#gina hecht
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gameofthunder66 · 10 months ago
Dave (2020- ) tv sitcom (on hiatus)
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-(finished) watchin' Season 3- 4/28/2024- 3 [1/2] stars- on Hulu (FX)
90% Rotten Tomatoes
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camxnoel-updates · 4 years ago
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carlgilliard: "Guess who’s appearing on this week’s episode of @shameless ? None other than YOURS TRULY! So much fun with @cameronmonaghan, @noelfisher and the great @gina_hecht 🌹 (my Wifey in the episode). STORY BEHIND THIS GIG. Scene had TWO LINES. One was in HEBREW. I looked at the sides, emailed my agent to pass on this opportunity. That HEBREW appeared a bit tough. My agent pushed me back by recording and emailing the phonetic pronunciation. (She’s Jewish) I prepared the audition and did my best, but felt I jacked up a couple of the words. To my surprise, I booked the job. I AM GLAD I LISTENED TO MY AGENT!! Learned the HEBREW DIALOGUE and was proud of myself. Shoot day came. Great day. Great people. Show aired today. The HEBREW LINE WAS CUT!!! 😂😂😂🤷🏾‍♂️😱. That’s my SHAMELESS story. I love this business. #Blessed #Shameless #HebrewFluent🙏🏿. #HilariousScene"
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filmjunky-99 · 3 years ago
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s t a r t r e k t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n created by gene roddenberry A Matter of Perspective [s3ep14]
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mmandymmilkovich · 4 years ago
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Is this the same woman?? This is Gina Hecht, she’s cast as “Rachel” in Shameless 11x09
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fischhitparade · 4 years ago
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spryfilm · 4 years ago
DVD review: “Mork & Mindy” (1978-1982)
DVD review: “Mork & Mindy” (1978-1982)
“Mork & Mindy” (1978-1982) Television/Comedy Ninety-five Episodes Created by: Garry Marshall, Dale McRaven and Joe Glauberg Featuring: Robin Williams, Pam Dawber, Elizabeth Kerr, Conrad Janis, Tom Poston, Jay Thomas, Gina Hecht, Jim Staahl, Crissy Wilzak and Jonathan Winters Mork: “Nanu-Nanu!” Mork: “Shazbot!” Released on DVD recently is the entire series “Mork & Mindy” (1978-1982) which…
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byneddiedingo · 2 years ago
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Al Pacino in Scarface (Brian De Palma, 1983)
Cast: Al Pacino, Steven Bauer, Michelle Pfeiffer, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Robert Loggia, Miriam Colon, F. Murray Abraham, Paul Shenar, Harris Yulin. Screenplay: Oliver Stone, based on a screenplay by Ben Hecht, Seton I. Miller, John Lee Mahin, W.R. Burnett adapted from a novel by Armitage Trail. Cinematography: John A. Alonzo. Art direction: Edward Richardson. Film editing: Gerald B. Greenberg, David Ray. Music: Giorgio Moroder.
Brian De Palma's Scarface ends with a dedication of the film to Howard Hawks and Ben Hecht, the director and the author of the story for the 1932 Scarface. As well it might, for De Palma's film and Oliver Stone's screenplay follow the outlined action and many of the characters of the earlier film far more closely than many remakes do. Most of the major characters have counterparts in the 1932 film: the Italian Tony Camonte becomes the Cuban Tony Montana; the first Tony's best friend, Guino Rinaldo, becomes Manny Ribera; Tony's sister, Cesca, becomes Gina; his boss Johnny Lovo's mistress, Poppy, becomes Tony Montana's boss Frank Lopez's mistress, Elvira. Both Mama Camonte and Mama Montana are sternly disapproving presences, and the appropriate characters are bumped off in more or less the same sequence and circumstances as in the earlier film. Because of the relaxation of censorship, there's a little heightening of some subtext from the first film: Gina (Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio) taunts Tony Montana (Al Pacino) with having incestuous feelings for her more explicitly than Cesca ever dares with Tony Camonte. And although the earlier film was thought to be excessively violent, the remake goes boldly where it didn't dare, starting with a chainsaw murder and ending with a veritable orgy of gunfire, including that of Tony's "little friend," a grenade launcher. The violence of De Palma's film first earned it an X rating, which was bargained down to an R after some suggested cuts -- although De Palma has claimed that he actually released the film without the cuts, and no one noticed. The remake's violence also turned off many of the critics, although it received a strong thumbs up from Roger Ebert. Since then, of course, the movie has become a cult classic, and more people have seen the remake than have ever seen the original. Which is a shame, because the original, despite some occasional slack pacing and the inevitable antique feeling that lingers in even pre-Production Code movies, is a genuine classic, while De Palma's version feels like a rather studied attempt to go over the top. Screenwriter Stone was never noted for subtlety, and while Al Pacino is one of the great movie actors, De Palma lets him venture into self-caricature, especially with what might be called his Cubanoid accent. On the other hand, Steven Bauer -- who was born in Cuba and sounds nothing like Pacino's Tony -- is a more appealing sidekick than George Raft was, and Michelle Pfeiffer, in one of her first major film roles, makes a good deal more of Elvira than Karen Morley did of Poppy, even though Pfeiffer is asked to do little more than look beautifully sullen and bored throughout the film. Scarface is at best a trash classic, a movie whose impact is stronger than one wants it to be. 
