#gjuha shqipe
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kafsho · 2 years ago
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moonschocolate · 10 months ago
Më fal por gjuha ime nënë është gjuha shqipe
This 7th of May, 2024, we use our own language again!
If your language, native or not, is something other than English, on May 7th you can speak that language all day!
You’ll blog in your chosen language(s) all day: text posts, replies, tags (except triggers and organizational tags).
Regardless of what language people choose to speak to you, you can answer in your own.
Non-verbal, non-written languages (like sign language, dialects, otherwise non-written languages) are more than welcome! See my FAQ for tips
English native speakers can participate in any other language they're studying/have studied/know.
The tag is gonna be #Speak Your Language Day or #spyld for short.
Please submit me some language facts for me to share on this day <3
Pinned post and FAQ
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kercovanet · 14 days ago
Taipi: Largohet tabela në autostradën Shkup-Tetovë, nuk do të lejojm anashkalimin e gjuhës shqipe
Vendosja e tabelave ku mungon gjuha shqipe dhe largimi brenda ditës po përsëritet nëpër rrugët e Maqedonisë. Gjatë ditës së djeshme në autostradën Shkup-Tetovë ishtë vendosur tabela në tre gjuhë – maqedonisht, anglisht dhe frëngjisht. Por siç informon Nazim Taipi, zv.drejtor në ndërmarjen “Rrugët shtetërore të Maqedonisë së Veriut” ekskluzivisht për portalin “tetova1”, kjo tabelë është larguar që…
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mmandarinaa · 5 years ago
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Ai që e pagëzoi i pari gjini të bukur gjininë femërore, e pati apo jo me qëllim të lajkatonte, ka qenë më i frymëzuar nga ç’e besonte ai vetë. - Immanuel Kant
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serahphine · 6 years ago
Mbete duke m’thirr ne telefon, po hajt se t’kalon
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thelanguagecommunity · 7 years ago
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this post is meant to be a directory of every resource I come across for Albanian. It will be a continuous work in progress so thank you for your patience! if you have any issues or things to add, please reply to this post!
about world languages
albanian dialects 
bbc country profile
encyclopaedia britannica
fun facts
introduction by @ayearinlanguage
playlist of samples
the indo-european database
world atlas of language structures
accent codes
albanian alphabet
keyboard - branah
overview of the history of albanian orthography
colloquial albanian [pdf & audio]
dliflc - albanian: supplementary reader, part 1 [scans]
dliflc - basic course [scans]
dliflc - basic course: basic situations [scans]
discovering albanian 1 [pdf]]
peace corps
pimsleur [pdf & audio]
university of texas at austin
us state department - albanian: a guide to the spoken language [scans]
cultural & historical info
acultura’s culture tag
dliflc - cultural orientation
overview of albanian names
bablefish [translator]
grammar books & guides
albanian grammar [pdf]
standard albanian: a reference grammar for students [pdf]
grammar points
listening practice
Bible [audio]
lyrikline [poetry library]
Baha’i prayers
Bible / Bible [scans]
list of albanian poets
list of albanian writers
liturgy of st. john chrysostom
Lord’s prayer
overview by encyclopaedia britannica
overview of albanian literature
Quran [pdf] / Quran [scans]
spoken language services: readings in albanian, pt 1 [scans]
universal declaration of human rights
ted talks
movie & tv recommendations
central state film archive
music recommendations
albanian music for almost every emotional love related situation by @voglushja
24 orë
deutsche welle
newspaper links
radio free europe
voice of america
phrasebooks & travel guides
bbc quick fix
be in kosovo
dliflc - basic survival guide
loecsen [audio phrasebook]
useful expressions
forvo [pronunciation dictionary]
ipa key
pronunciation guide - wikibooks
sounds unfamiliar to english speakers
the phonetics of albanian - g. s. lowman [scans]
quizzes & exercises
digitaldialects [vocabulary games]
tongue twisters
radio links - radio-locator
sbs radio
social media
speaking tips
special topics
list of given names
conjugator - verbix
animals / animals / animals / animals
babadada [vocabulary tool]
body parts
cognates - illyrian
colors / colors / colors
family / family
food / food & cooking / fruits & vegetables
mental health
movie night
numbers / numbers / numbers / numbers
summer / summer
swadesh list
terms of endearment
smart albanian with jonis
G H E G   A L B A N I A N
omniglot [useful phrases]
rosary prayers
T O S K   A L B A N I A N
a report of the stanford phonology archive [scans]
overview of albanian morphology
in french / en français
dictionaric [dictionary]
in spanish / en español
foreignword [dictionary]
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voglushja · 8 years ago
albanian music for almost every emotional love related situation
Pershendetje, after my “This piece of shit ain’t worth it. Dreqi kryt ja hangt”- Playlist (which is around two years old), I thought about doing another playlist regarding to different kind of (emotonal)situations. Cause we all know: music heals, music expresses your feelings e music kajher ta qin nanen. I know there are way moooore songs, that should be part of this list. Po smuj te gjithat mi fut me nje postim. Nese ju pelqen lista, e boj ni part 2. Have fun e mos kani shume :D PS:  I know everyone has a different taste in music and it’s okay if you don’t like mine.
