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liltaireissocute · 8 months ago
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ooops... originally this post got flagged sooo twitter for full
I promise two things: 1) it's gooood 2) it's got flagged for a good reason
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do-you-ship-it-polls · 3 months ago
Do you ship it?
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reason: Gilbert and Break have been in each other's lives for ten years. This means Gilbert spent the majority of his on page/on screen life with Break. Break was Gilbert's mentor for those ten years. Gilbert takes his role as Break's "left eye" seriously. He even learned to cook because he was worried about Break's eating habit. The two literally and figuratively have each other's backs. Despite what Break says, he has begrudgingly come to care for Gilbert genuinely. He's even proud of him.
tag: @emily-nightray
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crabplatinum · 10 months ago
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GILBREAK SOFTNESS take care of your fellow servant/your mentor by giving him lots of kisses and cuddles so he thrives
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lullabynorth · 3 months ago
@lana7779 hello hello! i'm your secret santa!!!!
it's kind of short, i hope this is okay!!!
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emily-nightray · 7 months ago
Hey hey! I'm on a quest to gather as many opinions on Breakbert/Gilbreak as I can! Would love to hear any and all thoughts about them, headcanons, why you like them, etc... just... anything! They are my lifeline! <3
Break was furious the moment Gilbert was taller than him which resulted in many hits to Gilbert's knees
After Oz and pseudo-dad Oscar, Gilbert trusts Break the most
Gilbert kept the hat Break gave him when they met (Headcanon since I first saw that scene in like 2010.)
Sort of NSFW headcanon:
Gilbert and Break work because Gilbert is such a masochist.
I really like it because Gilbert immediately followed Break. He tried so hard to make Break like him. He wanted to be his friend. He took care of him at age probably 15. He just wanted Break to eat. He obviously takes his role as left eye seriously. He left Oz for Break. As for Break, he cared. He hid it, but cared. He actually put Gilbert on a couch and covered him after getting out of Cheshire's dimension. Break would be the person to drop you on the floor, but still helped him. He also tried helping Gilbert more than just using him. While Gilbert wanted to kill Zai, Break knew to stop him. Break knows how much it would bother Gilbert. He knows how Gilbert works.
I know there's the age gap, but there's an age gap with almost every ship. Toxic? Playing "Find the healthy relationship in a Jun Mochizuki book" is like playing Where's Waldo.
Unofficial petition to call Breakbert/GilBreak Candy Cigarettes.
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boxocats · 4 years ago
ok I literally do not care that Pandora Hearts is a dead fandom. I have LUGGAGE of Breakbert headcanons that I need to unload. 
- Gilbert is Break’s favorite sweet.
  - Break always introduces Gilbert to everyone as his “wife.” And he never elaborates when Gil confronts him about it (”Please don’t call me that.” “Call you what?”)
  - Gil loves how Break always smells like those Philosophy TM dessert soaps (Animal cracker, strawberry milkshake, raspberry sorbet). So now Break has him on one shoulder and Emily on the other.
  - Gil tends to softly kiss him anywhere and everywhere, especially over his missing eye.
  - Break brings up wanting kids with him at the most inconvenient times and Gilbert’s nightmare vision of this scenario is just. A bunch of little Breaks running around causing the utmost chaos. He’ll just have to continue to curb his fatherly tendencies with Sharon.  
  - Speaking of Sharon you know she tutored Gil on love and taught him how to make advances towards Break. Of course the man was far too shy to go through with any of it, but Xerx-nii still got the idea.
  - Things getting romantic and Gil is like “Wait. Hang on.” (covers Emily’s eyes)
  - Break can be very inappropriate with him in public, regarding pda. He does not care. He loves making Gil blush so easily. The most poor Gil can handle is playing footsie underneath a table, probably (he’s like “this is so... L-LEWD” to everything)
  - With his withering eyesight, Break is afraid of the day where he will wake up and not see Gil’s smile anymore.
  - Gil is afraid of the day that Break will not wake up.
  - “I don’t have that much time left, my dear Raven, so why don’t we get married and run away tonight?”
