#girlfriend i mean theyfriend
stizzyglizzyoverdrive · 3 months
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finchinmoria · 4 months
LOTR characters at Pride 🏳‍🌈
(A little silly and out of character but aren't we all.)
(Also, I headcannon them all queer but left out my specifics so they could be read how anyone wants them to be.)
Speak friend and enter the pride fest:
Frodo, Sam, Rosie and Rosie's girlfriend/theyfriend (Who? You? Me? Reader's choice!) are a powerhouse polycule with a YouTube channel. Even though Frodo made a list of events they were going to hit, they keep getting sidetracked by fans who want to talk and take selfies. So they mostly just wander and enjoy the day. Sam does have a backpack full of necessities to keep everyone comfortable and makes sure everyone, even complete strangers, are wearing enough sunscreen.
Arwen and Aragorn may not be 👑royalty👑 in this timeline, but are still pretty high profile so they keep it pretty open and casual. They set up all day in a shady spot at the public square on a bench with blankets laid out on the grass so they can talk with anyone who passes by. It's the pit stop for their friends to come cool off or relax when they need a break. Arwen brings a bag full of hair supplies and makeup so people can come in for touch ups throughout the day. She can do anyone's pride flag eyeshadow look flawlessly in under two minutes. (So could Aragorn, probably.)
Pippin's main goal is to eat something from every single food truck, deli, and coffee shop in the area. He says it's so he can post actual helpful reviews but he ends up only posting one Instagram reel where he speaks incoherently with a mouthful of vegan chili fries and that's it. Takes a bunch of pictures of different food items with different pride flags but forgets about them and doesn't post them until September.
Merry will buy from every single vendor at every event. You have flags? T-shirts? Jewelry? Art? He's going to buy one of each from every artist and organization. (He then donates most of the things he buys to the local lgbtq community center.)
Boromir doesn't want to wander around too much by himself because it's his first pride, but sticking with Merry and Pippin means he becomes responsible for carrying all their stuff. Within an hour he's absolutely covered in merch with three tote bags on each arm. He knows his flag is one of the 27 he now has hanging on or tucked in every available space on his body but if you asked him which one it was he would have to ask Merry. Pippin does keep him hydrated at least, a new flavor of iced lemonade always appears in his hand whenever the last one runs out.
Éowyn and Faramir run the table for the local non-profit advocacy group that educates citizens on important legislation that impacts the queer community. They can explain the details of different bills and current issues being tracked in the legal system, organize volunteer groups for different causes, and hook people in need up with outreach and activist organizations.
Gimli and Legolas disappear on June 1st and don't emerge again until the month is over. People will catch glimpses of them pretty much everywhere, and when they do there is always either a lot of glitter or alcohol involved (and let's be honest, most of the time both). No one can figure out how they managed to be on multiple floats in the same parade but after a while no one questions it. 
Haldir saw once a long time ago that some orientations weren't represented very well and has been on a mission to rectify that ever since. Even though things have gotten better, he now always has a table where he gives away stuff for the underrepresented identities. He's got all the genderqueer flags, tons of neopronoun pins, and whole decks of cards with just aces in them. If you're demi or flux or anything else not widely represented, Haldir's got you.
Gandalf loves the drag shows but since they are all either outside or in very crowded loud clubs, he usually hits one then spends the rest of his time in a very air conditioned, quieter, industrial style bar with elder queers and some bears.
Bilbo coordinates all the literary events like the queer banned books mobile, drag story times, poetry readings, and elder queer panels. Definitely tells his own activist stories from back in the day to anyone who will listen (and many do!)
Elrond goes just to check things out for an hour or two, but ends up having the time of his life and signing up to drive the queer banned books mobile for the rest of the summer. 
