#gimme some kinda scary come on!
keydekyie · 1 year
if I go camping and I'm not at least a little scared by the brutality and vastness of nature at some point then what's the fucking point, really?
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etherealstar-writes · 8 months
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pairings: lionesses x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: eight
part one here
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stairway y/n, i gotta tell you something very important
the imposter okay? what is it?
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the imposter when and where?
stairway i was thinking a beach wedding this weekend
willybum WOAH WOAH WOAH hell nah gimme a chance
the REAL karate kid i can be a way better girlfriend than all of them y/n
neev no meee!
the imposter as much as i love all these offers you guys don't even know what i look like
elton wdym? we all know what you look like
the imposter well that's not creepy at all i never sent you guys a photo of me wait a second so you guys are stalkers! OMG I KNEW IT!!
elton NO NO NO WE ARE NOT your friend sent us that one time she was on your phone we assumed you knew that
stairway wait a sec
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the imposter WHATT I DONT EVEN REMEMBER THAT THAT IS SO UNFAIR OMG hang on how do you even have that?
earpsy half of them have it saved on their camera roll in favourites
lauren 1 exposed haha
the REAL karate kid shut up
the imposter ..... um okay then that's not scary at all it isn't even a good photo
neev iSnT eVEn a GoOd PhOTo GURLLL shut upppp you're gorgeous i'll marry you instantly
the imposter aw tyyy ily <33
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the REAL karate kid NAHH BACK UP RN
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i'm coming for you charles
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elton hold on you guys i just realised
the REAL karate kid oh hell no
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lotte what could she have possibly thought of now
maya everyone prepare yourselves
elton if pregnant women were to go swimming would they be classified as human submarines bcuz you know they're pregnant
the imposter
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earpsy you really have outdone yourself this time
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neev toone how the hell did you even think of that 😭😭
stairway no but she lowkey has a point tho ... they technically are if you think about it
lotte not you too 😭
the imposter ella bae ily but .....
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the REAL karate kid i second that
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honestly you guys are just jealous jealous of my
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lord save me
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
the imposter how are my favourite stalkers doing? y'all have been quiet lately and i haven't been spammed with notifications from this chat it's kinda concerning hope y'all are doing well
lotte i would say enjoy the silence while it lasts lol but i'm doing well thanks! hope you're having a good day too <3
the imposter that's great to hear, and thank you!! xxx
stairway i'm doing good too!
neev i'm doing alright too thanks
elton oi we don't stalk you .... all the time
the imposter hold on okay i'm back
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the imposter
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guess this is goodbye my stalkers this has to end 🤝😔
stairway Y/N NOOO
the imposter
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just booked myself some karate lessons see you guys on the streets ✌️
neev oh my god 😭
elton that's it i'm never going outside or leaving my house again
willybum nahhh this isn't fair Y/N come backkk
the REAL karate kid y/n my lovee plsss 🥺 i blame ella for all this
elton oi it's not my fault!
stairway it's okay we'll just wait here .... y/n?
neev okay its been half an hour y/n and still not an answer pls answer
the imposter a bit desperate are we, guys? what if i was just peeing?
stairway no of course not
willybum pfft we're not desperate
lotte um if you were peeing for about 30 mins then i would be seriously concerned and would be booking you a doctor's appointment
the imposter yeah yeah whatever you say, my stalkers :)
part nine here
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luffyvace · 5 months
Undertaker wants to Court you! ~(Headcanons)~
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Can’t wait for the public school arc who’s with me?!
this dude is so silly 🗿 enjoy some hcs of this ridiculous little man
Undertaker is funny. He uses that to his advantage when courting. Well, it actually depends on what type of humor you have- most of his are usually those jokes that are kinda funny but at the same time your like ‘That’s outta pocket! 🤦‍♀️😑😂’ yk?
he always wants to hear jokes. He asks you randomly and no matter what type he laughs at them. Rude humor? Hilarious! Dad jokes? That one really tickled his fancy! 😂 why did the chicken cross the road?? To get to the other side? 🤣🤣💥
now usually I feel he has a specific sense of humor but with you everything’s just kinda funny. It’s that moment when your with someone who you can laugh at the most unfunniest stuff ever and still be cackling at it anyway 😭💕
he’s always telling them as well. Might I say, at the worst times 😏 you just watched someone run over a stray animal? Oh he’s got a joke for that hear him out- LIKE BRO 😭⁉️
Let’s also talk about hiiiis…! weird side! (I’m saying ‘side’ like he’s isn’t always weird..) This is pretty much him just being a creep? Ish? Like that scene where he was in the barrel licking salt…🤨 or how he’s always in coffins (which tbh seems more normal for a grim reaper but still..) either way this dudes’ real weird and he doesn’t tone it down, even around you despite the fact that it may or may not (you decide) push you away
He’s a very mysterious dude, so how ever you met him I guarantee it was eerie and somewhat strange. Therefore you were likely intrigued by him, so when you went on your first date it was, well, very interesting! There’s so many layers to unravel with this guy! Ngl even now you’ve only semi unraveled this incomprehensible man but at the least you do learn more as you get to know him :P
his past is….complicated is an understatement- gimme a new word.
literally no one but him knows his full past all the way up to this very day. Looks like no one has stuck around long enough! Since you will I guess you’ll be the first to figure it out! ;)
now I’ll say this, he won’t sit down and just tell you everything, no. That won’t be any fun! 😄 you’ll have to have the intelligent to sit down and decode it piece by piece with the tidbits of information he gives you randomly. Yes! It’s going to be comical seeing you try and put this whole thing-a-ba-jig together! (^_−)−☆ 🤣
his nonjudgmental yet opinionated personality is scary if you don’t like folk who come off too strong. Or if your sensitive- 😄 he’s a ‘tell-it-like-it-is-and-I-don’t-give-a-ship’ type of guy. Buuuut! If your similar to him in that sense you’ll probably understand him a lot more. Him being nonjudgemental is perfect for peeps of all types so that’s a plus!! 💗
ranting about his fascination with humans during your dates comes with the package! ☝️He just does, it’s always one of his topics, and ngl it’s nothing boring either, he’s got quite a few stories to tell with even more jokes in between, which is sure to make for a lovely date <3 plus at some point all species in black butler experienced being a human, and idk about y’all but the study of human nature, psychology and how the brain works is a very interesting thing for me! I’d definitely be able to keep a conversation like that up for some time, me personally.
He puts up a front of a funny weird guy when there’s more to him if you read between the lines. Which, don’t get me wrong that certainly is a part of the real him, he just makes sure to highlight it so you don’t look at the rest 😃👌
he’s a real creepy fellow..even towards you 😭 (on purpose) and whether he’s trying to court you or not there’s no escaping it- if it starts to push you away he’ll find a way to incorporate laughter into it to make it more appealing, but no, he won’t change his ways 😭
(yes it’s canon 😞)
you force him to wash his hair 😘💋 pls he needs it. or at least do it with him so it’s more fun. It’ll probably be easier to convince him that way
Time to talk about his work as a grim reaper!!! :3 (retired anyway) if you are reaper you get to follow each other around doing tasks! human? You both go your separate ways to work, whatever that may be. A demon? The same as a human really! Just this time you might have a contract with somebody. Buttttt!! A perk of all three is getting to work in the funeral parlor with him ;3 it’s a good disguise if your a demon/reaper and also some good quality time for you and your reaper 😘 (i mean, I hope you don’t mind morbid stuff cuz he’s a mortician after all 😅)
his little Russian roulette with the phantomhives 🕺 (LOL) no seriously I have no clue what type of relationship he has with them besides the fact that he serves them for the price of top notch laughter 🧑‍🍳💋 but you might! I’d say he’s more willing to let you in then anyone if he’s trying to court you! That obviously means he wants to trust you with his heart! So yeah! You likely know a thing or two—more about Ciel than Vincent but any info will do at this point 😭 it’s a start right? 🤷‍♀️
whenever Ciel comes over you get to witness him or Sebastian try to make undertaker laugh, it’s not like they can kick you out, you work there! Perks 😏 You can pretty much tell the one time Ciel made him laugh himself it was just a whole bunch of tomfoolery 😂 (why did it take so long⁉️😭) Sebastian is also able to make undertaker laugh really hard immediately so I wonder what he does 🤪 guess you’ll get to see! 😋
undertaker opening up to you is a process that requires patience. And don’t be pushy!! I mean this for your sake, by the way. You’ll drive yourself crazy since you’ll never get an answer that’s not riddles or straight up jokes. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
yeah overall his way of courting is really strange but when it comes to making things official he’s poetically blunt. The type of blunt where you have to process for a second like ‘wait what does that mean- oh. OH-’
Anyway I’m gonna talk about the actual dates now cuz I’ve pretty much just been mentioning the madness that comes with it this entire time :3 and yes as I said that’s a way of courting to him. He’s weird and blunt but doesn’t wanna do things the traditional way. So getting you involved in his antics is his way of saying ‘hey i like ya and I want ya to stick around’. And jokes. HAHAHAH 😂
dates with undertaker normally consists of tea, jokes, human psychology and gossip 🗿 ever since I saw ciel in wonderland I couldn’t get over the fact that undertaker was at a tea party and now I headcanons him to like tea LOLOLOL! I mean I know that’s how the plot goes in the actual slice movie and he was just playing the role of the character but, think about it—don’t it kinda fit???? Like?? Okok Hear me out hear me out- imagine sipping on some tea with Undertaker and gossiping on the latest drama from the underworld, ‘I heard a rare case is happening where blah blah blah *giggle* *giggle* chatter chatter..’ ETC! like idk how to explain it but do you see the vision???
I can also see him doing that dramatic anime thing where they sip they’re drink majestically then say something intelligent sounding (☝️🤓) (about psychology, for him) as the wind blows 😂😂 YK? LOLL even worse if your in a outside background and his eyes shows (cuz the character who never shows they’re eyes always show them when they get serious 🤣)
i love how shameless this guy is
why don’t we know this guys’ real name⁉️ Can’t even give him a nickname because ‘undertaker’ isn’t nickname material!! What am I supposed to call him???? Taker’ ⁉️😭🗿
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koris-crumbs · 10 months
gimme td character headcanons. literally any.
