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Featherweight's sister as mentioned in Ponyville Confidental, daughter of Feather Flatterfly and Buried Lede
Base by https://www.deviantart.com/lanternomega
#my little pony#mlp#mlp fim#my little pony friendship is magic#mlp g4#mlp art#digital art#glamcanon#namby pamby#mlp bases#basework#base edit
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A birthday gift for @glitterfleshgum, my best friend of over 6 years! Every day I look forward to hanging out with you whether we’re engaging in a complex political analysis or talking about lighthearted fandom stuff, and it’s always my goal to put a smile on your face just as you do for me ❤️ I hope this little gift could do it! Here’s to many more birthdays!
Sassy, Sunburst, and Flash Sentry are a happy throuple, and the proud parents of Luster Dawn and Sunny Starscout, in her Glamcanon series! Check it out here!
#KindsArt#my little pony#mlp fim#mlp g4#gift art#sassy saddles#sunburst#sunburst mlp#flash sentry#polyamory
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#mlp#mlp fim#my little pony#my little pony friendship is magic#mlp g4#digital art#next generation#family tree#glamcanon#svengallop#headcanon
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Context: https://www.deviantart.com/glitterfleshgum/gallery/83610268/glamcanon
Bases by: https://www.deviantart.com/miatdm and https://www.deviantart.com/bah-rosales CM by: https://www.deviantart.com/zacatron94 BG by: https://www.deviantart.com/darkmoonanimation
#fluttershy#trans big mac#orchard blossom#hitch trailblazer#mlpfim#my little pony#mlp#mlp fim#my little pony friendship is magic#mlp g4#mlp g5#mlp gen 4#mlp friendship is magic#mlp fanart#my art
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Idk what other people call them but I've decided in my mlp universes that I'm gonna call the Windigos (because thats too close to something I won't say) Gelid. It means extremely cold and still has the fancy fantasy vibe, it would be the same singular or plural like Sheep
#mlpfim#mlp friendship is magic#my little pony blog#my little pony g4#my little pony fim#my little pony friendship is magic#my little pony#headcanon#Glamcanon
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Earth ponies have their hooves in many creative pursuits but to this day the fashion industry in Equestria is dominated by unicorns. A young Plaid Saddles was lucky enough to be close enough to it, coming from a family of textile makers he sometimes got to accompany his parents on deliveries. He fell in love with the gorgeous dresses he saw, expressions of the artisans innermost dreams in every window, the sparks of joy pulled from the inspiring corners of the unicorn city. Plaid couldn't remember a time when he wanted to do anything else. Ditsy Lace grew up under the care of butlers and maids, never really caring nor understanding where her parents got their money from. It didn't matter when she was free to frolic and go to birthday parties with other privileged foals. She too had a bit of a fondness for dresses but mostly when she had a new dress to pick out for a special occasion.
Plaids family was incredibly grateful for his skill and did everything they could to support him. They have many joyful memories over the years, even when money was too tight to buy gifts for hearthswarming their darling colt would sew together the scraps to make them handkerchiefs and ascots. As the years went by Plaid found his situation beginning to weigh on him. There was no way he was going to break into a glamorous world in his current position. His father and mother came to him one day and sat him down, explaining that over the years things were so tight, not just because of their poor situation but because they were slowly but surely squaring away their bits for him to go to school. With his natural talent he excelled at the top of his class, impressing his professors and making many friends who would go on to become his colleagues and peers.
Sooner rather than later, money for tuition began to run out. In a last ditch effort Plaid's father turned to his boss, appealing to the decades of work he put in for him. Graciously, him and his son were invited to dinner. While his father schmoozed and slipped in references here and there to his sons extensive portfolio, Plaid Saddles was left to wander. The boss' daughter was wandering too. Ditsy took time from her busy schedule to notice the dashing young stallion prancing around her hallways, bumping into him on purpose.