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gameofthunder66 · 1 year ago
Dave (2020- ) sitcom
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-(started) watchin' Season 3- 2/19/2024- on Hulu (FX)
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thegreaterlink · 3 years ago
Reviewing Star Trek TNG - S3E14 "A Matter of Perspective"
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This screenshot is an absolute trip.
The Enterprise drops off Riker and Geordi at the Botanica IV space station to check on the progress of Dr Nel Apgar (Mark Margolis), who has been researching Krieger waves as a potential power source. When the Enterprise returns the next day, the station explodes moments after Riker beamed back from his meeting with Apgar.
Tanugan investigator Krag (Craig Richard Nelson) comes aboard to accuse Riker of murder, since under Tanugan law he is guilty until proven innocent, and demands that he be turned over. Picard requests that they hold a trial to determine Riker's innocence.
Before we begin, I have to highlight the cold open where Data innocently talks shit about Picard's painting. I love it. Definitely the highlight of the episode.
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Okay, back to the actual plot.
Here we have the first of many episodes where a main character is accused of some heinous crime and has to prove their innocence. Or as I like to call them, a slow day in the writers' room. Get used to these. You're going to be seeing a lot of them going forward.
Personally, I'm not a fan of these episodes because we always know that the accused is innocent, so there's no tension or intrigue.
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Fortunately this at least has an interesting twist on it, taking advantage of the futuristic setting to have each witness's version of events play out in the holodeck.
First, we get Riker's version of events. This doesn't do the lack of tension any favours, since we know he's innocent, but okay.
I'd give you an image, but I used it for the header. In his version, Riker is neutral and business-like, Apgar is irritated by Starfleet's interruption but tries to be polite, and Apgar's wife Manua (Gina Hecht) can hardly keep her eyes off Riker, and insists that he and Geordi stay on the station despite having arranged accommodation on the planet.
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Over in Riker's guest quarters, Manua essentially comes on to him, despite his insistence that she leave. Apgar enters, catches the two of them in an... awkward position, puts two and two together and tells Riker that he'll make a formal complaint to Starfleet. Though Riker notes that this last part never happened and he didn't see Apgar until the next morning.
Speaking of which, Riker's account ends with him leaving on amicable terms. Krag calls bullshit, claiming that Riker fired a phaser since the lab's ground computers detected a large energy pulse at his exact position right as the transporter was activated. Krag runs his own hypothesis, which shows Riker firing on Apgar as he was beaming out.
We then get Manua as the first witness, with much more modest clothing and demeanour than in Riker's account. Her account from before the Enterprise's arrival shows Apgar anxious over how Starfleet will respond to his lack of progress. Riker arrives, acting much more like his usual self, as well as blatantly checking her out. That night, he acts much more... predatory than usual, causing Riker (by which I mean the real Riker) to interrupt in protest, even attacking and threatening Apgar when he catches them.
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Despite the foregone conclusion of Riker's innocence, it is entertaining to see Jonathan Frakes acting against type for a change.
Plus Riker gets so appalled at this attempted slander that he gives us yet another meme template.
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I hope you're keeping track of these. There'll be questions later.
I'm joking.
Or am I?
Anyway, Picard calls a recess, with the evidence stacked against Riker and Troi claiming that they're somehow both telling the truth.
"We can't both be telling the truth."
"It is the truth… as you each remember it."
"But her version puts a noose around my neck."
Later comes the third witness: Tayna, Apgar's assistant, who describes what Apgar told her of the incident. Even though her account is essentially hearsay, Krag allows it since Apgar is dead.
Tayna's account is a happy medium of the two versions. Long story short, Apgar catches Riker and Manua making out, Apgar hits him and says he'll complain, and Riker threatens him. Later, Apgar tells Tayna to take his wife down to the planet and that he'll deal with Riker and continue his research. And we all know (more or less) how that went.
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Now, throughout this whole thing there's been a subplot where the technical team (Geordi, Data and Wesley) have been checking for evidence of Riker's innocence. There have also been two radiation attacks which melted away part of the hull. Analysis has found that there's been the exact same time intervals between them and that they're precisely in time with the Krieger wave generator on the planet's surface. With this knowledge, Picard has determined the cause of both the radiation bursts and the explosion, as well as who killed Dr Apgar.
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Picard reconvenes everyone back on the holodeck, claiming that despite all the testimonies they've yet to see what really happened.
Okay, a whole lot of shit happens in this last big explanation, so I'll do my best to keep it brief by just explaining the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Tayna's version of events is correct.
Apgar had already finished the wave generator and was lying about his lack of progress, since he was more interested in the potential financial gain which the Federation couldn't offer.
