#gina gray x reader
heavencanbeaprisontoo · 5 months
Synopsis for the Gina x Reader x Michael fic so far:
The reader is a nanny/nursemaid that Michael hires after being encouraged to do so by Uncle Jack.
Michael and Gina have been married for about a year now. While marriage is not exactly bliss, the one thing they can agree on being a stressor is Laurence. He was born small, fussy, and challenging for the young couple to take care of. (Michael high-key thinks Laurence was cursed by Tommy.)
Michael relents to Jack that a nanny may be just what they need. Uncle Jack, always so helpful, finds and hires the reader on Michael’s behalf without telling him much.
Michael assumed you would be middle aged or even elderly. A homely married woman with children of your own. Because of this, he had no problem telling Gina you would be arriving to help take care of little Laurence. To Michael’s great chagrin, you are a young, pretty woman.
Gina at first takes your presence as a challenge, but her tune might change as you start to grow on her.
You’re just trying to do your job.
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hughiecampbelle · 2 years
Imagine Gina having eyes for you, a fellow Blinder:
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She noticed you for the first time when she was meeting the family. You stayed behind, behind Tommy, behind the bar, looking up only when she walked in. You were subtle in your expressions, smirking when you thought no one noticed. She did and seeing you smile made her blush. Michael spoke like a child, making rash decisions and demands too large. She was barely listening, instead keeping her eye on you. You were odd. Attractive, mysterious, quiet. And yet, she sensed there was something more to you. Something dangerous, something her husband lacked: a spine. You didn't make a show when you pulled out your gun, placing it on the counter before you. You made no grand gestures, nothing to prove that you were really going to use it. You would, no questions asked. What Tommy wanted, you'd do. You were loyal.
You'd prettied yourself up for this night with the rest of them. You weren't in diamonds like she was, wanting all eyes on her. You were sleek, sensible, with a razor in your cap and another up your sleeve. Michael's arm was wrapped around her waist, keeping her from gravitating towards you. She wanted to offer you a drink, hear your voice, make her presence known. She wanted nothing more than to impress you, catch your eye, cause butterflies in your stomach. Gina smiled when she should have, shaking the hands of Michael's acquaintances and enemies alike, doing what was needed of her. Her mind though, it belonged to you. You spoke softly to Tommy and Arthur, eyeing your husband with suspicion. The attitude in your movement made her face hot.
It should have been you.
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zablife · 2 years
Wedlock Masterlist
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 (Completed)
Jack Nelson x female reader x Tommy Shelby
Summary: When your father’s business begins to suffer he makes an agreement to marry you to Jack Nelson in a bid to combine wealth and power. However, another notorious gangster has his eye on you as well.
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sincerestlove · 7 months
Stress Relief - R.G.
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thank you for the request, Anon! soft Regina supremacy lives here.
Request: Can I request Regina x reader where Regina had a super stressful day and she needs something to take her stress out on? It can be fluff or smut ur choice <3
Pairing: Regina George x Reader
Warnings: None - just lots of kissing, Regina being a big sweet soft baby, needing comfort from R
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Your P.O.V.
The sun was setting slowly along the horizon when the bedroom door finally swung open, slamming shut a moment later. You'd been waiting all afternoon for Regina to come home, as it was your long-standing "study/date night". Most of the time, it ended being more date than study. The blonde hair of your girlfriend came into view first, a loud, exasperated sigh falling from her pretty, pink lips. She was visibly exhausted, shoulders tensed and bunched up around her ears. Her usual smoothed out hair was a bit frizzed and tied up in a loose bun, strands falling in front of her eyes. You swore you could spot a slight darkening underneath them, too.
She still looked absolutely beautiful, though. Nothing could ever change that simple fact.
You decided to approach her slowly, given that her eyes were literally closed as she stood in the middle of the room, unmoving, backpack slipping from her hand and landing with a dull thud on the floor.
You'd be lying if you said you weren't worried about her. She had mentioned having four exams in the same day, but you didn't realize the toll it would take on her.
She didn't respond as you moved closer, resting your hands onto her cold cheeks. She shivered slightly, involuntarily leaning into your touch. The comforting scent of Regina's sweet perfume filled your senses, taking your arms and wrapping her in a gentle hug.
"I'm tired. I'm stressed. I hate school."
You couldn't help but crack a smile at her childish tone, feeling her arms drape over your shoulders. The weight of her body felt nice as she leaned more into you.
"I know. What do you need, honey?"
She hummed tiredly. "Don't know. Food. Shower. A million dollars. You."
You sputtered out a laugh, pinching her in the side teasingly. She recoiled at the touch, deft fingers coming up to tickle at your hips. "Okay, well, I can give you 3 out of the 4. I'd win the lottery if I could for you, but, alas. I've wasted a fortune on scratch-offs by now, probably."
A smile graced her face, eyes finally opening to meet your own. They looked more gray today, with little sprinkles of blue and green dancing in her irises. You watched as her pupils grew larger at the sight of you, gaze dragging along your entire face. The way she looked at you always made your heart flutter.
"Kiss me." You blurted, feeling embarrassed at the sudden outburst. You didn't mean to say it, but obviously, knew your girlfriend would oblige. She always did, when you asked.
"Come here, then." Regina held her hands out for you, tugging you back flush against her. She leaned down then, painfully slow, taking your lips in a soft kiss. A warmth blossomed in your chest, burrowing its way up your neck, out to your fingertips and down to your toes.
Regina took hold of your hips, guiding the pair of you backwards, until her knees hit her massive bed. She sat down, pulling you down with her, onto her lap.
The soft mattress sank slightly, supporting the pair of you with ease. She had to do a slow crawl backwards to lean against the headboard, finally able to settle comfortably. Having you in her lap always made her feel better.
The blonde took your lips again, sighing softly into your mouth. Her warm breath fanned along your cheeks, your hands coming up to rest above her heart.
You exchanged kisses for god knows how long, too wrapped up in each other to care about the time ticking by. Soft kisses were accompanied by soft touches, fingertips dancing underneath clothing, skin warming and flushing with the attention.
"Do you feel better?" You murmured against her lips eventually, hands coming to play in the thickness of her hair, releasing it from the bun. It had nearly fallen out on its own, anyway. You tucked some of it behind her ears, dragging your nails gently along her scalp.
Regina smiled, looking so soft and pretty, having melted like putty in your hands.
"Duh. I still want my food and shower, though."
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short little one :)
i hope you enjoyed!
as always, please leave requests if you have any!
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“As The Crow Flies” (Alfie Solomons x fem!Reader) — PART 4 (FINALE)
SUMMARY — By all accounts Anna Gray died in Australia and had no business standing in Alfie’s living room, nor calling the man “darling” for that matter. But there you were, identical to the picture they took when they shipped you off to the colonies.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — I feel like, perhaps, that is enough said in that little Alfie corner of mine. I'm not sure if I will return with any more stories. Thank you so much for the support along the way! I love you all dearly. One more note, some dialogue here is directly stolen from the show, because it was just too good not to.
WORD COUNT — 2,434
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You stayed observant through that bizarre meeting at Tommy’s equally bizarre mansion and gathered information as quietly and efficiently as you were taught to do. As you quickly learned, in Tommy’s new circles nobody suspected women of anything. This, you suspected, would surely be their downfall.
Jack Nelson was as infuriating as you had expected him to be. Not only did he insult your entire family by pretty much assuming you all still lived in caravans and told fortunes, he continued to be offensive even when he didn’t speak. Which wasn’t often. The man loved to hear the sound of his own voice and didn’t try to hide it.
Your infamous sister-in-law, Gina Gray, didn’t take too kindly to another woman present at the table—but seeing as she had felt so emboldened to restructure the Shelby organisation pretty much straight off the boat, you didn’t pay her any mind. She earned herself no favours with her ill-placed boldness.
What did amuse you most was the perpetual scowl on Lady Diana’s face, along with Oswald Mosley’s poorly concealed surprise at your presence. For a split of a second you regretted you had agreed to the plan. Perhaps you should have stayed in Margate… As your husband would say, life was so much easier when you were dead.
But it was too late to dwell on it. Somehow, both sides of your family came to accept a consensus those weeks ago, when the Shelbys invaded your seaside sanctuary on a misguided rescue mission. If there ever was a moment to compare your life to “Beauty and the Beast,” that would probably have been it.
Now one foot in the Shelby camp, one with the Solomonses, you really had to try very hard not to laugh in Jack Nelson’s face when he opened his mouth once more and the following came out:
“So you’re the sister,” he pointed to Ada whose scowl in comparison to Lady Diana’s was truly unmatched, “you’re the aunt,” he looked at Polly, “and you… You are cousins with Thomas, which I suppose makes you the sister-in-law to my favourite niece. How queer.” 
“Astute observation,” you muttered.
Jack Nelson remained unaffected. It seemed he could only pay attention to the words he spoke, the rest was lost to him.
“So it seems you and I are in the minority, Mr. Mosley. This,” Jack let out a humourless chuckle, “this feels too much like a witch coven and too little like a business meeting. Meant no offence, ladies.”
“Oh, Jack, you’re so blunt!” Gina rolled her eyes and gladly accepted her drink from Mosley.
“How refreshing,” sighed Lady Diana, “a man who isn’t careful with his words.”
Fish out of water, you didn’t comment, but Polly then spoke for the both of you:
“Yes, surely speaking your mind around gangsters should prove most beneficial.” She lit a cigarette in her usual dramatic way and handed you a match. You lit yours, too.
Jack looked at you both with an incredulous look, then let out a most uncomfortable chortle.
“I can see the family resemblance, you know…” He pointed towards you then turned to Gina. “Doesn’t she look just like Michael with that stony stare? I wondered… I wondered, sister dear, if you weren’t a fake, but now I see the Shelbys have not one lying bone in their bodies.”
How about the Solomonses?, you thought to yourself, but otherwise responded by leaning back in your seat and blowing out the cigarette smoke at the ceiling. Fortunately, the details of your marriage remained undisclosed for non-family members, because they weren’t yet useful.
And you didn’t consider the Americans your family.
