#gjallarhorn band
blueberryforestelf · 10 months
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Gjallarhorn album Ranarop (1997)
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doekimakura · 2 days
The Villager vs Illager Conflict
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The biggest conflict there in Svallin currently is the Villager - Illager War which started about 2 years ago in the server. While the conflict happens everywhere since the dawn of Svallin, anyway, the hotspot currently sits at West Svallin, between the Illager army of Vuruethas (lead by Absinthe Vane,) and The Fortress City Midsommar, (lead by Queen Alexis Gjallarhorn.)
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They aim to destroy the other for the sake of their people's (and their own) satisfaction and goals. If Vane wins, the illagers prevail. If Alexis wins, the villagers prevail.
So far, they are deadlocked, matched in both wits and resources.
So why beef with Midsommar?
Because of Alexis Gjallarhorn.
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Alexis was an Alex-skinned player character who was spawned in initially during the absence of [spoiler man], and happened to save a village from pillagers during her travels. She was filled with a sense of justice and responsibility, and began building her own kingdom as a 'safe haven' for villagers pillaged by illagers.
And now, the safe haven's gotten too big! The Illagers, fearing of being wiped off by Alex's knights, decided to band up to try and fell Midsommar before they got 'too strong', and they have been at each other since.
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More will be explained when I flesh out the kingdoms~
Are things only bad in Midsommar?
Not really. Besides Vane's army, there is another bigshot group that roams the lands, treated like a bad omen or the boogeyman.
This group of horseriders are called the Band of Claws. Unlike Vuruethas Amry, they usually ride on separate platoons and regroup once a while in the woods of Northern Svallin. They are infamous for making pillaging a sport and competition, and would even toy with villagers and children and hunt them on horseback 'for amusement.'
Its leader is Balalaika Zamrud. Many thinks she is much more cruel and cold compared to Vane, but she finds no fun in invasions. Hence, Vuruethas and Band of Claws don't really work together.
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Zamrud does find interest in a certain village whose villagers know how to control fire...
...and others
Besides those two groups, Illagers still roam the land in different communities, but they always have one thing in mind: Pillaging and plundering. Thirsty for power and are aggressively territorial, the Illagers are becoming more brazen in the advent of high-ranking illagers who lead them to glory.
Depending on the biomes, illagers may form different kinds of pillaging groups such as: Desert Robbers, Pirates, or Snow Hunters.
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They are as common as pillaging groups across Svallin, usually captained by lesser known illagers. They aren't as lethal, but they still cause losses alright.
There is more about illagers and villagers that I'm cooking up, but since this post has gotten quite long, maybe next time!
Svallin Tag ↗
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longeyelashedtragedy · 4 months
may 2024 favs
peter bogdanovich - CMAT (Song of the month i think...recommended by my bff!!! plus...super gay music video. this is like Real Gay Music for Real Gays none of this uwu shit)
the lady of shallot - loreena mckennitt (confession: i think this poem is a snooze fest but the song, also recommended by bff, is really nice...wlw icon loreena also made ths song SUPER gay by adding the word "gay" where the original poem does not have it)
anchin kfu ayinkash - hailu mergia & dahlak band  (ethiopian jazz from...the late 70s i think? please...this will be the best and most chill thing you'll ever hear. the album has a lot of good ones in general)
táimse 'im chodladh - the chieftains (!!!)
espresso - sabrina carpenter (this song is so fun and catchy lol)
venus - addictive glance
ra faja nga fiku - gena
perla - mc kresha/lyrical son
ak satkyn & kulmyrza - aizada kasabolotova
paper bag - fiona apple (this was what all the alternative girlies in high school listened to, literally everyone had 'come on put a little love here in my void' in their LJ profiles...but i thought it was a stupid title for a song so i never listened until...this month? it's really good!)
empire - niereich & hackler & kuch
la tuque rouge - la bottine souriante
valle jugu e shpejt
eldgjald - gjallarhorn
naked - louise <3
greenland whale fisheries - ryan's fancy
collider - jorn van deynhoven remix
mercy - fridayy/byron messia
baby baby - amy grant
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gremoria411 · 1 year
Just for fun, let’s think up a list of reasons as to why Mcgillis chose not to use the Fareed Family Gundam.
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It was destroyed/lost in the calamity war.
It reminds him of Iznario, and he wants to reject that connection.
It’s got a very specific way of fighting (like Flauros) and he wants something with a more generalist bent.
He feels a greater kinship with Agnika Kaieru than he does the Fareed family founder.
It was the 72nd Gundam frame built, and was completed postwar, thus running counter to Mcgillis’ ambitions to be like his idol.
It’s been chained up in a similar manner to how Bael eventually will be.
It was scrapped to repair another Gundam frame.
It’s biometrically locker to a blood member of the Fareed family for some reason.
The previous pilot was an amputee, and didn’t so much pilot the Gundam in so much as they were “plugged in”. (Think Gundam Thunderbolt).
Iznario (or a prior member of the Fareed Family) sold it, or parts of it, for bread money (as the Warrens did).
It was stolen by Gundam thieves.
It requires three pilots.
The colours clash horribly with his hair.
Despite their great combat skill, the Fareed family founder was just kind of a prick, and nobody looks on their history with much fondness.
The Fareed family founder was very small by modern standards, and the cockpit’s uncomfortable to sit in for any length of time.
The hands were damaged, and are now in the permanent pose of throwing up gang signs.
Bael’s just, like, so much cooler.
It’s really, really uncomfortable to look at for a significant period of time.
Any time it’s activated, the Fareed family founder’s custom mixtape of post-calamity rap starts playing and nobody knows how to turn it off.
It’s haunted.
Iznario lost it in a poorly conceived bet.
It’s likeness was bought out by a prominent snack food corporation some years back, and as such it legally is not allowed to be viewed by anyone.
The door to it in Vingolf is stuck, and nobody ever noticed until Mcgillis came along.
Somebody spilled drink on the controls, and now they feel weirdly sticky.
The cockpit’s stuffed with body pillows, and nobody can bring themself to clean them out.
It’s lying at the bottom of the ocean after someone took it for a joyride.
It’s got an absolutely awful paint job that Norba Shino would be proud of.
It’s uninsured.
It was mounted on the prow of the Fareed family ship, and it’s exceedingly difficult to remove.
It’s stored in multiple separate locations. All Vingolf has is a pair of legs and the right hand.
It’s currently being used as a soundstage for a prominent punk-rock band on Jupiter, and no-one’s sure when the lease ends.
It has the words “free ice-cream” prominently painted on it somewhere.
It achieved sentience and promptly grabbed some popcorn.
The Fareed family never had a Gundam, and just killed that many mobile armours with conventional tactics.
It’s covered in rust.
It doesn’t have nanolaminate armour for some reason.
It’s being used as a power source for Gjallarhorn’s premier health spa and resort.
The Fareed family threw it into the sun when the war ended, believing they wouldn’t need it anymore.
It’s been repaired really badly, and the duct tape and welding really doesn’t inspire confidence.
It’s off starring in its own, less successful show.
It’s got a hit play on broadway.
It runs off a subscription service, and nobody’s been paying it for the last 300 years.
Mcgillis has really poor gatcha rolls, so he just got 26 common rarity grazes instead.
It’s really a Leo somebody scotch-taped a v-fin to.
The entire Gundam is made of cardboard.
Mcgillis forgot the password to get into the hangar, and he can’t ask Iznario.