RAHHH okay anything for you pookie. These are mainly for my favorite four but i probably have some more somewhere in this brain of mine
Fem lesbian obvious
Her and Noah are best friends bc they both clocked each other IMMEDIATELY when total drama island first happened
By best friends I mean both of them only admit it internally and never to each other
Shitty, homophobic parents meant she ran away/got kicked out 😋
MAJOR mommy issues. her dad just was kinda there and didn’t do anything
despises her siblings but LOVES noah and his own family
Ended up moving in with Noah trust she’s basically his sister
LOVES babies despite what people may think
Immediately falls asleep after eating (yeah she’s one of those people)
Pretends she only eats gourmet food when in reality her fave is honestly just a good, greasy burger from some shitty diner Noah took her too
Since she got cut off she makes Noah, and eventually Alejandro and Court buy everything for her 😍
LOVES her weird off brand total dramaverse jigsaw movies but that’s about the only type of scary movie she’ll watch bc it has no jumpscares it’s just gore basically.
thinks noah’s crush on alejandro is genuinely the funniest thing in the world she never lets him live it down
was stunned into silence one time bc noah flashed a photo of her bald on facetime one night
Immediately clocked Alejandro as being a closet bisexual she genuinely probably knew he was a boy kisser before he did
Courtney followed her private account after the events of World Tour transpired and heather screamed when she got the notification
has a key to Noah’s house bc she lives there (this will come back later trust)
passenger princess every time
Gay gay homosexual gay
after World Tour and swearing off of reality shows (for now) he gets a job as a barista at some shitty cafe near his house
he gives Heather free coffee bc girl can’t live without it
drove like four hours to pick heather up after she got kicked out
is the designated driver of the group
also usually pays for everything despite being friends with mainly rich (or previously rich in heathers case) kids
knew he had a crush on alejandro from the start and just kinda let it simmer bc he figured nothing would ever come out of it
he has a mom car. a beat up subaru. he is truly the mom friend fr
carries that photo of bald heather around as a way to get her to shut up if she says anything too mean (usually to owen or izzy)
had to be the one to ask alejandro out and literally rehearsed it for hours
is a surprisingly good cook despite being the youngest of nine children. him and owen cook together all the time as a sort of bonding thing
hes a mommas boy trust. both of his parents are great though
never really went all out for halloween until he was roped into a group costume with owen and team e-scope one year. after world tour alejandro convinced him to do couples costumes with him
the most ATROCIOUS fashion sense known to man
the definition of bisexual
he has the absolute shittiest gaydar in the world though. I know it
didn’t even know he himself was bi until world tour
ALSO meant he couldn’t tell noah was gay (stupid) and it devastated him on that plane even though he had no idea why yet
being the youngest and always second best to josé definitely contributed to that
the daddy issues to match heathers mommy issues
always wanted a sister
after courtney and him make up after the events of world tour he basically gets her as one
they shit talk people in spanish together trust
has one sided beef with one of noah’s coworkers bc they have a crush on noah
him and heather stayed close after world tour but he did NOT know she lived with noah. he didn’t even know they were friends.
was always confused on why heather made him drop her off like a block from where she said she lived
was scandalized when he found out heather did in fact not strictly eat gourmet food
hates Owen with a seething passion. this one isn’t even a hc honestly. the hatred after world tour mainly stems from jealousy bc owens so close with noah
“why is he here??” “he’s my best friend, alejandro” “i thought I was your best friend ☹️”
yeah he sticks to that “best friend” story a lot.
noah only starts getting suspicious when alejandro says it’s okay for best friends to kiss just for funsies
him, heather, and courtney have to take noah shopping bc of how atrocious noah’s taste is
doesn’t watch movies in general but he loathes horror movies with a passion bc he’s just like heather and hates jumpscares
noah and court put a horror movie on during movie night one time and alejandro literally almost cut off noah’s circulation from how hard he was gripping
for their first halloween as a couple he made noah dress up as a vampire while he was a werewolf (a better love story than twilight 🤯)
does not. know what to do around babies and toddlers. they make him uncomfortable tbh. what if one crawls over to him? he will kindly pass on that, thank you
one time one of noah’s little cousins waddled up to him and he went 😟 bc he thought noah was testing how good he was with kids
has a key to noah’s house bc he’s down bad and already spends 90% of his time there anyway
neither his nor heathers keys were given to them by noah himself
noah’s momma strikes again
whenever he sits behind her he kicks heathers seat in the subaru
lesbian in denial for a while (lmaoooo i’m dr seuss)
honestly wasn’t even that sad about duncan tbh she was DEVASTATED about gwen though
musical theater kid. probably music kid in general.
despite popular belief i actually imagine her parents being very proud and genuinely good parents. they adore their baby girl
definitely has a big photo of her as a baby hung up in like the main area in her huge house
after heather comforted her she honestly regretted not getting her contact info so she had to resort to finding her on instagram after like a month of searching
her and alejandro had kept in touch so she was surprised when she found out he was best friends with heather and noah as well
100% said the infamous heartbreaking quote to heather during world tour at some point
“why not?” “i wish you were a boy” (sorry)
is a beast and super fan for horror movies and noah’s the first friend she actually gets to enjoy them with bc he doesn’t get scared (unlike a specific two people)
ALWAYS dresses up as a princess or fairy or smth for halloween every year without a doubt. heather nearly had an aneurysm the first halloween they spent together
is scary when she drives solely bc of her road rage which is why noah’s the designated driver not her (heather and alejandro don’t know how to lmaooo losers)
that’s it for them for the moment. maybe i’ll do more for other characters if i think of anything ^^
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hockeyisforthegays · 1 month
did you read 264 and 265 chapter's of jjk? if so what are you thoughts? you don't have to answer i'm just curious about what you think because i feel like you have really unique observations
(love you writing, thank you in advance if you end up answering)
oh shit anon let me write you an essay. and by essay i mean a disjointed series of long ass bulletpoints. also im gonna be focusing mostly on 265 because as my friends put it i am "ceo of itadori yuuji" or the proprietor of the "itadori cinematic universe" so you could say. that i am biased
okay. one. as an overall thing. i wish that for pretty much everything . that they would just lean into it more. theres a lot of concepts im into but everything lately seems to be presented without exploration or followup. like im about to analyze this to shit but i feel like im gluing meat to a skeleton. help me out here gege
FOR EXAMPLE yuuji's ultimatum to sukuna. i wish. i wish there was more here. like in theory this is really cool to me. yuuji says You Choose Whether I Eat You Or Kill You. Will You Live With Me? Or Will You Die Alone?
I lay my Body down as a Sacrifice
but more so as a Prison
but most of all as a Mercy
the first to my Friend, the second to my Curse, and the third to the Person i hope is buried deep down inside that evil.
aaaaand then this is kinda undercut by sukuna's reaction to me. not that i need him to go full on mahito quaking rabbit ass on us tbc. but the stubborn non-engagement with the premise just makes me roll my eyes and groan. i wish gege had found a way to let this reveal SOME new or unexplored aspect of sukuna's character? one chink in the armour. one stray thought that we wouldn't expect to hear from him. something. something to latch onto.
this may be unreasonable also given that gege is writing in literally a different language but i hope we find our way somehow to the double meaning of the phrase "flesh and blood" btw. like. sukuna is yuuji's uncle and they shared a body. yuuji is trying to make sukuna come back to that body. theres something there i swear it.
sukuna, come home. we're family. you're my flesh and blood.
(while beating his ass)
like make it scary. god PLEASE put some metamorphosis stank on it. gimme that I Am You flavourrrrr
okay now also. yuuji's domain. i want to talk about yuuji's domain so bad. one thing i noticed was that he doesn't name it. at first i was pretty disappointed because im a weirdo and i love their weird word salad names, i love that e.g. fushiguro and mahito just bust out full poems on i guess instinct when they use their domains for the first time!! so the fact that yuuji didn't get one felt at first like he was being... slighted by the convention almost? but.
this is again a thing i think could have been cool if leaned into, in a few ways. ive just been having these ideas about how yuuji's domain is different from other domains, one of those ways being in its lack of a name.
first of all from a character perspective - yuuji's whole persona in battle is like warpath, tunnel vision, beat your ass shit, so it does kinda make sense that his domain would be just as no muss no fuss just get it the fuck done, in a way. once again. lean into this!!
but also, i started thinking about what we saw with characters like gojo and sukuna, and the idea of jujutsu as the art of elision. when those characters wanted to juice their big moves, they reverted rituals that included vocal incantations. that exact word salad shit. i started thinking - those word salad domain names are like, that, you know? maybe this is explicit and i just missed it somewhere. or i forgor. but perhaps invoking a domain's name makes it more powerful, or easier to establish, or something
(i so much dont want to reread to figure this out. RIP)
if this is the case, yuuji not using a domain name would say a darn something about his power huh???
LEAN INTO THIS. LIKE SUKUNA COMMENT ON IT FOR FUCK SAKE i know you are allergic to acknolwedging your nephew but its for the AUDIENCE'S SAKE NOT YOURS
gege i am fucking inventing lore for you to make it cooler. why wont you. come back here
but anyway. what IS yuuji's domain and what does it do. he learned from kusakabe, so it's at least somewhat akin to a simple domain, but we also know yuuji's body holds the memory of malevolent shrine - does that have any influence on how the domain turned out? it seems pretty... big, for lack of a better way of describing a mental projection. no other simple domain really HAD projections. are there no techniques imbued in it? what about vows, like sukuna with his whatever barrier bullshit? yuuji's forces sukuna back into the yuukuna body. why? how? we've seen how domains can make its targets abide by rules, what rule is this? sukuna also acts nonviolently for as long as yuuji strings him through illusory sendai, and i dont know if this is a choice by sukuna (which idk whether i do or do not understand as a character choice at this point) or if it's enforced by the domain somehow.
