#gilmyrie blackhelm
bardicbeany · 4 years
that elf ear head canon now has me imagining Gil with a floppy ear...
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leanybeany · 8 years
My confession is I once thought you were polyamorous because of Gilmyrie
haha, no I’m def not polyamorous! but I like playing diverse characters. :3 
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bardicbeany · 5 years
speaking of using flavor in D&D, I want to talk a little bit about some of the flavor I have for a few of my character’s spells!
Aryoth’s god is an ocean god associated with hurricanes and thunderstorms. When she casts sacred flame a small swirling cloud forms above the target, who is then struck with radiant energy in the form of a lightning bolt instead of the usual fire. When Aryoth casts shield of faith on herself or others the skin is covered in a protective coating of crackling lightning. All her spells have the faint smell of salt water and rain when cast.
For my character Ashscale, all the fire from her abilities/spells is blue colored. When she summons a fire elemental via conjure elemental Ashscale takes a hunk of metal, superheats it in her hands, and molds it into the shape of a ball. This forms a heart or core of sorts for the fire elemental and it is what binds the elemental to the material plane. When the metal heart has lost all its heat the elemental loses its connection and returns to the plane of fire. The spell ends. The cooled core falls to the ground with a thunk.
Kriskrik’s technomancer spells have bright green lightning that kinda looks like circuitry. When her holograms form via holographic image they initially crackle with this green lightning. When Kriskrik casts microbot assault all the tiny microbots look like miniaturized versions of her hover drone Zizi. During the course of the spell her green lightning occasionally sparks between the microbots. When Kriskrik casts spells like make whole or mending it looks like green lightning stitching the broken pieces of metal back together.
My fey-touched sorcerer Gilmyrie’s magic is flavored as looking like glittery, sparkling white light. Her fey magic is what causes her hair to constantly glow with sparkly white light. For example, her fire bolts look like sparkling white fire, and lightning bolt a glittering white bolt of lightning. Sunbeam is the glittery white fire of fire bolt but the brightness and the sparkles are dialed up to 11. Often times when casting her spells it looks like some of the glittery light from her hair travels down to her hands, or covers her entirely. The intensity, brightness, and amount of sparkles fluctuates with her emotions and how powerful the spell is.
My pathfinder witch Ghezira’s spells are all heavily shadow themed. She has the spell glitterdust, but rather than golden particles blinding enemies, its a shadowy black mist. When she casts black tentacles, spindly shadowy arms with long sharp claws emerge from a pit of swirling black mist. When she uses mage armor, that same black mist coats the person she cast it on. Sometimes there’s faint whispering emanating from the mist, if you listen closely. 
...and this post is getting a bit long, so I’ll stop there lol
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bardicbeany · 8 years
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Vent art
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bardicbeany · 8 years
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OC Moodboards || Gilmyrie Blackhelm || Elf Sorcerer 
Art in the center by @tyromedico
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bardicbeany · 8 years
🌟  Gil
Gil learned to make flower crowns from a nymph named Galawey 
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bardicbeany · 8 years
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Channeling my inner Gilmyrie by eating some dark chocolate with edible flowers in it!
It’s good! :oo
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bardicbeany · 8 years
gil is actually a spy from the feywilds.
While Gil is, in fact, fey touched and has a few fey friends she’d be p offended if people thought she was some spy
also because that same rumor would likely be put on her twin brother too, who is also fey touched
[rumor ask meme]
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bardicbeany · 8 years
Don't chase the rabbit Gil
Gil and her twin brother Glin basked in the refreshing shade of a grove of ancient trees on a hot summer’s day. Glin lazily strummed his guitar, humming a tune Gil hadn’t heard yet. Gil grinned as she listened, feasting on a handful of fresh wild flowers.
That’s when she heard the screaming.
Or at least, she thought it might be screaming. Sometimes she heard it, other times her brother’s voice drowned it out. Whoever or whatever it was, they sounded frightened. In pain.
“Glin! Glin stop playing!”
“Oh, I’m sorry, was my song boring yo-”
“Shh, no! Listen! Do you hear that?”
Glin huffed, annoyed, but put his guitar up against a tree. “I don’t hear anything, Gi–” His eyes suddenly opened wide. Terror crept onto his face. “What is that?”
“I don’t know, but c’mon!” Gil jumped onto her feet and ran off in the direction of the unnerving noise, disappearing into the brush.
“Crap, Gil! Gil where are you going! Wait up!” She heard her brother say as he clambered after her.
The screaming was close, wherever it might be. Gil sprinted as fast as her feet would carry her. She shivered as the sun’s rays became increasingly blocked out by the canopy, the forest floor darkening with the shade.