Happy pride, everyone! 🌈
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Ok so my new wip,
Told through the perspective of Desmond, who is a rich kid (ex rich kid Ig) sent to live at a boarding school by the rest of his family with only $33.46 to his name after his parents were arrested for money laundering. His personality is like if you combined Richie Rich with Ferris Bueller, and every other himbo-without-the-muscles character you can think of. He seems self absorbed until you get to know him and realize he just doesn't understand social cues because he never had much interaction with peers. A⃪l⃪s⃪o⃪ b⃪c h⃪e⃪'s⃪ n⃪e⃪u⃪r⃪o⃪d⃪i⃪v⃪e⃪r⃪g⃪e⃪n⃪t⃪.
I will give this adorkable boi more plot in the story, I promise, but for now I'm screwing around with the idea and ways it could go. I will be giving him friends and potentially a crush (bc I'm a hopeless romantic like that, fite me), I'm thinking to give him specifically 3 significant ppl. This idea came to me in a dream where I was running around a mall with him and 2 other ppl, and we were in a poly quadrouple apparently. I mean, I still sat with my crush in the backseat of a car in the dream but ok. So I might even end up giving him boyfriends/girlfriends/theyfriends or some mixture of any of the aforementioned scenarios.
Other info is that his taste is gaudy and just awful. I mean he loves this leopard print hat that he wears everywhere, extremely loud designs on every inch of his clothes, and his favorite musical artists are all bubble pop stars.
He is cringe, he is funny, he is loveable, and he is consuming my conscious mind. If ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE likes this and has any suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated.
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create-a-character · 1 year
God okay, I keep thinking about this post. I'm now fully at the point where I can't fit all my thoughts in the tags! So! Making my own post to add to when I have the urge. :^)
Artie is the "thinks a mile a minute" type with more compassion than sense. Growing up in rural Pennsylvania as the late bloomer bullied kid contributed to his awkwardness, but being parentified by a neglectful dad and the sole sibling to stay with him in the divorce didn't help.
As a sensitive, gawky kid, forums and MMORPGs quickly became Art's preferred method of socializing with humans. This is how he bonds with his eventual bestie(/long-standing crush), Juniper. Art's generally always preferred animals, though. The critters in 4-H Club and various strays he'd rescue didn't tease him for being too intense or weird. Unsurprisingly, he was eventually diagnosed with ADHD after being shipped back to his mom.
Car: Disorganized with clear effort to keep it clean but very "out of sight, out of mind". Mostly the front is cleared, but looking under the seats could qualify as a treasure hunt. There's a tacit understanding with everybody he gives regular rides to that Arthur's car is a perfectly reasonable place for a lost item to end up.
The console is a mystery box of wonders! There's always dry pet treats in there, usually little knick-knacks he's found or been given, and often cool rocks from recent outings. It can be a real grab bag, though. You can usually find a fresh pair of socks in there. The one thing you will not find in there is condoms, because the ONE time he thought it would be a good idea, his mom found them while getting a ride and her side of the family was asking when they'd get to meet the new girlfriend ("or, or! boyfriend! Or theyfriend, maybe??"). For months.
There's a lovingly kept bottle of nice lotion taking permanent residence in the console. Like a handmade spice and cedar goat milk creme. Juniper got it for him at like a farmer's market once, but it's become Arthur's favorite little indulgence since. He almost always has a beverage in the car, too. He strikes me as a 99¢ Arizona man (much to Juniper's great judgment).
Very importantly, Arthur also has those organizing pockets thrown over the back of the seats. It is consistently stocked with snacks and spare meds/first aid supplies, because he doesn't trust himself to not have a dedicated place for these things. This also serves as great nibling bribery, because who wouldn't want to be babysat by your cool uncle who has a candy pocket in his car just for you?
Phone: You KNOW he's got one of those heavy duty cases rated for like, a 5-story drop. Potentially with a water-safe piece that he always misplaces. The case is still in rough shape, and the screen protector is consistently cracked or scratched around the edges. It's clear he tries to take care of it, though! It's surprisingly clean and has a grip. He's just clumsy.
