#give me queer headcanons to draw i beg of you i have so much fun
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sunflowers-and-scales · 6 months ago
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guess who i saw at prrriiiiideee
bonus: guess who i saw at DARK EVIL pride
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nekrosmos · 3 months ago
ive been trying to catch up on my dash because ive also had a rough few weeks so im using your blog as a distraction because it brings me joy in return i will give a distraction back:
ive been dipping my toe into writing graves mostly to practice his voice and try to see how i feel about him to try to include him in other works, any headcanons or specific things about him you like?? trying to get some inspo lol
Q!!! Thank you so much for your lovely tags on my art !! You know it always brightens my day <3 I'm glad my silly little drawings are able to bring you some comfort !!
As for Graves, I think my favorite thing about him is his energy. Dude is always going BRRRRRRRRR no matter the situation, too much energy in this little blonde guy. He's a fun character to write honestly, I only wrote him once before but it was just fun to do, he's so not serious and always 100% into something.
I also think he loooooves the attention, he loves being a leader (and he is a great one at that), loves having all eyes on him. It's natural to him, with his enthusiasm, his accent, his general attitude, he's used to entertaining a room, for sure. Dude would have made a great theater kid in another universe.
He makes friends easily but can also be way too much for people to handle, especially when he's trying to find partners. That man has been turned down more times than he can count.
I think I've said this one a long time ago but in my mind he has that "supportive but slightly confused straight guy ally" energy, even though this man is extremely bisexual to me. Like he's queer but never really was part of any queer community, but he's trying his best at being respectful. (I ship him with an OC of mine who is transfem and intersex and it just leads to funny situations LMAO). He's a little confused but he's got the spirit !!
This one is pretty random but I think Graves is the kind of guy who struggles with the idea of aging. To me, he was a pretty boy as a young guy, always used to being complimented on it by both men and women, and those compliments have changed as he grew older. Obviously, he's still very handsome but he definitely struggles with the change and has been getting more and more expensive products for his skin. He haaaaaates when he wakes up and can feel his age and definitely will want to party or do something stupid just to prove to himself that he isn't getting old :3c
Also dude lives in a fucking villa because he has way too much money, for sure
Also, obviously, Graves is EXTREMELY american and will pass away if you say the word Celsius or meters in front of him. He also knows how to work a grill alright !!
Also, fuck it, have some NSFW headcanons as well:
This man is a BRAT. He has an insane degradation kink and is just begging to be manhandled. Man or woman, it doesn't matter, he's into everyone as long as they dominate him <3 Loves to be chocked, slapped, spit on, tied up, gagged, he wants it all. He talks shit only so he can be punished in return.
Also it's probably a popular hc for him but I don't care: that man definitely was very popular when he was still a young recruit in the army. He knew how to use his mouth and he made good use of it alright. Dude got very popular reaaaal quick <3
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daandyli0n · 9 months ago
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so. decided to draw some more realistic noses. think i did pretty well.
anyway!! the MCI kids in my Rewrite!
fun facts for y'all:
Naomi and Gabi were Liz's best friends before she died.
Baker absolutely loved Bonnie. favorite animatronic. he wanted to be a rock star when he grew up, just like his hero.
Baker never wore shoes anywhere. he also had these Animal Paw socks that his mom got for him that he also wore everywhere.
y'know the saying that's like "Queer people tend to form groups together, even if not all of them have realized they're queer yet"? that summarizes the MCI + Charlie and Cassidy (CC). to give some examples:
Gabi is actually transfem.
Baker and Naomi are aroace, but in different ways. Naomi thinks dating is gross and dreads Valentine's Day. don't get her wrong, getting cards and stuff is nice, but...Christ, can the boys get annoying. she's one of the popular girls, she gets it, but JESUS. Baker? well, for one, the kid's five. but he also just kinda doesn't care in general.
Felix's entire philosophy on gender is "I Don't Give A Shit; Call Me What You Want." kid does Not give a fuck, they've got other things to worry about.
Kelsey is also technically transfem, but never got to really explore that. he has brought the topic up to Cassidy before while they were dead though; "Do you ever have moments where you think you're not a boy?" "I mean yeah, but we're kinda busy trying to kill my dad, Kel-" take this as you will for what that means for Cassidy.
anyway, back to regular headcanons (i mean. if they're my versions of the MCI that are all basically ocs in this rewrite, are they really headcanons?):
Baker and Kelsey were really close to Cassidy, because their brothers (Mike, Jeremy, and Andrew) all knew each other and hung out.
not a single one of these kids are neurotypical. not a one.
Baker is specifically AuDHD (autism + ADHD). to everyone else he's just the most hyperactive kid with a Bonnie obsession in existence.
as y'all can guess, Baker was the youngest :(
Kelsey and Andrew don't have a great home life.
these kids were all friends with Cassidy before they all died.
Baker deals with that "fun" thing where you go into a room and forget why you're there and/or how you got there. it's why Bonnie seems to teleport. it's just because he wanders around and doesn't realize he's reached a place until he's suddenly there. scares the shit out of nightguards, though!
