#gina x rosa fanfiction
lenacosse · 5 months
In a world of boys, he’s a gentle man
pairings: Jake Peralta x female reader
warnings: Men being men. Angst with happy ending.
word count: 2.6k
summary: You’re having a hard time at work, things are stressing you out and you’re at a crossroad in your relationship with Jake but he’ll always fix his mistakes.
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The blaring of your obnoxious alarm fills your ears. Ripping you from your sleep for another day of work, another day of men undermining you, another day of unsolved crimes.
You reluctantly drag yourself out of your bed and get ready. To make matters worse you and your boyfriend Jake were fighting- you wanted him to move in but his fear of commitment made him laugh the topic off and diminish your feelings. You understood his issues, but it wasn’t fair. So you told him you needed space, and surprisingly he hasn’t contacted you yet. Not that you’re necessarily upset about that, you had mixed feelings.
You arrive to work at 9:12am. And there stands holt an eyebrow raised at you. You sigh and begin.
“I’m sorry sir. I got stuck in traffic.”
“So you’re the only one of my detectives late because of traffic, even though you live closest to the precinct.” Holt gives you a stern look and you just nod and walk into his office. He follows you in and shuts the door, you take a seat.
“I’m sorry captain. I don’t know what you expect me to say.”
“I appreciate the apology. But I’m worried about you (Y/L/N), you’re one of the finest detectives in the precinct yet you cannot unsolve simplest of cases?”
“I know. I just have a lot going on right now.”
“Well I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to take your cases and put you onto paperwork tasks. I understand it won’t help but it’s protocol.”
You just nod and exit his room, not looking where you’re going you walk right into Hitchcock who spills his coffee all over you. You take a long breath and look right at him. Violent outbursts weren’t your thing, but the stupidity of the situation is making it hard not to punch him in the face.
“Would you watch where you’re going!” You storm off into the women’s bathroom to dry your shirt off. A worried Amy follows you in.
“(Y/N)? Are you okay?” Amy asks, slowly moving towards you where you stand drying your coffee stained blouse.
You look at Amy and can’t help the tears that are filling your eyes. “I’m sorry i’m fine. It’s not big deal.”
Amy puts a hand on your arm, giving you a reassuring smile. “I know you’ve been stressed recently, and I’m sorry that your cases have been reassigned. But think of it as a break. Now you can have time to think.”
You nod and offer her a smile. Amy was undoubtedly your best friend, she had a way of understanding your feelings and you appreciated that more than you could explain.
“Thank you Ames. you’re amazing.” You and Amy share a hug before she leaves the bathroom. You dry your shirt by which time you’ve collected your thoughts. Allowing you to go back out there with a clear head and better intentions.
Walking back to your desk you get a few reluctant glances, you know it’s bad when people look at your like you’re Rosa. Half way through your first paper work task you get a short tap on your shoulder, you turn around to see Jake. He looks worn down, not as enthusiastic as usual. You would be lying if you said you didn’t feel a little bit bad, your aim was not to upset Jake when you said you wanted space, but to give yourself time to think. Which you haven’t even had a chance to do yet.
“I brought you a coffee.” Jake says, it was strange to see him so… calm? The main reason you agreed to go out with Jake was because he made you laugh. Because being with him was easy, you didn’t have to change yourself to be with him and that was all anyone could ask for. But the last few days he has been indifferent, you couldn’t help but blame yourself.
“Thank you.” You smile and take the coffee from his hands. Jake nods and starts to walk away, he glances back at you. Continues to walk, glances back again then walks back to you.
“Can.. we talk later? I know you want space but I hate this. I feel bad and it’s just..”
You cut him off with a sympathetic look. “Jake..” you begin, your tone flat.
“Yeah. sorry.” He walks away, this time not looking back.
You sigh and look to your left where Charles is sitting shaking his head and wiping his eyes. You furrow your brows at him and he takes that as an invite over. He walks over to your desk, his shoulders slumped.
“Can I help you Charles?”
“God. I’m so worried about you and jake. These last few days have been utter hell. I haven’t felt this helpless since Elenor and I divorced. I’m so upset I can’t even eat my stake tartare.”
“Maybe that’s for the best Charles, sounds absolutely disgusting.” You shake your head in disgust, “as for me and Jake we are grown adults and can sort it ourselves. Don’t stress.”
“That’s impossible! I’ll talk to Jake. I know how to solve the issue, a nurturing shower where he tenderly washes your hair with lavender shampoo.”
“Seriously?! Go back to your desk.” You shoo him away with your hand. Accepting defeat, sometimes you feel bad for dismissing Charles, but not today.
By lunch time you made a reasonable dent in your paperwork. You glance over to Jake, he’s doing paperwork too. But nothing is distracting him, not even the fact that captain Holt cracked a smile, at least someone’s in a good mood.
“Come on get your stuff we’re going to get lunch.” Rosa says standing in front of your desk with her arms crossed. Behind her is Gina.
“This doesn’t mean I care about you by the way girl. I need a break from my endless paperwork.”
You look over to Gina’s desk and roll your eyes, she had two files sitting there. “Wow I couldn’t imagine it. Is Amy coming?”
