#girl was like 'i'm gonna take the lsat'
feeshies · 2 years
wait i have more updates:
mihika is a lawyer who graduated from harvard law.
...not applicable to dragon age, but i'm proud of her
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fandomdolphin · 1 month
Thought dumping about Legally Blonde because I just finished the 1st movie and now I'm watching the second. (pirated ofc)
First Movie: Legally Blonde. OK so Warner (👎👎) broke up with her to look good for his family and Elle decides "I'm gonna go to Law School!" So she works her ass off while still being a baddie and her whole sorority is so supportive (I'll talk about this later) Then she passes and gets into Harvard and blahblahblah. Ok so to me the main thing about this movie is like just following your heart which is what Elle literally did when she passed the Lsats just for her ex-boyfriend to hopefully take her back, and what she continues to do for the rest of the movie. I think the moment she realized that she wanted to do something with this law thing was when she helped Paulette get her dog back. There is a moment in the movie where it zooms in on her face as she watches how happy Paulette looks with her dog and I feel like something started to spark in her. So she goes on wtih the Windham case and uses her knowledge as a sorority girl (for lack of a better term) and as a law student to build trust, connect dots and see things from different perspectives. Another crucial part in the movie is when Callahan (👎👎) flirted with her to persuade her to go into his firm full time. It was a point in the movie where I saw that she was aware of how people perceive her, that she was pretty, perky and the "typical blonde." Its understandable that she wants to go back home and forget about her time as a law student because of this interaction, it exaggerated her thoughts and made her insecure about her current standing and if her hard work was just for naught since people just saw her as "a blonde." Now let's talk about the support system she has in this movie. Elle was surrounded by people who thought supported her in everything, her sorority, her parents, and even her professor later in the movie. Support is such a big help to Elle because without it she probably wouldn't have stayed in Harvard after seeing Warner and Vivian together because she was supported by Paulette to quote "steal the bastard back." She also wouldn't have defended Brooke Windham in trial if her professor didn't encourage her to keep going after being hit on by Callahan. The support that surrounded Elle helped her all the way through the movie and even after into the second.
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notsogreatpotoo · 3 months
Supernatural Notes Masterpost
context. i'm watching this show and taking notes bc of my friend @sardonic-the-writer. i've quickly realized these notes will be extensive reactions to every moment onscreen, so like, obviously spoilers for the show, and this will probably be annoying. enjoy the glimpse into my brain. (will be rbing or editing this whenever i watch more, so all of it will be in one place. it takes me so long to watch episodes bc i must nerd out and overanalyze everything.)
Season 1
Episode 1: Pilot
um why are the vines on the house moving / lookin like creepy ass tentacles
oh no. cute kids. something bad’s gonna happen and traumatize them
wait these are sam and dean. double oh no.
cute domestic family? hhhragh that isn’t gonna last long
why. why is the mobile moving.
creepy music and other happenings
ah shit
she’s alone in the bed? she’s checking on sam alone after weird baby monitor happenings???
dark silhouette i bet that ain’t john
okay scary emotional moment aside that sudden plume of fire was actually kinda funny but still this is a yikes situation!! get your kids outta there pal!!!
um sir??? i know you didn’t just tell your kid to take his brother outside WITHOUT YOU
it’s been four minutes and they’ve probably lost their mother and their house. sard.
‘it’s okay sam’ HONEY. dean tryna reassure the literal baby who don’t know what’s going on bc that’s what he;s supposed to do. as an older sibling this hurtsss
okay at least he came out and joined them but Still
hoping that firefighters save the house
the spike in music and the zoom on john’s face is not making me hopeful.
okayyy they are going to a costume party? and he’s not in a costume? sam ur cute but. Tis a Costume Party.
