#giovanni moretti
marcogiovenale · 10 months
oggi, 13 dicembre, alla fondazione baruchello: convegno su "libri e memoria"
Fondazione Baruchello presenta: Libri e memoria. Le biblioteche d’autore tra storia, fisionomia e tutela Con un focus sulla biblioteca della Fondazione Baruchello Convegno a cura di Cetta Petrollo Pagliarani e Carla Subrizi Interventi di: Anna Maria Andreoli, Pietro Berardelli, Fiorenza Bernardi, Eleonora Cardinale, Giovanni Fontana, Paola Giannone, Daniela Guolo, Domenico Memillo, Silvia Moretti…
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saccharinexvenom · 1 month
WHERE. dante's home WHEN. early morning, before the funeral WHO. luciano + @cfdante
the previous night had been long. stressful. with the knowledge that nearly every individual from each of the organizations ... gangs ... would be in his club. that the message had explicitly stated each come ... or else. the lines had been drawn. crossed over each other. entangled to the point that luciano wasn't sure what was right. or wrong. was a moretti behind the messages ? or had it all been some fucked up coincidence ? or was whoever behind this fake giovanni bidding their time appropriately ?
it hadn't mattered. it had all faded into the recesses of his mind when a different message had come through his phone. an urgent one. a message that had only been three simple words. but the message behind them. the true meaning had ripped through lucky. and no lack of sleep. no stress that had weighed on his shoulders. would have prevented him from shedding anything that attempted to hold him down. and racing over to the home that he had known so well.
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there had been no time to knock. no time to wait for someone to open the door for him. he could hear the pounding of his heart in his ears. as he slipped down the hallway. as he sought out dante. his name fell from his tongue in a hurry. in an urgency. as he moved from room to room. why did the home have to be so goddamn big ?
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filmap · 9 months
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Bianca Nanni Moretti. 1983
Stairs Via Pantaleo Giovanni, 00152 Rome, Italy See in map
See in imdb
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lcdyinlecther · 1 month
LOCATION: outskirts of babylon, giovanni's farewell. FOR: open! ( 0/5 )
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𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐈𝐓 𝐀 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 that oxana thought very little of giovanni -- in terms of respect? certainly not. would you respect an individual who viewed you as the gum wrapper he threw to the street, the scum beneath his shoe that probably cost more than her rent? to her, the answer seemed blindingly clear. giovanni moretti was dead. and the snakes were scrambling. very rarely could anyone witness anything more beautiful. and yet? the serpents weren't the only ones in deep shit. make enemies -- and the sharks will circle upon bloodshed.
somehow? there was someone coming after them all.
oxana had made sure to have some amount of fun, reuniting with friends, clients, new and old. and yet, the time had come when she needed to step away. take a moment for herself, as she made some attempt to decode the next move in this life sized chess game the biggest criminal enterprises in new york city had been thrust into.
she can feel the company before she even sees them, gaze boring into her back. " can i help you? " she begins, taking a drag. the dancer only turns upon exhaling, releasing the smoke into the air. it cradles her -- momentarily offering some kind of fucked up halo. a true angel of darkness.
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isadoraxantcs · 1 month
open starter @sinnerssquarestart / giovanni's farewell party location: babylon
Babylon was yet another hidden gem for Isadora to find under a rather tragic circumstance, but she was sure she'll be coming back later. She could only imagine what a lovely place it was when there were less people. She could feel the silent stares at her — people, why did they always have to be so judgemental? and why was it always the others that mattered than focusing on their own shit? yet, she wasn't going to let that ruin her night. she'd come with a mission. the phone call was a rather distasteful move, but the text... Well, let's say she just wasn't happy with someone thinking they have the authority to give her orders. "To Giovanni Moretti," she exclaimed, lifting her glass of wine after feeling the presence of someone to her right. "May he rest in peace." She took a nice gulp before finally looking to her right. "Didn't know him very well, but he certainly knew how to make his presence last, didn't he?"
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classicvirus · 5 months
Michelotti's version: 1961 Moretti 600 Sport Spider
The Moretti 600 Sport Spider, based on the Fiat 600, is a classic Italian sports car known for its distinctive styling and limited production. The car featured unique coachwork by Giovanni Michelotti, a renowned car designer who worked extensively with Moretti to create stylish versions of Fiat models. This particular model was known for its elegance and sporty design, which was quite popular in…
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mirayaslan · 1 month
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Miray Aslan - attending the funeral of Giovanni Moretti on behalf of the Crimsons
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cfdante · 1 month
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Saying goodbye to daddy Moretti with @ellaxmcretti and the rest of the fam in the black and then changing into the green to head to Babylon with @saccharinexvenom (Lucky) on his arm. And wearing his father’s ring the entire evening of course.
