#give mike wheeler a sword now. Thanks!
wisehearts · 5 months
I love arm
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rowdywarrior85 · 5 years
KAREN: Come on, Joyce he’s had enough.
(Jonathan and Karen pull Joyce off a bruised and bloodied Neil.)
NEIL: (groaning, coughing) You crazy bitch. You make me bleed on the goddamn street?
(Nancy nods at the deputies, giving them a signal that only they and she know. The deputies make their way to Neil.)
CALLAHAN: Neil Hargrove?
NEIL: What?!
CALLAHAN: We have a warrant for your arrest.
NEIL: What are you talking about? You should be arresting that psycho bitch that damn near killed me.
POWELL: Oh, the warrant’s definitely for your ass. Besides, we have a rule here in Hawkins. Never, ever cross the mama bear. By that, I mean Joyce Byers.
(Powell winks at Joyce, who smiles at the deputies.)
Your under arrest for the charges of domestic violence, battery, and civil unrest. We also have a tape recording delivered to us after the shit that went down at the Starcourt. It details your tirade at the Wheeler residence.
(Neil looks up to Nancy, who scratches her head with her middle finger, intentionally flipping him the bird.)
POWELL: Callahan, stand his ass up, cuff him and read him his rights.
(Callahan stands Neil up and starts to cuff him. He gets one hand, but before he could get the other hand, Neil rear headbutts him, turns to take his revolver, knocks Callahan out then turns to aim it at Nancy.)
POWELL: Drop the gun now!
(Powell tries to get his gun out, as Neil thumbs back the hammer. Jonathan shields Nancy.)
(Suddenly, Neil’s hands are unexpectedly sliced off. He and the crowd tries to figure out what just happened, then he feels a strong stab in his stomach. He looks down, and sees the point of a blade materialize out of thin air, which gives way to a sword, held by hands, which give way to Kali standing behind her. He falls to his knees.)
KALI: Bet you didn’t see that coming, did ya, prick?
WILL: (whispers to Mike) I did.
NEIL: (choking on his blood) Who the fuck are you?
(Kali twists the cutting edge upward and slides the blade up to the heart, cleaving it in half. She inches to Neil’s ear.)
KALI: Me? I’m the Goddess of Death, bitch.
(Kali twists the sword again, and pulls it out. A geyser of blood blasts out the entry and exit wounds. She walks beside Neil as he leans forward. By the time he leans 10°, she proceeds to lop his head off, sending it flying as she walks forward. She catches the head by the time she flicks the blood off her sword and sheathes it. She stares at Powell and Callahan.)
POWELL: Hey, honey. I didn’t see shit, aight? RIGHT, CALLAHAN?
CALLAHAN: Yeah, not a goddamn thing.
(Kali smiles at the deputies, and walks on. She then walks by Max and Susan.)
SUSAN: Th-Thank you.
(Kali looks to Susan, winks at her, and continues to walk on to the casket. She approaches the Billy’s casket and places the head right in the middle, right on the crack.)
(Japanese) Rest easy, Billy. May you find the peace that evaded you your whole life.
(She bows to the casket, then walks away. But not before looking to El, with a look of momentary horror over what just happened.)
(English) Oh, don’t give me that. You would’ve fucked him up even worse if you were up to par.
(El nods at Kali in agreement. Kali goes to Will in comfort, while Joyce, Karen and Susan look at the carnage.)
KAREN: Sweet Jesus.
JOYCE: Trust me, I’ve seen much worse.
LIZ: Yo, Byers.
(The moms look to the Mom Squad as they approach her. Liz goes to shake Joyce’s hand in respect.)
On behalf of of the ladies, I congratulate you in your sense of womanhood.
JOYCE: Oh, thank you.
BLONDIE: Listen, we’re getting together at the bar after the reception. Karen can bring you and Susan along.
JOYCE: I appreciate it, girls. But… there’s still one more funeral I must attend to.
(At Hopper’s mobile homestead, the Party and a few others listen to Kali reading Hopper’s pep talk that never happened. Joyce sits beside Will, Mike and El. Nancy stands by Jonathan, Lucas by Max, Dustin by Erica, Steve and Robin, even Powell by Callahan. Most shed tears during Kali’s reading, until she gets to even more of Hopper’s note, which acts a request to El in the years to come.)
KALI: (reading) Feelings. The truth is, for so long, I’ve forgotten what those even were. I’ve been stuck in one place, in a cave, you unearthly might say. A deep, dark cave. And then, I left some Eggos out in the woods, and you came into my life and for the first time in a long time, I started to feeling things again. I started to feel happy. But lately, I guess I’ve been feeling distant from you. Like you’re pulling away from me or something. I miss playing board games every night, making triple-decker Eggo extravaganzas at sunrise, watching westerns together before we doze off. But I know you’re getting older. Growing. Changing. And I guess, if I’m being really honest, that’s what scares me. I don’t want things to change. So, I think maybe that’s why I came in here, to maybe stop that change. To turn back the clock. To make things go back to how they were. And yeah, sometimes it’s painful. Sometimes it’s sad. And sometimes, it’s surprising. Happy. So, you know what? Keep on growing up, kid. Don’t let me stop you. Make mistakes, learn from ‘em, and when life hurts you, because it will, remember the hurt. The hurt is good. It means you’re out of that cave. But, please, if you don’t mind, for the sake of your poor old dad,…
(Mike chuckles as he folds up the speech, looking to El.)
…keep the door open three inches.
(El laughs at the closing remark. Afterwards, they all go outback. Joyce carries a funeral wreath with Hopper’s picture in the middle. In the background, Dustin starts singing a slow, bluesy version of Jim Croce’s YOU DON’T MESS WITH JIM with Robin plucking away at an acoustic guitar. As the wreath floats down the pond in the backyard, the camera pans down the funeral line as Dustin sings the chorus. Starting with El, Mike and Joyce with Powell and Callahan embracing each other. Kali holding Will in a warm comfort, as are Nancy and Jonathan, and Lucas and Max. We see Dustin blasting the chorus a second time with soul, Erica at his side, with Steve and a guitar-toting Robin. We also see Marissa, Hopper’s former paramour. We see Murray, standing at ease. And of course, standing over the line on the deck, is Dr. Owens. Afterwards, the Party have their snacks and drinks. Joyce notices Murray looking to the pond, so she goes to him.)
MURRAY: (sniffling) You know, I wish… there was some way… I can tell Alexei that… that we did it. We won.
(Joyce places her hand on Murray’s shoulder.)
JOYCE: I’m sure he knows, Murray. They both know.
(Murray gives a tearful smiles to Joyce as they hug. Dr. Owens walks in.)
OWENS: Mr. Bauman, Joyce.
JOYCE: Dr. Owens.
OWENS: I wish to give my condolences to the both of you. Your Russian friend, Alexei, his death has been informed via the Russian Embassy to his family in Moscow, at to your request, Mr. Bauman. Jim was the best of all of us, Joyce. I want you to know that.
JOYCE: Thank you.
MURRAY: Joyce, I’ll be seeing ya. Doc.
OWENS: Mr. Bauman. By the way, Joyce, I see El has a “sister”.
(Joyce and Owens see El and Kali conversating.)
JOYCE: Yes, she was very instrumental in helping us in this “Starcourt” incident. Plus, she’s the closest thing to family she’s got, other than us.
OWENS: Hmm, I think I know what you’re about to ask me.
(Joyce looks to Owens.)
I’ll make the preparations before your big move.
JOYCE: Thanks.
(3 months later. Moving Day has arrived for the Byers Family. The Party help Joyce, Jonathan, Will and El load the U-HAUL. Lucas and Max give Dustin shit about the NEVERENDING STORY song sung over the radio during the BATTLE OF STARCOURT, Mike and El have their final moments of quality time, and Will finds Kali in his empty bedroom.)
KALI: So, this is it, eh?
WILL: Yeah. You know, you could come with us.
KALI: William, we’ve been through this already.
(Joyce listens in on the conversation.)
I don’t do families. The last closest thing to one I had was taken from me. I don’t want to be responsible from destroying yours, just for staying for you. Besides, I’d be better off alone.
JOYCE: You don’t have to be, sweetheart.
