lookerweekly · 1 year
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Iz Kana je upravo stigla vesta da je Jovan Ginić, mladi glumac koji tumači glavnu ulogu u filmu „Lost Country“ Vladimira Perišića, osvojio Nagradu „Otkrovenje“ koju najboljem mladom glumcu festivala dodeljuje fondacija „Luj Roderer“.
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page-2-ids · 3 years
Drogegender suffixes
Warning for drug, alcohol, etc. mentions though all this and they’re all sorted by what specifically they’re related to. I think I coined everything I wanted to coin so I won’t feel the need to do another one of these big posts (for these specifically). These can also be used as individual identities if you want, especially since I’m not sure if/when I’m going to coin the gender forms of these and I kinda doubt a lot of other users will either.
So with that out of the way, let’s go!
-bluntic: A suffix for genders related to blunts* -bongic: A suffix for genders related to bongs -edibbic: A suffix for genders related to edibles -jointic: A suffix for genders related to joints* -munchic: A suffix for genders related to the munchies, cravings caused by the munchies, favorite foods when stoned, etc. but not weed in general/on its own -pottic: A suffix for genders related to marijuana/weed/pot/whatever -stoneric: A suffix for genders related to being a stoner, smoking weed, taking edibles, etc. but not weed in general/on its own. -weedic: A suffix for genders related to marijuana/weed/pot/whatever *for anyone wondering, the difference between a blunt and a joint is that a blunt is a hollowed out (most likely cheaper) cigar that was filled with weed and a joint is weed wrapped in rolling paper
-beeric: A suffix for genders related to beer - subset of -holic -bourbonic: A suffix for genders related to Bourbon - subset of -whiskeyic -cocktailic: A suffix for genders related to cocktails - subset of -holic -cooleric: A suffix for genders related to wine coolers (the drink, not the thing that actually cools wine) - subset of -wineic -ginic: A suffix for genders related to gin - subset of -holic -ginnic: A suffix for genders related to gin - subset of -holic -holic: A suffix for genders related to alcohol -hurricaic: A suffix for genders related to the Hurricane cocktail - subset of -cocktailic -martinic: A suffix for genders related to Martinis - subset of -cocktailic -rumic: A suffix for genders related to Rum - subset of -holic -rummic: A suffix for genders related to Rum - subset of -holic -scotcheic: A suffix for genders related to Scotch (alcohol) - subset of -whiskeyic -scotchic: A suffix for genders related to Scotch (alcohol) - subset of -whiskeyic -vodkaic: A suffix for genders related to Vodka - subset of -holic -whiskeyic: A suffix for genders related to whiskey - subset of -holic -wineic: A suffix for genders related to wine - subset of -holic
-aciden: A suffix for genders related to acid/LSD -lsden: A suffix for genders related to acid/LSD
-magishroomic: A suffix for genders related to shrooms/magic mushrooms -psylocic: A suffix for genders related to Psilocin -psylocyc: A suffix for genders related to Psilocybin -psylocyic: A suffix for genders related to Psilocybin -shroomic: A suffix for genders related to shrooms/magic mushrooms
Vape and E-Cigs
(I know vapes and E-Cigs aren’t exactly the same, but they’re similar enough for me to group them)
-cbdvapaic: A suffix for genders related to CBD vapes - subset of vapaic -cbvapaic: A suffix for genders related to CBD vapes - subset of vapaic -ecigic: A suffix for genders related to e-cigs -vapaic: A suffix for genders related to vapes -vitavapaic: A suffix for genders related to vitamin vapes - subset of vapaic -vitvapaic: A suffix for genders related to vitamin vapes - subset of vapaic
