#give me a bully lloyd au please
ashclouds366 · 11 months
so i watched fright night and now that i've seen lloyd's va acting as a total bitch, i really kind of want an au where lloyd is a bully.
i know that would be the literal opposite of him (and i love all the trauma and angst that comes with that guy, believe me), but it would just be so interesting. like. he HAS the power to be a bully. he COULD be a bully if he wanted to.
i know a bully au would change what makes lloyd, lloyd. but. just think about it
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skrunklydoo · 5 months
working on a monster high ninjago AU!
the characters are students at monster high and are all different monster species! here’s the ghoul squad (+ some other main characters), nicknamed the ninja by teachers, under the cut:
characters in brackets are who they’re replacing (some have two characters they’re replacing) + info about ships
zane julien: the new ghoul at school. a robot, he can remove his limbs at will (frankie stein/abbie bominable, pixane (pixal x zane))
jay walker: a 1600-year-old anxious, jumpy and somewhat impulsive vegan vampire (draculaura, plasmashipping (kai x jay))
cole brookstone: the overprotective and brave werewolf of the ghoul squad. fashion designer (clawdeen wolf, lost/geodeshipping (cole x geo))
lloyd garmadon: a normie-presenting (a normie is a human in the monster high universe) dragon-oni-human hybrid who initially bullies zane but gradually grows close to him (cleo de nile, aromantic-asexual lloyd, platonic garmagoths (lloyd, harumi and morro))
kai smith: a fire elemental-water monster hybrid (more fire elemental than water monster) and nya’s brother (clawd wolf/heath, plasmashipping)
nya smith: a fire elemental-water monster hybrid (more water monster than fire elemental), the school’s champion swimmer and kai’s sister (lagoona blue, amber phoenix (nya x skylor))
harumi jade: a boogeyman tomboy lesbian biker girl. a good friend of lloyd’s. that’s all i have to say for harumi (deuce gorgon, platonic garmagoths, her and lloyd aren’t dating in this AU)
geo goyle: a gargoyle from screamtaro (the AU equivalent of shintaro) who was shunned for being a hybrid of a geckle and a munce gargoyle (rochelle goyle/neighthan rot, lost/geodeshipping)
p.i.x.a.l. borg: a matchmaking bone elemental-robot hybrid who runs the school’s relationship advice radio show with her boyfriend (c.a. cupid/robecca steam, pixane)
morro: a ghost and the co-manager/co-writer of the school gossip page, the ghostly gossip. one of lloyd’s good friends along with harumi (spectra vondergeist, citrusshipping (morro x echo zane), platonic garmagoths)
echo zane julien/mr. e: a frankenmonster and co-manager/co-writer of the ghostly gossip. when angered, he transforms into mr. e, an overprotective biker. zane’s brother (jackson jekyll & holt hyde, citrusshipping)
vania: a plant monster-ghost hybrid and former princess of screamtaro before she moved to monster high after the whole skull sorcerer thing (venus mcflytrap)
chen the cheerleader: the overconfident and arrogant werecat leader of the fearleading (cheerleading) squad (toralei)
sora: a tortured teen werecat pop star from imperium who eventually joins the ninja with her best friend arin (catty noir)
arin: a boogeyman who, with sora, joins the people he idolised the most (twyla boogeyman)
sensei wu: the dragon(ish) headmaster of monster high (headmistress bloodgood)
misc ships in the AU: nightshade (chamille x tox) and dark thinking (neuro x shade)
if you have any questions on where other characters fit in this AU, please let me know!!
also thank you @lonleyzodiac for giving me almost all of the ideas for this THANMK YOU
this AU is mostly focused on g1 monster high but some elements from g3 will probably be sprinkled in too
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likeapro42 · 1 year
Aka: Lloyd x Brad x Chen Jr (the Cheerleader)
(Or the time I combined two of my OTPs and created my new OT3 …whoops?)
(Before we get into this: this is an AU where Darkley’s never went good)
Basically, Junior is Skylar’s younger brother and was sent to Darkley’s by Chen so that he could take up the mantle of being evil and whatnot. Junior is not really into it, but it’s Darkley’s (you’re either the bully or the bullied) and his father’s expectation
When Lloyd shows up (the 2nd time) and gives the speech about how there’s good in everyone, that resonated with Junior
Too bad Junior couldn’t doing anything about it until Master Chen was defeated
That’s when Junior and his friends (Sally, Gene, and Brad) all drop out and go to NCM (Ninjago City Middle) and eventually NCH (Ninjago City High)
They affectionately call themselves Darkley’s Dropouts. They eventually reunite and catch up with Lloyd who slots in quite nicely to their dynamics as a friend group
Eventually Brad and Junior start falling for Lloyd. When they figure out that the other is “competition” the two become each other’s wingman because Lloyd is super oblivious
Eventually the two sorta give up, and (after also falling for each other because of all the bonding and technical dates the two went on) start dating each other, hoping to one day open up for Lloyd.
Meanwhile, Lloyd starts getting more snappy when he finds out that Brad and Junior are now dating, especially at any form of PDA. It’s not until being confronted by Gene and Sally about being a asshole, that he realizes that he’s uber jealous and of both of them.
