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Old lyric comic I made for my school arts club comic friday but it never got posted so I'll just post it here ! ♥️
I love them so much, simon and betty carried me from my depression. they never had comfort in their lives but they give comfort to me 🤘
#gjarts#art#artists on tumblr#drawing#artistic#digital art#fanart#adventure time#adventure time fanart#fionna and cake#fionna and cake fanart#simon#simon petrikov#betty#betty grof#simon x betty
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#the mandela catalogue#mandela catalogue#mark heathcliff#cesar torres#gjarts#art#artists on tumblr#drawing#artistic#digital art#artwork#my art#artist#fanart#tmc#the mandela catalogue fanart#mandela catalogue fanart#tmc fanart#color pallet
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At the intermission of the Grand Junction Centennial Band's wonderful Christmas concert, I had the honor of presenting my painting "Gilded Galaxy" to Ramona Winkeller, who accepted it on behalf of KAFM Community Radio - this year's Champion of the Arts in Business! The City of Grand Junction Commission on Arts & Culture bought my painting to award to KAFM, and it was such an honor to be able to present it to them at the concert! KAFM hosts an annual art auction which is a great venue for local collectors to find a gem! 🎨 #coloradoart #coloradoartist #grandjunction #gjarts (at The Historic Avalon Theatre)
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Ku eshte Enveri kur na duhet?
Sa her qe ndodh nje ngjarje e rende ne shqiperi kjo eshte pyetja qe ben shumica e populliy: Ku eshte Enveri kur na duhet?
C'fare do qe te ndodh, a eshte normale qe te enderrojme per ringjadhjen e nje diktatori? C'fare tregon kjo ender per popullin tone?
Sa po degjova per nje ngjarje pronditese ku nje 24 vjecar ka pushkatuar tete person, nder te cileve ishin dhe femi.
Sigurisht qe kjo eshte nje ngjarje tronditese ku cdo reagim kurder autorit eshte poshuajse i mirkuptueshem. Ama c'fare do thote per nje shoqeri qe deshiron qe autori i krimit te kete te njejtin fat si viktimat? C'fare do thote per nje shoqeri qe kerkon ringjadhjen e nje diktatori?
A nuk eshte e vrigsheme?
Imaginoni sikur politikan i rradhes qe do marri fam ne skenen politike Shqipetare te njete nje extremist me bindje qe perputhen me ato te Enverit. Nje politikan qe me te vertet do mendoj qe shqiperia do behet vetem nese vendi udhehiqet nga friga dhe nga rrembimi i liris. Imagjinoni sikur egjith fushate e keti politikani do ishte: "Shqipetaret e kan treguar qe ishin me te sjellshem ne kohen e diktatures, dhe me demokracin Shqipetaret kan rreshjetur nga binaret".
Qe te jemi ne te njejten linje mendimi, ndoshta ai konstatim nuk eshte larg realitetit. Eshte mese e gjart koha e ka vertetuar qe ne po e kemi jashte zakonisht te veshtir qe ta bejme demokracin te funksionoj ne favorin ton. Eshte e gjart qe ishim me te sjellshem ne komunisem (ose ashtu dukej). Ama, a eshte normale, dhe a eshte e udhes qe ne te kerkojme qe te shkojme prapa? A nuk do ishte me logjika dhe shume me perfituese per ne qe ta kuptojme njeher e pergjithmone se diktatura e Enverit nuk ishte aspak e mire dhe qe problemet aktuale - c'faredo qe te jene ato - zgjedhen me mire, ne dobin e tegjitheve ne, duke kerkuar zbatimin e demokacise sesa te enderrojme per nje kohe ku rrespekti per njeri tjeterin vinte si pasoj e nje dhune spiqike dhe jo vetem. Vite nga nje diktature qe i madh dhe i vogel nuk do donte ta jetonte apo ta ri-jetonte.
A nuk eshte e udhes qe njerizit qe kan kapacitetin itelektual te len komente neper internet te keni kapacitetin logjik dhe as edhe nje liri qe gezojne sot nuk do e ken nese enderra e tyre - per rringjadhjen e diktatures - do behej realitet!