(I feel like, these things either need to be More or even Less clear. like i understand just enough to have burning questions. if this were more obtuse and symbolic, i would probably be content to ride the vibes, actually. BUT IM NOT. ANSWER ME GEGE. YOU'VE TOLD ME SO MUCH LORE I DONT CARE ABOUT!!! WHAT OF MY SON!)
anyway closing thoughts wrt 266 you may be able to tell from my Fucking Fanfiction but i have literally been waiting for yuuji's own fingers to become cursed objects for EVER. i was imagining scenarios while watching season 1. im crazy stupid about it. i hope i hope i hope this finger shakes out into something WORTHWHILE. and sorry again this is entirely yuuji centred my only thoughts about the characters who were in 264 is the frustration of the way they got sidelined so carelessly RIP
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katyawriteswhump · 4 months
WIP ask game: You've built it up and now I HAVE to know more about your Power of Love fic. I love long fics too much not to ask!
I am so very sorry! I thought I answered this Tuesday, but actually saved it as a draft. Whoops!
Also, thank you soooo much for asking :) Not sure about building up, I was being pretty honest with the 'deeply unbeloved' but I guess I still kinda love it. I really hope to finish it soon in a satisfying way for those who stuck with me, as I've had it planned out for ages.
It's basically s4 fix-it fic. Steve saves Eddie and they go on the run from the police etc. together with Robin. Meanwhile Steve develops mysterious powers, though ones that come with a price...
If anybody is interested, the full fic so far is on tumblr here and on AO3 here.
“You sure about this, Stevie?”
“What part of ‘let’s do this’ do you not get?” 
Steve unwinds himself from Eddie. He peels his sweater over his head then glances down at the bandages… Screw it, can’t worry about scars now.
“Damn,” breathes Eddie, apparently drooling too hard to care. “I totally dreamed about this, when I luuuuurved to hate you. Okay, hate is kinda overkill but—”
“Yeah, I was a douche. Blah, blah, blah.” Steve shivers lightly, pitches the sweater at Eddie, who totally fails to catch it. “If this is some freak show revenge kink—”
“Wasn’t like that—seriously, you have no idea. It was, uh…” Eddie ventures closer. Under the rays of the flashlight, his dark eyes seem impossibly large and liquid. “I used to watch you in the pool—you were so disgustingly squeaky clean. I wanted to drag you into the deepest, darkest recesses of my dungeon-master mind and, ahem…”
“I needed bringing down a peg?” Steve gets right in Eddie’s face.
“Not even that.” Eddie’s deadly serious. “Just wanted you aaaaall for myself.”
Steve smirks—best way to disguise the candy-ass swirl of butterflies in his belly—then steps back and spreads his arms. “I’m all yours. Knock yourself out.”
Eddie gets some rope, hooks it over a high beam, and climbs on a crate to fasten it in place. He then plants a palm on Steve’s bare chest, backing him up against a wooden post. Steve smirks harder than ever, if only to distract himself—and Eddie—from the heart hammering insanely beneath Eddie’s hand. Jesus Christ, don’t think! Focus on the hotness.
Eddie reaches up to grab an end of the rope and loops it around one of Steve’s wrists. Steve tugs himself free: “You do know what you’re doing here, right?”
“Believe me, my uncle is worse than any overgrown boy-scout leader. Not sure he taught me knots and shit for exactly these purposes, but… anyhoo.”
“Okay. Got one condition. You get shirtless too.”
Eddie’s grin makes Steve ache in all sorts of fun places. “Guess I can indulge you, Babe.”
“Babe? I was a brat five minutes ago. Make yer mind up.”
Eddie flips the bird, turns away and strips. Steve lolls against the post, longing to drag his tongue over every salty inch of Eddie’s torso. Jesus, he never knew he had a shoulder and back kink, because… Gnnng! And those tats, stark against Eddie’s pale skin? As Eddie turns back, Steve drinks them all in. Even the goddamn bats, which should be scary as hell these days, are beyond intoxicating, and seem to dance and spin and…
“Ready now?” Eddie grabs the rope.
Steve fakes a yawn. “Getting old waiting, Munson.” 
“You really are a brat, you know that? C’mon, gimme your hand.”
Eddie ties Steve’s right wrist with a loopy, hitchy knot. He tugs another part of the rope, suspending Steve’s wrist in the air above him.
“How ya doing, big boy?” Eddie grazes his fingers, feather-light, down the light stubble on Steve’s cheek.
“Never better.” 
Steve swallows hard, offers Eddie his other hand. The exquisite concentration on Eddie’s face, the tip of pink tongue at the corner of his mouth, is hilarious. Eddie’s half-naked body is totally smokin’, and yet…
Steve’s eyes drift closed. Those butterflies in his stomach are fast transforming into a horde of angry wasps. He’s had his hands tied before, by the Soviets and… Dammit, is this really distracting him from anything? I DIED IN 1978. I DIED! His breaths come faster, shallower. Nevertheless, he bites his lip against asking Eddie to stop, to slow down even. Don’t spoil this, Harrington.
“Steve, you sure you’re okay?”
As soon as his gaze meets Eddie’s, Steve’s anxiety fades a little, and he nods. He tugs lightly at Eddie’s handiwork, now complete, and a snigger he genuinely feels tugs the corner of his lips. While the ropes don’t dig in, he doesn’t think he could easily yank himself free.
Okay, this is definitely kinda hot. Like the channel of air between their bare chests, which honestly, steams like a sauna. He’s always been in control in sexual relationships, always taking the lead. Lately, yeah, it’s felt kinda dull almost, as if he’s been going through the motions. Now, his nerves still jangle, but simply losing himself again in Eddie’s soulful eyes, he’s getting a goddamn semi. He peeps down, and the strain at Eddie’s fly suggests he’s suffering the same.
“What you gonna do next, Munson?” he husks.
“Stevie, I… I…” Eddie steps back, plows all eight fingers deep into that lush hair. “Seriously, now I got you like this, I have no clue, other than I want to kiss you so bad.”
“I want that so bad too.” 
Eddie kisses his own knuckles, dusts them across Steve’s lips, setting Steve squirming, keening even. His heart and his every goddamn fibre strain madly toward Eddie. Then an unexpected rumbling noise clamps those same fibres super-tight.
“Shit!” Eddie’s half-lidded eyes stretch wide. “More choppers?” 
“No… No. Sounds like a truck or something.”
(so, this is one of my favourite bits, among the heavy, heavy angst... maybe not representative of the whole thing, but perhaps there'll be more like this to wind things up... it doesn't not fit with my story plan ;))
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angelofverdum · 3 months
BEYONCE by Beyoncé
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I've been listening to this album none stop and I don't know why.
Since March I've been going From Las mujeres ya no lloran to Cowboy Carter nonstop, they got me like
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But I said mmm let me go listen to these two queens' whole discography, after I finished I went back to Beyonce's self-titled and I'm stuck there.
The first time I heard a song from this album I was still learning English, so I was like what the hell is a "Partition". I know I know, but I was tiny with pure thoughts.
I barely remember when the album dropped but the world was in shambles, I wasn't a fan then but I liked some of her songs, mostly the singles.
Everybody was talking about Partition because of the damn chair, but to me, the song sounded crazy like the rhythm was wrong, idk what it was but I didn't like it.
But I kept coming back to Partition even tho it sounded weird to me, but I was like this this:
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Anyway, BEYONCE is the album that made me a fan, a few years later tho, I knew more english and I've matured. I listened to the album again and realized what a masterpiece that album is.
It's my favorite album from her, all the albums that have come after are probably better because Beyonce keeps growing as an artist and even today she hasn't peaked which is scary but BEYONCE is like an after and before of her career.
It feels like she said fuck commercial success, and I know she's been saying this since 4, but what she did was very risky and she made history.
BEYONCE is my favorite album because she was having fun, being horny, bisexual, and got a bob, how can I not love this album.
Like did she need to do all of this? no, but she did and we are thankful.
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So I'm gonna talk about every song in her album because I feel like it
1. Pretty Hurts.
I think this is her weakest opening for an album. It's not one of my favorite songs from her in general but it's not a skip like people like to say, and somehow set the tone for what the album is. Also watching Beyonce throw up was shocking to me as an easily impressionable young girl.
2. Haunted.
Probably one of her less commercial songs but a masterpiece nonetheless. It's so so SO good, I wish I could eat this song. "Working 9 to 5 just to stay alive" She is so right for that and "Probably won't make no money off this, oh well" with the ghostly voice. A masterpiece through and through. "My wicked tongue where will it be". One of my favorite videos too.
3. Drunk in love.
Beyonce is a very horny person she put all of that in her art but when she sings with Jay-Z I feel they often get too close to giving too much information bc why was Jay saying they conceived Blue in Paris at the OTR tour? Me, personally I didn't need to know. Anyway, this song is a hit, it's better than Crazy in Love (a timeless hit) but not as good as Deja Vu.
But hello? The surfboard line and the "your breastesses in my breakfast" line. Just horny people and like he said "My wife Beyoncé, I brag different" I'll be like that too.
Also, this iconic dance that I have to do every time I listen to the song
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4. Blow.
Her horniest song until now when she released Desert Eagle. "Can you lick my skittles in the middle" "Pink is the flavor" "I can't wait 'til I get home so you can turn that cherry out" the whole song is crazy and the best part she doesn't even say a bad word or an explicit phrase.
Well, "Gimme that daddy-long stroke" is kinda nasty. Also, what does she mean by this?
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Does she want to taste that pink flavor? Ok BIyoncé
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5. No angel.
In this song, Beyonce is saying that no one is perfect, not even her, and that if you are in a relationship you have to work hard and fuck harder
"Stop actin’ so scared, just do what I tell. First, both of my legs go back on your head. And whatever you want, yeah, baby, I’ll bet it comes true"
And we should listen bc that's on 16 years of marriage
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6. Yonce/Partition
The best song on the album. The badassery in Yoncé. The bisexualism that is the video. One of the best bars ever written for a song "I sneezed on the beat and the beat go sicker". The song is so perfect and sexy and nasty. "I don't need you seein' 'Yoncé on her knees"
In this song, she is supposed to be singing to her man about having sex in a car but she is also fantasizing about a threesome with another woman "The kind of girl you like is right here with me"
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She had a woman liking her neck, appearing from between their legs and touching her sensually. Oh, Partition you'll always be famous.