Your indifference didn’t earn you any allies, but at least it seemed that Jack Nelson was most content when monologuing, so you let it be. Better they thought you a moron instead of suspecting the plot.
“Now, see, this is what I was hoping to hear from Thomas Shelby himself, but I wonder… What does Shelby Company Limited actually do?” Jack asked then, looking like the cat that ate the canary.
Oh, he thinks himself so smart, you thought, still silent as a grave.
Ada glared at him instead, like one might at a roach, and you started to wonder how many in the present company were actually holding any weapons. Gina looked too doped to care, you reasoned, and Lady Diana would never get her hands dirty, this much you could already tell after having known her for about thirty minutes. Jack might be carrying a piece and Mosley too, but both looked entirely too placated and confident in the company of women.
Of course, having predicted your fiery nature, you remained under strict orders from Tommy not to murder anyone. Yet. Alfie judged him well, you thought. Tommy truly could read anyone’s character like an open book.
But, as things stood, you were under no orders that concerned you plotting, and so you plotted in silence. Killing one of them would probably mean the other would attack immediately, but which would be easier to subdue should the occasion arise? You considered that precise conundrum when the door to the parlour opened once more and in it stood Tommy Shelby.
“Apologies for the delay, gentlemen. Ladies.” 
Now Tommy, you reasoned, he’d probably be greatly opposed to you starting a shootout in his home, but then he wouldn’t dare to kill you, not in front of Polly, and probably not while Alfie still drew breath. But by gods, you were growing tired of Jack Nelson’s tongue.
As Tommy sat down, a cigarette between his lips and a glass of Irish whiskey in his hand, you looked him in the eye and let yourself smile just a little. As far as cousins went, Tommy wasn’t so terrible.
“Tommy,” Gina cajoled. “Care to finally clue us in?”
“In what?” Tommy asked, his face a stony mask that revealed nothing, but somehow you already knew he despised the woman just as much as you all did.
Despite Jack Nelson’s sincerest efforts in assumption, though, your family wasn’t yet adept in mind reading and further explanations had to follow:
“Now, Mr. Shelby, Gina tells me this young lady there, your cousin, was presumed dead for the past decade or so,” said Mosley. “How curious indeed. I wonder why she is then present at the meeting? Is she sympathetic to the cause?”
The thought of a shootout came back to you like lightning. This time you got slightly panicky. You had no idea where the fascist’s reasoning would lead and you didn’t want to find out. 
Tommy looked at him as he lit his cigarette, then back at you to give you the tiniest nod of approval. You almost laughed. Maybe you were wrong. Maybe his grandfather’s gift truly allowed him to hear your thoughts.
“So not only can you Shelbys reach the dead, you can also raise them. My, my, Mr. Shelby, that will soon prove to be a very useful skill,” Mosley commented and Diana gave him a brilliant smile.
These people, you concluded, were trained parrots and fucking idiots. With the exception, perhaps, to Gina, who all in all seemed to have been trained in nothing.
“That remains to be seen.” Tommy took a long drag of his cigarette.
“Seeing as we’re all women and scarcely any men here,” Jack swiftly changed the subject, “I wonder where the husbands are? Are they not involved in family meetings?”
An ice-cold shiver went through you and Polly grasped your hand in hers to stop you from reacting. But you already felt panic settle in. Either this was idle talk or Jack Nelson wasn’t as ill-informed as you had judged him.
“Mine’s sadly dead now,” Ada answered sharply to Jack Nelson’s provocation, “but of course we speak often.”
If looks could kill, the one she sent Jack would burn him to a crisp. You smirked at the thought.
“Well, I’m bored now,” Gina announced and Ada rolled her eyes at the bratty behaviour. “Are we waiting for anyone else? Or can we finally get to business?”
Funny she should speak of business, you thought, seeing as she had no say in any. You, on the other hand, remained most curious on the subject of vendetta. Polly turned to Tommy and gave the slightest of nods.
“Perhaps, Mr. Mosley, we can turn to what practical things Mr. Nelson can do to further our cause, while he’s in the country,” Tommy said.
“Wouldn’t you I rather whisper in the President’s ear?” Jack Nelson smirked. “That is kind of why I’m here, right?”
Mosley seemed either pleased or exasperated at the suggestion, you couldn’t quite tell. His eyes remained dark and lifeless.
“We do, indeed, have things for you to pass on to the President,” he murmured, “but not while we share the table with Jewish whores.” He turned to you and in an instant you knew the charade was over. “Mr. Shelby, I truly expected better from you, but then again… Some blood runs thicker.”
There would be no swaying the room. Not when Mosley turned sharply to Jack and Gina and declared:
“That woman is the widow of Alfie Solomons, the late… king of Camden Jews,” he scoffed. “She is no aid in our cause, but a spy. One, I must say, very poorly concealed, Mr. Shelby.”
“Is that true?” Gina turned to you, eyes bright and wide from prolonged cocaine use. “You’re his wife?!”
“The widow,” Lady Diana corrected snidely, not without satisfaction. “His motley crew of sewer rats is no threat to anyone anymore, I assure you.”
You tried your best to remain calm, but the thought of the knife you kept concealed in your skirts grew stronger. The fascist idiot didn’t know your husband yet lived and while the information wouldn’t exactly help you right then, you held onto it for dear life. Nothing would happen to you while Alfie drew breath, this much you knew.
“Well then,” Ada sighed, “I’d say the negotiations are over?”
“Well,” Lady Diana chuckled humorlessly, “I’d say it was a pleasure, but my parents raised me better.”
Polly stood up first and perhaps that would be the end of it, had Lady Diana kept her mouth shut and didn’t whisper to her what she did:
“Gypsy scum.”
The movement was swift and sharp—obviously well-practised. One moment the hairpin was holding up Polly’s rich brown curls, the next it was firmly lodged in Lady Diana’s nose, all the way to her brain; Lady Diana’s face froze, twisted in pain and horror, and blood dripping through her eyes. 
Then, chaos ensued. Everyone rose from their seats, but only Tommy remembered his drills and, unlike Mosley, he would never be as arrogant to have come unprepared. 
“I will have no gorja speak like that of my kin,” he said calmly as he raised his revolver to Mosley’s head. “So when you meet the devil, say my greetings for me.”
Tommy shot him in cold blood and that, alongside a curse in his tongue of old, seemed enough to subdue even a man like Jack Nelson. Of course, to your great satisfaction, Gina swiftly joined her uncle’s bloodied corpse on the beautiful Persian rug—the corpse with your knife stuck in his neck.
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“Now then, Tommy, what are we to do with you, hm?” Alfie exclaimed as soon as Tommy’s men let him inside the parlour that was now undergoing impromptu redecorating efforts. 
To their credit, Tommy’s maids scrubbed the blood off the furniture like it was their lives true calling, all the while you sat side by side with Polly and Ada, smoking cigarettes and pretending to be fine.
“Hello, Alfie,” Tommy hummed his usual greeting and handed Alfie a drink the man obviously refused.
“Nah, I don’t touch that stuff, mate, but I should see to my wife, perhaps, she looks like she dearly needs some looking after, right, especially since you Shelbys remain savagely as per fuckin’ usual!”
Tommy smirked at that, then motioned Arthur inside as soon as he saw his brother in the hall.
“Is it done, Arthur?”
“We burnin’ them outside, Tom, like you said,” the elder Shelby grunted.
“And can I say, right, about fuckin’ time that fascist burns in hell!” Alfie roared and came closer to place an affectionate kiss on your cheek.
“You alright then, sweetheart?” he asked and you nodded, reaching for his hand.
“She’s fine,” Polly scoffed.
“Right, high time I take my bride back home then, Tommy, since your war efforts are quenched, I hope, yeah, an’ I now find myself avenged,” Alfie concluded, thoroughly ignoring Polly’s implications. “Don’t think on any debt collection, though, Tommy, I know ya well enough and one look at this mangled face should halt any such notions from you, all right?” 
You stood when Alfie offered you his arm and smiled at Polly affectionately, seeing as she still remained vigilant around the man. Perhaps that would be their way.
“Hope to see you again, Cousin?” Ada grinned at you in a manner that greatly reminded you of Tommy—something feral in that smile still kept you on your toes.
“I hope so as well,” you said.
“Perhaps we should turn to Boston, dearest?” Alfie’s gruff voice brought you back to reality. “I hear my uncle remains a man of wisdom, even now he’s past sixty. But such is the way in my family, don’t you worry. I ain’t leavin’ you a simperin’ corpse anytime soon…”
As you said your goodbyes to the Shelbys, despite Alfie’s annoyance and pointedly showing you his pocket watch, your heart felt fuller than ever before in your tortured existence. You entered your curious marriage an orphan and somehow along the way found you had a clan to call your own on two continents.
“Lead the way, husband,” you chirped as Alfie led you to his car.
“Aye, I should hope to finally lead you away from the viper’s nest, wife,” Alfie grumbled, though you could tell he was only mildly annoyed. “Now that ya saved England with your damnable cousins might I humbly persuade you not to leave my side for the foreseeable future?”
“Why, Alfie, with talk like that people might think you grew fond of me.”
“People can well think what they fuckin’ like,” he scoffed and then kissed you the way he knew you liked to be kissed—like the world stopped for a second around you two and nothing mattered, just as long as your gangster husband would not stop kissing you.
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zeldaspellmaniswife · 9 months
Peaky Blinders
This is my Peaky Blinders Masterlist, so feel free to ask for request for fanfics, or feel free to send me your submissions
Shelby Siblings
Arthur Shelby
Tommy Shelby
Tommy Shelby, Keep a Baby?
John Shelby
Ada Shelby
Finn Shelby
Shelby Family
Shelbys x Adopted Child Reader
Shelbys x Brother/Sister Reader
Shelbys x Reader
Polly Gray
Michael Gray
Gina Gray
Shelby Women
Ada Shelby
Lizzie Shelby
Esme Lee-Shelby
Other Women
May Charleton
Tatiana Petrovna
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mickeytheticklee · 1 year
YES (a lil Gina Porter drabble)
Pairing: ler!Gina Porter x Lee!Reader
Summary: You accidentally wearing Gina's crop top to school
Warning: Tickling, mouth tickling, this shit is short y'all, my writing is BAD
An: Been on my HSMTMTS brainrot
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It's been almost a full hour of you and Gina working on the project together. You both were focused on completing it, although neither of you can understand a damn thing.