Cigarettes and Cigars
(I know cigarettes and cigars aren’t exactly the same, but they’re similar enough for me to group them)
-camcigareic: A suffix for genders related to Camel Cigarettes - subset of -cigareic -cigareic: A suffix for genders related to cigarettes -cigaric: A suffix for genders related to cigars -marlcigareic: A suffix for genders related to Marlboro Cigarettes
Chewing Tobacco/Chew/Dip
-chewic: A suffix for genders related to chew/chewing tobacco/dip -dippaic: A suffix for genders related to chew/chewing tobacco/dip
-ecstic: A suffix for genders related to MDMA in its state most commonly referred to as Ecstasy - subset of -mdmic -ecstasic: A suffix for genders related to MDMA in its state most commonly referred to as Ecstasy - subset of -mdmic -mdmic: A suffix for genders related to MDMA in any state (pronounced em-dem-ick) -mollic: A suffix for genders related to MDMA in its state most commonly referred to as Molly - subset of -mdmic -mollyc: A suffix for genders related to MDMA in its state most commonly referred to as Molly - subset of -mdmic -mollyic: A suffix for genders related to MDMA in its state most commonly referred to as Molly - subset of -mdmic
-hyarousic: A suffix for genders related to drugs that cause hyperarousal or hyperarousal caused by drug use -hallucigic: A suffix for genders related to hallucinogens/hallucinogenic drugs -hallucinaic: A suffix for genders related to hallucinating and/or hallucinations due to drugs -hallucinagic: A suffix for genders related to hallucinogens/hallucinogenic drugs -highic: A suffix for genders related to getting high, being high, highs themselves, etc. -plantaic: A suffix for genders related to plant based/related drugs -rollipaperic: A suffix for genders related to rolling paper -ropaperic: A suffix for genders related to rolling paper -smokinaic: A suffix for genders related to smoke and smoking not caused by fires, heat, etc. (basically related to weed, vapes, etc.) -thcvapaic: A suffix for genders related to THC vapes -tripic: A suffix for genders related to drug trips of some kind, tripping on drugs, etc. -trippic: A suffix for genders related to drug trips of some kind, tripping on drugs, etc. -weedvapaic: A suffix for genders related to weed vapes
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msheep · 7 years
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這次染帶紫的咖啡色,顏色染到有點無聊了,已經連續好幾次都跟艾文說隨便你弄~ #GINIC #杜艾文
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art-now-poland · 6 years
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The Church. "Księginice Male.", Marina Czajkowska
paper, acrylic, author technique
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dirjoh-blog · 2 years
Holocaust Testimonies
Mara Ginic and mother Johanna Ctvrtnik on the island of Hvar, Croatia, May 1941. Mara Ginic (now Kraus) was born in Zagreb, Yugoslavia in 1925. At the age of 3 or 4 she moved with her grandparents to Osijek, Slavonia(Nowadays in Croatia). When she was five years old her parents divorced and her mother moved to Belgrade, but she stayed with her father and grand parents in Osijek. When she was 8…
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444names · 2 years
armenian + french forenames
