shainachan replied to your post: I found the actual Worst Person, and it’s the...
😱😱😱 what the………??????
girloverhere replied to your post: I found the actual Worst Person, and it’s the...
Quite possibly the weirdest part of the whole thing was that when I responded with a shocked “Sorry!” (ugh I wish I hadn’t been so in shock in the moment that I couldn’t process a better response, because that is NOT what she deserved to hear), she replied in a completely pleasant, sincere-sounding voice, “It’s ok!” Like no...clearly you did not think it was ok or you wouldn’t have freaking FOLLOWED ME TO KICK ME 20 TIMES HARDER IN REVENGE instead of just moving on with your life or at most using your words like a normal adult person, and also, nothing about your response to a minor, to-be-expected-on-public-transportation bump was ok, what is wrong with you...
Anyway, that’s how I ended up crying most of my morning commute because shock+pregnancy hormones. It was a great start to the day.
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shomermitzvah · 7 years
girloverhere replied to your photo: To prove it was done.
Pickle quiche?
No. There’s spinach, onion, green pepper, and zucchini (basically, all the vegetables I had readily available).
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girloverhere replied to your post “it's weird. I have an income now, so I don't really piracy anymore,...”
I have an income, but still don't like spend crazy amounts on book I'll read once so I'm a big library fan.
@achos-laazov replied to your post
“it's weird. I have an income now, so I don't really piracy anymore,...”
Public library?
so the issue is that im just bad, and therefore owe 150+ in late fees to one library and 250+ to another. i should figure out if there’s a good way to pay in installments.
wait, i think i still have some of those books lying around.
there’s a reason im looking to just buy now 🙃. i just have to do some work on which bookstore, online and irl, i like and can use.
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ploni-ben-nistar · 9 years
*Too lazy to screenshot, edit/crop and upload it*
Only like three minutes later… oh.. and they have kinda weird names for their food thingies. Lol
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bennistar · 9 years
What's the reasoning behind reading individually? Isn't it to be read aloud like the Torah portion?
The Arizal held one cannot be yotze by hearing the haftorah being read by someone, so everyone must read it himself [and say it quietly] [x]. But it’s a whole machlokes as the kitzur shulchon oruch (dinei hamaftir 79.5) speaks out against this minhag.
See also the footnotes in the above mentioned link.
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he-harim · 9 years
girloverhere said: I’m gonna politely disagree here. There are various pronunciations depending on region of origin so correction is unnecessary despite what the YIVO might teach. I would personally pronounce something like “Vi biste veyl[like ‘eye’] ich du”
thank you so much! 
region of origin is Ponevezh for certain, this is in the context of this story I was told about the Ponevezher rav
anyway oakttree’s transliteration sounds most like what i heard when the story was told, so i’m going to go with that
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shaindyl · 10 years
girloverhere replied to your post:Cooking for the chag...
Canned is your friend!
LOL! You'd think that I'd have learned that by now, wouldn't you? :D Chag sameach!
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girloverhere replied to your post: need-more-skirts replied to your post: Ugh...
I’m actually in awe people pay $200 for a DIY version.
I guess if you’re really sold on the approach and the actual class is at least twice as much ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And some people really do swear by it, so I guess it’s worthwhile for those people. Not my thing but whatever.
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ploni-ben-nistar · 9 years
girloverhere said: Just curious what’s reasoning by davka e"y esrogim?
Nothing halochedik or anything “just” Kedushas Eretz Yisroel and such. Our rebbes were always careful on this. And of course it’s also only a l’chatchile preference.
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bennistar · 9 years
re: the Winenki brothers - I only ask because I tried to do more research on Rabbi Mendel Winenki and only found references to the book, not a person who actually existed (at least under that name).
That’s okay. I don’t mind at all. The Tambler historian of Russian-Jewish studies (aka girloverhere) already promised she would look into as well. So who knows maybe we’ll get to hear more about it in the future. ;)
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he-harim · 9 years
girloverhere said: Who is “you guys”? First pesach food I learned to make was matzo brei. By litvaks no reason to avoid gebrochts!
i just meant non-gebrokts people, don’t worry! i would never impugn the reputation of litvaks like that ;)
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girloverhere replied to your post: whisperwomen replied to your post: whi...
Actually only Chabad girls start lighting a candle at three. Some sephardim possibly. The typical Ashkenazi FFB doesnt light candles until they are married.
Thank you for correcting me. I often don't know the difference between Chabad and non-Chabad minhagim.
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girloverhere replied to your post: March 11
I’m just surprised your husband is generally that punctual!
The learning is a 5 minute walk from our apartment, and he’s not a big shmoozer in this context, so it would be pretty unusual for him to take that long to get home. He’s often less punctual if at a farbrengen/wedding/other more social type of gathering, but learning is pretty much go, learn [with a little shmoozing with the chavrusa during], come home. His chavrusa is also married and works some kinda intense hours from what I’ve heard, so I think they’re both tired and ready to leave by the end.
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shomermitzvah · 11 years
girloverhere said: You mean she heated sauce on the blech? Prettty sure Sephardim actually hold by the opinion that liquid is okay.
She's not Sephardi, though. And then during our conversation, she explained that they don't necessarily keep shabbos and kashrus when they're on vacation.
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he-harim · 10 years
girloverhere said: Yes that’s believing loshon hara.
thank you!
it is late and it was difficult to parse
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