#girls frontline helianthus
More Furina asks? You don't need to ask twice :)
How about Furina and an assortment of Genshin/GFL characters taking care of a sick S/O? Thanks in advance if you write it!
Taking care of a sick S/O
(Genshin Impact/GFL/iDOLM@STER/GG:ST)
Genshin: Furina, Chiori, Clorinde, Navia, Shenhe, Xianyun, Xinyan
GFL: UMP45, UMP9, G11, HK416, WA2000, Helianthus, Angelia, Kalina
iDOLM@STER: Madoka
Guilty Gear: Elphelt
Congratulations, dear follower! You have won the lottery of where I write an ungodly amount of characters for no real reason! (Simping is the reason)
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(Furina) "Y-You're sick?...Hm, this shall be no problem for me! Worry not, for you are in great hands!"
They were in fact not in great hands.
Furina doesn't really know what to do for someone when they get sick. Hell, she wasn't entirely sure she could even get a cold.
But Furina would try her best, she heard soup would do good!
As for cooking it-
(Furina) "Don't worry, I will get the best soup in the city for you! I will be back in but half an hour!"
She ain't.
Furina manages to get S/O to at least feel happy with her company, even if she had no idea what to do other than pace around nervously.
When she's out of earshot and they're sleeping somewhat comfortably, she takes a deep sigh, thankful she wasn't entirely useless.
(Furina) "Thank goodness they'll be okay..."
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Chiori raises an eyebrow the moment she hears her S/O cough violently.
(Chiori) "Come down with something?" sigh "Oh well, guess I can open a little later than usual."
Even if S/O protests that they're fine, Chiori is hearing none of it.
First she makes sure to get everything they need, ranging from food or medicine and looks back from the door.
(Chiori) "I'll be back once I close up shop. Make sure you follow the instructions on that."
She won't baby anyone, since she trusts S/O to take care of themselves.
But should they get worse, she won't hesitate to close up, at least for a little bit, and experiment with her clothing at home with them.
Chiori would much rather deal with S/O's illness than having to deal with illness the customers give her by just breathing the same air.
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Clorinde has her duties to attend to, but she reassures S/O with a gentle squeeze of their hand.
(Clorinde) "I will return home as quickly as I can with medicine, until then please rest up."
Clorinde is a little nervous leaving them alone and getting peace of mind once she's actually back and not dealing with the drama of the court or the public in general.
Even though it's unfortunate S/O got sick, she is at least happy to spend the time with them that she can.
And more importantly, that she's here to help take care of them when they need it most.
Clorinde puts a warm towel on their forehead, a small smile forming once she sees their body relaxing.
(Clorinde) "Are you feeling better, S/O? Here. This is from a lesser-known restaurant I enjoy, their soup is quite refreshing."
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With a snap of her fingers, Navia already has a gaggle of men under her command fetching medicine, food, entertainment.
Whatever S/O required, they would get it!
As for her, Navia did not intend to leave their side, not really caring about the risk of getting sick.
She hated getting sick herself, and she knew how boring it'd be to rest in bed.
Instead, she regales S/O with tales from her childhood, interesting things she's learned, or even just enjoying the time with them in an intimate silence.
As long as they were smiling and not thinking about how sick they were, it was mission accomplished.
(Navia) "Ah, that must be our food arriving! Allow me to set up the table-...Hm? No no, stay right there! I insist that we have nothing short of an exquisite atmosphere! A better atmosphere is a better state of health, I'd say!"
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This was an area of expertise Xianyun was well researched in.
Taking care of her many disciples when they were younger, this really was no problem for her.
There was nothing quite as refreshing like Adeptus Medicine!
...Well, it could actually be too refreshing since it wasn't particularly made for mortals in mind. Especially the taste, according to Shenhe.
Regardless, they could heal the body in no time, but there was nothing better to help with it than a well made soup!
Made by her personally, of course.
(Xianyun) "One has prepared a broth to help with your stuffy nose, S/O. Be sure to drink it all, it will warm both the body and soul!"
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Xinyan is rushing around the harbor, grabbing every medicine she knows that always helped her in a pinch.
(Xinyan) "Here ya go, S/O! These herbs taste gross, but they'll pack a heckuva punch for that cold ya got!"
She practices her guitar while sitting next to S/O, keeping in mind of the volume the entire time.
As long as S/O wanted some company, anyway.
Xinyan will constantly check their temperatures and bring them some homemade food, smiling when she sees them laughing or relaxed on the bed.
(Xinyan) "Heh, that herb tastes gross, don't it? I used to have them all the time when I was little, sure as heck don't like 'em nowadays!"
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UMP45 would tease S/O for getting sick, with a little bit of a softer expression than usual if they were alone.
(UMP45) "Aw, you got sick? Well, good thing I'm a T-Doll. Have fun with that.~"
She hangs out with S/O on the bed, giving her an excuse to not go out that day.
Depending on how severe the sickness was, she would dial back her usual snarky attitude more and more.
If anything, these kinds of moments is what she wished for, once she no longer had to fight.
But for now, UMP45 would just have to make do with these fleeting domestic dreams.
(UMP45) "...Hm? I'm lost in thought? Nah, that's just your sickness messing with your head."
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UMP9 is on the case!
(UMP9) "No worries, you won't get bored while I'm here!"
She immediately plops down onto the bed, giving warmth to S/O if needed! The base was in a colder region after all.
UMP9 would talk about excitedly about all the things she had in mind to S/O, to at least get their mind off being sick!
Plus she didn't really have to worry about getting sick herself. so there was no harm!
She'd also bring all sorts of treats and food from the Cafe, even if S/O couldn't really eat it.
(UMP9) "Here's some soup! Now, say 'aaah'!"
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(G11) "...Does that mean you won't be cooking dinner tonight?"
G11 sighs heavily, but whatever.
She knew there was one thing she could help with.
She immediately crawls into bed with S/O, letting herself be used like a giant teddy bear and promptly falls asleep from the warmth of S/O and the blankets.
(G11) zzz
To her credit, she at least makes sure S/O is never freezing cold, but other than sleeping, she doesn't really do much.
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(HK416) "Tch, idiot. I told you, you should have been wearing more layers."
She rolls her eyes, but never really comments on the fact she is making sure S/O is bundled up properly, getting proper medication, and even spoonfeeding them.
Of course she's not babying them, they were a fully functional human, if anything they're wasting her time, making her do such mundane things!
(HK416) "And I'm not blushing, T-Dolls can't blush, dumbass."
Which her flushed cheeks were telling S/O otherwise.
In the end, she'll grumble and mutter under her breath, but never once will she actually hesitate to immediately jump into help S/O, unless UMP9 was teasing her.
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WA sighs dramatically, immediately putting the blanket over S/O.
(WA2000) "Tch, don't get it in your head that I'm doing this because I'm concerned! It's so that you can get back to your duties already."
She is yet another German tsundere T-Doll that takes care of S/O perfectly, down to getting them a new towel down to the most precise nanosecond.
WA still attends to her duties, but S/O's room is where she returns the instant she can.
(WA2000) "Has your fever died down already?...Finally, next time take better care of yourself! What would happen if I wasn't here, huh?"
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Helianthus has S/O attended to by medical officers, and makes a trip to them in person.
(Helianthus) "I'm glad to see it was nothing serious. I hope that it is a swift recovery, S/O."
In front of the others, she is extremely professional.