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Check out „GJART Loves #1“ #spotify #playlist #indie #music #electronica and more
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SNEAK PEEK July 9.19
Today's Bombshell (Bombshell Radio) 11am-2pm EST bombshellradio.com Artefaktor Radio we have teamed up with this fantastic radio station from Mexico.Throughout the week we present various shows from their lineup, and archive some of the shows for your listening pleasure.We hope you enjoy! #SneakPeek, #Synthwave, #Synthpop, #NewMusic , #Mix , #ArtefaktorRadio , #BombshellRadio , #NowPlaying, #BombshellRadio THIS WEEK: Great show! 35 tracks + 1 Flashback Alara - A Blackened Rose Shiraz – Rain CRX - We're All Alone Neon Mirrors - Give You The Earth Lightspear - CRT Starmob - Wish In The Wind Two Door Cinema Club – Once The Pirouettes - Ça ira ça ira Dark Smoke Signal - First Date at Starcourt Mall Quint S Ence - Shurhùq Ramón Amezcua - Aries (Rebolledo Remix) Rosemary Fairweather - On The Radio Daniel Hall - Don't Give Up Caspro - Galactic Punks Empire State Human - House On Ocean Drive Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein - Stranger Things Theme (2019 Repolish by Matt Black) #Fused feat. Kay Burden - Tear Me To Pieces - Body Language Mix Embrace The Crisis - Think About It Lunaires - Spring Waiting Still #DJHAGY – Longrun #Andi – AOV Chris Lake, Lee Foss - Lies, Deception And Fantasy Original_Mix Pete Heller's - Big Love (David Penn Extended Remix) Frisky Monkey - Crystal Blue (Electric Runner Remix) Milan - Note to self DJShadowkat - Flashback Suite Part #3 GJART - Passive Aggressive (Feat. Deggsy) Grendel - Caught In The Middle Yvvgen – Infinite #NatureOfWires - Madam Serena (Leaether Strip Remix) Phantom Black - We Can Go Interface - Outside Looking In (Interface's Darker Version) Logic + Olivia - The Diamonds And The Slaves (Elektrostaub Remix) Korine - Elegance & You Azure Blue - Event Horizon Read the full article
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Florin by GJART Florin is the first of a trio of pulsating club tracks. We previously created a soundtrack for a video of a journey down a snowy mountain (you can find it on YouTube). The motion of the cable car heavily influenced the beat and sound. We used this concept on Florin to create rhythm and pace.
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Vídeo 02 - Ensinando molde da roupa para bonecos de feltro
Vídeo 02 – Ensinando molde da roupa para bonecos de feltro
Esse vídeo é uma continuação do anterior e nele mostro como fazer a roupinha facebook.com.br/artesgj @gjartes. Duração: 00:04:14 Fonte: YouTube Clique aqui e saiba mais sobre o Super Kit de Moldes + Curso de Costura do Zero. Clicando agora você ganha mini kit gratuito para imprimir + aula grátis.
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Air by GJART We’re big fans of Giorgio Moroder so the bass line owes a lot to him. Air is the first of a number of tracks where we experimented with vocal loops, in both complete and chopped form. To balance the sweetness of the vocals we made the synths harsher. We played around with the length of a ‘moment of silence for quite a while - trying to make it as long as possible without losing the pace of the song. Thereafter follows a crescendo of sound - a similar moment to that in P: Machinery by Propaganda. The crescendo clears the air and allows Air to finish upbeat
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The eyes are windows to the soul, they said.
I wonder if they could see right through?
Helloooww yes finally did some actual militsioner art,,, my phone about to explofe but worth anything for my man !! here is the non-gif versions/actual art
#gjarts#art#artists on tumblr#drawing#artistic#digital art#fanart#militsioner#militsioner fanart#militsioner tallboys#steam games#militsioner tall boys#g/t
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you guys know i have to do it 😼
#gjarts#art#artists on tumblr#drawing#artistic#digital art#fanart#thats not my neighbor#thats not my neighbor fanart#milkman#thats not my neighbor milkman#francis mosses#doodle
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im crazy over the new demo i need to throw donuts at him
#gjarts#art#artists on tumblr#drawing#artistic#digital art#fanart#militsioner#militsioner tall boys#militsioner tallboys#sketches
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You know where to find me...!
Aaaaa its finally done! Fanart of militsioner's new pretty eyes :3 Well I could say it's unfortunately not the proudest thing that I have made, its the first time i used krita for a full rendered art like this and i can say its fun to use. I do admit, im still a beginner in making backgrounds and lighting, but i still had so much fun making this one !! also the person below is how I interpret the player's looks ><,,
here's the other verisons with the white one and a no border one tbh i ended up liking these more :'3

that's all for todayyyy,, hoping for another visit from art motivation ~
#gjarts#art#artists on tumblr#drawing#artistic#digital art#fanart#militsioner#militsioner fanart#militsioner tallboys#militsioner tall boys#steam games#g/t#kritaart#krita
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you look just like the moon.
HELLO HELLOOO i finally made art !!! amdist of this chaotic month of november !!! of so much school work !!! this is a gift for Kai_Whine for her birthday yesterday (HAII KAII HELLOO HAPPY BIRTHDAY ONCE AGAINN !! ) its research season so id be even more dead but i plan to draw more during my christmas break :] man i miss drawing my man it feels refreshing
#gjarts#art#artists on tumblr#drawing#artistic#militsioner#militsioner tallboys#militsioner tall boys#militsioner fanart#ibispaint x
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Bringing out another doodle dump ! The gays and their left facing profile picture/ref (i will bring first cashier and andrey fanart in the public)
#gjarts#art#artists on tumblr#drawing#artistic#digital art#fanart#militsioner#militsioner fanart#militsioner tallboys#sketches#doodles#andrey#cashier#andrey militsioner#cashier militsioner
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how many times do you have to draw him?
.... yes.

he has a home, its in my brain
#send help#gjarts#art#artists on tumblr#drawing#artistic#digital art#fanart#militsioner#militsioner tall boys#militsioner fanart
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