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mimosaflowerthings · 5 years ago
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You've grown
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czesca · 2 years ago
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filzmonster · 6 years ago
song-of-amethyst replied to your post
“Top 5 Ships of my heart Rules: list 5 of your OTPs and tag 5 people. I...”
GilBreak is no crackship, they're totally valid! :D Do you see a lot of people say they are the other's left eye? <3 (also, I don't like to admit how much I relate to the tragic ships thing but here we are) On a more personal notes though I'm very interested in the PH crackships :p *has quite a lot of these too*
Oh look, I’m procrastinating again 
nladsfhalksfhasdf I feel so validated right now ?? :’) Honestly I feel like there are not that much people in the fandom that actively ship them and I’m just here ?? starving for content ?? xD 
(I mean. looking at the fandoms we’re in there’s not much of a choice we have but to let our hearts be broken by the same couple of idiots over and over again. It’s heaven for masochists.)
Oh boy. I show you mine if you show me yours I’ll put it under a read more since I can already see myself escalating with this. Also most of the crack ships basically boil down to Gilbert x Anyone Else b/c that’s just the kind of trash I am  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Gilbert x Reim
I fully blame that one special manga scene for this ship. The one in which they are having a tea party and Sharon tells Break that Gilbert learned how to cook because of him and then Gilbert spends two pages gushing about hOW AWESOME REIM IS and that just kinda did it for me (together with all the other little scenes these two get throughout the manga). Because when you think about it, they are very close age-wise, they probably spend a lot of time together and they both bond over what an asshole Break can be. THERE’S POTENTIAL THERE OKAY. Also they would have a very healthy, supportive relationship and it would just be the purest thing ever ?? So yeah. totally shipping them.
Gilbert x Lottie
I FULLY BLAME THE OTHER SPECIAL MANGA SCENE FOR THIS OKAY. The one in Last Dance ?? Where Lottie and Gilbert are bugging Reim b/c they found out he proposed to Sharon. IDK it just hit me how nice their dynamic seemed over those short couple of pages ?? Also I feel like they would really understand each other - they both have Master issues, they are both Baskervilles, they both lost people they cared about, they both had to do horrible things, they both got betrayed by Jack, they both had a special connection with Oswald/Glen, they are both kinda mother hens let’s be real. But they still did very different things with their common ground. Gilbert chose to sort of abandon Oswald/Glen because he couldn’t accept his decisions, while Lottie chose to stop him but still stayed by his side instead. They could talk about these things and it would be such an interesting conversation!! Aaaand someone in the fandom once said that since Lottie likes to cook too, she could help Gilbert learn how to cook with only one hand and just !! imagine !! the cuteness !!
Okay this is the part where it gets really crack-y okay pls don’t judge too hard
Leo x Gilbert
HEAR ME OUT. Bonding over Elliot’s death ?? Bonding over Oswald ?? Bonding over that whole Glen Baskerville thing in general ?? Bonding over Vincent being a self-sacrificing idiot ?? Bonding over Oz & Oz’ death ?? Just. Them being there for each other in ways no one else could be there for them. They are both servants. They are both kind of Glen B. (even though Gilbert isn’t anymore but like. he was supposed to be, he grew up being prepared to take over that role, something must have stuck) They both lost the same people. It probably wouldn’t be like. a very good (as in healthy and based on trust, true love) relationship, but it would be an interesting, darker one. It also probably wouldn’t last but that’s not the point of shipping anyway is it ?? 
Gilbert x The other Nightray siblings
Okay. This one is. Going to take a while to explain. I once read a pretty dark Gilbert x Vanessa fanfiction and that was when it just ?? occured to me that while we don’t get to see much of the other Nightray siblings (RIP I guess) except for Elliot (with whom I do not ship Gilbert with because they actually have a brother-brother bond in my eyes tbh) they still have potential to have interesting dynamics with Gilbert (and Vincent, too, so I guess I ship Vincent with them, too). Especially when you look at it from a ‘we are using each other for things’ point of view. Like them using Gilbert to try and get to Raven’s power or just using him for the Nightray’s dirty work in general. Gilbert using them for information he could pass on to Break. The Nightrays are already a pretty dysfunctional bunch so why not add that kind of dysfunctional relationship/dynamic, too ??