Abrine Admie Admine Aghaine Aghane Aghathaël Aghientira Aghvalie Agina Ahator Ahavedas Aidiamasa Alemirun Alianpar Alilerseni Aliques Alistinne Alkhi Anann Anazan Ancie Angencia Angélidome Anigrane Aniquel Anoun Anoure Antoniv Antso Anushelyne Arahi Aramichya Arart Areni Ariazd Arine Aristakhan Armes Arpin Arsan Arsertun Arthan Artie Artien Artoush Arzumara Arzumra Arzumranne Atouhier Audelexan Aulikoush Aulina Auria Aurie Avethom Avichel Azanise Azathéo Aznig Azniscaro Babeta Baghien Baitin Barouj Belle Boyemma Béatar Caliersid Chachen Chamon Chamona Cherta Chlodya Chrig Chrin Chrit Claille Clanpion Clarj Coline Coliv Cyrichavik Dançoishar Dasimond Davan Davar Denouhi Diette Diranush Dirgaria Dirole Douhig Dzovira Edish Ellin Emman Emmard Eojan Eojean Esamaremma Fabri Fanne Floditik Flodylvid Floohat Floukhia Floush Fraherpie Frakomen Franoun Frapergis Fratchrick Frayisanny Frujaman Frujanouhi Gades Ganush Garadanie Garanmat Gayish Gazadovna Geghi Gemfi Getia Gevig Gevik Ghanne Ghigrou Ghvaris Gillo Gilorazi Ginic Grisan Gristine Grovon Guisa Guiste Gurieu Gurinik Gurpiag Gurvanièle Gérouhia Haira Hakab Hakanièle Hakrt Hamar Hamartophi Hamirolion Harahavie Hasabi Haymohaken Haymonichi Heghi Heghie Heghig Heghot Henone Herthi Hovie Hovirabene Hovme Hovmen Hovnie Hovsa Hovsan Hranet Hranmarent Hrantra Hratherice Hugarie Hughoush Hulie Hulina Ignades Incla Ishel Ivernigis Jacquel Jacquen Janig Jeanciel Jeane Jeanloush Jeanna Jeannoît Jeanuette Jeanush Jenée Jessane Josen Juline Jusab Jéricen Kalkhaman Kardan Karduis Karick Karob Kathélène Keghal Keghi Kegite Kerig Kevgitelae Kevirayik Khanne Khaël Khogeorine Lairanis Lanny Laric Lasab Laudes Laurpun Levorge Loran Lorem Lucise Lynelique Léanie Lémichèle Magethi Maginette Makhiag Mance Maranie Margig Margin Mariela Marien Marig Mariste Marni Maroghi Maroush Marpun Marsh Marturola Marun Marvalet Masab Masayi Mathige Mayik Mhamasa Mhamen Mhentanna Micele Michra Mictoshkht Mihria Mihrine Miranluys Mirvanine Mkham Mkroben Monak Moushaja Muera Mustia Myrichlo Myrine Mélie Mélène Nakoun Narsa Nazane Nazgel Nematria Nemieni Nevine Nicka Norak Norgaétan Noyemieth Noys' Nvaine Nvancen Nvelauden Nveni Ocene Odiechi Odine Odylvine Ovarbik Ovard Paissi Pakanny Pakrt Parganfré Pariamar Parissime Parkoun Pasid Pasimona Pathi Paule Perent Perjik Pertin Poghit Rabie Raffik Rafir Rafira Ramastoun Ramichenik Ranisa Razanosen Reina Relmane Ritarosh Roberjik Rolandrite Rolartice Roleximen Rolie Roloushel Rubette Régilil Régorayis Rémyris Sabie Saghi Sagine Sahenne Sahna Sahris Sambape Samon Sandzadine Sanièvel Sanusancie Sarana Sardaro Sarencenad Sarik Sarthis Satrin Sebouille Sebouj Seritir Sette Shagane Shanette Shomartak Shouhi Shouhir Shula Sirart Siraxi Siruj Smbape Soghatine Sopathie Sophand Sophi Sophik Soushaghom Spatos Stepunarin Styoja Styophig Surant Surey Sushano Sustik Sével Takaris Takhik Takoosesa Tamin Tamon Tamversh Taroureena Tatrine Tigann Tigorichya Torkousak Tsoghag Tsole Tsoui Turen Undrazen Undrine Vachat Vacque Vagoreille Vaharapig Vahaël Vahien Varamvel Varan Varanuela Varbis Vardelis Varen Varicel Varicton Varik Varine Varkoohrik Varlexan Varolail Varon Varousa Vartavic Vartigophi Vartris Vatouj Vemma Vemmaz Vermauroun Verreine Viganne Volaudient Volette Vraptin Wilikoun Wille Xanna Xavir Yeghien Yeghikevig Yeghvarte Yerthisayi Yette Yettepatsa Yugoun Yurvar Yvethérès Yvetten Zagik Zakorna Zaranuhi Zarig Zarise Zavazan Zohrine Zumen Élaita Éloément Émile
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nhacly · 2 years
Viên Uống Tăng Tuần Hoàn Não Ginkgo 360 Natto-Q10 Ginic 100 Viên
Viên Uống Tăng Tuần Hoàn Não Ginkgo 360 Natto-Q10 Ginic 100 Viên
Mô Tả Sản Phẩm Ginkgo 360 Ginkgo 360 Natto-Q10 là thực phẩm công dụng tương hỗ tăng cường tuần hoàn não, giảm rủi ro tiềm ẩn hình thành cục máu đông bằng những thảo dược vạn vật thiên nhiên và bổ trợ thêm nhóm vitamin B1, B2, B6 và PP . Nhóm thảo dược đặc biệt quan trọng của Ginkgo 360 Natto-Q10 gồm có cao bạch quả, nattokinase và Co Enzyme Q10 . Bạch quả: Chứa hoạt chất flavonoid là một chất…
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trapangeles · 6 years
AZZYLAND - MONEY (Official Music Video) feat. BIG NEM
AZZYLAND - MONEY (Official Music Video) feat. BIG NEM Song available here: https://song.link/i/1445083808 BIG NEM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2SFP...