“Do you know the answer for number two?", Gina asks, hoping her her prayers work so she can finish this assignment. Bad thing was you were struggling with the same question. “No, I'm on that question.", You say, your eyes glued to the paper, erasing the last few mistakes of the problem. You both thought being paired for this project would be good because of the cute study dates at Gina's house, yet both of you suck terribly at math. Gina sighs, even though it's always a dream come true that her secret date can come over without suspicion from her mother. Luckily Gina had a backup plan for in case this scenario happens.
“I'll text Kourt or Ashlyn if they have the answers.", Gina says, grabbing her phone from her back pocket. You took a brain break from the amount of math you had to learn in a day. Gina did too, looking at you with a tired look but a lovely smile. Looking back at her you adore her beautiful brown eyes, feeling sentimental at the promise ring you gifted her on Christmas. Feeling distracted upon Gina's polished nails you didn't hear her question.
“Are you wearing my shirt?", Gina asks, causing a flushed look upon your face. You thought she couldn't notice by the baggy gray sweatshirt you stole from EJ. But still the purple collar from the pink crop top was visible to Gina. “Oh...yea, you left it at my house last week and I ran out of laundry so I stole it.", You say, feeling happy but nervous. It was true you were too lazy to do any laundry but sometimes you loved the feeling of Gina's clothing. Her scent and her warmth were still connected to the shirt. When Gina leaves away from her acting gigs you cling onto her accessories, feeling apart of Gina when you miss her.
“Are you okay with that? Do you want me to take it off?", You ask, trying to take off your sweatshirt as if you had a spare shirt to change in. The pink crop top was one of Gina's favorites, she's been on a search for days trying to find it. All for it to end up being worn by her girlfriend who mostly wears baggy clothing. “No, it's okay. You can keep it on for now. But...", Gina says, pausing with a smile. You weren't catching on to her giddy smile and excited hands playing with yours.
“But what?", You ask so innocently. Gina smile has on a smile, holding in her question wondering what response you'll have. But from the big ass grin you had and not recognizing Gina's hands were close to your thigh she knows you'll be quite oblivious to her trap.
“Would you mind...taking off your sweatshirt?", Gina asks. You did as you were told and took it off, with Gina's help. Because of Gina's more feminine fashion sense you rarely borrow her clothes. Yet if you took a deep dive in her closet you can see five of your sweatshirt hung up and ironed. You felt a chill from your lower back after taking it off. You felt as if a part of you was stripped away as you usually don't sport the crop top fashion. You sit up awkwardly, feeling insecure about wanting to rock a shorter, and tighter shirt.
“Hey, you look like a rockstar in my shirt okay? I love it, and I love you.", Gina says, reassuring you of all your insecurities. Feeling comfortable in your skin you lean in to kiss Gina. You stop a few times before Gina closed in to create a delicate kiss. Leaning back you felt her touch wriggle around your sides, feeling a small probe. It was ignorable after the first few, but Gina relentlessly went harder to get a reaction out of you.
“GINA! GINAHEHEH!!", You say, giggling thru the kiss. You tried to take her naughty hands away but she fought back harder, and deeper against your side and hips. You tug from her but you felt her weight on you, continuing to attack you with tickles. “IT TICKLESHEHEHE!!", You say, laughing out loud with speaky fits of laughter.
“Yea you don't say.", Gina says, teasing you,“Honestly I didn't know how ticklish you were until now." She teases you as if she isn't tickling you almost everyday. It's a battle to get thru Gina's tickles. Her impeccable strength and quick fingers leave you helpless against her. “SYPPSTOPHAHAGAHA!!", The laugh gets louder, and now you start to understand the truth behind Gina's trickery.
You try to pull down the crop top to cover any piece of skin possible. It was no use, it was stuck on you for good, and exposed all the areas Gina was feasting on. “Aww what's wrong? You can't cover that cute belly?", Gina teases, having you in a smile you can't tame. You tried pulling up your sweatpants but you still felt Gina's pokes. You couldn't escape, especially not with Gina's nice lips on your tummy ready to blow raspberries. “EEEEHAHHAHAHA!!", You say, laughing while your hands turn into fists. They cover around your red face, laughing thru Gina's scribbles.
“I should let you wear my clothes more often. They seem to really fit you.", Gina says, still scribbling your tummy and dipping her finger upon your belly button. You laugh, still not budging against Gina pinning you down. For Gina to complain that sports aren't her thing she sure is strong. “I WON'T WEAR YOUR CROPTOPS HWHHWHE!!", You laugh, swearing you won't make this mistake again (but you will). Gina knows you will if she ever plans on leaving her whole wardrobe at your place again.
“STOPHAHAHHQHQ!!!", You say, laughing at the raspberries and tummy kisses she's giving you. But it all stops once Gina hears a car pull in at her driveway. She decided to go softer upon your tummy so her mother doesn't suspect any funny business.
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heavencanbeaprisontoo · 5 months
Who would be down for a fic series where the reader has a toxic queer relationship with Gina Gray that develops into a bizarre love triangle with Michael?
I’m thinking of calling it “The Other Boston Girl,” or something like that. Also a huge fan of this one headcanon I saw a while back that “Gina,” is a nickname for “Georgina.”
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zablife · 2 years
Wedlock (Part 7)
Jack Nelson x female reader
Summary: When your father’s business begins to suffer he makes an agreement to marry you to Jack Nelson in a bid to combine wealth and power. However, now another notorious gangster has his eye on you.
Author’s Note: This was requested by a lovely anon who asked for Jack in an arranged marriage AU. This will be the final part.
Warnings: language, false imprisonment, weapons, mention of abuse, mention of murder, mention of drugs
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Part 6
“Well would you look what the cat dragged in,” Gina said, leaning forward on the sofa, glass tipping precariously in her drunken state. 
“Hello, Gina,” Jack said, removing his hat. “May I have a seat?”
“Why is this some sort of social call?” she asked gesturing toward him and losing the grasp she held on her glass. Watching it shatter across the marble floor, she giggled, then let out a little hiccup, suddenly covering her mouth with a manicured hand. 
“You’ve become a sloppy drunk, sweetheart,” her uncle noted with displeasure.
“Here we go again with the lectures. I thought you’d have realized by now that I do what I want,” she said, standing to challenge him face to face with a haughty glare.
“Oh, believe me, I know. And you get everything you want too,” Jack said. “That’s what I’m here to discuss.”
Gina raised an eyebrow, but didn’t speak, waiting for her uncle to continue. Jack took note of her defiant stance, knowing despite her bravado, she was intrigued. 
“This morning I agreed to your boyfriend’s offer. He’ll have the shares he demanded if he stops the wedding between Tommy and Y/n,” he said looking at Gina intently.
She eyed him suspiciously. “What makes you think Tommy isn’t already using the Midland as a honeymoon suite?” she said slurring her words and dropping back down to the sofa. As she glanced up at her uncle, she saw the wheels begin to turn inside his head. She’d given away your location without even knowing it. 
“So she’s at the Midland?” he asked hurriedly. 
Gina rolled her eyes knowing she’d been caught. “That’s the last I heard. She could be anywhere now though,” she said trying her best to be unhelpful. 
Growing impatient with her childish games, Jack leaned over her and spoke carefully so she heard his words. “Gina, look, I’ll be honest. I don’t care what you do with your life. Get drunk, marry Michael fucking Gray, take whatever you can lay your dirty hands on-“ Gina bristled at his comments and tried to move away, but Jack captured her wrist holding her in a firm grasp. “But don’t let a decent woman like Y/n get caught in the middle. You’re getting every goddamn thing you’ve ever wanted so do the right thing for once,” he implored.
Taking the steps two at at time Jack stopped suddenly in the stairwell, watching for a signal from his men. Finally he saw them motion for him from the top stair and he rounded the corner cautiously, gun drawn in case of trouble. To his great surprise, your suite was breached without much trouble. The two guards who stood watch over you, easily overpowered by his men. By the time Jack forced his way inside he found you crouched behind the sofa, trembling at the sudden intrusion.
“Y/n?” he called out to you and you recognized the voice instantly. However, your brain had trouble accepting that this was the same man you’d had tea with weeks ago. Jack took in the sight of you, pale and underfed, clothed only in a night dress. The sight of you made him sick, but he tried to hide it as he took his coat off to drape around your shoulders.
He helped you to a standing position, lightly brushing a lock of hair from your face as he promised, “I’m gonna take you away from here and you don’t ever have to hear the name Shelby ever again.” Hearing his calm, steady voice, you fell into him. He tucked your slight frame into his broad chest, chin resting atop your head protectively. Unable to speak, you clutched at his shirt and allowed him to hold you.
"Jack, we have to leave. They know we're here," Jack's associate called down the hall. Everyone at the Midland was on Tommy's payroll and Jack knew it was only a matter of time before someone became aware of his presence within the large hotel despite his attempt at stealth. Hearing boots pounding on the stairs, Jack guided you out the back door as quickly as possible, shielding you with his body.
You began to shake at the notion of Tommy or one of the blinders thwarting your escape. Would they blind Jack if they found him, you wondered? They'd threatened you with their guns and razors before. Surely they would do far worse to him. Your legs began to give way as you thought of it.
As you stumbled beneath him, Jack stooped to carry you, never allowing you to fall as he brought you out into the sunshine. How you’d missed the feeling of warmth on your face. Something awakened in you at the sensation, feeling overwhelmed at the knowledge you were finally free.
