#girl from pallettown
agirlandhersylveon · 2 years
"Has anyone heard of the new Hoenn villainous team called "TEAM SKY!" or whatever they're called? It was recently talked on by the PokeNews network channel, and Champion May Emerald is trying to deal with this joke of an evil team."
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Is the population of Kantonian Farfetch'd dwindling or increasing? I know that people love to eat their meat and their leek, and Farfetch'd are pretty rare this days due to almost being in the brink it extinction.
Thanks for the question.
We’re actually pretty concerned about the Kantonian Farfetch’d because you are absolutely right about their near extinction status as well as the reasons being food related. So far the Kantonian government has been pretty resistant to any safeguards or proper legal restrictions… we’re more than concerned that Team Rocket has some shadow influence in the region.
Until some concentrated breeding programs and protected species status is granted to Farfetch’d it’s going to continue to be up to us as every day citizens to keep it safe. For the time being we actually feel as though this particular species is safer being battle trained and used by trainers because at least that way they’re not being eaten, which buys us some time.
There’s going to be some really difficult conversations ahead of us if we want to avoid an extinction for this species.
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It’s that time of year again, Bud rooted themself in my back yard and started fruiting. Ah well , I’ll harvest while the newbies hang out. No babies from Bud this year but I’m certain everyone will enjoy blackbarrie pie ,rose hip preserve and maybe some baked sunflower seeds if their big enough .
@prof-myrtle @girl-from-pallettown
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oh-shinx · 2 years
I am sorry, I think I accidentally deleted an ask. Someone had asked about sylveon being originally from Kalos, I think? I do not know much about sylveon, as I have never had one myself. I am so sorry to the person who sent it before, I think it was @girl-from-pallettown ???? I am not at all a pokemon expert, but I could tell you some of sylveons influence on the Kalosian fashion scene
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
"You're a biologist? I have some questions to ask you. Are the Pokedex's entries meant to be true or are there some false facts written by a bunch of unnintelligent or lazy people making things up?"
Pokedex entries have a lot of truth in them, but some are false. Example: charmander isn't going to DIE if its flame goes out. When it dies, its flame goes out, and the flame goes weaker when it's sick. But we shouldn't just ignore all pokedex entries, as they have a lot of useful information. It's just important to do some research yourself at times.
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frostbite-yinny · 1 year
How and when did you obtain your Froslass?
Hey! Thanks for the ask @girl-from-pallettown 
You see, my Froslass was given to me by my mother as a snorunt egg when I was around 10! So, she was my starter. I actually went out on my journey when I was around 12 so I had her for 2 years before we actually battled. She was always a little troublemaker with an attitude bigger than her body. My mother still jokes to this day about how 'That Pokemon is a bad influence' and how 'She should have got me an Eevee or something'
The reason she got me a snorunt egg was;
1-) She is not a trainer. She never had any Pokemon that was actually hers and doesn't want any either. So, she couldn't just go out and catch one for me.
2-) Professors waitlist was too long. I already knew that with a waitlist like that, it would be a long time before I got my starter so I was already sneaking around the tallgrass, trying to catch a Pokemon with my bare hands. I still don't know how I didn't get injured in one of my escapades.
3-) She wanted me to have an egg rather than a Pokemon first. She never hated Pokemon but I knew she kinda feared them. So, she wanted something that could bond to me from birth so I would be protected from both my own and other Pokemon.
4-) I was gonna say why she choose a snorunt egg, but, well she doesn't actually have a reason. She is not very knowledgeable about Pokemon so just asked around for a hairless Pokemon that could be a starter. And that's how I ended up with my sassy lady. She doesn't like any fur on her house, but well, her daughter's first caught Pokemon was a liepard.
I wanted to go on my journey when I was 10, trust me I really did, but you know how it is the norm for at least 2 kids to start their journey together when they are from the same place? Well, every other kid either already started their journey or was too young to go. Some just didn't want to go altogether. 
