#glad I captured some cute moments on screen record tonight
rainbowharadise · 2 years
“Look at the moon. Look at THAT moon. DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE?!” 🫶🏻🌙✨ X
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
Stray Kids Reaction: First Kiss
A/n: I hope you like it! I think these turned out super cute! feel free to request again!
Requested by: @tropicalwrites​ (thank you bb)
Tag List: @distrikt9​ @mini-meanhoe​ @poeticallyspaghetti​ (Tag List is open)
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Dates with Chan had been sparse lately. It wasn’t his fault. They were doing promotions for a comeback and Chan had absolutely zero free time and any time he did have, despite his protests, you wanted him to spend resting. “Y/n, please! I wanna see you!” Chan whined over the phone. 
You sighed and looked at the time. The boys were still at the company, but would most likely be at the dorms in an hour or two. “Okay how about this. I’ll come over to the dorms and cook dinner for you and the boys tonight. That way you guys can have dinner as soon as you get home.” There was silence on the phone. “Chan? Chris? You there, love?” 
“Sorry, you just made my heart explode.”  
You laughed and hung up the phone. After a short car ride, you were inside the dorm and cooking a nice dinner for your incredible boyfriend and his band members. The steam from the cooking vegetables were starting to make you sweat a little. Grabbing a clip from your bag you pulled your hair out of your face and continued making the boys a good meal.
“Y/NNNNNNNNN!” Several boys screamed as the dorm door burst open. You smiled and finished putting food on plates. Felix attacked you with a hug and Hyunjin and Jisung followed soon after. “This looks really good, Y/n,” Felix said when everyone was seated at the table, Chan beside you. “I’m glad to have a break from cooking for these weirdos.” 
Soon Chan was sending all the boys off to bed with full bellies and food comas. “I’ve missed you so much,” He said taking your hands and sitting on the arm of the couch. “You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to see you and talk to you, to hold you, and... other things,” Chan said blushing. 
“What kind of other things?” 
Chan looked down and shrugged, his dimples making a shy appearance. You watched him play with your fingers, subconsciously pulling you closer to him. It didn’t take a psychic to know what was on his mind. With a smile, you leaned down and pressed your lips against his. He smiled into the kiss, his thumb rubbing over your skin. When you pulled away Chan had the dopiest grin across his face. He fell back onto the couch, staring up at the ceiling in a trance making you laugh.
“That was so awesome.” 
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Minho sat next to you on the couch. He wasn’t necessarily close to you, but he wasn’t on the farthest side of the sofa either. The boys had been hinting that maybe your feelings for Minho were reciprocated. You had been reading into everything lately and you still came up with nothing. Minho was impossible.
The focus of the boy next to you was heavily trained on his phone. Some random game was enticing his attention away from you. Giving up, you crossed your arms and stared at the TV. 
After letting out many precisely planned sighs hoping to grab Minho’s attention and failing you conceded and started flipping channels. Settling for a drama you watched the soap opera romance that played out on the screen. An hour passed and your stomach was beginning to growl. 
“I’m gonna order a pizza.” You said pulling out your phone. Minho hummed in response. rolling your eyes you walked into the kitchen to grab a soda for you and the thick headed boy in your living room. The doorbell rang and you looked to the couch. Minho showed no sign of getting up still zoned in on his phone. “Don’t worry I’ll get it.” Your feet trudged over the door and you gave the pizza guy a half assed smile. 
“Hi! That will be $22.46.” The boy smiled when you handed him the money as well as a nice tip. “Thanks, have a good night!” 
You closed the door and plopped back onto the couch setting the pizza on the coffee table. A hand grabbed your wrist before you could open the hot cardboard box. Minho smashed his lips on yours, hand coming to the back of your neck. He pushed you onto the couch, hovering on top of you. Caught up in the moment your hands tangled in his hair enticing Minho to deepen the kiss.  
As quickly as he had come onto you, he retreated, moving back to his previous spot on the couch and reaching for the pizza. You lay on the couch, completely confused. “What the hell was that?” Minho shrugged acting as if nothing had happened.
“What?” He picked up a slice and took a bite out of it. “I’m not allowed to kiss my girlfriend?”
You shook your head in disbelief. What? “Girlfr- What? When did this happen?” Again he shrugged like this was common knowledge you were the dumbest person on the planet, and you were starting to feel that way. He thought you were dating already?
“Y/n, you’ve cat-sitted for me at least twenty times. In my book, we are in a committed relationship after ten.” He handed you a slice of pizza and turned back to the TV. You watched as he threw an arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his side. “Congrats on being my girlfriend, dummy.”
