#girl as soon as i opened them and caught a whiff i knew i was about to suffer
ivoirerose · 22 hours
designated driver | charles leclerc
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a reworking of an old fic of mine. no warnings except drunk idiots and mentions of sex. you have to pick up your drunk boyfriend from a night out.
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Come pick your idiot up, he just started rapping Baby Got Back.
The text had come through from Carlos attached to a video of Charles singing along, trail of shot glasses surrounding him, and you couldn’t help but laugh as you watched the passionate way he belted every word.
You rolled off the couch, shoving your feet into your shoes and grabbing your keys off the counter, answering Carlos with a firm order to not let Charles have any more to drink.
You try stopping him, he’s a menace.
Well you couldn’t argue with that. You tapped in the address Carlos had sent you, pulling up outside of a bar, music blasting from the door as it opened, letting out a group of girls stumbling over their heels.
You texted to say you were outside, watching the door, and when they hadn’t emerged after ten minutes, you decided to go in and get your pack of drunks.
You spotted them almost as soon as you walked through the door, sitting in the corner. Charles had his arms around Pierre's shoulders, the pair now both singing along to Vanilla Ice while Carlos recorded them.
You shook your head as you made your way over to them.
“Am I interrupting something?”
Charles’ gaze shot to you immediately, smile lighting up his face.
“Baby!! Guys, look, it’s my baby. You’re here!” he stood up and stumbled over to you, hands on either side of your face, and you caught a strong whiff of tequila as he leaned close. “You. Are so. Pretty.”
“Thanks Charlie, you too,” you answered as you peeled him off you, raising your eyebrows at Carlos over his shoulder, the other boy just shrugging and gesturing to the glass-littered table.
“Aww, you think so?” Charles blushed, and you fluffed up his hair.
“The prettiest. And you know what pretty boys need? Their beauty sleep. What do you say we get you back, huh?” You asked as he turned to Pierre.
“She thinks I’m pretty,” Charles smugly told Pierre.
“You know who I think is pretty? Kika,” he mumbled. “Hey, I’m gonna call her.”
He went to take out his phone and you rushed over to grab it from him.
“No you’re not because Kika has a big job in the morning and if you wake her up just to tell her how shiny her hair is, she will kill you.”
“Boo! No fun,” he grumbled. “It is shiny though, isn’t it?”
“Super ahiny,” you gave in, pulling him from his seat to stand next to Charles. “Okay, Carlos, you get Pierre, I’ll get Charles.”
“Got it,” he answered, and as he stood up, he stumbled against the chair, crashing to the floor. You watched as he pulled himself up by the table edge. “Woah, Y/N, did you see the way the floor just rose up then?”
You sighed, rubbing your hand over your face.
“Okay, never mind, I’ll get all three of you.” You reached over to grab him, linking your arm through his, Pierre on your other side. “Charles, link with Pierre. No letting go, children, come on.”
You led them through the bar, saving them from a stumble every few steps. You got to the exit when Charles stopped you.
“Wait, wait, baby, this bouncer? Here? He didn’t believe I had the prettiest girlfriend in the world. Can you believe that?” He gestured to the guy manning the door. “And now, she’s here, see, isn’t she the prettiest?”
You blushed, apologising to the guy as you pushed your way through.
“Wait, but he said…”
“Charlie, you’re gonna be the death of me!” you opened the door for him, shoving him into the passenger seat before wrangling the other two boys into the back.
You climbed into your own seat, clicking the child lock before setting off.
“Hey, can we put the radio on?” Pierre called from the back, and Charles reached out before you could answer, cheering as the sound of Bob Marley came from your speakers.
You smiled as they all sang along, and before you knew it, you were pulling up outside their hotel.
“Can you guys get in okay?” You asked, ignoring Pierre’s offended scoff at your question as he pulled at the door handle before turning to you with a sad look. “It won’t open, Y/N.”
You smiled as you clicked the button to unlock the door, and they climbed out of the back of your car. You and Charles watched them wobble their way to the door and stumble in, giving big waves as they stepped inside.
“Idiots,” you mumbled.
“I agree,” Charles answered sleepily.
“I was including you in that.”
“Hey! I’m your idiot.” He defended, and you couldn’t help but nod at that. “Can we stop for fries?”
“Are you gonna order four portions and then eat two bites before falling asleep again?”
“Okay, no fries.”
You rolled your eyes, signalling to pull in the nearest drive-thru, ignoring your boyfriend’s elated cheer.
“One portion, Charles, One.”
“Deal. Give 'em.”
He stuffed four into his mouth at once, groaning at the taste.
“God I love you.”
“You talking to me or the fries?”
“Honestly, right now, I’m not even sure.”
You giggled and he turned to look at you, eyes drunk and hazy.
“I do love you. A lot. You’re so pretty. And nice. And smart. And funny. And great in bed.”
“It’s true!”
“God Carlos was right, you’re a menace.”
“Yeah but you love me.”
“Yeah. I do.”
“Speaking of great in bed?”
“Charles, no!”
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mercedesmone · 8 days
coca cola oreos bad -10/10 donnot recommend
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fanficshiddles · 1 day
Eternally Mine, Chapter 41
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Loki and Chris were stood at the side of the grass, arms folded over their chests while they watched Toshi try to teach Claire and Louise some basic self-defence techniques.
It was going… not very well. They were both rather clumsy and kept tripping over their own feet.
‘I didn’t realise Louise was this clumsy.’ Chris chuckled.
‘I know Claire has her moments, but this is ridiculous.’ Loki responded.
Toshi ran a hand down her face. ‘Maybe this isn’t going to be as easy as I thought.’ She muttered to Jessica, who was beside her.
‘Ok. Let’s try a different tactic, you’re both rather clumsy and together it seems worse.’ Toshi announced to them. She had started with trying to get them to learn some moves on one another, but realised that maybe wasn’t the right way.
‘Loki. Chris. Get your asses over here.’ Toshi called to the guys.
‘Uh oh.’ Chris muttered as he and Loki wandered over.
‘Go behind your girl and let’s try something. Ok, Louise, Claire, the guys are going to come up behind you and grab you. Though guys, loosely, not vampire strength, let’s start easy. I want you two to do what I showed you to get out of their grip. Imagine they’re a stranger in the street that’s come up behind you.’
Louise and Claire nodded in agreement, eager to get this right.
As soon as the guys stepped in behind them, Loki loosely grabbed hold of Claire and she felt him press his body against her back.
Chris did the same with Louise, though wrapped one arm around the front of her neck, albeit loosely too.
Instead of trying to get free, they both just sort of melted.
‘You’re not supposed to be getting aroused at this.’ Chris laughed as he caught a whiff of Louise.
‘You’re just as bad, pet!’ Loki growled at Claire, who then tried squirming out of his grasp, forgetting everything Toshi had taught her so far.
Louise just fell into a fit of the giggles at the situation, which then wasn’t helped by Chris as he started tickling her, making it worse.
‘Oh my god.’ Toshi face palmed. ‘Right, David! Matt! Get over here.’ Toshi yelled at the guys.
David and Matt came over and took place of Loki and Chris. Toshi glared at Chris, who shrugged at her. ‘What? It’s not my fault she’s excited by my mere presence.’ He gloated with a smirk.
Toshi shook her head in dismay. ‘You knew exactly what you were doing. Both of you!’ She scolded and glared at Loki too.
The rest of them ended up coming over to watch, too. Severus was even amused by the scene.
After getting Louise and Claire to re-focus, they actually managed to get somewhere now they weren’t practicing with one another, or with their partners. They were able to master the technique of getting away from someone that was attempting to grab them from behind.
‘Now, obviously this technique will be more difficult against vampires using their full strength, but these lessons are more to protect you both from human hunters… just in case. They might work on drunk vampires, or weaker ones. Though if we can get your strength and stamina built up then you’ll have more of a chance even with stronger vampires.’
‘So, there’s still a chance I might be able to kick Loki’s ass eventually in a fight?’ Claire asked with a grin as she and Louise sat on the grass to get their breath back.
‘Well, maybe eventually. You’d certainly have a possibility against Loki. Louise though, I’m sorry to say, against Chris you’ll never have a chance.’ Toshi said honestly.
Claire let out a cheer and fist bumped the air. Loki’s mouth fell open and he glared at Toshi. ‘Hey! I’m strong!’
Chris grinned and winked at Louise, who giggled and blushed. Chris then joined Louise on the grass and wrestled her playfully, making her laugh more.
‘I’m not saying you’re not. Just that if Claire really buffs up and practices hard, maybe one day…’ Toshi trailed off and shrugged.
‘I doubt it. I’ve not had any human defeat me.’ Loki huffed.
‘Have you actually fought any humans apart from hunters?’ Toshi asked, folding her arms over her chest as she took slow steps towards him.
Severus raised an eyebrow at Toshi’s tone, he knew exactly what was about to happen next… he felt a little sorry for Loki. Just a little.
‘Of course not, no need to. I know there won’t be a human strong enough to take on the average vampire like myself or the others here.’ He gloated a bit.
When Toshi walked right up to him and squared up to him a bit, Chris had a feeling he knew what was about to go down too. So, he scooped Louise up and moved her out of the way, then he grabbed Claire’s arm and tugged her out of the way too. She looked a bit confused at first, but soon clicked on when Toshi began rolling up her sleeves.
‘Let’s test that theory.’ Toshi said confidently.
Loki raised an eyebrow. ‘What?’
‘Let’s test that theory.’ She repeated. ‘Come on. I’m a human, you should be able to beat me easily.’
Loki laughed and shook his head. ‘I’m not about to fight a friend.’
‘Scared you’ll lose? To not only a human, but a girl?’ Chris called with a smirk as he watched on with amusement.
‘Don’t wind him up.’ Claire whispered.
‘What, don’t want to see him get his ass kicked?’ Chris asked her.
‘Shut up.’ Loki hissed over at Chris.
‘Come on. Just a friendly fight?’ Toshi asked Loki as she began stalking around him.
Loki sighed and put his hands on his hips. ‘Fine. Just don’t go crying to Severus though when I prove my point.’
‘Geez, since when did Loki get so boastful? He’s been hanging around you too much.’ David chuckled as he stepped next to Chris.
‘He was often like that as a kid.’ Chris chuckled.
‘I agree with him though, he’s a strong vampire. There’s no way Toshi will be able to take him out.’ David muttered.
‘Hundred quid.’ Chris commented without hesitation.
David turned to face him, eyebrow up. ‘What?’
‘Let’s bet on it. Hundred quid says Toshi kicks his ass.’ Chris put his hand out towards David.
‘You’re on.’ He shook his hand.
Severus smirked from the side.
Louise just shook her head with a laugh. She wasn’t really sure who would win.
Loki had barely taken a stance when Toshi lunged, she was quick and agile as she jumped towards him and bent down to put a hand on the ground as she levered her body round, to use one of her legs to swipe at him, taking his feet right out from under him. He fell down to the ground with a loud thud and knocked the wind from him. Toshi jumped on his chest and held one of her knives to his throat. His eyes widened and he put his hands up.
‘Holy shit.’ He gasped.
‘Of course, if you were a vampire I was after, I’d slit your throat to keep you occupied for a good while and then I’d get my silver bullet ready to finish the job.’ Toshi said as she hopped up off him.
Loki blinked quickly, he didn’t even notice how or when she got her knife out. He couldn’t believe how quick she was for a human. And there was a decent amount of strength in her legs to swipe him down like that.
David was stunned. Chris just grinned and put his hand out towards David, motioning with his fingers for him to give him the money.
David grumbled under his breath as he took out his wallet and gave him fifty quid. ‘I’ll get the rest to you tomorrow.’ He huffed.
Chris chuckled and looked at Louise. ‘Next weekend, let’s go out for a meal. My treat.’ He winked at her, making her laugh as she hugged into the side of him.
‘You bet against me?’ Loki screeched at his brother when he hobbled over towards them.
‘Not necessarily against you… I bet on Toshi.’ Chris shrugged.
Loki scowled at Chris, then sulked off to get a drink. Claire rushed after him, hiding her amusement as she cooed over him to make him feel better. When Loki got to the picnic table and picked up a drink, he looked back over at the others and continued scowling.
‘It’s not all about strength all the time. We humans, especially being female, need to use our finesse as much as we can. Take them by surprise as soon as possible is our best bet.’ Toshi said to Louise. Then, without any warning, she did exactly the same to Chris, bending down and swinging her leg out to swipe his legs out from under him.
While he fell to the ground with a thud, just as loud as his brothers, he did, however manage to get up in a split second before she had the chance to even think about doing anything else.
Loki began howling with laughter upon seeing Chris being taken down like that.
Louise couldn’t help but laugh too at the look of surprise on Chris’ face.
‘Well, it seems even the strongest vampire can be taken down in surprise, even if just for a moment.’ Toshi said proudly.
‘What the hell was that for? I bet on you! Not against you.’ Chris huffed as he wiped his jumper and frowned at Toshi.
‘Just proving a point to Louise and Claire that we can be strong too, just in a slightly different way. If I was trying to take you out, I would then have to be extremely quick to get a knife to your throat. Though even I know that would be easier said than done.’
‘Cause Chris’ reflexes are faster than the others, right?’ Louise asked.
‘Damn right.’ Chris said as he rolled his shoulders and put his arm around Louise, giving Toshi one last scowl. Though Toshi swore she could see a slight hint of a smirk at the corner of his lips.
‘I wish I had bet on that happening.’ David sighed.
Toshi walked over to Severus, seeing him smirking.
‘Too far?’ She asked as she slipped under his arm.
‘Not at all. Just right.’ Severus chuckled lightly and leaned down to kiss her.
‘Damn, how Hannibal doesn’t realise he can trust you is beyond me. The fact you can knock Chris down like that without him going ape shit on you is more than enough proof of his trust in you.’ Matt said to Toshi.
He wasn’t wrong. If anyone outwith their group did that to Chris, he likely would’ve torn their throat out in response or tossed them off a cliff. Heck, more or less everyone else in the group wouldn’t ever dare to even attempt doing something like that with him.
‘He doesn’t like Chris, that’s why he doesn’t care for his judgement with Toshi.’ Loki said as he and Claire walked back over to them, Claire had a bag of crisps and Loki was stealing some from over her shoulder.
‘Yet he’s shit scared of him. You can tell by the look on his face.’ Spencer chimed in.
‘Which doesn’t really make sense as to why he keeps talking bad about Toshi on front of him.’ Jessica hummed.
‘He likely knows that Chris needs a more solid reason to fire him or actually hurt him. So, there’s only so far he will go to wind us up.’ Severus said.
‘Hannibal likely feels threatened by Toshi’s presence, too. The fact she’s a hunter, who are our enemy, he can’t face the fact that she’s trying to help us.’ Loki said with a mouthful of crisps.
‘Geez, bro. I know you didn’t grow up in a barn and have better manners than to eat with your mouth full.’ Chris commented to Loki.
Loki just flipped him the middle finger in response.
Claire and Louise looked at one another and shook their heads.
‘We definitely need to keep an eye on Hannibal, but I think the hunters targeting us are our main priority.’ Chris said to the group, and they all nodded in agreement.
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angelsdevils · 2 years
Sano Manjiro (Mikey)
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Title: What Could've Been Angst turned Fluff (reader ends up with someone else)
Taglist: @omakeomuomu @thisbicc @galactict3a @rgtgt @chuuberrysworld @sattosugu @penguinlovestowrite @6-022-10-23 @tobycisnt @coffee-and-chocolates-blog @k3rrpii @bontensbabygirl @ddeadcalm @smokandfire @artemis1862 @obeymesimp11 @ashwasherelol @oikawascutie @pinksilk @staymoarmyzen @leilalago @itzyunaa @black0pirate0cat @reiners-milkbiddies @winterv-black @bobateasilverpearl
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Arguments. Lies. Cheating. Controlling.
These were the key things that had you sitting on the floor, with your back against the wall. You were exhausted with how Mikey treated you. He never allowed you room to breathe.
And when you tried to talk to him, he always blamed you, saying you were being clingy. But here lately he has been coming home later than usual and ignoring your entire presence.
He would say their meetings ran long, but the members of Bonten would be confused when you asked them about how the meeting was. It turned out there were never any meetings.
You started to get a whiff of perfume on his clothes, and you know it wasn’t your perfume. You tried to ask him if he was cheating on you but he would only glare at you and wave you off. Then today, a woman showed up at the door asking for him, since she was now pregnant. She had proof he stayed at her place, and even showed you the different messages that were exchanged.
So many things that he was doing, were causing your heart to break. You couldn’t do this anymore. You didn’t have an ounce of love for him anymore. You wanted to love him and stay by his side forever but that forever soon turned into only a few years.
You let a sob escape your lips just as there was a knock on the bedroom door.
“(Y/N), why is the door locked?”
Mikey’s voice sounded cold and tired. He waited for you to answer but instead, he was met with silence and slight sobs that escaped your body.
“(Y/N)? Are you…crying? Open the door. Now.”
Mikey was more alert now, sure he knew he wasn’t the best boyfriend but he loved you still. At least that he always told himself. He heard shuffling behind the door and expected you to open the door.
You removed yourself from the door and looked over at the suitcase that was already packed and ready for you to go. You had to get everything off of your chest now before you left for good. You slowly opened the door, only to be met with Mikey's empty gaze.
He reached over to wipe your tears, but you gently grabbed his hand. You shook your head and stepped back. He looked at you confused as you wiped your tears.
“Sano we ne-“
“Mikey, to you it’s Mikey…”
“No, Mikey is only for people close to you. Sano, I am breaking up with you. I can’t do this anymore. I know you have been lying to me, cheating on me, and honestly, we spend no time together.”
“I’m not doing any of those things.”
“Mikey, when I asked the other members of Bonten how the late meeting went they always said there were no meetings.  I know you cheated on me because you got a girl pregnant. Yet you always said you never wanted kids with me. We are always arguing, and never talking. I can’t tell you the last time we have been on a date.
“What are you talking about? I didn’t get anyone pregnant,” Mikey looked confused.
“I saw the messages, she came here today to tell you she was pregnant. She showed me how you always talked about hooking up with her. Even though you should have been home with me. Mikey stop with the lies. This is why I am leaving. I can’t do this anymore.”
Mikey fished out his phone once it started to buzz. As if on cue the girl you were talking about sent him a message about the news. His empty eyes filled with emotion, once he knew he was caught.
“Wait (Y/N), I am sorry. I really do love you, I just didn’t-“
“I am leaving, my stuff is packed,” you said.
You went and grabbed your suitcase before walking past Mikey. He tried to stop you by grabbing your wrist but it didn’t work since you shot him a cold look.
“Let me go, Sano, I don’t have any more love to give you. I hope she makes you happy, and I hope you have a happy family that you didn’t want with me.”
You left out the front door and Mikey was frozen on the spot.
So many emotions swum in his chest, and before he could comprehend it all. He felt wetness running down his cheeks.
“I really do love you. I- am sorry. I need you,” he whispered to the empty house.
~years later~
You had gotten engaged to Ryuguji Ken. You and Ken had met a year after your break up with Mikey. He knew you had a bad ex, but he never asked for names and you never told him. He helped mend your trust, by staying by your side and always telling the truth.
Now you guys had a 5-year-old, who looked identical to Ken. You had met all of his friends, or so you thought.
Right now, your fiancé had your son, on a swing pushing him as you set out for lunch. You were so focused you didn’t notice that someone was approaching you until you heard a familiar voice.
You turned your head to meet the empty eyes of Sano Manjiro. Your eyes widened as you realized that he looked a lot more sick now.
“Yeah, I am glad I get to see you again.” He reached out to grab your hand but you removed it from his hold. He frowned but dropped his hand to his side.
“How have you been?” He asked.
“Good, you?”
“I miss you so much. I regret everything that I put you through.”
“How is your family?”
“My daughter is fine, her mother isn’t in the picture though. Listen, I think, no I know I want a family. But with you, no one else. I know I messed up, let me fix it.”
“Mommy, mommy. Look what daddy found!” You and Mikey turned to see your son running and you picked him up and smiled.
“Is that a flower crown?” You asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah, daddy said you showed him how to make them.”
Your son placed it on your head, and you kissed his chubby cheek. Mikey’s eyes widened and looked at you with a questioning gaze.
“You have a family already?” Mikey asked which caught your son’s attention.
“Who is he, mommy?”
“An old friend of mommys”
“Oh…” he buried his face into your neck and you held him tightly.
“Yeah, I do.”
“Who~?” Mikey trailed off as he looked over to see your fiance and stood beside you kissing your cheek.
“Everything okay?” Ken asked and you nodded.
“Yeah, I am fine…”
“Draken?” Mikey asked, Draken turned his head to see Mikey.
“You two know each other?” You asked confused.
“Yeah, remember how I told you I was part of a gang back in middle and high school?”
“He was the leader, how do you know each other?” Draken asked and you bit your lip as you and Mikey made eye contact.
“He was the one who did those things I told you about.”
“Got another girl pregnant while with you, cheating, lying, and so on?” Draken asked as he wrapped an arm around your waist staring at Mikey.
“What are you doing Mikey?” Draken asked.
“I- are you two married now?”
“Engaged,” you corrected.
Mikey nodded his head, everything he had wished he had with you was no longer in reach. He could tell you were much happier, you deserved to be happy. It shattered his heart knowing that Draken got to hold you, kiss you and be with you now and he couldn’t.
“I see, I should go. It was good seeing you two.”
Mikey quickly left, before he could break down. Draken frowned seeing his long-time friend, broken. But when he looked at you holding your guy’s son, he couldn’t help but feel relieved he had you now.
He kissed your lips gently with a small smile.
“Baby?” Draken asked, and you looked up at him.
“I hate to see him like this, and I hate that he hurt you. But I am so glad he did, or else me and you would have never gotten together.”
“Me too, I am the happiest I have ever been thanks to you.”
“EWW daddy, mommy has cooties!” Your son yelled and you almost broke out laughing at the late reaction of Draken kissing you.
“You have cooties.” You said before leaning your son down and showering his face with kisses causing him to giggle nonstop. Draken sighed softly and sat on the bench.
Mikey walked away, and once he was far enough, he felt the tears fall. He was still in love with you and even though you deserved someone like Draken he couldn’t let go. He began to think about what could’ve been if he just stopped the arguments, communicated, not cheated, and lied to you. 
He silently wished you the best knowing that the two of you would be happy now. 
© [@angelsdevils] all rights reserved. none of my posts or stories should be modified, reposted, etc. I do not own the character or the fanart, but I own the plots of these stories. All fanart goes to their appropriate owners.
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ghost-wolf34 · 2 years
Chapter two. Finding Bucky and his first hunt.
Warning: might be a little to hard for some people to handle, since it's a wolf attacking and killing a deer.
Bucky ran through the forest in his wolf form, he was very fast and he easily leaped and jumped as he ran.
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He soon stopped running and sniffed the air when he caught the scent of deer close by. So he darted in the direction where the deer were, his wolf instincts to hunt along with his hunger kicked in. Once he had made it to the deer were, he quietly stood there watching them
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before trying to sneak up on them in a hunting almost to the ground kinda walk, Bucky then jumped out of where he was and attacked the deer. 
The deer tried to get away from him, but couldn't due to Bucky's strength and how tall he was, Bucky growled as he bit the deer by it's neck knocking it to the ground before killing it. Bucky soon started to fed off the deer, he was very hungry and acted like he hadn't eaten In days due to his werewolf hunger.
......Back at the base......
Steve and Peggy along with the other team members, were trying to come up with a plan on how to catch Bucky and being him back to the base, before somebody found out there was another werewolf running around. "Any ideas on how we could catch him or bring him back to base without a fight?" Peggy asked Steve, since both of them knew guns weren't gonna work nor was they just trying to trap him either. 
"We find away to lure him back here without anyone getting hurt, then we try to see if we can get him to calm down. But I don't know how we would get him back here." Steve said, before turning around and looking at the person who spoke. "I might know of away to help get him back here, but it involves me going out there alone." The others looked at the person whom was their new recruit, who had just joined their team and had unique abilities similar to Bucky's. 
"I know that most of you don't trust me or think I could do this, but I can and he also needs to know that he's not alone." She said, as her eyes lit up to her wolf purple which was due to some sort of reaction to her normal blue eyes and her alpha red ones.  Steve was unsure whether or not to let her try, since she was still new to the team and was still under going training. "Please let me at least try." She told him pleadingly. 
Steve sighed gently, before giving her a stern look and nodding his head. "Alright you can try, but Peggy and Wanda will go as your back up. I will have them sitting in a car while you go and find Barnes, once you find him bring him back to the car if you can." Steve told her, the recruit nodded her head. "And if I can't get him to follow me to the car?"  Peggy stepped forward to speak. "Then you find away to lure him back here, so we can find away to coax him to the glass box til he calms down." The girl nodded her head not liking the second idea, but she didn't really have a say since she was still new to the team. "Good, then let's get to work." Peggy added, before gearing up to leave.
On the way there, the young recruit whom was only in her early twenties had a strange feeling like she was being pulled towards one of the avenger members, but she wondered if it was Barnes since he was like her in away. She was snapped out of her thoughts however when the car stopped, she looked at Peggy and Wanda. 
"I know I won't be able to contact you guys once I change, but I will try to howl if I need you guys as long as that works. I will be back as soon as I find him." She said quietly but softly, before opening the door to get out. "Be careful agent Shadow Wolf." Peggy told her, as she watched Shadow nod her head before getting out of the car and closing the door. "I really hope she can finds Barnes." Peggy told Wanda. "Me too." Wanda said. 
Shadow sniffles the air as soon as she got out of the car, she tried to find his scent but it smelled a bit different then what it normally did. She eventually got a whiff off his scent and soon shifted into her wolf, before running through the woods following his scent but she also smelled deer blood meaning he had probably hunted since he would be over taken with hunger. 
Bucky lifted up his head and growled lowly when he smelled another werewolf, he was a bit unfamiliar with the smell even though it seemed a bit familiar. He got into a threatened stance with his ears pinned back and his lips lifting up in a growl, 
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as he saw a wolf with purple eyes staring through a part of the darkness in the woods looking at him. 
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Shadow looked at Barnes with her purple wolf eyes, before lifting her teeth a little bit being gentle about it. 
Shadow could tell he definitely had probably never met a alpha before, since she could tell what rank he was as she stepped out of the darkness and to where he could see her. Shadow remained calm and focused, her Wolf was in control now she was not and that could get very ugly very fast.
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majestyeverlasting · 3 years
hey, I absolutely love your writing!!!❤️
Can you maybe write a Bucky x reader with the fluffy prompt 31?
(the reader is afraid of something and she lashes out on Bucky... like she rambles on, and on to Bucky so that she runs out of breath... and Bucky forces her into a hug, which she eventually relaxes into and then tells her the promt)
If you can't write this, I'll totally understand... enjoy your day🌼🌼
♡ Hi! Thank you, I'm happy to hear that you like my writing! I love this request, and hope I was able to capture the essence of what you wanted. I know you've been waiting, so thanks for being patient! To summarize, the reader's doubts lead her and Bucky to explore the idea of what it means to add value to the world. That of course leads to some intimate dialogue and soft moments. Towards the end, I played around with an idea that relates to Bucky having enhanced senses, and I think it worked out pretty well. But I suppose that's up for you guys to decide. 🌼
♡ Prompt 31: “Shh, I can hear your heartbeat.”
What Comes Naturally
There was an abundance of memories to hold onto as summer began to bid farewell. Each of them sweet, and owning a small fraction of your heart. The days, once long, were beginning to grow shorter, and nature itself was slowing to the new rhythm of the atmopshere. It beautiful time of transition.
But a rather peculiar round of thoughts had started to cultivate within your mind. They were dense and somewhat dark, awaiting the moment in which they could release their rain.
Their accumulation had been on the basis of value. The value you were adding to the world, specifically; was it enough? Could you be working more, creating more? Did strangers walk away remembering you? Did you better the lives of those around you? There were as many doubts as there were questions. And they all seemed to have come out of nowhere, plaguing you suddenly.
It was an unfortunate headspace to have fallen into. All things considered, you should’ve been happy. Happier than you were, at least, because it was the dawn of your favorite season. Yet you’d woken up and found yourself wondering if you were doing enough.
That afternoon rolled around quickly. You were curled up on the couch when Bucky returned home from his routine run. He lifted his hand in a wave, to which you responded with a quiet hi. The earbuds you had in played a song that served as a feeble distraction from your worries. You watched as he went to the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water, taking a few big gulps. He focussed on you as he drank.
Then he set the bottle on the kitchen island, and dabbed his mouth with the back of his hand. A furrow formed between his brows as sweat glistened above along his hairline. “You okay, doll?”
The question barely registered, but you read his lips. Before speaking, you paused the song. “Yeah, m’fine. Just relaxing”
You might as well have been glass with the way his gaze went through you. “Okay, well, I’m gonna go hop in the shower,” he said, running a hand through his hair. A brief moment of silence passed. “We’ll talk when I’m done, okay?” There was a knowing to his tone.
All you did was nod, gratefully.
A couple minutes after he left the kitchen, you ended up padding to the bedroom as well. Rather than bothering with another distraction, you simply laid on your back across the bed. You stared at the ceiling as the sound of running shower water emitted from the bathroom. And though it was faint, you could also hear the timbre of Bucky’s voice as he hummed a tune. You closed your eyes, finding solace in the fact that he was near, and willing to listen.
By the time he came out, you’d dozed off into a light sleep. As soon he gave your knee a few gentle squeezes, your eyes fluttered open. There was a small smile on his face as he looked down at you. Damp locks of his hair fell into his forehead, and a beige bath towel was wrapped around his waist. You sat up with a soft grunt, and he pressed a quick kiss to your forehead before moving to get dressed. You caught of whiff of his cedar body wash in the process.
“Love you,” you murmured, rubbing your eyes.
“Love you too, pretty girl,” he said. “Wanna start telling me ‘bout what’s going on in that mind of yours?”