But in private, it's diminished somewhat but she is far more prone to getting flustered.
(Helianthus) "...W-Why do you look so surprised to see me? It's not as if we never see each other! Hmph, if you're trying to tease me, then you must be feeling better already. Then hurry up and return to your duties!"
Helianthus is far more comfortable when she knows they're remaining in the medbay and receiving the best care Griffin can offer.
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Angelia is pretty neutral on the situation.
S/O got sick? Welp, sucks to be them.
Work doesn't really stop for her, but she'll at least pay a visit or three.
(Angelia) "Hey, still feeling like crap? Thought so. If you need me to grab you something, let me or any of my girls know."
Although her tone sounds dismissive, her real hand ruffles their hair affectionately before she turns to leave.
And if they can spare the time, Angelia orders DEFY to at least keep an eye on S/O until they fully recover.
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Kalina pouts when she hears S/O had gotten sick.
(Kalina) "Aw man, now I gotta pick up your paperwork too, S/O! You wound my very soul!"
She's only mostly joking.
Kalina likes to bug them after her shift is over for the day, deflating on their bed and mumbling into their blanket.
(Kalina) "Did you know the Commander just plopped another stack of papers onto my desk the moment I said I was done! It's cruel!...STOP LAUGHING, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE SICK YA LITTLE PUNK!"
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Madoka has her work as an idol keeping her busy, but after work she pops by S/O's room, water and medicine in hand.
And as usual, her expression remains stoic.
(Madoka) "Hey, got some stuff for you. Move over for a sec."
She takes care of them without saying much. Her gaze is focused, yet soft.
And once Madoka is finished, she avoids looking at them directly, her voice a bit quieter than before.
(Madoka) "...It's a bit pointless to thank me, it's something anyone would do."
It could be S/O's imagination, but they thought they saw her face getting slightly red after helping them.
She gives their arm a slight squeeze in response, still averting her sight.
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(Elphelt) "Just do what I do when I have problems! SCREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!"
Being a Valentine, she was pretty sure(???) that she couldn't get sick. At least, not in the same way a human could.
But she doesn't like to see anyone sad, her S/O especially.
Elphelt brings S/O all sorts of things to see that smile, such as bush dog plushies, bush dog photos, bush dog songs-
And sweets! Lots of sweets as well!
(Elphelt) "...What do you mean you can't eat cake right now?...Oh, you're right! Duh, I should've brought some ice cream instead! BE BACK IN A JIFFY!"
Before S/O can say anything, else, she's already gone.
At the very least, S/O won't be bored while they're sick.
Did Elphelt make them feel better?
...Even mentally, that was up for debate. But at least they knew she loved them.
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nonging · 2 years
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By Seseren
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xmingyu · 3 years
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Dolls Frontline EP 10 || Commander Helianthus
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daisukoth · 4 years
How am i supposed to find helianthus posts in this site
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sylvasthesnowfox · 4 years
Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: 少女前线 | Girls' Frontline (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Commander/M590 (Girls' Frontline), Commander/RO635 (Girls' Frontline), Commander/Springfield (Girls' Frontline) Characters: M4A1 (Girls' Frontline), M4 SOPMOD II (Girls' Frontline), Persica (Girls' Frontline), HK416 (Girls' Frontline), UMP45 (Girls' Frontline), Kalina (Girls' Frontline), Helianthus (Girls' Frontline) Additional Tags: Polyamory, Sexual Content, what's so good about humanity anyway, Non-Canon character backstory Series: Part 4 of Little Things We Fight For Summary:
Griffin & Kryuger is a wonderful place to work! For humans who want to work more closely with Dolls; for Dolls who just want to get away from it all! Sure, you might fight and die, but you're a Doll! You'll just be reborn the next day! There's no downside!
You can be yourself here! You can be anything you like here! You can do things that humans would look down on in Other Places... so what are you waiting for? Join Griffin and Kryuger today!
Just don't think too hard about how you'll leave.
Hi I uh,, continued the GFL fic. There’s actually a third part I didn’t post here because I was sad. If you like very gay GFL stuff, maybe you will like this. c: 
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ao3feed-wlw · 5 years
by queensatan
You have been chosen as the Commander of the newest G&K base, Area S09.You're expected to give only your absolute best to the girls serving you.Some of them have a different idea on how a soldier is supposed to behave though.
Updated: 2019-12-02 Words: 60744, Chapter: 36/?, Language: English, Hits: 1065
Fandom: 少女前线 | Girls' Frontline (Video Game)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F
Relationships: Kalina/Reader, Helianthus/Reader, Hk416/Reader, Springfield/Reader, Negev/Reader, Wa2000/Reader, G36/Reader, M4A1/AR-15/Reader, AK-12/AN94
Characters: Kalina, Persica, Helianthus, M4A1, M16A1, ST-AR 15, HK416, Negev, AK-12, AN-94, Berezovich Kryuger, G36, DSR-50, Vector, AEK-999, 9A-91, Grizzly, PPK - Character, G3 - Character, G41, M4 SOPMOD II
Additional tags: Fluff and Angst, Slow Burn, Reader-Insert, Female Reader, Mentions of PTSD, Mentions of Rape, War scenarios
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(Genshin Impact/GFL/GG:ST) "Pocky Game with their S/O"
Genshin Impact: Navia, Lynette, Eula, Lisa Girls' Frontline: AN-94, AK-12, WA2000, SPAS-12, Helianthus Guilty Gear Strive: Elphelt Valentine
No one requested this, just ate some pocky and the idea came to mind.
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(Navia) "Oh? Sounds fun, let's try it!"
Navia cheekily grabs the pocky and puts it in her mouth, extending the stick towards her S/O expectantly.
One of the rules of the game that intrigued her was that you weren't allowed to look away from your partner.
Something Navia has no problem with, as she stares into their eyes.
Her lips form into a smile with each nibble, before she ends up grabbing S/O's face and kissing them anyway once the stick becomes short enough.
(Navia) "Huh? We lost? Hm...Well, we can always just try again!~"
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Lynette questions why this game exists.
Why was eating chocolate a game? Isn't it just better to eat the pocky directly?
Well, whatever. If S/O wanted to try it, she can at least give it a shot.
Lynette fidgets a little as they make direct eye contact with each other, slowly taking away a piece of the pocky with each bite.
Right before their lips make contact, she pulls away, a little proud at the short length of the cookie.
(Lynette) "Hm. We did a pretty good job, considering."
She gives a slight smirk to them before resuming her important task at hand: spacing out and mindlessly munching on some cookies the proper way.
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Eula's eyes widen slightly before she makes a "hmph!"
(Eula) "As if a simple game like this would be enough to make me falter."
Spoilers: It was.
Eula's cheeks are a crimson hue the entire time, her eyes constantly looking everywhere except S/O.
And already failing the game.
(Eula) "Just, give me a moment to compose myself! The chocolate has a strange taste is all..."
Her heart is beating fast the entire time as their lips grow closer.
It doesn't matter if they were already a couple or if they already kissed, Eula would still be extremely flustered.
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(Lisa) "Hm, I think I like the sound of this game."
Lisa has no trouble at all putting the chocolate end into her mouth, waiting for S/O.
Instead of taking nibbles, she takes a massive bite, already being a few inches from their lips.
Still keeping eye contact, she gives them a wink, making S/O falter before she simply bites down completely and breaks the pocky.
