#ginger cookie hot cocoa
lunchcase · 2 years
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The Modern Gourmet: Gourmet Hot Cocoa Mixes, Ginger Cookie flavour
Location: it’s an automatic machine they’ve placed around campus
Price: $3????? CAD???? i forgot lol 
My uni recently got these automatic coffee machines (also sells tea, hot chocolate, and french vanilla I think?) that they’ve scattered around the campus, which is pretty convenient for buildings far from any of the usual coffee places. Though honestly, nothing is that far from the usual coffee places. We pretty much have a coffee place / station every building, bar maybe two, but now there’s various access points along the way! The caffeine intake in this school, and likely all post-secondary institutions, educational or otherwise, run worryingly high. Which is to say, our society runs on various forms of caffeine. I’ve never had that desperate need for coffee so many around me have expressed, so I’m deeply interested to know what happens if all caffeine suddenly runs out like, tomorrow. Idk, can an avid coffee drinker confirm they do indeed actually feel terrible without coffee? Because I always thought it was just a fun exaggeration.
Anyway, machine looks alright I guess. Cups at the side of different sizes, sugar and stirrers below it, lids below the cups. The machine itself is pretty intuitive to use, and it would have been pretty sleek too in any space if it didn’t show adverts when not in use, and also humans. Is the machine trying to be approachable and friendly by displaying a person? If anything I find it actually creepier, and would rather have a coffee mascot pokemon thing to needlessly guide me through the drink process.
Okay anyway, the drink. I definitely smell the sweet sweet spice. It’s not bad, but definitely reminiscent of store bought generic chocolate powder mixed with hot water, which I guess is exactly what hot chocolate is? It’s no pizazz. It’s straight up, down to earth, “this will get me through the day” chocolate version of hard liquor. Don’t quote me on that.
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plushefemme · 10 months
"innocent" housewife feeder concepts- holidays edition ❄️
making the most hearty, butter and cream-laden foods, it's cold out, you need food that'll stick to your ribs and keep you warm
packing a thermos full of rich creamy hot cocoa with your lunch every day
trying SOOO many recipes for various holiday gatherings and i make you my official taste-tester (but you end up having more than a taste, we can't let it go to waste!)
constant baking- endless batches of holiday cookies, bars, brownies, cakes, pies from scratch with all-butter crust.... i offer that you take some of the extras to share with your coworkers but you scarf half of them in the car, i've slowly worn down your willpower and you just can't resist
i take you shopping to get new winter clothes because you've way outgrown last year's, although i insist it's only because i love to see you in a nice new fuzzy sweater
movie marathons, cuddling under blankets on the couch with snacks and eggnog, and i can't keep my hands off your full, softening belly
once i've figured out your all-time favorite holiday treats i make sure there's a constant supply available
and of course, lots of TLC after you've overindulged at a party, peppermint tea, ginger, so many belly rubs, plus shortbread cookies and homemade bread to help "settle your stomach"....
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Writing Reference: Food History
10,000 - almonds, cherries, bread, flour, soup
8,000 - wheat ⚜ 7,000 - wine, beer, pistachios, pig, goat, sheep, lard
6,500 - cattle domestication, apples ⚜ 6,000 - tortilla, dates, maize
5,000 - honey, ginger, quinoa, avocados, potatoes, milk, yogurt
4,000 - focaccia, watermelons, grapes, pomegranates
3,200 - chicken domestication ⚜ 3,000 - butter, onion, garlic, apricots
2,737 - tea ⚜ 2,500 - olive oil, seaweed, duck ⚜ 2,300 - saffron
2,000 - peaches, liquorice, marshmallow, pasta, ham, sesame seeds
1,500 - chocolate, vanilla ⚜ 1,200 - sugar ⚜ 1,000 - mangoes, oats, pickles
900 - pears, tomatoes ⚜ 700 - cinnamon ⚜ 600 - bananas, poppy seeds
500 - artichokes ⚜ 400 - pastries, appetizers, vinegar
300 - parsley ⚜ 200 - turkeys, asparagus, rhubarb ⚜ 65 - quince
1st—13th Century
1st Century - chestnuts, lobster, crab, shrimp, truffles, blueberries, raspberries, capers, kale, blood (as food), fried chicken, foie gras, French toast, omelettes, rice pudding, flan, cheesecake, pears in syrup
3rd Century - lemons ⚜ 5th - pretzels ⚜ 6th - eggplant
7th Century - spinach, kimchi ⚜ 9th - coffee, nutmeg
10th Century - flower waters, Peking duck, shark's fin soup
11th Century - baklava, corned beef, cider, lychees, seitan
12th Century - breadfruit, artichokes, gooseberries
13th Century - ravioli, lasagne, mozzarella, pancakes, waffles, couscous
14th—19th Century
14th Century - kebabs, moon cakes, guacamole, pie, apple pie, crumpets, gingerbread
15th Century - coconuts, Japanese sushi and sashimi, pineapples, marmalade, risotto, marzipan, doughnuts, hot dogs
16th Century - pecans, cashews (in India), Japanese tempura, vanilla (in Europe), fruit leather, skim milk, sweetbreads, salsa, quiche, teriyaki chicken, English trifle, potato salad
17th Century - treacle, pralines, coffee cake, modern ice cream, maple sugar, rum, French onion soup, cream puffs, bagels, pumpkin pie, lemonade, croissants, lemon meringue pie