There are set custom backgrounds for all the important chats. Usually it's be based on a fictional character or theme he associates with that person/group. Like, in-game screenshots of somebody's MMORPG character, somebody's pet, etc. Arthur means to but forgets to set things for people like coworkers or whatever. His lock screen would be something sentimental, but safe. Like a photo of his fave chicken during a sunrise.
Arthur's home screen, though? THE most stupidly saccharine picture of him and Jun. Like a candid shot of them 'just hanging' as bros do... which is to say, them hanging off each other in the same chair. Looking at each other like it's a Renaissance painting depicting the passion of everyday love or something. Arthur loves this homescreen because it's a nice compromise for the intimacy he wants with Jun but thinks he can't. Juniper is vocally delighted that Arthur is sentimental even in private, but privately wonders if this is friendzoning. Both of them brush off the "omg is that your boyfriend? 🥺" questions this homescreen earns, and the fact that they really do just look at each other like that all the time.
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marcoplumber · 2 years
seraphina's my girlfriend. i mean theyfriend
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61 and 65?
61. Is it cute when someone calls you baby?
No. It really feels belittling and it triggers my dysphoria too :[ I mean, like, ‘Baby Boy’ is alright in certain situations, but just baby or ‘Baby Doll’ or ‘Baby Girl’ or just ‘Baby’ makes my skin crawl. Like, it actually gives me hives to be referred to in a gendered way, specifically in a feminine way. 
65. Your best friend of the opposite gender likes you, what do you do?
OPPOSITE, LOL??? (Nothing on you, Dipster, but my gender is a mess. But wHAT is the opposite of a non-binary vilegender he/they???) I would probably ask if it was a joke or if they were doing this just to make fun of me. My last two girlfriends confessed their love for me first, and I cried after both of them. Most of the time, I’m already in love with them and I’ve already half convinced myself that they would never love someone like me. Then we had a beautiful, wholesome relationship where we held hands and flirted with eachother nonstop <3 <3 (Damn I miss my last girl/theyfriend :[ ) 
The last few people that have confessed their undying love for me (who happen to be cis straight dudes) were absolutely horrendous human beings. Never dating a straight male ever again. That shit was HORRIBLE. But yeah, apparently every time that’s happened they thought I was a girl who just happened to hang out with guys, and that made me desirable for some reason??? They always refused to use my correct name or preferred pronouns, called me VERY GENDERED pet names, and it overall made me so so uncomfortable. (So glad I broke up with them in the end. It really helped me discover a bit of myself.) 
Thanks for the ask!! (Sorry if I vented a little too much ;-;)
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monster-bait · 4 years
oh cool not the only one who thinks that way. I'm always like why would such ... like me lol
Because you're 👏worthy 👏 of👏 love!👏
😠😠😠 Don’t make me go cruising around with a pot of wet angel hair!
Seriously though, I think that’s a lot of the appeal of the whole “monster lover” thing, right? The personality/physical traits that make us feel lesser in the real world don’t really mean much in a world where different species of creatures are just getting by. 
When I first started reading some of the exophilia stories by writers in the this community, I was blown away by how...normal? a lot of it was. Like “he does the dishes and always asks about my day and rubs my feet when I get home and we love and appreciate each other. Also, he’s a snake.”
Like, that’s just straight up fantasy boyfriend/girlfriend/theyfriend stuff. Oh, you’re chubby and you don’t actually know how to do your hair? Well, your minotaur boyfriend doesn’t care, because he has a mega sweet tooth and loves your brownies and is also warm and funny. You’re on the spectrum and have a hard time getting people’s humor/reading a room? This naga has been living on a deserted island their entire life and doesn't get sarcasm either, and thinks everything you say is interesting. The whole “people like monsters because we can fix them and tame their monstrousness” narrative is SOOOOOO off the mark it can’t even see daylight.  
Your monster s/o likes you because you’re YOU, and that’s good enough.
