#githhhw verse
🍓 - How did you get into writing fanfiction?
ALRIGHT SO I've been involved in the online RP community since I was like 15-ish...i think? Anyhow, I've been writing for literal years. I am, however, incredibly self-conscious about my own writing. I've dwelled in many a fandom space as well, honestly.
After getting into F1, I've felt like I've been kinda on the outskirts of a community I really love (not on the outskirts for a negative reason, I'm just incredibly shy and worry that I'm annoying), and it's given me kinda...I guess a little burst of confidence. I wrote my first fic after the Hungarian Grand Prix of this year because there was just...something SO COMPELLING about the dynamic between Lando and Oscar during/after that race. Since THEN I haven't been able to stop, and I've really been loving being a part of this community.
That, and the fact that the stuff that I've written has been so well received has made me more comfortable to continue writing within a fandom space.
🧃 - Share some personal lore you've never shared before
OKAY WELL THEN...Idk there's a lot I blab about on the internet so I've gotta think about this one.
I have what is probably undiagnosed hEDS (hypermobile ehlers-danlos syndrome), and likely never will be diagnosed because I'm a fat, female presenting woman. This means I experience a lot of chronic pain, and actually deal with regular shoulder subluxations that put a damper in my ability to do my job sometimes
Despite being an elder emo, I've never actually been to a music festival, despite my longing and desire. This is primarily in part due to the fact that I live in a small city in Canada that doesn't really get a lot of fun music in general
I blab about this a lot, but I'm a Registered Veterinary Technologist, and have been for 5 years, and I'm likely going back to school to actually become a vet, because I finally found a clinic that makes me love my job again!!
🧸 - what's the fastest way to become mutuals with me?
UH GREAT QUESTION. I guess interact with me, chat with me, my askbox AND my messages are always open. I don't specifically mean you need to like and comment on my fics, but like...interact with my content. I love to yap, give advice, and just chat. I've dealt with a sudden influx of followers since starting to write fanfic (this is not said to sound vain), and I feel like I can no longer just follow people willy-nilly anymore. Honestly I often do click through to the blogs of new followers, but I sometimes just get overwhelmed.
Hell, even if you just message me and are like "this song made me think of x, y and z" i'd love you forever.
And interact of anon. I love all of you darling anonymous folks that come into my ask box but i want to stroke your faces lovingly and reblog things from your tumblrs and I can't do that when I don't know who you are.
🐞 - Using this in place of the other beetle BECAUSE IT DOESN'T WORK ON MY PC but - Write 50 words for your current work in progress and then post that paragraph here
I see what you're doing, anon, keeping me on task and also getting some snippets out of me...(such a mean trick to play...jk)
“More?” Lando asks, and Oscar shakes his head. Lando places the mug back on the tray, reaches out to brush Oscar’s hair back from his face again, fingers catching in the tangled strands. Oscar leans into the touch, presses his cheek against Lando’s palm, presses a kiss to the inside of his wrist where he can reach it. Just a brush of his lips, softer than soft. It should feel infantilizing, to be cared for like this, but it soothes the part of him that makes him feel like he always has to be calm and collected, always in control
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wedriftlikelonelyplanets · 23 minutes
may i politely request a little teaser, a wee snippet from chapter 2 of your landoscar fic (if you have one)
Absolutely. I posted a big chunk from a prompt another anon sent in the other day, and that’s the majority of what I’ve got, because I’ve been busy and exhausted and distracted. But I do have the stuff I wrote before I split it into two parts!! Here you go!!!
It’s weird, for Lando to be the one like this, the one that wants them to talk. Usually it’s Oscar who wants to talk about things, easier to get the feelings out than it is to keep them in. This is the anomaly. He doesn’t like to be split open and examined like he’s under a microscope, already knows he’s kind of a mess on the inside, when you get past the calm and collected. He’s tangled and snarled, built of complexities, and he doesn’t want people to see.