Jack placed you in the backseat of a waiting car and climbed in beside you, a torrent of apologies falling from his lips. “I never should have let you leave that day without telling you the truth. I was so stupid,” he said, leaning down to kiss your hand gently. “Please believe me when I tell you there were never any other women from the moment I met you. Only you.” He watched your eyes drift to the window and squeezed your hand for emphasis to bring your attention back to him. “I've been so lost with you. Please let me be a part of your life again. You're the only thing in the world that matters to me.” As you turned toward him you noticed the tears gathering in his eyes. "But I understand if you don't want that. I'm taking you home now and you can choose. I just want you to be happy," he whispered and you allowed yourself to weep openly for the first time. Jack pulled you into his shoulder, hushing you as his large hand ran across your back, then he motioned for the driver to take you home.
“Mr. Nelson, there’s a call for you,” the maid said gently. Since your return the staff were trying to be as respectful as possible, knowing Jack was under a strain due to his concern for you. You'd insisted on Jack's presence, feeling comforted and protected with him nearby, but he was beginning to suffer from lack of sleep as he felt a need to watch over you day and night.
Lifting the receiver he was greeted by the voice of his niece, her nauseatingly cheerful voice chirping over the line and inducing a headache. “Uncle! I’m so glad I caught you. I’m happy to hear you’ve been reunited with your fiance and I’m sure you’ve heard the news,” she prattled happily. As Jack struggled to catch up, silence lingered between them as he massaged the bridge of his nose.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Gina,” he huffed. He’d been in your parents home with you the past three days and had little contact with the outside world.
Gina giggled and static echoed over the line for a moment before she replied in a grave tone, “Tommy Shelby is dead.” She continued with a note of warning sharpening her voice until it pierced Jack like a knife. “Michael shot him last night in his office. He told you he was the future of Shelby Company Limited, but you didn’t believe him. I’m afraid you’ve underestimated my fiance, dear uncle.”
“So the kid finally found the balls, huh?” Jack scoffed, “Taking on you and the Shelbys.”
“I’ll take that as congratulations,” Gina quipped. “We’re bound for America today. A bright new future, carved out for us,” she said airily. Jack could picture the dreamy smile on her face as she thought of a life of luxury with his money.  As though she could read his thoughts she added insult to injury, “And you made it all possible,” she cooed in his ear before the line went dead.
Jack stumbled to the sofa and lit a cigarette as he contemplated his future. A large share of his company had been signed over to Michael and he would have to pay out, but at least Tommy Shelby wouldn’t come looking for you. Jack allowed the relief to wash away his anger, but uncertainty was something he would still have to face. He had promised you the world, but he wasn’t sure how he would do it with a reduced income. His head spun, trying to make sense of it all when you appeared in the doorway.
“Jack, is everything alright?” you asked as you crossed to pour yourself a cup of tea. It reminded you of your first meeting with him in this very room and how you’d despised him. How things had changed, you mused.
Jack sat with his back to you for a moment, smoking in quiet contemplation before turning slowly to admit, “I don’t want there to be secrets between us, y/n. I promised you I’d include you in my business and I’m going to start right now if that’s alright.”
You nodded in agreement, unsure where he was going with this line of thought.
“Tommy Shelby was killed by one of his family members,” he said matter of factly and you nearly dropped your cup. Jack placed a hand at your elbow to steady you.
“Michael,” you pronounced numbly. 
Jack nodded slowly, asking, “How did you know?”
You inhaled a shaky breath as you answered, recalling the events that took place while you were held against your will. “Tommy claimed there was a black cat in his family who wished him harm, but he was paranoid and always saying crazy things,” you recounted, pressing your fingertips to your temples.
You closed your eyes as you envisioned Tommy pacing about the Midland suite, a wild look in his eyes as he raved like a lunatic about someone wanting to steal his crown. He had always claimed it would be his cousin Michael, but you’d paid no attention to him, believing it was the amount of whisky he drank and the opium he took.
“There’s more,” Jack said leading you to the sofa carefully. He looked you in the eye earnestly as he explained how he’d signed over thirty-five percent of the company to Michael. He didn’t want you to feel burdened, but he didn’t want to withhold the secret either, leading to feelings of betrayal. He had witnessed the mistrust you still held for your father at being shut out of financial decisions in the past. However, the moment he finished speaking, he wondered if it had been the right choice. Your face looked much too pale for his liking.
“Are you alright, doll?” Jack asked, taking your hands in his. Jack watched as your brow creased, an unreadable expression crossing your lovely features.
 As you absorbed the new information, you swallowed harshly. Jack had lost a fortune because of you, but suddenly that didn’t seem to matter. He had finally proven himself and his love for you in a most amazing way. Realizing how long the silence had lingered between you, you finally spoke to reassure him.
You could feel the anxiety radiating from him. You’d never seen him unsure of himself and the thought of it made your mouth soften into a shy smile. “You did that for me?” you asked quietly. 
“Well…I…yeah,” he stumbled over his words adorably, realizing you weren’t angry, but flattered. “Money doesn't mean a thing to me if I don't have you, sweetheart. I love you and I want to marry you with all my heart if you’ll still have me,” he added more confidently, giving your hand a gentle squeeze, thumb grazing over your ring finger.
Your eyes welled with tears at his renewed proposal, unable to speak with a lump of emotion forming in your throat. “Yes,” you managed with a slight hoarseness to your voice. “I love you too, Jack.”
Jack wanted to pull you close to him, but refrained, unwilling to push you further than you were comfortable with for now. He felt a warmth spread throughout his chest as he realized you would finally become his wife, not out of obligation, but reciprocated love and that was more than enough for him.
One month later…
Despite your mother’s concern for your well-being, she surprised you with unfailing support for your wish to have a small wedding soon after your return home. The lavish affair she had planned previously was forgotten so you and Jack could be at the center of your nuptials. This was as it should have been all along, you reminded her, and she didn’t disagree. 
You were married in a sleek, yet modest ivory gown, a single strand of pearls your only adornment. The fascinator and birdcage veil were not exactly to your mother’s liking, but Jack adored it as he was able to see your expression as you walked down the aisle toward him, eyes glistening with unshed tears. He was emotional as well, thinking of how far you had to come to get to this day. When your father guided you to stand next to Jack, he reached for your gloved hand, unwilling to let you go. “You look beautiful,” Jack mouthed over the organ music and you beamed back at him.
When it came time to say your vows, Jack’s voice boomed loudly, echoing off the stone walls of the little chapel, proudly proclaiming his intentions toward you. However, you noticed a small sigh escape his lips as he slid the gold wedding band onto your finger, a subconscious unburdening of the tension he’d been holding as he waited for the pronouncement that you belonged to one another completely. A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth before he pressed a soft kiss to your lips, murmuring “Mrs. Nelson,” against your mouth as he pulled away to admire you. He stroked your cheek with his thumb, gazing into your eyes adoringly before remembering there were guests present. You let out a small laugh as you took his arm, giving a shy wave of your bouquet in celebration to the happy cheers of everyone present. 
The wedding breakfast at your parents home was also a modest affair, but joyful nonetheless. You chatted with your sister and a few friends quietly, a glass of champagne in one hand as you waited for the staff to bring the cake. It was the last bit of ceremony to be fulfilled before driving away to the home you’d chosen in the country. You were happy to talk about it, feeling yourself smile at the prospect of restoring it with Jack. Although it wasn’t the mansion everyone expected you to purchase, Jack agreed it would be an excellent project to take on together. The distance from Birmingham was also preferable, away from the noise and the smoke that reminded you of Tommy. The little cottage was the perfect place to have the simple life you’d always dreamed of. 
As your guests peppered you with more questions, a maid approached, standing at your elbow hesitant to ask for the bride’s attention. During a lull she leaned in to whisper, “Your father would like a word in his study, ma’am.” Your eyes grew wide at the request and you searched the crowd for Jack. He returned your gaze immediately, always attentive when you needed him, but especially now as he spotted your anxious expression. Following you out of the room and down the hall, he asked, “What’s happened?”
“I don’t know. Father asked to see me, but I didn’t want to go alone,” you said nervously twisting your hands together. 
“Of course not. You’re not alone,” Jack promised, looping a strong arm around your waist protectively and you smiled up at him in thanks as you rounded the corner to your father’s office and slowly opened the door.
“There’s the bride! Come in, my dear,” your father said, greeting you warmly. He stood from his desk and gestured toward a chair. As you glanced over, you noticed his lawyer who was rising to nod at you politely. “Congratulations, Mrs. Nelson,” he said.
You furrowed your brow in concern, hoping your father wasn’t suggesting doing business on your wedding day. Jack must have had a similar thought as he entered behind you, closing the door. He placed a hand to your lower back in a gesture of support and solidarity, addressing your father politely, but firmly. “George, we were about to cut the cake. Perhaps this could wait?”
Your father held up his hands, “I think you’d like to hear what Mr. Wallace has to say.”
You turned on your heel, ready to leave, when your father rushed to your side. “Y/n, wait!”
“Father, please, you should know this isn’t good for me. I don’t want to discuss who owns what or whom any longer,” you said sadly. You dropped your head into your hand, unbelieving that there would be anything left to settle.
Your father’s face fell at your words, realizing the damage that had been inflicted. He swallowed harshly before admitting, “It's true, I haven’t always acted in your best interest and I'm ashamed of myself.” His voice cracked as he confessed, “I’ve been selfish and reckless with the family’s finances. I’m sorry you had to pay for my mistakes with the Shelbys, but you have a good man by your side now,” he said glancing over at Jack, a hopeful glint in his eye. 
“I want nothing but a long, happy marriage for you,” he said, voice laced with sincerity. “And a prosperous one with the news I’ve just had from America,” he continued, tone raising slightly in anticipation. He motioned to Mr. Wallace who stepped forward, producing a newspaper.
"News has traveled slowly, but it's all been verified, Mr. Nelson," he said. Jack took the pages from his hands to share with you and you gasped as you took in the sight of the front page. Large black lettering proclaimed “Birmingham Gangster Arrested on Opium Smuggling Charges” above an image of a disheveled looking Michael in handcuffs being manhandled by the American authorities. You placed a hand to your chest, feeling your heart beat wildly at the news. “So Tommy was serious,” you whispered.
“What do you mean?” Jack asked.
“He said he would teach Michael a lesson about loyalty. He said no matter where he tried to flee, he wouldn't get far," you said, lost in your thoughts of Tommy’s vengeful rant about Michael being a traitor. This felt like a set up and you were certain Tommy had been behind it.