The last part of the story is all of these gay disasters’ friends working together to manipulate a date with the three of them which is where awkward confessions will be had and a duo becomes a trio
(I have more details so please ask me anything about this AU or this trio)
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haro0o · 2 years
In the Red Maroon AU, did Kai adopt Lloyd right when he first met him or did it take Wu taking him in first for Kai to warm up to him?
(Personally, I can see Kai just throwing Lloyd over his shoulder and saying he's adopting him when the other Ninja ask)
Yes, but just- hear me out. Most of what I've read is Kai took Lloyd as his younger brother, but in here, Lloyd is like a son to him.
He has plenty of adopted offspring over the centuries, but he outlived them, so he will try his best to make Lloyd feel the loved of a father.
Kai and Garmadon are a bit competitive about that, that is until he adopted him too.(Garm doesn't know)
Their first encounter is a bit like this=
*Lloyd demands Candy only to be bullied by villagers and vegetables*
*Kai’s maternal instinct went off, dragging Lloyd without a word to the rest of the ninjas, fixing him up, and giving him a chocolate bar*
The rest of the team : .....
Kai : what?
Jay : Kai, what are you -
*Kai holding super confused Lloyd in his hands, hiss at Jay*
Kai : MINE.
Jay : Okay, okay, jeez!
From there Lloyd just went along. The nice red ninja did give him nice hugs, compliments, and candies.
A few episodes later
Kai : Lloyd, érzi , you need some rest. Now, c’mon I'll do the rest of the chores.
Lloyd : fine, bàba. Don't sleep too late again.
(érzi=son, bàba=dad. Again this is from Google Translate, if I'm wrong please correct me, I mean no disrespect)
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chaotic-major · 3 years
MPAU Part 1
For @min-play I hope you like it! This will be following Min-Play’s Movie Possession AU. Enjoy part 1!
Lloyd liked to consider himself a fairly normal person. Sure, his dad whom he’s never actually met in person attacks the city every other day but besides that, everything in his life is normal. The bullies can be a bit much, considering it's basically the entire population of the city, but his mom doesn't need to worry about anything more than her job. Lloyd can handle it, he’s fifteen. 
He fixes his hood as he walks down the street, avoiding eye contact with anyone but the ground. He’s memorized the route home by now. As the city falls into dusk, Lloyd takes a moment to gaze at a fountain in a small plaza. He doesn’t dare enter of course, but it’s nice to take in the beauty of the city once and awhile, especially if it doesn’t always last too long. 
The clouds overhead rumble as a light rain starts to fall. Lloyd sighs and watches all the people gather their things and head into their homes or find buildings to seek shelter from the rain in. He starts to continue his walk back when a dark vortex opens in the sky. Lloyd stares at it, puzzled. Is his dad somehow orchastairing this? He wouldn’t put it past him, honestly. But as soon as it opened, it closed and the rain abruptly stopped. As confused as Lloyd was, he had no energy to question it at this point. He sighed before turning on his heel and going home.
Morro realized he wasn’t entirely in the right. Holding the realm crystal in one hand and his sensei’s in the other, Morro realized it was up to him. Save himself, or save the ninja. When he looked behind master Wu to see the ninja’s scared and angry faces, he knew what choice he had to make. Putting the realm crystal in Wu’s hand and ignoring his pleas to save himself Morro looked at his sensei and let go, a sad smile on his face.
“You can’t save someone who doesn’t want to be saved.” He says as the Preeminent grasps onto him and pulls him down, closer and closer to his watery doom. Lloyd lunges forward suddenly and smacks the realm crystal, opening a portal below Morro. The Preeminent lets go and Morro is pulled down into the portal, Lloyd’s last words to him ringing in his ears.
“I forgive you, and I’m sorry.”
Morro fell through the void as if he had any weight, a force of gravity pulling him down through the opening on the other side. When Morro opened his eyes, he was floating in front of a large city, with buildings that seemed to touch the sky and with lights that glowed brighter than most others he’d seen in the past few weeks. He floated through the streets, glaring at every person who walked through him and paid him no mind regardless. 
“Hello!?” He shouted, flying above the crowd. “Can any of you fools hear me?” No one gave any response. He looked around, almost frantically, wanting to be heard.
“H-holy shit. You’re a gh-ghost.” A meek voice said from below him. Morro turned and flew down, inspecting the person who spoke. He seemed to be a young teen in a green hoodie, the hood up and covering his hair. It was blond and strands were falling over his face. His eyes were an emerald green, a colour he’d seen in someone else before…
The realization struck Morro in an instant. This was… Lloyd? He seemed nothing like the green ninja Morro had grown familiar with. This one seemed shy and scared, so much so he didn’t ever seem to take off his hood. The Lloyd Morro possessed was confident and strong, the green ninja. This Lloyd didn’t look like he could hurt a fly.
“I am. So who are you?” Morro asked, not wanting to look like a fool if he was wrong.
The boy shifted on his feet. “I’m Lloyd. What’s your name?” 
Huh. This kid really knew nothing. “I’m Morro. Master of Wind.” He looked Lloyd in the eye. “And you’re the green ninja.” That made Lloyd drop his expression of fear and trade it for confusion.
“The green ninja? What’s that?” Lloyd inquired. Morro looked like he was about to tear his hair out. What god forsaken universe did Lloyd send him to?! Death a second time would’ve been better than this! Morro groaned. 
