#ginny ftwd
lab-gr0wn-lambs · 7 months
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If I had a nickel for every English actor playing a broken, Atlantan pack-leader with a grey beard who lost his wife, then his son to a zombie bite, went completely insane for a while, then had a new post-apocalypse partner and daughter and is trying to escape a facility that kidnaps people, separates families and claims to be rebuilding the future I'd have two nickels
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taiturner · 3 years
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Follows me wherever I go. Like some kind of punishment for my past.
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beholdtheapocalypse · 4 years
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If you’re there... If you can hear me... I want you to listen and listen good. I thought I needed you to be dead for this to work, but I don’t. I just need ‘em to think you are.
Fear The Walking Dead (2015-) 6x01 - The End is The Beginning
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alyssablogsss · 4 years
Perhaps I’m a clown, but I do think there’s more to Virginia than what we are being told by Dakota. Somethings just not right here.
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adcjasmin · 3 years
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🖤Keep an eye on this one. She’s an absolute supernova. I’m going to miss her so much.🖤 (via alyciajasmin ig story) 
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bedpissercastiel · 3 years
we should start calling all people named virginia "virgin" as a nickname
great idea except both virginias i know are decidedly not virgins like they both have children to show for it
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araanxiitaa · 3 years
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twdmusicboxmystery · 3 years
FTWD 6x09: Things Left to Do
Okay. How did everyone like the episode? Fear is always full of TD symbolism and callbacks, but it tends to be less full and relevant than regular TWD. So, most weeks, unless it’s SUPER full, I’ll probably just do one post about it. Like this one. 😉 Just FYI.
***As always, spoilers abound below for FTWD 6x09. Don’t read until you’ve watched!***
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In this week’s episode, we start with June burying John. It really is a LOT like Ty’s burial in 5x09. Just the way they show it with the shovel in the dirt and such. Also, June is wearing a yellow, flowered shirt. I think the flowers are white and the shirt is yellow, but still. It reminded me of the graveyard flowers in Alone.
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Then Virginia takes her back to Lawton where she lines everyone else and puts them on their knees. Morgan won’t answer her, and she starts yelling into the walkie that if he doesn’t answer, she’s going to kill one of them. He just shows up in person on his horse.
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Now, because of the on-the-knees lineup, clearly there are parallels to Negan here. But beyond the on-the-knees part, I actually find this more like Grady. Unlike 6x09/7x01, no one actually dies here. 
Daniel is the first to get hurt. He gets a deep wound on the left side of his forehead. It isn’t caused by a bullet, but it is caused by a gun. One of Virginia’s rangers hits him with the but of his rifle. 
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It’s a deep, canal-like split in his scalp. And although Beth’s wound obviously didn’t look like that, we’ve seen a lot of walkers with a similar wound. The one that crawled after Bob in the Big Spot in 4x01 had that. But lots of others have, too.
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Morgan gives a speech about how Virginia is a hypocrite and doesn’t follow her own rules. When something goes wrong, she covers it up. (Dawn at Grady, anyone?)
When Virginia goes for her gun, Strand shoots her in the shoulder. Then he yells at everyone to stop and calm down, saying, “Stand down! This is all that has to happen.” 
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Again, it reminded me of the “it was just about her. Stand down,” from Coda.
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But things get out of hand and a shootout ensues. Virginia manages to take Daniel and Grace hostage. One of her rangers leaves with them.
Strand and his people want to execute Virginia, but she says if Morgan allows them to, Daniel and Grace will die. So, he takes off with her, rather than giving her to Strand.
They go to the vacant water tower we saw earlier in the season. * 👀 👀 👀 *. It seems to me that safety and salvation are always found in and around water towers of some kind. Here, Virginia confesses that Dakota is her daughter, not her sister.
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Here’s my first big takeaway . It’s clear after watching it twice that Virginia is something of a Beth proxy . It’s a bit counter-intuitive because she’s all evil and stuff. But I think the proxiness is really just about the situation in this episode. Overall, she’s very Dawn-ish as well, and we can relate that to Beth.
But during the lineup/prisoner situation, she got shot (in the shoulder, not the head) and survived. She goes to a water tower. She’s wearing blue the entire episode. A lot of it. And the dialogue, both from her and around her really stuck out to me. People say, “she’s alive,” “she’s still alive,” and “you’re still alive,” to her constantly. She has a couple of “bullshit” lines. That sort of thing.
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They have to run from the water tower because Sherry’s people, who also want to kill Virginia, come.
They have a conversation where Morgan says he’s nothing like her. He says, “you and me are not the same.” And she says, “Oh Morgan. We’re all the same.”
