#giorno is a lion
especiallyqhere · 28 days
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Lmao Sonic's your JoJos :)
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sheila--e · 4 months
I have text posts to make about things only I know about. incurable
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missaka · 7 months
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Team Bucciarati ✨
(Lion Giorno, leopard Bucciarati, marten Narancia, skunk Mista, hound Abbacchio, and Komodo dragon Fugo.)
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Narancia: Is the pink panther a lion?
Giorno: What?
Narancia: Is the pink panther a lion?
Giorno: He’s a panther.
Narancia: Is that a type of lion?
Giorno: No, it’s a panther.
Narancia: *googles panther* They aren’t pink?!
Giorno: No. I wish they were, though.
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astralcities · 7 months
like i truly don't believe araki knew what he was doing when he named those characters...there's no way...it has to be coincidence. how could he have possibly crafted abbacchio's name so perfectly like. it literally means freshly slaughtered lamb. he's first to die. it's like two letters away from the word Depressed. abbacchio is a meal intended to be so hot it burns. he's a fucking asshole giorno never gets close to. his full name is Lion Lamb. he's born in march, which goes in like a lion and out like a lamb. he joins the story as a harsh asshole and ends it being briefly kind and trusting. I've thought too much about him i need to take my own life. analyze anything long enough and a miracle will occur
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sciatu · 1 month
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Idda Idda stiddi e pallida luna idda focu du suli etennu idda luci, ventu, futtuna idda paradisu, idda ‘nfennu idda sognu e fimmina vera idda u to ciatu, u to sangu idda estati e primavera idda acqua, terra, fangu idda ciauru, cielu, ciuri idda suggenti, idda u mari idda du jonnu ogni culuri idda da notti u sugnari idda cantu, vessu, puisia idda bidizza di ogni arti idda d’ogni notti mavaria d’ogni vita a megghiu parti Idda peddi, mani, capiddi idda cosci, minni, sessu i so occhi chini i stiddi a bucca unni sugnu pessu idda silenziu, idda canzuni idda parola, idda pinseru, idda ciareddu, idda liuni idda malizia, cori sinceru idda munti, idda vadduni, idda acqua, gebbia, vita giallu ranu, niru cabbuni idda a sula, a preferita idda nu jonnu piffettu idda ricchizza da campagna idda cosi giusti, rispettu idda soru, idda cumpagna idda ricoddi, idda dumani idda lacrimi, cori ruttu idda da vita u tempu, u pani idda di tuttu, sempri u tuttu
Lei, stelle e pallida luna, lei fuoco del sole eterno, lei luce, vento, fortuna, lei paradiso, lei inferno, lei sogno e vera donna, lei, il tuo respiro. Lei il tuo sangue, lei estate e primavera, lei acqua, terra, fango. Lei profumo, cielo, fiori, lei sorgente e lei mare, lei del giorno ogni colore, lei della notte il sognare. Lei canto, verso, poesia, lei bellezza di ogni arte, lei, di ogni notte magia, di ogni vita, la meglio parte. Lei pelle, mani capelli, lei cosce, seno, sesso, i suoi occhi pieni di stelle, la sua bocca dove sono perso. Lei silenzio, lei canzoni, lei parola, lei pensiero, lei agnello, lei leone, lei malizia, cuore sincero. Lei monti, lei vallata, lei acqua, cisterna, vita, giallo grano, nero carbone, lei la sola, la preferita. Lei giorno perfetto, lei ricchezza della campagna, lei giustizia, rispetto, lei sorella, lei compagna, lei ricordi, lei domani. Lei lacrime, cuore rotto, lei della vita tempo e pane, lei di tutto, sempre il tutto.
She, stars and pale moon, she fire of the eternal sun, she light, wind, fortune, she paradise, she hell, she dream, and true woman, she, your breath. She, your blood, she summer and spring, she water, earth, mud. She perfume, sky, flowers, she spring and she sea, she every color of the day, she dreaming of the night. She song, verse, poetry, she beauty of every art, she, of every night magic, of every life, the best part. She skin, hands, hair, she thighs, breasts, sex, her eyes full of stars, her mouth where I am lost. She silence, she songs, she word, she thought, she lamb, she lion, she malice, sincere heart. She mountains, she valley, she water, cistern, life, yellow wheat, black coal, she the only one, the favorite. She perfect day, she richness of the countryside, she justice, respect, she sister, she companion, she memories, she tomorrow. She tears, broken heart, she of life time and bread, she of everything, always everything.
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fabseg-creator · 10 months
Tinky Winkynos VS Everyone Season Two (part 1)
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This is the Season Two of the conquests of Tinky Winkynos.
Tinky Winkynos has escaped and he menaces the different franchises universes again. He fights against a maximum of possible fictional characters from different franchises (it can be against entire franchises).
