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cyclorose · 1 year ago
imagine having an awful job and then Bigfootlover tells u this....
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sweetlittlegingy · 2 years ago
What If
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☑︎Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Sweet Nothings Masterlist
☑︎ Pairing: Jake Seresin x Y/n Seresin (Mitchell)
☑︎ Word Count: 4 k
☑︎ Warnings: Infertility, IVF, Adoption, Dad!Jake, Teacher/Mom!Reader, Kindergarteners, bad foster parents, child neglect, fluffy dagger squad, Poppa Mav
☑︎ A/n: Holy shit, I had the hardest time writing this. Life has not been kind lately in the school sense and health sense, but I still wanted to give you guys something. I hope that my month long stent has made it so you won't read it. I really appericate the love that you all have been giving me. I can't promise that updates are going to become a regular thing as of yet, but will be trying my hardest. Love you all ♥︎
☑︎Library (Follow for updates! I no longer have a taglist.)
The pitter-patter of feet running down the hallway has you looking up from the fruit bowl you're curating, to glance over your shoulder and catch sight of Laine running toward you as Bradley chases her. Her tiny body clings to your bottom half as she tries to squish in between you and the cabinet.
“Chicken, nooooo!” her small form shakes in laughter as he bends down at your side and pokes at her.
“I was promised a princess.”
Bradley’s voice tries to lower an octave though does the complete opposite and rises to a high squeak that makes you break out in laughter. Your heart swells at the sight, Bradley would make a wonderful uncle. He was already the best brother you could have asked for and since yesterday on base, he had quite literally had Laine on his hip or playing together at every moment.
Gray was never far away, though he tended to stay at neither Bob, Jake, or Javy’s side. You were so used to Gray being attached to you that seeing him interact so much with the squad was startling. You miss your little shadow, though seeing the way that he looked at Jake now was something that you would love to witness daily. Jake had told you that they just talked about planes, but you could see that it meant so much more to both of them.
The munchkin between your legs moves again, darting from Bradley’s outstretched hand as she giggles in excitement.
“I’m Jakey’s princess,” The reply stumps Bradley momentarily, long enough for her little hands to find your own. “Miss CeCe save me!”
Her hands pat at your tummy in a little rhythm as she bounces lightly on her toes. You gently slide the fruit bowl back and lower down to grab the munchkin before Brad can make another grab for her. Her small form bounces in your hold as she wraps her arms around your neck and nuzzles in.
“Run Miss CeCe!” She eyes you in excitement and you drop your gaze back to Bradley, before giving him a smirk. Your hips swivel as you turn and your arms clutch onto a giggling Laine as you run away.
“Get the fruit bowl, Chicken!”
You hear a playful huff at the name, though you’re past the hallway entryway and heading for the back deck before Bradley has a chance to yell back at you. The dimness in the hall is lit by the shining sun outside and you can see the rest of the squad lounging around in chairs while Javy and Jake bicker about grilling.
You hadn’t planned to have a BBQ, though this morning when Bradley and Nat showed up banging on the door with coolers and dessert you didn’t have any other choice.
No, you really had no other choice.
The pair had pushed through the door before you could even question them and told you that they were only here to see the twins. They then followed that up by saying that everyone was coming by, well everyone but Javy, he had spent the night after having a movie fort/sleepover night and had yet to leave. The pair had ushered you that you didn’t need to worry because Bob and Mickey were making sure to grab all the required fixings from the store so you wouldn’t have to worry.
Though you had instantly started making a fruit bowl with the strawberries, grapes, kiwi, and pineapple that you already had. The twins had helped you wash them and then used small star cookie cutters to cut shapes in the pineapple. Though once everyone had finally arrived the pair had automatically gravitated toward the outside. Bradley had also casually thrown in the fact that your dad, Penny, and Amelia were coming over as well. After your dad had met them, he instantly wanted Penny and Amelia to meet the twins.
You brush a small strand of hair from Madelaine’s face, which causes her to give you a sweet smile and then kiss your cheek. That had started last night when you were putting the twins to bed, even though they ended up in yours again during the night. The two of them were in a late-night Disney movie hazy that left them half asleep, which in turn led them to tell both you and Jake that they loved you. It had made your heart stop. You knew that you should be placing boundaries, but so many were already crossed, and Jake and you both loved them so much already.
 Your hand comes up to shield your eyes as the sun nearly blinds you. You didn’t know how it was 78 degrees at the beginning of December, but you weren’t complaining one bit. Your hold on Laine loosens as her small form wiggles until she’s free of you to run across the deck.
“Pop Pop! Ms. CeCe fought Chicken off.” She squeals in delight as your father catches her and tosses her small form in the air. That was also new, Jake had called your father Pops last night and Laine ran with it from there. Now both Gray and Laine were calling him Pop Pop, and neither your father nor anyone else had even spoken of the possibility of having them stop and having them call him Mav instead.
Your glance leaves the pair as they sit down next to Penny and Amelia, the mother and daughter duo instantly fell in love with the twins. So much so that your little sister had asked if she could babysit them sometime. She had been so happy and excited that you couldn’t tell her that you didn’t know if they would ever be back to the house.
A sigh leaves your chest as you cast your eyes around the deck to look at the group of important people in your life, though you can’t seem to find one of the most important ones. Gray wasn’t anywhere in your line of sight, and while you knew he was somewhere in the yard, that didn’t stop your breath from hitching. A pinch to your back makes you jump, while Bradley laughs and moves passed you with the fruit salad. You bat your hand at him, playfully glaring at him as he passes.
You’re still looking for Gray when you catch Jake’s eyes, he then gives you a small tip of the head out to the lawn and causes you to venture over to look out at the yard. A smile rests on your face as you lean against the railing of the deck to watch Bob, Mickey, Nat, and Gray as they lay on the lawn watching the sky. Gray’s hand shoots up causing your own eyes to shoot to the sky as a jet passes overhead. You only hear pieces of the conversation, something about cloud coverage, altitude, and flight pattern prediction, but it makes you smile all the same. Gray finally had people that would understand and listen to him, instead of brushing him off and not believing a word he said. Because as Janice had so kindly told you during a conference, “Children aren’t that smart, stop feeding into his fantasy.” The woman had riled you up to the point where you skipped over the last half of the packet, already knowing that she wasn’t listening to a thing you said about Grayson, and practically pushed her out the door.
The hands that wined around your waist and grasped onto the railing in front of you, have you relaxing back into the familiar chest. Jake’s chin settles on your shoulder after giving your cheek a small kiss causing the weight of your body to sink further into the comforting hold. You both sigh, and the mutual feeling of peace and fulfillment passes through the two of you.
“They blend in seamlessly.” Jake’s breath heats your neck, and you can’t help but to smile at the comment because it was true. They fit into your little family perfectly, and you were going to soak up every moment you had this weekend.
“I don’t want it to be over.” Jake’s hands wrap around you as you say it, and squeeze you gently. “I don’t know how I’m just going to let them go back there.” Your voice is heavy with pain that neither one of you acknowledge, instead, hoping to remain in this moment.
The tightness in your chest relieves, as neither of you can comment when you hear a whistle ring out that causes everyone to look over at Javy. He stands by the grill, with Laine on his hip as she silently waits for everyone’s attention. Javy smiles down at the small girl as she watches the group of you bouncing from excitement in his hold. Her eyes move from the group and up to Javy as the group quiets down to listen. He gives her a tiny nod that has a smile breaking out on not only her face but yours as well.
“The food is done.” Laine’s voice rings out through the backyard, but before anyone can make their way to the grill Javy whispers something else in her ear to say. “Ummm... Javy said he cooked everything, and Jakey didn’t help and that he’s the best cook.”
The comment causes everyone but Jake to laugh. A dramatic sigh falls from his lips as he steps out from behind you, only taking one step closer to the pair. You giggle as Jake clutches at his heart, eyes wide and never leaving Laine’s, before slipping to his knees beside you.
“You wound me, little darlin’.” His voice is strained and causes the surrounding group to gently smile at him. It didn’t go unnoticed how much Jake loved the twins already, and while they never mentioned the fact to you or Jake, it didn’t stop the squad from talking amongst themselves.
Jake barely has time to catch Laine as she runs into his arms and clutched onto him. She leans into his ear and whispers words that you can’t make out that have the both of them smiling. They must be good if the mega smile not resting on Jake’s face can tell you anything. Jake slowly rises to stand up while the pair laugh together, both of them looking at Javy in a teasing manner.
“You two keeping secrets now?” Your voice is questioning and has Madelaine leaning into you.
“I didn’t wanna hurt Javy’s feelings, Ms. CeCe. Jakey is still the best.” A giggle bubbles from you as she gives you a toothy grin, before you both then look at Javy and you can’t help but laugh even more at his wondering stare.
A weight settles against your leg and causes you to glance down to find Gray, already looking back up at you. His blonde locks house a few pieces of grass that you pick out, while his finger wraps around your belt loop.
“Hi, Sweetpea.” His blue eyes sparkle in the sunlight as a quiet hi is said back to you. “You ready to eat?”
You get back a small nod as he stays attached to your hip, watching the surrounding crowd from the designated safe zone. While Gray had opened up immensely to the group, he still ended up at your side whenever the group became too much. It wasn’t that he was uncomfortable, but his social anxiety and depleted self-esteem caused him to doubt his worth, especially around people he didn’t know well.
You hadn’t noticed that Jake put down Laine, though as his hands come around Gray to lift him in the same manner, he had with Laine just moments ago your heart swells. The sound of his laugh echoed through the yard as the group milled around getting food and talking, though your eyes could leave to pair.
A perfect father-son duo. You could have told anyone that the twins were your kids, not just from how they were almost identical copies of Jake. But anyone that saw how they interacted, and the amount of love that passed between them from minuscule actions and words alone.
“Come on you two, before Roos eats everything.” Your voice is teasing as you pull the pair along with you to grill to follow Laine, who already had your dad piling a mountain of food on a plate for her. Your eyes don’t miss the two different pieces of cake and brownie that cover most of the surface of the plate. You shake your head at your father, just now realizing how tightly Laine has him wrapped around her finger.
Your comment finally gained a reaction from Bradley, as a small kid playing ball lands against your back and makes you yelp before turning. You give him a smile that only a little sister can give to her older brother, followed by your tongue peeking out in a taunt.