Halloween is my favorite holiday Sam. This Is A Warning.
realizing this fits into the media rule of mothers not being allowed to survive is funny bc it made me picture this as a d*sney show
they don’t know? i am sensing Not Good Familial Ties
second blonde lady onscreen is probs also gonna die, calling it now.
ah shit is this gonna be a normal break in or another fuckin ceiling person fire thing
sam winchester. is horror movie logic hereditary?? why are u investigating shit by urself
sam why the hell are you fighting someone IN THE DARK
‘or not’ no, shut up, just cause he flipped u when u weren’t expecting it don’t mean that could’ve worked on a real threat if they had a weapon. sam u are smart but also stupid.
okay pausing just to say i like their voices and we will be ignoring that right sard?
oh her name is Jess! second blonde lady Jess is going to die at some point
also just noticed dean not thinking sam would answer his calls and :’[
code words babeyyy
also Sam if you have something happening in your family that requires code words while the ‘you can say it in front of her’ thing is good for standing up for yourself and all, I assume it ain’t the best idea
Sam is actually being perfectly reasonable in this situation however I assume that Sam will not be listened to
‘He’s always missing, and he’s always fine’ again confirming that this show will hurt. John, u suck and I’ve known you for less than ten minutes.
did sam know this wasn’t normal?? did he have to get to college and realize oh, this was bad?
dean having a ‘it’s not really paranoia if they’re really out to get you’ mindset is Not Helping
‘dad’s obsession to find the thing that killed her’ i told you that zoom on his face did not make me feel hopeful
sam brought up mom, this is gonna get messyyyy
ran away? sard, sam is going to make me feel things this is not okay. i am going to project so hard onto these characters and it will be all your fault.
ohnno. Feelings.
SARD. SARD. ‘I can’t do this alone.’ ‘Yes you can.’ ‘I don’t want to.’ I DON’T WANT TO??? SARD HOW DARE YOU I’M GOING INSANE AND IT’S BEEN TEN MINUTES
sam gave in and i know i should feel bad abt that bc i was rooting for him like two seconds ago but you don’t understand ‘i don’t want to’ destroyed me
brother that is a lot of tools
voice appreciation bullet point. please ignore.
‘I’m 26, dude.’ shut uppp
eee they will be working cases in this show this is great. love a good mystery / case of the week show but don’t wanna watch cop shows :/
Three Weeks is Not a Few Days Buddy
sam strikes again with the braincell. he will lose it again soon enough.
okay so. did not sound like the men getting disappeared were whispering that ‘i can never go home’ thing so is this like a ghost lady off the side of the road typa shit? hitchhiker that died and never made it to her destination?
‘never bothered you, never asked you for a thing’ YOU MEAN YOU DIDN’T COMMUNICATE FOR SHIT
very much get why sam did not tell his family abt the lsat thing but damnit, dean, be proud of your little brother!!!
jess is nice but sam Will be brushing her off and Will feel justified for doing it
jess is concerned. i am Also concerned.
‘I promise’ sir you are jinxing yourself!!!
did he tell her??? we don’t get to know that apparently
stranger that i do not recognize from sard rbing spn gifs. therefore, likely unimportant character that something is going to happen to.
she don’t look quite like a hitchhiker tho. also, i get you’re concerned, brother, but ominous wind seems to only be blowing at her hair and dress and your radio just went haywire. you are ALONE. did you not get taught stranger danger bc while it don’t always apply to adults, it sure does to This Situation, boy
most ominous words ever. she did not mention car trouble, just said ‘take me home’ this is baddd
no one has common sense or self preservation in this show i stg
ghost lady Can interact with physical realm. i think this might be worse.
‘a girl like you’ bruh. stop.
this feels like a weird interpretation of a siren
one, fast hand go zoom. two, the only woman we’ve been introduced to so far that hasn’t been immediately sexualized was their mother and she immediately died. so. not great
wasn’t stupid car boy talking to a girl on the phone earlier???
‘do you think im pretty’ soundin like the slit mouthed woman over here, bad sign
as soon as he pulled up to weird house and she vanished he should have been outta there
moving weird handprint with no proper smear
oh no it’s showing a shot of him from inside the house this is bad
boy is backing out like the pizza man from home alone
oh no that isn’t it is it
wait he didn’t check the backseat?? or did she vanish completely and then reappear in backseat
oh he is,, Not Okay
the switch from that scene to that music made me laugh
credit card scams??? and you’re just gonna ask that out in the open?? sam. sam.
sam. do not diss metallica.
soundtrack appreciation bullet point.
haha time to lie to cops :]
spotless?? it certainly was not spotless when BLOOD SPLATTERED ON THE WINDOWS
he was dating a cop’s daughter and considering cheating? stupid car boy is Even More Stupid
‘thanks, that’s awfully kind of you’ see. unfortunately dean fucks.