(Lisa) "Oh, looks like I lost. Here, grab another one, I want a rematch.~"
It's clear that she does so on purpose, just simply enjoying S/O's reactions. Part of her wants to kiss them directly, but where's the fun in that?
This game made things a lot more fun!
Plus, it was a pretty cute idea.
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(AN-94) "There is a game with candy?...I will attempt it for you."
94 is confused, but goes along with S/O's request.
She puts the pocky into her mouth and doesn't even blink as she stares into S/O, calculating how many bites it would take to not make contact with their lips.
94 doesn't react until S/O kisses her, making her eyes widen in surprise.
Not that she hated the sweets or S/O kissing her, but she tilted her head in confusion at their reaction.
(AN-94) "May I ask what the purpose of this game is?...It is for lovers to bond?...Then, I request that we continue playing."
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AK-12's eyes remain close, but her eyebrows perk up in curiousity.
(AK-12) "Sure, we can play. I'll take the chocolate end."
She waits until S/O grabs the other end with their lips.
Her eyes finally open as her pink glowing eyes stare directly into them, smile still present and making them pause.
Before she just grabs the pocky with her hand and just kisses S/O full on the lips.
(AK-12) "Mmm~, tastes sweet. Oh, right, I failed the game. Let's try it again."
She would "accidentally" fail a couple more times just to see what kind of reactions S/O made.
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WA's normal frown completely vanishes the moment S/O brought up the pocky game to her.
Instead, replaced with a surprised and embarassed expression.
(WA2000) "Wha-Why do you not just eat the cookies normally, are you a child or something!?"
WA begrudgingly (not really) accepts S/O's proposal to play the game and is shutting her eyes, before hearing their laughter.
(WA2000) "I'm not supposed to close my eyes? What does it matter, we're still eating the damn thing!"
The entire time, WA2000 is trying her best to look angry and unaffected, but is failing miserably.
After a few kisses, WA just sighs when she sees S/O's happy expression.
(WA2000) "...Yeah, the pocky tasted fine, now wipe that stupid smirk off your face..."
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(SPAS-12) "OH! I love pocky!"
SPAS happily starts munching on the cookies before S/O stops her and tells her about the game.
(SPAS-12) "You wanna use this for a game? Oooooh, okay! That explains why there's a lot of boxes!"
Truthfully, S/O bought multiple boxes because they knew SPAS would just start eating without listening first. They were more for emergencies.
Regardless, SPAS gets a little flustered as she stares directly at S/O, and takes massive bites because she gets distracted by the taste of the pocky.
(SPAS) "Mmmm, chocolatey!...Huh?! I lost?! T-Try me again, I won't lose!"
She loses every single time. Her love for food seals her fate every single time.
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(Helianthus) "Pocky game? Do I really seem that young to you...?"
Before S/O could retract their pocky, Helian immediately starts backtracking.
If anything, Helain is flattered that S/O wanted to play this game with her, despite her usual stoic demeanor.
Helian has a hard time keeping eye contact, but tries to tough it out.
She fails at not having their lips connect, but it's not a failure she exactly minds.
Helian gets carried away in the moment, forgetting the original purpose of the game and instead just focuses on kissing her S/O.
Before tasting the chocolate in their mouth and quickly leaning back.
(Helianthus) A-AHEM! "I...suppose we failed the challenge..."
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Before S/O could even finish proposing the idea to Elphelt-
(Elphelt) "YES! Gimme that pocky!"
With zero hesitation she immediately puts the pocky in her lips, excitedly leaning into S/O with bright eyes.
She kicks the challenge up a notch, by having her hands latch onto S/O's, giggling all the while as she took each bite and savoring the bite and sight.
Elphelt fails the challenge in multiple ways, mostly just by how giddy she is during it.
Accidentally biting too hard, kissing S/O, letting go of the cookie, each result makes her pout and slightly blush.
(Elphelt) "Wha-OH COME ON! I didn't even bite that hard! Hand me another one!"
Elphelt loves playing this pocky game with S/O.
She always had these cookies around due to her love for sweets, but this was the first time they've been used for something this fun!
(Elphelt) "Another one!...We're out? Alright, fine! Lemme grab another box and we can try this again later, I will win!"
S/O at the end of each session has a lot of lipstick, chocolate, and cookie crumbs on their lips.
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the humans having le romantic candlelit dinner with their S/O, only to have them randomly caress their face/hold their hand while talking?
(GFL/Genshin Impact) Kalina, Angelia, Helianthus, Ayaka, Lisa, Ei, Xinyan, Shenhe, Yelan, and Candace having a romantic dinner with their S/O
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Personally, Kalina thinks the candles are cheesy as hell, but it's the thought that counts!
As she's talking about something amusing that happened while she was with the Commander, S/O's hand suddenly brushes across her cheek.
Kalina completely freezes up. Her cheeks heat up rapidly but allows S/O's hand to remain.
(Kalina) "Uh...! S-Sorry, you messed my up my train of thought, heh..."
She giggles and playfully leans into their hand.
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Angelia isn't one to care about grandiose displays, but a candlelit dinner? That had to be commended at least.
She's in the middle of regaling S/O about some of her more amusing missions, until S/O's hand brushes across her prosthetic.
Angelia couldn't feel anything, but she knew the loving intention was there.
(Angelia) "...Dumbass, you know I can't feel anything there already."
Angelia is blushing madly while her other hand squeezes S/O's, feeling the warmth around it.
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Helianthus finds the romantic gesture touching. (she's squealing about it on the inside.)
She's enjoying the atmosphere and the meal S/O prepared and chatting about nothing in particular.
Her entire body stiffens when S/O gently wipes off a crumb on her cheek, their hand staying after the fact.
(Helianthus) "A-Ah...S/O?...Hm, don't pull away."
She quickly relaxes into their touch, her own hand keeping S/O's from moving.
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Ayaka's heart is about to burst from her chest seeing the table S/O prepared.
She is giggling almost the entire time with glee. Honestly, she's about ready to ask S/O to marry her on the spot.
Doubly so when S/O reaches for her face, gently holding it.
(Ayaka) "S/O...If I may be selfish for just a moment?"
Ayaka takes their hand off, only to kiss the top of their fingers, and put their hand back onto her cheek, keeping it there tightly.
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Oh, Lisa absolutely loves the candle dinner.
Now this was how you captured a woman's heart properly.
Lisa's smile grew bigger, feeling their hand brush across her cheek.
(Lisa) "My, how daring, S/O.~ I like it."
Lisa winked at S/O as her head tilted to rest further into their hand, feeling the softness of their palm.
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Ei is quite confused at the setup of the candles on their dinner table.
Was this a ritual? She hadn't seen this before, so probably not? After finding out it was exclusively for her, Ei gives a soft smile.
Her eyes widen in surprise when S/O's hands reach for hers.
(Ei) "Ah...If you wished to hold my hands, you can ask to do so."
Ei happily takes their hand with a firm yet loving hold and continues to tell S/O a lighthearted story from her past.
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Xinyan's words get caught in her throat as she sees the elaborate setup just for her.
She quickly accepts the dinner and sits down across from S/O, the volume of her voice echoing in the room as she gets more and more excited.
Her entertaining story screeches to a halt when S/O's hand gently brushes against her cheek, making Xinyan freeze.
(Xinyan) "H-Hey now! Why did you have to go and make me lose my train of thought...?"