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wedriftlikelonelyplanets · 26 minutes
do you ever just think about maybe oscar having bruises from lando in places and lando just sliding up to him on any normal day and squeezing/prodding at them to make sure oscar remembers them, doing it casually during a conversation with someone else and watching oscar try to stay focused on what’s happening rather than lando next to him and the implications of what he’s doing
I think about this regularly when I’m writing for this verse. Lando is nothing if not a menace, who treats Oscar like a personal chew toy. Of COURSE he then goes back and pokes and prods and grips hard enough for his fingers to bite into all those sensitive achey places. He catalogues them all in his head for later.
And yeah…Lando loves doing it when Oscar’s in a convo with Kim, while they’re in the driver’s parade, etc etc because he CAN. And it’s cute to watch Oscar short circuit a little, as the tips of his ears turn red, and he has to remember how to use his words.
Lando just thinks it’s…so cute
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i have (3) questions to ask, feel free to answer/not as you wish, all for your landoscar verse
would they ever delve into breath play/would they enjoy it
how do you think a spanking scene would come about between them and would oscar love the bruises
does oscar completely stop orgasms unless lando says yes?? or does he still go off his own schedule sometimes
OKAY ANON, I uh...had an incredibly long and nuanced response to this typed out, and then my internet decided to be a raging cunt for some reason, and die (it's done this way too many times in the last two days and i'm pissed about it). I will try and answer with the same amount of detail I did when I wrote the original response, however it took me almost 30 minutes and now i want to yeet my computer at the wall. (and also now i'm being distracted by [redacted] in a chat)
ANSWERS BELOW THE CUT due to the USFW nature, discussions of D/s dynamic, and kink
1 - I have...an incredibly nuanced answer to this question, and it's probably going to come across as a little preachy, so feel free to yell at me in the askbox later about it
CANONICALLY, Lando likes the act of putting his hand on Oscar's throat, at the base of it, fingers gently around it, using it to guide him a little bit. It's possessive, and he LIKES being possessive, and Oscar likes it too. Oscar also likes being man-handled a little bit, but that's neither here nor there (I mean it IS but you get it I think).
For Oscar and Lando both, the part of this that they like IS the possessiveness. It's a reminder that he belongs to Lando, and honestly it makes him kind of feral, it's kind of more of a sign of his submission to Lando more than anything. And for Lando, it's a sign of the trust that Oscar puts in him to care for him, to hold him, and dominate him.
I think that both of them would likely enjoy delving into breath play at least a little bit. I think there's a lot of fun that they could have with it, especially in like...the context of a CNC scene involving breath play, Lando pinning him down, deciding when he can breathe and when he can't. It would be HEAVILY negotiated, however, because breath play is ABSOLUTELY dangerous, and they already have relatively high risk jobs as it is. Even when breath play is done correctly (iykyk), it is still HIGHLY risky, and the ONLY way they would engage in that behaviour would be to have it heavily negotiated. And quite honestly, I think I would bore you all to tears if I wrote that.
On my side of things, and without getting into too much personal lore, I can't say whether or not I'd actually be comfortable writing about it. I'm not a sex educator, and I'm not here to put together a kinky primer, however I've read a VERY well written article that made me change my own mind regarding breath play. This does carry over to my comfortability writing it, because again, I'm not here to write a primer on sex and kink, and I enjoy writing my little guys doing things, and like also not having to worry about people using what I write as a primer for things they want to try.
I'm pretty sure my dead response to this was much longer, but I don't remember it all cause my memory ain't that good. Sorry for the monster reply to that, though, and I apologize if this isn't QUITE the answer you're looking for.
2- AHHHH SPANKING, my favourite, my beloved.
SO spanking scenes definitely would come around in two separate ways in this verse.