dean Not Being Able To Resist Insulting the cops is, i’m sad to say, hot
them fighting is totally not going to be suspicious at all (boys, get it together for my sake, i’m not good at sarcasm)
older sheriff lookin ass guy is going to remember their faces and mess this up for them somehow
this is making me so glad my roommate that i actually share a room with is not here bc my headphones just died and i will charge them Later
dean, your alibis are gonna get all mixed uppppp
random girl who asked if Amy was okay after two strangers started to corner her i love you
why is amy even interested in troy
sam gets to go on um actually. as a treat.
sam keeps meeting the eyes of whoever’s talking bc he’s still adjusting to this / he’s used to dean and dean keeps watching for sam’s reactions bc he’s used to this but sam is now the new element
okay i get that the local legend stuff was spot on and also important but girl maybe mentioning troy disappearing forever next to his gf is not the best idea? PLUS if dean and sam were really troy’s uncles then them taking weird ghost stuff at face value is sus, no?
ah, when it was possible to get zero results bc there weren’t ads everywhere. i do not remember this time.
dean, don’t hit your brother bc you don’t know the correct keywords
good job sam, but i have subtitles on so i read it before i heard it and i misread ‘Constance Welch’ as ‘Contance Wench’ so i just wanted to let you know that’s who she is in my head
poor Joseph. poor Constance. poor kids. why do kids have to be so fragile
‘that bridge look familiar to you?’ no, totally not the same bridge you were just at a couple minutes ago, that would be ridiculous
dean is so insensitive and desensitized and unfortunately i know i’m going to love him
deannnnnn, be nice to sam pleaseeeee
‘well, that’s healthy’ POT MEET KETTLE DEAN
they’re fighting and i am in pain
‘don’t talk about her like that’ like what? like she’s dead? people don’t generally go up in smoke and then randomly appear after years, y’know? dean, hun, you’re in pain but have you considered putting that credit card scam money into getting a therapist?
oh dear
oh look at that, i’m officially just over Halfway Through This Episode. yeah, how many notes do i have? only THREE AND A HALF PAGES
running the longside of the road instead of zigzagging out the way bc they’re Like That
also lovely confirmation that she does not need an invitation or a driver to get inside the car and use it
BOYS. now i KNOW you survive but WTF WAS THAT
sam’s little laugh of relief is quite lovely but unfortunately i think he’s going to become an adrenaline junkie who can’t stop doing this hunting thing. i say unfortunately, but that’s for his sake. i am very excited.
‘car alright?’ dean winchester you just jumped off a bridge
was gonna make a comment abt the futility and perhaps stupidity of cursing out ghost lady. however. i fear that cursing out ghosts may be a staple when it comes to this show.
their dad’s been there…
dean you need a shower. bad ly.
sorry abt two bullet points in a row abt this but dean how do not want to pull off your skin to get allat dirt off ya?? also why didn’t the hotel guy ask about that instead of the ‘reunion’ bull??
writing the way i talk works for me when i’m tryna write fast and not think much bout what i’m saying but i think watching something like this is gonna bring out my accent, if my roommates make fun of me later i’m blaming you sard
this hotel room is the spn version of the red string conspiracy guy meme
i think the thing these guys have in common is the fact that they were all stupid car boys willing to pick up ghost lady and try to take her home
ALSO just realized ghost lady had a husband in her life?? and she was still flirting with stupid car boy?? idk, maybe they had an after death split but this don’t hit right with me
Sard. Why was there whispering. Sard last time there was weird shit like this that Sam noticed a lady started burning on the ceiling. Sard.
‘she might have another weakness’ i think the fact that dean steamrolled right past that means they’ll be using that other weakness
dean wth. are you. allergic to affection? ‘no chick-flick moments’ fuck OFF, this is why he wouldn’t’ve answered your calls
okay, sam’s rolling with it. i still stand by what i said about therapy.
sam what have you noticed now?
is that them???????????? hhhhhhhhraghhh
dean, sam is on the phoneee
love how cool dean is with illegal shit tho
wait they’re in separate places law of media says something bad is going to happen
‘you got anything that’s real’ ‘my boobs’ sard unfortunately i love him.