“The fact remains that Mr. Gray will remain incarcerated in Boston for some time,” Mr. Wallace spoke up. “This affects you a great deal, Mr. Nelson as you now you have a unique opportunity.”
Jack shook his head. “How? My business with him is done.” 
Mr. Wallace reached for a folder on the desk as he explained, “It would seem that Mr. Gray is quite out of his depth when it comes to international business. Unfortunately for him, the paperwork which would have allowed him to claim his shares in your company were woefully mismanaged. He never actually took possession you see.” Handing the documents to Jack for verification, you stood in stunned silence waiting for Jack to react.
As he continued to wordlessly flip through the pages before him, Mr. Wallace continued. “If you look at the last page, I’ve taken the liberty of drafting new documents which would allow you to rescind the offer, thus nullifying any claim of ownership by Mr. Gray.” Jack looked up from the papers in his hand and you exchanged a look of utter disbelief and joy. However, Jack’s smile soon faded as he looked to your father asking, “George, I’m sure you’ll understand that I have to ask why you involved yourself in this matter?”
Your father approached you both hesitantly, inhaling deeply before he began. “I know you must think I want something in return. I suppose I’ll have to work at earning your trust, but I swear to you, this is about making things right. As I said before, I want you to have every advantage. I wish you nothing but the best.” He extended a hand to Jack and they shook hands like old friends. You exhaled a breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding and allowed your father to place a hand on your shoulder gently as he gave you a watery smile. It was a new beginning for all of you. 
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editorandchief · 3 years
Mr. Gray | Michael Gray
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Summary: Michael and the reader where together before he left for America, when he returns thing aren't what he expects them to be.
Warning: None
Requested: No
It had been a week since Michael had returned to Small Heath with his new wife Gina and he had yet to see Y/N, not that he minded thinking it would be extremely awkward seeing as the two never really broke up in the first place.
Tommy, Michael and Polly were discussing business with Gina there close by his side.
Finishing up Tommy began to leave before turning to Polly.
"Have you taken him yet?" He asked glancing over to the couple.
"No." Polly replied. "Not yet."
"He need to know Polly." Tommy replied before exiting Michael's office leaving both him and Gina curious.
"What's he talking about?" Michael asked his mother. "Where does he want you to take me?"
"A lot of things have changed since you left Michael." Polly replied. "And some of those thing effect you more than you think."
"Things like what?" He asked running his hands over his face in frustration.
"More like who." Polly corrected." Y/N."
"Who's Y/N" Gina asked.
"You should go and see her." Polly said to her son ignoring Gina's question.
"I don't need to go see her mom, I'm with Gina now." Michael denied. "Its been five years I thinks its better we both stay out of each others lives."
"You won't feel that way after you see her."
"So what your trying to set Michael up to get back together with his ex?' Gina asked. " We're married. I'm pregnant."
"You need to go see her Michael." Polly asked once again choosing to ignore his wife. "We are going to go see her."
"I'm not going." Michael says shaking his head.
"Look Michael if it was up to me you wouldn't be but Tommy thinks this is necessary." Polly glared at her son. "He's given you this long but if you don't go he want you shipped back to America."
looking over to his wife before staring down at his feet in anger? frustration? Guilt?
"Fine we'll go." Gina answered causing both the grays to look at here. "If Michaels going to see the Y/N woman I'm coming too." She shrugged.
"We're going tomorrow." Polly says before grabbing her bag and taking her leave.
____________________The Next Day___________________
Polly drove the car with Michael in the Passenger seat and Gina in the back down the long rural road outside of small heath. the sun was shining and the grass was green a huge contrast from the consistent grey dull of the city it was a wonder how they were so close together.
Pulling into a huge house smack dab in the middle of nowhere Polly park near the door before exiting, Michael and Gina follow close behind gazing at the homes architecture and fountain sat a few feet from the main door.
"Now I want you on your best behavior do you hear me?" Polly called out walking up to the door fixing and straightening her clothes and hair before knocking on the large door.
"Yeah mom I hear you." Michael replied.
The door swing open as Y/N comes into view smiling brightly as she sees Polly.
"Hey your just in time they should be getting up from their nap." She said pulling the older woman into a hug. Pulling back her eyes drift over to the blonde woman she didn't before landing on a all to familiar face.
"Michael." She breathes out. "I didn't know...when did you...no one told me that you were back." She stuttered.
"Yeah, Its been just over a week." He informed you. "This is Gina my-."
"His wife." The blonde woman interrupted. "Its nice to meet you." She said with a tight lipped smile.
"You as well." You replied returning her smile. "Come on in, you must be tired from the ride." She says stepping away from the door.
"Yeah this is a bit out of the way from Small Heath." Michael said as she led them to the lounge taking a seat opposite the trio of Greys.
"You say that like it a bad thing." She joked leaning back in the chair crossing her legs.
"Yeah guess tommy finally promoted you from deliveries." Michael joked back it was an ongoing joke between the two that Tommy loved to have her pick up and drop off thing so much he didn't even need the postal service.
"More like I promoted myself." She corrected. "I figured I was so good at deliveries I should start making some real money from it. It took some persuasion to get Tommy to let go of the old ways."
"What do you mean?" Gina asked very interested in the topic of expanding and modernizing Shelby company Limited as she and Michael had come there to do.
"I specialize in the private transportation of certain good for my clients." She informed. "Instead of boats the cargo would travel by plane."
"Is that really anymore efficient?" Michael asked.
"Absolutely. not only are planes a hell of a lot faster than boats, but a plane can land and take off anywhere with enough space." She replied. "As well as no boat inspection or manifest papers needed with that shipments can come and go more frequently and more discreetly meaning more money." She finished with a smirk.
"That was the part that really sold it to Tommy." Polly pointed out. "That and the fact he could never really say no to you."
"That's not true Pol." She scoffed.
"He moved his wedding back a whole month so it wouldn't come with you birthday." She reminded. "He's spoiled you since the moment you met I swear."
"Maybe you should try talking to him then." Gina states.
"About what?" Y/N asked though before anyone could answer the drumming of small feet entered the room.
"Mommy!" The little voices shout as two small figures collide with Y/N's body. "Mommy."
"Oh my babies how was your nap?" She asked squishing their faces one after the other and giving them kisses.
"I slept really good mommy." The young boy replied.
"I slept good too mommy." The girl interjected as if to not be left out.
"I'm sure you both did munchkins, but its not a competition." She informed. "now why don't you look who's here?" She said turning there shoulders to spin them around.
"Grandma Polly!" They shout rushing over to the woman who greeted them with the same excitement.
They talk adamantly about everything they had done that day and the days during her absents before Y/S/N walked over to the couple with a confused glare on his face.
"Who are you?" He asked tilting his head to the side. Anyone with eyes could see that this child was a spitting image of Michael himself. instead of answering Michael stares open mouthed at the young boy.
Y/N reached over and gently pulled her children back into the safety of her arms eyeing the man worriedly.
"Y/S/N, Y/DN this is Grandma Polly's son Michael and his wife Gina." She informed. "You can call them Mr. Gray and Mrs. Gray. Can you say hi?" She asked.
"Hi." Y/D/N says excitedly as Y/S/N just waves to the couple.
"Hello." Gina greeted back as Michael sat still frozen in shock.
"Yesterday, my mommy let us paint pictures." Y/D/N informed the couple.
"Is that so?" Michael finally speaks leaning forward smiling to the little girl while his eyes examined her features, She looked almost exactly like Y/N.
"mmhmm, I used green and yellow and blue and and-."
"You know what sweetheart I bet Mr. and Mrs. Gray would love to see both your paintings." Y/N interrupted. "Why don't you go with Christine and get them so they can see." She suggested wanting to get the kids out of the room if only for a little while so they could all talk.
"Okay." Y/S/N replied before leaning up and kissing her cheek. "I'll miss you mommy." He informed.
"Your coming right back but I'll miss you too baby." She replied watching as his sister comes and grabs his hand pulling him away towards the maid in order to retrieve their artwork.
Once the two were out of ear shot she looked back over to the male Gray as he glares down into space.
"Their mine aren't they?" He asked keeping his gaze towards the ground.
"Well that depends on what you mean by that." Y/ N replied.
"Did you have them after I fucked you?" Michael snapped now glaring at her.
"Don't you dare speak to me that way." Y/N replied returning his glare. "Yes, Okay?"
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked. "Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?"
"I tried Michael." She hissed back. "By the time I had gotten there it was too late, you had already fucked off to America. You never answered any of my calls after that, what was I supposed to do?" She asked.
"Send a fucking carrier Pigeon I don't know." Michael rebutted.
"And then what it wouldn't have changed anything."
"It would have changed everything, I would have been there for them...for you." He shouted. "Instead I missed it all, their first word, steps everything. We could have been a family!"
"Well what's done is done Michael what does it matter now?" Y/N asked.
"It matters because their my children."
"No!" Y/N shouted slamming her hand down on the coffee table. "They are MY children." She gritted out as the sound of the door opening and closing sounded through the room.
"I'm home." A voice called out causing Y/N to sit back once again in her seat her face now fixed with a smile.
"In the lounge." She called back to the voice before a man enters the room smiling back to her.
"How was your day?" The man asks leaning down and planting a kiss to her lips.
"It was great honey look who stopped by." She says gesturing to the sofa "This is Polly's son Michael and his Wife Gina visiting from America, this is James my husband." Y/N introduced as James shook hands with the couple Michael a bit reluctantly.
"So where are my little monsters." James asked looking around.
"They went to grab their artwork from yesterday to show off." Y/N replied. "Something they get from you no doubt."
"Well what can I say you've given me a lot to show off with." He replied gesturing to your body causing you to scoff at him. "I'm gonna go corral our wide herd." He informs quickly exiting the room in search for the twins.
"Does he know he's not the father?" Michael asks immediately.
"of course what kind of person do you think I am?" She asked slightly offended. "He knew I was pregnant before we started seeing each other, he doesn't care he loves the twins."
"Does he know that I am?"