As she got lost in his amethyst eyes and practically "mmhm"-ed him to death the conversation quickly turned to fashion and gowns. Ditsy was happy to show him the gowns in her closet. Even if it was about his pretty dream-boat hair at first Ditsy Lace found herself genuinely intrigued with what he was saying. She enjoyed a pretty flouncy gown but she had no idea that it could be so complicated. He was nothing like the bland spoiled stallions she was used to talking to, it wasn't that she didn't enjoy those types but he was something new. Plaid couldn't lie the beautiful mare in front of him made it difficult to get his words straight. He sensed she wasn't fully listening at times, but she was sweet and he bet her lips tasted even sweeter.
When he leaned in for a kiss Ditsy was shocked and took a mis-step, causing them both to tumble backwards. Their combined weights ripped and tore her beautiful gowns and the commotion signaled their fathers. Ditsys father was enraged. He only saw this klutz off the street with his hooves all over his daughter, not only that but he was destroying his home.
Before Plaid could defend himself Ditsy stepped up. He thought she hadn't heard a word, but knowing what her father might do to him she said whatever she could. She truly saw the potential in him and begged him to give him one last chance. Lace got a little ahead of herself and offered up his services to repair the gowns. He would spend his days going to class and repairing the dresses on his breaks. Plaid was doing his work within the manor and when more trust came with time he was allowed to stay in the guest room. Every day Ditsy would accompany the workers who brought him lunch and distract him from his tasks but she was more than welcome. She was the sunshine of his life and his muse.
Before graduation the final exam required making a clothing line worthy of the most high end shops. Plaid Saddles unveiled beautiful shimmering ensembles but the crown jewel was made especially for Ditsy Lace. It was mostly white, accented with the colors of his favorite sunset, pink and peach like her mane with soft blue jewels covering panels here and there. He passed with flying colors of course and presented it once again at a party that Ditsy forced her father to throw for him.
Plaid got down on his front hooves and asked that she wear it to their wedding.
She happily obliged and soon Plaid Saddles was building his very own fashion empire, Ditsy building her social circle just like her mother before her and her grandmare before her. Before they knew it they were blessed with more than just riches.
Ditsy gave birth to twins, Sassy and Argyle Saddles. They were opposites in every way; Sassy could be an overthinker but she was always getting under the adults hooves, always wanting to help whether it was with her papas work or her mothers parties. Argyle on the other hand was a quiet and sensitive colt, incredibly cooperative and a little angel for his parents. Yet they were practically inseparable, Sassy defending her brother from every bit of teasing that would come his way.
Being doting parents the twins adored and looked up to Ditsy and Plaid. Children notice and children listen. In an almost sick parallel of society Sassy and Argyle noticed a lot of what their parents went through because they were forced through it too.
Argyle and his father stuck out like sore thumbs in high society, most ponies like them were wearing black and white and holding silver serving trays. His father was determined to make his place in the world, to not only let his work speak above all else but to give his son a good example to strive for and strive for it he did.
The Saddles son threw himself into his studies but unlike most scholars he was focused on a magic that wouldn’t truly come into fashion for some time, friendship. He was passionate about learning everything there was to know about the other ponies around him. Argyle never met non-ponies but he took in every bit he could about them, hoping to be able to make a good first impression if he was able. Yet, every time he tried to make a friend he’d be shunned so studying it would have to be the next best thing.
As a little filly the adults around her made Sassy feel as though it wasn’t her place to be bothering her father while he worked, but that didn’t exactly stop her.
She had to admit that it was fun being doted on by her mothers friends, getting compliments on her mane and getting to eat as many tea cakes as she wanted because it was oh so cute. Yet Sassy very quickly became bored. Sometimes she would rip apart pieces of gowns and save them up, begging her papa to teach her. Seeing himself in her he taught her as much as he could but insisted that she head on back when she was done.
If things would be hard for him and Argyle she could at least still find her place. Neither twin was sure it was a world they wanted to be in.