how many fake names ya think dean just has ready to go? wait, imagine him in an improv class
okay, fr tho dean, that corkboard shit is sus as hell, idc if you were three when it first happened, it still looks like you’re stalkin ‘em (which. i guess you kinda are.)
is that his dad’s book? adult version of the notebook of doom
sam is still looking for their dad even tho he coulda totally taken the opportunity to split back to stanford :]
poor Joseph :[
there was no after death split and i feel very icky about ghost lady flirting with stupid car boy
…was that hesitance before ‘definitely’ or am i imagining things?
good job for being nice to people sam
oh no, retracting that statement. why are you telling him this
oh shit it was hesitance
so a woman in white is like medea, gottit
okay i understand why ghost lady flirted with the stupid car boy
ooh narratively interesting point >> cheating Joseph has more faith in Constance to be a good person than himself
also this makes more sense than the fact that the kids were left alone for a literal minute and both died
he gon pick that lock!!
dean is free hehe
wait sam placed the call? aww, he cares about his brother
ex-Marine? keeping that tidbit locked away for later
also you woulda thunk that the cops coulda thought about coordinates when looking at a combo of random numbers
wait!!!! sam is going to be okay, he’s not what the woman in white is looking for, right? unless he like, pissed her off by running through her with the car. but still. first episode, he must be okay
‘you will be’ fuck OFF GET AWAY FROM HIMM
wait driving the car through the house worked? huh
fucked up ghost family reunion aside i feel so fucking bad for sam
oh gross
‘you found her weak spot’ guess who called it? again? i love being good at pattern recognition
‘if you screwed up my car, i’ll kill you’ or, y’know, you might do that on accident bc you SLAP HIS INJURIES
okay dean you get a little grace for finally taking sam seriously about his interview
‘you’ll call me if you find him?’ there, dean, you have an invitation to talk to your brother. do it.
he is not making that interview is he
the winchester boys suffering the same fates as their father apparently
final thoughts:
unfortunately I’m hooked. it made perfect sense for this to initiate everything. sure, it’s not the best show ever but there’s so much packed in and my overthinking brain is whirring faster than my laptop’s fan rn. loved that things were never immediately revealed bc it gave me a chance to guess and it felt so good when things fell into place later. sam is a sweetheart, but he’s also really smart and able to pass as innocent even when he’s lying his head off. i love that. dean’s an asshole that i am unfortunately attached to but he also obviously cares a lot about his family and doesn’t know how to handle that when it seems so broken. i am still so upset about that final bit. i will be binging this whenever i can but how dare you sard. this is nearly six pages of notes. why am i like this.
edit bc I just realized every ‘home’ in this episode was destroyed. ‘i can never go home.’ the winchesters’ house in the beginning and sam’s place both went up in flames, and sam drove a car through the haunted place. the only thing that saves things like motels is impermanence. sard I need to write forever I think
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mlobsters · 5 months
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supernatural s1e1 pilot (w. eric kripke)
(this is a rewatch, so spoilers abound)
because my brain is jacked up, i'm weirdly anxious about rewatching the show even though that's been The Plan for months. i watched 15x20 a week (plus) ago and every time i think about starting over at the pilot and writing them up proper like i did around s4-5 onward, my chest kind of clenches up and i look for literally anything else to do. i am worried about having feelings that i'm not prepared to deal with. which is fucking ridiculous.
hold onto your butts, this is gonna be a long fucking post
i've mentioned before that babies in peril is my number 1 hard stop on media -- i stopped watching killing eve mid-episode because of one and never went back to it (i intended to but never happened, brain weasels make everything hard.) so i know the very first time i tried to watch spn (several years ago) i almost turned it off because of little baby sam. that first attempt at watching i wasn't actually fully paying attention, i had it on while i was doing other things and so i missed all the character stuff and only saw it as kind of a mid horror schlocky situation so i never finished the first season back then. when i gave it another go in early 2023, i was giving it my full attention.