You would give anything to stay in this moment with this group of people, your family, forever.
You finish putting the last dish away from the washer and wipe down the counter as the clock strikes 8:00. Signaling that it was in fact the twin’s bedtime, well the one that you had given them. Neither Janice nor Ed said if they had a nighttime routine, though you were sure that it wasn’t that they forgot to mention it. No, from what you knew, the pair of them didn’t care so long as the twins didn’t disturb them and stayed in their room.
Wiping your hand one last time, you slowly make your way down the hall in search of the three individuals that consumed your every waking thought. You glance at the guest room and the perfectly made bed, knowing that the twins wouldn’t be sleeping in there tonight either. Only to venture future down the hall when you hear the near-silent humming coming from your bedroom. The dimming sun no longer lights your house and the warm glow coming from the lamp in your room just barely reaches your outline as you settle against the door frame.
Jake sits in the middle of the bed wearing a pair of sweats and tee-shirt that he had slipped on earlier when you sent him to take a shower while you did a couple pages of homework with the twins. He then had the duty of wrangling the two of them into the bath and making sure that they didn’t flood the bathroom floor like they had on you last night. You had disappeared at their request for bubbles and when you came back, nearly half of the tub water was on the floor. You had tried so hard to appear cross with them, though, at the sight of the sheepish smiles they gave you, your heart had overflown with love. You weren’t going to stop the pair of them from doing something that wasn’t dangerous, because it made a small mess. You knew that the carefree spirit that encased them wasn’t something that they were normally allowed to do.
From the looks of it though, tonight had defiantly gone in Jake’s favor. Not only from his dry pajamas but the fact that both Madelaine and Grayson had both found their places in bed next to him without a second thought. That they both felt a sense of peace and protection from Jake’s presence.
The three of them were a sight that warmed your heart beyond compare and made you curse yourself for leaving your phone on the kitchen table, missing the picture-perfect moment. In the middle of Jake’s lap, Laine sits as he braids her hair into two little French braids that just reach her shoulders. While Gray lays behind them cuddling your pillow, eyes fluttering open and closed as he tries to stay awake.
“Your sisters would be happy to know you can still braid hair.” Your voice floats through the room; Gray just barely looks at you only to give you a tiny smile, as Laine twists the finished braid around her finger trying to hide the yawn that slips passed her lips.
“I would hope that ten years of braiding their hair for volleyball whenever mom was late for a game, would have stuck with me.” His laugh makes you smile as you watch the pair of them momentarily. Jake had fallen into the dad role easily, and while you both were so happy to have the twin, you worried about how they would handle having to go back to Janice and Ed’s house Monday.
Jake's eyes lift to you while his fingers work seamlessly back and forth, he could always tell when something was on your mind. The snap of the final tiny elastic getting wrapped around the end of the braid, has you looking back up at the flawless braid. Jake’s arms softly wrap around Laine to lay gently squeezes at her waist, as her small hands rub tiredly at her eyes. She leans back in his hold, snuggling up to him as her eyes start to droop like Gray’s.
“I think Roos and Nat tuckered them out with that last game of tag.” You laugh lightly thinking about the sight of Bradley holding each of the twins in an arm, and running away from Nat.
“I’m sure that they’re just as tired, Rooster probably fell asleep on his couch and didn’t even make it to his bed.” You laugh at Jake’s comment because you know for a fact that Bradley fell asleep on the couch from the picture Bob sent you an hour ago.
 Jake glances down at the weight against his chest, Laine turns slightly as she sighs and fully relaxes to cuddle in closer. She holds onto Jake’s black tee shirt with one hand while to other grasps onto her ocean blanket, falling into sleep like it was a warm hug. Jake slowly lifts her, which causes both of her hands to wrap around his neck and his to rub at her back. He whispers soothing sounds as his hand glides up and down her back, helping her relax again. Jake is quick to move her before she can settle in too much though, not wanting to wake the munchkin up from setting her down. He easily turns around with her in his hold and lays her down against his pillow across from Gray.
Her small body lays encased by the surrounding blankets as she snuggles in closer and sighs as Jake tucks the duvet under her chin and kisses her forehead. Jake moves over to tuck in Gray as well as you gently brush the stray baby hairs from Laine’s face and gently kiss her head. Followed by you then tucking and kissing Gray as well, before you sneak into the bathroom to change into your PJs while Jake heads to the living room.
You find Jake laid out on the sofa, hands behind his head with two steaming cups of tea sitting on the coffee table. He gives you a dopy smile that makes your heart beat just a bit faster, before crawling into his open arms. Your legs rest around his waist and your head settles on his chest to listen to the steady rhythm of his heart.
Neither of you moves as you watch the sunset through the massive living room window that faces the Pacific. Jake’s hand slowly slips into your hair and runs his fingers through it gently without even realizing it. Though the small moan of relief causes him to chuckle in realization, before kissing the top of your head and resuming.
“We could do it you know.” His voice is tired and there’s a deep sound of longing intertwined with the words. You hum in question, happy to listen, but far too comfortable to lift your head from his chest and have a conversation.
“The twins; we could apply for adoption.”
His words hang in the air, sure you both had thought and talked about it over and over. Though there was something in Jake’s tone that was different this time. This wasn’t your Jakey that you could tease and easily rial up. No, this was Jacob. The man that got in a fistfight with one of your mother’s ex-boyfriends after he made a backhanded comment about your lack of pregnancy. The man that would protect the people that he loved, even if it meant putting himself in danger. He was serious, so serious that you half wondered if he had already been looking into the adoption process that the state of California had in place.
“Baby –”
“I’m serious darlin’. They are in every single thought I have about our future; I can’t even fathom a life without them anymore.” Jake’s hand slips from your hair and now both of them wrap around you. He clings to you, and you slowly realize that his tense chest and tight hold on you are in fear of your reaction to him wanting to adopt the twins. Your heart aches, you knew how much both of them meant to you. But hearing Jake tell you out loud that he didn’t see a future that didn’t include the twins, officially confirms just how much you both want the twins.
Knowing that is conversation deserved more than just your muffled words against Jake’s chest you slowly sit up, still on Jake’s lap but now able to see each other’s faces. You both could read each other like an open book and though you were positive that Jake was being sincere, you had to see the look in his eyes. You had to be absolutely sure before you let the idea blossom into a reality.
“Adopting them isn’t going to be easy, Jake. Janice and Ed are going to throw a fit because they want to keep getting their monthly check.” Your voice is gentle but firm, “And I hate to even say it, but we have to think about the fact that there are two of them. We planned for one baby, Jake. Can we financially even take on them and give them the life that they deserve?”
Jake's hand moves from your waist to brush against your cheek and causes you to lean farther into him. He knows that your reluctance is only because you’re afraid that you aren’t good enough to be their mom, a mom in general. You didn’t have the breakdowns a lot, but when you did, they were bad. And no matter how much he assured you, you were terrified that the universe wasn’t giving you a child because you weren’t worthy.
Jake’s other hand finds your cheek as well to tilt your head back up. Your chin and eyes had fallen, but Jake needed you to realize that you deserved a child more than anyone.
“Darlin’ we are more than financially stable to take them on. I’m teaching now and missions are rare. I want them to be ours.” Your head nods in his hold but he can feel the cogs in your head turning.
“Honey, look at me.” Your eyes lift and Jake’s heart cracks to see your waterline filled with tears. “You deserve to be a momma more than anyone I know. Maybe things worked out the way they did because some higher power knew that there would be two twin terrors that would need us just as much as we need them.”
A tear falls from your eyes and Jake is quick to brush it away. “You think?” Your voice is small and broken, though you trust Jake more than anyone else and if he said this was the family that both of you deserved and needed, you would believe him.
“I know, darlin’.”
Your face tucks into Jake’s neck and the tiny laugh of joy you give him, makes his arms tighten around as a smile forms on his lips. Your voice is muffled, but Jake hears you perfectly. “We’re gonna make them ours.”
“They’re already ours, darlin’. We’re just gonna make it official now.”
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eater-of-asss · 4 months ago
( disclaimer : i made this theory with the intention of making it into a YouTube video so please excuse if that hasn't translated properly as a post on its own. also this contains spoilers for dialtown + the roger dlc, it makes more sense with the context of it anyway. that along with i use all pronouns for Gingi in this post (he/she/they/it) and uh Tw because i do bring up a few sensitive things like suicide and death but also some other things I'm forgetting )
and one last thing is that there are some pieces of information i didn't know so have been left out in this post but i may or may not make a follow up on this if i find enough to talk about
with that in mind : under the cut is my phonegingi and object head theory !! ♡
A while ago I made a poll on my tumblr asking what one of these theories you’d like for me to make a video upon and ‘figuring out what Phonegingi is ‘n’ their anatomy (or just phony anatomy)’ managed to win. It's a blessing in disguise if I'm being honest as the context of what I'm going to explain and set up in this video greatly helps with my Enc0unter and god theory. 
So without any further stalling : I think it's best to start with analysing the cryptid.
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Analysing Phonegingi :
So it doesn't take a genius to see that Phonegingi isn't like anything we've seen before. Not only does their species not really have an in-game name nor explanation, we also don't see anything else like it running around Dialtown. While there is a slim chance that maybe others like her do exist but we’ve never seen them and / or live in other places of the world, I really do doubt it from other characters' reaction to it alone. Not to even mention that Gingi doesn't have any confirmed origins along with the eggs that it lays and doesn't look anything like him. Obviously the whole ‘egg’ thing is a theory within itself but that's for another day.
Now if we’re going to get to figuring out what this thing is, we should analyse its features. We can see some human-like attributes but the list is rather limited when you take a closer look at him. So to make things a tad bit easier I've analysed some of the physical attributes from its sprites and art shown in game, along with a few not so physical things that are worth pointing out.
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As shown I've decided to point out its green skin, six nipples, somewhat human body and tail. Some non visible attributes being how she can lay eggs, consume gravel and roadkill just fine, glans that burst when stressed(i forgot to add these two when making this) and teeth. two more noteworthy things being the fact he can speak proper English on top of hallucinations, but these are somewhat irrelevant as of now.