Somebody doodled angry eyes and a handlebar moustache on it, and nobody can look at it without cracking up.
It was taken apart, then reassembled incorrectly. (It’s got a leg sticking out of where it’s head should be, and nobody’s sure where the sword ended up)
He can’t activate it without deleting the entire Fareed family’s Doom highscores.
It’s currently being used to hold a massive tv that the rest of Gjallarhorn use to watch the hockey.
It is currently on fire.
When he went to pick it up, two of the engineers were using it to hold a romantic candlelit dinner and he felt awkward interrupting so he hasn’t been back since.
A head of the Fareed family used it as the site of a drunken party and when everyone came round from their hangover it was just gone, and nobody could remember what happened to it.
It looks exactly like the Gundam Dantalion, and records have been lost as to why this is the case.
It’s currently being used as a scarecrow.
Feel free to add any more in the comments!
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grimae · 2 years
14 👀
Vittrad - Garmarna Ok Garmarna made it into my top 5 but to be honest I literally only listened to this album from 1994 and the song Dagen Flyr. I have such a soft spot for these old Folk bands, like Gjallarhorn or Folque.
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sciencestyled · 23 days
A Lethal Laugh and the Methane Marvel
In the dim light of a mead hall that smelled of burnt meat and unwashed heroes, I, Beowulf, sat in a moment of rare contemplation. After a lifetime of hewing monsters and engaging in brawls that would make mere mortals blanch, I found myself in an unexpected quandary. You see, one does not simply slay Grendel and retire to a life of plowshares and quietude. The lust for battle, the thrill of the chase, they linger, like the odor of dragon fire on a windless day. And so, when the chance arose to combat a new foe—not of flesh and bone but of gas and mystery—I seized it with the fervor of a berserker charging into the fray.
But I am getting ahead of myself. The tale begins, as all great tales do, with a fart.
It was after a particularly boisterous feast, the kind where men drink themselves into visions of glory and women pretend not to notice. Suddenly, a sound rang out—nay, it bellowed like the war cry of a dozen men at once. This was no ordinary flatulence. It reverberated through the hall with the force of a Gjallarhorn, scattering hounds and terrifying lesser warriors into fits of nervous laughter.
As the laughter died down, I could not help but ponder the cause of such an auditory marvel. What unholy diet could produce such a noxious blast? My thoughts drifted to the mysterious odors that sometimes wafted over from the marshes, where Grendel once dwelled. But no, Grendel was long gone, his arm mounted like a trophy on the wall. Could it be that Mars—the Red Planet itself—had its own breed of gaseous monsters lurking beneath its barren surface?
Mars, the celestial neighbor we’d stared at with such awe and wonder. In my mind’s eye, I saw it not as a distant, desolate world, but as a battlefield, its red sands ripe for conquest. And so, I made it my mission to unravel this mystery. If foul gas could spew from a man’s gut, who’s to say that Mars, with its fiery surface, did not harbor some monstrous belcher of methane beneath?
With the resolve of a hero whose weapon never rests, I dove into the annals of modern knowledge—or as close as one gets in this realm of books and scrolls. I learned of a mighty band of scholars who had observed methane on Mars, like the fiery breath of a dragon rousing from slumber. They called it a sign, a rune of some hidden activity, possibly life, or a beast of stone and soil. And I, Beowulf, could think of no quest more worthy.
Methane—this fiendish vapor—was as elusive as any monster I had faced. On Earth, it could be traced to both the belching of cows and the festering of swamps. But on Mars? Was it the exhalation of some ancient, unseen lifeform? Or perhaps the result of titanic geological clashes beneath the surface? The thought of battling a dragon of gas rather than scale sent a thrill down my spine.
Thus, armed with the knowledge of these scientists and the metaphorical sword of inquiry, I set forth on this new quest. The scholars’ tools—spectrometers, rovers, and other contraptions—became my weapons, their discoveries my battle tactics. I would wrestle this mystery as I once did Grendel, and just as that fiend fell, so too would this Martian miasma.
And so, dear reader, I present to you the fruits of this unexpected journey. In the story that follows, you will join me in exploring the depths of Mars, where the red sands hide secrets as old as time and as volatile as the gas that brought us here. Methane—whether a clue to life, a geological whisper, or the breath of some slumbering beast—shall meet the might of Beowulf. I invite you to take up arms alongside me, as we uncover what lies beneath the Red Planet’s surface, not with swords and shields, but with the piercing gaze of science and the courage to confront the unknown.
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lightspeedboffers · 6 months
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The blade has since been tightened up against the haft more so it doesn't stick out so far, but this is Gjallarhorn, the axe of hordeborn folk hero and godkiller Hulfrefulk at Waerloga. This weapon is utterly ridiculous on possible, but it's also basically a pillow.
The design is based on an alpenhorn on one side, so the top and bottom's surfaces are black to suggest an opening, like someone took a horn and squashed it kinda flat. And then attached an axe blade to one side. Like you do.
Little Fenris hounds on the bottom end, and some Icelandic sweater patterning in a band around the horn for some flair.
(Weapon constructed of 3/4" pvc, 5/8" wall pipe insulation, upholstery foam, duct tape, and electrical tape.)
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sastrugie · 10 months
oh that is definitely the neolithic, since people develop their ways of manipulating the nature to work in their favor when it comes to forced animal husbandry and cultivating plants.
many folk artists i love are mostly from the modern times, but when it comes to the last century i am very fond of donovan and as you mentioned joni mitchell. also there is this excellent album for a folk horror movie from the 70s called the wicker man. it was made by a group called magnet, and it just has wonderful vibes.
when it comes to a bit modern stuff i really love everything johnny flynn has done, eivør, the band gjallarhorn, myrkur, and whatever takes me to bronze or iron aged ireland, scotland and wales.
what about you? besides joni mitchell of course
Yes! I am also interested in how it is different in many cultures like practices like sedentism start at different points in time at different places, and I love to look at the environmental reasons for that and do palaeoclimate (that would be my dream career apart from polar geologist ahahah)
Oh I gotta check that album out then! I also love nick drake and csny when it comes to old folk :') also Neil young! The classics. For new folk I don't really have favourite artists but it's more based on vibe check. I've been listening to Haley heynderickx a lot recently. OHHh yes def all the celtic inspired folk music from the British isles is amazing ❤️!
I will check the bands you sent out asap - I'm on the hunt for new music currently! Were you happy with your Spotify wrapped ?:)
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wordsandrobots · 1 year
More fansubs from Trafalgar Log as the Urdr Hunt continues! This week, Aiko executes a sneaky gambit, brotherly love proves stronger than several things (including mobile suits), and Berose's employment prospects remain predictably dire.
Hajiroboshi  (Part 1, Part 2)
Departure (Part 1, Part 2)
598 (Part 1, Part 2)
Corridor of Betrayal (Part 1, Part 2)
Holder of the Ring (Part 1, Part 2)  
Unexpected Encounter (Part 1, Part 2)
Venus’ Worth (Part 1, Part 2)
Brothers’ Ship (Part 1, Part 2)
We open as our band of scab labour intrepid heroes make good on their intention to gather ore for processing. Wistario and Range are busy filling a shipping crate with rocks, with Wiz reckoning another two hours and they'll have loaded the Erda II to capacity. (Not pictured: what I assume to be the mobile suit-sized jackhammers they're using to do the actual mining. Now there's an options kit I'd love to see.)
On board the ship itself, Dexter and Sinister are slacking off and asking Korunaru for more tea. Demner is not impressed: they don't know if the Zan Clan will attack them again, so they need to keep their guard up.
