#glad to know Shaun knows what's up
ingravinoveritas · 10 months
The fact that in that scene in the doctor who special Donna’s about to go off with the doctor in the end and her husband is like yeah most husbands would be jealous of their wife hanging out with men in a small space alone but then he looks at the doctor and is like nah not him. Like he knows the doctor wouldn’t be interested in Donna in that way and that she was completely safe from cheating on her husband. Shaun took one look at the doctor and was like I know what you are . He was NOT worried about Donna being alone with him
So, I did watch the 60th special today, which I originally wasn't planning to do, since I'm not much of a Whovian. But curiosity got the better of me, and once your ask came in, I figured why not give it a watch.
After sitting through the whole episode, I still have no idea what the hell actually happened, or what a Metacrisis is, or why they were all fighting evil anthropomorphized dryer lint...but I was still thoroughly entertained. Haha. And there were moments I liked (disability rep with Shirley Bingham whose character actually wasn't about her disability but just her as a badass person!), moments I didn't like, and moments that made me unexpectedly emotional (the mention of Wilf, which given Bernard's passing last year was incredibly poignant and left me in tears).
But what I was really living for with this episode was how unbelievably and incredibly gay it was, in absolutely the most phenomenal way possible. Again, I want to emphasize that I am a very casual DW viewer, so I can't speak to previous seasons or incarnations, but this certainly felt like the queerest Doctor Who ep I have ever seen. The awesome Yasmin Finney as Rose. Describing the Doctor as "male...and female...and neither...and more." Having legend and lesbian extraordinaire Miriam fucking Margolyes as the voice of the Meep.
And of course, the moment you mentioned...
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What's really interesting to me about this is so much of the writing in this episode was pretty on the nose (thinking in particular of the scene about the Meep's pronouns, which was very well meaning but felt a bit heavy-handed in both the writing and some of the delivery). But I wouldn't say Russell T. Daddy was really going for nuance in a lot of what ended up on screen, which is why this moment stands out and is so interesting and hilarious. You can almost feel Russell abruptly stop short of saying what this is clearly meant to be saying, and leaving it as subtext instead of, well...text. And I've mentioned on my blog previously about seeing the Doctor and Donna's (as well as David and Catherine's) chemistry as very "exasperated straight woman and her chaotic bisexual BFF," so this really seemed to validate the hell out of that. Haha.
So yes, overall, I enjoyed "The Star Beast" much more than I ever expected to, and I'm definitely intrigued to see what the other specials will entail (especially "The Giggle," since NPH is in that one, and the queer quotient will no doubt be off the charts, at least if the production stills/BTS I remember seeing last year are any indication). It will certainly be interesting to see if we get more moments like the one above with Fourteen (Ten? Ten-Four?), so I suppose we'll find out soon...
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nonotnolan · 7 months
The Ends Justify The Means
As always, this February story is dedicated to my valentine, @mergeman
"Okay, but did we have to add him to the Hivemind?" Jordan said, looking at his unconscious boss with a look of resigned disappointment. "If I end up with an old man's vocabulary because of him, I'm gonna be so upset. This body looks too good to sound like a geezer." He tossed his shirt to the ground and gave me a flex. "See what I mean?"
I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Some humans stress-tested my 40% Free Will rule, and Jordan was definitely one of them. "One, bringing him into the Collective is the only way to bend his authority to our will. Two, the symbiote doesn't change our speech, it just enhances our knowledge. And three, the eventual goal is to overtake most of humanity anyway. We were gonna have to add Shaun sooner or later."
Jordan nodded, though I doubted he was paying any attention me. He was one of the part-time workers I had converted within the past two hours, and so his symbiote half was still checking out his new body. I can't blame it, I suppose.
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I wasn't sure this plan was even going to work, so I was glad we managed to succeed. Capturing the part-time college students who worked here had been easy-- a bit of flirting from a tempting body, a kiss to introduce the symbiote, rinse and repeat. Shaun had been much more difficult. We had to resort to ambushing him in the bathroom where there we no cameras. Jordan's strength held him in place while I pried open his jaw to insert the new symbiote. It was far from elegant-- Shaun was stronger than he looked-- but at least it worked.
Shaun finally opened his eyes, and looked at me with a wry grin. "Alright, sir. I know we have a lot to talk about, but let's retreat somewhere else, shall we? It's cramped in here, and I think Jordan is a few moments away from whipping his dick out."
"You're not wrong," I said, shaking my head. "We should probably leave him to it. If nothing else, it will be nice to talk things over someplace a bit... less pungent. I assume you know what is going to be expected of you?"
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"I do," Shaun says, crossing his arms. "Although I was hoping to talk to you about that one. I scheduled Darren to work Valentine's Day because I haven't had that day off for the past three years. This body's wife is threatening to make life miserable if I still have to work the holiday despite my recent promotion. I have a proposal for you."
I smiled at the audacity of this symbiote. Clearly its host body had a lot of confidence.
"Darren will still get the day off, of course," Shaun said. "But instead of working the day myself, I'll just tell Jenn that she's going to have to handle the shift solo. We don't need two store managers tomorrow night-- no one goes furniture shopping on Valentine's."
"You'll never guess what happened today!" Darren said, greeting me when I arrived home. He and I had been dating for a few weeks now, ever since I was granted control over this host body. Unlike the symbiotes who were mostly extensions of my mind and my personality, I had full control and full autonomy over my decisions. Coming out of the closet was one of the first changes I made to this host's former life.
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"Your store is actually closing for a holiday?" I guessed, walking up to him and hugging him from behind. I held him close, feeling the heat of his body against my borrowed chest. Humans were very big on physical contact, and it was a ritual I was more than happy to join.
Darren chuckled as he turned around for a quick kiss. "Okay, so it wasn't a miracle. But it was still pretty crazy! Shaun texted me, and approved my vacation time for tomorrow. Can you believe that? I've never known him to change his mind like that before."
I just smiled at him. "Maybe your District Manager yelled at him about it? You did submit that request a few months ago." As much as I hated feeding white lies and omitted facts to my boyfriend, I couldn't justify telling him my full truth this early in the relationship. Anyway, the only way I'd be filling him with a symbiote would be if we broke up and he posed a risk to my secret. I wanted a relationship with an equal, not a masturbatory fling with a clone of myself. Anyway, what was the phrase? The ends justify the means.
"Well, maybe." He paused a few minutes to consider this possibility before shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know, and I'm not going to question it. I'm just glad you kept those dinner reservations! I'm looking forward to tomorrow's date!" He smiled, and I could feel my heart melting. I would do anything in my power to make him happy.
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imagine-silk · 9 months
I wanna wish my fallout 4 boys for a merry christmas... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I LOVE YOU!!! (happy christler to u too iff u celebrate)
》And I love you random citizen. I did have a good Christmas, thank you... but I got sick immediately after. Happy holidays!
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[Codsworth] "Sir/Mum, I've hope you like the decor. It's not perfect but as long as we're with loved ones we'll love. Isn't that right?"
Under his cheery attitude he is grieving the loss of the world. It's his first Christmas with you back and he wants the rest of the family. Nate/Nora and young Shaun, along with brothers and sisters, and uncles and cousins. But he forces himself to stay positive. Not focus on 'what was' and focus on 'what is'.
[Danse] "Say the word and I'll be there. Whatever you need."
He's more concerned with helping. Having a huge party was something he's never done. Back in the Brotherhood all holiday affairs were kept under wraps. So in all the new excitement he doesn't really care about the day itself, more like being involved.
[Deacon] "Tell me, [Name], have you been a good boy/girl?"
You will not see him outside any sort of costume the entire night. And he has several lined up. Santa, Rudolph, an elf, scrooge pj's. He's also seen with a drink always in his hand. Whether or not it's the same drink, no one knows.
[Hancock] "I'm probably already on the naughty list so let's just have fun."
The entire town of Good Neighbor is partying like the Santa's actually gonna join them. There's a stupid amount of milk and cookies considering the fact none of them are chemed or spiked. They also have a giant white elephant with all the presents.
[MacCready] "What the hell is Christmas?"
In Little Lamp Light they didn't have the tradition and after leaving he never let himself indulge in it so he never learn what exactly it was. To him it's just a gift exchange. Explaining it to him isn't easy either. A big old man, who wears red, flies all over the world in one night in a sleigh with reindeer delivering presents to all the children. What is a reindeer? How? Why?
[Nick] "Merry Christmas, pal/doll. You deserve a break."
No matter what relationship you have with him, he's going to catch you under the mistletoe to tease you. Especially if he's a sort of mentor to you. He thinks it's cute. Besides that, he makes sure you're relaxing and not worried about anything so you can have a break.
[Preston] "I'm glad we did this. It's nice to see everyone warm."
For him, Christmas is the most stressful holiday, given that it's the coldest and people tend to fight over gifts. But it's still a holiday so it's nice. He's also almost immediately buried in gifts by settlers.
[X6] "Happy holidays."
He doesn't care in any meaningful capacity other than you celebrating, he has enough decency to keep it to himself though. You know he wasn't going to give you a gift so he doesn't. If you get him anything he'll take it and tell you why he likes it as an effort to be nice.
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yukidragon · 1 year
The Phantom of Sunny Day Jack Trailer Transcript
Please forgive me for taking a while to post the transcript for the Phantom of Sunny Day Jack trailer for those who need it.
For those of you who have questions/concerns about the twist at the end of the trailer, please check to see if they're addressed in this post. Thank you.
[Warning Screen]
This video contains violent and sexual content.
It is intended for mature audiences.
Viewer discretion is advised.
This is a fan-made project inspired by Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack and the various iterations of the Phantom of the Opera.
Original characters, concept, and music were created by Snacpop Studios, Gaston Leroux, and Andrew Lloyd Webber respectively.
Jack: Won't you sing for me, sunshine?
Inside the most famous opera house in Paris…
Ian: [worried, yet relieved] O-oh thank goodness you're alright. When I came in and saw you lying on the floor like that… I just… I-I didn't know. I don't know what I'd do if something bad happened to you.
Shaun: [excited and giddy] Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Can you believe it? They say a ghost is haunting the opera house! [excited squeal] How cool is that? Come on, let's go find him!
Nick: Oh, really? You get a little praise for your performance and now you think your vocals are a match for mine? Heh. Well, we'll just have to see about that, now won't we?
Jack: You can always rely on me to support you whenever you need me. I’ll always be here to take good care of you, don’t worry.
A secret has been buried...
Shaun: [playful fake regal accent] So, what's the verdict, princess? Does this fine repast meet my highness’ royal standards?
[Moonpie meows her approval through a mouthful of food.]
Shaun: [chuckles affectionately, tone softening] Glad to hear it little baby.
Shaun: [Regal accent] So how about you? Does my humble fare satisfy the glorious new rising star of the opera house?
Nick: So how's progress with your part?
Nick: I know you want to study your greatest rival closely, but if you keep staring at me like that, I'm going to start to feel embarrassed. What's on your mind?
Ian: You’ve been so busy performing all day today. I figured you haven’t had anything to eat yet, so I brought something for you.
Ian: Tada~! There's nothing like some hot fresh pizza after a long day of work. Just like the old days, remember?
Jack: You did great out there today. I'm so proud of you. You worked so hard... but remember that resting up and eating well is just as important.
And refuses to be forgotten
Jack: There's nothing to be scared of, sunshine. You can trust me. I only want to help you. Let me show you just how special and amazing you truly are.
YOU decide their fates
What do you see in the mirror?
Hairstyle [number changes]
Eye [number changes]
Mouth [number changes]
No Mark [changes to] Mark [number changes]
Press SpaceBar to sing!
[Successful chime.]
You did great, Sunshine!
Press SpaceBar to sing!
[Error sounds.]
How are you even here?
Try Again
Will love be enough to create a happy ending?
Your Childhood Sweetheart
Ian: [happy sigh] This feels like a dream come true!
Ian Duff
Voiced by Ben Sinning
Ian: [emotional] You have no idea how long I've wanted to hear you tell me that you... I... I can barely believe that you really feel the same way about me that I do for you.
The Stage Director
Shaun: Hey, hey... I know things are a going crazy right now and getting pretty scary, but I'm not going anywhere.
Shaun Durand-Cofer
Voiced by LewdZaxk
Shaun: I'll always be by your side, forever... I promise.
The Star Of The Show
Nick: My, my... look who's taking taking the lead for a change~ [chuckle]
Nicolas "Nick" Herraras
Voiced by MidnightBlu
Nick: [seductive] So tell me, mi pájaro cantor... what do you have planned for us tonight?
The Forgotten Phantom
Jack: My mask? You want to see what's under...
Jack: [nervous] I-I'm sorry, sunshine... I don't think I'm ready for that yet...
Sunny Day Jack
Voiced by NaughtyMaus
Jack: [suggestive] But I could take off everything else if you want me to~
Nick: [hopeless] The opera house is gone… The music is gone… Everything is just… gone. We're the only ones left. What's there to look forward to now?
Ian: [low and breathy] Don't worry... no one will ever find you here, not even him.
Ian: It's just going to be you and me... [unhinged chuckle] [pleasured sigh] forever. Just like it was always meant to be. [disturbing giggle]
Shaun: [choking on tears] It... it's fine. It's really fine. Things might look bad right now, but... but it'll get better as long as we stick together. ...It's going to be fine.
Jack?: [menacing] You promised to sing my music for me, remember? You promised to never leave me or forget me... You promised to always love me just as much as I love you... and those promises can never be broken.
Will you give in to the phantom's temptations?
Jack: If I am the phantom, it's because I was buried and forgotten.
Jack: If I am to be saved… it's because your love redeems me.
Or is it better to leave him forgotten?
Jack: [shouting, unhinged] This is the point of no return!
Jack: [ragged breathing, swallows hard] [whispered, desperate] Please... P-please. Don't leave me like this...
The Phantom of
Sunny Day
Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack Fangame Project
Coming Soon I
[April Fool's Skit]
Leaf: Hmm… What day is it today again?
Yuki: Today is [redacted], I think.
Yuki: Although… I feel like we're missing something too.
Kristella: You didn't actually think this was real did you?
Potato: Gosh, how embarrassing~
Lonsii: Looks like all that hard work paid off.
Prima: Even if it's just a prank, you all enjoyed it, right?~
Sauce: Zoo-wee-mama.
Everyone: HAPPY APRIL FOOLS!!!!111!!1!!11
[Click, the tape is stopped.]
Barry: No, no, no. [tisk] Cut the music.
Barry: This is all wrong.
Barry: Scrap it all and start over from the beginning. And make sure it's actually good this time!
Barry: [exasperated sigh] [mutters] Amateurs.
[Click of tape playing.]
SgtSemiSauce (@VoltagiumXO)
EC (@ThisisEClmao)
Potato (@enthusted_ubi)
Maus (@NaughtyMaus)
Sunny Day Jack
LewdZaxk (@LewdZaxk)
Shaun Durand-Cofer
Ben Sinning
Ian Duff
LewdZaxk (@LewdZaxk)
Shaun Durand-Cofer
Midnight Blu (@MidnightBlu11)
Nicolas "Nick" Herraras
Reece Bridger (@Reece_Bridger)
Yuki Dragon (@theyukidragon)
Yuki Dragon
Yuki Dragon
Lonsii (@Alonsy_Nah)
CG's lineworks by
EC and Potato
CG'S coloring by
Leaf (@luckycloverNB)
Ting (@ting4114)
Prima (@primarvelous)
Prima (@primarvelous)
Kristella-lav (@kristella_lav)
Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack
The Phantom of the Opera
The Snaccpop Studios Team (@SnaccPop)
All the fans of Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack who encouraged this project. The game might have been a prank, but we made this video with love for all of you. We hope you enjoyed it.