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7. Jealous
This is the kind of song that made me wonder how much of this was biographical and how much was imagination. Here she talks about waiting for him at home and she says something similar in Lemonade. I don't want to repeat myself but I really love this song. It's just so good.
Also wtf Jay? She is in her penthouse half-naked, cooking a meal for you naked. So where the hell you are?
8. Rocket
I think this one is the only song I had trouble liking it. And I know now that is a good song, don't love but I like it enough to not skip it. Beyonce asks from the jump if she can sit her ass on you. What's not to like? She is guiding you through the whole song"Hard rock, Steady rock" and "Got me screaming to the lord" I just know she has Jay tired.
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9. Mine
This song is so good that I can listen to Drake's annoying ass. I wish it was her voice only. Her part is so good "I'm not feeling like myself since the baby" "Me being wherever I'm at worried about wherever you are" also "Alone in my place my heart is away" You'll crumble Sean Carter for making her feel this way.
10. XO
It's crazy how this song makes me feel so nostalgic. It's like it brings happy childhood memories. That kind of feeling makes me love and appreciate this song so so much.
She went to the studio mad as hell, ready to invent feminism to tell the haters fuck you.
12. Superpower
The most underrated song on the album. Still relevant to this day. Pharrell and Boots did their thing with this one, and Beyoncé of course. And the social implications, the feminism, the iconism, the cultural significance of this moment right here:
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Destiny's Child, you are so loved by me.
13. Heaven
Heaven makes me so emotional. Letting go someone you love is not an easy thing to do. Boots is pretty good at what he does.
14. Blue
The iconic Blue Ivy Carter. Imagine your mom is Beyonce and she writes one of the most beautiful songs for you. It's not my favorite song and it's definitely not her best close song for an album (That goes to Summer Renaissance).
Platinum edition
Yes, I'm writing about these six tracks because the cowboy lady decided that the platinum edition will be the only one available on Spotify, even tho everybody knows that the deluxe versions of an album always suck and the standards are always better.
1. 7/11
This is one of her most fun videos just laughing and dancing. However, why is she saying that she wants to "Kick it" with a girl and a guy? Also, this is the song she chose to celebrate the legalization of gay marriage in the US and this is how she perform live that damn song
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Jay-z you'll pay for getting to her too young and not letting her experiment.
2. Flawless remix
Nicki did her thing she was the best rapper in town. The Beynika stans were born and they were claiming Nicki and Bey were in love. Fanfics were created. You had to be there. The song is fine. I can listen to this version or the solo version, it's the same to me.
3. Drunk in Love (Remix)
Nobody listens to this song. A skip totally. Like Kanye should just shut up, thinking he can do a decent verse next to the best rapper in the game and Jay-Z. Beyonce was wrong for inviting him.
4. Ring off
I'm not going to say anything nasty because I support women's freedom and Mama Tina getting out of her sad marriage because it was time she put her love on top.
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5. Blow Remix
Shut up Pharell. Coming here to ruin a perfect song.
6. Standing on the song remix
The Creole lady said you gonna get the remix and you gonna like it. I'm giving this song its 8.5 for giving me latinyoncé.
"Mix up passion with fruit, sangria BB Cubana, ay, qué lindo ya tú sabes, camino como cocino, primo"
Grown Woman
I know this song is not a track on the album but I wanted to include it on this list because first, it's so good, and second it's fascinating how Beyonce did this for a Pepsi commercial, release a whole ass video on the visual album, and only 10 years later she put it on streaming. She is crazy.
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Nothing else to add besides BEYONCÉ is so important to the music industry. It popularized visuals (She doesn't do that anymore tho) and established Friday as the official day for music releases.
After this Album Beyonce has been releasing masterpiece after masterpiece.
I'll stop yapping now after saying I love Beyoncé and we should invent immortality for her.
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eisforeidolon · 1 year
Jared: So for those who haven't seen us in Charlotte or San Francisco lately, we are going - I'm sure you've been told, and I've said this before but from the both of us, we're gonna kindly ask that - [gets distracted by lights coming up in audience] Oh my god, some people - hi guys. [both wave]
Jensen: Wait, real quick, while we can see you guys, how many people have never been to a convention like this before?
Jared: How many people had a terrible time and will never come back? [points] Get the fuck out of here! Cliff! Red shirt! [smiling and laughing]
Jensen: How many people are here by mistake and thought this was the furry convention? [Jared and Jensen raise hands][Jared pulls his hand down and then Jensen's too][Jensen taps over his heart] I love 'em.
Jared: That's why they built in a lot of breaks for us over the last weekend. It's like, hey, we're gonna give you like an hour break between photos and autos because we know you have [exaggerated finger quotes] something to do. [both laugh] What is your - what is your furry costume?
Cutting here for fairly long digression about various animals.
Jensen: [immediately] Squirrel. [audience cheers] I didn't have to think about that very long. Almost like I already had it planned. What would - what would yours be?
Jared: Bear. [Jensen cracks up] Because no one messes with the bear. So I'd be able to just like roll around and growl a little bit [winks ostentatiously]
Jensen: Jared, not everyone has fear of bears, okay?
Jared: I'd rather be - I'm gonna figure out how to word this. I'd rather be looking out from inside of a bear - [audience laughs] I'm wording this carefully, gimme a second, gimme a second! I'd rather -
Jensen: Let's use the term grizzly, instead of bear, because -
Jared: I don't like that, nononono, not gonna work. Just a normal, happy bear. Y'know, like Paddington. Uh, still scary.
Jensen: Like Winnie the Pooh?
Jared: Winnie the Pooh, yeah.
Audience member: How many cougars are in here?
Jared: How - [cracks up] Who in here -
Jensen: Hey guess how many cougars are in the audience? [both laugh][Jared claps and mimes bowing down to the person in the audience] Rawr.
Jared: [laughing] Is that what cougars do? [makes claw with hand] Rawr?
Jensen: [points to audience] That's what these do.
Jared: Let's hear it, can y'all give us a rawr?
Audiece: RAWR.
Jensen: Toldja.
Jared: I kinda liked it. [laughs] So, side note? I'll get back on track, but since my wife is eighteen months older than I am, I call - I refer to her as a cougar? She doesn't like it. [Jensen cracks up] Uh, yeah, but I'm, I'm dumb.
Jensen: We were having this conversation earlier, I said, alright, Jared - cause I just, I love to talk about bears around him because he's so uncomfortable. I was like, if you had to choose to be trapped in a room [Jared cracks up] with - I was like, put 'em in order an alligator, a lion, a silverback gorilla, a bear - what was the fifth one? There was a fifth one?
Jared: Uh. You gave me four, you gave me just four.
Jensen: Was it just four?
Jared: Yeah.
Jensen: Okay, those four. I was like put those in order from like the least to no, no thank you.
Jared: By the way, just for those of y'all who are curious about like what our conversations are about? It's not about, like, do you like Kant or Beethoven, but it's like, [macho voice] okay, do you fight a lion with a baseball bat or a bear - boom!
Jensen: [macho voice] Alright, it's a game of would you rather!
Jared: It would be basically bear would you rather - about everything. [Jensen cracks up] I said alligator first - even though alligators were around two hundred million years before the T-Rex. Talk amongst yourselves. [gestures in a circle] Rhode Island, neither a road nor an island. Talk amongst yourselves. [Jensen mouths along as he says it and both gesture in a circle] But alligators - apparently, they only have the open power of a human [opens his mouth, demonstrates opening and closing with hand], but their close power is strong. But if you kind of fake it out [wriggles] and just give it a big old bear hug [mimes hugging]? Then it can't open its mouth. And then you become friends ... I think?
Jensen: No, this isn't Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile. This is like an actual [laughs] like rip your arm off type of animal [Jared laughs]. But I was like, I can see the logic in that, because you could jump on, you [?] 'em. You see these guys do it, a lot of 'em, like my wife is from Louisiana, I'm sure she has cousins that do this for fun. [Jared nods] So I was like, okay, yeah, good, I would - I can see that one. But then you said -
Jared: Then I said gorilla, silverback.
Jensen: Right.
Jared: Because my understanding is -
Jensen: [pointing to Jared] Also good logic.
Jared: The logic is that silverbacks are not carnivores. And so when they display aggression, it's usually to scare somebody away. So I would - if there was a silverback and I was in a locked room, and he did the whole [mimes] beating chest thing? I'd just be like [gets up] my bad bud, I'll be right here [walks away, crouches down]. Uh, and he'd be like - or she - would be like, cool, he's no threat. And then I surprised myself and chose bear next.
Audience: Oooh! Wow! [???]
Jared: Thank you, yeah, yeah. You feel me. Yeah yeah yeah yeah. But I don't really wanna - I feel like with the bear, there is a possibility that you can hug and stuff. [Jensen shakes his head] You've seen Paddington!
Jensen: But then a lion, like absolutely not.
Jared: They're out to kill.
Jensen: They just want to eat you.
Jared: Yep. Yep. Still more scared of bears.
Jensen: So anyway, that was our conversation over lunch. Happy to share it with you.
Jared: You're welcome and we're sorry.
Jensen: You're welcome and sorry.
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Chapter 26- Part 15
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But I'll admit, going back and forth like this is a bit…cumbersome. It works, sure, but it just seems like a lot of extra steps. I just wonder how Abra isn't able to teleport away itself, or teleport Pokémon out of the cages- is it young and inexperienced with its powers?
I also wonder why Xera can't just use her party Pokémon for this? She still has them, they weren't confiscated. Crater's Lava Plume, Riptide's Water Gun, Kirin's Zen Headbutt…wouldn't that work just the same without a puzzle?
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Finally! Freedom! Let's see- is that guard still asleep, even with the metal being broken apart?
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Yes he is! He'd probably try to battle us if he was awake, but it looks like we can skip that fight. Now then, let's see these hallways!
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Hm, well there's a doorway, but it's kinda blocked…can we still go inside of it, though?
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Oh, we can- and it looks like Flash is actually working now.
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A lot of engines, by the looks of it. What is this room? Big power source? General generator room?
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Ahahaha, let's give this a read!
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Uh, hold on, that's new- “Move Tutor”? Must've been added in a recent update. What's this all about?