The first way would literally simply be for like...catharsis, i guess? for lack of a better word. And because saying "for fun" sounds weird. But essentially it would be something in the realm of Oscar feeling shitty about something, and just wanting it to get him out of his head, and focus on something else (this could be any number of things, from a poor race result/shitty strategy call, feeling generally just overwhelmed and needing grounding, or just feeling a little off about things, and needing something a little sharper to help him focus), and honestly Lando's more than happy to oblige. This is a situation in which Oscar would also LIKELY be allowed to come, instead of Lando controlling that too, but again incredibly circumstantial.
The second way would be as a punishment or essentially a funishment, i guess, because Oscar enjoys spanking. This would MORE THAN LIKELY be from Oscar breaking a rule. What rule, you ask? Great question, I don't have any made up for them yet beyond the fact that Oscar's not really allowed to come without Lando's permission, and Lando's hand-wavey rules about Oscar doing better than him in races. This really is Lando's excuse to have Oscar over his knee and writhing in his lap and maybe crying a little bit, and then denying Oscar while he's rutting against Lando's thigh.
I actually would seriously consider writing either one of these situations. If I were to do an alternate version of the first fic I wrote for this verse, I'd probably have included cathartic spanking because Oscar was feelin' a little out of sorts about that race win at Lando's expense.
Oscar (and Lando) would both enjoy seeing the bruises and marks left behind, and I TRULY think that Oscar would blush bright red every time he catches sight of them in a mirror when he's walking by naked or something, and he'd also very much enjoy the achey pain as they heal, and Lando digs his fingers in.
ALSO, very specifically, impact play is just another way Lando gets to indulge in his dacryphilia kink and i just think that's neat.
Very specifically, any impact play scene-ing would likely be done with enough time between race weekends for Oscar to recover, however, because I can't imagine it would be...comfortable.
3 - AHHH yes, the truest of true questions. This is a uh...loaded question. The short answer to this, is that Oscar gives all his orgasms to Lando. This means that Lando gets to decide whether or not he gets to come and how many times he gets to come (and yes that can and may in the future include forced orgasms). This means that if Lando decides he wants to [redacted] Oscar [redacted][redacted][redacted][redacted], he will (I alluded to this in a previous answer to an ask, y'all can fight about what it means in my inbox if you want)
The long answer is as follows:
Lando - Wants to be in control of Oscar's orgasms. There's something something about the power and control that he gets from it, especially when sometimes he feels like he's out of control. It grounds him, in a way, to get to choose what Oscar gets from him and what he doesn't, and like...I'm aware of how this could sound to someone not involved in a D/s relationship or a relationship that doesn't include power exchange, however, there's something inherently cathartic about BDSM and associated kinks, imo. He also really loves the idea that he can get to decide whether or not he thinks Oscar deserves orgasms, whether it's through something completely arbitrary (performing better than him in a race), or for a valid reason (again i have NOT made a rules list for these idiots, and will I truly ever? WHO KNOWS).
The EXCEPTION to this is if they're going to be apart for a long time, or they're not going to be able to interact much. Lando's a little more charitable when he can't be there to take care of Oscar, tbh, but honestly the likelyhood of Oscar coming without at least asking Lando for permission first even in this situation is pretty low.
Oscar - Oscar's view on this is a little more complicated to like...wrap my head around, ironic considering [redacted personal lore here]. The biggest part is that a) it's not a decision he likes to make, he just wants someone else to make it for him. He's in his head a lot, so even if he wants to get off, sometimes he's just so wrapped up in everything else going on in his brain that he can't shut it off enough to have an orgasm, and b) it's kinda fun and sexy.
He definitely gets bratty about it, despite the fact that he actually does want it. And it's not like Lando denies him all the time. it's been very heavily leaned into in my first two fics because of the circumstances that I set (including the rancidity of the vibes that were supposed to be there), but Lando's not going to deny him all the time. (just most of the time ehehehehe). But honestly, some of the brattiness will just make Lando be even meaner. It's also just another way for him to give up the careful, controlled part of him that the rest of the world sees.