The holodeck simulation of the wave generator (which is apparently also fully functional somehow) has been focusing the energy from the generator on the planet, damaging the ship.
Apgar had attempted to kill Riker by aiming the wave generator at him, but the energy beam bounced off his transporter field and hit the converter, destroying the station.
With the new evidence presented, Krag agrees with the conclusion that Agpar accidentally killed himself while trying to kill Riker, and offers his apologies. Yay!
A bit messy to be sure, but it all worked out in the end. The writing could've been punched up in some places, maybe by giving Tayna and Manua different motivations for testifying, like if Agpar and Tayna were having an affair or something and Tayna wanted to cover it up. Just a thought.
6/10 - I've seen worse.
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eyeliketwowatch · 8 years ago
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Night Shift - Say Hello to Michael Keaton, he’ll be around for a while, unfortunately
Oh boy, amateurs involved in prostitution was just a comic gold mine in the early eighties, to judge from the popularity of movies like 'Risky Business' or 'Doctor Detroit', and especially this early Ron Howard directorial effort "Night Shift". This was Michael Keaton's big breakout film, but unfortunately did little to help Henry Winkler finally put 'The Fonz' behind him.
The boys play a couple of morgue attendants who decide to open up a prostitution ring from their unusual surroundings. Pretty stupid movie overall, and needs a lot of help from over the top mugging from both actors to help sell the dismal comic situation. Not to worry though, this was a huge hit, and passed for 'comic gold' the summer it came out. I probably ended up seeing it on video after a lot of enthusiastic praise from my new boss.
2 stars out of 5
Released 1982, First Viewing November 1983
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roshanmarkam · 3 years ago
Watch Dave 2020 full Series free, download dave 2020. Stars: Gina Hecht, Andrew Santino, Christine Ko, Taylor Misiak, Dave Burd, Gata, Travis Taco Bennett
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applerpg · 3 years ago
Hi! This looks neat and I’m considering applying, but I’m kind of curious about why you’re not requiring a Jewish FC for Puck, or half-Jewish FCs for his children? Even if you’re going based on the actors ethnicities, Dianna is Jewish too. Thanks for the info, I’m just curious.
Of course! I went back and forth with this a lot before the start of the rp (which I did with all of the families) because it is a very complicated case. Mark wasn’t Jewish, his character was, Dianna is Jewish, her character wasn’t. Basically what I did was base everything off of who played Puck’s parents and Dianna’s ethnicity as well as creative liberties granted my previous sentence. I’m gonna try and break this up into little sections to try and explain my logic and ultimately, if my logic is flawed and this is an incorrect take to have, I have no issue with changing FC’s around! Also, putting this under a read more because it got much longer than I had anticipated!
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Firstly, Puck! To be quite honest, Mark is not a factor in this at all, he doesn’t deserve to have anything respected in my opinion. Puck is Jewish-coded as he talks about his faith, says he’s Jewish, and so forth. Gina Hecht, who plays Puck’s mom, is Ashkenazi Jewish while Thomas Calabro, who plays Puck’s dad, is fully white according to the Internet. So, to me, in my Puckerman lore that I had to make up, Puck is half-Jewish ethnically and his dad probably just converted in marriage. Reflecting, I think I should have used a half-Jewish FC for Puck and that is completely my own mistake and something I plan on fixing! At the start of the rp, I simply just picked someone in their 40s that fit Puck’s vibe and not much farther thought went into that since this initially just started as a personal project for me.
Now onto Quinn! Dianna’s dad’s family is Jewish while her mom’s isn’t and her mom married into the faith. There’s also a lot to argue in terms of is she half-Jewish or if her lineage is so far down that she’s only about a quarter or less, but for all intensive purposes I’m going to say half since Dianna has stated this herself. For Quinn’s character, it seems highly unlikely that she is Jewish at all. Quinn comes from an upper middle class Christian family, she called Rachel names that could be classified as anti-semantic (including caricature doodles of her), and I’m pretty sure her dad made a comment about ethnic candidates in politics. Basically, I can’t imagine a world in which a Jewish girl makes comments like that to a Jewish girl, especially when it’s stated explicitly that Quinn’s from a privileged Christian family. So, in that case, Quinn isn’t Jewish in any capacity aside from the actress.
Ultimately, with all this in mind, I had to figure the best way to make all areas of this work without having to essentially rewrite canon characters because someone in the Glee casting room in 2009 didn’t take any of this into consideration. I decided that a Jewish FC wasn’t necessarily needed for this family and I think a lot of my final decision goes back to what I’ve seen in Glee rps and emulating that and I’ve never seen anyone ever, use Jewish FC’s to play Quinn’s siblings or Puckerman children and I don’t even see many Jewish Puck’s (probably linked back to Mark’s own ethnicity) so I just don’t ask for it as a requirement. People are welcome to use Jewish FC’s for the Puckerman families and if it’s a wish that a lot of people want, I have no probably changing FC’s around earlier like I said! I hope this makes sense, I know I rambled a lot, but I just wanted it to be known that I didn’t make the decision on a whim and thought did get put into it!