Sassy quickly noticed how other ponies would treat her mother, like she was stupid and she’d just laugh along and continue what made her happy like she didn’t notice. As she grew other ponies treated her pretty face the same. Even if she knew it wasn’t Ditsys fault she began to resent her. This resentment was the fuel for her ambition, even if it meant leaving her parents and brother behind to work from the bottom up on her very own.
Background by https://www.deviantart.com/libbythekautz
Bases by https://www.deviantart.com/ponybasesrus https://www.deviantart.com/boringbases
#Glamcanon#mlpfim#mlp friendship is magic#mlp fim#mylittleponies#mylittlepony#my art#my little pony#headcanon#sassy saddles#argyle starshine
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These are the three (and a half) generations of the Rich family before Filthy himself.
Starting from the far right with the oldest generation and going down the line.
For slightly further context https://mlp.fandom.com/wiki/Rich_family#Extended_family
Strikin' Rich and her husband Seed Investor
A long, long time ago, before Ponyville was even a twinkle in old timey ponies’ eyes, a couple who saw the stars in their future was hard at work. Strikin' was the charm of the operation who could talk a crystal pony into buying snow. Growing up in an earth pony family gave her a lot of knowledge the half-pegasus Seed Investor didn’t have. The pony kinds were united but some still turned a prejudiced eye to mixed ponies, leaving him in the dark despite his name. He crash landed on her farm one day, and as she helped patch him up, they talked all about their interests, leaving Seed to become the brains and the labor of the operation. The Rich family happily accepted the stallion that would later become their son-in-law and the two expanded their farm as much as they could, planting lots of different fruits and vegetables. One day, still working into the late days of her pregnancy, Strikin’ gave birth to a colt in the onion patch who they named Stinkin’ Rich.
Stinkin' Rich and his wife Fertile Fields
Stinkin’ Rich grew up deeply loved, the best of both his parents’ traits and a dedicated farm boy. Although, the labor of the farm wasn’t really what he wanted. His family farm was quite successful and he never had to go hungry, but they had hit an impasse. Ma and Pa were too old to truly get any further with the life they had built for themselves so Stinkin’ had an idea. Leaving his parents teary-eyed but proud, he made his way across Equestria, meeting some ponies not too unlike his own family selling amazing rainbow jam. It was the best he had ever tasted and he saw a huge opportunity. He would supply the Apples with the last harvest he had brought with him and whatever extras Stinkin’ brought back when he visited his folks, in addition to selling whatever they (and the other pony artisans and farmers) would make. But he chose to settle full-time there and earn his own place in the town that would come to be known as Ponyville. As the town grew, so did his wealth, yet he made sure to stay right at the register. Stink valued the community and wanted to stay the kind, helpful face. A certain demure mare coming into the shop every Friday was definitely a perk. She didn’t talk much, and every time their hooves accidentally touched while exchanging bits she’d run away giggling, so he set out to come to her first. Everypony knew everypony back in those days, so he was able to find out where she lived and showed up at her doorstep with flowers in his teeth and his hat against his chest. From her father calling her to the door, he learned her name was Fertile Fields, and he asked as sweet as honey if she could do him the honor of allowing him to get to know her. He fell even more in love with her as he learned the magic Field could make in the kitchen. The pair were practically inseparable and found no better company than in each other. Which is why they decided to build a cabin in the nearby Whitetail Woods where they could live and grow their family away from the hustle and bustle of the Rich family store.
Impossibly Rich and her husband Steel Baron with their son Incredibly Rich
Impossibly grew up at the cabin her parents built learning recipes from her Ma and helping her Pa with repairs. She was definitely spoiled and didn’t fully understand the hard work that got her family where they were but Possie wasn’t a brat, just an excitable curious filly with a wild imagination. She would make up stories to entertain her family and the patrons at the store, an adorable delight to everypony she met. At his point Richs Barnyard Bargains made her family well…impossibly rich ponies, drawing the eye of other wealthy families. Her father was approached by Iron Strong, a stallion whose family made their money by building the railway, a stallion with a colt her age. Iron felt that their families could be stronger together. Stinkin and Fields were reluctant but were open to the idea, refusing to refer to the pair as betrothed unless they naturally came together. So Impossibly found herself with a new friend, when he wasn’t busy with his own studies the two would frolick and play in the woods around the cabin. It was a match made in heaven. Not just because the pair got along but because Impossibly Rich never found herself having an acumen for business but Steel did, meaning the family business would be inherited into good hooves and Stinkin’ Richs daughter would be happy. The pair knew each other inside and out, being friends since foalhood after all, so they were considered quite the power couple and just as inseparable as Possies own parents. They provided their son with everything he could ever want but neglected to pass on the importance of love and community that had been sustaining the family for generations. No matter what they or their army of nannies and butlers tried, Incredibly Rich put money and power over everything else. He never planned on getting married himself until he was practically forced to.
