#give Lucienne al the power!
ravennightbirt · 2 years
Lucienne Librarian of the Dreaming, DO NOT FUCK WITH HER BOOKS!!!!
Ok hear me out!
Lucienne was firstly Dreams Raven right? Which means she wasn’t created by Morpheus but because one of his citizens by choice.
And she was given another choice to become the Librarian! From what I understood Lucienne was the first Raven.
So I imagine she has some power by right or age alone not even talking about the fact that she’s the Librarian!!!
Which lead me to this:
The scream came out of nowhere and was loud enough that Hob startled so badly his book when flying and he jumped a good to few feed in the air.
Dream caught the book in a cloud of sand and set it down next to Hob. Aside from that he didn’t react at all.
“Lucienne!” The voices sounded very sorry and very panicked. “LUCIENNE! PLEASE I AM SOOO SOO SO SORRY I DIDNT MEAN IT!!” It was also rising in pitch with every word.
Hob wasn’t sure what was happening. He got that Lucienne was scary. She had learned from the best after all and Hob, who had been the father of the printing business once, knew that Librarians in general were scary. This still seemed a bit excessive.
He turned to look at his boyfriend, when someone zoomed past them. Hob was pretty sure it was a dream…
“They are getting faster.” Dreams voice startled Hob again, but not enough to throw something out of reflex. “Usually Lucienne already has them in her claws by now.”
Hob just stared, sure Lucienne could be as bad as the Germans when it came to paper work, but claws was a bit…
That was when Hob registered the clicking of claws. It sounded like Matthew when he walked on stone ground, only larger and more menacing. It also got louder.
“Dream…” Hob asked a bit helpless and unsure if asking about it was a good idea. “Dream are the books shaking?!”
“You have met Crowley and his plants right?”
“Are you implying they are scared of Luci…”
Hob stopped cold, a long sharp claws wrapped around one of the bookshelf, that walled of their little reading nook. It looked like animated Obsidian. Then the person the claws belonged to poked her head around the bookshelf.
“Hello Lucienne” Dream greeted her with a soft half smile while Hob just gaped. It was in fact Lucienne, only she was much taller. Close to 8 feet if he had to guess and there were words writing themself all over her skin. Most were snow white, but deep red ink as well as bright blue also appeared.
“My Lord!” She still sounded much like Hob was used aside from the echo in her voice. Which made it sound as if two or three more Lucienne were talking with her.
Lucienne took another stepp around the bookshelf and by now Hob was sure Dream would need to reattach his jaw.
Lucienne had wings. A huge pair of them the colour of old paper…no scratch that they where made of paper! Every single feather a perfectly folded piece. Looking very much like touching them or worse getting hit by them would cut a person in half. There were also words running and shifting over them. Rather tame at the top but the longer Hob followed the feathers down, the more words were there. Until the wings were the colour of India ink. Literally spilling over with the amount of colour they were holding and dripping it down to the floor.
“Where are they?” She asked slowly and Hob felt every single hair on his body rise.
“That way.” Dream said and pointed in the direction the dream had zoomed past, just a minute ago. “What did they do?”
“Ripped a page out of a book.” She was already turning leaving ink puddles in her wake. Claws clicked again and Hob realised that Lucienne was walking on birds legs. Ravens if he had to guess. Her coat had elongated until it looked like a birds tail.
“Oh and Lucienne?” Dream asked and she halted. “Do not reduce them to dream matter please.” The only answer he got was a low angry rumble. Then she was gone.
“What the actual FUCK?!” Hob breathed and Dream shot him an amused look.
“Lucienne once was my raven, before she became my librarian.”
“THAT DOESNT EXPLAIN ANYTHING!!” Hob hollered, but Dream just looked at him.
“She was my first raven and I overestimated the amount of power I would need to turn her into a person again. As a result she retained parts of her Raven form as well as the ability to shift them at will.”
“She is scary as hell!”
“Oh no Luzifer too doesn’t invokes her anger. Not unless they want to punish one of their demons”
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