hale kiaʻi uaki ma luna. I loko o ka hale pule nui he mau kiʻi pena a me nā puka aniani ʻeleʻele. A hālāwai mākou me kekahi kanaka i koʻikoʻi loa. Ua haʻi mai ʻo ia iā mākou ua hele mai ʻo ia mai kahi ʻāina o ka Moana Pākīpika a hala i ke kai.
Google Translation into Hebrew: אחר כך נסענו לצרפת לבלות כמה ימים עם המשפחה. ביקרנו בעיירה הררית מאוד יפה עם מגדל שעון בראשה. בכנסייה המרכזית היו ציורים וחלונות ויטראז'. ופגשנו אדם שנראה רציני מאוד. הוא סיפר לנו שהוא בא ממדינה באוקיינוס השקט והתגעגע לים.
Google Translation into Hindi: फिर हम परिवार के साथ कुछ दिन बिताने के लिए फ्रांस गए। हमने एक बहुत ही खूबसूरत पहाड़ी ��हर का दौरा किया जिसके शीर्ष पर एक घंटाघर था। मुख्य चर्च में पेंटिंग और रंगीन कांच की खिड़कियाँ थीं। और हमारी मुलाकात एक ऐसे व्यक्ति से हुई जो बहुत गंभीर लग रहा था। उसने हमें बताया कि वह प्रशांत महासागर के एक देश से आया है और समुद्र से चूक गया।
Google Translation into Hungarian: Aztán elmentünk Franciaországba, hogy a családdal töltsünk néhány napot. Meglátogattunk egy nagyon szép hegyi városkát, melynek tetején óratorony állt. A főtemplomban festmények és ólomüveg ablakok voltak. És találkoztunk egy férfival, aki nagyon komolynak tűnt. Elmesélte, hogy egy Csendes-óceáni országból jött, és hiányzott a tenger.
Google Translation into Indonesian: Kemudian kami pergi ke Prancis untuk menghabiskan beberapa hari bersama keluarga. Kami mengunjungi kota pegunungan yang sangat indah dengan menara jam di puncaknya. Di gereja utama terdapat lukisan dan jendela kaca patri. Dan kami bertemu dengan seorang pria yang kelihatannya sangat serius. Dia bercerita kepada kami bahwa dia berasal dari sebuah negara di Samudera Pasifik dan merindukan laut.
Google Translation into Japanese: それから私たちはフランスに行き、家族と数日間過ごしました。 私たちは頂上に時計塔があるとても美しい山間の町を訪れました。 メインの教会には絵画やステンドグラスがありました。 そして、とても真面目そうな男性に出会いました。 彼は太平洋の国から来たので海が恋しいと言いました。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Андан кийин Францияга бир нече күн үй-бүлөбүз менен эс алууга бардык. Биз чокусунда саат мунарасы бар абдан кооз тоо шаарчасында болдук. Негизги чиркөөдө сүрөттөр жана витраждар бар болчу. Ал эми биз абдан олуттуу көрүнгөн бир кишини жолуктурдук. Ал бизге Тынч океандагы өлкөдөн келип, деңизди сагынганын айтты.
Google Translation into Latvian: Pēc tam devāmies uz Franciju, lai pavadītu dažas dienas ar ģimeni. Apmeklējām ļoti skaistu kalnu pilsētiņu ar pulksteņa torni augšā. Galvenajā baznīcā bija gleznas un vitrāžas. Un mēs satikām vīrieti, kurš šķita ļoti nopietns. Viņš mums stāstīja, ka nācis no valsts Klusajā okeānā un pietrūkis jūras.
Google Translation into Malayalam: പിന്നെ ഞങ്ങൾ കുടുംബത്തോടൊപ്പം കുറച്ചു ദിവസം ചിലവഴിക്കാൻ ഫ്രാൻസിലേക്ക് പോയി. മുകളിൽ ഒരു ക്ലോക്ക് ടവർ ഉള്ള വളരെ മനോഹരമായ ഒരു പർവത നഗരം ഞങ്ങൾ സന്ദർശിച്ചു. പ്രധാന പള്ളിയിൽ പെയിന്റിംഗുകളും സ്റ്റെയിൻ ഗ്ലാസ് ജനലുകളും ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നു. വളരെ ഗൗരവമുള്ള ഒരാളെ ഞങ്ങൾ കണ്ടുമുട്ടി. പസഫിക് സമുദ്രത്തിലെ ഒരു രാജ്യത്ത് നിന്നാണ് താൻ വന്നതെന്നും കടൽ നഷ്ടമായെന്നും അദ്ദേഹം ഞങ്ങളോട് പറഞ്ഞു.
Google Translation into Malay: Kemudian kami pergi ke Perancis untuk menghabiskan beberapa hari bersama keluarga. Kami melawat bandar gunung yang sangat cantik dengan menara jam di bahagian atas. Di gereja utama terdapat lukisan dan tingkap kaca berwarna. Dan kami bertemu dengan seorang lelaki yang kelihatan sangat serius. Dia memberitahu kami bahawa dia berasal dari sebuah negara di Lautan Pasifik dan merindui laut.
Google Translation into Malagasy: Avy eo dia nankany Frantsa izahay mba hiara-misakafo andro vitsivitsy miaraka amin’ny fianakaviana. Nitsidika tanàna be tendrombohitra tena tsara tarehy izahay ary nisy tilikambo famantaranandro teo an-tampony. Tao amin'ny fiangonana lehibe dia nisy sary hoso-doko sy varavarankely misy fitaratra. Ary nifankahita tamina lehilahy iray toa tena matotra. Nolazainy taminay fa avy any amin’ny firenena iray any amin’ny Oseana Pasifika izy ary tsy nahita ranomasina.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Тэгээд бид хэд хоног гэр бүлтэйгээ хамт байхаар Франц руу явсан. Бид орой дээрээ цагны цамхаг бүхий маш үзэсгэлэнтэй уулын хотод зочилсон. Гол сүмд уран зураг, будсан шилэн цонхнууд байсан. Тэгээд бид маш нухацтай санагдсан хүнтэй уулзсан. Тэрээр Номхон далай дахь орноос ирсэн бөгөөд далайг санасан тухайгаа бидэнд хэлсэн.
Google Translation into Dutch: Daarna gingen we naar Frankrijk om een paar dagen bij de familie door te brengen. We bezochten een heel mooi bergstadje met een klokkentoren bovenaan. In de hoofdkerk waren schilderijen en glas-in-loodramen aanwezig. En we ontmoetten een man die heel serieus leek. Hij vertelde ons dat hij uit een land in de Stille Oceaan kwam en de zee miste.
Google Translation into Nepali: त्यसपछि हामी परिवारसँग केही दिन बिताउन फ्रान्स गयौं। हामीले एक धेरै सुन्दर पहाडी सहरको भ्रमण गर्यौं जसको शीर्षमा घडी टावर थियो। मुख्य चर्चमा पेन्टिङ र काँचका झ्यालहरू थिए। र हामीले एक जना मानिसलाई भेट्यौं जो धेरै गम्भीर देखिन्छ। उनले हामीलाई भने कि उनी प्रशान्त महासागरको देशबाट आएका थिए र समुद्रलाई मिस गरेका थिए।
Google Translation into Norwegian: Så dro vi til Frankrike for å tilbringe noen dager med familien. Vi besøkte en veldig vakker fjellby med et klokketårn på toppen. I hovedkirken var det malerier og glassmalerier. Og vi møtte en mann som virket veldig seriøs. Han fortalte at han kom fra et land i Stillehavet og savnet havet.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਫਿਰ ਅਸੀਂ ਪਰਿਵਾਰ ਨਾਲ ਕੁਝ ਦਿਨ ਬਿਤਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਫਰਾਂਸ ਚਲੇ ਗਏ। ਅਸੀਂ ਸਿਖਰ 'ਤੇ ਇੱਕ ਘੜੀ ਟਾਵਰ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਇੱਕ ਬਹੁਤ ਹੀ ਸੁੰਦਰ ਪਹਾੜੀ ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਦਾ ਦੌਰਾ ਕੀਤਾ। ਮੁੱਖ ਚਰਚ ਵਿਚ ਪੇਂਟਿੰਗਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਰੰਗੀਨ ਸ਼ੀਸ਼ੇ ਦੀਆਂ ਖਿੜਕੀਆਂ ਸਨ। ਅਤੇ ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਆਦਮੀ ਨੂੰ ਮਿਲੇ ਜੋ ਬਹੁਤ ਗੰਭੀਰ ਜਾਪਦਾ ਸੀ। ਉਸਨੇ ਸਾਨੂੰ ਦੱਸਿਆ ਕਿ ਉਹ ਪ੍ਰਸ਼ਾਂਤ ਮਹਾਸਾਗਰ ਦੇ ਇੱਕ ਦੇਸ਼ ਤੋਂ ਆਇਆ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਸਮੁੰਦਰ ਤੋਂ ਖੁੰਝ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: بیا موږ فرانسې ته لاړو چې د کورنۍ سره څو ورځې تیرې کړو. موږ د یو ډیر ښکلي غرني ښار څخه لیدنه وکړه چې په سر کې یې د ساعت برج درلود. په اصلي کلیسا کې نقاشي او د شیشې کړکۍ وې. او موږ یو سړی ولید چې ډیر جدي ښکاري. هغه موږ ته وویل چې هغه د آرام سمندر له یوه هیواد څخه راغلی او بحر یې یاد کړی.
Google Translation into Persian: سپس به فرانسه رفتیم تا چند روزی را با خانواده بگذرانیم. از یک شهر کوهستانی بسیار زیبا دیدن کردیم که در بالای آن برج ساعت قرار داشت. در کلیسای اصلی نقاشی ها و شیشه های رنگی وجود داشت. و با مردی آشنا شدیم که خیلی جدی به نظر می رسید. او به ما گفت که از کشوری در اقیانو�� آرام آمده و دلتنگ دریا شده است.
Google Translation into Polish: Następnie pojechaliśmy do Francji, aby spędzić kilka dni z rodziną. Odwiedziliśmy bardzo piękne górskie miasteczko z wieżą zegarową na szczycie. W głównym kościele znajdowały się obrazy i witraże. I spotkaliśmy człowieka, który wydawał się bardzo poważny. Powiedział nam, że pochodzi z kraju położonego nad Oceanem Spokojnym i tęsknił za morzem.
Google Translation into Romanian: Apoi am plecat în Franța să petrecem câteva zile cu familia. Am vizitat un oraș de munte foarte frumos, cu un turn cu ceas în vârf. În biserica principală erau picturi și vitralii. Și am întâlnit un bărbat care părea foarte serios. Ne-a spus că a venit dintr-o țară din Oceanul Pacific și i-a fost dor de mare.