The old gents opine that given how many times they've defeated the Zan brothers by this point, they can't have many mobile suits left. Katya disagrees, since the Clan is a very big organisation. Most SAU-controlled areas in the Earth-sphere are Zan Clan territory and Rubian Zan has both the local government and Gjallarhorn in his pocket -- all this and it all formed over a single generation!
Katya is obviously impressed by this and, just as obviously, she is once more showing off a considerable amount of knowledge about matters that really ought to be beyond a simple student seamstress. Dexter and Sinister outright ask her who she really is and it's clear her poor excuses are starting to run out of steam.
But enough of that! Let's switch over to a bar in Radonitsa's Old Town, where a shady character is asking locals if they've heard of Katya Inoshi? Oh, they say on seeing her picture - isn't that the new girl at Afam Equipment? A delighted Todo Mirconen thanks them for their help . . .
On the Zan Clan battleship, Rome is fuming over Aiko's departure, and he does not take well to the suggestion from the crew that he should go after his brother. Instead he rounds on Berose, ordering her to chase Aiko down and give him an ultimatum: if he doesn't return immediately, he'll be considered an outcast and an enemy!
Aiko himself, along with the two mobile suit pilots who went with him, hovers in space, planning his next move. Before Rome tries another futile all-out assault, he intends to 'negotiate' with Afam Equipment and take all their treasure. Thus propelled into the lead, he'll win the Urdr Hunt and take over the Clan. The Gilda pilots are fully onboard. They never liked Rome's way of doing things. Aiko is way better!
Oddly enough, Aiko does not really seem too enthused by their trash-talking his big brother. But before he can respond, Berose's launch approaches. With her customary disinterest, she conveys Rome's message. Having done so, she then declares that from here on out, she will be speaking her own opinion. Aiko has forced a choice upon her: she has to stay with the holder of the Urdr Hunt ring, so which of the two brothers is now the official participant? Despite everything, she thinks there is still a slight chance Aiko could win. Therefore, she offers to stay with him.
Once more, the Gilda pilots rave over the idea of Aiko being their sole boss, and Berose admits his flexible thinking makes him more suited for the task of catching up to the others in the Hunt. She too puts Rome down, as shortsighted and violent. The pilots concur: Rome being at the top would be bad news for his subordinates. His whole brain is made of muscle!
This proves the final straw for Aiko: he orders them to stop talking about his big brother like that! If they don't, he'll kill them!
Everyone is taken aback, even Berose. Aiko goes on to protest that despite everything, Rome has good qualities too. When they were small and other kids picked on Aiko, Rome would always come to his defence (quite murderously by the look of it). No matter how big the bully, Rome would take them on and eventually win, telling Aiko there was no need for tricks in fighting. Just knock the enemy down head on, and they'll never trouble you again. Aiko really wanted to be like that someday -- and he still admires his brother, even now.
Berose points out the obvious: that if he still loves Rome, why not go fix things? But Aiko's pride is on the line. He tells her to go back, to tell Rome that Aiko is no longer the little brother in need of saving; he's a grown man and he'll show Rome what he's made of.
As Berose departs, one of the pilots notes that she seems somewhat upset. Aiko doesn't care. She can do what she wants. Time to go rob a kid!
Hold successfully full of rocks, the Erda II starts for home, only to be interrupted by the arrival of Aiko's Geirail and the two Gildas. To the crew's surprise, Aiko hails them. He recognises Wistario's voice and is in turn surprised to see how young Hajiroboshi's pilot really is.
When Wistario demands to know what he wants, Aiko says he just thought they were probably tired of fighting one another, so how about they make a deal instead? If there's a treasure Aiko has that Wistario wants, he'll trade it for something Wistario has.
After clearing up some initial confusion over what Aiko is referring to -- since neither he nor Rome knew until now that the point of the Urdr Hunt was to gather data -- Demner expresses doubt that the Zans could have collected data the Afam crew don't already have. Korunaru once again has to admit she doesn't know for certain: like all the guides, she wasn't given the whole picture.
Aiko threatens to go home if they're all going to doubt him, so Wistario ask him to at least prove he has the ring with him. Though thrown by yet another thing he didn't know (that the ring stores the data), Aiko promises to bring it over to the Erda II right away.
As soon as the communication is shut off, one of the Gilda pilots panics because obviously, Aiko doesn't actually have the ring. However, Aiko himself has gained confidence from seeing that he's dealing with a bunch of kids, girls and senior citizens. Outside their mobile suits, they won't be a problem. He orders his goons to get their guns ready.
After docking with the ship, Aiko goes up to the bridge and rather awkwardly thanks the crew for having him (it's actually adorably bad; this is not a man used to making polite introductions). He is no more impressed with Wistario and co in person, and as soon as he's asked to produce his ring, he instead tries to draw a gun on them.
Unfortunately for Aiko and the Gilda pilots, his betrayal was easy to see coming and they are quickly overpowered, Aiko suffering the brunt of Demner's martial-arts skills, Range likewise taking out one of the goons, and the third going down to the combined might of Dexter and Sinister's deck-brushes.
Wistario wonders what to do now and Range suggests trading the prisoners for their mobile suits. However, that won't help much since Afam Equipment doesn't have pilots for them. It's left to Katya to suggest the obvious: trade Aiko for the ring and put the Zans out of the Hunt entirely.
Rome, meanwhile, is spitting nails over the response to his ultimatum. He declares that Aiko is now the enemy -- just in time for the Erda II to make contact.
Range and Wistario spell out the situation: they'll hand over Aiko and the goons (currently trussed up in duct-tap) if Rome gives them the ring and abandons the Hunt.
Rome, however, is not really paying attention. He demands to know if this is Aiko's idea of showing how much he's grown up. Because if so, then he hasn't changed a bit! Always getting into trouble and needing Rome's help! It's always left to Rome to clear up his messes, damnit!
Aiko admits that's the case, but that's why he's like this! It's Rome's fault for never giving him a chance to stand on his own!
Oh! Oh, so Rome should just not help him then? A brother is supposed to protect a brother! That's all he's doing!
But that's what Aiko wants to do! Rome never gives him the chance!
Then Aiko should just leave and never come back!
Fine! He'd rather die than be saved again in any case!
Range -- watching this with the others, who are all dumbstruck by the unexpected family drama -- says hold on, since Aiko dying is no good to anyone. Wistario tries to intervene by pointing out that despite everything, Rome and Aiko very clearly care about one another.
Aiko confirms they're the closest brothers you've ever seen. He just wanted to catch up to Rome and be strong for once. Hearing this, Rome shouts that he's an idiot! There's no one he'd rather have watching his back than Aiko! He was so happy to see a crybaby like his little brother become unbeatable in a mobile suit -- with Aiko following him, Rome could go anywhere!
At this point, both brothers break down into tears, Aiko apologising and Rome begging him to come home. Dexter understandably wants to know what it the world is going on, while Range suggests that since the two Zans have made up, maybe we can get back to the whole hostage exchange thing?
Sadly -- or perhaps not -- that's the point both ships come under attack from a third party. Jabiro -- remember him? -- calls Rome, to say he's had enough of watching the brothers cock everything up, so he's just going to kill everyone and go back to Rubian with the sad story of how the old man's sons were shot to death. Then he'll take over the Zan Clan and lead it to greater heights.