And for the sake of argument, I won't be taking the typewriter and phone heads into consideration as it's been proven by Gingi on multiple occasions that it had made it themselves and along with how it can change just complicates things. That's the same reason why I also won't be taking the scars into consideration as he was most likely not born with them (also it does change on occasion. No shade dogman) But don't worry as we shall return to it once it’s fully figured out what this thing is made up of.
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Analysing Phonegingi : The green skin
Now I feel as if we should start off with one of the most important things with Phonegingi, and one of the most prominent ones at that. That being the bright green hue of its skin, perhaps we could even describe it as being fluorescent. Obviously the claim on its own sounds quite outlandish until we take a look at what could have possibly caused this. 
Now there are many things that cause green skin in nature such as hyperbilirubinemia and layered chromatophores within the skin but one main detail i feel like is worth mentioning is that while Phonegingi does have certain reptilian like moments, simplifying judging by looks alone it is worthy to note that it appears to be a mammal of some sorts. Or a creature who's mostly covered in skin. This may seem somewhat irrelevant unless you remember that there aren't any naturally occurring mammals within nature with green skin. So maybe it isn't natural. And maybe this could be from lead.
While from the surface this seems rather outlandish, it is notable to say that there have been many instances where people had gotten their skin punctured by such things made from lead, leading to a long lasting green mark upon their skin. And the reason I bring this all up is in one of the endings for the Roger DLC we hear from Mingus herself that she's been putting lead into Dialtown’s lake. Presumably being the one within the forest. The same first that Phonegingi is from. Now I am no scientist but perhaps the led from the lake somehow found itself into its system though one of the main scars upon her body caused the green pigmentation. That or perhaps even radiation.
Side note here, my original theory was that this was entirely radiation until I looked into it a tad more. But we still have much to discuss with radiation as a topic.
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Analysing Phonegingi : six nipples / eggs
I was honestly pretty stumped when it came to this point, obviously this is one of the main features of Gingi and on paper wouldn’t seem all too bad but when we consider the whole egg laying thing this really throws a wrench into everything until we consider the possibility that perhaps that Phonegingi is more than one animal biologically.
Now obviously I'm not going to sit here and act like I'm all too sure about what exactly these animals are just yet but I do have a contender. That being the platypus. Or that's what i would say because google lied to me about them having nipples. Apparently they only have mammary gland ducts to feed their young but perhaps Gingi’s genes somehow got broken so this being had to insert itself into his system, it’s an interesting look upon this but perhaps it's caused by something else. That I shall explain in a different post if enough people care for me to look into it. Either way : at least we now have a current solution for the eggs too
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Analysing Phonegingi : tail / eating gravel and roadkill / teeth
So now that we've managed to identify one of the beings that makes up Phonegingi, that being the platypus, we still have a few things that are left still in the air. But it's very simply solved when we consider that the other animal that Gingi is made up of is perhaps an alligator.
One of the main attributes of this is probably its teeth, such teeth that Gingi has been canonically confirmed to have from under his face. Such as within text and achievement art. Also another ability of the alligator is the fact that it has been proved to be able to process such things like rock and fresh dead animals, two things that Gingi has also been confirmed to eat without much struggle.
And one final thing to add on, we can also note Gingi’s tail from being from an alligator if it wasn't for how it goes from hairless to having hair on the tip along with it sometimes not being shown at all. That mainly being in model edits of the character so perhaps it's not worth noting.
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Analysing Phonegingi : glans that burst when stressed
This one is quite the new development to say the least, I'm going to be honest when I say that I almost completely missed this as it's only a thing within one of the endings of the Roger DLC. Due to this I am quite honestly clueless, but I was able to find one thing that links back to the platypus point of this theory. Obviously this is quite different but male platypuses do produce venom connected to hollow spurs on the pack of their legs, but other than that I am honestly stumped so I hope that somebody can help me w this.
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Analysing Phonegingi : putting together everything to come to a conclusion
Now with this information we can come to the conclusion that somehow a platypus, alligator and a human came together and created Phonegingi. For how they combined : If we look at the real world for just a moment there have been actual real life mutations that have led to rats growing features of humans. Although all of these examples are strictly manmade and have never occurred in nature, leading me to think Phonegingi didn't just happen. Although radiation could also be an option.  While I plan on speaking about the human in particular that Gingi took over, I feel it would only be logical to now take a look at object heads to get a better understanding on how exactly Gingi is able to function. 
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Figuring out object heads:
So now we start with the big one. Some may know that dogman has been very useful with helping us figure this out. Okay I am being sarcastic for the most part but this doesn't change the fact that he actually has given us quite a few hints on how this works. 
One main thing we can reference is that within Randy’s route we know that object heads aren't fully wires, but rather are a mixture of organic and mechanical parts. And to quote the hound himself : ‘they have layers’. This could simply be a metaphor or an actual explanation but with this man we don't know. I personally think of this as maybe there is a shell that is around the remaining parts of the head that the object head is placed on top of, making object head transfers much easier.
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 Also he had said within the past that phony’s have an ‘adaptor’ of sorts, so that does help a lot despite humans not being born with them as seen here  One more thing I would also like to add before we go in depth about the methods of being dialed ; it is very likely that the technological parts of these objects gain their power from the body, just to clear that up. Either way : I think we should go over all of the different kinds of objects' heads. That being ones given to normies, born object heads and animals n such who are simply born with them.
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Figuring out object heads: normies to objects
This part of my theory was by far the easiest but still wasn't quite that simple, obviously there aren't any real life examples of this happening so we are kinda making this one up along the way. 
One of the main things to keep in mind is that when the dialup happened it happened practically overnight. That means that this progress had to be somewhat quick and considering how little flaws that come with having an object head that aren't exclusive to having an object head, there has to be a clear method to do this. So i propose a possible example for how to do this type of surgery:
The skin would be removed from the face, then the musicales before the bones. Making sure to keep the nerves, veins and brain within place. Then a small incision is made within the neck around these parts to not damage them, this being the base for where the adaptor would be placed on the head. But with this a small hole would be left in the neck to be used as a man-made mouth. (this was wrote b4 knowing its in the base of the head so forgive me) Within this process the olfactory nerve is also connected to this hole or slightly above it from out of the adaptor to retain smell. Moving onto the main head now, the back and front of the object is connected and wires from the phone are connected to certain parts of the brain so it has control with whatever object it may be without having to touch it. For the eyes, the photoreceptors are salvaged and turned into optical receptors with small holes in the head to remain eyesight. And finally, the inner ear is changed for a speaker with a microphone on the outside that picks up on a digital signal that transfers to the speaker inside then back to the brain as sound. With that done the case is closed up with whatever object it is being placed on top.
Now obviously this is just a very early draft of this part of the theory. I am aware there are a few characters that contradict this theory such as Abel, Stabby and Shooty or Craig so i may change this part of my theory at another point in time.
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Figuring out object heads: born object heads
This is also pretty easy to figure out as dogman has actually answered this question before, as claimed here the hound has stated that after the dialup fetuses are born with thinner heads to make the process of dialing easier. although this still raises a few questions.
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One of the first ones is if after birth they’re given the similar type procedure as normies, as that is the only solution I can think of. obviously there is the question of how this works outside of hospitals but if i tried to figure that out this post would be too long so it’s probably going to be a very boring post in itself.
The second question is asking how the head is altered in that way. my proposal for how and why is possibly genetic mutations caused by chemicals that would have been taken by pregnant mothers back during the dialup. These could possibly serve as a generational mutation to prevent normie children from happening. not an ideal answer but I'm sure i can put a tad bit more research into this later.
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Figuring out object heads: animal object heads
While I do believe this is somewhat irrelevant for this part, I do think it’s worth mentioning and possibly solving. Unlike humans who aren’t born with them, animals and such are. and if you know almost anything about biology you’d know that animals don’t really have the means to have non organic heads without human intermittent so i think I've finally came to a solution to my final point 
I believe there is a possibility that animals, bugs and whatnot have object heads created out of bone that simply mimic what they’re supposed to be. Due to the existence of horns and such we do know that this kind of thing can exist. but other than this there aren’t many alternatives 
the only reason i bring this up is for my theory it is known that Gingi is an animal so perhaps it could fit into the category of this but due to the whole ‘i made it myself’ line from them it’s very quick to dismiss 
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Figuring out how Gingi is made:
So now that we know or well have a somewhat understanding of how object heads function, that begs the question of how did Phonegingi have this information? How did such a primitive creature gain the knowledge of creating such a complicated head that mirrors the one of the former president that he had never seen before? This is where I propose the idea that maybe the human part of Phonegingi actually belonged to somebody before. That somebody being Milton r Wallace
Okay, I feel like I should explain myself a tad. I know it's quite an outlandish idea but it does explain quite a lot. After all ; it is quite a coincidence there is so much mystery around this character and no instance of him being mentioned in the game. I mean if there was a scene where he was mentioned and Gingi just said ‘oh yeah that’s me’ it would be pretty underwhelming. Jokes aside, Milton’s body being the human part of Gingi does explain one too many things such as the seemingly male anatomy, probably the scar on his chest, hallucinations along with connections to Callum, how he would know how to make their object head and even why he’s in the woods in the first place.
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Figuring out how Gingi is made: scars on the body
I'll start by adding on to my scars as I feel like the male anatomy speaks for itself. Not to mention I promised to return to this so I am now. So let's take a look at the scars that we can see. 
Visibly on the chest and right shoulder we can see two wounds. The one upon the shoulder is a supposed bruise from a gorilla bite (although i got this off the wiki and don’t remember this line from the game so feel free to correct me) and the one upon the chest looking like a gaping wound that was stitched up in a familiar fashion to their head. Since we know that Phonegingi made their head itself it is a possibility that he stitched up this wound upon her chest in a similar way but we cant be sure as it’s never acknowledged.
Second point I would like to add is that on multiple occasions Gingi has been called ‘blue blooded’ but these wounds have a more yellowish brown hue to them rather than the blue that you’d assume. Why is this important? Well if you've ever had the displeasure of seeing dried blood you’d know it eventually changes to a brown colour overtime. Now it doesn't take a genius to know that since the man died around 60 years ago his blood would have been heavily deoxygenated. Perhaps being the reason why when reanimated as Phonegingi his blood was blue form the same lack of oxygen. 