For a few seconds, all you did was look down at your socked feet and kick them. You heard a couple of dresser drawers open as Bucky saught out the clothes he was going to wear. “I feel like there’s something more I could be doing,” you finally said, turning to look at him. He’d tossed his towel onto the bed put on a pair of blue boxers.
“Something more?” He repeated as he pulled a black shirt over his head. “What do you mean?” His eyes met yours with genuine curiosity, wanting to understand.
You sighed, picking at the bed comforter. “The world is so big and people are out there doing so many different things, and it feels like I’m not doing nearly as enough. Like there are ways for me to step up that I’m not acknowledging,” you explained. “Like I’m missing the mark.”
Bucky put on a pair of sweat shorts before walking to take a seat beside you on the edge of the bed. He looked intently into your eyes. “What mark do you think you’re missing?”
“That’s the thing, I don’t know,” you said, tone raising slightly. “There are people like you who go out and save the world, and do all of these crazy, larger than life things. People who have huge, innovative ideas that change entire industries. People who massive followings because they’re encouraging, or funny, and whatnot. And they all add so much to the world.”
Bucky thought about interjecting, but decided to let you continue. “It seems like I’m hardly doing anything. I at least try to leave a good impression on everyone I meet. And I try to extend the best of myself to the people I care about.” You turned your gaze from him, and directed it to the floor.
“But now there’s something’s telling me that I should be trying harder. And I don’t even know what that’s supposed to look like.” Bucky had began to run a comforting hand up and down your thigh. You released a harsh huff of air, not even realizing you’d been working yourself up. “I don’t even know where all of this is coming from. I just feel off, and...”
You fell silent when he wrapped his vibranium arm around your shoulders, and pulled you into him. Pressing a kiss to your temple, then your cheek, his stubble brushing against your skin. There was warmth radiating from his body, and he smelled good. So good. You let your head tilt to rest on his shoulder, and looked down to where your knee was brushing against his. Suddenly, it seemed as though everything you’d previously said was immature and incomprehensible.
“I’m sorry,” you started. “Maybe I’m just being—”
“Shh,” he coaxed. Then he said something that caught you off guard, and took your mind off of everything else, “I can hear your heartbeat.”
“Wait, what?” You breathed. “No you can’t.” When Bucky chuckled, light and airy, you lifted your head. “Can you really?” Your voice was soft with a disbelieving edge.
“Yes,” he said, letting his arm slip from around you. “Lay down for a second.” You did, and he fell onto his back as well.
There the two of you were, chests rising with your breaths, looking up at the ceiling.
You waited for him to explain himself or say something else, but he didn’t for a while. The air was quiet long enough that you figured it was only a matter of time before you began to hear your own heartbeat, or possibly even his. You didn’t, of course, and Bucky eventually broke the ambience that had established itself.
“I can hear it,” he confirmed, turning to look at you. “But just barely ‘cause it’s not as strong now.”
“Because I’ve calmed down?” He hummed in agreement. You studied his handsome features and began to smile. "I didn’t know could do that,” you told him. “I mean, I knew your hearing was good, but to be able to hear a heart beating is… cool.”
“Yeah. I just have to be close enough and focus extremely hard,” he explained. “And you wanna know what I have to say about adding value to the world?”
You’d almost forgotten about what you expressed to him in the moments prior. Almost. “What?”
He propped himself up on his metal arm, and placed his flesh one on your chest over your heart. He could feel the gentle thump against his palm. “This, right here, is all you need to know that you’re adding value; the fact that you’re alive,” he said, smiling when you placed your hands overtop of his. “Everyday you’re adding value in a way only you can. Even if it’s not always through some big and over the top demonstration.
“Just be and do what comes naturally. One day that might be saving a city, another day that may be making somebody laugh. Who’s to say they aren’t equally important in the end? They both effect how the future plays out, right?” He quirked his brows.
It was moments like that when you realized just how much of life he'd lived and how much wisdom he'd earned over the years. Even if you had've racked your brain, you wouldn't have found anything capable of standing up against his words. You took his hand and pressed a kiss to his palm.
Thank you so much for reading! Consider sticking around for more. <3
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eloves-writes · 3 years
a failed attempt to hate you
(tristan dugray)
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a/n: i can only apologise if this writing is terrible, i wrote most of this in the middle of the night hopped up on medication for my disgusting cold. i hope it makes sense. anywho thanks for reading, enjoy, mwah <3
screw mr medina for making you help tristan study. you knew he knew from rory your inherent disdain for him, and it wasn’t your fault he was falling behind therefore not your responsibility to help him (as you had told mr medina last tuesday, with no effect). it was now sunday morning and you held little hope he would actually show up this time; he had somehow managed to cancel on your little study date 6 times already and it had only been 5 days since you were handed this apparently mammoth task. honestly, you didn’t expect him to show up at all, especially not anytime before noon- for which reasons you had made the decision put on your usual lazy sunday morning reading in bed get-up, which included (but was not limited to) an oversized rock concert shirt rory’s friend lane had given you in an attempt to clear her closet of non-christian attire, nothing but underwear underneath since you wouldn’t plan on leaving the comfort of your bedsheets for many hours, and a loose silk scrunchie you accidentally stole from rory keeping your hair out of your eyes. 
your book of choice today was ‘harry potter and the goblet of fire’ , the most recently released chapter of the boy wizard’s adventures at hogwarts. the clock beside you read 9:15 as you comfied yourself for a morning of magic and adventure, which naturally was ended a mere 8 minutes later at 9:23 when the doorbell rang downstairs. you assumed your mother would answer it, but when it rang a second time you remembered your parents had both gone out to watch your sibling’s soccer match and you’d have to get it yourself.
it didn’t even cross your mind to put pants on, or that it may not be the postman at the door, until you opened it to see your very favourite chilton student whose eyes had hastily wandered to your bare legs. typical high school boy, you thought to yourself before your brain actually grasped the situation and kick started into action.
‘tristan. hi.’ you said with a slight shock in your voice.
‘erm, hi. i hope i’m not interrupting anything,’ he smirked, glancing down at your thighs again.
you rolled your eyes so aggressively you hoped mr medina could hear it from wherever he was spending his day, irritating boy-less and free to do whatever he wanted with his time.
‘you’re not,’ you quipped. ‘i just didn’t expect you to actually show up this time. and early may i add, i’m sure we said 11.’
‘we did, but i’ve got plans later so i thought i’d come by earlier and get this over with.’
‘how did you know i didn’t have plans? i might have been busy before 11.’
he pulled a face of amusement and you could swear you saw a hint of sarcasm shining through his eyes too. ‘right. are you done talking now or can i come in?’
‘you can come in, i guess,’ you sighed, closing the door behind him and showing him to the kitchen table. ‘wait here, i’ll go and get my books.’
‘grab some pants whilst you’re at it.’
‘stop talking,’ you called as you walked upstairs.
you came back downstairs a few minutes later fully-clothed and carrying your english notes to see that tristan had wandered from the chair you specifically remembered telling him to sit in, and was instead tracing a finger along the bookcase that stretched across the far wall of your living room. for a moment you just watched him nosey into your life; the framed certificates, the family photos, the 5 tapes of ‘beauty and the beast’ stacked atop of each other because it was your favourite film when you were 9 and practically every living relative had bought you a copy. beside those was a picture of you dressed as princess belle at disneyworld with chocolate ice cream smeared from cheek to cheek, a huge smile plastered between. tristan picked it up and turned to face you.
‘thoroughly adorable. seriously, you should go for this look more often.’
‘ha ha,’ you grimaced, snatching it off him and placing it back on the shelf. ‘are we studying or reminiscing on my past fashion choices?’ 
‘oo, someone’s in a good mood this morning huh,’ he teased. you pulled another face, once again silently cursing mr medina for completely ruining not just your day, but in fact your whole week. by god this boy got more irritating the more time you spent with him- it had only been 10 minutes, but it was 10 minutes longer than you ever previously had or ever wanted to.
 ‘can i get a drink before we start?’ he asked, redirecting the conversation and walking past you back into the kitchen. he began opening various cupboards, searching for a glass. ‘where’s the-’
‘why yes, tristan. you can have a drink,’ you snarked, opening the cupboard behind him with a dramatic flourish. he raised his eyebrows at you and reached forward to grab a glass, leaning over you as he did so. you caught a whiff of his cologne and almost forgot to dislike him for a moment.
‘there’s, um, soda in the ... fridge,’ you told him, voice unwillingly faltering as he looked down to meet your eyes. he had pretty eyes. pretty, blue, sparkling, stupid, annoying, asshole eyes. 
you found the thick tension sickening. you refused to be another girl at school who simply swooned over him when he walked past your locker. you didn't like him. you were here to teach him english. because he was dumb. and actually, his eyes weren’t that nice.
he grabbed a soda out of the fridge and you both sat down at the table and began reading through your analysis of ‘to kill a mockingbird’, adamantly pretending not to see him staring at you the whole time. 
why? he had had every popular and pretty girl in the whole of chilton, how was he ever so starved of female attention that he would look at you so admirably when you liked to make it clear you despised him? in fact, you enjoyed making a special effort to flip him off, or pull a face at him when he walked by, or kick his chair extra hard in spanish, or... oh shit. you had seen it from an outside point of view now, and it was glaringly obvious; maybe you did like him, just a little bit. shit. rory owed lorelai 10$ and a cheeseburger from luke’s, though you didn’t want to have to admit she was right when she’d said you were like a kindergarten boy pulling a girl’s ponytails because he thought she was pretty.
‘hey tristan,’ you started, breaking the comfortable silence between his questions and suddenly nervous to talk to him. stupid, it was still the exact same boy you’d been complaining about all week, nothing new. 
he looked up from your notes. ‘what’s up princess?’ 
that was definitely new.
‘don’t call me princess’ -he smirked irritatingly- ‘do you need to stay much longer? i mean, is there anything else you want help with?’
‘trying to get rid of me?’
‘no! no. i just thought that you’d only stay and pretend to listen to me for like, half an hour then vanish. it’s 11:30 and you’ve been through my whole binder.’
‘it is? time flies.’
‘i do care about my grades, you know. and you’re a good teacher, i might have a chance at an A.’
‘why didn't you show up the last 6 times we planned then?’
he put down his pen- your pen, actually. it had pink sparkles on the lid. ‘got to keep up my street cred.’
‘ha ha. funny,’ you replied as blankly as possible, pulling back a smile you could feel in your stomach. you made eye contact again and, like every other time since you’d sat down and started studying, you held each other’s gaze for longer than necessary. funny how realising you like someone makes you suddenly act like it.
‘i should get going then right,’ he said, picking his jacket from the back of his chair.
you felt weird, almost as if you didn't want him to leave after praying earlier he wouldn't show up. alas, your parents would be home soon and you would be willing to bet money that tristan would have some interesting jokes about your being home alone that would not slide with your dad.
‘yeah. i hope you get that A,’ you said, accidentally smiling as you walked him to the door.
tristan turned to lean on the frame of the now-open door and put on a face of mock surprise. ‘my, my, y/n. was that a kind comment and a smile? you’re spoiling me.’
‘shut up, i hope you fail.’
he smiled back. ‘you really mean that?’
‘i guess not.’
there was yet another beat of heavy silence.
‘see you monday.’
‘see you monday.’
you closed the front door as he walked down the drive, but noticed tristan’s car keys still sat on the kitchen table. a porsche, of course. you picked them up and reopened the door to his fist poised to knock. the two of you laughed awkwardly for a second.
‘i forgot my-’
‘you forgot your-’
another awkward laugh. jesus christ this was uncomfortable. you passed him the keys, and with absolutely no warning at all, your lips were suddenly met with his. they were soft and confident, and his free hand held your face as you tried to process the new situation. you quickly melted into the kiss, letting him take control until he pulled away and smiled that sparkly smile you didn't hate as much as you tried to.
‘didn't see that one coming,’ you said breathily, brushing some loose hairs off of your face.
‘i knew you didn’t hate me.’
‘ever the arrogant twat.’
‘hey, does this mean you’ll stop kicking my chair in spanish?’
‘absolutely not. in fact, i think i’ll kick it harder.’
‘as long as you let me do that again.’
tags: @leossmoonn for inspiring me to start writing again, @account123445 & @lmaoidekanymore6 for asking me to post tristan fics! (couldn’t figure out how to make the tags work but if you read this, you know ✨)
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salazarslytherin · 4 years
belong (h.p x y/n)
requested : yes!!! my very first :D [So I don’t know if your up for request but if you are would you mind to do a dom Harry x fem reader and him using different toys on you. You can ignore this if you want ! Anyhow have a nice day !! :)] send in your own request here!
🃛 masterlist!
cw / tw : smut!!!!, name-calling, slight degradation, dom!harry, references like sir etc., bondage, slight exhibitionism, sex toys, anal play, edging, overstimulation, jealousy, possessiveness
word count: 2780 my goodness i just ran with this request huh..
a/n: slight au in this one, basically voldy doesn't exist, like he died or wtv idk . just normal hogwarts with high-school dynamics. hope you enjoy!
"Who do you belong to darling?"
The answer was muffled through the cries that escaped your lips, but Harry gently hit your bum, letting out a harsh 'speak' as he thrust into you, eliciting a soft mewl from your lips as you gasped.
"You, Harry, only you. No one else could make me feel as good as you do!"
It was the party of the year. The Slytherin common-room was in full swing as all four houses meshed together to simply wind down after exams and have a good time. You'd gone to the party with a few girl friends from your dorm, Harry promising to meet you there after he was done with quidditch practice.
"Hey y/l/n! Want a drink?"
Zabini approached you sitting on the couch, two red solo cups in hand as he passed one to you, flopping down on the green satin couch and wrapping an arm around you. The two of you weren't exactly friends, but also weren't exactly strangers. You shared flirty comments in potions, but both of you knew nothing serious would come from it. He was just fun to be around, and you knew he felt the same about you.
Oh, and there was something else about him.
Seeing you talk to Blaise drove Harry absolutely insane.
It wasn't that Harry didn't trust you, he definitely did. He just was an incredibly possessive guy, and you found it really, really hot. But also, you found yourself enjoying Blaise's company, so you grew closer to the Slytherin. Playing with fire more and more as the days passed. ⚔︎ Harry stepped into the Slytherin Common Room laughing, the door closing behind him as he slapped Ron on the back. Scanning the room, the laughter dissipated and his jaw clenched, unconsciously gripping Ron's shirt which had the ginger wincing, looking to see what had pissed his best friend off. Ron's eyes landed on you, clad in a tight-fitting dress, sitting with Zabini's arm wrapped around your shoulders. The pair of you were laughing at something as you leaned in a little too close to the Slytherin. The seeker's eyes narrows behind his glasses, stalking over to the couch and stood in front of you. "Oh hey Haz! I didn't know you'd come already. D'you wanna top me off?" Shoving your cup into your boyfriend's hands, Harry took a whiff of the container which reeked of firewhiskey. He could tell you were tipsy, and pulled you up off the couch, whispering into your ear. "No, but I'd like to fill you up." You swallowed slightly, your throat suddenly feeling dry despite all that you'd been drinking that night. Harry threw Blaise a weak smile as he leaned away from your ear, a smile that definitely did not match the dark look in his eyes. "Zabini I'm going to take her back to my dorm for a bit. She's clearly out of it." The aforementioned Slytherin shrugged and got up off the sofa, not before turning back to throw you a wink. "Until next time, Y/N." ⚔︎ The door to Harry's dorm was thrown open with just a wave of his hand, an impressive feat of wandless magic that you were not in the proper headspace to admire. "Did you forget who you belonged to, y/n, hmm? Because it sure as hell seemed like it." The boy all but growled at you, making you shiver slightly, dampness pooling in your underwear. "W-what do you mean Harry?" The boy let out a humourless laugh, his eyes dark with lust and determination, before pushing you down onto the bed nearest to the door, pinning your arms above you. "It seems my little slut needs to be taught a lesson." A moan elicited from your throat as Harry leaned down to kiss you, his tongue slipping into your mouth as your hands shot to your usual position – lost in his mess of curls. But he moved away as soon as you did so. "No can do baby doll, bad girls don't get to touch. In fact, I think that in itself deserves a punishment. Come, get up, strip, then lay yourself over my lap." You slipped off your dress and shoes, standing in front of Harry in just the green lace underwear that you'd worn for the night. The sight of the underwear made Harry's cock swell slightly, but a bitter taste formed in his mouth. "You little slut. Wore that for Zabini didn't you? Your pretty little tits covered in Slytherin colours. Now we can't have that, can we?" He grabbed you harshly, basically throwing you over his lap as he grabbed your left tit over the thin lace of your bra, his other calloused hand rubbing your ass. He took the bra off, letting your tits free, throwing the bra somewhere across the room, summoning a paddle from a secret trunk under his bed. "Now my little whore, I want you to count, and thank me with each one. Let's start with twenty, and we'll see how it goes." You whined in response, but did not object. Slap. "One, thank you sir." Slap. ⚔︎ Twenty-eight spanks later – Harry said you answered too late for some, and squealed a little too loud for the others, and you were on the verge of tears. Wiping the tears that had spilled away, Harry flipped you onto the bed, a dangerous smile on his face. "Very good baby. But don't think it's over yet. You still haven't answered for your actions. You know how I feel about Zabini. Now, I'll make you feel the same." Waving his hand yet again, ribbons, crimson ones of course, flew to bind your hands and legs to the posts of the 4-poster bed. A gag followed
a few moments later, covering your mouth. Leaving you for a second, Harry returned with an array of his favourite toys, making you whimper at the sight of them. He switched on his favourite one, a purple curved vibrator, and pressed it to your clothed clit, a moan ripping from your throat as he toyed with your nipple simultaneously. "Now, because you've been so bad, I don't think you deserve to cum until I've been inside you. Don't you agree darling?" Shaking your head vigorously, your body too sensitive for you to produce any noise, you pleaded with your eyes, but Harry only smirked. "Oh you do! Fantastic. Now, since my little slut is so enthusiastic, why don't we try something new?" Harry ripped the green thong right off of your body, making you groan slightly, narrowing your eyes at him as he smiled innocently back at you. His fingers traced your slit making you moan, gathering the moisture that you had produced on two of his fingers, before leaning forward to give your cunt a soft lick. His slickened hand slowly started to trace your asshole, pushing one finger in as he pushed his tongue into your hole, thrusting in and out of both holes with the same pace. "You like that? You good? Remember to click." The words caused vibrations to travel up your body, moaning into the gag, nodding. Harry's concern for you turning you on further, the knowledge that you could get out of the restraints at any second making you remember how much Harry cared for you. The aforementioned boy hastened the pace at your encouragement, adding a second finger into your asshole. Just as your moans started getting louder and your cunt began fluttering, Harry stopped, moving away from you and off the bed, making you shriek in protest of your lost orgasm. "I told you darling, not yet." With that, he picked up the vibrator he'd abandoned just now, as well as a set of anal beads that he'd newly acquired, and gently put them into you, leaning back and admiring his work. "Well, I'm going back to the party. See you in a bit!" Harry plucked his wand from his back pocket, casting disillusionment and muffliato charms over you, ignoring the screams of protest that came from behind the gag. "Oh by the way, the muffliato is only for the vibrator. Not for you. Don't be too loud! And don't forget. No cumming. Love you!" ⚔︎ Harry was back at the party, sipping his firewhiskey and not even slightly listening to what Dean was saying to him. All he could think about was Y/N. Naked. Tied up. Shaking. Moaning his name. The thought alone made him so hard he was certain you could see every vein of his dick through his pants. "Anyways, I'm going to go back to the dorm real quick. I promised Nott to get him a...Muggle treat. Be right back." Only after the slight slap on the bicep and the closing of the massive wood doors did Harry register what Dean had said. "Oh shit." ⚔︎ You couldn't help yourself as the vibrations kept thrumming through you, trying to keep yourself quiet had become almost useless as you knew that everyone in your grade was at the party, but the fear and adrenaline of being caught turned you on more and more. You and Harry had discussed doing something like this multiple times, but you'd never expected it to be tonight. Torn from your thoughts, you were forced to remember why this toy was Harry's favourite as the vibrations changed in intensity once in a while – Harry could control it with his wand, and Merlin was he doing it. It was like the boy had memorised the way you orgasmed, knew exactly how much it would take to get you to the edge, and then knew exactly how to get you off of it. Lost in your thoughts, you nearly missed the thundering of someone coming up the stairs, and you immediately shut your mouth. Struggling against the restraints you remembered the disillusionment charm, and bit on the gag, hoping whoever came in would go straight back out. "Now where's that bloody mag?" Dean had slipped into the room, tripping over his feet slightly, causing him to have to steady himself on the bed nearest to the door, the
bed you were currently tied to, which nearly made you squeal in fear and shock, suddenly thankful for the gag that had been making your jaw ache. "Merlin, who's–" "Ay mate." Harry walked into the room, a cup barely hanging from his hands as he nodded at Dean, casting a sly glance towards the bed he knew you were on. "Hey Harry. Why're you up here?" The small smile that appeared on Harry's face made you shudder as he subtly turned up the vibrations on his wand. That boy was going to be the death of you... "Nothing much. Kinda tired, and I came here to find something for y/n. I'll head back down in a bit." A hum came from Dean's shadow, who was stood at a bed that was far too close to yours for your liking, as a triumphant sound emerged from the boy. "Finally found the mag! Right, I'm headed back down, see you in a bit Potts." ⚔︎ As the disillusionment charm lifted, Harry was greeted by a very, very, red y/n, with every crevice of your body twitching. An intense moan ripped from your throat as you watched him approach you, caressing your body softly, feeling the callouses on his hands on your soft skin. "You've been so good for me baby. So good. Are you ready for your reward?" You nodded vigorously, tears spilling from your eyes as he switched off the vibrator, removing it from your hole. He began stripping, the slow pop of each button on his dress shirt revealing more and more of his quidditch toned body, making you cry out as the seeker pulled down his pants, allowing his cock out of the tight restraints of his jeans. He removed the gag, placing a soft kiss on your lips as whimpers and moans erupted. "Please. I need you inside me so bad. Want you so bad. Please sir." He attached his lips to your neck, smiling against it as he pumped himself softly, prepping himself to enter you. "Now I can't deny my pretty little slut what she wants, can I?" He sank into you, both of you moaning out simultaneously as he felt your wet warmth tighten around him, reaching behind you to pull the silver anal beads out. "Oh, Haz, please. I'm going – to cum already." Harry began thrusting in and out of you, loud moans rumbling against your collarbone as he kissed and sucked on it, leaving a dark hickey on the bone. "Fuck, yes, cum around my cock. Let me feel your tight little cunt cum baby." A scream ripped from your throat, your voice almost hoarse from the sound you'd just emitted, your entire body shuddering as you released the most intense orgasm of your life – having been kept on edge for almost two hours now. "Fuck, Harry!" As you came, Harry clicked his fingers as quickly as he thrusted into you, the binds falling away from your appendages. Basking in a post-orgasmic bliss for a brief moment, you were brought back into reality by Harry continuing his thrusts into you. "Oh, you're so tight. And this pretty little pussy is all mine." You wrapped your hands around his neck, pressing your lips close to Harry's, moaning against his lips as the thrusts hastened. His hand reached down to your clit, rubbing in vigorous circles, while yours gripped onto his shoulders, leaving nail marks – a reminder of tonight. "Tell me. Who do you belong to darling?" The answer was muffled through the cries that escaped your lips, but Harry gently hit your bum, letting out a harsh 'speak' as he thrust into you, eliciting a soft mewl from your lips as you gasped. "You, Harry, only you. No one else could make me feel as good as you do!" Content with the answer, Harry began kissing down your neck, before reaching your tits, sucking and kissing the two nipples, never stopping the furious attack on your clit. "Come on y/n. Cum for me again baby. Cum with me." His cock twitched inside of you, and the stimulus of everything came down upon you as you came for the second time, and Harry the first, releasing his seed into you, moaning into your breast as you scratched down Harry's back, no doubt leaving marks for everyone to see during tomorrow's practice. He pulled out of you slowly, watching as the aftermath of your time together spilled out of your hole, then placed tender kisses on your ankles and wrists. "You did so well for me darling. So, so well." You hummed, caught in a daze, uncertain of how to keep your head from spinning at the moment. "How are you baby? Give me a colour y/n." The colours were a measure of your well-being: green was good, orange was uncertain but alright, red, well red doubled as your safe word. But you'd never had to use it once with Harry. "Orange, because my head won't stop spinning and my body won't stop thrumming. But I'm fine Haz." He smiled worriedly down at you, his glasses fogged slightly from the sweat that dripped down his face. "I love you so much. Now let's get you cleaned up." ⚔︎ After Harry cleaned you up and about fifteen minutes lounging on, well, whoever's bed this was, you slipped on your dress, without any underwear on, because Harry had literally ripped your thong apart, and got ready to head back down to the party.
"You're so beautiful. I love you so much."
Harry pinched your ass through the dress, giving you a kiss as you two stood at the top of the stairs, meeting Ron who was on his way up.
"Hey mate. Going to bed?"
The ginger nodded, yawning slightly.
"Yeah, hard practice today. See you tomorrow mate. You too y/n. Looks like you had fun."
He wiggled his eyebrows at the hickeys that covered your neck and collarbones, causing you to blush as Harry pushed his friend towards the room.
"Alright alright. Get outta here. Good night!"
The ginger gave a reply, which then turned into a shriek.
"Harry! Why's there a bra on my bed! And a – AHHH. Wait, why's Seamus' bed a mess? He made it this morning! Harry! For fuck's sake! We made a promise not to EVER DO THIS!"
The sound of footsteps came towards the large oak doors, as Harry ushered you down the stairs, the two of you laughing.
"Run. Run. RUN!"
"HARRY JAMES POTTER! Just you wait!"
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harryschicagooutfit · 3 years
Chocolate | H.S
a/n: hi. I haven’t posted writing in awhile, been super caught up with school, work and life but I’m having a super fun time. This is something I’ve been working on for a little, let me know how you guys like it. I’m definitely considering turning this into a series, just want gage some reactions first.
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Harry knew he liked her from the moment he laid eyes on her. They had literature 101 together. Nothing says bonding like reading books from the 19th century, really, He was borderline obsessed. The way she would play with the hem of her skirts she wore, raise her dainty hands to answer all of professors most philosophical questions and fiddle with the charms on her gold necklace when she was thinking too hard about an exam question. One time she brought the charm to her mouth and chewed on it while they wrote for a free write, and Harry swore he saw stars. He felt a little creepy at times, but it was nothing more than a harmless class crush. They only had about three total interactions, Harry remembers them all like they happened five minutes ago. On the first day, Harry opened the door for her and she whispered a sweet “thank you” before ducking around his arm, flashing him a smile and scurrying off to her next class. The second week of classes, she came late, and the only open spot was next to Harry, so she has no choice other than to sit next to the brooding boy whose stare made her feel funny things between her thighs. While she took her seat, Harry caught a little whiff of her perfume for the first time. She smelled like everything sweet on this earth, mixed into one. But most of all she smelled like chocolate. Harry wonders if she tastes as sweet as she smells. Harry had to fake cough to cover the look on his face while his thoughts went array.
This week however, Harry swore professor was being some sort of wingman, because they got paired up for peer editing on the first essay for the class. She sent him a quick wave before grabbing her stuff and heading over to plop herself down next to him. Today, she was wearing a pink dress with little red cherries all over it. The dress was off the shoulder and low cut, and it fit her perfectly. Her neck, back and shoulders on display, Harry couldn’t help me admire her as she waltzed over to him. As she got closer, Harry noticed it had small lace detailing that fit her angelic personality perfectly.
“Hi. You’re Harry, right?” She questioned, extending her hand with perfectly manicured white nails and rings adorned for Harry to shake.
“Y-yeah.” Did he just stutter? There’s no way. He took her hand and prayed his hardest that she wouldn’t feel it shaking.
“It’s nice to meet you, Harry. I’m y/n.” The girl replied in an endearing tone, looking at their hands intertwined. She couldn’t help but smile at the contact.
“I know.” Harry blurred out. Her eyebrows scrunched together in shock and confusion.
“I’ve just seen you around campus is all.” He immediately rebuttals, trying to seem less like a serial killer who likes to watch her sleep. She doesn’t care about the interesting comment, she’s busy trying to figure out if that British accent is real or if she’s imagining things.
“No worries, me too. You’re in Ziggerman’s class with me, right?” She smiles, letting her hand fall from his and Harry noticed they definitely held on for a little too long. She knows he knows they have that class together; she catches him staring all the time.
“Yeah. Prof Z is a total twat. Gave me a 72 on that last exam.” Harry replied trying to smooth over his earlier statements. Y/N let out a gasp and a quick laugh that she soon covered with her hand, careful not to interrupt the class. He used the word twat. Definitely British.
“No way! He’s given me nothing but A’s this semester. But I heard he’s got a weird knack for his female students, so I agree, total twat.” She explains in a hushed tone, leaning into Harry as she spoke. Harry’s nose scrunched in disgust at the gossip about professor and decided he doesn’t want an explanation on that one.
“Totally. So, what’re we supposed to be doing again?” He asks, grabbing the handout they were given and skimming it. He feels his breath hitch when Y/N crosses her arm into his space to point her finger where the instructions on the paper are.
“Says he wants us to swap papers and give each other questions for guided reading.” She speaks, reading from the paper. Harry isn’t listening, rather admiring her pretty hands and a small tattoo on her wrist that he’s only now been close enough to see. Her arm is back in her lap before he can read what it says.
She reaches into her bag, pulling out a printed version of the essay they’ve been working on for a little over a week. She hands it over and her eyes meet his for the third time today, Harry thinks he’s dreaming. Her eyes have the prettiest gloss over them, making them shine even under the fluorescent lights of the classroom. He drags himself out of his daydream, getting his essay out as well, handing it over before telling her what to look for.
“I wanted some help on my thesis, so maybe focus on that if you could?” He asks, being a little too shy to ask the pretty girl for help on his essay.