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We’ve heard this LOTS of times before, including in 2x08, Nebraska, and from Crazy Tattoo Guy at Terminus. (I might have more to say about the Nebraska episode later this week. Stay tuned. 😉)
Morgan takes Virginia back to the place he’s building on the dry riverbed. Dwight, Alicia, Al, and most of the others are there. No one is very happy he brought her. Strand and Sherry’s groups show up, demanding they turn Virginia over to her.
Virginia finally decides to be self-sacrificial. She says she’s willing to die as long as 1) they take care of Dakota and let her live with them and 2) Morgan kills her. She’s afraid the others will torture her, and she just wants it to be quick. She says if he agrees she’ll release Daniel and Grace. So, he does.
He takes her outside the walls and it reminded me a lot of when Daryl turned Lydia over to Alpha. It even had ominous music (but not the same music from that scene or the Red Machete; much softer than that.) 
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And once again, it doesn’t end at all the same way, so I don’t know if it’s meant to be a parallel. He’s taking her out to be killed, not exchanged. And, long story short, Morgan can’t do it. He says if he does then they’ll be setting a precedent that’s exactly like what Virginia did at Lawton. So, he takes her back inside and makes her talk to Dakota.
The part with Dakota is interesting. Virginia tells her she’s her mother and it’s very tragic. But Dakota is a prisoner in the church, which I couldn’t help but side-eye. We know they tried to bury Beth in a church, even if we didn’t see it. So, the idea of her being imprisoned there is interesting. 
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Plus, Dakota is walking around with this huge iron shackle around her foot. The way she drags it around reminded me of the walker with its leg in the bear trap in 4x03, Isolation, when Carl and Hershel are gathering berries.
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And if you’re wondering why that’s important, this walker with the bear trap on her leg is Beth foreshadowing. There’s the bear trap stuff around Beth from her figurine. So Dakota in this scene, being imprisoned in a church with a metal shackle on her leg, is a Beth proxy.
After that, Morgan goes back out and basically talks everyone out of killing Virginia. Sherry is really pissed, but most of the others see sense and get on board.
Then we have this interesting sequence where we see three different couples in different stages of coming back together. First, Morgan and Grace, who hug and she goes inside the walls with him. 
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Then Dwight and Sherry. She says she’s not ready to go inside with him yet, but she’s getting there. He accepts that. 
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And then Alicia and Strand. (I know they’re not a romantic couple, but friend-wise they’ve been something of a dynamic duo lately. They may be the new Daryl and Carol.) They’re really not on the same page at all. 
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She feels like he betrayed her earlier when he wouldn’t take her with him. He says Morgan’s place isn’t for him. They basically argue again, solve nothing, and Strand leaves. *coughs Carol*.
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Then we get to the final scene where June says she took out the bullet, but ends up killing Virginia. Couple of things here. The dog licking Virginia’s face as she wakes feels significant to me. With all the other Beth parallels to her, I feel like it’s a hint. She’s literally asleep (think Beth at Grady, even though it really doesn’t look at all similar) and a DOG licks her awake.
She’s in the church when it happens. Much like Dakota, the church symbol feels important to me. *Gross picture below!*
I want to make a point about her head wound as well. Now, obviously Virginia is dead. I don’t think anyone will make a case for her return. And for most of you, this is preaching to the choir, but for those who still think Beth’s gunshot wound was fatal, look at the difference. Specifically in the entrance wounds.
Gunshot wound trivia 101: the exit wound is always MUCH larger than the entrance wound. That’s because the bullet pushes blood and tissue and anything else in its path ahead of it, so it does a lot more damage exiting than entering.
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We don’t see an exit wound on Virginia, because we can’t see the back of her head, but it’s probably 2-3 times as big as the entrance wound.
But look at Beth’s tiny pinprick of an entrance wound by comparison. See the difference? It might also be significant that Virginia’s is on the opposite side of her forehead. (Like, opposite side = opposite outcome, in this case?)
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But since that’s what we see, let’s focus on it. It must be 10x the size of Beth’s and blood is POURING out of it. (Probably because the gun is bigger and much closer to Virginia’s head.) We also see flecks of skin and bone around it. (Ew.) There’s no doubt that Ginny is dead. But do you see why Beth’s wound is small potatoes by comparison?
And of course there’s a parallel in the fact that it’s in her forehead. In a church. After all the other Beth dialogue and parallels around Virginia.
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And of course June puts on John’s hat, which sort of has a new sheriff in town vibe. She also leaves the community. I wonder if she’ll end up with Strand or just head off on her own. And of course this makes her a proxy to Daryl.  Though it took much longer, she took out the person who indirectly but overall killed the love of her life.