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Figuring out how Gingi is made: hallucinations and Callum connection
This part is a lot more simple to explain, while i am aware of these things only really occurring due to the cough stirrup consumed by it, i find it oddly strange that these things occur in the way that they do especially since presumably before meeting Mingus in bigfoot’s route, Gingi was never even aware of Callum's existence. Plus I don't feel like the hound would add these hallucinations just to write them off as nothing. Maybe somewhere in Gingi’s scrambled brain he had these memories from his previous life leak though. 
Additionally, while Milton being Gingi helps the Callum connection ; it also explains why he would be able to identify Mingus as a cat. For us it would be pretty simple but we need to keep in mind that in Dialtown all organic beings have object heads so Phonegingi would have only ever really seen cats with these heads. While this could be written off as her seeing one within a textbook or something I find that incredibly hard to believe considering they’re confirmed to be illiterate. It could also just be a joke not meant to be looked into like this but it definitely could explain.
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Figuring out how Gingi is made: making the object head
This part of the theory is actually what led me to believing that Milton could be Gingi as he would be one of the only characters who had a physical resemblance to it as far as we know along with having access to that knowledge. Considering we see Gingi make their phone head similar to Callum, maybe he was shown the pattern by Cal when explaining the dialup close to the end of their friendship. Same thing could be said for the typewriter variant of them, probably mirroring Marla’s head since the typewriter head was based upon her along with there being hints of them two having a platonic relationship but since she is sadly as mysterious as him so we may never know.
Either way, since Phonegingi presumably came from the woods it wouldn't make sense for them to make an object head within there. Especially since Theoroar had it in captivity in their early years so it wouldn't make sense for Gingi to create an object head with other animals while caged. If i may even say, i personally struggle to wrap my head around why Gingi would decide to conform with their head considering she certainly does not conform by wearing clothes.
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Oh alright.
Either way, I have two options why this would even be the case. The first option is that he was found by Mingus who forced this change upon them so they made the object head. But this doesn't make sense within the context of chapter 3 where Mingus hints at discovering Gingi for the first time. After all; Mingus would probably have just gotten rid of it earlier if that. So for the second option, which is much darker mind you, but perhaps their face could have been heavily mutilated by Milton’s early death along with the decades of rotting that he had to improvise by fixing it with a head made in the way that he had remembered from Callum. This also explains why it's a tad bit different from the norm too since Gingi’s brain would have been a tad bit screwed with this too. Either way, I'll let you decide what option works best with you.
Also a side note; i did actually consider Marla as a possible candidate for Gingi but there was one too many plot holes such as her dying of old age so her body would look a lot different, a lack of any comment by Mingus talking about Marla and her most likely getting a proper burial from somewhere that isn't the woods. 
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Figuring out how Gingi is made: why he would be in the woods
Speaking of being in the woods, I have a small idea for why Milton’s body would wind up being there. As far as we know basically every single person who knew him wouldn't have been around, plus as of making this post he has no confirmed family so it's hard to say. Perhaps his body was simply thrown into the woods? I suppose it would be irregular to do that but considering who Milton was it would make sense that this act would be covered up and simply not addressed at all. Perhaps even respecting him enough to dig him a proper grave would attract unwanted attention along with the fact that there are just not enough people who would care for him enough. 
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Putting this all together : 
With that all being said. Let me summarize all the information that I've proposed so far. We have theorized that Phonegingi has the DNA of a platypus and alligator that has been combined with the body of the former vice president, having some form of lead poisoning from the lake and radiation that has combined these creatures together. There are two questions left now, the first one being just how did these creatures find their way into the woods to combine with the body, and the second and by far the most important one being just how did this creature come to fruition.
The first one is easy, some may know that platypuses and alligators aren't native to Wisconsin but we need to remember that these creatures could be found within a zoo. And would you look at that, in Dialtown we do have a zookeeper, the same zookeeper that found Phonegingi mind you. It is possible that Theoroar decided to dump these two within the woods for whatever reason and they somehow wound up next to the corpse and got mixed up. I understand this isn't a perfect explanation, but it is somewhat logical for now.
Now onto my second point, it isn't as clear but I feel like I've found a solution for how this creature came to life. It doesn't take a genius to know that Milton is dead, meaning even if these animals mutated them it still would leave her dead so it's hard to figure out but I still feel like I have a solution. If you remember I did state that Phonegingi came together as one could possibly be man made so perhaps this same person brought their freakish creation to life. And perhaps that person is none other than enc0unter but this post is getting too long.
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I apologize for leaving this theory on a cliff hanger but this post is getting long and i have a lot more to say about Gingi and enc0unter. As stated in the same poll from the beginning I will be making a whole different theory / analysis about that stuff. With that being said, please let me know your opinions on this theory and if you'd like me to make the enc0unter one or a part 2 when i have the time. so yeah thanks for going though the effort to read this whole thing!! it means a lot
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carnivorousarcher · 1 year ago
throws this at you and runs away
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gameprincessanya · 4 months ago
Tickletober Day 20: Tease
Fandom: Dsaf/Dialtown
A/N: The new Roger DLC got me thinking about him...
Summary: You knew Roger was ticklish, but you never knew teasing got to him so much! Ler!Gingi, Lee!Roger.
"So you see, I would always like, tell her the balloons were too big, but she kept blowing them up and I'd brace myself for a pop. You know, and then she'd laugh..."
Roger goes off about his ex-girlfriend. It's kinda sad he's still thinking about her. You know it sometimes takes a long time to get over people, but it feels like Roger isn't really thinking about you right now.
So you decide to poke him.
He jumps.
"Oh! Heh!." He flinches and turns to you. Even though he has an orange phone for a head, you imagine he's blushing. He giggles. "Uh, d-did you need anything?"
"Yeah," you reply. "Uh, not to be rude but... ... well I had two things."
He nods. "What are they?"
"Well, first of all, what did you see in that girl? She seemed unpleasant all around. I think I would have left her by the dumpster on our first date." You chuckle to yourself at the thought. Roger's girlfriend would be fuming mad!
He chuckles.
"W-well, back then I didn't have a very high self esteem. And she was nice at first... just enough to keep you on the hook. You know?"
You nod. Roger continues.
"And one of the first things I remember is that she said she liked my laugh. She called it adorable." His voice takes on a warm tone. You tip your head, curious now. "First she told me jokes, then she started to tickle me, and it was fun. But of course, in the end she just saw me as a pathetic loser..." He sighed, looking down.
"She's the pathetic loser. Throwing away someone like you. Come here." You open your arms, offering a hug.
He looks up and hesitates.
You look back at him, wondering what's up.
Roger giggles nervously.
"I uuh, I just told you my weakness..." He realizes. "Y-you're gonna tickle me!"
You roll your eye.
"Well, I wasn't before. Now, I am!" Grinning, you wiggle your fingers at him. They're green and clawed. That must be extra bad for him, you realize as he flinches away.
"Hahahaha, c-come on!" He whines, with a playful giggle. You can't help laugh with him.
"Heheh! Come here." You say, stepping towards him, continuing to tease him by wiggling your fingers at his sides. He keeps stepping away. You'll get him eventually, you think, not giving up.
Finally, Roger accepts his fate, and you wrap your arms around him. It feels nice, you realize, hugging someone after all these years spent alone. His head seems to relax on your chest. He finds comfort in you probably. Aw, how cute!
You then tickle him. Your claws skittering along his sides and ribs. He laughs and guffaws, pushing at you as he begs for it to stop.
Yet, even though Roger pushes himself away from you, you notice that if you stop, he comes right back. Adorable! You skitter along his tummy and his back, and he laughs again. It's even cuter this time!
So you decide that you'll tickle Roger for quite a bit longer. After all, his laughter sounds happy and joyful. You don't want that to stop.
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someonesomewheredown · 1 year ago
Hey so. What did he mean by this.
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[Image ID: A set of screenshots from the game Dialtown that show a conversation with God/The Local Hobo. God is depicted as a white man wearing an unbuttoned white shirt and loose black pants tied with a black and white striped belt. Instead of a human head, he has a beige tv displaying a picture of a fluffy white dog holding a waffle in its mouth. Instead of the normal city backdrop, the background has gone dark, leaving only God's sprites and the dialogue visible.
The dialogue reads:
"I didn't say any of this yesterday, and maybe this is just the rum talking, but I want you to know that I see you."
"The others might not, but I do."
"...I see you."
For the last line of dialogue, the two options given for the player to respond with are "...Huh?" and "...Thank you?" /.End ID]
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1-800-scaryphone · 3 months ago
also hmm hmmmm thinking about how some of callum's advice was straight-up "use your hardships to make people feel bad!"
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gingerjolover · 1 year ago
i just wanted to update y'all that i have gotten all of y'alls requests and i am working through them! pls feel free to send ideas my way but i am writing that requests are closed on my masterlist until i catch up
i had a v busy day and then my night did NOT go as planned so i have a few more Halloween mini fics/blurbs to write and then i will be back to normal programming
thanks for your patience and i love u
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(enjoy this portrait of my wife and our child <3)
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riverphoenixsgothwife · 1 year ago
1: zim/ginger. zim realizing he loves ginger and shares a kiss
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gingiesworld · 1 year ago
There is a dark agatha fic in the works dudes!!!
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sweetlittlegingy · 2 years ago
Did We Miss Something
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☑︎Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Sweet Nothings Masterlist
☑︎ Pairing: Jake Seresin x Y/n Seresin (Mitchell)
☑︎ Word Count: 9 k
☑︎ Warnings: Infertility, IVF, Adoption, Dad!Jake, Teacher/Mom!Reader, Kindergarteners, bad foster parents, child neglect, protective Rooster, protective Jake
☑︎ A/n: Holy shit, I had the hardest time writing this. Life has not been kind lately in the school sense and health sense, but I still wanted to give you guys something. Anyone thats stayed with me and is still reading (even after this long extent) thank you and I love you!
☑︎Library (Follow for updates! I no longer have a taglist.)
The sudden weight on your chest stirs you from your slumber, and though the room is dark you make out the little figure clinging on to you. The moonlight just barely lights the room enough for you to clearly see Grayson, well as clearly as sleepy you could see. His hands are clutched to your blanket and the small movement of your hand across his back gets his attention.