The action: Tinky Winkynos invades the targeted suggested franchise. You must vote for the side of your choice.
The rule: You can help him conquer or you can stand against him by voting.
The result at the end of the poll will decide the fate of the universe(s) issue of his conquest(s). If The Mad Teletubby wins with more 50% of votes, he succeeds his conquest. If the franchise (TV show, video game, movie, novel, etc) wins 50%, the invasion is repelled.
If you have a franchise to purpose as challenge, say it by message or commentary.
List of Battles [Season Two]:
Vs Pirate of the Caribbean REPELLED
Vs One Piece (Netflix) REPELLED
Vs Stranger Things REPELLED
Vs My Hero Academia REPELLED
Vs One-Punch Man REPELLED
Vs Hunter x Hunter REPELLED
Vs Spy X Family REPELLED
Vs Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (Joestar Family: Joseph, Jotaro, Josuke, Giorno and Jolyne) REPELLED
Vs Sailor Moon REPELLED
Vs Sonic the Hedgehog REPELLED
Vs Minecraft REPELLED
Vs World of Warcraft REPELLED
Vs The Legend of Zelda REPELLED
Vs Grand Theft Auto (San Andreas) REPELLED
Vs Mortal Kombat REPELLED
Vs Fortnite REPELLED
Vs Undertale REPELLED
Vs Danganronpa REPELLED
Vs Angry Birds REPELLED
Vs Transformers REPELLED
Vs Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss REPELLED
Vs She-Ra and the Princesses of Power REPELLED
Vs Steven Universe REPELLED
Vs The Dragon Prince REPELLED
Vs Amphibia REPELLED
Vs Phineas and Ferb REPELLED
Vs How To Train Your Dragon REPELLED
Vs Avatar The Last Airbender REPELLED
Vs Puss in Boots REPELLED
Vs Disney (Mickey Mouse) REPELLED
Vs Disney (Donald Duck) REPELLED
Vs Disney (Encanto) REPELLED
Vs Disney (The Lion King) REPELLED
Vs Disney (Elena of Avalor) REPELLED
Vs Disney (High School Musical) REPELLED
Vs Disney (Descendants) REPELLED
Vs Disney (Wish) REPELLED
Vs Paw Patrol REPELLED
Vs Spongebob Squarepants REPELLED
Vs Rick and Morty REPELLED
Vs The Scorpion King (The Mummy) REPELLED
Vs Black Adam REPELLED
Intermission (not a poll)
Vs Loki (Marvel) REPELLED
Vs Percy Jackson REPELLED
Vs Lord of the Rings REPELLED
Vs Jurassic Park/Jurassic World REPELLED
Vs Family Guy REPELLED
Vs Delicious in Dungeon REPELLED
Vs South Park REPELLED
Vs Baldur's Gate REPELLED
Vs League of Legends REPELLED
Vs Overwatch [100th battle] REPELLED
Vs Fairy Tail REPELLED
Vs Miraculous (Re-Verse/The Supreme) REPELLED
Vs Miraculous (Re-Verse/Shadybug and Claw Noire ft. Hesperia) REPELLED
Vs Miraculous (Awakening) REPELLED
Vs Yu Yu Hakusho REPELLED
Vs Hokuto No Ken REPELLED
Vs Final Fantasy REPELLED
Vs Dora the Explorer REPELLED
Vs Uncharted REPELLED
Vs Hello Kitty REPELLED
Vs Ever After High REPELLED
Vs Adventure Time REPELLED
Vs Star vs. The Forces of Evil REPELLED
Vs Jujutsu Kaisen REPELLED
Vs Chainsaw Man REPELLED
Vs Mob Psycho 100 REPELLED
Vs Totally Spies! REPELLED
Vs Dofus/Wakfu REPELLED
Vs Kim Possible REPELLED
Season Two part Two here:
Summary here:
Season One
Halloween Special
Escape Plan
Christmas Special
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
okay so I went on a walk and my brain started rotating the Merstars AU SO hard so I'm just going to yeet a bunch of random bullet point thoughts that I came up with and see what comes out of it-
the "world" the AU takes place isn't really like "real" life and is instead a super huge archipelago with hundreds of thousands of islands of varying sizes and kinds
Mers and other various Sea Magics are pretty well known as A Thing That Exists. Is it accepted? Depends on the location and the people, and Mer Hunters are unfortunately a pretty common thing, but it's slowly started dying out. This is actually thanks to Speedwagon since after Jonathan's death he started trying to use his influence as a Very Important Wealthy Merchant to change public opinion, and it's actually been working
Jonathan was a pretty well loved and very social member of the mers. He wasn't their leader by any means, but almost every mer in the archipelago knew about him, and his murder pissed a LOT of people off. Luckily thanks to Speedwagon, since then relations have gone from "it's on fucking sight" to "don't approach me and I won't approach you"
Morioh is one of the more isolated islands and a bit of an exception to the above thing, being the most accepting island in the whole archipelago. Honestly, at this point like half the town has at least a little mer blood in them, but they are primarily human passing. There are a couple of full blooded or half blooded mers that hang around, but Josuke was one of the first ones born in the town in a long while
currently debating how exactly the Morioh Trio are gonna be, since I want them to be a "full blood, half blood, human" trio for the funnsies, but other than Josuke I don't know which should be which. My current thought process is 1) Okuyasu is the full blooded and when he was younger he had a run in with Hunters which is where his scars came from since his dad more or less just fucked off and left him at their mercy at which Keicho had to save him which led to the two of the moving to Morioh, Koichi is the human and is Their Little Guy, is super familiar with how to work around mers and climbs them like a god damn jungle gyms, or 2) Koichi is the full blood and a really small mer but still Big for humans, he's a cuttlefish, got separated from his family when he was little which led to him being adopted by the Human Hiroses and Okuyasu is human and the resident Normie Guy, he's recently moved to Morioh and is getting used to how Positive human mer relations are here
still trying to figure out how the Stand Arrows work, since Stands..... aren't really a thing now. Probably some kind of super powerful Sea Magic thing going on, maybe turn partial mers/humans into full blooded ones?