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one thing this show always got? the cutest, happiest, sweetest babies. 10/10 would recommend
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already freaking out how young everyone is and happy clean shaven john is extra wild
demon growl sound effect / padalecki's accent & jerk bitch moment
hey, it's the first instance of the demon growl noise when mary's burning on the ceiling! ooh i'm gonna be even more insufferable about the musical score and sound effects now that i'm listening for it from the jump
also i have called padalecki's accent/speech pattern the crispy r based on some tiktok i heard describing it that way - i associate it with california (but these clips are almost the opposite where the R is getting almost eliminated but not in the boston accent way), and i'd say maybe it was a choice but i think he spoke this way in gilmore girls too? but anyway, his Rs are just very different and it's a very particular and kind of subtle accent that definitely doesn't carry through the entire series ("bear it" in the second clip, the "sorry" in the third). i mentioned it when they had a clip of a moment from 1x10 as well in the pre-ep recap for 5x09
really well done and effective effects on that fire in the nursery
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so this picture made it out of the lawrence fire (it was on mary's nightstand) but not the stanford one? i don't recall it being in the collection
i never really understood where sam was supposed to be timeline-wise in college, other than he must not have graduated because it was october? so there's me googling when you take the LSAT. so he could have (assuming it hasn't changed that much since 2005) taken it in june or october of the calendar year before he graduated. all right so that makes sense now that i think about it for more than 30 seconds. so he didn't finish his last year really of his bachelor's. and he's 22. i think in that alex irvine john winchester diary novel thing (don't think that that's considered canon but that's a whole other can of worms), it said sam graduated high school at 19 instead of 18 so i think that would make things line up (someone made a timeline that also includes everything in that novel but the post is loudly wncest dni so i won't link it). i do know it was just a mistake that the pilot said sam had been gone 2 years.
the ever useful canon discrepancies article at superwiki:
One of the most frequently debated potential canon discrepancies. Here are the facts: - In the 1.01 Pilot, Sam is about to be interviewed for law school, which could work on the assumption that he's just about to finish a bachelor degree (4 years). Dean also says that he hasn't spoken to Sam in "nearly two years." - In 1.03 Dead in the Water, Dean tells Sam that he spent "Every day for two years with Dad, while you were going to pep rallies." - In 1.07 Hook Man, Dean says "So this is how you spent four good years of your life, huh?" when they are researching in the library. - The original promo dates Mary's death to September 13, 1985, consistent with Sam being twenty and having been at Stanford for two years but out of step with everything else in the series. Eric Kripke acknowledged during a panel at the 2006 William S. Paley Television Festival that they made a mistake in the script -- initially Sam was meant to be 20, then they aged him up to 22, but neglected to change Dean's line from "two years" to "four years." Therefore, it may have been the creators' intention that Sam has been at college for four years.
this is gonna take me approximately forever to rewatch episodes 🤪
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keeping my eye out for hands for drawing. have a general idea of getting something early seasons to go in the set with the 15x20 hands.
SAM Yeah? When I told Dad I was scared of the thing in my closet, he gave me a .45. DEAN Well, what was he supposed to do? SAM I was nine years old! He was supposed to say, don't be afraid of the dark.
classic john
SAM Yeah, I know, but still. The way we grew up, after Mom was killed, and Dad's obsession to find the thing that killed her. SAM But we still haven't found the damn thing. So we kill everything we can find. DEAN We save a lot of people doing it, too.
one thing i'm thinking about is how i definitely was under the impression that they really didn't know any other hunters until they start getting mentioned here and there (dropping bits of backstory about working jobs with xyz while sam was at school etc), and that they barely knew anything about demons. so i'm curious to see how much of that is me misremembering
SAM You think Mom would have wanted this for us? The weapon training, and melting the silver into bullets? Man, Dean, we were raised like warriors. DEAN So what are you gonna do? You're just gonna live some normal, apple pie life? Is that it? SAM No. Not normal. Safe. DEAN And that's why you ran away. SAM I was just going to college. It was Dad who said if I was gonna go I should stay gone. And that's what I'm doing.
classic john x2. i know it's the pilot, i know they're bombing us with backstory like they need to, but i'm just like. everything about this ends up being pretty essential to understanding them and how they were raised it's so much 😩
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DEAN I can't do this alone. SAM Yes you can. DEAN Yeah, well, I don't want to.
excuse me while my heart breaks into little bits. i knew that line in 15x20 was a callback to this, and it was heartbreaking then too. well actually it makes feel slightly ill rereading that scene from the finale. too emotionally invested
DEAN It started happening more and more, so Dad went to go dig around. That was about three weeks ago. I hadn't heard from him since, which is bad enough. DEAN Then I get this voicemail yesterday. He presses play. The recording is staticky and the signal was clearly breaking up. JOHN Dean...something big is starting to happen...I need to try and figure out what's going on. It may... Be very careful, Dean. We're all in danger.