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As for who the villains in the second half might be, it will probably have to do with those guys who were trying to get Emile’s key, and are part of the red submarine/ “the end is the beginning” group. I forgot about them.
That’s about it for this week’s Fear. (There will also be no more TTD until the Fear finale, so I won’t have anything to report on there either. Thoughts?
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blinkaftermidnight · 3 years
Heyy, I was wondering since you used to write for FTWD. Did you catch up with the new episodes or not yet ? If so, what do you think of season 6 so far ? I personally think that (besides the lack of Alicia and Al in the episodes rn...) they really stepped up their game after that chaotic season 5 ! (i'm asking bc i've no one to talk to about the show but feel free to ignore if you stopped watching lmaoo)
I’m still watching! I didn’t get a chance to watch last night’s episode yet, but otherwise I’m caught up. And I think season 6 is pretty damn amazing (ESPECIALLY compared to season 5 omg). The lack of Alicia and Al always irks me, but I’ve enjoyed the last few episodes regardless. Idk how they did it but the writers stepped up. I’ve found it easier to tolerate (even enjoy) the entire show rather than just a handful of the characters’ storylines.
(Also I’m about to spoil some shit so this is your warning.) I had John and Ginny’s deaths both spoiled for me in advance (love that, thanks amc+), so I was a little peeved that I didn’t get to experience that without prior knowledge of it. I personally think losing those two characters is a blow, but the storytelling has been fantastic. This is probably the first time I’ve enjoyed watching the show live maybe ever lmao, but I will say I am mildly concerned about the potential for the show to continue killing off (the wrong) characters. Obviously I mean Alicia and Al, but Luciana and Strand, too. I was one of those people who was pissed off by Madison’s death - especially when it didn’t result in Alicia taking over as the lead - so if they kill Alicia (and they’re already underutilizing her again) I’m out. Alicia’s storyline has bothered me since the back half of season 4, but now I’m just...hoping they give her more than two minutes of screen time lmao. I feel like they really wasted Strand and Luciana throughout season 5. There’s a lot of things season 5 did that irritated me, but that was a major one alongside the prolonged focus on Morgan and Alicia’s no killing thing (and the kids). Apart from Alicia getting the attention she deserves, I’m hoping to see more of Al and Dwight’s friendship. I’m super intrigued by wherever June’s storyline might go. Same goes for Strand, and I hope the writers give Luciana a good storyline. They killed Nick and then had no clue what to do with Luciana’s character, which annoys the fuck out of me, but I am cautiously optimistic based on the quality of season 6 so far. But I think the show as a whole has gotten better, at least since Andrew and Ian took over as showrunners. It’s just a shame it took them so long to figure it out lol.
Tldr: I’m enjoying season 6, but I am cautious about how it’s gonna go based on what we’ve seen so far. If they keep killing characters or wasting their potential, I’m gonna be pissed lol.
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 7 months
so help me god I will get through the end of ftwd this week if it kills me
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taiturner · 3 years
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This is the gun Dakota killed John with.
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araniaart · 5 years
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I got to be a LIVING person on last night's episode of #FearTWD ! Ginny's Gang member, reporting for duty! (And such a badass crew to be a part of, with the fantastic @colby.minifie at the lead!) #ftwd https://www.instagram.com/p/B2N7iCRj4GQ/?igshid=13c41o8mptc8t
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tom--22--felton · 5 years
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Tom with fans at London Film and Comic Con, July 26-27, 2019
1) instawith_alex - Fab couple of days at LFCC 😁 I met some great guests. My highlight guest was meeting Tom Felton. Watching him grow up in Harry Potter and go on to do so many other things is amazing and he was someone I have wanted to meet for so long. Alfie Allen was just so sweet and kind and we spoke about the show and his dog (which he brought to the show). He truly is an amazing person. Jason isaacs is so funny and being a geek himself it made having a geeky conversation so easy 😁
2) owen_stone96 - London film and comic con #lfcc #london #thewalkingdead #ftwd #harrypotter #doctorwho #theinbetweeners
3) adelinastarling - Time well spent 🎶 Pleasure to meet you @t22felton !!! #london #londoncomiccon #lfcc #tripfromspain #holidays
4) fancyfansiying - 🌈NICE DAY🌈#londonfilmandcomiccon #tomfelton
5) katiesaurusrex92 - Draco 💚🐍 #lfcc
6) chloe_loy - I have had the most magical day at Comic Con, I can’t stop smiling 🔮💕 #LFCC #tomfelton #HarryPotter #TheInbetweeners #London
7) lisa_marie_malfoy - Thanks @t22felton for your amazing reaction of my picture.Best Wishes to @therealjasonisaacs
8) margaux_hlt - Première comic con et pas des moindres 😜 I’m so grateful that I’ve met these 2 amazing guys 🙈 they were both soooo nice ! I can’t wait to have a chance to see them again ☺️
9) thatlittleredfox - I also met DRACO MALFOY So, storytime: I got to the front of the queue and I was standing right in front of him. And that's when he decided to change the music. So he whipped out his phone and he was like 'hmm what should I put on' and I said the Harry Potter theme tune, which he laughed at (but didn't change it to that, rip). He also said he didn't know any Gryffindors so I had to go change. I asked him about his day and he said it had been good, and everyone seemed upbeat and then we had the photo taken! Sidenote: Ginny and Draco in the same photo?! Is Harry dreaming?! #drarry
10) katieepatterson_ - Draco Malfoy was nice for not calling me a mudblood 💚
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clexa--warrior · 5 years
Andrew Chambliss and Ian Goldberg, Said this of FTWD
"Without giving something away, the world is going to expand in a big way and by the time we get to the end of the season, it is really going to shake the entire group to the very core and really change the show in a way that will launch us into season six, in a really big way," Chambliss told the panel.