The family saw his naming of his son, Filthy Rich, as an homage to the stallion who made their comfortable lifestyle possible but Incredibly knew inside it was his only way of making his feelings clear. Growing up he made no effort to interact with his son outside of teaching him the way a business should run. This is how we got to the stallion we know now who often makes choices that seem as though he cares for his business above everything else, above family and nature. He too married a mare he truly loved but who he thought would be best for his business, give him a kick in the flank when he was being too soft. After these literal centuries of history Filthy Rich is a truly a good hearted stallion who had a multi-million dollar business placed in his lap the day he was born and now has to work on fixing his own mistakes as a father.
Bases by
https://www.deviantart.com/ponybasesrus https://www.deviantart.com/alari1234-bases https://www.deviantart.com/easterbases https://www.deviantart.com/elementbases
#glamcanon#filthy rich#diamond tiara#headcanon#mlp#my little pony#my little pony friendship is magic#mlp fim#my art#character design#oc#mlp art#mlp g4#friendship is magic
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I really liked the potential of the G5 casts personalities but not how they're taking the story in the comics so take this madness
#Glamcanon#my little pony#mlp#mlp fim#g4#g5#family tree#mlp sunny starscout#sunny starscout#argyle starshine#sassy saddles#sunburst#flash sentry#luster dawn
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I wanted to introduce you guys to Evergreen
so I thought it was a good time to cover my headcanons for all three of the pie "wives"
First, with the happiest story we have Cloudy Quartz, a bright young mare from a haymish family just like the Pies. Just as she explained in the show the choosing stone paired them together and 2 weeks later they were married. Usually the betrothed would spend this time apart. Which they did, but Cloudy had a bit of a rebellious streak and took to writing Igneous letters that his sister would deliver to him in secret. She wanted the chance to get to know him on her own terms and she fell in love with what she learned. He treated her like a lady but he didn't look down on her, he communicated very clearly that she would be his equal in their partnership. The day they were finally wed was the most joyous occasion of her life, they stayed up all night talking to eachother, perfectly on the same page that they would keep the family rock farm at its best just like their ancestors before them and well...not to be uncouth but Limestone came very quickly. The pair are very much in love to this day, trading polysemous titters when nopony can hear and making eachother blush like schoolfoals.
Evergreen is positioned next but I'll move onto Whipped Dew first as she doesn't actually have the saddest story of the three. In haymish culture theres a period of time where teenagers can go out and experience the outside world, giving them some experience so they can choose whether to stay in the outside world or return home. Whipped was an up and coming weather pony, the mare with hooves on the ground to tell the unicorn and earth ponies what the pegasai had planned for that day. She wasn't working yet being a teen herself but she had an old soul and lucrative mentee opportunity that kept her in ponyville, where she met the eldest of the Pie clan Sodalite. The rite of passage lasts about two years and the pair found a lot of fun in eachother, they weren't quite sure whether they wanted things to go on long term. In their haste they never found the proper time to discuss it either as Dew fell pregnant and it was nearing time for Soda to make his final choice.