Google Translation into Russian: Затем мы поехали во Францию, чтобы провести несколько дней с семьей. Мы посетили очень красивый горный городок с башней с часами на вершине. В главной церкви были картины и витражи. И мы встретили человека, который казался очень серьезным. Он рассказал нам, что приехал из страны, расположенной на Тихом океане, и скучал по морю.
Google Translation into Serbian: Затим смо отишли у Француску да проведемо неколико дана са породицом. Посетили смо веома леп планински град са сахат кулом на врху. У главној цркви су биле слике и витражи. И упознали смо човека који је деловао веома озбиљно. Рекао нам је да је дошао из земље у Тихом океану и да је пропустио море.
Google Translation into Swedish: Sedan åkte vi till Frankrike för att tillbringa några dagar med familjen. Vi besökte en mycket vacker bergsstad med ett klocktorn på toppen. I huvudkyrkan fanns målningar och glasmålningar. Och vi träffade en man som verkade väldigt seriös. Han berättade att han kom från ett land i Stilla havet och saknade havet.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Teras urang angkat ka Perancis pikeun nyéépkeun sababaraha dinten sareng kulawarga. Urang dilongok kota gunung geulis pisan jeung munara jam di luhur. Di garéja utama aya lukisan jeung jandéla kaca patri. Sarta kami patepung hiji lalaki anu seemed pisan serius. Anjeunna nyarios ka urang yén anjeunna sumping ti nagara di Samudra Pasifik sareng sono ka laut.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Pagkatapos ay pumunta kami sa France upang gumugol ng ilang araw kasama ang pamilya. Bumisita kami sa isang napakagandang bayan sa bundok na may isang tore ng orasan sa tuktok. Sa pangunahing simbahan mayroong mga kuwadro na gawa at mga stained glass na bintana. At may nakilala kaming lalaki na mukhang seryoso. Sinabi niya sa amin na nanggaling siya sa isang bansa sa Karagatang Pasipiko at na-miss ang dagat.
Google Translation into Thai: จากนั้นเราก็ไปฝรั่งเศสเพื่อใช้เวลาอยู่กับครอบครัวสองสามวัน เราไปเยี่ยมชมเมืองบนภูเขาที่สวยงามมากซึ่งมีหอนาฬิกาอยู่ด้านบน ในโบสถ์หลักมีภาพวาดและหน้าต่างกระจกสี และเราได้พบกับชายคนหนึ่งที่ดูจริงจังมาก เขาบอกเราว่าเขามาจากประเทศหนึ่งในมหาสมุทรแปซิฟิกและคิดถึงทะเล
Google Translation into Telugu: తర్వాత కుటుంబంతో కొన్ని రోజులు గడిపేందుకు ఫ్రాన్స్ వెళ్లాం. పైన క్లాక్ టవర్ ఉన్న చాలా అందమైన పర్వత పట్టణాన్ని మేము సందర్శించాము. ప్రధాన చర్చిలో పెయింటింగ్స్ మరియు గాజు కిటికీలు ఉన్నాయి. మరియు మేము చాలా గంభీరంగా ఉన్న వ్యక్తిని కలిశాము. తాను పసిఫిక్ మహాసముద్రంలోని ఓ దేశం నుంచి వచ్చి సముద్రాన్ని మిస్సయ్యానని చెప్పాడు.
Google Translation into Turkish: Daha sonra aileyle birkaç gün geçirmek için Fransa'ya gittik. Tepesinde saat kulesi bulunan çok güzel bir dağ kasabasını ziyaret ettik. Ana kilisede tablolar ve vitray pencereler vardı. Ve çok ciddi görünen bir adamla tanıştık. Pasifik Okyanusu'ndaki bir ülkeden geldiğini ve denizi özlediğini anlattı.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Потім ми поїхали до Франції, щоб провести кілька днів із родиною. Ми побували в дуже красивому гірському містечку з годинниковою вежею на вершині. У головній церкві були розписи та вітражі. І ми зустріли чоловіка, який виглядав дуже серйозно. Він сказав нам, що приїхав з країни в Тихому океані і скучив за морем.
Google Translation into Urdu: پھر ہم خاندان کے ساتھ کچھ دن گزارنے فرانس چلے گئے۔ ہم نے ایک بہت ہی خوبصورت پہاڑی شہر کا دورہ کیا جس کی چوٹی پر کلاک ٹاور ہے۔ مرکزی چرچ میں پینٹنگز اور داغ دار شیشے کی کھڑکیاں تھیں۔ اور ہماری ملاقات ایک ایسے شخص سے ہوئی جو بہت سنجیدہ لگ رہا تھا۔ اس نے ہمیں بتایا کہ وہ بحرالکاہل کے ایک ملک سے آیا ہے اور سمندر کو یاد کرتا ہے۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Keyin oilamiz bilan bir necha kun o'tkazish uchun Frantsiyaga bordik. Biz tepasida soat minorasi bo'lgan juda chiroyli tog' shaharchasiga tashrif buyurdik. Asosiy cherkovda rasmlar va vitrajlar bor edi. Va biz juda jiddiy ko'rinadigan bir odamni uchratdik. U bizga Tinch okeanidagi davlatdan kelganini va dengizni sog‘inib qolganini aytdi.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Sau đó chúng tôi sang Pháp ở cùng gia đình vài ngày. Chúng tôi đến thăm một thị trấn miền núi rất đẹp với tháp đồng hồ trên đỉnh. Trong nhà thờ chính có những bức tranh và cửa sổ kính màu. Và chúng tôi gặp một người đàn ông có vẻ rất nghiêm túc. Anh ấy nói với chúng tôi rằng anh ấy đến từ một quốc gia ở Thái Bình Dương và rất nhớ biển.
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#Phoneography#mobiele telefoon fotografie#mobile phone photography#Smartphoneography#smartphone fotografie#smartphone photography#Rouen#Normandië#Normandie#Normandy#France#Frankrijk#Frankreich#Francia#Europe#Europa#kerk#church#glas in lood#leaded glass#glas#raam#Fenster#window#jeanne d'arc#colour#color#kleur#vscocam#vsco
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Buchstütze mit Fisch, ca.1925 - Entwurf bei André Bouillon. Hersteller: Walter, Amalric, Nancy, France.
Pâte de verre, formgeschmolzen, teils transluzide Glasmasse, vorwiegend grün und blau.
(Source: catalog.quittenbaum.de)
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Daum Crystal Glass Car
Daum Crystal Glass Car
Bugatti “Coupe Riviera” von Daum France Bugatti Riviera Coupe als Glasskulptur von der exklusivsten Glasmanufaktur Frankreichs. Daum. Design von Xavier Froissart 1984 Absolut seltenes Sammlerstück in einwandfreiem Zustand! Signiert Glasblock B 38 cm, T 16 cm, H 11 cm Preis 850 €
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#bugatti#bugatti reviera coupe#cologne#daum#daum glas#daum glass#deko objekt#design#designklassiker#entwurf#französisches glas#glass. car-frankreich#köln#rheinstore#schöner wohnen#vintage#xavier froissart
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Decorative Sunday
This Sunday we bring you plates from German art historian Elisabeth Von Witzleben’s French Stained Glass, translated from German (Licht und Farbe aus Frankreichs Kathedralen,1966) into English by Francisca Garvie. Published in London by Thomas and Hudson, Ltd. in 1968 and printed in what was then West Germany, the book contains 96 black-and-white plates, and 46 color plates printed on what appears to be acetate sheets with frosted backing. Presenting the plates in this medium cleverly approximates the experience of viewing the glass in it’s natural setting, the sheen of the acetate simulating the reflective surface of the glass and the transparency allowing the viewer let light shine through the image.
See image captions for more information about the plates, including location, content, and date.
View more Decorative Sunday posts here.
-Olivia, Special Collections Graduate Intern
#Decorative Sunday#Decorative Plates#Decorative Arts#French Stained Glass#Stained Glass#Elisabeth Von Witzleben#Francisca Garvie#Thomas and Hudson#Chartres Cathedral#Notre-Dame#Amiens Cathedral#Le Mans Cathedral#Beauvais#Châlons-sur-Marne Cathedral#Bourges Cathedral#olivia
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ship: Gerfra words count: 399 Summary: Germany is drunk and lonely and gay.
Germany found himself alone in a corner of the bar while his friends and crush went partying on the dance floor. He wasn't one to dance and he much preferred drinking beer by himself. That's what he told himself, but deep down, it felt lonely to watch his friends having fun without him.
His third glass of beer quickly became a fourth, a fifth and a sixth. He watched young strangers dancing in the bar a bit too much intimate for Germany's liking. He shouldn't have agreed to come in the first place.
He realised that he needed to go to the bathroom, having drunk that much beer, so he stood up and felt the room spinning for something that felt like half an hour. That is until someone grabbed him and helped him sit down on the couch again.
"Allemagne. Are you ok?" A familiar french voice asked him.
"Frankreich" Germany called when he noticed the shoulder length of blond hair in front of him. He sheepishly grinned at France then pulled him toward himself. France ended up sitting on the couch next to him, letting out a gasp as he got yanked into sitting.
"Are you drunk?" "Vielleicht" (Maybe) Germany moved closer to France's face and stared into his blue eyes, already forgetting he had to pee. France moved his face away, crept out of his neighbouring nation's behaviour. Germany was usually a reserved person so his drunken behaviour felt out of character for France. "You're so pretty."
The compliment hit France directly through his heart and he couldn't help but blushed at the compliment.
"Allemagne. You're drunk. You don't know what you're saying. Let's get you-" "Nein. All men are pretty, but you...you. you are so wunderschön." Germany interrupted. He grabbed France's face and kissed him in some messy and amateur way, leaving France in shock. Usually, France welcomed affection and he would have loved kissing Germany in other circumstances. Probably with Germany being more sober and adorable. But this felt too uncomfortable for him. France grabbed Germany's shoulder and pushed him away.
"Stop. You're not yourself. We should get you home." France said sternly.
Germany pouted a bit but agreed. While France helped him get up and walked out of the bar, he thought to himself that home was the perfect place to continue kissing France. Maybe he wasn't so lonely after all.
#aph germany#hws germany#aph france#hws france#gerfra#aph gerfra#I dedicated this to my wife krazy because 1. i love her drunk germany and 2. she won't rp gerfra with me *dabs*#no beta read we post the first draft like the Finish during winter in Russia#i think that my no beta tag#makes no sense i love it#also Germany's crush isn't France lol
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Wow, I’m so in love with this charming historic apt., built c.1730 on the Left Bank in Paris. What a dreamy building.
An elevator gives direct access to the duplex apt.
This living room- the beams, the massive marble fireplace, and the wooden sprial stairs! Look at those huge statues touching the ceiling!
