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vapinjenn-blog · 7 years ago
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A #vaper great s always prepared. Even on short trips to the store. @smok_show #tprivkit ✅ @verdictvapors #strawberrylimeade ✅ @coilmasterusa #peebag ✅ shopping list ✅ and car keys ✅ off I go!!! Get prepared for the @westcoastvapeexpo Dec 9-10 come see me!!! And join only the best @sacred_ohms_vape_team love my #vapefam #vapeon #vapelyfe #vapefamous #ifuvapeadvocate #advocacymatters #nwvapers #oregonvapers #girlsoftexastuff #casaa #vta (at Eugene, Oregon)
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vapinjenn-blog · 7 years ago
You can’t go wrong with @defcon13mods #blackberrycobbler a delicious blackberry inhale and a cinnamon exhale. Amazing straight out of the bottle. Get yours today by contacting @defcon13mods Cost: 30ml-$5 60ml-$10 120ml-$20 250ml-$45 500ml-$90 950ml-$175 and many other refreshing flavors as well. @sacred_ohms_vape_team #casaa #fundthefuture #gonzogives #notblowingsmoke #billionlives #juicinwithjenn #vta #advocacymatters #ifuvapeadvocate #ifuvapeeducate #vapesgiving #vapetithing #vape #vapeon #vapefam #vapelyfe #vapefamous #girlsoftexastuff #officialteamtexastuff #tvlsquad #tvlprospect #driplife #driplyfe #girlswhovape (at Eugene, Oregon)
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vapinjenn-blog · 7 years ago
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Relaxing on a chilly Monday night in Oregon. Enjoying my gorgeous triple para from @defcon13mods , @smok_tech @smok_show #tfv8xbaby tank filled with #outcast by @flawlessdistro and hanging with my #vapeteam @sacred_ohms_vape_team Enjoy friends, Vape Advocacy, special discounts to team member check us out we need a few more good guys and gals to help spread the news about how #vapingsavedmylife and so many others. #fundthefuture Join @westcoastvapeexpo THIS WEEKEND!!! Pasco Washington Trac Center!!! #vape #vapetricks #vapeon #vapefam #vapelyfe #vapefamous #vapelife #vapegirls #girlsoftexastuff #ifuvapeadvocate #ifuvapeeducate @consumersforadvocacy @vapeadvocacy @figramsey #gonzogives #casaa #vta #vc4adv #vapesgiving #savethevape #whyivape #right2vape #ivapedaily #ivapeclouds (at Eugene, Oregon)
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vapinjenn-blog · 7 years ago
@westcoastvapeexpo is this weekend check out who is coming!!!! #fundthefuture #ifuvapeadvocate #ifuvapeeducate #gonzogives #vta #casaa @liquivanavape @sideways.sauce @themamasaneliquid @thesuicidebunny and so many more!!!! #vape #vapeon #vapefam #vapelyfe #vapefamous #girlsoftexastuff #girlsqhovape #oregonvapers #nwvapers @consumersforadvocacy @vapeadvocacy @veryvocalvapers (at Eugene, Oregon)
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vapinjenn-blog · 7 years ago
@vapekeepit100 delicious mills almond creamy goodness in a bottle!! Pick up some you won’t be sorry!! @sacred_ohms_vape_team @westcoastvapeexpo @juicin_with_jenn #vape #vapetricks #vapeon #vapefam #vapelyfe #vapehard #driplife #girlswhovape #girlsoftexastuff @officialteamtexastuffcotton @texastuffcotton #casaa #vta #fundthefuture #vapesgiving #gonzogives #nwvapers #oregonvapers (at Eugene, Oregon)
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vapinjenn-blog · 7 years ago
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I am so excited!!! Got my triple para box from @defcon13mods hand made by Ben I absolutely LOVE this box!!!! Thank you so much!!! Hits amazingly smooth and sparkly and some blackberry cobbler is YUMMY!!! @sacred_ohms_vape_team #vape #vapeon #vapefam #vapeporn #vapelyfe #vapegram #notblowingsmoke #casaa #fundthefuture #gonzogives #nwvapers #oregonvapers #driplife #girlsoftexastuff #girlswhovape #girlswhovapemods (at Eugene, Oregon)
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vapinjenn-blog · 7 years ago
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Omg I am so excited!!! Ty to @defcon13mods who made this for me. I’ll post pics once she lands. Triple para gonna rock!!!! @sacred_ohms_vape_team #vape #vape #vapefam #vapeon #driplife #dripgirls #girlsoftexastuff #vapegram #vapefamous #casaa #notblowingsmoke #gonzogives #fundthefuture (at Eugene, Oregon)
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vapinjenn-blog · 7 years ago
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#netneutrality is in trouble... if this legislation will allow internet service providers the ability to block, slow and surcharge the customers who would like to click view or read a site. And this, of course, only lines the pockets of the providers, restrict access to your favorite sites, and track every key stroke you use. I encourage everyone to PLEASE take some time watch @grimmgreen ‘s latest blog here—> https://youtu.be/qTm1-hOojCA and also visit https://www.battleforthenet.com/ and get involved. This is not just about vaping it’s about our freedoms. If you sit back and do nothing know once a right has been taken away, it’s nearly IMPOSSIBLE to get it back. #netneutrality #savethevape #casaa #vta #ifuvapeadvocate #ifuvapeeducate #vapesgiving #gonzogives #grimmarmy #grimmkvlt #vape #vapeon #vapefam #vapelyfe #vapefamous #girlsoftexastuff #girlswhovape #girlswhovapearehotter #advocacymatters (at Eugene, Oregon)