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sinnerssquarehq · 1 month
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The city is teetering on the edge. Only a week has passed since the body of Giovanni Moretti, was discovered washed up on the shores of Manhattan Beach. The streets have been anything but silent as rumours of power struggles and revenge ripple through the criminal underworld. The Serpents, now leaderless, face scrutiny from all sides, as rival organizations eye their weakened state with sinister intentions. But in a bold move, the Moretti family continues to assert their dominance, they are hosting a farewell after-party following Giovanni’s funeral. The venue? Babylon Nightclub. If you previously had no intentions to turn up the mysterious text stating "Babylon. 10PM. Your presence is not requested—it’s required. Remember we see all."
Welcome to our first event! This dash event will run from August 30th to the night of September 8th and will take place during the evening of the party. It is encouraged that every character makes an appearance at the event. You may start posting your character’s outfits and pre-event thoughts now, and remember to tag all posts with #sinnersevent.
Anybody who would attend Giovanni Moretti's funeral/burial may also make any funeral posts now. This is going to be held at St Patricks Cathedral Manhattan and all Serpents will be required to attend. As well as this anybody who knew him are also welcome to join.
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carrved · 2 months
When? 11:01pm.
Where? Pandemioum.
Who? @cfdante
In another life, he had spent every weekend at Pandemonium. What a thrill it was to be young, dumb, full of alcohol and dancing under the strobe lights. A freshly eighteen year old Gabriel barely had to sneak into the club at the time. The bouncers practically held open for him, as he was life long “friends” with the owner. Nowadays, he didn’t frequent the Pandemonioum so much.
Tonight, Gabriel was there for one person only. Dante Moretti. If there was anyone behind the strange call he and Billie received the other day, it must’ve been Dante. People mourn in different ways. If Dante mourned through making weird, threatening phone calls, Gabriel could believe that. Dante's sense of humor could be sick. Fucked up too. Maybe he thought there was something funny about impersonating his dead father.
Gabriel’s waiting for him in a booth in the back. The lights were low and it was quieter back there. Easier for them to talk. He told the bartender of his arrival and trusted they would get the message to the owner. Hopefully tonight, the two men would get to the bottom of the phone call. Perhaps, they’d get to the bottom of another question as well.
When Dante met him, Gabriel stood up to shake his hand. “Dante,” he said, voice low and concerned hovered in his eyes. Was it sympathy? Empathy, maybe? After all, Gabriel knew what it was like to lose a father. Or was he just an actor trying to sell the part of worried friend? It was the first time he’d seen him since Giovanni’s lifeless shell washed up on shore. “I’m sorry about your father. He was a great man.”
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billieblackwclls · 2 months
day of the call, early night, their place. with ; gabriel gallo — @carrved
the door behind her just closes, shoes barely had the time to come off that she makes her presence known, bag falling into its usual spot, ready to go at a moment's notice. " question for you, lover. " no need of a hello to even confirm his own presence, the aura in the room enough for her to recognize when he is or isn't taking up a space he fills so well. there is a magnetism he commands anywhere he stands, slouches or lays. one that still leaves her impressed, no matter the years used to its orbit. the day had been long, evening longer. depending on his answer, the night could stretch the longest.
" actually, maybe a little game. guess who disrupted the middle of a settlement meeting ? " finding him on their couch, it's overly easy to walk a path behind it. easier to let her hands fall on his shoulders, trailing down his arms as she's leaning in, lips to his ear to whisper some more hints to guide him through a possible answer. " it was the weirdest phone call i've ever received, topping any of your drunken ones. " holed up in her office the whole day, she didn't have the time to assess the wide spread of this incident.
but she did not actually intend to play anything, honeyed demeanor and sultry voice contrasting the much more solemn subject of the inquiry. " i trust you did not, in fact, give out my personal number to one late giovanni moretti ? " of course, she would be upset if he had, death of a man aside. it made no sense for that line to ring at the time it did, much less who the speaker tried to impersonate, as he had been retrieved from the river mere days ago. she knows gabe to be far more intelligent than a lot of people make him, trusts he keeps her as an ace up his sleeve and not displayed into his casual hand. still, he is the fastest link to the late head moretti, it's more than fair of her to ask. she simply hopes she was not part of his gang leader's little black book.