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braveclementine · 3 months
Chapter 17
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Warnings: None. (Will however be a 18+ reader book)
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
You, your soulmates, and the gymnastics team all had a great time talking to each other. They had all been invited to the wedding, although Isa and Ila wouldn't be able to stay. Sarah, Katerina, and Elizabeth would definitely be coming, which you glad for. Yonce couldn't stay either, though she wished me all the best and demanded that I send her pictures afterwards.
None of you had eaten much as you still had to attend the soulmate dinner that night. And at the dinner, you guys had talked about the shark incident, but there weren't any leads on it. Then you had gone to Stephen and Tony's room, sleeping in between the two of them that night. You had felt just as warm and content between Stephen and Tony's arms as you had Bucky, Sam, and Steve's.
The next day was rather uneventful, which you spent with Loki and Thor. You sort've noticed what Elizabeth meant about strange people. Though there were the normal tourists and bathing suit clad people, there were also the occasional suspicious looking person, wearing long sleeved shirts and khaki shorts to their knees. Sunglasses as well, sometimes even a baseball cap.
Every time you noticed one of them, Loki would duplicate himself, turn his second personage invisible, and sneak up behind the said person to listen in to any conversations they might be having.
However, half of the time, the person was just a normal tourist. The other half of the time, he didn't know what language they were speaking in. So he'd get his phone and video record them to share with the group later and see if any of them knew what the people were saying.
You and Loki were rather tense and nervous, making it hard to enjoy the day, but Thor was relaxed and carefree. It made things a bit better. He was constantly being asked to take pictures with people, and he couldn't deny kids whenever they wanted to hug him. He was such a soft marshmallow.
You spent much of your time at one of the pools. However, once Thor got in the pool, you casually made an excuse to get out of the water. You were sure Thor wouldn't electrocute the pool- on purpose- but still, you didn't want to be in a body of water with an electrical God in it.
Loki seemed to be thinking along the same lines, casually getting out of the water to sit next to you while he kept a green mist going into the pool.
"What are you doing?" You asked.
"Making the water electricity proof." Loki deadpanned, "So that if he does let out an electrical current, no one will get hurt."
"You're so sweet." You mumbled, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek. He blushed a little, focusing on the water more.
"I like Elizabeth." Loki said suddenly. "She seems like a nice person."
"She's very cheerful, but she has a very active imagination." You said. "So sometimes I wonder if she just made up the idea of suspicious guys because she just thought they were suspicious to her."
"Well, Wong said one of the videos was in Chinese. Unfortunately, it was a dialect you doesn't know completely and he thinks he translated it to something about a 'bomb', so he's sending the video to someone named Shaun to see if he knows what they're saying."
"The last thing we need is a bomb." You muttered, spirits dropping. "Whose Shaun?"
"I have no idea." Loki responded. "I'm going to go out on a limb though and say that he's Chinese."
"Makes sense." You said with a grin, "Would it be safe to get back in the water now?"
"Yes." Loki said, sliding back into the pool as though to prove a point.
"There you two are." Thor said with excitement before tossing another child up into the air so that they splashed into the water. Luckily, he wasn't tossing them to high so they didn't get hurt.
"Having fun?" You asked with a grin. Thor scooped you up into his arms before tossing you a little bit. You squealed with delight before you crashed back into the water. After you came back up out of the water, you could see all the kids clinging around Thor. "Again! Again!"
"He's going to be a great father." You mumbled to yourself.
You watched with amusement as a little girl tugged at Loki, begging him to toss her. Loki looked distraught, before he finally gave in, tossing her just as high as Thor did. Immediately, he was being swarmed with kids that were still waiting for Thor to toss him. Loki looked terrified, almost falling backwards over his feet.
"And he will not be." A voice laughed next to you.
You nearly screamed, jumping seventy feet in the air. "Elizabeth what the fuck!"
Elizabeth giggled, standing there in a simple navy blue, one piece bathing suit. It was outlined with a neon yellow trim. Her brown hair was back up in a bun. You could see the line from vision, and the two other empty lines. Her own colour was actually a large mix of red, yellow, green, blue, and black.
The colours seemed familiar. "Where are those colours from?"
"Oh, Hogwarts." She said, blushing. "Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and then the Teachers are black. I just love the Harry Potter universe so much that my bond just shifted into basically at Harry Potter themed bond."
"You must have the most colours in a single bond." You said.
"Nope. Remember, Billie Eilish has nine in hers."
"Oh yes, that's right." You said.
"What's Vision like?"
"He is very attentive and detail oriented. He uses proper English and large words. You two will get along well. He has another soulmate, Wanda, who you already met. He isn't always in his robot, he also has a really hot human form if I might say so myself." You said.
"What's Wanda like?" Elizabeth asked curiously, swirling her finger in the water, letting it manipulate so that it started to swirl in midair before she let the water fall so no one saw her do it.
"She's very sweet. She might be the same age as you. She has a twin brother named Pietro-" You cut off, remembering Pietro's colour bonds.
"Pietro?" Elizabeth questioned.
"One second." You said, quickly hurrying over to where Loki had gotten out of the pool once again, sulking in a sun chair, avoiding the children that were now hanging all over Thor like a monkey gym. You pulled our your phone, texted Wanda where you were, and told her that you might've met Pietro's soulmate and if he could come over so that you could test it out.
Less than five minutes later, Vision- in human form- Wanda, and Pietro were there. Vision greeted Elizabeth with a kiss on the cheek, which made her blush, and then she introduced herself to Pietro.
Pietro grabbed his left wrist before introducing himself very enthusiastically. You were delighted that Elizabeth was going to get to spend more time with you guys.
"Guess I'll be college in New York." Elizabeth said, making a face. She hated New York. She much preferred warmer climates like Florida or Texas, and hated cities. She preferred being int he country or at least the suburban's. It was her dream to own a farm one day.
Elizabeth's mother came over, always the protective hen, to see who Elizabeth was talking to. Elizabeth quickly introduced the three of them to her mother.
"You know. That means that Elizabeth's soulmates will make Wanda a soulmate to her own brother." Loki said.
"It's the same with you and Thor." You pointed out.
"Touché." he muttered.
"Judge yourself before you judge others." You teased.
He gave you a confused look, "But I'm perfect."
You burst out laughing before kissing his cheek, "Close enough anyways."
Eventually, you guys headed back- though Wanda, Vision, and Pietro stayed back with Elizabeth- and you guys had your soulmate dinner then and there before you guys headed to the Karaoke bar.
Almost everyone there was part of your group. From your soulmates to their friends to the Guardians and their friends, Wakandans, Asgardians, and of course the few members of your gymnastics team and their families who were slowly intermingling with the Avengers.
Elizabeth greeted you, wearing an orangey-brown dress with black swirls over it, a drop down golden green heart-shaped necklace, and cute matching cowgirl boots that cut off at the ankle. Her hair was finally down and wavy, some of it pulled back in a top knot.
"You look adorable." You complimented.
"Thank you." Elizabeth said. "You look beautiful."
You were wearing a dress as well, in the shade of [Random colour]. You'd pulled your hair back into a ponytail and were also wearing cowgirl boots, although they were in a shade that complimented the dress and went up to your knees. You wore a [leather/jean] jacket over it, along with [gold/silver] bangles on your wrists with matching earrings.
"Do you have any songs that you want to sing?" You asked.
"Not really. I can't sing." Elizabeth said, blushing.
"Nonsense." You scolded, "Remember that party that Litzy, Trang, Kat, Awa, and I were all at and we did Karaoke in the basement and you sang Dear Future Husband by Meghan Trainor? Sing that again."
"Oh? Okay." She said.
"Y/N!" Shuri's voice said excitedly. She came to a stop by your side, "Hi, I'm Shuri."
"Elizabeth." They shook hands. Then Shuri turned to me, "Okay so, me and you are going to sing I kissed a Girl by Katy Perry, got it?"
"But I've never kissed a girl." You protested.
Shuri wrapped her arms around you, giving you a nice kiss on your lips, which completely shocked you. "And now you have. Okay, see you later."
You gaped after her as she danced off to go and find Okoye.
"What the fuck just happened?" You asked Elizabeth.
She shrugged, looking a little embarrassed. "Um, you kissed a girl? Er, well, a princess. And she kissed you."
"Who kissed you?" T'Challa's voice asked as he came up behind the two of you. Elizabeth's cheeks flushed red. Yours burned too.
"Er- Shuri." Elizabeth said.
T'Challa choked on his drink. "S-Shuri?"
"You'll see why later." You said with a bit of a smile.
Peter Quil was singing Come and Get your love. He actually wasn't that bad to be honest.
Shuri was suddenly pulling your hand and you grabbed a microphone, feeling like you might throw up. Elizabeth might be able to sing. You on the other hand. . .
Shuri started out singing,
This was never the way I planned Not my intention I got so brave, drink in hand Lost my discretion It's not what I'm used to Just wanna try you on I'm curious for you Caught my attention
You joined in on the Chorus
I kissed a girl and I liked it The taste of her cherry chap stick I kissed a girl just to try it I hope my boyfriend don't mind it It felt so wrong It felt so right Don't mean I'm in love tonight I kissed a girl and I liked it I liked it
T'Challa's eyes widened as you continued to sing before he smiled, shaking his head, and downed the rest of his drink.
You and Shuri both sang the next part and the chorus together.
No, I don't even know your name It doesn't matter You're my experimental game Just human nature It's not what, good girls do Not how they should behave My head gets so confused Hard to obey
I kissed a girl and I liked it The taste of her cherry chap stick I kissed a girl just to try it I hope my boyfriend don't mind it It felt so wrong It felt so right Don't mean I'm in love tonight I kissed a girl and I liked it I liked it
And then you sang the last part of it by yourself before Shuri joined it for the Chorus. Both of you were dancing on the stage as you got used to singing on stage.
Us girls we are so magical Soft skin, red lips, so kissable Hard to resist so touchable Too good to deny it Ain't no big deal, it's innocent
I kissed a girl and I liked it The taste of her cherry chap stick I kissed a girl just to try it I hope my boyfriend don't mind it It felt so wrong It felt so right Don't mean I'm in love tonight I kissed a girl and I liked it I liked it
By the time you and Shuri stepped off the stage, you were feeling much better about this singing idea. You got Wanda and Nat together so that you guys could sing Obsessed by Mariah Carey.
Elizabeth took her turn, singing Dear Future Husband, which just proved that she was a wonderful singer, not to mention she danced perfectly to the song, making both Pietro and Vision's mouth drop.
"Oh, oh, Future Husband, better love me right."
And then she jumped off the stage to wild applause, throwing a wink at Vision and Pietro before sitting down next to you.
"Told you you could sing." You muttered to her.
She flushed, obviously embarrassed.
You, Wanda, and Nat went back up on stage to sing Obsessed, just as you had planned.
The music started, the three of you slightly dancing.
Nat started out.
All up in the blogs Saying we met at the bar When I don't even know who you are Saying we up in your house Saying I'm up in your car
Wanda was next
But you in LA and I'm out at Jermaine's I'm up in the A You so so lame And no one here even mentions your name It must be the weed, it must be the E 'Cause you've beem popping hood You get it popping
And then you
Oh, why you so obsessed with me (boy, I wanna know) Lying that you're sexing me (when everybody knows) It's clear that you're upset with me
It was actually kind've funny, cause there were several groups of people who were after you.
All three of you were singing the next part.
Finally found a girl that you couldn't impress Last man on the earth still couldn't hit this You're delusional, you're delusional Boy you're losing your mind
It's confusing yo', you're confused you know Why you're wasting your time? Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complex Seeing right through you like you're bathing in Windex Oh, oh, oh boy why you so obsessed with me?
Then you sang, Wanda first, you second, and Nat last before you guys went into the Chorus.
You on your job You hating hard Ain't gon' feed you I'm gonna let you starve
Gasping for air I'm ventilation You out of breath Hope you ain't waiting Telling the world how much you miss me
But we never were So why you trippin'? You a mom and pop I'm a corporation I'm the press conference You a conversation
Oh, why you so obsessed with me (and boy I wanna know) Lying that you're sexing me (when everybody knows) It's clear that you're upset with me (oh, oh, oh)
Finally found a girl that you couldn't impress Last man on the earth still couldn't hit this You're delusional, you're delusional Boy you're losing your mind
You guys had a lot of fun with that song, the dancing, the singing background lines while one of you sang the main part. And everyone was loving it. Maybe when you guys were done being superheroes, you could start a band.
You took a break for a long time, until Elizabeth dared you to sing a song by yourself. Your soulmates naturally encouraged you to do so. You sighed, deciding to go back up on the stage, trying to decide what else you could sing. Ah, yes, perfect.
I caught you cheating You had the nerve to say you're sleeping Just not with her, but tell your friends That I'll be lost without you And I'll admit it Sometimes I miss when we were in it So I made a list so I never forget All the things I hate about you
Almost all of the girls in the crowd started to scream without excitement.
Ten, you're selfish, nine, you're jaded Eight, the dumbest guy I dated Seven, talk a big game 'til you're naked Only six seconds, and I had to fake it Five, you're toxic, four, can't trust you Three, you still got mommy issues Two years of your bullshit I can't undo One, I hate the fact that you made me love you
Elizabeth looked mad that she had let me sing by myself. She loved this song and probably wanted to be singing with me. So you grabbed a second mic and tossed it to her so that she could sing the next verse from the floor:
Your friends must suck if they think you're cool A sloppy drunk obsessed with his Juul Keep buying bottles with your daddy's money And I don't know how I fell for your shit You gross me out, now I've got the ick And I've got a list of why you don't get to fuck me
You could see her mother in the crowd, pursing her lips at the last word in that sentence. She was a stickler on perfect language and lady-like language. You could also Steve roll his eyes as you grinned at him. Now that Elizabeth had joined in, the crowd was cheering even louder. Apparently she was going to be very popular tonight.
Ten, you're selfish, nine, you're jaded Eight, the dumbest guy I dated Seven, talk a big game 'til you're naked Only six seconds and I had to fake it Five, you're toxic, four, can't trust you Three, you still got mommy issues Two years of your bullshit I can't undo One, I hate the fact that you made me love you
You and Elizabeth were jumping up and down as you guys sang the chorus, both of you really excited.
You made me love you You made me love you Ooh, ah How'd you make me love you?
And I'll admit it Sometimes I miss when we were in it So I made a list, yeah Ten things I hate about you
Ten, you're selfish, nine, you're jaded Eight, the dumbest guy I dated Seven talk a big game 'til you're naked Only six seconds and I had to fake it Five, you're toxic, four, can't trust you Three, you still got mommy issues Two years of your bullshit I can't undo One, I hate the fact that you made me love you
You and Elizabeth finished the song, nearly tossing your mics up in the air. The Karaoke bar had gathered a large crowd tonight and they were cheering now. All of your soulmates looked so happy and almost proud.
And then that was when the bomb went off.
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pagodazz · 5 months
spare patrick/michael andersen headcanons to cure my brainrot mayhaps?
are you a god send????? I have literally been sitting here rocking back and forth waiting for someone to ask for more of these PLEASE IM SOOO HAPPY TO PROVIDE!!!!
Recently I've been thinking a lot about how Michael and Patrick function as a "We", I think it's so interesting because all the other characters we deal with when they have an entity they want them out and are begging to be saved while it's just not like that with them.
they're able to communicate with each other and they're able to understand each other's needs. They're very dependent on each other or atleast Patrick is VERY dependent on Michael, which to be fair he's like a parasite, a chip in Michael's head, right??? Which is what I think separates them from everyone else, Patrick and Michael are not like Evan and HABIT, Evan is HABITs favorite toy, Patrick and Michael are MADE for each other.
Now I've even thought about what this means for dating and stuff HELP. as someone who has a stupid crack ship or Vinnie w these guys (but you can use this for ur own or just ignore this part of you don't see them in relationships), I've tried to find something that makes sense,, and it's pretty much just polyamory but your 2 boyfriends share a body. A two for the price of one type of deal HELP. I don't think Patrick is one to actively seek out romance but if it happens to be something that finds him, I don't think he'd have the strength to really push it away, him and Michael really only knows how to run. I think they'd be a package deal if you love one you have to love both because they're JUST THAT INTERTWINED. I don't see them as being very romantic with each other, but I can see them being so in touch with each others emotions that they can't help but feel the same things.
