#give me somethinggggggggggggg pls
smokeys-house · 1 month
In the same vein as that post about swapping all of the men characters with all women in a fantasy world to make a point about the lack of women with agency in a story or game or what have you, I really do think you need to dispense with the idea that only really young people do things. I get that a lot of fantasy careers are supposed to be dangerous and that folks don't last long in those lines of work etc but can you really tell me that there isn't a single adventurer or pirate or sword for hire or whatever over the age 35? Why are the only people in their 50s and up blacksmiths and wizards and stuff. You know how people who are really experienced gained that experience? OVER TIME. Oh? You mastered your stealth and combat skills and have been a seasoned expert for years long enough to gain a reputation? And you're only 20? So, you started doing this stuff at like 15 or have you only been at it a year or two? Come on
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