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marcogiovenale · 10 months
13 dicembre, roma, fondazione baruchello: convegno "libri e memoria"
Fondazione Baruchello presenta: Libri e memoria. Le biblioteche d’autore tra storia, fisionomia e tutela Con un focus sulla biblioteca della Fondazione Baruchello Convegno a cura di Cetta Petrollo Pagliarani e Carla Subrizi Interventi di: Anna Maria Andreoli, Pietro Berardelli, Fiorenza Bernardi, Eleonora Cardinale, Giovanni Fontana, Paola Giannone, Daniela Guolo, Domenico Memillo, Silvia Moretti…
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saccharinexvenom · 1 month
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giovanni's farewell ---
luciano de la cruz attending with dante moretti .
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bucoliqves · 6 months
How would the brothers karamazov be if it was an early 2000s italian telenovela with a low budget? 🧵
We follow the (dis)adventures of the Morettis (Moretti < moro = brown), a roman family that owns a very famous bar.
The head of the family is Matteo (I've never met a single Teodoro (fyodor) in my life + Matteo means God's gift too)
His oldest son Giorgio (again, I've never met a single Demetrio (Dmitri) in my life + Giorgio is a name related to the earth > the goddess demeter) never finished highschool, he got in the army but soon dropped out to follow his new girlfriend Caterina to Milan.
Caterina is the daugther of a retired soldier who got Giorgio into the army in the first place. While he was with Caterina, though, he became friends with her sister Agata, who introduced him to her friend Giulia, who everybody calls Lia (Grushenka. Same shit, you won't find any Agrippinas here).
Matteo had Giorgio with a young woman named Adele, whom he was forced to marry when he got her pregnant and divorced a few years into their marriage. Matteo remarried an even younger woman, Sofia, who gave him two children named Giovanni and Alessio.
Giovanni is about to graduate in natural sciences. He rarely visits his family, but he happened to pop by when Giorgio and Caterina were there too. He secretly fell for her and planned to move to Milan as well to follow her and keep and eye on his brother.
Alessio (whom everybody calls Lele) has always been a quiet, lovely child. He dropped out of uni a few months into the semester to follow his true calling and become a priest. He is following a seminary in Vatican city and visits his father every weekend. (Let's pretend they're roman catholics for the sake of this. DOSTO DONT CRUCIFY ME)
Paolo "Cacaliscia" (literally "smooth shit", best rendition of Smerdyakov i can give you), the three Morettis' "distant cousin", works at the family bar and is the one who knows all the gossip. He despises his job and how his "uncle" treats him, so from time to time he tells everybody's business to the right (wrong) person.
Paolo's scenes are always in the bar. In every single episode with him he's either cleaning glasses with an annoyed expression, leaning on the counter with a shit eating grin ready to gossip or just being the typical caricature of a gay guy in an early 2000s piece of media.
Lele is seen with one (1) signature friend, Michele Raccattoni (raccattare=to collect), who's in the seminary with him but is not very... priest like. The directors LOVE adding scenes of him coming back to their shared room late into the night and Lele switching on the lights annoyed.
The show is top of the charts for five years, has 12 seasons and is still ongoing, everyone and their mother lost their shit when Lele almost left the seminary for Lia and some actual radical priest condemned the show during a sermon (he wanted Lia and Giorgio together).
Giorgio's actor has become italian teenage girls' n1 dream guy and in 2021 there's the start of a whole fandom for the pairing between Alessio and Michele. People who like Giovanni are considered edgy and no one likes Paolo except three Cacaliscia apologists on twitter dot com (me).
In the final episode Lele finally rejects the avances of Elisa, a girl in the seminar who has a crush on him, and becomes the youngest cardinal in Rome because he can. He celebrates the double marriage between Lia/Giorgio and Caterina/Giovanni. Paolo is the flower girl.
The ceremony is stopped when Niccolò, a boy whom Alessio had taken under his wing, storms into the cathedral and tells everyone that Matteo has been found dead. It turns out Paolo had murdered him. The two couples find his will. He wanted to leave everything to Alessio, who decides to divide his inheritance between his brothers and their wives. While he's looking for Paolo to tell him he's going to get some money too he finds out he hung himself in the church confessional.