"We are constantly striving to change what Fear is and reinvent it, so just as soon as everyone thinks they've figured out what we're doing, we change things up and that's gonna continue through season five. There'll be a big change at the end of season five."
"We really see season five as one big epic story, but as you'll see if you continue to watch, it all builds to an ending which very much sets up what the design of season six is going to be and we've been planning it for a while," Goldberg added.
"When you go back and watch it all, [what happens] might seem inevitable."
I’ve watched up to 514 and none of what they’re saying is true. One thing happened from start to finish, Morgan’s plan of saving everyone. And every stupid thing to get there. What’s coming in the last ep is killing off a bunch of walkers in Humbug Glutch, after they’ve to call Ginny for help, because they now, get this, have no food, no water, no gas or means of transportation. I saw that coming.
When they had, Daniel’s warehouse, Clayton and Logan’s Mill with running water nearby. Grace’s idea of removing solar panels off of buildings to help power things.
So this coming season final, unless the helicopter people show up, which last time we found out they’d just kill them, as Isabel would have done to Al just to keep their secret, I doubt we’ll be surprised.
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bisoras · 7 years
1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14 (choose whatever fandoms you like!) ⭐️
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get? tbh i started watching teen wolf bc i was excited abt st3rek and listen,,,, i don’t see it at all even a little bit like i just can’t ???
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? YES im lookin at the sh fandom and their anti (CANON) ace!raphael selves smh. also i’ve unfollowed gr//adence shippers from the fa.ntastic bea/sts fandom bc,,, disgusting
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP? the first one that came to mind was akur//oku but,,,,,,,,, even beyond that,,,,,,,,,,, dr@rry 110% @hp fandom what the fuck why wont u love urselves and stop rewriting the characters to make ur weird crackship “work”
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you? AKUR//OKU (alternatively: sa//phael @ sh fandom. it was okay, i didnt mind it, but ur stupid obsession w it ???? they have zero (0) chemistry ?????? simon is literally terrified of raphael 76% of the time) (double alternatively is lowkey lightning/hope bc i love their chemistry no matter what the attraction (be it romantic or platonic or familial or what) but fandom grips on what’s what just,,, no))
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now? geeez can i just answer ak/uroku for all of these??? if not then tbqh probably z//utara from atla bc the fandom (at least,, used to) act so???? holier than tho and “IT WAS FATE MEANT TO BE THEY’RE SOULMATES OPPOSITES ATTRACT KATAANG CAME OUT OF NOWHERE” and im like bro,,,, chill,, please
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why? @ ftwd fandom (or should i say t/100 fandom smh) alicia drives me insane like ????? she was okay if a little boring but u guys literally crawled up her ass and acted like it was the alycia show and it’s nOt literally every other character is more interesting than her just shut up ok u literally ruined ftwd for me bc of that nonsense
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? OK I HAD A WHOLE ANSWER HERE ABT VILLIANS BUT YKNOW WHAT IM CHANGING TO GINNY WEASLEY OK BRO LISTEN GINNY DESERVED BETTER also so did ron and he is 110% applicable here too but dOnt open up that can of worms w me holy fuck
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom? @ hp fandom ,,hp is one of my special interests and also my longest surviving special interest but u suck the fun out of everything and make me regret ever looking into fandom outside of ffnet bc ur nonsense makes me wanna kms
salty ask list B)
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