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makeupbyrocky · 8 years ago
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Though she be but little, she is fierce. -Shakespeare- . Brows: @anastasiabeverlyhills dipbrow "Ebony" Highlight: @mannymua733 @jeffreestar "Eclipse" Lashes: @blvdbeauty "Glamourazzi" Lips: @mannymua733 @jeffreestar "I'm Shook" . #anastasiabeverlyhills #dipbrowpomade #norvina #jeffreestar #jeffreestarxmannymua #jeffreestarcosmetics #mannymua #mannymuaxjeffreestarcosmetics #collaboration #imshook #imshookliquidlipstick #eclipsehighlighter #highlightgoals #highlightonfleek #makeupartist #makeupartistsworldwide #wakeupandmakeup #blvdbeauty #glamourazzi #risingmakeupartist #underratedmuas #vegas_nay #mayamiamakeup #cosmomakeupacademy #redlabelcosmetics #ladygm13
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Amazing Mass Effect Fan Art Imagines Jack With Long Hair
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Instructions to install included in each. If you use these mods, please consider donating to girlplaysgame. Thanks for your support! Download all my mods here. Glam Hair Shepard has never looked so great! IMHO, this was how Shep was always meant to look. Miles Away Hair Glamourazzi alert! Wavy Hair Another wavy hairstyle for Shep, because even with the reapers attacking, she still wants to look amazing. Lake Hair Channeling her inner Veronica Lake with the long hair and the curled ends. My personal favorite mod : 5. A more practical but still cute for all those combat situations Shep seems to get into … 6. Combat Ponytail There are some transparencies with this hair in certain scenes for light hair. If you have a dark-haired Shepard, this mod should be OK. Fishtail Braid So fresh and so clean. Looks great with vibrant colors : Paragon Scarring Replace the red renegade scarring with some blue paragon scarring! I can easily make other colors available as well — let me know! PSK file. Easy Instructions using. Skip to Step 8 under Manual Instructions! Manual Instructions using. UPK file. Click on the file that appears in the left window and then LOD 0 should appear in the right window. Now you can close Meshplorer. It should find an update and a popup will ask you if you want to update it — click yes. Open Texmod and load the. It opens the google drive page but i can not download them. I was wondering if there was another way to do get them. The last one is just perfect for the party in Citadel DLC. But where i can find the outfit that your shep wears on the first picture? I love absolutely love all your creations! I notice you have on the outfit with the tank top, do you have the diff files and udk for them? I know you are busy, thank you for your time on this! I wish I could take credit for that mod, but alas it was created by someone else. I appraciate the reply though I have tons of fun with your mods! If I had an option to donate more money instead of ten I would have. It is worth way more. More people should donate! Hmm, did you try doing a manual replacement by extracting the. If you only want to do one, you have to do a manual replacement see my Advanced Modding tutorial. Great idea! Thank you! Although I did make skinny jeans with holes and a short shirt which is rathher cute. Let me know if you want a copy! Not as rad as your stuff though! Thank you for the tip! Then i have a problem to get the aria-alliance dress to work. I followed your steps and when you star texexplorer to scan for all. Then you let it run a second time to realize its really not working. So, my question is, is there any other option for me available to get this thin to work? Ps: Im testing some of your Hair mod for fem and menshep and i recognized that for the menshep hair floppy, that there are some hairs missing if you have several angle of views…. OH, and i tested the wavy hair mod and it kind of looks like michael jackson…that was creepy ;. Hi Jack! I hope that solves your problem! Also, yeah, the mshep hairs have no undergone as much testing as the female ones so there might be some issues. With the male ones especially, there seem to be weird transparency issues during some scenes. I took down the leon hair mod to fix it, it will go back up eventually :. I got it at work and the aerie face with the sunset hair looks just awesome; garrus will love it! But the aria-aliance-dress problem ist still accurate. Actually its step 10 that got on my nerves. I cancel the scan you mentioned in your tutorial, but i got no option to load a pcc… Maybe im too dumb to get this thing to work… would you mind to give me a step by step adwise about what i have to do starting at step ten? I did everything else and I tried the sunset. By the way, some of the hairstyles works perfectly fine without TexMod for my Shep. For some reasons, poor Diana Allers start looking creepy, but, who cares about her? Actually, ME3Explorer deserved my eternal love just because it allows to get rid of the fuss with TM in most cases. I have followed all of your instructions and did trial and error, but somehow I can't make it right. So myb you can help me here.. I still confused about when the new hair style will take place. So I installed the mod first, then did the new game with my imported ME2 character and when I choose my hair, the new hair isn't there. So I guess, maybe the hair will change itself after the game begin? Or should I play for a while first with my old hair without installing the mod , then use the mod, and resume the game? I wanna use the sunset hair it's so amazing but I wonder, is blonde the default color for the hair and can I change it into dark red? That's all. It depends which hairstyle you end up replacing. Start your new game, then