Michael would probably explain his situation to people and if they're not able to understand him and accept him he can't be with them because what is the POINT. If they don't accept him for all the shit he's got going on, they could never really even love him. And I think he would want Patrick to be loved too, he doesn't want him to be alone even if Patrick is with him, he knows it's just not enough sometimes.
I think Michael would write stories when he was in the ward, him and Patrick would come up with ideas because the other kids would be too scared to talk to them. Instead of playing with the others Michael would hide off In a corner writing stories or just playing alone when in reality he's actually playing with Patrick. They would come up with endless stories and Michael knew he wouldn't share them with anyone else, except maybe Shaun.
The stories would probably be more true stories, even if Michael didn't know they were, Patrick would. Patrick obviously would wait a long time before ever revealing to Michael that they both truly know more than anyone could ever know. Michaels stories would be dark and violent, they'd be horror filled, he wouldn't be able to write about happy things, because he doesn't have anything happy to write about.
MICHAEL ANDERSEN IS A STONER, it's easy for him and it feels good, even when he does too much and gets paranoid he's just glad his head isn't screaming at him and all he really has to worry about are the figures he see out of the corner of his eye, which he'd see if he was sober anyways.
I think he is a big fan of stuff from the 80s - early 2000s stuff. I think he'd have the original Xbox and a box tv. IM TALKING OLDD.
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I think there's just something about it that's so him,,, AND HE WOULD SO OWN A PLAYSTATION ASWELL. he's such a gamer to me, he wants to make up for all the shit he missed out on.
I think he would really like this one hulk game "hulk ultimate destruction",,, I USED TO BE OBSESSED WITH THAT GAME AS I KID.
I like to think in my own slenderverse world Vinnie (& Shaun would too) would show Michael all these games and get him OBSESSED. he's definitely a my sims guy, NOT REGULAR SIMS,, IM TALKING THESE FUCKERS
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I feel like he would absolutely ADORE THIS GAME. am I projecting?? absolutely. But they are SO HIM TO ME.
have some pictures that make me think of Michael and Patrick
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basmathgirl · 7 months
Due to personal reasons I wasn’t able to watch the 60th DW anniversary episodes when they aired. But now I’m caught up on everything and I have some thoughts and questions(?) about the Doctor and Donna’s famous platonic relationship.
And I think I need a bit of clarification first. Everyone likes to talk about their friendship, their platonic relationship, about them being platonic soulmates… And yes that is true, especially after the 60th anniversary. However I always assumed, when they met the second time (s4e1), Donna tried to find the Doctor, not just because she wanted to go on an adventure, but also because she was somewhat attracted to him as well.???
But I guess I read her character and the situation in e1 of s4 completely wrong, because I used to think her saying that he is an alien streak of nothing and she would never consider him in a romantic manner, especially in the moment immediately after him stating he just wants a friend, was more a way to protect herself and her feelings than anything else.
Don’t get me wrong I love their friendship and I’m glad she didn’t pine for him like some other companions did. But saying it was platonic from the very start for both of them always seemed wrong to me.?🤔
As I mentioned I just finished watching the anniversary episodes and although I loooved them, a part of me is a tiny bit annoyed that the fandom (not the DW fandom overall, but the Donna x Doctor fans) readily embraced the “they are just friends” scenario. I mean in truth there is nothing to complain about really, we got a happy ending and I never expected them to become canon in the first place. (The Doctor rarely has real romantic relationships in canon anyway, except when he does...🙄) But even people who shipped them before, are now just basking in this platonic setting they presented us, and push the Donna x Doctor idea away. At least it seems like this to me.
And I know their relationship is super special nonetheless. They are soulmates! But I guess I wanted more for Donna... She always seemed like a very passionate person. Someone who deserved something special in every area of her life. Someone who would have or would want to have passion, something special and meaningful when it comes to their love life as well. And her relationship with Shaun just doesn’t look like it is something like this. But of course we only witnessed a small part of their life and they are already married for 15 years. Plus relationships don’t have to be loud, dramatic and flashy to be happy and fulfilled. But the words Donna used to talk about Shaun and their marriage are somewhat telling in my opinion. Moreover I would dare to argue that it is very obvious that he loves her a lot more than she loves him…
I just know if they had set up the relationship between the Doctor and Donna differently from the very beginning, gave it more room for interpretation, this whole arc, where they are separated for over a decade and then found each other again could have been a great love story. I mean it is, a great love story, but you know what I’m getting at.
In the end it is probably the best to remind myself that DW isn’t about sappy love stories anyway...🤷‍♀️
Sorry you didn’t get to watch the 60th specials until recently, as there’s always a buzz to watching stuff sort of along with other people.
Ah, the ‘platonic relationship’ that many non-shippers refer to; which is their right to do so, but you won’t find me thinking that way. Donna was not immune to the Doctor’s looks, she just chose to ignore the issue. After all, why did she react with a knee-jerk panic when he mentioned wanting a mate? It certainly hit a nerve, caused by past experience, or secretly liking the look of him. “They fell for each other” David Tennant said about the Doctor and Donna at the end of The Runaway Bride so it is perfectly valid to assume she wasn’t just seeking a quick trip in the TARDIS when she sought him out. I mean, a whole year? For someone you aren’t attracted to? That’s a long time to look for someone you’re just after a job/experience from.
She called him a long streak of nothing to stop him thinking she fancied him, because she didn’t want to embarrass herself by being rejected. She wanted a meaningful relationship, not a quick bunk up.
During the 50th anniversary celebrations, they interviewed some of the past Doctors about how they felt about the romantic angle that occurs in nu!Who. Apart from the general disgust romance was included, Peter Davison said an interesting thing. He felt certain that, if Donna had been given another series with the Doctor, they’d have ended up in a physical non-platonic relationship (shall we say). But DT did state once that the Doctor is asexual, so take from that what you will.
The biggest obstacle for TenxDonna shippers where the Fourteenth Doctor is concerned is Shaun Temple. Do you condone  adultery and ship them, kick Shaun out of the way somehow, or leave them as platonic best friends? It’s a conundrum, but most of the shippers I know have decided the marriage between Donna and Shaun had ended long ago and they are hanging on to their tepid relationship by the skin of their teeth, just because of Rose Temple. In RL this would be true; so I’m perfectly happy to go along with it.
I completely agree with you: Shaun loves Donna a lot more than she loves him. You don’t describe your husband as merely ‘nice’; and she only said “I love you” to his face to get him to take Rose to safety. As Wilf said in the café, she was making do, and her chat with Sylvia about missing someone underlines that fact.
RTD wrote The Runaway Bride as a romcom gone wrong. There are even aspects of that in Partners In Crime. The companion in S4 was supposed to be the love of the Doctor’s lives; and when CT was cast that plan was ditched and Rose Tyler was promoted into that spot, for a while. Hmm. Makes you think, eh? Because all that has been sort of reversed thanks to the 60th anniversary specials. Their reunion could have been a great love story, but under the supervision of RTD it was never going to be that, let’s be honest here. He has always had an ulterior agenda to shoehorn Rose into everything, and he managed it through the metacrisis resolution.
Just remind yourself, love, that although Doctor Who has never been about sappy love stories (can’t upset the watching sexist dads, can we), the fanfiction has ALWAYS been dominated by sappy love stories; and long may it continue to do so! 😉☺️
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nightingaelic · 2 years
Since I’ve seen you also do fallout 4 Reacts, how about this, romanced fallout 4 companions react to synth Shaun calling the mom/dad
They had known, going into this thing they shared with Vault 111's sole survivor, that the road to a happy ending wasn't going to be easy. Love was already hard enough to navigate, even without the person on the receiving end being a pre-war relic, a figurehead of the Commonwealth, and number one most wanted on multiple factions' bounty lists. Those moments of peace they managed to snatch were fleeting, but they teased of greater things, and when their fingers and the sole survivor's intertwined atop the roof of Mass Fusion as the Institute crumbled into the Charles River below, they selfishly wondered if this meant a newfound freedom for their relationship.
Then came Shaun. Pure, naive, starry-eyed Shaun, who looked up at the sole survivor with the sweetest smile and gifted them the saddest holotape, who held out his arms for one person only and folded inward if left with anyone else. He confounded everyone, not just the sole survivor's chosen partner, but it didn't matter. His remaining parent held him close during the darkest hours, told him stories and sang him lullabies until he stopped shaking and slept. It was on one of these late nights that the sole survivor's companion resolved to do right by both of them, no matter what it took, and pressed a gentle kiss into the crown of the sleeping boy's head.
Cait: "You envy him," the sole survivor said quietly the next morning as they watched Shaun skip ahead on the road to Diamond City.
Cait swallowed. "I do," she admitted. "I've told you what my own parents were like. When I look at you, I can't help but notice every last little thing they didn't do. Everything you are doing, with him. He's damn lucky, and he doesn't even know it. Then there's me, and kids... All the ones I spent time around were just as broken as I was, older souls than they deserved to be. He won't ever know that kind of fear, and I'm fucking glad of it, but it also means I can't talk to him."
"Well, you have to start somewhere. But I get it." The sole survivor pulled her in by the waist and kissed her. "I love you, Cait. I can't tell you not to feel sad about the way things worked out- just don't take it out on him. He's been through a lot, too."
Cait rolled her eyes when they weren't looking, certain that she was always going to be the distant, red-headed stepmother to Shaun's actual parent, but her moment came sooner than expected. Batty old Moe Cronin was still hawking his baseball gear in Diamond City's town square, beckoning to anyone who wandered too close. "Swatters, right here!" he called as the sole survivor and their little family passed by, clearly aware that Shaun had perked up his ears. "Don't let down the home team! Why, even kids will appreciate a swatter in their hands, when they're traveling the Commonwealth!"
"No thanks, Moe," the sole survivor said, waving the salesman off. "He's still a little young for that kind of sport."
"I disagree," Cait cut in, putting a defiant hand on her hip. "Best to start him young, else he won't know what he's doing until it's too late."
Shaun looked between his two guardians. "Please?" he begged the sole survivor. "Mom's okay with it."
Cait could've melted, right then and there in the marketplace. Before the sole survivor had a chance to answer, she'd turned back to Moe, fumbling for her caps. "That one," she said, pointed at a lighter model splashed with indigo paint. "Seems about the right size."
Moe took it down from his display wall and presented it to the boy. "A genuine model, there. Perfect for a first-time owner. You take good care of her, kid."
Cait pulled the boy close to her hip and ruffled his hair. "He'd better. I was planning on using those caps to buy us Power Noodles."
Shaun smiled and closed his eyes as he hugged the baseball bat close. "Thanks, mom."
Curie: Although her educational modules had only been installed for the purpose of making her a better laboratory assistant in Vault 81, Curie still had the full knowledge repository of a Miss Nanny robot to draw upon stored up in her new synthetic brain. Caring for a 10-year-old boy meant following clear developmental guidelines and standards, and she set about writing a rough curriculum for him so as to give him some semblance of schooling while he wandered the Commonwealth with his guardians.
To her delight, Curie found Shaun to be especially receptive to her lessons. He was very interested in biology and history, perhaps because of the obvious blind spots that came with spending his early life inside the Institute. He wanted to know everything there was to know about the mutated creatures that walked the wasteland, coloring in the pictures of radstags and deathclaws and bloatflies alike in Curie's battered notebook as she sketched them. For history, though, Curie had to turn to those around her. The most recent history of the Commonwealth could be found with the sole survivor, who had spent most of their post-vault life at the center of it. Further accounts came from Preston Garvey thanks to his experience with the Minutemen, and Piper Wright and Nick Valentine had quite a bit more in their extensive periodical and case records. Even Paladin Danse pitched in, offering a rather thorough recollection of the Brotherhood of Steel's history on both coasts of North America and in between that left Shaun playing at being a Scribe for over a week.
Shaun's best subject, though, was language. He had an adequate grasp of English, but he began to press Curie early on to teach him French. She added it in between her other lessons, until they could carry on basic conversations. "Pourquoi vouliez-vous apprendre le français?" Curie asked him one day when it was just the two of them, curious. "Oui, ç'est une belle langue, but it is not especially common in the Commonwealth."
Shaun smiled. "Parce que ça nous appartient, maman."
"Maman?" Curie smiled back. "I did not teach you that word."
"You did," Shaun insisted, crawling into her lap to hug her. "Oui, maman, you did."
Curie ended the lesson early and gave him her pencil and notebook to draw pictures in. When the sole survivor returned that evening from their trade excursion, she presented them with the piece of art he had made, depicting the three travelers locked in battle with a mirelurk queen. The sole survivor looked over it with a smile, ran a thumb over the words he'd scribbled next to Curie's blazing laser rifle. "'Ma maman,'" they read with a grin, drawing her into a one-armed hug. "Congratulations, mom."
Paladin Danse: "I'm a liability to you," Danse argued with the sole survivor the next day, as they packed their things to hit the road again. "To both of you. You know what will happen if a Brotherhood patrol recognizes me."
"So wear this." The sole survivor tossed him a ratty shawl and a red bandanna. "Cover your face. Plenty of people do, in these parts."
"And if they recognize my voice?" Dance argued. "Only the greenest Initiates would be fooled by a disguise this thin."
"You're giving the Brotherhood too much credit." The sole survivor straightened up from organizing their pack. "Just let me do the talking and try not to worry."
"Easier said than done," Danse grumbled, picking up their wasteland fashion offerings with obvious distaste.
They were ready to go by noon, the sole survivor's pack slung over their shoulder and Shaun's hand firmly grasped in theirs. Danse brought up the rear as they crossed the bridge out of Sanctuary, and he tugged the bandanna around his neck up to cover his face once they reached the other side of the river.
When Shaun next turned back, distracted by some dry branches creaking together overhead, he giggled in surprise. "Why are you wearing that?" he asked, pointing to the bandanna.
"It's not safe," Danse grunted, lowering his laser rifle a little.
"But why does that help keep you safe?"
The sole survivor reached down to ruffle their son's hair. "It's a little hard to explain, Shaun. Some people out here don't like Danse. He's trying to hide his face from them, so they don't know it's him."
"But there's no one here," Shaun insisted, throwing his arms out to indicate the barren landscape and its silence.
"Well, you never know," Danse said, taking the bait. "Come here. Look at that tree. That big one, see it? I'd say it's wide enough to hide a man behind it. Maybe even a raider or two, if they're skinny."
"What about that one?" Shaun asked, pointing to a larger tree.
Danse nodded solemnly. "Three raiders. Easily."
He winked at the sole survivor, who was stifling their giggles. Shaun, who was staring open-mouthed at the trees, missed it. "Can I have one too, dad?" the boy asked, tugging Danse's sleeve.
"One of what?" Danse replied, unable to keep his voice from cracking.
"A bandanna." Shaun looked up at him with a smile. "We can hide together."
Danse, lost, looked helplessly to the sole survivor. Without a word, they pulled a navy blue bandanna from their pack and handed it over. Danse knelt down and carefully tied the cloth around Shaun's face. "There you go, soldier," he said when he was finished, and the words felt softer in his mouth than any of the other times he'd said them.
Mayor John Hancock: Though he was brave enough to risk a little affection after the kid was asleep, Hancock gave Shaun plenty of space during the waking hours. He wasn't blind to the way some people looked at him. Most kids stared.