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queer-sky · 4 years
i found this on YouTube from Ashton Daniel so im gonna link their original video since its his tag but i thought it would be fun to do it as well
1. Let's do the basics - what's your gender and what're your pronouns? (tell me all your gender labels!!)
id say nonbinary and genderfluid fits best
and i mainly use they/them pronouns but at times im okay with he/him or she/her pronouns as well depending on how i feel on the gender spectrum i guess
2. Do you consider yourself to be under the trans umbrella, or is being nonbinary separate from that for you?
i personally feel that at least for myself nonbinary doesn't count as trans but im sure for others it does just i dont identify with the trans label
3. How do you feel about the label "enby"? Do you use it for yourself?
yes i do use it and i think it sounds lovely actually
4. What song is your gender?
am i a girl - poppy
5. Do you experience gender euphoria and if so, what causes it?
yea i do when i look/pass as androgynous or masc depending on how i feel that day/time
6. What's a question you're tired of being asked?
im actually not out to many people yet so there arent any yet but something thats annoying is telling someone i identity as nonbinary and they keep calling me girl
7. What outfits, accessories, presentations do you feel most yourself in? Is your style connected to your gender for you?
yes my style is connected to my gender so it fluids all the time really but baggy clothes and more masc jewelry does like chains and safety pin earrings and stuff like that or random objects as earrings like the other day i made small rubics cube earrings which i really like and also definitely wearing a beanie and having my hair in it (making it look short)
8. Have you identified with different genders, nonbinary or otherwise, in the past?
well ive identified with my birth gender before but im not sure if i actually did or if i just didnt really question my gender before cuz i knew im not a boy so i must be cis then idk
9. Are there gendered phrases or words you like/don't like? Dude, gal, man, sis, etc?
i don't really like gendered words in general id rather be refered to as genderneutral terms
10. What compliments best suit your gender? Handsome, beautiful, pretty, hot, stunning, etc?
i actually haven't thought about that yet but i think im fine with either ones? idkk
11. What's your favourite gender-neutral alternative to commonly gendered words? (e.g. sib instead of brother/sister, mx instead of miss/mr, enby instead of boy/girl, etc?)
just refer to me as a person like i dont feel the need to have a certain gender to be addressed as but yea genderneutral ones are good too like mx and enby and goddex or royalty instead of king/queen
12. Do you like the nonbinary pride flag for yourself? Do you prefer the trans flag, or a flag more specific to your gender?
yea i do like the nonbinary one
13. Are physical and/or medical transition important to you? If so or if not and you want to expand, do so!
no well not medical/surgical but i was thinking about getting a binder/sports bra and maybe something to make my hips not look so wide
14. Are there any nonbinary people you look up to? If so, who?
im not sure tbh but i have some nonbinary friends and i told one of them
15. How do you write "nonbinary"? one word, two words, with a dash?
i write it as nonbinary so one word
16. If you are/were to be someone's significant other, how would you want to be referred to? Boyfriend, girlfriend, theyfriend, partner, lover, etc?
probably partner or like their person but maybe if my gender leans more towards one side then id like to be referred as boyfriend or girlfriend but probably not really boyfriend cuz that term sounds toxic to me since most of my relationships with guys were toxic so i guess partner or girlfriend
17. Are you out in your day-to-day life, just online, just to close friends, etc?
just online i wanna figure it out first before i come out in rl and other then being called sky it wouldn't really change much since german doesn't have they/them pronouns
18. Are there any silly nonbinary stereotypes you embrace? e.g. pride flag stuff, coloured hair, liking plants, cats, whatever else?
yea i have piercings and dyed hair even tho its only split dye and a natural red but i wanna dye it purple or blue if im able to and i do have two pride flags hanging up in my home and some pride wallpapers and i kinda like cats plants and rocks
19. Does the word "queer" fit you, do you use it for yourself?
yea i think it really does and i do use it as a umbrella term meaning im part of the lgbtq+ community and bc i havent found a right label that completely fits me yet sexuality wise as well
20. This isn't nonbinary related, I just think it's a cool question. If you could go to any concert of any band, artist, performer, living or dead, what's the lineup?