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“Seo Lewis Changbin!”
“Oh no.” Your best friend mumbled. He took off his headphones and turned to see you marching through the door of his studio. The pissed off expression on your face said everything and also nothing. Changbin only had a matter of seconds to recount everything he had done in the last twenty-four hours and apologize or face the consequences. “Hi, gorgeous, how’s your day?” 
You simply rose an eyebrow and he quickly shut up. “Changbin, do you have something to tell me?” You could see the gears turning in his brain. The gears screaming ‘what did I do wrong this time’. 
It was honestly a little fun to watch him squirm. You crossed your arms and ignored the giggles coming from the other side of the studio door. You knew Felix and Seungmin had followed you down the hall. They were the ones who told you about Changbin in the first place. “I’m sorry that I used your sweatshirt to clean up Minho’s cat piss. But you can have my hoodie.”
He screamed as my hands attacked any unshielded spot on his body. “Stop! STOP! I BRUISE EASILY!” You huffed and stepped away. Changbin rubbed his bicep as if you had actually hurt him. “I’m sorry okay!” He scorched farther away from you. Though you had gotten him to confess it wasn’t the secret you were looking for. 
“While I am pissed about that, and you will be getting me a new hoodie, that isn’t what I was talking about.” Changbin watched with wary eyes as you inched forward and leaned on the arms of his office chair. “I had a little conversation with Seungmin and Felix earlier.” Changbin visibly gulped.
“Oh no.”
“Oh yes.”
“They sold me out?”
“They did indeed.” Changbin’s ears turned a dark shade of red. How you had never noticed your effect on your best friend before you would never know. Possibly because you were too focused on your own infatuation. Leaning forward, you pressed your lips to his, capturing them in a sweet kiss. Tilting your head you let your teeth drag slowly across Changbin’s bottom lip. 
“Was that like a friend kiss or-?” Changbin asked when you pulled away. You rolled your eyes and kissed him again before he could ask another stupid question.
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Hyunjin was walking you home after a late night boba date. His hand was intertwined with yours as you walked in the warm spring air. “When is your next free day?” You asked swinging your hands as you strolled down the dimly lit streets. You felt safe with your boyfriend next to you.
He hummed, head lifting to the sky in thought. “I think...two weeks from now?” You sighed and he brought your hand up to his lips, kissing your knuckles. “I know, baby.” It was hard not seeing Hyunjin. He himself was having withdrawal issues from your company and the boys were starting to notice. His dating ban wasn’t up for another three months, so the two of you had to sneak around. 
“What about nights?” He shooked his head ‘no’ and stopped under a street lamp. Leaning you back against the steel pole, you looked up at Hyunjin. “What about before morning meetings?” Hyunjin laughed, the sound making you smile.
He ran a hand through his blonde hair and dragged his touch down your arm. “Y/n, you and I both know neither of us are going to get up at four thirty in the morning.” You laughed and pulled Hyunjin closer to you, wrapping your arms around his neck.
Hyunjin gave you a soft smile and looked down at you. He made your heart pound in your chest. “I don’t know how I’m going to make it two weeks without you, Jinnie.” He sighed, nuzzling into your neck. 
“Believe me, if you can’t then I definitely won’t.” You ran a hand through his soft hair making him sigh in content. Eventually, he pulled away and stared at you with longing. His eyes looked from your eyes to your mouth in question. After seeing the smallest nod he leaned in pressing his lips against yours. 
You smiled into the kiss, threading your fingers through Hyunjin’s hair. He pulled away and rested his forehead against yours. “What if I just ran away with you right now?” 
“Jisung would absolutely murder you. You’re supposed to record tomorrow.” You said a little breathless, wanting his lips on yours again. 
“True. Very true.” He came back, another fiery kiss being shared between you. His tongue swiped across your bottom lip before slipping into your mouth. The two of you savored your last moments together under the dim golden glow of the street lamp.
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“Hey, handsome,” You answered your ringing phone. 
Jisung’s tired voice came through the call. “Y/n, baby, can you come over to the dorm?” You checked your watch and saw it was almost 2:30 in the afternoon. Usually, he was at the studio until three in the morning. 
“Sure. I’ll be there in like ten minutes.” Slipping on a big hoodie and your shoes you grabbed your wallet and car keys and drove over to the dorms. When you got there most of the boys were in the kitchen or the common room. “Hi guys! Where’s Jisung?”