Like...you're not cool and put together when you're sobbing because your boyfriend won't let you come.
This is probably not quite as eloquent as I wanted to make this, and really it's hard to describe exact reasons for characters liking what they like, so I hope this makes sense and is kind of the answer that you're looking for.
AS ALWAYS, apologies for the monologue, but y'all came into my (a certified yapper) inbox, and asked me questions about my verse.
Please feel free to hit me up with more, I am ALWAYS here for it.
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do you ever think about landoscar hand size difference, like landos hands on oscar’s waist, both of oscar’s wrists in landos hand…
OH MY DEAR, DARLING ANON....sometimes it's ALL I think about.
Very specifically after THESE photos came out, I've been UTTERLY feral about it. To the point that I actually VERY SPECIFICALLY referenced it in my second fic...
He wants to sink his teeth into the taut muscle of Oscar’s shoulder, wants to startle him awake with fingers in his mouth, with his broad hands wrapped around the expanse of Oscar’s waist. 
I ACTUALLY THOUGHT THERE WAS MORE THAN THAT, TBH because I THOUGHT i'd made a reference to Lando's hands being able to wrap around Oscar's waist and almost touch, but that must've been in my head.
Anyhow, yes, I think about it a lot, to be honest. It will FOREVER play a role in any landoscar fic I write because -fans self-
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Ok wait but how do landoscar make their relationship official. Like is there a discussion about it. Do they get a cute ‘will you be my boyfriend moment’. Omg do they go on cute dates. Like maybe they go karting together as a date or golfing or windsurfing or smth. Omg landoscar boyfriends 😩😩
ALRIGHT, if you’ve read the first chapter of my most recent fic, that should allude to the direction things are going. The next chapter is pretty much going to be Lando and Oscar being soft, negotiating kink stuff, and establishing that yes, they do in fact want to date each other.
There will definitely be a cute “will you be my boyfriend” moment. Perhaps not in the “everyone is blushing and kicking their feet with their chin in their hands” way but yes.
AND HONESTLY IDK…I hadn’t thought much beyond making this a smutty smutty little series. In my head they ABSOLUTELY go on cute dates together. If fluff is ALSO enjoyable and something y’all would want to see, I might consider re-jigging the series a little bit to accommodate that.
I’m still hesitant about doing anything multi-chap because I am SO BAD at staying on task, and as I said I do have a handful of other WIP fics that I do want to work on (specifically vampire!max lestappen verse), but I can definitely think about adding both fluff and smut to further instalments if that’s something you want.
You may just have to wait longer, because I already write long-ass fucking fics, and it takes me 3653626262 years because I have the world’s worst attention span. ❤️
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I’m glad that you’re getting the opportunity to think about this bc the githhhw is all I can think about
HEHEHE im so glad you guys love it so much. It started off as just a little fic because of the landoscar dynamic after Hungary and it has blown up into something so much bigger. I didn’t think the reception was going to be so good, because as I think I’ve mentioned, I stress regularly about my writing not being good.
I love being able to think about all of these things you darling clever anons are asking me about!! Thank you so much for enjoying my fics and ALSO for coming to hang out in my ask box and talk to me ❤️
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Waitttt what would the landoscar safewords/ actions be.
This landoscar rabbit hole feels so endless. Their lore sustains me
To be fair I love that yall are giving me the opportunity to think about this stuff, because it allows me to deepen their relationship the more I think about it. I just can’t wait for yall to give me something I don’t have an answer for yet 😂
Again, under cut for USFW content, and discussions of D/s dynamics
Currently, in the bedroom, they use the stoplight system. Red for stop, yellow for slow down, green for go. It’s simple, efficient, and honestly probably one of my fave options.
Non-verbal would be a snap or a pinch.
The likelihood of Lando doing something in which Oscar couldn’t verbally or non-verbally safe out is unlikely. HOWEVER, likely it would probably involve Oscar holding something like a bell that he could drop (even if he’s not able to snap or pinch).