probably gay/indie music so like
girl in red,hayley kiyoko,cavetown,dodie,jessiepaege
cant think of more artists rn oop
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realtransfacts · 5 years
honestly as a nonbinary person (who doesnt even identify as a nonbinary man or man-aligned) who uses he/him pronouns only, it sucks when everyone around me continues to hammer into everyones heads this idea that "nonbinary = THEY" like fine, i get it, a lot of nonbinary people use they/them but the idea is given so strongly that people will give you weird looks if youre nonbinary and use pronouns other than they/them, or will start to automatically call you they/them when you come out as
(part 2) when you come out as nonbinary to them EVEN if youve told them before that you like using he/him or she/her, because they/them are just seem as THE correct pronouns for nonbinary people. not to mention every nickname people come up with us having to be about they/them. “theyties (deities)”, “theyfriend (boyfriend/girlfriend)”, etc. like FUCK, im gonna start using they/them, which makes me uncomfortable, just so ill feel like im being a “"real”“ nonbinary person
I understand the frustration. Yes, many - possibly the majority of - nonbinary people use they/them, but there’s also a lot of us who don’t and also those of us who use they/them as well as another set of pronouns (like me, using both they/them and he/him). And it sucks when that is overlooked.
I don’t think there is any direct harm in the nicknames etc that you mention, though. Definitely not an intended one, at least - you can’t control what does and doesn’t upset you and you’re 100% allowed to feel the emotions you’re feeling, but that doesn’t always mean that someone else has done something wrong. Those they/them puns are just a bit of fun among the nonbinary people who use they/them, as far as I understand it. There’s always going to be intracommunity jokes and even communities within communities that doesn’t cater to every single person in the wider community.
As a smaller example, I have another blog called queerlection (a punny combo of queer and collection) where I post a lot of different lgbt+ edits. That’s not to say that every single person with any of those identities that I post about has to identify as queer - it’s just a label I’ve decided to use for that blog and the content I make there. Some people have been upset about that, but that doesn’t mean that I’m obligated to add a disclaimer to what I post or change the name of my own blog. It’s not my job to alter myself to please strangers online. Their emotions are still valid, they’re allowed to feel what they feel, but that’s not my issue nor my fault.
All that said, you shouldn’t have to feel like you have to use a set of pronouns you’re uncomfortable with just to feel valid. There are plenty of nonbinary people like yourself who don’t use they/them pronouns and you are just as nonbinary as any other nonbinary person. We’re a vastly varied group, after all, so of course there are going to be people who break away from what “the norms” are for nonbinary people. And I think there is a real need for more visible acceptance and support of nonbinary people who don’t use they/them.
So I think it’d be better to work on spreading that kind of acceptance and support, rather than to try to punch down on the people having fun with their they/them pronouns. That is work that I need to do too, and many others as well. Not just you. But I know that I am feeling a lot better since I started moving away my energy from feeding anger to feeding positivity, so I would recommend you at least give that a try too.
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hitaka5ever · 3 years
Reminder that asexuals aren't "uwu babies!" or innocent children
Since I was a teen, I've written pronography and would still write it today if I had the motivation for it
I have a dirty mind, I smile or laugh at stupid euphemism jokes
Just bc I'm asexual doesn't mean I won't metaphorically beat your ass when you cross a line you shouldn't have
I'm in a non-sexual relationship with my theyfriend (nonbinary version of boyfriend/girlfriend, if they use they/them pronouns)
I'm not sexually attracted to anyone, that's literally all it means
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theshootingraistar · 4 years
me, when talking about my theyfriend: oh? you mean the absolute goddex sent from the heavens? perfection in it's purest form? the human personification of absolute bliss and euphoria? you want to know if i think they have any flaws? THEY HAVE NONE. they are perfect in every way. i would kill god AND satan for them TWICE, and even if they changed literally everything about themselves, i would still love them because they are just that perfect.