Chan waved and gave you a hug. “Oh- he’s in his room. Top bunk.” The boys waved as you walked by and you knocked quietly on the last door. A muffled voice belonging to your boyfriend told you to come in. You saw a single sweatpant covered leg hanging off one of the top bunks. Jisung’s head peeked over the side and he gave you a smile.
“Hi!” He said sleepily. Your sock feet padded over to the bed and you looked at him from over the side. “You wanna take a nap with me?” There was no helping the laugh that escaped. 
“You called me just to take a nap with you?” He nodded, his eyes already droopy. It looked like he was waiting to fall asleep until you arrived. With a sigh, you began climbing up the ladder and Jisung lifted up the covers giving you a place to lay on his chest. “This is a tiny bed.” 
“Shhhh. It’s nap time baby.” 
Eventually, the both of you fell asleep. It was easy to relax in Jisung’s arms. He radiated warmth with his arms and legs wrapped around you. Soon your eyes blinked open only to find a dark room. You reached over Jisung to grab his phone. You looked to see it was nearing 11 o’clock at night. “What’s wrong, babe?” Jisung mumbled feeling you move. You told him the time and he laughed. “There’s no point in you leaving, so why don’t you just spend the night?” He whispered.
He smiled feeling you nod and he started running his long fingers through your hair. In the low light, you could only barely make up the features of Jisung’s face. You were only slightly surprised to feel Jisung’s lips on yours. The kiss was slow and sleepy, but sweet none the less. Your hands already around his stomach slipped under his shirt., feeling his warm skin. 
Sleepy kisses were exchanged, Jisung’s long fingers playing with your hair and holding you close in the dark. He pulled you on top of him, leaving no space between you. After a while, the both of you fell back asleep and didn’t wake until morning
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Felix got a running start before launching himself off the cliff and into the water. You watched from the shore of the little alcove the two of you had found. You cheered seeing your boyfriend resurface in the center of the clear watering hole. “You gonna try?” He called, treading water. You shook your head, and he rolled his eyes. “Come on, there’s a smaller ledge, closer to the water.” 
You looked to the rock face Felix had climbed moments earlier. The colors of green and blue were vibrant around you, making your own little paradise. “Fine.” Felix smiled, seeing you shed your coverup and began swimming back to the shore. He took your hand and led you to a smaller ledge half as high as the one he had previously jumped off of. The waterfall roared next to you and Felix laced his fingers with yours.
“Ready?” You nodded, a nervous smile on the corner of your mouth. You were comforted seeing Felix’s grin. “3, 2,..1!” The two of you leaped from the ledge and into the cool clear water, screams escaping as you fell. Felix held onto your hand tightly as the two of you sank beneath the water’s surface. “Wasn’t that fun?” He exclaimed as the two of you swam above the surface. 
“Yeah, okay. That was fun.”
Felix smiled as the two of you treaded water. “You wanna do something else fun?” Before you could answer Felix started swimming to the waterfall. Trusting him, you followed. He gently took your hand, lifting you up on the slippery rocks. He led the two of you carefully behind heavy curtain of water into a tiny cave. The roaring of the falls echoed in the small space, obstructing your view of your secret alcove. 
“Wow!” You said, reaching your hand under the water. Felix grinned, wet hair falling in front of his eyes. Stepping carefully, he made his way over to you wrapping his arms around your waist. 
“Can I kiss you?” 
Your eyes widened at his bluntness, but you nodded palms resting against his bare chest. Hesitantly, Felix leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. The kiss was slow at first, then picked up as Felix grew more confident. His lips danced against yours, one of his hands coming to tangle in your hair. The two of you parted, breathe heavy and lovestruck grins plastered on your faces.
Felix pulled away and started to do a little dance making you laugh. “What the hell are you doing?” He just continued to do his weird little dance as you watched and laughed at your dorky boyfriend behind the waterfall.
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Two weeks after Seungmin and you started dating, he and the rest of the boys left for a US tour.  Thankfully his dating ban had been lifted early after an analysis by the company, so Seungmin was free to spend time with you anytime he wanted as long as it didn’t interfere with his schedules. 
Your fingers tapped against your steering wheel. The red light turned green and you drove the rest of the way to the airport. Chan called you early this morning, about two hours ago, and told you their flight was getting in at five-thirty in the morning. You yawned, pulling into Seoul International Airport. Seungmin had called you the night before and told you not to bother meeting him since they would be arriving so early in the morning. But, you were determined.
After asking an attendant she directed you the flight gate the boys would be coming from. The sign you had made in the last hour, was bumping up against your legs as you ran through the cold airport. Seungmin’s sweatshirt was blocking the cold air from hitting your skin as you looked for gate A6. 