the "Italy" of this world is a collection of islands that are under Passione's control, aka a group of pirates that have a literal fleet. Diavolo and Doppio are brothers, with Diavolo being a half-mer (maybe lion fish? I'm still deciding tho) and Doppio being a full human. Doppio is the face of the operation, but his brother is always lurking in the depths below the ship and even makes a couple appearances as the True Boss in human form. Trish is by extension 1/4 mer and they want to kill her so the truth about Diavolo won't get out
Passione, despite all the shitty stuff they do, is actually a surprising area of Human Mer teamwork. There are a lot of hybrids and even full blooded mers to the point they're almost the majority. For the most part people don't care what you are as long as you get your job done, and honestly if what they did wasn't drug trade and trafficking, they'd be pretty cool
the Bucci Gang don't have a whole lot of mer blood, and any they do have is pretty distant to the point they're almost human save for a couple little features (they also don't get full transformations), with the exceptions being Trish and Giorno. Trish I've explained, but Giorno is...... Really Really Weird with what he is. His birth mom was a mer, but Dio had mostly been using her to try and lure other mers so by the time Giorno was actually born she was killed. Giorno was then taken in by the Shiobana's, which obviously sucked ass, but he was able to pass as a human for a shocking amount of time because Sea Vampire Genes fucked with his aging, so he also looks a lot smaller than he should be. He's also been forced to stay in his "human" form for much longer than is strictly healthy which ALSO fucked with his size and health
Giorno is gonna be a giant sea snake, because I think it'll be funny because That's The Traditional Sea MonsterTM. Maybe during the final fight with Diavolo he gets shot with the arrow and falls off the ship all dramatic and everyone thinks he died but SIKE he suddenly grows to full Absolutely Fucking ENORMOUS Size And Kicks Ass
Jolyne is a siphonophore, I don't make the rules, she's Really Fucking Long
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francesca-70 · 11 months
Il giorno in cui qualcuno
...guardandoti negli occhi riuscirà a comprendere i tuoi silenzi
...avrai trovato chi ti legge l'anima.
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S. Lion
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chouncazzodicasino · 4 months
È da più di sei sette mesi che cerco di scrivere un post su mia sorella. Una cosa bella che ho in mente, sensazioni, ricordi, parole che desidero riordinare e vedere nero su bianco e magari un giorno farglielo leggere. La voglia diventa fortissima quando sono in macchina e la riproduzione casuale sceglie proprio quella canzone e io sorrido tanto, poi arrivo al negozio, mi siedo, scrivo due parole sorridendo e mi commuovo. E dico commuovo per decenza perché in realtà piango. Ma mica poco, fiotti di lacrime manco stessi guardando Lion per la prima volta o l'ultima puntata di Dawson's Creek nel 2003. Allora mi fermo perché non è il caso di lavorare tutto il giorno con gli occhi rossi e l'eyeliner colato. Questa cosa è successa almeno dieci volte negli ultimi mesi. Ah ma prima o poi io lo scriverò, ce la farò. Mi commuoverò sguaiatamente ma HA! SE LO SCRIVERÒ.
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sapphire-heart-tippy · 4 months
I was thinking for the part 5 guys:
Bruno: some kind of forest spirit/dryad
Abbaccio: drow/dark elf
Mista: a faun or satyr maybe?