“It doesn’t matter.” Morro said before promptly possessing Lloyd. The teen screamed as a spectral projection of him was produced, taking Morro’s spot. Morro glared at him until Lloyd realized he was basically fine. He stared at Morro, shock and confusion apparent on his face.
“Wh- what are you going to do? Now that you’ve possessed me?” Lloyd asks the specter in his body. Morro scoffed and walked away, knowing that Lloyd would be pulled after him if he got too far from the body. 
Morro walked through the streets, watching as people parted around him. He tried to ask for directions to the museum multiple times, all a fruitless effort as people either scoffed at him or threatened him away. Morro was more than agitated at this point. Everything was so bright and loud, so much space in the street and yet so little. The buildings were too tall and he felt much too small. Morro caught sight of an alley and ducked into it, breathing out a gentle sigh of relief as he escaped the loud and towering street. 
“What’s wrong with these people…” Morro mutters, walking farther into the alley. Lloyd’s small voice piped up from behind Morro.
“Um… H- hey, it’s getting pretty dark… I really shouldn’t be down here this late. We should go back.” Lloyd suggests. Morro lets out a laugh that chills Lloyd to the core.
“Wow. That’s adorable.” Morro says in a mocking tone. An apparition of himself appears before Lloyd.
“In case you haven’t noticed, you’re not in control here. So shut up and stay put.” Morro demands. Lloyd looks down before looking back to Morro.
“C- can I at least call my mom? She’ll be worried.” Morro raises a finger and opens his mouth to reply before he was thrown from the mindscape and back into Lloyd’s body. Suddenly, Morro was up against the wall, a knife to his neck.
“Make a sound and I’ll slit your throat,” The man said in a low tone. “Garmadon.” Morro grew more emranged, if that were possible. He blasted the man off of himself, kicked his legs out and pulled the man to the ground, hand in his hoodie, holding him to the ground.
“Let’s make this crystal clear.” Morro said, holding the knife to the man’s throat, hair now a jet black in contrast to the sunny blond it had been seconds ago. “ I am not Lloyd Garmadon.” He announced. “I and Morro. Master of Wind. And I will be the Green nin--” Morro was cut off as Lloyd managed to grasp hold of control.
“STOP!” Lloyd shouted. He glanced at the knife in his hands before screeching and dropping the knife before dashing out of the alley. Lloyd broke into a sprint, managing to make it three and a half blocks before breaking down. Morro let himself into spirit form, rebounding Lloyd against a wall. 
“What was THAT?” Morro shouted at the teen. “I had that! Why did you get in the way!?” Lloyd stood his ground.
“You- you were going to kill him!” Lloyd shouted back, scared and concerned. Morro digested Lloyd’s words a moment. 
“..No.” Morro said. “NO!” He exclaimed angrily. He pointed his finger at Lloyd’s throat. “HE was going to kill YOU.” Lloyd’s eyes widened. Morro was right, as much as he hated to admit it. Lloyd looked back from where he ran, stewing on Morro’s statement. He pulled his hood over his head, desperate to ignore what had just taken place. He felt his hands shake, ready to have a good cry.
“Can… can I please call my mom and let her know I’m ok?” Lloyd asked in a small voice. “Please? I’ll help you find the museum after.” Morro smacks his hands in his face and gives a long groan, letting his hands fall off his face, contemplating the suggestion. He sighs and nods silently, watching as Lloyd walks over to a “payphone”. He inserts a coin before pressing the numbers on the small pad in an order, obviously committed to muscle memory.
“Hey, mom.” Lloyd answers after a few seconds. Morro floats behind Lloyd, back turned to the boy. “Y- yeah I’m ok.” Lloyd says after a second or two of silence on Morro’s end. “I’m sorry.” He hears Lloyd apologize. Morro feels something bubble up in his chest, squeezing his nonexistent heart. He sighs and allows Lloyd to end the call and return home without stopping at the museum. 
It would’ve been closed at this hour anyways. Morro reasons with himself. As Lloyd settles into bed on the fateful Friday night, whether either of them liked it or not, they were stuck together, for better or worse. Morro looked out Lloyd’s window all night, watching the city slow down and speed up as the sun rose. Maybe… maybe he could still get what he wanted. He turned and looked at the blond, finally looking at peace for the first time Morro had seen. He turns back to the city. Just maybe.
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wait-im-not-out · 4 years
*bounces into your inbox* ninjago OC tell me about them please??
Ok I am FINALLY GETTING AROUND TO THIS I’m so sorry for leaving for so long but here we go.
I created her for my au, which does not yet have a name. Her name is Celeste and she is the master of light (I know we have mr pale but sensei G also said he was a distant relative so yeah Imma just make them like third cousins or something). I haven’t gotten around to drawing her properly yet but I did steal a colouring page off google and made a few changes so enjoy:
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Ok so quick backstory: she is Lloyd’s younger sister by about a year. However, when she was literally a few days old, there was a battle (still working who against). Garmadon was almost completely as he was in pilots-season 2, but still had a little good. Wu asked his brother to help and he agreed. However, whoever they were fighting against attacked wherever garmadon and misako were living. Lloyd and misako were hiding but Celeste accidentally got left in the cradle, being taken as a hostage. They taunted garmadon and wu with the baby, saying if they didn’t yield, they would hide the child where she could never be found. They refused to yield, knowing they couldn’t be trusted. Suddenly they pull out this teapot of travellers tea and open a portal, throwing the child through. She ends up in a world pretty much like ninjago just without anything making it different from our world (boring, I know).