Xinyan pouts a little, but does not move to shove their hand away, instead she subtly moved closer into their palm.
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Shenhe's eyes blink in surprise at the candles. At first she thinks the dinner is an exorcism until S/O explains.
Nodding in stoic affirmation, she sits down and thanks S/O for the meal.
Shenhe asked S/O what the purpose of a candlelit dinner was, and instead of a verbal answer, S/O's hands held her face with a loving caress.
(Shenhe) "...This does not answer my question."
Her curious expression makes S/O laugh before explaining it was simply because they loved her. Now, she understands.
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Yelan was impressed by the fancy dinner.
It was a little too gaudy for her personal taste, but hey, no complaints from her!
Yelan was simply telling S/O about her day before she felt their hand grasp hers and hold it tightly, the loving gesture making her hum in delight.
(Yelan) "You really know how to pull the heartstrings, don't you S/O?"
Yelan lets out a beautiful chuckle before holding S/O's hand just as tightly back.
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Candace usually doesn't care exactly what she eats, since being in the desert, you ate what you could get.
But seeing the table so lovingly put together by S/O, complete with candles, it was hard to say no.
She is about to thank S/O before they extended their hand on top of hers, letting it rest comfortably there.
(Candace) "Next time you wish to have dinner like this, please allow me to help. And...Thank you, my love."
Candace closes her eyes and moves to sit next to S/O, letting their hands intertwine as she rests her head against their shoulder.
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GFL girls watching a horror movie with their S/O?
yeah I rewatched emesis blue and I need to see other people get scared
(GFL) Kalina, Helianthus, G36, AK-15, RPK-16, Architect, Scarecrow, M16A1, G11, and HK416 watching a horror movie with their S/O
I just finished watching Stasis: Bone Totem for the past 7 hours personally. I'm sad now.
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Kalina happily snuggles next to S/O, eating popcorn as S/O held onto her for dear life.
She wasn't that troubled by the horror movie they put on.
Mostly because it gave her some fantastic ideas for Halloween this year!
(S/O) "K-Kalina, why are you smiling?!"
(Kalina) "Hm...I think I can recreate that with some of the T-Dolls, the way we can utilize our stealth tech can make one helluva haunted mansion!"
(S/O) "You're going to monetize ghosts?!"
(Kalina) "Heck yeah, I am!"
She does jump at a few of the scares but laughs them off.
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Helian can't help but wonder if this is what the younger couples did nowadays. Or rather, if they still did this kind of thing.
She sat with S/O in the darkness, huddled up next to them on the couch as the TV provided their entertainment for the night.
(Helianthus) "I doubt that this movie will be that scary."
It in fact, was that scary.
Some of the scares get Helian to scream, latching onto S/O.
Which she immediately tries to clear her throat and preserve some dignity.'
(Helianthus) "...Tell anyone about this, and you're a dead man/woman."
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G36 has to put on her glasses in order to watch the film properly.
She couldn't help but fidget a little, she wasn't used to just...sitting down and doing nothing.
But admittedly, it was a nice change of pace.
G36 flinches at some of the scares, but she can't help but laugh at least a little, making sure S/O was comfortable.
Or more accurately, not scared out their mind.
(G36) "You are shaking a lot. Do you require warmer blankets?"
(S/O) "N-NO! Just...s-stay here, don't leave me alone!"
(G36) "Necromorphs are not real-"
(S/O) "C-Can we make sure the vents are locked tight tonight?"
G36 just smiles at that.
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15 doesn't really understand why S/O is watching horror movies if they were scared of it.
If this was just some elaborate ruse just for 15 to hold them tightly, they could've just asked her directly.
Regardless, she obliges them because it made them happy.
She doesn't react in the slightest to any of the scares, finding the whole concepts of ghosts and spirits illogical.
(AK-15) "You know they don't exist S/O. Why are you so afraid?"
(S/O) "I-I don't know! It just freaks me out, alright?!"
She notices their heartbeat calms down at least a little if her arms are wrapped around them, which she comfortably holds them in her grasp the duration of the movie and night.
At least they trusted her strength so much, they believed she could punch a demon back to hell.
That makes her pride go up an substantial amount, though she doesn't vocalize it.
Otherwise, she doesn't flinch from a single thing in the movie, even the more grotesque parts.
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16 is highly amused the entire time, watching as S/O is latching onto her during the movie.
She also can't help but wonder why humans would make something so strange.
Did they want to be scared? Was the human race nothing but masochists?
(RPK-16) "Why exactly did we choose this type of movie tonight, S/O? You seem to be trembling."
(S/O) "Well, I thought it'd be fun..."
(RPK-16) "Hm, well it gives me a few ideas on how to get some interesting reactions out of you at least."
For the remainder of the night, she has a smug grin on her face as S/O squirms and yelps from the scares.
She began to ponder on what exactly S/O was afraid of. The girl with long hair, the loud noises? This was going to be a fun time experimenting!
She isn't affected by the movie at all, save for getting ideas to scare S/O.
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Architect is absolutely terrified with S/O, making her almost drop the bucket of popcorn and candy she has.
(Architect) "AGH! DID YOU SEE THAT?!"
(S/O) "W-WHAT?! NO, WHAT?!"
Like S/O, she gets way too immersed in the film and the both of them are shaking in fear.
When they go to bed, Architect has her weapon directly next to the bedside, with S/O making no complaints.
(Architect) "I-If any demon bastard wants to go through that door, they'll be blown the hell up!"
(S/O) "...Wait, this is my room. Why did you have that in here to begin with-"
(Architect) "For situations like these! I don't wanna be killed by some ghost!"
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Scarecrow finds this whole ordeal illogical. She doesn't get scared by anything, let alone by human entertainment.
The reason why S/O called her to watch these escaped her, but it's not like she had anything better to do.
She blankly stares at the screen as she feels S/O hug her tightly, her irises adjusting to the brightness of the screen.
Her voice remains monotone the entire time, slightly muffled by her mask.
(Scarecrow) "...Do I scare you as much as the scarecrow in this film, S/O?"
(S/O) "Um...Not really, you're a lot cuter.-"
Her eyes glanced over to S/O, noticing that they weren't teasing, mostly due to being afraid.
She finds amusement in their terror, but doesn't make a comment on their compliment.
(Scarecrow) "That is obvious."
(S/O) "UWAGH!?"
Scarecrow is held even tighter, making her sigh. Why are humans like this?
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M16 just smirks when S/O asks her to watch a horror movie with them.
(M16A1) "Don't worry, I'm so bad that not even any monster will come near me!"
She puffs her chest out in pride when S/O finds comfort in her arms.
(M16A1) "Psh, I could beat the hell out of that blue demon."
(S/O) "B-But that's a supernatural ghost! You can't shoot ghosts!"
(M16A1) "I can sure try!"
She has the biggest smile on her face, just getting to enjoy this moment with S/O.
She's not really affected by the scares in the movie, just finding it funny more than anything.
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G11 would be fast asleep if S/O didn't wake her up from their screaming.
The entire time, she is held like a teddy bear in S/O's arms, making her slightly annoyed.
(G11) "Loud..."
(S/O) "How can you sleep through that screaming and bloodshed?!"
(G11) "...It's not real."
(G11) "...Hm...I'm going back to sleep..."
She drools on their arms while S/O is never ever letting go of G11, for less romantic reasons this time around.
Not that she minded entirely, since it was comfortable.
