#given perhaps their ineptitude in expressing their emotions in an act of self preservation
tuppytuptup · 5 years
Five watches as Ben finds Vanya’s elbow easily, ushering her behind him with nary a glance in her direction. There’s no delay on Vanya’s part, she allows herself to be corralled by Ben’s guiding hand without resistance, tucking in close to his back and matching his stride. Ben slices through the throng of bodies like a knife through butter with Vanya following in his wake, going unhindered by the thickening crowd thanks to the width of her brother’s shoulders. It feels so well rehearsed. So easy. As if they’ve had a hundred chances to get it right. How many times has his brother reached for their sister that she no longer hesitates at his touch? How often has Vanya pressed herself close that Ben doesn’t blink at her proximity even after they’ve broken from the crowd?  Each new question sits uneasily in Five’s stomach, slick as oil, and he has no idea why.
unfinished draft i just unearthed feat. jealous!five, benya and potential for ot3
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