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…Okay, good talk. Let's check that Dex entry now.
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“Systematic Contamination”... I remember seeing a file like that back in Mosswater, yeah.
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What're they trying to contaminate, though? The air? The water? It's just a pure Poison-type like normal Muk, that doesn't give many hints. 
What's interesting about this though is its Ability, Protean. So it'll change its type throughout the battle as it uses different moves? There are ways to deal with that, of course, but without knowing its moveset it's hard to go in with a concrete plan. I could start with Glare, but beyond that…who knows.
However, there's something else to this, namely its ungodly Special Defense. Holy crud, look at that green bar! However, all of its other stats are quite middling in comparison, especially its Defense. So what I'm getting from this is to avoid using special attacks (if possible) and try to use physical moves as often as possible.
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Ah, there's a TM too- I wonder if there's a way to get it by continuing down this way.
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Ah! Long ominous hallway! No thank you, we'll come back to that- 
But no way to get to that TM from here. So what about the other way? Is there another passage?
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There is, very nice. Now let's see that move!
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Echoed Voice? Not what I was expecting, I thought it would be some kinda Electric or Steel move.
Regardless, let's check this last hallway, in case there's anything important…
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Oh, this room wasn't scary at all, it's quite nice! Although I would have preferred an actual Magnet instead of this…Magnet Powder stuff.
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Now then- up those stairs, and into the rest of the facility!
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Oh hey, a guy who's not dressed in a gray and black jumpsuit! I'm sure he's no less evil, though!
Though, it looks like there's a good chunk more to this building, and I'm not sure I'll be able to get to all of it this time, especially with Pokémon battles in between. So, in the name of making sure this chapter isn't super long and overwhelming…
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I'm gonna cut it off here! That way, we'll have all the time in the world next chapter to explore Blacksteam Factory in full, with everything that entails. Beating up more Meteors, finding Cain, destroying the PULSE, and hopefully getting revenge on Ace for their bamboozling! It'll be pretty exciting next chapter, I have no doubt, so I hope you'll all join me for it! See you then!
Species: Feraligatr
Gender: Male
Level: 40
Ability: Sheer Force*
Item: Quick Claw
Brave nature; Alert to sounds.
Species: Arbok
Gender: Female
Level: 39
Ability: Intimidate
Item: Protective Pads
Naughty nature; Highly curious.
Species: Roserade
Gender: Male
Level: 40
Ability: Technician*
Item: Big Root 
Docile nature; Alert to sounds.
Species: Vikavolt
Gender: Female
Level: 40
Ability: Levitate
Item: Insect Plate
Rash nature; Loves to eat.
Species: Camerupt
Gender: Female
Level: 40
Ability: Magma Armor
Item: Quick Claw
Hardy nature; Often scatters things.
Species: Girafarig
Gender: Female
Level: 39
Ability: Sap Sipper*
Item: Odd Incense
Quirky nature; Thoroughly cunning.
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fire-feather-flies · 9 months
idk I'm going insane HELP-
1st. Caleb "A Offering..." "He don't know what is gonna HIT him" Basically, he was HITTED by something heavy on HIS head. His body was below his bed, and it was found by Scary Girl, Zee, Ripper and Axel.
Musical reference: A offering... By My chemical romance The music is fully made of just a instrumental. But by the time the music stills plays, it slowly starts playing some Whisper's while the music loses it calm and chill tone. That's how the the day of his death was. It started all chill and calm and then it was ruined by his premonition and death.
2nd. Damien "Come into water" "There's nothing here, just you. Not counting with me and the water of course." Damien was all alone, cuz he was waiting for someone appear. But during this time, the killer found a him. He got killed by having right side of his through cutted, but he fall into the water and drowned cuz he couldn't move. His body was found by Scary girl and Axel
Musical Reference: come into water by mitski. Come into water with me blub blub
3rd. Zee. (SORRY MARK😭😭) "Pork Soda" "I'm sorry for you having HIM as a friend" he was left behind by Chase. Chase said that he didn't noticed Zee, but actually he just ignored him because he wanted to save Ripper (Ripper also didn't noticed, when he tried to look behind Chase forced him to look Infront again) Zee ended up like the IOTS Ezekiel, ya know? His body was Found next to the ferocious trout cabin by Ripper. Ripper went back to where he Last saw Zee because he didn't found him anywhere, the killer noticed him and cutted Ripper's left eye and Ripper was saved Chase
Musical Reference: Pork Soda by Glass animals. Zee was kinda of "faded" while Chase lefted him behind, he didn't even noticed the killer. And until the killer even killed him, he's was pratically numb, felling nothing and not even sure if he was alive.
4th Wayne "Where's you head at?" "If you was selfish you could be alive for Seeing a another day" Wayne and Raj where running from the killer, but Raj fell behind and Wayne went back to save him. Raj could run fast enough, but only him was alive
Musical Reference: Where's your head at by Basement Jaxx WHERE'S YOU HEAD AT?! oh, it is in a plastic bag!... WAIT WHAT?! He body wasn't found, but they found his head. His head was found by Raj in the morning of one day after the tragedy. His head was in a plastic bag, and was Infront of the cafeteria door.
5th Emma "Thank you for the Venom, Chase" "It wasn't me. Maybe was someone else" Emma was feeling really sick during this days, and no one had a medicine or someone to help her cuz they were completely alone without no one else. So Chase convinced them to leave her behind, Emma accepted without begging. Her last words where "thank you for the venom, Chase". The killer found her body, but the unic thing he did was put any flower or plant he could find next to her.
Musical reference: thank you for the venom by My chemical romance SO GIVE ALL YOUR POISON, AND GIVE ME ALL YOUR PILLS, AND GIMME ALL YOUR HOPELESS HEARTS AND MAKE ME ILL. Her body was enside the Frogs of death cabin. She was in her bed, and when the killer found her, she was already dead. He dragged her body to the Florest and putted every plant or flower he could find next to her.
6th Raj "Homecoming" "You'll never come back home" Raj was trying to run from the killer, and almost could. But when he tried to Get in the cafeteria, Julia was at the door making him get outside till the killer gets him. He tried to run again but he falled and failed. He was killed by a rock, a heavy and sharp rock.
Musical reference: Homecoming by Green day "I have a rock n roll boyfriend! Someone get me out of here! Am I getting out of here?! I should have stayed in home, ARE YOU HEARING ME RIGHT NOW?! nobody cares about me?" Raj wanted to stay completely alone after Wayne's death, he keeped all the time with the "nobody like me, everyone left me, they are all out without me having fun. Could you go?" Thoughts, and that annoyed Julia. She makes his words go against him, as could I say. His body was found by Axel.
7th Chase "Till the end" (CHIPPER ALERT😨) Chase: "Ripper... If you could marry me, would you bury me and carry me till the end? No homo tho." Ripper: "Pff, what type of question is that, dude!" Chase: "yeah, edgy right? I've heard that on a emo song!" Chase went back to try to kill the killer, he almost did. But the killer used dirty tricks to end him, Chase was lefted alone to die of blood loss cuz the killer tought that he was a horrible person.
Musical reference: Till the end by My Chemical Romance Chase and Ripper HAD a "colorful friendship", during the entire incident Chase tried to keep Ripper safe while Ripper gets anxious if Chase was doing that because he loves him or that he'll leave him when he thinks it's the time. Ripper have other thoughts than just "friends" with Chase, but he never told him because he: thought it wasn't the time, cuz he thought it was something pathetic of saying, cuz he was anxious of Chase reject him and leave him. Chase thought the same on Ripper, he loved Ripper. but he never said it to him and never will.
8th and 9th Julia and Nichelle "Inferno" "Please don't/let me die" Nichelle was the nicest person in there, Julia was the worse in there. When the Killer could actually kill Julia, Nichelle also appeared. So he killed them both and let them together.
Musical reference: Charlies inferno by That Handsome Devil "I SHOULDN'T BE IN HERE!" "Please don't let me die"
10th Priya "Cálice" "Are you'll demented or are y'all disturbed?" Priya was the last one to die, she went to fight the killer just like how Chase did. She actually was close of doing it, but she got severally hurt during the fight, so she finded a way to put all the place on fire and to her die alone in the woods.
Musical reference: Cálice by Chico Buarque It's a Brazilian music so I'll try in my own way to translate the lyrics "Maybe the world isn't small... (Shut up)" "I want to create my own sin (shut up)" "I want to die by my own poison (shut up)" "I want to finally lose your head (shut up)" "And my head lose your sense (shut up)" "I want to smell diesel gasoline (shut up)" "Get high till someone forgets me (SHUT UP)"
After all the deaths, Chris arrived in the island. He went there to rescue the 6 remaining  Campers: Mary Kate (mk) Ripper Millie Lauren (Scary Girl) Bowie Axel But he didn't came back with them, the spirit of all the other 10 campers went to him and drag him to the same hell hole that they ended.
Mk was numb, she was happy of being alive but depressed for the Unic friend she had was a horrible person. Ripper was emotionsless, not knowing if he should cry for the friends he lost or should be happy for being alive. Millie was crying, her heart was completely broken because there still was something inside her saying that Priya was alive. Scary girl was traumatized, during her entire life she said that she was interested in death, but seeing the people that supposed to be her friends dying was too much. She NEVER asked for that. Bowie was miserable. Miserable for losing the guy he most loved, for never loving anyone again, for losing all his friends, for being a victim of a 1 million dollars trap and for being left for death. Axel was anxious, she don't know how to react by the fact that she is scaping. She thought that their tragedy was gonna last forever, but now she's finally going back home... But what now?
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ghostiewriter · 1 year
I have this crazy AU/alternate scene for the anniversary party in my head where after her fight with JJ, Kie goes inside the empty Wreck (everyone’s outside at the party) and goes behind the bar for booze and just drinks and cries/is sad and Rafe finds her alone in the Wreck and wants revenge for Barbados. That’s all I got though lol. Maybe JJ would come back to find her and finds her just in time idk. Idk the Barbados thing between Kie and Rafe felt unfinished to me. Especially after going through something scary and traumatic together, being forced to rely on each other to escape, being vulnerable and then she betrays him and he threatened her as she drove away in the boat.