A few other people were waiting as you approached the gate, but you pushed your way to the front. Your eyes frantically searched the sea of people as passengers came off the plane. Spotting Chan’s curly frizzy hair you held up your sign with a huge grin on your face. 
Chan spotted you first and then laughed at your sign. He called back into the group of boys behind him, who all turned to look at you. Before you knew it, your boyfriend was pushing himself to the front of the group and he laughed when he saw your sign, falling to the ground and covering his face. 
‘Welcome Home Hot Stuff’ the sign read with a funny meme of Seungmin that Felix had sent you a couple days ago glue on the poster board. Not wanting to be apart from you anymore Seungmin ran over and wrapped you up in his arms. “Y/n, I have missed you so much. Why are you here? It’s 5:30! Is this my sweatshirt? I can’t believe you’re here! Honey, I’ve missed you so much-”
You smashed your lips against his cutting off his ramblings. After getting over the shock, Seungmin kissed you back, dropping everything in his hands. He cupped your face, thumbs brushing over your cheeks. Your head was spinning in the best way possible. “Welcome home, Minnie.” You whispered against his lips, making him smile. 
“Let’s go get breakfast.” He said with a smile and took the sign from you, looking at your craft project. 
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Jeongin and you lay on the floor of your dorm room a board game between the two of you. Rain pelted against your window, thunder rolling outside. Jeongin moved his game piece six spaces before looking up at you with a smile. You sat with a mug of warm tea in your hands and Jeongin’s hoodie swallowing you in warmth. 
“You are too cute,” Jeongin mumbled, leaning his cheek into his palm. 
Attempting to hide your blush, you brought the steaming cup up to your mouth and took a sip. “Jeongin, really you don’t have to stay here. I’m no scared of the storm.” He shrugged and rolled the dice for you, moving it four spaces. You got up, the sweatshirt falling over your shorts. The mug clunked against the wood as you set it on your desk. 
Jeongin watched you walk over and pulled you down into his lap. “What if I’m the one scared of the storm?” He questioned, pushing a piece of hair away from your face. Rolling your eyes you giggled and kissed his cheek. “Okay, you’re right. I’m not scared of the storm.” 
“Innie, you’re welcome to stay as long as you want. My roommate is staying at her boyfriend’s.” 
Jeongin smiled, placing a loving kiss on the side of your neck. He reached over and rolled the dice as lightning flashed outside. The cold air of the dorm made you snuggled deeper into the warm fabric of Jeongin’s hoodie. Sensing movement in his lap he wrapped a protective arm around you as he moved his game piece with his other hand. 
“I think I’m going to win in the next two moves.” You said, causing your boyfriend to turn his head. He looked at you with raised brows and laughed.
“Oh really?” 
You nodded and moved your piece to the final block on the board. “Yep. I win.” Jeongin laughed and looked into your eyes. His knuckles brushed over your cheek his breath ghosting over your lips. You inched forward, desperately wanting to close the small gap between you. A smirk tilted on the corner of Jeongin’s mouth, seeing your impatience. 
Softly, gently, his lips pressed against yours. His lips tasted like coffee, and he smelled like the rain that was falling outside. You dragged your lips against his savoring every moment with him. As you pulled away Jeongin chases after your lips, making you giggle. 
Your eyes looked to the window and Jeongin trailed his lips tenderly down your jaw, before resting his chin on your shoulder. “You stand corrected.” He whispered, kissing your lips again. “I win.” 
Requests are open lovelies! Just send an ask!
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melonkooky · 6 years
bts reaction - their s/o staring at them in admiration/awe
genre: fluff
please do not copy my work. but please like and reblog it. thank you!!!!
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kim seokjin
seokjin had woken up before you had on this fine saturday morning. he had the day off so he had plans for the both of you. since he had woken up first, seokjin got out of bed, rubbing the sleep form his eyes. he smiled at you, seeing how you looked at peace. then he left the bedroom and entered the kitchen, heading towards the pantry. as the chef in the house, he decided to cook a nice breakfast. he began to pull some ingredients out of the pantry. while he was in the midst of cooking, you woke up. you could hear light sizzling sounds of cooking in the kitchen. you left the bed, combing your hand through your untamed hair. you sat down on a barstool in the kitchen and just rested your elbows on the counter, placing your chin in the palms of your hands. a small smile along with glazed, tired eyes appeared on your face. seokjin looked heavenly, such boyfriend material. his plain black t-shirt showing his broad shoulders. the baggy basketball shorts that hung on his hips. the concentrated look on his face as he cooked. he was hot. seokjin noticed you from the corner of his eye and looked at you. “morning, jagi.” and his voice, thick and raspy from a heavy sleep. 
you hummed a ‘morning’ in reply. seokjin grinned, “why are you staring at me like that?” he turned his back to grab a couple plates.