What a pretty kitchen. I wouldn’t change a thing.
But, the rooftop deck is spectacular. It’s a private yard- No one could even see you amongst the mature plantings. I love this so much.
In the den, there’s a huge skylight and window with a direct garden view.
Cute little 2nd bedroom with a nice big window.
The master is phenomenal - a glass wall that opens to the rooftop garden.
This is amazing- The tub is full of plants. I would do the same thing, b/c I’d rather use the shower. (Can you imagine the next tenants having to dig it out, though, if they want to use the tub?)
When you come out of the master bedroom to the roof, there are stairs to go higher.
And, look at what’s up here. Another “yard!” There’s a little Tiki hut and a potting shed.
Views of the famous rooftops of Paris.
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Trippy ceiling at Galeries Lafayette, Paris #paris #france #travel #europe #voyage #lafayette #パリ#フランス #frankreich #建築 #建物 #glass #ステンドグラス #store #shopping #art #kunst #美術 #europa #reise (at Paris, France)
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let's get these teen hearts beating faster, faster!
I've been working on this all day, also i'm gonna write that homophobia one shot. And i'm gonna sleep good night
tw for mentions of cutting
Five times Germany shows up at France's doorstep and one time France shows up on his (kinda).
France hates Germany. Germany doesn't seem to understand why.
Of course, France thinks as she looks out the window, somewhat enjoying the calm morning that the world has provided for her as she takes a sip of her warm coffee. Of course that foolish boy doesn't get it. He is just like his family before him.
France sighs as she looks at the bright sun, remembering how she used to bask in its warmth during the Jazz Ages, glare towards the shining ball during the Great Depression, and long for it, reaching towards the bars of her cell, trying to find warmth in the shining, round ball that has always been a part of her life for over a thousand years. And now, she completely loathes mornings, hating the way the rays of that cursed sun shine underneath her curtains, the way they bug her from her beauty sleep as she reminds herself that it's another day in this world, and she is still - thankfully - alive.
Then she hears a knock on the door. France perks up, wondering who it was since her only visitors only visit her once a week, and not twice. She's not gonna lie- it feels lonely being alone in a house, all by herself. But she tells herself that it was fine, that she was independent from negative thoughts inflicted by others. She approaches the door and opens it, and much to her irritation and the notion of her day being ruined, she is faced with that small boy that Britain and America took in.
Allemagne was shorter than France by a few inches, his skinny legs shaking as he handles a bouquet of purple hyacinths. France scowls as she looks at the flowers, staring back at her with pleading eyes. She may not be an expert on flower analogy but Netherlands taught her what this means; purple hyacinth tells the person they are being given to that their giver was sorry. She crosses her arms, eyes looking down at Allemagne, his eyes obscured by those annoyingly large glasses. He looked so much like his father, France can't help but think he'll become like his miserable father in the future.
"What do you want?", France demands bluntly, and the boy starts to shake even more under her intimidating gaze and voice. She can't help but scoff, remembering Weimar's reaction when meeting her. France can feel paranoia drip inside her veins as she can see the foolish boy in front of her turn to something else in the future.
"Um...", the miserable boy in front of her breaks eye contact, looking anywhere else but France. He awkwardly adjusts his shirt and hair and looks back at her with an awkward smile, and France wants to wipe that smile off his face. He forwards the bouquet towards her. "F-for you, Frankreich."
France didn't think twice before slamming the door right in front of Germany's face, feeling her face heat up with anger. This boy's family had tormented her in real life and in her dreams, and now he wishes to bully her by giving her flowers that meant apology? That he was sorry for what his family has done to her? She vows that this boy will become a chore to her as time goes on.
She waits for the boy to leave, to rid of himself from her world. She doesn't want to see him again, she doesn't want to speak to him, she doesn't want his name back in her life again, remembering his father, grandfather, great-grandfather come and intervene with her life. After a few minutes, she opens the door again, to find the boy - to her pleasure - gone, but in his wake he leaves the bouquet of purple hyacinths behind. She glares at it, like the flowers had done something wrong, but knowing these will wilt in due time so she takes them in, but not before looking around to see if anyone was watching her.
She takes out a glass vase from her closet, fills it with water, and put the bouquet on it. France places the vase on her small dining table, loving the way it looks glorious underneath the rays of the sun.
France hopes that Germany doesn't ruin her morning tomorrow, wishing to spend some quiet time with herself before work time.
It seems that Germany has the intent to ruin her mornings after all.
As she makes herself a cup of coffee to increase her productivity at work, a knock on the door sounds. She sighs as she turns the stove off, and opens the door. Much to her irritation and surprise, Germany was at her porch once again, holding another flower bouquet but this time it was irises. Netherlands had told her these flowers symbolizes friendship, and she looks at it with disgust evident in her eyes. This boy is suggesting becoming friends and allies with her? Absolutely not.
"I-I t-think w-we-", Germany stutters and France becomes impatient.
"Speak up, boy", France interrupts him. "I have a hard time hearing you all the way here."
Germany clears his throat as he pushes his glasses to the bridge of his nose. "I think we can both be f-friends."
France can't help a small snort escape her lips, "Us? Friends?"
Germany tilts his head, "You make it seem like it's impossible for us to be friends."
France stops laughing, realizing that this skinny, malnourished boy in front of her was serious of being friends. She glares at Germany, and to her hidden delight, he cowers before her. "Of course it is you idiot- your family has been my enemy for centuries, and you think that you could change that? A few years from now you'll bug and pester me more than what you're doing now."
"T-that's not true!", Germany exclaims, handling the bouquet of irises gently. "I think we can be good friends, if we can both just-"
France didn't let Germany finish as she slams the door right on his face, causing him to stumble backwards. On the other side the woman he was trying to woo was noticeably scowling, crossing her arms as she lets out a shriek of displeasure. This boy was frustrating- he couldn't take any hints! He shows up on her door the second time with a bouquet of irises that symbolize friendship - friendship! - on her doorstep. She loathes the boy with all her willpower, vowing to never forgive him and his family.
After a few more minutes she opens the door, seeing the bouquet of irises planted innocently on her porch. She sighs as she takes it in, secretly loving the way their colors swirl around her and her path, taking another dusty old vase from her closet and places the bouquet near the window sill.
Of course, Germany tries again with his inconsolable offer of friendship on the third day. She hears a knock on the door as she makes herself French toast, and she groans, hoping to god it wasn't that exasperating boy again.
Truth be told, it is him, with another bouquet of flowers, this time with violets, meaning peace.
There is no such thing as peace in this world, France thinks as she scowls at the flowers, holding the door and ready to slam it on Germany's face.
"I feel like these violets can, um, s-symbolize us starting over again?", Germany says awkwardly in his small voice. "I-I just want to g-get to know y-you better, Ma'am France."
"And I want you to get out of my sight." With that, France closes the door, softer this time, as she leans against it, sighing, running a hand over her hair. When will he take a hint?
She hears a faint sniffle from behind the door, knowing it was Germany, before it fades away with the steps he carry. She opens the door again, to find the bouquet of violets lying so quietly on her porch so she does the same thing she does with it and places the vase of violets on the small coffee table at the center of her living room.
Netherlands and Belgium were there when Germany's fourth visit occurs. She was talking to Netherlands about small topics, until he notices the vase seated on the middle of her table. He points it out towards France, who huffs and complains of Germany's three previous visits- Germany's lovesick eyes and stammering disposition, the way he fixes his glasses whenever he is anxious, his awkward smile and his concerningly small stature and skinny physique. Netherlands and Belgium nods through her story-telling, exchanging a few glances of knowing as she finishes her experience with the German boy.
Netherlands thinks for a moment, taking a sip of the coffee as he looks at France with an interested impression. "It seems that Duitsland has taken a profound interest in you, France."
France blinks, confused. "E-excuse me?"
Netherlands sighs. "The flowers, goddamn it. Next thing you know Germany'd be knocking on your door with a bouquet of roses in his hand."
France groans. "I'll punch his lights out if he ever dares consider loving me."
"Mom, I think that's rude for you to say to him", Belgium blurts in as she takes a bite of her waffles. "He just really wants to be friends with you."
"Belgium, it's impossible for me and a German to ever be friends", France defends. "We'll be rivals once Germany is in his late sixties."
"Rivals in bed", Netherlands mutters under his breath before masking it with a cough.
A small rap sounds from the door and France sighs, swearing to the god above. Netherlands motion for her to open the door, to keep Germany entertained. She opens the door to find, of course, Germany. The small boy's appearance is very worrying; he had multiple cuts and bruises on his arms, looking like tiny red lines. Beneath his eyes were dark circles, his forest green eyes reflecting stress and sadness. He is holding another bouquet of flowers, this time red carnations. She looks at it, the petals as red as blood dripping through her skin, plump and waiting for her to take it and accept Allemagne as more than an ally she can tolerate.
"I really admire you, Franckreich", Germany says through pants, sounding tired, his voice soft and breaking. "I think that you're a beautiful, interesting, and smart person to be with. I feel something deep inside me that-"
"Duitsland, it's nice to see you again!", Netherlands approaches them as he puts an arm around France's shoulder.
France looks towards Germany, but something about his display changes; his awkwardness and tense posture has become stiff, his awkward smile replaced with a thin line on his lips, eyes flaring up with... jealousy?
"Es ist schön dich wieder zu sehen, Niederlande", Germany replies flatly, his eyebrows furrowing, his grip on the bouquet tightening. "Are you and Frankreich...?"
Netherlands shakes his head with a laugh. "Oh nee, me and France are just being vrienden!"
Germany purses his lips, clearly not convinced, before his eyes set back on France. "For you, mein dame." He gives the red carnations to France, and she accepts it with no fight. Without another word, he leaves quietly, his walk and stance defeated. France realizes it is the first time she sees him walk away from her home.
When she closes the door, she glares at Netherlands, who was playing innocent and Belgium stifling her laughter.
"What was that display all about?", she demands, humiliation boiling. "I thought we agreed we were only copains, Netherlands."
Netherlands shrugs, a small smile playing on his lips. "It seems that Duitsland is jealous."
France looks at him with confusion. "What are you talking about?"
The man observes the red carnations in France's arms, putting a finger on his chin, then looks back at the woman with an emotionless expression.
"Yep, he loves you", Netherlands says.
"How would you know that?"
Netherlands rolls his eyes. "Red carnations mean either admiration or 'my heart aches for you' or Duitsland means them both."
France looks at the red carnations, conflicting feelings arising inside of her. Part of her tells her she wants it, she oh so wants another relationship, another romance to bloom and in its wake a wilted flower will form as the god of love make them drift apart over the years. She listens to another part of her brain, telling her that Allemagne doesn't need a chance; she doesn't want him, she doesn't need him in her life, she hates him and all his family members that had come before him.