Until S/O screamed and shook her awake, making her eyes groggily open before shutting again.
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HK416 obliges S/O in watching horror movies.
After all, nothing like having the best T-Doll protect them, even from something as mundane as a film.
She only gets scared, because S/O screamed directly next to her.
(HK416) "GAH! God damn-why are you so loud?!"
(S/O) "S-Sorry, it just scared me!"
She rolls her eyes when she feels S/O get closer to her. A slight blush came to her cheeks as she muttered something under her breath.
(HK416) "If you were going to piss yourself, why are we doing this?"
(S/O) "I...I thought I could look braver if I could watch this with you here..."
(HK416) "Heh, some job you're doing."
She's going to lord it over her S/O that she wasn't scared once from the movie.
Until the final jumpscare made her recoil into S/O's arms, turning the tables.
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Can we get hcs of Helian and s/o waking up after a drunken night of doing spicy things?
(GFL) AK-12, AK-15, UMP45, HK416, M4A1, M16A1, RO635, G36, WA2000, Helianthus with their S/O the morning after
I've actually been wanting to write something like this for a while, so now's the perfect excuse to write it!
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S/O's eyes slowly flutter open from the lights of their quarters, feeling a warmth on their body.
Their head turned to a smiling 12, who was snuggled into their chest, her finger idly tracing the outline of their shoulder.
(AK-12) "Hm, looks like someone slept good.~"
(S/O) "Thanks to a certain someone."
S/O made a conscious effort to not stare at her bare chest as the blanket shifted, something which she noticed despite her eyes being shut still.
(AK-12) "Why so shy now? You enjoyed doing much more to them last night-"
(S/O) "Ah, don't say it like that! Makes me sound like some kinda pervert."
12 hummed playfully as S/O moved to get up. Their quarters had always been an enclosed gray rectangle with only space enough for a table, chair, bed, and a closet.
But with 12 hugging so tightly onto them, it felt even smaller somehow.
Before they could fully sit upright, she forced them back down, a small chuckle escaping her lips.
(AK-12) "Come on, we don't have to get up just yet. I'm not entirely satisfied."
(S/O) "We both have to get to work soon, 12. And unlike you, I can get sore."
12's eyes opened and revealed her glowing pink irises, staring straight at S/O, though her expression was more soft than intimidating.
(AK-12) "Please?"
(S/O) sigh "...That's cheating."
(AK-12) "Mhm, but is it working?"
It took all of S/O's self-restraint to not do anything else after giving her a kiss, resulting in 12 making an adorable pout.
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S/O felt a small nudge on their forehead that stirred them awake, turning their head to the left and seeing 15 looking at them.
(AK-15) "...Good morning."
(S/O) "Mm...Morning, 15."
Her face was stoic as usual, though there was the slightest tinge of red on her cheeks. S/O had no idea if that was her, or just their eyes seeing something that wasn't there.
Regardless, it made S/O cuddle into 15 with their arms wrapping around her waist.
She slowly raised her arms and did the same, their bare skin touching one another.
Although just like last night, it felt more passionate than lewd.
(AK-15) "You are not injured, I presume?"
(S/O) "Injured? From wha-...O-Oh, right." ahem "No, just a little sore is all."
(AK-15) "Understood. I will take better care next time, my apologies."
(S/O) "Heh, you don't need to say sorry. I don't exactly mind."
(AK-15) "No, but the Commander will should our intercourse become a liability."
S/O couldn't help but blush a little by how bluntly 15 stated last night's activities.
(S/O) "R-Right...By the way, did you kiss my forehead?"
(AK-15) "I did...Should I have not done that?"
(S/O) "Actually, I...was wondering if you could do it again."
15 remained silent again before nodding.
(AK-15) "Acknowledged."
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UMP45 yawned as she moved closer into S/O's personal space, a hand lazily resting on their chest.
(UMP45) "Mornin'."
(S/O) "Hey, sleep alright?"
(UMP45) "Mmm, guess so. Now I understand why G11 struggles to get out of bed."
(S/O) "The bed that comfortable?"
(UMP45) "Well, that and a certain someone is quite the sight to wake up to."
UMP45 playfully kissed their cheek and smiled, one of the rare times S/O got to see her genuine one.
(S/O) "You're not so bad looking yourself, you know."
(UMP45) "Aren't you the charmer?...Alright, we should probably get moving. Don't want HK screaming at me too."
UMP45 and S/O sat up, the blanket falling onto both their laps with nothing to make themselves look decent.
Not that either of them minded.
UMP45 felt a tad bit embarrassed about her chest being out in the open, but it quickly dissipated when her head fell onto S/O's shoulder.
(UMP45) "...On second thought, maybe we can stay like this for a few more minutes."
(S/O) "No complaints from me."
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416 holds onto S/O tighter the moment she felt them awaken and trying to move.
(S/O) "Wha...416?"
(HK416) "You move too much in your sleep."
(S/O) "You didn't have a problem with me moving last night-"
416 gave them a death glare as S/O chuckled, but she simply shook her head and rested it on their chest.
She angled her head away to make sure S/O didn't see her blush, but they could just feel it with how her face began to heat up.
(S/O) "Did you rest well at least? I hope I didn't annoy you too much then."
(HK416) "I slept good...t-thanks to you. Now, get your ass up. I don't wanna have to lecture you too as well."
(S/O) "But, you're on me-"
416 gently flicked their forehead, grumbling what S/O could assume was German.
(S/O) "Love you too, 416!"
416 rolled her eyes but S/O saw the tiniest smile on the corner of her lips that formed.
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S/O feels their hand wrapped in a comfortable warmth, turning over and seeing M4 smiling right at them, both her hands wrapping around theirs.
(M4A1) "Good morning, dear."
Even though she was blushing, her smile did nothing to mask her beauty, making S/O's mouth go slightly agape.
(S/O) "Morning, M4."
The two briefly kissed before S/O squeezed her hand in return, making her giggle.
(S/O) "You're very beautiful in the morning, you know that?"
M4 bashfully turned away, finally releasing S/O's hand.
(M4A1) "Hah, I-I don't know if I can handle these kinds of compliments this early in the morning."
(S/O) "How about this then?"
M4 let out a cute yelp when S/O suddenly hugged her from behind, rapidly giving her light pecks on the cheek that made her laugh.
S/O was just happy to see M4 laughing after what she had been through.
She deserved every bit of affection, and more.
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M16 obnoxiously stretched and yawned, her hand accidentally smushing against S/O's face.
(S/O) "Ack...!"
(M16A1) "Heh, what's up?"
She messily rolled over on top of them, her chest squishing up against them and threatening to press against their face, making S/O blush madly.
(M16A1) "Seriously? This wasn't even the craziest position w-"
(S/O) "Stop it! Too early for this, M16!"
M16 let out a hearty laugh, but her expression became softer as she laid her head next to theirs.
(M16A1) "...I love you."
S/O was taken aback by how affectionate she had just become, but returned the gesture with a kiss on her eye.
(S/O) "Love you too."
M16 finally got off S/O, letting them breathe freely again as she got up and put on a shirt.
(S/O) "...H-Hey, that's my shirt!"
(M16A1) "Psh, girlfriend rules. Whatever clothes you wear are mine."
She wore the shirt outside of their room, making many members of AR Team realize the implications of what had happened.
Except for SOPMOD.
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RO flusteredly put the blanket over her large chest, making S/O wake up faster than she intended.