“i’m just admiring art. the piece is called kim seokjin and my is he fine.” 
seokjin grinned, a pink hue appearing on his face. the feeling of butterflies in his stomach made him giggle to himself. he was going to make the day extra special for you just for complimenting him. he loved his girl.
min yoongi
yoongi had surprised you with a date to the movies. he owed it to you after having been gone longer hours than normal because of the comeback that was just around the corner. it was the only time he had were he didn’t have any plans so he wanted to spend it with you. he was the one behind the wheel of the car while you sat next to him in the passenger. it began with you admiring how hot he looked while he was driving, one hand on the wheel, the other clasping your hand. yoongi grinned, getting the feeling that someone was watching him. he turned to you, flashing you a gummy smile. then turned back to the road. as much as he wanted to admire you, safety first right? you grinned proudly to yourself, really feeling his love tonight. yoongi found a parking space relatively close the theater. he stepped out of the car and walked to your side, opening the door for you. yoongi helped you out and then held your hand as you and him began to journey to the theater. you arrived to the doors and walked inside. you watched yoongi speak to the cashier about which movie you and him were seeing. he pulled out his wallet and fumbled for his card, paying for the movie. your eyes never left his face while he paid. as he was putting his wallet away, he noticed you staring at him again. “what’s with you today?” he teased.
you looked away, a small blush on your cheeks. “can’t i admire my man?”
he chuckled, using his hand to itch the bridge of his nose. “ah.” he sighed, suppressing a smile.
then you surprised him with a kiss on his cheek when you and him sat down in your seats in the actual theater. yoongi was glad it was dark or else you would have seen the deep pink color in his pale cheeks.
 jung hoseok
hoseok asked you to come along with him to watch him practice. it comforted him to know that you were there for him, watching him dance. the members were all happy that you tagged along of course, but they also knew you were there primarily for hoseok as he was your man. they did a few warm up exercises and a few dance routines to get them started. while they did that, you preoccupied yourself with your phone, checking social media, texting a few of your friends and family, playing with a few apps on your phone. when you began to grow bored, you looked up to watch your boyfriend dance. though his back was to you, you could see his reflection in the mirror across from you. his face was a bit dark but that was only because he was getting into the feeling that the choreography was giving off. just seeing him dancing so good and passionately made your heart swell with love. you didn’t even realize you began to stare, getting concentrated on his dancing. eventually, they called a break. the members grinned and casually called you out, gaining hoseok’s attention. “yah, jagiya, what’s that look for?” he asked with a award-winning smile.
you blinked and then closed your mouth, realizing it was hanging open. and then your eyes felt a bit dry, you must’ve forgotten to blink. you pouted. “i was just admiring your dancing. you were doing it so well.”
hoseok walked over to you and placed a sweet kiss on the top of your head. “than watch all you want.”
kim namjoon
you were namjoon’s guest at this music awards show. many loved you as namjoon’s girlfriend so when bts was invited - being nominees in several categories - he asked if he could bring you. they accepted. so you got to pick out an amazing and very expensive dress. namjoon helped you pick one out. and then you got to experience many stylists to working on your hair, makeup, and dress. and then an unforgettable experience, you got to walk on the red carpet. cameras flashing everywhere, telling you and namjoon to hug or kiss or just be next to each other (of course there was a time where you had to step aside so that he could take pictures with his members). you saw many of his fansites while you sat at the table next to him. you enjoyed the music and seeing people win awards, especially when bts won. you stood up and clapped for your man as he walked up to stage and took the award as the leader. then, you couldn’t help but admire him. he had worked so hard, never gave up... he and the members had come a long way, all for opportunities like this one, for his fans. you just stared, and then namjoon said your name, causing you to snap out of your trance. cameras flashed at you and you blushed because they probably captured you staring at your boyfriend with hearts for eyes. after namjoon sat back down, he turned to you. “i saw you staring.”
“i was showing support for you.” you lightly punched his shoulder.