And uhh thats it. Notte notte.
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ellaxmcretti · 2 months
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(DANIELLE CAMPBELL, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER) Oh, is that FIORELLA ‘ELLA’ MORETTI? I heard the TWENTY-EIGHT year old is AFFECTIONATE. But don’t let that pretty face fool you, they are also IMPETUOUS. Makes sense seeing how they are a LAWYER in the THE SERPENTS gang. penned by m.
𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄:  Fiorella Moretti (Fiorella is a floral-inspired girl's name with Italian roots, meaning "little flower.")
𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄(𝐒):  Ella, Fiore, little flower (used mostly by her mother)
𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄:  April, 19, 1996
𝐀𝐆𝐄:  twenty-eight
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑:  cisfemale
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒:  she/her
𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑: dark brown
𝐄𝐘𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑: ocean blue
𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐒: wolf on her left hip, small flower on her right wrist
𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: her ears (has a second hole on both)
𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐒: tbd.
𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘: Giovanni & Valentina Moretti (parents), Dante Moretti (older brother), Lorenzo Moretti (younger brother)
𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐍:  Raelynn Giulia & Torin Geovanni Moretti Gallo
𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒: single (it's complicated)
𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌:  bitter sweet symphony ( x )
𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒: dolores abernathy (westworld), alison dilaurentis (pretty little liars), alaska young (looking for alaska)
triggers: pediatric cancer tw
'My little flower', that's what her mother used to call her and Ella was just that — a soft and delicate girl, but a resilient one nonetheless. Since childhood Ella was a dreamer; someone who saw the beauty in the world and remained oblivious to its ugly side.
Her childhood years were filled with violin lessons, ballet classes and riding lessons. All three she adored, however, only two remained a constant in her life throughout her teenage years. It was her way of escaping the reality that her family weren't the best people.
Ella had always been the type that just went with the flow in life. Growing up, her dreams for the future constantly changed, believing she could actually achieve all the things that crossed her mind on a daily basis. She simply lacked purpose. Lacked that ambitious drive, which has made her father one of the most influential and fearsome people in the city. The same drive has made her brother follow thoroughly into their father's footsteps. Coming from such background, she could have achieved so much, maybe even surpassed, if only she'd wanted to.
Ella graduated from the School of American Ballet at the top of her class, which ensured her a promising future whether she chose to further her passion for ballet or choose a different route in life. A more practical one. The problem was, losing that sort of routine that came with attending classes for the past eighteen years of her life, left her feeling at a loss. Having too much aspirations but little desire to work any of them hard enough left her drifting through life, which only strained her relationship with her father, who had always deemed her weak for her low tolerance of violence.
Throughout most of her teenage years and later as a young adult, Ella had a relationship with one of the Gallo boys, Griffin, which they both kept a secret and which became somewhat of her main focus in life after graduating. Though complete opposites at a first sight, these two shared a special bond. As strange as it may sound, Ella always felt the safest in Griffin's arms no matter the rumors that surrounded his true nature. At times their love could turn a little rough and toxic but there was never a moment in her life when she had doubts about him, except probably after finding out she was expecting. Call it a motherly instinct but she simply didn't want her children sucked into a vicious life from an young age, so she did the only thing she deemed right — she ran.
Having the twins gave her life purpose. Especially when realizing she couldn't rely on her family's dirty money. It was hard but she slowly got her life together, enrolled in university and slowly started building her future away from New York until Raelynn was diagnosed with cancer shortly after being born. The treatment soon became unbearable for Ella to do all on her own and she was left with two options — let her daughter slowly fade away or seek help. She obviously chose the latter, showing up at her ex's doorstep with little to no explanation other than that this was his daughter and she needed help before vanishing from both their lives shortly after.
Ella feels guilt-driven after not being able to provide for her daughter to get a proper treatment since she didn't know how to break the news to her family in order to ask for help, which led her to turn to the only person she could trust with that secret - Raelynn's father, Griffin. Even if it meant succumbing her to being raised in the Gallo's values. Which in return has only made her twice more protective of Raelynn's twin brother, Torin.
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hayesarcher · 23 days
closed starter | @novariot
location: addicted to the bean
"No it's just this asshole-" Hayes complained down the phone, deep in a conversation about whoever was pretending to be Giovanni Moretti. He hadn't expected someone to turn around to look at him. "Oh I wasn't' talking about you. You might be an asshole but I wouldn't know, I don't think we've met."
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