"I didn't think you were ever coming back so there was no need to tell him your name." She answered.
"I want to be apart of their lives." Michael stated. "I want to see them."
"You can come around once or twice a week with Polly." Y/N agrees with a shrug.
"No. I want to be able to go places do things with them, they should know their father."
"James is there father Michael, the only one they have ever known. Maybe when they are older we can have this conversation but I will not rip the only father they have ever know away from them in favor of a man they don't even know."
"You expect me to sit back and watch another man raise my children?" He asks. "What kind of man would I be?"
"A good one." Y/N replied. "A man who is willing to admit that his children are better off living with a stable healthy family away from the murder and mayhem that is Small Heath...that is the Shelby/Gray name. You would be a good father."
"And if I try to take them?" He asks locking eyes with his ex as a look of surprise flashed over her face before it transformed into a glare.
"You wouldn't make it within five feet of them before you were dead on the floor." She replied menacingly.
"I'm not giving up on them." He informed accepting her words as a challenge instead of the warning that it was."
"Get the fuck out of my house Mr. Gray." Y/N replied before standing and exiting the room in search of her husband and children.
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weeo · 2 years
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Peaky Season 6 Response Challenge: Final Masterlist
If you missed some of the S6 Response Challenge fanworks or were too emotional when the season aired, here’s your chance to catch up!
Congratulations and a huge thank you again to every writer and artist who participated to the challenge! If you loved the fanworks, please leave some love to the creators by liking, reblogging and commenting!
You’re curious and don’t know what this challenge is about? Read the introduction post! You can also visit the ao3 collection.
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zodiyack · 3 years
Some Peaky characters as random songs (based off titles) on my playlist
Alfie Solomons or John Shelby: It's okay to punch Nazis (Cheap Perfume)
Arthur Shelby: I Threw a Glass at My Friend's Eyes and Now I'm on Probation (Destroy Boys)
Michael Gray: WTF? (ok go)
John Shelby: She's Kinda Hot (5SOS)
Alfie Solomons: Cops / Dogs (Destructo Disk)
Thomas Shelby: Cigarette Duet (Princess Chelsea)
Polly Gray or Ada Shelby: You Don't Own Me (Lesely Gore)
Arthur Shelby: Violent (carolesdaughter)
Isiah Jesus, Finn Shelby and Michael Gray: Fictional Isle (Tall boy Special)
Aberama Gold (bc of Alfie's comment on his hair): Dude(looks like a lady) (Aerosmith)
Thomas Shelby: Lovesong (The cure)
Polly Gray: Joke's on You (Charlotte Lawrence)
Ada Shelby: It's My Life (No Doubt)
Gina Gray: Eat Shit And Die (Harley Poe)
Tatiana Petrovna: Complicated (Avril Lavigne)
and finally
Thomas Shelby: Comfortably Numb (Pink Floyd)
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crispyimagines17 · 4 years
The Gray’s asking you to be their lover. 
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Family (Part 3 of “Unexpected Reunion)
Here’s the 3rd and possibly final part of “Unexpected Reunion” and “Just Fine”. *Familiar Characters are NOT mine!*
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Warnings: Angst. Mentions of betrayal and murder. a couple swears. SLIGHT SEASON 5 SPOILERS! 
Pairings/Characters: Past!Michael Gray x fem!reader, Michael Gray x Gina Gray, Mentions of the rest of the Shelby family. 
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You jumped a little as Polly once again came thundering into the house. Ada shot up from her seat next to you as little (Y/D/N) began fussing. You took the baby in your arms and settled back to rock her when Polly met your gaze. "Everything is not fine," she said, recalling your words from the day your daughter had been born.
         "What do you mean, Pol?" you asked. Ada had just returned home from the family meeting, her own pregnancy far underway, and had yet to tell you what had happened. "Michael. He's betraying us." You sighed heavily and shook your head while she continued, "He wants to take over as head of the company and expand to America. He said the States don't want to work with the Peaky Blinders. They don't approve of our methods or some-. It's that girl. Michael never would have thought of betraying the family until he met her."
         You remained silent. You never had anything nice to say about Gina, so you tended to keep your mouth shut. Not to mention that you had NEVER, in all your years knowing the Shelbys, seen Polly that angry. She was furious and she was hurting. Her own son was stabbing her in the back.
         Polly turned back to you, eyes filling with tears as her anger began to dissipate. "Tommy is coming to you. He has questions. He knows you would never betray us, but he'll want to know if Michael had given any clue to you before he left." You nodded, bouncing Y/D/N a little bit as the door opened again.
         "Ada? Y/N?" Ada called back that you were in the parlor. Tommy appeared in the doorway a moment later. "Since Pol is here I assume you know why I've come." You told him of course and that Michael had never given any indication that he was going to betray them. "He looks up to you all. Or rather he did. He was eager to bring me into the family." You felt your throat tighten a bit.      
         "I'll put on some tea. Ada, would you mind lending a hand?" The other two women left the room, leaving you alone with Tommy and your daughter. After a moment, Tommy came and sat in the chair Ada had been occupying. "I believe you. But I have to tell you, if Michael does betray us, no force in Heaven, Hell, or on Earth will be able to save him. We have to take care of business. Can you understand that?" He took something out of his pocket and placed it on the table between you. It was a bullet with the name "Michael" etched into it. You glanced between it and Tommy. It took a moment for you to realize that the Thomas Shelby was all but asking for your permission to kill Michael if the worst case came true.
         "I-I understand. Let's hope it doesn't come to that." Tommy met your gaze and held it. He hummed lightly. "Michael has already betrayed you. By all rights, that bullet is yours to put through him…" You instantly shook your head. "Don't. Do not put that on me, Thomas. As much as he hurt me, I can't do that. I'm not like you."
         You expected him to be a little angry, but he smiled a little. "I know. Glad to see you're still you. You haven't let us corrupt you too badly." You chuckled and rolled your eyes. "If you have to, please don't tell me until it's over. I may not love him anymore, but I don't hate him." Tommy nodded and stood. "No matter what happens, you're an honorary Shelby, Y/N. Nothing that Michael does from now on will change that." You thanked him, eager for a break from the heavy conversation.
         Later that night, as you were putting your daughter to bed, you felt a presence behind you. "I'll be there to help tuck Karl into bed in a moment, Ada," you assured her. Since she was so heavily pregnant, you helped where you could. It was why you hadn't moved back into your own home. "Hey." You nearly jumped at the voice behind you that was quite clearly male. You whirled around to see Michael standing there. Even in the near darkness of the room, you could see tear stains on his face. That wasn't like him. Michael never left the house looking less than presentable.
         "Michael? What is it? What are you doing here?" He didn't say anything at first. He simply walked further into the room to gaze down at the baby in her cradle. You stared at the side of his face as fresh tears began to slip down his cheeks. You gently took his arm to lead him from the room, but he rooted himself there. "Please…let me stay here for a moment."
         "Tell me what's happened," you insisted quietly. "She lied to me. And I let her. I let her get in my head." He was getting more upset and you had to physically pull him from the room so he wouldn't wake Y/D/N. You practically dragged him down the stairs to the parlor. You sat him down on the sofa and poured him a whiskey.
         "Who lied to you, Michael?" you asked as you sat down next to him. You couldn't stand seeing him like this. This wasn't the Michael Gray you knew. "Gina. She's not pregnant. She never was." You did everything you could not to ball your fists in your lap and Michael continued, "It was all a lie to get to Tommy through me. Oh God, Tommy. He's gonna kill me."
         "Not if I have anything to say about it. Stay here." You rose, but he caught your wrist. "Please don't…" You attempted a smile. "I have to tell him, Michael. He'll come looking anyway." For the first time since you'd known him, Michael looked scared, but he let you go.
         A little while later, Tommy sat across from Michael along with Arthur and Finn. Polly stood by the window, not wanting to look at her son just yet. Michael let spill everything from how he and Gina had met up until that even when she revealed her true intentions. "I know it doesn't change anything, but I am sorry, Tommy." Tommy lit a cigarette before pulling the bullet out of his pocket yet again. He placed it on the table.
         "We've all had our heads turned by a woman one time or another. With maybe one exception." He turned to you and you gave him a wink. It wasn't his business, but you enjoyed the banter you had. He looked back at Michael and continued, "I'm willing to give you another chance. Because you're family. And family sticks together. But you're on thin fuckin' ice. You understand?"
         Michael looked humbled and defeated as he agreed with Tommy. Tommy cleared his throat and handed the bullet to Michael. "As a reminder to never betray us again. We hardly give second chances. There won't be a third." Michael nodded, taking the bullet with his name etched on it.
         "Thomas," Polly's voice came from the window, "The other one." Tommy sighed heavily before fishing another bullet out of a different pocket. He set it down and you were able to see the name "Gina" on it. "I don't like it, Tom," Arthur said and Tommy nodded. "Neither do I, but we protect our own and she very nearly tore this family apart."
         Michael glanced between his cousins and the bullet with his wife's name on it. He gave a barely there shake of his head. From your spot behind him, you squeezed his shoulder, prompting a silent conversation between the two of you. He slowly reached over to take the bullet.
         "I can't, Tommy. She's still my wife…" Tommy opened his mouth to argue, but closed it when he saw Michael reaching back to hand you the bullet. You took it, meeting Tommy's icy gaze and nodded. While you may not have been able to even think about killing Michael, Gina was a different story. She had put the entire Shelby family and yourself through hell for months. Now it was her turn.
         "Why?" Arthur asked. "What was it Tommy said? We protect our own? Well, you're my family. It's my turn to protect you for once." You slipped the bullet into the pocket of your robe for the time being. Tommy chuckled, pulling all eyes to him again. "Guess we corrupted you after all." You shrugged a bit. "Maybe. But I wouldn't want it any other way. Now, if you'll excuse me. I've got a job to do. Michael can look after the baby."
         You turned on your heel and made your way to your room to get dressed. Your hands were shaking slightly, but you were determined. That woman was going to pay. You dressed quickly and heading downstairs. Tommy was waiting by the door. He slipped a revolver into your hand. "Be quick. Be safe. And welcome to the family, Y/N." You laughed a little in spite of yourself. It wasn't exactly how you imagined your initiation into the Shelby family, but you knew that, no matter what happened, they would have your back.