I’m hoping there’s some kind of Rafe/JJ showdown in season 4. Or Kiara bumps into Rafe/he finds her and is pissed about Barbados and it’s no more mister nice guy like the way he was with her at singhs because he won’t make that mistake again. This all leading to protective JJ. Hoping Rafe and/or Luke really put things into perspective for (feral protective) JJ if they in any way threaten Kiara in season 4.
pope and rafe have had their three rounds, now gimme jj and rafe fighting next season👀
tbh i am kinda glad they left the rafe/kiara thing mostly unresolved because it does set up the potential in season four, especially if she has to rely on rafe for something or jj in general is just overprotective boyfriend mode because he knows what rafe is like/capable of
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thornofshadows · 11 months
Yall I wrote fics for this fandom so please? Go read my shit and gimme some validation I been sick and I need something to raise my spirits they’re mostly nsfw and kinda scary but come on
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some-creep · 2 years
🙏 I am respectfully begging you to pls write more hotaao, literally any scenario with them, that recent thing you wrote was fucking incredible 💖💚
Hey anon I want you to know when I got this I screenshot it and showed all my friends because I was really excited to see it. I know it took a while to respond but that's because I wanted to write something in honor of this ask,,, :')
Marie took any excuse she could to go to Callie's house. Her own house didn't feel safe, even when she was alone. It was fun to run off to her aunt and uncle's house and pretend everything was normal and no one was cruel to her and her mind was quiet. If she was alone for too long, her mind started drifting to dark places. If she thought about Callie in an attempt to feel better, then it went somewhere worse.
Years ago, and she would never tell a soul, Marie had become particularly attached to one photo of Callie from her family vacation to a small, not far off amusement park called The Salty Ink Boardwalk. Marie had never been. They had a small water park area, and one of Callie's parents had taken a picture of her by a swimming pool in a cute two piece bathing suit.
It was the first time Marie had ever really noticed girls. Or anyone, for that matter. She was fixated on how looking at it made her feel, until one day, she did the unthinkable. She touched herself while staring at the picture on her phone. She knew she'd crossed a line that she couldn't come back from, and vowed never to do it or think about it again. Most importantly, the real Callie could never know it happened! She didn't delete the picture until several months later. Just in case.
Callie was alone tonight, with her parents out on an anniversary date to some fancy hotel. Callie's parents loved each other…she was lucky. They loved her, too! They liked Marie, but not as much as their own daughter. She was just the weird little niece who came over way, way too much.
"But Marie! Isn't that a scary movie?" Callie whined when she saw Marie's idea of evening entertainment. She always liked it when Marie came over, but sometimes she was a little odd. It was dark out, and they were totally alone in the house. Callie wasn't confident she could handle something like that without having nightmares. Maybe if Marie stayed in her room she'd feel better. And if they could leave the overhead light on all night.
"Yeah, that's why I brought it. It's seasonal! Besides, aren't you a little old to be scared of horror movies?"
"No. They're scary. That's the point! To be scared and afraid."
"Those mean the same thing. C'mon, I'll make popcorn and you can hide under a blanket if it's too much~."
Food was always a quick way to win Callie over, especially when it was something she couldn't easily get on her own. Which was most things. She was talented in many areas, but the kitchen was not one of them. She reluctantly agreed to Marie's offer, and soon enough, she was sitting on the couch with a large bowl of popcorn and a blanket wrapped around her shoulders.
"Why'd you turn the lights off too! It's already dark outside!"
"You're basically an adult and you're still scared of the dark?" 
Callie huffed, hugging the bowl to her chest, "all mine now. Meanie." 
Marie flopped down next to her, shoving her entire hand into the bowl and spilling several kernels onto the blanket and floor. "Gimme."
She shook her head, turning away. "Watch your scary movie, I'm busy," Callie said, back to Marie.
Marie knew it wouldn't last long, and Callie's curiosity would get the better of her like always. 
A few minutes in and Callie had already turned back around, setting the bowl on the table to share, if Marie really wanted.
"Hey, is that that one actor?"
"That guy! He was in…that one movie! I like him, he kinda looks like you, don'tcha think?"
Marie shrugged, "I dunno what you mean."
"Well, he's always got a really serious expression and those really pretty gold eyes."
She blushed, brushing off her comment with only silence. She did her best to look interested in the movie, but now she could barely process what was being said.
Things only got worse when a fake jump scare was enough to startle Callie. Instinctively, she jumped to Marie for comfort, holding onto her arm and pressing up against her. Marie held her breath until she calmed down.
"Scaredy Cal."
Despite the insult, Callie didn't back down. She leaned on Marie just like she used to do when they were younger. She could smell Callie's body wash this close. Melon of some variety, she thought.
She let her mind wander, indulging in the fantasy that Callie was doing this on purpose. That she knew how Marie felt. Definitely not possible.
"Snuggle better." Callie demanded, pulling Marie's arm around her shoulders. "You're supposed to be protecting me from the scary stuff."
She tried, and failed, to relax. It was obvious how tense she was… Hopefully, Callie would think she was just freaked out by the movie that she had long since stopped watching.
Marie began slowly rubbing Callie's arm over the blanket. It was a gesture she seemed to enjoy as she snuggled up closer, nearly in Marie's lap now. When Callie reached up to grab her hand, she was certain she was going to stop her. Instead Callie just held onto it. No way it was a coincidence..! She wanted to push her luck, just a little.
As subtle as she could manage, Marie rested her other hand on Callie's thigh, deliberately not taking her eyes off the TV. Callie didn't seem bothered. A victory? She was feeling confident now, for a brief, thrilling moment.
They sat together like that for a while, in comfortable silence. Callie had her head resting against Marie, still holding her hand. It was nice, while it lasted, though not long enough in Marie's mind. A rather abrupt sex scene caught them both off guard. They both tried to act disinterested so as not to seem weird to the other. In an attempt to look at anything but the screen, they mistakenly looked at each other, freezing in place.
Callie had a peculiar look on her face as she peered up at Marie. She was thinking about something, or maybe trying not to think of it. Marie didn't have a chance to do anything before Callie quickly, wordlessly, kissed her. Less than a second worth of contact. She bit her lip, waiting for Marie's reaction, holding her breath.
Marie blinked. Then stared. She opened her mouth, wanting to say… something. She didn't know what. Nothing.
She grabbed Callie's face, kissing her like she'd never kissed anyone before (she hadn't). Don't think about it, don't think about it. She tasted like sugar, likely from all the candy she ate when she thought no one noticed. But more importantly, she tasted like Callie. That was enough to make her dizzy. 
Was she doing a good job? Did Callie like it? What if she wasn't good enough? Callie had kissed people before! She could judge her performance. Would she do that? Was that a thing people did? She had no past experiences to know what was normal. All she could think about was Callie. How much she wanted Callie. Needed Callie. 
Kissing Callie felt like home. She was so warm and soft and safe. But Marie was miserable and greedy. She'd never had anything and now she wanted everything.
Callie didn't.
Marie snapped back into reality when Callie grabbed her wrist. She'd pushed it up under her shirt, but didn't get far.
"Ah, hey, hey, Marie. Not so fast…"
She froze, realizing what had just happened between them. She wanted to cry, but not in front of Callie.
"I gotta get home. My parents are gonna wonder where I am." She didn't and they weren't.
Callie didn't argue. Marie pulled her shoes on, sprinting into the blankness of Calamari County.
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kwillow · 2 years
And just know still devoted of anon, I STILL think of him regularly! I am incredibly brainrotted and tho I am sorry for the brainrot info dump I also lmao feel the need to let you know the mental tomfoolery that occurs and that I think of regularly when I imagine Ambroy as now I more so affectionately tormenting him through the oc I mentioned whos still alive through means of my own brain coming up with stuff (came up with some whole ass lore trying to make the oc who is technically a human kinda oc actually like fit and belong in ambroys world so what animal anthro they'd become, why he might be nice once(spoilers I imagined it was for selfish reasons) ect) as Ambroy gets older they become more confident because like plenty of time passes gotta have some character growth and it makes sense with the imaginary lore I have lmao and is just a bit of a lil shit now unfortunately (for Ambroy) tho still devoted and still adoring him cause pretty unicorn who did a good deed once go brrr but they will also go "hmmm maybe if you're so worried you'll let me have a pound of flesh" if he made a comment of being fat around them in reference to some shakespeare thing I think I know something has a gimme a pound of flesh storyline and also because said oc is gonna be a carnivorous species naturally so a lil playful eat threat that they'd never actually do and probably flirting also (in their own special way) cause affectionately annoy the unicorn for talking bad about himself lightly bite him without breaking skin (biting is a love language at least for them lmao) and lick cause the oc (who for better or for worse is a girl idk if that'd make Ambroy more or less chill) is just a bit gross but also idk he might enjoy the attention from big strong woman who can probably manhandle him a little and who I imagine has rather large paws (size differences?? In my imagined mental scenarios? It's more likely than you think). Being that she has been with him for a few hundred years he's probably used to her, they probably have a very weird relationship at this time cause hm still devoted and loyal but also has more confidence and a personality for herself. I don't like that. But also the added confidence means she pays even more attention to me in ways others may be too nervous. I don't mind that at times. But also won't let me tap. (I imagine she has a joke of "one day ill let you have me" just affectionately winding him up cause he probably doesn't like that it's forbidden like "excuse me?? Not for me?? I CAN'T have?? There must be some mistake." Oc has some dignity she's saving herself lmao for what or who idk I think she just enjoys being a dick)
Like my brain thrives off it cause its in my opinion so funny like when your scary dog priveleges backfire cause they never fucking die and now scary big strong friend has confidence cause they've gotten cocky and can man handle you (very easily!) but gently however they are still devoted and admire you endlessly, I can just see ambroy like you can't just come in here argue with me about my appearance threaten to bite me DARE touch and kiss my exposed flesh and then LEAVE???? WENCH??? GET BACK HERE??? Did I say you were finished?? Hmph!
Just vastly offended she came in covered him in kisses and left!