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moviesandmania · 7 years ago
ZBurbs - USA, 2016
ZBurbs – USA, 2016
ZBurbs is a 2016 American comedy horror film written and directed by Greg Zekowski (The Walking Dead: Red Machete). It stars Marieh Delfino, Gina Hecht, and Bill Oberst Jr.
When a suburban housewife discovers that her husband has become a zombie with an appetite for human flesh, she decides to make it work by feeding him! But only bad people, until the government discovers – he could be a great…
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spillthetea-todeedee · 5 years ago
Maybe next time double check your facts, that is Jake's mother, not Noah's. Noah's mother is portrayed by Gina Hecht who is WHITE.
Yes... Well done. We’re talking about Jake. She white washed HIS side of the family. So his mother’s family who are POC. She also listed Sarah, Puck’s sister as Zendaya at one point. Think you’re the one that needs to fact check here anon
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tuseriesdetv · 5 years ago
Guía de series: Estrenos y regresos de marzo 2020
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Desde ahora, vamos a probar a incluir también las fechas de España en las series de estreno. Bienvenidos a este híbrido y suerte con ellas.
¡Feliz marzo!
Verde: series nuevas.
Rojo: series de las que haremos reviews semanales.
Negro: regresos de otras series.
Naranja: miniseries o series documentales.
Amarillo: tv movies, documentales, especiales o pilotos.
Morado: season finales.
Púrpura: midseason finales.
Calendario de series
1 de marzo: 
Dispatches from Elsewhere (1T) en AMC
My Left Nut en BBC Three
McDonald & Dodds (1T) en ITV
2 de marzo: 
Breeders (1T) en FX
Liar (2T) en ITV
4 de marzo: 
Dave (1T) en FXX
Sandylands (1T) en Gold
The Trouble With Maggie Cole (1T) en ITV
Party of Five (1T finale) en Freeform
5 de marzo: 
Devs y Better Things (4T) en FX
Castlevania (3T completa) en Netflix
Noughts + Crosses en BBC One
The Dead Lands (1T finale) en Shudder
6 de marzo: 
Amazing Stories (1T) en Apple TV+
The Protector (3T completa), Paradise PD (2T completa) y Spenser Confidential en Netflix
Caronte (1T completa) y ZeroZeroZero (1T completa) en Amazon
Steven Universe Future (vuelve) en Cartoon Network
8 de marzo: 
The Outsider (1T finale) en HBO
Kidding (2T finale) en Showtime
9 de marzo: All American (2T finale) y Black Lightning (3T finale) en The CW
10 de marzo: If Loving You Is Wrong (5T y última) en OWN
11 de marzo: On My Block (3T completa) en Netflix
12 de marzo: The Unicorn (1T finale) en CBS
13 de marzo: 
Flack (2T) en Pop
Élite (3T completa), Kingdom (2T completa) y Lost Girls en Netflix
Justo antes de Cristo (2T y última) en Movistar+
Lincoln Rhyme: Hunt for the Bone Collector (1T finale) en NBC
15 de marzo: 
Westworld (3T) en HBO
Black Monday (2T) en Showtime
16 de marzo: 
Roswell, New Mexico (2T) en The CW
The Plot Against America en HBO
18 de marzo: 
Little Fires Everywhere en Hulu
Brockmire (4T y última) en IFC
Motherland: Fort Salem (1T) en Freeform
19 de marzo: 
Feel Good (1T completa) en Netflix
Ruthless (1T) en BET+
20 de marzo: 
Self Made: Inspired by the Life of Madam C.J. Walker y The Letter for the King (1T completa) en Netflix
The Banker en Apple TV+
23 de marzo: Freud (1T completa) en Netflix
24 de marzo: 
One Day at a Time (4T) en Pop
Council of Dads (1T) en NBC
Project Blue Book (2T finale) en History
25 de marzo: 
Hogar en Netflix
Star Trek: Picard (1T finale) en CBS All Access
26 de marzo: 
Unorthodox (1T completa) en Netflix
Tacoma FD (2T) en truTV
The Sinner (3T finale) en USA Network
27 de marzo: 
Ozark (3T completa) en Netflix
Steven Universe Future (series finale) en Cartoon Network
29 de marzo: Vamos Juan (2T) en TNT
Estrenos de series
Dispatches from Elsewhere (AMC)
Trata sobre un grupo de gente normal que se encuentra con un rompecabezas que se esconde a simple vista en su vida diaria pero cuyo misterio alcanza distancias que nunca pudieron imaginar. Protagonizada por Jason Segel (How I Met Your Mother), Sally Field (Brothers & Sisters, Maniac), Richard E. Grant (Can You Ever Forgive Me?, Gosford Park), Eve Lindley (Outsiders, Mr. Robot), André Benjamin (American Crime, High Life) y Tara Lynne Barr (Casual, Aquarius).