In public (so like the vibrator in public sitch), it would actually very likely be a verbal or texted “stop,” where stop in a private setting wouldn’t actually stop everything.
The stop EVERYTHING and immediately start aftercare safeword is absolutely Mclaren because neither of them are going to bring that up for fun during sex.
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Ok but like landoscar with Oscar wearing a vibrator in public and lando turning it on at the most inconvenient times and just making him firm it 😳😳
Also y’all need to stop feeding me fic stuff because AT SOME POINT this verse will have to come to an end…we just won’t talk about that yet (I’m also TRYING to write multiple fics simultaneously)
Longer answer under the cut, USFW, discussions of possessiveness and D/s dynamics under the cut
So yeah 100% this is the exact kind of shenanigan that Lando would get up to with Oscar. Mainly as partially a bit of a power play, he gets something out of Oscar being less cool, calm, and collected, and it would make him INCREDIBLY happy to watch Oscar get all keyed up in public. With that being said he’s also going to have to be careful with it bc of Oscar’s tendency to fall into subspace when Lando’s controlling his orgasms.
Both of them wouldn’t want even an accidental slip up of Oscar actually coming in public bc Lando wants those all to himself, and they wouldn’t really want anyone to see that + the risk of drop if Oscar doesn’t get appropriate aftercare. But Lando would 100% keep him keyed up all day.
Oscar very specifically would want it to be a quiet toy, because he doesn’t want ANYONE to have a true inkling of what’s going on which I mean…valid!! Along with that they’d probably have a completely different safe word/action in place so they can keep things under wraps as well.
BUT YEAH, both of them would have a ton of fun with this!
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Omg jumping off of anon’s ask, do you think they’d ever get matching jewellery, like friendship bracelets or smth with a symbol they’d only understand
OOOH this is a great question! It’s definitely possible. I think Oscar’s just as possessive about Lando as Lando is about him, so it’s very likely. Maybe not specifically friendship bracelets, but they’d likely get some sort of matching bracelets or necklaces that match, or have subtle enough differences that people don’t QUITE make the connection, but the two of them know.
See also: both of them wearing similar bracelets with the other’s initials on the underside, which now might become canon…damn
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please don’t ever mention cleaning instead of claiming to me again 😭😭 you keep your secrets to yourself but it WILL be all i think about now
(a hint, please pour moi?)
It’s been hinted at in the first two fics, HEAVILY. Very specifically in the first one, Lando makes a pointed comment and Oscar turns bright red about it.
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*whispers* what is your humble opinion on predicament bondage landoscar
I see you...coming into my inbox on anon but forcing me to answer with my whole chest...
Boy oh boy the more i think about it, the more I think I could write an ENTIRE thesis on this, but like....SPECIFICALLY in the context of the "Give It To Him However He Wants" verse which well if you're new here is my landoscar verse, if you're not new here...well...u know.
We'll start simple in that if someone wrote it...I would read it in a heartbeat, but y'know...this is unsurprising. Again this is dependant on the circumstances also because there are some things for me that are like...a hard no for reading.
IN THE CONTEXT OF GITHHHW VERSE, HOWEVER....(god I apologize in advance I don't know how to shut my goddamned mouth apparently, so if you know me personally, NO YOU DON'T...YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE). TLDR at the bottom (heh)
This is going under the cut because...well this is VERY MUCH a read at your own risk post, that will discuss bdsm, d/s dynamics, and painplay
So specifically in the GITHHHW verse, a LARGE portion of Lando and Oscar's dynamic revolves around the fact that Lando wants to take from Oscar whatever Oscar's willing to give. While I've explored it lightly in the fics I've written so far (and will be exploring it more in depth after the next fic I post), that's quite a lot, because Oscar gives like...all of himself. In a more nuanced way, Lando loves taking control, but only if he knows Oscar's going to enjoy it too. He doesn't want to do things that Oscar's not going to like, but also, he likes the feeling of having control when he feels out of control (which is why a lot of my fics focus on races where Oscar's outperformed him, because in this verse specifically (and who knows, maybe in real life too), it makes Lando feel out of control to lose in that kind of way. Especially to his younger than him, newer to F1 than him teammate. And Oscar (which again, i'll be exploring and explaining more in my upcoming fic) is so carefully in control of everything that it's just NICE for him to give everything over to Lando and be taken care of. This is the crux of how their dynamic works, so NOW I'll talk about the BDSM/Predicament portion and how that COULD fit into their dynamic.