So, it was constant nagging and a promise of frequent visits that finally got me out. She wanted me to have other job options early in hopes I would stop my journey so she made me come back regularly and attend several programs that would look good on my resume.
It did work, if it wasn't for that I wouldn't have become a sanctuary manager at a young age.
I still hate thinking about those days tho XD It was suffocating to do all those chores
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"What's Zygarde's opinion on Galar's Corsula, and the state of their unfortunate revival and evolution?"
It is a sign of things worse to come, and yet I cannot help but feel conflicted. On one hand, it is a terrible fate for any species to go through, the practices of humans which caused it are horrific, and it shows a terrible trajectory for all of the ecosystem if humanity continues to recklessly pillage the Earth. However, there is a small part of me that sees this as a sign of nature's resilience, and a larger part that wishes that this serves as not just a warning, but a mass deterring force as a reminder and an active fighter against climate change deniers.
You wanted to pillage the Earth. You saw the consequences coming. You saw the wonders of nature fall before you. Now, either resolve to change the fate you have made,
Or prepare to be haunted for eternity.
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thunderblessedhero · 1 year
You're Natural Harmonia Gropius or N right? I've got a question to ask. What would you do if you meet a version of yourself who not only follows Ghetsis without question, but also conquered whole the region and maybe... The world? A world where you and... Ghetsis unfortunately succeeded.
…How do you know my full n-
…Ahem, I’m… sorry. I’m afraid I don’t really know what you’re talking about. I am not, nor have… ever been, affiliated with Ghetsis in any way. But to answer your question, I suppose if theoretically I met a version of myself like that, I’d be… angry at him.
(And I guess… scared… knowing that’s what could’ve happened if Blake hadn’t…)
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agirlandhersylveon · 1 year
Being inspired by @paradise-pkmn-sanctuary, I'm going to do my own universal Pokemon radomizer... But with a twist. Reblog this post and I will send you a surprise twist Pokemon!
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agirlandhersylveon · 1 year
Did fairy types in the past don't exist or are there different alternate universes that fairies are non-existent?
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agirlandhersylveon · 1 year
since your sylveon is half shiny, what did it look like as an eevee?
-a curious @water-pokemon-appreciator
She would look like this as an Eevee! Isn't Lucy adorable?
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agirlandhersylveon · 1 year
I have a question. What is the sexuality of former Hoenn Champion Wallace? He was trained by his mentor Juan to be great with women to the point of being popular, but he wears and acts flamboyant. Plus, I read online that he and Steven Stone are secretly dating.
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agirlandhersylveon · 1 year
What's everyone's favorite gym leader/kahuna on their home region or the region they're currently living on? Mine has to be Misty. She's strong and tough battler, but is also an amazing swimmer and loves water types.
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agirlandhersylveon · 1 year
Trainers who I feel and think are from other regions.
Surge is confirmed to be a Unovan helping Kanto assisting the war against the Johto.
Hoenn Champion May Emerald used to live in Olivine City before her family moved to Hoenn in Littleroot, as her father Norman Emerald recently because the new gym leader of Petalberg town.
Brawly to me gives and feels like he originally came from Alola, and he's somewhat related to Kahuna Hala and Hau.
Juan is definitely from Paldea no doubt.
As for Fantina... She's either Kalosian, Galarian, or having both heritage with her parents I don't know but she usual speaks a bit of a Kalosian accent so... Maybe Kalosian?
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agirlandhersylveon · 1 year
Does anyone believe, seen, encountered, or know about the man-made legendary Pokemon, Mewtwo? I know that there used to be a Mewtwo in Kanto since the Cinnabar Island Mansion that formerly was on Cinnabar Island is down surf below from Pallet Town.
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agirlandhersylveon · 1 year
What's everyone's thoughts, opinions, and experience with the pure Psychic type Pokemon, Hypno? I don't like Hypno. I feel creeped out whenever I see or being near one. I'm not being mean or anything... I'm just scared of that one infamous Hypno incident. I really don't like that incident where it hypnotized a little girl and kidnapped her away.
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