Creada, escrita y producida por Jason Segel (Get Him to the Greek, Sex Tape). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 1 de marzo Estreno en España: 2020 en AMC España
My Left Nut (BBC Three)
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Drama en el que un joven (Nathan Quinn-O'Rawe) encuentra un bulto en su testículo y no sabe a quién contárselo porque no quiere complicar las cosas con su primera novia, su padre murió hace a��os y su madre (Sinéad Keenan; Being Human, Little Boy Blue) tiene ya muchas preocupaciones.
Basado en la obra de teatro escrita por Michael Patrick y Oisín Kearney e inspirado en las experiencias de Michael como adolescente. Dirigido por Paul Gay (Vera, Skins). Tres episodios.
Estreno: 1 de marzo
McDonald & Dodds (ITV)
Ambientada en Bath, en el suroeste de Inglaterra, sigue a la dura y ambiciosa inspectora McDonald (Tala Gouveia), transferida desde el sur de Londres; y al tímido y modesto detective Dodds (Jason Watkins; The Crown, Taboo), desaprovechado durante una década; ahora que han sido emparejados. Aparentemente sin nada en común, forman un equipo más que efectivo. 
Creada por Robert Murphy (DCI Banks). Dos episodios.
Estreno: 1 de marzo
Breeders (FX)
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Estos padres quieren infinitamente a sus hijos y al mismo tiempo los tirarían por la ventana. Comedia protagonizada por Martin Freeman (Fargo, Sherlock), Daisy Haggard (Episodes, Uncle) y Michael McKean (Better Call Saul, Grace and Frankie).
Creada por Freeman, Simon Blackwell (Veep, In the Loop) y Chris Addison (Trying Again, Lab Rats). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 2 de marzo Estreno en España: 3 de marzo en HBO España
Dave (FXX)
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Dave (Dave Burd, rapero cuyo nombre artístico es Lil Dicky) es un hombre neurótico a punto de cumplir los treinta que está convencido de que está destinado a ser uno de los mejores raperos de la historia, aunque sea para hablar de lo pequeño que es su pene. Con Taylor Misiak (American Vandal, I Feel Bad), Andrew Santino (Mixology, I'm Dying Up Here), Christine Ko (The Great Indoors, Upload) y Gina Hecht (Hung). Hay cameo de Justin Bieber.
Creada por Lil Dicky y Jeff Schaffer (Curb Your Enthusiasm, Seinfeld). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 4 de marzo Estreno en España: 5 de marzo en HBO España
Sandylands (Gold)
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A los veintisiete años, Emily Verma (Natalie Dew), hija del famoso dueño de la sala de recreativos de Sandylands (Sanjeev Bhaskar; Unforgotten, The Kumars), ha escapado de su pueblo y vive la vida en Londres. Cuando lee en el periódico que ha aparecido en la costa un hidropedal con sangre y que su padre fue el último en alquilarlo, se ve obligada a volver a su pueblo a poner todo en orden, organizar el funeral, lidiar con el agente de seguros de vida (Hugh Bonneville; Downton Abbey, W1A) y vender la casa familiar. Al reencontrarse con sus viejos amigos y conocidos y hacer nuevas amistades, descubre que nada es lo que parece en el pueblo que la vio crecer. Completan el reparto David Walliams (Little Britain), Sophie Thompson (Detectorists, Gosford Park), Craig Parkinson (Line of Duty, Misfits), Simon Bird (The Inbetweeners, Friday Night Dinner) y Harriet Webb (The Split, White Gold).
Creada por Martin Collins y Alex Finch (Off Their Rockers) y dirigida por Michael Cumming (Toast of London). Tres episodios.
Estreno: 4 de marzo
The Trouble With Maggie Cole (ITV)
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Cuando un periodista de radio entrevista a Maggie Cole (Dawn French; Delicious, The Wrong Mans) sobre la idílica vida en el pequeño pueblo costero de Thurlbury, ella detalla y adorna las vidas personales de sus vecinos con demasiada exactitud. Tras la emisión del reportaje, Maggie debe enfrentarse a las reacciones y consecuencias de sus palabras. Completan el reparto Mark Heap (Upstart Crow, Friday Night Dinner), Julie Hesmondhalgh (Broadchurch, Cucumber), Vicki Pepperdine (Sally4Ever, Camping) y Patrick Robinson (Casualty, Mount Pleasant).
Drama creado y escrito por Mark Brotherhood (Mount Pleasant, Shameless) y dirigida por Ben Gregor (Cuckoo). Seis episodios.
Estreno: 4 de marzo
Devs (FX)
Limited series sobre una joven ingeniera informática (Sonoya Mizuno; Ex Machina, Crazy Rich Asians) que investiga la división de desarrollo de la empresa para la que trabaja, una compañía tecnológica puntera de San Francisco que podría estar detrás del asesinato de su novio. Completan el reparto Alison Pill (The Newsroom, American Horror Story), Nick Offerman (Parks and Recreation, Fargo), Jin Ha (Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert), Zach Grenier (The Good Wife, Deadwood), Stephen McKinley Henderson (Lady Bird, Manchester by the Sea) y Cailee Spaeny (Pacific Rim: Uprising).