(S/O) "Hm...? Oh, hey RO. Is something wrong?"
(RO635) "N-No, it's just...Um...I don't look decent right now."
S/O smiled as their hand brushed against hers.
(S/O) "You always look beautiful to me, RO."
Her cheeks brighten up at the compliment, but is quick to correct them.
(RO635) "I-I meant I'm not dressed!"
(S/O) "I know what you meant. But really? After what we did last night?"
(RO635) "That's a bit different! But...I appreciate the compliment."
S/O laughed at how adorable she was, giving them a small peck on the cheek. It made her shoulders finally relax, and let the blanket drop as she averted her gaze.
(RO635) "Can you hand me my shirt...please?"
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G36's eyes squint as she wakes up, trying to find a shirt to put on for the moment before feeling S/O's hand on her waist.
(G36) "Ah, good morning, dear."
(S/O) "Morning. Going to work already?"
(G36) "Indeed."
(S/O) "Can't you stay in bed for at least a few more minutes?"
(G36) "No, I cannot. I must make myself look presentable otherwise people might...talk."
G36 reflexively covered her chest, though she made no effort to hide it from S/O.
(S/O) "Well, at least that'll be easy for you..."
S/O awkwardly eyed the hickies on their neck.
G36 vision became clearer as she closed in on S/O's face, giving them a quick kiss before finally getting up and letting S/O stare.
(G36) "...S/O, I believe you have already had ample time to look at me from last night. May I ask if you can help find my clothes?"
(S/O) "R-Right."
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WA's eyes shot wide open the moment she realized she had no clothes on, and neither did S/O.
She looked hurriedly back and forth for a shirt before seeing S/O slowly get up.
S/O wrapped their arms around her stomach, making her yelp as she felt their head on her shoulder.
(S/O) "Hey, WA-"
(WA2000) "W-Watch where your hands are going!"
S/O chuckled teasingly, but made no suggestive movement with their hands, much to her relief.
Instead their hug became tighter.
(S/O) "You didn't mind at all last night where my hands were-"
(WA2000) "I swear to god you blockhead, one more word out of your mouth...!"
WA felt S/O's smirk grow against her bare shoulder, but they said nothing else when WA sighed and relaxed into them.
WA rested her body against theirs, closing her eyes.
(WA2000) "...Just give me my shirt in a few minutes, and I'll let you have this, alright?"
(S/O) "Let me have this, or let you have this?"
(WA2000) "Shut it already."
WA squeezed the hands around her tightly, deciding to enjoy the intimate moment with S/O adding of saying anything else.
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Helian jolted awake as her eyes shot wide open, almost screaming.
(Helianthus) "I'M GONNA BE LATE!"
(S/O) "H-Helian! It's only 7, we still got an hour and a half!"
(Helianthus) "I...I-I see."
She finally realized what had happened, noticing her and S/O's lack of clothing.
Slowly, she grabbed the blanket and covered her chest awkwardly.
(Helianthus) "...G-Good morning."
(S/O) "Um...Morning."
An awkward silence passed between the two before she put the blanket to her mouth, her voice barely above a whisper.
(Helianthus) "...Was...I alright last night?"
S/O smiled and took her into a loving embrace, making her relax just the slightest amount.
(S/O) "More than alright. You made me feel loved, and that's all I'll ask for. What about you?"
Uncharacteristically, she gets even quieter as her expression softens and her shoulders become less stiff.
(Helianthus) "...I feel the same, S/O."
After a moment enjoying the intimacy, Helian clears her throat and begins speaking how she normally does.
(Helianthus) "Get yourself dressed. I want you ready by the time I come out the shower."
(S/O) "Can't we both use it?"
That immediately makes her fumble her next words.
(Helianthus) "I-...I suppose we can. Just...don't try anything, alright?"
(S/O) "Heh, yes ma'am."
She raised an eyebrow at their playful tone.
(S/O) "..." ahem "Understood."
S/O said in a much more clearer and professional tone.
That made Helian chuckle, making her squeeze their hand affectionately.
(Helianthus) "Much better."
She didn't mind S/O's playfulness and...other moods, as long as it was kept inside here in privacy.
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(GFL) Valentine's Chocolate gift to Reader from AR, DEFY, 404, Griffin, and Sangvis
With today being Valentine's, I am obligated to make a post. Instead of just choosing a few raifus, I will include: EVERYONE. No one gets left behind during Valentines on my watch!
Anti-Rain Team
(From Left to Right: M4 SOPMOD II, ST AR-15, M4A1, RO635, M16A1)
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(M4A1) "Here. A token of my gratefulness, please accept it. The others will misunderstood this? ...Well that's good for you."
M4 really doesn't care what the other T-Dolls think. As long as (Y/N) was happy, she was happy.
After stoically gifting them the chocolate, her expression softens, seeing the smile on their face.
What she wasn't ready for was some chocolate being gifted back to her. She is flustered for only a moment before giving a gentle smile back.
(M4A1) "How about we share the chocolate together, (Y/N)?"
(M4 SOPMOD II) "(Y/N), will you stop by today? There are plenty of sweets!"
SOPMOD is extremely excited about getting to taste all the chocolate with zero of the drawbacks.
But she also makes sure to share some with (Y/N), something that immediately catches everyone's attention.
Normally if anyone tried to get a hand on her chocolate, she'd go ballistic.
(M4 SOPMOD II) "Mmm! This tastes good! Here, open your mouth, I'll give you some!"
ST AR-15
(ST AR-15) "Have the other girls given you chocolate, (Y/N)? I... I'll do my best too! I won't admit defeat, whether in love or on the battlefield."
Regardless if the chocolate was strictly platonic, it gets STAR fired up.
She makes sure that her chocolate tastes the best out of everyone, dragging (Y/N) along to ensure no one else can try to upstage her!
STAR would prove her love, right then and there!
Of course, she's too fired up to realize that she had used "love" in her wording.
(ST AR-15) "Now let's see, where are the ingredients around here...?"
(M16A1) "Honestly I'm not too interested, but please take one."
M16 is uncharacteristically bashful, fidgeting with her fingers as (Y/N) takes the chocolate.
She sighs in relief when they're distracted eating the chocolate, and even moreso when they smile.
She wipes her nonexistent sweat from her head and gives a toothy grin.
(M16A1) "Oh thank god!...N-Nothing, don't worry about it!"
(RO635) "(Y/N)!...Ummm...what I wanted to say was...here! You understand right?! These are my feelings!"
RO is on the verge of breaking down from her anxiety alone.
Upon hearing (Y/N) thanking her and taking a happy bite of her chocolate, she exhales deeply and blushes.
When they sit down next to her, offering some of the chocolate back, she can't help but scoot in a little closer. After all, it was just them in the room.
(RO635) "T-Thank you for accepting the chocolate...and, me..."
Task Force DEFY
(From Left to Right: AN-94, AK-12, Angelia, AK-15, RPK-16)
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(AK-12) "That damn AN-94 forcing me to receive this chocolate. Ah, (Y/N). Are you hungry? I got sweets."
12 doesn't particularly care about Valentine's, but eh. It was convenient that (Y/N) was nearby.
Sitting down with them, they both share their chocolate as she grumbled that AN-94 had made way too much for her.
But a little part of her was still thankful, for both the gift, and being able to give it to (Y/N).