“Hi, Sweetpea.” Your voice is groggy though it still causes Gray to nuzzle farther into your chest. “What’s wrong, honey?”
“Laine left me, I got cold.” The words take a moment to register, though when they do you sit up faster than you ever have. Gray is still clutched to your chest, though you tighten your hold on him at the possiblity of Laine disapearing. Your eyes adjust and flitter room, Gray shifts in your hold and holds on to you in silence, waiting. Jake still hadn’t woken up, the man could sleep through a tornado, which he had when you visited his parents last year. It wasn’t a fun experience, to say the least. Just as your arm is about to smack him and make him get up with you, you catch sight of a little ball of blonde hair peeking out from under the blanket, laying on his chest.
A sigh leaves your body as the tension in your shoulders drops and you lay back down, contemplating if you wanted to risk Laine waking up when you moved her or if you should just let the both of them sleep in the bed for the night. You pull Gray farther into your chest as he nuzzles at the soft blanket and his small hand holds onto the hand you have wrapped around him.
You realize that neither of them would be going back to the other room tonight and so, you move Gray to get him under the covers with you. He finds the sleeve of your pjs and holds it, thumb rubbing the material as he falls back to sleep. Jake arms move slightly and for a minute you worry that he’s going to squish Laine. But instead, his arms wrap around her, as he rolls onto his side to face you, they’re both still asleep, yet grasp onto each in a near death grip. The small nuzzle she does against Jake chest, just under his chin fills your heart with a kind of love you feared you would never get.
Your eyes trail down to Gray and even after he’s fallen asleep, he holds on to your shirt. You place a kiss to the crown of his head, before checking the clock. 2:30 you still had 4 hours before you had to get up and as you settle back in the bed, you make a mental note to thank Jake for insisting that you needed a King size bed.
It’s not a random weight that wakes you up this time, but instead a pair of giggles and Gray quietly telling Laine to stop. Your eyes peel open, Gray is still settled by your side and he gives you a tiny smile before cuddling back into you at the realization that you’re awake. Jake and Laine had shifted again through the night, and she once again rests on his chest. Though as you move, her bright blue eyes flash to you, and give you a small smile, before she goes back to tapping on Jake’s nose.
He'd move every so often and the pair would start laughing. It’s during one of their giggling fits that you see Jake’s eyes open. He gives you a quick wink, before pretending to be asleep again. A smile rests on your face as you glance at the alarm clock, you still had 10 minutes before it would go off. It’s only 6:20 and while you knew the twins were morning birds, you hadn’t realized just how early and yet cheerfully they woke up.
A loud squeal from Laine and the small jump Gray does back into your chest, pulls you from your thought. You look over in time to see Jake grabbing Laine and rolling to lay on top of her. He doesn’t put his whole weight on her, though traps her just enough that she’s stuck under him in a fit of giggles. A look of worry and teasing crosses Jake’s face as he looks at you and Grayson.
“Gray have you seen sissy?”
Gray erupts into a fit of giggles while shaking his head, as Laine tries to wiggle out but can’t manage. Jake’s eyes find your own and you’re sure that your smile matches his.
“Darlin’, have you seen Ms. Madelaine?” You laugh at his overexaggerated reaction, as his eye’s pass over her small form more than once. “I just can seem to find my little darlin’ anywhere.”
“Mr. Jake!” She finally gains Jake’s attention, though upon “realization” of where she is, he starts a massive tickle war between the two.
You laugh at the pair, the both of them are identical rays of sunshine in every sense that would cause someone to assume Jake was Laine’s father.  You roll to lay on your back, shifting to pull the blanket up closer to your chest, in hopes to enjoy the last few minutes before your alarm goes off. Your eyes close and when the small form climbs up to lay on your chest and relax with you, you instantly wrap your arms around Gray. Your hand lightly combs through his hair and the small sigh he releases brings you a type of comfort you never knew existed. Your body sinks farther into the bed as Gray’s breath evens out, your own breath slipping in time with his.
You don’t notice as Jake slips from the bed to turn off your alarm and holding onto Laine as he makes his way to the kitchen, leaving the pair of you to get a few more minutes of sleep. 
Jake slowly makes his way down the hallway, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as Madelaine leads the way to the kitchen. Her small blonde curls bounce along the way and the excited squeal she gives when Jake asks if she wants pancakes, has his heart clenching and willing to do anything to hear that kind of joy from her every day.
Jake goes about getting the few ingredients, though the sight of Laine trying to watch but not wanting to get in the way, has him picking her up and sitting her on a part of the counter. Close enough that she could see but was also a safe distance from the stove.
“Alright little lady, Gray and CeCe are resting up, which means we have full control of the kitchen.” The smirk and raised eyebrows that Jake gives Laine, has her give him a look that’s nearly identical.
“Does that mean we can make purple pancakes?” Her eyes are hopeful, though a small flash of doubt crosses her face as if she shouldn’t have asked the question in the first place. Her chin dips slightly, though Jake is quick to tip it back up and give her a smile.
“That is exactly what it means, but we also need to make a special color for Gray.”
“Blue, he loves blue!”
Jake shakes his head with a smile at the small nod of confidence she gives him and gets to work mixing up a batch of pancake mix.
Laine had somehow found her way onto Jake’s hip; she was still small enough that Jake could easily hold her with one arm while cooking with the other. She had been whispering small requests to him as her head laid on his shoulder. Together they had made almost every shape, with and without chocolate chips.
The soft tune of country music floats through the kitchen as the pair drift around the room, not quite dancing together but close enough. With every sway, dip, or turn Jake did caused Laine to break out into a fit of giggles, face tucked into Jake’s neck as her small arms wrap around him.
“Jakey?” Her small voice piped up over the music.
“Yeah, Sweetheart.”
Her small face pulls away far enough that it causes Jake to stop cooking and look at her, giving her his full undivided attention. A single curl falls in front of her face, though before she can try and move it, Jake does. It causes a small smile to break out on her face before she then brushes a “fallen” strand of hair off Jake’s face as well.
“Have you ever rode a horse; like the cowboys in the song?”
The question has Jake laughing at the small error in tense, while also not expecting the question but positive that she was going to love his answer.
“I have.” He pauses as Laine bounces in excitement, eyes wide with wonder as she takes in every word he says. “I grew up on a big farm, with lots of horses and chickens and cattle, babies and mommas.”
“I wanna go, can we go?”
Jake catches himself, more than ready to tell her yes. To have his mom and dad meet them both, to see them experience everything he did and more as a child. Though the reality comes crashing in like a bucket of cold water, and he can only whisper a small maybe against the back of her head as he hugs her.
The sound of Grayson has Madelaine wiggling and slipping from Jake’s hip to nearly crash into Gray as he rounds the corner. Jake catches the sight of Laine adjusting Gray’s glasses, before muttering a quiet sorry for knocking into him.
Jake’s eye’s float up as he sees you coming to rest against the wall behind the twins, Laine grabs Gray’s hand and pulls him to the table and the pile of purple and blue pancakes.
The smile that Jake gives you barely reaches his eyes, as he watches the twins. Your quick to find home behind him and wrap your arms around his waist. You sway gently as your hands hold one another and you place a soft kiss against his shirt between his shoulder blades. The music drifts through the kitchen and has the twins wiggling in their seats as they eat. The morning sun shines through the kitchen window and casts them both is a glowing light that almost feels like a call from the universe.
Jake turns in your hold, ducking down to give you a kiss before you have a chance to ask why it looks like he wants to cry. The round of giggles that break out causes you and Jake to separate, to find both Laine and Gray making kissy faces at you. The pair go back to eating while Jake flips off the stove and leans back on the counter holding you.
“He’s never that expressive,” an overwhelming sigh rolls through your body as you sink farther into Jake’s hold. “not even at the school with just Laine and I.”
Jake hums against the curve of your neck, placing a gentle kiss against it. His voice is barely a whisper against your neck, though you can hear the pain coated words perfectly.
“I forgot for a minute, just before you came in.” It’s your turn to hum, a wordless way of telling him to go on. “Laine asked me if I had ever ridden a horse, and when I told her yes, oh baby, her smile was the sweetest thing I’d even seen.”
“They do have the sweetest smiles.” Your voice holds a lightness that eases the tension in Jake’s shoulders. “I told her about Mom and Dad’s place, and when she said she wanted to go, I damn near promised that we would.”
His voice catches and has you turning your head to look up at him, you place a gentle kiss on his jawline, before whispering a small I know. Neither of you needed to say how much the reality of getting to be with the twins for only the weekend rocked you to your cores. They had only been with you for a night and yet somehow it felt like they had been here forever.
Your hands trace along Jake’s arms, before looking up at the clock. You needed to go to the school prior to heading to base, just to make sure that everyone knew where they were going and to get a head count.
“Alright you two, we need to get dressed so we aren’t late.” You get small nods in reply as they both place their plates in the sink and come to stand in front of you and Jake. Your hand racks through Laine’s hair, the bundle of blonde curls a mess atop her head.
“Come on sweet girl, let’s go fix your hair before we get dressed.” Laine grabs your hand, and you give hers a small squeeze before you head to your bathroom. You glance back as you make your way to the hallway to check on Gray, though Jake’s already got him lifted up as the pair talk.
You had done two small buns in Laine’s hair per her request, before doing your own hair and makeup. She was entranced by you as you put on a coat of lipstick, before giving her a smile.
“You’re pretty.”
Your heart swells at her words and the childlike whisper they hold. You gently raise your hand and brush it across her cheek, before delicately booping her nose and earning you a giggle.
“I think you’re pretty.”
Your words have her shyly smiling and cause you to lift her chin, to place a small kiss on the crown of her head. Her hands twist the tulle of her pink skirt; the baby pink is a harsh contrast against the navy-blue shirt she has on. Though she had insisted on wearing it, and you couldn’t say no. Plus you were excited to see Jake’s face when he realized that the shirt, was in fact, the one that he had boughten all those weeks ago. How she had snuck hers and Gray’s shirts into her bag was beyond you, though you didn’t care to question it.
Her legs wiggle on the bathroom counter as you put away the few elastics and hairbrush before you grasp onto her waist and lift her to the ground. Her hand finds yours again, as the pair of you walk out to find Grayson and Jake. You find your way to the smaller second bathroom, where Gray sits on a stool in front of the mirror as Jake combs his hair back.