(contextually as well ideas for lore is obviously being that they both have these longer lifespans they are probably technically semi equals (tho she never challenges his authority in any way he is still above her in her opinion however she will be cocky) from what I made up for the oc hence also the ocs general audacity cause I imagine normally you probably shouldn't do that but like lmao she can and she will)
(and honestly, I don't think she's here to try to fix this fictional man.. She might be here just to cause problems and could make him worse by being a powerhouse on his side as that is not good for anyone for him to have that ego boost. Tho I do think she is also here to adore him even if she shouldn't like she gets one problematic man as a treat and I feel like there's potential for just a smidge of soft cause as much as playful nasty tension is funny I love me a bit of soft cause the mental image of her just holding ambroy if he's at a low point staying at his side holding him in a dark quiet room hugging him close to her body warming him popped into mind and urghh its about the unwavering devotion and the need for physical closeness and touch in a moment of desperation and loneliness(and the devastating denial of it happening later *mwah* beautiful))
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Hello again anon! I'm so glad you're still kicking around my blog and that you liked the doodle I made even if my guesses about your character weren't quite accurate. I love this scenario you've sent too; I made another little drawing about it. xP Imagining him saying "WENCH GET BACK HERE" killed me, I should incorporate that word into his vocabulary more.
More talking under the cut!
I just loved reading this, had a big grin on my face the whole way through! I'm so spoiled with this great buffet of my dipstick of a horse getting clowned on repeatedly.
This character being a woman would make him less chill, unfortunately (or fortunately?); much like the unicorns of myth he's very girl-crazy. He doesn't care so much about virginity status, but he DOES go nuts when a girl plays hard to get since he's an entitled brat. What do you mean he can't have a shiny new toy? That means he wants it more! HUFF SNORT etc. Her teasing him with biting and licking at the same time would make it worse. Talk about mixed signals! He's not smart enough to disentangle those!
Ambroys' DnD/aasimar version has a secret shameful thing for sexy monster women, sooo I can imagine him being perhaps similarly taken with a huge, strong carnivore as well. :P Take that as you will.
I really like how you imagine the dynamic developing from her being a bit more of a doormat at first to growing a spine and pushing back against him more as she gets more confident. Though young!Ambroys doesn't really respect anybody (at most, he fears people), as he gets on in years he starts to understand and value things like loyalty. Still a selfish greedy git, natch, but I could see him growing to appreciate her acts of service and dedication more as the decades rolled on, even with the taunting. Or perhaps especially because of it. Thinking on the canon love interests he's had over his life, he tends to be most attached to the women who gave him a little (or a lot) of pushback now and again. He does seem to want a bit of a challenge from the people he's close to, even if he doesn't realize it. I think it's part of what allows him to (sort of) conceptualize someone as a person instead of a faceless NPC in the background of his life (have I mention he's a stupid selfish git yet). Or maybe it makes the times they don't push back feel more genuine and satiates his bottomless appetite for admiration just a little more.
Anyway, I think once he got old enough, he'd enjoy the back and forth of the denial back to affection back to the taunts about letting him "have" her one day. Having a few hundred years on him helps with learning how to delay gratification. Of course, I think his younger self would enjoy the game as well, even if it would also make him mad with frustration and cause temper tantrums. He enjoys the chase more than the actual conquest sometimes.
(Also your scenario about holding him is extremely cute, aaw. He'd appreciate having that in his low points. In the story's canon, at his worst and lowest point in life, he's all alone. It's his fault of course, but still...!)
Anyway, I'm babbling on, but thanks so much for sharing more of your ideas! As I said before I'm hugely flattered and touched that my silly character spoke to you so much. It's all a humble imaginary friend maker like me can ask for!
( P.S. If you felt comfortable, maybe you could send me a ref or description of your character sometime. I can't promise anything now because I'm mired in end-of-semester hell and then there's the holidays and have a very long drawing to-do list BUT. You never know what might happen. :3c )
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squid-ink-symphony · 1 year
im really liking story mode and splatoon 2 in general so far, and i just got to the 4th area, so here are some random thoughts i have on it in no particular order.
I rlly like that Marie is basically the only other character here. I may be biased cuz she's my second fav character (shiver is number one ofc) but i just rlly like her commentary. But not have Callie here to also say random stuff is kinda sad..... Like at first i was like yessss lets go only Marie(no offense, i love callie). But i miss her :(
I may be one of the few sheldon enjoyers as someone who actually likes reading all his dialogue, so i appreciate him also being here.
THIS IS HARD. I know i suck at video games... but some of these levels just feel so LONG. And making me fight enemy octolings with a charger is evil. Anyway yeah i need some easier levels spread out between these like splat 3 had. Cuz this is..... not good. I have to keep taking breaks cuz the long levels do be mentally taxing. Like hello this is funny squid game i cant be bad at smth intended for kids. I havent straight up failed a level yet but ive come close.
Hello?????? The ruins of ark whatever its called salmon run map is so cool????? Why dont we have this in splat 3 yet. Its so fun.
speaking of salmon run, not being able to throw eggs or have the movement of splat 3 is so cursed. like, what do u mean thats not a thing????
Yeah the not being able to do the lil charge thing up wallls is so unsatistfying.....
I had to play as a guy cuz i wanted my splat 3 hair. (the ponytail) which i dont usually care about in games, but the girl inklings have cuter voices.... Oh well i am a dude now lol. Luckily gender is a game to me so i dont actually care other than the voice difference
Pearl and Marina my beloveds.... HOW COME WE DONT DONT GET STAGE SPECIFIC DIALOUGE IN SPLAT 3????? not only do deep cut not get many chances to speak in story mode they also have repetitive news segments...... so sad.. its ok i still love them. But yeah i love these funny creechurs. why are they like that. they say so many insane things. pearl and marina are so funky :D
Forcing me to use the hero charger for certain levels is so evil and messed up. I only like dualies, rollers, and sometimes brella. They cant do this to me.. I cannot aim....
As with splat 3 i am enamored with the backgrounds in the story mode levels themselves. i love just wasting like 5 mins just staring at them. I want to make literally any of them my desktop background but idk how to get a good pic of them.... man especially the upside down city looking one in 3. its so pretty and just UGH ITS SO GOOOD/
I am so poor..... what do u mean clothes cost money/?? i have to play the game??? all i want is to dress up my funny lil squid... i need a splatoon spinoff that is just a casual game thats like a dress up/room decoration game. maybe w like a cooking minigame too. thats ideal. like animal crossing or smth but squids. Shooting ppl is stressful.... (dont ask me why i play splatoon if i dont like combat cuz its scary. i couldnt tell u)
WHY ARE ALL THE INK COLORS IN THIS GAME SO MUCH PRETTIER THAN THE SPLAT 3 ONES???? ITS NOT FAIR. Some of these blue's are so pretty... i want...
none of the multiplayer maps have rlly stuck out to me in any way. Like they all just kinda feel the same lol. I think like maybe one or two i thought were cool? but idk the names. i def like the aesthetic of a lot of them.
I wanna just try all the weapons and specials but noooooo i gotta level up. just gimme everything ok
i also wanna explore the stages but as far as i know there isnt recon. I was just gonna do a private battle but turns out u cant do those w one person. And i was so excited cuz there were splatfest stages availbe too...... so sad i just wanna check out the maps but idk how to/if i can do that.....
the amount of times ive fallen off the map in the main level select area of story mode is more than i can count. its not even funny at this point
I also just cannot find some of the scrolls/sardines in some levels despite playing them mulitiple times. Not to just expose myself as incompetent over and over today, but i am 100% gonna need to look up a guide cuz i do not have the patience for this.
Also the rhythm game is surprisingly one of my fav things so far??? Like i am having the most fun ever with this thing. I want it in splat 3 so bad w all the new songs. Its actually just so fun. Like idk maybe better than story mode somehow. Maybe i just have my priorities wrong tho lol
Anyway yeah tats all i have 2 say for now... I think. idk im having fun w the game so yeah
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magician-kitty · 8 months
Noodles or Death
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It was a busy day at the Market, Tang and Pigsy were out getting food supplies for noodles. Pigsy smiled, admiring a carrot he's holding. "Ho-ho! Now this is a beautiful carrot! A couple more finds like this baby and we're golden."
Tang raised an unimpressed brow, taking the carrot from his husband, examining the small vegetable. "Looks the same as the last 20,000 carrots we looked at."
Pigsy grumbled, takes back the Carrot. "Gimme that! I wouldn't expect you to appreciate a fine carrot like this. You ain't no culinary genius, like me, Hon."
"My, my, my. you boys are making quite a scene." A soft voice said.
The two turn to see a woman emerge from the darkness of her stand, leaning on the wooden counter. She had pale lilac skin with long, jet black hair and bottle green eyes. "You boys looking to buy some ingredients? something tasty? Then you've come to the right place." She smiled seductively, blowing a kiss at Tang.
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"Uh...oh! uh, come on Sweetie, Tang sighed, feeling rather uncomfortable. "C'mon Pigsy, Let's just keep going." He turns, only to see that Pigsy wasn't beside him. Tang looks up to see Pigsy at the stand, smiling at the woman.
"Hah...y-you are selling beautiful vegetables today?" he asked.
Tang looks down at the stand, the crates practically empty, looking up at Pigsy. "Are you blind?"
"That's right, sugar. This is the finest store in the whole market. Why don't you come around back and look at my exclusive wares." Pigsy was intrigued, hopping around the stand to follow the woman, but Tang stopped him.
"Honey, I'm not sure, uh.."
"Don't wreck this for me! I need this!"
Tang frowns, watching Pigsy as he walks into the shop. He jumps at a sudden sound, hesitantly following behind him.
"A little closer, a little closer." The lady encouraged them.
As they step inside, Pigsy steps on something, activating a trap door. Pigsy and Tang scream, falling into the trap.
Mei had gone over to the Sea-Crate HQ to play Monkey Mech with Sandy. "Hey, you think it's weird that we don't spend much time in the Sea-Crate Base? Like, we haven't been down here for weeks," Sandy asked Mei.
"Yeah, and if you think about it, do we even need to be down here right now?" Mei asked before MK came bolting from the base elevator, running over to Sandy and Mei.
"Guys!" She shouts, "Pigsy and Tangy are missing!"
Mei doesn't seem to be bothered by this. "Pfft, missing? What do you mean their missing?"