Also now is a good time to note the time difference between the realms. I can’t decide which is more angsty for later, either it’s faster in the earth realm (as I call it) or it cycles eg. for around 200 years ninjago goes faster, then they even out for a bit, then the earth realm is faster. Either way, at this point in time, time passes faster so Celeste is still around a year younger than Lloyd even though tomorrow tea.
When Celeste is about 16 she is getting bullied, and she just shrugs it off - she has a strong support network and deals with it. She manages (she is NOT good at standing up for herself). Then one day, her bullies push her down a flight of stairs, knocking her out. When she comes to, she is in a field. She is captured by serpentine who are still following pythor, who then use her as bait to trap the ninja (they have no idea who the hell she is but wu does - there is a PrOpHeSy because hey if Lloyd gets one so does his sister).
Anyway the trap fails and they rescue her but she’s super weak, but she heals. Wu reveals that she is to be the master of light, leading Celeste to promptly freak out and have a panic attack during dinner. She leaves and Lloyd comes to check on her bc he knows how to help. *also idk if this is where I’m gonna put this but he has a pillow he squeezes when he’s not feeling great and he gives it to her and it’s a really cute moment - they share it later on*
Basically Celeste takes some time to think about it but agrees to become a ninja. They defeat pythor easily because old dog but no new tricks. But then garmadon starts to become an issue (btw idrk yet when specifically this is set but it’s after season 10 - I’ll just wait till the I can no longer make the canon work). Anyway garmadon gets Celeste alone and YET AGAIN she gets thrown through a portal (you know that meme about how Lloyd always gets put in cages? Well Celeste’s thing is portals) and gets transported back to the earth realm with only a tiny bit of travellers tea to get back. She’s injured though, so she decides to try and wait it out.
Anyway she falls into a forested area and just chills there for like an hour before she hears people coming - voices she recognises and this is when she realises she’s in the earth realm (she knows at this point that she was born in ninjago but wu being wu, has not yet told her that Lloyd is her brother or vice versa - misako is also not present). She ends up playing it off as a kidnapping (which everyone thought it was anyway) and just pulled memory loss. She is anxiously waiting for her leg to heal, but it takes a while. When it’s nearly better, she sees one of her bullies picking on her friend (the bully and the friend have history so Celeste already hated them) so she steps in, the bully thinks Celeste doesn’t know self-defence so he starts fighting but she fights back (bc duh ninja skillz). Except she gets a little too carried away and accidentally does spinjitzu. A fair crowd had emerged watching the fight, and some teachers had just come out (also the spinjitzu did the thing where it can change her into her gi so yeah oops).
Basically she makes a run for it using the tea and gets back to ninjago. But garmadon has taken over. I realise I forgot to mention this earlier but when they went to fight garmadon, wu taught them a spell of sorts - basically if anyone got captured, before they put the vengestone on, release your powers and transfer them to someone else (won’t work after vengestone and the person the power is transferred to gets to keep their own as well). Anyway, Celeste gets back, and accidentally discovers she has everyone’s powers except for Lloyd’s.
Anyway she knows this means that Lloyd is still out there so she starts searching. A week goes by without being caught but she still hasn’t found them. Celeste loses hope, and she sings quietly to keep herself motivated, but the song that first comes to mind this particular time is really sad and has a line that goes “sometimes it’s easier to just swim down” when she notices the sewer lid. She hears a patrol coming and so she quickly makes her way down, falling at the bottom and once again, injuring herself. She isn’t found though, so she attempts to find her way around - above ground is swarming with patrols, anyone left either left the city, or is underground. She can barely walk so she’s limping. She suddenly hears a female voice (Skylor btw bc I love her) being like “Lloyd we need to attack before we lose anyone else” and Lloyd says something along the lines of “no we can’t do this without Celeste” and Celeste is about to call out to them but she trips. Since the two are on the run they assume it’s a patrol and they run. Celeste tries to run after them but she falls. She tries to crawl but eventually she’s too exhausted and in pain to keep going, so she seals off on of the tunnels using cole’s earth power, then when skylor and Lloyd try to run another way she uses ice and just calls out “wait! Please wait!” Or you know something like that. Lloyd recognises her voice, hugs her blah blah blah and they bring her back to their hideout, where we find the core of the other elemental masters. Here we discover that wu and misako have also been captured, but misako left a note for Celeste . She reads it and in the envelope is a photo of misako, garmadon, Lloyd and Celeste as a baby. Basically, Lloyd and Celeste finally find out their siblings. So misako’s mother was the master of light, but the powers skipped a generation (explains why garmadon knew pale man on the ship to the ToE in s4).
So from there, they rescue everyone, defeat garmadon (but don’t kill him bc I still need him mwahahaha), and from there, the au is basically a bunch of one shots from there on, although I am working on a corruption arc 😈
But yeah basic facts about Celeste :
Crippling anxiety yayyyyy
She’s closest with Lloyd, then Cole but gets along with all of them
She tries to have activities that she enjoys doing with each of the ninja - musicals with Lloyd, dance with Cole, video games with jay, cooking with Zane, tattoo designs with Kai and extra trick training with nya
She soon learned how traumatised the ninja were so she forced them to start family game nights to offer a distraction - they take turns in picking what to play (Celeste usually comes up with her own)
Was low key salty with wu for not telling her but she hates confrontation so yeah just rants to Kai and Lloyd
She was decided as the second best cook, after Zane - Lloyd loves her chocolate cake, but she’s not just a sweets chef either.
also here’s some au fun facts I came up with a month ago or something and almost forgot about (image)
That’s all I can think of so far but if anyone has any questions please let me know!! Also enjoy this rough picture I did of corrupted Celeste for her corruption arc (still incomplete but you know - also the orbs are like ‘dark light’ so like black light).