(a/n: I hope you like it!)
Tagging people who showed interest: @gilraenpalantir​ @namelesslosers​ @liviakomtrikru20​ 
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billyspotato · 4 years
Stopping You - Michael Gray [Part 1]
Words: 3.236 words
Type: Angst 
Warnings: Swearing. Probable misspelling. Some big hatred towards the characters Michael and Gina. There will be scenes of the show in here, but also some made up (this applies to all parts of this future story). No race of the reader is mentioned (therefore, anyone can read this as themselves). Female Reader. (Season 5 Spoilers)
In this particular chapter: Mentions of domestic abuse/violence. Slight mentions of blood.
[Prologue]     [Part 1]      [Part 2]    [Part 3]
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A/N: Gif’s not mine :)
Today was the day that Michael Gray would set foot in Birmingham once more. He must be getting off the ship by now, probably getting ready for another trip, but this time by train. That’s basically the only thing that occupied your mind since you woke up.
You can’t really understand what you’re feeling. You’re not nervous. You’re not anxious. Are you fearful? Maybe, even annoyed at the situation that you’re finding yourself in?
Everything is a big mess in your mind this morning.
You adjust your shirt while looking into the mirror and you’re looking good. The suit type pants are tight on your waist, creating the curve as it went down to your hips. Your white blouse, which was baggy, is tucked in the pants. Hair styled into perfection and makeup... somewhat existent.
You walk out of your bedroom and run down the stairs. Tommy wouldn’t like the idea of you getting late to work, so that means that you need to speed up.
You slide your feet into your heels and grab your expensive jacket and purse before leaving your home and walking to your car.
The neighbors, as always, peeked out of their windows as they saw you leave your home. Looking beautiful, as always. Running as if you weren’t wearing heels in the first place.
It was no lie that men dreamed of having you and girls dreamed to be you or like you.
The confidence you radiate is enough to catch many people’s eyes. Especially with the work that you do. You’re not really the role model kind of type of woman, but that doesn’t change how you’re seen in Birmingham, or any other city you pass by.
As you park your car, you quickly put on your jacket after locking the doors and making your way towards the Garrison.
When not doing any big “missions”, Tommy trusts you to deal with the people from the city. Hear their problems and see if you or the Peaky’s themselves can help.  Tommy and Arthur sometimes do take your place in the Garrison, but it is pretty rare. Maybe when you’re sick, or understandably hungover.
You walk right in the bar and it, surprisingly, had more people than normal.
Everyone looked up when hearing your heels click into the wooden flooring or when their curiosity took over as Mickey, the bar owner, said to you a simple “Good morning”. Some almost sighed in relief when seeing you, probably hopeful that you can help them.
“Who’s first?” You ask as you open the door of the reserved room.
A woman stands up as the words come out of your mouth, her hand slowly coming up as she tried to signal that she’s the one who has been waiting the longest. You give her nod while coming in the room, taking off your jacket as the woman, slightly afraid, walks towards the office while looking at the wooden floor.
“Close the door” You tell her as she gets through it.
The lady quickly turns back and closes the door slowly, as if she is fearing to making too much noise.
“You can sit down, make yourself comfortable” You tell her as you looked at today’s paper on your desk.
You can’t forget to thank Mickey for that.
The woman walks over to the couch in front of you and takes a seat, holding her hands in her lap, trying to hide her sweaty palms and trembling fingers.
“So...” You start once noticing her nervous state, “How can I help you, Miss?”
The lady swallows slowly before starting to talk.
“I’m here to talk about my husband” She starts, and you look up from the paper to her, making eye contact. “He-he beats me”
“Do you have children?” You ask while grabbing a pen.
There’s some silence as the woman tries to fight her tears, and you patiently wait for her to talk.
“Yes, three boys” She says while nodding, looking back up at you, tears filling her eyes, “But he never touches them”
“Can you tell me your name, your husband’s and your address, please?” You ask after grabbing a sheet of paper from your drawer.
The lady answers as quick as she could. You assume that her speed when talking would’ve been because she is scared of her husband catching her in here, or something along those lines.
You’ve been doing this job in a daily basis for almost 2 years, domestic abuse victims are the most common. And their fear is always the most prominent.
You write everything down before starting to make more questions, in which you ask for details, for the sole purpose of this information being used against her abuser.
As you were done with this particular lady, you offered her protection and announced that someone, member of the Peaky Blinders, will have a ‘talk’ with her husband today, right after he comes back from work. Therefore, she should not be in the house when it happens.
As the lady is walking out with a sad smile in her face and while cleaning her tears, a man came right in, ignoring any kind of words from you when calling the next person, and of course, the lady that was making her way out.
You look down over your written words on the paper once more before looking up at the man that has made himself comfortable at the couch with a cup with whiskey.
You ignore your disgust towards the alcohol beverage so early into the morning and open your mouth to speak.
“Next time. Wait for me to call you in” You say while playing with the pen in your fingers and looking at the man, “You’re not coming in here to order anyone around, but to ask for help. Something we, Peaky Blinders, are not obligated to give. Therefore, show some respect towards me and everyone else that is here for the same reason as you the next time you come in. Understood?”
The man nods at your words and you take a deep breath before leaning back on your chair.
“Now. How can I help you?”
As you continued to work at the Garrison, taking notes on everyone that is looking for help, whether it was protection or financial. Michael laid back on his seat at the train, deep in thought, as Gina read through her book, right next to him.
Michael’s mind is completely occupied with how his return home will be. With now a fiancé right next to him as he will see his mother again. His cousins. But most importantly, you. The woman that Gina never heard of.
How will she react when she sees you? Will you greet him? Or her? Are you even still In Birmingham?
His mother or Tommy never updated him on you. Not that he ever asked, but he always found it strange. Polly never was a woman to talk much over the phone, but it was different when talking to Michael, she even talked about her lunch. Now, not talking about his (ex) girlfriend is more than odd to him.
But again. He never questioned it. He didn’t see a reason to do it.
As the train came into a stop, he snapped back into reality. He looks out of the window and sees the station that he once, two years ago, stood to travel to America in hopes of helping his cousin’s business grow.
“Let’s go baby” Gina’s voice sounds next to Michael and he looks over at her.
The couple stands up and walks out of the carriage, taking a deep breath in of the polluted but chilled air of the city that is Birmingham.
The sky has its usual grey-look which didn’t really appeal Gina, but Michael couldn’t really care less. He just wanted to get out of that platform.
Michael felt anxious, almost. He doesn’t know what to expect when introducing his fiancé to his mother or to his cousins. He doesn’t even know what to expect when he sees you. Have you changed? Are you still the loving girl with floral dresses that he once fell in love with? Or are you a complete different woman? Maybe just like Gina?
He’s greeted by suited men, in which he quickly recognizes that they’re apart of the Peaky Blinders by one of the razor blades that picked from one’s hat. And as they soon help the couple with their luggage.
Michael and Gina step out of the building to be quickly greeted by the sight of Polly Gray herself. Polly leans back into her car as she sucks the smoke out of her cigarette.
“Hello mom” Michael says with a small smile, “This is Gina” He continues as his mother walks slowly towards him, and the blonde also walks out of the building, probably just finishing the conversation regarding her luggage with the men “My fiancé. I asked her to marry her on board”
Gina walks towards Michael and when close enough, she wraps her hand around Michael’s arm.
Polly stays silent. Hiding her hateful glance with her dark glasses and showing no emotion regarding what her son just said.
“She’s my fiancé, mom. At least look at her” Michael says after not understanding her lack of emotions.
Polly opens her mouth to speak as Michael is done talking.
“Tommy said to ask you,” She starts, now talking off her glasses to stare into her son, “To tell me the truth”
“We’ve been travelling for 15 days, Mrs. Gray. Maybe we can talk about this in another time” Gina says to Polly, confidence prominent in her voice as she spoke.
Polly doesn’t budge. It’s like she didn’t even talk.
Michael agrees with his fiancé out loud and Polly swallows slowly in annoyance, hating profusely how her son is behaving.
“Let’s go home and we can talk” Michael says, triggering something in Polly as the word ‘home’ comes out of his mouth.
“You have no home till you tell me the truth” Polly says, emphasizing the word ‘no’, while taking a step closer towards Michael.
There’s some silence between the family members as Gina stared into the back of Michael’s head, almost annoyed of how the hell he isn’t standing up for himself.
“Michael!” A voice sounds, Arthur’s, which catches everyone’s attention. He opens his arms in the air while walking towards the younger man, “Hello, love!” He adjusts his jacket, slowly coming into a stop, “Welcome to Birmingham, hey?”
Michael clenches his jaw at his cousin’s words but Polly decides to grab her son’s attention once more.
“Michael” She says, making the man look over back at her.
Michael starts talking as soon as his mother stopped speaking, telling her the details of what happened at the ship. Polly hears every word in full concentration, but Gina decides to break it, by emphasizing: “At gun point”
Polly shuts up her soon-to-be daughter in law by reminding her that she isn’t talking to her, and that triggers something in Michael.
“Fuck you” Michael says, spitting the words into his mother’s face, completely hating the arrogance and hatred in her voice. “Fuck you too Arthur. This is my fucking fiancé. I bring her home to this!”
Polly fights her urge to roll her eyes and Arthur stays still as if he was watching his kid throw a tantrum.
“Let’s go Gina” Michael tells the blonde.
Before the couple could start walking away, Arthur stands in front of them. Teasing the young man into not introducing the woman. And that’s when Michael loses his cool.
“Look at this. This is it Gina. This is my fucking people.” He says while looking at his fiancé in pure disbelief, “Do you want to know the truth Arthur? Do you want to know the truth, mom?” He says while turning, now, into the people who just questioned him, “I did not betray my fucking family!” He shouts into the streets while waving his arms into the air.
Polly continues to look at him with no readable expression in her face.
“Now, mom. I want to go home”
“I booked you a suite at the hotel” Polly says and that annoys her son even more, making him start talking again.