18th Century - root beer, tapioca, French fries, ketchup, casseroles, mayonnaise, eggnog, soda water, lollipops, sangria, muffins, crackers, chowder, croquettes, cupcakes, sandwiches, apple butter, souffle, deviled eggs
19th Century - toffee, butterscotch, cocoa, Turkish delight, iodized salt, vanilla extract, modern marshmallows, potato chips, fish and chips, breakfast cereal, Tabasco sauce, Kobe beef, margarine, unsalted butter, Graham crackers, fondant, passionfruit, saltwater taffy, milkshakes, pizza, peanut butter, tea bags, cotton candy, jelly beans, candy corn, elbow macaroni, fondue, wedding cake, canapes, gumbo, ginger ale, carrot cake, bouillabaisse, cobbler, peanut brittle, pesto, baked Alaska, iced tea, fruit salad, fudge, eggs Benedict, Waldorf salad
20th Century
1901 - peanut butter and jelly ⚜ 1904 - banana splits ⚜ 1905 - NY pizza
1906 - brownies, onion rings ⚜ 1907 - aioli
1908 - Steak Diane, buttercream frosting ⚜ 1909 - shrimp cocktail
1910 - Jell-O (America's most famous dessert)
1910s - orange juice ⚜ 1912 - Oreos, maraschino cherries, fortune cookies
1912 - Chicken a la King, Thousand Island dressing
1914 - Fettuccine Alfredo ⚜ 1915 - hush puppies
1917 - marshmallow fluff ⚜ 1921 - Wonder Bread, zucchini
1919 - chocolate truffles ⚜ 1922 - Vegemite, Girl Scout cookies
1923 - popsicles ⚜ 1924 - frozen foods, pineapple upside-down cake, Caesar salad, chocolate-covered potato chips
1927 - Kool-Aid, s'mores, mayonnaise cake ⚜ 1929 - Twizzlers
1930s - Pavlova cakes, Philly cheese steak, Pigs in blankets, margaritas, banana bread, Cajun fried turkey ⚜ 1931 - souffle, refrigerator pie
1933 - chocolate covered pretzels ⚜ 1936 - no-bake cookies
1937 - Reubens, chicken Kiev, SPAM, Krispy Kreme
1938 - chicken and waffles ⚜ 1939 - seedless watermelon
1941 - Rice Krispies treats, Monte Cristo sandwiches ⚜ 1943 - nachos
1946 - chicken burgers, tuna melts, Nutella ⚜ 1947- chiffon cake
1950s - chicken parm, Irish coffee, cappuccino, smoothies, frozen pizza, diet soda, TV Dinners, ranch dressing ⚜ 1951 - bananas foster
1953 - coronation chicken ⚜ 1956 - German chocolate cake, panini
1957 - Quebec Poutine ⚜ 1958 - Instant ramen noodles, crab rangoon, lemon bars ⚜ 1960s - beef Wellington, green eggs and ham, red velvet cake
1963 - black forest cake ⚜ 1964 - Belgian waffles, Pop Tarts, Buffalo wings, ants on a log, pita bread ⚜ 1965 - Gatorade, Slurpees
1966 - chocolate fondue ⚜ 1967 - high fructose corn syrup
1970s - California rolls, pasta primavera, tiramisu ⚜ 1971 - fajitas
1975 - hicken tikka masala ⚜ 1980 - turducken
1980s - Panko, portobello mushrooms, bubble tea, chicken nuggets, Sriracha, Red Bull energy drink, everything bagels
1990s - artisan breads, Jamaican jerk ⚜ 1991 - turkey bacon, chocolate molten lava cake, earthquake cake ⚜ 1993 - broccolini
1995 - Tofurkey ⚜ 1997 - grape tomatoes
21st Century
2002 - flat iron steak, tear-free onions ⚜ 2007 - Kool-Aid pickles, cake pops
2008 - Mexican funnel cake ⚜ 2013 - cronuts, test tube burgers
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orchidsangel · 9 months
Christmas Eve with Jason. You're cuddled on the couch, keeping each other warm under thick, fuzzy blankets, a housewarming gift from when you first moved in together. Mugs of warm cocoa sit in your hands, and Jason laughs at the whipped cream mustache above your top lip, wiping it off with the pad of his thumb before kissing your forehead sweetly. Home Alone plays on the TV, the first of many movies you planned to watch that day during your Christmas movie marathon. Fresh gingerbread, made special by Jason, sits on a cooling rack in the kitchen; the smell of hot ginger and cinnamon wafting through your apartment as you two wait for the cookies to stop steaming, a hoard of candies and frostings waiting to decorate the home of a gingerbread family. Fuzzy socks cover your feet, a rich shade of red for the holiday season this time, instead of the red hood. Still, Jason dons a matching pair, an early Christmas gift from you to keep his feet warm during patrol, but he never wears them out; doesn't want to risk messing them up. The sun has long since set, darkness seeping in through the windows of your apartment, only combatted by the lights strung around your tree. Stacks of presents sit on top of an embroidered tree skirt stolen from a box of old holiday decorations you'd found in Wayne Manor. Most gifts are for other people, and you'll make your rounds tomorrow on Christmas and hand them out when you house-hop from event to event, making sure to kiss under every mistletoe you see before settling back into your own home to exchange the gifts you'd gotten for each other. He never asks for anything, always insisting he has more than enough with you by his side, and you know he means that. But he's Jason, your Jason; and so you keep a gift, or two, or three under the tree just because you love him.
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calmcoldevening · 2 years
♡ Slashers as drinks ♡
Michael Myers — Water
• Firstly, it is good for the body (Michael can also be useful, yes)
• Secondly, if you replace many harmful drinks with water, your life will become much better. Well, if you spend more time with Michael, your life will get a little better (hey, he will kill all the people who somehow offend you, he will save your life from "bad drinks")
• Water is so delicious when you don't drink for several hours in a row. Seriously. Especially after some training. And so you come home after a long day, and you are greeted by this miracle (yeah, very friendly, especially with his emotionality) and you spend the whole evening together. Cute.