Shaun wasn't any different in that aspect, but the fact that this red-coated, tricorn-bedecked ruin of a man was keeping his parent company proved too much for his curiosity. Once the stage of open-mouthed, morbid fascination had passed, Shaun's face grew more contemplative. He started to watch closely as Hancock did basic things. Eat. Sleep. Tie some cloth over a wound. Brush his teeth. He didn't seem embarrassed when Hancock made it obvious these attentions were noticed by waggling his brows or pulling funny faces in the middle of a meal- he just looked like he was filing the information away in his head. He wasn't immune to Hancock's infectious humor though, and he eventually started to giggle and make faces back. The sole survivor rolled their eyes at the pair of them, but Hancock egged them on until they, too, succumbed to the silliness.
When the trio paid their first visit to Goodneighbor and people on the street began to greet Hancock as "mayor," Shaun's eyes grew as wide as Port-A-Diner saucers. Hancock relished the attention, stopped in at every trading stall and tipped his hat to every vagabond they passed. Though Shaun kept a tight hold of his parent's hand, it was obvious he was a little lost between the attention that the sole survivor and the returning town leader were receiving. Things came to a head when a crowd gathered around the travelers and Shaun's grip on the sole survivor's hand was jostled loose. As would-be admirers moved in and separated them, Shaun's voice was thin and high under the boisterous conversations. "Ha-Han... dad!"
"Whoa." Hancock threw his arms out, pushed the crowd back. "Give us some space, folks. Yeah, you, back up or I'll sic Fahrenheit on you."
Shaun was clinging to his leg, and he relaxed a little as Hancock lifted him up to eye level with the adults. Hancock puffed with the effort. The kid was heavier than he looked. "Now this here," he said, grunting as he re-positioned the boy on his hip, "Is Shaun. He's with me."
"Is he yours, Hancock?" teased Rufus Rubins from somewhere in the crowd.
"As good as," Hancock replied proudly. He looked at Shaun and smiled. "It's okay, kid. I've got you."
When the boy smiled back at him shyly, Hancock plopped his tricorn onto the boy's head. "Ever thought about becoming a deputy mayor?" he asked. "Don't worry. It's a pretty easy job."
Robert Joseph MacCready: More than anything, MacCready wondered if he was being fair. He'd just gotten his own son back, and Duncan's renewed presence in his life was a constant reminder of just how much he'd missed. How long had it been, since he'd left his little boy with friends and trudged north, hoping against hope that he'd find a cure for the illness that wracked his little frame? How many pounds had he put on since he'd sent the miracle medicine home? How many inches had he grown, how many questions had he missed? He couldn't help but marvel at this little boy who was so big now, so much like Lucy and so much like him.
Shaun was older, Shaun was quieter, and Shaun was watching every time MacCready felt the need to pause, staring at his own little creation in awe. He knew it. He started consciously doing the same for Shaun, just so he wouldn't feel left out, and to his surprise, taking the extra time meant he noticed things he initially hadn't. The way he looked warily at the settlements they visited, searching for hiding spots to retreat to. The way his eyes gleamed in the light of his parent's Pip-Boy, entranced by the holotape games they collected. The way his cheeks dimpled when he smiled, the way he pronounced certain words, the way he tied his shoes and drew his letters and grabbed his guardians' hands when he was scared. Yes, Shaun was a miniature sole survivor in countless ways, but there was a little bit of MacCready in the way he approached the wasteland.
MacCready began to mix them up, Duncan and Shaun, and they laughed and corrected him and teased him to no end along with the sole survivor. It only made him smile wider. They were between Bunker Hill and Goodneighbor one day, playing "I spy" as they passed through the ruined city, when Duncan picked a rather obvious target for the guessing game. "I spy with my little eye... something that is... green."
"The water," the sole survivor guessed, pointing toward the Charles River. Duncan shook his head emphatically.
"It better not be a super mutant," MacCready said, only mildly concerned. The streets had been quiet for their entire trip.
"Dad's hat," Shaun guessed.
The sole survivor and MacCready stopped in their tracks. MacCready's hand went to his cap. Duncan nodded and giggled, and he squirmed with joy when his dad plopped the hat in question onto his head.
MacCready swept Shaun up into his arms. Shaun looked at him, wide-eyed, unused to the overt affection. "What?"
The sniper cocked an eyebrow at him. "Dad?"
MacCready planted a scratchy kiss on the boy's cheek, reveling in the shriek of surprise it elicited. "Okay," he said with pride. "We do look alike."
"We do not."
Piper Wright: It was a promise that Piper had made once before, after her dad had been murdered and she'd been left the sole caretaker for her little sister. She and Nat had managed to navigate their new roles eventually, eked out a living in Diamond City and grown together as best they could. Piper had settled into something that wasn't quite sisterhood, parenthood, friendship or work partnership, and yet encompassed all of the above. The sole survivor had fit into that life alongside her fairly well, what with their transient inclinations, responsibilities to their associates, and being a lightning rod for Commonwealth intrigue, but Shaun presented a new challenge.
"Diamond City's the best place for him," Piper insisted to the sole survivor any chance she got. They were at Home Plate for now, but the wasteland wanderer had that look in their eye that suggested they were growing restless, unsure of their safety and the safety of their child. "There's a school, there's food, running water and a security force and oodles of people who dote on him just because he's a kid in the wasteland with manners, which is a rarity nowadays."
They always looked at her sadly. "A synth kid, Piper. People will notice eventually."
"So what? Nick's a synth, Diamond City got used to him!"
"We need to go soon, Piper, for his sake. It'll be okay."
"Stay, Blue."
The pair went around in circles like that whenever they got a spare moment, saying it every different way but getting nowhere. They were in the middle of one of these arguments when they were interrupted by Nat and Shaun, who blew into the little house with a gust of wind, rain, and flapping newspaper pages. The two kids had their arms locked at the elbows and were giggling wildly, but they stopped short when they saw the way their respective guardians were talking. "Is everything okay?" Nat asked warily.
"Yeah," Piper answered quickly, hiding her expression by removing her cap to scratch her head. The sole survivor had other ideas, and took this moment as an opportunity. They got down on one knee and took Shaun's hands in theirs. "Shaun, buddy, we need... I need to go on a trip. For a while. Do you want to come with me?"
Shaun's eyes flicked between them and Piper, uncertain. "Are mom and Nat coming, too?" he asked.
Nat's eyes widened and Piper's heart leapt into her throat. The sole survivor choked on their words, and tears welled up in the corners of their eyes. They looked up at Piper, their apology plain on their face. "She- we-"
Piper dove in, wrapped Shaun in a hug and twirled him up in her ratty coat. He laughed, surprised, and the reporter beamed down at him.
When the two had ceased their little dance, Piper turned back to the sole survivor and helped them up off the rug. "Come on, Blue," she said, giving them a kiss on the cheek. "We're being stupid. Let's talk this out like a family. Nat and Shaun deserve to know what's up."
Preston Garvey: Preston had thanked his lucky stars several times over the last few months that the sole survivor had risen to the challenge of becoming General of the Minutemen, but now he found himself continually second-guessing that decision. As they pursued the Institute across the Commonwealth, unearthed horrific truth after horrific truth, he'd grieved their spouse and child with them and thrown himself into the work of rebuilding the Minutemen to help them fill that void of loss. He hadn't expected, at the end of things, that the Institute would leave them something else to help fill the void - and now, looking at Shaun, Preston couldn't help but blame himself for centering the sole survivor and leaving them with responsibilities that got in the way of caring for the boy.
So Preston did what he could. When the General was in talks with traders to negotiate caravan protections at the Castle, he took Shaun walking along the shores of Dorchester Bay, hunting for mirelurk eggs. When the General was away from Sanctuary helping settlements, he tucked Shaun into bed at night and read him stories from a worn book of fables that Sturges had bought off of Trashcan Carla. When the General came home late looking like they'd crawled through a yao guai den on their stomach, he hung up their coat, pushed them into the shower, and made dinner with Codsworth while Shaun supervised and decided whether it needed more salt.
"I don't deserve you," the sole survivor said gratefully each time.
"You do," Preston always reassured them. "You both do."
Shaun was less quick to appreciate Preston's care, but slowly he warmed up to the General's right-hand man. He remembered the best spots for picking raspberries that they found together, he started to request tales about the Minutemen as his bedtime stories, and whenever Codsworth asked him about his day, he would shyly look to Preston before relating their adventures together. It was slow going, but each time the boy looked at his parent's partner, there was less and less hesitancy.
One night after a particularly long day on the road, Preston and Shaun were pinching together some ground mole rat potstickers for soup while the sole survivor washed up. Shaun had a case of the giggles and kept leaving floury fingerprints on his own face, which Preston kept trying and failing to wipe off with a kitchen towel. As Shaun fought off another of these attempts, amidst his happy laughter, he pushed the towel away and shrieked, "Dad, stooooop!"
Preston froze. In the bathroom, something clattered to the floor. Even Codsworth paused chopping vegetables to swivel his eye stalks toward the kitchen table. Shaun made a face. "What?"
Gently, Preston put his thumb over one of the flour spots on Shaun's face and rubbed it away. He tousled the boy's hair and chuckled. "Nothing. Nothing at all. Save the razorgrain flour for the dumplings, buddy, okay?"
Porter Gage: Even compared to everything else in Nuka-World, Porter Gage knew he was the rustiest piece of equipment in the park. Well, everyone in Nuka-World was an antique of some sort, hanging onto a bygone or kitted out in tattered costume from days gone by - hell, the Overboss was practically a pre-war collectible - but Gage felt stiff and dusty, even compared to them. He was old, for a raider. Raiders didn't get old. There was safety in being overlooked because of your age and lack of ambition, but it sure didn't make you interesting to the average kid.
Eventually though, that ability to be overlooked came out in Gage's favor, when it came to Shaun. Shaun was an oddity in the park. Anyone who was stuck firmly to the side of the Overboss was an oddity, but beyond that, Shaun was a kid. Raiders didn't get old, and they definitely didn't have kids if they could help it. Most of the gangs were respectful to the Overboss and their kiddo, but when they'd passed out of earshot, they talked. A liability. A loose end. Not even human, a few of them said.
Gage didn't say anything, but he did listen, and he did tell his partner what the situation was when Shaun was asleep for the night. When they had him pressed against the wall of Fizztop Grille's reception, he spun them ideas about what to do until they told him to shut up or rendered him speechless themselves. Honestly, that told him everything he needed to know. They were at a loss for what to do about the kid, too.
If he'd been a younger man, maybe Gage could've let things play themselves out. But he wasn't, so he took the boy under his wing. He gave him his best knife and his second-best pistol and taught him how to use both on the prop cutouts in Dry Rock Gulch. He taught him how to move silently through the overgrowth of Safari Adventure. He taught him the best places to check for supplies in abandoned towns, on one particularly memorable afternoon in Bradberton, when Shaun shot his first feral and only cried for a little bit afterward.
"It's alright, kid," Gage reassured him, rubbing his shoulder while Shaun tried to calm his hiccups. "They don't know themselves anymore. There's no going back. You did him a kindness."
"Doesn't feel like it," Shaun sniffled.
Suddenly, the boy turned into Gage's shoulder, hugged him awkwardly around the metal mess of his armor. "I'm not any good at this like you, dad. I'm sorry."
Gage closed his eyes for a moment. Against his better judgment, he unbuckled his armor, put his arm around Shaun and pulled him into his chest. "No one's good at first, kiddo. But I'll be here until you are. Promise."
Deacon: Though Deacon would never admit it, Shaun terrified Deacon. He'd wanted a kid at some point, obviously, but that version of himself seemed so far removed from who he was now. Different place, different face, different circumstances and perspectives. He wasn't sure he could go back to that mindset now.
Much like the sole survivor though, he didn't have a choice. Shaun was here, curiously peeking at the papers on Desdemona's workstation and getting shooed out of Carrington's clinic. At least Tinker Tom was self-aware enough to tone down his swearing and more dangerous experimentation, but Deacon and the sole survivor agreed that the sooner Shaun got out of HQ, the better.
"They're all intimidated by you," Deacon whispered conspiratorially to Shaun on the day they finally packed up their things. "You're the best Railroad agent here, and they all know it."
"Really?" Shaun whispered back. "I thought you were the best Railroad agent here."
"It goes you, me, Desdemona, then your parent," Deacon counted off on his fingers. He shouldered the pack Shaun had stuffed to the brim and groaned. "Oof, you've got a lot of stuff already. That's how I know you're the best agent. You're already hanging onto supplies in case of the worst. Smart."
The sole survivor pulled Shaun into a half-hug, caressing his head. "I still rank under Desdemona, huh?"
Deacon winked. "You're getting there. Come on, we'll go out the back door."
Once the three emerged, blinking, into the North End, Shaun took one of the sole survivor's hands and one of Deacon's. "Where are we going?" he asked.
The sole survivor squinted at the buildings around them. "North," they answered vaguely.
"To a deathclaw farm," Deacon said solemnly. "Where they hatch the little lizards and teach them how to be big, ferocious beasts."
"Sorry. Just a rad chicken farm that's helped us out once or twice."
Shaun looked up at Deacon. "Are deathclaw farms real, dad?"
Deacon choked on his witty response and fell into a coughing fit. The sole survivor looked shocked too, but a smile came over their face and they slapped him on the back a few times until his lungs quieted down.
"Uh, eh-heh, no, buddy," Deacon answered, gripping the boy's hand a little more firmly. "But you know what they say: Be the change you want to see in the world. If you want to go all-in on deathclaw farming, I'm right there with you."
Desdemona: Every day after that, Desdemona expected to wake up and find the sole survivor and their son gone. She couldn't leave HQ now, what with the post-Institute clean-up filling all their safehouses and gumming up the usual escape routes, and PAM changing her mind every minute about what predictions were most likely. All of that combined with the general atmosphere of uncertainty around the Railroad's future - what does the Railroad do, when all of the synths that can be rescued have been rescued? - kept her to-do list full and her mind racing. In the past, her busy periods were an invitation for her unlikely partner to depart on their own adventures, check in with things around the Commonwealth that didn't immediately concern the Railroad, and she fully anticipated this from them now that they had a child to care for, too.
But Shaun and the sole survivor stayed. Deacon's finest recruit rolled up their sleeves and joined her at the war table, read her notes back to her and pointed out strategic opportunities, discrepancies, details she might have overlooked. Desdemona was surprised by how well they managed to mesh with her style of leadership. In the past, anyone who had tried to butt in on her planning usually wound up clashing with her, prioritizing in different ways or misunderstanding critical operations they just didn't know the ins and outs of. Somehow, the sole survivor avoided all of these pitfalls and slid right into the fray next to her.
Shaun was less helpful than his parent, prone to doodling on less-important papers and humming along with the songs on Diamond City Radio, but his quiet presence was company enough. While the sole survivor was still catching up on the sleep they'd lost burying the Institute, Shaun seemed content to remain at Desdemona's side late into the night, watching her work.
It was on one of these late evenings, after all of the agents except the night watch had gone to bed, that Shaun let out a yawn as wide as the Charles River and blinked sleepily up at the Railroad leader. "Mom, I'm tired."
Desdemona paused her dead drop status review and looked down at him with a surprised smile. "I've got to stay up, Shaun. This is important."
"But I'm tired."
"Okay." Desdemona put her pencil down and picked him up. He was heavy, but not so heavy that she wasn't able to carry him to the cots in the back and deposit him gently next to the sole survivor. The movement was enough to wake them, and they pulled the boy in close and wrapped him in some of their blanket. Desdemona tucked them in and went back to the glow of the lanterns with the sound of Shaun's words ringing in her ears.
Elder Arthur Maxson: The Squires on the Prydwen tried to adopt the new boy into their number, of course, but to the sole survivor's dismay, Shaun's odd remarks about "life on the surface" soon labeled him as an outcast. The boy turned even further inward, befriending an odd group of individuals: Scribe Haylen, Paladin Brandis, Senior Scribe Neriah, Emmett the cat. All of them were kind and patient with Shaun, but none of them were exactly peers.
"I don't suppose you could order the Squires to be nicer to him," the sole survivor remarked with a hint of bitterness during one of their visits to the Elder's quarters.
"Let him find his own way," Maxson replied kindly. "If I interfere, they will only resent him for it."