That piece of shit doesn't deserve you!
Beatrix Ramosaj - Pa Ndjenje
Ari Blue - A jena a s'jena
Lyrical Son - I re pishmon
Nora Istrefi - Sa t'kom dasht
Dhurata Dora - Numrin e ri
Greta Koçi - I besova
Flori Mumajesi - Nallane
Flori Mumajesi - Nallane 2 
Flori Mumajesi - Nallane 3
Samanta Karavella - Zemren maje
Alban Ramosaj - A me do
Fifi - Dashnia nuk eshte falas
Dina Qamili - Provo edhe ik
Oh dashni, dashni.. jom ra n dashni
Vig Poppa ft. Dhurata Dora - Zoom Zoom
Vig Poppa ft. Tuna - Zemra jem
Kida - Ski Ide
Diona Fona - Shootah
Kida - Pe du
Butrint Imeri - Bella
Lumi B ft. Dhurata Dora - Simpatia
Ardian Bujupi ft. Capital T - Andiamo
Majk ft. Ghetto Geasy - Ajo
Era Istrefi - Njo si ti
Ledri Vula ft. Young Zerka - Nona
Dhurata Dora - Bubble
Ardian Bujupi ft. Dalool - Te du krejt
Samanta - Si ai
Ah bre problemet.. pom don s’pom don, shkove s’shkove 
Xhensila Myrtezaj ft. Kida - Uh Baby
Mozzik - Xhelozia
Nora Istrefi ft. Gjiko - Gabime
Yll Limani - Besom
Flori Mumajesi ft. Argjentina Ramosaj - Ku isha une
Kida ft. Ermal Fejzullahu - Mi Amore
Ermal Fejzullahu ft. Nora Istrefi - Hije
Nora Istrefi - Majem
Besa ft. Flori - 123
Ledri Vula - U harrum
Tori ft. Elinel - Eja
Lyrical Son - Pse t'fola
Era Istrefi - E dehun
Majk - Dashni
Capital T - Pse po ma lun lojen
Pergjithmone ❤ Askush sna n'dan!
Xhensila Myrtezaj ft. Mozzik - Ama doren
Enis Bytyqi - Ani ani
Nora Istrefi ft. Robert Berisha - Ska Inat
Xhensila Myrtezaj ft. Granit Derguti - Lova
Ardian Bujupi ft. Dalool - Na jena njo
Ronela Hajati ft: Young Zerka - Syni jem
Ledri Vula - A jena mire
Elvana Gjata - Love Me
Samanta ft. Gent Fatali - Na e dina
Enca ft. Noizy - Bow Down
Capital T ft. Dhurata Dora - Bongo
Xhensila Myrtezaj ft. Irkenc Hyka - Si te jem mire
Enis Bytyqi - Mall
Enis Bytyqi - A kam une faj
2TON - Urime
Flori Mumajesi ft. Elinel - Ne Shpirt
Shkurte Gashi ft. Flori Mumajesi - Tu Luta
Alban Skenderaj - 1000 Premtime
Yll Limani - Najher
Majk - Fund
Kida - Anderr
Era Istrefi - 13
Kida - Mke rrejt
Yll Limani - Ke pi sonte shume
Neetah - Pran meje
Po i him fellit
Alban Skenderaj - Nuk je vetem
Ledri Vula ft. Flori Mumajesi - Beautiful
Ledri Vula - Ni Gote Per Ty
Mc Kresha - Era
Alban Skenderaj ft. Elinel - Kam Nevoje
2po2 ft. Elinel - Hipokrit
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nunushi · 8 years ago
"Ti u thua të gjithëve se je mirë,sepse është e vështirë të gjesh njerëz që të dëgjojnë e jo më të të kuptojnë."