“It was her idea to bring you to lunch, then she got out her colour coordinated file of conflict resolution to help you lighten up. So I told her the wrong place, being around nerds is not what I need right now. Poor Amy sitting alone with nothing but her folder.” Gina shrugs.
You grab your jacket and go out with Gina and Rosa. You go to a cafe near the precinct, the cafe echoed with small talk and coffee pots brewing. It was peaceful compared to the loud precinct, the constant keyboard clicks and nonsense talk could of easily driven you mad.
“Damn I think you ruined Jake’s life, he’s a serious depresso these days.” Gina starts.
“I did not ruin his life. I needed space.”
“Why? Did his immaturity get the better of you?” Rosa questioned, you were slightly surprised at her input. Usually an outing with Rosa entails complete silence.
You sigh taking a sip of your drink. “I wanted us to move in together. He brushed it off saying there’s no need. So I told him I needed space from him and time to think, I feel bad sure but I don’t know what to do. It feels like he doesn’t love me enough to work through these issues.” You swallow back the lump in your throat.
“Mmkay well not to give you a compliment but Jake does love you.” Gina retorts. Rosa nods in agreement.
“You always try to get me to talk about my feelings, so take your own advice and go talk to him.” Rosa added.
“I don’t know what to say, we’ve been together for almost two years and it feels like we’re capped at the newly established relationship part.”
“I think that’s enough relationship talk. Who do you think we are, Amy Santiago? No.” Gina scoffed, as she did the food arrived. You sit with your friends eating lunch and listening to Gina talk about her upcoming dance competition and her love for Beyoncé.
“Thanks for lunch.” You smile at Gina and Rosa as you sit back at your desk.
“Yeah whatever you’re welcome.” Rosa shrugs. You continue with your work, peacefully getting through your tasks with your mood peaking by the minute.
“(Y/N) can you give these files down to officer Smith?” Your sarge Terry asks, you get the files off his desk and get into the elevator to go downstairs.
It was no secret that the officers downstairs were dicks. They didn’t like you, especially officer Smith as you rejected him years ago. Ever since then he’s been making remarks about you attempting to piss you off, this has been applied to Jake as well because he is your boyfriend. Right after stepping out of the elevator you hear a wolf whistle coming from officer Smith. you roll your eyes and walk to his desk handing him the files.
“A present for me? You shouldn’t have.”
You ignore his words and explain the contents of the files, he doesn’t seem to be even paying attention but you didn’t care. That was until he piped up.
“How come you’re giving me files and not Gina?” You go to speak and he puts his finger to his mouth silencing you. “Don’t tell me the nine nine’s lousiest detective has been placed on desk duty.”
“It’s absolutely none of your business. But even so desk duty is much better than being stuck as a first rate officer for eight wasteful years.”
“Ah typical (Y/L/N) being a bitch when she gets her feelings hurt.”
“You’re pathetic. Don’t you get bored of being a dick?”
“You’re Goddamn insufferable. Just shut the fuck up and clear off.”
“Gladly. When you get off your ass for the first time today make sure to leave these files back.”
With that you walk away, but the cruel words that he shouted after had you clenching your fists and unwillingly crying in the elevator. That man knew how to get under your skin and you hated him with a burning passion. As you walk out of the elevator you wipe your eyes trying to mask the fact you’ve been embarrassingly crying. And once again you collide with someone. Their hands steady you by grabbing your shoulders. You sigh and look up, seeing Jake with a concerned look plastered on his face.
“Are you crying?”
“No.” You scoff as if you’re offended by the accusation.
“What happened?”
“Just Officer Smith being a dick.” You mumble.
His thumb lightly brushes a stray tear from your eye, you unwillingly melt into his touch, it’s warm and makes you feel safe.
“Whatever he said to you is irrelevant. He’s the biggest jerk ever. Don’t stoop down to his level and listen to what he has to say. You’re worth so much more than that.”
“Thank you Jake.” You run your thumb over his knuckles, a soft smile apparent on your face. Jake squeezed your hand three times, and you return the gesture. His face immediately brightens up, your eyes meet and you find yourself getting lost in his.
You hear a clearing of a throat, you look to your side seeing captain Holt stood with him arms crossed. You immediately drop Jake’s hand and he lets go of your shoulder. You both go back to your own desks. Today has made you realise talking to Jake is the best solution, it was only making you both miserable being apart. So you write him a note reading: ‘want to come over later?’ You throw it at him and it hits him in the head.
You watch his reaction to reading it. He scribbles something back on the page and throws it in your direction, but unluckily it hits Holt right in the face as he walks past your desk. You watch Jake’s eyes widen like a deer in headlights as he quickly looks down and pretends to be writing.
“Who on earth threw that?!” Holt rages. Everyone looks up from their desks yet no one takes accountability. Holt picks up the paper and reads it out. “Want to come over later? As long as we can watch die hard. (Ps. that shirt you’re wearing looks hot af)”
Your face turns a deep crimson as you look down at your desk, refusing eye contact. Everyone is quiet, mostly likely mentally scarred by the note. until Charles pipes up.
“WOOHOO!” He yells. “my dream couple are back. Did take my advice Jakey?”