me, when talking about myself in the same context: oh no i stopped breathing for half a second haha i'm a terrible girlfriend why does anyone love me
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sasukesfedora · 7 years
Dear Girlfriend and future me
Dear Theyfriend, I love you. I think you're amazing. I can't wait to finally meet you. I want to touch ur face and cuddle you and be cheesy with you. I promise that I'll always be there for you even when it seeming that I'm not. The thought of being with you makes me so happy. You are definitely someone I won't ever forget. I love you so much and you mean so much to me❤️❤️❤️ No matter what, I'm going to try my best to be the best I can be for youDear future me,You're probably dead oof.
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cutemoniic · 7 years
I'm kind of curious: what do you look for in a LIFELONG partner? I mean someone that you'd be willing to stay forever with
Uuuuh, that's a pretty peculiar question. I'll try to answer at my best tho.
Forrrr a lifelong partner (and I mean with marriage/dying together as oldies hypotetically) I would like someone who can understand me, the way I act and why I act as I do... and someone incredibly empathetic and reassuring.
Sometimes you just meet those people that give off this very gentle vibe...? A good one, that's reassuring and comforting even when you stare at them from afar. Someone with a soft voice that is able to lull me into safety and to sleep, sometimes... mmm. I'm trailing off, sorry.I mean that I want someone to see me acting a certaint way, then ask me why I did this or that and try to understand. I want them to sit me down, ask me what happened and why, then let explain my point of view and after that they can explain theirs, and at the end of the day we'd still end up cuddled in bed with some more understanding of eachother and a clean conscience that we were open with eachother. We may fight, but at the end of times we're still hand in hand and walking towards our goal. ... It would be nice.
... I'm still fighting with some of my past ghosts, and sometimes I just need to lay with them for a while before I'm able to function again. I'd like someone to kind of... understand what I've been through, or at least have experienced it, so we can reassure eachother when we have bad days.
I want to be able to completely trust them with myself without getting fucked for once.
... And as much as I'm gonna get shit thrown in my face, because it's a Tumblr trend to share partners -- I would like for us to be monogamous, not open, just us two.
I like to be able to go to them and find them not busy shagging someone, but busy with something, or out by themselves. I want to be able to sit there and wait for them to come back scenting like themselves, or just me. I would love to watch their skin blossom with my gentle marks instead of finding other ones because people absolutely love to mark property, and I would like to lay with them knowing that whatever time we have, it's gonna be just the two of us. Not someone ''HEY COME SHAG ME AND LEAVE YOUR GIRLFRIEND/WIFE/SPOUSE ALONE FOR HOURS AS I MARK YOU ALL OVER LOL'' that will interrupt out precious time.
A standard boyfriend, girlfriend, theyfriend, basically. As long as our relationship is going to be that, I don't care who, or what, honestly.
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cutemoniic · 8 years
Send a 💬 to hear how my muse feels about yours.
idk dude they started off wanting to kinda kill eachother sometimes??? sim wasnt genuinely THINKING that he would have ever asked her to be her girlfriend, knowing pretty well that he felt nothing in that spot………… and boy, their relationship got pretty okay for a few months??? sim was happy, wrath was happy (???)… thats until she wanted him to do things that he didnt wanted to. like butting heads on a mirror and expecting your reflex to change at some point
before when she had emotions this thing really hurt her: it would be perfectly fine for your bf/gf/theyfriend to see you upset and cheer you up spontaneously, no? yeah! she confided her feelings to him each time… only to get them twisted in her face. sometimes she expresses upsetness at what he does, and hes like “well ya gotta deal with it lol” in her eyes, which angers her. in her mind when she speaks up he puts her down brutally, making fun of her feelings – this is the way she sees it, at least. in her mind, aside for a few times, wrath never was like “okay, this thing upsets you. ill stop doing it.” or “are you okay? do you need me to come here?”, and despite knowing that wrath doesnt feel love she knows that he cares, and those things are to be expected.