(Kali and Will turn to Joyce, who has an envelope.)
Dr. Owens gave Jim custody over El, so he wanted you to have this.
(Joyce give Kali an envelope, she opens it, revealing a custody paper, giving her a new identity of KALI BYERS.)
Owens said this gives me custody over you. You can finally live a normal life, this way you can be with El, and you and Will can still be together. Providing you don’t use your abilities in any way for a year. So, does that sound something you can be interested in, “daughter”?
(Kali slowly smiles at this opportunity presented to her. Later, the U-HAUL is packed, along with the cars. The Byers and El say their goodbyes to the Party, leaving Kali to give the final send-off.)
KALI: Maxie.
MAX: It’s been great knowing you.
KALI: By the way, I have something to give you. I wanted to give you this before the shit hit the fan, but now would be a good time.
(Kali gives Max a wallet-sized photo of her inscribed by her father.)
I was about to leave LA when he gave me this. He misses you very much.
(Max starts weeping and hugs Kali.)
MAX: (tearfully) Thank you.
(They both kiss each others’ cheeks. Kali then goes to Lucas, and they hug.)
KALI: Don’t ever let go of her, Lucas.
LUCAS: Girl, I don’t intend to. Besides, I think we’re gonna be okay, thanks to you.
(Kali winks to the couple, then goes to hug Dustin.)
KALI: Well, Dustin, hopefully the next time we meet, we’ll finally meet this Suzie of yours.
DUSTIN: Oh, totally, absolutely.
(She then goes to hug Nancy.)
KALI: Not to worry, Nancy. I’ll keep Jonathan clean for you.
NANCY: Thanks for everything.
(They kiss each others’ cheeks, then Kali finally makes for Mike.)
MIKE: I honestly don’t know what to say to you.
KALI: Some things are better left unsaid.
(Mike extends his hand to shake Kali’s, and they do. Suddenly, Mike judo throws Kali to the ground. Kali laughs at this move.)
(laughing) I knew that was going to happen.
MIKE: Had to be done.
(Mike helps Kali up, then they hug.)
Don’t let anything happen to El, Kali.
KALI: Consider it done.
(Kali gives one last look to the Party before boarding Jonathan’s car.)
It’s been a honor rolling with you, mates. Right! Let’s roll on then, shall we?
(Kali boards Jonathan’s car with Will, and follow Joyce and El in the U-HAUL, driving away from Mike and the gang. El and Joyce drive tearfully to wherever the future leads, while in Jonathan’s car, Jonathan deals with his little brother making out with the newest addition of the family.)
KALI: So, where do we go from here?
JONATHAN: Well, Mom’s last boyfriend left her a house in Maine. So, that’s where we’re going.
KALI: But, what does that mean to me?
WILL: Don’t worry, you’re part of a family now, Kali. That means we’re never gonna give up on you, “I’m” never gonna give up on you.
KALI: Now, don’t you go promises you can’t keep, darling.
(The newly christened couple continue kissing, as the Byers Express drives onto the horizon, pass the sign that says YOU ARE NOW LEAVING HAWKINS. COME BACK AGAIN SOON.)
The End…?
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Chapter 5: I’ve got a dream
Mike knew his plan would work. There was no way she was going to want to carry on if she met all these bad guys. The Snuggly Duckling was known for its reputation as being the place where criminals and bad guys congregated.
His plan was simple, just scare her a little, she’ll give up, hand him the crown and they’ll never have to see eachother again. Perfect.
“Look at this!” Mike burst open the door, smiling widely. Bearded men with swords and axes turned to look at El and Mike. She froze and held out her frying pan as protection.
Mike wrapped an arm around her and they walked through the bar. El scooped up the long hair and carried it, moving out of reach as their hands went to touch it.
“Hey, blondie. Look at all the blood in this guy’s mustache.” Mike was leaning against the table, pretending to admire the bloodied beard of a rough looking man with a hook for an arm.
“Uh…” she recoiled a little, clutching her frying pan.
An axe cut through the air, narrowly avoiding Mike, to bury itself in a wanted poster behind the bar.
The room filled with silence as heads turned towards where the axe had come from. A young man, curly hair sticking out of a horned helmet, slowly stood up and approached Mike.
Mike laughed nervously and leaned backwards as the young man got in his face. Mike was taller, but the other man was stronger.
“Is that you?” He pointed to the wanted poster and Mike gulped.
His eyes drifted to the poster and he audibly groaned. “Oh come on! Now they’re just being mean.”
The man nodded and two more young men grabbed Mike by the arms. “That’s a pretty big reward.”
“What!” Mike shouted but he was swarmed by the men, all eager to have the reward of handing him in.
“Mike!” El shouted but was pushed by the men. She climbed on the nearby table. “Give me back my guide!”
But no one was listening. She lassoed her hair around some kind of lever, releasing it so it hit the man on the head. “I need him to take me to the lanterns, to see my dream!” She pulled her hair in anger. “Ugh! Haven’t any of you ever had a dream?!”
The men froze and the man who had thrown the axe approached El and she stepped back, raising her frying pan. But he simply smiled and looked wistfully into the distance. “ I had a dream, once.”
The other young man, with darker skin but almost as tall, who was holding Mike grabbed him by the shirt and hooked him to the wall to keep him there. El almost laughed at Mike’s disgruntled expression, arms folded, legs dangling in the air like a toddler.
“I had dream too…” he said, adjusting the bandana on his head.
“What…?” Mike looked around, the smallest one, who Mike thought he could probably take, began playing the piano. “Am I dead?”
Out of nowhere, the curly haired one stood up, singing. “I’m malicious, mean and scary, my sneer could curdle dairy…” he smiled to reveal his missing teeth, “and violence wise my hands are not the cleanest.” He held up his axe. “But despite my crazy hair, and the threatening of my stare…I’ve always dreamt of being a royal scientist.”
Mike tried to cover his ears because man…they could not sing.
El’s smile widened and she began slowly lowering her frying pan.
“I’ve got a dream…I’ve got a dream…see I ain’t as cruel as vicious as I seem! Though I do like breaking femurs, you can count me with the dreamers…like everybody else I’ve got a dream!”
El began clapping along as the other men joined in, dancing on the tables. But Mike hung there stoned faced, wanting this nightmare to end.
The darker boy stood up and began singing about how he secretly dreamed of finding true love. “I’ve got a dream, I’ve got a dream, and I know one day romance will reign supreme!”
The boy playing the piano sung about his dream of being an artist, then everyone else began reeling off their wild dreams like interior design, baking, even collecting ceramic unicorns.
“What about you?” The first boy folded his arms and grimaced at Mike, letting him down from the wall.
He laughed and shook his head, folding his own arms. “Sorry boys…I don’t sing.”
He opened his eyes to see about 10 swords pointed at his face. Mike sighed and jumped up on to the table.
“Uh…I have dreams like you, no really…just much less touchy feely.” He began singing, feeling so awkward.
El looked up but couldn’t stop the smile creeping onto her face. He was kind of…cute? The way he was so awkward. She didn’t know why but she felt her heart beating faster. Mike sang about how he wanted an island that he owned where he would be alone, surrounded by money.
El jumped up, laughing as she sang, “I’ve got a dream! I’ve got a dream! I just wanna see the floating lanterns gleam!”
Mike turned to face her, seeing her light up when she sang. He had to fight the smirk playing on his lips.
“And with every passing hour, I’m so glad I left my tower! Like all you lovely folks I’ve got a dreeeeam!”
The bar was alive with the spontaneous singing, El dancing on the table with the curly haired boy, laughing and shouting as they spun around and around.
“Call us brutal!”
“And grotesquely optimistic!”
Mike tripped over one of the beer barrels that the men were rolling and throwing around. His eyes caught El’s and they both smiled before he turned away. No. He wasn’t going to do this, he wasn’t going to let himself get attached.
“Yes way down deep inside I’ve got a dreeeeam!”
They threw their glasses into the air, beer and various drinks splashing every where. El’s hair was flying, she’d never felt so carefree in her life.
The door suddenly burst open, one of the thugs running in with a smug grin on his face and the wanted poster of Mike in his hand. “I found the guards!”