“Absolutely. I just want your general opinion on my topic.” She requests, turning towards the front of the class and craning her neck to begin reading his paper. He can’t stop his eyes from flickering from the paper to her every minute or so, making his reading process much longer than needed.
She tries her hardest to focus on the paper in front of her and not the pretty brown-haired boy who is sat next to her, almost so close she can feel his heat. It doesn’t take long for her to recognize that he is a very talented writer. Great, so he’s cute, got tattoos, is British, and he can write. Y/N’s walking wet dream. A few more minutes pass before she sets the paper down on her desk and turns to him, he quickly mirrors her actions. They spend about 5 minutes talking over the questions they discussed, and Y/N tries her hardest not to sound like a fan girl when talking about his reading, while he tries to act cool when she compliments it.
“Seriously, where did you learn to write like that?” She questioned eagerly, needing to know a little bit more about this boy. He cracks a smile, and she notices the deep dimples that adorn both his cheeks.
“I write songs.” He answers, a little embarrassed for her reaction. Her eyebrows shoot up in surprise and a smile spreads across her face.
“That’s fuckin’ sick. Are you in a band or something like that?” She continues her questioning.
“Yeah, actually. It’s not a big deal or anything, just a few of my friends and I.” He answers, reaching his hand up to scratch the back of his neck, wanting to adjust his seating to seem less timid. Her vulgar language with her perfectly shaped lips made him want to listen to her talk forever.
“That’s so cool. I’d love to hear you guys or see some lyrics sometime. I write, but not songs.” She states, smiling at him.
“For sure! I’m sure your writing is amazing, judging by your essay.” Harry compliments, earning a slight blush form her. Score. The boys have a gig this weekend. It’s actually their first gig, so he doesn’t feel confident enough to invite her just yet. Be way too much pressure if she was there at their first show ever.
Luckily, they get cut off by the professor announcing that everyone is free to leave. Harry notices her reach into her bag and grab a small pink sticky note, hurrily writing something on it.
“Here’s my number if you wanna talk about your essay anymore, or if you want to show me some songs! It was really nice to finally get introduced. I’ve got to run to mock trial, but I’ll see you Thursday for Z’s class!” Y/N gives Harry the pink slip and throws her bag over her shoulder and walks towards the door, making sure to send harry a wave before her face disappeared into the rest of the crowd.
Harry stares in pure shock at the slip. It reads ‘xxx-xxx-xxxx, call me! <3’. Harry can’t help but smile to himself, quickly realizing where he is at and stands up, collecting his things and heading out the door. Did she mean it? Did she really want him to call? Did she really want to hear some of his stuff? Questions rushed through his mind as he paced down the hall, out the door and to his parked car. He reached for his keys and felt his phone begin to buzz, immediately picking it up hoping for it to be Y/N, which wouldn’t make sense anyway, because she didn’t have his, he had hers. His eyes scanned over the caller id and then the time, rolling his eyes instinctively. He lets his thumb hit the green button and brings the phone to his ear.
“Haz, where the hell are you? Rehearsal started 10 minutes ago!” Niall barked through the phone.
“I’m on my way. I was busy. Chill out and I’ll be there soon.” Harry replied dryly, not letting Niall and his rather loud voice take away from the good news he just received.
Harry’s POV
I pull up to the small flat just minutes from campus and I can already see the boys all set up in the garage, ready to play. I hear various ‘look who decided to show up’s and ‘speak of the devil’s come from them and give them the finger, rounding the back of my car to grab my guitar from the trunk.
“You guys are just cranky because you can’t play without me.” I joke, setting my things up beside Liam. I earn lots of eye rolls from the group of boys and a smack on the back of the head from Liam.
“False, we ran Alive and Happier and sounded just perfect without you. What’s your excuse this time?” Liam asks, searching for the normal answer like sleeping in or smoking and forgot.
“You know that girl I was talking about the other day?” I remind them.
“Gotta be way more specific than that mate, you know we can’t keep track.” Niall sneakily comments, tuning his guitar in the corner. I send him a glare and finish my sentence.
“The one from Literature.” I state, walking to the microphone to position it correctly.
“Yes, the one you wouldn’t shut the hell up about. Said she smelled like chocolate last week, weirdo.” Zayn reminds the group.
I smile at the thought of her sent and reaches into my pocket and retrieve the small pink slip with 10 digits on it, showing it off to the boys with a smirk. They all seem genuinely impressed.
“Think she’d be smart enough to blow you off. Poor girl.” Louis cracks, adjusting the wires in the back.
“Fuck off, will you? This is a big deal.” I shoot back, typing the number in my contacts now that I have the time. I shoot her a quick text and set up the computer to record our next run. I was too busy and though I must admit it, too scared to call her. I thought of our most impressive rock song and asked the boys to help me run it. If she’s going to ask for a sample, I’m going to give her a good one. One that says “I’m much cooler than some guy who shakes when he takes your hand and stutters when he talks”.
“Let’s do Little Black Dress, yeah? From the first chord and please give it your all. Wanna send a copy to Y/N.” I request, lining myself up with the mic. I hear a gagging noise come from Niall and turn my head to glare at him.
“One look and you’re whipped. Tough mate.” Niall teases. Before I can rebuttal, he strikes the first chord that starts off the song, and we get going.
Y/N’s POV:
I hear a chime from across the room and assume it’s my roommate, Maya’s phone. Then I remember I’m home alone. I move my laptop off my lap and grab my phone from the charger. My eye bulge when I see it’s an unsaved number, I immediately know it’s Harry.
xxx-xxx-xxxx: hi. Its harry.
y/n: hi harry. what r u up to?
harry: band reversal. Almost got my neck rang because the boys were mad that I was late.
harry: worth it for your number though
I scold myself for the smile that embraces my face and try to ignore the heat rising to my cheeks.
y/n: well duh. So rehearsal huh? gonna let me hear a little something like you promised?
I sent my last text hoping he wouldn’t think I was flirting too fast or trying too hard. I throw my phone down on the couch and try to forget its even there. Thankfully, right on que I can hear Maya’s keys jingling their way into the front door and I wait for her to get it all the way open. She makes her grand entrance and joins me on the couch, asking me about my day before I get the chance to ask her about hers.
“It was good. Everybody really liked that dress I wore and mock trial wants me to run for President!” I tell her all the highlights of my day, leaving out the part that’s been plaguing my brain for real.
“Why are you blushing? Did I walk in on something?” She teases me, placing her hands on my cheeks to feel the heat.
“No! Don’t be gross Maya. I was just texting Harry.” I explain, scolding her with a light push to the shoulder.
“Who? Wait, like Styles?” She asks, her eyes growing wider with every word she speaks.
“Yeah… what is that like a bad thing?” I question back, worried by her reply.
“No, I guess not. He’s just kinda scary. Heard he’s a bit of a man whore. Just very smash and pass according to the entire KKG sorority.” Maya answers, rolling her eyes slightly at the thought of him.
“Oh well I knew that.” I didn’t. “I agree, he is kind of scary. He’s a really good writer thought, we got paired up today in Lit and his essay was super good.” I rattle on about the dreamy poet I got the chance to talk to today.
“Oh please. Dark, tall and handsome and he likes to write emo boy poems? Give me a break. Classic Casanova.” She hates, laughing at his cliché-ness.
“Yeah, pretty typical but it worked for him. He’s in a band! He told me he’d send me a sample. I hope their not trash. That’d be shitty.” I joke.
“I know. Casey from KKG told me she’s seen the practice a few times since they live so close to the sorority house. They rehearse in the garage, how 2000’s.” Maya tells me, reaching for her water off the coffee table.
Before I can reply, she switches the topic.
“So, have you figured out what you’re gonna wear on Thursday?” She questions. Me and Maya always a attend the fall battle of the bands every year when it comes around.
“I was thinking something black. I looked up the bands name and listened to a few of their songs and they seemed more rock-ish so I’m gonna try and fit the crowd. So no pink cherries and white socks for me. How about you?” I explain.
“That’s hot. I don’t know yet, was gonna look through your closet to be honest.” She speaks her truth.
“I have this white one that would fit you perfectly.” I offer, getting quickly distracted by a chime from my phone.
Harry: audio message (00:45)
My eyes light up and I show Maya the text, nudging her closer so we can listen. I press the play button and am met with a strong E chord stroke followed by even louder build up to a song about a little black dress. They’re amazing. I can’t tell yet who’s who when they’re singing but they sound wonderful together.
Looks like I know what I’m wearing Thursday.
a/n: hope you enjoyed !!! I would absolutely love some feedback. have a good day everyone.
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ladyelissarose · 2 years
Warnings: Fires mentioned, guns, sorta fight scene, this one is pretty long. But please enjoy.
“The Secrets of Gotham-Unmasked”
Chp. 28
Y/n’s POV
  Looking through his file cabinet Y/n opened it to find cash and checks that were signed from Stewart, they were the kind of checks that were given after they purchased a kid from her, seeing this made Y/n’s stomach turn in disgust,
  ‘Man this Priest is a damn monster.. well.. we can start burning this place starting with you.’
  Under the cash Y/n found a small metal lighter that was from the Iceberg Lounge, she knew because the name was imprinted on the sides in cursive, taking it into her hands she knew what she had to do, grabbing the wad of cash and checks in one hand she lit it up and began to walk out of the office, and towards the men and Priest that still stood there grabbing cash for their selfish selves. 
  Priests POV
 John stood there as Professor Strange counted his money as his helpers put them in the bag, but then he got a whiff of what smelled like old burning paper, and his 5 senses were right, as he saw his ‘dear harmless girl’ holding a large wad of cash that was up in flames. Y/n sent him a wide smile as she waved it in front of him,
  “I was tired of waiting.. so I figured I’d do something to catch your attention-“
  “Young lady are you insane! Put that down!!”
 Professor Strange screamed at her as John stood still in utter shock at this girl going crazy, he then commanded,
 “Give me the lighter and money!”
  Y/n’s POV 
  Putting her hand over her mouth in a shocked expression Y/n gasped,
  “Oh you want me to put it down? Then here!”
  Having immaculate aim Y/n was able to toss the flaming cash and opened lighter into the safe that was full of money and saved up drops causing the entire thing to up in flames. The men were distracted once again at the fact that their money was catching on fire, so they didn’t see when Y/n came up to the first too guys and knocked them out in a couple of swift punches to the throat. Professor Strange pulled out his hoisted gun from his belt and pointed it at her, but before he could shoot she had caught up to him and kicked it out of his hand as she pushed the safe door closed, so the flames wouldn’t escape any further yet, to anyone at the moment they would’ve seen it as a quick move to get the large door out of the way, but the truth was that Y/n was afraid to face the fire again, it was a deep fear she had above any other, besides drowning too, so she closed the sages door so the fire wouldn’t escape and spread around her. The Priest during all of this had cried for his two guards to come and save him, which they both did immediately show up. Y/n was able to push Professor Strange away from her before he could do anything to her, the Priest was far away from her as he was now afraid of her, but soon the men were running towards Y/n as the bigger one shouted,
  “You get back here you whore! So of a bitch!!”
  Making a run for it Y/n began to run through the halls that looked like a maze to be honest, it was dark too and beginning to smell like smoke as the fire inside the safe got bigger. Her barefooted feet slapped against the floor as she ran down every hall she saw as she began to feel desperate and out of air,
  ‘Well how fucking big is this church!???!’
 Y/n turned around for a second to see how far the two guards were, and they were pretty close, but when she turned back to face her direction of running she was met with a closed door that was a gated door, shaking the knob she saw that it was locked. 
 Shaking it desperately as tears brimmed in her eyes and her throat became dry Y/n tried to kick the door open but it wouldn’t budge, she was only hurting and tiring herself out more. She didn’t hear running footsteps anymore making her turn to face the men that now had approached her closely. This made Y/n cower to the ground as she felt helpless, holding onto the gate Y/n cried helplessly,
  “Please don’t hurt me!”
 Walking closer to her while pulling out a gun the bigger guard said,
  “Oh I’m sure you’re sorry honey-“
 In unexpected seconds the silent guard had knocked the bigger guard on the back of the head with his own gun sending him to the ground passed out. Y/n gasped in fear at the silent guards actions, but before she could comprehend what was happening he slid to her a key that was to the lock of the gates door. Y/n stood up with shaking legs as she picked up the key unlocking the door as she kept her eyes on the silent guard. He never moved but he kept his eyes on her the entire time, never moving anywhere else but stayed on her face, as if trying to figure out who she was behind all the mess she was wearing. Finally the lock opened, sighing in relief as some tears finally escaped Y/n turned to the silent guard as she tossed him the key, he caught it and stuffed it in his pocket, and without second thought Y/n pulled off her wig and used her flowing tears to wipe off some of her makeup trying to make herself known to him. She read his eyes as his mask still covered half his face, but she saw them become large as in what seemed shock, but taking the moment away they both heard shoutings coming from the distance, making signs with his gloved hands without talking he told her to go, but before she left through the door he snapped at her to catch her attention, and when she did he tossed his gun to her, then signed her to leave now and fast. Y/n ran through the gated door that led to a dark tunnel, but in the distance she could see a light, without sparing a second to breathe Y/n darted her way through the tunnel, it was wet and cold, her feet began to burn as her mind ran through a million miles per hour,
 ‘Who the hell is he and why did he save me? I don’t recognize him at all, even though he was wearing a mask and all but he seems nothing familiar, his eyes don’t nor his height.. who is he?!? Oh shoot! Everyone thinks I’m dead.. maybe he recognized me from the news.. damn it.. but that’s ok, there has to be a reason why he let me go..But hey.. I got my job done now I need to get out of here and find Y/b/n!!!’
  Saunders POV 
 Saunders told Alfred he’d wait 20 minutes but his heart grew desperate so he left after five LONG minutes had passed, he made his way to the church as he prayed to God or whoever listened,
  ‘Please please please make it out!! I can’t believe I made you do this and you followed through!! I’m such a terrible Uncle I’m so sorry!! I promised you Y/f/n I’d protect your little girl but I’ve made a disaster out of this-‘
 Pressing on the brakes like his life depended on it made the car swerve around with screeching tires, he stopped mere centimeters away from who he was looking for that was coming out of an alley from behind the church, Y/n. At first she didn’t see who was in the car so she pulled out her gun and pointed it at Saunders. Now he was pissed off about the whole situation so it caused him to honk at her to scare her as he screamed,
  “It’s me Y/n get in the car!!!”
 She practically screamed in fear at the sudden horn going out, but she immediately composed herself when she heard and recognized Saunders voice. She then yelled back,
  “No I have to go!”
  She still stood in front of his car as the head lights showed off her beat and hurt body, basically she was a mess, Saunders opened his car door and got off shouting,
 “Go where?!”
  “Not home for sure! I’m not finished yet-“
  “You set the damn church on fire!-“
  “It was the safe where they kept all the money and drops!! Which was like underground? I’m not going h-home!”
 Y/n’s voice cracked on her last word, Saunders ran towards her before she could run and grabbed her arm to face her body towards his as he shook her,
  “Y/n we’re going to get caught and it’s not going to end well, you’ve done enough-“
 Trying to get his hands off of her Y/n screamed with fresh tears coming down her cheeks,
 Holding her arms tightly Saunders questioned with confusion,
  “Y/n?! What are you taking about?!?”
 She couldn’t spew the truth and pushed him away trying to run but he only caught her hand again and yelled,
  “You’re not going anywhere!! There’s nothing you can do?! what is there left-“
  Taking a deep breath she finally sobbed the truth of what was keeping her from going home,
  “Y/n even if Y/b/n is alive and is the RedHood there’s no saving, he’s a killer-“
  “Y/B/N IS JUST A BOY! HE’S JUST A BOY SAUNDERS! Regardless of who they’ve made him doesn’t change the fact of who he is or was.. Y/b/n is 16.. he’s just a kid that’s gonna be used to hurt people, and I can’t let that happen, I need to save him, I need to save my son before it’s too late.”
  Sirens in the distance rang loudly as the fire in the church began to spread and grow more fierce, Saunders begged Y/n to come home with him,
  “Y/n we need to go home.. it’s not safe here-“
  “I said I’m not going, I need to find Y/b/n-“
  “There’s no finding tonight! Y/n please honey you need to listen to me.. right now is a very vulnerable time to be out.. just focus on me and breathe.. and let’s get back in the car.. and go home.. please? And I promise you on my life we will dig into this and find Y/b/n.”
  Broken sobs left Y/n’s lips as she finally gave in, letting Saunders walk her to the car and putting her inside, he got in on his side and left the scene without being seen or caught, he knew the back roads of Gotham like the back of his hand, making his escape successful. Y/n cried the entire way home as she hugged her body and loud sobs left her lips, Saunders stayed quiet and let Y/n brake down and cry away everything she was feeling, he then got a call from Alfred so he picked up the phone quickly explaining,
  “Everything’s ok Alfred I have Y/n with me.. she alive and well.”
  He heard Alfred sigh with relief like no other as he answered,
  “Thank goodness Greg, I was about to worry.. the news just announced that the church is on fire?”
  “Yeah about that Al.. we’ll talk later.. but we have bigger problems at the moment.”
  “Like what could get worse from this Greg?”
  Taking a glance at a now passing out Y/n from all her crying and internal suffering Saunders said in a low voice,
  “Y/n just found out that Y/b/n is alive and is the RedHood.. and there’s more bad news behind that.. amongst a lot of other things we know.. so if you want to have coffee over this I’d suggest you come over now, I’m almost home.”
  “I’m on my way now Greg, and... thank you for bringing Y/n back.”
  “Anytime Al, I’ll see you there.”
  “I’ll be there in 10.”
 Hanging up the phone Saunders took another glance at Y/n and saw that she was leaning against the door completely knocked out, her teary stained cheeks and sweat made her hair stick to her face and the large old ragged clothes she wore made her look so tiny and more hurt,
  ‘God damn I didn’t think this could ever turn out the way it did.. I really want to find your brother too believe me.. I know you must be hurting greatly right now Y/n.. but I assure you that the Gotham sun will soon shine on us again, drying up the nightly tears that it’s depressing skies cry over us, I’m sure of it..’
  Batman’s POV 
 On his way home from Arkham he saw how the fire department was surrounding the church as it was up in flames, 
  ‘Well what the heck happened here? Was there an attack? Let me call Gordon... again.”
  The phone rang a couple of times before Gordon picked it up saying,
  “Gordon.. any news on this fire at the church? What happened?”
  “Yeah about that Chief, I just got debriefed that a homeless prostitute looking girl attacked the Priest and set the offering safe on fire, which spread into the whole church.. they say there’s no witnesses or proof so their kinda stuck there for now.. I’ll let you know though.”
  “Ok, thanks.”
  “Anytime Chief.”
Batman now pulled up to the Batcave and got off quickly as he saw that Alfred was walking towards the elevator, so he called out to him,
  “Alfred? Where are you going? Did you find the guy or where he could be holding Y/b/n?”
  Turning to face him Alfred said plainly,
  “I didn’t Bruce, I’m sorry, now I need to go, Saunders wants to talk to me-“
  “About what? That he knew where Y/f/n was hiding all his secret evidence and didn’t bother to anything at first?”
  “What are you saying?”
 “He texted Gordon giving him the address of Y/f/n’s own hideout place, which is where he held all the evidence that’s in the back of my car.. I’m going to start looking into it now and see if I find anything that leads to Y/b/n or something.”
  “Very well then, keep me updated.”
  “I will.. let me know how Y/n is.. I haven’t had a chance to reach her lately.”
  “She’s probably asleep Bruce, but I’ll be sure to make known of your concern, maybe you should come see her soon.. and talk to her.”
  Nodding his head Bruce answered sincerely,
  “I will.. I miss her.. but I’ve just been busy trying to fix all of this.. for her and Y/b/n.. before it’s too late.. or she gets herself involved again you know?”
 Swallowing his secrets down his throat felt raw but Alfred nonetheless answered clearly,
  “Of course I know Bruce, I understand your urgency to work it out.. but I’ll be back in the morning.. I expect you to be resting by then, for at least an hour, little to no sleep can make you go insane or less concentrative... and we need you.”
  “I’ll take your word for it.. just give me three hours then I’m in bed till when you wake me up.”
  “Three and no more.”
 Sending a small but true smile Bruce waved to Alfred goodbye as he slipped off his suit then brought out the boxes of evidence from his car to his desk where he sat there and read through every single file and examined every damn picture, going on full detective mode Bruce Wayne made sure he made his three hours count to the ‘T’.
  Alfred’s POV
When he arrived and walked inside Saunders was coming back from Y/n’s bedroom rubbing his left shoulder as he said,
  “I put the kid in bed, she’s out.”
  “That’s good Greg.. is she hurt?”
  “Not really, maybe her fists are swollen and she smells like smoke? But she didn’t want to shower right now or anything.. but I didn’t push her, I don’t like seeing her crying.”
  “Well thank you for bringing her home.. she must be distraught right now.. now tell me.. what happened out there from the beginning?”
 Professor Strange’s POV
 He had just made it out safely from the burning Church when he saw the silent man dragging the other guard away from the building then leaving on foot away from the scene before anyone could see him. Professor could care less about anyone else and got in his own vehicle as he left to go back to his facility. Once he arrived he demanded that they bring Y/b/n out to him and strap him to the experimental table he had there. Strange watched his goons fight with Y/b/n as it took about an hour before Y/b/n was finally strapped onto the table with news bumps and bruises forming on his body because of his resistance. Walking towards Y/b/n with a needle that held a chemical Strange explained what was going to happen,
  “So Jason-“
  “My name is Y/b/n! And you’re not going to get away with this!!”
  Laughing at Y/b/n’s comment Strange put forth,
  “Oh Jason... soon you won’t even remember your own name.. now you see, I have the chemical I needed.. and it’s going to be experimented on you first.. so we’ll have to see if you die or not.. just letting you know.”
  Trying to push through the pain and straps Y/b/n shouted,
  “Maybe I’ll forget whom I am, but my mother won’t forget me and neither won’t my father!-“
 Putting a tape over Y/b/n’s mouth so he could stop talking Strange told him his plan with wickedness in his tone,
  “Your father? The Batman? Ha! That’s the thing here Jason or as you call yourself Y/b/n, your mission once I have full control of your mind is going to be that you kill the Batman.. your father. And if your successful, you will bring me your mother.. because I know she’s not dead, but you’ll bring her to me too. And I’ll hand her over to Mackenzie for millions of dollars, that will help me build this facility and chemicals to take over Gotham City! And you’ll be a part of it all.. because of me. Now, say goodbye to being Y/b/n.. for in a few hours you’ll be my very own masterpiece, of what the RedHood should really be.” 
Alfred’s POV 
   Time ticked very fast and before he knew it it was 7 in the morning, but him and Saunders were already closing off on all the information that was needed to be told, 
  “So William Kenzie is the man that killed the Y/l/n’s and Wayne’s?”
  “And Professor Hugo Strange is planning to use Y/b/n.. to kill Batman, and sell Y/n to Mackenzie.”
  “Yes again.”
 “This is very serious.. Bruce isn’t going to be happy when he knows that-“
  “Is Bruce the Batman?”
 Almost spitting out his warm tea Alfred tried to contain himself,
 “Al, is Bruce the Batman... just be honest please, I need to know who I’m working with-“
  “Yes he is. I’m sure you already knew but wanted me to confirm.”
 “Right.. well, Strange is obsessed with Bruce Wayne and the Batman. But up until this point I think he’s still trying to connect who the two are. But we can’t let him get to close to figuring out he’s the same person, it’d make his job easier.”
  “True.. where’s Bruce by the way?”
  “Right here.”
 Bruce walked into the dining room and took a seat next to Alfred in front of Saunders as he said,
  “You know who I am?”
 Shaking his head slowly Saunders replied simply,
  “Batman aka Bruce Thomas Wayne, did you forget I’m an agent?”
  “Clearly... it’s about time though.”
  Saunders sent him a small mischievous smile as Alfred asked,
  “When did you arrive, I thought you were going to rest?”
  Ruffling his hair and standing up again Bruce replied,
  “I was but not there, I want to be with Y/n, and talk to her when she wakes up-“
  “About what exactly?”
 Saunders asked and Bruce questioned back,
  “What are you talking about? She’s my fiancée what ever I need to speak with her is none of your business-“
 “It is when everything that’s going on is all of our business, she knows Y/b/n’s alive Bruce.. and a lot of other things I’ll let her tell you.. why don’t I suggest we all come together, all of us 4, and finally, come clean about this mess, because keeping secrets isn’t gonna save us but separate and kill us all. And don’t ask me what secrets, why don’t you go sleep, and you too come back refreshed in 3 hours. What do you think Al?”
  Raising his hands in surrender Alfred agreed,
  “You said it, we’ll do it.”
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eternally-writing · 3 years
splish splash | myg
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genre : fluff
rating : G
pairing: Yoongi x reader
theme: idol!au, established relationship! au
word count: 2k
warnings: none
synopsis: After a long day, you and Yoongi try to take a bath together
This was a request from @gloryofroses19​ that you can read here!
“You look dead, babe”
Yoongi was standing at your door, knocking on your door instead of pulling out his spare key since he was so tired. He looked a little bit like a zombie, except a very handsome one.
He knew that you would always have his favorite snacks on hand so he could always come to your place after practice to enjoy some tangerines and get some time away from the dorms (after all, after 7 hours of practice with the boys he did need a break from him), and to be honest, with how tired felt he didn’t even know how he managed to drive himself over to your place.
“Oof, i need to sit down babygirl, today was brutal and my muscles are going to give out on me if I try to take another step”
He plopped down with a grunt onto your couch, pulling a pillow into his chest. He immediately sank like a heavy rock in the ocean into the soft material of your couch.
Shaking your head at your boyfriend clearly having overworked himself, you walked over with a plate of oranges and a glass of cold water.
“I can’t give you the same rant about not overworking yourself every week Yoongi,” you said with a slightly frustrated tone. You continued on to explain why he needed to take care of himself - all with love though of course.
Taking one hand to rub it through his hair, you sat on the arm of the couch beside him.
He couldn’t help the light moan that escaped his lips at your hands caressing his scalp. It was a sharp contrast to how his muscles felt a mere couple of hours ago at the dance studio.
Lightly grabbing your hand, he tried to move it away.
“Baby you have to stop, or I’m - “
He stopped partway to let you a big yawn, stretching his legs simultaneously. You could practically feel him unravel under your touch, voicing his reactions to you.
“What was I saying again? I’m gonna, I’m gonna fall asleep babe,” murmured Yoongi with half closed eyelids.
“Just stay the night, you look way too exhausted to even move,” you cooed to him, taking in his exhausting figure beneath you.
Yoongi groaned, wishing that he could accept your offer, but he knew he really shouldn’t (especially if he wanted to get to practice at 8am tomorrow).
“Trust me babe, I would, but I need to shower so badly. You and I both know that I stink right now.”
You laughed and hugged him tightly for effect.
“That’s a non-issue Yoongi. I love you, even if you smell like…”
You took a dramatic whiff in to smell your boyfriend.
“Sweat and tteokbokki and…” Your face turned in confusion as you tried to decipher the last smell. Yoongi jumped in to finish your sentence.
“Taehyung’s new cologne”
You repeated it affirmatively with a slight grimace painting your face. “Taehyung’s new cologne.”
To his dismay, you began to drag your boyfriend off of your couch and towards your bathroom, because you were not about to let your freshly-washed sheets pick up Yoongi’s scent.
It didn’t take an engineer to see that fitting both you and Yoongi into your bathtub was going to be no simple task.
Your studio apartment was the perfect size for you to live in before you started dating Yoongi. Over time, Yoongi started by having a toothbrush in your bathroom, then his clothes started to form a small pile in your bedroom, then you cleared out part of a drawer for him. Somehow, your apartment seemed to grow to accommodate the two of you together. Correction: all of your apartment seemed to grow to fit the two of you except for your bathtub.
Until Yoongi came into your life you believed showers were just about hygiene, a quick 5 minutes to hop in, scrub down your body, and hop out. Yoongi on the other hand, found that baths were the biggest luxury he missed during all of his trainee days. One time when he took a bath at your place you put in a tangerine scented bath bomb you bought him for Christmas, and he swore he saw heaven with how relaxed the bath made him.
Although throughout your relationship Yoongi had managed to convince you to try many new things (like drinking a cup of water before every meal or watching Brooklyn Nine Nine), he had yet to convince you to try the so-called wonders of baths. That was at least until now.
Compromise was basically Yoongi’s middle name, as he conceded to your pleas for him to sleep over with the condition that you take a bath with him. He mustered up his last bits of energy to throw some puppy dog eyes at you that you knew you couldn’t resist. And the smile that graced his face after you said yes confirmed to you that you definitely made the right decision.
That brought you to here. You and Yoongi were just staring at your tiny tiny tub, wondering how this was even going to work. Putting the knowledge from your one high school physics class to work, you realized that you would need to fill the tub with less water than usual.
As soon as the tub was filled, Yoongi was quick to shed his clothes and hop in, immediately moaning in response to how the water instantly began to relax his muscles. He took a couple seconds to enjoy the sensation before beckoning for you to join him.
Still apprehensive, you hoped that you could back out of your deal and tried to make him settle for you just sitting on the edge of the tub, promising to wash his hair (and in the words of your favorite TV character Charles Boyle, it was the most intimate thing you could do to a partner with your fingers).
However, Yoongi started to splash some water like a frustrated child, begging for you to join him with his open arms. The sight of your boyfriend eager to spend time with you was something that you couldn’t resist. You started to peel off your shorts and sweater and then took your favorite place - right in Yoongi’s arms. However, you didn’t reach that without any difficulties, bumping your arm on three different places before reaching your man.
You hit a slight snag as you realized that your knees were barely extended away from your chest, unable to even stretch out your legs. Half submerged in the water, you craned your head around to give Yoongi a look that said “I told you so, this isn’t going to work”.