• Just, if you love Michael (I do), drink more water. And you will support Michael, and your body will thank you :)
Jason Voorhees — Morse
• It's sweet.
• It's delicious.
• This is useful, especially if it is at home.
• Well, just look at this adorable bun, it's impossible not to love it! It is so sweet and refreshing, like a delicious fruit drink made from fresh summer berries! It's like I'm back at camp again.
Bubba Sawyer — Cocoa with marshmallow
• Brighten up any of your cold evening with his warm, pleasant company.
• You, him and a warm blanket on the sofa in front of the fireplace, what could be better?
• This man has the most tremulous and loving hugs. His big plush body is literally created for pleasant, gentle hugs. And take another ginger cookie for both of you, and it will be the best evening of your lives.
• Cocoa will help you relax after a long chase after victims and dragging a heavy chainsaw. Bubba's tense body begs for such a pleasant rest.
Thomas Hewitt — Hot chocolate
• Like hot chocolate, it is very sweet and pleasant. Warms the throat and soul and all that.
• God, have you seen this divine man? I'm ready to kiss it all, it's the sweetest chocolate in the world.
• Lyude-Mae, thank you for raising such an incredible boy.
• Chocolate improves brain function and increases dopamine levels in the brain, isn't that a sign? In addition, the touch of another person produces dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin, which lift the mood and increase resistance to stress. Hugs?
Stu Matcher/Billy Loomis — Vodka
• Can I not comment on this..?
Vincent Sinclair — Milkshake (your favorite flavor)
• Oh, yes.
• Milkshake is especially good in the heat. A little cream, your favorite ice cream and some fresh berries (you can do without them) and voila, it turns out such a yummy.
• You can freeze and get ice cream. Multifunctional boy.
• If you start drinking, the cocktail ends in an instant, and then you want more and more... This boy is addictive.
• But he's so sweet...
Bo Sinclair — Pomegranate juice
• I just don't like pomegranate juice. But it's useful. Bo, what's the use of you? (Sorry if you like him)
Lester Sinclair — Mineral water
• Simple and tasteful.
• Lester is really like a mineral water. In a difficult moment, he will always offer his friendly shoulder so that you can lean on or cry.
• The best thing you'll find with a hangover...
• Quenches thirst better than sweet soda.
• If you add syrup to it, you will get a sweet fruit lemonade. This boy will help in all cases of life.
Pyramid head - Green tea
• Many people don't like it (for example, my dad), but if you try this divine drink, you won't be able to drink something else.
• Pyra is truly a gift to the universe!
• Improves well-being, skin condition, accelerates metabolism, improves mood and the name system... I can go on for a long time.
• Delicious both hot and cold (But the Pyramid head one is always hot as Hell...)
• This man is addictive.
John Kramer — Lemonade
• Simple and tasteful.
• You won't find a better alternative for the holidays.
• It's delicious. It's beautiful. This is always relevant. Eternal classics.
• With what other drink do you get to know the essence of this life?
• Chilled lemonade with ice cubes and mint...
Amanda Young — Red wine
• Oh, this baby is the best.
• Improves sleep. Any time spent with this goddess is fine, but sleep is especially good. Next to Amanda, you will only have sweet, pleasant dreams! Maybe even smut... I assure you, sleeping with her is a pleasure.
• Useful for pressure. If Amanda is around, your heart starts beating wildly in a chaotic dance, and the blood rises to your pale cheeks until this moment. Now you don't look so tired, right?
• Hugs and kisses with this gorgeous woman are like Paradise, so it's quite possible to say that she herself tastes like good wine.
Mark Hoffman — Black coffee
• He took my heart.
• No sugar is needed to taste this man.
• At first it seems bitter and nasty, but... Hey, pour me another cup, please?
• It's fucking addictive, and after a while you just won't be able to drink coffee with sugar.
• Where to sign to sell your soul to the Devil? I just want to drink this coffee forever (and have Hoffman forever, ahem)
• As black as his soul.
• Bitter, but delicious in its own way and damn sweet.
• For connoisseurs of true art and something truly beautiful.
Brahms Heelshire — Milk
• Baby Brahmsey.
• Helps you fall asleep. This man will ask for a bedtime story and a kiss before going to bed... And then he will throw you on the bed and ask you to fall asleep with him.
• You know, it's good for the throat if you're sick.
• Milk reminds of childhood ...
• Sometimes milk is nasty and Brahms too. If your mood is more towards tea than coffee, drink tea. Brahms will get mad and calm down. And after that there will be time for hugs.
Hannibal Lecter — Cognac
• This man is good.
• After his appearance in my life, I decided to connect my life with psychology and helping others (and after Kramer's appearance, of course).
• Always good. Especially if you are some kind of boss or a serious person, you should have cognac. In the movies, it looks like a success.
• This man understands exquisite things and looks so great all the time... Really cognac, there is no other way.
• Will support you on a lonely night and cheer you up when you meet some of your friend.
Will Graham — Black tea with milk/cream
• This is... Cute?
• My cousin had a grandmother, she always made me such tea. It evokes a feeling of nostalgia and comfort, as if I am back in childhood.
• This is the most comfortable character for me! So warm, sweet, sweet and pleasant ...
• It's unusual, especially if you try it for the first time, but it's delicious, I assure you.
• A combination of classic harsh tea and something soft and kind from childhood, Will is really the best.
• I want to get to know Will by sight. I want to hug him. I want to be him, okay?
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theworldoffostering · 10 months
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I finished this cake up for a customer before heading out to college graduation yesterday at 8am.
Today I’ve been in the kitchen baking all afternoon/evening. DD isn’t going to FL with us for the holiday so we celebrated with her today. I let everyone choose a cookie that they wanted to bake, and we made (most of) them.