“i know.” he smiled happily, smiling at you and the members. he felt proud and seeing how you yourself was extremely proud, he was overall happy. he could see the love in your eyes as he looked at you while thanking you in his speech.
park jimin
everyone was hanging out in the dorms, you included. though, not necessarily included. the boys were all playing video games, but there was a limited amount of controllers so they had established rotations. for you though, you didn’t particularly enjoy playing this particular game that they were playing, or you just didn’t find enjoyment in video games in general. jimin sat next to you as he waited his turn, a small smile as he watched his other members play. you felt happy just to see them all happy. and you weren’t bored, you liked watching. and finally it was jimin’s turn, he chuckled excitedly, grabbing the paddle from hoseok. you glanced at his side profile, seeing how concentrated he looked. you turned your attention to the screen. jimin was obviously winning at the game and he won. you grinned as he jumped off the couch to celebrate with a little dance that rubbed his victory in his opponent’s face. you just watched him, he looked so cute in this moment. casual clothes on, makeup free face, a grin that was brighter than the sun itself. it all gave you a giddy-like feeling inside. then jimin looked at you and smiled. “why are you staring at me like that?”
you shook your head. “is it wrong of me to stare at my boyfriend? fine, i actually wished you hadn’t won.” you were joking obviously.
jimin sat down again, passing the controller to another member. then he hugged you, “ah, my jagi was staring at me. you love me so much!” he said while blushing.
kim taehyung
taehyung invited you to the recording studio. you never found that you were any help but taehyung claimed that you were his muse when it came to music, the person he always thought of whenever he was singing or dancing. that warmed your heart so you went with him. taehyung decided to surprise his fans and release a song. he had written it, with namjoon’s help of course. you hadn’t heard it yourself so you were excited to hear this song. unfortunately, you had to sit in the very back of the room on a couch, in order to stay out of the way of namjoon and the producers who would be recording his song. you couldn’t hear him well but the way he closed his eyes as he sang with his beautiful, deep voice, his hands moving along with the beat and his notes, he looked absolutely beautiful and you were in complete awe. you’d never seen him this passionate about a song and it made you curious as to what the lyrics were or what they meant. you could only watch him and your eyes couldn’t leave him. you were just...in love with him. you didn’t even realize he had finished minutes later, you probably were staring for hours. you were in another dimension. you only snapped out of it when he pulled you off the couch and into a hug. “ah, i did it, i wrote a song, jagi.” he was proud.
you hugged him hard, “i’m so proud.” then you pulled away and looked at him, staring in awe again. you just couldn’t stop.
taehyung smiled cheekily, a blush on his cheeks. “the song was about you, you know...”
and you were staring at him again. what a lovely boy you got yourself.
jeon jungkook
jungkook had been at it for a few hours now. he arrived home from japan a few days ago and now he had quite a lone break. of course, he spent some time with you. but now he was making another ‘g.c.f’, this time in japan. he recorded a lot of footage so now he had to go through it all and edit it to follow a song he had chosen. but he was working very hard and hadn’t taken a break. of course, it was something he enjoyed doing, but his eyes hadn’t left the computer screen. you decided to see him, after hours of not bothering him. you pulled up a chair next to him, “hey.” he greeted, though he was distracted.
you looked at him. “still going?”
he nodded, this time looking down to type something on the computer. your attention remained on him. the way his mouth hung open slightly, his eyes wide as his attention was fixed on his next big project. he had on a thick black hoodie, the hood hanging over his forehead. he looked so soft and cute. you just couldn’t help but stare.
“what do you think about this?” he questioned, getting ready to show you what he had so far.
when you didn’t reply, he looked at you, catching you staring at him. you were smiling so warmly at him, it made him blush. “yah, you can’t stare at me like that...” he smiled widely. “you look so cute.”
“no, you look so cute.”
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hanjuminshoe-blog · 7 years
RFA trying to get a hyper!MC to go to bed? Maybe she had wayyyy too much coffee or something? I really like your hcs so I wonder how you might do this one. Thank you! ^^
Aw thanks so much! It means so much to me that someone likes my writing! Sorry this took me a while… I don’t really know what it’s like to be hyper T - T
How could you have so much energy for 11:30 in the evening?
He stares at you from the couch as you time yourself for another round of 2048. Eyes glued to the screen, you play again and again, trying to beat your own five minute record.
Yoosung gets the uncomfortable feeling that that crazed expression on your face is similar to how he looks like when he plays LOLOL.
He becomes alarmed when he looks up from his notes an hour later to find you bustling about the kitchen trying to bake brownies. You were a terrible cook!
It was a dangerous idea to keep his eyes off of you for even a minute when you were in one of these moods.
You would become unpredictable and listless after a day spent lazing on the couch.