Business Inquiries: [email protected]
Just B Salon - https://www.instagram.com/justbsalon/ BSide Beauty - https://www.instagram.com/bside.beauty/ Viktor Mitic Platinum Cars - https://instagram.com/platinumcars_ca Chris & Tina Janie Stevens Sam Heather
Starring: Lo Wolkowski - https://www.instagram.com/lifeoflo/?h... Aury Barnett - https://www.instagram.com/legendaury/... Yasmin Karssing - https://instagram.com/yazzierose Thomas Cox - https://www.instagram.com/thomascxx Gordana Perunicic Viktor Ginic
Co-Directors/Producers Nora Stankovic & Big Nem - https://www.instagram.com/norastankovic/ Song produced by Madvvavee - https://instagram.com/madvvavee https://www.instagram.com/bignem/ DoP Jason Han - https://www.instagram.com/dpjasonhan/ 1st AC Andrew Gerhold - https://www.instagram.com/andrewgerhold/ Gaffer Ryan Saltzb Grip Dylan Young HMU Artist Alan Jiefan Law https://www.instagram.com/andrewgerhold/ PA Sarah Barnes - https://www.instagram.com/saraahbarnes/ PA Muzna R. PA Aleksa Miloradovic BTS Photographer Nikola Miloradovic -https://www.instagram.com/niko_milo/ BTS Videographers Rui Hu - https://www.instagram.com/ruihui_photo/ BTS Videographer Kevin Park - https://www.instagram.com/kvnpark/ 2nd Cam - Katia Rio
Edz Gyamfi, Chris Duarte, Saskia, Ashlyn
trapLA Music Video Of The Week
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bruhsauraus · 6 years
AZZYLAND – MONEY (Official Music Video) feat. BIG NEM
AZZYLAND – MONEY (Official Music Video) feat. BIG NEM Song available here: https://ift.tt/2ExqNAy BIG NEM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2SFPTUfWsc&t=206s
Business Inquiries: [email protected]
Just B Salon – https://ift.tt/2EjdfYu BSide Beauty – https://ift.tt/2EsF6Go Viktor Mitic Platinum Cars – https://ift.tt/2EjcQoW Chris & Tina Janie Stevens Sam Heather
Starring: Lo Wolkowski – https://ift.tt/2EwyvLm Aury Barnett – https://ift.tt/2EjdhzA Yasmin Karssing – https://ift.tt/1GrYpeg Thomas Cox – https://ift.tt/2EmzU61 Gordana Perunicic Viktor Ginic
Co-Directors/Producers Nora Stankovic & Big Nem – https://ift.tt/2EvZzKE Song produced by Madvvavee – https://ift.tt/2EAEf6T https://ift.tt/2EkCbi9 DoP Jason Han – https://ift.tt/2EwqHJA 1st AC Andrew Gerhold – https://ift.tt/2EkqUhW Gaffer Ryan Saltzb Grip Dylan Young HMU Artist Alan Jiefan Law https://ift.tt/2EkqUhW PA Sarah Barnes – https://ift.tt/2EuTiid PA Muzna R. PA Aleksa Miloradovic BTS Photographer Nikola Miloradovic -https://ift.tt/2EpRG8P BTS Videographers Rui Hu – https://ift.tt/2ExNeWr BTS Videographer Kevin Park – https://ift.tt/2EjdkLM 2nd Cam – Katia Rio
Edz Gyamfi, Chris Duarte, Saskia, Ashlyn
from GDPUD Blog https://ift.tt/2EzhTSV via Article Source
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msheep · 7 years
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終於來處理頭毛了~~~這次的顏色搭配電棒超級超級喜歡!😍😍😍😍😍 設計師說我去年也是7/31來找他,是有沒有發作的這麼規律啦哈哈哈 #GINIC #Ivan #杜艾文
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ithuocviet · 4 years
 Thực phẩm bảo vệ sức khỏe
Thành phần:
250 mg cao khô hỗn hợp dược liệu: Bồ công anh: 500 mg Thương nhĩ tử: 300 mg Tân di: 200 mg Hoàng cầm: 200 mg Bạch chỉ: 200 mg Can khương: 200 mg Bạc hà: 150 mg Xuyên khung: 100 mg Phụ liệu: Lactose, tinh bột ; PVP K30; Talc; nipagin, nipasol, magnesi stearat vừa đủ 1 viên nang.