so he coulda like. told dean he was ditching him for his safety in this sketchy vague voicemail, but then of course we wouldn't have them chasing him down with quite the same mystery. it's just kind of comical.
like this post puts it:
spn season 1 is so funny. they made the main plot line finding sam and dean’s missing father. but like. the guys not missing. he’s just avoiding them.
i'm sure (i hope???) every rewatch post isn't going to turn into a dissertation like this. good grief
hey. i was gonna mention that music was quite inoffensive and not bad at all and was about give old jay a pat on the back, but no! it's christopher lennertz lol. my ear always knows. so that's the originator of the demon growl sound
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SAM It's the greatest hits of mullet rock. DEAN Well, house rules, Sammy. Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole. SAM You know, Sammy is a chubby twelve-year-old. SAM It's Sam, okay?
i mean so many classic interactions i can't handle it. also, real shame netflix didn't/wouldn't get the licensing for the music originally aired. i have the blurays but i'm down a functional bluray player so here i am, watching on netflix with shitty replacement music yet again. that scene should have had ramblin man and back in black. travesty. back when they splashed out for the good licensed music (and i usually was on board with lennertz's selections)
the comment about them being a little young for federal marshals (also in their kinda scruffy clothes lol) and wikipedia says:
Marshals Service hiring is competitive and comparable to the selection process for Special Agent positions in agencies with similar duties. Typically fewer than five percent of qualified applicants are hired [citation needed] and must possess at a minimum a four-year bachelor's degree or competitive work experience (which is usually three or more years at a local or state police department).
so i mean, sounds like it's doable! barely. (i'm not even halfway through the episode lol)
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stepping on dean's foot, smacking sam's head. very good sibling stuff
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meanwhile we're gonna pop jackles in some bomb ass golden hour lighting so we can get his pretty, pretty face looking even prettier. lighting doesn't match any other part of the scene, but if you can get them lit up in it, we're using it!
SHERIFF Can I help you boys? DEAN No, sir, we were just leaving. As the FBI AGENTS walk past DEAN, he nods at each of them. DEAN Agent Mulder. Agent Scully.
respect to the og (that was the show of my youth and my forever otp and also my first impression of sam and dean's relationship was mid-run mulder and scully)
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s1e1 r.d. call as sheriff pierce / the x-files s1e18 as sheriff daniels
oh! and this sheriff was a sheriff in an xfiles episode, that's even better! that's brilliant. love to see it
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those jeans and before dean had his signature logger boots which i didn't apparently really notice until s6
DEAN Yeah, Troy told us about you. We're his uncles. I'm Dean, this is Sammy.
uncles??? lol
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another thing i remember really liking is these random girls aren't like.. tv pretty makeup. they're just random gothy girls with stark harsh eye makeup and lipstick and matte heavier foundation. like real people do! it just makes it feel more grounded in reality to me when not everyone's makeup is tv-perfect
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y'all. look at this! so i have talked a lot about the computer stuff, whenever there's a screen (in any show i'm watching) i'll pause and check out the veracity. teen wolf had laughably fake web page mockups. and one thing i do recall noticing in this episode was real webpage urls! and even in the printouts which comes later. which they did not do consistently in spn seasons after this at all until much later
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classic. truly. more smacks and shoves. it's okay, sammy. i also am a little bit of a control freak especially when it comes to computer stuff. JUST LET ME DO IT.
DEAN Monday. Right. The interview. SAM Yeah. DEAN Yeah, I forgot. You're really serious about this, aren't you? You think you're just going to become some lawyer? Marry your girl? SAM Maybe. Why not? DEAN Does Jessica know the truth about you? I mean, does she know about the things you've done? SAM No, and she's not ever going to know. DEAN Well, that's healthy. You can pretend all you want, Sammy. But sooner or later you're going to have to face up to who you really are.
dean's got a point there. which reminds me, did blurry wife know the truth? i remember there was some blurb about the story behind sam's kid having the anti-possession tattoo
wiki to the rescue
Though Sam's son has an anti-possession tattoo on his arm, there are no other signs of hunting in Sam's life after he leaves the Bunker. Jared confirmed at the November StageIt panel that Sam has not been hunting "in honor of Dean" because Dean wouldn't have wanted him to, but that Sam did tell his son about hunting and about his Uncle Dean, and that the decision to get the tattoo was Dean II's.
so probably yes?