“Ok, we gotta go!” Mike grabbed El’s hand and pulled her behind the bar and ducked down.
“Wait why?!” She looked over her shoulder as they ran. The moment of joy was gone, replaced with a cold sinking feeling in her stomach.
Mike was muttering to himself about trying to find a way out. The 3 men that had started the whole singing fiasco jumped over the bar.
“Uhhh….” Mike looked around for a weapon. “You’ll never take me alive!”
“Shut it!” The curly haired one whispered. “We’re trying to help you.”
“You should get a chance to live your dream.” The smaller boy said, smiling warmly at them.
Mike smiled back, “Really? Thank you.”
The darker skinned boy lightly shoved him. “Not you! He was talking to her. Your dream stinks.”
“Ouch.” Mike rolled his eyes.
“I’m El.” She held out her hand.
“Dustin.” The curly haired boy said. “This is Will and Lucas.”
Lucas got up and pulled a lever at the bar that looked like he was pulling a pint of beer. A trap door opened beneath the bar.
“This should lead outside, away from here. It’s a secret tunnel.” Dustin explained. “It might be your only chance.”
“Why are you helping us?” Mike was never one to trust easily. He’d been let down too many times, he could only afford to look out for number one.
“Because, our dreams might never come true. But…but maybe yours could.” Will smiled, trying to hide the hurt of the reality that he probably would never be an amazing artist.
“Your dreams can still come true!” El whispered, reaching out to touch Will’s arm.
“Ok, El we need to go! We need to go! ” Mike grabbed her by the arm and pulled her down the tunnel.
“Thank you! For everything!” She called behind her, waving goodbye to Dustin, Will and Lucas.
A few hours ago…
Max ran a hand through her hair, removing her royal helmet.
“This can’t be happening. I can’t return to the castle without the crown…” she began pacing. “That no good thief!”
She had been chasing the thief but she’d lost him and now she was stuck. “Think Max, think!” She was muttering to herself under her breath.
She sat down on a nearby rock, nervously tapping her feet. If she could maybe make a replica crown….? No that was stupid.
Footsteps pulled her out of her thoughts. She jumped up, no one in their right mind would be out in the forest. Except that thief….
She ducked behind a bush, hand over her sword just in case. As the footsteps approached she leapt from behind the bush, brandishing her sword and shouting.
The old man stopped, almost having a heart attack.
“Oh, forgive me, sir.” Max bowed, lowering her sword. She would be in so much trouble if the sergeant knew she had raised her sword at an innocent civilian.
“A royal guard?” The man sneered. “Aren’t you a little far from the palace. Maybe you should learn to control yourself.”
“I said I was sorry you creepy old man!” Max snapped back.
“Maybe you should learn to hold your tongue as well.”
“Maybe you should learn to hold your tongue as well.” She mocked his voice under her breath. Then, with a louder, more monotone voice she said “Forgive me.”
The man grimaced and left on his way, Max gave an inappropriate gesture behind his back that she knew would definitely have gotten her kicked off the royal guard.
She turned around and saw the wanted poster on the tree and grabbed it, ripping it in half. “I’ll find you….Mike Wheeler.”
Brenner was in a foul mood from that encounter with the presumptuous red headed guard. But a pin suddenly dropped inside his mind. A guard? A royal guard. Far from the palace… what if….El?! He dropped the basket off food El had packed for him and ran back to the tower.
“El?! El?! Let down your hair?!” He shouted, but there was no reply. He frantically ran to the side of the tower where he had bricked up a secret door that lead up to the tower.
When he climbed the stairs he collapsed on the floor. El was no where to be seen. Something shiny caught his eye and he pulled apart the broken stair to see the royal crown. How had she gotten that? If she’s been found….no. He had to find her before it was too late.
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hmspogue · 7 years
Stranger Things Season 2 trailer shot by shot run down
I do not claim or own any of these screenshots all rights to Netflix
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aw look at my children doing normal children things can’t wait to see how long that’s going to last 
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so, the way that Dungeons and Dragons was sort of the running analogy last season, my guess is that this game is going to be the overlying symbolism for this season.
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my boys all back together and happy again can’t wait to see how long that’ll last :’)
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so if this is the analogy I’m guessing the “sword” is going to be the key to slaying the monster
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again, the dragon probably = the monster
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and if so, the fact that Dustin seemingly LOST this game sort of worries me...
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case in point
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this trailer took approximately 15 seconds to get me to say “oh no”
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AS I WAS SAYING (okay so obviously from what we left off on last season and the trailers/ teaser we’ve gotten. we now know this season is going to deal with the aftermath of the Upside Down for Will as well as the entire community as rifts have been opened to other worlds)
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so i’m assuming Will’s main arc this season is going to be his struggle with being split between two worlds, and though I understand why they did it I wish we could see more of Will apart from that but oh well)
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me too buddy, me too.
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and thus, we have our big bad for the season *rubs hands together*
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mike he is obviously not okay but thanks for being concerned
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correct me if i’m wrong but is that Jonathan’s car? why is he leaving?
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sooooo why isn’t Will at school?
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stancy break up/ tension possibly? nothing good ever really comes from their meeting in this ally
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aw...is this why he wasn’t in school? Joyce obviously knows something is up. (side note: is that Hopper behind them?)
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oh come on-
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these SOBs again?
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so i guess maybe the Upside Down;s bleeding over to our world effect crops too???????
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Hopper and Joyce as parents yes please (also Will is not okay)
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“I felt it everywhere” wtf is that supposed to mean that’s terrifying
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please just let the Byers family live someone give them a break
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why do they look so suspect? who are they looking at?
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honestly I’m loving the Halloween time theme I can’t wait for the aesthetics they’re going to be implementing
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my connection/ insider I have previously hinted to me about a Steve/ kids dynamic that was going to be happening this season, but I’m actually very interested to see where this goes and the relationships that’ll come out of it
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again with the aesthetics !!! yes !!! please!!! and !!! thank !!! you !!!
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when the scientists are worried, it’s really time to get worried
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uuuhhhhh yikes? blood is never a good sign?
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ah yes all is probably not well at the Wheeler household 
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of course my dork sons all go trick or treating in matching Ghost Busters costumes I love them
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it looks like he’s tracking something. buuuuut what?
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oooohhhhhh these boys look like they’re crushing on the new giiirrrllll 👀 (mainly Lucas and Dustin? maybe Will I can’t tell) (except for Mike because they really are doing everything they can to bury me in Mileven feels)
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I can literally feel her angst radiating off the screen and I have a feeling I’m going to stan her unless the writers use her as a devise to cause tension or rivalry among the boys in which case someone is going to die
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“Sometimes I feel like I can still see her” WHY DO THE WRITERS FEEL THE NEED TO HURT ME LIKE THIS GAH I MISS MILEVEN HE EVEN KEPT HER BLANKET FORT UP  (because also it’s important to note that this is the same shirt from the screenshot of them watching the girl walk in. so if Mike goes home and realizes he still misses I’m going to choke)
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can’t wait for this to most likely just be a cat jump scare
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they’re building something don’t ask me what
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if I had to guess I would say some sort of device that picks up on signals from the Upside Down maybe? like some sort of crystal radio?
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but why does Mike kind of look like hes going to smash it with the speaker?
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new girl seems to be working with them/ part of the group now. but the box opened? idk this part is confusing
-EDIT/ UPDATE THANKS TO @disneyprincesskatherine apparently this is a reference to Ghostbusters! the box is similar to a device they use in the movies to catch ghost (i’m uncultured I’m so sorry). she also speculates this is the capture of the sort of “pet” Dustin gets that Gaten talked about (could also be why there is blood on Dustin’s chair)
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okay but where is #4? they’re still in their Halloween costumes so we can assume it’s either the day of or the morning after, though on what looked to be Halloween night in one of the previous screencaps, all 4 were present soooo
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more evidence of the world meshing
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YOU BEST BELIEVE I SCREAMED OUT LOUD I MISSED THEM (they both looks so good I‘m loving the haircuts) (and is this them breaking into the lab?)
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even though this is a gross slimy portal to another dimension, i’m still digging the aesthetics
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Will is not okay part 87450507
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this is either a drawing of a map of the Upside Down or all connecting tree roots. either way wtf Will?