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Ninjago Be More Chill AU
This is really long whoops guys I have so many Ninjago BMC headcanons y’all have no idea. This won’t leave my head especially since I’ve been seeing some great BMC / Ninjago stuff recently mmm
Who would be who?
Jay as Jeremy:
Okay so like that not original but, Jay gives off such Jeremy vibes! Jay is really self-conscious, as we see in s1 ep8, aka his true potential episode, as we see in season three with the love triangle, and as we can see in season six with the fact that he knowingly makes wishes to “better himself” from Nadakhan. Jeremy also does some things he regrets, some things that come off kind of creepy and not okay, like what he did to get with Christine, luckily, he realizes that, and it’s one reason why most people don’t think they end up staying together. Jay had a few not necessarily okay and kind of creepy actions towards Nya, again specifically in season six, also a little in season three. But, Jeremy is an all around good person, he didn’t intend to hurt anyone and neither did Jay. Jeremy took the SQUIP, which gave some pretty bad advice much like how and why Jay made wishes from Nadakhan. Jeremy is also awkward and fidgety, again, Jay traits. He ditches his best friend for a girl (kind of season three?) but ends up apologizing and trying to make up for it (kind of season four). Not to mention, Loser Geek Whatever is such a Jay song.
Cole as Michael:
Okay so, this is kind of a popular one but? So Michael Mell is the free spirited, I’ll do what I want and if you don’t like it well leave me alone kind of guy. He’s more closed off towards others, but he’s one of the best best friends a guy could have. Cole isn’t as free spirited as Michael, per say, especially with his father, but in the end he can be. Cole doesn’t necessarily care what others think of him all the time (though he does in season 5 after turning into a ghost and kind of in season 3 because of the love triangle and my take on it). Most people in the fandom associate Cole and Jay as best friends, yet another reason why Cole is a good Michael. In the Jay / Jeremy description, I put some blame on Jay / Jeremy for hurting Cole / Michael, but they messed up too. Michael, while being the best friend, knew that Jeremy was unhappy and knew he wanted more, he chose to ignore that. When Michael approached Jeremy at the Halloween party, yeah he had good intentions but he didn’t do it the best way, and heck yeah, not helping Jeremy who was clearly under the control of the SQUIP at the play until he got an apology was a trashy move. Cole’s messed up too. He shouldn’t have tried anything with Nya, and in the way I view the love triangle, it makes more sense as to why, but he knew how much Jay cared about Nya and he knew that “pursuing” her was bad, but he did it anyway. He ignored what he knew about Jay for his own good (Michael ignoring Jeremy wanting more to keep him as his best friend). Cole also did some crappy things in response to what Jay did in Skybound. Sure Skybound is a little ooc and not always the best, but, hey, I’m proving a point haha. Cole and Jay shared unfair words with each other as well, but they made up for it. Michael went to the play and brought the Mountain Dew Red, Cole gave up the jade blade in Tournament and went back for him in Skybound even though he felt hurt. Not to mention, I mean, their love for music (because even though not necessarily show canon, most people believe Cole has a deep love for music). Not to mention, I headcanon both of them as gay also. I also almost made Cole Christine just for Bruise but like... Michael Mell... also most people think it’s canon that Michael has feelings for Jeremy and I think that Michael like tries to kiss Jeremy in the revival during Two-Player Game sooo...
Kai as Rich:
Okay so, another obviousish one. Kai is one of the most self conscious people in the show, but one with more of a self destructive mode that can effect others. Rich, much like Jeremy, was unhappy and ambitious. He wanted more from himself and he genuinely cared about the way people viewed him (much like Jay and Jeremy). Even in the first season with Kai wanting to be the green ninja, we saw Kai trying to prove himself and prove himself but failing sometimes (aka his intense want to be the green ninja). Kai was also the first ninja to wish himself away in Skybound (again, not always the most credible but, still). Rich and Kai share a lot of similarities on that part. They also have a fierce protectiveness for what they care about. Kai is loyal. He is so insanely loyal and one of the best friends anyone could ask for, he is incredibly dependable. Rich is a good friend too. While he didn’t always have control over his actions, he truly cared for Jake and for his other friends. Heck, Rich set a fire to prevent the SQUIPs from spreading because he didn’t want his friends to go through this. Kai would also definitely set a fire to protect Lloyd and his friends. Kai and Rich are / were both insecure, but the both grow and I love them both. So much. Also sometimes they’re both angry boys and I headcanon Kai as bi and Rich is bi in canon just those lovely little things!