Narancia: harpy/birdfolk
Fugo: perhaps also a naga like Bel
Giorno: a fairy or elf like Dio?
Trish could be a sphinx and Diavolo could be a chimera with Diavolo as the lion head, Doppio as the goat head and King Crimson as the snake tail xD
Oooh yeah!! These are really cool 😎✨
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lavenderdamn · 11 months
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AU where Bruno wants to overthrow Diavolo to become the mafia boss. Inspired by Be Prepared from Lion King and Depeche Mode music. Giorno and Abbacchio in this AU are his loyal allies, when others chose Diavolo's side
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zooberriie · 10 months
lion king au where giorno is simba, jonathan is mufasa and dio is scar
Omg we really are making the Jojo Disney au cinematic universe haha.
This is good though…I’ll need to convene the council (my friends) and discuss Timon and Pumbaa….
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pummoosun · 1 year
Josuke has such cute ways to show love!
him and jodio have such cute animal onesies! dunno what animal lil jodio is but he’s a cutiepie
jolyne is stimming with him too,
(She definitely squeals to stim)
Haha, Jodio's onesie was supposed to be a lion~
And yeah, I headcanon that Jolyne stims by making lots of noises, which is also what Josuke does! The two of them are the family's biggest vocal stimmers, you will almost ALWAYS hear them; even on the other side of the house or garden!
☆ On the other side of the spectrum tho, Giorno is like, the quietest out of the babies. He just doesnt like to babble, coo or anything most of the time; it makes him feel tired. He prefers for others to talk than to talk himself. Obviously, he does talk and makes noises often enough, but like lets theoritically say; we have Giorno be regressed for 10 hours. In those 10 hours, if we were to count how long Giorno had spoken and made noises for, it would barely be anything longer than 1 hour. Its just an example, but yeah
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thehyperrequiem · 5 months
The Cacao King Series (The Lion King Parody) Cast
“This Hypercutter animated feature follows the adventures of the young cookie Dark Cacao Cookie, the heir of his father, Avdol. Dark Cacao Cookie’s wicked uncle, DIO, plots to usurp Avdol’s throne by luring father and son into a stampede of Bunger Royales. But Dark Cacao Cookie escapes, and only Avdol is killed. Dark Cacao Cookie returns as an adult to take back his homeland from DIO with the help of his friends Josuke, Koichi and Okuyasu.”
In honor of Mufasa: The Lion King!
Dark Cacao Cookie (Cookie Run) as Simba
Choco Pearl Cookie (@sundove88) as Nala
Josuke (Jjba) as Timon
Okuyasu (Jjba) as Pumbaa (With Koichi as an extra)
Ford Cruller (Psychonauts) as Rafiki
Otto Mentallis, Compton Boole, Bob Zanotto, Cassie O’Pia, Helmut Fullbear, Lucrecia Mux (Psychonauts) as Themselves/Rafiki’s Friends
Clive Handforth (Lbp) as Zazu
Avdol (Jjba) as Mufasa
Polnareff (Jjba) as Sarabi
DIO (Jjba) as Scar
Illuso (Jjba) as Shenzi
Formaggio (Jjba) as Banzai
Ghiaccio (Jjba) as Ed
Hollis Forsythe (Psychonauts) as Sarafina
Various Minor Villains as The Hyenas
Various Characters as The Other Animals, Outland and Simba’s Pride, and Meerkats
Dark Choco Cookie (Cookie Run) as Kiara
Whipped Cream Cookie (Cookie Run) as Kovu
Shadow Milk Cookie (Cookie Run) as Zira
N’Doul (Jjba) as Nuka
Red Velvet Cookie (Jjba) as Vitani
Joseph (Jjba) as Timon’s Ma
Mala Sauce Cookie (Cookie Run) as Uncle Max
Caramel Arrow Cookie (Cookie Run) as Kion
Kickin Chicken (Poppy Playtime) as Bunga
Crunchy Chip Cookie (Cookie Run) as Fuli
Bubba Bubbaphant (Poppy Playtime) as Besthe
Sackboy (Lbp) as Ono
Raz Aquato (Psychonauts) as Makini
Blue Slushy Cookie (Cookie Run) as Anga
Donatello Versus (Jjba) as Janja
Ungalo (Jjba) as Cheezi
Rikiel (Jjba) as Chungu
Giorno (Jjba) as Jasiri
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thesoulmustbebreath · 11 months
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Buona serata 🌙
Tanta stanchezza
dopo un'intensa giornata di lavoro 😑🫤😣
Lucia ❤️
Luli ❤️ Lu 💖🌞🌊♾️
Il giorno in cui qualcuno
...guardandoti negli occhi
riuscirà a comprendere i tuoi silenzi
...avrai trovato chi ti legge l'anima.
S. Lion
Fonte testo: francesca-70
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