(AK-12) "Hm, I bet you must be happy about getting chocolate from me.~"
(AN-94) "I prepared chocolate for everyone. This one is for you, (Y/N), and this one is for...I'll send it to her later."
94 had made some chocolate for her squad already, but for (Y/N), it was just as special for them as it was for AK-12.
She watches with a blank expression as they take a bite, smiling in approval.
Finally, a warm smile grows across her lips as she nods in satisfaction.
(AN-94) "Is it to your liking?...I am glad."
(AK-15) "(Y/N), here's the chocolate that I made, please accept it. It was made with strict adherence to the recipe, despite the annotations that were made. Why is that, you ask? I heard there was a rule for that, apparently."
15 doesn't really get why this even became a tradition.
But if it made the ones she cared for happy, maybe it wasn't a complete waste of time.
She simply nods once she knows that her chocolate was satisfactory.
(AK-15) "Thank you for your help as always, (Y/N)."
(RPK-16) "Eh? A chocolate? Ah, that's no good! I totally forgot about it…just kidding! (Y/N), as thanks for all of your support, please take this from me! By the way, that was a most interesting reaction you made there."
16 smiles as she hands the chocolate over to (Y/N), enjoying their reaction to the taste even more.
It was always interesting to see what a human's reaction was to candy, especially from someone they apparently liked.
And judging by their reaction, she could assume they were quite fond of her.
(RPK-16) "Now, I wonder how you'll be when you have to give the chcoolate to me, (Y/N)?"
(Angelia) "Thanks for the gift, but I haven't got the time to prepare you something in return. How about a piece of information that's of equal value? For example, I've been trying to arrange Helian's mixers these last few days and it's been driving me… What? You're not interested?"
Angelia pops a piece of chocolate into her mouth as she shrugs.
Their loss.
She can't help the slight blush that appears on her cheeks when she sees just how happy (Y/N) was.
(Angelia) "...Remind me to get you some chocolate tonight too, (Y/N)."
Squad 404
(From Left to Right: G11, HK416, UMP45, UMP9)
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(UMP45) "(Y/N), I made this chocolate for you. Of course, I also prepared enough for everyone else…It's not bad, right?"
UMP45 has a smug grin, watching (Y/N)'s reaction. But it quickly melts into a more genuine smile as her shoulders relax.
She tries not to make a big deal out of it, and moves to give the chocolate to her squadmates.
But she kept an eye on (Y/N), making sure to note their preferences in her head.
(UMP45) "Hm...Guess I should've made theirs heart-shaped after all."
(UMP9) "(Y/N), you received so much chocolate today, isn't it too much?…That's why, a little more won't hurt right? hehe♪"
UMP9 happily puts her chocolate into their arms, giggling.
She hopes that her chocolate will be the one they remember the most tonight.
She watches earnestly as they take a bite, getting even more giddy at their positive reaction.
(UMP9) "It's good, right?!"
(G11) "(Y/N), It's the holiday. I need rest…are you treating me dinner? That would be good really nice~"
G11 yawns but accompanies (Y/N) for free food.
Well...that and the fact it was (Y/N).
Hopefully the fact she was even tagging along would tell them all they needed to know.
(G11) "Mmm...Oh, right...Happy Valentine's.."
(HK416) "My chocolate was made with perfectly calculated ingredients. Ehh? It tastes weird? You jest."
At first she wonders what went wrong before realizing that (Y/N) lips had formed into a smirk.
They were teasing her.
She can't help but pout, crossing her arms, but with one eye open to watch them take a bite out of her chocolate.
(HK416) "Hmph. Fine, be that way you, you little shit."
(From Left to Right: Springfield, G36, Helianthus, Kalina, SPAS-12, WA2000)
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(Helianthus) "Chocolate? For me? Humph, this is just some childish game for young people…Wait, I didn't say I wouldn't accept it!"
Helian panics when (Y/N) is taking away the chocolate, but its only after she grabs it that she realized she was acting too desperately.
Thankfully, (Y/N) didn't notice, or they chose not to say anything.
Both options made her pride hurt a little less.
(Helianthus) "A-Ahem! Thank you, (Y/N)...If you wouldn't mind, would you like to share some with me?"
(Kalina) "Here, chocolate~! Uh, you want me to be more ceremonious about it? That depends on how much you invest in my White Day chocolate, heheh!"
After rubbing her hands together greedily like a fly, she watches (Y/N) pop one of the chocolates into their mouth.
And good, they liked it! And if they wanted her to be a little more lovey dovey, they'd have to work for it!
Kalina was not a cheap gal, and she sure as hell wasn't going to act like one.
(Kalina) "Alrighty, now share some with me!...What, it's valentine's for me as much as it is for you!"
(Springfield) "This is my handmade chocolate, please taste some."
Springfield has a gentle expression that beams even brighter watching S/O chow down.
She was worried that it was a little too sweet, but clearly there was nothing to fear.
She wipes a little bit of chocolate off their cheek, giving a warm smile.
(Springfield) "If you want some more, please let me know. I'm always happy to bake for you."
(WA2000) "I just happen to have some extra chocolate! I won't forgive you if you turn it down!"
WA blushes madly as she hands the chocolate to them.
When they aren't looking, she sighs in relief and turns around to hide her smile.
(Y/N) offers one of the chocolates to her, which she avoids eye contact, but somehow turns an even brighter shade of red.
(WA2000) "I've already had a lot today but...I guess I don't mind having some more."
(SPAS-12) "I, um, ended up eating half of the chocolates I was going to give to you, ahahah…Hmm? You don't mind? Oh, I'm glad!"
SPAS gladly gifted them the half empty box of chocolate. She honestly felt bad that she had eaten some, but she couldn't help it!
It's not her fault they tasted so good!
Her robotic heart skips a beat when (Y/N) offered her one more piece, despite she had eaten more than her fair share.
(G36) "(Y/N)? Even if it's valentine's day, please restrain yourself from gorging too heavily on chocolate. You will get cavities."
After determining the amount they had received would not be dangerous for their teeth, G36 allowed them to have her chocolate.
Truthfully, she was thankful that they seemed to like it. With Springfield's help, it was a chocolate truly to die for.
Her scowl eases up a little as (Y/N) came into vision, giving a smile.
(G36) "How does it taste? I hope it's to your liking."
(From Left to Right:Scarecrow, Hunter, Architect, Gager)
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(Scarecrow) "I do not have chocolate to give. I do not know how to make any, I'm a T-Doll, not a baker."
Instead, being gifted chocolate, she stares at the heart-shaped box, unblinking.
Finally relenting, she opened the box and slowly detaches her face mask.
She takes out one piece of chocolate, splits it in half, then offers it to (Y/N).
(Scarecrow) "Here. We wil eat together."
(Architect) "Finally, I can have all the chocolate I want, and NO ONE can judge me! Here, take some too!"
Architect happily shares her chocolate stash with (Y/N), gorging herself without a care in the world.
She makes sure that (Y/N) can get a few pieces, but if they even THINK about reaching for their half, they're dead!
She hums playfully as she savors the taste of each one.
(Architect) "Pretty good, huh?! Oooh, I hope Halloween there's even MORE candy we can get together!"
(Gager) "I didn't want to be shown up by those Griffin Dolls, so here. Chocolate made by me."
Gager leans in expectantly, watching for (Y/N)'s reaction to her chocolate.
Upon seeing their smile, she leans back and nods confidently.