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This time on: OTPs With Unreal Height Differences 
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it kind of looks like the same “tree roots” on the ground as there were at the gas station shot so yeah, I think Will was drawing a giant root system
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🎶 you’re my daaad, you’re my dad, boogie woogie woogie 🎶
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DREAM TEAM (Mike, Nancy, Jonathan, Joyce) (also can we laugh at the fact that Mike is armed with a candle holder while he stands next to his sister literally holding a shot gun)
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Hop digging my grave for when I finish the season
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*cues classic 80′s teen movie party montage*
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my girl wildin out (and Steve’s there too I guess)
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TELL ME WHO HURT YOU (this is a different outfit from the party though, so it’s not the same scene)
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a new weapon? perhaps the “sword”?
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everyone in this trailer looks as shook as I feel watching it
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Will Is Not Okay: The Saga Continues
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same shirt so most likely what he’s experiencing on the other side. I’m almost certain he’s going to play a big role in Eleven being able to come back to the other side
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Journey To The Center of the Earth (2008)
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well well well, Samwise Gamgee, what’s poppin’
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why does Steve have Jonathan’s bat?
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as far as I can tell this treck into the Upside Down consists of Mike, Dustin, Joyce, and I can’t tell who the others are 
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“ABORT ABORT!!!” (this is a different scene from the one above so I wonder what this is in reference to)
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another shot of Will being scared out of his mind, this kid doesn’t ever get a break (though the background looks almost like the lab as opposed to the upside down. I could be wrong)
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...well that’s concerning (kind of looks like that giant monster is chasing him)
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“If you’re out there, please just give me a sign”
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so this looks to be back in the Upside Down equivalent to the classroom where Eleven defeated the Demegorgan. and based on the look on her face and the previous shot above, it seems she JUST woke up
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I’m so freaking happy for her return to Mike us
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Lord almighty this season looks amazing.
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thesundanceghost · 7 years
Tell Me When It’s Alright
Will sped as fast as he could down the road, peddling like his life depended on it.  As far as he was concerned, it did.
His backpack hit his back repeatedly every time he pedaled, the notebooks and pencils jostling uncomfortably.  He hadn’t zipped it up all the way, and he could feel the weight shift as it opened slowly, and he prayed to whoever was listening that it wouldn’t spill.  He really couldn’t afford to lose all his homework.
Something that felt like a rock his the back of his thigh hard, making him yelp, and suddenly his homework was the last thing on his mind.
His bike tired slid on a rough patch of gravel, and one of his shoes (an old pair of Jonathan’s that had never quite fit him) slipped off his heel and caught in the chain, causing the bike to brake hard.  He flipped sideways, falling to the ground hard.  He reached out to catch himself, but his backpack flipped over his head.  The zipper flew open, and his notebooks scattered everywhere.
“Shit,” he yelped.  He tried not to curse often, but that was the last thing on his mind.  He pushed his bike to the side, and ignored the pain in his leg as he scrambled around to gather his stuff.
“Hey fairy, where are you going?”  He looked up in terror as Troy and James appeared around the corner, skidding to a stop on their own bikes.  His homework could wait.
“Leave me alone.”  He tried to sound brave as he got to his feet, but he was so out of breath that it lost any intimidation factor.
James laughed as Troy threw his bike down and stalked towards him.  He had a rock in his hand that Will eyed cautiously.
“Not so tough without your friends, huh?” James taunted.
Troy tossed the rock up and caught it again, never breaking eye contact with Will.  Will continued to back up, almost tripping on a fallen branch.  After a second’s hesitation, he leant down and snatched up the stick, holding it like a sword in front of him.  Troy just laughed.
“If you knew what was good for you, you would’ve just stayed dead, queer,” he sneered, the hate and fear obvious in his voice.
Will trembled.  Fight or flight is what he’d always heard, and he’d already failed at the latter.  He’d never been strong-- even Mike had beaten him in their old play wrestling, and Mike was known for being weak.  But he was out of options.
Troy and James were closer now.  Will had seen them in gym class, he’d seen how they could throw baseballs
“Is there a problem here?” Will spun around only to see Steve Harrington a few yards away.  He walking down the road towards them slowly with his hands tucked in his jacket pockets and his eyebrows furrowed.
“No,” Troy said immediately.  Will glanced back to see that he’d dropped the rock on the ground.  “We’re just having fun.”
Steve continued towards them, surveying the scene, but after a second his eyes drifted to meet Will’s.  “You having fun, little Byers?”
Will’s pulse slowed down, and he took a deep breath.  He knew it’d get him in trouble later, but he didn’t care.  He wasn’t backing down.  He attempted to stand up straighter, looking Steve straight in the eyes.  “No.”
“That’s what I thought,” Steve mused, looking at the bullies.  “You guys think you’re tough?  Two against one?”
“The freak was asking for it,” Troy shot back, though he didn’t sound as tough as he did before.  Steve crossed closer, and Will turned back to watch.
“Yeah?  Well if you’re so desperate for a fight, we’re even now.  Two against two, what do you say?”  Steve’s voice was nothing but calm, but he was holding himself in a way that Will had never seen before.  His shoulders were tense, pulled back in a way that screamed confidence.  For a scary second, Will wondered if this was what Steve looked like when he used to bully Jonathan.
He didn’t like it.
“Yeah right,” Troy mocked, chuckling slightly, but there was a tremor in his voice.  Will watched as he glanced unsurely at James, who was standing in a defensive posture.
Steve didn’t say anything, just pulled his hands out of his pockets and began pushing up his sleeves.  Troy got the message.
“You’re just as weird as he is!” Troy shot back, but he was already backing up towards James and the bikes.  He shot one more death glare towards Will, who just stood up straighter.  “See you later, queer.”
Steve didn’t say anything, just shoved his hands in his pockets as he watched the younger kids run away.  Once they were out of sight, all the fight left Will at once, and he slumped down in relief.
“You okay, kiddo?” Steve asked.  He was back to his normal voice and posture, something that was much more familiar to Will.  He was frowning in concern at Will, who just nodded and began to pick up his stuff.
“Thanks,” he mumbled, feeling it was necessary.
Steve grabbed his backpack from the ground and helped Will collect everything that had fallen, tucking it back inside.  He held it out to Will when it was packed up, and Will took it.  He met Steve’s eyes unsurely, relaxing a bit when he saw that familiar friendly glint.
“They do that often?” Steve asked.  He’d fished a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and tucked one in between his lips, still looking worried.  Will sat down on the gravel, picking at the rip in his jeans that had been caused from his fall.  His knee was skinned badly, and it burned as the edges of the fabric brushed against it.
He shrugged.  “I guess so.  They stopped for a while last year.  I think they were scared she’d come back.”
Steve didn’t ask who Will meant, but he clearly understood anyway.  The older boy sat beside him, kicking his feet out in front of him.  Will could feel his gaze on him, and he continued talking.  “It’s not usually that bad.  It’s better when I’m with my friends.”
Steve nodded, seeming more satisfied with that answer.  “Where are they now?”
“Dustin’s at the dentist.  Mike and Lucas had to finish a science project.  I was waiting for them up at school, but Troy and James…” he faded off, feeling the rest of the story was self-explanatory.
“I can handle it, though, you know.  I mean, I’m used to it,” Will explained, hoping it came across as strong and not pathetic.  Steve raised an eyebrow, taking another drag of his cigarette.  “It’s not like they matter.”
Steve smiled at that, looking impressed by the answer.  He didn’t say anything, and Will wondered why they were still here.  “They call you queer a lot?”
Will looked up at the question, feeling his pulse quicken.  He looked down again, trying to keep his voice calm.  “Yeah, everyone does.  So what?”
There was a challenge in his voice that he didn’t intend to have, but Steve didn’t seem bothered.  “Does it bother you?” His voice was neutral.
Will took a breath, calming himself down.  This was Steve.  He wouldn’t care.  No way.  “Not really.  Sometimes…” sometimes I don’t think it bothers me as much as it should.  He kept quiet.
If Steve thought the end of his sentence sounded odd, he didn’t let on.  “People can be assholes sometimes.  Or jerks, I mean,” he corrected quickly, looking at Will guiltily.