Not taking no for an answer, Yoongi pulled you closer to him in his lap, placing you on his thighs to give you a couple extra inches of leg room. His hands also crawled up to your shoulders, started to lightly massage the knots that had accumulated over time. The relaxation that overcame you was overwhelming - your head came to rest on his shoulder, letting his magic fingers work their way over you.
“Mmm Yoongi, I thought this was supposed to help you relax? And even though this feels amazing, I want to help you relax.”
Yoongi didn’t stop his ministrations, and he whispered in your ear.
“You’re another part of me, Y/N. Seeing you relaxed makes me feel even more relaxed.”
You grinned at his sweet words and wanted to give him a big kiss, but that proved to be a difficult task as you felt your knee collide with the side of the porcelain tub with a bang.
Hearing you groan in pain, Yoongi immediately scooped you closer into his arms, bringing your knee up to be inspected by him. With his self-learned medical knowledge, he declared that the bump was nothing a little kiss couldn’t fix, and he began to pepper kisses all over your knee, getting distracted as his kisses also started drifting upwards on your thighs. The scenario seemed all too silly and domestic, and it made you both laugh harder than you should. You pulled his head away from your body, knowing that he was far too tired to get through anything but that he would get caught up in his ministrations.
After you both resumed your original positions, Yoongi swept a hand through his hair and pulled you closer to him. He leaned closer to whisper in your ear and you expected to hear him whisper sweet nothings to you - instead in Yoongi-fashion, he had instead blurted out -
“Should we put some bubbles in here?”
Instantly, you chuckled. Still not receiving an answer from you, Yoongi continued on.
“You keep telling me that you haven’t had a bath since you were little - and who doesn’t like bubbles?”
Yoongi had a great point, and your next question of “where are we even going to find bubble solution” was quickly answered by your boyfriend pointing to a gracious welcoming gift that had been collecting dust on a shelf in your bathroom.
For most couples, a romantic bath probably meant that there would be candles and rose petals, but you and Yoongi didn’t need all that. Each others’ presence was all you’ve ever wanted and all you’ve ever needed (although the bubbles were a nice addition).
You felt Yoongi’s fingers tapping on you on the shoulder, gesturing for you to attempt to turn around to face him.
You were met with the sight of Yoongi piling bubbles onto his chin to create a faux beard. He was unable to stop his giggles from bubbling over, making the bubbles on his face fly off into the air.
“C’mon, give it a try Y/N”.
His hands were full of bubbles and he began layering them on top of your head, making something that one could only assume was a party hat created out of bubbles.
“That’s my pretty girl”
No matter how many times Yoongi said that to you, it still brought a blush onto your cheeks. You leaned in to give him a peck on the lips, only to grimace as you were met with the taste of soap in your mouth.
With more stolen kisses, some light shoulder massages, and a couple bumps and snags as you navigated your tiny tub, you and Yoongi managed to relax and unwind after a long, tiring day.
“I love you Y/N”
You smiled and let yourself relax further into his hold.
“I love you too babe, always”
“Enough to clean up all the water that we’ve spilled out of your bathtub by now?”
You playfully splashed your boyfriend, tickling his sides slightly to make him squirm before you settled back into his hold.
“Oh shush, that’s a later problem, just let me enjoy cuddling with you for now. The smell of Taehyung’s new cologne is finally starting to fade.”
Maybe baths weren’t so bad after all.
If you like what you read please make sure to interact/follow! Thank you for reading ♡ - Emily
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Incompatible ships w/ Todoroki, Kirishima, Bakugou and Midoiya
Request: hii! i love ur posts so i thought why not request ajbakaha,, can i ask for todoroki, kirishima, bakugou, izuku getting jealous bc their s/o is getting shipped with another student :D (it can be their relationship is still a secret or smth) btw i love your posts!! it's free serotonin!! 😽😽- anonymous
Secret relationships are my favorite trope. This and friends to lovers. I live for these types of fics. Random fact, my allergies are acting up bc I helped take down the Christmas decorations and now my hands are on fire. Love ya. 💖💖💖
masterlist II rules
warnings: fluff, minor suggestive themes not something major though
Todoroki Shouto
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-Things like jealousy are a rare occurrence in your relationship. 
-Todoroki is the type of boyfriend who trusts you blindly and would put his own life in your hands without a single hesitation. 
-Sometimes it bothers him how other people effortlessly flirt with you but he knows that nothing will come out of it no matter how much they chat you up. 
-He knows you can handle yourself and get out of  a situation if things start getting out of hand. 
-And if you can’t, he will butt in glaring down at the person who wouldn’t take no for an answer.
-Everyone around you seem to believe that the two of you are really close friends; none of them have caught a whiff of your relationship and you are proud of yourselves. 
-I mean it is pretty hard keeping so many romantic milestones hidden from your friends. 
-But alas you both knew that keeping all of this to yourselves would be for the best. 
-Now, we all know that the girls of your class drool over any remotely romantic interaction you have. 
-Same goes for everyone actually. 
-Oh Kirishima held the door open for you the other day?? I can see a new ship sailing. 
-Sero helped you pick up your stuff when you bumped into a wall? Your knight in shining armor. 
-Really any sort of kind gesture was interpreted as romantic interest at this point. 
-The worst part of it all was the ship they had created and have been simping over for the past three months. 
-You had managed to create an unexpected friendship with Monoma from class 3-B. 
-The agency he interns in is right next to yours so you take the same train and then walk to almost the same building every single day. 
-You see him during patrol, the pro heroes you work under have paired up once or twice so a friendship was inevitable. 
-So imagine the surprise on your classmate’s faces when Monoma began waiting for you outside the 3-A dorm building.
-Mina wouldn’t shut up about how cute you two were together and what a perfect match you made. 
-Soon enough the other idiots joined the party and you were drowned in ‘awwww’s and ‘love story in the making’s. 
-You got tired of explaining that he was just a friend, that you weren’t interested in him. 
-The fact that you could feel Todoroki’s gaze burn through your back didn’t help at all. 
-Your boyfriend had asked you about Monoma because he too found it weird how he waited for you everyday. 
-The boy’s presence didn’t bother him at first. 
-He was lowkey grateful that you finally had company on your way to the agency considering he couldn’t walk with you since his building was in the opposite direction. 
-It started becoming a problem when all he could hear during the breaks was the stupid ship name the girls had created. 
-He could see how visibly uncomfortable it made you and how you would seek for his gaze during those moments. 
-Then they started talking about how cute your kids would be and that’s when Shoto had enough. 
-It’s one thing hearing about how cute your girlfriend would be with someone else and it’s completely different when you hear about their potential offspring. 
-Grabbing your wrist he basically dragged you out the classroom and into an empty hallway, pinning you to the nearest wall before connecting his lips with yours. 
-You let a surprised gasp which gave him the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth and deepen the kiss, making you grasp onto his shirt as your knees gave out. 
-After what felt like an eternity he let you go for air before attacking your jaw, neck and collarbones. 
-Soon those soft kisses turned into little love bites. 
- “Sho you’re gonna leave a mark.” 
-Releasing your skin from between his teeth, he admired the reddish hickey he had left at the base of your neck. 
-He was sure your shirt’s collar could cover it up just barely. 
- “That’s the point, love.” 
-Intertwining your fingers, he led you back to class, going to his seat with a proud smirk on his lips leaving a very flustered puffy-lips-messy-haired you in his wake. 
Kirishima Eijiro 
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-Kiribaby is not the jealous type. 
-Like only if you give your undivided attention to a puppy and you smother it with all your love and affection then maybe, just maybe, he will pout a bit and ask for his own fair share of love. 
-He trusts you just like Todoroki does.
-Nothing has ever happened to suggest that he should worry about others stealing you from him so he doesn’t worry. 
-Plus you are always together no matter what. 
-Almost everyone from your class knows that you are together so the shipping doesn’t start from them. 
-Oh no.
-It starts from class 3-B who has seen you talk to Tetsutetsu quite a bit this past few weeks. 
-You might wait for him outside their classroom during lunch breaks. 
-They have caught you hanging out outside of the school grounds. 
-So the only logical explanation they can come up with is that you two are either A) dating or B) have a thing for each other and are getting there. 
-Soon enough rumors start circulating. 
- “Did you know that someone from the hero course is dating that metal guy from class 3-B?”
- “Yeah yeah I heard it’s that girl Y/N. They do look really cute together, not gonna lie.”
-Eventually these rumors reach Kiri’s ears and they kinda get to him.
-He knows that you haven’t been hanging out extra with Tetsutetsu since every time you guys go out he is always with you. 
-You are the type of couple who does everything together, literally. 
-Apart from being in different agencies ya’ll are holding hands almost 24/7.
-So he really doesn’t get what everyone is talking about. 
-Mineta doesn’t help. 
-He really doesn’t. 
-He starts making scenarios about what you do while Kirishima is out of the dorms; how you have wrapped both homies around your finger and toying with them. 
-Oh the very vivid scenes he creates with all three of you in a…. compromising position. 
-Kirishima hates that most of all. 
-The words coming out of Mineta’s mouth disgust him to no end and soon enough he is walking to your dorm ready to talk this through. 
-Opening the door you greet your boyfriend with a smile and a quick peck but you immediately know what is on his mind. 
- “Baby what are we gonna do?” 
-You basically whine at the question. 
-He spends the whole night at your dorm brainstorming ideas until you both pass out on your floor. 
-And your solution to the problem? 
-Ignore the whole thing and continue on with your lives. 
-He suggested maybe leaving a mark somewhere *like our boy Sho* but you shot him down saying that they would just think Tetsutetsu did it. 
-After Monoma catches you in your classroom making out on your desk though the rumors soon die out. 
Bakugou Katsuki
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-Crazy boom boom boy. 
-Your relationship is a secret because he doesn’t want to deal with all the other idiots gushing over your relationship and getting all up in your business. 
-Your relationship is a sacred thing he has sworn to protect and he won’t let Mineta’s ugly ass hands get anywhere near it. 
-Gonna taint it even with his thoughts. 
-Guard dog Bakugou bark bark. 
-It’s fairly easy to maintain a secret relationship with him. 
-Sure he might be a tiny bit calmer with you and maybe just maybe his eyes linger on you during training but yeah he treats you just like he treats all the other extras he is surrounded by. 
-Now, Bakugou is kinda *read a lot* jealous in general. 
-He doesn’t like when people he doesn’t fully trust or like, talk to you or are close to you. 
-He has butted in on your conversations with Todoroki one too many times and the poor crispy baby is so confused like why are you like this? 
-I just want the chemistry notes please let me get them in peace for once.
-You have chastised him about that manier times but your resolve melts when he pouts *YES HE POUTS AT YOU RWIHPWIE* before wrapping his strong arms around you. 
- “I just don’t wanna lose you, dumbass.” 
-You can barely make out his words as his face is buried in your stomach but you heard him and now you are tearing up at the pure emotion he is showing at these moments. 
-At the end of the day though, he trusts you. 
-He may not trust the other horny extras around you but he fully trusts you. 
-There’s no doubt about that. 
-You can imagine ,though, the instant rage he felt when he heard the girls talking about you and Deku. 
- “They do make a great couple.” 
- “Have you seen how they look at each other?” 
- “Good for her, Deku is perfect boyfriend material.” 
-First of all, how dare you, second hold the fuck up…..when did this become a WhoRe hOuSe?!?!?!?!  
-Legit someone has to shake him out of his stupor after that one. 
-You look at Deku in a certain way? 
-Fucking DEKU?!?!?! 
-THoughts are swirling in his mind almost pouring out of his ears when he hears the voice. 
-That annoying ass voice that he has engraved in his brain since childhood. 
-And the moment his eyes land upon Deku and you speaking, he sees red. 
-He is pouncing on Deku in -5 seconds, the poor green haired boy completely unaware of what hit him, literally. 
-They are on the floor wrestling on another, you screaming at Katsuki to stop and get his shit together while your boyfriend is spewing curse after curse at the OFA user simultaneously asking what the hell he was doing with HIS girlfriend. 
-Aizawa had to break them up. 
-They both got detention even though Deku did literally nothing. 
-Katsuki was denied cuddles for a whole week and he was set on explaining duty now that the cat was out of the bag. 
Midoriya Izuku 
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-Izuku is the best boyfriend anyone could ask for. 
-He is loyal, shows emotions, is good at communicating with you, has incredible date ideas although he is kinda forgetful at times and his packed schedule doesn’t leave enough time to spend with you, at least not as much as he wants, but he always tries to make up for it in other ways.
-You love how much trust he puts in you. 
-You couldn’t be more grateful. 
-But Izuku has his insecurities. 
-At times it becomes hard for him to understand why exactly you’ve chosen him to love when you could have anyone you wanted in this school. 
-He can’t wrap his pretty little head around the reason why you stay with him when the only thing you get out of all this is others saying you deserve better than some crybaby. 
-It has become his mission to prove to you that he isn’t what others say he is; he isn’t some crybaby, he is a hero in training who won’t hesitate to risk his life for you. 
-You have reassured him multiple times that you don’t care what others say.
-You fell in love with him, him and all of his flaws. 
-No one told you that you should fall for him and no you didn’t agree to date him out of pity. 
-Most of the time you manage to erase those thoughts from his mind replacing them with the warm feeling of your love.
-But there comes a time when no matter what you say, the words of other people will get the best of him and it will be a struggle to build himself back up. 
-He is thankful to have you by his side during those moments because then he truly feels weak, he feels helpless, he knows these things shouldn’t bother him. 
-He loves you and you love him end of story, but they do get to him. 
-One of the worst times he questioned if he was good enough was during your third year. 
-Being in the support department you couldn’t be by his side 24/7 but you did always manage to see him during breaks to the point the whole class knew you and slowly became your friends. 
-The thing is they thought you two were also friends; neither had ever mentioned your relationship and things felt so comfortable between you that they assumed that you were really close friends. 
-Izuku had suggested keeping your relationship on the down low; him being in the hero course and having created rather the reputation, he was afraid that you would be dragged into something dangerous. 
-Plus All Might advised you two to keep it a secret and All Might’s words are law. 
-Izuku loved how well you got along with his friends, it meant that when he revealed your relationship they would all welcome you with open arms. 
-What he didn’t expect though was for them to start shipping you with someone else. 
-For some weird reason the girls of his class started obsessing over your interactions with Bakugou and soon after that they started trying to get you two alone in the same room, much to your dismay. 
-In reality, Bakugou was the only person who knew about your relationship. 
-He had ran into you as you were leaving Izuku’s dorm room, catching you two kiss goodnight. 
-Bakugou, as much as he disliked Izuku, would never get in the way of your relationship and he hated this ship shit as much maybe even more than you did. 
-Izuku was ready to crawl into a whole and die. 
-You had to stay in his room for almost a whole month to calm him down completely, him flying you to your own building in the morning so you don’t get in trouble. 
-It was a difficult time aand his classmate’s comments didn’t help one bit. 
-The tipping point was when he overheard Mina devising a plan of setting you guys up. 
-He walked down to the common room the next day with you next to him, hands intertwined, a hickey barely visible under the hem of HIS shirt, shocking everyone in the vicinity. 
-A new ship was created *after they harassed you for answers*
@the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez​ @storage11037​ @ezoyscorner​ @letscheereachotheron​ @wolfkid22​ @dark-thoughts-and-red-roses​ @threeamwriting​ @ysatrap​ @yashinosakura @belladonna-coven  @akita-l-lynn @angel6786​ @meena-in-a-nutshell​
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peachyteez · 3 years
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this fellow stray cat hybrid has been hanging around jiyu’s condo for as long as he could remember, although jiyu may not have noticed him. the cold winter breeze and jiyu’s open bedroom window prompts him to sneak into her bedroom one night. it was just suppose to be one night, but the gods must’ve been smiling upon him.
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✧ taglist: @defsoul15, @jaeminpeachy, @joongiebug, @sunsethw4, @t-tbinnie, @chanyeolol, @danibookmarks, @hello-its-ya-boi, @murralyn, @alienmashup, @panini, @moon8894, @koasworld, @taetae123094, @luv3rxcha, @treasure-hwa, @etherealbyeol, @hwaseongzzz, @lovely-sanie, @orbitiiny, @pirate-of-the-dark-seas, @babydolljo, @ms-starlight, @everrrlasting, @bls-luv-me, @atzgiggle, @arohabyeol, @rainbowmagicpixecorn, @soverystupid, @ayetothezee, @kingalls00, @sanstreasure0305, @sparklingmallow, @kpopnightingale, @rosesarethebest, @stillcantfindaproperusername, @bonbonhwa, @its-sarah-stark, @sanismybb, @frankenstein852, @peachseok, @woopetals, @exhofayemars, @pvrkacciosan, @c-sanshine
✧ notes: well this chapter took a turn 😭
✧ WARNING(S): mentions of misogyny, brief story of san attacking someone, a curse word (?)
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if jiyu had a dollar for every time she had been woken up in the middle of the night in the past week—well, she wouldn’t be rich, but she’d have a substantial amount of pocket change. 
“jiyu!” mingi whispered, gently shaking her out of her slumber. “wake up!”
groaning, she habitually scooted over to make room on the bed since mingi usually wandered into her room in the middle of the night due to nightmares. “just don’t take all the blanket—”
“no! this is urgent!” he frantically tried explaining. “i think someone’s trying to break in!”
her eyes instantly shot open and she immediately sat right up in bed. “mingi, why didn’t you just start with that?” she frantically whispered back, hurriedly slipping on a hoodie. 
“i tried, but you kept grumbling!”
“okay, we’ll have this conversation again later. let’s just see if the others are awake.” slowly opening her bedroom door, she and mingi peeked their heads out to see if anyone was outside. while they didn’t see anyone, they heard footsteps and clutters out by the front door. 
mingi clutched onto her hoodie as his eyes clamped shut out of terror and his ears were slumped down. jiyu took his hand in her’s and rubbed comforting circles on his knuckles. “shh, it’s okay mingi.”
while whispering to mingi, she noticed the others tip-toeing towards them as to not alert the perpetrator that they were awake. being the predator hybrids, seonghwa, hongjoong, and yeosang were on full alert. yunho scurried over to her and mingi, quietly whimpering, while san stood and frowned at the front door.
“i didn’t think they’d come so soon...” he mumbled once he caught whiff of the familiar human scent.
“was this the one that hurt you?” hongjoong whispered. 
san nodded. “he works for my...old owners. i thought he stopped tracking me down a while ago until the other night.” he looked to the floor, guilt flashing across his features. “i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to drag you into my affairs—”
jiyu interrupted while holding onto yunho and mingi. “san, i’ve mentioned it before, we chose to help you, meaning we won’t abandon you even if we’re also pulled into danger. so don’t apologize, okay?” 
seeing her small smile of reassurance, his guilt multiplied. but he couldn’t do anything about it now, so he just nodded while promising himself that he wouldn’t let a single hair on their heads get hurt. even if he would be the one to take the blunt of the pain.
“oi, choi san! i know you’re in there.”
they all froze at the unknown voice from the front door.
“why don’t you open the door and we can just talk this out like grown men?”
san climbed down the stairs and stood a distance away from the front door. seonghwa and hongjoong followed in case. “you beat me to a pulp the last time, and now you just want to talk? i don’t think so,” he hissed. 
the person on the other side let out a low chuckle. “ah, apologies for that. although you and i both know that it’d be a shame if you were too badly...injured. they do want you alive and well, after all. i can’t kill you, san.”
a moment of silence passed as they all held their breaths, anticipating the next move. but much to their surprise, the person showed no signs of breaking down the front door and wreaking havoc. 
“in all seriousness, san, i really did come to talk. no weapons, just to talk.”
“seonghwa,” jiyu whispered down to the wolf hybrid. “you can check the security camera over there,” she pointed to her tablet that was on the living room table. luckily, when they had first moved in, she had installed two security cameras, both so small to the human eye that anyone would just gloss over it. 
“and again, what makes you think i’d believe you?” san asked, while watching the wolf hybrid from the corner of his eye. seonghwa pulled up the security footage to see a man wearing a long, black trench coat, and his face was obscured by a black fedora hat. he stood with his hands in his pockets, and his overall figure practically screamed danger. 
suddenly, the man took out folded papers from his pockets and held it up—almost as if he knew they were watching him. “because i came with something that you’ve been after ever since you left.”
san’s eyes widened and his body froze. there’s no way—
“so what’s the move?” hongjoong asked to both san and jiyu. 
judging from his reaction, jiyu had a hunch that whatever the unknown man brought was really important to san. she didn’t know what it was, but looking at the security footage, he didn’t seem like he was hiding anything. and his voice, she could be hearing things, but it seemed as if it held a tinge of remorse.
“carefully open the door,” she decided. “but don’t let your guard down.”
despite looking he had some objections, hongjoong and seonghwa carefully walked ahead of san, who was still frozen in spot, and cracked the door open. they both anticipated either gunshots or the person to come barging through them, but they both peeked out to see the man standing there patiently.
“oh? i see you made some friends,” he commented. “meaning...you’re taking refuge with another human?”
“try anything funny, i’ll make sure you never step out of here alive,” seonghwa snarled before opening the door wide enough for the man to come in. hongjoong stood eyed the man suspiciously, as he waltzed in, stopping in front of san. 
with a better look at the man, they all noticed a mask that covered up to his eyes. the man was tall, but falling just a little short of yunho’s height, and he seemed to be in his mid-thirties or late-twenties. 
despite being terrified out of there wits, and even though yeosang was standing protectively by them, mingi and yunho stood in front of jiyu, scared that the man would try to harm her. but their shaking didn’t go unnoticed from her. she held their hands, hoping it could comfort them.
“i see you’ve aged well,” the man noted, looking san up and down. “to be quite honest, i’m surprised you managed to survive out on the streets all these years. i—no we, were sure you’d give up and come back.”
“as if i’d ever go back,” san lowly, but firmly stood his ground.
the man smirked before taking a look around at each of them. “so where’s your little human friend?”
she stepped out from behind yunho and mingi before peering down over the railings. “what business do you have here?” with the exception of yunho and seonghwa, they were all surprised at her composed and level-headed state.
letting out a huff of disbelief, he started straight up at her. “i wasn’t expecting a woman.”
“hm, sorry to disappoint then,” she sneered.
she was used to the misogynistic treatment; even back at home, people always underestimated her abilities since she was a girl. she’s heard the comments, backhanded compliments, and seen the undermining looks as people doubted her. but she swore to prove them wrong one day, even though she took five years off.
“so again, what do you want here?”
the man chuckled again at her defensive tone before holding his hands up. “i come in peace, ma’am.”
“and for your own sake, i hope that’s true,” she bit back before coming down the stairs. she left mingi and yunho with yeosang. the man let out an airy chuckle before making himself comfortable on the couch, aware of seonghwa’s and hongjoong’s preying gaze on him. 
“...did you really bring it?” san asked, not wanting to get his hopes up. this was the same man that hunted him down for years on end, yet he came here, claiming that he managed to retrieve the items san really wanted? it was near to impossible that he was telling the truth, but there was that sliver of hope.
bringing out the papers once again, the man laid it on the coffee table in front of him. “you can check for yourself. i may work for them, but i’m a man of my word.”
jiyu waltzed over and peered at the papers the man laid out. her eyebrows furrowed at the contents. his birth certificate and adoption forms? 
coming up next to her, san stared at the forms with widened eyes. they were indeed what he had been after for the past few years, and the man really did bring it to him. so many questions ran through his head that he couldn’t even form a single sentence. the home was dropped into a tense silence, the only sound being the ticking of the clock above the dining table. 
seconds turned into a minute before san could croak out a sentence, or rather, a question. “b-but, why—”
“i’ve had a lot of time—years—to think,” the man leaned back on the couch and stared up at san. “it’s pretty stupid and childish to chase you down for something that wasn’t even your fault, don’t you think?”
san was still cautious. “so you took these for me to do...what?”
“well, what do you think?” the man leaned forward, resting his arms in his lap.
jiyu’s eyes slightly widened with surprise. “you want to set him free, don’t you...” 
“that’s one way of putting it, yes.”
“there’s a catch, there’s always a catch,” san sarcastically scoffed. “no way you’d give these to me for free after all these years—”
the man let out an exasperated sigh before leaning back on the couch and throwing his hands over his face. “oh my god, i ended my contract with them, you fucking idiot.”
san just silently stared at the man with the most comedic look on his face—widened eyes and his jaw slacked open like it was unhinged. meanwhile, jiyu just facepalmed at the revelation. 
“now why didn’t you just open with that?” she grumbled. leaving out important information seemed to be the night’s theme. 
“i thought i’d make it a little more fun. it’s not all that fun to just say my piece and go, now don’t you think?” the man mused before standing up. “my contract was ensued until i brought you back. i just told them a little white lie about how your trails went cold after a while so i just assumed you were dead. and poof, took these and left,” he gestured to the papers on the table.
“...will they still look for him though?” jiyu asked, unsure that they’d just give up looking for san just like that. 
“probably not. they were one to never get their hands dirty anyways. especially since their daughter’s in the hospital—”
san tensed at the mention of hospital, something that certainly didn’t go unnoticed by the man. “so she doesn’t know, does she?” he referred to jiyu. “or all of them for that matter.” at some point along the way, yeosang, mingi, and yunho had joined them downstairs, yet they still stuck close to yeosang just in case things went downhill again.
san silently shook his head, mentally preparing for the worst when they found out about his sins. 
“san here,” the man started, “is the one that put the family’s only daughter in the hospital.”
they glanced at san with the same thought. how did a cat hybrid manage to put a human in the hospital?
“to put it short, something provoked him to go feral, and he ended up attacking her until she almost bled out. we don’t know what provoked him to this day, but the family turned on him after that incident. and since he has no memories of the moments right before and when he was feral, it was hard for him to defend himself, so he ran away.”
taking a look at san, who looked like he just wanted to disappear, she felt her heart ache for him. he’s been alone for so long...all because of a potential misunderstanding. 
“either way, i’m still the reason she’s been injured for so long. not only physically, but probably mentally, too. imagine the trauma from being attacked by a feral hybrid.” a deprecating chuckle escaped san’s lips. 
seeing him look so down, she stroked his head. “hey, it wasn’t your fault. hybrids can’t help themselves when they go feral. it’s like you’re trapped out of your own body, so don’t blame yourself. you might have attacked her, but it wasn’t you.”
it was amazing to him how reassuring her words were, and how it was so easy for him to almost believe. there always will be that small part of him that will always blame himself for what happened, whether he liked it or not.
the man stood up and brushed his pants. “i believe i’ve overstayed my welcome, so i’ll take my leave now,” he bowed to the six of them. “and i apologize for the fright i might’ve caused.”
before the man could open the door to leave, san felt compelled to at least thank him for what he’s done. “wait! thank you...for everything...”
after a moment’s pause, the man turned around, and judging from how his eyes turned upward, it seemed as though he was smiling. “it was the least i could do after everything i’ve put you through the last few years. i’ll see you around, choi san.”
and with that, the man took his leave. 
once he closed the door, he heard their muffled voices, most likely discussing san’s future. he smiled before looking up to the sky. “well now, where am i to go next?”
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papergirllife · 4 years
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This is part of the addiction collab hosted by @127-mile​.
Pairing :  Underground fighter Jaehyun x step sister reader
Warnings : Criminal activity, minor character death, step siblings crossing the line, suggestive content.
Wordcount : 15k+
Pain and the constant flirting with death is a monotony to Jeong Jaehyun, the adrenaline rush he gets from it ignites a flame inside him, the only way he feels alive is by being on the edge of a great death, but he knows that he won’t die in the ring he fights in at the infamous underground fight club in Seoul, as sadist as it sounds, the chances of his opponents dying at his feet is a much larger possibility. Jaehyun isn’t a man of morals, especially not after the incident that made him escape the states after years of living away from his mother and step father in Seoul, he thought he’d be living in Michigan for good after the many years he’d been there.
Things have been like this for the past year or so, until he follows his step sister out the house in the middle of the night one day, thinking he’d get to know what dirty secret she was hiding from her father and his mother, her step mother. In the pair’s eyes, you are nothing but perfect, the family’s treasured filial little girl. What he didn’t know, is that this night, would change him forever. He had never found a cure for his malicious addiction towards pain and danger, but she might just be a close second.
The sweat drips of his face as he takes another blow to his stomach from his opponent, the familiar ache in his abdomen rings from his head to his abdomen, yet he doesn't mind the pain, he just needs to wait for the right time, to let his opponent think that he's going to win, to have his ego swell up his head so that he wouldn't anticipate Jaehyun's next move. 
Jaehyun levels his body downwards as if his body was responding to the pain, that to him, is nothing at all, in fact, he's addicted to it, knowing that he'll get the upper hand by just enduring a little bit of pain, and when his opponent doesn't expect it, he punches his opponent under the jaw with all his might, the familiar crunch of bones against his knuckles brings a maniac smile to his face as he watches his opponent fall to the ground after a slight lift off from the strength of the up thrust force from his fist. A loud thump could be heard when his opponent fell on the floor, and soon after, the countdown begins.
"5, 4, 3, 2, 1... And you're out!" the referee shouts, blowing his whistle right after, the familiar chime that alerts Jaehyun of his victory.
Manipulation. It's something that's become a monotony in his life. He's the best fighter in Monster, the biggest underground fighting club in Seoul, yet there will always be new people challenging him for the title. Bunch of idiots filling up his bank account in attempt to steal his glory, he's grateful for them, in this regard.
His lips stretch into a cynical smile as he looks at his opponent on the ground, the money presented to him made him let out a piercing laugh, everyone thinks he's mad, but there's still people betting for his victory whenever he turns up for a fight, people would do anything against their principles for a little more money, but yet again, what principles would the people who come here to watch people getting beaten up have, betting on him yet they have disgusted expressions on their face, whispering about his mad aggression only a few feet away. Everyone is feared by him, yet they would do anything for a few extra pennies, let principles be damned. To Jaehyun, only one person is better than those lot, the girl with the platinum blonde hair who's always betting so much money on him, but doesn't collect her earnings. He could only pick up a few details of her before the hordes of people rush to collect their winnings of the night from the handlers Johnny and Lucas. The way she always wore the same black leather jacket and black baseball cap, her hand came up to adjust her cap, her wrist glinting, was it a Rolex or a Jaeger Lecoultre? It had minimal diamonds and a classic face. Classic, that's what he thinks of her as. She likes the fancy things that aren't over the top, yet that's also the way Jaehyun describes his black themed closet. Johnny, one of the handlers, approaches him. He once asked them who she was, but the only info they gave was that she was constantly betting on him with a large sum. Jaehyun had tried to follow her multiple times, but no matter how quick he collects his earnings, she would be gone by the time he’s out.