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vapinjenn-blog · 7 years ago
To all my family, friends, Vape Community I hope you all have had a blessed Thanksgiving. Today my Grand Daughter showed off her bubble butt dancing. #vape #vapefam #vapers #vapelyfe #vapelyfe #vapelove #vapesgiving #fundthefuture #gonzogives #vta #ava #girlswhovape #girlsoftexastuff #casaa (at Eugene, Oregon)
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vapinjenn-blog · 7 years ago
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Well the season of madness is about to begin...how about helping your local advocacy group by #vapetithing to #savethevape. Thank you @dripmore for this win of #candyking #pinksquares is AMAZING!! Sweet pink starburst candy and a hint of coconut on the finish. This #eliquid is extremely YUMMY!! Hope to try the rest of the line. #sacredohms #girlsoftexastuff #vc4adv #vapewarriors #whyivape #ifuvapeadvocate #ifuvapeeducate #gonzogives #vape #vapeon #vapefam #vapers #vapelyfe #vapehard #vapefamous #vapeallday #girlswhovape #girlswhovapemods (at Eugene, Oregon)
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vapinjenn-blog · 7 years ago
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#vaping saves lives. This says it all why I #advocate why #ifuvapeadvocate #ifuvapeeducate @sacred_ohms_vape_team @consumersforadvocacy @vapeadvocacy #vape #vapeon #vapefam #vapefamous #vapelyfe #girlsoftexastuff #girlswhovape #nwvapers #oregonvapers (at Eugene, Oregon)
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vapinjenn-blog · 7 years ago
Thank you so much @thefinesteliquid for this mouth watering #eliquid #strawmelon a slightly sweet strawberry and watermelon and a slight sour on the exhale. A delicious #alldayvape Like being on top of current vaping events #advocacy join @sacred_ohms_vape_team If you Vape....#ifyouvapeeducate #ifyouvapeadvocate join #casaa its free and you will get calls to action. Support shops who support @consumersforadvocacy @vapeadvocacy #vape #vapeon #vapefam #vaping #vapers #vapelyfe #vapefamous #vapeallday #vapepics #vapenation #nwvapers #oregonvapers @tvlsquad_oregon @tvlsquad @tvlmods #tvlprospect #girlsoftexastuff #girlswhovape #girlswhovapemods #girlswhovapearehotter #cloudlife #dripgirls #driplyfe (at Eugene, Oregon)
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vapinjenn-blog · 7 years ago
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Yes with #vaping we all have been given a chance to celebrate every moment we choose not to light another cancer stick. Life is a gift... don’t waste it by continuing the roller coaster of tobacco. Need help?? Join @sacred_ohms_vape_team here for you the #everydayvaper a team who believes #advocacymatters and it should arts with you!! Have your own Vape story? Contact @veryvocalvapers yours might be the testimony for another to quit. Join #casaa its free and you will get calls this action. #ifuvapeadvocate #ifyouvapeeducate #gonzogives support shops that support vaping advocacy #vta @consumersforadvocacy @vapeadvocacy #vape #vapefam #vapelyfe #vapehard #vapepics #vapiano #girlsoftexastuff #girlswhovapemods #nwvapers #oregonvapers @tvlsquad_oregon @tvlsquad #tvlprospect (at Eugene, Oregon)
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vapinjenn-blog · 7 years ago
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***Wednesday Nov 8 be on the lookout for my latest review of @verdictvapors #strawberrylimeade*** I promise you will enjoy.... also my thoughts on the @smok_show @smok_tech #tprivkit see ya on YouTube!!!! #vape #casaa #vta #gonzogives #savethevape #ifuvapeadvocate #ifuvapeeducate #girlsoftexastuff #sacredohmsvapeteam #nwvapers #oregonvapers #vapeworld #vapeon #vapefam #vapelyfe #vapefamous #girlswhovape #advocacymatters #advocacyforvaping (at Eugene, Oregon)
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vapinjenn-blog · 7 years ago
Nothing beats a fresh re-wick with @cloudcoilz and #juicywix from @texastuffcotton on the Roughneck @therigmod and some DELICIOUS Gooey Cookie from my local shop @urbanvapors. Only the best goes into my builds!! @sacred_ohms_vape_team @tvlsquad @tvlsquad_oregon #ifuvapeadvocate #casaa #vta #savethevape #vape #vapetricks #vapenation #vapeon #vapelyfe #vapefam #girlsoftexastuff #girlswhovape #girlswhodrip #drippin #nwvapers #oregonvapers (at Eugene, Oregon)
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vapinjenn-blog · 7 years ago
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Smoking is killing #abillionlives and the #fda isn’t helping by blocking a life saving device. #dosomething before we lose our #right2vape @westcoastvapeexpo Dec 9-10 in Pasco Washington get informed about how you too can advocate to #savethevape or join a team who believes advocacy is important @sacred_ohms_vape_team only the BEST!!! #vape #vapeon #vapefam #vapelyfe #vapefamous #notblowingsmoke #gonzogives #nwvapers #vta #oregonvapers #pnwvapers #girlsoftexastuff (at Eugene, Oregon)
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