She heard it again and made a sharp turn towards the East. She burst through some thick bushes. And there, thrashing about on the ground, surrounded in a pool of blood, was a small centaur-like creature. Its broken hind leg was lodged in a bear trap.
Right on cue Glin was at Gil’s side, “There you ar–Wha?”
The creature in the trap was a young hybsil who’s horns had barely begun to grow in. The hybsil’s doe brown eyes darted to her fearfully. At the hybsil’s side was a spear which she grabbed tightly and aimed at the twins. “If you’re going to take me, hunters, I’m not going down with out a fight!”    
[rabbit ask meme]
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bardicbeany · 8 years
35 45 gil
35. How does your character behave around people they like? 
Lots and lots of flirting. Gives them little gifts (more so than she usually does with people). Stumbles over her words and giggles more than usual. Sometimes pulls playful/cute pranks on them. 
45. What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them? 
Gil believes that after she dies her soul returns to Severline’s home plane of life and death, where Severline will deal with her soul as she sees fit. Gil isn’t too scared of this belief.   
[ask meme]
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bardicbeany · 8 years
44 gilmyrie
44. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
Gil is a very bubbly and loving person, so it’s not too difficult for her to say she loves or cares about someone. She typically doesn’t say she loves someone with out meaning, but if she’s really mad at them she will. She’s def done that with her parents (especially her mother).
[ask meme]
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bardicbeany · 8 years
Acolyte, Charlatan, Guild Artisan for Gil and Sjacha?
Acolyte: If your character were a deity, what would they be patron of? 
Gil: patron of peace, flowers, and guardian of animals
Sjacha: patron and guardian of museums and thieves
Charlatan: Who does your character wished to be, as opposed to who they are now? 
Gil: Hmm, she wishes she had more worldly knowledge, and she wants to be a good leader someday. But I think for the most part she currently likes who she is.
Sjacha: She’d rather be a museum curator than a thief.
Guild Artisan: If adventuring were no longer an option, what profession would your character take up? Why? 
Gil: Being the heir to an elven House, she’d become matron eventually. In terms of a profession more of her choosing, she’d probably be a gardener, or maybe a baker. 
Sjacha: See my answer to Charlatan. She’d want to own a museum. She likes ancient artifacts a lot, and museums remind her of happier times.
[ ask meme ]
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bardicbeany · 8 years
You know what’s really sad?
None of the PCs in Gil’s game have actually bonded with Gil. None of them are actually good friends with Gil.
My character who’s super outgoing and bubbly and energetic and caring and loving and the party distrusts and dislikes her
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bardicbeany · 8 years
Well, now it seems like everyone in the party distrusts Gil because she’s a pacifist
this isn’t good :/
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bardicbeany · 8 years
tyromedico said:                                                                                                    
what happened?                             
A lot of stuff, oh god where to begin. I couldn’t answer cuz so much was happening. Sorry if this is long lol
so our bard Nevaranthe has a pocket dimension (at least I think that’s what this is? correct me if I’m wrong Svar) and we’re all sleeping in there for the night.
But during the night, Gil was visited by a hag that she encountered way back when the party was in the Fey Wild. Gil is terrified and screams, and everyone hears and runs to her room. Gil is curled up on the floor and crying. After calming down a little Gil tells them what happened. The party doesn’t believe her, as no one who the bard didn’t purposefully allow into the dimension could’ve gotten in. They tell her it was a nightmare, an illusion.
The water elementals still with us (we’re still doing stuff underwater) also come rushing into the room. A bit after them, Kalomeda does too, after having dragged herself all the way there. (Being a merfolk on land) One of the water elementals helps her out, and Kalomeda goes over to Gil.
After the fiasco with Ooru and Marigold, some of the party members are now suspicious someone might be deceiving the party.
Specifically, Kalomeda.
Nevar tells someone to cast dispel magic. Our warlock Eluseth does so, but doesn’t warn Kalomeda, nor could Kalomeda understand since everyone was speaking Common and she only knows Aquan.
But when Eluseth casts the spell, a bunch of Kalomeda’s magical items explode (and she has a lot of them).
Gil is knocked unconscious by the blast, and Kalomeda takes a lot of damage. Even worse, the water elemental that Kalomeda was inside seems to have died.
One of the other water elementals is the romantic partner of the one that was killed, and they are furious. Another one grabs Kalomeda, and the angry one is trying to grab Gil. Nevar tries to stop that one, but, that one in it’s rage, threatens to kill her.
Cue everyone being furious at each other, at one point Nevar kicks out the water elementals and Kalomeda. At a point later the leader of the Guild gets involved and manages to sort some of the drama out.
Luckily the elemental we thought was dead was not dead (but now very smol).
It was a mess for the party.
But a fantastic role play experience for us players!
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bardicbeany · 8 years
My poor Gil. My poor baby ;;w;; 
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