Lloyd as Jake:
This is where it began getting harder, but I will FIGHT FOR THIS ONE!! Let’s start with Jake. He’s the most popular boy in school, he does pretty much every activity and runs or plays an integral part in those activities. The school has standards for him that they in a sense expect him, popular boy Jake, to live up to. He mentions to Christine that he feels the need to be perfect to please everyone all the time and it’s so much pressure and it’s clear that he dislikes that. Not only that, but he says in Upgrade that: “my parents wont be home so it’s alright, they laundered money now their on the run. Which means the house is empty so that’s fun”. Jake has absent parents, he lives alone. He most likely absorbs himself in what he does to distract himself from his home life. Okay now, let’s talk about Lloyd. Lloyd is the green ninja. He did not choose this, he did not choose to have all of this happen to him. The world looks up to Lloyd. They depend on Lloyd. Lloyd’s teammates depend on him. The pressure this boy faces is incredible. He’s popular, yeah a lot of people like him, but the pressure and the expectations everyone has for him... well we’ve seen him snap a few times. Not to mention, LLOYD GREW UP WITH NO PARENTS! His dad was evil and his mom left him to try and make his dad not evil, he was alone. So, Lloyd distracted himself by trying to be evil and trying to get revenge on the tribes and people that wronged him and stealing and just he distracted himself with so many things so he wouldn’t have to focus on “my parents left me”. Jake and Lloyd both face absentee parents, both of which aren’t necessarily good (I mean... Jake’s parents are criminals and Lloyd’s dad is Lord Garmadon...), they both have so much pressure to be the best and be amazing and be popular and happy. They both have to be happy because you can’t be popular in school if you’re sad and you can’t save the world if you focus on your problems. You can’t lead after school activities or lead a team of ninja if you get too much in your head. These boys face a lot, a lot is expected of them, and sometimes, the things their parents do do effect them in ways they don’t see. Jake isn’t always the nicest. He knows Rich is a bully, he lets it happen. He called Jeremy a freak at the mall, he’s probably (I headcanon) a sweet guy, but his upbringing causes some problems, much like Lloyd’s (I mean... the first half of season one). Plus, they both have a best friend who would burn their house down to protect them (because let’s be real here, Rich burned it down to protect others by killing himself and Kai would burn the world for Lloyd) pLUS Jake broke his legs saving Rich and they got worse after the SQUIP made him walk on them and Lloyd broke his foot fighting his father and faced the Overlord with a broken foot. *mic drop* I rest my case.
Nya as Brooke:
okay so I feel like this is kind of a weird one, but like, hear me out. So, Nya as Brooke. My first thought when trying to figure out who Nya would be was, obviously, Christine. But when I think about it, I do see some Nya in Christine, I do, but I kind of see her a little more in Brooke. Let’s start with Brooke. Brooke is popular Chloe Valentine’s best friend, she’s, in a sense, a tool, but more than anything she just wants to belong. She wants to be popular, she wants to not only have her status, but to earn her status. She doesn’t just want it because she’s Chloe Valentine’s best friend, she doesn’t just want it because she’s dated a few popular guys, she wants that status because of who she is, which is one thing that makes her different than Jenna (I can say a lot more about that but I won’t get into it because I LOVE JENNA ROLAN). Brooke is sweet, she’s kind, but bruh she is fierce and she could probably destroy you if she wanted, maybe not in the same aggressive way as Chloe, which she grows into in the show. We see Brooke as the second best all of the time, always in Chloe’s shadow and she’s pretty insecure about it, and herself in general. She wishes to be more, she wishes for someone to love her as her and to have the right to speak her mind and to just be herself, which she gets near the end of the show as she begins sticking up for herself, and most people in the fandom believe that she becomes the right amount of assertive after the show. Now onto Nya. Nya is always second best, she’s always in the ninja’s shadow. She literally gave herself a false identity so she could be enough and more than “the girl”, “Kai’s sister”, “Jay’s girlfriend”, and “the smart girl”. Much like Brooke, she wants more. So she does it herself, which isn’t something Brooke has the courage to do until later, but then again Nya hid for awhile too. Nya can be sweet, she can be gentle, and yo this girl is fierce too. She often feels second best as well, second best to Kai, to the team… not to mention how she feels in season five, trying to get an understanding of her identity and her place in the team (as opposed to her place in school). Brooke gets mad too. She gets mad at Chloe when she wrongs her. She gets mad at Jeremy. Nya gets mad as well. She gets mad at Jay, she gets mad at Cole and Kai and honestly Nya’s probably gotten mad at all of the ninja at some point. But she can still defend herself, and it may have taken Nya some time for people to realize that and to be assertive enough to tell everyone that and freaking mean it, but she does it. Brooke gets the nerves to do that too in act two. Plus Brooke dates Jeremy at one point but then they break up and if I had made this Bruise wouldn’t it have fit perfectly?? I know this one is weird and maybe isn’t the best, but Nya and Brooke are both sweet, kind, and freaking fierce girls and I love. Also it just makes complete sense in my head. (Also I know Christine has this thing about discovering herself but... just read the last part...)