Escrita y producida por Alex Garland (Annihilation, Ex Machina). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 5 de marzo Estreno en España: 5 de marzo en HBO España
Noughts + Crosses (BBC One)
Adaptación de la primera novela de la serie de Malorie Blackman que cuenta la relación amorosa de Sephy (Masali Baduza, Trackers), hija de un importante político y miembro de la clase negra dominante conocida como Crosses; y Callum (Jack Rowan; Peaky Blinders, Born to Kill), miembro de la clase baja blanca, los Noughts, que fue una vez esclava de los Crosses; en un ambiente de prejuicio, desconfianza y rebeliones en las calles en una sociedad que prohíbe el amor entre dos personas de clases distintas. Completan el reparto Paterson Joseph (Timeless, Peep Show), Bonnie Mbuli (Invictus, Wallander), Kike Brimah (Love Type D), Helen Baxendale (Cold Feet, Cuckoo), Ian Hart (The Last Kingdom, The Secret Agent), Josh Dylan (Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, Allied), Shaun Dingwall (Goodbye Christopher Robin, The Long Firm), Jonathan Ajayi, Rakie Ayola (No Offence, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child) y Stormzy. Escrita por Toby Whithouse (Doctor Who, Being Human), Lydia Adetunji (Riviera, The Last Kingdom), Nathaniel Price (Tin Star) y Rachel De-Lahay (Kiri) y dirigida por Julian Holmes (Strike Back, Outlander) y Koby Adom.
Estreno: 5 de marzo Estreno en España: 5 de marzo en HBO España
Amazing Stories (Apple TV+)
Antología basada en la serie de 1985 creada por Steven Spielberg que nos trae historias que navegan entre la ciencia ficción y el terror y que transportan a gente corriente a mundos de fantasía. En ellas podremos ver a Victoria Pedretti (The Haunting of Hill House, You), Dylan O'Brien (Teen Wolf, The Maze Runner), Robert Forster (Twin Peaks, Heroes), Josh Holloway (Lost, Yellowstone), Duncan Joiner (Waco, Tales from the Loop), Austin Stowell (Catch-22, The Secret Life of the American Teenager), Sasha Alexander (Rizzoli & Isles, Shameless), Kerry Bishé (Halt and Catch Fire, Narcos), Edward Burns (Public Morals, Mob City) o Sasha Lane (The Miseducation of Cameron Post, Utopia).
Escrita y producida por Edward Kitsis y Adam Horowitz, guionistas de Lost o Once Upon a Time. Cinco episodios.
Estreno: 6 de marzo
ZeroZeroZero (Amazon)
Adaptación del libro de Roberto Saviano (2013) sobre la lucha de los cárteles mexicanos, la mafia calabresa y empresarios corruptos por el control del imperio internacional de la cocaína. Protagonizada por Andrea Riseborough (Bloodline, Waco), Dane DeHaan (Valerian, A Cure for Wellness), Gabriel Byrne (The Usual Suspects, In Treatment), Harold Torres (Ingobernable, El Chapo), Giuseppe De Domenico (Euphoria), Adriano Chiaramida, Noé Hernández (Narcos: Mexico), Tchéky Karyo (The Missing, Baptiste), Francesco Colella (Trust) y Claudia Pineda.
Creada y dirigida por Stefano Sollima (Gomorra, Sicario: Day of the Soldado). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 14 de febrero en Sky Atlantic Italia Estreno en España: 6 de marzo en Amazon España
The Plot Against America (HBO)
Miniserie adaptación de la novela de Philip Roth (2004) que se centra en una familia judía de clase trabajadora de los años 40 cuando un populista xenófobo se convierte en presidente de Estados Unidos y dirige su nación hacia el fascismo. Protagonizada por Winona Ryder (Stranger Things, Edward Scissorhands), John Turturro (The Night Of; Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?), Zoe Kazan (The Deuce, The Big Sick), Morgan Spector (Homeland, The Mist), Anthony Boyle (Derry Girls, Ordeal by Innocence), Azhy Robertson (Juliet, Naked) y Caleb Malis.
Escrita por David Simon (The Wire, The Deuce) y Ed Burns y dirigida por Minkie Spiro (Downton Abbey, Call the Midwife). Seis episodios.
Estreno: 16 de marzo Estreno en España: 17 de marzo en HBO España
Little Fires Everywhere (Hulu)
Son los años 90. Elena Richardson (Reese Witherspoon; The Morning Show, Big Little Lies) es una periodista local que vive en Cleveland, Ohio con su marido Bill (Joshua Jackson; The Affair, Fringe) y sus cuatro hijos: Lexie (Jade Pettyjohn; School of Rock, The Last Ship), Trip (Jordan Elsass, The Long Road Home), Izzy (Megan Stott) y Moody (Gavin Lewis, Prince of Peoria). La vida de esta familia cambia con la llegada de Mia (Kerry Washington; Scandal, American Son) y su hija Pearl (Lexi Underwood, Family Reunion), que alquilan un apartamento a los Richardson. Mia es una artista con un misterioso pasado que no se conforma con las reglas que le impone la sociedad y Elena se propone ayudarla, tal vez para distraerse de los serios problemas que le da su hija adolescente.