“No Charles. I did not spoon feed her duck soup!”
“Gosh it’s a miracle things worked out.” Charles replied. You look over to Amy who looks just as disgusted as you from Charles’ statement.
“You two my office. Now.” Holt says whilst walking back to his office.
Jake follows behind you into Holt’s office, you both take a seat as does Holt. He does not look happy, or so you assume. He was difficult to read.
“Today started wonderfully. Everyone had work done. I even cracked a smile.” Holt starts. “However you two acting like teenagers is ridiculous! Throwing notes to each other like you’re in middle school?”
“(Y/L/N) started it.” Jake shakes his head in dismay. “She’s such a child.”
“Shut up Peralta.” You smack his arm, making him pull a classic face at you. You roll your eyes and cross you arms looking back at your captain.
“If you two can’t act mature then I’ll have to come up with a plan to keep you apart.”
You both mutter a sorry and he dismisses you. Of course the second you step out of his office you look at Jake and the both of you burst out laughing.
“What did I just say!” Holt shouts out, you both stop laughing and immediately go back to your desks.
Your door knocked and you went to answer it. standing there is Jake with flowers, a tiny teddy bear and a bag full of snacks. You smile and let him in, letting him know the pizza is on its way.
“For you my lady.” Jake says in a God awful posh accent. You take the flowers and other things from him. You find yourself blushing at the thought of him buying you these things.
“Well aren’t you just a gentleman.” You kiss his cheek, he takes your chin in his hand and moves your face to look at him. Your foreheads touch and he leans in to kiss you, the kiss is tender and loving. You run your free hand through his hair and slowly pull back.
“I’m sorry for not taking things seriously.”
“It’s okay.”
“No I was being an idiot. I love what we have, and of course I want to move in with you. But that freaked me out and I was unfair. I want you to know that I would do anything for you. I want this for us, I want to come home with you every night, I want to wake up next to you every morning. I’m serious about you, I should have just told you that from the start. but I messed things up and to think that I almost ruined us-“
You shut him up by kissing him, you feel his smile against your lips. His hands go to your hips pulling you closer. You slowly pull away and he pulls you into a hug. The scent his cologne fades all the worries and doubts, it was simple. Jake was the only possible person you ever wanted to be with, and things would work out because you both were dedicated to making it work.
“Thank you.” You slowly pull back and stroke his cheek with your thumb.
“Okay I’m glad that worked out because I already sold my apartment.”
You roll your eyes. “Of course you did.” You tease.
The pizza arrives and the two of you lay on your couch together, eating pizza and watching die hard for the thousandth time. At this point you swear you could recite the script. But if it makes Jake happy then it makes you happy.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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muskratcactus · 1 year
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my favourite sapphics:
clarke + raven (the 100)
zoya + alina (the grisha trilogy)
buffy x kendra (buffy the vampire slayer)
inej + linnea (six of crows)
rhaenyra + laena (house of the dragon)
nancy x robin (stranger things)
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ronancexists · 3 months
New work is up! Centered around the one and only Rosa Diaz from Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Carla y Daniela from In The Heights! (Can you tell I've got a slight obsession with Stephanie Beatriz? No? Alright then.)
Hope you enjoy!!
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minecraftenthusiast · 3 years
when i say I want a dianetti mafia/mob au I mean the way of the househusband mafia/mob
give me a fanfiction of rosa being recognised in public for putting away criminals while jsut trying to buy a sewing machine to help Gina make jer costumes
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xialing-gf · 5 years
Summary: (based on the song dive by ed sheeran) you didn’t know whether rosa loved you back and the anticipation was frustrating
Wc: 1001
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When you first joined the team, you were very unfamiliar with everybody at the precinct. The only person you knew was Amy since you went to high school with her. Your first day at the office was the most nerve-wracking as everybody saw you as the “new kid”. Jake was pretty welcoming and introduced you to the rest of the team with a loud voice.
Everybody else gradually seemed to warm up to you except for Holt and Rosa. Those two were probably the coldest people in the office, according to Terry, but they both meant well. When you first met Rosa, you were surprised at how dead inside her expression was. She looked like her entire body didn’t contain any emotion at all but somehow managed an empty smile to welcome you.
As you got yourself situated, you began to work on cases and you were mostly assigned as a second on Amy’s cases but then you began to feel bad as you could see Jake really wanted to work on a case with Amy so you decided to volunteer as a second for the other available case, which happened to be Rosa’s. Rosa kept her sentences short and brief and you had a feeling she hated you by the way she treated you but when you were talking with Gina during her break, Gina excitedly told you that Rosa was definitely interested in you. This prompted you to look at her questioningly, and you chuckled as you asked, “Are you sure?”
“Yes! She doesn’t even say please to anybody, not even Holt and yesterday she said ‘Y/n, can you take a look at this evidence?’,” Gina imitated Rosa’s expression and deep voice and you giggled at her act. “She is so into you! You should ask her out!”
“I’m still too new! She doesn’t know me that well,” You sighed, fiddling with the zipper on your jacket. You weren’t super outgoing so asking Rosa out after only knowing her for a month was out of your comfort zone.