Some other ones I’m thinking for right now but won’t type because this is long enough as it is are: Pixal as Jenna Rolan, Skylor (or Harumi but mostly Skylor) as Chloe Valentine, and Nadakhan as SQUIP (though the Overlord was my original idea and does work… I’m liking this Nadakhan as SQUIP thing a whole heck of a lot as I started writing all of these descriptions…) and for the life of me, guys, I just can’t figure out Zane! Like maybe Zane as Christine, especially since Christine has this whole discovering who she is bit and it takes her and Zane awhile to figure out who they are and be comfortable with it, but I didn’t really want to go the Techno route here (nothing against Techno, it just doesn’t seem like a very BMC ship I don’t know… don’t get me wrong though, I LOVE TECHNO!) I mean I suppose Zane would be a rad Christine if we went the Boyf Riends shipping route with this… Anyways that’s all! Do you agree with any of these? If you have different opinions please tell me because I love headcanons so much and I would genuinely love to read them! If anyone wants to hear anymore BMC / Ninjago AU headcanons please lemme know because I honestly might post some more anyways for the heck of it because I want to because I love this okay love y’all bye!
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lycaran · 6 years
Birch/Crypt Tv universe Ninjago Au
( Okay, any shorts I reference can be found here(Gore/Horror Warning))
Firstly, the idea that spawned this, The Birch.
In short summary, the Birch is about a boy who was given a book by his mother(or grandmother) on her death bed and she told him something along the lines of "She will protect you now, just as I have protected you, and she protected me"
Along the lines in this short, we find out the boy is bullied and he runs to the forest, finding the tree with her symbol carved into it. Making the symbol out of twine and sticks while his bully finds him. Now the child is saying what really, I think, binds this. "He who breaks me will come undone". The bully makes a terrible mistake of snapping the symbol in half and screaming at the boy.
Now what I really love is the next couple shots.
Because this takes place in a Birch forest
And at first you might not notice it as she blends in with the background but, she is there, and none to pleased.
Tumblr media
I fucking love this, I love her
But I'm getting off topic
After this shot, we see the bully basically having been dismembered as the birch takes the boys hand in hers and entangles her roots around it.
Before letting a ghostly wail
Now that I've explained the short to anyone who doesn't know, lets get on with the AU.
Lloyd is saying his goodbyes to Misako, and is entrusted with the book, thought slightly altered for AU purposes. Told that the one from the book will protect him when he needs them most.
Later one he goes to school, upset and saddened by the passing of his mother but trudging along anyway. Next though, comes the daily rounds of shoving and pushing from Chen(The Cheerleader), shouting insults in his face and shoving him to the ground. Snarling at him almost and reaching into his pocket for something, a knife.
When Lloyd gets back up, he's shaking and bolts for the woods, stumbling and racing to take the book his mother gave him out of his backpack as Chen tries to catch him, this carries on for what seems like hours until the sunsets(I'd like to say it's winter or fall around this time, like in the video) and just as Lloyd is about to fall, to give up and let himself get caught.
He sees it.
The symbol in the book etched into a tree as black as coal. Scrambling and breathing in a panic he opens the book, eyes bleary and barely able to read it. And gathers materials branches that are chipped and scattered around the trunk of the tree and tying them to match the symbol.
Chen's shouts and words are almost right next to him at that point.
And he clutches the makeshift symbol and chokes back a sob as he mutters "He who breaks me will come undone" praying for this to work as Chen burst into clearing.
Lloyd turns and holds the symbol out towards Chen, nearly screaming through tears of fear and exhaustion, "He who breaks me will come undone"
And there's is a laugh as it's snatched from his hand and is held tauntingly, "Aw, you try and use a little witch magic against me demon boy?" Chen says, snaping it with one hand and pointing the knife at Lloyd.
"You really some sticks and words are gonna stop what's coming to you?"
Lloyd is scrambling back against a tree, hoodie tattered and tears and scratches marking his face.
In the background you can see a faint outline in the shadows, only visible by a faint cast of moonlight illuminating pitch black features.
And as Chen steps forward, ready to stab Lloyd, he's adrubtly yanked back with a scream.
Cut to moments later, Lloyd's hoodie is splattered with blood and the pocket knife is in his hand.
The Birch(Well, it's more of an oni looking Dark Oak spirit in this) holding his hand tightly, gnarled and twisted branches of horns curling from her head. Lloyd looks somewhere between traumitized and relieved.
Then The Birch(oni) lets out her ghastly scream.
(I have a few more ideas on shorts. But this is my main one. I'm also terrible at typing but I need to jot this down)
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victoriazanaademi · 7 years
Arranged Love with a Happy Ending (A Greencheeleader Omegaverse AU fanfic)
Ok so before we start I wanted to clear some things up. Yes, you read that correctly. This is a Omegaverse fanfic for the Lego Ninjago Movie and yes I know this is frowned upon by some but I have had this really good idea for an Omegaverse Greencheerleader fanfiction for quite some time and I apologize if this offends or upsets some people. It is not my intention to offend or upset people. I like writing because it heals me. I do not write to upset people nor hurt them. I want my writing to bring joy to people. Now that it is out of the way I shall put the fic under a read more so people don't have to scroll through it.
Garmadon...my dad is an old-fashioned dad when it comes to omegas. You know that omegas should have long girly hair and wear more feminine clothes. and all that stuff. I mean it is still common so I guess he isn’t that traditional. Of the ninja, I was the only omega. Cole and Jay were betas...Nya and Kai were alphas and Zane...well he doesn’t count since he is an android. But they all have supported me since I revealed myself as the Green Ninja and my newfound fame and me as an omega.
“Hey, Lloyd got any plans after school? I and the others were thinking to go to that new sushi place everyone keeps talking about on Snapchat” Jay asked as he held up his phone in front of my face. Lo and behold there was a picture from one of Jay’s many Snapchat friends of the new sushi joint. I sighed as I fiddled with my hair.