by “you are my first priority” shes expects him to just drop everything hes doing when shes upset to come and help her out… yet thanks to his nonchalant attitude, hes managing to make her close up and look at his words with vague concern and pure spite. shes never going to open up again, thanks to how he deals with it (such as yesterday, telling her “so?” and basically a “what are ya gonna do bout it lol” aka provoking her to strike she decided that he isnt worthy of hearing what she feels ever again, unless he phrases it in the best way he can muster) and to her paranoic ass self. she loves him, but recognizes his provocations and tentatives of manipulation much better than when she had emotions and needed to comply in order to feel better.
with lin, she simply felt discarded. she wasnt planning to hurt her… not quite, and sees her megalomaniac acts as something in the past, that wont happen again, so she has discarded his feelings for them. she doesnt know why he acted like this, nor she will ask.
while she knows that he wont worship her, she wants him to see her as his equal. he might care all he wants, but the single thing that he can do to ruffle her feathers (on purpose or accidentally) is putting her feelings down or aside. in order for him to make her believe that shes his highest priority he would have to (and imperative, she would command him if she ever could) pay attention to her. for simon, without caerul to go to for emotional reassurance and wrath carelessly pressing the issue, wrath is slowly ceasing to be her shelter, and her lover most of all. she aknowledges that he cant love, but this is deliberately provoking her to strike him, and she left to prove a point: that he will need her sooner or later, so hell get back to her.
making him jealous wouldnt work at all, and lets not talk about her being passive aggressive, she’s not about that while she doesnt care. so shes just going to take herself out of his picture, make him wonder where she is when hell need her for one of his plans and question exactly what she’s doing. this is all about manipulation, because she will end their future conversation pretty soon and with bluntness, without telling him where she is. wrath is controlling and she knows it, and her strategy for this, like the piece of shit manipulator she is, is to make him paranoic. where is she? what is she plotting? how long until she comes back? its all a mind game, and shes just waiting for wrath to exhaust himself and require herself again, then shell have won. in her eyes if he really cared, he would have stopped her. if he cared about her well being, he would be pestering her on kik to know her location, but her phone is silent. shes gone to someone that truly cares about her, and thats whats on her mind: good sex, affections, and ultimately her thoughts go to him, her retaliation for him discarding her once more.
she was previously thinking about breaking up with him in order to be with caerul, she also didn’t wanted to: wrath has done so much for her, but everything is nullified when he acts like this on her. she is petty, she recognizes this – and she doesnt care. its not the words, but the actions that sends her over the edge, makes her want to pummed him into the ground and kill him istantly, wishing that her aura would be able to burn him into a crisp.
from now on until hell eventually manage to bring her kind of vaguely back, he will see everything that he does as a double meaning. chatting with lin and his other friends would send her the message ‘’i see that ya are gone and give less of a shit :o)’’ etc etc. she doesnt trust him right now, and she doesnt expect him to search for her: thats the thing.
if hell refuse to search for her while shell be gone, then shell manipulate him into doing it as best as she can. if hell refuse to comply to this, then she will simply leave. her being emotionless doesnt mean that hes allowed to do whatever she wants with her – and this is a point where if he doesnt prevent her relationship with envy to advance and somehow convinces her to come back/open up or does something, anything to vaguely bring her back, hes going to be left behind and butchered into pieces. she cares, but she had enough with his shit and wont listen to his reasonings… unless he would actually try to talk about how he feels, which would make them come to a truce and her more prone to come back. but she doesnt have much hope that hell do this, it isnt even an option in her mind?
she hates and loves him, she wants him to feel good and also to manipulate him. its a swing that always change, but that her own character will put an end soon (maybe…) if he doesnt move. sim loves him, but shes convinced to have her web around him sometimes.
but she doesnt. :3c
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