“Yeah,” Will agreed, giving a small laugh, keeping his eyes down.  He buried his hand in the dirt beside him, turning it over as he thought to himself.
There was a long moment of silence and Will glanced at Steve from the corner of his eyes.  Steve didn’t seem to notice, keeping his gazes forward and relaxed.  He didn’t know Steve that well.  Not as well as he knew Nancy at least, seeing as he spent so much time over at the Wheeler’s.  Steve was nice to Will though, even though it was obvious he didn’t really know how to talk to kids Will’s age.  He was better with Mike’s baby sister, from what Will could tell.  But he tried, and he listened when Will spoke, so that was something.
“Can I… can I tell you something?” Will asked quietly.  His heart was pounding, and he looked away before Steve could catch his gaze.  Somehow some of his adrenaline from earlier that afternoon must have carried over, because he found himself feeling braver than normal.  He heard Steve give a small sound of consent and he plunged ahead.  “But you have to promise not to tell Jonathan.”
Steve paused at that, looking a bit scared.  “I don’t know if--”
“Please?” Will cut in, looking at him with wide eyes.  Steve bit his lip, looking like he was trying to read Will’s thoughts, but eventually he sighed and nodded.  Will took a deep breath.
“I think I might be queer.”
There was a silence, filled with only the sound of his pounding heart echoing in his head, and Will didn’t move a muscle.
“Oh?” Steve’s voice was quiet and cautious, like he wasn’t sure what to say.  Will didn’t dare look at him.  “I-- okay.  That’s okay.”
Will dared a glance at the older boy.  Steve looked unsure, but his eyes were kind, and Will felt just a bit braver.  “Some people don’t think so.”
“Fuck those people,” Steve said immediately, and Will reared back slightly at the harsh language.  Steve blinked, realizing his mistake.  “I mean, um, don’t worry about them.”
Will chuckled slightly at the way Steve tripped over himself to censor his words.  After a second though, the smile faded as he thought about the conversation at hand.  “My dad wouldn’t like it.  He used to… he’d call me a fag.”  He whispered the last word, feeling overwhelming shame.
Steve was watching him carefully, looking hesitant.  “Well, my dad used to call me the same thing.  Still does sometimes.  But so what?  That’s their problem.”
Will shrugged, picking at his jeans, feeling only slightly better at the assurances.  “I guess so.”
“So, Jonathan doesn’t know?” Steve asked after a second.
Will looked up at him anxiously.  “No, and you really can’t tell him!”
“I won’t, I promise,” Steve responded easily, looking honest enough.  “But why don’t you want him to know?”
Will shrugged, pulling his knees to his chest nervously.  “I just… I can’t do it.  Not yet.  I don’t know why.”
Will did know why.  There was something infinitely more terrifying about opening up to the people who’d dedicated so much of their lives to him, versus opening up to someone who was practically a stranger.  He knew logically that his mom and Jonathan would support him no matter what… but he was unable to stop the paralyzing fear of disappointing them after everything they’d done for him.
Will felt a large rush of shame when he realized that his eyes were filling with tears.  He ducked his head quickly, attempting to hide it from the teenager.  Steve would never cry like this.  He was stronger than that, tougher than that, and he’d probably think Will was some nerdy wimp for breaking down like this.
He could hear his father’s taunts in the back of his mind, calling him a sissy and a girl.  Will squeezed his eyes shut, as if that could block them out.  A muffled sob escaped his throat, and he wiped angrily at his eyes.
“Hey.” Will felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked up at Steve, blinking the tears away.  He was terrified, but he hoped it didn’t show.  He could be brave.  He could do this.  Steve was smiling at him, and Will felt relief wash over him.  “Kid, it gets better.  It gets easier.”
Will gave a shaky smile and wiped his nose on his sleeve.  “Did it get easier for you?”
Steve frowned at him, looking confused.  “Life?”
Will chuckled at his ignorance, feeling calmer now.  “No, you know… this.  Liking boys, or whatever.”
The change was immediate.  Steve dropped his cigarette on his lap, and Will jumped.  Steve brushed the cigarette and ash off of himself hurriedly before looking back at Will in horror, who was past confused at this point.
“I’m not queer!” Steve exclaimed, and a cold veil of terror came over Will again.
“You’re not?” Will asked back, his voice shaking.  Oh shit.
“No, I-- I’m dating Nancy, how the hell could I be queer?”  Steve’s voice was rising in pitch, a sign of his growing anxiety.  Will could relate.
Will tried desperately to sort his thoughts and find an appropriate answer, anything to make this situation right. To be honest, he’d never really thought that hard about it.  He didn’t know how Nancy fit into the solution.  He’d just always had a feeling that Steve was like him-- a feeling that was now fading fast.
“Why would you think that?” Steve asked loudly, cutting off Will’s incoherent mumblings.
It took all of Will’s courage to keep from running away again.
“I don’t know,” he stumbled over his words.  “I mean, you’re always… you’re always looking at Jonathan that way and--”
“Oh god!” Steve moaned into his hands, rubbing at his eyes with his fingers like he was almost trying to scrub himself clean.  His whole body was tense and frozen, and Will could barely breathe.
“S-Steve?” Will whispered unsurely.  The teen just folded in on himself more, and Will bit his lip to keep himself from speaking again.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…” Steve muttered the mantra under his breath.
Will bit his lip, flinching slightly at the words.  He’d really messed this up.  He didn’t know what to do-- should he just quit while he was ahead and leave?  What if Steve really was angry and didn’t care about keeping Will’s secret anymore?  No, he wouldn’t do that, right?
As Will’s anxiety raced to come up with a solution, the older teen still hadn’t looked up, seemingly stuck in his own mind.
“I--I’m sorry,” Will spoke up.  His face was burning red in shame and embarrassment, and he started to get to his feet.  He felt more tears drip down his cheeks, and he blinked, not having realized he was even crying again.
“Okay, look--” Steve suddenly blurted out, and Will looked at him in surprise.  He looked completely distressed, a conflicted look on his face.  “Look, maybe, maybe I’m… a bit queer.”
Steve frowned, his frustration disappearing only to be replaced with a look of… loss?  Fear? Whatever it was, it made Will uncomfortable to look at.  He was used to Steve being a renewable source of pure confidence and cockiness, and this was just too weird.
“What does that mean?” He asked before he could stop himself, curiosity overtaking anything else.  He sat down again, feeling his distress fade slightly as Steve slowly relaxed.
Steve didn’t look at him and instead stared at the open quarry like he was trying to solve a difficult math equation and didn’t even know where to begin.  “I still like girls.  I love Nancy.  But… maybe I could consider the idea of, you know.  Being with a guy.”
He faded off on the last part, but Will heard it clear as day.  “Jonathan?” he guessed, too curious for his own good.
Steve looked at him out of the corners of his eyes, lips pressed tightly together.  “Yeah,” he said out in a breath.  The older boy turned towards him, and Will looked at him earnestly.  “Look, kid, you can’t tell him.  I’m serious.  This is about more than being queer or whatever, okay?  It’s really complicated.  It took us a long time to get where we are now, you know, and this… this would ruin things.  So you can’t tell him.  You gotta promise me that.”
There was a weight behind the words that Will didn’t dare argue with, even though he wanted to point out that Jonathan looked at Steve just as much as Steve looked at Jonathan, and even if his brother didn’t feel the same way, Will doubted he’d let it ruin anything.  He knew how much his friends meant to Jonathan.
He nodded anyway and saw Steve’s shoulder relax just a fraction.
They sat quietly, both slowly letting the distress from the admissions fade away.  Will picking at the threads from the new rip in his jeans.  He’d have to get his mom to patch it for him, but he wasn’t sure when she’d have time.  They’d probably be like this for a while.  He hoped it looked cool and not just pathetic.
After a moment, Steve (who Will knew wasn’t ever as comfortable with silence as the Byers) spoke up.  “So,” he drawled, glancing at Will.  He still looked uncomfortable, but there was a slight smile on his lips.  “Any secret boyfriends?  Crushes?”