Voices starts to swirl in her mind, rocking her back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, as she can feel tendrils of loop upon her skin, controlling every inch of her body as she listens to those words.
Hate him.
Hate him.
Hate him.
But a single thought rams through her mind, a mile stone in all the other voices.
Hate him?
With a frustrated growl, she throws the bouquet of red carnations to the floors, crumpling it, its smell making her even more infuriated. She starts to stomp on it, the walls inside of her breaking, as Netherlands and Belgium watches her destroy such beautiful flowers. France hates him, she shouldn't doubt it, he'll be just like his family, and they will be enemies, forever and ever.
She pants as she looks at the trampled heap of flowers on her floors, unrecognizable, their lush red petals covered in the imprints of her shoes. The floors were moist, but she has no care of that by now. She looks at Netherlands and Belgium, who were both looking at the flowers dejectedly.
"Does that mean you don't accept Germany?", Belgium asks.
"No", France replies, shaking her head. "If he dares show up at my doorstep again, I will personally implant my fist on his face."
She was at the door when she feels Allemagne's presence. She slams the door open to find Germany, awkward as ever, with another bouquet of flowers, this time - disgustingly enough - a red rose. One of the most famous symbols of love. She didn't even give the boy time to speak as she clenches her fists and decks Allemagne straight in the face. He stumbles and lands on the steps of the porch, his nose bleeding and cheeks swelling. His green eyes let out a look of surprise and shock, his nose bleeding- it seems it cannot withstand a simple deck then. She looks at the flowers that Allemagne had dropped, the roses laughing at her, mocking her of her existence. With an infruriated scream, she stomps on it the same way she had stepped on the carnations, destroying them, defiling them. Allemagne shrieks for her to stop, but she kicks the remains of the flowers to his face.
She approaches him with an undefinable fury, her surroundings sweltering with fire, their waves spreading like a glorious crown all around her.
"Get up, boy", France seethes. With trembling legs he complies. She scoffs at how scared and intimidated Allemagne was, a flicker of a memory with her and Weimar interacting occuring in her brain, and she laughs at Allemagne's figure. "It seems you truly are like your father; a timid, lonely man, sensitive to the lightest of things. You can't even stand a punch without bleeding. How weak, how humiliating."
"Get out of my sight and never come back!", she barks, and the skinny, little boy bolts, stumbling as he runs across town.
After he becomes just a shadow in her line of sight, she sighs heavily as she calms down, letting in a steady breath of air, looking towards the lawn to look at the devastated roses that were crushed beneath her. She feels empty, like there was no satisfaction of taunting a poor boy inside of her, feeling sadness conquer her veins as she tries to fend them away. She knows this feeling all too well.
"That's the stupidest shit you've ever done", Britain says as they click their tongue, trying to tune their electric guitar's strings correctly.
Britain had dropped by the weekend after the whole Allemagne fiasco, pointing a finger at her and demanding her if she was the one who injured the boy. She screamed a yes, feeling frustrated over her conflicting emotions. Britain had sighed and comforted her as she starts to cry.
"Well, what was I meant to do?", France asks, and Britain snorts.
"Not deck him that hard?", Britain replies as they start to strum, creating a sense of music floating around her. "Seriously, what kind of joke were you playing, punching him? Even America is concerned and she never gets concerned."
"Mon dieu, Bretagne, would it kill you to stop making me regret the shit I pulled?", France asks them and they let out a light snort.
"Never", they say as they unceremoniously strum the electric guitar again, before their face contorts to a serious look. "You should go and apologize to him, though. He means well."
"Even if I apologize, I bet he's gonna start having a grudge on me", France says with a knowing smirk, faltering for a bit as she remembers his family looking down upon her with the same hateful glares. "Just like all the others."
Britain releases a whistle of a melody exasperatedly. "He doesn't hold grudges. Me and America know that by heart now. No matter how much you try and break the poor boy's spirit he just..." Britain's hands ghost over their metal arm, made by Germany himself, "...never seems to break."
"But he likes me!", France responds, "who the hell would like someone that fucking decked them on the face?"
"He still likes you, you idiot."
"I swear I heard him sniffling about you while he's sleeping yesterday, you dense woman."
"L-likes me?" Genuine surprise comes from France once again, as she is faced with the prospect of someone actually liking her once again entering her mind. She considered herself likeable for only her looks, and she assumes that Germany likes her because of that as well. But there was something in him. The way he brings her bouquets and make her question the flower analogy, his awkward smiles, the jealous glance he threw at Netherlands, his helpless look as he runs back to his home, defeated.
He was genuine.
That was what she was missing.
She suddenly stands up, Britain looking at her, appropriately disinterested for her will to get Germany back.
"First of all, I need to go pay a visit to Netherlands."
Germany's arms hurt. Perhaps because he has let the blade sink into his skin once again, feeling the lines hurt and echo trhough him as he tries hard not to wince. The feeling of pain can appease his growing emotions of France, as the woman who had rejected him over and over make him an emotional mess, turmoil spreading from head-to-toe, maddeningly in love with her. He didn't feel the slightest bit of anger for his broken nose, deeming it a minor inconvenience as he had made the wrong move first. Of course France would not like him showing up to her doorstep, intrude on the little time she has to herself. When she had turned down his love, he was heartbroken, his arms screaming at him to stop this pain, as he cleans them up and wraps them in neat bandages, hiding them with his formal suits and waist coats.
He hears the voice of Britain from downstairs, and he knows that they have a guest over since they seem to be talking to someone else. Germany gets off the bed, preparing to look and act plastic as he puts on an undershirt that covers his recent wounds, and opens the door to the outside, into the hallways. He has gotten used to the winding staircase he had once called a way to heaven, a way to all the prayers he has been answered for his life. But then, he had thought to himself; he can't be in heaven if he has murdered thousands, millions of innocent people and soldiers under the watchful eye of his father-turned monster.
He remembers tears staining his pillow every night, trying to mimic an angel's voice and song.
As his feet land on the carpeted floors (Great Britain was never one for revealing floors) his eyes land on a familiar figure, and he stops cold.
Frankreich, as beautiful and as graceful as ever, was holding a bouquet of what he has given her for the past five days- purple hyacinths, irises, violets, red carnations and roses. She was talking to Britain, who was leaning against a counter and holding a cup of tea. Germany can feel envy surge up as he sees France laugh at something Britain had said. Then France takes notice of him, her smile fading as she and Germany stare at each other, wondering who was going to speak up first. Britain murmurs something about leaving them to it, as they make their way upstairs.
Germany can feel France's stare, her eyes never leaving him as it tries to break his walls down to a single cell. He thinks that maybe it was because of his appearance. He had never brushed his hair yet, light hair dancing upon his eyes and head like an imperial crown. Perhaps ir was the broken nose, or the dark circles. In any case, he blames himself for being too unhygienic-
"Your arms", France blurts after a minute of silence, approaching him and taking a close look towards one of his arms. Germany shakes, feeling the warmth of France's hand on his newly bandaged arm, as he flinches due to the pain she has inflicted. Germany did not fight as she uncovers her arms, full of scabs, blisters and light scars; the most recent ones were tinged red. France looks up at Germany, and he sees something he never thought he'd see- pure, utter concern. "Allemagne, you cut yourself?"
He gives her a hesitant nod, and she shakes her head as she rolls his sleeves to expose his scars to the air, and he looks at it with a sad look on his face.
"Is this because of me?", France asks, guilt evident in her voice.
"N-no ma'am", Germany replies. "I have been doing this ever since my father... departed and was replaced by that bastard man."
France sighs. "Even then, it's quite harmful to cut. Please stop."
Germany blinks. "I... I don't think a simple plead would stop me from cutting. Es tut mir leid."
France shakes her head. "I know. But we'll cope together." She puts the bouquet of flowers between them, and Germany notices how France's perfume overcomes all of the flowers between them.
Their foreheads touch, and Germany can feel his heart thumping, running around with joy as he finally gets to be with the woman of his dreams, the love of his life, the girl he will love to the moon and back.
Es ist schön dich wieder zu sehen
Niederlande- It is nice to meet you again Netherlands
Nee- no Vrienden- friend Mein dame- my lady Es tut mir leid- sorry
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Aprovechamos que había una boda dentro de la iglesia para hacer una foto al coche de los novios y poder ver, desde fuera, la decoración del altar mayor. Las otras fotos son más detalles de distintas partes de la iglesia. Después encontramos otra torre de campanario como las que hemos visto en Reino Unido y Francia; es la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, de estilo neogótico y construída en 1886. Pasamos a visitar a unos primos de nuestros amiguitos de IG y nos mandaron recuerdos para ellos. También descubrimos el edificio de un colegio público construido en 1887 en estilo historicista, con dominio del hormigón, el hierro y el cristal.
We took advantage of the fact that there was a wedding inside the church to take a photo of the couple's car and be able to see, from the outside, the decoration of the main altar. The other photos are more details of different parts of the church. Then we find another bell tower like the ones we have seen in the UK and France; It is the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, neo-gothic in style and built in 1886. We went to visit some cousins of our IG friends and they sent us memories for them. We also discover the building of a public school built in 1887 in the historicist style, with mastery of concrete, iron and glass.
Google Translation into French:
Nous avons profité du fait qu'il y avait un mariage à l'intérieur de l'église pour prendre une photo de la voiture du couple et pouvoir voir, de l'extérieur, la décoration du maître-autel. Les autres photos sont plus de détails sur les différentes parties de l'église. Ensuite, nous trouvons un autre clocher comme ceux que nous avons vus au Royaume-Uni et en France ; Il s'agit de l'église du Sacré-Cœur de Jésus, de style néo-gothique et construite en 1886. Nous sommes allés rendre visite à des cousins de nos amis IG et ils nous ont envoyé des souvenirs pour eux. On découvre également le bâtiment d'une école publique construite en 1887 dans le style historiciste, avec une maîtrise du béton, du fer et du verre.
Google Translation into German:
Wir nutzten die Tatsache, dass in der Kirche eine Hochzeit stattfand, um ein Foto vom Auto des Paares zu machen und von außen die Dekoration des Hochaltars zu sehen. Die anderen Fotos sind mehr Details der verschiedenen Teile der Kirche. Dann finden wir einen anderen Kirchturm, wie wir ihn in Großbritannien und Frankreich gesehen haben; Dies ist die Herz-Jesu-Kirche im neugotischen Stil, die 1886 erbaut wurde. Wir besuchten einige Cousins unserer IG-Freunde und sie schickten uns einige Souvenirs für sie. Wir entdecken auch das Gebäude einer öffentlichen Schule aus dem Jahr 1887 im historistischen Stil mit einer Beherrschung von Beton, Eisen und Glas.