Baker thinks that he's done the coolest thing he could've possibly done; he's BECOME Bonnie. whether that's a coping mechanism for his current situation or he genuinely sees this as an upside is up to y'all.
Baker's surprisingly the least aggressive soul out of the others. he wants vengeance, but he can tell that these nightguards ain't the guy. his "aggression" is just him being a silly little guy, really. he just wants to play with someone!! unfortunately, being in an animatronic makes it much easier to kill someone. poor kid :(
Felix, aside from Cassidy, is the most aggressive. in his eyes, it was the employees' responsibility to keep his safe and from dying. William didn't even try to hide it when he took him. he was in view of the cameras and everything in that suit. and yet no one seemed to notice when he was taken. no one came to stop William from taking him to the back. him killing the nightguards has more to do with bitterness and anger at nothing being done to save him than vengeance against a killer he didn't recognize. he knows damn well who killed him, the kid's just pissed.
Baker recognized Jeremy when he was a nightguard, and didn't attack him the rest of the night. did fuck around with him, though. brothers, am i right?
Gabi really likes hiding under tables so that she doesn't have to talk to people. shy girl, y'know?
Naomi really likes dogs. she kept begging her parents for a dog and, while they promised her one, never got around to getting her a real one. guess how William lured her. Guess.
Naomi, like Susie, was the first of the MCI.
Kelsey liked to draw (and still does, as a ghost. although his drawings after death are less...cheerful, to put it one way)
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autisticburnham · 2 years ago
all of the hyperfixation icons for prodigy. i'm sorry i forgot to message you.
You're fine!
📃 Plot:
You already know this because you are THEE Prodigy blogger, but for everyone else, it's about a group of kids who are enslaved at a mining outpost stumbling upon the ship that it turns out they were enslaved to find. Rather than telling their overseer though, they work together to get the ship turned on, get help from its built in training program, and break out- though the breakout does go wrong and they end up accidently kidnapping their enslaver's daughter. Pursued by their overseer, they decide to flee to the Federation and seek asylum after learning about it from the hologram, and along the way explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, boldly go where they have never gone before
✨️ What draws you towards it/what's interesting about it?
This is what Star Trek fans have been begging for for years! A cast of non-Federation aliens! That's so cool and opens up so many opportunities for worldbuilding! And the constraint of being designed specifically to be a good show for someone's first Star Trek means that they have to focus on telling a good story with compelling characters instead of just throwing nostalgia at you. Of course they do still have nostalgic stuff because old fans will inevitably watch, but the show doesn't depend on that the way a lot of new Trek does. And make a good show with compelling characters they did! That was the strongest first season for Star Trek ever. Holy shit I love these characters and I'm so heartbroken we won't get to see their whole story play out
🎥 Favorite scenes
Sorry to go for sad shit, but Rok coming out of the time loop and Gwyn realizing her father cares more about the ship than her really stick with me. On a brighter note though, I really love Zero breaking out of the Borg's control and Dal and Janeway swapping back bodies
🎶 Favorite music piece from it?
Imma be honest, I don't remember any music from it other than the theme song, so I'm gonna go with the theme song
💕 Favorite character and why you like them
Oh, it's so hard to pick! I love all of these kids so much! If you asked me again, I would undoubtedly give a different answer, but for now I'm gonna go with Rok Tahk. I don't know if she is fat or if her size is normal her species, but she certainly read to the audience as fat. And fat characters are never portrayed as smart and kind and delicate. So to see this little girl who is so wonderful and sweet be told her whole life she's strong and scary because of the way she looks, knowing that's wrong, and finding people who listen to her about that and let her be a soft kid and who encourage her when she finds she's smart and she loves science- that's so special and I'm so glad the kids who did get to see her did. I know she's gonna mean a lot to them too
💔 Least favorite character and why you hate them
I feel like it's a cop out to say the villian, but it's the Diviner. He enslaved children. From a doylist, a character is good if they serve their function in the story well standpoint, he's great from. From a watsonian, these kids only ever deserve good things in their lives standpoint? Kill
🏳️‍🌈 Do you have any diverse headcanons that are important to you?
Every single one of these children is autistic. I don't have any solid queer headcanons for them though; I'd be open to any interpretation of them
🍀 Comfort characters?
All of them, really. I love them all very much, but not any of them particularly more than the others
💎 Any fun facts or trivia you'd like to share?
I don't think so? I don't think I know any trivia about Prodigy
💢 Something you don't like and would change?
The cancelation 😭
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caffeine-and-tears · 5 years ago
John Laurens X M! S/o Pride headcanons
Character: John Laurens (Hamilton) x male reader! 
Type: Headcanons +moodboard
Triggers: Tear gas, protests, drinking, sexual innuendo, racism, homophobia
Word count: 1,117
General S/o
If you’re dating John Laurens you gotta be okay with cuddles
He the most cuddly boi ever (Please love him)
He’s definitely the type to hug you at random moments and ask for cuddles like John you’re adorable but the pancakes are burning
I feel like John is a sucker for simple domestic things. Seeing you fall asleep in his arms? Watching you make breakfast in your boxers? He will m e l t
He’s very affectionate! Random kisses are a big part of how he shows he loves you (Please tell him if you’re not okay with it the boi will understand)
If you’re the type to drown him in compliments please warn him! He might cry
Babe you know you mean the world to me? John.exe has stopped functioning
He can’t deal with it, he blushes every time
He won’t buy you a lot of stuff but he will 100% make you stuff! 