“Are you kidding me? Rosa doesn’t care. She got married to, like, a serial killer in a week or something! That girl is crazy,” Gina exaggeratedly exclaimed before tilting her head down to laugh at something on her phone. She swiped through some photos and held up a meme to show you before letting you speak.
“Well, in that case, I’ll see what I can do,” You thought aloud, more for your benefit than Gina’s as Gina was now engaged in whatever she was looking at in her phone. You knew that Gina always gave good advice but you didn’t know if you had the guts to follow through. Eventually, after a month you decided to try to ask Rosa about her feelings. You had been assigned to work on more than 5 cases with her at this point and you felt like you had known her enough to ask her such an important question.
You were looking over evidence with Rosa when you decided to ask. Your hands were sweaty and your mouth felt dry as you prepared to ask the question. Finally, the words crawled up your throat and you asked, “Hey Rosa, I was wondering if you want to get dinner together after work? You know, to get to know each other a little better.”
“I have… things to do,” Rosa answered too quickly, her eyes darting away from your eyes. She looked down at the evidence and roughly cleared her throat. “Hey, look at this thing.”
That was the end of that discussion. You were crushed that she had turned you down so easily and sought comfort and advice from Gina. Gina told you that Rosa just loved playing hard to get and that she tried too hard to deny her feelings out of fear. You decided to wait a couple more weeks before asking again. And again, she turned you down. You tried multiple times but every time, Rosa would always change the subject and try to avoid talking about it.
Finally, you were so fed up with Rosa constantly avoiding answering and when you two were going over a case, you decided to ask, “Why is it that whenever I ask you about your feelings you always change the subject?”
“What?” Rosa clearly knew what you were talking about but she feigned innocence, her lips falling open in false shock. She was more caught off guard than confused.
“You know, I ask you on dates and ask you if you like me romantically so often and every time, you switch the subject. Can you just be blunt? I don’t really care if you don’t feel the same way, I just can’t stand to have you lead me on and having this lead to nothing,” You frustratedly groaned, finally snapping out of pressure. Rosa frowned and she took a deep breath, playing with the cuffs of her leather jacket.
“I just… I’m not used to sharing my feelings. I really like you a lot. I’m sorry I’ve been weird about it,” Rosa looked as if saying each word had brought great pain upon her but after she talked, she finally let out a breath of relief. You were relieved that she finally confessed her feelings and broke into a small grin.
“It’s okay. I’m just glad you finally cleared things up,” Rosa looked up, surprised that you weren’t storming out of the room out of anger.
“I’m sorry. Can you forgive me?” Rosa had never been so polite to anybody but you meant so much to her that she just couldn’t afford to lose you.
“Of course, if you don’t mind going on a date with me,” You smiled and Rosa broke into a grin. You were caught off guard by Rosa’s brilliant smile, the first smile she had ever given you since you first stepped into the office. And there were going to be a lot more of her smiles in your future.
this is the second part of my series based on the divide album by ed sheeran!
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joysmercer · 5 years
in daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee (how about love?)
Rosa rolls her eyes. “Besides, I never drink coffee.”
Gina lowers her phone and leans forward; her Twitter updates can wait. “Rosa Diaz, are you telling me that you’ve never had a Pumpkin Spice Latte?”
(An AU where Rosa's a Target Sales Associate and Gina's a barista for the Starbucks inside.)
This is my entry for the b99 Fall 2019 Fic Exchange, written for @thirteenbythirteen and in response to her prompt of "Gina convinces Rosa to try Pumpkin Spice Lattes (canon-divergence/AU)." This is an entirely new genre for me but I really enjoyed writing this, and I hope you like it!
Thank you @b99fandomevents for organizing the exchange, @letsperaltiago and @cheddar-the-dog for your valuable help with editing this, and @darkrosemind for your amazing advice, encouragement, and support, and for letting me rant to you about this for a week straight 💕💕
The title is from the song "Seasons of Love" from the musical Rent. Also, for those of you who care about such things, the events of this fic most closely parallel those in seasons 4-5 in canon, although some things are switched around.
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Gina Linetti is doing exactly what she should be doing as a Starbucks Barista working during peak-lunch hours on a Wednesday afternoon: sitting at a table by herself, playing Kwazy Cupcakes and live-tweeting her scores. Most individuals would regard such behavior as something along the lines of “shirking responsibilities,” but Gina rarely pays attention to trivial matters like “professional obligations”—she has a social media following to maintain, after all.
(Also, because the Starbucks she works at is located inside of a Target and hardly anyone goes shopping at one o’clock in the middle of the week, Gina doesn’t have work to do and has to find other ways to occupy herself.)
Even with the shortage of customers, there is more than enough activity throughout the store to keep Gina (and her fans, via Instagram Live) entertained: Charles Boyle is setting up an “exotic culinary delights” food cart despite being explicitly told multiple times that Target does not offer samples; in Electronics, Hitchcock and Scully are watching TV while Jake Peralta bounces a rubber ball off of the back of Hitchcock’s head; behind them, Amy Santiago is taking inventory in (and completely reorganizing the layout of) the Stationary aisle. 