He didn't want to leave his family and she didn't want the life he had ahead. It wasn't the ideal either would have chosen, the young mare even losing the opportunity as she had to figure out how she was going to care for this baby on her own. Yet, everything worked out for the best, Chiffon thrived in ponyville making friends and even falling in love just like she had. She was a stern mother but loved her daughter more than anything, happily putting her success over her own hard feelings. Whipped Dew was eventually able to get the job of her dreams and frequently travelled back and forth between ponyville and manehattan until her daughter was old enough to be on her own.
Finally, we have Evergreen. She was from a tree farming haymish family and the youngest of her siblings so for her the choosing stone chose the youngest member of the Pie clan. She didn't meet him until the day they were wed and even on the day of he seemed more interested in celebrating with his brothers and his friends, even despite Igneous' subtle nagging and urging. Desperate to find a place in her new family the worrisome mare made fast friends with her new sister-in-law, as her spirits fell more through the day Cloudy was there to be a shoulder to cry on, something that continued between them long after the wedding. Since the rock farm was already promised to Igneous she was given the gift of being able to return home, her husband coming to live where she felt was home.
Despite his parents best efforts White Marble was a very spoiled stallion, happy to take advantage of the fact that his beautiful wife would be the one who was expected to mainly care for their foals. The same foals who could soon enough take over the work on the farm, leaving him to essentially drink cider and give orders. As his family grew and he realized his pipe dream wasn't all it was cut out to be he ended up fleeing in the night. At some point on his journey he found himself welcomed in by ponies who didn't expect him to contribute all that much, nopony was special here, they didn't even have cutie marks. White Marble had been running for so long. The vagabond lifestyle was nice but the prospect of a free home sounded really nice, especially compared to the alternative.
Bases by https://www.deviantart.com/kurisha-chan and https://www.deviantart.com/holdytussigwpigeon
BGs by https://www.deviantart.com/estories and https://www.deviantart.com/e-49
#Glamcanon#mlp#my little pony#my little pony friendship is magic#mlp fim#my art#oc#character design#cloudy quartz#whipped dew#evergreen#mlp oc#mlp headcanon#mlp bases#pie family
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Isabelline Moonbow
Element of Compassion
Personality is the same, https://g5mlp.fandom.com/wiki/G5_My_Little_Pony_Wiki quote:
“Izzy is very energetic, creative, optimistic, talented and finds wonder in everything. Izzy loves to "unicycle"―using recycled materials to create new art. She loves doing arts and crafts, such as making friendship bracelets for her new best friends. Though Izzy can come off as scatterbrained and naïve, she possess a big heart and is often the one to try to make the most out of a situation.”
Isabelline was adopted by a lovely unicorn couple as a grub which is how she got her last name!
BG by https://www.deviantart.com/boneswolbach/art/Canterlot-Town-Area-294374757
#Glamcanon#izzy moonbow#mlp#my little pony#mlp fim#my little pony friendship is magic#my art#character design#mlp gen 5
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“Dream! My dearest sister!”
Princess Golden Dream heard the familiar sound of her jubilant sister and her prancing up and down the hall. Knowing Golden Darkness would just let herself in, she waited sheepishly on her bed.
“Look, look!”
Her elder sister exclaimed, her long beautiful mane bouncing as she whipped her head back and forth. It was beginning to make Dream incredibly dizzy.
“You sure seem excited, I’m surprised to see you home so early.”
She paused for a moment. Whether it was royal duty or a diplomatic outing, Golden Darkness was always doing one thing or another and Golden Dream waited around for her.
“Stand still!”
Dream grabbed the sides of her sisters head with her hooves and observed the beautiful silver stars that she didn’t have on that morning. She absolutely adored them, everything in the kingdom was so colorful, but the white sparkles of these little things danced in her heart as they did her eyes.
All at once it was torn from her as her sister began to prance around again.
“That’s exactly it! I had to rush back home right away! Oh you should have been there! All of the kingdom should have been there!”
Golden Darkness’ voice echoed through the room as she only got more excited, her arms raised above her head acting as the stage for her tale. The younger princess could only feel herself begin to shrink beneath it.