“No,” Will shot back immediately, though he couldn’t stop the bubble of laughter that escaped him.  Steve grinned at him, and Will kicked him on the shin, making the teen flinch a bit.  Will felt minutely proud of that.
“Okay, just making sure,” Steve defended with a chuckle.  “If you’re not gonna tell your actual brother than someone’s gotta do his job.”
He grinned at Will, reaching over to ruffle his hair playfully like Jonathan liked to do.  Will rolled his eyes, knowing Steve was treating him like a little kid, but also smiled, unable to help but feel grateful for the support.
“WILL!” Will jumped at the sudden shout, scared for a second before it registered that the voice had been Lucas’.  “Will, where are you?!”
“I’M RIGHT HERE!” Will shouted back as loudly as he could.
Steve laughed and pushed himself to his feet.  “That’s my cue to leave.  You gonna be okay?”
Will nodded, feeling like a weight had been lifted off of his chest.
“Alright, kid.  See ya.”  Steve turned to walk away, but after a second he turned back around, looking serious again.  “You know, there’s no rush or anything, but you shouldn’t be afraid to tell your brother what you told me.  It won’t ruin anything, I promise.”
“Same goes for you,” Will said back honestly.  He may not understand Steve Harrington, but he made Jonathan happy, so he deserved to be happy too.
Steve chuckled, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes.  “We’ll see,” was all he said.
Mike and Lucas sped around the corner on their bikes, braking hard when they saw Will.  They both shot suspicious glances at Steve, who simply waved to them.  Mike gave a small wave back, though he didn’t seem very friendly.
Once Steve reached his car and climbed inside, the boys turned on Will.
“Why were you talking to my sister’s lame boyfriend?” Mike asked.  Mike had never really warmed up to Steve, although Will got the feeling it was more due to the fact he was dating Nancy than his actual personality.
Will got his feet, shrugging.  “He’s not that bad.”
“What were you even talking about?” Lucas asked, getting off of his bike to walk with Will.
“Nothing,” Will said vaguely.  He would tell them his secret eventually, but one person was more than enough for today.
Mike and Lucas traded a suspicious glance, but didn’t push.  “You okay?” Mike asked, frowning at the rip in his jeans.
“Yeah, it’s nothing.  I just fell off my bike.”  Will brushed their concerns off and picked his bike off the ground.  “Did the project go okay?”
“Yeah, it was fine,” Lucas said, climbing back onto his bike, clearly done with the conversation.  “Can we go home now?  I’m starving.”
“We could’ve been home by now if you hadn’t gotten distracted by a certain redhead,” Mike started, glancing at Will with raised eyebrows.  Will laughed as he swung a leg over his bike, already knowing where this was going.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Lucas asked indignantly.
“Come on, Lucas, we all know you like Max.  Even Max probably knows you like Max,” Mike said, rolling his eyes.
“I don’t like Max!” Lucas replied hotly.  He was lucky in the way that he never blushed, but Will could tell he was embarrassed by the way he avoided eye contact.  “She asked me a question, was I just not supposed to answer her?”
“She asked you what time it was, not about the exact model and functions of your watch,” Mike muttered back.
“Shut up,” Lucas shot back immediately, already beginning to pedal towards home.
Will chuckled at both of them, feeling just a bit better from their bickering.  He wasn’t ready to tell them yet, but he would be, eventually.  And when he did, they’d be good.  He was lucky like that.
Author Notes: Can’t believe I finished a fic tonight, yay!!! I just can’t stop writing about Steve and the Byers.
The title comes from Paramore’s Hard Times: ““All that I want is a hole in the ground, you can tell me when it’s alright for me to come out”
Yeah this title is a pun oops.
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rowdywarrior85 · 5 years
[DISCLAIMER: This story in purely fan-fiction, meaning I own no rights to the show STRANGER THINGS, its episodes or characters. Basically, this story is my interpretation of the show, its episodes or characters. Forewarning, there will be descriptions of violence (sometimes graphic), adult content and language; if you have kids under 17 reading this story, VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED. Either way, hope you enjoy it. This story takes place around the end of the battle of Starcourt in Season 3, Episode 8. Only this time, we see Billy Hargrove get the happy ending he so richly deserves. Enjoy.]
KALI: Murray, you stay here out of sight. I’ll help the others.
MURRAY: And how exactly how are you going to find them in a place this big.
(Kali opens the door.)
KALI: I’ll use my head.
(The door closes behind her.)
MURRAY: I had to ask.
(Kali uses her abilities to make herself invisible to Russian soldiers, killing them on her way down to her allies. She senses El is in mortal danger with Billy Hargrove and the Bio-Mind Flayer, so she makes for the main elevator. Meanwhile, El makes Billy remember his happy memory surfing for his mom, this way he momentarily regains control of himself. Kali makes her way up the elevator, urging it to go faster. Billy looks to the B.M.F. as it aims to devour and destroy her. As its main tongue jets out, Billy leaps out and holds it back it his flayed strength, straining to keep it away from El. Then, the B.M.F. produces several tentacles to kill Billy. But before it could make a move, an unearthly roar fills the entire mall. The B.M.F. retracts its tongue and tentacles as it sees a pair of glowing amber eyes emanating from a blot of dark smoke at the entrance. El sees Kali walk out of the smoke, her eyes have gone black, telling her that Kali’s powers are reaching their peak. Billy wants to save Kali, but El stops him.)
EL: No. She’s got this.
(Kali then turns to the B.M.F.)
KALI: (growling) Enough.
(She raises her hands to the B.M.F. From the smoke emerges a manifestation of the Hindu Goddess of Death herself. She is all black with fire emanating from the eyes and mouth, body shriveled yet muscular, and wear a necklace of bloody skulls. Each arm sporting a sword, a spiked head or claws. It sports a skirt of burnt arms.)
LUCAS: Maybe we should…
ERICA: …get the Hell up outta here.
(The remaining Party vacate the second floor as both entities stare each other down, they both roar and charge each other dealing blow for blow. El, Billy and the Party could only watch as both the B.M.F. and Kali fight for the fate of Hawkins. Downstairs, Joyce tries to shut down the portal generator, as Hopper and Ivan duke it out. Hopper finally kills Ivan by throwing him into the generator, causing an electric arc to separate Hopper from Joyce. Realizing that there’s no way out for him, Hopper urges Joyce to shut it down. Joyce turns the keys, shutting down the portal generator, causing an explosion supposedly killing Hopper in the process. Upstairs, the B.M.F. starts to convulse, then dies. Kali’s avatar lets out a growl before disappearing, she then falls to her hands and knees in exhaustion, blood pouring out of her nose and ears. El rushes to her sister, thanking her for her defiant act. The rest of the Party rejoin the sisters, just then, Max notices Billy convulsing too.)
MAX: Billy?
(Billy quivers uncontrollably until his mouth blasts out a massive puddle of black putrid sludge composed of cleaning products and the remnants of the Mind Flayer. The Party react with pure digust.)
LUCAS: Damn!!!
(Billy then falls back to a pillar. Max rushes to his stepbrother’s side.)
MAX: Billy, are you…?
BILLY: (groaning) Give me a minute, sis.
MAX: OK… Did you… acknowledge me as your sister?
BILLY: One step at a time, OK, shitbird? I feel like hammered shit, anyway.
WILL: It feels like that at first.
(Billy looks up to Will.)
Trust me, I know.
BILLY: So… is this shit like an everyday thing with you guys?
MIKE: More of an annual thing than an everyday thing, really.
(Billy and the Party begin to laugh. Later on, cop cars, ambulances and fire engines surround the front entrance of the Starcourt. Murray and Joyce walk out and find Will with the others. Mother and son share an epic hug, while Joyce looks to El and Kali with a sad look upon her face, indicating that Hopper is gone. Will then looks to the back of an ambulance to find Billy being luckily tended to by female paramedics. Billy is shirtless, his right hand and forearm is wrapped up separately with the rest of his previous wounds all bandaged up. Plus, he’s given an IV line.)
BILLY: I know this is against protocol, but any of you ladies got a smoke?
PARAMEDIC: Me and my partner don’t, honey. Maybe the driver has one, I’ll go ask him.
BILLY: Thanks.
WILL: You sure that’s a good idea?
(Billy looks up to see Will standing next to him.)