We made peanut butter blossoms, hot cocoa cookies, the pretzel/Rolo/m&m things, ginger snaps (dough made and chilling), chocolate chip peppermint cookies (dough made & chilling), fudge, and butterscotch chip cookies. I have a cupcake order to get out for tomorrow too so I’m stressing a bit as I need to pack for our trip as well.
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spider-jaysart · 2 years
Christmas headcanons for my Batkids Young age au:
Batkids ages:
Damian: 5 years old
Tim: 9 years old
Jason: 12 years old
Duke: 7 years old
Cassandra: 8 years old
Stephanie: 9 years old
Dick: 15 years old
Superkids ages:
Kon: 9 years old
Jon: 5 years old
Damian and Tim always fight for the last of Alfred's home baked ginger bread cookies
Little Duke loves being the one to put the star on the top of the Christmas tree
Bruce and the Batkids, along with Alfred and his expert guidance, try to sometimes bake cookies together for Christmas. They always like to bake them in fun shapes like Christmas tree's, snowmen's, reindeers, and snowflakes
They sometimes play secret Santa with eachother to make it more fun
One time Damian gave Jon a drawing of the both of them as little Robin and little Superboy as a gift for Christmas, with the words on it saying "The best team". Jon loved the drawing very much and taped it on his bedroom wall, and of course gave the little Boy wonder a (chokeful) tight hug, thanking him for the gift after he had given it to him
One time, while the Kent family was invited to the Wayne Manor for a family Christmas party, little Kon convinced Tim to sled down the Wayne Manors roof with him, assuring him that he will catch him if anything, though... This didn't go exactly as planned, since they both ended up with little cuts on themselves and sprained ankles, which resulted in them both having to get casts for the rest of the holiday season. Clark, Lois, Alfred, and Bruce were not happy with this at all, though in the aftermath, they both just sat at the fireplace together in the Manor, letting their ankles rest on the couch with pillows and ice packs to support and heal them, while chilling with eachother and chatting the whole time while drinking hot cocoa together
Jason is always trying to steal everyone's candy canes from their stockings
Bruce likes getting Alfred, himself, and the kids together every year for family Christmas photo's, also making them all wear ugly Christmas sweaters and cute reindeer headbands for it (some of the Batkids are sometimes annoyed with having to wear the silly, colorful sweaters and headbands)
Little Damian thinks that Santa is a creep who breaks the law every year on Christmas night by breaking into the homes that belongs to millions of people, so he tried to catch him one day by setting up a trap one Christmas night and successfully caught him. After seeing this and feeling victorious in his catching, he accidentally also woke up Bruce and little Tim in the process, making them both come down stairs to see where all the noise had came from. Once they both saw what it was that was happening, they both tried to convince Damian to let him go, telling him that he can't just hold Santa hostage like it's okay, especially because he has to deliver a bunch of presents everywhere to everyone on Christmas night before the morning arrives. Though, Damian as always was very stubborn about it, saying that Santa just sneaks into people's homes while they're asleep without ever asking for permission, making him a criminal since it's breaking an entry in someone's home. Though, Santa was able to change his mind, surprising him after giving him a katana that he had always wanted but never got, and explained to him that he does it because he loves giving all people and children joy all over the world every year on Christmas by leaving gifts under their tree, always bringing happiness to them every Christmas morning when they wake up to their sweet surprises, which is a feeling he enjoys giving to them very much, which is why he even became Santa in the first place. After being told this, little Damian begins to change his mind a little and lets Santa Claus go while it's still night time, so that he can deliver the rest of the gifts to everyone else before morning. Though, once Santa was finally gone, Bruce and Tim, out of concern for young Damian, both quickly made sure to safely put the sharp Katana away where he can't just grab it and run around with it
(My goodness that last one was long lol)
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daretosnoop · 2 years
What you should eat based on game vibes
Don’t know if someone has already done this but here we go:
SCK/SCK Remastered: PBJ sandwich, grilled cheeses sandwich, deli sandwich, soda in a can by day and glass bottle at night, chips, pigs in a blanket, cheeseits, an apple, milk in those paper cartons, crinkle fries with ketchup mustard mixed
STFD: fruit platters, coffee in a white mug ndwith a 90s logo, sautéed asparagus, stuffed mushrooms, NY pizza ordered late, gyro, sparkling water, strawberry shortcake, NY cheesecake
MHM: meat with a sweet glaze with mashed potato and boiled veggies, Chinese takeout ordered late, apple cider, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, ginger beer, stewed tomatoes
TRT: fondue stand, smoked ham, cebu lechon, pumpernickel bread with brier cheese , jam, jam cookies,hot cocoa, apple cinnamon tea, apple pie, toasted nuts, glazed carrots
FIN: popcorn, taffy, chalk candy, boiled peanuts, roasted corn, red liquorice, unbranded soda, peanut brittle
SSH: fruit platters, fruit drinks in watermelon and papaya, salsa, green salsa, avocados, grilled fish, lemon chicken, rotisserie, tortillas, lemonade, bean soup, barley and chicken in bell peppers, green tomatoes (in any form)