He supposes it makes sense for so much inactivity to make way for hyperactivity.
He stops working and approaches you.
“MC? Don’t you think it’s about time to go to bed?”
“It’s getting late, and you didn’t really get a lot of sleep last night either…”
“No! I want to bake you something for breakfast. I’m not the best baker, but this time will be different. You like brownies, don’t you, Yoosung?~”
He scratches the back of his neck sheepishly. How was he going to get you to bed with that attitude? There would be no arguing with you now. Shouldn’t she still get some sleep, though?
Yoosung is too timid to protest, but he’s so worried that you’ll end up burning the flat down that he tries to stay awake to watch over you.
Before he knows it, his eyelids are drooping. He ends up falling asleep on the counter just before you’re about to stick the pan the in oven.
Luckily, you decide to stop when you see how exhausted your boyfriend is. He’s snoozing away with his head in his arms, snoring lightly with his mouth slightly open.
You feel guilty once you realise that you probably terrified him by trying to cook unsupervised. You poke his nose. “Yoosung?”
“Huh…? MC?”
“Let’s go to bed, okay?”
“That,” He says through a soft, half-lidded smile, “would be awesome.”
She suspects you’re tipsy, judging from the way you’ve been chattering away non-stop for the past half hour.
She pats herself on the back for not drinking herself. Leading you home when you were this excited was bad enough, but leading you home while both of you were intoxicated? Jaehee shivered t the thought of it.
She braces herself for a night of exasperation.
Being tipsy seemed to send you into a spontaneous burst of activity. All of a sudden her reserved girlfriend would be talking, eating, and laughing without pause.
Jaehee’s eyes widen in panic when you choose to sprint across the street and into the apartment building without so much as a glance at the passing traffic.
MC is really talented. Was she a gymnast in another life? Or perhaps a track star? If I’m not mistaken, she was wearing her six-inch stilettos just now, right?
She chases after you and finds you in the living room trying to draw a portrait of yourself and your darling “Baehee”.
Jaehee is surprised to discover that she finds this behavior endearing. Though, it’s unfortunate that you’ve nearly knocked the lamp over from laughing too hard when you forget to draw eyes on yourself.
“Baehee! Come look at this! Don’t I look like a mop?”
“MC? Isn’t it about time we get to bed?”
“Wait, wait, wait. Let me draw Zen in here, too.”
Jaehee bites her tongue to refrain from asking you to rethink your artistic interpretation of Zen. That’s a horse?! Please don’t tell me she’s saying that Zen is that horse.
“Look, Baehee! It’s Zen! He’s a pony because of his ponytail!”
Okay, now it’s definitely time for bed.
She’s gone crazy. The alcohol must be interfering with her memory...
“MC, let’s go to sleep now.”
“But why? Don’t you like my drawings?”
“Yes! But Zen would like this drawing even more! In fact, if you sleep now, maybe you can wake up early enough to catch him before his next rehearsal! In fact, I’ll join you!”
“Yes! You’ve captured his likeness perfectly. He will be so glad to receive such a... lifelike portrait!”
You giggle before beaming back at her. “Okay! I’ll go get changed now. Don’t forget!”
Jaehee sighs and massages her temples.
I hope Zen will forgive me for this.
Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to let you binge on all those sweets just because “A girl has to live every once in a while, OK?” 
He was getting drowsy, but you definitely weren’t. 
It was 1:30… You would typically be asleep by 11:00. 
As delightful as it was to see you acting so playful, you definitely didn’t giggle this much. Ever. And that half-crazed look in your eyes wasn’t normal either. 
You were totally on a sugar high. 
When you weren’t scrolling through memes or doubling over with laughter from the most insignificant of details, you would poke his cheek or tug on his shirt, asking him to feed you another bite of chocolate cake. 
It’s rare for Zen to be the one nagging you to go to bed. Still, he shakes his head and puts the plates away. “No, MC. It’s time to go to sleep. Don’t you have class tomorrow?”
“One more bite? Please~?” 
It takes everything in him to resist that pleading look on your face. Why does she have to be so cute? Maybe… No. No, Zen. Don’t give in. “Sorry, babe. Bedtime.” 
He turns to leave, but it takes him a few moments to realise that you haven’t been following along behind him. “MC?” Fuck! He walks back to the dining room. 
You’ve gone into the kitchen, opened the fridge, and were about to slice yourself another piece of cake. “NO!” 
He runs to the kitchen just before you’re about to take a bite, sweeping you into his arms bridal-style. “No! Zen! One more bite!” You struggle against him, but Zen only sighs and lifts you away.