Google Translation into Hebrew:
ניצלנו את העובדה שנערכה חתונה בכנסייה לצילום מכוניתם של בני הזוג ולראות את עיטור המזבח הגבוה מבחוץ. התמונות האחרות הן פרטים נוספים על חלקי הכנסייה השונים. ואז אנו מוצאים עוד צריח, כפי שראינו בבריטניה ובצרפת; זוהי הכנסייה בסגנון ניאו-גותי של לב הקדוש של ישו שנבנתה בשנת 1886. ביקרנו בכמה מבני הדודים של חברי IG שלנו והם שלחו לנו כמה מזכרות עבורם. אנו גם מגלים בניית בית ספר ציבורי משנת 1887 בסגנון היסטוריסטי עם שליטה בבטון, ברזל וזכוכית.
Google Translation into Hindu:
हमने इस तथ्य का लाभ उठाया कि जोड़े की कार की तस्वीर लेने और बाहर से ऊंची वेदी की सजावट देखने के लिए चर्च में एक शादी हो रही थी। अन्य तस्वीरें चर्च के विभिन्न हिस्सों के अधिक विवरण हैं। फिर हम एक और मीनार पाते हैं, जैसा कि हमने ग्रेट ब्रिटेन और फ्रांस में देखा है; यह नियो-गॉथिक शैली का चर्च ऑफ द सेक्रेड हार्ट ऑफ जीसस है जिसे 1886 में बनाया गया था। हम अपने कुछ IG मित्रों के चचेरे भाइयों से मिलने गए और उन्होंने हमें उनके लिए कुछ स्मृति चिन्ह भेजे। हम कंक्रीट, लोहे और कांच की महारत के साथ ऐतिहासिक शैली में 1887 से एक पब्लिक स्कूल की इमारत की खोज भी करते हैं।
Google Translation into Russian:
Мы воспользовались тем, что в церкви проходило венчание, чтобы сфотографировать машину пары и увидеть украшение главного алтаря снаружи. На других фотографиях представлены более подробные изображения различных частей церкви. Затем мы находим еще один шпиль, как мы видели в Великобритании и Франции; Это церковь Святого Сердца Иисуса в неоготическом стиле, построенная в 1886 году. Мы посетили некоторых двоюродных братьев наших друзей из IG, и они прислали нам для них сувениры. Мы также открываем для себя здание государственной школы 1887 года в стиле историзма с мастерством изготовления бетона, железа и стекла.
Google Translation into Japanese:
教会で結婚式が行われていることを利用して、夫婦の車の写真を撮り、高い祭壇の装飾を外から見ました。 他の写真は、教会のさまざまな部分の詳細です。 次に、イギリスとフランスで見たように、別の尖塔を見つけます。 これは、1886年に建てられたイエスの聖心のネオゴシック様式の教会です。 IGの友達のいとこを訪ねて、お土産を送ってくれました。 また、1887年から、コンクリート、鉄、ガラスを習得した歴史主義様式の公立学校の建物を発見しました。
Google Translation into Korean:
우리는 결혼식이 교회에서 진행되고 있다는 사실을 이용하여 부부의 자동차 사진을 찍고 외부에서 높은 제단 장식을 보았습니다. 다른 사진은 교회의 다른 부분에 대한 자세한 내용입니다. 그런 다음 우리는 영국과 프랑스에서 본 것처럼 또 다른 첨탑을 찾습니다. 1886년에 지어진 네오 고딕 양식의 예수성심성당입니다. 우리는 IG 친구의 사촌을 방문했고 그들은 우리에게 기념품을 보냈습니다. 우리는 또한 콘크리트, 철 및 유리를 능숙하게 다루는 역사주의 스타일의 1887년 공립학교 건물을 발견합니다.
Google Translation into Arabic:
استفدنا من حقيقة إقامة حفل زفاف في الكنيسة لالتقاط صورة لسيارة الزوجين ورؤية زخرفة المذبح العالي من الخارج. الصور الأخرى هي تفاصيل أكثر لأجزاء مختلفة من الكنيسة. ثم نجد برجًا آخر ، كما رأينا في بريطانيا العظمى وفرنسا ؛ هذه هي كنيسة قلب يسوع الأقدس المصممة على الطراز القوطي الجديد والتي بنيت عام 1886. قمنا بزيارة بعض أقارب أصدقاء IG وأرسلوا لنا بعض الهدايا التذكارية لهم. نكتشف أيضًا بناء مدرسة عامة من عام 1887 على الطراز التاريخي مع إتقان الخرسانة والحديد والزجاج.
Google Translation into Portuguese:
Aproveitamos o fato de haver um casamento dentro da igreja para tirar uma foto do carro do casal e poder ver, de fora, a decoração do altar-mor. As demais fotos são mais detalhes de diferentes partes da igreja. Em seguida, encontramos outra torre sineira como as que vimos no Reino Unido e na França; É a Igreja do Sagrado Coração de Jesus, de estilo neogótico e construída em 1886. Fomos visitar alguns primos dos nossos amigos do IG e eles nos enviaram memórias para eles. Descobrimos também a construção de uma escola pública construída em 1887 em estilo historicista, com domínio do concreto, ferro e vidro.
0 notes
Des concerts à Paris et alentour
en gras : les derniers ajouts :-: in bold: the last news Février 20. Human Koala + Gerome Nox + David Fenech : bande-son pour lecture performée de Pierre Escot – Gare XP (gratuit) 20. Heimat + Franky Gogo + Dominique Manu – La Boule Noire 20. Le Chemin de la honte + Frankreich – Quai de Bourbon 20. France Sauvage + Johann Mazé + Mamiedaragon + Guillaume Malaret + Jean Carval (dj) – Espace B 20. Oiseaux-Tempête + Abdullah Miniawy & Carl Gari + Mondkopf (dj) – Petit Bain 21. Pop. 1280 + Dune Messiah + Private Word – Supersonic (gratuit) 21. Borja Flames + Chicaloyoh + Plein soleil – Espace B 21. Ensemble Links joue "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Cabaret contemporain : "Détroit" + Arnaud Rebotini – Le 104 21. TG Gondard + Belmont Witch – Café de Paris 21. François Club + Domotic + Front de Crypte – Quai de Bourbon 21. Eszaid + Magda Drozd + Delmore FX (fest. Oto Nove Swiss) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 21. CEL (Felix Kubin & Hubert Zemler) + Autumns + Cardinal & Nun + Opaque + Israfil – La Station 22. Coke Asian + Dress Rehearsals + Krikor + Leroy se meurt + Magrava + Uj Bala + ZOH/astre – Espace B 22. Tomoko Sauvage + Julie Semoroz (fest. Oto Nove Swiss) – Centre culturel suisse 22. Cent Ans de Solitude & Flint Glass : cinéconcert sur “Sprengbagger 1010” de Carl Ludwig Achaz-Duisberg – Club de l’Étoile 22. Low Jack b2b King Doudou + S S S S + StaStava + Laura Not (fest. Oto Nove Swiss) – Petit Bain 23. Félicia Atkinson + Tujiko Noriko + Manuel Troller (fest. Oto Nove Swiss) – Lafayette Anticipations 24. Sleater Kinney + Harkin – Le Trianon 24. The Legendary Pink Dots + Mellano Soyoc – Petit Bain 26. Emily Jane White + Jim Rosemberg – La Cave (Argenteuil) 27. Laurent Perrier & David Fenech + Fantasia Nel Dessert – Le Zorba 27. Sofy Major + Membrane + Pord – Espace B 27. Jessica93 + Ddashband + Absolute Never + Osage + Team PC + Pap’s Club – Le Cirque électrique 27. Deeat Palace + Elek Ember + Philémon – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 27. Zombie Zombie + Kreidler – Petit Bain ||COMPLET|| 28. Vindicatrix + Extractor Fan + Meryll Ampe + Axel Larsen – Les Nautes 28. Shlømo + A Strange Wedding + Adar + Azamat B. + Eastel + Belafa aka Corbeille Dallas – Sierra Neon (Saint-Denis) 29. m-O-m – théâtre Le Montfort (gratuit) 29. Nylex + Plomb + Hélice Island – Le Zorba 29. Vulcanizadora + À Travers + Konpyuta & Richard Frances – Quai de Bourbon 29. SPFDJ b2b VTSS + Dax J + Hadone + Stranger – tba Mars 02. DIIV – La Gaîté lyrique ||COMPLET|| 03. Napalm Death + EYEHATEGOD + Misery Index + Rotten Sound – La Machine 03. Scorpion Violente + Air LQD – Quai de Bourbon 03. Handle + CIA Debutante + David Fenech – Espace B 03/04. The Mission – Petit Bain 04. David Fenech & Laurent Perrier – Quai de Bourbon 05. Dorian Pimpernel + Mooon – Supersonic (gratuit) 05. Orange Blossom : “Sharing” avec les machines de François Delarozière – Élysée Montmartre 05. King Dude – La Boule noire 05. TZII + Sacrifice Seul – Quai de Bourbon 06. Frustration + Italia 90 – Le Trianon 06. Electric Fire + Fantazio et les Turbulents (Sonic Protest) – Les Voûtes 06. UVB76 – Café de Paris 06. France + Autrenoir + Aho Ssan + Astrid Sonne + Keki + Janomax – La Station 06. Chris Liebing + AZF – Dehors Brut 07. Sourdure – La Lingerie|Les Grands Voisins (gratuit) 07. L’atelier d’éveil musical du centre social Raymond-Poulidor + Foudre rockeur (Sonic Protest) – Les Voûtes 07. Ensemble intercontemporain joue Steve Reich : cinéconcert sur un film de Gerhard Richter – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 07. Dave Clarke + Kuss + Murd + Toscan Haas – Dehors Brut 07. Alcest + Birds In Row + Kælan Mikla – La Machine ||COMPLET|| 10. Tempers – Supersonic (gratuit) 10. Jerusalem in my Heart + Méryll Ampe et les élèves de l’Ensapc + Lucretia Dalt (Sonic Protest) – La Dynamo (Pantin) 10. Arnaud Rebotini : live pour “Fix Me” d’Alban Richard – Centre des Arts (Enghien-les-Bains) 11. Nada Surf – La Cigale 11. Mopcut + F-Space + We Use Cookies + Astra Zenecan (Sonic Protest) – La Station 11. Morrissey – Salle Pleyel 12. Laurent Perrier & David Fenech – Souffle Continu (gratuit) 12 Thomas Bégin + JD Zazie (Sonic Protest) – La Muse en circuit (Alfortville) 13. Russian Circle + Torche – Bataclan 13. Jean Jean + All Caps + Quadrupède – Quai de Bourbon 13. Emptyset + Hair Stylistics + Méryll Ampe (Sonic Protest) – L’Échangeur (Bagnolet) 14. Panico Panico + Tabatha Crash + Cosse – ESS’pace 14. Lonely Walk + Tamara Goukassova + Shock – L'Espace B 14. Why The Eye + WAqWAq Kingdom + Maria Violenza + Fleuves noirs + Jean-Marc Foussat + Julia Hanadi Al Abed + Pierre Gordeeff (Sonic Protest) – L’Échangeur (Bagnolet) 15. Das Synthetische Mischgewebe & Anla Courtis + Ricardo Dias Gomes & Loïc Ponceau + Seijiro Murayama & Florian Tositti + Phanes – tba 16. Hällas + La Secte du Futur + Meurtrières – La Maroquinerie 17. Chelsea Wolf – La Gaîté lyrique ||COMPLET|| 18. Pelada + Eye + Fiesta En El Vacio – Petit Bain 18. Lee Scratch Perry & Adrian Sherwood + 2Decks + Zaraz Wam Zagram (Sonic Protest) – Église Saint-Merry 19. HP (Haswell & Powell) + Inga Huld Hakonadrottir & Yann Legay + Asmus Tietchens + Regreb “2 Cymbals” (Sonic Protest) – Église Saint-Merry 20. Ensemble Dedalus : "Occam Ocean" d'Éliane