“I....I can’t I m sorry Jay” I replied. Kai groaned in frustration.
“Dude this is the third time this week you’ve canceled on us. What gives?” he said looking at me.
“...well you know my dad..he...uh..he has arranged an alpha for me. Mom tried to talk him out of it but you know him. The Great Garmadon wouldn’t listen to rhyme or reason” I said. The others looked at me like I had said the most offensive thing in the history of Earth.
“Dude h-he can't do that. There must be a law against it....isn’t there..." Nya said the last bit she trailed off into a murmur. Her expression said it all. She was terrified for my well being. Omegas who got married off usually got married off to old wrinkly guys that want nothing more than to pass their genes before they die.I fidgeted with my hair some more.
“Unfortunately there isn’t.....but I’ll be fine guys...really I will,” I said trying to reassure my friends. They looked at me with sad looks on their faces.
“Do you know who it is at least?”  Zane asked. I shook my head. “Well let us hope it isn’t some creepy old guy like most omegas end up with in  arranged marriage” Cole said. I swallowed what little saliva I had in my mouth when Cole said that.
Later that day I come home to see Chen’s parents. Chen sits on the chair looking awkwardly down at his lap as if he has been ordered to not speak if not spoken too.
“Ah Luh-Loyd just in time....we were waiting for you,” Dad said with a smile. I sighed as I joined him at the table. "Dad, why are Chen and his parents here?” I asked. 
“Well, Luh-Loyd Chen is the alpha I have arranged for you” dad replied, his smile growing impossibly bigger. Wait what??? I am forced to have this guy as my alpha are you kidding me?!?!?!? No way.
“Dad are you nuts he used to ridicule me...berate me...he even wrote a song mocking me,” I said trying to reason with dad. Mom looked at me. I knew she wanted to help but she couldn't. Dad dragged me off to my room to talk to me in private.
“Why are you being like this. He is a perfect alpha and I am sure he will make me and your mother beautiful grandkids" he said in a hushed whisper. I yanked my hand away from him and glared. I wanted to tell him how I felt but I couldn’t. I let out a shaky sigh.
“That’s my boy. Now let’s go back to them your mother and I are going out to talk about the wedding with Chen’s parents. Give you guys some time to bond and become alpha and omega” dad said. I could only nod as our parents got ready. Once they left I was alone with Chen. We exchanged awkward glances before I spoke up.
“I know you only like me now because I am the Green Ninja and I freaking hate my dad for and your parents for doing this to us” I said.
“That’s not true....I-I’ve always had a crush on you...but people ridiculed me for it because you were the son of Garmadon. I am sorry and I totally get it if you hate me now....I should’ve been more honest with my feelings from the beginning than resort to some petty bullying. Can you ever forgive me?” Chen said. 
I looked at him. Was he serious? I looked at him for any signs of ridicule but found none.
"I...I forgive you Chen.....I am not the one to hold grudges....mom always said to give people another chance” I said.
 Chen leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. I froze up where I sat before slowly kissing back. Letting Chen’s hand rest on my thigh.  We pulled away and looked eachother in the eye. 
"Lloyd Garmadon...please let me be your alpha...please let me show the world that you are mine and only mine” Chen whispered in my ear.
I nodded and bared my neck for him to place the bond bite mark. Chen leant in and bit down. When he was done he pulled away and smiled. Perhaps...an arranged marriage wasn’t so bad when it is with the right person. We spent the rest of the night talking, getting to know eachother. That was the night I fell in love with  Chen.
A few months later and it was time for us to get wed. Wow I’d never thought I’d live to see the day. Me, The Green Ninja, leader of the Secret Ninja Force is going to be married to the love of his life as corny and cheesy as it sounds.Nya entered the dressing room, dressed in a black dress with blue sequin stripes. I fiddled with the dress that my dad had insisted I should wear.
"Are you ready?” Nya asked. Now Nya and the others took their time to accept that Chen was my alpha but they were supportive nontheless.I nodded as I heard the music start. I grabbed the bouqet of flowers and left the dtressing room. My life was going to change for the better and I had my dad to thank for that.
-The End-
Epilouge: 11 years later
11 years had passed and Chen and I were as happy we could ever be. We even had a daughter named Jaycee who had picked up Chen’s intrest for cheerleading. Oh nad a 11 month son named Jayson.  Kia and the others came to visit when they could. Jaycee had invited some of her friends over to show Chen nad I a new cheer routine they have been practising.
“This is for my mama and papa for being super awesome. Ok 1 2 3. D-A-D he is rad and that’s not bad. P-A-P-A he is the Green Ninja and that’s also rad and not bad Go dad and papa! Go dad and papa" Jaycee had finished with a pose.
"Good Jaycee we’re very proud of you” I said clapping my hands. “Yeah at this rate you’ll be sure to win cheerleading national when you get older” Chen siad wrapping his around me.  I chuckled as I kissed Chen’s cheek before heading to the nursery to check on our son Jayson. He was sound asleep before I entered. His green eyes looked back at me as I picked him up.
"Are you hungry?” I cooed at him as I  prepared a bottle of milk. Jayson whimpered as I started feeding him. I smiled at him. These were the best moments of my life and I wouldn’t want to change it for anything in the world.
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