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SAM And who's that? DEAN You're one of us. SAM No. I'm not like you. This is not going to be my life. DEAN You have a responsibility to— SAM To Dad? And his crusade? If it weren't for pictures I wouldn't even know what Mom looks like. And what difference would it make? Even if we do find the thing that killed her, Mom's gone. And she isn't coming back.
oh, sam. these early days he was chafing so hard against what other people wanted him to do. also relatable. and if only we knew about mary🥴
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sam enjoying dean's predicament
SAM Salt, cat's eye shells…he was worried. Trying to keep something from coming in.
cat's eye shells?? don't think that ever got mentioned again
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LOL okay, so the url isn't perfect 😂 missing forward slashes and no underscores in domain names, but they tried!!
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huh. another family picture i don't recall seeing again. kind of backwards, longer brown hair on supposedly dean and short lighter hair on supposedly sam
so did dean grab john's leather jacket at this point? since he showered and changed in john's motel room. i hadn't thought about that. huh
SAM You can't kill me. I'm not unfaithful. I've never been! CONSTANCE You will be. Just hold me.
i know this comes up in fic periodically but i don't think that went anywhere, like the cat's eye shells
LOL i didn't remember that the woman in white resolution was her ghostly murdered children conveniently take her out
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DEAN Hey, if we shag ass we could make it by morning. SAM Dean, I, um... DEAN You're not going. SAM The interview's in like, ten hours. I gotta be there. DEAN Yeah. Yeah, whatever. I'll take you home.
there's so many moments in this episode that i've seen in gifs and didn't realize were all from the pilot. but it's really interesting to me to see how like.. the show really kind of pushed how much dean needed/wanted sam and sam was resisting, and how i think it really set up dean as the more "likeable" character initially, along with showing off his pretty face and charm and all that. on a brain-characterization level, i always relate more to sam but i was definitely charmed by dean initially.
SAM Call me if you find him? SAM And maybe I can meet up with you later, huh? DEAN Yeah, all right. DEAN Sam? DEAN You know, we made a hell of a team back there. SAM Yeah.
the only thing that i think makes this episode not quite paced right is how they crammed jess dying at the end and the we've got work to do thing. it felt really rushed and slapped on. but other than that, what a great pilot. ranks up there with the hannibal pilot
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doyelikehaggis · 4 years
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Liv Parker x Georgie Dowling (The Vampire Diaries)
"This class is a joke," Liv says bitterly, glaring at the textbook laid open in front of her.
Occult studies. Ten percent occult and ninety percent studies at this point. Honestly, they're too scared that someone's going to catch on that half of the class and the entire college is filled up with actual witches, not to mention vampires and werewolves, that they don't bother teaching anything interesting. 
"Yeah, well, I told you that you wouldn't like it," Luke says without looking up from his own work. He's laying back on Liv's bed, steadily and easily making his way through his own assignments. 
Liv directs her glare to him and wryly says, "Thank you, that was so helpful."
"It's what you get for refusing to let me take the LSATS because it meant I'd move away from you." He looks up at her now, flashing a sarcastic smile. "If I have to take boring college courses, like history and English lit, then you have to suck up the butchering of our entire existence. We're in this together, remember?"
Using her own words against her is a dick move. Still, there isn't exactly room for her to argue; she did talk him out of the LSATS in order for them to be able to attend this college. But in her defence, they were on a search for the dopplegangers at that point and she was pretty sure they weren't at Harvard. 
Saying nothing rather than admit he's right, she turns back to her textbook. Then she slams it closed, to which Luke just chuckles at, evidently finding amusement in her frustration. A shock zips beneath her fingertips, she groans, and the textbook flies across the room -- just as the door opens. The girl freezes in the doorway with wide eyes. 
"Whoa! Uh... sorry," she says uncertainly. Her eyes dart from Liv's sheepish expression to Luke. "I was just... coming to see if you were still up for that coffee we were talking about earlier?"