Radigue – Le Studio|Philharmonie 20. Bleib Modern + Order 89 + Blind Delon + IV Horsemen + Paulie Jan + Codex Empire + Opale + Panzer + DJ Varsovie (fest. des souvenirs brisés) – Petit Bain 20. Jon Hopkins – Salle Pleyel 20. Senyawa + Bonne humeur provisoire + Black Trumpets (Sonic Protest) – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 20. Paula Temple + 16H07 b2b Ket Robinson + Ma Čka – Yoyo|Palais de Tokyo 21. Mind/Matter + Die Orangen + Mitra Mitra + Qual + Rendered + Verset Zero + Years of Denial (fest. des souvenirs brisés) – Petit Bain 21. Container + Muqata’a + OD Bongo + Diatribes & Horns + Jealousy Party + Urge + Wirklich Pipit + Me Donner + Cancelled + FLF + 2Mo (Sonic Protest) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 21. GZA – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 21. Front 242 + She Past Away – Élysée Montmartre ||COMPLET|| 21/22. Laurie Anderson : "The Art of Falling" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 22. Mike Cooper + Yann Legay + Will Guthrie & Ensemble Nist-Nah + Cheb Gero (Sonic Protest) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 24. Skemer + IV Horsemen + Silly Joy – Supersonic (gratuit) 24. Joe Gideon – Espace B 25. Low House (Eugene S. Robinson & Putan Club) + Moodie Black – Petit Bain 25. Wrekmeister Harmonies – Espace B 25. Buzzkull + Kontravoid + Crystal Geometry – Badaboum 27. Lebanon Hanover – La Gaîté lyrique 27. Baston – L’International 27. Maggy Payne : « Crystal » (diff.) + 9T Antiope + John Wiese + Matthias Puech + Nihvak (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 27. Mongolito + Biere Noire + Bisous De Saddam + Léa Jacta Est + Club Passion (Croux fest.) – Café de Paris 28. Ensemble Links : "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Cabaret contemporain joue Kraftwerk – théâtre de la Cité internationale 28. Iannis Xenakis : « Mycenae Alpha » (diff.) + Marja Ahti + Rashad Becker + Nina Garcia + Kode9 (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 28. Cut Hands + NAH + Shit&Shine + France Sauvage + Burris Meyer + UVB76 (dj) – Petit Bain 28. Satan + Noyades + S.O.L.A.N + Traitors + Accès de faiblesse (Croux fest.) – Espace B 28. Denis Frajerman + David Fenech – Plateforme 28. Balladur + Bracco + Coeval + Bajram Bili (dj) – La Boule noire 28. 14anger + Brecc + Oguz + Fuerr + Draugr + Atim – tba 29. Ivo Malec : « Recitativio » + Eve Aboulkheir + Richard Chartier + Lee Gamble + Will Guthrie & Mark Fell (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio Avril 01. Lea Bertucci – tbc 03. CocoRosie – Le Trianon 03. Kuniyuki Takahashi & Henrik Schwarz + Hugo LX & DJ Nori + Akiko Nakayama (Japan Connection fest.) – La Gaîté lyrique 04. Hiroaki Umeda + Nonotak + Aalko + Make It Deep Soundsystem (Japan Connection fest.) – La Gaîté lyrique 04. Satoshi Tomiie & Kuniyuki + Hiroshi Watanabe + DJ Masda + Akiko Kiyama + Daisuke Tanabe + Intercity-Express (Japan Connection fest.) – La Gaîté lyrique 04. Ash Code – Espace B 04. 2kilos &More & Black Sifichi + Plurals – Le vent se lève 04. OOIOO – Lafayette Anticipations 04. Katie Gately – Sacré 06. Julie Doiron – Espace B 06. Bauhaus – Grand Rex 08. Föllakzoid + UVB76 – Espace B 09. Will Samson + Northwest + Lyson Leclercq – Le vent se lève 09. The Chap + Rubin Steiner Live Band – Badaboum 10. Manu Le Malin + Popof + Nout Heretik + Noisebuilder + Electrobugz + Krïs Heretik + Broke Heretik + Aness Heretik + Split Heretik + Tom Buld'r.Heretik + Limka + Le Jall + Boubou Antinorm17 – tba 14. Lucy Railton & Joe Houston jouent "Patterns in a chromatic field" de Morton Feldman – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 14>17. Metronomy – La Cigale 17. Facs + ISaAC – Petit Bain 18. Siglo XX – La Boule noire 19. Rome + Primordial + Moonsorrow – La Machine 20. Big ‡ Brave + Jessica Moss – La Boule Noire 23. Volkor X + ToutEstBeau + Aphélie – Supersonic (gratuit) 23. Health + Pencey Sloe + Dead – Petit Bain 25. Selofan + Jupiter Jane – Supersonic (gratuit) 26. Pharmakon + Deeat Palace + Unas – Petit Bain 26. Igorrr + Author & Punisher + Otto Von Schirach – La Cigale 27. Dean Wareham joue "On Fire" de Galaxie 500 – Petit Bain 27. Caribou – L’Olympia 27. The Foals + The Murder Capital – Zénith 28. Ulver – L’Alhambra 29. Protomartyr – La Boule Noire 30. Conflict + The Filaments – Gibus Mai 05. The Sonics + Messer Chups – Trabendo 06. hackedepicciotto – Espace B 08. Max Richter : "Infra" + Jlin + Ian William Craig – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 09. Max Richter : "Voices" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 09. Jonas Gruska + Leila Bordreuil + Jean-Philippe Gross + Kali Malone (fest. Focus) – Le 104 09. Extrawelt + Oxia + Popof + Wuza + O'Tawa – Le Kilowatt (Ivry/Seine) 10. Iannis Xenakis : « La Légende d’Eer » + Folke Rabe : « Cyclone » et « What ??? » (fest. Focus) – Le 104 10. Max Richter : "Recomposed" & "Three Worlds" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 11. Cannibale + Frankie and the Witch Fingers + Euromilliard – La Maroquinerie 13. Wire – La Maroquinerie 13. Austra – Badaboum ||COMPLET|| 14>16. Tops + Aksak Maboul + Corridor + JFDR + Palberta (Le Beau festival) – La Boule noire & La Station 16. Black Midi – Carreau du Temple 19. Swans + Norman Westberg – Le Trabendo 22. François Bayle : « Le Projet Ouïr » + Marco Parini : « De Parmegiani Sonorum » + Yan Maresz (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 23. Julien Négrier + Hans Tutschku : « Provenance-émergence » + Félicia Atkinson : « For Georgia O’Keefe » + Warren Burt + Michèle Bokanowski (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 24. Philippe Mion + Pierre-Yves Macé : « Contre-flux II » + Daniel Teruggi : « Nova Puppis » + Adam Stanovitch + Gilles Racot : « Noir lumière » (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 23. Damon Albarn – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 24. Damon Albarn – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 25. The Church – Petit Bain 26. Minimal Compact – La Machine 30/31. Paula Temple + Dave Clarke + Ben Klock + Len Faki + 999999999 + VTSS b2b Shlomo + DVS1 + François X… (Marvellous Island) – île de loisirs de Vaires-Torcy Juin 01/02. The Dead C – Instants Chavirés (Montreuil) 03. Bambara – Espace B 04. Phill Niblock + Tim Shaw – Instants Chavirés (Montreuil) 05. And Also The Trees – La Maroquinerie 06/07. Four Tet + Nils Frahm + Park Hie Jin + Modeselektor… (fest. We Love Green) – Bois de Vincennes 12. The Breath of Life + Box and the Twins – Gibus 14. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Bercy Arena 18. Acid Mothers Temple – Espace B Juillet 01. Apparat – Le Trianon 17/18. Linekraft + Deathpanel + Detrimental Effect + African Imperial Wizard + Grim – Les Voûtes 18. Oh Sees – Cabaret sauvage Septembre 27. Mudhoney – La Maroquinerie 30. Peter Hook & The Light : Joy Division : A Celebration – Bataclan
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#Phoneography#mobiele telefoon fotografie#mobile phone photography#Smartphoneography#smartphone fotografie#smartphone photography#Rouen#France#Frankrijk#Frankreich#Francia#Europe#Europa#kerk#church#Kirche#jeanne d'arc#Glas in lood#leaded glass#window#raam#Fenster#Christus#Christ#travel photography#reisfotografie#travel#reizen#voyage#viajar
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A change of hearts | chapter VIII
A/N: I am so sorry I haven't updated this story in so long, I've been dealing with school and depression honestly. Sorry if everything isn't super politically correct I am not European so I am a bit stupid on their political happenings. This isn't meant to be offensive to anyone.
For a long time things had been going well between Ludwig and Francis. Their relationship blossomed and Germany eventually proposed, with France happily accepting the offer. However they knew there were challenges ahead. The first obstacle was their fellow nations.
"ABSOLUTELY NOT! FRANCE HOW COULD YOU!?" Was the first response exclaimed after Germany formally made the announcement at a world meeting. The other nations were equally as confused and disgruntled with the match. England marched right up to the German, "YOU BRAINWASHED HIM OR SOMETHING DIDN'T YOU!?". Ludwig, offended by such a notion retorted.
"Of course not." In a polite yet stern tone,
"Angleterre that's rude of you to suggest! Even for a connard like you!" Francis stood up to defend his partner.
"OH I'M BEING RUDE FOR TERRORIZING YOU!? THE MAN THAT HELD YOU PRISONER? THE ONE WHO DESTROYED NOT ONLY YOUR COUNTRY BUT COUNTLESS OTHERS!?" Germany immediately left the room, sensing that he wasn't wanted. A fist fight broke out as perusal between the two nations while the others pondered and discussed the proposal.