Just thought after all you’ve been through, maybe it’s a sign for you to quit.
(Billy taps the space next to him, prompting Will to sit with him, to which he obliges.)
BILLY: After the shit I’ve been through, Will, I deserve some comfort from being jacked around these past few days.
(Will is stunned to see that Billy knew his name. The two victims, past and present, look out to the commeraderie ahead of them.)
WILL: “He” told you about me?
BILLY: About you, your friends, even that El chick.
WILL: Hmm.
BILLY: Does it ever go away?
(Will looks to Billy.)
The fucked up experience, I mean?
(Billy looks to Will.)
But it does get better with time. As long as you got a great deal of good friends, it will get better.
(Billy and Will smile at each other.)
PARAMEDIC: Hey, stud.
(Billy looks behind him to see one of the paramedic with a Marlboro Red cigarette in hand.)
Here’s your smoke, honey?
BILLY: Thanks.
(Billy looks to Will as he sticks it between his lips, and pulls out his lighter.)
Well Will, here’s to us survivors. For we’re still standing, baby.
(Billy attempts to light his cigarette, but the lighter refuses to ignite.)
Come on, COME ON.
(A set of hands with an ignited lighter is presented to Billy. Billy looks to his left, up to the originator of the hands, the bruised and battered Steve Harrington.)
I’m almost afraid to ask, but, who’s the other guy?
STEVE: Oh, just some unnamed Russian asshole.
BILLY: I’m almost jealous, Harrington.
(Billy’s cigarette is lit.)
STEVE: Yeah, don’t be.
BILLY: (chuckles) Still…
(Holds up his fist to Steve.)
…I’ll always be your first, King Steve.
JONATHAN: No offense,…
(Billy, Steve and Will look to find Jonathan propped along the ambulance door.)
…I was actually his first.
BILLY: No shit. So tell me, John-Boy,…
(Takes a puff.)
…what did King Steve do to piss you off?
STEVE: King Steve barked up the wrong family tree, and he got humbled, hard.
BILLY: (laughing wildly) Man oh man, I wish I could’ve seen that shit.
STEVE: (Looking to the Party) But I’ll tell you something. Sometimes it takes a good beatdown to make you realize who you really are, and what you’re really living for.
BILLY: Wow, Harrington. I never took for a fuckin’ intellectual.
(The boys laugh heartily.)
Guess there’s just one question left.
WILL: What’s that?
BILLY: (Looks to Jonathan) How you hooked up with Nancy, I’ll never fuckin’ know.
JONATHAN: (chuckles) What can I say?
(He shows Billy his scarred palm, as he looks to Nancy who’s alongside Mike, showing off her scarred palm.)
Shared trauma.
(Nancy and Mike are met with Holly, Mr. & Mrs. Wheeler.)
We should all be so lucky.
(Karen looks to Billy out of concern.)
BILLY: (Takes a drag.) Yeah, lucky.
(Billy and Karen smile at one another. Just then, the Hargrove family truck roars between the boys and the Wheelers. Neil is in the driver’s seat, looking to Billy with deep content. While Susan looks to Karen, waving at each other. Billy looks to his father with even deeper content.)
WILL: Let me guess. The asshole father.
BILLY: (sternly) Yeah.
WILL: Welcome to the club.
(Neil bolts out his door and slams it shut. Max rushes to her Mom’s side.)
NEIL: BILLY!! There you are!
(Billy looks to his father with content with a hint of confidence.)
You got a shitload of explaining to do! Like, what the fuck is going on, and how the fuck you’re smack dab in the middle of this?!
MAX: Neil, stop this! Not here, not now!
NEIL: You shut the fuck up, Maxine! I’ll deal with you later.
BILLY: Max, Susan, it’s OK.
(Billy takes one last drag from his cigarette, drops and smothers it on the asphalt. He then blows it toward Neil.)
I got something to say to him, anyway.
NEIL: That’s right, ladies. Let him say his piece.
(Neil then starts walking toward Billy. Billy motions Will to Jonathan, then winks to Max. Neil is now within a foot of Billy. Billy looks up to his father with a vacant look on his face.)
This had better be good, young man. Cuz I’m gonna tell you right now, you are in a real, deep heap of…
(Billy laughs maniacally, as he removes the IV line from his arm.)
(Everybody gasps while Neil’s eyebrows widen as Billy continues to laugh.)
NEIL: You ungrateful…
(Neil attempts to move in. All of a sudden, Billy blasts off from the ambulance as his laugh turns into a scream of rage. He then grabs his father from the waist and steamrolls him into the trucks driver door, shattering the window into shards on the floor. As the Party and their perspective parents watch on, Billy delivers unto Neil a swift kick in the nuts, followed by a chop to the throat, a knee to the nose, then caps it off with a storm of punches to his face. Billy continues his primal scream of seething rage as every punch he drops is a testament of all the years of abuse and alienation from his father. Susan tries to step in and stop it before it gets out of hand, but Max stops her.)
MAX: Mom, don’t. He needs this.
(Billy then slows to a stop, as he looks down to Neil, all bruised, broken, bleeding. A look of satisfaction is stretched across his face, blood marked along his knuckles, dripping down his fingers. Neil looks up with one open eye and a despicable smile on his face.)
NEIL: (chuckles) Oh, don’t stop now. You’re already off to a helluva start. Do it, do it. GO AHEAD, YOU LITTLE SHIT, FINISH IT!!!
(Billy then goes down to his knees and looks his busted-up father in the eyes.)
(Heavy breathing) All my life,… you’ve made me… feel like shit. I’ve hated you… for what you did to me. Hollowing me out… and filled me back up… with anger…
(voice breaking) …and hate. And for the past few days, I’ve been jacked around… by something… truly evil. It was everything... I hated in you. It almost succeeded… in making me forget about who I was, about what I could be, and it almost… made me forget… “her”. Just like you tried to make me forget about “her”.
(Neil wondered who Billy meant by “her”, until he realized he was talking about his mother.)
But thanks to a certain angel of mercy,…
(Billy looks to El, they nod to each other.)
…I remembered “her” and the person who I still can be. The same person you tried to smother out a long time ago, but failed.
(Neil looks at Billy with such utter digust as he reaches for a shard of glass. As he grabs it, he is stopped by a katana placed by his throat.)
KALI: Whatever you’re reaching for better be a sandwich,…
(Billy looks to his left to find Kali covering him by holding her sword to Neil’s throat.)
…because eventually you’re going to have to eat it.
(Kali winks to Billy, he smiles then looks back at Neil as he inches in closer.)
BILLY: Here’s what’s gonna happen, Neil. After tonight, I am done. I’m done with this town, the craziness, and most of all, I’m done with you and all your bullshit. I rather take my chances in L.A. then deal with your psycho ass everyday.
NEIL: Oh, ho. And what are you gonna do when you get there? Who’ll take your ass in, huh? Your MOM!?! You’ll never find her. Even if you do, I doubt she’ll remember you. Hell, she’s probably…
(straining at the blade on his throat) …already dead!
MURRAY: I can find her.
(Billy looks to Murray at his right.)
I’m a private investigator, son. I’ve got a lot of connections across the country. Just tell me her name, and I’ll use every means in my disposal to find your mom.
(Billy nods at Murray in gratitude, then turns back to Neil.)
BILLY: Well, that takes care of that problem.
(Billy then closes in on Neil, meeting nose to nose.)
Oh, and one other thing.
(growling) If you ever, do any harm to any lady in this town. That includes…
(extends a thumb) …MadMax,…
(then an index finger) …Susan and all the Moms,…
(screams while flipping the bird) ESPECIALLY… KAREN… WHEELER!!!
(returns to growling) I’ll take the first available bus to Indiana, rent a car and drive it to Hawkins, right at your front door, then…
(sighs, then grabs Kali’s blade, evenly pressing to his neck. Blood seeping from Billy’s fingers and Neil’s neck.)
…I’ll fuckin’ end you where you stand. Do you believe me? Do you understand? Neil, I want… to hear you say it.
(Neil sternly looks at Billy, believing that he’s bluffing. Billy then scrapes the blade upward, right under his jaw.)
(screaming) SAY IT!!!