It felt harsher when he said it out loud, but the sole survivor respected his judgment. Still, Maxson couldn't help but recall his own difficult childhood spent searching for friendship, for anyone who might see him as a person instead of a future Elder. When he next had free time, he visited Proctor Quinlan's library of holotapes and came away with a stack of games and transcribed books.
Later that evening, the sole survivor walked into their quarters to find Maxson and Shaun on the bed with their Pip-Boy, Maxson cheering the boy on as he navigated his band of adventurers through a dungeon level in Grognak & the Ruby Ruins. "Go left," Maxson urged. "There's a treasure chest down that hallway."
"How do you know?" Shaun asked, screwing his mouth up in concentration as he input the commands.
"I've been playing this game since before you were alive. See, in the corner over there."
The sole survivor joined them on the bed. "Watch out for goblins."
"Oh, dad showed me how to fight them off already."
Maxson stiffened, and looked quickly over Shaun's head at the sole survivor. Their eyes widened meaningfully, and they tilted their head down toward their son. "Did he show you the goblin village yet?"
Shaun looked up at Maxson. "There's a goblin village?"
"There... there is." Maxson swallowed his misgivings for the moment and directed his attention back to the game. He put an arm around the boy and tilted the Pip-Boy so he could see a little better. "Let's get through this dungeon together first."
Nick Valentine: To Nick's surprise, Shaun warmed up to him fast. He wasn't put off by his missing parts, his glowing eyes or the occasional whirring noises that emanated from inside his chest cavity like most kids. In fact, he liked to press his ear up to Nick's shirt and listen, trying to figure out what the noise was. "It's like your heartbeat," he always said.
"What's it saying?" Nick would ask. Shaun would imitate whatever noise he was hearing, and they would both laugh.
"He grew up around synths," the sole survivor reminded Nick when they were alone. "Er... well, he's been around synths for as long as he's... you get my meaning."
Nick raised his cup of tea to them. "I do. I'm just so used to kids being wary. It's a nice change of pace. How's he doing in class?"
"Great in science and math, horrible at spelling. He could use some practice that isn't just me peering over his shoulder, you know how he hates doing schoolwork if he can't relate it to the real world. Is there any way you could...?"
Nick held up his metal hand. "You don't even need to ask. I'll get him to help Ellie take notes on some cases."
The sole survivor smiled. "How's Ellie's spelling?"
A few days later, the little family was ensconced in Nick's office with Ellie poring over a case that had come in from Vault 81 about a missing person. Ellie had given Shaun his own clipboard and pencil, and the pair were scribbling furiously while Nick went over everything that had been written in the letter from the vault's overseer, Gwen McNamara. "Says here that she might have gone to seek her fortune with one of the local caravans," Nick noted. "If she hitched a ride with one, she might have paid them to cover her tracks, but it'd still be worth paying a visit to Bunker Hill to see if they've seen her. Shaun, do you know how to spell 'investigate'?"
"I-N-V-E-S-T-A-G-A-T-E," Shaun answered confidently.
"It's 'I' after T, not 'A'," Ellie corrected him.
"Oh." Shaun deflated a bit. "Sorry, dad."
Ellie dropped her pencil and the sole survivor choked on the Nuka-Cola they were drinking. Nick lowered the letter, perplexed, but when he caught the shy look on Shaun's face, he couldn't contain a grin of pride. "It's okay, son," he said. "We'll keep practicing together, okay? We've got nothing but time."
Old Longfellow: "The island's no place for a child," Longfellow told the sole survivor when they first brought the boy to the docks of Far Harbor.
"You wanted one, once," they had retorted, grabbing him by the lapels of his coat and planting a kiss on his bearded face. "Were you planning to leave, once you'd had the baby?"
"That was different. Wasn't as bad then as it is now."
"Take us back to your cabin on your sand bar, old man. Shaun and I are survivors. And if it gets worse, we'll get on my boat and go back to the Commonwealth."
So Old Longfellow rowed them home to his shack under the pines, and he double- and triple-checked the fog condensers he'd bought off the scientists at Acadia. Shaun followed him around, taking in the little island's woods, beach, and craggy landscape with a pair of eyes wider than a mirelurk's shell. This relationship continued for well over a month: Daily excursions to check the traps and mechanical equipment that kept them all from dying, weekly trips into town to trade and stock up, and the occasional trudge down to the beach to see if anything interesting had washed up. Sometimes the sole survivor remained behind, skinning a radstag or shucking oysters, leaving the old man and the boy to their daily chores outside in the chilling sea breeze. On one of these occasions, Longfellow was making his way toward the wood pile he'd been stocking up and didn't realize that Shaun wasn't right behind him as usual. He might never have noticed, if he hadn't caught the quiet word on the wind at his back: "Dad."
Longfellow spun and found Shaun frozen, staring at the edge of the woods. Staring back was a radstag, glowing faintly from internal radiation, with only one head and pair of antlers.
It was a ways off, but Longfellow still moved to grab the boy and pull him out of harm's way. The movement startled the creature and it huffed before alighting into the trees, its tail flying a warning as it bounded off. Longfellow pulled Shaun close and sighed, trying to catch his breath again. "Stay close, boy."
"They all used to look like that," Shaun replied softly, watching the deer's retreat. "I never thought I'd see one without two."
"Rare as hen's teeth," Longfellow agreed. "Must be our lucky day."
X6-88: X6-88 knew that technically, his role with the director was a protection assignment, but excursions to the surface and a growing trust between them had blossomed into something else. He also knew that technically, Shaun was an assignment too, one that Father had bestowed upon the sole survivor just before his death. In the safety of their Institute quarters though, they could be something more to each other. They could talk about what it was to be a synth, to live apart from the world at large, and what within their little underground haven could be changed for the betterment of something beyond mankind.
He and the sole survivor were cautious at first to talk about these sorts of things around Shaun, but the synth boy soon proved bright enough to understand the dangers of self in this place, be they realization, expression, or actualization. "It's not fair," Shaun would say at dinner. "I want to become a scientist. I want to grow up. And I can't even talk about it anywhere else."
"We're working on it," the sole survivor always said. "Dr. Li and I have some ideas. You won't always be a child, Shaun."
X6 knew that they were doing their best, but they were hiding the fact that Dr. Li had pushed back on the project multiple times. She'd believed the synth child was a waste of time and effort from the beginning, and extending that effort would take more than just a few ideas from the sole survivor. He knew they would keep trying, but it would never be fast enough for a 10-year-old boy. And every step they took toward that goal would bring the scrutiny of the Directorate, some of whom were eager to find any reason to discredit the brand-new upstart that had passed them up to lead the Institute.
"We should leave," X6 suggested as he lay in bed next to the sole survivor after another night like this. "Before it's too late."
"We can't," they replied in a whisper. "They don't have the tech on the surface to help Shaun, and we have so much we could offer the rest of the world. If we leave, we'll never see this place again."
"It would be difficult, but we would be together."
"Just give me a little more time, X6. Please."
The Courser lay awake long after the director had gone to sleep, trying and failing to come up with a better plan. As such, he was still awake when Shaun stole into bed with them, rubbing tears from his face with his little hands. X6 settled the boy in between himself and the sole survivor and wiped the rest of the tears away with the sheet.
"I had a bad dream, dad," Shaun explained, sniffling. "I've been having them a lot."
X6 didn't have the heart to correct the child. "I know," he said instead. "I've been having them too. Dreams can't hurt you, Shaun. If they try, I'll protect you."
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Pairing: Dark! Thor x female reader
Warnings: self esteem issues, manipulation, coercion, implied drugging, implied smut (dubcon/somnophilia undertones), power imbalance, mental abuse undertones, controlling behavior, implied stalking, if I missed anything please please let me know!!!
Summary: your work week leaves you exhausted and empty, making you look forward to your weekly appointment.
A/n- dark themes, things are gonna start taking a turn. 18+ only.....heed the warnings for each part! 😁❤️
Part two -- Part three-
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You rolled onto your back, rubbing your eyes sighing. The last week weighed heavy on you with demands from work, and to top it off Shaun had showed up yesterday causing a scene. You pushed the blankets off, sitting up you stretched your arms when your phone lit up with a text, seeing a number you didn't recognize you picked it up opening it.
Good morning y/n, I hope I'm not disturbing you. I only wished to remind you of our session today. Dress comfortably and I shall see you this afternoon- Doctor Thor.
You stared at your phone, wondering how he got your number before remembering the paperwork you filled out. An uneasy feeling came over you curious If he always text his clients or if it was just you seeing as every other doctor you had seen the nurse called you. "Probably making sure I don't cancel again." You said to yourself laughing, setting your phone down you headed to the kitchen, in desperate need of coffee trying to figure out what "comfortably" meant.
You pulled up to the building, stepping out of your car you smoothed down your leggings, adjusting your large t-shirt before heading inside, feeling butterflies in your stomach. You had to admit Thor was attractive, more then that he seemed to care. Between your parents being too busy for you and your past relationships no one really took the time to check on you..to make sure you were ok. But Thor had made it a point from the beginning that you knew he wanted to help, that he cared. "If only he wasn't your therapist." You sighed opening the door, seeing the two ladies and..
"Ah y/n! I'm glad you made it." Thor smiled widely at you. "I sure did." You laughed nervously, seeing the black t-shirt he was wearing straining against his toned chest, the sleeves threatening to give out as he flexed his arms, muscles bulging as he turned his head to say something to the lady standing next to him. "Come y/n, ill take you back." He smiled again waving you forward. His sheer size was intimidating, walking next to you he towered over you, your head barely reaching his shoulders. "How is your morning so far?" He asked looking down at you "oh...fine." You said as you followed his lead down a long hallway seeing his brother come out of one of the rooms.
"Loki, what are you doing on this side? I thought you were with a patient." Thor asked crossing his arms "I needed to retrieve some files that my incompetent nurse left." He said holding up a small stack of folders. "I'm sure it was just an accident brother." Thor said as Loki's eyes met yours "yes well, ill leave you to your...work." he snarked, slipping past you, turning your head watching him walk down the hall "you must forgive him, he can be snippy in the afternoon." Thor said next to you. You nodded, stiffening feeling his hand between your shoulders "right in here." He said, waving you to the door his brother had come out of.
You walked in seeing a small table in front of the window, a tea kettle and two cups sitting on it before glancing around noticing the room was bare of furniture besides a small chaise in the corner. You watched Thor walk over to the table, pouring water into the cups "I hope I did not disturb you this morning when I messaged you." He said over his shoulder at you "hm? Oh, no I just thought.." you trailed off as he turned, walking towards you, a cup in each hand "thought?" He coaxed "well, doesn't a nurse or someone usually confirm?" You asked fidgeting with your fingers "well yes usually, here." He said handing you the blue cup, keeping the red one "but I like to be a bit more personal than all that, I want you to know im here if you need me." He smiled bringing the cup to his lips as you looked down at yours "Mm, tea...to help you relax. There is something I would like to try today." He said walking towards the corner of the room.
You took a sip of the tea, the taste bitter on your tongue making you wince "sorry, I tend to make it a bit strong." You heard him laugh rolling out two yoga mats. "D..did you have any sugar, or.." you trailed off looking around "im afraid not, It isn't very good for you." He said, a hint of something you couldn't place in his tone as he looked you up and down "how have you been eating by the way?" He asked, a chill running through as he eyed you. "Um, well honestly I haven't had alot of time with work and everything." You said, taking another small sip of the tea "I did say I wanted you to take care of yourself." He said crossing his arms. "I know...i..I'm sorry i just...it's been a long week." You said looking down hearing him sigh. "It's fine y/n." He said sternly. "I would be more then happy to accompany you to the store, to help you pick out a few things." He continued "oh..well i...I wouldn't want to bother you." You said squeezing your cup. "It's no bother at all." He smiled.
You looked down nodding "ok.." You said quietly. "Finish that and we'll continue" He said placing his cup back on the small table. You took a deep breath, drinking down the tea in large gulps, the bitter taste making you shudder. "Very good, now take a seat." He said taking the cup from you waving at the mats. You walked over, lowering yourself down crossing your legs as he walked over, sitting across from you. "Ok, I want you to close your eyes and focus on my voice." He said. Placing your hands in your lap you did as he asked. "Good, now I want you to let everything from last week go...forget about work...forget about your ex showing up." He said
"wait...how did you..." he interrupted "y/n...focus." He said sternly. "Sorry.." you whispered, your mouth suddenly feeling dry."Take a deep breath in...and release." he instructed, doing as he said your head began to feel fuzzy, his voice sounding far away. "D..doctor.." you trailed off, your head involuntary tipping forward as your eyes opened, your vision blurry making you unable to focus "sshh..your ok, deep breath in and out." He continued. You closed your eyes, trying to focus feeling everything tilt, Thor's voice fading away as the nothingness surrounded you.
You felt weightless as you floated through the darkness. Your head swimming feeling hands on you, sliding up your thighs to your stomach. Warmth spreading through you feeling a hand pressed firmly on your torso, gliding between your breasts, a moan passing your lips feeling fingers wrap around you neck. You tried to lift your arms, feeling them laying heavy beside you. Your mind slowly coming to the surface as a wet warmth press onto your inner thigh, your inside tightening as it slid up before you felt a hard pinch making your body jerk.
You opened your mouth, your tongue heavy as you tried to speak, a groan coming from your dry throat. You tilted your head, wiling with everything in you to open your eyes, your heart racing as you tried to take back control of your body. A deep voice floated though the depths reaching your ears "beautiful." You heard. You cracked one eye slightly open, your sight was blurry...muddled. only able to make out a tuft of blonde hair before you eyelid dropped again, plunging you back into the darkness.
You felt warmth on your face, a low hum in the back of your mind as you slowly opened your eyes, seeing the sun shining in through the large window. "There she is." You heard, turning your head seeing Thor sitting in a chair next to you, looking down seeing a maroon blanket thrown over you. "W..what.." you croaked, your throat dry and tongue heavy "you fell asleep, so I moved you over here, that floor would do no good for your back." He said smiling. "I..I didn't mean to.." you said, slowly sitting up rubbing your head "it's quite alright, you must have needed the rest." He said standing up, stepping closer his frame towered over you. "Here, I wanted you to be comfortable." He said handing you your shoes, reaching out your fingers grazed his, a chill running up your spine taking them. "T..thanks." You muttered looking down.
"I would suggest going home and getting some more rest, you seem exhausted." He said walking to the door as you slipped your shoes on. You slowly got up, feeling a wetness between your thighs making you freeze "everything alright y/n?" Thor asked watching you. "Y..yes, I'm...fine." you smiled, feeling your face heat with embarrassment, had you had another dream...you quickly walking past him into the hall, wrapping your arms around your middle you made it to the nurses station, seeing Loki leaned over the counter looking at a file "did you have a good seesion?" He asked, not looking up from the folder "um..yeah it was.." you trailed off, your mind going blank "relaxing?" He asked, snapping the folder shut standing up, his height almost the same as Thor's making you step back.
"Brother, leave her be. Take your sour disposition elsewhere." Thor said behing you making you jump. "I was only making conversation, no need to fret." Loki said smirking "have a nice day y/n." He said walking past you down another hall. "Wait, how did he..." you started, not remembering when you had told him your name "we have access to eachothers schedules." Thor offered as he walked to the door, opening it for you as you quickly walked past him into the waiting room "now remember what I said, go get some rest, and I'll be in touch." Thor said, looping his hands behind his back "ok..thank you." You said hurrying out the door to your car, your thoughts swirling as you jumped in, wanting to be home as soon as possible.
You closed your door locking it tossing your keys in the bowl, stripping your shirt off you furrowed your eyebrows seeing your bra straps twisted "maybe when he moved me.." you thought out loud, quickly walking into the bathroom turning the water on as you pulled the rest of your clothes away, tossing them in the corner stepping into the hot stream you closed your eyes, washing away the day. Grabbing the soap you lathered it in your hands before massaging it into your skin, gripping the wall as your vision swam... Large hands caressing you...warm breath on you skin...a shiver ran through you at the feeling. "It was a dream...it had to be." You said to yourself shaking your head.