use Gibbed to edit your save file. You can also use Gibbed to change the haircolor, etc. Hello again GPG : Let me start by stating that I have successfully modded brooks hair into my game preciously. Now I want to use your combat ponytail one but my game crashes on loading my edited save. I went back through gibbed and made sure all three lines I added were correct no extra spaces. I also use ME3 Explorer to do a tocbin update again and still it crashed. So i thought that might be the problem. I made it work. If anyone his having problems with this: yes. That was one of my problems. Is there anyway to install these custom hair mods into the first Mass Effect? But I have a problem, my game is always loading…Why is that? My Mass Effect 3 is pirate copy of the original…Is because of that? Sorry for my bad english. No, I use a pirated version as well and it works fine. Look at the FAQ for possible reasons for endless loading or game crashing. Thank you for sharing! Hi, I followed your instructions for Mila and the other hairstyles, but all of them have resulted in having really dark hair colour. My current shepard had light blonde default but now has this ugly blackish tone. Is there any way to retain the hair colour or any colour with the new hair? I got the combat ponytail to finally work messed around too much beforehand with mods but the texture looks really bad. The texture makes he hair look almost like paper, and all blocky around the head. Is there something i missed? Tried without just for the hell of it as well. Including the swapping of. My hair was all blocky around the head as well and then I went back to the Texmod instructions and followed them exactly and voila, natural hair. Can you help? I tried use just texmod, but my Shep baldheaded now.. I use space dress simple with texmode, and its look beautiful! Why i cant use its with hair? Thank you for this mods! I deal with this problem, but there appear one more- game is not loaded, when i use full tutorial. Just a thought. Is this right? Is this the right place to be asking this? Yes, it is possible to made a. Excuse me but are the links gone? I have no clue where to download the. Imma noob, sorry. I just wanted to say thanks I got it working just fine following your instructions. I also wanted to ask if any of these were possible for use with the Xbox or is that out of the question? Hey, why is diana allers hair is affected in this mod. Her hair is not looking like a hair at all please help. I love your hair and all your mods for that matter but I follow the instructions and my game crashes every. Do I need to edit my hair in gibbed first? I cant figure out the problem. Check the FAQ for possible reasons. Most commonly, the crash is caused by failing to run the tocbinupdater. Yes, if you looked in the FAQ, you will see you need to use her custom face texture. Hey GPG, I desperately need your help! I really want to try your mods they look beautiful! I updated the pcc on me3explorer, put the right codes for Gibbed. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Search for:. Newer comments. What is the Face Code of your Veronica Lake 4. Lake Hair? I really love that face!! This mods are awesome! Thanx a lot! What do you mean the screen messed up? Textures smere across the screen. I wonder if you have made anything for ME1?? This game definitely needs some seriously modding! Uh, those mods are not mine — you will have the ask the original creators …. NOW to get my head around this armor modding thing! No clue. Can you tell me the Face Code of Glam Hair? I love her face! Check the FAQ page! I ran the application through Origins with a. Thanks anyway, still love the mods whether i can use them or not xD. Thanks in adv. Tryed with wavy hair, same update problem at the TOC. It just stucks…. Wow yeah that does look crazy. Leave a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. This div height required for enabling the sticky sidebar.
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miahdahling · 11 years ago
I aspire to be Ingrid, and in that I mean, just clean. She is so clean. How do human beings get that way? Soap. Mmm.
Grace Helbig
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makeupbyrocky · 8 years ago
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Wearing the @mannymua733 @jeffreestar @jeffreestarcosmetics highlight in "eclipse" and liquid lipstick in "daddy" #mannymua #mannymuaxjeffreestarcosmetics #jeffreestar #jeffreestarcosmetics #jeffreestarxmannymua #highlightgoals #highlightonfleek #velourliquidlipstick #daddyliquidlipstick #collaboration #makeupguru #makeupporn #makeupjunkie #makeupartist #wakeupandmakeup #letstalkmakeup #makeupartistsworldwide #anastasiabeverlyhills #dipbrowpomade #norvina #blvdbeauty #glamourazzi #risingmakeupartist #underratedmuas
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makeupbyrocky · 8 years ago
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Brows: @anastasiabeverlyhills dipbrow pomade "Ebony" Eyes: @toofaced chocolate bar palette Lashes: @blvdbeauty in "glamourazzi" Highlight: @mannymua733 @jeffreestarcosmetics @jeffreestar Skin frost "eclipse" Lips: @mannymua733 @jeffreestar @jeffreestarcosmetics velour liquid lipstick "I'm Shook" #mannymua #mannymuaxjeffreestarcosmetics #jeffreestar #jeffreestarcosmetics #jeffreestarxmannymua #highlightonfleek #highlightgoals #velourliquidlipstick #anastasiabeverlyhills #dipbrowpomade #norvina #toofaced #chocolatebarpalette #makeupartistsworldwide #cosmomakeupacademy #redlabelcosmetics #ladygm13 #blvdbeauty #falselashes #vegas_nay #morphe #morphebrushes #wakeupandmakeup #urbandecay #milani #wetnwild #skinfrost #7qspa
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