Công dụng:
Hỗ trợ làm giảm triệu chứng chảy nước mũi, ngạt mũi, đau đầu do viêm xoang.
Đối tượng sử dụng:
Người có biểu hiện chảy nước mũi, ngạt mũi, đau đầu do viêm xoang.
Cách dùng:
Uống 2-3 viên/lần x 2 lần/ ngày. Quy cách: Hộp 1 lọ x 50 viên.
Lưu ý:
Không dùng cho người mẫn cảm với bất kỳ thành phần nào của sản phẩm.
Phân phối và chịu trách nhiệm về chất lượng sản phẩm CÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN DƯỢC PHẨM GINIC Địa chỉ: Số 13, Liền kề 10, Khu Đô Thị Văn Phú, Phường Phú La, Quận Hà Đông, Thành Phố Hà Nội, Việt Nam. Sản xuất tại: CÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN DƯỢC PHẨM CÔNG NGHỆ CAO ABIPHA Địa chỉ: Lô đất CN-2 Khu công nghiệp Phú Nghĩa, Xã Phú Nghĩa, Huyện Chương Mỹ, Thành phố Hà Nội.
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https://ift.tt/3lP1nAm https://ift.tt/2UX5rmt
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ithuocviet · 4 years
 Thực phẩm bảo vệ sức khỏe
Thành phần:
L-Lysin HCl: 6500mg
Digenzyme (hỗn hợp enzym: alpha amylase, protease, lipase, cellulase): 937mg
Frutalose OFP (FOS Oligofructose): 875mg
Orafti P95 (chất xơ hòa tan): 875mg
chiết xuất hoa cúc tím: 300mg
Kẽm gluconat (tương đương kẽm: 28,5mg): 200mg
Taurine: 200mg
Calci lactat gluconat (tương đương: 24,7mg): 200mg
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin hydroclorid): 100mg
Vitamin PP (Niacinamide): 25mg
Vitamin B5 (D- pantothenat, calci): 25mg
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxin hydroclorid): 25mg
Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol): 3125 IU
Vitamin K2 MK7 0,15% oil: 0,125mg
Acid folic: 1,56mg
Phụ liệu: Đường trắng, sorbitol, potasssium sorbat, natri benzoat, xanthan gum, acid citric, màu caramen , hương hoa quả, nước tinh khiết vừa đủ 125ml.
Công dụng:
Hỗ trợ tăng cường tiêu hóa, hỗ trợ tăng cường sức khỏe, hỗ trợ nâng cao sức đề kháng, giúp trẻ ăn ngon.
Đối tượng sử dụng:
Trẻ em sức đề kháng kém, biếng ăn, hấp thu kém, tiêu hóa kém, tiêu chảy.
Cách dùng:
- Trẻ em từ 1-2 tuổi: Uống 5ml/lần x 2 lần/ngày.
- Trẻ từ 2-4 tuổi: Uống 5-10ml/lần x 2 lần/ngày.
- Trẻ từ 4-6 tuổi: Uống 10 - 15ml/lần x 2 lần/ngày.
Dùng trước, trong hoặc ngay sau bữa ăn, lắc kỹ trước khi uống, có thể pha với nước, sữa hay thức ăn.
Uống tiếp nhiều đợt trong năm nếu thấy cần thiết, thích hợp với cả khi trẻ trên 6 tuổi.
Quy cách: Hộp 1 lọ 125ml, Hộp 4 vỉ x 5 ống x 5ml.
Sản xuất tại: Công ty CP dược phẩm công nghệ cao ABIPHA
Thương nhân chịu trách nhiệm chất lượng sản phẩm: 
CÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN DƯỢC PHẨM GINIC Địa chỉ: Số 13, liền kề 10, khu đô thị Văn Phú, Phường Phú La, Quận Hà Đông, Thành phố Hà Nội.
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https://ift.tt/3iWb4uQ https://ift.tt/31fLIlX
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