Everyone scrambles into action to fend off Jabiro's mobile suits, with Aiko begging to be allowed to go out too. Once it's over, he'll be happy to hand over the ring, just let him help Rome! Wistario agrees without hesitation - they need the extra combat power.
Outside, Rome is in Gorgeous Pink (his Geirail), yelling for Jabiro's forces to come and have a go if they think they're hard enough. Aiko rushes to his side and the two unleash one of their 'invincible brothers attacks' on a hapless Gilda (that'd be slinging their double-ended axe and hammer at it, all anime style). Rome splits his weapons for the next attack, declaring that they are strong together.
However, Jabiro joins the fight in a pretty sweet-looking Gilda Python custom and gets the drop on Rome, very nearly taking him out. Aiko jumps in the way, his Gorgeous Silver getting swatted smack into the side of the brothers' battleship.
Shocked, Rome flies down to help Aiko out, yelling at him not to die. Luckily, Aiko isn't in danger of that -- but his ribs are broken, so he's not getting up any time soon.
Taking advantage of this display of familial love, Jabiro zeroes in on Rome again. This time it's Wistario and Range who block him: he's the enemy leader, right? So beating him should end this.
Despite the large number of Gildas Jabiro has brought with him, the remaining trio of fighters do exactly that. With the treacherous underboss taken out, Wistario asks if the elder Zan brother intends to battle him next. Rome says no. Now they've fought alongside one other with their backs against the wall, they're brothers too! Aiko agrees, and Rome follows up by saying they're going to give up on the Hunt and go back home to rebuild the Clan.
With the Zans returning to Earth, Wistario expects they won't see each other again, but Rome assures him the Invincible Brothers will pay back what they owe. So that's presumably set-up for a calling-for-aid moment at some later point.
Indeed, the only person not happy about this outcome (excepting Jabiro, who is dead) is Berose. Amid all the back-slapping, the Zans did not actually hand their ring over to Wistario. So she's still stuck on their ship with them. Urgh. She needs a new job.
All's well that ends well, eh? Well almost. After a final snippet with the Afam crew in which all are very confused by Aiko and Rome's relationship and Katya agrees that family is such a pain, we switch to a rather familiar red spaceship on approach to Venus. Conniving mustache man Todo is reporting on his earlier information gathering to none other than Montag himself. Yes folks, Our Mackie is once more trotting out the fancy dress! Studying a picture of Katya, he explains that Isurugi already told him about Wistario Afam and while it could be a coincidence, perhaps . . .
Well, just what exactly McGillis is ominously 'perhaps'ing over will have to wait for another episode (quite possibly the very next one, going by the previews). While my comments from last time stand, I enjoyed the direction this took. Wistario's gang accidentally mediating the Zan Brothers' spat was fun and the unexpected team-up against Jabiro provided a neat way to trim down the competition without getting too bloody. I definitely expect Rome and Aiko to show up during the end-game in some fashion.
It's also nice to get a sense of the scale of the Zan Clan operation. Once more, Gjallarhorn is placed in the position of being paid-off by an outside organisation ala Nobliss having Colonel Coral in his pocket. Which tracks. All cops etc. I will say that we haven't really gotten a hint of the kind of crime the Zans perpetuate. Presumably they're generalists, but it'd be nice to have an idea of what felonies make the big bucks in the Post-Disaster timeline, since aside from the piracy and human trafficking, we don't really know much about the texture of the underworld.
Jabiro is a nothing of a one-shot villain, existing purely to be a nuisance and die. The Zan brothers themselves get some extra depth here, with the flashback exploring their youth (and making it clear Rome is significantly older than Aiko). They're still hardly great people but they genuinely care about one another, and their awareness of the other's faults while still trusting their strengths helps distinguish them from truly hateable antagonists like Iok.
Anyway, this obviously marks the first participants to leave the Hunt for good, albeit the ones who'd achieved absolutely nothing so far. That leaves Wistario, Cyclase, 598, Tamami and Mendou in the running. I'd say the race was hotting up but by my count, everyone is now level!
But first, we apparently have to deal with a certain Calamity War nerd sticking his oar into proceedings . . . that's probably not going to be good.
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cardest · 3 years
Russia playlist
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Gorbachov! Tear down that wall.......and turn up this Russia playlist! The Cossacks are dancing to this one and the yaks are singing. Russia, Siberia, Moscow, St Petersburg and a cold war. It’s all here in this Russia playlist. Hit play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC18F7oDKY8zH1IOplzHM05MY
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We begin the journey in Siberia and make our way across Genghis Khan territory towards Omsk and beyond. We have a look at Chernobyl, Ukraine for a look around and make our way up to Moscow, We finish up this playlist in St Petersburg. Hope you enjoy it.