You rinsed off, grabbing a towel you walked into your bedroom grabbing some pajamas. Setting them on the bed you propped your leg on the bed, drying yourself when you saw a bruise on your inner thigh. "How did..." you trialed off, running your fingers over it feeling a jolt run through you. Your stomach sank as you sat down, your mind running a mile a minute "no i..I must have run into something." You said to yourself looking at the bruise again. You quickly got dressed, laying in bed staring at the ceiling, the uneasy feeling returning making your stomach churn "he's my doctor, he's a professional." You said to yourself, taking a deep breath "He wouldn't..." you trailed off, closing your eyes hoping for a dreamless sleep.
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@springdandelixn @mochie85 @chemtrails-club @slytherclaw1227 @irishhappiness @kats72 @prettysourabbie @siriusly--gay
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Alright, this might be a bit of a lengthy one, but: When Nora leaves Vault 111 to find Shaun, Nate isn't in the cryo pod across from her. Later, she finds a 90+ year old version of him, somehow still alive, having given up searching for their kid (more out of old age then losing hope). How do the companions (and Nora) react to that?
I don't think I've ever had a request that asked to include how Nora would react to something, but honestly I am so super excited that I finally got one 💖💖💖 I've always wondered what it would be like to write Nora's POV on some of these reacts, so I guess I'll tear out and go 🥰 I'll probably stick with the version of Nora that I usually play as, so hopefully everyone enjoys!
Nora - Is absolutely shocked to find her husband alive and well. While she knew that he had somehow managed to get out and live, she had not expected to find him after all these years. She had not known what had happened to him, and she had been afraid to even consider the possibility that he was alive. She is overjoyed to find her Nate, and (presuming this is after getting into the Institute) she assures him that she has found their son. Despite being quite a different man than the one she fell in love with, him having gone through some grave hardship when he was wandering the wastelands and trying to find Shaun, he is still very happy to hear the news.
Cait - Is honestly angry that he gave up looking for Shaun because Nora has spent only a comparatively short fraction of her life looking and turning over every rock to find Shaun and succeeded. She ends up chalking it up to the fact that Nora must be immensely more intelligent than him if only to keep from completely boiling over while Nora is talking with him. She truthfully thinks that he was not as dedicated to finding the kid as Nora was and that she deserves better.
Curie - Is very pleased that Madame has found her husband and the remainder of her family and does not blame Nate for stopping his search to find Shaun. However, most primarily, she is interested in potentially running some tests to see how radiation and the elements have affected Nate since he started out as clean as Nora did in the vault. She wants to know how it affects him and how she could possibly formulate some manner of solution to keep it from affecting Nora quite so profoundly over time.
Piper - Is as shocked as Nora, but she is happy for her Blue. She kind of wonders how he did not find some clue about their son's whereabouts during his search, but she figures that Nora is just one special, one-of-a-kind sort of person when it comes to literally everything. Nora has unrivaled talent, and she is the most amazing person that Piper's known, so it's no surprise that she managed to find Shaun when Nate could not.
MacCready - Is very happy for the two, and truthfully relates to Nate a lot. He knows what it's like to be the father of a son, and he cannot imagine what it would be like to lose Duncan and have to go searching all over the Commonwealth just to come up with nothing. He understands why Nate stopped the search and does not blame him.
Deacon - Is not terribly surprised. After all, nothing much surprises him anymore. He's heard and seen so many things as a result of his spying on everyone in the Commonwealth. Plus, he had actually heard about someone that sort of sounded like Nate, and he had been the one to tell Nora about it, leading them to look for him and eventually find him. He's just glad that Nora has her family back in some way or another. Even if her husband and her son are both old codgers and she looks like their granddaughter and daughter respectively.
Codsworth - Is positively overjoyed to find sir! He is alive and that means that their family can be reunited! They just have to convince young Shaun-- erm... Shaun-- to come out of that dreadful underground hole and join them on the surface. He does not focus on anything else but the possibility of bringing the family home safe in Sanctuary and living out the remainder of their days there.
Hancock - Is pleased for Nora, but is honestly very much the opposite of pleased at the fact that Nate had given up the search for Shaun. Hancock is a man that will never stop even if it kills him, and to think of Sunshine being hooked up with some quitter after seeing how much of a fighter that she is, he cannot help but find himself slightly disappointed. He tries to push that feeling aside, though, knowing that Nate means quite a bit to Nora.
Danse - Is somewhat unhappy with the fact that Nate had given up searching for Shaun. Danse is a firm believer in not quitting, but on the other hand, he also can see why one would stop when the search was fruitless. It is a waste of resources. However, when one is a single person in the wasteland looking for one's son, he does not exactly understand why someone would stop. Danse himself did not stop looking when he lost someone he cared about to the harshness of the world around them.
Preston - Is extremely surprised to find that Nora's husband is still alive, and he is not upset with the fact that Nate gave up the search. He's only an old man now, and Preston would have been more upset if he would have given up out of a lack of hope for Shaun. As it is, he just hopes that the man will keep living for a while longer so he can maybe somehow see his son before he passes.
Valentine - Is mostly just sad for Nora in some ways despite his surprise at Nate still being alive. He remembered meeting him many years ago, but after their brief search turned up with absolutely nothing and no leads, Nate had just disappeared, presumably to further the search. He just hates for Nora to have to see the man that she is in love with in this terrible state. Especially since her son does not look much better. He cannot help but think of how terribly painful it must be for her to see in such clarity that she is going to almost certainly outlive her family.
X6-88 - Is mildly surprised since he believed that Nora was the only surviving relative of Father. Father had assumed that his dad had passed away due to the hardships of the wasteland. X6-88 is not overly impressed with Father's dad, especially since he apparently lacks the tenacity that Nora possesses. Ultimately, he does not say much but remains polite, deciding to report to Father about this later.
Dogmeat - Does not know him, but he understands that his human seems extremely fond of him. He can smell the love and the emotions pouring off of her. Therefore, Dogmeat decides that Nate must be another one of those people that he needs to protect because they mean something to his human. And protect, he shall. Plus, the man gives really good ear scratches, so he has definitely earned points with Dogmeat.
Strong - Does not care in the least about this entire thing. If Nate doesn't have or lead them to the milk of human kindness, he truthfully has no interest. He just wishes that his tiny human would hurry up and leave so they can keep searching. Plus, he's hungry. Maybe he could just eat Nate...
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rhodesrider · 8 months
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CG! LA Knight (Shaun) x Little!Fem!Reader
Warning: Night terrors, Abusive past, mentions of therapy, fluff, regression, cussing, negative naming and degrading, mental healing
“You think I wanted to do this?”
Y/N laid on the ground, protecting her head from any more damage, while hearing the venomous words coming from his mouth. He got closer to her grabbing her hair smirking as she yelped and tears fell. He was satisfied of what he was seeing. Feeding off her fear, loving the sound of her cries knowing he was still in control. “All you have to do is listen to me, now all of a sudden you want to talk back to me.” He snarled in her face hearing her sniffle and scream some, her face hurt so bad. He threw her back down again and kicked her stomach over and over in anger holding on to the wall so he doesn’t fall himself. Soon vomit was expelled from her body. “You stupid bitch!” He screamed. His jealousy was a dangerous thing, mixed with his anger could kill someone. And sadly Y/N was the victim. He started to walk away until her heard her soft voice. “I’m sorry…” he turned back and his rage heightens. “Tell me something I don’t know already. I know you are sorry, you’re pathetic, useless. Just worth some holes to fuck.” He then grabbed a pocket knife. While Y/N still had her eye sight she could see him come forth, her vision getting hazy, until she felt herself getting lifted and being forced to watch as the knife was slowly to her neck and she could hear nothing but more screaming.
Y/N jumped up outta her sleep. She knows she screamed to the top of her lungs. Her body was cold, shaking even from fear. She looked around wanting to run away but she felt someone holding her, she looked to her left scared out her mind seeing her current boyfriend Shaun. He was scared with her, holding her while looking in her eyes and talking soft to her. The ringing in her ears finally stopped and she heard him. “Hey hey it’s ok baby…” he constantly said that over and over trying to hold her, but she was fighting back. When she finally calmed down hearing him she gave in and was in his arms. He sighed so worried about her he shed some tears himself. Holding her close not letting his hand wonder because that could trigger her again. “Y/N, honey, it’s ok. I’m right here. I’m not gonna let him hurt you again.” He said softly. Y/N was still shaking and quiet, letting tears fall. She was a victim of horrible abuse where she could have died. She tried to leave multiple times but her ex always found her and dragged her back. She has to take medication now for her PTSD and her night terrors. It’s been two years.
Shaun has been nothing but patient with Y/N, he just wants her to heal and be better. So he’s patient, he goes to her therapy sessions and he’s a amazing support for her, sometimes he feels like he doesn’t do enough or he’s failing but he bounces back and he helps take care of Y/N the best he can. He’s mostly been to himself, parties would have him in a chokehold and his drinking but he stopped. He stopped all that for her. It’s been a challenge and he’s been working hard on helping Y/N so there is frustration but he never takes it out on her. “Hey pretty girl…” he smiled as she looked up at him, finally calm after a good amount of time. “I…I saw him again Shaun…” she voiced and sniffled. “I know, I know you did. If you don’t wanna go back to sleep that’s fine. We can give you a moment.” He said. She nodded and played with his hair on his arm as she tried to clear her mind. He kissed her head holding her swaying her back and forth, be patient. That’s all she ever wanted in a person to be patient. “I’m sorry I woke you-“ “It’s ok. I’m glad you woke me. I need to be there for you.” She didn’t wanna feel like that his whole life purpose is to take care of her, that’s unfair. “Shaun?” He looked down and smiled at her showing the care and love in his eyes. “Yes pretty girl?” She smiled some and kissed his cheek lying on his chest again. “Thank you so much.” He nodded and held her still. “You’re welcome. I love you Y/N.” “I love you too.”
The morning came, Y/N barely had any sleep. She yawned going downstairs seeing what’s for breakfast, Shaun was down starting up her favorite breakfast just to cheer her up after last night. “Pancakes?” He nodded looking at her last minute as she sat at the island, she sighed and she played with her hair some nervous. “Shaun-“ “No more apologies. You didn’t do anything wrong.” He smiled at her while getting her plate ready. “I just wish it would stop, I’m tired of it…” he continued getting the plate done and thought about it. “When’s the last time you regressed sweetie?” Y/N stopped and thought about it as her head was on the counter, she hasn’t regressed in a while. Work and then the night terrors, they have been making it hard to be in the right headspace to even try to regress. “The silence saids not in a while. Maybe if you regress you’ll feel a bit better?” He suggested. Y/N would like to regress but it’s been a while to where she wouldn’t know where to start. “After you eat we talk more about it.” He gave the plate, the syrup, and a fork. “Ok…”
After breakfast she washed her hands and headed to the living room. Shaun was there but he was on a mission. Y/N came in seeing him finishing up a fort. A big one, looking around seeing coloring books, snacks, her sippy cups, and many other items to start a regression session. He finished up the last pieces and turned around seeing a nervous Y/N. “Hey pretty girl, when you’re ready come on in. I’ll be here.” He smiled and got in the fort pulling the cover back as a door closing it. Y/N was always amazed at his work, and so happy he goes the extra mile for her. She looked on the couch and one of the items is one of his shirts. LA Knight. She quickly went to change and was now comfortable going back in the living room and slowly slipping. She grabbed her pacifier and crawled in the fort poking her head in seeing her smiling daddy. That afternoon they watched movies, ate snacks, colored together and even she picked out which gear could he wear before his next show. She wished she had his confidence and power like his alter ego at work. She soon started to yawn and rub her eyes. “You wanna nap sweetie?” She nodded and he got her out the fort setting her up on the couch. “Just sleep some, I’ll be here. I’m not going anywhere.” She nodded and started to drift to sleep.
She woke up in the ex house. She was in her caregivers shirt but in the floor. Hearing footsteps she immediately got up and looked at the door. She started to panic, looking at the door with tears about to fall. But soon as the door opened no one was there. She looked out the door confused, where was he? She soon felt a small bite, “Ow!” She looked down and she was in shock. The man that abused her was small like pocket sized and still trying to abuse her. Biting her ankle and hitting her toes. She looked down confused but also relieved. She picked the small man up with her hands, he’s still going at it. Yelling and screaming for her to let her go. “If I let you go, you have to say sorry.” She mumbled. The small man was confused. “Say sorry? To you? Never.” He Spat. Y/N got angry herself and she went to the window holding the small man. He was asking what was she doing and she opened a window. She hovered him over it showing the long fall. He screamed in horror and was struggling to get words out. “You have did nothing but terrorize me. Over and over again. Say sorry to me and I’ll get you back in. If not, I’m pretty sure a cat would mistake you as a mouse.” The man looked at her felling like she’s bluffing. “Do it. You’re not strong enough anyway-“ she simply dropped him. Right out the window hearing screams. She was sick of the noise the hits the pain. She just did what she felt like was right. “Hey pretty girl…you ok?” She looked back and saw Shaun. She ran to him hugging him and crying. “You are so strong sweetie. You’re amazing.” He praised. She smiled being lost in his arms. Happy that the monster was gone.
Shaun noticed her crying and woke her up, calling her name. Y/N looked up at him smiling and Shaun saw it which was a first especially after hearing her cry in a dream. “Hey pretty girl…are you ok?” He asked. “I’m ok daddy.” She got up stretching seeing that the window showed darkness. “You were sleep for a while, you wanna go ahead and go upstairs?” She shook her head no. “Can we go out tonight? I’m up since I took a nap.” Shaun nodded and carried her upstairs making her giggle. “We could match and go on a small date if you want love.” She nodded and she kissed his cheek. “Thank you for being there for me.” He smiled at her and kissed her back. “You’re welcome pretty girl. Now what color?” She thought about the question. “Blue?” “Done.”
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threadsun · 8 months
Ok, hear me out, I had random ass wolfden brain rot and now you're gonna have it to
I remember that Joseph is the alpha and Jack is somewhere below him but usually pulls Joseph's strings behind the scenes. So, what if some night Jack was being all sweet on Joseph and offers to let him relax by domming him. Joseph's never been allowed to sub as the leader of the pack and with Jack's honeyed words it doesn't take long for him to be ass up
Once they're done Jack reminds him of how humiliating it would be if the alpha was caught subbing! If he wants Jack to keep his lips sealed he has to let Jack use him whenever he wants :)
Sorry this is all a bit garbled it just popped into my brain in the shower and I needed to get it out of my brain before it disappeared ^^;
Listen, Joseph's the alpha mostly to keep the peace. Perhaps, had Elias and Taylor joined the pack sooner, Elias would've had a shot. But back when the pack was forming... well, Joseph was the only person everyone could agree on. Him and Nick, of course, but Nick staunchly refused to take on that responsibility.
It's not like he wants to be the alpha in charge, he just... he just hates the fighting. He just wants to keep the peace. And so does Jack! It's silly, really, how much Shaun and Ian object to him being the pack leader. Joseph can't wrap his head around why they insist that he's such a threat. Really, the guy's a sweetheart! And he wants nothing more than to help Joseph keep everything calm and happy.
Really, in the moment, Joseph was helpless. Such sweet words, such warm hands, and the promise of not having to think. Just for a moment, being allowed to let go. To not be in charge. To submit, like he always dreams about.
And god did Jack follow through on all those promises. To fuck him until his brain shut off. That huge cock stretching him perfectly, head hitting his prostate until he saw stars. Making him cum all over his sheets, his swollen knot bobbing between his legs rather than stuck inside someone for once. And Jack's knot... the way it pressed inside of him, kept them locked together...