DOG: whiskey, stacked sandwiches (scooby doo style), pickles, banana peppers, fried fish, hot dogs, peach cobbler, blueberry juice, unidentifiable meat in a can stewed slowly over a fire, bread and butter with coffee in the morning
CAR: roasted corn, grilled seafood on a stick, boiled peanuts, cotton candy, ice cream, seafood medley, butter lobster, peach cobbler, aspirin, poutine, fish and chips, vinegar onions, korean corn dogs
DDI: clam chowder, seafood pasta, lemon butter pasta with lobster, steamed clams, rice porridge, blueberry muffins, sherbet, mint tea, coffee in a thermos
SHA: kidney beans stew, steak and potatoes, those tarts your get at bakeries, eggs and bacon with bread to sop up the yolk, hamburger steak with egg, hash browns, diner coffee, pancakes, grits with cheese
CUR: English breakfast, tea, vegetables with no seasoning, stewed chicken,mushy peas, cold cheese deli meats on bread, lamb chops, a ceramic jar of cookies kept just out of reach, hot milk before bed with a chocolate, ale
TRN: ratatouille, glazed veggies, pasta with a rue sauce, béchamel, fruit cocktail, gin and tonic, roasted potatoes, garlic bread, cherries, peach cobbler, smoked meats, fried chicken
CLK: peaches and cream, coffee with biscotti, illegal champagne, ribs, fried eggplant with marinara sauce, biscuits in gravy, rye bread, cherry tomatoes, crisp lettuce, grilled zucchini, stewed tomatoes, soft pretzels, apple pie with vanilla ice cream, iced tea
CRE: fish baked over a fire wrapped in banana leaves, pineapple salsa, grilled veggies on sticks, shrimp, any type of rice dish (jallop, pulao, spanish rice, fried rice etc.), citrus soda/lemonade, upside down pineapple cake, poke bowls
DAN: hot croissant with jam on one side and butter on the other, crème brûlée, mint tea, lavender cake, champagne, onion soup, charcuterie board, coq au vin, spinach soufflé, lobster bisque
ICE: honey cake, pancakes with maple syrup, grilled salmon with a maple syrup glaze served with wild rice and green beans, dijon mustard on bread, cranberry sauce, roast turkey, sweet potatoes
CRY: grilled seafood with cajun seasoning, beignets, doberge cake, couche couche with hotsauce, oysters, gin fizz, cognac, sherry, cafe au lait, dulce de leche, trout, seafood pie, crawfish, jambalaya, gumbo, red velvet cake
VEN: cappuccino, pasta with garlic and parmigiana, Neapolitan pizza, olives and capers, anchovies over bread, fried eggplants (no batter) in olive oil, rosemary and thyme infused oil with bread,
HAU: potatoes in every which way but especially roasted and mashed with butter, shepherds pie, mint tea, boiled peas, lamb chops, bread dipped in fresh buttermilk, Irish stew, sweet bread, Irish breakfast tea
RAN: cut fruit and grilled fish in a hallow pineapple, wild rice, ham or poultry with pineapple glaze, crackers, flatbread with grilled shrimp curry, coconut based curries, rotisserie style poultry, chutneys, apricot jam, jelly
WAV: croissants with orange marmalade and butter, mutton curry with jasmine rice, saffron rice with creamy chicken stew, sushi, seafood pasta, fruit bowls, overnight oatmeals, loaded potatoes, late night peanut butter snacking
TOT: Wisconsin cheese, vinegar pie, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, (all the pies from the Waitress), scrambled eggs with coffee, buttermilk soaked fried chicken, steak and potatoes, cornbread, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate dipped orange flavoured ice cream, steak and kidney pie
SAW: green tea, soba noodles, clear soups, pickled veggies, salmon on wheat crackers, roasted chestnuts, coffee spiced with oranges and cinnamon, sesame crackers (sweet and salty both), and yes, ramen
CAP: deli meats, assorted bread, honey mustard, butter, romadeur, dumplings, hollandaise sauce, fried potatoes (different styles), sausages, drumstick, cheese sticks, blanched vegetables, green apple sauce, custard, black forest cake
ASH: confetti cake, angel cake, BLT sandwiches, Caesar salad, lemon pasta, dill pickles, potato salad, quesadillas, steak, BBQ, deep dish pizza, carrots in ranch, chips, banana split
TMB: shawarma, falafel, cucumber salad, tahini, humus, garlic pita, grilled veggies, rice and spices baked in an earthen pot, kabob, grilled seafood, saffron rice, baklava, pistachio ice cream, date milkshake, beer
DED: vinegar chips, ice cold water, coffee from a dispenser in a styrofoam cup, stale snacks from a vending machine, peanut butter crackers, cheese crackers, baked goods in the morning, pad thai, fast food pizza, salad bar, trail mix
GTH: pecan pie, peach cobler, ground nuts, fried chicken, cheesy garlic bread, pimento cheese, chewy meat, BBQ, lemonade, sherry, gin, crawfish, pulled pork, rolls, soul food
SPY: haggis, mutton chops, Danish pastries, salmon with dill, pheasant, dundee cake, clam chowder, shortbread, coffee, Lincoln logs, smoked meats, clotted cheese, crackers, oatmeal with raisins, ale, whisky
MED: sushi, lemon grass tea, wheat grass shots, roasted sweet potato and yams with spices, pumpkin and squash stews, broiled veggies, rutabaga mash, rhubarb pie, steamed clams and mussels, truffle pasta
LIE: feta on bread with honey drizzle, greek yogurts with fresh cut fruit, fresh mozzarella over chicken salad, gyro, lamb rotisserie, shawarma, collared greens, pan fried seafood, steamed fish with lemon, carrot salad, pickled veggies, kefir, rice pudding
SEA: seafood buffet cooked every which way, skyr, salmon and haddock boiled with potatoes, dried seafood on bread, mutton soup, rice pudding, clear broth, veggie stew, mashed potatoes
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❆25 Holiday Agere Questions❆
1 ❆What's your favorite part of Christmas?
2 ❆Do you like giving gifts or getting gifts more?
3 ❆What's your favorite Christmas movie?
4 ❆What's the best Christmas gift you've gotten?
5 ❆Hot cocoa or apple cider?
6 ❆What's your favorite Christmas song?
7 ❆Elves or reindeer?
8 ❆So you like Christmas music?