Her sister went on to describe accompanying her love to her quarters. Pieces of crystal that hung above the window made colors dance upon the walls, fooling Darkness into thinking Sterling Rainbow wanted to show off her latest project.
She had to admit the retelling was so vivid it was almost like she could live vicariously through her sister, something that became all the more real as the earrings were removed and placed in her hooves.
“I asked her about the biggest crystal that I couldn’t reach. When she brought it down I realized it was huge! She broke it in half for me and these were inside.-”
Golden Dreams heart began to swell, the warmth of the light, the warmth of a pony in love as her sister held them with her.
“-Don’t you get it? Don’t you get what this means? We’re going to be married.”
These words were muffled by a ringing in Dreams ears.
Even she didn’t understand why it surprised her so much, Darkness was being dramatic about the whole thing after all, she and Sterling Rainbow had technically been betrothed since they were both three.
She was soon left alone with her own thoughts, her sister putting the earrings back in and prattling off more happy nonsense to herself.
It slowly began to dawn on her, her sister would go off to be the Queen of somewhere while she couldn’t even get a prince to notice her with a horn on her head and wings on her back. There was little time left.
She would have a love like that no matter what it took, unaware that there was somepony out there who felt the same way as her.
Here we have a flashback scene with Golden Darkness https://www.deviantart.com/glitterfleshgum/art/Celestia-and-Luna-have-two-mommies-910147539 and her younger sister. You all know Princess Golden Dream as the alicorn princess from the love potion story.
Bases by https://www.deviantart.com/masami-rose-sav and https://www.deviantart.com/s0ftserve
BG by https://www.deviantart.com/magpie-pony
#mlpfim#my little pony#mlp#mlp fim#my little pony friendship is magic#my art#glamcanon#oc#princess golden dream#princess golden darkness#bases#deviantart
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Bases by https://www.deviantart.com/dragoncoton https://www.deviantart.com/lanternomega https://www.deviantart.com/ashakalovsky
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Because Sunny was born pretty immediately after Luster left for school, the (as of now) socially stunted pony has always has a bit of bitterness towards her little sister. Sunny really looks up to the studious mare and wants nothing more than to study with her and hear about her studies abroad.
Base by https://www.deviantart.com/thomasray000/art/pony-base-846959265 BG by https://www.deviantart.com/vector-brony/art/Crystal-empire-street-417400286
#Glamcanon#luster dawn#sunny starscout#admin art#art#my little pony#mlp#mlp fim#my little pony friendship is magic#my art#sisters#siblings#unicorn#earth pony
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This version of Feldspar and Granny Pie belong to @kindheart525
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"The book states that a long time ago, an Earth pony prince had given an Alicorn princess the drink, intending to make her fall in love with him. However, they were so lost in each other's eyes, they were unable to perform their duties, and their kingdom fell into ruin." -MLP Wiki
Further Context: https://www.deviantart.com/glitterfleshgum/art/Love-Poison-929514538
As Big Mac and Cheerilee attempted to do when they were under the love potions spell, these two eventually got married. Since Golden Darkness married a Princess with her own kingdom, Dream was left behind to inherit the throne. Their mutual desperation for love and the lack of a cure fueled the effects. Distraction became exhaustion and exhaustion became starvation, the royal couple having to be hidden from the world as they wasted away. Refusing to ever separate.
As villanous forces sought to topple much more powerful kingdoms Golden Dream and Blue Dreams kingdom soon faded into the annals of history. The three pony groups weren't yet united at this time, there's little information on how Blue and the Princess ended up meeting.
In the midst of it all they managed to have a single foal who found his way into the unicorn kingdom, entering the line of the Unicorn King Bullion and Unicorn Princess Platinum. This is also why their distant descendant Duke Blueblood has a royal title, he's technically Celestia and Lunas distant cousin but Nephew is easier to explain.
Bases by https://www.deviantart.com/masami-rose-sav
#mlpfim#my little pony#mlp#mlp fim#my little pony friendship is magic#my art#character design#glamcanon#mlp fan art#mlp g4#princess golden dream#prince blue dream
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