As soon as Jack caught his breath, he was holding Joseph in his arms. Those big, warm, strong arms that made him feel so safe. And he's whispering in Joseph's ear, words the man can barely unscramble as he tries to regain the senses he's just had fucked out of him.
"—wouldn't do, would it? Everyone finding out the pack's leader was moaning like a bitch in heat for me."
Joseph had never heard such filthy words from Jack before tonight. But they sound more menacing now than they did when they were being grunted in his ear in time with Jack's hips.
"No one would respect you if they knew. If they knew how pathetic you looked getting knotted by me. It would humiliate you. It would throw the pack into chaos. They wouldn't be able to respect your authority... it would send us into another fight. Everyone vying to take your place... We don't want that, do we?"
Joseph whimpers nervously and shakes his head, tail twitching in agitation. "No... no..."
"Good, I'm glad we're on the same page..." Jack soothes a hand across his back, but Joseph doesn't find it as comforting as usual. "But you enjoyed this, didn't you? You want it to continue?"
Joseph reluctantly nods. There's no use in lying, they both know how much he enjoyed it. "Yes..."
"Good." Jack's voice is back to that perky, cheerful chirp. "Then we're in agreement?"
Agreement? Joseph's head feels like it's swimming. "Huh?"
"That you'll be my pretty little free use bitch, of course!" Jack says it like it's the most normal thing in the world, and it almost sets Joseph at ease. "No one will find out, but your sweet hole will be mine whenever I want it. It'll keep the pack together and give you your fill of submitting to a proper alpha. And isn't that all you want? I'm just giving you what you want."
The words come out of Joseph's mouth before he can think. Jack's doing that thing again, where he says the most unreasonable things in the most casual tone, until they sound quite agreeable. And Joseph's always been weak to that. So he nods and smiles weakly.
"Thank you, Jack."
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wild blue yonder
the tardis can regenerate itself...... !!! I mean, wait we knew that already kjhkjh but I just connected the dots now that... that means The Time Lords mined and mauled the child just to make their cars better, as well. Damn...
in classic who u used to have to use ur imagination to pretend everything wasn’t a wobbly set... now u have to use ur imagination to pretend everything isn’t a greenscreen :/
"is that who i am now?" the shocking thing isn’t that he is gay (that’s what donna interprets) the shock to himself is voicing how horny he is lol
Someone is gonna say gravity and that's gonna be fucking weird
"it would take trillion years to get that far” chills!
"no one is ever been this far. till us. and this ship" colonialism fiction dna shining thru
“you little streak” <3
"she'll move on" "not shaun, he'll go to that alleyway every year..." \ten at the alleyway to see rose parallel....
Ghost aroma!!!
blue and orange motif....…………… 13 aesthetic moments.... [13 and Swarm coded? / aka entropy/life coded?/donna and the doc...]
“maybe there's a tribe and they worship it… (…) time passes and the city falls... and there's the tardis" beautiful!! I'm could do somth w/ re: w/ the doctor and their companions. (eyes emoji)
"it got complicated" UNDERSTATEMENT OF A CENTURY #2
"The notion of shape is strange." "it limits" literally current architecture theory
This is so nofna solar system-core
love a classic “anti matter hates matter” story
[the no-bodies…?....cousins to the the could have been king ... with his army of never wheres…?]
This feels very [doctor trying to figure out their body in each regeneration] [intentionally?] this is so end of evangelion poster-core
"it’s strange enough my face coming back, but not this big" / [metaphor for reboots?]
This episode is like the clamoring for us to get a castrovalva 2 escher-like world again next season
"that's not gonna work either" i love these idiots
"why does it have to be one last trip?" rtd ringing moffat / gatiss / gardner / etc and being like like -
ok but follow this reasoning: if the doctor is the same person bc they keep their memories (as the show makes a point of.... constantly) ... and if the memories make the person ... then indeed an entity that copies the memories is the same person, is it not? Where do we draw the line between who’s “real” and who isn’t, in this scenario?
A CREATION I DEVASTATED / literally watched WoM two seconds before this w/ ten all "everything i do just makes it happen" sdjsdkf this is what i mean when i say the doctor has never Processed anythingggg since that Bottom Pit moment
"it wasn't your fault" "i know! (but it stil sucks!!!)" me at therapy like
"WHY DOES HE NEED YOU?" me, Pavlovian tone: because he is lonely...
“when something is gone, it keeps existing” → highlight this!!!! this is gonna be the new thesis statement about Grief!!! this is gonna be The Point for the next 4 years lol
It's very fun to watch this after marath6ning all of ten's era bc it's like... that boy never processed any of that shit. did 11 process shit? did 12? 12 maybe a little but really i think they just got even more trauma (bill ): ) dkdksks and don't get me started on 13. basically what im saying is the doctor Never did get a break on between waters of mars up until now... [and i guess to go further never did get a break after since like....... freaking ghost light skskskskkjkj seven is still There. we don't think about that enough.]
Donna being a clone fucker is not a headcanon ever thought i had but im glad its been confirmed now "donma doesn't think she"s stupid" im sure rtd has launched this exact same rant on so some unwilling family members while browsing ao3 "stop copying and make up your own minds" social commentary / commentary on reboots again / core "individualism > society" dr. who 101 messaging
The not things are kinda.... cute? skdksk if they weren't murderous they look like ppl to hang out w/ and play videogames......
"what do you want?" "you tell us" fundamental doctor-companion dialogue....
"love letters don't travel very far" put a pin on that...
ok.... ARGHGHGHH LET ME THINK THINK THINK skskks me failing at CBT be like
What if the doctor is from our universe. what then the doctor being like we have to mill ourselves immediately feels very 13
this is like "what if turn left and midnight but they go through it together this time <3" fic "where the walls are thin and anything is possible" eyes emoji
"that copy was 99% donna" so maybe re:earlier... what the show is saying between copy vs real is that it's all about the x factor, the 1%....
CONCLUSIONS! lived up to the hype! i think it's a bit 13-era vibe in that it's clearly influenced by all the prestige space-base-isolation scifi we see in the ~cinema now every year. the aesthetic is hitting that vibe (and going to the root, there's also a very clear Alien influence). kinda wish we had more one offs just like this one :( bc i feel the other 2 specials have too much Work to do, so there's not enough time to do.Fun like lore and character stuff. Execution wise is very successful. the switcheroos work. the callbacks work. there's a lot of character stuff happening ("I just realized I'm still working through that!") but it doesn't interfere w/ the adventure itself. My one grip is there's a couple shots that do feel too green-screen-y, but overall the ep is visually amazing. def only a story you could do now. also I love that the NMDs were like "rtd is gonna retcon the timeless child!!! everyone hated it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and he was like "cool. now watch this" lollll king moments. rare moments where it feels like we live in the best timeline.
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being-of-rain · 10 months
I thought I'd continue my usual trend of writing my thoughts down on new Doctor Who episodes, by talking about The Star Beast. As usual, I set out to write something quick and concise, but the Wrarth Warriors busted down my door and told me that I legally couldn't.
Apparently I still have the impulse to describe Doctor Who episodes as 'fun', but by and large it's a fun show! And a fun episode! Even if I'm not as obsessed with him as a lot of fans, RTD has a charm which it's hard not to enjoy, especially with lots of little jokes and bits of physical comedy (I love little bits of physical comedy). And it's a funny episode, I was laughing from the moment the Doctor picked up a box, saw Donna, and put the box back again. Well that's not true, I was laughing from the moment I saw David Tennant just standing in green screen space like he was about to tell me the exciting new direction he intended to take the company. I'm glad everyone else seems to find that as funny as I did.
Another word I could use to describe the episode is a bit surreal. Having Beep the Meep and the Wrarth Warriors on screen was a little surreal, but strangely I found it even more so that the Doctor was walking around not knowing who Beep the Meep was. I mean obviously that was always going to be the case, but all Doctor Who mediums just live together inside my head and it was just weird to see him not recognise an iconic enemy. Maybe that was just me. Oh but Beep and the Warriors looked fantastic! It's hard to believe they're all physical effects! I really wasn't too interested in the UNIT gunfight that didn't really do much for the story, but if the new big budget lets aliens look that good then I'm fine with it. Other slightly surreal or strange things involved finally watching Doctor Who again after more than a year's break, watching it on Disney Plus rather than Australia's ABC channel, and seeing Ruth Madeley on-screen as UNIT's scientific advisor when she's also playing a companion of the Sixth Doctor in the audios at the moment.
Oh and, of course, having the Tenth Doctor and Donna back on-screen, and the TV show doing what fanfiction writers have been doing for 15 years. That was really surreal. I definitely like the two of them, but I don't have the same rampant nostalgia for their time on the show like lots of people do. I'm glad lots of people are enjoying the nostalgia aspect, but I'm also glad this is a mini-series rather than a full one. And already there's some aspects back of RTD's writing which I'm not super fond of- like conclusions that try to use technobabble and music-swelling emotional moments to smooth over the fact that some things are just happening without much cause or set-up. RTD's usually pretty good at that too- that's how the whole DoctorDonna thing started in the first place, after all- so Donna and Rose just 'letting go' of the metacrisis did feel like it fell unusually flat. Especially with it being paired with a 'women are better than men' moment which felt more like something from a Moffat script (I say this as a fan of both these writers).
Okay, that was just me trying to get all of my negatives out of the way! On the flip side, Rose inheriting the metacrisis and saving the day was a wonderful revelation, and I love that daughter/mother and loving family relationships were so important on the whole. Seeing Sylvia stumble with pronouns but still try was so lovely, as was Donna being so aggressively supportive of her daughter. And Shaun was a small role but so hilarious.
The chat outside the Tardis was great too, with Shaun dunking on the Doctor, and Donna being genre-savvy enough to stop her daughter getting into the Tardis but not enough to save herself. The new Tardis itself was a little empty to me (I'll always prefer more homely interiors) but was still extremely cool. All I want is for the show to come up with excuses for creative ways to use the mood lights. And I couldn't imagine a better ending to the episode than the console exploding because Donna spilt coffee on it, 10/10 no notes.
I know basically nothing about the next episode, and it seems that's the case for most people, so I'm terribly excited about it! It seems potentially scary spooky 👀 I'm so here for that
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that-tardis-teacher · 8 months
My prompt fill for @tatennant ‘s request:
I have one! Donna is trying to get the Doctor drunk. And in the end, she herself gets drunk.
Drunken Fail (This is my first story for the pairing in at least 4-5 years, so probably rusty)
Donna’s birthday was Saturday, but she didn’t care for all that nonsense. Every year her birthday passed and each year she tried to minimize the fuss as much as she could. When Rose was old enough to understand what a birthday was she took it upon herself to create the most lavish crafts and decorations for her mother’s celebration. Sylvia would bake a cake. Wilf would always sing “Happy Birthday” embarrassingly at the top of his lungs, and Shaun would always record the entire tragedy. But not this year. This year was different in so many ways. This year she had the Doctor back in her life and she was all but focused on him and his well-being.
Donna noticed that even though he was supposed to be resting that the Doctor did little of it. He was constantly finding project after project to throw himself into. He was driving her bonkers just watching him. The nerve of this Time Lord! Stays with her to heal and doesn’t even meet basic requirements! Well, this would not do! She would get him to loosen up and have a good time. So, Donna did the one thing she never thought that she would do, she welcomed the planning of her birthday party. Booze and all.
The week passed in a blur and Donna’s party was set to begin. Donna herself didn’t drink, but she made sure that one of the punches was nice and spiked. As everyone mingled around her she saw that the Doctor was making conversation with a woman, Julia, that she worked with and Julia’s partner Samantha. Smiling at the domesticity of it all she picked up her punch and his punch and walked towards him.
“Julia! Sam!” She greeted with a smile, “very glad you could make it.” She quickly thrust a drink in the Doctor’s hand. He took it with a smile, raised it up to clink with her glass, and drank it down like an enthusiastic kid.
Donna smirked and drank hers with as much vigor. It was a hot summer night and she was feeling particularly parched.
“Another one, Doctor?” She questioned.
“Yes please!”
Donna went back to the two punch bowls, scooping out some of the blue punch for the Doctor and some orange punch for herself. She returned back to his side and handed him his drink. He drank this serving much as he did the first. Not wanting to discourage him, Donna did the same.
She suddenly felt very light. How odd. Must be the heat.
When the Doctor requested a third glass she shrugged and went off to retrieve another glass for the two of them. As she walked away she thought she vaguely heard Rose ask her granddad why he rearranged the refreshment table. She didn’t give it much thought.
“A third drink for the Doctor man!” She giggled as she slopped it in his hand.
The Doctor raised an eyebrow, but took a sip regardless.
“You work too much,” Donna mused as she sipped her punch.
“Well,” he tugged at his ear absently, “you know. All this free time now. I have all the time in the world to work on projects.”
She drained the bottom of her glass and sat it down in the garden. She took a step closer to him and poked an index finger accusingly into his chest, “You’re supposed to be resting, Spaceman! I’m supposed to be taking care of you and you’re not letting me.” She was fully pouting now. A few people were starting to look as the pitch of her voice went up.
The Doctor took the hand that was poking him into his hand and he kissed it lightly, “Donna, you do take care of me. No one looks after me like you.”
“It feels like you’re hiding away all day in the TARDIS. You’re not resting properly,” she was actually sad now. The Doctor took in all the eyes in her direction, and shared an understanding look with Shaun. He clasped her hand tighter and guided her into the TARDIS.
Donna, in her unusual state of drink, took this action to mean she should begin twirling. When the TARDIS door closed behind them she lifted the Doctor’s arm and twirled herself around once, twice, three times. She was a bought of giggles and the room was blurry around her.
“We should take a trip!” She staggered towards the console and began pushing buttons, “we should go to the Planet of the Hats!” She pulled a lever in an exaggerated way and almost face planted.
“Oi, be careful Donna!” the Doctor exclaimed, clutching her to him and steadying them both against the console.
Donna looked up at the alien who was holding her to his chest. She leaned her head down to lay it against his ribs. He was so thin. She could hear the twin heartbeats. This calmed her. When her memories left her she’d still dream of this sound. The sounds of the groaning TARDIS, his twin heartbeats, and the song of the Ood.
“Donna? Are you drunk? You don’t drink.”
“Hmmm,” she hummed in response. “Is the room spinning for you too, Spaceman?”
“No. I’ve not had any alcohol.”
She was quiet a moment, but suddenly snorted laughter from her nose. “I must have mixed the drinks. You were supposed to be the one drunk and having a good time.”
“Donna, were you trying to get me drunk?” He almost couldn’t believe it.
“Pffft,” she sat up straighter, “not sloshed. Just enough for you to loosen up a bit. You’re all sonic and Mr. Fix-It, and talking a million miles a minute. You need to calm down.”
He couldn’t suppress the grin that formed on his lips, “Donna Noble, this is supposed to be your day. You shouldn’t be worrying about me.”
“But I do worry about you,” she whined, “all I want is for you be happy and healthy because I just love you so much.”
His hearts clenched in his chest. They’d never said that to one another out loud before. Everything between them was always so unspoken. He knew she loved him, but to hear her say it…..
“I love you too,” he admitted softly, “I’m sorry I’ve not been taking my retirement seriously. I’ll try my best to do better. I promise. I’ll let you take care of me.”
She place a hand gently on his cheek and absently rubbed his sideburn. “I’d never admit this sober, but I like your face like this. Just a bit older. You are quite handsome.” Her hand slid down his face and onto his chest. “I missed this face so much. Even when I couldn’t remember it properly. But you know what I missed more than that?”
“What?” His voice was barely above a whisper.
“You. It doesn’t matter what face or body you’re walking around with. I missed you, Doctor.”
“All those years,” he began, “all my companions, I loved them all in different ways, but I never forgot you. I was so tempted to go and check on you, but every time I’d land the TARDIS it hurt too much to open the door. I feared I’d muck it up and you’d feel I was too familiar or that I wouldn’t be able to make myself leave. The amount of times I wanted to walk out that door and take your hand is too many to count.”
