adhd-trademark · 4 years
I realized just recently that if you want something to happen, you have to do it yourself. (Kinda late, right?) But ‘Agent Carter’ was cancelled due to bad reviews. We need to let Marvel Studios know we want more. ESPECIALLY due to the whole ‘Cap was her husband all along.’ thing and the ‘There are two kids with partial super-soldier dna now.’ thing. I’ve decided that we should petition for it to come back for more seasons. So here’s how it’s gonna go: every like on this is the equivilent of a name on a petition. Reblog this post to all of your Peggy Carter fan friends out there. If people with social media could post this post onto their social media, advertise that we want it to happen. Heck, we might even get Hayley Atwell on our side! (THAT WOULD BE SO COOL BECAUSE I’VE LITERALLY NEVER MET A CELEBRITY IN MY ENTIRE LIFE.) Honestly, I don’t know why reviewers even exist. Everyone has their own opinion. You don’t know if other people will like it or not! We will show Marvel that we know her value. So does she. Anyone else’s opinion doesn’t really matter. 
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