001 FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE 007 OST - Main theme 002 Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train 003 The Beatles - Back in The USSR 004 Iron Maiden - Mother Russia 005 Sisters of Mercy  - Dominion / Mother Russia 006 Ramones - Cretin Hop 007 Sting - Russians 008 Russkaja - Peace, Love & Russian Roll 009 Robert Simon Thomas - Troika  (balalaika) 010 Jello Biafra, The Guantanamo School Of Medicine - We Created Putin 011 The Cult -  Siberia 012 Mastodon -  Siberian Divide 013 Yes - Siberian Khatru 014 Pesnokhorki Barnaul - Cossacks songs of Siberia 015 Diablo Swing Orchestra - Siberian Love Affairs 016 The Kills - Siberian Nights 017 The Night Flight Orchestra - Siberian Queen 018 Altai Kai - Traditional Siberian music 019 Vallenfyre -  My Black Siberia 020 Skyhooks - Jukebox In Siberia 021 MISERY INDEX - Siberian March 022 Wooly Mammoth - Mammoth Bones 023 Grumbling Fur -  Siberian Priest 024 Iron Maiden - Genghis Khan 025 Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Night enchanted 026 The Locust -  Live From The Russian Compound 027 ACCEPT - Russian Roulette 028 Cavalera Conspiracy - Genghis Khan 029 Diaframma - Siberia 030 Renaissance - Mother Russia 031 Echo & The Bunnymen - Siberia 032 Dschinghis Khan - Genghis Khan 033 Bad News -  Warriors Of Ghengis Khan 034 The Hu - The great Chinggis Khan 035 Shah - Escape 036 Ray Stevens - Surfin USSR 037 Ramones - Locket Love 038 Heirs -  Russia 039 The Dillinger Escape Plan - Hero of the Soviet Union 040 Natalia Albychakova - Takhpakh 041 Svetlanas - Go Fck You Self 042 Maloletka - Irkutsk Path 043  Kuban Cossack Choir - The hat all around 044 The Lords of the New Church - Russian Roulette 045 Paul Lay Trio - Irkutsk 046 Elvis Hitler - Rocking Over Russia 047 Russian Circles - 309 048 Thylacine - Irkutsk 049 Valeriy Voloshin and gruppa Pyatiletka - Irkutsk 050 DEVO -  Cold War 051 Güiro Meets Russia - It's Not The World, It's You 052 Powerwolf - Nightside of Siberia 053 Altai Kai - Oilo oilo altai 054 Arkona - Yarilo 055 Depeche Mode - People Are People 056 Gorky Park - Bang 057 Igor Stravinsky -  The Rite of Spring, Part 1- 3 Game of Abduction 058 Martika - Toy Soldiers 059 Transvision vamp    - revolution baby 060 The Stranglers -  No More Heroes 061 Gari Gari - Russian gypsy  music 062 Russian Sailors - Dance Yablochka 063 Manic Street Preachers - Revolt 064 Elton John - Nikita 065 Krokus - Russian winter 066 Prince - Ronnie Talk to Russia 067 Soviet SOunds - Baikal-Amur Railroad 068 Genesis - Land of Confusion 069 Duran Duran - Planet Earth 070 Today Is The Day -  The Russian Porn Ballet 071 Nytt Land - Ballad of Gjallarhorn 072 Rotting Christ - Ветры злые - (featuring Irina Zybina) 073 Metallica - Blackened 074 Anneke van Giersbergen, Árstíðir -  Russian Lullaby 075 Der Kommissar - After the Fire 076 Czas relaksu - Andrzej i Eliza 077 korobushka - Folk Russian 078 Peter Gabriel - Red Rain 079 FEAR - Bomb the Russians 080 Rush - Heresy 081 RUSSKAJA - Energia 082 Megadeth -  Peace Sells 083 King Crimson - One More Red Nightmare 084 Sodom - Nuclear Winter 085 Bruce Cockburn - If I Had A Rocket Launcher 086 Talisman - Hey you Horses! 087 Styx - Cold War 088 Grateful Dead - Throwing Stones 089 Gimines - Kai armonika tyliai užgros 090 EXHUMED - Coins Upon the Eyes 091 Mastodon -  The Czar 092 CCCP - American Soviets 093 Sapce Rockit - Supersonik Elektronik 094 Septic Flesh - The Eldest Cosmonaut 095 Quicksand -  Cosmonauts 096 Arkona - Zimushka 097 Abracadabra - Damned Dances 098 Pink Floyd - Two Suns In The Sunset 099 Prince - 1999 100 Trololo Guy - Sean Sell Duck with Fake Subtitles ( Buffalax Style ) 101 Armonika - Gromatele Parašiau 102 Diablo Swing Orchestra - Vodka Inferno 103 Accept -  Balls to the wall 104 Killing Joke - New Cold War 105 UB40 - The Earth Dies Screaming 106 RAMONES - Bonzo Goes To Bitburg (My Brain Is Hanging Upside) 107 TCHAYOK - Zavarka - Mi-minable 108 COH - Soii Noir 109 Vircator - Tunguska 110 Scorpions -  China White 111 Tears For Fears  - Everybody Wants To Rule The World 112 The Stalin - 解剖室 113 KAIRA - OХ РA 114 Alexander Robotnick - Ce n'est q'un début 115 Tunguska Electronic Music Society - Alpha Kawu 116 Arkona - Odna 117  Cist - Antisceptic 118 Sabaton - ��Nuclear Attack 119 Leningrad Cowboys - Katjusha 120 PRONG - Rude Awakening 121 Imperial Age - And I Shall Find My Home 122 Так - пела метель 123 Fear Konstruktor - Nonexistence 124 Oneohtrix - Russian Mind 125 Police - Every Breath You Take 126 dEpEchE modE - Two Minute Warning 127 Ultravox - Dancing With Tears In My Eyes 128 Sigue Sigue Sputnik - Love Missile F1-11 129 Metallica - Fight Fire With Fire 130 David Bowie - Heroes 131 woven hand - my Russia 132 Survivor - Burning Heart (Rocky IV OST) 133 Forest - As a Shade Above This Land 134 Tesla - Modern Day Cowboy 135 Colossus Form - Son Of Nature 136 The Flying Lizards - Russia 137 Djivan Gasparyan - A Cool Wind Is Blowing 138 Iron Driver (feat. Pasha Mrachek) - Prisoner of time 139 Pussy Riot - CHAIKA 140 Boris Alexandrov - Катюша (Katyusha) 141 DEVO - Going Under 142 Motor - Yak 143 Nuclear Assault - Nuclear War 144 Edward Artemiev - Station (Solaris OST) 145 Soviet Valves - Puritan Blues 146 Verasy - Polet 147 FAVALLI - Yuri Gagarin 148 Wolfmother - Cosmonaut 149 Yuri Gagarin  - Psychological Discontinuity 150 Witchfinder General - Soviet Invasion 151 Korrozia Metallah - Russian Vodka 152 Russkaja - Kosmopolit 153 Dio -  Gypsy 154 The The - slow train to dawn 155  Blues Pills -  Gypsy 156 Rush - Red Lenses 157 Corey Hart - Komrade Kiev 158 Master - Metal Doctor 159 Howlin Rain - Phantom In The Valley 160 ARKONA - Liki Bessmertnykh Bogov 161 Pitchblack - IHATEU 162 Ozzy Osbourne - Killer of Giants 163 Scorpions - Wind of Change 164 Yat kha - Chorumal Bodum 165 Nadezhda Babkina, Russkaja Pesnja 166 Ramones - Here Today, Gone Tomorrow 167 Russian radio - red flag 168 Manicure - Atomic Summer 169 The Dillinger Escape Plan -  The Threat Posed By Nuclear Weapons 170 Love Among Freaks - Berserker 171 ARIA - HERO OF ASPHALT 172 Temnozor - Fatherland 173 Walknut - Motherland Ostenvegr 174 Weird Al Yankovic - Now That's What I Call Polka! 175 Underworld - Underneath the Radar 176 Skyclad - Polkageist 177 Helloween - Russian Roulé 178 John Coltrane - Russian Lullaby 179 Julian Cope - russian revolution blues 180 Rodrigo y Gabriela - The Russian Messenger 181 Kate Bush - Babooshka 182 ВИА - Чаривни гитары 183 Mastodon - The Last Baron 184 Hovert – Omyt 185 Minsk -  Consumed by Horizons 186 Kypck - Stalingrad 187 Def Leppard -  Gods of war 188 Black Country Communion  - Big Train 189 Sabaton -  Stalingrad 190  Doomsquad - Russian Gaze 191 Soviet Soviet - Human Nature 192 Murray head    - one night in bangkok 193 The Korgis - Young n Russian 194 Chelsea Light Moving - Communist Eyes 195 Helix - Champagne Communist 196 UDO - Train Ride In Russia 197 Mr Weebl - Russian Dancing Men 198 Jamie Jones   - Siberian Express 199 They Might Be Giants - Sold My Mind to the Kremlin 200 Ed Khuild - lolololololololol 201 Sepultura - Itsari 202 Vy Pole - Enormous 203 Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Fifteen Feet Of Pure White Snow 204 Gogol Bordello -  Gypsy Auto Pilot 205 Buffalex - Horse Eat My Nipple 206 Municipal Waste - Wolves of Chernobyl 207 Drudkh -  Cursed Sons II 208 Chernobyl - A song for the fallen 209 Russkaja - Hometown Polka 210 Toxic Holocaust -  Out of the Fire 211  Hail Caesar! Soundtrack - 19 Soviet Man 212 The Blow Monkeys  - The Man From Russia 213 The Devil's Blood - The Anti-Kosmik Magick 214 Orchid - Cosmonaut of Three 215 Vergeltung - Cold War 216 KYPCK - Alleya Stalina 217 Cabaret Voltaire -  Calling Moscow 218 Red Army Choir - Polyushka Polye 219 Iron Curtain - Ready To Strike 220 Porcupine Tree - Russia on Ice 221 Sigue Sigue Sputnik - 21st Century Boy 222 Al Stewart - Roads to Moscow 223 The Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil 224 Soviet Soviet - ecastacy 225 KREMLIN - Will You Feed Me 226 AC/DC - Heatseeker 227 ANJ - Gorbachev 228 Katyusha (Катюша) - Aleksandr Marshal & Valeria Kurnushkina 229 ARKONA - Stenka Na Stenku 230 Black Obelisk -  The wall 231 Skyclad - Catherine at the Wheel 232 Pussy Riot - Kropotkin-vodka (Kill the sexist!) 