Privately, Gina thinks she’s a much better Sales Associate than any of them (although every time she says so, Terry Jeffords, the Floor Manager, is quick to remind her that she’s technically not even a Target employee, and Raymond Holt, the Store Manager, asks her to stop crashing their staff meetings. Gina disagrees—being a Sales Associate is not a job; it’s a state of mind.)
Gina watches the chaos for a while and contemplates offering to choose a new wardrobe for Amy (those formal blouses and loafers are so boring), but before she can, the unmistakable thud of stomping combat boots starts to resonate through the store. A few seconds later, Rosa Diaz marches in, carrying a motorcycle helmet under one arm and wearing a leather jacket over her red shirt. Now that’s a fashion choice Gina can get behind.
“Rosa, you’re late. Also, leather jackets are against uniform regulations,” Amy says. 
“Shut up, Santiago, or I’ll tell Holt you’ve been hiding those accordion folders you like from customers.”
“I file hard, I need strong tabs!”
That’s it. Gina can't let this particular conversation between Rosa and Amy go on any longer. After all, their discussions always turn dull sooner or later, and this one is very clearly sooner. “Ooh, Rosa, tell us, where were you this fine morning?” she calls from her table. 
Rosa scowls. “I was up late fixing Tom Hardy’s car, then some moron sent in a bulk-order of earrings that they needed for some party tonight, so I had to work on those, and then I overslept. And now I need a nap.” Rosa starts towards the breakroom, ignoring everyone’s bewildered stares (while none of Rosa’s extracurriculars is news to Gina, evidently, none of the others know how to stalk people on Google). 
Just as Rosa’s about to enter the room, however, the door swings open from the inside, causing her to jump back in surprise. Holt and Terry walk out past her, followed closely by a man in an exterminator’s uniform. They talk between themselves for a few minutes before the exterminator leaves and Holt and Terry turn toward everyone else.
“Attention, team, the breakroom is currently off-limits,” Holt announces. “Aubrey Robinson, who manages our Starbucks”—Holt gestures vaguely behind him, in Gina’s direction—“has graciously allowed us to use theirs instead.” 
Gina hides a grin. The Starbucks “breakroom” is more of a closet, and she’s pretty sure that it hasn’t been used (or cleaned, for that matter) in multiple years. She’s been using the Target breakroom for so long now that she considers it her own.
“Wait, why is it closed? Charles and I were going to watch a movie there this afternoon!” Jake exclaims. 
“No, you weren’t; we’re meeting my brother for lunch, remember? He’s upset that I haven’t introduced you to him yet,” Amy says. 
“Oh, yeah. Cool, cool, cool.” Jake’s eyes widen with a mixture of panic and eagerness, and Amy looks as though she’s trying hard not to smile.
Oh, that’s right, Jake and Amy are dating, Gina reminds herself. She keeps forgetting that little tidbit of office gossip no matter how many times Jake mentions it. 
Terry coughs. “Actually, Jake, that’s exactly why we’re closing the breakroom. Someone left the popcorn out the last time you guys watched a movie, and that lead to a rat infestation. Now we have to explain to Corporate why the TV is being used for something other than Target advertisements.”
“So I don’t get my nap because you dweebs didn’t clean up after yourselves?” Rosa glares around the group, and the terror everyone else’s faces makes Gina snicker. 
“I will notify you all once the infestation has cleared up. That is all for my morning announcements. Dismissed,” Holt says, ending the meeting.
As everyone else goes back to what they were doing, Rosa walks over to Gina and collapses into the seat across from her, using her foot to drag another chair from a neighboring table towards herself and stretching her legs onto it. She then proceeds to pull a nail cutter out of her pocket and begins to enlarge a knot in the wood of the table with one hand while stifling a yawn with the other. Gina watches all of this, fascinated, but quickly averts her gaze when Rosa catches her.
“What?” Rosa snaps.
“You look tired.” 
“Shut up, Gina.”
“You should ask someone to get you a cup of coffee,” Gina advises, mostly because she knows that Rosa hates both small-talk and personal conversation, and it’s fun to irritate her for no reason.
“Isn’t that your job?” Rosa rolls her eyes. “Besides, I never drink coffee.”
Gina stares at her in shock. “Wait, what?” 
“Mhmm. Only herbal tea. The ladies in my quilting circle introduced me to it,” Rosa says nonchalantly as she continues damaging office property.
Gina lowers her phone and leans forward; her Twitter updates can wait. “Rosa Diaz, are you telling me that you’ve never had a Pumpkin Spice Latte?”
“Absolutely not. When I do drink coffee, it’s the strongest stuff they have. Go big or go home, you know.” Rosa blows the shavings that she created off of the table. “Also, why do you even care? Aren't they too ‘basic,’ or whatever, for your taste?” she asks, making air-quotes with her fingers.
Gina scoffs. “Bitch, I made it into the cultural icon it is today. Who do you think came up with the term ‘PSL’ in the first place? It’s a right of passage try it at least once.” 
Rosa raises her eyebrows. “Right of passage to what, exactly?”
“Oh, Rosa, Rosa, Rosa. You poor, Pumpkin-Spice-Latte-less Rosa. You have so much to learn,” Gina says, shaking her head. 