"Do you want me to convert it to a check for you?" Johnny asked, lifting up the bag to get Jaehyun’s attention.
It was a standard after fight procedure, to have a feel at the notes in your hands, and maybe a whiff of the scent of wealth before changing it to a check, nobody would be dumb enough to walk out of here with a bag full of cash. Jaehyun passes him back the bag of money to Johnny as he heads to shower off, his thoughts filled with that mysterious girl. Hopping onto his bike before taking off for the night, leaving behind his alter persona, Mr. J, his stage name, feared by all and defeated by none.
When he reached home, there she was again, Y/N, his little step sister, sitting in front of her laptop in her oversized sweater, her bedroom door slightly ajar, allowing him a clear view of her. She's always up late working for this small programming firm, diligent and filial as always, the family's little pride of joy, he wasn't jealous, in fact he admires her tolerance towards this perfect family. It might not seem perfect to others, since their parents were both divorcees before, but it was perfect enough for him to feel like a black sheep. He hasn't felt this way towards his family before, until that incident. He pushes his thoughts away as he utters a goodnight to her. Y/N returns one to him, her soft voice calming his nerves, but that is all she says, she never asks about how he's always back so late, or how he's covered in cuts and bruises, a little more than from the time when he left the house earlier. Jaehyun retreats to his room, crashing onto his bed for a well earned night’s sleep.
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It's Chuseok dinner tonight, the whole family is having dinner together, something which Jaehyun wouldn't have chose to sit through if it wasn't his mom's nagging outside his bedroom door the whole afternoon. His mom is currently asking about your job again, you didn't like talking about your achievements at work, from the way you looked down whenever she complimented you, you've grown to be so shy after he left for the states. He finds you so endearing, and not in a brotherly manner either. He knew it was wrong, but the pull you had over him clouds the remaining morals he possesses. It was only when his mom shouted at him made his chain of unholy thoughts snap.
“And when are you going to get a job, Jaehyun? Two months you've been back and your still on your 'break'. Look how hardworking Y/N is, and she actually listens to us," his mother said as he glared at him, arms folded as if she’s actually expecting a clear answer from him.
He's only asking for one dinner from his mom to not compare you to him, and here she goes taking a jab at him once again.
"When I'm ready mom, I already told you, the states were a drain for me, I just want to relax and ease back into my life here before I get a job."
His mom was going to scold him from the looks of her open stretched mouth, before she was interrupted by his stepdad, a hand laid on top of her shoulder to stop her from lashing out on her son.
“If you needed time to recover from his dad, he will too. Let him have some time to sort out his feelings. The kid's seen enough for you not to shout at him for reacting normally," Jaehyun’s stepfather said in an assuring tone in hopes to calm his wife down before this dinner turns sour like the ones before.
His mom's gaze instantly softens as she has a memory jog of what she had been through before meeting his stepdad, those were hard times for her, leaving that bastard with young Jaehyun to start a clean slate. Yet the court cruelly allowed his father to have co custody over him, and as per his father's request to have him from the age of 13 to 18, then making him stay for university as well, thinking back, he should've just left even though his ass of a father agreed to pay for everything.
Jaehyun silently goes back to eating his dinner, his interest peeking up as he caught you looking at him silently with an unreadable expression. Was it worry? Curiosity? He had a desire to know, to understand the thoughts swimming through your head at this very moment. He held your gaze for a few seconds before you stopped, and much to Jaehyun’s relief, his stepdad had switched the topic before his mom could pin anything on him further, telling everyone about a class clown in his class he teaches.
It was 2 am and Jaehyun was laying in bed, music playing softly as he scrolled through the news on his phone, but his music session was interrupted by a sound coming from the hallway, he had his earphones on, but the break between songs gave him a chance to focus and catch the shadow of a frilly dress rush by the crack of his door, it could only be one person, Y/N, who owned dresses like this. Soon, the familiar tune of their front door opening rang. He silently follows you out, slipping out of the door before it shuts, he sees you waiting at the lift lobby of their floor, eyes looking around in worry. The lift arrives quickly at this odd hour, he rushes in right after you, his body immediately caging yours against the wall of the lift, making your eyes open as wide as saucers, like a deer caught in headlights.
"Where do you think you're going at such an hour baby sister?" Jaehyun asked in a menacing tone, the familiar one sided smirk gracing his face.
Jaehyun could see the fear in your eyes as you momentarily froze at such a close distance.
“And I thought you were our family's little angel, never involved in anything deemed shameful, yet here you are, caught sneaking out by your brother. What a pity." Jaehyun said before he tutted at you, a coy expression on his face.
Jaehyun leans back to the other side of the lift, his eyes scanning you up and down, taking in your pretty legs and adorable lips that were set in a slight pout.
“Let me come with, I want to see what my baby sister does for real fun. Is it a boy? A girl? Or both?" Jaehyun needs to know what the family’s precious pearl is hiding.
The way you shook your head as your eyes were avoiding his made the beast inside him threatening to break free. He tugs you over into his embrace with the ribbon from the bow of your dress. His chest rumbling in joy as he felt the curves of your body, and the way your eyes looked into his in awe before looking away from his intense gaze. His arms wrap around your waist, head placed on top of yours.
“I came out in a rush and forgot my jacket, you're fine with lending some warmth to your dear brother who's only in his pajama shirt, right? Like the good girl you are?" Jaehyun’s voice laced with a sweetness that could make any lady drop on their knees for him, and he knows it, just like being in the ring, toying with emotions is a game he aces at as well.
Jaehyun didn't receive an answer, just a shy little nod as permission, your eyes avoiding his trained gaze on you. He finds you so, so adorable now, but his thoughts linger somewhere darker, his need to corrupt you evident in his lustful eyes, pupils blown wide and dark, his hand holding onto your waist in a possessive manner.
Jaehyun could see the way you swallowed down your nervousness, fingers playing with the hem of your dress as you stared down onto your baby pink ballet flats. When the doors of the lift open to the ground level of the condominium, Jaehyun slings an arm over your shoulder and guided you out of the building.
"Where are you taking us, my dear baby sister?" Jaehyun asked in a hushed tone by your ear, stopping you in your tracks for a second as he let you lead him.
Jaehyun could see the way you shivered after he spoke into your ear, he adores how responsive you are to him, and he hasn't even touched you yet.
"J-just around the block," you stuttered.
Jaehyun wasn't expecting to see anyone or anything that would surprise him, you're most probably meeting your boyfriend or at most the wildest he would give you is directing him to the night club located a few blocks down the road. What he doesn't expect is to find you crouching down suddenly to feed some stray dogs at the alley in between your condo and the convenience store.
“This is what you do for fun, little sister? Feeding dogs?" Jaehyun deadpanned.
"Dad says I can't have any, and they lost their mother to a car accident a month ago, I just want to help them," you said as you reached into the pockets of your dress for more doggy sticks, looking even tinier than you did before, somewhat childlike to Jaehyun, given how pure of an action this is.
Jaehyun didn't know what came over him, but he crouched down next to you and asked for their names.
"The sister is Bella, the brother is Toto," you said before focusing back on your furry friends.
When the two of you were done, Jaehyun took your hand in his and dragged you to the parking lot.
"Where are we going?" you asked as you tried to keep up with Jaehyun, not used to walking at such a speed in your ballet flats, trying your best to not let them slip from your feet.
“You successfully snuck out of house and you're not going somewhere at least a mile away? The night is still young, Y/N. Let's go get ourselves a mini adventure," Jaehyun persuaded, his tone was rather cheerful, which would be foreign to you, given that Jaehyun mostly kept to himself at all times.
Jaehyun led you to his bike, his hands helping you up front and securing a helmet on top of your head. Your eyes saw the reflection of Jaehyun without a helmet on the rearview mirror, the one he gave you must've been his.
"What about you then?" you asked after you swiveled your head to check if he had somehow found another helmet.
“There aren't many cars at this time, and I trust my own skills. Don't worry, it's just a quick drive close by," Jaehyun reassured you as he started the engine of his bike.
When Jaehyun pressed on the accelerator, you weren't prepared for the jerk and lurched back, which is why he put you in front of him, other than the fact that he likes the feeling of your body against his of course. Jaehyun loves the feeling of being on the bike, the way the wind pierces his skin and the speed gives him the adrenaline kick just like his fights, but instead of being caged in a ring, he feels free.
The journey came to a halt when the two of you reached someone's house, a large landed property, which was a sign of wealth in a city like Seoul, Jaehyun guided you into the back door that leads to the big pool, all the lights in the house were off.
"Jaehyun, are you sure we're allowed here?" you asked in a worried tone as your eyes scan around for a presence.
"Chill, baby sis. This is my friend's place, he's okay with me coming here all the time," Jaehyun said as he lightly pushed your back, guiding you further into the estate.
Jaehyun started stripping right in front of you when he halted by the pool, which caused you turn around as an immediate response. Jaehyun let out a laugh at how you reacted, knowing that you’d be just like how he expected, shy and innocent.
“I still have clothes on, baby sister. Don't worry," Jaehyun chirped behind you.
Jaehyun was leaning against the rail, waiting for you to turn around, and when you did, albeit slowly, just in case, you immediately turned back.
"You said you had clothes on!" and he did, but only his underwear.
“I said some, and I'm not naked. Why are you making such a big deal?" Jaehyun teased.
Jaehyun saunters over to you, hands on your waist, pulling the bow free from your dress, then he leans down to your ear.
"Why don't we take a swim, little one?" Jaehyun asked in a hushed but persuasive tone.
Jaehyun then steps away to give you space and heads into the pool, your eyes wide like you're under his spell, silently pulling down your dress to reveal a simple pastel pink cotton set. Jaehyun loves how innocent you look, the swell of your curves just nice, your smooth baby like skin makes you look even younger than you are, Jaehyun stopped swimming to admire you from front to back as you joined him in the water, but not before testing the temperature of it with your feet first.
The two of you were genuinely swimming for the first fifteen minutes, until Jaehyun took a break to admire your figure swimming freely, he could see how you've relaxed a bit since the two of you had first gotten here. When you reached the end of the pool to take a breather, Jaehyun used quick strokes to get to you, stopping a mere millimeters away from your face, hands on the either side of you, leaning his weight onto the pool, his head cocked to side in great interest.
"You look beautiful."
Jaehyun has never said that to his flings, but he'll make an exception for his dear little sister, you did tolerate his annoying antics as a child. Jaehyun leans towards your face, his lips dangerously close.
"Jaehyun... We shouldn't, we're siblings," you protested weakly.
“Step siblings. We aren't related by blood, remember that, Y/N. I know you want me as much as I want you. I'm not blind, I've seen the way your eyes lingered when I walked around the house without a shirt after my shower, I've seen the way you reacted for the past hour towards my advances. Let yourself go, Y/N, do what you want for a change," there it was again, Jaehyun and his silver tongue.
Jaehyun suppressed the rumble in his chest when he felt your hesitant lips on his, the peach flavored lip balm igniting his taste buds, craving to taste more of you, his arms tracing your back towards your butt, giving it a light spank, a moan finally slipping out of your lips, breaking the heated session between the two of you.
"You like that, baby? You like how rough I treat you?" Jaehyun questioned, but it sounded more like a statement.
Jaehyun lifts you up from the pool and onto the edge as he opens up your thighs for him, sucking and biting onto the insides of your upper thighs, dangerously close to his destination. You had tangled your fingers into Jaehyun's wet hair, pulling at it when he spanked you again, your whines of his name driving him crazy. 
Suddenly, someone who sounded like he was in his late forties, came out and shouted at the two of you for trespassing. Jaehyun quickly lifts himself up from the pool and carries you over his shoulder as he picks up all of your discarded clothes and quickly drives away. He could feel you shuddering from the cold after a while, and stops his bike to allow the two of you to get dressed, grateful that they weren’t any cars on the road at this time.
"Jaehyun! You said it belonged to your friend's!" you nagged as you tried to sound as mad as anyone half dressed and embarrassed could be.
“If I didn't say that, you wouldn't have gone in. Plus, I did it many times before without getting caught. This proves how loud you were, baby," Jaehyun teased, but it clearly was the truth. 
Jaehyun made you shut your mouth in an instant after he mentioned how loud you were for him. It egged on his ego to see how shy you are now, just because he mentioned what happened minutes prior. Jaehyun lifted you up his bike once again to head back home, but not before giving your neck a kiss, he could see the way you were more relaxed after his little affection. He was going to have fun corrupting a sweet innocent girl like you, mind games are his favourite pass time.
When the two of you got back, both of you retreated into your respective rooms after saying goodnight. You and Jaehyun acted as if nothing happened the next day, Jaehyun going to the gym for most of the day, and you staying locked in your room. 
It was only two nights later, after Jaehyun's next fight when the two of you were alone, Jaehyun got back from the fight with cuts on his arms, his opponent had worn old leather gloves that scratched him up and he wonders if the tears in the gloves were purposely used to hurt people, he could've called a time out, but he wasn't a pussy. He was running the scratches under cold water in the kitchen sink when he accidentally cursed aloud at the pain. That's when he heard footsteps coming out, fearing it to be his mom, he quickly closed the tap and dashed under the kitchen island. The footsteps were getting nearer, but instead of his mom's normal house slippers, ones decorated with bunny ears came into his view, followed by your head.
“The whole house could hear you, thank goodness they're fast asleep. Come out. I'll patch you up," you called out in a hushed tone before reaching a hand out to help him up.
Jaehyun followed you into your room, greeted by the desk lamp illuminating your closed laptop and the book shelf next to the desk, while the fairy lights casted a warm glow over your lilac sheets decorated with many cute plushies. That’s when he realised that he's never been into your room.
"Sit anywhere you like."
Jaehyun took a seat on your bed as you dug through your cabinets, coming out with bandages and ointment of all sorts. You took a seat on your study chair, wheeling to him, taking a closer look at his wounds. 
"Did a cat attack you or something?"
Jaehyun sees you wheel back by kicking your legs cutely, hurrying into the bathroom and coming back out with a washcloth. Jaehyun scratches the back of his neck, thinking of how to answer you. 
"I know, I don't go to these places but I know of their existence," you replied in a rather mature tone, which was shocking for Jaehyun, since you constantly acted like a child half the time, but not in a bratty way, just filial. 
"Is that why you never asked me why I come home late at night with bruises?"
Jaehyun sees you nod as you started wiping his wounds gently, the blood going onto the clothe that will definitely leave stains.
"How are you going to explain the blood when you wash it?" Jaehyun questioned, worried that someone’s going to find out about his late night rendezvous. 
"Menstrual cycle," you answered, as if was the most obvious thing in the world, which made Jaehyun feel like an idiot at that moment.
The way you're patching up his wounds was pulling at Jaehyun's heartstrings the wrong way, Jaehyun doesn't want to fall for anyone, and certainly not for his step sister. Once you were done, you were looking at him with those innocent doe eyes, Jaehyun couldn't really tell what was up with his attraction towards you, was it purely sexual? Was it affection? He pushed those thoughts away when he pulled you by the waist, his lips capturing yours in a frantic matter as his hands make way to under your nightgown to hold onto the flesh of your thighs. The roughness of his palms sending shivers up your spine. Jaehyun took this as a good sign and started toying at the waistband of your panties. He breaks off the kiss to let his lips travel southwards, his teeth nibbling at your mounds, what surprised him was the lack of bra.
“What happened to being my good girl? Why aren't you wearing a bra? Are you tempting me on purpose? Hm?" Jaehyun said after bouncing you on his lap slightly.
“I was going to sleep. Didn't know you'll need help."
The way you answered so breathlessly when he continued his ministrations on you only urged him to act on his desires further. He reached a hand up to pinch at your nipple, but your hand accidentally slipped and held onto his arm instead of his hair, which made him wince due to the fresh wound, and the heated session between the two of you was immediately ceased.
"Jaehyun, are you alright? We can do this another time. You should let your wounds heal first," you said in a worried tone before checking his arm once more.
Jaehyun was cursing at himself, but nodded at your suggestion, not wanting to feel anymore pain after that fight. Jaehyun pecked your lips one last time before bidding you goodnight and carried you off his lap.
"See you tomorrow, baby."
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Jaehyun looks at his opponent straight in the eye, he wasn't supposed to fight tonight, but there was an empty spot and he wanted to make up for the off day he took to heal from the scratch wounds, he doesn’t mind though, his hands had been itching to punch someone or something for the past few days now, just like a junkie hooked on drugs, he’s hooked onto the feeling of hurting someone. His opponent tonight was twice his size, but according to Lucas, nowhere near his standards, since the standard earnings for this match is relatively lower from the ones he tends to fight in.
Jaehyun didn't even have to manipulate his opponent into thinking he was on the weaker scale, he took him down like the countless sandbags he broke in the gym, big but definitely does zero damage. Once the match was over, he spotted that girl again, ushering her way out of the crowd. Instead of following the usual procedures of collecting his earnings, Jaehyun made his way out of the club.
"Jae! Your earnings!" Johnny shouted, making a mistake of calling name by his name, thank goodness people can’t differentiate between Jae and J.
Jaehyun couldn't bother about the money now, he had to know who she was. He followed the streak of blonde hair into a car park nearby, which was empty since office workers are long gone by now. She made her way to a sleek black BMW i8, not what he had expected, but certainly unique compared to the Mercedes he keeps seeing at Gangnam District. However, before he could approach her, a hooded figure was behind her, a pocket knife produced from his right pocket. Right when Jaehyun was about to shout a warning at her, a flash of movement happened.
She turned around and kicked him squarely in the chest, he wasn't buff, and from what Jaehyun heard, that was a straight kick to the heart, she must be professionally trained. The figure fell down with his hand clenching his heart, he had a surprised expression, which was quickly replaced by a scowl, he definitely wasn't expecting that. She then kicked the pocket knife far away, her body slid down expertly with her handbag out reached, the huge steel chain of her handbag wrapped around the figure's neck once she kneeled down onto one of his arms, a huge crack resonating from the action.
“What kind of fucking psycho bitch are you?! I just wanted some money!"
She didn't reply, instead she dragged his body to a nearby pillar which had the emergency button for dire situations like this, she lifted him up and hit his head against the button. Immediately, the whole car park's alarm was triggered and soon after some guards rushed to see what happened. Once she saw the guards coming, she released the chains and threw him on the grown, Jaehyun could see the obvious frown on her face, but not any other feature due to the baseball cap she was wearing.
"You messed with the wrong bitch," her voice was as cold as ice.
When she opened her car trunk to retrieve something, Jaehyun approached her with his hands held high, he doesn’t want to trigger her any further, nor wish to fight a lady, especially not her, even if it’s just self defence.
"Miss?" Jaehyun called to her uncertainly.
When she looked back with her head held higher to see who it was, Jaehyun was floored. How could this be? 
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"Y/N? It was you all along? You're the girl with the blonde hair who always placed bets on me?" Jaehyun questioned, thinking that this must be some sort of big mistake.
You didn't know whether getting your latest Bottega Veneta ruined by some motherfucker was unluckier, or the fact that your step brother just found out about your secret, how could you not figure out it was his voice?
"Jaehyun, I... Let's talk, I'll take us somewhere," you said with uncertainty, but your eyes weren’t avoiding his strong gaze anymore, nothing like the little step sister he thought he once knew.
You didn't know what was Jaehyun thinking, other than the obvious disbelief on his face. The two of you were silent in the car ride, you didn't really know where to take him for a secluded and life altering conversation, other than the cliff which overlooks Seoul's skyline, you hope there aren't any couples here tonight.
"How long have you known about me going to Monster?"  Jaehyun asked when he could no longer stand the questioning in his head, piercing the silence.
"Since the first time," you said, which made Jaehyun’s head jerk in surprise, but quickly composed himself to quickly solve this puzzle of mysteries.
"How did you know?"
“There are some things that I can tell just from my observation and just a bit of help from social networking. Like how I know you take a girl home after every match then leave in the middle of the night coming home with a scent of cheap perfume lingering in the air," you didn’t know why you wanted to add the last part, maybe you were a bit tired of playing the cat and mouse game with him when he has so many people lining up for him.
“You're not that clean either, are you? How did the money come about? And what would your dad think about this? Or my mom who thinks you're the most precious daughter in the world? What if I slipped up and accidentally told them about this little roleplay you have going on here?" Jaehyun taunted, a natural reaction to how you had threw around his private matters in such a snide manner.
"You wouldn't, because I know the reason why you came back to America so abruptly," you replied in a calm and cool tone, suppressing your anger.
Jaehyun's face instantly paled at the mention of his past.
"What do you mean?" Jaehyun asked in a rather hollow voice.
“Jeong Jaehyun, birthname Jeong Yoonoh, was born in Seoul, South Korea on 14th of February 1997. Your father is Jeong Eunsan who divorced your mother and moved to Connecticut on his own, he's an alcoholic and drug addict, he filed for a lawsuit to have you in his custody for five years for education reasons after he came clean from alcohol and drugs, the United States High Court approved of his appeal. So you left Seoul in 2010 and moved in with your father. But he got back on alcohol and drugs didn't he? That's why the two of you fought."
"How did you know all this?!"Jaehyun rounded on you from the passenger seat, seemingly wanting to hit something or someone for the frustration he’s feeling, but held himself back when he remembers it’s you, and nonetheless, a girl, he doesn’t hit girls. His eyes were a dark shade of brown, nearly black as his voice dips a lower intonation, the sight dangerous to anyone but you.
"I did some digging of my own," you replied calmly.
"Who are you? Are you even the baby sister I knew when I was a kid? Or the girl I took out for a ride just a few days ago? Who are you and what do you want from me?! And how are you filthy rich?! What do you even do for a living?! I feel like my whole life's a lie!" Jaehyun spats out, feeling like the ground underneath him shifted drastically, on the edge of loosing his footing, just like how he could barely comprehend what’s happening now.
“I don't want anything from you, Jaehyun. Some lies are said because they're easier to accept than the truth," you answered, hoping that this will be a suffice explanation to him, but knowing Jaehyun, you doubt it.
"I can't believe you lied to me, to our family, after all this time?!"
“Like you weren't planning to mess with me, seducing your little step sister, eager to expose my identity to my dad. A kettle calling a pot black, don’t you think? Do you enjoy inflicting pain upon others and yourself so much that you'll hurt anyone in your grasp? Your mom, your dad, the girls you slept with and left alone with broken hearts the next day, aren't those people enough for you? You think you're the only one who knows how to toy with people's hearts here, Jaehyun? What I'm doing to you now, is just a taste of your own medicine. You think I'm still that little naive 7 year old girl you had play dates with? You were gone for so long, things happen, and people change, and so did you Jaehyun."
Jaehyun's heart sank as he heard your piercing words he didn't mean to leave you as a child or become the monster he is today he didn't mean for any of this to happen, yet you lied to him after all this time the money, the fight club, your whole personality or what he thought it was all just a front.
His fingernails dug crescents into his palm as he took in all this information. For the first time, in so long, he was the one who was manipulated. Jeong Jaehyun defeated in his own game.
'Who is Y/N really? The girl with the frilly dresses who has her cute round glasses on whenever she's on her computer? Or the girl who sneaked out late at night in her leather jacket with all the money she wanted in the world?' Jaehyun thought to himself.
“Just tell me, how are you this rich? Where do you get all this money?" Jaehyun asked, not letting you off the hook, if it’s what he wants, you’ll give, it’s his consequent if the answer scarres him for life.
“Do you know how I played you so well, Jae? Because it's my job, I put up fake fronts for other people's real identities to be hidden. And you'd be surprised by how many people require these services from me. You think I'm the cruel one here? Open your eyes, pretty boy, it's a cruel world, and if you're not even half as evil as it is, then you'll naturally be the ones that are being deceived on your little fabricated rainbow bridge. I know what you did Jaehyun, I did some digging before you came back from the states, mom and dad bougt your little front, but I didn't. I was shocked when I made the discovery, just to let you know, he was pronounced dead by impact to his head. You and I both know what that means."
Jaehyun couldn't believe what he was hearing, he thought he had successfully left his past behind him. Only to have you uncover his crimes like popping a lid of a beer bottle, his hands are shaking from the shock of hearing you speak of what went down after he left his father.
“How am I still here then? Why isn't anyone cuffing me back?" Jaehyun questioned aloud, his mind completely mushed after hearing about your true profession and the truth of his sudden return from the states.
“I was there that same day to make amends of your faults, I was curious of how you were doing there. Only to find out that you weren't the same person anymore. They were worried every single day, I just wanted to make sure nothing happened to you, little did I know my skills would be needed there instead," you weren’t holding a grunge for what he’s became today, but till this day, it’s still hard to accept the fact that he was a whole different person entirely now.
"You cleaned up the body?" Jaehyun prodded further, hoping that you weren’t one of those cleaners for crimes.
“Do I look like I'll get my hands dirty? I was living there for two months just to observe, and I found out that there would be loan sharks asking for money everyday, not the most believable lot, carrying huge sticks and sometimes even knives, no? They even had criminal records beforehand. So I hacked into the security system and did some movie magic. The video of you going home and leaving with bloody hands was deleted and replaced with the video of the loan sharks looking for your father from the day before. And so the court was convinced that they were the killers given that they had existing brutality offences. And that's how I got you off the hook," you explained, somewhat proud that you could pull something off without any preparations at that time.
“Why did you help me? In America, the money I earn now, it's all your doing. Why?" Jaehyun questioned.
You didn't really know why either, you helped him escape his crime in America because you took pity on him, after all, he was in your life for a short period of time. But you couldn't really put a finger on why you wanted to help him here, other than the fact you did get money from his fights, albeit not that decent of an amount compared to your other earnings.
“Because my dad loves you, he wouldn't want anything to happen to you. If he knew, it would kill him, and I do appreciate your mom being in my life, this is the most I can do for them. As for the bets, it's just as form of gambling and quick cash, nothing to it."
Jaehyun hummed, his mind in deep thought.
"So is anything going to change between the two of us?" Jaehyun was directing the question to you as much as to himself.
You fingered the tiffany on your wrist, ignoring his line of sight.
"Nothing is going to change, I'll continue to bet on your fights at night, then I'll be your little sister in the morning who stays out of your way," you finally looked up after replying his question, an unreadable smile on your lips that leaves Jaehyun curious.
"Deal," it’s not like there’s any other better way to access the situation.
"I'll drive you back to the club to retrieve your bike."
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You decided to crash at Irene and Seulgi's for the night, not knowing how to comprehend what just happened. However, when you got there, a man you didn't recognize was sitting on the couch. You quickly pulled your gun from the back of your pants, pointing at the back of his head.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" You questioned in a cold steely voice that you used only in missions you once particapated in.
When the man turned back, a handsome face greeted you, his brow quirked up in a questioning manner.
"I should be asking you that, little girl."
“I'm no little girl, answer the goddamn question!" you were loosing your cool, scared that something happened to Irene and Seulgi.
"Y/N! Put the gun down, that's Irene's boyfriend!" Seulgi said as she came out of her bedroom, hands flailing, not knowing whether to grab your gun or stand in front of the man.
"Seulgi? You know this man? What do you mean Irene's boyfriend? Why haven't I ever met him? you asked, lowering your gun slightly.
"I go to the toilet for one minute and I see my baby pointing a gun at my boyfriend that she's not supposed to know, just fucking great," Irene said before plopping down the sofa next to her boyfriend, hands reached up to massage her temples.
"So he's not a threat?"
"Not to us, you can say," Seulgi chipped in.
“I'll do the talking Seulgi ah, don't interrupt. Y/N, this is Junmyeon my boyfriend of three years. And Junmyeon, this is Y/N, she's like a sister to me, so don't you dare hurt a single strand of her hair.”
“Wait a minute. Junmyeon, as in Kim Junmyeon, EXO Suho, Kim Enterprise CEO? Head of criminal syndicate EXO Suho?" You spewed out, bewildered that the man of many identities, and many of them dangerous, was sitting on this very couch that you’re too familiar with.
“That's why I didn't want to let you know. I didn't want to rope you into any danger, you're so young Y/N, you shouldn't be involved with anyone who has any relations with a mafia leader," Irene explained in a disappointed tone, her head looking down in shame.
"Irene rejected him a few times because of your safety, and also Yeri's, but since she's at London, she's much safer," Seulgi supplied, hoping that telling you this would decrease the chances of you having an outburst of emotions, you must be facing some difficulties if you’re here at this hour.
You sat down on the couch, trying to take in all the information that's being thrown at you for the past 15 minutes or so, your brain trying to connect the dots and piece a proper response to this.
“Y/N ah, why are you here tonight? And why is your favorite bag in shreds? Did someone attack you?!" Irene quickly takes your face into her hands, checking for any injuries, then checking your hands, gasping at the slight scratch.
"What happened?!"
“Someone wanted to rob me on the way back after I came out from your fight club. In other words he's probably suffering from a rib damage, skull damage, et cetera," you replied in a monotonous way, tired from all the events of late.
"I’ve taught you well," Seulgi said with a proud smile on her face, she was, after all the one who taught you her vast knowledge of martial arts.
"Thanks Seulgi," you said, thinking back to the time when you first joined them, but your thoughts were cut short when your eyes laid back on the man in front of you.
"Anyways, tell me a bit about yourself, Junmyeon, since we're going to be stuck with each other until end of time, unless you deicide to cross Irene, then I'll have to feed your head to the hounds," you added the last part in a threatening tone.