(Max looks on with satisfaction, and so is Susan.)
NEIL: (straining, whimpering) Yes Billy, I understand! I understand, I believe you. I… understand… completely, Billy.
BILLY: Good.
(Billy stands up over his fallen father.)
Cuz I’m gonna say this shit once.
(Billy caps it off with a stomp right on his nose. Neil feels it. Just then…)
(Deputies Powell and Callahan stands behind Billy.)
Step away right now.
NEIL: Officers, thank God you’re here. Arrest that piece of shit, and I won’t bother to bail him out.
CALLAHAN: Actually, we have a warrant for “your” arrest.
NEIL: What are you talking about? You should be arresting that psycho bitch that damn near killed me.
POWELL: Oh, the warrant’s definitely for your ass. Your under arrest for the charges of domestic violence, battery, and civil unrest. We also have a tape recording delivered to us after the shit that went down at the Starcourt. It details your tirade at the Wheeler residence.
(Neil looks up to Nancy, who scratches her head with her middle finger, intentionally flipping him the bird.)
POWELL: Callahan, stand his ass up, cuff him and read him his rights.
(Callahan stands Neil up and starts to cuff him. He gets one hand, but before he could get the other hand, Neil rear headbutts him, turns to take his revolver, knocks Callahan out then turns to aim it at Billy.)
POWELL: (Hand over his gun.) Drop the gun now!
(Neil thumbs back the hammer.)
(A distant gunshot sounds off, a bullet hits Neil in his gut. Neil grunts as he looks down and feels his blood pouring out of his gut. Powell looks down and sees his empty holster. Powell and Callahan look behind them to the source of the shot, as do Karen, Max and Billy. All of them, including Neil are shocked to see Susan holding the revolver with both hands, and with lethal intent.)
NEIL: You weak… ungrateful… whoooOOORRREEE!
(As Neil raises the gun, Susan fires one in the brain, right over his right eye. Then he slumps to the floor dead. Susan walks to Neil’s lifeless body, firing off the remaining bullets at his torso. The gun is empty, yet she continues to pull the trigger, all six chambers clicking, as if there aren’t enough bullets. Billy walks over to Susan, still pulling the trigger with her eyes watering over.)
BILLY: Susan, let go. It’s OK, you got him. Let go of the gun. SUSAN!!
(Susan stops clicking the gun. Billy pulls the gun out of her hands, and throws it to the ground. He then turns her around to face her.)
Susan, look at me. You OK?
SUSAN: (tearfully) I couldn’t… I couldn’t…
(Billy understands what she’s trying to tell him. He then embraces her in a powerful hug, as Susan starts crying uncontrollably. Both Stepmother and Stepson fall to their knees.)
BILLY: It’s OK, Susan. It’s gonna be alright. We’ll work this out together, I promise.
(Billy looks to Karen, happy he’s alive and free. She holds up her hand to him and closes it, then Billy does the same to her. Max looks toward his stepbrother, happy with tear of joy that he’s free of his pain torment with the justifiable death of Neil Hargrove. 3 months later, after El, Kali and the Byers leave Hawkins, we see Lucas and Max riding their bikes back to the Hargrove residence. When they get back, they find Murray’s van parked out front. Murray’s sporting a Hawaiian shirt with his usual pants and shoes, topped off with a fanny pack.)
LUCAS: Sup, Murray?
(Murray and Lucas high five each other.)
MURRAY: Lucas Sinclair, MadMax.
(Max notices Murray’s summer attire.)
MAX: I take it you found her?
MURRAY: Took me a while, but I found Billy’s mom. Got a contact in L.A. who’s got the hookup. Turns out after the nasty divorce, the former Mrs. Hargrove settled in with her mother in a beach house out by Venice Beach. B and I are going on over there via plane from Chicago today.
MAX: Hope it goes smoothly. He really needs a miracle.
MURRAY: B said he’s got a contingency plan if it goes south. OK, and out he comes.
(They see Susan escorting Billy out. Billy’s all cleaned up; cleanly shaved, short-sleeved dress shirt buttoned up to the chest under a grey sports jacket, jeans and boots included. And the best part, most of his cuts and burns are all healed up. Stepmother and Stepson have one last hug before saying goodbye.)
SUSAN: Good luck, Billy.
BILLY: You two will be alright. Take care, Susan.
(Billy grabs his suitcase and dufflebag, and prepares to board Murray’s van. He spots Max with Lucas.)
Hey, Murray. Take my luggage in, please.
MURRAY: I gotcha, brother.
(As Murray takes Billy’s luggage in the van, Billy takes a knee to Max.)
BILLY: Well,… I guess this is it.
MAX: Yeah, I guess so.
BILLY: Look, Max. Um…
Everything we’ve been through, uh, especially you and me. I just want to you to know…
MAX: Billy, it wasn’t your fault. You’ve obviously had your reasons, and you don’t need them to hold you back anymore.
(Billy nods in gratitude.)
Look, I don’t know how it’s going to go if you find your mother. She might…
BILLY: Max, you don’t have to worry about it. Mom and I were basically peas in a fuckin’ pod. If it does go downhill, I got a backup plan. I got a line for a job at Texaco in L.A., and I got friends on Sunset I can bunk with. I’m gonna be OK this time around.
MURRAY: B, time to roll. We got til noon to reach our flight.
(Billy and Max share an overdue, yet powerful and tearful hug.)
MAX: Any chance we’ll see you on Thanksgiving?
BILLY: Maybe not, maybe Christmas.
(They slowly break from the hug, and Billy turns to Lucas. Lucas extends his hand to Billy in a means to finally make peace to his one-time enemy.)
LUCAS: We good?
(Billy looks to his hand, and gratefully shakes it, knowing his step-sister is in good hands.)
BILLY: Yeah, we good.
(What began with the handshake, was followed with an awkward brosef hug. They break off, as Billy boards the van. He looks to his step family one last time, especially Lumax.)
She’s all yours, Lucas.
(Lumax and Billy wave goodbye to each other as the van pulls out to its destination. Lumax watch the van drive away, knowing that Billy was going to be alright. As they drive on,…)
MURRAY: By the way, I noticed this lovely bouquet of flowers here. Their gonna go bad by the time we get to the West coast.
BILLY: (looks to Murray) Yeah, well, they’re not actually for MY mom.
(Murray knew what he meant.)
MURRAY: I think we can make a slight detour.
BILLY: (mouths) Thank you.
(Murray looks to his rear-view mirror.)
MURRAY: I think you got some company there, stud.
(Billy looks behind him to see the Mom Squad tailing them in a station wagon.)
BILLY: Yeah, just keep rollin’, Chief.
(Murray gives a thumbs up as they drive off. Cut to the Wheeler residence, Karen is cutting up some vegetables in the kitchen as Nancy steps in.)
KAREN: How’s Mike?
NANCY: In the basement, moping. I know how he feels.
(Just then, the doorbell rings. They both look to Ted, who’s asleep on the recliner, then they look back to each other.)
I’ll get it.
KAREN: (mouths) Thank you.
(Karen continues chopping up veggies. Suddenly, a bouquet of flowers is placed on the prep table.)
(normal) So, Nancy, who’s was at the…
(Cue CRAZY FOR YOU by Madonna. She looks up, and is surprised to see Billy standing across the prep table. Karen drops the Ginzu knife.)
Oh, hi.
(She looks to the hallway to see Nancy leaning on the wall.)
NANCY: He told me not to make a sound.
(Ted conveniently wakes up.)
TED: Uh, excuse me. Who is this young man?
KAREN: (Continues looking at Billy) Ted, can you give us a minute?
TED: Yeah, I don’t think that’s such a good…
KAREN & BILLY: (turn sharply to Ted) TED!!!
(Ted puts his hands up, and backs off.)
TED: I’ll be in the den.
(Ted retreats to his office. While Nancy points down, and heads for the basement.)
BILLY: Alone at last.
KAREN: I hope you didn’t get all dress up on my account.
BILLY: Actually, I couldn’t leave without saying goodbye.
KAREN: You found her?
(Billy nods in affirmation.)
So, this is it.
BILLY: Yup. Look, uh. About that “date”…
KAREN: I couldn’t…
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