At least this time, she could show up the other T-Dolls without it causing some tension...Unless someone was aiming for (Y/N) too. That she could not allow.
(Gager) "If you ever want more, you know who the right person to call is."
(Hunter) "I would say I have procured these chocolates from a worthy prey...but I just bought them."
She wishes she could've hunted this instead, but it'll do.
Hunter has her arms crossed casually as (Y/N) takes a few of her chocolates.
She hums in approval, taking one of the chocolates for herself.
(Hunter) "I think I could give you something more exotic than chocolate next year...Unless you have some time right now?"
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all human officers with an S/O who constantly butts heads with them over tactics and the like, but still gives them plenty of love (maybe even both of them flirting-arguing during work, much to the dismay of literally everyone else?)
(GFL) Kalina, Helianthus, and Angelia's S/O flirting with them during work
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Despite her youthful appearance, Kalina is a respectable tactician, given that she was in charge of the base the Commander is now currently leading.
S/O was a fellow officer, not as high ranking as Kalina, but still invaluable for their advice.
However, theirs tended to be far more aggressive than Kalina, and the two would commonly argue what decision was the best.
But it was well known that the two were in a relationship.
If it was not obvious due to their professional attitudes when an operation was ongoing, it would be very apparent when the only thing on the schedule was paperwork.
(Kalina) "S/O!~ How is my favorite adjutant doing today?"
(S/O) "A lot better now that you're here."
The two of them giggled, while the Commander and G36 awkwardly watched.
(Commander) "Both of you quit flirting or I'll order G36 to chase you off with a broom."
(Kalina) "Pft, come on, you wouldn't do that to us...R-Right?"
G36's scowl seemed to stare right into Kalina and S/O's soul.
(G36) "It depends how much flirting you two will continue to be doing before working."
Though it was very obvious, Kalina absolutely loved S/O's playful attitude.
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Helian's work ethic was quite strict. She would suffer no tomfoolery, regardless if an operation was happening or not.
Griffin was a family, but the work the humans needed to do were almost as much as the T-Doll's.
No one could afford to be slacking off.
And Helian appreciated S/O always willing to be a reasonable voice to oppose a plan to make sure it was fully sound.
However, what she didn't appreciate was their inappropriate comments outside of the privacy of their quarters.
(S/O) "You look hot when you're angry."
(Helinathus) "Wha-?! Be quiet, S/O! Don't just say things like that out of nowhere!"
(S/O) "But it's the truth, right guys?"
(Commander) "Please do not ask me-"
(Kalina) "She sure does!"
(Angelia) "She looks like she's going to kill you."
Helian is doing her best impression of a tomato as she has half a mind to slap S/O for derailing the conversation.
(Helianthus) "I-I SAID BE QUIET!"
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Angelia appreciates S/O has the backbone to talk back to her, especially when it comes to operations.
Sometimes, they see something she doesn't and gives whatever their recommendation her full attention.
The same did not apply to outside of missions. At the least, she tries not to pay their flirting any mind.
Especially since they lacked the tact to say their piece in private, and not in front of the rest of DEFY.
(S/O) "How's my lovely Ange doing today?"
(AK-12) "Aw, isn't that adorable?"
(RPK-16) "Isn't it?"
(AK-15) "...S/O, this is a public area."
(Angelia) "She's right you know. Keep it in your pants."
Angelia bonks them with her metallic fist, rolling her eyes and clearly unamused.
(Angelia) "Shut up and remember where you are."
(S/O) "Right by your side?"
(Angelia) sigh
(AN-94) "Why is S/O stating the obvious?"
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This is one for the humans! S/O is planning a surprise birthday party for them and is trying their best to keep it a secret, but the birthday gurl is getting suspicious!
(GFL) Angelia, Kalina, and Helianthus's S/O planning a birthday party for them
I meant to write this on the day of my actual birthday but oopsies, that chance has already passed.
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Being an intelligence agent, nothing escapes Angelia's notice for long.
S/O had tried to avoid her for some strange reason, always dodging the question when she asked them what they were up to.
So she tailed them one day without them noticing. Something that was simpler than she was expecting, honestly.
And they had bought...a cake?
Finally watching them enter their room, she decided to enter after S/O, who was lovingly setting up a lightly decorated room with a singular balloon, with a lone cake on their table.
(Angelia) "...This is the saddest room I have ever seen."
(S/O) "GAH! A-Ange?...Wait a second, I'm working hard on this!"
Angelia chuckled, stepping into the room much to S/O's flustered dismay.
(Angelia) "So, you've been trying to dodge me to set up a birthday party? You could've told me to help out, S/O."
(S/O) "That defeats the purpose of it being a surprise, Ange."
(Angelia) "You surprise me with how easy it is to tease you still."
She gives them a quick peck on the cheek as she smiles warmly at S/O's efforts.
(Angelia) "But, thank you, S/O. It's not necessary to do this, but I appreciate it anyway."
She walked out of the room, her prosthetic arm nonchalantly waving.
(Angelia) "Make sure it looks better by the time I get back!"
Angelia teased.
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Kalina is just extremely nosy when it comes to Non-Operation affairs, so she'll find out S/O is planning a party for her in no time.
But her heart skips a beat when she realizes that they're even going through the effort.
For their sake, she won't say a word about it, letting them think it was a surprise.
After all, they were trying so hard to keep a secret about it!
Too bad she looks at everyone's finances since it was her job to account for Griffin's spending, as well as seeing how rich everyone was.
Her love for money is how she found out about S/O's party, seeing how they had bought a lot of birthday supplies like cake, balloons, and other silverware.
(Kalina) "Hm...should I tell them?...Nah! I wanna see how far this can go!"
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Being second in command of Griffin, nothing escapes her eyes.
Especially S/O's suspicious behavior on how they refuse to even speak to her all of a sudden.
At first, she fears that she may have been to harsh on them at some point and were giving her the silent treatment, but that didn't make sense.
And if S/O was planning something more drastic, they would be far less obvious about it.
But as soon as she sees S/O leave Springfield's cafe with a cake, she immediately knows what they're doing.
(Helianthus) "S/O."
They yelp in surprise, almost dropping the cake before Helianthus rushes to prevent it smashing onto the floor.
(Helianthus) "...T-Thank you for the cake. But it's unnecessary to hide it from me."
(S/O) "Hah, guess I'm not very good at hiding things."
(Helianthus) "Not really, no."
She smiles and helps them carry the cake back to their room.
(Helianthus) "Besides, you know I don't need something as big as a party for my birthday. I have you, and that's enough."
(S/O) "Well now you have me and some cake!"
(Helianthus) "I suppose I do."
The smile she has doesn't disappear for the rest of the night.
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New Character I can write for!
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I can now write for Helianthus from Girls' Frontline!
"Helianthus is a human, and second-in-command of G&K. She is responsible relaying orders from HQ to the Commander, but also for monitoring and reporting on the actions of the Commander.
Upright and calm, Helian is methodical and a little stubborn, but she has a good temper and takes good care of the people around her, though she's highly particular about her principles.
She isn't young, but still remains unmarried. She frequently sneaks off to take part in mixers but they invariably end in failure. She loses her patience with anyone who mentions this. Thanks Kalina!" - Official Character Bio
With Helian now added, we have all the three main commanding officers of Griffin, and now a third human to the group! As for what she's like, have a listen for yourself!
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As much as I love the Raifu's, there's something to be said about the humans as well, and they are just as nice.
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