“Feisty just like her mom. I'm Junmyeon of Kim Enterprise, the oldest brother of the four Kim brothers. And I'm also EXO's Suho, Seoul's largest illegal weapons manufacturer," Suho rattled off the facts that everyone in Seoul knows, but this isn’t going to cut if for you.
“I know that already. I did my research when I helped Kim Jongin transfer his dirty funds to the offshore accounts I set up for him. Tell me how your family started EXO," you suggested, always had an interest to how such a large scale syndicate started off.
“My great grandfather was part of a Japanese weapons manufacturing base, he was a spy for the Korean government many decades ago. He left the mission after he had successfully acquired enough knowledge on how to make their weapons, along with establishing connections inside so that he'll always receive updates. When the war was going on, he reported everything to the Korean government, then the war ended and he started his own business since that was the only knowledge he held worthy of putting bread on the table, and so the business has been going on ever since. Since I told you my origins, tell me yours, that is only fair," Junmyeon prompted.
“I met Irene when I was 14. I had no friends then, other than Yeri who was a year older than me. Irene spotted us exchanging a perfume bottle of this bitch who bullied us into a bottle full of onion juice, since she liked spraying it onto her face obnoxiously. Yeri caused a distraction while I hid underneath the stands, exchanging the bottles. She saw everything and offered us a job in her greatest money heist, I stole a key card while Yeri made a fuss about wanting to see her mom who doesn't even work there. After we pulled that off, Irene and Seulgi took us in, Irene teaching me her digital hacking skills and Seulgi teaching me her martial arts skills everyday after school. Then I branched out on my own after acquiring a different set of skills I learned on the dark web."
"Let me guess, the off shore accounts?"
"Bingo. I wanted to be independent too, can't always depend on Irene, and it proved me right, since she's probably going to get married and stuff soon,” you said, eyeing him expectantly. 
"Hey, who said I was leaving you?" Irene complained, a hand slapping your head lightly before going back to your wounds.
"You'll have real babies to baby in the future, I'm excited," you said sincerely, knowing that a couple this good looking would have the most beautiful children in the world.
"To be off the hook?" Junmyeon quipped in.
"That as well," you said before bursting into laughter at Irene’s shocked expression.
"I can't believe my boyfriend and my baby is ganging up on me," Irene said in a huff.
"Seulgi's enjoying the show," you said after glancing at her gleeful expression.
"I live with this woman, I can't talk shit about her, so do please continue."
“I'm done patching you up Y/N, Seulgi prepare her room, she's gonna stay here tonight. And as for you mister, you better head home, don't keep your mom worried, I'll see you tomorrow,” Irene said before ushering a reluctant Junmyeon.
All of you said your goodbyes to Junmyeon, grateful that Irene knew you needed some time alone. You quickly washed up and changed into comfy pjs, Irene sitting on your bed waiting for you to talk. You crawled into bed, laying down your head onto her leg.
“I'll say it once, and I'll say it again. I'm really grateful for what you've given me, although illegal for most things, but I can't imagine life any other way. So please don't kill me because he found out."
"Who?! Jaehyun?!" Irene asked, immediately assuming the worst ‘he’ she could possibly think of.
"Yeah. He rushed out from the club, and followed me. He's not telling them anything, but we had a talk about his past and stuff."
"Was he shaken up?"
“He handled it as best as he could you can say, he's a fighter, not a killer. It's different to us compared to him," you guessed.
"Yeah. I'm sorry about the Junmyeon thing as well, I just wanted to keep you safe."
“It's fine. He's nice, for now. And I want you to be happy too," you said genuinely.
"Thank you. What about Jaehyun? What is he to you?" Irene asked, always had a hunch about your feelings.
"A friend."
"That's all?"
“I'm not going to fall for him when all he does is pick up girls after fights. What about the Kim brothers? Are they hot?" you asked, curious to see what else the family holds.
“Jongin's a player, but you already know that. Jongdae's married with a daughter, and Minseok is a mystery. But I don't want you marrying into a mafia family, Y/N. Don't make the mistakes I'm going to make, I want you to be safe," Irene lectured.
"I'm fine, I can protect myself perfectly well."
“I just want what's best for you. It's getting late, I'll make you a cup of tea in Bunny and Rabbit's take away cup tomorrow, okay? In case you get there after they wake up," Irene said, mindful of your parents.
You smiled at how thoughtful Irene is, always leaving her cafe's paper cups in her home as a decoy for you to use when you get back in the morning.
"Yeah. Goodnight mom."
“I'm your sister, Y/N ah, stop making me sound old. And Goodnight to you too."
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“Here are two tickets for a cruise trip,” you said, handing the tickets to your dad.
Your dad’s eyes light up at your surprise, along with your step mother’s who stopped watching her latest drama, letting it run on the tv.
“What? How come?” Your dad asks as he reads the details of the tickets.
“My boss gave me a larger bonus this time around, so I decided to get you guys something, since dad would be off for summer holidays in a week’s time, it’s just in time to board the cruise,” you explained.
“Honey, you should spend your hard earned money on yourself.”
“It’s okay dad, I have enough money, don’t worry. I wanted to get you this, since you were so stressed about your students the other day. A change of scenery from the university would be good for you,” you said before taking a seat on the sofa across them.
“Y/N’s right, you deserve a holiday this summer. Thank you so much Y/N, you’ve always been such a good daughter to us,” your stepmom said, grateful that you never once shunned her off like most people she had read about would.
“No problem. It’s getting late, I’ll head to bed. Night dad, night mom,” you said before giving your dad a hug.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
You got into your room and shut your door before texting Irene.
‘It worked, I can attend the gala with you.’
‘Great. Can’t wait to see you there.’
It was around 1 a.m., when someone interrupted you from your work by knocking lightly on your door. You got up to open it to reveal Jaehyun’s fluffy mob of hair poking into the small gap of your door.
“This is unexpected.”
“Can’t I come check in my little sister?” Jaehyun replied with a boyish smile.
“Right, very convincing,” you said, sarcasm evident.
You are skeptic of his motive, but nonetheless allowed him into your room before anyone comes into the hallway. Jaehyun laid down on your bed, his large frame taking up most of the space, so you opted sitting on your desk chair.
“What are you really here for?”
Jaehyun sat up from your bed, his dimples obvious because of his cheeky smile.
“My little sister truly knows me best, doesn’t she? I’ve been wondering why are you suddenly sending away your dad and my mom for two months straight?Definitely not because of some bonus you made up.”
“My step brother still knows me best, doesn’t he? There’s this gala hosted by Kim Industries, and my friend’s going, but she doesn’t know anyone there. Since I know some of the attendees, I volunteered to attend it with her,” you supplied, leaving out the part about Junmyeon.
“You’re going to a gala without a date?” Jaehyun asked like it was the most outrageous thing ever.
“I just thought of going alone,” just like back in junior high’s prom. 
“Can I come?”
“You like galas?” you were surprised to say the least.
“Just because I fight for a living, doesn’t mean I can’t do elegance,” Jaehyun said in a defensive tone, deeming your shocked expression somewhat offensive.
“Sure, just don’t get bored and beg to go home,” knowing how impatient he is.
“As long as you get me a suit,” Jaehyun said before crashing onto your bed, he had taken a liking to lying down onto your fluffy sheets.
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“You look beautiful,” he said as he takes in your dress for tonight’s gala.
Jaehyun stared at you with awe in his eyes as he does a once over, not the ones that he usually does that make him look like a predator eyeing its prey, but a look filled with slight admiration and wonder that would’ve made your blush obvious if it weren’t for the artificial blush on your cheeks.
“You don’t look too bad yourself, Dior suites you.”
“Thank you.”
You were wearing an A line Louis Vuitton skater dress with a belt of the same brand to highlight the curve of your waist. You were wearing your usual red lip gloss that Jaehyun first caught eye of. Heels and bag that matches Jaehyun’s suit, and last but not least, a diamond necklace from Van Cleef and Arpel’s adorning your collar.
“Why are you driving?” Jaehyun complained whilst getting into the passenger seat of your car.
“Because this is my car, and you drive like a reckless mad man on your bike,” you deadpanned as you revved the engine to life.
“Fine, fair enough,” Jaehyun said in a sulking tone.
Jaehyun wanted to give a go at your car, but obviously you cherish it like your own bone and flesh, given its price, making Jaehyun grumble in the passenger seat.
The venue of the gala was the Kim family’s holiday estate up on a cliff, the  location, based on your knowledge, costed a fortune that even you’ll have to save up from at least 20 jobs. You parked your car inside the estate’s huge underground parking space, next to cars that costed just as much, at least you don’t look like a fish among sharks here.
A servant guided you up to the center court of the estate, where everything is happening, a waiter immediately passing you and Jaehyun a flute of champagne.
“Do you always attend fancy parties?” Jaehyun asked as he takes in the scene.
“No, this is my first,” you said before taking a sip from the glass.
“Then how are you so calm?”
“I’ve been in enough life threatening situations that these parties don’t have an effect on me anymore,” you said as you scan the crowd for Irene.
“Sounds interesting, where do I sign up?”
“That adrenaline seeker inside you would kill you one day.”
“Can’t help it, I’m addicted to danger.”
“Y/N, you’re here,” Irene said after struggling through a crowd, Junmyeon following close by.
“Irene, Junmyeon. I know who are the best dressed couple tonight,” you said in awe at their matching dress and suit, looking like modern royalty.
“And you must be Jaehyun. I’m Irene, Y/N’s close friend. How nice to finally meet you,” Irene introduced herself before sticking a hand out for him to shake.
“Nice to meet you, Irene,” Jaehyun said as he shook her hand with a friendly smile.
“This is my boyfriend, Junmyeon,” Irene gestured at her beau.
The two men shook hands and gave each other polite smiles. Irene directed you and Jaehyun to your respective seats for dinner after Junmyeon excused himself to get ready for his speech. The three of you sat down at the table as dinner started. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, other than the applauses given to Junmyeon after his aspiring speech on how he would improve the company came to an end.
There were people at the table who questioned Irene of her background rather rudely but you didn’t take any drastic actions other than throwing back mildly sarcastic remarks because Irene kept a hand on your knee, squeezing your leg whenever you’re on the edge of crossing the line, with Junmyeon resisting to laugh at the such an amusing scene.
“You should’ve let Y/N continue, I love how she roasted Aunt Soohyun about her wig being bigger than her brain,” Junmyeon whispered.
“Junmyeon! Don’t encourage her.”
Jaehyun was mostly silent, until Junmyeon chatted him up about the recent football season. Jaehyun was surprisingly helpful, asking the waiter to refill your cup of water when you finished, reminding you that your lip gloss had faded  significantly after you finished your meal. He even helped you hold your hair back as you had dinner.
After dinner, all of the guest started socialising, walking and talking freely. At one point when Jaehyun left your side for the washroom, a handsome man made strides towards your direction.
“Y/N. It’s been a long time,” the blonde male said.
“Kun. How long has it been? Two three years?”
“I suppose so, and you still look at beautiful as ever.”
“You don’t look too bad yourself too,” complimenting him back.
Qian Kun, the CEO of WayV, a communications company in China and Korea, as well as some other hidden companies that not everyone knows about, the reason he contacted you the first place years, and one of the very few customers you slept with.
“What brings you here tonight?”
“I’m friends with Irene.”
“What a small world, isn’t it? Junmyeon and her look so well together, imagine their kids.”
Kun was pointing at Junmyeon and Irene who were dancing flawlessly in the middle of the ballroom.
“They’ll make the Kardashians cower in shame.”
“May I have a dance, Y/N?” Kun asked when the last song came to a stop.
“Lead the way, Kun,” how could you say no to a handsome face like him?
He took you hand in his and guided you to the dance floor. When you placed your hands on his shoulder, you could feel that he had gotten much more fitter these years, muscles flexing at every tiny movement. His eyes never left yours, other than the little flickers down to your lips when he thought you weren’t looking.
“I missed you Y/N.”
Next thing you knew, Kun was kissing you with those plump lips of his. The two of you had danced to the side of the room, Kun broke free from the kiss and led you to an empty hallway where you kissed him back immediately. Kun’s hands wandered freely over your figure, one of his hand going under your skirt, the slight squeeze on your inner thigh making you moan into the kiss. Just when his hand was reaching higher, someone pulled him off you.
“Who the fuck are you and why are you touching her?!”
Kun scowled at the sight of Jaehyun, laughing at his angry face.
“When did you get yourself this boy toy Y/N? I would be a much better candidate for you tonight, Y/N.”
“Get away from us!” Jaehyun hollers, his anger getting out of hand.
“My apologies, I didn’t know she was taken.”
Kun walked away, leaving you with a livid Jaehyun.
“What were you thinking Y/N?! Letting a stranger touch you like that!”
“Stop shouting! He’s not a stranger, he’s someone I used to know and it’s none of your business to care!”
You stormed out of the estate, heading to the garden which led to the edge of the cliff, the sight of the beautiful sky calming your nerves immediately. You heard footsteps following you, no doubt it was Jaehyun, wanting to shout in your ear furthermore.
“I don’t want to see you, Jae. Go back inside,” you said as you let your legs take you further out into the open.
But Jaehyun and his damned long legs caught up with you in no time, he held onto one of your arms, tugging you back to look at him. When your eyes landed on his apologetic face, your heartstrings tugged lightly against the anger in your mind, but you remained your cold composure, eyes narrowing at him.
“What was that huh, Jaehyun? You think you really are my brother or boyfriend? That you can boss me around as you please? What makes you think you can stop me from touching other men when you sleep with every other girl after each match? Why can’t I do the same thing as you? Say something! You have nothing to offer? What are you? Five? Cat caught your tongue so easily? Fuck you, Jeong Jaehyun, you don’t even have the guts to admit your feelings.”
You tugged your arm out of his grip, walking as quickly as you can to the edge of the cliff, taking off your heels. When you started walking to the end slowly, you were pulled back by Jaehyun, the two of you falling onto the soft grass.
“I admit it! I admit it! I love you, okay? Just don’t fucking jump off the cliff. What were you thinking?”
You sat up from his embrace, the cold of the night grazing your exposed skin immediately, the tears in the corner of his eyes caught you by surprise.
“You mean it?” You questioned, shock that he’d be so honest about his feelings so suddenly.
“Of course I mean it. God, you gave me a heart attack.”
Jaehyun pulled you into his arms once again, his head on your shoulder, his nose rubbing the curve of your neck as his hands hold you tight, not wanting you to leave.
“You’re addicted to the adrenaline rush and inflicting pain, just thought this combination would make you own up to your own feelings.”
“You planned this?! What if I didn’t stop you?!”
“I had faith in you.”
“You’re crazy. What did I do in my previous life to end up with a mad woman like you? And what do you mean I’m addicted to inflicting pain? I mean to some degree for adrenaline rush, but pain?” Jaehyun questioned acting out shockingly, hoping that his denial may be able to mask this issue of his, or more accurately put by you, one out of two of his addictions.
“Just admit it, no one other than you fights with such madness, Mr J, I can see it in your eyes after every one of your victories,” you rounded on him, eyes narrowing at his, purposely using his stage name instead.
“Fine, I might be addicted to the pain I receive as well as inflict on others physically, and maybe the girls I slept with, but that’s more of an after match celebratory thing and I wasn’t considerate of their feelings, but nonetheless, I never wanted to harm you, yes, I might have wanted to manipulate your innocence at first, but that was before I started having feelings for you, I meant it when I said I love you,” Jaehyun explained, pouring his whole heart out to you, his eyes silently pleading for your understanding.
“I guess I love you too, coward, now let’s get back inside, it’s getting too cold for my liking,” you said as you wore your heels.
“What do you mean you guess? Hey, wait up!” Jaehyun stared at your retreating figure, trying to decipher your words before jogging up to pester you further about it,
Although Jaehyun and you hadn’t spent that much time together, but the bond since you had as kids never really faded, things just felt like they fall into place whenever you’re with him, the beauty of the little pieces of emotions clicking together like an intricate puzzle, just like how his aggressiveness balances your cool and calm exterior.
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Jaehyun and you have surprisingly got along well, he was more honest with you about his feelings and trauma towards his past. You suggested him to find professional help, but he didn’t want anyone suspecting him of killing his father and said that talking to you already helps a great deal. The two of you would talk about anything and everything on a Thursday night, a time where both of you would sit down and genuinely talk to each other over a bottle of wine as your parents still aren’t back from their trip yet.
“You can say anything you want, especially if there’s things going through your head. I don’t want you to bottle up your feelings anymore okay?”
“Okay,” Jaehyun said as he caressed the curve of your side gently as you leaned your body against his, his warmth seeping through even with the layers of clothing.
It hasn’t been an easy journey, being with Jaehyun, but all couples go through ups and downs together regardless, you didn’t care if it was relatively harder, with his anger management and trust issues, the happiness he has brought into your life has etched inside your heart like an anchor and its ship.
Jaehyun wanted you to stop bidding so much money on him after the two of you got together, but you didn’t want to stop, since this was the reason the two of you had bloom into lovers. You are a rather sentimental person towards particular milestones. The person you were years ago would’ve been in disbelief towards your change of attitude towards a relationship commitment. 
Every night, you’d go to bed wishing that these beautiful moments wouldn’t ever cease into nothingness.
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Monster is rather crowded tonight, the underground fighting club is getting more and more popular among the young in Seoul, which makes pending background checks on the attendees before matches rather hard for the staff of Monster. The pending invites take around 2 months per person. But the amount of new faces and old faces alike never made Jaehyun nervous, in fact he could spot a few banners with his stage name, Mr J scrawled messily among the club goers.
Jaehyun used to fight with turmoil in his head as he uses fighting as a form of therapy for his past traumas, but ever since you helped  him through things, it has cleared his head of anger and finds it easier to focus on his opponents’ movements. Ever since then, he started calling you his lucky charm, if it wasn’t for you, he wouldn’t have made such a large improvement on his skills.
The fight began as usual with you watching him from a nearby balcony on the second floor. His opponent was a man who’s around his strength and height. Jaehyun although changed his way of thinking during a match, hasn’t changed one bit of his favourite tactic, manipulation.
Jaehyun took a painful hit on his stomach from his opponent. Although he told you he won’t take pain as a form of stress relief anymore, he still takes it like a champ in order to take down his opponent. Right when he feigns hurt, hugging his stomach slightly, his opponent chooses to use a wide swing as his grand finale, planning to finish Jaehyun off. But because of Jaehyun’s quick eye and experience, Jaehyun immediately lifts his right arm up to punch the joint of his opponent’s elbow forcefully bending it to an upwards angle that definitely hurts a lot, the crack of the bone being dislocated loud even amongst the crowds’ cheer. What Jaehyun didn’t expect was that his opponent took a swing at him with his other hand even through the midst of all the pain he experienced from his injury Jaehyun inflicted upon, bruising the corner of Jaehyun’s eye.
Jaehyun could feel anger boiling up his chest as he charges at his opponent like a bull, throwing hits all over his opponent’s head as well as stomach. At first his opponent tried to stand up, but gave up when he moved and felt the pain of his injuries digging into his flesh, hitting the floor of the ring five times to admit his defeat.
Jaehyun pulled himself up when he heard the bell rang, waking him up from his haze of anger. He looked up, hoping to see you smile because of his victory, yet you had disappeared.
There was a slight error with the cameras for the live stream of the match for fans online, so Lucas went to get you to fix it before the club loses any earnings just because of a slight malfunction, forcing you to leave Jaehyun’s fight. When you were done fixing them, the walk towards your spot of the ring was rather long, so the match ended before you reached there.
Jaehyun’s left eye started to swollen from the hit he received from his opponent, making everything look blurry if he concentrated his sight on the left. Just as he was about to leave the ring, a girl got up and kissed him. He immediately pushed her away when he realised it wasn’t you, although a similar shade of platinum blonde.
“Jaehyun! Did you miss me? That was such a great match. Wanna hang out at my place after this?” The perky blonde chick suggested in a rather annoying voice, immediately getting on Jaehyun’s nerves, like the throbbing in his eye isn’t giving him a bad headache already.
“Who are you? And why the fuck did you kiss me?” Jaehyun questioned, anger laced in his voice.
“I’m Brittany, we met here, and fucked at a night club downtown, remember? Why don’t we do just that now, you loved it the last time,” she praticcaly purred at him, ridiculous. 
“What the fuck?! Fuck off!”
When Jaehyun pushed the girl away, he could see you standing outside the ring, anger and disbelief written across your face. That’s when you took off right in front of him, running towards the exit faster than you’ve ever before.
“Jaehyun, who is she?!”
Jaehyun ignored the girl, and pushed past the masses of people, running into the carpark where you usually parked your car, but when he got there, you were already gone, only a familiar whiff of your perfume in the stale air left.
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You were speeding way past the speed limit, but you didn’t care. Nothing matters when your heart feels like its been chewed and spat out like it was dirt. You didn’t cry, even though you want to. You can only hear the voices in your head taunting you for your foolishness.
‘You knew he was a player and still you fell for him.’
‘You should’ve seen it coming, just because you pour your heart out for him, doesn’t mean he’ll cherish it.’
‘You were just like him a few years ago, this is probably karma.’
You pulled into Irene and Seulgi’s place, a miracle that you arrived without a single crash. You were so glad that your parents’ cruise lasted until next month. You leant back into your seat, the stress and fatigue you felt for the past moments finally crashing onto you. That’s when you received a call from Jungwoo, the money launderer you worked with.
“Yo, Y/N. I got a job for you.”
You have to leave for Switzerland, where Jungwoo was based at and where you arrange off shore accounts. You had to meet with a client in Incheon to discuss the details of the deal before boarding your flight hours prior.
The client wasn’t a hard case, so you had time to kill before you need to board for your flight. So you typed out the details to Jungwoo in an encrypted message to speed things up when you got there, right when you’re done, it was time to board the plane. On the flight, you mostly slept and watched movies to pass time, trying to distract yourself from the constant ache in your heart that was starting to numb into emptiness. You remember a conversation you had with Jaehyun about Switzerland once. 
“I really like the snow capped mountains and green hills there. It’s beautiful all year round,” Jaehyun said as he watched the tv play out an episode of some show on Discovery.
“I can take you there if you want to, since I’m so familiar of the country from all the jobs,” you offered.
“I’d love that. Spending time with you in a cabin with a beautiful winter scene right outside our window sounds like heaven to me.”
You hate how your mind just instantly clicks everything back to Jaehyun, you scooted lower into your seat of the taxi to avoid the once beautiful scenery now scarred in your memory.
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“What brings you here days earlier than you should? Family problems? Not likely. Boy problems?” Jungwoo egged on as he takes in your rather disheleved look.
You only sighed in response, you loved Jungwoo with all your life, but the events from these past days made your patience run on thin ice.
“Nothing, Woo.”
“Come on, tell me. You already talked to the client and I looked through the files, nothing needs to be amended, so we have plenty of time,” Jungwoo said as he pops in a chocolate truffle in his mouth, all ears for the latest take on your personal life.
He was patting the seat next to him on the sofa, you plopped down reluctantly, not expecting an ambush this soon from him as it was already 2 a.m. Switzerland time.
“Remember Jaehyun?”
“The hot step brother that had you chasing his tail and fixing his shit in the states?” Jungwoo asked with a knowing smile.
“Yes, that one.”
“What happened? Not another crime I hope, the only thing illegal he does now is fighting at Irene noona’s club. Unless?”
“No, it has nothing to do with the law.”
“Then?” Jungwoo has his attention trained now, he didn’t even bother to reach for another chocolate.
“We fell in love.”
“Thought so, but something happened recently, I suppose?”
“Yeah, I caught him kissing another girl after his match when I walked away to fix something, you know, like last time, when he would sleep with girls after every match.”
“Honey, Y/N. Not every fuckboy is ‘fixable’ no matter how much care and affection you shove up his ass. That’s just how men work,” he said with a click of his tongue, thinking back to the problems he had with men.
“You’re a man.”
“I’m gay, we think differently, and I’m out of my hoe phase. Doyoung is so adorable, you can meet him after we settle the accounts tomorrow.”
“Sure, Woo. I’m gonna head to bed, night,” you said before leaving to Jungwoo’s guest room, which is more of your third home now.
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After you were done with the job and checked to make sure you received the fees, you decided to stay a few more days with Jungwoo, meeting his boyfriend as well as taking road trips to different parts of Switzerland all over again, trying to forget about the ache in your heart. It was a few days later at a resort where Jungwoo cornered you at the pub, since he didn’t want to say anything in front of Doyoung, and that man was rather clingy at times, which was a perfect match for Jungwoo
“You know you’re welcomed to spend time with me, but don’t you think you should talk to him? Instead of spending lonely nights drinking different cocktails in different hotels? Hell, you’re not even looking at those hot dudes that were checking you out, usually you’ll take one back for the night. What happened to the old Y/N?” Jungwoo questioned.
“I’m still me, Woo. I’m just not feeling it I guess,” sleeping around after a heartbreak was one of your known as one of your coping mechanisms to Jungwoo, but this heartbreak feels closer to home than the others, which was a given.
“You know, you didn’t even give a chance the poor boy to explain himself before you hopped on a plane and travelled oceans away. It might be a misunderstanding, you never know. Girls in that club can be really crazy, drugs and alcohol, that chick might have mistook your man for someone else. Go home, Y/N. Talk it out, and if he really did that on purpose, well I know a few assassins in Seoul.”
“I don’t want to kill him, Woo,” you deadpanned before downing another shot.
“Just kidding, but I’m serious, take the next flight home, since we’re this near to the nearest airport.”
“Fine, okay,” you sighed.
“Good, now last one, no more alcohol for you tonight,” Jungwoo holds his own shot high for yours to clink.
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Once you landed in Incheon, it was around half past ten at night, the duty free shops were starting to shutter after you checked out. You booked a cab and left the airport. Before reaching home, you received a call from Lucas, which was odd, since you told them not to contact you unless it was an emergency.
“Y/N, thank god you picked up. Where are you?”
“I just landed and I’m reaching home. Why are you calling me?” you asked, checking the time on your watch to predict what problems they’re facing.
“It’s Jaehyun, he’s drunk and he got himself into a match.”
“Why did you let him?!” you questioned in disbelief, a hand reaching up to ruffle your hair, a habit you had whenever you needed to think up of a solution quickly.
“Well, the people were protesting because we didn’t let him fight for a few days already, since he was drunk as well, but the people demanded for winnings from his matches, and I don’t think I can hold off the people’s demands. They won’t listen to me or Johnny, and Jaehyun is being an ass here, insisting on fighting no matter what,” Lucas said over the line, the voices of the audience in the background, it sounded very pack tonight.
“I’ll be there as soon as I can,” you said before hanging up.
You cursed under your breath, telling the driver to speed up. If you needed to save his ass, you can’t do it with your real identity.
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When you reached the fight club, you ran as fast as you could to the front, the people giving you space to move willingly. They weren’t sure who you were, but from the way you ordered Lucas and Johnny around, you must hold power over this club. As you neared the ring, you could hear a gruff voice shouting over the cheers of the audience.
“You’re gonna die, Mr. J! I waited for this day long enough, sweet, sweet revenge!”
Jaehyun was lying on the ground, movements shaky as he tried to scoot away from his opponent as he prepares to strike one last punch on Jaehyun’s head, without thinking twice, you jumped into the ring as fast as your legs could take you, you slid down and tripped Jaehyun’s opponent by sliding a kick as hard as you could on both his legs, making the large burly man fall onto his knees.
“How dare you stop me from my victory?!”
“This match is unfair! Mr J is drunk! Leave at once!” You ordered.
“I don’t care, no matter how much you pay me, I’m going to settle this once and for all! And a little girl like you isn’t going to stop me! I’ll fight you if I have to!” Jaehyun’s opponent threatened.
“Bring it on, motherfucker,” you said before putting on the gloves that Johnny had thrown on your side of the ring, mouthing the word sorry before getting back to the monitors.
Jaehyun’s opponent charged at you, like a bull that was tempted by the colour red, his eyes wild in frenzy after almost defeating Jaehyun. You jumped as high as you could, legs pointing at him like an arrow, striking him down like a target dummy, taking advantage of his crouched position when he charged at you. You started punching his face as you held him down with your legs, constricting his hands, but unfortunately for you, the amount of muscles he had on his abdomen enabled him to sit up and slam you onto the ground.
You hissed in pain as you felt the pressure of the way he threw you down from that height. You quickly rolled over when he wanted to land a punch on you, the only upside about your opponent being large was that he was slow as well. So you jumped onto his back, your thighs choking him as you landed punch after punch on his head. But you knew you wouldn’t be able to keep it up if you didn’t finish him once and for all, so you placed all your weight onto him as well as tipping your figure downwards, forcing him to fall back forwards, you used all your strength by rising up your feet slightly before stomping onto his stomach, making him lose his balance, the fall made the pain in his stomach increase tenfold as you had him sandwiched underneath the force from your feet and the hard floor. The sound of something cracking underneath your feet loud as the audience had silence themselves to take in the extraordinary fight in front of them, it must’ve been his ribs.
The man underneath you coughed out blood along with the words of surrender and medic. Once the coast was clear, you rushed down the ring where Jaehyun was, he was unconcious.
“What’s wrong with him?” you asked the medic attending to him.
“We think he had too many punches on his head, it’s best you send him to the hospital immediately Ms Y/N.”
“Johnny! Take him to my car!”
“Right away.”
You checked your limbs and your eye sight, your legs were a bit shaky, and you were littered with bruises, but you didn’t care as you ran to where your car was parked a few blocks down, Jaehyun in Johnny’s arms. Johnny placed Jaehyun in the backseat once you opened the car doors.
“I’ll take it from here, take care of the situation at the club, don’t let things get out of hand.”
“Okay, you’re sure you can drive?” Johnny asked one last time, he knows you’ve been in worse situations, but he didn’t want to lose his boss.
“Yeah,” you said before closing your door, your limbs going into autopilot to get the car started.
You sped as fast as you could, shifting gears every once in a while to make it to the hospital in record speed. You didn’t stop until you reached the hospital’s emergency drop off.