9 ❆What's your favorite holiday sweet?
10 ❆What do you want for Christmas this year?
11 ❆Do you have any holiday traditions?
12 ❆Have you ever gone caroling?
13 ❆Do you have a favorite Christmas theemed outfit?
14 ❆Ginger bread cookies or sugar cookies?
15 ❆Do you have any Christmas stuffies?
16 ❆Do you have any Christmas themed gear?
17 ❆Do you like playing in the snow?
18 ❆Do you bake cookies for Santa?
19 ❆Do you do any Christmas crafts?
20 ❆green and red or blue and white
21 ❆Do you have an elf on the shelf?
22 ❆Do you decorate for the holidays?
23 ❆Do you go look at the lights on the holidays?
24 ❆Do you visit family for the holidays?
25 ❆Do you like daytime or nighttime better in the winter?
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swiftfootedachilles · 7 months
do you have your favourite perfume and what scents do you prefer?
hey sorry your ask got lost in the sauce of today's shittiness
hmm i like a lot of different scents and it depends on my mood, but i definitely mostly wear sweet scents. most stuff is from b&bw because coupons. hot cocoa, pumpkin marshmallow latte, coconut cream pie, blueberry muffin, sugar cookie. i just got vs' bare vanilla sol and i love it. sweet but not too much. that's definitely my current fav. i like fruity scents and some floral scents like lavender or hibiscus if they're mixed with something else. i also like "clean" scents like lemon. i genuinely love the smell of lots of cleaning products because theyre very comforting to me. typical "perfumy" floral scents hurt my nose and give me a headache. i like herbal scents as long as they aren't super strong or combined with "perfumy" stuff. oh i also really like vanilla + patchouli it's a nice neutral scent. i also really like dark kiss by b&bw! super sweet scents are fun to wear if im rotating them, but a muted sweet + musk is more suitable to wear everyday without getting sick or overstimulated by it
ive made my own scents before; the first one is ginger ale ice cream and it smells sooo good! the other ones, i tried to make something that reminds me of my namesake. i haven't been able to get it right tho :( sea salt and honey are important notes but i usually end up adding too much of one and getting a headache from the smell. maybe bergamot or patchouli as a more base scent so i don't overwhelm myself with the sickly sweetness of the honey or the "perfuminess" of the sea salt... idk im still working on it!
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seaside-writings · 8 months
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Hello, all you holly jolly people! Here’s another installment of my “12 Days of Prompts.”
I won’t lie I kind of had a little bit of writer’s block on this one, so I decided that this would be more of a minor world-building prompt list. And by minor I mean itty bitty lol.
This prompt list is dedicated to festive holiday drinks that are more on the alcoholic side.
Like always if you do use these prompts please tag me so I can see what you’ve made!
I hope you all stay blessed and safe throughout your day.
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays: Celia ❤💚❄⛄🎄
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🥂 Hot Buttered Rum 🥂 Eggnog 🥂 Mulled Wine 🥂 Jingle Juice 🥂 Spiked Hot Chocolate 🥂 Gingerbread Martini 🥂 Frozen Hot Chocolate Martini 🥂 Peppermintinis 🥂 Peppermint Bark Shots 🥂 Cranberry Mimosas 🥂 Pumpkin Spice Mules 🥂 Peppermint White Russian 🥂 Sugar Cookie Martinis 🥂 Christmas Punch 🥂 Hot Toddy 🥂 Irish Coffee 🥂 Eggnog Jell-O Shots 🥂 Cranberry Jell-O Shots 🥂 Mistletoe Margaritas 🥂 Jack Frosties 🥂 Peppermint Bark Mimosas 🥂 Snickerdoodle Martini 🥂 White Christmas Margaritas 🥂 Boozy Grinch Punch 🥂 Wassail 🥂 Winter Sangria 🥂 Mulled Apple Cider 🥂 Cranberry-Thyme Gin and Tonic 🥂 Winter Cranberry Gin Fizz 🥂 Vanilla-Pear Holiday Punch 🥂 Snowball 🥂 Ginger Snap Martini 🥂 Figgy Sparkler 🥂 Cocoa Old-Fashioned 🥂 Frostbite 🥂 Snowshoe Grog 🥂 Candy Cane Champagne Cocktail 🥂 Poinsettia Cocktail 🥂 Woodchuck Warmer Apple Cider Cocktail 🥂 Slow Cooker Pear Cider 🥂 Pomegranate French 75 🥂 Driven Snow Cocktail 🥂 Warm Bourbon Cider 🥂 White Spiced Coffee 🥂 Frosted Spicy Ginger Moscow Mule 🥂 Winter Spiced Old Fashioned 🥂 Pomegranate Prosecco Smash 🥂 Winter Whiskey Sour 🥂 Festive Rum & Ginger Punch 🥂 Gluhwein 🥂 Winter Pimm’s Punch 🥂 Mulled Cider 🥂 Black Russian Cocktail 🥂 Turkish Coffee Sour 🥂 St Nick’s Flip 🥂 Christmas Martini 🥂 Gingerbread Negroni 🥂 Old Saint Nick’s Chocolate Espresso Martini 🥂 The Nutcracker 🥂 Christmas Royale 🥂 Ornamentini 🥂 The Cozy Mogul 🥂 Mistletoe Mule 🥂 Bad Santa Sipper 🥂 The Gift Giver 🥂 Winter Florals Cosmopolitan 🥂 Winter Wings 🥂 Mulled Rosé All Day 🥂 Winter Gintonica 🥂 Peppermint Schnapps
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chaosfrisur · 2 years
Gingerbread cookie recipe (to start in November)
Today I am giving you the best gingerbread recipe of all time. I'm making it the fourth year in a row, but it comes from somebody's great - grandmother. The dough is meant to be made at the start of November and storaged for 2 to 4 weeks before finishing the dough and baking. It needs to be stored in a cool, dry place (15 to 19°C). I keep it on top of the kitchen cupboard.