Italy and Japan had followed Germany to make sure he was ok, the waves of guilt hit him all over again. "Maybe Britain's right, maybe France just pities me...maybe I never deserve a second chance or love at all..." He put his head in his hand.
Italy rubbed his back, "That's not true at all! Everyone deserves love and kindness! Japan and I love you!" Japan nodded in agreement. Prussia who was peering a nearby window saw Germany's sad face.
He banged on the glass. "Who made you cry like a little baby!? That's totally unawesome!"
"Just go away Prussia, I want to be left alone." As he muttered the phrase America popped out of the doorway.
"Yo Germany dude we need a little help in here!"
"Huh?" The Axis trio went back inside to see France and England on the floor while America tried to separate them.
"That was six hundred years ago you crazy frog!"
"Frankreich! Ludwig wrapped his arms around the Frenchman's waste and pried him off. Arthur finally stood up and recovered, the others starring at the scene. Ludwig was holding Francis and whispering "it's ok" to help calm him.
"Let's go back to the hotel so we can all calm down." The German suggested.
"Why?" England snapped back, "You two can leave the rest of us will continue the meeting."
Ludwig was not one for bragging but Arthur was getting on his nerves, he growled and snapped back, "How are you going to hold a meeting without the two most powerful European nations? You can't talk about the European Union issues anymore since you backed out like eine Muschi!" The room fell silent, Ludwig was not to curse in a formal setting. Arthur stepped back a bit.
"Well at least let us discuss this 'engagement' of yours."
"There's nothing to discuss!"
"We're nations we can't just marry whoever we please!"
"Oh for Gott's sake do you watch T.V? Or do you not own one because you're so old. I've never seen two world leaders have more sexual tension unless you count Churchill and Roosevelt."
To which Arthur and Alfred yelled. "HEY!"
Francis sniffled and looked up at Ludwig. "Allemange it's fine don't worry. Can we just go back? The two of us?"
Ludwig sighed in defeat, "Fine." The two men gathered their things and left the world to decide their fate.

Back at the hotel they tried to relax, Ludwig poured himself a drink. "Why do you always attack England?"
Francis chuckled and laid on the bed. "Because Mon cher, he is a dick."
"And I'm not?"
"Oui but a cute one."
"Ja but why am I more deserving of forgiveness than him?"
"He killed the love of my life. My very soul was crushed. Not to mention all the other dickish things he did. I know he gave me the plague."
"The plague spread everywhere Liebling."
"Oui but he started it."
"Whatever you say." Ludwig took another swig of his drink

Back at the world meeting it seemed more like a riot than anything else.
"I don't see the big deal dudes, being gay is gay. Who cares? I don't."
"It's not a matter of gay or not, at least not in most countries; it's a matter of alliances." England tried to school the American in politics.
"Oh yea cuz you and France are best friends. Who would marry Germany for the sake of an alliance anyway?" Again the room fell silent. Italy almost raised his hand however his brother smacked it down.
"I don't think it's really fair to pick on the guy eh?" Spain retorted. "Germany mentioned it himself, their bosses get along really well. They old the European Union together Si?" On this most everyone could agree. "Heck I was married to Austria for awhile, it wasn't that bad!" To this the Austrian flushed in embarrassment; Hungary twitched ever so slightly. However the room filled with laughter.
"He is still a person and should be treated as such." Belgium spoke up, which was a surprise to many of the nations. "The world needed justice for what he had done and it was served. Most of our people have moved on and don't even remember the war. His punishment was paid. Even if we don't like to think about it he suffers too."
"Belgium...can you really forgive him?" England asked with concern and shock. Poland was still very angry and made it very clear to the rest of the world. Many other countries had done the same. Yet Belgium and France were different.
"At first I really didn't want to. During one of my visits to France's house we shared what had happened to each other...He told me about how he forgave Germany because you should not live with that kind of hatred towards another human in your heart."
"Well France is Catholic, you don't have to share his beliefs Belgium, you're lucky he didn't get you pregnant. You have every right not to forgive him, just like Poland." England tried to rationalize her anger, Poland agreed with him as well as a few other nations.
"Joat but living the rest of my life being angry at my neighbor who I have to see a lot isn't helpful to anyone. Especially me, we aren't humans. We make sacrifices. You and France don't get along well but you still work with each other. Germany still works with Russia after all he's done." Suddenly the energy in the room shifted; It became dark and ominous as everyone turned to the innocent looking nation. "And America." She quickly added and began to retell the story of the Berlin wall and all that Germany and his people had suffered. "We need to lay this to rest; Maybe their marriage is the best answer. Maybe we can all find some kind of happiness in this. We shouldn't deny him happiness when he's grown so much as a person."
"Ja, I agree for once." The focus shifted to Austria. "He isn't the only one to blame, and it isn't like we haven't done bad things to each other before. The Napoleon wars were a mess. England killed Joan of arc, and conquered a lot more of the world than he ever did. Belgium had issues with the Congo, Hungary and I had issues with the Serbians," Though he would never publicly admit he was the cause of the first world war.
"Will their marriage be like most peoples or is it like ours?" Lithuania piped up. "Because they're two guys and we've had arranged negations with two guys before but this isn't for legal reasons, so like...what about the countries who still...don't recognize that stuff?" The focus was again negatively drawn back to Russia and many of the eastern European countries, the Asian nations watched in silence.
"WELL THEN FUCK THEM DUDE AM I RIGHT!?" America very loudly interjected the awkward silence. "We basically said their bosses want some kind of weird alliance thingy so whatever! I say we let them be happy! If Francy-pants likes sausage dude why do we have to tell him what's wrong or right? Like Emma said we're not mortal and unfortunately we all gotta get along whether we like it or not. Yea to us it might feel like it was just yesterday but to the rest of the world it's history, and our pain eventually goes away. I'm not mad at Britain dude for being a giant douche. I got a cool holiday to celebrate! I get to piss him off!"
"WHY YOU-" England was cut off by laughter. No one really dare to go up against the loud mouthed American, at this point not even Russia cared anymore about the German-Franco union. The meeting was quickly adjourned afterwards and everyone went back to the hotel.
Luckily the two were met with love and support, everyone decided to go out and party a little since Germany did announce they were now formally engaged. It was cause for celebration, to forgiveness, happiness and a new beginning for everyone.
1. Frankreich: France - German
2. Eine Muschi: A female body part - German
3. Allemagne: Germany - French
4. Mon Cher: My love - French
5. Leibling: Love - German
5. Joat: Yes - Western Flemish
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Globaler Wearable Computing-Brille Marktforschungsbericht 2022, professionelle Ausgabe
Während die COVID19-Pandemie unsere globalen Volkswirtschaften verwüstet, haben Wearable Computing-Brille -Unternehmen Tag für Tag, wenn nicht sogar Stunde für Stunde, Mühe, sich an die sich ändernden Umstände anzupassen. Während Wearable Computing-Brille Markt organisationen versuchen, ihre betriebliche und finanzielle Basis zu finden, werden viele Aktivitäten eingestellt. Entscheidungsträger ringen mit der Frage, ob wir die dominante Handelsstrategie jetzt ändern sollten. Dies ist der neueste und aktualisierte Bericht über die aktuelle Wirtschaftslage nach dem Ausbruch von COVID19. Der Bericht deckt wichtige Aspekte wie Unternehmensprofil, Branchenanalyse, Wettbewerbs-Dashboard, vergleichende Analyse der Hauptakteure und regionale Analyse mit einer detaillierteren Analyse auf regionaler Ebene ab. Regulierungsszenario, Wearable Computing-Brille Technologiedurchdringung, prädiktive Trends und präskriptive Trends.
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Informieren Sie sich über spezifische Informationen und Aktionen von Wettbewerbern
Führungskräfte wie Sie sollten auch die Auswirkungen von COVID-19 auf Ihre Wettbewerber berücksichtigen. In diesem Abschnitt werden Informationen zu den wichtigsten Akteuren der Wearable Computing-Brille-Branche gesammelt, die Ihnen helfen können, in einer anhaltenden Krise mit einzigartigen Strategien und Maßnahmen zu handeln. Große Anbieter konkurrieren ständig um die Führung von Wearable Computing-Brille, mit gelegentlicher Konkurrenz durch andere lokale Anbieter. Die wichtigsten Hersteller/Konkurrenten werden sorgfältig in Bezug auf Produktionskapazität, Jahresgesamtumsatz, Branchenwert der Vermögenswerte und Geschäftsanteil analysiert, die im Forschungsbericht systematisch behandelt werden.
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Wearable Computing-Brille-Markt: Untersuchung spezifischer geografischer Probleme
Da sich die Auswirkungen von COVID19 auf der ganzen Welt ausbreiten, müssen Führungskräfte wie Sie die Krise nicht nur in ihrem eigenen Land angehen, sondern überall dort, wo Sie mit Wearable Computing-Brille Geschäfte machen. Diese Seite sammelt Informationen aus Regionen und Ländern, die Ihnen helfen können, in dieser Krise mit Empathie und Energie zu handeln.
>> Erhalten Sie sofortigen Zugriff oder kaufen Sie den Wearable Computing-Brille-Marktbericht zu einem besseren Preis: https://marketdesk.us/purchase-report/?reportId=722140&licenseType=corporate_user&action=Purchase+Report
1. Die Haupttypen von Wearable Computing-Brille, die in diesem Bericht behandelt werden, sind:
Built-In Sensor, External Sensor
Die Hauptverwendungen von Wearable Computing-Brille, die in diesem Bericht behandelt werden, sind:
Fitness and Wellness, Healthcare and Medical, Industrial & Military, Infotainment
Regionen abgedeckt:
2 Nordamerika
2.1 Europa
Das Vereinigte Königreich.
Rest von Europa
2.2 Asien-Pazifik
Rest des asiatisch-pazifischen Raums
2.3 Lateinamerika
Rest von Lateinamerika
Der Nahe Osten und Afrika
1. Was sind die wichtigsten Herausforderungen, denen sich die globale Wearable Computing-Brille-Branche in Zukunft stellen könnte?
2. Was sind die führenden Unternehmen auf dem globalen Wearable Computing-Brille-Markt?
3. Was sind die wichtigsten Trends, die sich positiv auf das Unternehmenswachstum auswirken?
4. Welches Anwendungssegment wird potenziell wachsen?
5. Welches Marktwachstumspotenzial hat Wearable Computing-Brille?
6. Welche regionale Industrie wird in den nächsten Jahren zum Vorreiter?
Dieser Bericht enthielt eine Analyse der Marktübersicht, der Funktionen, der Industriekette, der Wettbewerbslandschaft sowie historischer und zukünftiger Daten nach Typ, Anwendungen und Regionen.