“Is that Tommy’s orders, now was it?” Michael starts and Polly shakes her head as he turns to Gina once more.
“Oh, shut up!” Polly says, making her son look at her in shock, “You want to talk about betrayal? You want to talk about your people?” She starts, still with a calm expression as her words spat with venom, “But did you even care to know anything about Y/N?” Polly asks.
The question catches Michael off guard, and your name almost sounds strange to his ears. Especially when said by his mother.
Michael doesn’t answer Polly’s question. But Gina. Oh, she is more than confused.
“Who is Y/N?” Gina asks her soon-to-be mother in law and Polly almost bites the inside of her cheek hard enough to make it bleed.
“I’ll take that as a no” Polly says as if Gina’s words filled with confusion were enough of an answer to her previous question, still not disconnecting her eyes away from her son’s.
Disgust was very much present in her tone, and she proudly kept it through her whole sentence.
Michael, not wanting to cause any more trouble or more confusion to his poor fiancé, walks out towards her, who offered him comfort as he stood close enough.
“Come on, baby. Forget about’em” She says.
The couple once reunited in each other’s arms decide to start walking away, trying to make somewhat of a good distance between them and Michael’s blood relatives.
Arthur, hating his cousin’s attitude, turns back to the young man and says with a smile.
“Oh, don’t worry Michael. You’ll see her at the meeting tomorrow”
Michael fights his urge to turn back around and question your presence in tomorrow’s meeting, in which will only regard the family’s business and his mistake which costed the millions that were lost, and continues to walk.
You are not a part of the family, not connect by any marriage. Not that he knows of, at least. So, it doesn’t make sense to him.
As Michael’s head soon starts to question and imagine every possibility in which would explain your presence at the meeting, Gina’s was occupied with: who the fuck is Y/N?; and finding possibilities of you being one of Michael’s cousins but he just tends to forget to mention you in conversations since you aren’t too important.
You sigh in relief as you close and lock the door of the room that you stayed most of your time in.
You got in here around 9 in the morning and now it’s dark out. Someone needs to give you some food, or you’re going to fall over.
You wish Mickey a good night while walking out of the busy Garrison and slide in your arms into the jacket before the cold breeze could catch up to you.
You walk over to your car and once you turn it on, you only stop at Polly’s house.
When listening to your car engine, Polly got up from her couch and walked right over to the door. And as you were about to knock, she opened it, catching you by surprise.
“Is this starting to become a race?” You ask her with a smile, and she smiles back.
“If you want to lose every time” She says with a playful tone while taking steps back inside the house.
You laugh as you get in the house and start taking your jacket off and right after that, your heels. As Polly made her way to the couch, where she left her glass of wine, you made your way to the kitchen, where, you silently hope, the leftovers of Polly’s dinner are.
While you serve yourself a plate of the mouth-watering food, Polly starts to talk.
“Do you want to know how Michael’s arrival was?” Polly asks, catching you off guard when you’re walking back to the living room.
You completely forgot about Michael after such a busy day.
“Sure” You tell her as you sat on the couch with the plate on your lap and a fork on your hand.
“Well, let’s just start with what’s new in his life,” She starts, and you nod while putting some baked potato inside your mouth, “He has a fiancé”
You stop chewing at her words and you look up from your plate to look at Polly.
“For how long?” You ask, swallowing not only the potato but also the weird feeling that is starting to build up in your chest.
“He said he asked to marry her on the ship. But I have no idea how long they’ve been dating” Polly admits while sipping her wine.
You nod while looking back at your food, grabbing a piece of your salad and putting it in your mouth.
“It’s okay that you feel bad about this” Polly comments, breaking the silence, “Feel like he betrayed you. Like he left you to have fun… Because in some way it’s true, or at least until we hear his side”
“Which must be interesting” You say with a sarcastic tone while eating some more.
Polly smiles at your venomous words before putting down her glass and slightly shaking her head.
“Want to know how the conversation went?” She asks you and you nod quickly while chewing.
As Polly starts to talk, your attention is at its maximum level. And she told you everything, even Arthur’s entrance, which made you laugh.
Everything but one thing, her question regarding you. Polly feels like his silence towards you could open up old wounds, so she decides to stay quiet and move on with other issues.
As Michael looks out of his suite’s window, Gina is already fast asleep. His thoughts and his mother’s question continued to hunt him, keeping him awake.
What could she mean by that? Had something bad happened to you while he was in America? Had you gotten married or anything like that?
He doesn’t know. His confusion continues to hunt him.
But he’s sure that something did happen. Michael doesn’t know if it’s bad or good, but something big happened, and everyone is hurt by his silence while it all happened. He read that through everyone’s expressions as they spoke of you. Especially Polly’s. His own mother.
He’ll have to see you tomorrow, and that thought pains him. What if you’re the exact same? The same loving and emotional girl that he’ll have to break once more by saying that he is soon-to-be married.
But what if you’re not? Does the thought of him hurting you hurt any less? God no. But it does create curiosity. Which is only one more feeling to keep his eyes wide open and mind moving miles a minute.
He looks over at Gina, who is sleeping peacefully in their bed. Skin shinning with the moonlight, blond hair still perfectly curled.
Can he even compare the two of you? No. Why? Because you two are polar opposites. Or were, at least in this case. And that is what keeps Michael awake in some nights: what in the hell made him choose Gina over you? And, of course,
Does he still love you?
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Taglist: @ohhersheybars​ @woodland-mist​ @onlythechicagoway​ @soleil-dor​ @finn-shelbys-bulldog​ @oh-theres-a-woman​ @peakyxtommy​
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heavencanbeaprisontoo · 8 months
Living with Michael Gray
Michael Gray x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, heavy angst, references to Gina Gray, dr-g ab-se, depression, spoilers for season 5, infidelity, and period-typical sexism.
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Domestic Michael Headcanons
Michael likes to move forward and that reflects strongly in the luxurious apartment he buys for you. He’s one who probably drew up the blueprints for the interior’s design. If he were to buy a home in a suburb (never the country), he would likely draw up the blueprints for that home too. Everything in his home is violently modern, on the cutting-edge of what new money can afford. However, in the midst of architectural perfection and hard angles of the Art Deco movement, there’s something missing. Michael. He has a beautiful home that looks exactly as he wanted it to, but it doesn’t represent him. This home has no soul. It is as hollow as the mask he wears.
Be prepared to go through phases of rarely seeing Michael at all. Michael has a very poor sense of work-life balance. When times are rough, Michael will take his puff of snow and bury himself into his work for most of the day. He’s likely to wake you up at some odd hour of the morning when he drops into bed, still half-dressed and on top of the covers. You can rub his back and try to tell him he’s working himself to death, he will not listen. Michael works like he’s running out of time. Like every second he rests is costing him a vital opportunity. He can be very jumpy, and moody, but it’s mostly the coke. It makes you happy to see him go to work. Then, you just get sad. 
When business is going well, Michael is at your side as a constant. Unless, of course, he’s still married to Gina. In that case, he might be lying to Gina about work being rough so that he can be with you as much as possible. Now that you think of it, was work ‘rough,’ last week, or was he just with Gina that whole time? If Michael is still with Gina in your world, you may never really know. 
When Michael is with you it can be hard to keep a straight head. The days where Michael is home, all his focus is on you. It’s addicting. His eyes follow you as he takes a drag of his cigarette, tracing the zipper of your gown as if to will it down. He likes to come up behind you as you undress for bed and nuzzle your throat, hands gripping your hips to pull you into him. His touch, his soft words, his promises of more wealth to come, it makes you forget all the ugly that comes with this beautiful life. 
Relationship Headcanons
Whether he stays in England or goes elsewhere, you always get the feeling Michael is lonely. Even with your arms around his neck, he gets this far-off look in his eye. You suspect it has to do with his family. He won’t tell you until you’ve caught him with a tear on his cheek and his mother’s photo on his desk. Michael hates to express regret or sadness, so it takes him some time to really let that out around you. If he does, he’s yours forever. You’ll be years into your marriage before he starts to talk to you about his adoptive family or his life in that little village he ran away from. He likes to say that he doesn’t think about it much, “Because it feels like it happened to someone else,” but you don’t believe him. 
In order to marry and have children, this will need to be a world where you meet Michael before Gina Nelson ever sees him. Because once he’s married, it would take a significant event for him to ever leave her. Love on its own cannot sway him. And Gina won’t let him go without a fight, even if she doesn’t like him anymore. 
So, you marry Michael. Not much will change in your life together until you fall pregnant, and it’s a positive change. Michael may be a work-obsessed man with a loose grasp on his own identity, but fatherhood is very stabilizing for him. He has a legacy to protect now. Someone who will depend on him and look up to him. It’s added pressure, but Michael can’t be happy without something to solve. Michael is very hands-on as a father, but only when it’s just you and him. He defers to you or the nanny to care after your children if there’s company around. That pesky masculine pride of his won’t let him look soft in front of other men. 
Until you have fully broken through his defenses, Michael will have frequent cycles of being “hot and cold.” There are days where he can’t take his hands off of you, lips attacking your neck and chest, buttons from your shirt clattering to the floor. He holds you like he’ll fall through the floor if he lets go. Michael will decorate you in fancy gifts like you’re a goddess and he’s your most devout worshipper. Then, weeks later, you may as well be invisible. If he’s home, he’s only there long enough to change his clothes and place a phone call. Might forget to even say goodbye as he rushes out to build a greater fortune. Michael will rush about the house without glancing your way or answering your questions with more than two words. Push him hard enough and he might say something he regrets. 
When Michael is calm, and sober, he’s a soothing person to be around. You can vent to him about your problems for hours and he’ll just listen. Michael is smart, and he’s educated, so you can talk about most subjects and have an invested conversation partner. Michael has no problem with debating politics with you or expressing his opinions. It’s when the topic becomes him, his family, or his feelings that things get difficult. He won’t press you about how you’re feeling. Isn’t the sort of person to dig into your private affairs. As long as you aren’t endangering yourself or the children, he will let you have your own world. Depending on who you are, this might be very refreshing… or you might feel very alone. 
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