Rosa shoots her a withering look, but before she can respond, Charles walks up to them and requests Rosa’s help in assembling his food cart.
“Ugh, fine. I guess my break’s over,” Rosa says. She grabs the nail cutter from where it’s lodged into the table and stands up. “See ya.”
“Bye.” Gina waves her off. In the back of her mind, she begins to come up with a plan.
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lexa-lives-in-us · 5 years
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A October in November prompt challenge for Rosa Diaz and Gina Linetti’s oneshots.
1. Chestnuts
2. Kiss
3. Sheets
4. Champagne
5. Ghost
6. Memo
7. Hot bath
8. Agenda
9. Woods
10. Cat
11. Closet
12. Date
13. Full Moon
14. Blanket
15. Pumpkin
16. Bandaid
17. Postcard
18. Morning
19. Lonewolf
20. Coffee
21. Witch
22. Memory
23. Chimney
24. Beach
25. Perfume/Smell
26. Bandage
27. Ring
28. Broken glass
29. Flowers
30. Candies
31. Halloween
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cheddar-the-dog · 5 years
baby, we’ll be alright (we’ll be alright someday)
thank you to @darkrosemind and @b99peraltiago for your enthusiasm and encouraging words 💛
set post prison: rosa wakes up from a bad dream and goes through the motions (anxiety/panic described in a very different way)
read on ao3
Rosa’s body shoots up into an upright position and she struggles to breathe.
To get the much needed oxygen into her body, force it through her restricted airways into her lungs and get the carbon dioxide out of her body in return.
To exhale the toxins.
Her knuckles are as white as the sheets, blending with them, desperately trying not to claw away at her skin and stay in the present, not get swallowed back into what she just escaped.
The world around her, inside her, is tumultuous and loud.
Like a freeway during rush hour, angry voices ringing through from every side, mixing together, getting increasingly louder and louder to drown out each other and their complaints.
Rosa lays back down, stares at the ceiling for a moment.
She turns around and looks out of the window at the moon and wonders if it ever felt similar struggles. Has gone through what she’s been going through lately.
Sleepless nights and haunting nightmares. Panic, ebbing and flowing like the sea, sometimes swallowing you whole and drowning you.
Drowning drowning drowning.
In yourself.
If the moon ever feels lonely, too, despite having the sun around for most of the time. And people looking out for them like guiding forces.
Like lighthouses or the stars.
Because she does.
When it’s 2 am and she just woke from a particular terrible and realistic nightmare, and her girlfriend sleeping peacefully beside her, she still feels lonely.
She feels the radiating heat of the body beside her as she starts to get aware of her surroundings.
She turns and observes a chest, rising slowly, falling even slower.
Rosa feels her heart skip a beat and a hot tear running down her cheek.
She feels the auburn hairs of the body beside her tickling in her nose.
For the first time since she woke up she inhales deeply.
Gina’s scent is soothing her from the inside and the world around her, inside her, calms down with her next exhale.
(Not as alone.)
Where a second ago was war is now tranquility.
Instead of screams overlapping screams she finds herself in a forest now, standing in front of a softly running stream.
Just making its way to the next obstacle. And not allowing itself to worry how it will overcome the next hindrance until it gets there. Knowing it will overcome every hurdle in its own time.
In its own way.
Where a second ago was a blood lusting sea trying to pull her under and swallow her is now only a bed. A ship, carrying them safe to shore. And Gina the anchor, holding them both in place.
Where a second ago a body was at war with itself is now one that’s almost at peace again. Allowing itself to rest up and sleep.
And maybe, she realizes, she’s not as alone as she feels, with her girlfriend in her arms, both drowning in the moonlight, falling through the window at 2 am on a weekday night.
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Five times Rosa Diaz thought she was falling for Gina Linetti & one time she was certain she was already doomed. A 5+1 fic.
"You know, in another lifetime, you and I would've made a hot ass couple"
"What's wrong with this lifetime?"
"Damn, get it girl"
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doodlingotaku · 5 years
Chapters: 1/3 Fandom: Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jake Peralta/Amy Santiago, Jake Peralta & Amy Santiago Characters: Jake Peralta, Amy Santiago, Gina Linetti, Charles Boyle, Ray Holt, Terry Jeffords, Rosa Diaz Additional Tags: Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Humor, Alternate Universe - College/University, Libraries, Peraltiago, Pining Jake Peralta, Romance, Mutual Pining, Cute, First Kiss, Surprise Kissing, Forehead Kisses, Domestic Fluff, Singing, Singing in the Shower, Alternate Universe - Neighbors, mystery neighbors
When Amy moved into her quaint neighbourhood near her university, she wasn't expecting much. It was an older area with her being the only one under 50, and the apartment itself, (though cheap) is falling apart and is in desperate need of renovation. But the worst part of all, are the paper thin walls, which are the reason for the start of this whole friendship with her neighbour.
A neighbour she has yet to meet.
I made this a while ago and I finally decided to post it (after a lot of editing) It was meant to be a oneshot but it ended up getting longer and longer so I split it into 3 parts. The next chapter will be posted soon! Let me know what ya’ll think of the story. 