Completan el cast Rosemarie DeWitt (United States of Tara, Olive Kitteridge), Paul Yen (Magnum P.I., Young Sheldon), Huang Lu (She, a Chinese), Geoff Stults (Grace and Frankie, The Odd Couple), Jaime Ray Newman (), Anika Noni Rose (Bates Motel, The Good Wife), Obba Babatundé (Dear White People, I'm Dying Up Here), Jesse Williams (Grey's Anatomy, The Cabin in the Woods), Britt Robertson (Under the Dome, Life Unexpected), Kristoffer Polaha (Condor, Life Unexpected), Austin Basis (Beauty and the Beast, Life Unexpected), Reggie Austin (Agent Carter, Life Unexpected), Byron Mann (Arrow, Wu Assassins), AnnaSophia Robb (The Carrie Diaries, The Act) y Tiffany Boone (The Chi, The Following).
Adaptación de la novela de Celeste Ng (2017). Escrita por Liz Tigelaar (Casual, Life Unexpected). Producida por Tigelaar (Casual, Life Unexptected), Witherspoon (Big Little Lies, The Morning Show) y Washington (Scandal, American Son). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 18 de marzo
Motherland: Fort Salem (Freeform)
En un mundo alternativo, hace trescientos años, las brujas aceptaron luchar por su país a cambio de no ser perseguidas. En la actualidad, varias chicas jóvenes son entrenadas en Fort Salem para combatir amenazas terroristas con armas y tácticas sobrenaturales. Protagonizada por Kelcey Mawema (Deadly Class, To All the Boys I've Loved Before), Jessica Sutton (The Kissing Booth, Escape Room), Taylor Hickson (Deadly Class, Aftermath), Lyne Renee (Deep State, Strike Back), Amalia Holm (Playground), Demetria McKinney (House of Payne, Saints & Sinners), Annie Jacob (Star), Ashley Nicole Williams, Kai Bradbury (Warigami) y Sarah Yarkin (Single Parents, Foursome).
Creada por Eliot Laurence (Claws) y dirigida por Steven A. Adelson (Beyond, The Blacklist). Producida por Will Ferrell, Adam McKay y Kevin Messick, que han producido Succession o Vice. Diez episodios.
Estreno: 18 de marzo
Feel Good (Channel 4)
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En esta comedia que explora el amor, la adicción y la superposición de ambos, vamos a conocer a George (Charlotte Ritchie; Call the Midwife, Fresh Meat), la nueva novia de Mae, una comediante con un problema de adicción, y la causa y la solución de su ansiedad. Les acompañan Lisa Kudrow (Friends, Web Therapy), Adrian Lukis (The Crown, Pride and Prejudice), Sophie Thompson (Detectorists, Bounty Hunters), Pippa Haywood (Bodyguard, Scott & Bailey), Ophelia Lovibond (W1A, Elementary), Tom Durant Pritchard (The Crown) y Al Roberts (Stath Lets Flats).
Escrita y protagonizada por la comediante Mae Martin (Uncle, Outsiders). Seis episodios.
Estreno: 18 de marzo Estreno en España: 19 de marzo en Netflix España
Ruthless (BET+)
Spin-off de The Oval centrado en Ruth Truesdale (Melissa L. Williams; Hidden Springs, The Oval), que entra en una secta de fanáticos locos por el sexo y finge encajar allí mientras busca la manera de liberar a su hija pequeña. Con Matt Cedeño (Power, Devious Maids), Lenny D. Thomas (The Blacklist), Yvonne Senat Jones (The Oval, The Bobby Brown Story), David Alan Madrick (Mistake), Baadja-Lyne Odums, Jaime Callica (UnREAL, Wayward Pines), Nirine S. Brown (Wicked), Blue Kimble, Stephanie Charles (The Paynes), Cara Reid (The Outsider, Homeland), Jeremy Palko (The Walking Dead, Bloodline), Hervé Clermont (Snowafall, Veronica Mars), Robert Craighead (Future Man, Too Close to Home), Anthony Bless (East Los High, Sistas), Bobbi Baker James (House of Payne) y Sara Naomi.
Creada, escrita, dirigida y producida por Tyler Perry (House of Payne, The Oval). Veinticuatro episodios.
Estreno: 19 de marzo
Self Made: Inspired by the Life of Madam C.J. Walker (Netflix)
Limited series sobre la empresaria y activista social Madam C.J. Walker (Octavia Spencer; The Help, Hidden Figures), que empezó como pionera del cuidado del cabello y se convirtió en la primera millonaria negra de Norteamérica. Completan el reparto Tiffany Haddish (Girls Trip, Tuca & Bertie), Carmen Ejogo (Selma, True Detective), Blair Underwood (Quantico, Dear White People), Garrett Morris (2 Broke Girls, The Jamie Foxx Show), Kevin Carroll (The Leftovers, Snowfall), Bill Bellamy (Insecure), Cornelius Smith Jr. (Scandal, All My Children), Keeya King (Van Helsing, Saw VIII), J. Alphonse Nicholson (P-Valley, Shots Fired), Zahra Bentham (Spinning Out) y Mouna Traoré (Condor, American Gods).