They don’t notice you for a moment as you stay outside in the hall and quietly listen to Grayson ask questions about Jake’s plane. It's when you hear Jake mention letting Gray sit in the F-18, that Madelaine makes your presence known.
“I wanna sit in it too!”
She gains both of the boy’s attention, while Gray finds you instantly and gives you a small smile. Jake eye's land on Madeline as she does a small spin and the biggest smile breaks across his lips. He helps Gray down from the stool and gives him a small wink that makes Gray giggle as he comes to your side.
Another high-pitched giggle echoes in the small bathroom as Jake lifts Laine and settles her on his hip again. He stares down at her shirt, before placing a kiss on the crown of her head.
“Jakey, you don’t think I look silly? I wanted to dress up,” her hands gently flare out the tule skirt. “but had to wear my plane shirt.”
Jake’s hand comes to brush against the small bows in her hair, causing her to lean farther into him. “You look perfect, my little darlin’.”
He instantly has her perking up, while you feel a small finger poke at the side of your leg and look down to see Gray wiggling his nose before his finger motions for you to come down. You bend down as you give the small boy a smile, as he gets onto his tippy toes to lean closer to your ear.
“Could we maybe ride with Mr. Jake?” He pauses and Jake looks down at you in question, though you patiently wait for Gray to continue.
It’s when you feel his fingers start to twist in your shirt you pull away to look at him. He doesn’t lift his eyes to look at you, but you’re fairly certain you know what’s going on. You twist on the ball of your feet so Gray is standing directly in front of you before you lean in now to whisper to him.
“Are you worried about everyone crowding the planes?”
Your hand had found its way to the side of his face, and the small nod he gives you makes your heart ache. You knew that Gray had severe anxiety and would most likely be attached to you all day. You also knew how excited he was and that he was only trying to find a way that he could see the planes, but not be surrounded with excited children.
“Sweetheart,” Gray stays close to your side as you look up at Jake, who had been listening to Laine talk her little heart out. “Gray would like to know if he and Laine can ride with you to the base?” You would tell Jake about Gray being worried when he wasn’t listening and hope that your eyes are conveying enough information to Jake that he doesn’t question it.
“That what you want, bud?” Gray looks up when he hears Jake and gives him a small smile with a quiet ‘yes please.’ Laine finally slows her babbling about different sea animals, as she realizes that they would now be riding with Jake while you went and got the other kids sorted. Her smile widens immensely as she looks at Jake and gives him a small smirk, replying to Gray for him.
“That’s a great idea, Gray! That way we can keep track of Jakey and make sure that we get to see all the cool stuff, that nobody else sees.”
You stifle a laugh and look at Jake, who looks slightly stunned at the little firecracker in his arms. Gray bounces on his toes lightly, fully agreeing with his sister and no longer caring if Jake says yes.
Jake clears his throat before setting Laine on the ground, “Right you two, go get your bags.” The pair gives you a small smile before they are heading down the hall, chattering excitedly about everything they are going to see. Jake’s hand wraps around your waist and pulls you in. Your hands rest against his chest as Jake places a small kiss on your neck.
“You know she reminds be a lot of this self-assured, slightly cocky pilot I know.” Jake hums in your neck before nipping you, causing you to laugh.
“Just wait till she gets ahold of Chicken.” He pulls away from your neck looking at you with a teasing smirk. “It’s gonna be like a sneak attack, a miniature Hangman to give him hell.”
You pat his chest shaking your head at his and Bradley's never-ending antics against one another. Just last week Bradley had stolen the lunch you packed. It would have been fine, but it was a Wednesday. Meaning that Bradley had not only stolen the taco soup you made Jake, but stolen the brownies you made for his mid-week treat. Jake had been looking for the perfect way to get back at Bradley since.
“Don’t let her rip into him too much, Gray is there to be the counterweight.” You both laugh at that, they truly did even each other out. Jake leans in to kiss you, before pulling away and heading out the find the twins. The three of them congregate at the front door, as Jake double-checks that each of them has their water bottles and bags. You smile at the sight; he might have been a cocky asshole sometimes. But when he loved, he loved hard, and the sight before you was pure Seresin love and pride.
“Alright, darlin’ we will see you in a bit.”
Each of the twins yell goodbye; Laine blows you a kiss, while Gray waves, before Jake ushers them out and down the drive. They could do the smallest things, and yet still steal your heart.
The drive to base had been easy enough, each of the kids had gotten buckled in their booster seats without a fuss and Laine had once again requested for control of the music. Jake was not at all surprised when the same playlist that had been playing in the kitchen this morning echoed through the speakers. Letting the little girl wiggle in her seat, as she hummed along, singing a word every now and then if she knew them.
Jake had kept the music low, so he could still talk to the kids and answer any questions they might have. The Laine had asked a few questions along the way, mostly pertaining to who all would be there and if they were nice. Jake had assured her that the team would love them and that you and Jake had already told them about the twins.
Gray on the other hand had really been the chatterbox surprisingly. He had listed off facts that he knew about planes while asking for confirmation every now and then from Jake. Gray might have been on the shy side, but Jake couldn’t have been more thankful for this alone time with him. When it came to planes and anything related to the squadron, Gray lit up and his small shell became practically non-existent.
Jake slows the truck into a parking spot near the main office, while he would usually park closer to the separate building for Top Gun classes, he knew that you would be coming to the front office first. The dagger squad was supposed to be leading the tour, but you wanted to see your dad, as well as double-check with Cyclone that bringing the kids was okay.
Jake turns around in his seat after he puts the truck in park, looking over his two smiling blonde carbon copies. His sunglasses sit on the bridge of his nose and the khaki uniform would have fooled anyone into thinking that today was a normal day. That Jake Seresin was back on base, that Hangman was in his natural habitat and about to school his students in how they couldn’t fly for shit.
But the smile that rested just below the glasses was not the smirk that usually rested on Hangman’s face. No, Jake Seresin had a full-blown smile on his face and looked beyond the part of an excited father that was getting to share an important part of his life with the munchkins he loved.
“We ready?”
Laine gives Jake a strong nod, followed by an even surer ‘yup.’ While Gray gives a smaller ‘yes.’ Jake helps Laine get out of the truck as her eyes flash around the base taking in everything, quietly assessing the few people she sees walking around while staying safely next to Jake. Before Jake can help Gray down, he stops him, hands sitting on Gray’s small waist trying to gauge how he was feeling. You had texted Jake on the drive and he had quickly read the message just after parking.  
His heart ached for the small boy as your words echoed in his mind, “If he needs to, just let him cling onto your leg. He’ll ground himself but just needs support. He hasn’t had a panic attack lately, but he usually can calm down with deep breathing and eye contact. Also, try not to let Laine see if he has one, it sends her into her own spiral of worry.” 
“Bud,” His icy blue eyes find Jake’s green ones, timid and worried. “you’ve got nothing to worry about. I’ll be with you the whole time.” Gray’s eyes soften as he stares at Jake, silently assessing if he could actually trust Jake. Jake gives him a small smile, which causes Gray to return one before giving Jake a nod. Jake lifts him from the truck placing Gray at his side, before locking the truck.
Laine grabs one of Jake’s hands, while Grayson takes the other and Jake gives him a small squeeze which earns a smile. Jake’s eyes then find the small spitfire that holds his hand in a death grip, tightening her small hand every time she got excited.
“Darin’ what did we talk about on the way here?” Jake’s tone is teasing and the sneaky smile the Madelaine gives looks like pure trouble.
“That mustache man’s name is Rooster, but I get to call him Chicken.” Jake gives her a look that is silently saying ‘and?’ “and if anyone asks, 'specially Ms. CeeCee, I did not hear it from you.”
A self-assured smirk rests on Jake’s face, and he gives her a quick wink followed by a “that’s my girl.”
Her hand tightens around Jake’s and a smile breaks across her face at the words. She follows his actions with her own, a small wink is aimed back at Jake that fills him with pride, as well as a tiny bit of excitement. He couldn’t help it if the prospect of having a mini hangman around caused him to make sure that trouble ensued.
The three of them cut across the lawn, making their way inside to find the rest of the squadron. Jake knew that you wouldn’t get here until 9:30 or so, depending on how bad the traffic was. Madelaine bounces up the front steps, while Gray remains by Jake’s side and quietly looks at everything. There weren’t main people in the main build, hell the group never usually hung out in the “main” rec room, but instead made the one in the west wing their designated spot.
Jake watches as Laine jitters in excitement, stopping when they walk through the doors and trying to contain her excitement. Jake laughs at the small girl and while he wouldn’t normal do what he was about to, there wasn’t anyone around at for her to upset.
The name instantly has her beaming at Jake, waiting for him to talk.
“You see that glass door all the way at the end of the hall?” She looks to where Jake is pointing, causing Gray to peek around from Jake’s leg to look as well. “Chicken should be down in that room, why don’t you go say hi. Gray and I will be down in just a minute.”
The words leave Jake’s mouth and without a reply she takes off down the hall, making sure not to run, even though she clearly wants to. Jake eyes watch as she gets to the door and goes in, before turning to Gray who is still holding Jake’s hand but has pulled away just a bit to look through the glass cases lining the walls.
Jake slides up behind him, before crouching down to talk to the little blue eyed blonde. Jake doesn’t say anything as he lets Gray look, seeing the way his eyes squint, before leaning up closer to glass. When Gray turns back around to look at Jake, the small boy gives him a smile before adjusting his glasses.
“It’s an F-14.” It’s not a question but a statement and has Jake leaning closer to the case to see the picture that Grayson was in fact talking about. A wide smile and laugh falls from Jake as his arms wrap around Gray to hold close, before picking him up.
“What other one’s can you see?”
A mirroring smile breaks out on Grayson’s face as Jake moves with him to another photo. Each answer has Jake’s heart filling with pride as he looks at the small boy is astonishment and wonder. Slowly they make their way around the case, Gray sits on Jake’s hip with one arm holding onto Jake’s neck. A small smile breaks across his face every time that Jake praises him.
“That’s Ms. CeeCee’s daddy.”
Jake stops to look at the picture Gray is pointing at, to find the one of Maverick and Commander Kazansky. He pulls back even more astonished, “How’d you know that, bud?”