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When someone says they don’t watch Brooklyn nine-nine
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muskratcactus · 1 year
Rosa (threatening a perp): you better not fucking do that again or I’ll make sure you can’t walk for days—
Gina: make sure I can’t walk for days…
Rosa: Are you saying you want me to fracture your legs?
Gina: damn you’re that good in bed?
Rosa: what?
Gina: noootthhiiinnnggg.
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faeriesareforreal · 7 years
That's Her Girl
The door to the evidence lockup swung open, revealing an anxious Rosa. "Jake, I need to talk to you about something before Gina gets here… what are you doing?"
Jake stopped disassembling the confetti cannons and turned to face the confused Rosa, wiping non-existent sweat from his brow in a vain attempt at looking tough. "Well, I was preparing for Gina and her baby's big entrance, but Terry says you can't shoot confetti at an infant. What kind of rule is that?" He shrugged. "I'm guessing I'm gonna have to get rid of the sparklers, too, huh?"
"Probably," Rosa agreed. "Look, Jake, you had such great advice when it came to my parents…"
"Well, yeah," Jake agreed, adopting a dramatic tone. "I guess when you speak from the heart… dammit, I got confetti in my Lucky Charms."
"Jake," Rosa began again, unamused. "I still haven't told Gina that I'm bi."
"Really? That's what's got you worried?" he asked in disbelief. "It's Gina, she'll be totally cool with it."
"Are you sure?" Rosa narrowed her eyes. "I mean, I'm not saying she won't accept it, but… you know, sometimes people don't like change."
"You haven't changed," Jake reminded her. "You're the same as you've always been. Gina will get that. Besides, she's got a baby now. She's got more important things to worry about."
"Guess so," Rosa agreed hesitantly. "Thanks, man." She turned to walk out.
"Hey, Rosa?"
"I think I aciddentally superglued my hands together."
"What the hell were you using-"
"She's here, she's here!" Boyle squealed, practically skipping around the room. "I've missed my sister so much!"
"Is everybody ready?" Amy asked. "Hitchcock, where's Scully?"
"In the bathroom checking out the weird pimple on his butt. He says if he's not out in ten minutes, he needs one of us to go in and pop it for him," Hitchcock answered calmly.
"Nose goes," Jake announced, frantically slamming his index finger against his nose.
"Nobody's gonna be popping Scully's ass zit," Terry informed the group loudly, glaring at Hitchcock.
"Okay, okay, focus, people, focus!" Amy snapped. "It's just like we rehearsed. When the captain gives us the word that Gina is in the elevator…"
The elevator opened, revealing Gina in all her usual splendor, her baby girl balanced on her hip. "Greetings, peasants," she announced, boldly strutting out. If it wasn't for the drooling infant, it would have seemed as if nothing had changed. "I have arrived in order to bless you both with my presence and that of my spawn."
"I apologize for not signaling, Santiago." Captain Holt emerged from behind Gina. "But Peralta changed the code word so many times I'm afraid I lost count."
"Sorry, Babe," Jake muttered, watching his irritated fiancée with wide, guilty eyes.
"It's great to see you, Gina," Terry cut in, making his way over to the woman and her child. "You look great."
Gina chuckled. "As do you, Terrence, as do you." She turned to address the crowd once more. "I know my maternal glow may frighten some, but don't be afraid. Come, cradle my child if you wish, but please wash your hands if you're going to touch her." She protectively hugged her child closer. "And Hitchcock, you and Scully are required to stay at least ten feet away at all times."
"Can I hold her?"
The question shocked everyone in the room into silence, all except for a giggling baby girl who was reaching out towards the cuff of the expectant detective's leather jacket.
"Oh, of course," Gina replied after a moment, tenderly passing the baby into Rosa's arms. "Now, make sure you keep her head elevated- yeah, just like that." Gina smirked down at the little girl's round face. "She loves her Auntie Rosa, doesn't she?"
Rosa smiled as she became more comfortable with the action. "Huh. This is what you've been missing out on work to do?"
Gina sighed. "Well, there's something she does that reminds me a whole lot of this precinct."
"What's that?" Rosa asked, genuinely curious, before wrinkling her nose in disgust. "Gross." She held the baby out in front of her right as it began to bawl.
Gina took her back. "Yep, her little poops smell just like Scully's feet," she announced. "I've been trying to train her to warn me by chanting ancient witches' spells right before she takes a dump, but she hasn't really caught on." She patted her daughter's back, trying to soothe her. "Captain, can we discuss what happens when I get back in, say, five minutes? I need to change this one's diaper." She didn't wait for Holt's approval before casting her gaze to Amy. "Hey, Ames, you wanna come give me a hand?"
Amy smiled sweetly and placed a hand over her heart, truly touched. "You want my help with your baby?" she asked earnestly.
"Yeah, I think I forgot a diaper, and that jacket looks close enough to one."
"Well, Gina, we're pleased to see you in good health," Captain Holt began, sitting across from his secretary at his desk.
"Very conversational of you, Captain," Gina noted. "Has Jake been teaching you small talk while I've been gone?"