I hc John as a pretty great artist so expect a lot of drawings of you! 
If you’re the type to spoil him he will internally die every single time
Hey babe I got you that book about the American revolution you wanted! I would die for you
John loves going on adventurous dates or just general fun dates. He’s the type to go skydiving with you if you let him. Or maybe just a theme park! (If you go to Disney with the boi he will beg you to go on all the roller coasters and will try to buy all the stuffed animals I don’t make the rules)
But if you prefer more tame dates that’s fine! I mean he loves coffee shops and movie nights as much as the next guy. And to share it with the most handsome man? Who could ever say no? 
He might fall asleep if you’re doing a movie night though.
His southern drawl comes out when he’s sleepy so like, enjoy horny bastards
But like seriously early morning/ late is usually when things go down (usually you) 
(I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself) 
He’s 100% more cuddly when he’s sleeping. He will not let go! Especially if you’re warm (And if you’re the type to kick in your sleep he will still hang on)
You’ll wake up with his face nuzzled in your neck while he begs you for just 5 more minutes, please????
He is a blanket burrito kinda guy. He’s usually v cold so he uses it as an excuse to get affection. Babe, I’m freezing only kisses will warm me up 
He doesn’t sleep too late, 12 am is basically his limit and if you stay awake longer he will pout until you join him. 
C u d d l e  h i m
And don’t try to stay up late! He will force you into bed by 1 am, he’s gotten a lot of practice with getting Alex into bed he is really good.
John is a pretty deep sleeper like you’ll have to work hard to wake him up. You can try tickling, just basic shoving, and if nothing else works play All-star very loudly. (If you can get him off you that is-)
Or you can make him breakfast! 
Speaking of breakfast (Great segue) it’s the only food John really knows how to cook. He can’t make pasta but you’ll find him snacking on waffles at 8 am.
If you know how to cook then teach the boi !!! He’ll hang on to every word you say and John no you don’t have to take notes. Please don’t leave him in the kitchen alone though if he’s trying something new, not after the sprinkle incident- (*Lightning strikes dramatically in the background*)
If you don’t know how to cook its fine y’all could learn together! I mean all the google recipes didn’t turn out so well and you had to invite Laf and Herc over to teach you but still!
He does like baking though! 
Well only chocolate chip cookies
Fine only cookie dough
Oh, you thought Hamilton was extreme? Well, meet John brings-up-the genocide-of-the-natives-at-a-children’s-party Laurens!
He’s going to be so busy caring about everything going on the world except himself
Please take care of him! 
He goes to every protest and puts himself in front of anyone being harassed by cops It’s better me than them they get enough of that shit
Pack him googles or protective eyewear!!! 
He’s gotten tear-gassed so many times-
You’ve found him crying over news report after news report multiple times
Remind him that it’s okay to unplug for a bit! He will burn himself out emotionally if you don’t.
Going to pride
John isn’t the type to dress up normally but like Does this outfit have enough rainbows babe? I wanna piss off the homophobes
Pray for the homophobes who give you shit what the hell did you just call my boyfriend????
He doesn’t care he will 100% fight them 
(If you want to stop John from being charged with assault pull him into a kiss! It’s a win/win scenario the Homophobe gets even more pissed off and he gets kisses!)
Y’all visit a booth with rainbow plushies and OH MY GOD THERE’S A RAINBOW TURTLE CAN WE BUY IT PLEASE
He names the turtle after you and gets Herc to make it clothes  (Exclusively turtlenecks, John likes puns okay) 
After going to a parade John would like to tour a bunch of queer bars with you! He loves how lively they are and the sense of community! (Plus he won’t pass up booze, ever)
If you don’t drink/ don’t like bars that fine too! Y’all could cuddle while watching Love Simon he doesn’t mind! (He will cry though, every time)
Celebrating pride at home
I hc that John has a Tumblr he uses to educate himself and others about multiple issues but during pride month it’s all about LGBT issues!
You’ll find him in the living room reading an 80-page pdf and you’re like ??? Oh yeah I asked Alex for his resources on the Bathroom bill-he got excited’
He will try out some rainbow themed recipes! (Again he doesn’t know how to cook so please make sure he doesn’t poison himself!)
Will 100% tweet about how cute you are constantly (he does that usually he just is a lil extra gayer during pride month)
You will be using Youtube/Netflix party to binge-watch Thomas’s sanders and Sense8 I don’t make the rules
He loves you so much! Every day he wakes up with you in his arms is a great one!
Take care of him please
Thank you so much for reading this! I’ll (try) to post something every day of pride month! (Complete with a moodboard). Okay but seriously I know we’re all happy because it’s pride but black people are still being murdered. I’ve reblogged several ways you can help including ways you can help if you can’t donate on my other blog @fight-me-i-dare-you-bro. 
Stay safe everyone
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