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silentambassadors · 7 years ago
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Happy Day of the Albanian Alphabet, Albanian speakers!  The Congress of Manastir was held on this date in 1908 with the goal of standardizing the Albanian alphabet--which, up to that point, had been written in at least six distinct alphabets.  Albanian is the official language of Albania and Kosovo, as well as a recognized minority language in Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Romania, and Italy.
Stamp details: Stamps on top: Issued on: November 14, 1988 From: Tirana, Albania MC #2381-2382
Middle stamps: Issued on: November 14, 2008 From: Tirana, Albania MC #3284-3285
Stamps on bottom: Issued on: November 14, 2008 From: Priština, Kosovo MC #116-117
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mplasibyca · 7 years ago
Ai: Ke ndryshuar shum ti..
Une: Jo jo thjesht kam ngren me shum dhe sjam mar me me ty
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qershie · 8 years ago
Më do mua Apo do dikë Ka diferenc.
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kercovanet · 15 days ago
Reagon BDI-ja: Ja si ishte gjuha shqipe me ne, e si është me VLEN-in..
Bashkimi Demokratik për Integrim (BDI) dënon ashpër ndërrimin e tabelave të komunikacionit në autostradën Shkup – Tetovë, gjegjësisht në afërsi të pikëpagesës rrugore në Glumovë, nga Ndërmarja Publike për Rrugë Shtetërore. Tabelat në gjuhën shqipe zëvendësohen me tabelat në gjuhën maqedonase, me çka fshihet gjuha shqipe nga tabelat e komunikacionit. Ky ndryshim është një goditje e rëndë ndaj…
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mmandarinaa · 6 years ago
Tokë me nda nuk kam
Tokë me nda nuk kam
Hasmi në pidh t’samës
Me vdekë duhet mësue
Qençe nuk jetohet më.
Ali Podrimja
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serahphine · 7 years ago
you can try it shpirto, but you’ll never do it like me.
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arberisht · 8 years ago
(Almost) Everything About the Albanian Language
Albanian (In Albanian: Shqip) is a language spoken in Albania, Kosovo, Western Macedonia, Southern Montenegro, Northwestern and parts of Southeast Greece, parts of Southeastern Italy, and the Preševo Valley in Serbia.
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There are two dialects of Albanian, Gheg and Tosk, which are broken down in much smaller subdialects. Gheg is spoken in places north of the Shkumbin River. Tosk is spoken in places south of the Shkumbin River. There are also smaller dialects such as Arbëresh and Arvanitika. Arbëresh is spoken in parts of Southeastern Italy. Arvanitika is spoken in parts of Southeastern Greece. The Gheg dialect was the official dialect of Albania, until Enver Hoxha's communist regime. 
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Language Info:
Albanian is an Indo-European language, however, it has its own branch on the Indo-European family tree. Most linguists think Albanian came from the Illyrian language a long time ago. Albanian is also considered a very old language. Overtime, Albanian has been majorly affected by Latin and Ancient Greek (since they were dominant languages for a long time), so Albanian shares many words with the Romance languages, and a few with Modern Greek. Also, since Albania was under the Ottoman Empire for awhile, you will encounter MANY words that Albanian and Turkish have in common. Now here are some features of Albanian that might stress you out if you decide to learn it, but don't worry! These are pretty easy to master once you know how to use them.
Albanian Features:
Albanian has 36 letters, as opposed to English's 26. The Albanian alphabet is: A B C Ç D Dh E Ë F G Gj H I J K L Ll M N Nj O P Q R Rr S Sh T Th U V X Xh Y Z Zh Yes, some letters look like two letters, but actually they are one letter. So, një has two letters, nj and ë. Rruga has 4 letters, not 5. Gjashtë has 5 letters, not 7. (I know, weird, right?)
Albanian is a seriously clitic language. You will hear clitics in almost every single sentence. Even in the smallest sentences such as E di, which means I know. The di is conjugated to the singular first-person form, so there's no need to include unë in the sentence, but you can if you want to. The clitic e is added in there, to literally mean I know it or I know that. So saying Unë di or just di would be grammatically incorrect. You would have to use e to make it Unë e di or E di. Also, the clitic a is usually used in yes/no questions. Such as A shkove? (Did you go?) However, when that same clitic a is added to the end of the sentence, it usually marks surprise and usually used when the speaker told the listener not to do the action. So for example, Shkove në rrugë a? would mean *So you went onto the street after all [even though I told you not to]?