He looks at you. “Be a good girl, please?” 
“But you always stay up this late…”
“Yeah, but you don’t.” 
Is surprised that he’s being the “responsible” one tonight. 
He tries to conceal his fatigue as he carries you up the stairs. Though, you’ve already taken notice of how tired his eyes look. 
“I guess I shouldn’t have had all that chocolate, huh?”
He laughs. “Maybe not.”
Zen smiles when kiss him on the cheek and say you’ll “be a good girl tonight” just for him. 
He doesn’t understand where all your energy is coming from.
He himself was exhausted from the party the two of you had just attended, yet here you are - multitasking like there’s no tomorrow.
Jumin has to admit that it takes some skill to be able to keep Elizabeth the 3rd fully occupied while simultaneously building a tower out of a deck of cards. 
However, he also thinks that your constant laughter coupled with the frantic way you’re running about is rather unusual. 
He finds it entertaining until you’re holding Elizabeth the 3rd up in the air the way Rafiki held Simba up on Pride Rock in the Lion King - it’s giving him flashbacks of Saeyoung and he definitely isn’t having any more of that. 
He gets up and pries Elizabeth free from your grasp. 
“But, Jumin! How can I make a card palace for Elizabeth if I can’t even tell if she’s going to fit in it?
“MC? Don’t you think it’s time to go to bed?”
You frown. “No.” 
“I don’t think I can go to bed. There’s so much to do! Tell me- have you ever built a tower from marshmallows and uncooked pasta? Oh! I should make a tower for Elizabeth! Give her here, Jumin. Elizabeth~” 
Oh boy. He gets the idea you’ll be up to nonsense until morning if he doesn’t get you into bed now. Besides, he doesn’t want to see anyone rough-housing with Elizabeth - the poor thing looked terrified. 
“Elizabeth the 3rd and I will be going to bed now.”
“No!” You whine. “She’s meant to be the highlight of my creation.”
“It’s late, MC. Let’s get to bed. Please?” He watches you contemplate his suggestion before adding, “Bed, MC. Or I’ll make you.”
He meant for that line to imply some innuendo, so it’s a bit of a blow to his pride when you narrow your eyes at that last remark. How infuriating. Finally, he promises that Elizabeth the 3rd can sleep next to you if you agree to go to bed now. 
The enthusiasm at which you accept that concession almost makes him want to pout. Elizabeth over me…?
He realises he’s lost when you turn to him from the top of stairs and ask. “I really am feeling restless, Jumin. Should I take a shower? Or will you make me do that, too?” 
He doesn’t find anything unusual at first. Sure, he thought you were a bit more lively than usual - after all, trying to teach yourself how to juggle at 10:00 is a bit eccentric even for Saeyoung. 
But he knows something is off when you suggest doing pilates this late in the evening. He raises a brow at you. But… she hates physical activity…
Now you’ve stolen his glasses and are giggling at your own appearance in front of the mirror. Yeah, okay. She’s acting strange.
“MC? Why is the coffee pot empty?”
“I drank it all~” You reply, flashing him a satisfied smile. 
There’s no way he’s going to let you pull an all nighter. He’s experienced firsthand what you’re like when you’ve been deprived of sleep and he isn’t exactly fond of the zombie you become. 
Saeyoung tries to lure you to bed in a playful way. 
“Hey, MC! I’ve got a really good idea.”
You look up from the robot dog you’ve been decking out with ribbons. “What is it?”
“Let’s play a game.”
“I’ll hide my glasses, and you’ll try to find them. The winner gets one free wish.” 
“You’re on!” 
He’s blind for the next hour and a half, but the effort wears you out. You had climbed bookshelves and crouched down to check the undersides of his sports cars - all to no avail. 
Saeyoung can’t believe his plan worked. He thought you would lose focus and set about doing some other silly task - like decking him out with ribbons, for example. 
He melts when he sees you yawning because the sight of it reminds him of a puppy. “Saeyoung? I think I lost.”
You rub your eyes. “Where are they? Your glasses? Aren’t you blind right now?”
“I am. But now that you’ve lost you have to grant my wish.”
“Hmph. Don’t say something corny like ‘be mine forever’. I’ll punch you.” 
Saeyoung laughs. I knew she’d say that. “No. For now Iet’s just get some rest. Okay?”
You nod and give him a thumbs up. “You’ve got it, Captain.” He tucks you into bed and settles in beside you, chuckling to himself as he removes his glasses from the back of your hoodie. 
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