It can be stored much, much longer though. Like. Years. I made gingerbread cookies from dough as old as 1,5 years. They were good.
You'll need:
250g Honey (preferably not the super liquid one)
250g brown sugar
200g butter
1 pack gingerbread spice (alternatively a small amount of each: ginger, ground cloves, coriander, cardamom, nutneg, mace)
2 tsp cinnamon
Pinch of salt
500g flour
2 Tbs cocoa powder (the one for baking. Without sugar.)
After the storage period you'll need
2 eggs
12 potash (potassium carbonate)
1 shotglass of brandy (but use what you've got. I made vanilla infused vodka and used that.)
Put the honey and the sugar on low heat, stir. When the sugar is halfway dissolved, add the butter, salt and spices. Stir until dissolved. Put aside and let cool a bit.
Put the flour and cocoa powder in a bowl suited for kneading dough, add the sugar-butter mixture. BE EXTRA SURE THAT IT'S NOT TOO HOT. It's molten sugar and you're gonna stick your hand in there. Mix and knead until the dough comes together. Put in a freshly cleaned bowl and cover with a plate. Store somewhere cool and dry (not below 5°C). Wait.
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Bring your dough into the kitchen 2 days before baking to get it up to temperature. After 1 day, start with kneading it until the dough is soft. Scramble the eggs together, then dissolve the potash in the alcohol of your choice. Work both into your dough. Let rest for 12 hrs to 1 day. Roll out the dough until 1cm thick. Cut out your forms.
Baking depends on your oven. 175°C upper/lower heat for 8 to 15 minutes. Bake just one and observe how it behaves. If its fully risen, you don't want to leave it in longer than 1 to 2 minutes so it'll still be soft. Put aside and let cool without touching or disturbing (they dent quite easily while still hot.).
Decorate to your hearts content.
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Note: if you want lots of cookies, do a double recipe. You have to make them quite thick so if you want some to give away or have a big family make double. Trust me
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rhoshamandes · 10 months
ᴀᴘᴘᴇᴀʀᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴍᴇᴍᴇ.
Bold what applies. Italicise what somewhat or sometimes applies
BODY / long legs. short legs. average legs. slender thighs. thick thighs. somewhat muscular thighs. skinny arms. soft arms. toned arms. muscular arms. toned stomach. flat stomach. flabby stomach. soft stomach. six pack. beer belly. lean frame. slender frame. muscular frame. voluptuous frame. petite frame. lanky frame. short nails. average-length nails. long nails, manicured nails. painted nails. dirty nails. small waist. thick waist. narrow hips. average hips. wide hips. big feet. average feet. small feet. soft feet. slender feet. calloused feet. calloused hands. soft hands. big hands. average hands. small hands. long fingers. short fingers. average fingers. broad shoulders. underweight. average weight. overweight.
HEIGHT / shorter than 140 cm. 141 cm to 150 cm. 151 cm to 160 cm. 161 cm to 170 cm. 171 cm to 180cm. 183 cm to 190 cm. 191 cm to 2m. Taller than 2 m.
SKIN / pale. fair. rosy. olive. dark. tanned. brown. blotchy. smooth. acne. dry. greasy. freckled. scarred.
EYES / small. large. average. grey. brown. black. blue. red. green. gold amber. hazel. violet. doe-eyed. almond. close-set. wide-set. squinty. monolid. heavy eyelids. upturned. down turned.
HAIR / thin. thick. fine. normal. greasy. dry. soft. shiny. scruffy. frizzy. curly. wild. unruly. straight. smooth. wavy. floppy. cropped. pixie-cut. short. shoulder length. back length. waist length. floor length. buzz cut. bald. jaw length. vermilion. mohawk. white. platinum blonde. golden blonde. dirty blonde. ombre. light brown. mouse brown. chestnut brown. golden brown. chocolate brown. dark brown. jet black. ginger. auburn. dyed red. dyed any “ unnatural color ”. streaked. thin eyebrows. average eyebrows. thick eyebrows.
TATTOOS & PIERCINGS / full sleeve. quarter sleeve. thigh tattoo. shin tattoo. wrist tattoo. lower back tattoo. hand / finger tattoo. foot tattoo. neck tattoo. face tattoo. chest tattoo. one tattoo. a few here and there. multiple. no tattoo. monroe piercing. nose piercing. septum. nipple piercing(s). genital piercing(s). industrial piercings. earlobe piercing. helix piercing(s). prince albert piercing. eyebrow piercing(s). tongue piercing. lip piercing(s). tragus piercing. angel bites. labret. stretches out ears. navel piercing. inverse navel piercing. cheek piercing(s). smiley. nape piercing(s). no piercings.
COSMETICS / light eyeliner. heavy eyeliner. cat eyes. mascara. fake eyelashes. matte lipstick. regular lipstick. lip gloss. lip balm. red lips. pink lips. dark lips. bronzer. highlighter. eye shadow. neutral eye shadow. smoky eyes. colorful eye shadow. blush. lip liner. light contouring. heavy contouring. powder. matte foundation. shiny foundation. concealer. wears make up regularly. wears makeup from time to time
SCENT / floral. fruity. perfumes. aftershave. cocoa. moisturizer. natural soap. shampoo. cigarettes. leather. sweat. food. incense. marijuana. cologne. whiskey. wine. fried food. blood. fire. metal. rain. grass. ocean. autumn leaves. baked bread. freshly baked cookies. smoke. campfire. lavender. trees. pumpkin pie. musk. rose. gingerbread. peppermint. oak. honey. lemon. vanilla. coffee cake. mint. rawhide. chemicals.