233 Brian Eno -- Stedelijk 234 Zola Jesus - Siphon 235 Insect Inside - The First Shining of New Genus 236 MR. ZIVAGO - Little Russian 237 The Real McKenzies - Midnight Train to Moscow 238 Red Army OST - KGB 239 The Toasters - Night Train to Moscow 240 Thy Catafalque - Urania 241 The Apogee - Hieronymus Bosch 242 Sabaton - Panzerkampf 244 RUSSKAJA - Barada   245 Oneohtrix Point Never - KGB Nights 246 Faith No More -  A Small Victory 247 Mike and the mechanics - A Call To Arms 248 Michael Jackson - Stranger In Moscow 249 Blondie - Contact In Red Square 250 Rammstein - Moskau 251 Pseudogod - deathwomb 252 KGB - Subway Sleepwalker 253 Igor Butman Big Band - Moscow at 3am 254 Genghis Khan - Moscow 255 Demon - Blue Skies In Red Square 256 Type O Negative - The Profit of Doom 257 COH - Red Square 258 Cougars - Red Square 259 Ray Conniff - Moscow Nights 260 INDIANS IN MOSCOW - Indians in Moscow 261 Radio Moscow - 250 Miles 262 Kingdom Come - Crown of Moscow 263 Powerwolf - Moscow after dark 264 U.D.O. - Decadent 265 System Of A Down - Störagéd 266 Closure In Moscow - Pink Lemonade 267 VIBRATORS - DISCO IN MOSCO 268 IRA PETROWA - MOSKAUER NÄCHTE 269 Visage - Moon Over Moscow 270 Farmers Market - Red Square Dance 271 Wonderland -  Moscow 272 Courtney Pine - Red Square Gagarinesk 273 Stray Cats - Storm The Embassy 274 German Shepherds - Communist Control 275 Moloko - Radio Moscow 276 March of the defenders - Moscow 277 Takako Nishizaki - Podmoskovnye vechera( Moscow Nights) 278 Simple Minds - Moscow Underground 279 The Spotnicks - Moscow 280 The Russian Jazz Quartet - Journey from Moscow 281 Bob Crewe Generation - Miniskirts In Moscow 282 MODERN TROUBLE - FLY TO MOSCOW 283 Gorky Park - Moscow Calling 284 BB Gabor - Moscow Drug Club 285 Doe Maar - De bom 286 Manicured noise - Moscow 287 Russkaja - Ras Dwa Tri 288 PLANET P PROJECT - Armageddon 289 Clan of Xymox - Muscoviet Musquito 290 Gogol Bordello -  60 REVOLUTIONS 291 Uriah Heep   - Gypsy 292 Living Colour - Cult Of Personality 293 The Hollies - Russian Roulette 294 Kenny Ball and His Jazzmen - Red Square 295 Frank Chacksfield - Under Moscow Skies 296 Thomas Dolby - Eastern Bloc 297 The Redskins - Kick Over The Statues 298 The Alchemist - Moscow Mornings - Sunrise 299 N.O.T.A. - Moscow 300 Svetlanas - Where Is My Borscht? 301 Against Me! - Russian Spies 302 James Horner - Gorkij park (Gorky Park 1983) OST 303 Hetalia Russia - Moscú 304 Roberto Jacketti & The Scooters - Moscow Nights 305 Ram J Holder - The Blues in Moscow 306 Ivan Rebroff sings Russian folk songs - Moscow nights 307 Jethro Tull - Crest Of A Knave Said She Was a Dancer 308 Men At Work - Its a Mistake 309 Skeewiff - Moscow Mule 310 The Clash - Ivan Meets G.I. Joe 311 Captain Sensible - Glad its all over 312 Ulfdallir - Steel Armor 313 Arkona - Oi Ti ne Vecher (Oh Not That Evening) 314 Lena Katina - No Voy A Olvidarte 315 JOHNNY M5 - Moscow Nights 316   Eddy Huntington - U.S.S.R. 317 Selsius - Moscow 318 WINTERUS - MOSCOW 319 Mr. Zivago - Love in Moscow 320 Brutto - Moscow Calling 321 Udo Lindenberg - Moskau 322 Aliza Kashi - Moscow Nights 323 Angelic Upstarts - Last Tango In Moscow 324 ASIA - Russian Dolls 325 Blaze Bayley & Thomas Zwijsen - Russian Holiday 326 Kate Bush - Breathing 327 Roger Waters and David Bowie - When the wind blows 328 Roky Erickson & The Aliens - Sputnik 329 Moscow - Orange Juice 330 Ivan Rebroff - Cossack Patrol 331 Alexandr Gradsky - Как молоды мы были 332 James Horner - Gorky Park - Following KGB 333 B.T.R - Moscow City 334 Gogol Bordello -  Hats Off To Kolpakoff 335 CCCP - Sputnik [Cosmos] 336 Russkaja - Go Sputnik 337 Red Spektor - Cosmonaut 338 Bald Red Lady - Cosmonaut 339 Ulver - Russian Doll 340 Hawkwind - Sputnik Stan 341 Bad Acid Trip - Putin Fears Pussy 342 Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime 343 Dark Tranquillity -  Arkhangelsk 344 TOTAL REJECTS (This Night) I'm Going To Be Destroyed 345 Manic Street Preachers - The Next Jet to Leave Moscow 346 Billy Joel - Leningrad 347 Victor Smolski    - The Heretic 348 Boney M - Rasputin 349 Type O Negative - Tripping A Blind Man 350 Leningrad Cowboys - Leningrad 351 Accept - Stalingrad 352 Russian Folk Music - Russian Winter 353 Cavalera Conspiracy -  Rasputin 354 Kontrust - Rasputin 355 Bersarin Quartett - St. Petersburg 356 Folkearth - From Volga to Bosphorus 357 Anastasia - Rumor in St. Petersburg 358 Retox - Soviet Reunion 359 Fireside - Let Rasputin Do It 360 Mastodon - Oblivion 361 St.Petersburg Ska Jazz Review - Volga River Boat Man 362 THERION - The Khlysti Evangelist 363 The Mountain Goats - Evening in Stalingrad 364 Rage - Soul Survivor 365 Indigo Girls - Closer to Fine 366 ARKONA - Slavsia Rus 367 Russian Folk Music - Kalinka (balalaika) 368 Catch 22 - The Decembrists Song 369 Joanna Stingray - City of Lenin 370 Aria - Attila 371 KAUAN  - Khurum 372 Balalaika Ensemble Wolga - Cossacks Dance 373 The Liminanas - Russian Roulette 374 Vasiliy Shumov - Porridge 375 U.D.O. - I GIVE AS GOOD AS I GET 666 Russkaja - Change
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screaming-skvll · 4 years
The Fall of the House of Spider
XIII. The Bounties
XIV. The Havoc
For two solid weeks, the Tangled Shore was practically swarmed by Guardians dispatched in pursuit of prizes posted by Mardin and his Hunter colleagues. The bounties against the Spider were so numerous and paid so generously that they upset the microeconomy of the Tower. Commander Zavala issued a citation for indirect disruption of regular patrol operations, and the Consensus Finance Committee opened an investigation to ascertain the source of the unusual influx of glimmer backing the constant stream of gratuitous payouts.