“Ms. CeeCee has that picture on her desk; she told me.” 
Before Jake can reply, the sound of a squeal followed by laughter has Jake setting Gray down after he tells him that they could look again later. Gray's hand fits perfectly in Jake's as the small boy gives him a chipper okay before heading to the rec room.
It was too early, it might have been 8:30 in the morning, which was not early at all. But for a day that they had off, none of them wanted to get up. They technically didn’t officially have the day off, but they were only supposed to be showing your group of kindergartens around.
Which they were all very excited about, but Rooster had made it known to everyone that you should have planned for later in the morning. The occasional muttered words of you being a little shit and that you purely picked the time because you were a terror of a little sister, had the group laughing. Enjoying the show of his discontent, while his head hung off the side of the couch.
Honestly, Rooster was the only one complaining. The morning was not going in his favor, not at all like the way he had planned when he woke up this morning.
You see, Rooster had a coffee shop that he got coffee from every single morning, like religiously. Not only was the coffee good, but there was a barista that Rooster had a crush on and per Phoenix's advice, Rooster had decided to try and get her number.
After pinning away at the poor girl for 3 months he was finally gonna make a move. Said plan had gone to absolute shit, he had ordered his regular order, and everything was fine. It was a normal morning, his hair looked good and he had a little bit of pep in his step.
The plan to simply ask her out when he was getting his coffee from her was solid. He had planned what he would say, planned how to ask for her number, and even thought of a few dumb jokes that might have gotten her to laugh. Though after she had handed him his coffee he completely froze; his mind had become a vast land of waste.
She had given him the sweetest smile and her voice was so light and sweet, that he had completely frozen. The only words that made it past his lips were, a word that slightly sounded like a slurred ‘you’re’ followed by ‘pretty.’
She gave him a small giggle and smile, as Rooster’s face had gone completely red. He'd gotten her to laugh, just at his own idiotic expense. Before she could say anything, he had hightailed it out of the door.
Leaving him to now, surrounded by the team as each of them poked fun at him. Phoenix had known that today was the day and asked about it first thing when she saw him. The shade of red that once again cover his face, told the squad all that they needed to know. It was out of love, Rooster knew that but how had he gone from a sweet-talking ladies’ man to barely being able to speak. He couldn't believe it and the squad made sure to place they comment of how to fix it, if he ever got the nerve to show his face to her again.
So, when a small little blonde girl with bows in her hair and a bright pink tutu looking skirt, showed up in the room everyone had instantly stopped what they were doing.
Madelaine wasn’t a shy child; no, she was more so the child that everyone knew was coming. She wasn’t a bad child, but she did have a lot of energy and the confidence of a grown man. A bull in a China hut as Jake's mother liked to call it. Explaining to you when you first met them, that when you had children to be prepared for miniature Seresins.
Laine's eyes moved around the room slowly, looking at each of them. Coyote had seen a picture of the twins that you had on your phone and knew who she was, but everyone else didn’t have clue. Sure, you and Jake talked about them, but no one had ever seen them.
No one says anything as she looks around, finding Phoenix, and giving her a massive smile. She then finds Bob, sitting quietly next to Phoenix and the small tilt of Laine’s head while she looks at Bob causes him to worry slightly. Bob’s eyes flash to Phoenix as the small girl starts walking toward him, how had such a small human have the presence of a grown man with a massive ego. Like Hangman size ego.
“My bubba has glasses like you.”
No one had been prepaid for how soft and gentle her voice was, taking that into consideration made her extremely less intimidating.
“Oh yeah?”
She gives Bob a small ‘yep’ before looking around the room. The sight of Rooster laying back on the couch, just barely paying attention to the small girl, has a massive smile breaking across her face. She slowly moves closer to Rooster, acting as if she didn't want to spook him away. Her tiny form comes to stand over the man as he lies on the couch, assessing the way his eyes move to meet her own. Her eyebrow cocks slightly in consideration before she spins around to look back at Bob.
“He the only one with a mustache?”
The question confuses the whole group as they all watch, eyes bouncing off one another in question. Where had she come from, and if she was one of your students, why weren’t you with her. Bob nods in confirmation and the wide smile that breaks across her face has him smiling in return. Phoenix and Bob share a look as Laine looks between the pair, giving them another smile that makes her look as sweet as honey, before turning around to find Rooster.
He had sat up when she had asked Bob the question and now as she stares at him, he’s unsure of what to do. That is until her small hand juts out to Rooster, clearly looking for a handshake. Rooster grasps her small hand skeptically, unsure of what the hell is going on.
“I’m Madelaine, it’s nice to meet you, Chicken.”
The words that leave her lips have his mouth dropping open, while a round of laughter breaks out around him. The reaction has Laine laughing too before she gives Rooster another smile. Slapping on the sweet and innocent act hard now.
“Sweetheart, who are you here with?” Phoenix seems to be the only one that can calm her laughter, the sight of a small girl wandering around the base had her worried and anxious about why such a small child would be alone.
Though before she can answer, Jake and Gray make their way into the room.
“Jakey, I met Chicken.”
The whole room turns to see a beaming Jake Seresin, holding the hand of a little boy. Though he drops his hand for a moment, as Laine runs to him to be picked up. Her arms wrap around his neck before he places a kiss on the crown of her head and takes hold of Gray’s hand that had grasped onto his belt for the moment.
The sight in front of them causes the whole room to pause momentarily, when had Hangman become a father. Because looking at the set of three and how they shared almost every physical feature, other than eye color, it appeared like you and Jake had children that you had been hiding for five years.
The sight doesn’t faze Javy as he’s the first one to make his way over and officially meet the twins. Laine gives Javy a big smile, while Gray remains glued to Jake, only giving Javy a small wave. Jake runs a hand through Grayson’s hair, comforting the small boy, who was clearly overwhelmed given the current circumstances.
“Alright, I guess we better do introductions. I’ve got promises to fulfill before Y/n gets here.”
Gray pops up at the mention of getting to see the planes, while Laine is already buzzing with excitement.
“This is Miss Madelaine," The small girl lifts her head from its resting place in the crook of Jake's neck to smile at the surrounding group. "and this is my new wingman Grayson.” Gray's eyes flitter around the room, not holding contact with anyone before looking back up at Jake.
Jake winks down at Gray who smiles brightly at him, happy to have the show of care and love. Everyone comes forward for introductions, each of them excited to meet the children that had consumed your and Jake’s life. 
Phoenix can’t seem to get enough of them, especially Grayson who can’t stop smiling at the pilot as she talks to him. Jake watches as she tells Gray something, before taking him to talk to Bob. Bob's mention of his glasses has Grayson smiling bigger than any of the other pilots had gotten him too.
Laine teases Rooster again as she rests in Jake's hold, though blushes and hides in Jake’s neck when he teases her back. Though Payback and Fanboy gain Laine’s attention at the mention of going to the beach. She is quick to wiggle down from Jake's hold and rush over to the couch with the two pilots. The pair ask her if she likes the ocean and cause her to go on a tangent about the sea.
“No, really! Dolphins are the meanies of the ocean, look it up.”
Her hands rest on her hips as she says it, waiting for Fanboy to check and smiling triumphantly when he reads an article about it. Jake shakes his head at the girl, looking at Gray who had found his way back to Jake’s side after talking to Bob.
“You ready to go, Bud?” Jake’s hand brushes a piece of gelled hair back from Gray’s face, and though he doesn’t realize it, the whole room watches in shock at how loving and gentle Jake is with the boy.
“Yes, please. Bob said he’s a weapons system operator, can he come with us? He said he would show me his controls.”
Jake nods as he sends Grayson to go tell Bob to come on. His heart swells as he watches Gray happily run to Bob across the room. This was the most public interaction that he had seen from the small boy and though Jake hadn’t been around them a lot before, you had told him how shy Gray was in public.
“Little darlin’?” Laine spins around happily when Jake calls her, leaving her lesson about the ocean with Fanboy to listen to Jake. “Wanna go see my plane?”
“And sit in it?”
“That’s what I promised, wasn’t it?”
Jake’s tone is teasing and has Laine running from the couch over to Jake after telling Payback and Fanboy that she would tell them more later. Grayson and Bob appear still talking about different planes, though he doesn’t reach out to grab Jake’s hand. Gray checks to make sure that Jake is by him, making eye contact as a silent confirmation that Jake wasn’t leaving him, before focusing back on Bob.
“We got about 45 minutes until y/n gets here and I promised these two that they could see the planes early. So, if you wanna come, lets go.”
Laine is the first one slipping from the rec room, hand attached to Jake’s as she looks around. Bob and Gray had found a safe pace right behind Jake, staying close but also allowing Gray a baby step toward space if he wanted. Jake hadn’t expected each of the pilots to get up and head to the hangar with him, to be honest, though if it was him in their place he would have come too.
Gray hadn’t stopped talking about the different planes and unbeknownst to him, the small boy had now gained the attention of all the pilots. Javy had made it to the front of the group to walk with Jake and Laine. Not expecting the spitfire to grasp onto his hand, but gladly accepts her hold. Though Javy quickly learns that Laine always seems to have ulterior motives, as she bats her eyelashes and sweetly asks if he and Jakey would swing her. A laugh falls from both Jake and Javy as the pair look at each other, before Jake silently shrugs his shoulders. Looking back at the small girl; the smile on her face was one that he couldn’t tell no.
And so, with every couple of steps, Jake and Javy had Madelaine swinging up off the ground. The small squeals of delight gain the attention of the few younger pilots that Jake recognized as students.  Though no one in the squad pays them any mind, solely focusing on the two small bundles of joy.
Rooster and Phoenix walk slightly slower than the group, still a part of it but back far enough that they could talk just between the pair of them. The sight of Hangman and Coyote swinging Madelaine doesn’t go unnoticed, as well as the small glances back that Hangman makes every so often to check on Gray.
“Are you seeing this?” Roosters tone is skeptical, he surely wouldn’t believe what was occurring right in front of him if he wasn’t witnessing it.
“I know, I can’t believe how much Gray knows about planes.”
Rooster all but stops in his tracks as he deadpans at Phoenix, mouth open and closing slightly, gapping like a fish. Phoenix hadn’t even noticed Rooster's harsh stop, too focused on listening to Gray list off statistics from a P-41, though the over-exaggerated hand movement finally gets her attention.