There were tears in her eyes. It was clear she was sobering up slightly. “Well,” she reached for his hand, “you can take it any time you like now.”
“Yep,” he popped the p, “I’m here to stay. Forever.”
“I told you that you don’t have to stay forever,” she reminded him.
He looked her deep in the eye and squeezed her hand, “Forever.”
“Forever, then” she confirmed.
“Want to go back out there?” he asked; taking her other hand into his.
“Not really,” she admitted. “I hate my birthday. It’s just another year.”
“Another year that you’ve been brilliant,” he smiled.
“Another year of you being daft,” she shot back.
“Since you’re not up for going back just yet, want to go look for your birthday present?”
She shook her head in disbelief, “I told you not to get me anything.”
“Well,” he elongated the l and sniffed absently, “must have forgotten you said that. Another year of bring daft and all.”
She rolled her eyes, but he could tell there was nothing but affection behind the action, “lead the way, Spaceman.”
He kissed he knuckles for the second time that afternoon and turned to leave the console room with her in tow.
“And Spaceman?” Donna began as they turned a corner.
“Yes, Donna?”
“Never let me drink again.”
“Yes, Donna.”
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(Dieter x horror loving female)
Words: 3, 077
Summary: you and Dieter go to England for the filming of his latest project, but he must face an old fear
Warnings: oh boy, do I put Dieter through the wringer!
Check out masterlist here
You looked at you list again; you were sure you had packed everything but felt safe checking one more time. You and Dieter were going to England for a two month shoot on a short film.
FOUR was being directed by notorious auteur director Ryan; pronounced rhee ahn, and anyone who pronounced it wrong would be fired immediately. This was the second in his trilogy of short films based on MacBeth and most people would amputate their left arm to have a small part in one his films, even though he had a certain reputation. You helped Dieter with his lines, and it had been a while since you read the play at school, but this was very different to what the bard wrote.
This was also the first overseas trip you and Dieter would be taking together, the furthest being a trip to Disneyland California for your one-year anniversary. You sipped your tea from the mug you got on that trip, feeling satisfied that everything was checked off your extensive list.
Dieter had never met anyone who was as organised as you and certainly never met anyone who took making lists as seriously as you. It made sense to you, given your mostly freelance work and having lived alone for most of your adult life. You felt safe with lists. And yes, you liked having things packed and ready to go well before you went anywhere, it made sense. You never understood how people could do anything last minute. Speaking of which…
“Dieter, have you packed your toiletry bag?”
Said boyfriend emerged from the bathroom. “Yes, honey cakes”
“Checked everything off your list?”
“Yes ma’am” He lay on the bed next to you and handed over his messily scratched off list. “We’re not leaving for two days you know?”
Dieter was so used to just throwing things in a bag and hoping for the best. He’d never heard of packing cubes and now he’s the proud owner of his own set and everything he could possibly need for a trip away was ready to be packed in a suitcase.
“Exactly” you said “We’ll be away for two months, and I want to make sure we don’t forget anything. Who knows what’ll be available there.”
“It’s England, it’s kinda the same as here.”
“Some things are different; the chocolate for instance.”
Dieter sat up and hugged you from behind. “I know, it’s sweet, like you.”
He gave you a kiss on the cheek and took your mug from you, taking a sip himself, and watch you while you were scrutinising your list.
“Do you know how much time off we’ll get?” you looked to him.
“Weekends or something, I think.”
“So, we could maybe get to explore London a bit?”
“Well, I was thinking more not leaving our room, but what did you have in mind?”
You turned the pages of your travel notebook. “Well, I made a list…”
“Of course you did” he muttered affectionately.
“…of places I’d like to visit” you finished as you showed him the page of listed travel locations.
He swapped the mug for your notebook and looked over this new list.
“Crouch End, All Saints Church, Shaftesbury Avenue; these aren’t normal tourist places. Okay, what horror films are we talking here?”
“Shaun of the Dead, The Omen and American Werewolf”
“They do horror films in England now?”
You playfully swatted him on the chest. “You know they do. Did I not go on about Hammer Horror?”
“I did” he said playfully “But I was too distracted by your pretty face to notice”.
That got another playful swat from you.
“Is there anywhere you’d like to go?”
“Not really, unless…maybe Baker Street?”
You looked at him in surprise, “You’re not a Sherlock Holmes fan are you?”
“What? No, I’m talking Basil the Great Mouse Detective!”
“Ah, of course”
“Seriously underrated film”
The non-stop flight from Los Angeles to London took over 10 hours and you were glad to be going business class. Trying to sleep in economy class felt like trying to go to sleep in a Saw contraption. Dieter had to uncanny ability to fall asleep anywhere; just give him a surface to lean on and he could sleep through the apocalypse.
You couldn’t understand how Dieter wasn’t excited by the luxury of not only going business class but by the business class lunge. But, you guessed, he was used to first class luxuries, or he hated traveling, it was hard to tell sometimes with him. He was at least happy he could watch his favourite films on the flight, even more excited when they had every Aardman film on board. You heard him humming along to the Wallace and Gromit theme song while you went to sleep. It was probably the best sleep you’ve ever had on a plane, and you could certainly get used to it.
Dieter promptly fell asleep during the car ride from the airport to the hotel. This was your first time in England, so you happily played the role of stary eyed tourist. You only woke Dieter once you saw the hotel approaching in the distance, awed by the prestige of it all. This was certainly a place once occupied by nobility. Your awe was broken when you heard a most unpleasant sound: Dieter had collapsed to the ground and was curled up in a panic attack.
“No…no…not this place…”
He could barely breathe, let alone get the words out and, before you could reach him, he passed out.
Dieter awoke some time later and found himself a stranger in an even stranger place. He thought this place was gone from his nightmares, but now he finds himself stepped once more unto this hell.
He was vaguely aware of your voice in the distance; you sounded angry which was a rare occurrence. As soon as you approached him, you immediately softened. “I am so sorry Dieter; I didn’t know this was the same hotel as…how are you?”
He wasn’t sure, everything felt like it was closing in on him, like a weight was slowly crushing his chest.
“It’s stuffy. Need air”
“Of course.” You cooed and led him outside to the coldness of the English countryside. It helped somewhat. And you were comforting him as best you could.
“I can have us moved to a different hotel.”
“No, I don’t want to be a hassle to everyone.”
You grabbed his face so he could look you in the eyes.
“Your wellbeing is not a hassle.”
“I don’t want to make a fuss.”
“I want to make a fuss.”
He looked torn, he didn’t what to do, “I think…if you’re here, I’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure?”
He nodded, so you kissed his forehead. “Okay, but if you have even the slightest dark thought, tell me and I’ll sort something. And don’t be afraid to talk to me or anyone about anything, okay?”
He mumbled back a reply while you pulled him into a hug.
“I think our room has a bathtub. Do you want to have a nice soak?”
“Will there be lavender bath salts?”
“It’s a fancy hotel, so probably.”
You led him through to the reception, having already been given your room key while you berated the production team. Dieter paused and pointed to a random spot of the carpet.
“Oh look, that’s where I technically died.”
He started laughing hysterically and you dragged him away before they turned into sobs.
The staff had thankfully not placed you and Dieter in the room he was in before. It was a very nice suite, much bigger than your old apartment. And they had lavender bath salts, so you plopped Dieter into a steaming hot bath and went to unpack everything.
“Are you going to join me?” you heard a few minutes later.
“I want to get things unpacked, at least everything we need tonight and tomorrow. Are you hungry? Do you want anything?”
“Just you, honey cakes”
Well, you needed to take the toiletries into the bathroom.
You held him close to you that night in case any bad dreams decided to get through.
You didn’t get to meet the infamous director until the second day of shooting. Ryan was known for being eccentric, but you thought he was extremely rude and acted like a spoiled child.
He absolutely detested colour and refused to acknowledge your existence until you wore your least colourful clothes which luckily, you did pack.
The man was impossible to work with, having a habit of saying one thing but meaning another. He’d constantly expect everyone around him to be able to read his mind, and only giving monosyllabic answers. He would throw a massive hissy fit and throw things around if he was questioned for anything. People would give their left arm to work with him? You'd happily take the bite of a zombie just to avoid him.
The crew, which was new for this shooting, as with every shoot, bonded in mutual frustration. You were all giving each other secret eye rolls whenever the director was talking nonsense, and some started recording whatever he said. They’d compare notes just to make sure no one was going crazy and to have insurance against being fired. One poor assistant was already reduced to tears as she’d somehow gotten his tea order wrong.
The cast was small: just Dieter playing MacBeth and three actresses playing the witches. Well, actresses was a loose term. Lucretia Schwartz was an underwear model, Cheery Lin a swimsuit model and Dencidee (yes that was her real name) a Tik Tok star known for dancing and lip synching. They were clearly cast for their looks rather than their talent and Ryan definitely favoured them, praising them so much, it was borderline creepy.
Dieter, however, got the opposite treatment; every little thing he did seemed to be picked over like a rat picking at a bone. Dieter was criticised to the point of frustration every day. There was an on-set therapist, to nobody’s surprise, so he had constant sessions with them along with most of the crew.
You encouraged him to vent his frustrations when back at the hotel, as normally he bottled up his feelings until he exploded in a flurry of chaos.
Today was a particularly bad day.
“Fifty takes. Fifty fucking takes for one fucking line!”
Dieter was lying face down on the bed as he only had the energy to voice his anger. He did happily accept soothing back rubs from you, and he had severe anger related tension in his back.
“And that Tik Tok twit goes and does one take with the worst delivery and his eminence claims it’s a perfect take?”
“She did seem a bit wooden” you agreed with him.
“Wooden? I’ve seen more convincing performances from an actual piece of wood!”
He turned over in a frustrated sigh, so you could see how tired his eyes were. He took one of your hands and started tracing circles in your palm, while you brushed the hair from his face with the other one.
“This reminds me of how Stanley Kubrick treated Shelley Duvall on the set of The Shining. I just hope your hair doesn’t fall out from the stress.”
“So, if someone puts an axe in his back, no one would mind?”
“An axe is too good for him” you mused “It’s not cold enough to leave him outside to freeze to death, so maybe locking him in the hotel freezer would do. Then hope he spends a cursed eternity trapped in a picture”.
“You my dear, have a very depraved mind” Dieter says as he kisses your hand “One of the many reasons I love you.”
You gave him an amused look “Want me to keep listing ways of offing him?”
“It’s foreplay to my ears.”
Those two months were an arduous ordeal. Dieter would be subjected to all forms of verbal abuse on set, and at night, he would sleep. He was prescribed something to help with the anxiety and stress and the medication usually left him feeling drowsy, but it helped him sleep undisturbed.
Whenever you had days off, you’d drag him away for as long as possible, usually for weekend trips to London. You took him to fun spots, trying afternoon tea, exploring the Natural History Museum, Harrods and Borough Market, getting slightly distracted by all the English cheeses and distracting Dieter with the English chocolate. You even got tickets to The Lion King on the West End. Those days were enjoyable, and an occasional smile would grace Dieter’s lips. You took several photos of those occasions. It almost felt like you were having a fun holiday.
You almost didn’t come on this shooting trip, having been offered a job back in LA, but now you’re glad you came with Dieter. He would not have been able to handle all this by himself and if he didn’t come home…you didn’t want to think about it.
Finally, last day on set. Everyone on crew was ready to celebrate no longer having to put up with this tyrannical egomaniac. You were happy to celebrate with Dieter and tell him about a surprise you had planned for him.
For some reason, you had been sent off set to collect something random that apparently his eminence absolutely needed and only you could get. You were wearing colour today, in defiance so that was probably the reason for it.
It took you most of the filming day for this errand, so by the time you got back, filming had wrapped. The set seemed almost deserted you wondered…
You were fuming.
This must be breaking so many laws on so many levels. Now you know why you were sent away.
“Are those…?”
“Pig guts, yes”
“And that…?”
“Cow manure”
Gwen, working on costumes, was one of the few left behind due to the stench, was equally furious.
“This wasn’t on the call sheet”.
“Last minute decision by our esteemed director. Makes the finale more dramatic apparently.”
She helped you hose the filth off of Dieter before taking him into a nearby bathroom. His costume was completely ruined along with his state of mind, most likely. He was numb, barely responding to what was happening.
As soon as you got back to the hotel, you packed up all your belongings and left to check you and Dieter into an airport hotel. When there, you led him into the shower and washed him until the water ran clear. Then you held him tight as he finally broke down into tears. It was a long night, but he finally managed to sleep.
The following day, Dieter spent a good hour facetiming with his therapist in L.A. while you were on the phone to whoever was in charge of production. Apparently, what happened to Mr. Bravo was not exactly considered a crime; something to do with no physical harm happening and a contract being signed before filming blah blah blah. You were stuck in an endless loop of people mincing their words and saying a lot but not saying anything at all. They seemed to be doing everything in their power to protect their esteemed director as he had won several awards and appointed an OBE. You didn’t care if he got a Nobel Prize for Peacekeeping, no one treats a person like that and gets away with it. You now understood why Carrie went and telekinetically destroyed everyone who ever hurt her. But then you had a better idea: revenge was best served by people with hidden recording devices…
Dieter was almost back to normal; he was at least sitting up and able to hold a conversation. You were watching Curse of the Were-Rabbit together and he was laughing at every joke, which was a relief to you.
“How are you feeling?”
“Better, will be much better when we’re home”.
“We’ll be home soon” you kissed the top of his head “But we’ll be making a short detour”.
He lifted his head from your shoulder in question while you grabbed something from the bedside table.
“We deserve a bit of happy news so…”
You handed him a gift bag. He looked inside and then to you.
“Is this?”
“Are we?”
He pulled out a pair of Mickey Mouse ears.
“We’re going to Disneyland Paris!”
Dieter collapsed against you in a muddled hug and cried, but this time from happiness.
The next day, you were waiting at your gate headed for Paris. Dieter was clearly excited for the first time in a while, already wearing his Mickey Mouse ears without shame.
“Do you think they’ll have churros at Paris?”
“Maybe, we’ll have to find out.”
His hand hadn’t left yours since leaving the airport hotel, almost like he needed an anchor to avoid floating away into sadness again. You squeezed his hand every now and again to reassure him you were still there.
“I could write us a list of foods we should try.”
He gave you a cheeky glance, “You haven’t made a list yet?”
But before you could answer, there was a chattering amongst the crowd, everyone looking at their phones in disbelief. One of the many TV screens at the gate were displaying a sudden news bulletin. There was no audio but the story playing out was clear: acclaimed director Ryan was having many allegations being held against him for abuse and malpractice. A grainy video showed him screaming at some poor soul. The chatting was now fluttering around the airport.
“It’s not the first time he’s done this.”
“I always knew he was a creep.”
“Does the abuse excuse the art?”
Dieter was looking around, but you tugged him back into attention.
“Come on, they’ve just announced boarding.” And you started leading him towards the queue forming.
“You don’t want to find out about that?” he asked.
“Who do you think started it?” you looked up at his startled face.
“You did this?”
“I didn’t do much, just encouraged everyone with evidence to leak it to the press, and there were so many of us with phones on set so…”
“You, honey cakes, can be evil when you want to be.”
“Evil?” you asked “Me? I’d say I’m more of a Robin Hood type character.”
“Well, I’m glad to be your Maid Marion.”
“You’re talking animated version, right?”
“Absolutely. Underrated film.”
Film referenced: Shaun of the Dead (2004), The Omen (1976), An American Werewolf in London (1981), Basil the Great Mouse Detective (1986), Wallace and Gromit (1986), The Shining (1980), Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005), Robin Hood (1973)
Lovingly tagging @boliv-jenta @simpingcowboy @ellenmunn @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @brilliantopposite187 @chaithetics @myloveistoolittle @cevans-is-classic @glshmbl
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