“Help! He’s heavily injured, someone tried to rape me and he fought the guy, but the guy hurt his head a few times before he gave up,” you said in a frantic tone, making the lie seem even more believable. 
The nurse you were talking to quickly flagged down a team of medic, putting Jaehyun onto a stretcher and wheeling him into the hospital.
“Are you fine, miss? You look injured as well,” the nurse inquired when she took in some of your visible injuries.
“I’m fine, I need to park my car then I’ll get checked myself.”
“Very well.”
You quickly parked your car and retrieved your leather jacket from the trunk, not wanting to draw attention on yourself because of the bruises. You dashed to the reception desk, asking for Jaehyun’s whereabouts.
“He’s currently in Room 512 Level 3 receiving surgery, he’ll be out in 2 hours.”
“Thank you,” you breathed a sigh of relief.
“There you are! I’ll be tending to your wounds.”
Just your luck, the nurse from before cornered you once you turned back. Directing you to one of the emergency area.
“There are bruises all over your arms as well as behind your head, and these are the only ones I can see,” she said as she pressed gently onto the slight swell behind your head.
“I’m fine, miss, thank you so much,” you said as you sat up from the bed.
“Wait, at least let me check your eye sight. You might have damaged your brain from the injuries behind your head.”
You reluctantly sat back down, frustrated that you couldn’t be with Jaehyun. Once she was done, you rushed to the surgery room just as Jaehyun was being wheeled out.
“How is his condition, doctor?”
“He only had a gnash behind his head, fortunately missing his neck. He was unconscious mostly because of the hits he received on his head and the alcohol in his system. He should wake up tomorrow morning after the anaesthesia passes.”
“Thank you so much, doctor,” you said before bowing to him.
“You’re welcome.”
You followed the nurses who wheeled him in, tucking him in the blankets, since he was always sensitive of the cold.
“I’ll come see you tomorrow. I promise,” you said as you squeezed his hand before leaving his room.
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When you got back to Irene’s condo, a collective gasp rang out as you took off your leather jacket.
“When Johnny said it was bad, he wasn’t lying,” Seulgi said as she poured a glass of water for you.
“The guy I took down was second to Jaehyun in the club, I think I did okay. I always got bruises from our jobs anyways,” you said before crashing onto the sofa, the familiar ache ringing out in your senses.
“Maybe you got a bit rusty,” Seulgi said as she passed you the glass.
“No I didn’t.”
Right after you finished your sentence, Seulgi threw a knife at you. You avoided the knife by moving your head at a speed that you were very much used to after the many training sessions as well as missions.
“Not bad.”
“Seulgi! What did I say about impaling knives on our walls?!” Irene complained, eyes widening at your wounds, but let out a sigh of relief when she could smell the medicine on your skin, but continued eyeing your wounds with worried eyes.
“I was just testing her, I’ll fix it tomorrow, promise,” she replied with a cheeky smile, hoping that she wouldn’t get an earful from Irene by looking cute.
“Y/N ah, there’s something Johnny sent me after you left for Switzerland.”
Irene handed you her laptop, a CCTV footage of the club showing up. It was taken from the camera that was right on top of the ring that had 360 degrees angle, just in case anyone played unfairly.
The video showed the night of the match right where you walked out from, you could see yourself run out of the scene. Followed by Jaehyun pushing the girl off him and seemingly shouting at her before rushing out to look for you.
“I think he wasn’t cheating on you, Y/N ah, he didn’t seem too happy about the girl,” Irene suggested.
“I might have jumped to conclusions too soon,” you said solemnly, realising that you have mistaken Jaehyun because of his past.
You had unconciously began twirling at the necklace on your neck, something you did whenever you held much uncertainty, which Irene noticed.
“Don’t be too hard on yourself, I would’ve freaked out if I were in your shoes as well,” Irene consoled.
“Yeah, I’m gonna head to bed, night,” more like lying on bed thinking about how you’re indirectly the cause of what happened tonight.
“Goodnight, sweet dreams.”
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Jaehyun was wincing when he opened his eyes, the white lights and the white ceiling blinding him temporarily. Where is he? When he tried sitting up, he could feel how sore his whole body was, what did he do after he got out of the pub? That’s when he felt it, your familiar touch and soothing voice.
“Hey... Take it easy.”
“Y/N? Y/N? You’re back,” he sat up abruptly to see if he was dreaming, but the pain that came with the rushed action was too painful to be just a gimmick in his head.
“I’m back.”
You were wearing your usual flowy dress again, delicate hands cutting up his favourite fruit, a peach. You had on the lilac scrunchie he had given you a few weeks after you guys were a couple, as well as the Bulgari ring he had gotten you after a month. You poured him a cup of water before feeding him little peach cubes, the necklace dangling on top of him, a familiar sight that comforts him.
“I’m sorry for taking off like that, I thought I wasn’t enough for you anymore and I just assumed the worst,” you said truthfully, knowing that he must’ve felt like shit when you were gone.
“I don’t blame you, I know my reputation isn’t the best, and only time will prove how much you mean to me, and I’m fine with that, I’m willing to wait for your trust, Y/N,” Jaehyun explained in a sincere tone, his way of forgiving you.
Jaehyun took your hand in his, his thumb tracing lines on your palm. His other hand cups your cheek, holding up your face to see you clearly for the first time in a while, that’s when he saw the slight bruise on your jaw.
“Y/N, what happened?” Jaehyun asked as he touched the bruise, wincing under the sudden pressure on your wound.
“You don’t remember what happened last night?”
“No. Did I hit you?!” Jaehyun said as his eyes were frantically scanning your whole body, only to find more bruises around your wrists, if he had done this, he’d hate himself for eternity. 
“You joined a match against King Laz, the guy who hates your guts. I just landed from Switzerland last night, then I received a call saying you were drunk but you were in a fight, so I rushed there only to find you lying on the ground. He was going to finish you off, so the only logical thing I could think off was to fight for you, since he didn’t want to leave without defeating someone,” you explained recounting last night’s events.
“You fought against him?! Are you mad?!” Jaehyun questions, eyes going over all your injuries, worried about how painful they look.
“Oh come on, Jae. I’m a trained fighter, that fight was nothing,” you said dismissively. 
“He’s a strong opponent, Y/N. No wonder you got so many bruises,” Jaehyun said as he hangs his head down, upset that you had to go through so much to save his sorry ass.
“It’s nothing, Jaehyun. It was just like every other mission I went through, nothing to be alarmed of. And these bruises are nothing, I get bruised easily. Don’t be so hung up over it, it’s already over, I kicked his butt and is now lying in bed with several broken ribs, so be quiet and eat your peach.”
“Several? Impressive. Thanks for the peach, baby, but I would much rather eat yours,” Jaehyun suggested, tongue in cheek with a playful smile gracing his lips.
“Sometimes I don’t know what I see in you,” you said as you popped another peach cube in his mouth.
“Shh... I know you love me, now give me a kiss for quick recovery,” Jaehyun said before his hand reaches for you.
“You’re such a dork, Jeong Jaehyun,” but you kissed him nonetheless, no matter if his lips were bruised or cut, you’ll always be there for him, for you are his cure to the monsters in his head, the poison and its cure.
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wellthebardsdead · 3 years
Everything I Wanted Sojiro X Fem Reader
Pasted from my old account. My works are by no means perfect and are riddled with grammatical errors but I do this for fun so, enjoy ~Bambi
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~I had a dream... I got everything I wanted...~
How did it come to this?... why did it come to this?... you’d spent your whole life trying to be a good person, a model citizen, the daughter your parents always wanted, a perfect girlfriend and future wife to your boyfriend... you tried to become what everyone wanted...
~not what you’d think...~
You looked over the lip of the rooftop down at the city streets below. The rain made everything sparkle in the warm glow of neon light, it poured down your face mingling with your tears. Your hair wet and stringy, your blouse and skirt soaked... you took off your shoes and climbed over the railing before standing on the edge...
As your grip began to loosen up you heard a deep, firm, but gentle voice call out for you over the ambiance of the rain and the city life below. “Y/N!”
~and if I’m being honest it might have been a nightmare... to anyone who might care...~
You could hardly contain your excitement as you rushed into your apartment carrying the large garment bag, your dress was finally ready, it wouldn’t be long before the wedding.
To everyone who knew you, your life looked perfect, the model daughter of two successful entrepreneurs of a tech company that was recently sold allowing them to retire in luxury.
You were everything they wanted you to be. Beautiful, smart, poised, and kind. You lived in a nice apartment with your fiancé, a handsome and wealthy businessman who doubled as your manager at your parents now former company, your manager, his name was Hitoshi.
You’d worked so hard to build up this life, you thought it was perfect, if this is what everyone wanted for you this must be what you want right?...
After fumbling with your keys you bustled into the apartment. Your fiancé had already left for work. As you walked into the bedroom your heart fluttered seeing a red box, you set your dress and a folder of paperwork down and opened it to find an expensive set of lingerie, you gladly tried it on, it felt a little tight... You didn’t mind, you were losing a bit more weight before the wedding anyway. Maybe this was a surprise for the honeymoon he’d forgotten to hide, or maybe he’d left it as a bit of motivation for you.
Either way it looked nice. You took it off and placed it back in the box before putting your dress away in the closet. You had just enough time left of your lunch break to freshen up and head back to work.
After making sure you were presentable you left.. forgetting the folder of documents you’d left on your bed...
You worked as a secretary at your parents now former business, they offered you higher positions many times but you wanted to earn those positions, they were extremely proud of you for your decision. You worked hard, and you were due for a promotion very soon, one that’d move you to your fiancés department. You were so excited that you’d get to work along side Hitoshi.
As you approached the building you smiled seeing painters renovating the outside. They were applying the new owners logo, Shimada enterprise. You’d have to thank the new CEO for allowing your parents to retire.
You stepped inside and walked past the receptionist desk, it was empty again... There was a new girl working, Ichika. You weren’t sure of her last name but she’d been there a few weeks, and she had a bad habit of slacking off. You sighed spotting 24 missed calls on the phone. You some files on her desk before walking to the elevator and riding up to your office.
There were a couple men in the elevator, one a young gentlemen around your age, a nice blue and black vest, a white button up and smart black slacks. His hair was short with a slightly long fringe and he had well groomed facial hair. The other man was taller, dressed in a black suit, black hair greying slightly around the sides yet his face looked rather youthful, strong jawline, sharp eyebrows and a piercing gaze.
The two nodded at you in greeting and you returned the same with a smile assuming they must be business associates. They returned to their conversation and you checked through emails on your phone until the lift reached your stop. You couldn’t help but eavesdrop a little, apparently they turned up and the receptionist wasn’t there, after 5 minutes of waiting they decided to head up to find whomever was managing all the departments today...
As you stepped off you swear you heard one of them say to the other that you were cute. Your face went bright red and you booked it off pretending you didn’t hear.
Before heading to your desk you made your way to your fiancés office. As you approached it you saw Ichika step out giggling back at the doorway. She jumped seeing you standing there. “O oh miss L/N!! I was just dropping off some pap-” she stammered out before you cut her off. “That’s not part of your job. You’re meant to hand them over to me first for revision and then I hand them to whomever the recipient is. You’ve missed 24 calls possibly more in the time it took me to get here, and on top of that what appeared to be two business associates were left waiting at the front desk for you! Go back to your desk.” You say firmly. You were getting sick of her finding excuses to leave her desk like this.
She quickly scurried off past you, something about her... there was something that just rubbed you the wrong way. You stepped into your fiancés office and smiled seeing him there, he heard you come in and turned on his heal, “hmm forget something ich- Y-Y/N!” He stammered out surprised. The tone of his voice caught you off guard, “of course it’s me. Why do you keep allowing her to drop work to run files up to you? The phones have been ringing off the hook today and she wasn’t there to answer them.” You say annoyed.
“Ah come on Y/N, she’s new.” He says walking to you planting a kiss on your lips. “She’s been here for over 3 weeks, she has no excuse I’ve warned her plenty of times. Just because my parents no longer own this business doesn’t mean I’m going to allow the quality of our service drop.” You say before kissing him back. You caught a whiff of Ichikas perfume... maybe she just applied a little too much and brushed against Hitoshi, yes that had to be it...
He sighed. “If you say so.” He shrugged, “I’ll have a chat with her.” He smiled. You smiled back before kissing him again. “Thank you, she’s been making my job hard enough as is.” You sigh. “Thank you for that little surprise too by the way. It was very comfy~” you giggle. He blinked looking at you a little confused before it clicked in his brain. -shit!! I forgot to hide it!- he thought. “O-oh yeah baby! Ah damn it I was going to hide it for our wedding night. Did I leave it on the bed?” He says rubbing his head.
You nod and giggle. “Mhm, don’t worry~ I’ll pretend I didn’t see it.” You say placing a finger to your lips and winking. He chuckled and hugged you close giving you another kiss. “Thanks baby~” he smiled. “I gotta get back to work now, I’ll be home late tonight.” You sigh. “I’ve got a heap of new contracts I have to sort out.”
He nodded and smiled, “I’ll see you when you get home, no need to rush. Text me when you leave Kay?” He asks. He’d suddenly gotten into a habit of asking that whenever you’d be working late... you assumed it was just because he was worried for your safety working so late at night. You nod and smile, “I will.” You say before kissing him once more and walking out to your office.
The day dragged on and soon the afternoon turned into the evening. It was getting late and you were getting hungry.
As you finished the stack of paperwork you went to move onto the folder of contracts... it wasn’t there. You panicked looking through your bag, your desk, as you scanned your memory it clicked... the bed. You’d left it on the bed at home...
You sigh getting up, you’d have to go and get it. At least it’d give you an opportunity to get something to eat, and see your love...
Picking up your bag you called for a cab and headed to the elevator. You jumped as it opened to see one of the men from this morning, the one in the black suit. “Hm oh didn’t mean to startle you miss.” He chuckled a little, he had a deep voice, it matched his powerful exterior perfectly. “O-oh no no it’s fine!” You say flustered before stepping in and hitting the ground floor.
“You’re here awfully late. Do you often stay after hours?” He asked checking his watch. You shrug a little, “hm, not really sir. But these past few weeks I’ve unfortunately had to take up extra work due to the new receptionists underperformance.” You sigh. “Oh w-where are my manners! I’m Y/N L/N!” You stammer out bowing politely.
He chuckled, “it’s nice to see at least someone here is working hard then, it’s a pleasure to meet you miss L/N, I’m S-” the lift suddenly jerked violently and the lights shut off. You stumbled forward and prepared to hit the floor but instead you felt a pair of strong arms grasp hold of you keeping you steady. “Are you alright?” He whispers. He smelt so nice, a mix between citrus, sandalwood, and undertones of cherry blossom with a hint of musk.
You nod as he helped you up right. “I’m fine sir, th-thank you for catching me.” You were thankful for the lack of light, you could feel how hot your face was with blush right now. “Don’t mention it.” He says softly.
After another moment the lights clicked back on and the back up system kicked in. The power must have shut off... the lift opened at the ground floor and you were right, there was a huge storm outside, it must have cut power off to most of the street. At least with the backup generator you could keep working. “Would you like a lift?” He asked as you two approached the doors.
You went to answer as suddenly your cab pulled up outside. “Ah no thank you, this is my ride.” You smile and bow politely. “Goodnight sir.” You say before rushing out to the cab. You never did get his name.
As you got into the cab and drove off an omnic walked to the building holding an umbrella. “A new acquaintance Master Shimada?” It asked as he stepped under the umbrella lighting a cigarette. “Not yet... but... I’d like her to be.” He says as he walked to his car.
The taxi pulled up outside your apartment, you paid in full plus a generous tip asking them to please wait for you to come back before rushing inside. You’d forgotten to text Hitoshi you were coming but you figured it’d be fine. The power was out here but you could see light coming from the bedroom. Turning on your phone flashlight you spotted the folder on the kitchen counter... along with the now empty red box...
You turned the flashlight to see your fiancés shirt and pants on the floor leading through the hallway bedroom... you quietly walked towards it when you heard it, moaning... a woman moaning...
Creeping closer you peered through the opening in the doorway, big enough to see through, small enough to hide you from view... you stifled a shocked gasp as you saw your fiancé, with Ichika. She was dressed in the lingerie set and laying on her back between his legs...
Tears poured down your face... you turned and walked out taking the folder with you... you got back into the cab and returned back to work...
The driver was thankfully kind enough to give you the return drive for free after seeing the distraught expression on your face. You thanked him and returned back to your office... as you sat down at your desk you started to sob... you buried your face into your hands and you just sobbed.
It was around 2am when you finished the paperwork... you heard your phone buzz, Hitoshi. “Baby it’s late, when are you coming home?” You felt sick reading that, you replied simply. “On my way, we need to talk.”
You packed up your work for the night and turned off the lights. The rain had become little more than a drizzle at this point so you found yourself walking along the lonely streets. The power had come back on and the neon lights of store fronts sparkled in the puddles that lined the pavement. It helped distract you from the inevitable pain that awaited you when you got home...
You stifled back sobs as you quietly packed up your desk into a cardboard box. After arriving home last night you fought with your now ex-fiancé... he’d decided to leave you for Ichika. He threw you out after making you pack up all your belongings minus the furniture... and your wedding dress and engagement ring... -you don’t need need them. And they’ll look far better on her anyway! I spent too much money on this wedding as is to just cancel it- his words replayed in your head.
She’d be enjoying your wedding, wearing your dress, and your ring...
And to add insult to injury he’d given her your promotion too... and as a result gave you her job instead... now here you were moving your belongings down to reception all the while trying desperately not to cry...
You approached the elevator to see the doors closing, and inside Hitoshi and Ichika... they looked at you, and smirked... “hold the door!” That voice. You turned to see the man from last night approaching.
Hitoshi immediately panicked and held open the lift. “Y-yes sojiro san! I I mean Mr Shimada!!!” He stammered out. Your ears perked up, Shimada... this was your new employer!!
He stepped into the lift before looking at you. “Ah good morning Y/N. Aren’t you coming?” He asks gesturing to his side. You glance at your ex and his mistress before looking back at Sojiro... he had a nice smile... you stepped in and stood at his side.
Sojiro could sense something was very wrong... he wasn’t an ordinary man... -hurt... shes... hurt...- a deep booming voice sounded in his head. He glanced down at you to see your shoulders shaking and your lip quivering as you held back tears. And for whatever reason the two in the lift with you were the ones causing you this distress... -betrayed... betrayed... kill... kill...- the voice sounded again.
As soon as the lift doors open you stepped out quickly without another word and went to the receptionist desk. Sojiro watched you quietly begin to unpack your things before casting a glance at your ex that could cut holes through his soul... he watched him rush off with his new lover in hand...
He looked back at you... This shouldn’t be any of his concern but... His heart wanted you... -sad... help... help her....- the voice whispered... “I will... just be patient...” he whispered back.
A few weeks had passed by.
Youd gotten yourself your own place, a tiny and empty apartment... it was all you could afford on your new salary. Your bed was a futon, you had a small coffee table that acted as your kitchen table too, and a tiny kitchenette and bathroom...
You tried contacting your parents to ask them for help but to your horror they sided with your ex. They said you clearly hadn’t been performing well enough as his future wife so it’s only fair that he’d replace you... you hung up without saying another word...
Your life had crumbled around you, the life you’d spent your whole existence building. The one you were expected to build, the one everyone wanted... but was it what you wanted to begin with?... What did you want?...
Every day at work was a misery, Hitoshi and Ichika seemed to be intentionally throwing more and more your way, jobs that weren’t even any of your business were now your responsibility... they were trying to make you quit. And at this stage you were really considering it.
The only saving grace was your lunch break... youd find yourself up on the roof all alone. You’d eat there staring at the city life below. All those happy lives... It wasn’t long though before you had unexpected company. One afternoon you were surprised to find Sojiro had stepped out for a smoke, he asked to join you and you said yes.
He was so easy to talk to, despite his intimidating exterior he was so kind and honestly a little goofy in your company. He had the most gentle smile when he looked at you.
Sojiro wanted so badly to know more about you, to ask why you were hurting, to whisk you away from it all and take you somewhere safe. Every time he was close to you that voice in his head would sing out wanting you to be nearer.
He found himself at his desk late one night filing through paperwork, but all he could think of was you... curiosity got the better of him and he looked at your file. His heart fluttered seeing your face... he felt like a fool for hoping someone as young and pretty as you would want him, he hadn’t loved another since his wife had passed away giving birth to his second born. He was lonely, he buried himself in his work and any free time he had was devoted to his sons... but they were grown up now... and his heart was aching for love.
He looked through your file with interest. You were the daughter of the previous owners, the fact that you never mentioned it to him boggled his brain. He should have guessed that by your last name but even still he thought you would have mentioned it once at least... Maybe you didn’t want special treatment he wondered.
What didn’t make sense to him was why you were moved to a lowly receptionist job. You were practically over qualified for your old position too, heck you were more qualified for your ex’s position than he was.
His ear twitched hearing a low chittering noise from behind him. “Yes I know... isn’t she pretty.” He smiled reaching back and scratching the scaly cheek of a large black dragon... -help... her... help... love...- It groaned.
“Shhh I know... I know...” he cooed softly as it rested it’s head on his shoulder before changing to the size of a large snake and draping itself around his neck. He gave it another scratch before continuing to read your employee file... his eye caught the document below yours, Ichikas.
He read through hers and scowled, there was no way in hell she was qualified for your job, he could feel his dragon tense up before it snarled at the screen. “Shh... don’t worry... we’re going to fix this.” He cooed.
You sighed stepping into work, you had trouble sleeping last night after the storm woke you up. Summer in Japan was beautiful but the humidity often lead to some extreme weather. And last night the thunder and lightning practically shook your tiny apartment to its foundation. Thankfully it had died down to just a downpour, but it was supposed to be picking up again this evening...
Shaking off your umbrella you walked to your desk and blinked. A stunning arrangement of flowers all heavily significant of love sat on your chair, along with a box of chocolates. There was only a card that said “To my dearest Y/N, I hope this gift brings you reason to smile..” No signature... you didn’t recognise the handwriting either. Even still... it wasnt a cheap assortment, someone must care.
The gift was just what you needed to put a little spring into your step. You proudly displayed the flowers for all to see and you picked one of the chocolates to enjoy, you’d save the rest for when you went home.
You wore a smile on your face throughout the day, and it only got bigger as everyone who approached the desk commented on how pretty they were, and how lucky you are. Despite the rainy weather outside this was a much needed ray of sunshine in your life.
It was nearing your lunch break, you hadn’t seen Sojiro today. Normally he’d accompany you on the lift, or stop by to say hello... you felt dumb for missing his absence but... he’d become the only positive you had left in your life now... you’d developed feelings for him... you thought maybe... you wanted him...
The rustling of leaves and petals caught your attention. You looked up to see Ichika plucking flowers from your gift. “H-hey cut it out those are mine!” You shout standing up. “Oh get over yourself Y/N! It’s just a couple for my desk.” She says waving her hand before reaching to take another. You grab the flowers and move them away. “You mean my desk that you fucked my ex to get you homewrecking cow!!” You shout.
She scowled and scrunched up her nose. “Woooow real professional Y/N. Bringing personal life into work. Why don’t you act your wage and-” a deep voice suddenly cut her off. “Get back to work.” Your heart fluttered, Sojiro...
You both looked at him as he approached. “Y-yes sir I was just telling her t-” Ichika stammered out as he stepped between her and the desk. “I was talking to you.” He scowled. She practically shrunk under his gaze before skulking away.
He watched her leave, his stance proud and fearsome, it softened as he looked at you. He always looked so relaxed around you. “Are you okay Y/N?...” he frowned.
“Y-yes...” you lie. No. No you weren’t okay. Your whole body was trembling and tears were already pouring down your face. He took your hand in his and handed you a tissue to dry them. You were so distraught you didn’t even realise he was holding you as he led you to the lift for your lunch break.
There was an undercover area on the roof, with a table and chairs, it offered a nice view of the cityscape despite the rain. While everywhere else was drenched, here it was bone dry. You calmed down after he sat you down, even still your lip quivered as you hiccuped pitiful little sobs.
He dried your tears after a moment and handed you a sandwich from a cafe you liked. He’d gotten into a habit of bring an extra one for you knowing that money was tight at the moment. “...I’m sorry you had to see that...” you whispered. He glanced at you as he lit a cigarette, “don’t be... if I’d heard another word leave her mouth id be apologising to you for witnessing me punch her.” He says taking a drag.
“You wouldn’t have to apologise to me for that...” you smile sadly, your eyes red and tired... always so tired now... he wanted to see you happy, rested, enjoying your life... he wanted to give you the life you deserved... you were everything he wanted. But he was afraid you’d reject him because he was older... or if you did accept him... would you accept all of him?... The gentle businessman facade was only a part of who he was...
“I don’t think I’ll be around here much longer anyway...” you say suddenly as you take a bite of your sandwich. His stomach dropped. “What? Why?” He says sounding more upset then you were expecting. “I just... I don’t belong here anymore Sojiro... I see my ex and that.. bitch every day... my parents don’t even want to be associated with me anymore.” You sniffle.
“Then I’ll fire them.” He says simply. “what? N no please! Don’t...” you say softly. “Just.. because my life didn’t work out doesn’t mean thei-” you try to protest but he cut you off. “Your heart is too kind for your own good Y/N... very well... but if this continues then I’ll have no choice.” He says stubbing out his cigarette butt as you finished your sandwich. You nod and placed the empty wrapper in the bin. “I understand...” you say softly.
You hated your ex, you hated Ichika, but you were too kind a person, you didn’t want revenge, you just wanted them to leave you alone... “y/n...” Sojiro says as he gently took your hand. “I... have something I want to as-” a younger mans voice sounded from the lift. “Tou-san! There you are! The meetings already started!” You recognised him, he was one of sojiros sons, the oldest. You’d seen him the day you met Sojiro in the lift. Hanzo you think is name was.
Sojiro sighed pinching his brow. “I’m afraid it’ll have to wait. I’ll talk to you later y/n. Come on.. let’s head back in before it gets too heavy.” He says softly. You nod and stand up, still holding his hand. He held his coat over you as you two ran back to the lift. His son gave you two a look, not one of disapproval, more of a knowing glance. As if to say when are you two getting together...
The three of you chatted until they had to get off at their floor. You said your goodbyes and returned to reception. You were feeling better, talking with Sojiro always cheered you up. As you walked to your desk though the spring in your step died... the flowers were gone...
You rushed to your desk to find them in the bin, crushed with all the heads cut off. And the chocolates all eaten. There was a sticky note on the box that simply read ‘thanks for lunch :)’ it was Ichikas handwriting... next to it there was a mountain of folders, and another note that read, ‘I want this done by tomorrow morning...’
You held back a sob, your chest hurt, it was getting hard to breath... you cowered under your desk ignoring the phone as it rang. The walls were caving in, your face felt tingly and your head tight, your hands cold and numb with sweaty palms. You’d grown up your whole life dealing with anxiety attacks, the pressure to be perfect was overbearing. You should be used to them but they were never this bad before.
-ground yourself... think of something you like, something you want...Sojiro...- you thought... immediately the pressure in your chest released... you thought of his scent, his eyes, his smile... his hand holding yours... you had to talk to him...
After a few moments you composed yourself... it was over... you got up and sat in your chair, emotionally and mentally drained... they say everyone no matter how happy has their breaking point. And you were at yours...
~Thought I could fly~
It was around 9pm... you’d finally finished. You started to pack up when a loud slap made you jump out of your skin. You look up to see a large folder of paperwork in front of you and Hitoshi and Ichika walking away laughing. “This too, I want it on my desk tomorrow by 7am!” Hitoshi says waving at you. “Oh and, thanks for the chocolates~” Ichika laughed as they stepped out heading for their car... you fell back into your seat... defeated...
You just sat there... watching as the downpour outside turned into a storm... it was 11:30pm when you finally stood up. You walked to the bathroom and splashed cold water onto your face in an attempt to look presentable... you saw your reflection...
Your hair was a mess, your eyes tired and heavy, your lips cracked and bloody from chewing at them, and your skin pale from stress and stained with tears. You stared into your sad eyes, “failure...” you muttered to yourself... Once the ‘perfect’ daughter your parents always desired, the once perfect girlfriend, the once star employee... all gone... all that was left was your bare self,... and you didn’t even know who you truely were.
You’d lost everything, everything you’d worked so hard to build up, the perfect life everyone wanted... but was it truely what you wanted? what did you want?... you wanted to escape...
The bathroom door creaked as you exited and headed for the lift...
~so I stepped off the golden mm,.. nobody cried...~
You didn’t hold onto the rails as the lift carried you up, you didn’t so much as flinch as it stopped either, you stared right ahead. There’s no such thing as a perfect life... and if there’s such thing as a perfect person it wasn’t you.. you’d failed everyone... you were never the perfect daughter... nobody would love you... nobody would miss you...
~Nobody even noticed, I saw them standing right there...~
The rain bucketed down in sheets... you looked up at the clouds as lightning flashed and the thunder roared like the cries of an angry beast... you threw your head back and started to laugh as tears poured down your face, you screamed at the storm as it did to you...
You walked to the edge...
~I kind of thought they might care...~
You looked over the lip of the rooftop down at the city streets below. The rain made everything sparkle in the warm glow of neon light, it poured down your face mingling with your tears. Your hair wet and stringy, your blouse and skirt soaked... you took off your shoes and climbed over the railing before standing on the edge...
As your grip began to loosen up you heard a deep, firm, but gentle voice call out for you over the ambiance of the storm and the city life below. “Y/N!”
~I had a dream, I got everything I wanted. But when I wake up, I see, you with me~
You look back to see Sojiro running towards you... He stopped just feet away, holding out his hand to you. “Y/N it’s alright... I’m here... come here...” he called softly.
“I’m going to do it!! Don’t try to stop me!” You screamed at him, “I’ve tried so hard to be everything everyone wanted me to be! I tried to do everything right! I’ve fucked it all up! It’s my fault he left me! It’s my fault my parents disowned me!! I’m not what they wanted!!” You cry.
