#gimme those sweet sweet idioms
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Here are some German ones:
Wer im Glashaus sitzt, sollte nicht mit steinen werfen = who sits in a glasshouse, shouldn't throw with rocks
Wer anderen eine Grube gräbt fällt selbst hinein = who dicks a hole for other will fall in it themselfs
Du willst mir doch nen Bären aufbinden! = you want to bind a bear onto me
Es regnet wie aus Kübeln = it rains out of buckets
Es ist nicht alles Gold was glänzt = not everything that shines is Gold
Das geht auf keine Kuhhaut = that comes on no cowskin / that won't go onto any cowskin
Auch ein blindes Huhn findet mal ein Korn = even a blind chicken will find a grain
Das schlägt dem fass den Boden aus = that punches the bottom out of the barrel
Hier siehts aus wie Kraut und Rüben = It looks like cabbage and beets
Einem geschenkten Gaul schaut man nicht ins maul = Don't look into the muzzle of a gifted horse
Pech im Spiel, Glück in der Liebe = misfortune in the game, luck in love
Hätte, hätte, fahradkette = mayhabs, mayhabs, bicycle chain
Mal nicht gleich den teufel an die Wand = Don't paint the devil on the wall
"Das leben ist kein ponyhof" und "das leben ist kein zuckerschlecken" = "live is not a pony-farm" and "live is no sugar licking"
"... ist nicht das gelbe vom ei" = "...is not the yellow from the egg"
"In die Höhle des Löwen/Bären" = "Into the cave of the Lion/Bear"
"Ist die Katze aus dem Haus, Tanzen die Mäuse auf dem Tisch" = "If the cat is out of the house, the mice will dance on the table"
"Gebrannte kinder scheut das Feuer" = "burned Children are scared of fire"
"Er/sie hat den löffel abgegeben" = "they handed of the spoon"
"Er/sie schaut sich die raddisschen von unten an" = "they look at the radish from below"
"Reden ist silber, schweigen ist gold" = talking is silver, silence is gold"
"Zwei dumme ein Gedanke" = "Two idiots, one thought"
"Wenn zwei sich streiten, freut sich der dritte" = "if two are arguing, the third one is happy"
"Wer einmal lügt, dem glaubt man nicht" = "who lies once, will not be believed (again)"
"Steter tropfen höhlt den stein" = "constant droplets hollow the stone"
"Du sollst den tag nicht vor dem Abend loben" = "You're not supposed to praise the day, before the evening has come"
"Wer zuletzt lacht, lacht am besten" = "who laughs last, laughs the best"
"Das kannst du dir abschminken!" Is actually kind of hard to translate, because "abschminken" is removing make-up. Word for word this would be "That can you you remove make-up" which really makes absolutely no sence, whatsoever. "You can remove your make-up for that", doesn't quite capture the saying, even tho it's close. The saying basically means "no way" or "you can forget that!"
"Ich versteh nur bahnhof" = "I only understand trainstation"
"Da wird ja der Hund in der pfanne verrückt" = "the dig goes crazy in the pan"
"Ich glaub mein Schwein pfeift" = "I think my pig is whistling"
"Ich glaub ich spinne" = "I think I spider" or, actually "I think I spin" or "I think I weave" (basically means "I think I'm crazy" said when you perceive something you don't believe)
"Rom wurde nicht an einen Tag gebaut" = "Rome wasn't build in a day"
"Das hat Hand und Fuß" = "that has hand and leg"
"Der ist ja noch nicht mal ganz grün hinter den ohren" = "he isn't even quite green behind the ears"
"Früh übt sich wer ein meister werden will" = "early practice if you wanna be a master"
"Ich fress nen besen" = "I eat a broom"
"Ich glaub mich tritt ein pferd" = "I think a horse is kicking me"
"Da lachen ja die hühner" = "the chickens/hens laugh at that"
Well this was fun, but it's late.
I learned that German has a bunch of ways of saying that one thinks their going crazy or doesn't believe something.
Welp, goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite.
Please give me more Sayings in your native language
"My first language has a perfect saying for this, but it doesn't make sense in english :("
Say it anyway! You don't owe them perfect clarity. Be profoundly cryptic, speak in riddles, make them ponder what the fuck you meant by that. The anglos, like porridge, must sometimes be stirred, so they don't burn stuck on the bottom of the pot.
#idioms#saying#English#german#sprichwörter#do you have more?#gimme those sweet sweet idioms#i love experimental translations#i even have a course in university for it#literature#translation#adage#proverb
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Oops I’m alive
(In which a small life update is below the cut, just busy with uni and more exciting things really. ^^)
Sorry for the accidental extended absences recently! It’s getting to that time of year when all the assignments are due (I had four major pieces of work all due on the same day which was fun) and exams are around the corner, so.
I’ve been tending to browse Tumblr on my mobile more recently, ‘cause I can lie in bed and pretend I don’t have work to do, but mobile is shitty for extensive tagging of things. So I catch up on Tumblr, throw things into my drafts folder to tag properly and queue later when I’m on the computer, and... never get round to doing that. orz I’ve also been diabolically awful at getting to things in my inbox for the same reason. I’m sorry!! DX
I’mma set the queue up while I’m here now though, so hopefully that’ll stay active for a couple of days.
I have also taken up a new hobby which is eating a lot of my time. I’m sure everyone knows that I have a terrible doujinshi hoarding habit. Well, I’m now also translating some of my doujinshi. Entire books, like a proper scanlation level kind of thing. :3
Although I have done two years of Japanese at uni now, it’s not really anywhere near enough to be doing full translation like that. So the process involves a lot of yelling at google translate, taking individual words or fragments of sentences over to a more powerful dictionary to double check them or get a better translation, and then rethreading all the pieces back together into something vaguely comprehensible. And then I’ll go and change it anyway to make it sound better in English. (Because even if I do have a 100% accurate translation, what it literally means often sounds stilted or strange in English. Different languages use different phrases and idioms and structures, that’s just how it is.) So, I would call my work more of a localisation than a direct translation, lol.
Besides, it’s all just freakin’ porn anyway. >>
So far I’ve done Harem (that book with Sephiroth fucking the three different versions of Cloud, you recall) and am about three quarters of the way through Life Is Sweet (that book with the actual legit Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud threesome). Both of which are 40 pages long, of course I had to go for the more lengthy things first. orz
Not sure what I’m actually gonna do with those, they’ll probably be on the scan comm at some point.
And the final thing I’ve been busy with is organising going to Japan things, whee. I did end up going for the Kyoto summer school thing, so I got my place on that. Got flights booked (I booked them way back before the applications even went it and I hadn’t got a place confirmed or anything, but it’s fine I knew I was gonna get it >>), paid the summer school tution moneys to the uni, have a hotel in Tokyo for the week I’m spending there before the summer school thing, things are getting organised.
I’m gonna buy sooooo many doujinshi. >3 Plans for the trip already include taking a completely empty extra bag to be filled, lol. I will be spending a lot of time in second hand doujinshi stores and places, so if there’s any books you really want to get your hands on, gimme a shout and I’ll keep an eye out for them. :D
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