Radiant-6 didn’t care. The Spider’s operation was trashed. What loyal fighters he had left had withdrawn to the tightest defensive lines possible around the hardened center of his palace, which itself was more or less all the territory that remained under his control. The Tangled Shore was riot and ruin, but the sudden vacuum in the absence of Spider’s influence soon began to fill. Awoken Corsairs established a field base outside the Watchtower and were planning regular sweeps to root out the Hive and Scorn. Meanwhile, Guardians set up an informal command center in the Empty Tank, and some already murmured about the possibility the Vanguard would make it an official outpost.
Other good had already come of the havoc on the Shore: Guardians who’d come on bounty assignments against the Spider had liberated massive caches of hoarded basic resources, repatriated numerous ancient works of Earth art and other cultural artifacts, and freed an alarming number of Ghosts from captivity. The remains of dead Ghosts recovered from Spider’s lair, and the remnant data they carried, also finally put to rest the cases of several lost Guardians, long missing, their fates previously uncertain.
Rumor had it someone had even found a Gjallarhorn, an original made from the armor of those lost at Twilight Gap—but nobody repeating the rumor could claim to have actually seen it.
Against the backdrop of this upheaval, Mardin came to Radiant with a curious message.
“This came from the Shore,” he said with concealed excitement. “Eliksni datastream, encoded for a defunct Corsair channel.”
Radiant scratched xir cranial dome. “That sounds weird, but what does it mean?”
“The channel—it’s the one that was assigned to the Corsair outpost we used during the tank attack. The sender must’ve backtraced the remote piloting signals to get its position, then dug up its old channel band in hopes we left a transceiver tap there and would still get the message.”
“And you did that? Left a transceiver tap there?”
The Hunter huffed. “Of course I left a tap there. Had to keep an eye on the place to see if anybody tried to track us there.”
Radiant crossed xir arms. “And somebody did.”
“Yes, but only to get us this message. Us specifically.”
“OK. What’s it say?”
“It’s from Avrok.”
Radiant’s antennae twitched in the equivalent of blinking. “Spider’s lieutenant?”
Mardin nodded, a corner of his mouth curling wolfishly. “Spider’s lieutenant. He wants to make a deal.”
“Read it,” Radiant said. Mardin read:
Avrok, once of House Kings, then loyal to the Spider, hails you, many-clawed Lightbearers.
Twice docked in years before, I came to serve the Spider to escape arrogance of hated kells. In good earnest I served him, true as herealways. Yet now, the more as onslaught pens him in, the more I see: the Spider is no better than a kell. Now let his piteous lord-playing end.
I guess that you Lightbearers strike at the Spider for revenge or hate, for own reasons. Your Guardian army could break his palace walls in time, yet I believe you wish to bring to him your own vengeance while it boils hot. Come to where I point with these coordinates, at the time I tell. Avrok will let you in the hidden way, to surprise the Spider, to lay on him the deathblow you carry for him.
This he does not expect. He will never foresee, for the Spider thinks we who remain belong to him, like owned things that cannot betray. He is wrong.
Once, Avrok wished death to kells. Now I say death to bosses. Do not be late.
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My favorite music artists 🎶:
Of Monsters and Men
She Past Away
Lykke Li
Pearly Drops
0 notes
parvismaxima · 4 years
Ragnarok references in Attack on Titan
Ragnarok is a series of apocalyptic events that will define the end of the world, where gods will band together to fight against the giants in a final battle that will ultimately destroy the planet, submerging it under water. According to the legend, the world will resurface, the surviving gods will meet, and the world will be repopulated by two human survivors.
The following major battles will be fought:
·       Odin vs Fenrir
·       Vidar vs Fenrir
·       Thor vs Jormungandr
·       Heimdall vs Loki
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Major warriors during Ragnarok:
Odin is the chief of the Æsir and king of Asgard. He will lead the battle against giants during the Ragnarok
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(Hange and Odin both sacrificed their left eye in exchange for knowledge)
is the guardian of the gods and the personification of order. He will blow a horn, called the Gjallarhorn if Asgard is in danger. His senses are so good that he can hear the grass grow and he can see to the end of the world. Heimdall could hear a leaf fall. He does not need any sleep at all.
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The god of trickery and mistrust, Loki has a complicated relationship with the  Æsir, oftentimes assisting them or hindering them in bringing their goals to fruition. He is the personification of chaos
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He is the God of war, and the bravest of all the Gods in Norse mythology. Tyr is interested in justice and with fair treaties, which makes him a God of law as well.
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The reason why Tyr is the bravest of all the Gods is because of his most written story:
He once put his hand into the jaws of the gigantic evil wolf Fenrir. He did this while the other Gods bound Fenrir to a rock. When Fenrir saw this, he became suspicious, and declared that he would only allow the gods to put it around him if one of them would stick an arm in his mouth as a pledge of good faith. At last,  when the wolf noticed that he could not get free from the chains, he became furious and ripped Tyr’s right hand
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And there in that chain, the giant wolf remained in that sordid state until Ragnarok.
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the central god of peace, prosperity, sunshine and with good harvest. Freyr is in particular associated with the horse cult, and in the Hrafnkels saga, a noble Gothi once killed a man for riding a horse that he had dedicated to the god.
The champion of Asgard, Thor’s job is to protect both it and Midgard from the likes of the Jotnar, the giants of Jötunheimr.
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He has two children: Modi and Magni
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is the god of vengeance. A member of the Æsir, he is the son of Odin and the giantess Gríðr. To be honest, Vidar isn’t really an important God. Virtually all of the references to him Norse mythology are concerned with his role in Ragnarok; we know little to nothing about his origin or function outside of his one particular role at the end.
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Personally, I only saw two things for Connie’s role in this story — Sasha’s comedic counterpart and someone who will justice for Ragako (however that justice might look like). Given that Sasha is gone and the series has taken a serious route, there is only one role left for him to finish
Eren’s soul: Fenrir
Is the half-giant wolf of Norse mythology. The Æsir gods raised Fenrir themselves in order to keep him under their control and prevent him from wreaking havoc throughout the Nine Worlds. Fenrir however, grew at an astonishingly fast pace, and eventually the troubled gods decided to chain him up. 
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Eren’s titan: Jormungandr
The biggest beast in Norse mythology, he's a sea serpent who was imprisoned into the sea by Odin and is fated to rise during Ragnarok. In literature and prayers,  he symbolizes the destructive forces of nature, with everything from hurricanes, tornadoes, vulcanism, earthquakes, etc... His greatest foe is Thor
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Before Ragnarok:
In Norse mythology, gods belong to either one of two tribes: the Æsir and the Vanir. And these tribes fought a lot. They fought so much that Prose Edda had poems entirely dedicated to the War of the Gods.
On the other hand, the Giants (Jotun) came before these two tribes and lived in in Jötunheimr, one of the nine worlds of Norse cosmology. They were banished there by the Gods, who refused them entry to their world, Asgard. In the ancient Norse stories, the Giants frequently interact with the Æsir and the Vanir, but they are usually in opposition with them.
The Æsir fought by the rules of plain combat, with weapons and brute force, while the Vanir used the subtler means of magic.
Loki is the mixed-blood son of a goddess and a male Jotun. His role in Norse mythology is unique and controversial since he appears to both help the gods and hinder them. According to the story, Loki tricked the blind god of winter Hod, an action that resulted in the death of the god Baldr, the shining god beloved by everyone.