Haben Sie irgendwelche Fragen? Fragen Sie hier: https://marketdesk.us/report/global-wearable-computing-glasses-market-99s/722140/#inquiry
Kapitel 1: Markteinführung, Definition, Taxonomie, Umfang der Forschung.
Kapitel 2: Executive Summary, Key Findings by Main Segments, Top Players' Strategy, Scenario Analysis, Product Lifecycle Analysis, Top Company Sales by Value and Volume
Kapitel 3: Marktübersicht, Dynamik, COVID19-Auswirkungsanalyse, PESTLE-Analyse, Opportunity-Card-Analyse, PORTER-Fünf-Kräfte-Analyse, Markt-Wettbewerbsszenario-Analyse, Produktlebenszyklusanalyse, Top-Unternehmensverkäufe nach Wert und Volumen
Kapitel 4–7: Diese Kapitel enthalten eine umfassende Analyse der globalen Wearable Computing-Brille-Marktsegmentierung in Bezug auf verschiedene Regionen und Länder.
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Deutschland Dry Construction Top-Hersteller auf dem Markt, Wachstum, Größe, Anteil und neueste Geschäftsmöglichkeiten 2021-2028
<strong>Marktübersicht</strong> Neben den Erkenntnissen bietet der Bericht den Lesern tiefe Einblicke in die Pläne führender Unternehmen, um diesen wettbewerbsorientierten Markt anzuführen. Dry Construction Marktbericht ist eine Bewertung, die Wachstumsfaktoren und bevorstehende Trends bis Ende 2028 abdeckt. Diese Business-Intelligence-Studie enthält wichtige Details zum aktuellen und zukünftigen Status des Marktes im genannten Prognosezeitraum 2028. Der Bericht zielt auch auf wichtige Faktoren wie Markttreiber, Herausforderungen, neueste Trends und Chancen im Zusammenhang mit dem Wachstum von Herstellern in der Branche ab Weltmarkt für Dry Construction . Der Bericht enthält einige wichtige Vorschläge für ein neues Projekt der Dry Construction -Industrie, bevor dessen Durchführbarkeit berechnet wird. Der Global Industry, 2021–2028 Market Research Report ist eine professionelle und gründliche Studie zum aktuellen Stand der globalen Dry Construction Industrie mit Fokus auf den internationalen und nationalen Markt.
<strong> <a href=https://www.statistifymarketresearch.com/reports/dry-construction-market/sample-request-64381>Request For View Sample Dry Construction Market Report </a></strong>
<strong>Methodik</strong> Die Berichtsforschung umfasst unterschiedliche Umrisse der verschiedenen Marktsegmente. Der Bericht basiert auf zwei Forschungsansätzen – primär und sekundär. Primäre Forschungsquellen umfassen Pressemitteilungen, Jahresberichte, Regierungswebsites usw. verschiedener Unternehmen, die in dieser Branche tätig sind, sowie Ansichten verschiedener Spezialisten, Analysten, Experten und Forscher. Sekundäre Quellen umfassen wirtschaftliche, politische, soziale und andere Szenarien des Marktbereichs. Diese beiden Quellen werden für die Erstellung des Berichts mit den entsprechenden Begriffen zur Erweiterung des Marktes kombiniert.
<strong>Berichtszusammenfassung</strong> Ein Geschäftsbericht spielt eine zentrale Rolle im Management einer Organisation. Geschäftsberichte werden regelmäßig erstellt, um der Organisation zu helfen, die laufenden Aktivitäten im Auge zu behalten und die kurzfristigen sowie die langfristigen Ziele des Unternehmens regelmäßig zu überprüfen. Sie sind das wichtigste Instrument, um den Fortschritt und die Verbesserungsfelder zu untersuchen, die das Unternehmen machen kann, um seine Marke zu stärken. Es wird viel Forschung und Mühe von den Fachleuten auf diesem Gebiet verwendet, um diese Berichte zu erstellen, die sich dann in der Kommunikation korrekter Beobachtungen und Schlussfolgerungen in Bezug auf das Wachstum der Organisation widerspiegeln.
<strong>Marktsegmentierung</strong> Der Bericht bietet eine umfassende Segmentierung des Weltmarktes für Dry Construction basierend auf Umsatz, Einkommen, Wachstumsrate und Marktanteil jedes Segments. Das Programm, der Endbenutzer und die Nation sind die wichtigsten bewerteten Segmente. Mit der richtigen Marktsegmentierung wird die Analyse viel klarer und umfassender. Die Datentabellen und die zugehörigen Grafiken sind im Papier zu sehen, sodass die Analyse leicht verständlich ist. Es ermutigt die Stakeholder, jeden Teilmarkt strategisch in Bezug auf das individuelle Wachstumsmuster und den Marktbeitrag jedes Teilmarktes zu klassifizieren und innovative Erweiterungen, Partnerschaften, neue Produkteinführungen und Marktakquisitionen zu etablieren. Um einen Wettbewerbsvorteil zu erlangen, ist es notwendig, den prinzipiellen operativen Ansatz der Konkurrenten, die Marktleistung in der Vergangenheit und das Produkt- und Serviceportfolio zu verstehen, um eine bessere Geschäftsstrategie zu entwickeln.
<strong>Globaler Dry Construction -Markt nach Produkttyp und nach Anwendungen:</strong>
By Application ( Wall, Ceiling, Flooring, Others (window, partition, and door system))
By Type ( Plasterboard, Wood, Metal, Plastic, Others (glass and carpet),)
<strong>Top gelistete Unternehmen:</strong> Armstrong World Industries,<br> Inc. ,<br> Etex Group ,<br> Fletcher Building Limited ,<br> Saint Gobain ,<br> Xella Group ,<br> CSR Limited ,<br> Knauf ,<br> Pabco Gypsum ,<br> Panel Rey ,<br> USG Boral Limited,
<strong>Gründe, diesen Bericht zu kaufen:</strong> Der Bericht enthält umfangreiche Untersuchungen zur Wettbewerbslandschaft von Dry Construction . Der Bericht hilft Ihnen bei der Identifizierung und Analyse von Mikro- und Makrofaktoren, die das Marktwachstum beeinflussen und beeinflussen werden. Der Bericht enthält eine detaillierte Liste der wichtigsten Marktteilnehmer, die auf dem Dry Construction -Markt tätig sind. Es enthält eine eingehende Analyse der verschiedenen Marktsegmente wie Typ, Größe, Anwendungen und Endbenutzer.
<strong> <a href=https://www.statistifymarketresearch.com/checkout/?currency=USD&type=single_user_license&report_id=64381>Do Inquiry Before Purchasing Dry Construction Market Report</a></strong>
<strong>Die Forschung liefert Antworten auf die folgenden zentralen Fragen</strong> Wie hoch ist die geschätzte Wachstumsrate des Marktes für den Prognosezeitraum 2021–2028? Wie groß wird der Markt im geschätzten Zeitraum sein? Was sind die wichtigsten treibenden Kräfte für die Gestaltung des Schicksals des Dry Construction -Marktes im Prognosezeitraum? Wer sind die wichtigsten Marktanbieter und welche Erfolgsstrategien haben ihnen geholfen, auf dem Dry Construction -Markt stark Fuß zu fassen? Was sind die wichtigsten Markttrends, die die Entwicklung des Dry Construction -Marktes in verschiedenen Regionen beeinflussen?
<strong>Regionale Analyse</strong> Die Untersuchung bietet eine detaillierte Aufteilung des Dry Construction -Marktes. Bei der Untersuchung untersuchte Schlüsselfragmente umfassen Produkt, Typ, Endbenutzer und Geografie. Mit Hilfe von Tabellen wird eine umfassende Untersuchung von Geschäften, Einkommen, Entwicklungsrate und einem Marktanteil jedes Produkts, Typs, Endbenutzers und Geografies für den bemerkenswerten Zeitrahmen und den geschätzten Zeitrahmen angeboten. Der Markt wird ortsabhängig untersucht und die Wettbewerbslandschaft in jedem Bereich wird referenziert. Zu den untersuchten Ländern der Untersuchung gehören Nordamerika (USA, Kanada und Mexiko), Europa (Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Russland und Italien), Asien-Pazifik (China, Japan, Korea, Indien und Südostasien), Südamerika (Brasilien, Argentinien, Kolumbien), Naher Osten und Afrika (Saudi-Arabien, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, Ägypten, Nigeria und Südafrika). Dieses Wissen hilft, Systeme zu entwickeln und neue Gelegenheiten zu schaffen, um außergewöhnliche Ergebnisse zu erzielen.
<strong>Anpassung des Berichts:</strong> Den maßgeschneiderten Bericht erhalten Sie von unserer Beratungsfirma zu einem günstigen Preis. Wir liefern aktualisierte Informationen entsprechend den Anforderungen der Kunden in der Marktwelt.
<strong>Leistungen:</strong> 1. Gut aktualisierte Informationen. 2. Statistischer Bericht bereitgestellt. 3. Rabattangebot in der Anpassung. 4. Service auf globaler Ebene. 5. Unternehmensforschungsbericht zur Verfügung gestellt.
<strong>Dienstleistungen:</strong> 1. Fachkundige Analysten zu Ihren Diensten. 2. Service nach Ihren Bedürfnissen 3. Klärung Ihrer Anfragen. 4. Ganztägiger Service 5. Gut aktualisierter Bericht.
<strong> <a href=https://www.statistifymarketresearch.com/dry-construction-market>Full Report Summary of Dry Construction Market </a></strong>
<strong>Über Statistify Market Research</strong> Statistify Market Research ist als Rahmen für die Verwaltung des Marktforschungsprojekts konzipiert. Statistify Market Research zielt auf einige grundlegende Forschungstechniken der explorativen Forschung, der deskriptiven Forschung und der Gelegenheitsforschung ab. In der explorativen Forschung werden Tiefeninterviews und Diskussionsgruppen eingesetzt, um ein Problem und eine Lösung zu finden. Die deskriptiven Forschungsmethoden umfassen persönliche Interaktion und Umfragen, die verwendet werden, um den Zustand auf dem Markt zu kennen. Die Ursachenforschung wird durch die Untersuchung geleitet und dient der Erprobung der Schritte und ihrer Auswirkungen.
<strong>Company Name - Statistify Market Research</strong> Office Address - 156, Sector 9 Vasundhra Aptts Rohini, New Delhi 110085 IN Telephone Numbers - (+44) 162-237-1047 (+44) 162-237-1047 Email ID - <a href="mailto:[email protected]"><strong>[email protected]</strong></a> Contact Us – <a href="https://www.statistifymarketresearch.com/contact-us/"><strong>https://www.statistifymarketresearch.com/contact-us/</strong></a>
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