"Yes, much to my dismay," he answered. "But I suppose it wouldn't hurt to ask a few more questions."
"Ask away, for I am a fountain of knowledge," Gina said with a flourish of her hand. The baby made a farting noise.
"How's this small human's father, who, if I recall correctly, is also a cousin of Boyle's?" The captain inquired, eyebrows raised.
"We actually split up," Gina informed him, waving it off. "We weren't in sync."
"I see," he responded, puzzled. "And he's still involved with the child?"
"Yes," Gina answered. "We simply won't be producing any more offspring. It's probably for the best, too. Any more and they might try to assassinate her as the one true heir." She hugged her baby protectively, as if this was a very real and dangerous threat.
"I see," Holt repeated, unable to read Gina's expression.
There was a knock on the door before Charles cracked it open. "Captain, Scully's trapped in the toilet again. Sarge says he can't get him out. Should we call plumbing?"
Holt sighed, rubbing his temples in exasperation. "Excuse me," he told Gina, standing up and walking briskly out into the bullpen. "Peralta, put the power drill down!"
Boyle' feet stayed planted just inside the office, though. "I don't mean to pry," he began, tone suggesting that he very much meant to pry. "But I heard you split up with Milton. How're you holding up?"
"None of your business, Charles."
"It's very much my business. You're my sister and he's both my cousin and the father of your child."
Gina groaned. "You have got to stop saying stuff like that, Boyle," she chided.
"Answer the question," he pressed.
"I'm fine," Gina answered, waving him off. "Better than fine, actually. I have brought into this world a child free of the constraints of a patriarchy ridden society."
"Oh," Boyle exclaimed softly. "Cool." He looked out the window into the bullpen, looking directly at Rosa's desk. "So, did Rosa tell you?" he asked, lifting his eyebrows.
"That she broke up with Pimento?" Gina inquired. "Oh, I saw that coming way before it happened. They were like a flame: the burned bright while they lasted, but eventually they burned out."
"Okay…" Boyle frowned. "Not what I meant, though. You know, how she came out as bi?"
Gina smiled knowingly. "Yeah, I figured."
She waved vaguely. "There were… signs."
"Really?" Boyle repeated, still confused.
"Well, only a trained eye such as mine could pick up on them," she explained mysteriously.
Boyle grinned. "Is she gonna introduce you guys?" he asked in excitement.
"What are you talking about?"
From behind Boyle, Gina caught of a beautiful woman marching through the bullpen, past a group of uniformed officers, right up to Rosa's desk, and…
"Oh." Finals voice was so soft it was almost inaudible. Her lips remained parted as she stared in shock at the gorgeous woman who was kissing Rosa in front of everyone, not giving a damn who was watching.
"Yeah," Boyle said, awkwardly shoving his hands in his pockets. "They do that a lot."
Gina cleared her throat. "Charles, it's been a while since I fed her," she informed him, hoisting her baby up. "Mind giving me some privacy?"
"Oh, of course! Hey, how's the breastfeeding been going? Does it hurt? Genevieve and I have all these great, informative books from back when we were trying to inseminate-"
Gina groaned loudly. "How is it that you're making the miracle of life repulsive?" She questioned incredulously. "Get out!"
He obliged, scurrying away, shouting something about a plunger and and Scully's buttocks as he went, leaving Gina to state out into the bullpen.
Gina placed her daughter on Holt's desk, one hand on her back to steady her. She grabbed the pride flag from Holt's pencil cup and began chewing on the end, but Gina was too preoccupied to care.
She'd run out of chances. She had a baby now, and Rosa, finally comfortable in her identity, had found a beautiful girlfriend… they both had very different needs in life right now. And Gina was happy for her. She wanted everything to go perfectly for Rosa Diaz, to never see her go through another heartbreak again. And yet…
"Hey," she whispered, taking her daughter's hand. "You see her? You see your Auntie Rosa?" She pointed the baby's chubby finger at the incredible, brave detective. "That's the love of my life. It took me way too long to realize it, but… that's my girl."
The baby couldn't possibly have understood what her mother had just said, but she turned to look at the other woman, now leaning against Rosa's desk and speaking softly. Whatever she was saying, it was lighting Rosa's face up. Gina used to be the one that did that. "And that… that's her girl."
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lionowlonao3 · 6 years
“Fly to Montréal, hit a classy hotel bar, bone a stranger, slump over.”
His slump is over, but Jake can’t get Rosa’s idea out of his head. So he goes anyway, and has a wonderful night. It’s the last thing he expects when months later, Rosa arrests the stranger in question.
Relationships: Doug Judy/Jake Peralta
Characters: Jake Peralta, Doug Judy, Rosa Diaz, Gina Linetti, Charles Boyle,  Amy Santiago
Additional tags: × Episode: s01e03 The Slump × Episode: s01e12 Pontiac Bandit × Canon Compliant × One Night Stands × Bisexual Jake Peralta × Bisexual Doug Judy × referenced future Jake/Amy × Season/Series 01 ×
my pillowfort // if you love it, please consider supporting me on ko-fi
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But can we see more of Amy double tucking because of Jake, but now in an established relationship ? ?
It warms my he a rt
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