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Because of this, he was punished and cast into a cliff where he was to remain bound to a rock until Ragnarok, the end of the world.
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Baldr’s death is one of the many signs that will fortell Ragnarok. First, there will come a great Winter “Fimbulvetr” which will last for years. Brothers will slay brother, father will slay son, and son will slay father. It will be an age of war
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Next, the wolves Skoll and Hati (Fenrir’s sons) who have hunted the sun and the moon for a very long time, will at last catch their prey.
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Loki will escape his prison to join the other Giants.
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the chains that has been holding back the monstrous wolf Fenrir will snap, and the beast will run free. 
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Jormungandr, the mighty serpent who dwells at the bottom of the ocean and encircles the land, will rise from the depths, spilling the seas over all the earth as he makes landfall.
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These convulsions will shake the ship Naglfar (“Nail Ship”) free from its moorings. This ship, which is made from the fingernails and toenails of dead men and women, will sail easily over the flooded earth. Its crew will be an army of giants, the forces of chaos and destruction. 
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Fenrir, with fire blazing from his eyes and nostrils, will run across the earth, with his lower jaw on the ground and his upper jaw against the top of the sky, devouring everything in his path. Jormungand will spit his venom over all the world, poisoning land, water, and air alike.
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The gods who have been warring all these time, will decide to join arms and go to battle, even though they know what the prophecies have foretold concerning the outcome of this clash.
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They will meet their enemies on a battlefield called Vigrid (Old Norse Vígríðr, “Plain Where Battle Surges”
An ominous horn blast will ring out; this will be Heimdall, the divine sentry, blowing the Gjallarhorn to announce the arrival of the moment the gods have feared. He will be the first one to stop the giants
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Odin will anxiously consult the head of Mimir, the wisest of all beings, for counsel. Odin will face Fenrir, and by his side will be the Einherjar, the host of his chosen dead human warriors whom has preserved in Valhalla for just this moment.
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During Ragnarok:
Odin and the champions of men will fight more valiantly than anyone has ever fought before. But it will not be enough. Fenrir will swallow Odin and his men.
Then one of Odin’s sons, Vidar, burning with rage, will charge the beast to avenge his father. He will stab his sword through the wolf’s throat, killing him.
Heimdall and his archenemy Loki will do the same, putting a final end to the trickster’s treachery. Both will inflict fatal wounds on each other, but Loki refuses to die until he sees the destruction of the worlds which happened soon after. They both died next to each other
Tyr will perish fighting Fenrir. The wolf will bite his remaining hand and he will bleed out, but not before he gives the beast a mortal wound
The god Freyr and a fire giant will also be the end of each other. 
Thor and Jormungand, those age-old foes, will both finally have their chance to kill the other. Thor will succeed in felling the great snake with the blows of his hammer. But the serpent will have covered him in so much venom that he will not be able to stand for much longer; he will take nine paces before falling dead himself and adding his blood to the already-saturated soil of Vigrid
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After all these, these gods will die, the giants will alight the world in flame, until a flood finally covers the world.
After Ragnarok:
Several of the Gods will survive, among them is Odin’s sons Vidar. Thor’s sons Modi and Magni will also survive, inheriting their father’s hammer Mjölnir.
While most of the Gods will die in the mutual destruction with the Giants, it is predetermined that a new world will rise up from the water, beautiful and green. Before the battle of Ragnarok, a woman and a man, Lif “life” and Liftraser “lover of life”, will find shelter from the cataclysm in a place called the “Wood of Hoddmimir” (Hoddmímis holt).
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They will now come out and populate the lush land in which they will find themselves. A new sun, the daughter of the previous one, will rise in the sky. And all of this will be presided over by a new, almighty ruler.
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After Ragnarok” by Emil Doepler (1905)
 The significance of Ravens in Norse mythology
Ravens are found everywhere in Prose Edda, a collection of poems detailing the legends of Old Norse. It is the holy bird circling around Odin
In Norse mythology, Huginn ( "thought") and Muninn ("memory") are a pair of ravens that fly all over the world and relay information to him, causing Odin to become very wise.
Now I know I just said that Hange is supposed to play Odin during Ragnarok, but given the bird’s role in the Norse story, and all the perspectives being dropped, I think it’s safe to say that Eren’s been hearing his enemies pretty well, as well as seeing the literal bird’s eye perspective of the entire war
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Anyway, these are all the Norse references I saw during the Marley arc onwards. What do you think? How do you foresee the final battle ending?
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nvwu-moved · 4 years
tagged by @scoups and @starchild--27 for this tag!! (at least i think they’re the same tag 😅) thank you so much my dearies 🖤✨
name/nicknames: ali.. and I don’t have any nicknames lol
height: 5’4
star sign: spicy sagittarius
birthday: November 24th
sexuality: straight 🤢
nationality: american
current time: 4:46 pm
cats or dogs: dogs (aka I would die for daegal 🥺)
lucky number(s): idk
instruments: keyboard, bass (guitar mostly but upright too), violin, morin khuur, harp, vibes (and marimba, glock, etc.), timpani, other misc. orchestral percussion, and i would loooooove to learn the hardingfele
last thing i googled: covid stats new york
favorite bands: perfume, fatm, exo, nct (i honestly can’t decide which unit I like tunes from each), little dragon, wednesday campanella, daft punk, gjallarhorn, and wardruna
favorite soloists: aurora, mø, eivør, björk, solange, the weeknd, and dua lipa
song stuck in my head: ding dong by katya zamolodchikova!!
favorite song: atm maybe where you belong by little dragon 🤔
favorite emojis: 🖤✨ they remind me of that hex girls song that goes like we’re gonna put a spell on all of you!!
amount of sleep: last night 9 hours
dream job: musician
currently wearing: a sweater w/ my college logo on it + black sweats
dream trip: any Nordic country and/or Mongolia
last movie watched: i can’t remember but yesterday I saw a meme of that scene from marriage story 😬
last show watched: can’t remember!! im too dumb for visual media!!!!!!
top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: atla, i guess greek mythology??, and fuck it lemme say scooby-doo bc I’m a hex girl and I’m gonna put a spell on you 🤷🏻‍♀️
favorite author: Camus
favorite animal song: what does this mean
favorite food: steamed bun w/ purple sweet potato filling
random: yes i am rawr XD
when i made this blog: dec 2013
why i made this blog: i didn’t have anyone irl to fangirl about exo-m with
do i get asks: no and honestly I like it that way unless I rb an ask game (but mutuals can dm me whenever!!)
following: 389
followers: 501
why i chose my url: big bowl thick noodle 🤠 (that translation is cursed SHDHJDDH)
other blogs: @kaffilatte, @maijou
recent pic: I took these just now bc I couldn’t find any other pic w/ a good aspect ratio
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tagging: @bwaldorf, @mingyusgf, @lleejeno, @howllscastle, @seoulct, @mooshum, and @zyx (optionally!!)
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auroralightsthesky · 4 years
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Band of Brothers/The Pacific, Mythology AU
Wayne “Skinny” Sisk as Heimdall
The guardian of the Bifrost Bridge that links heaven and earth, Heimdall is the son of nine mothers and the protector of Asgard. He sounds the call of the Gjallarhorn whenever danger arises and on the eve of Ragnarok. Heimdall is the most trusted of all the gods, the embodiment of a true guardian and warrior. 
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mythologicafolk · 4 years
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Nordic and Siberian folk band Nytt Land released a new single, called Ballad of Gjallarhorn.
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