CLOTHES / jeans. tight pants. over knee socks. tights. yoga pants. pencil skirt. tight skirt. loose skirt. tight / formfitting dress. cardigans. blouse. button up shirt. band t-shirt. sports t-shirt. sweatpants. tank top. cut off t-shirt. designer. high street. online stores. thrift. lingerie. long skirt. miniskirt. maxi dress. sun dress. tie. tuxedo. slacks. cocktail dress. high slit dress / skirt. loose clothing. tight clothing. jean shorts. sweater. sweater vest. khaki pants. suit. hoodie. harem pants. basketball shorts. boxers. briefs. boxer-briefs. hot pants. hipster panties. bra. sports bra. crop top. corset. ballerina skirt. leotard. polka dot. stripes. glitter. silk. lace. leather. velvet. cotton. chemise. patterns. florals. neon colors. pastels. plaid. black. dark colors. fur. faux fur.
SHOES / sneakers. slip-ons. flats. slippers. sandals. high heels. kitten heels. ankle boots. combat boots. boots. cowboy boots. knee-high. platforms. stripper heels. bare feet. loafers.
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yandere-fics · 11 months
One thing about me is, despite being a filthy dirty pagan, I fucking love christmas. Can't even explain it, we were religious growing up, the only time I ever went to church was because they made you if you wanted to get the food bank items, but I still just love christmas. I don't even eat cookies or any of that anymore since I've been exercising but I just have the uncontrollable urge to bake around this time and force everyone around me to gain weight since I NEED to make ginger snaps. Anyways the point is since cutting down on my sugar, I am having a rough time because there's not really any sugar free christmas candy and it's killing me that I can't have my peppermint hot cocoa. I'm going to die if I don't get festive pretty soon.
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Christmas Aesthetics:
Rustic: wood and wicker // log cabin // open fireplace // plaid // spruce tree // wool / lanterns // woodsmoke // handcrafted ornaments // whiskey // ginger snaps // brown paper wrappings // O. Henry // sledding // maroon and emerald // living garlands // Scandinavian stockings // pinecones
Classics: glass and ceramic // mcmansion // gas fireplace // stripes // white pine // fleece // string lights // peppermint // star and ball ornaments // buttered rum // gingerbread // patterned wrapping paper // hallmark movies // caroling // red and green // wreaths // red stockings with white trim // trains
Insta: poly and resin // cottage // fireplace channel // fabric graphics // fake tree // cashmere // LEDs // orange // oversized ornaments // hot cocoa // sugar cookies // plain wrappings with ribbon and bows // black and white Christmas movies // ice skating // red and white // flocked garlands // textured stockings // santas
Vintage: plastic and tin // burb house // radiator // polkadot // Balsam fir // velvet // candles // pumpkin // tinsel and molded plastic ornaments // cranberry punch // peanut brittle // simple pattern wrappings // Church services // Christmas pageants // pastels // popcorn garlands // striped stockings // Christmas villages
Glamor: blown glass // high rise apartment // electric fireplace // sequins // grand fir // fur // ambient lighting // cinnamon // overstuffed ornaments // mulled wine // crinkle cookies // sparkly and metallic wrappings // Dickens // theater shows // silver and gold // ribbon garlands // white stockings // reindeer
Homestyle: paper and salt dough // rambler // parlor stove // knit // Charlie brown tree // polyester // just the tree lights // brown sugar // homemade ornaments // egg nog // fudge // silly patterned wrappings // old stories // city light tours // bright rainbow // paper garlands // mismatched stockings // snowmen
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demonictreegremlin · 1 year
Compiled Scents
Dark Chocolate
Root Beer
Squid Ink Pasta
Chocolate Fudge
Chocolate Cake
Barbecue Sauce
Fresh Fish
Chicken Broth
Protein Powder
Dog Food
Maple Syrup
Wet Forest Floor
Flowing River
Rusted Iron
Wet Fur
Fresh Blood
Shedded Fur
Engine Exhaust
Wet Cement
Hot Iron
Frayed Wires
Filtered Water
Tap Water
Macadamia Nuts
Brown Sugar
Rotting Fish
Macaroni and Cheese
Peanut Butter
Aloe Vera
Fresh Rain
Melted Wax
Ironed Laundry
Shoe Shiner
Spray Paint
Wet Plaster
Instant Film Accord
Fresh Laundry
Burnt Sugar
Pina Colada
Melted Marshmallows
Crème Brûlée
White Chocolate
Whipped Cream
Shortbread Cookies
Maraschino Cherry
Cotton Candy
Candied Orange
Raspberry Jam
Key Lime Pie
Candied Apple
Coconut Pie
Sugar Crystals
Cherry Blossoms
Pulveroboletus Ravenelli (a type of sweet-smelling mushroom)
Lip Gloss
Citrus of any kind (lemon, orange, grapefruit, lime, etc)
Berries of any kind (strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, etc)
Rose water
Machine oil
Red velvet 
burnt anything
Pine Trees
Old Spice
Burning Wood
Apple Pie
New Car Smell
Fresh Money
Sautéed Onions
Funnel Cake
Fresh Cut Grass
Snap Fire Crackers
Wet Dog
Rancid Meat
Sweaty Feet
Baby Powder
Sautéed Garlic
Chocolate Covered 
Old Books
Cinnamon Bun
Sea Breeze
Magnolia Trees
Cookies Fresh from the Oven
Sky After it Rains
Smell of Baskin Robins
Burnt Rubber
Rotten Eggs
Nail Polish Remover
Fresh clean laundry
Paper (old or new)
spices‐ anise, clove, nutmeg, savory paprika cardamom 
Root vegetables 
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