"I mean... MK says, trailing off for dramatic effect. "Pigsy didn't open the shop this morning!"
Mei and Sandy gasped dramatically "But he's never not opened his store before!" cried Sandy.
"They must have been kidnapped!" MK flailing her arms around, tears running down her eyes, anime-like. "I immediately feared the worst!"
The sound of people talking catches the girls attention, who looks over to where Mei stood in front of a screen, Tang and Pigsy were looking at stalls of vegetables when Pigsy seemed suddenly under a trance, grabbing Tang and pulling him over to a shady stall where a creepily dressed lady stood.
"Hey, That's Pigsy! Oh phew, he just went shopping." MK sighed in relief.
"Who's filming this?" asked Sandy. The camera shifts, showing a bowl of noodles.
"It's Tang! Wait, What is this?" She asked, looking at Mei.
"I attached cameras to all of you guys a while back," Mei smirks, turning to MK." Not so creepy now, is it?"
MK sweat-dropped, that definitely was creepy. "Uh, that actually sounds kinda creepy."
"Aw, she looks nice!" Sandy said, looking at the screen. "Maybe they're fine?"
Suddenly the camera shook as Tang looked down at his feet, a trap door with the symbol of a spider opened, Tang and Pigsy falling through it.
"Oh no! I was wrong! This is very, very, very bad!" Sandy panicked.
"Scary nightmare hole! What happened?!" MK said.
"It's looks like.." Mei pressed a few buttons on the keyboard, frowning. "Is that..?" She rewinds the video, enhancing the image of the woman. "It's a spider demon," Mei stated.
"Spider Demon?! Ewwwwww! MK yelled out, shivering in fear. "Come on. No. Ew, yuck, I hate Spiders. Hate, hate, hate! With their eyes, and feet, and furry butts!"
"Um..." Sandy looked a bit confused as to why she's so afraid. Mei seemed to have gotten the hint.
"Um, Yeah, see it kinda goes back to our days in preschool, Some bullies had pulled a mean prank on her..."
"In you go, cry baby!" A young blue horned demon laughed as he and another shoved Xiaotian into a closet.
Xiaotian screamed as she starts banging on the doors. "Hey, Let me out of here! Let me out!!" She yelled.
She glanced up at the closet ceiling, she froze up in terror as there were spiders, lots of them.
"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!' Let me out!!!"
"There there girl, it's okay.." Mei hummed in a soothing manner, rubbing MK's back.
"Okay. A spider demon's got our friends,m. You know what that means?" Sandy said.
"It's time for.." Mei dramatically said "Operation: Rescue Tang and Pigsy from the nightmare hole!"
They all got on Sandy's water jet. Sandy revved the engine and sped out into the water, looking over at Mei, "Where to?"
Mei took out her phone a little too quickly, nearly fumbling it into the water, before pointing with said device, "Across town!"
"Then let's go!" MK cheered, still trying to appear confident, taking deep breaths as Sandy sped the jet down the street, and towards their destination.
"Woo-hoo! Rescue mission!" MK and Mei yelled cheering.
Meanwhile, in the sewers, Tang and Pigsy were wrapped in a web together. "You just had to go in there."
"She said she had ingredients." Pigsy defended."Sure, sure." Tang rolls his eyes, "but we all know that wasn't what you were looking for, Pigsy."
"Hush, shh. shh. babies, quiet time." called the woman, appearing from her hiding place with a grin. " The Queen is back."
She slowly approaches Tang and Pigsy, looming over the two with glowing green eyes. "What do you want?" asked Pigsy. " money?"
the woman shoots a web at him, covering his mouth, silencing the pig demon.
"What could I want, hm? I used to be the most feared creature in the land. I wasn't A queen, I was the queen. Empress of Terror and Mistress of Horror. But now...just look at this place. What's left of my empire. Nothing but a hole in the ground. So, what do you think the Spider Queen could possibly want?"
She chuckles, leaning on the web. "Anyway, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. And you lot will do."
"Uh, do for what?" asked Tang. The Spider Queen chuckled, licking her lips. "Dinner, of course~" She laughs maniacally
Tang and Pigsy look at each other, shaking in fear as the Spider Queen leaves.
Soon they've arrived at their destination. MK and the gang sped down the street in the Water Jet trying not to fall off with how fast they were going. "Rescue Mission!" Mei shouted happily, the wind whipping through her hair, tangling it.
MK sweatdropped, knowing she'd have to help her untangle it later "Dead ahead!" Mei said pointing at the direction, the trio looked at where the dragon girl pointed, seeing the stall from the video.....also noting how quickly they were coming up on it.
"uhh M-Mei, maybe we should slow--DOWN!!" MK shouted, unfortunately the delivery girl was too late, as the gang had crashed straight into the stall, and sped down the trapdoor, Sandy still hadn't slowed down, which meant the three of them had no time to react, before the jet slammed into a massive spider web.
This freaked out MK, the teen paling at the sticky substance surrounding her, quickly climbing out of the vehicle and running over to where Sandy and Mei were.
"Maybe you should've saved your boat for an adventure with more water," Mei hums as they inspect the damage.
"Yeah, I just got excited" Sandy said letting out a nervous chuckle, MK suddenly felt something crawling on her and panics.
"Eek! Spider demon!" MK's sudden screech, caused the others to jump, Mei pulling out the Dragon Blade. The others looked around for said threat, only to get confused when they saw nothing, Mei groaning as she realized, that MK was panicking over the tiny spider on her head. Mei walked over, and with a puff of air from her lips, the small spider fell off of MK's head,
"MK, it's just a little baby spider, C'mon! Let's go find Pigsy!" Mei said taking the lead "And Tang!" Sandy piped in.
"Ok!" MK shook off her fear, the best she could, giving a confident pose. "Ok, I'll use my super sight of truth to find our friends in this palace of nightmares."
MK activated Monkey King's Golden Eyes, Sandy looked at the boy in curiosity, "What do you see, MK?"
A horrified look painted the her face, who immediately paled, and deactivated the Golden Eyes, "Ew! Ew! This place is full of webs and horror! We're never gonna get through all this!"
"Ahem, if you'll allow me," Mei smirked, pointing the Dragon Blade in front of her, and blasting a hole in the wall. They looked around for the two they'd come to rescue, with Sandy spotting the two tied up in webbing, "Pigsy! Tang!"
Pigsy, who had been struggling on the web, looks up with Tang gasping behind him. Then all of a sudden, Sandy was suddenly taken into the darkness by a string of webs. Mei tried to see who it was, only for a string of webs to appear behind her, dragging her into the darkness.
MK walked backwards, fearfully in search of the enemy 'Don't panic, MK, don't panic' MK thought looking around gripping her staff tightly. Snickering made MK turn around, to come face to face with the spider demon.
"Aww, Don't tell me you're scared of spiders, sweetie~?" The Spider Queen mocks, showing off her fangs.
"Kid, Run!" Pigsy shouted, which was all MK needed to bolt the opposite direction of the demoness, none of them noticed the shadow on the cave wall.
MK panted as she dodged the she-demon's sharp claws, running into another cavern, and straight into a dead end. 'OKAY PANIC!' MK thought visibly sweating as she looked for a way out.
"And, you're the kid ol' Monkey King chose? The spider demon gave a mocking laugh, MK whipping around, trying to spot the Demon in the darkness.
"Gotta' say, you don't look all that tough, real scrawny from what everyone said, not to mention you aren't much to look at" The Spider Queen said sending shivers down the teens spine.
"Hey!" MK exclaimed with a huff. "I ain't no girl! I'm a Monkie Wo-man!"
MK screeched in fear when the Demoness lunged out of nowhere, pinning her to a wall covered in webs with a smirk, the staff falling to the ground. "Do you wanna know what you are?"
The Demoness leaned in closer to her, taking a handful of hair out of MK's head."You're my ticket back to the throne. All that power the Monkey King gave you? After I made my dinner, it's all gonna be my power." She smirks at the trembling girl.
She then leans real close to her neck. The teen closed her eyes letting out a whimper as she felt the fangs pressing down on his neck.
"Hey Bug Lady!" Pigsy's voice shouted, The Spider Queen pulled away from MK's neck and turned to face the gang on the Water Jet, now all free from their confines, glaring at the demoness.
"Let my little girl go!" Tang snapped at the spider demon. "You and your friends are terrible guests!" The Demon snarled.
"You were gonna' eat my bestie! As well as Pigsy and Tang!" Mei snarled angrily. "Eat this!" She slams her hand on a button, cannons activating behind her. "Mo! fire!"
A laser beam is blasted at the Spider Queen who quickly dodges the attack, scurrying away behind a rock.
"MK! time to go!" Mei called out to her.
The ground suddenly shakes and everyone stops what they're doing. The ground crumbles beneath them, creating a hole, as everyone falls in. The Spider Queen used her legs and webs, stopping herself from falling.
Meanwhile, MK and the others screamed in fear as they fell. Sandy looks down to see a river below them.
"Water adventure!" He yelled, grabbing everyone and throwing them into his boat, which had fallen with them, before hopping in and starting the motor.
It only took a few seconds after impact with the water, before the jet shot forwards toward the exit, and burst forth from the sewage pipe and into the ocean.
The boat crashes into the water, flying down the river, as everyone screams in fear. A gate like grater is seen up ahead, as they crash through it, splashing into the ocean below them.
Everyone groans from the adrenaline, MK, Mei, Tang and Pigsy, all in a pile.
Operation: Tang and Pigsy rescue mission success!
"Piggy, Tangy! You're okay!" MK exclaimed pulling the husbands into a hug, which they gladly returned.
"Aw I knew you wouldn't let us down, sweetie." Tang said.
"Glad that's over. At least we won't have to deal with her again! right?" Mei asked nervously.
Back in the Spider Queen's lair, The queen grunts, chuckling with a menacing grin. She may have been defeated, but she still had some tricks up her sleeve. "So They think they've won huh?" She looks down at her hand, opening it, revealing locks of MK's hair. She then walks towards the pot, dropping the hair inside. The liquid shines gold. The spider queen smirks, laughing maniacally.
“The game is just beginning!"
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