He took another step closer, “Forget what everyone else wants of you Y/N!! What do you want?” He asks... What did you want?... you look down at the city below... “do you want this?...” he asked.
“No...” you reply. “Come down then... come to me...” he cooed... -he’s what I want...- you think...
~And you said...~
“Come here Y/N... as long as I’m here no one can hurt you...” he says stepping closer again.
As you turned around your bare foot slipped on the cement, and your grip on the railing released... you looked at him as you fell...
~I tried to scream... but my head was under water...~
It felt surreal, you fell with the rain. It was as if the droplets were suspended in mid air as you whizzed past them. The wind lashed at your drenched body and whistled through your ears, all you could hear was your heartbeat.
~they called me weak... like I’m not just somebody’s daughter...~
It didn’t feel real... you watched as suddenly Sojiro jumped off the edge after you... and in seconds he held you tightly in his arms.
You swear you saw a flash of black scales before suddenly the world went black...
~Could’ve been a nightmare...~
You opened your eyes briefly as you were shifted into someone’s lap... you were in a car. You recognised that scent... Sojiro... you were safe.. you let out a soft sigh as you felt him shift his coat around you and rub your back... your eyelids fluttered closed again and you faded back into unconsciousness...
The sound of bird song woke you up... you opened your eyes to find yourself in a very traditional buf luxurious looking room. The bed you lay in at first looked like an ordinary futon but that was only the blanket. The bed itself was imbedded into the floor like the worlds softest nest.
There were two doors, one that must lead further into the building and another that was open, it lead out to a beautiful garden. You saw sparrows and red breasted robins bouncing about on the porch eating seed. The sunshine danced in the ornately groomed trees and sparkled on the ponds surface, It was picturesque.
“Ah! Good morning miss L/N. I’m so happy to see you’re awake! Master Shimada will be so happy to hear you’re alright.” A female omnic voice... you look back at the doorway to see a very elegantly designed geisha like omnic enter with a tray. On it a lovely breakfast and some juice.
“Oh hello... I... where am I?” You ask as she set the tray in your lap before going about her tasks. “Hanamura castle of course. Master Sojiros home.” She giggled. It took a moment for that to register in your brain. The man you’d been conversing with as if he were your best friend, the man who saved you last night, was practically royalty.
“Wha?...” was all you could manage out. She could only giggle, “I understand it’s much to take in. Master Sojiro wanted to be here for when you woke but he had some business to attend to at the new enterprise, oh! Speaking of which. He wants you to stay in bed today... but if you wish to go to work he has a car for you to take.” She says as she began to comb your hair.
The idea of staying in bed after last night sounded perfect but... “may I take the car please? I have so much work to do I can’t rest...” you say softly. The need to be perfect, the need to please others... it had been beaten into your mind... you were hardly holding yourself together right now...
Even still the omnic didn’t argue. She got you dressed into a blouse and skirt that costed more than anything you’d ever owned and she escorted you to the car. “Are you sure you don’t wish to change your mind?” She asks after helping you into the car. “I don’t know what I want anymore...” you say meekly. If she could frown that comment would have made her do so with worry... “I’ll inform master Sojiro.” She says bowing before closing the door.
The driver started the engine and the next thing you knew you were off. You’d only ever been to hanamura a few times, it seemed to always be blanketed in pink. The land of eternal cherry blossoms all year round until winter would come and coat everything white.
You’d always wanted to live here... but your parents wanted you to live closer to the business, closer to them... but now... maybe you could live here after all. What did Sojiro mean by wanting you to stay in bed? Why did he bother saving you? How did he save you for that matter? Why these nice clothes? These gifts? Did this mean he wanted you?... no... he was just pitying you... you were sure of it...
The car pulled up in the underground car park, it was mostly used by the engineers who designed prototypes for your company, you’d rarely been down here at all in your time with the company. The omnic driver stepped out and opened your door for you before you had the chance to. “Th thank you...” you say softly. He helped you out and nodded. “I’ll be down here when you’re ready to leave madam.” He bowed.
You nodded and thanked him once more before heading up to reception... you blinked seeing Ichika sitting at your desk looking pale as a sheet. “Where’s my stuff?...” you ask softly, your voice so quiet and tired.
She nearly jumped out of her skin seeing you. “I.. I I i” she tried to speak... she looked like she’d seen a ghost. “Y/N!” Sojiro suddenly called from behind you. You didn’t think it possible but Ichikas face went even paler...
He rushed over and gently embraced you as you turned around... you melted into his touch, so desperate for positive contact. “What are you doing here? You should be resting.” He says softly but sternly. You look down at your feet and nod. “I-I had paperwork I never finished last night for Ichika and I left my bag here too I-I’m sorry.” You stammer out.
You jumped as he cupped your chin in his hand and made you look up at him, “it’s alright... your stuff is in my office dear. If you insist on working I have a few things I need organised. But I’d like you to please take it easy today.” He says as he stroked your cheek with this thumb.
Your face went bright red at the contact, you nodded. “Y-yes mr Shimada.” You squeak out. He chuckled, “why so formal now?...” he smiled. “Come along Y/N, I’ll get you settled into my office then I have to attend a meeting with some... unsavoury individuals.” He says glancing at Ichika who’d been gawking this whole time. She jumped and immediately got back to work...
He took your hand in his and pulled you close, your face was beat red now, you walked beside him obediently to his office.
After getting you settled with the paperwork you had to organise he suddenly placed a blanket and pillow on the large sofa he had near the bookshelf. “if you get tired please rest. One of my sons will come by to check up on you around lunch time.” He smiled. God, his smile.
You nod and immediately get to work, “y/n...” he suddenly says. You look up and almost jump out of your skin. How did he cross the room that quickly? and without you noticing? “I hope Ive made it obvious enough that asking this question would be foolish of me but...” before he could finish the door opened. “Tou-san. They’re waiting for you.” A young man entered, Sojiros youngest, Genji.
He had green hair and wore a nice suit similar to his fathers but had a tie matching his neon hairstyle. He looked similar to Sojiro, definitely had the same nose and eyebrows, though his eyes seemed a lot more bubbly than his fathers. He must get them from his mother.
Sojiro sighed and nodded. “Very well.” He looked back at you. “I need to speak to you after I’m done. I might be a while. So if you need to rest please do.” He says gently taking your hand and squeezing it before walking out. Genji looked at you and gave you the same look Hanzo did but, he looked a little more giddy than his older brother had. He bowed politely before closing the door.
The day ticked by slowly. Genji returned around lunch time as promised with something for you to eat. You two chatted as you ate, he was a lot more talkative than his father but just as easy to get along with. He mentioned that everyone in the company had heard of what happened last night, and they all knew Hitoshi and Ichika were to blame. That’s what the meeting was about apparently, a full staff briefing of workplace harassment followed by a private sit down with your abusers in question.
You wondered why you weren’t attending the full staff one but it made sense you didn’t, you weren’t well right now... and it seemed Sojiro wanted to keep you as far away from Ichika and Hitoshi as possible.
After eating Genji said his goodbyes once again before leaving you to your own devices... you looked at the paperwork... it had to be done but. Sojiro wanted you to rest... you wanted to make him happy... you wanted him. So you climbed onto the sofa and cuddled the blanket close. It wasn’t long before you were asleep.
-sleep... safe now... no one can hurt you...-
A deep but gentle voice sounded in your head. You looked up and saw those scales, the ones you remembered from last night... you followed them down to a pair of sharp claws. Then up to a large snarling lion like face... a dragon... “Safe...” it spoke. “What?...” you reply.
It lay it’s head down to be eye level with you. “You’re safe now...” it whispered, it sounded almost like music. “As long as I’m here, no one can hurt you.” It repeated.
You reached your hand out and touched its nose making it sniff at you, “am I dreaming?... who are you?.. why am I here?...” you whisper. “You’ve suffered much your whole life... they tried to mould you into what they wanted. So much so that you’ve forgotten who you are... what you want... if I could change the way you see yourself... you wouldn’t wonder why you’re here.” It said nuzzling your hand.
~they don’t deserve you...~
You opened your eyes feeling a warm familiar hand on your cheek, it was just dark outside now... you blush seeing Sojiro smiling down at you, “did you sleep well?” He whispered. You nodded in response. “It’s time to go home now...” he sighed, “y/n... Will you come home with me again?... and live with me permanently?” He says softly.
It took a moment to click, he really did want you... you thought you were still dreaming, but it felt too real. “I... do you want me to?” You ask softly. He smiled and stroked your cheek, “the question is... do you want to?” He chuckled a little. “I... I...” you pause... “I want you.” Silence.
“I I mean! I want to be with you! That sounded too forward I’m so sorry I’ll go n-” you ramble out before his lips cut you off.
You let out a surprised gasp before your eyelids fluttered shut. You leaned into the kiss and he pulled you close and held you so gently it brought tears to your eyes. This was it... this is what you wanted. As you wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders he scooped you up and cradled you like his new bride. “I promise... I’ll look after you...” he whispers. You nod in response.
He gently lay his coat over you and carried you from his office. He stepped into the lift and hit the basement level, the car park. You rested your head against his chest and hummed softly as he pressed his lips to your forehead. “What would you like for dinner dear?” He asks as the elevator suddenly stopped on the ground floor. “I... um...” you tried to think but your thoughts were silenced as the lift opened.
You blinked seeing Hitoshi and Ichika standing there both looking pale and terrified. Behind them, Hanzo and Genji stood quietly. Genji had seemingly ditched his suit jacket, his tie hung loose around his neck, and in his hand he held a baseball bat. -oh! He must be into sports!- you think innocently.
Sojiro gracefully stepped to the side allowing your ex and his mistress in, followed by his two sons. The ride down was painfully silent, you noticed Ichika and Hitoshi growing more and more agitated by the second... yet Sojiro and his sons remained calm as ever, smiling even.
You blushed a little as Sojiro held you closer, you couldn’t tell from this angle but it was clear he was looking at your ex, as if to say look at what you lost, she’s mine now. It made you feel so special.
As he shifted you, you caught a glimpse of something on his neck, tucked away under the collar of his shirt... a tattoo?... part of one... Tattoos weren’t uncommon in Japan, but they were heavily associated with the yakuza... no... maybe he got it as a memorial for his wife? Maybe it’s her favourite flower? Maybe it’s to show his love for his sons? Any of these were valid reasons. He couldn’t be a criminal, he couldn’t...
You glanced at hanzo... you could see a hint of blue ink on his exposed wrist... then Genji, you could see what looked like a green dragon through the fabric of his shirt... -calm down. I’m sure it’ll be okay. I’m sure they must have an explanation for this- you think.
The elevator reached the ground floor and the doors opened. Immediately Hitoshi and Ichika stepped out and began walking a little too quickly to be normal, they must have gotten a big talking to from Sojiro...
Hanzo and Genji both looked at each other, before glancing at their father... Sojiro nodded, and the two stepped out after your ex and his mistress... you felt a knot forming in your stomach...
Sojiro stepped out still holding you tightly as he texted the driver to come around to the lift entrance. “I know a place not far from here, I think you’ll like what they serve there.” He says smiling at you... you didn’t notice. You were too focused on Genji suddenly bringing the bat down hard on Ichikas back knocking her down before swinging up and hitting Hitoshi.
Your voice died in your throat watching the scene unfold. Hanzo pulled Hitoshi to his feet before punching him across the face so hard it broke his jaw. Genji swung it down on his legs breaking them in several places. Ichika got up screaming and pulling at the two trying to save your ex...
From the shadows of the car park several tattooed men in suits stepped out, they all looked at Sojiro... he nodded. Genji and Hanzo both stepped back, dropping Hitoshi’s now dead body to the concrete allowing the thugs to take over and deal with Ichika. You watched in horror as they flogged the living hell out of her... her screams burned into your mind...
“Y/N...” Sojiro whispered gently turning your head to face him. His expression wasn’t angry, but it wasn’t happy either, it was serious but... soft as it always was when he looked at you. “They don’t deserve you. Or your pity... they’ll never bother you again.” He smiled.
You nod, your whole body was trembling, you couldn’t make a sound. You were in shock. “Come, lets go home and then will see how you feel about dinner.” He says as the car pulled up. The omnic driver stepped out and opened the doors. Hanzo and Genji got in first, as Sojiro sat you in your seat you caught a glimpse of Ichikas face, still alive, still screaming, bloody, broken... they’d wiped that smug smile off her face for good... you felt guilty, but... part of you felt so good...
Sojiro got in and closed the door, his body keeping you from seeing anymore. He placed his arm around you and held you close. And here you sat, in an expensive car, with three extremely dangerous men. You look at Hanzo and Genji who were busy cleaning the blood off of themselves, you heard Genji muttering about it staining.
Hanzo looked up and smiled catching your gaze... it’d seem both the boys approved of your relationship with their father... you smile back and tiredly rest your head against Sojiro once more... Maybe... this would be okay...
~I had a dream... I got everything I wanted~
The car pulled up back at Hanamura castle. The boys jumped out first and rushed off inside to get cleaned up, undoubtably they had more than a little blood in their clothing.
Sojiro stepped out and lifted you back into his arms. He’d been silent the whole drive. He took you back to the room you’d woken up in, it was pretty clear now that this was in fact his room. “...I’m... sorry you had to see that Y/N...” he says removing his tie after he set you down on the bed.
You couldn’t answer, you couldn’t even find the words to after what you’d witnessed... “Y/N...” He says softly.
After a moment you willed yourself to look up at him. He was shirtless now, his body was god like. Perfectly toned muscles, smooth skin adorned with scars, and a giant black dragon tattoo that started at his neck and twisted around his torso. You assumed it kept going down to his leg but his trousers cut off your view. It was the same dragon from your dream... you were unsure if you should ask him about it but.. right now you weren’t sure about anything really...
You blushed and looked down shyly. He chuckled a little at the cute display of bashfulness. “Look at me Y/N...” he says kneeling down in front of you. You sheepishly obeyed looking at him. You locked your eyes with his gaze and felt entranced, you couldn’t look away... you didn’t want to...
“I’m sure it’s obvious what I actually do for a living by now my dear... but I assure you... I’ll keep you far away from any of my yakuza dealings... I never meant for you to see that... my temper got the better of me, I should have held off but...” he clenched his jaw, “They hurt you...” he sighed.
You trembled remembering the ordeal, but, after a moment you settled. Sojiro did that to protect you, to save you... he didn’t have to but... part of you couldn’t help but feel they deserved it. Even still, your lip quivered as tears threatened to pour.
He suddenly leaned in and kissed you. You gasped in surprise, but after a moment all your doubts, all your fears... everything melted away... you leaned into his touch as he pulled you into his lap deepening the kiss. His hand trailed down and rested on your waist, he wasn’t looking for sex, not tonight... Tonight he just wanted to hold you and keep you safe.
After a few blissful minutes you both broke the kiss gasping for air. Your eyes were dewy and your lips pink and swollen from the passionate embrace. “Let me look after you Y/N...” he says pressing his forehead to yours. “Let me give you everything you deserve... everything You want.” He whispered looking into your eyes.
You nod and lean in kissing him softly before pulling away. “Please... look after me...” you whisper. He kissed you back. “I will...” he sighed as a smile crept onto his lips once more.
It was comfortably silent for a moment as you rested your head against his chest, the skin on skin contact felt so nice, you didn’t realise how deprived of it you were. Your stomach suddenly growled and your face reddened as Sojiro laughed. “Oh, right, dinner!” He chuckled. You’d give anything to hear him laugh more often.
“Let’s get ready, the boys can come along too, they want to know more about their future step mother.” He smiled. Your face went a deeper shade of red and you buried your face into his neck shyly. You were so happy you couldn’t handle it.
He smiled and planted another soft kiss on your forehead. “Care to share a bath with me?” He whispered. You nodded maybe a little too eagerly. He couldn’t help but chuckle. He scooped you up and kissed you once more on the lips before whisking you away to the bathroom.
It’d still be a long while before you’d be better, but Sojiro would be there every step of the way to hold your hand and assure you you were loved. But for now, it’d seem you finally got everything you wanted.
~But when I wake up I see...you, with me...~
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When Fate Intervenes // Luke Patterson
IN WHICH: Fate intervenes with a trio of musicians on the night that was supposed to be legendary. Fate puts the reader with a special ability that may or may not be able to save them. Fate puts a clairvoyant, an accidentally upsized pizza and thirteen year old oddly obsessed with a rock band.
Warnings: Swearing, food poison, death, and fluff
Words: 2.8k
A/N: Time to get rid of some fic ideas from my TOO LONG of a list. It’s Julie fault, she keeps encouraging each fic idea I tell her.
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The Orpheum, 1995
The line up comprised of countless girls wearing homemade band shirts for the new band performing. Your little sister, at thirteen years old, had pleaded for weeks if not three months to go watch it. It was odd since she was more in the pop scene than the rock music. Your parents would never let her go to the rock show at night, so it was you or no show. It took a promise of doing your chores for an entire month and her dessert for two months. That was why you stood beside Harper among the fangirls while you clicked through the camera you’d saved up for years.
“I’m so excited.” Harper buzzed dancing on your feet as the time on her watch dwindled down more and more.
Your eyes flitted from the screen to the ball of energy you called your little sister, “I can tell. Which one do you have a crush on?”
“Reggie. He’s the bassist and so fucking-sorry freaking cool.” Harper gushed, “A good portion of the fans are obsessed with the lead singer Luke. Bobby is the rhythm guitarist, and he’s a ladies man, but he’s sweet about it.”
“And you’d know that how?” You questioned letting go of the camera around your neck. Your e/c eyes meeting her matching pair of irises; well yours were a bit more vibrant.
“I just know.” Harper retorted before beaming as she roughly poked the pin she’d made herself, “This represents all of them. Red for Reggie’s plaid shirt he always has, orange for Bobby’s love of oranges, yellow for Luke’s energy and pink for Alex because he loves the colour!”
The pin had their band design with Sunset Curve on it with the words outlined with a sunset made up of red, orange, yellow and pink just as Harper had pointed out. By far, it was her best work, but that was expected from an art student at Los Feliz High School. An art school for artists and performers. You attended for photography and creative writing just as Harper attended for art.
“That might be your best work Harps.” You complimented your little sister who shivered in the cool night breeze. You didn’t even think about tugging off your warm jacket to place on her shoulders.
You’d rather be cold than your little sister no matter how much you fought with each other, the Y/L/N siblings had each other’s backs no matter what.
“Thanks.” Harper murmured, leaning closer, “So do I meet Reggie?”
Your eyes widened slightly at her subtle goading to a part of your life was cinematic. It was a piece of you that very few people knew about, only your parents and Harper. Like most of the women in your paternal lineage, you carried the ability to foresee events in the future. A clairvoyant.
“Harper!” You scolded the young teenager who blatantly was just over-excited to see the band she’d been talking about constantly.
Harper’s cheeks turned a cherry blossom pink under the crappy lighting from the marquee sign. Even in the light, you noticed the changes in her face as she matured into a young woman, her cheeks while still full didn’t have that baby cheek look now. You saw a stubborn zit that you could see under the makeup that didn’t entirely match her skin tone. It caused an ache in your heart to know that soon she’d have the experience of heartbreak.
“You told me these guys are my age. Need I remind you that you are thirteen? If anyone older than thirteen makes an advance I’ll put my softball skills to the test.” You sternly informed the shorter girl with the pout that screamed rebellion, “Just be a kid Harps.”
“Like you said Y/N, I’m thirteen. I’m not a kid anymore.” Harper dropped the attitude to adopt a more mature soft tone. You could see the tinge of sadness in her eyes at losing the part of life where it was easy.
“I know. I can wish you’ll stay that annoying little kindergartener that stole my clothing.” You chuckled, “You’ll always be the Stephanie to my DJ.”
The two Y/L/N siblings momentarily glanced around before hugging as quickly as possible, they still had reputations to uphold. Had you been actually paying attention, you and Harper would have noticed the commotion from the people behind you.
As you and Harper had the sweet moment, the very band performing had raced out the alley into the street. What brought you back to the surroundings was the pizza boy delivering the pizza box to you. 
“Wait, we ordered a small!” You exclaimed finding the boy holding an extra-large pizza. You only received a shrug in response with the right change given back. 
Two things happened with this food mistake, you didn’t have to pay more than what you actually ordered, and you still got the larger pizza. However, the Orpheum didn’t allow outside food, meaning you’d have to force-feed yourself all the pizza or trash more than half. 
“We could shar-” Harper was cut off as a blinding white light became your focal point. Harper knew what was happening by the specific groan coming from your lips.
A nauseating scent of cheap meat, gas and chemicals flooded your sense of smell in the dingy alleyway. It was nighttime with a few people in the general vicinity with a dilapidated table and mismatched chairs on the walls’ edge. A poorly made sign with Sam & Ella’s and going by the vendor selling the hot dogs the name fit. Sam & Ella sounded like salmonella.
From a distance, you couldn’t quite hear the conversation between three male teens, but you had a bad feeling. They all migrated to a ratty couch that had been better days, a rat wouldn’t even crawl on it you swore.
The first boy had slicked back hair with rosy cheeks you dubbed innocent and cute that juxtapositioned his rocker attire. He had polished black leather shoes, pleather if his choice of food was an indication, a leather jacket and a red plaid shirt around his waist. His attention focused on the two guys beside him. In the middle, the boy had the blue hood of his sweater pulled over his messy brown hair as if hiding. Nothing stood out about him, and it seemed like that was intentional. On the other side, the last one was the tallest with his blonde hair hidden by the backwards black hat. A distressed dark grey jean jacket open to proudly display his pink hoodie. Each one wearing black pants and adorning rings.
“This is awesome, you guys. We’re playing the Orpheum!” The middle boy joyfully spoke head in the clouds instead of the questionable surroundings. He arguably had the loveliest smile you had ever seen, and his friends had nice smiles at that as well.
Yet even if this hadn’t taken place, however, it still felt like you were intruding on something incredibly private, “Why am I being shown this?”
Your question went unsurprisingly unanswered.
“I can’t even count how many bands have played here! And then ended up being huge!” He happily sunk into the back of the couch, thinking of all the bands he had CDs to in his room, “We’re gonna be legends!”
“Oh.” You breathed as you caught a whiff from the boys that quickly gave you the understanding of why you saw this. You could only smell what you had dubbed as death, the scent unchanging from the first time you’d encountered it.
The death stench accompanied a clairvoyant vision if the object of your vision was sick or about to die. The first time you encountered, it was a vision of two cars colliding, the sound of shattering glass and crunching metal, the scent of burning flesh overpowering the milder stench. The next morning school was cancelled after a teacher died in a car accident on the way to work.
“Eat up, boys. ’Cause after tonight, everything changes.” The only vocal one continued with his two friends silently listening. The trio toasted their food together.
“No!” You exclaimed as each boy took a bite. You held your breath, hoping that the inevitable in the vision wouldn’t occur.
Unfortunately, it was right away the warning appeared. The blonde one the most affected, “That’s a new flavour.”
“Chill, man. Street dogs haven’t killed us yet.” The leather jacket guy proudly spoke, the least one concerned. 
Even the guy in the middle was concerned but ultimately continued eating.
“Stop it!” You shouted, but it was no use. As with every vision, you had the potential to stop it from coming true, but while in the vision, you couldn’t interact with the people or surrounding. No matter how much you wanted to slam the food out of their hands.
But one thing sends shivers down your spine. The one in the middle made direct eye contact with you. Something that had never happened before nor to any previous clairvoyants. He kept eye contact as he slowly grew sicker and sicker.
The three boys had no chance as the ambulance rushed to the alleyway to save them. The paramedics weren’t as quick as the vendors who’d already packed and fled to protect their own hides.
You watched as the paramedics did everything in their power to save the young teenagers with everything possible. Just like Luke sang in their last song, the boys felt the darker version of an electric hammer to the heart. The clocks freezing in place as they each took their last breathe in the oddest of deaths. You saw the blonde guy die painfully first before followed by the formerly hooded one, the terrified cries of the last one haunting your phantom ears.
How did three healthy teenagers die on the same night of the exact nature within minutes of each other without one surviving? Maybe it had something to do with the hot dogs chilling in the liquid that was a cesspool of bacteria compounded with tained condiments from battery acid.
You roughly came out of the vision shaking and pale-faced frantically scanning the surroundings. Harper had a grip on the extra large pizza box while the other tightly held yours to ground you in the present.
“Are you okay?” Harper softly questioned with the panic hidden inside her body. Harper knew that this vision had been one of the bad ones. The haunted look in your eyes hinting towards death in the near future.
“We need to go.” You frantically replied, grabbing the pizza that would hopefully have a hand in saving three hopeful teens.
Your gym teacher would be proud of the distance diminished and speed you kept towards the area that would further shatter you. Foreseeing death and sometimes unable to stop it always had a nasty impact on you. 
“Where are we going?” Harper yelled, “We’ll miss the doors opening!”
“We’ll miss them if we don’t hurry up!” You shouted back at the disgruntled little sister but at the moment that didn’t matter. 
What mattered was three hungry teenagers about to gorge themselves on death dogs if you didn’t make it in time. It appeared for the first time you’d actually manage to stop the deaths, unlike the previous three times. 
“-tonight. Everything changes.” The chill-inducing rasp helped navigate you to the disgusting couch. Your cold hand slammed the hotdog from the blonde’s hand, the shocked reaction halting the other two.
“Don’t...eat...it.” You heaved bending over at the waist to catch your breath. Wheezing sounded from your little sister as the running and seeing her favourite band up close settled.
“Excuse me! I paid for that hotdog!”
“You’d be buying yourself death literally. Your dreams of playing the Orpheum would be extinct.” You sighed, chugging the water from the pocket of Harper’s backpack for a few seconds before the owner took it back.
“Okay, look I don’t know how you found us but-”
“You don’t have to believe me ’cause I sure as hell wouldn’t have but don’t jeopardize your dreams. Look my little sister wanted to see your show so I brought her and we ordered a pizza. They fucked up the order by giving us an extra-large pizza. We’ll barely eat a quarter of it, and the venue is strict on the rules.” You rambled using tour hands to elaborate the story before Harper roughly elbowed your ribs, “Ow!”
“Oops.” Harper faked a sugar-sweet smile for your benefit as the interaction with the three musicians slowly dove into embarrassment.
“-sorry. You’d be doing us a favour by not wasting our money and food. What do you say?” You hesitantly asked the trio who didn’t speak vocally; their eyes meeting in a silent conversation.
Reggie sighed as he begrudgingly dropped his hotdog in the bin near the couch, “Pizza outranks street dogs even if the dogs are heaven and to die for.”
“Literally.” You grumbled forcefully pushing the obscenely large pizza box into the middle one’s stomach, “I’m Y/N, this is my little sister Harper.”
“Hi.” Harper shyly waved with cheeks turning a dust pink concealed by the dark of the alleyway. The boys’ lips all quirked at the sudden contrast from the confident sister slamming her elbow in you to the bashful teen.
“I’m Luke. This is Reggie and Alex.” The hooded one, Luke, introduced his bandmates as best he could with his hands occupied by the pizza box.
Without the threat of death by the hot dog, you actually took the time to look at Luke with appraising eyes. His eyes were like oceans of blues, greens and even a brown that both exhilarated you; the desire of studying them not surprising. His smile outshone the sun on the hottest day in August.
“Nice to meet you.” You informed the trio with a beaming smile that matched your starstruck little sister. The interaction gave you the opportunity for immense and untiring future teasing on the teen that daydreamed of the bassist. 
You had to admit the trio were incredibly attractive.
“Come back to the dressing room. We can eat there out of the cold.” Alex courteously invited the two formerly strangers. His blues sharing his pure intentions to repay you for saving their lives and offering pizza. 
“Of course.” Harper nodded her head with her eyes barely meeting the ones of the boys. The shell was broken when Reggie piped up.
“That’s a really cool pin! Where’d you find it?”
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Gated Community, Los Angeles, 2002
An off-tune humming filled the modestly sized home in the suburbs of Los Angeles, California with the sound of water splashing. Doing the dishes was a mindless chore that typically didn’t bother you, but the pain in your lower back protested. You’d have used the dishwasher, but the thing was perpetually breaking down. Didn’t seen essential to replace when washing dishes by hand was just as productive.
Or it was when you didn’t have the extra weight in your midsection, a symbol of your love with your husband. In fact, you would have avoided doing dishes if you hadn’t just used the last clean plate and glass at breakfast plus Luke hadn’t been home in the previous week.
Sunset Curve had gone on a press tour for the upcoming album and tour planned for next year.
“Oof.” You moaned as the little rascal once more hit your bladder, “Are you breaking electric guitars in there?”
“Not a soccer player?”
“With you as their father? Not likely.” You snorted as the sudden appearance of Luke became clear. You hadn’t been expecting him, “I missed you. We missed you.”
As had it since you first told him Luke’s warm hand came to rest on the front of your swollen belly. In a short month, you’d be cradling the newest member of the Patterson family with Luke singing the lullaby he solely made for baby P.
“Still haven’t given in?” The lead guitarist teased you with a beaming smile splitting his face, “Go sit down. I’ll finish the dishes.”
You didn’t need to be asked twice. 
“I’m not abusing my clairvoyance to foresee our child’s gender, name and appearance.” You pointed one finger in his direction, “I refused Bobby’s pleading to see which models he would bed. The only time I did something like that was to reassure Alex that he would fall in love with a lovely guy.”
Luke’s heart burst with sheer adoration at how easily you had sunk into the friendship with the band after that one night. A night that had given birth to a friendship that slowly evolved into a romance and marriage. To this day, the group got together as much as possible.
“I love you.” Luke chuckled, “Even-”
“-if I came into your life like a completely crazy person?”
“We’re all a little crazy.”
Your house surely would be when a little tornado with Luke’s energy took over the home you’d made with Luke. The very home you would have more children and grow old together until soon you held your grandkids on your laps.
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