VERY specifically to start, it's already referenced in BOTH fics I've written that Lando is absolutely into bondage/rope play itself, and ALSO into orgasm control/denial play with Oscar. I could easily say that GITHHHW Lando doesn't have enough of an attention span to do predicament bondage and leave it there BUT WE'RE HERE NOW AND I FEEL LIKE IT WOULD BE A COP OUT. I have at least vaguely established that Lando is into rope play, which BY ASSOCIATION means he's at least vaguely into shibari (I think I made a comment in one of my snippets about how he thinks red rope would look against oscar's skin which...I don't actually think is in one of my fics i'm pretty sure it's only on my tumblr from a prompt HERE.
AND now i'm monologuing whoops, idk if this is what you came here to hear, anon...
Anyhow, Lando being into shibari in the GITHHHW verse means that he at least has enough patience to tie ropes, which is time consuming (i say this not from personal experience tragically but from people on the internet who have talked about this), which means that he is in turn, patient enough to also perform predicament bondage. And HONESTLY, he would absolutely get something out of it. Specifically, Lando would probably enjoy doing something in the realm of predicament bondage where there's a toy involved, or discomfort, proceeding to tell Oscar that he can't come without permission. So this is probably a situation in which there's a vibrator involved, and also an uncomfortable tie of some sort involved, and well...in order to stop himself from coming, Oscar would have to lean into the discomfort of the tie, vs the enjoyment of the vibrator, because he wouldn't really want to break the rules, and he'd absolutely probably cry about it, which Lando loves.
Oscar in the GITHHHW verse is...absolutely into trying most things once. There are hard limits, as there usually are (both because I think it's in character and there are also things I have hard limits about writing), but I think there are a lot of things he'd be willing to try for Lando. Along with that, Oscar LIKES a bit of discomfort. Specifically, he does find it really hot when Lando bites him, he wouldn't be opposed to being put over Lando's knee, he likes being edged and edged and edged as much as he'll cry about it, all because it helps take him out of his head. So I can say with absolute certainty that he'd be into it, especially if Lando's into it. There's a few things he wouldn't like in the realm of predicament bondage, primarily anything that settles down/boils down to actual pain, or Lando using it in a more emotional component (in that if Oscar's unable to do something it would be "disappointing" to Lando).
I think the limits of predicament bondage in the GITHHHW verse would be with Lando's creativity, really, and even then this could be incredibly circumvented by either of them doing a google search, because I found a brilliant article that talks about predicament bondage while answering this ask. No I will not be linking it, but if you really want it, DM me.
The long and short of it is that it could be incredibly hot for Landoscar, and specifically in the GITHHHW verse, because it's definitely would be an additional fun way for Lando to add on some punishment for Oscar that's outside the realm of simply not letting him come. I TRULY wish you had not put this idea into my head because now I have to file things away for later to think about.
ANYHOW I apologize, anon, for you probably did not know what you were getting into when you asked this, but I love you for asking it anyways!!!!! Thank you for giving me something to think about in the dark recesses of my brain.
TLDR: Predicament bondage specifically works in my Landoscar verse, but might not for everyone else's Landoscar verses. I think it would be hot, mainly because there's something to be said for the fact that F1 drivers do a lot of training, so they do have a lot of strength, and predicament bondage to work around that could be...incredibly interesting and fun.
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