Luke breathes out a sigh of relief and immediately puts his books down, and swings himself off of the bed. "God yes. Free me, Georgie, I'm begging you, or else I will literally go insane."
Georgie laughs. She points at Liv, her eyebrows raising. "Hey, uh... you're Liv, right? God, you two really are twins, huh?"
Liv gives a thin smile. "As far as I'm aware. But I clearly got all of the good looks and about seventy percent of the intelligence."
Georgie's gaze lingers, giving her a subtle once-over as her smile stretches into a faint smirk. She nods.
"Yeah, I can see the looks part. Good is an understatement, though."
"I am right here," Luke says, throwing his hands out. 
They both roll their eyes. Georgie turns back to him.
"Shut up, you know you're adorable," she tells him, to which he rolls his eyes back at her but smiles. "But as a flaming bisexual who leans more towards girls, your sister is winning this competition of attractiveness." She looks back over at Liv and shrugs, grinning at her. "Sorry to be blunt on our first meeting. I'm sure you have a really nice personality as well."
Luke scoffs. "She does not. Trust me."
He ignores the rather impolite hand gesture Liv aims at him. Grabbing his coat from the chair, he motions his head to the door.
"You coming?" he asks Georgie. 
"Mhm." She pauses to ask Liv, "Do you wanna come with? We're probably just gonna go to that little cafe across from campus."
When Liv hesitates, glancing at the textbook now on the floor on the other side of the room, Georgie gestures at it. 
"Oh, I can, you know, help you make up for any lost time studying," she says. "What classes are you taking? I don't see you in history."
"Occult studies."
Georgie's face lights up like a kid on Christmas day. "Are you kidding? There's a class for that? Oh, I am so switching my major, what the hell?" She swats Luke's arm. "Why didn't you tell me that was an option?"
"Because I didn't want you two meeting for this exact reason," Luke responds, joking. At least partially. "Now, can we please go?"
Georgie gives him another eye roll, and starts to speak. Liv beats her to it, talking directly to her with bright smile, "You know what? I would love to come with you. Some caffeine could really help me focus."
"Doubtful," Luke mutters with a displeased look, but he doesn't complain any further about her tagging along. Just throws her hoodie at her and motions for her to be quick about getting ready. "I'll be downstairs. Georgie?" 
She's still staring at Liz, a curious look on her face to match that twitching smile on her lips. Okay, Liv thinks, merely raising her eyebrows back at her. This could be interesting. Whitmore has been fairly boring ever since they stopped the travellers, prevented Kai from destroying their coven, drove some crazy-ass heretics out of town, and took down a supernatural hunter with a shaman curse to kill all vampires. Her life could use a little more mystery every so often, and it's been long enough since the last one. 
"Georgie," Luke repeats, exasperation slipping into his voice.
"Yep." She backs away now, biting her lip, then turns to leave. She pats Luke's shoulder on the passing, and in what is probably meant to be an attempt at a whisper, says, "Tell me she's single."
Luke closes his eyes and groans. Liv tries to supress a snicker but fails, even as the base of her neck heats up, a gentle flush creeping up to her cheeks. She just presses her lips together in a pleased smile, but raises her eyebrows in a facade of nonchalance. 
"Get out," Luke says, shaking his head. "Just... go, before I start looking for a spell to make the earth swallow me."
Georgie throws her one last glance before walking out of the room. Luke sighs, then wheels right around to point a finger at Liv. 
"I do not want another Tyler situation, all right?" he warns. "He was actually my friend until you started dating him, so, if you have any feelings for Georgie at all, please, for the love of god... just don't do anything dumb, okay?"
Liv rolls her eyes. "I won't! I don't even know the girl."
"Mhm." Luke just gives a certain kind of stare that she knows very well -- the same one she's given him on multiple occassions as well. They're used to trying to steer each other clear of friends that could become potential hook-ups. "Just dial down the flirting."
"That's my natural personality," Liv quips, shrugging. 
Luke's expression is mildly pained. He just waves her off, evidently not able to deal with any of this right now, and follows after Georgie. Liv quickly pulls on her hoodie and follows, scraping her hair out of the back of the hoodie and into the scrunchie tied around her wrist as she hurries after them. She can just take Georgie up on her offer to help her with her assignment later. 
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