Basada en el libro 'On Her Own Ground', escrito por A'Lelia Bundles, la tataranieta de Madam C.J. Walker. Escrita por Nicole Asher (Love Beats Rhymes), dirigida por Kasi Lemmons (Black Nativity) y producida por LeBron James (Survivor's Remorse). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 20 de marzo Estreno en España: 20 de marzo en Netflix España
The Letter for the King (Netflix)
La primera serie de Netflix original de los Países Bajos está basada en un cuento infantil de Tonke Dragt (1962) y rodada en inglés y trata sobre un escudero de dieciséis años (Amir Wilson, His Dark Materials) en una peligrosa misión para entregar una carta secreta al Rey viajando a través de las Grandes Montañas. Con David Wenham (Iron Fist, Top of the Lake), Kim Bodnia (Killing Eve, Bron), Ruby Serkis, Thaddea Graham (Curfew), Gijs Blom (La Famiglia), Nathanael Saleh (Mary Poppins Returns, Game of Thrones), Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson (Beforeigners, The Innocents), Islam Bouakkaz, Jack Barton, Jonah Lees (Sun Records), Jakob Oftebro (Lilyhammer, Bron), Yorick van Wageningen (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Escape Room), Emilie Cocquerel, Ken Nwosu (Killing Eve, Sticks and Stones), Lucy Russell (The Crown, Genius), Peter Ferdinando (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, Ghost in the Shell), Kemi-Bo Jacobs (Delicious, McMafia), Lisa Loven (Wonder Woman, Occupied), David Wilmot (The Alienist, Ripper Street), Tawfeek Barhom (The Looming Tower, Baghdad Central), Omid Djalili (Lucky Man, Dickensian) y Antonia Desplat.
Escrita y producida por Will Davies (Johnny English, How to Train Your Dragon). Seis episodios. Estreno: 20 de marzo
Estreno en España: 20 de marzo en Netflix España
Freud (Netflix)
La primera serie austriaca original de Netflix es un drama de época rodado en alemán sobre un joven y sexy Sigmund Freud (Robert Finster; Kaviar) que persigue en Viena en 1886 a un asesino en serie junto al policía veterano de guerra Alfred Kiss (Georg Friedrich; Kaviar, Wilde Maus) y la medium Fleur Salome (Ella Rumpf; Grave, Die göttliche Ordnung).
Escrita por Stefan Brunner (Tatort) y dirigida por Marvin Kren (Tatort). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 23 de marzo Estreno en España: 23 de marzo en Netflix España
Council of Dads (NBC)
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A Scott (Tom Everett Scott; I'm Sorry, 13 Reasons Why) le han diagnosticado un cáncer terminal, pero necesita asegurarse de que su esposa Robin (Sarah Wayne Callies; Prison Break, The Walking Dead) y sus cuatro hijos estarán bien cuando él falte, lo cual le lleva a formar un grupo de amigos -incluidos su mejor amigo (Clive Standen; Vikings, Taken), su sponsor de alcohólicos anónimos (Michael O'Neill; Rectify, Bates Motel) y su cirujano (J. August Richards; Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Angel)- para que actúen como padres de refuerzo y puedan apoyar y guiar a la familia con sus altibajos y dudas. Completan el reparto Blue Chapman, Emjay Anthony (Bad Moms, Chef), Michele Weaver (Love Is___), Thalia Tran, Steven Silver (13 Reasons Why) y Hilarie Burton (One Tree Hil, White Collar).
Escrita por Joan Rater y Tony Phelan, guionistas de Grey's Anatomy y Doubt; producido por Jerry Bruckheimer (CSI, Lucifer) e inspirado en las memorias de Bruce Feiler (2010). FOX encargó y rechazó un piloto de comedia con Kyle Bornheimer basado en estas mismas memorias hace ocho años.
Estreno: 24 de marzo
Unorthodox (Netflix)
Miniserie sobre una mujer judía ultraortodoxa (Shira Haas; Foxtrot, The Zookeeper's Wife) que escapa de su matrimonio concertado y de Williamsburg, su comunidad religiosa en Brooklyn, para empezar una nueva vida tocando música clásica en Berlín.
Inspirada en la novela semiautobiográfica de Deborah Feldman (2012), escrita por Anna Winger (Deutschland 83) y dirigida por Maria Schrader (Deutschland 83, Fortitude). Cuatro episodios.
Estreno: 26 de marzo Estreno en España: 26 de marzo en Netflix España
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gameofthunder66 · 1 year ago
Dave (2020- ) tv sitcom
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-(started) watchin' Season 2- 12/4/2023- on Hulu (FX)
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