Apparently, Albanian has verb forms that are called miratives or admiratives. They show surprise most of the time, but can also show doubt or irony sometimes. They can be translated by using the word apparently. For example, Rruga është e mbyllur. (The road is closed. [with no surprise/informative]) and Rruga qenka e mbyllur.Apparently, the road is closed. [with surprise]
Albanian is a case language, there are 6 cases in Albanian, but only 4 are used in everyday speech. Nominative, Accusative, Genitive, and Dative. These aren't so hard, because the Accusative is basically just the Nominative except you add an -n to the end of the definite form of the word. (Oh yes, Albanian does not have a word for a/an or the. They use different forms of the word to symbolize number and definite forms. Just like the Scandinavian languages.) Genitive is also made by just adding the correct clitic (based on the word whether its masculine or feminine) to the beginning and using the Dative form of the word. So you just have to learn the Nominative and Dative forms! :D
Word Order:
Since Albanian has an accusative form, word order is flexible. The official word order is SVO (Subject-Verb-Object) but it could be any word order as long as you use the Accusative form. (If you're talking about someone eating apples, you don't want to say that the apples are eating that person!)
So, I hope I interested you in the Albanian language after this! Thank you for your time! (x) 
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arbenia · 8 years ago
The earliest known texts in Albanian:
Meshari of Gjon Buzuku 1554–1555a 208-page parchment written by Theodor of Shkodra discovered in the secret archives of Vatican. The work is a manuscript decorated with golden miniatures and colored initials, divided in three parts. Pages 1–97 deal with theology, 98–146 with philosophy, and pages 147–208 with a history of the known world from AD 153 to 1209. On the final page of the manuscript we find a note by the author "With the assistance and great love of the blessed Lord, I finished this in the year 1210 on the 9th day of March."
the "formula e pagëzimit" (Baptismal Formula), which dates back to 1462 and was authored by Pal Engjëlli (or Paulus Angelus) (c. 1417 – 1470), Archbishop of Durrës. Engjëlli was a close friend and counsellor of Skanderbeg. It was written in a pastoral letter for a synod at the Holy Trinity in Mat and read in Latin characters as follows: Unte paghesont premenit Atit et Birit et Spertit Senit (standard Albanian: "Unë të pagëzoj në emër të Atit, të Birit e të Shpirtit të Shenjtë"; English: "I baptize you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit"). It was discovered and published in 1915 by Nicolae Iorga.
the Fjalori i Arnold von Harfit (Arnold Ritter von Harff's lexicon), a short list of Albanian phrases with German glosses, dated 1496.
a song, recorded in the Greek alphabet, retrieved from an old codex that was written in Greek. The document is also called "Perikopeja e Ungjillit të Pashkëve" or "Perikopeja e Ungjillit të Shën Mateut" ("The Song of the Easter Gospel, or "The Song of Saint Matthew's Gospel"). Although the codex is dated to during the 14th century, the song, written in Albanian by an anonymous writer, seems to be a 16th-century writing. The document was found by Arbëreshë people who had emigrated to Italy in the 15th century. 
The first book in Albanian is the Meshari ("The Missal"), written by Gjon Buzuku between 20 March 1554 and 5 January 1555. The book was written in the Gheg dialect in the Latin script with some Slavic letters adapted for Albanian vowels. The book was discovered in 1740 by Gjon Nikollë Kazazi, the Albanian archbishop of Skopje. It contains the liturgies of the main holidays. There are also texts of prayers and rituals and catechetical texts. The grammar and the vocabulary are more archaic than those in the Gheg texts from the 17th century. The 188 pages of the book comprise about 154,000 words with a total vocabulary of c. 1,500 different words. The text is archaic yet easily interpreted because it is mainly a translation of known texts, in particular portions of the Bible. The book also contains passages from the Psalms, the Book of Isaiah, the Book of Jeremiah, the Letters to the Corinthians, and many illustrations. The uniformity of spelling seems to indicate an earlier tradition of writing. The only known copy of the Meshari is held by the Apostolic Library. n 1968 the book was published with transliterations and comments by linguists.
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