“No, Nat! I mean Hangman; when has he ever smiled as much as he is?”
“He smiles like that with Y/n.”
A frustrated huff leaves Rooster's chest and he can’t seem to figure out why no one else can see what he sees. That Hangman had turned into a gummy bear and more than he normally was with you. They looked like mini Sereins and Jake treated them like they were his. Hell, Madelaine was a damn copy of the cocky pilot all the way down to her attitude.
Phoenix notices Rooster’s baffled face and slows slightly, causing the group to separate from them further. Her lips form into a harsh line, as she raises her eyebrow slightly at Rooster, though the pilot seems to not have a clue about what he did wrong.
“I know that we give Jake a hard time, we all throw jokes, but don’t question this.” Rooster’s eyes flick toward the group and then back at Phoenix. “We all know how long they’ve been trying Roo; if this is what Y/n and Jake need then we support them. If this somehow turns into something more, we support them.”
The mention of you and Jake struggling with infertility has the smile on Rooster’s face dropping as he gives Phoenix a solum nod in understanding. Rooster had been a major person that you and Jake leaned on throughout it.
It had only happened a couple times with Jake while on base, and Rooster hadn’t heisted in taking over the class and letting Jake have a few moments. For you, Rooster had seen the sobs wreak havoc through your body and felt the hopelessness of only being able to hold you. He was your big brother and seeing you so broken, without a way to help, killed him.
The pair of them catch up to the group easily, as they had stopped to let the twins look at a jet taking off from the runway in the distance. Grayson was mesmerized and hadn’t taken his off of it till he could no longer see the plane. Madelaine had somehow landed back in Jake’s arms, as he pointed out on the horizon.
The sound of a small ‘wow’ gains Jake’s attention and has him looking down at Gray, who is already staring back at him.
“I wanna do that someday.”
Gray grabs back onto Jake’s free hand as he looks back out to see if any other jets were taking off. Though Jake’s eyes can’t seem to leave the small boy. Jake knew that Gray loved planes; but to see him look up at Jake and tell him those exact words that he had muttered to his father at such a young age, caused his eyes to gloss over and promise himself that he would do anything in his power to make sure Gray’s dream came true.
“How do I look?” The words are muffled behind the mask as Laine’s head sways slightly under the weight of Jake’s helmet. Her small form looks even smaller sitting in the cockpit of Jake’s plane and Jake can’t but want to talk a picture.
“You look perfect, darlin’. Smile for me, Ms. CeeCee is gonna want to see this.”
A giggle breaks from her chest as the widest smile covers her face. The round of giggle’s that breaks from her chest has Phoenix and Coyote laughing, even more so when she pokes her tongue out at Jake for a “funny pose.”
“Come on sweetpea, it’s time to let Gray have a turn.”
Jake unclips the side of the mask from his helmet, before moving to lift Madelaine out of the seat. One of her arms wrap around Jake’s neck, while the other holds his helmet secure on her head still. Jake sets her down on the steps, watching as Coyote takes her small hand and helps her down. Once safely on the ground Jake’s eyes flash up to look for Gray, though neither him nor Bob are anywhere in sight.
Jake chuckles as he makes his way down the steps, already positive that they’re in the second hangar where Phoenix and Bob’s jet resides. Both Fanboy and Payback had gone missing as well, no doubt with Gray as they couldn’t seem to hear enough about the different facts he knew.
“Gray and the boys went to our hanger.” Jake nods along to Phoenix, looking out to find Laine chasing Rooster.
“I figured,” Jake's helmet sways with every turn Laine makes, though she doesn’t falterer as she tries to ware Rooster down. “Little darlin’, come on we're going to go find bubba.”
Both Rooster and Madelaine stop to listen to Jake, while Rooster seems plenty happy to no longer be running, a small pout forms on Laine’s lips as she looks back up at Rooster.
“Chicken,” The name makes Rooster laugh, before lowering down to the small girl. Her voice lowers, so much so that he can barely hear her. “can I have a piggyback ride?”
Rooster’s smile falters momentarily, not liking how she looks down and the drop of her voice in worry. Rooster is gentle as he tips back Laine’s chin, the small frown residing on her face melts away when Rooster gives her a massive smile.
“Of course, you can.” His hand reaches out and tickles at Laine, causing another round of giggles accompanied by a full smile to break out. “Who am I to deny the princess.”
Jake silently watches as Rooster slowly gets Madelaine to open up, his chest tightening at the pair. She hadn’t told Jake anything when she had climbed into bed with him this morning, her small whimpering form had woken him up as she sat quietly at the side of the bed clutching the blanket you picked out for them.
The tears streaming down her face felt like a punch to the gut and when Jake opened his arms for her, she was instantly up and falling into them. Quiet shush’s and humming had calmed her and had her asleep in no time.
He didn’t know everything that the twins had been through, there was only so much that you could tell him when you weren’t positive of what all the twins had been through yourself. But after last night, Jake knew that letting Janice and Ed take them back at the end of the week was going to be one of the hardest things he would go through.
How could Jake willingly let two children go back into a house that he wasn’t even sure was safe? Not taking into account what the twins had shown or said, Jake wouldn’t have liked or approved of the foster parents anyway. He knew the moment that they came in to sign the paperwork this week, that they weren’t housing the kids out of love.
The small nudge against Jake’s shoulder has him leaving Rooster and Laine, to find a worried Phoenix looking at him. You and Phoenix were close and talked about everything under the sun, though he wasn’t sure what all you had told her. And he, well he only ever told Javy and Rooster sometimes, what was bothering him. More often than not he told Javy or just waited until he could talk to you.
You were Jake’s safe place, you understood and loved him when everyone else only saw him as an asshole. You knew the real Jake, the one that was vulnerable and worried that he wasn’t enough. That somehow, in some way he would disappoint you and his parents.
“You, okay?” the question rings out and causes Jake to question if he wanted to venture down that spiral right now.
“All good Phe, just trying to figure out some stuff.”
She gives him an apprehensive smile, though doesn’t prod, and follows him out to find the boys in the second hanger. Laine bounces with each step Rooster takes on his shoulders with Jake's helmet still sitting upon her head. It doesn’t take long for Laine to reach out for Jake as he gets closer, wanting to be back in his arms. The small girl slips from Rooster’s hold, and down into Jake’s awaiting arms. Jake's hand rubs gently at Laine’s back as she tightens her hold on his neck and nuzzles in deeper.
Jake slips his phone from his pocket to see a message from you, stating that you were 15 minutes away and asking how the twins were fairing. He quickly types back a response, before finding Gray up in Phoenix and Bob's plane, the others crowding around the base listening to Gray ask questions about the different parts that Bob knows like the back of his hand.
Laine wiggles in his hold, before quietly whispering in Jake’s ear that she would like to go see where Phoenix flies. Jake sets the small girl down and watches as she makes a beeline for the group. Fanboy helps her up the stairs and the pair giggle together, giving Bob wide smiles as he takes a picture of them.
Jake stays back, quietly watching the squadron accept the twins like they had been born into the group. Jake sees Bob pocket his phone after taking a few more pictures. Jakes calls out to him, telling Bob that he would appreciate it if he would send him the pictures. Jake gets a thumbs up, though isn’t looking at Bob long because the sight of the twins peeking over the side of the cockpit with their tongues out has him smiling.
Rooster comes to stand beside Jake, as Bob helps the twins get out and to the ground. Jake’s eyes leave the pair to look at Rooster, who still hasn’t taken his eyes off the twins.
“So, these two going to be making me an uncle?”  Rooster says it with a laugh, making sure that Jake knows that he is open to anything and doesn’t hold any contempt toward this newfound possibility of Jake and your growing family.
“I don’t know, and I can’t get mine or y/n hopes up.” A deep sigh falls from Jake's lips that finally causes Rooster to look at him. “But I know that whatever happens, I won’t be letting go of them unless it’s for a situation that would be better and more loving than what we can give them.”
“I’m guessing you’re referring to their current situation, that Javy mentioned?”
Jake’s jaw clenches at the mention of Janice and Ed. The pain of not knowing what exactly is going on but knowing that it’s enough to cause the twins to show signs of at least emotional abuse, if not more. If he found out that it ever was more, Jake wasn’t sure if there would be anyone that could stop him from settling up on behalf of the twins.
The chatter coming from the runway gains Rooster’s and Jake’s attention to see you with Mav and a group of children and a few parents. The chatter gains the twin's attention and has them setting off for you, in squeals of delight while still wearing Jake and Bob’s helmets.
The sight of you dropping to your knees to hug the pair makes Rooster’s breath catch. He watches you introduce the pair to Mav, who immediately lifts a smiling Madelaine as she talks about her helmet. Gray settles at your side, holding onto your belt loop as you introduce the group of pilots that make their way over.
“Guess that settles it.” Rooster’s voice is warm but holds a harsh tone that gains back Jake’s attention.
“They're a part of our family now.” Rooster’s gaze finally breaks from the group to look at Jake, as Jake watches an emotion cross Rooster’s face that he had only ever witnessed a few times. Those times being, when talking about his parents, after an asshole at the Hard Deck grabbed you, and the day of the Uranium mission after almost losing Mav. “I’ve had my family broken apart once, I won’t let it happen to you and y/n. And I sure as hell won’t let it happen to those two.”
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keter-class-anomaly · 2 years ago
I’m going to kidnap The Characters and make them live in my head so I can write their dialogue correctly
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nebu-lime · 2 years ago
This just in, reports of a second chapter for my Dialtown fic!
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1-800-scaryphone · 1 year ago
@mute-call ❤’d! ( for norm! )
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❝ Alright, I feel MUCH less sorry after hearin' ya speak again. ❞
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gingerjolover · 1 year ago
thinking about you today mama g, hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself <3
hi baby!
thank you all for reaching out and for the encouragement, i have a kidney stone:(
as soon as i pass it and am not peeing every 5 minutes i will be posting, i miss you all sm!!!!!
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riverphoenixsgothwife · 1 year ago
and another i like to rq is ginger and zim making out at the bus after the show, with ginger praising him :)
really cute request!! i’m so sorry, i realized just now that i got that praising part backwards. i can change it if you’d like! https://archiveofourown.org/works/50788849/chapters/133470157
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