Gilbert x Sharon
I don’t have an excuse for this, they are just both really nice & caring characters and they would deserve each other okay. With that said:
Vincent x Sharon
If I remember correctly, Jun once stated that an arranged marriage between Vincent and Sharon was supposed to be a plot point in the manga so ?? I could see it work in a ‘we are both highly political and totally maybe not on the same side so we’ll just really use each other for our own gain and whups what do you mean we could also team up and be badass together ??’ way. Break would probably kill Vincent first though so 
Break x Rufus Barma
I once got a fanfiction promopt for them so. I blame the person who prompted me. I can’t un-see it, you know ?? B/c once I started to think about their potential dynamic in order to write the fanfic, tHE DYNAMIC WAS JUST THERE OKAY. IT WAS JUST THERE. and it would work ?? I mean. The relationship between these two would probably be based on them constantly trading secrets and informations with each other and trying to out-plot the other one, but they could still be a pretty good couple. Much like Vincent x Sharon: they would just team up and screw over everybode else together.
Oswald/Glen x that Nightray dude that warned him about Jack
b/c why not ?? We know next to nothing about that guy so why not make him someone who cared about Oswald and tried to give him some love because Oswald dESERVES IT OKAY.
Jack x Arthur Barma
Again: why not ? Arthur totally had a crush on him and it would make Jack betraying him so much more brutal and cold hearted (or Jack was actually also in love with him but his obsession with Lacie was still stronger).
Jack x Miranda Barma
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (honestly if I wouldn’t read Jack as kinda grey-ace / not interested in other people besides Oswald and Lacie, these two could just have some kind of. friends with benefits relationship without the being actual friends part.)
Ada x Vanessa
It would be like Romeo and Juliet but gay They could either be using each other to get information, or they could be actually in love and just. be tragically seperated by their family feud. 
Lottie x Sharon
The female power couple I deserve. They are both Queens. They both care a lot about the people important to them. They are both willing to make sacrifices and they are both very smart on an emotional level. Also they could totally bond about the dumb men in their lives.
Oz x Break
... I don’t even know why myself. They are just very similar to each other and it would be like one bunny bumping heads with another bunny.
Reim x Lottie
J U S T. do it for the aesthetic, if not for anything else ?? They are both really smart and - out of their respective groups - the ones who look like they have their life together the most but actually don’t
Elliot x Alice
No idea where that one is coming from tbh, they just seem like they would kinda. click. with each other. also imagine the look on Oz’ and Gilbert’s faces
Alice x Gilbert
In a world where the Tragedy Of Sablier never happened, these two grow up together and have a very ‘slow burn childhood friends to lovers’ trope going on. f i g h t     m e one day Gilbert is sad so Alice gives him a very cute stuffed rabbit (“this one always protects me when I’m sad I can lend him to you”) and from then on they just share the stuffed rabbit with each other as their protector 
I ... I think that’s it. I’m not even sure if you read until here tbh xD Like I said, please try not to judge too hard, a lot of these are very lowkey ships. aLSO FEEL FREE TO TELL ME YOURS PLEASE I AM CURIOUS TOO !!
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liltaireissocute · 2 years ago
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i told u i will give you gilbreak content soooooooooooooooooooooo
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fyodcrs · 4 years ago
Tagged by @nightrayv and @kunikiiida-kuuun - thanks so much, guys!! 💖💖  
RULES: tag ten people you’d like to get to know better or catch up with
Three ships: fyozai, gilbreak, fyodor/yosano dazatsu
Last song: Pieces - Red (rediscovering my love of Christian Rock, bless)
Last movie: Mugen Train
Currently reading: Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment, BSD Dead Apple light novel, BSD manga, BNHA, Yuukoku no Moriarty, One Piece, Owari no Seraph, DBS, and I’m rereading Pandora Hearts. :3
Currently watching: BNHA, One Piece, YNM, Loki. 
Currently craving: hmmmm sour cream and onion chips
tagging (if you’d like to!): @dazaicsamus @proherotheflamehashira @sstarphase @getouru @peachymoriarty ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧˚
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wednesdaysky · 13 years ago
Oh I never posted this did I lol... pretty boring really but it was my first try at Sony Vegas.  I don't have any good songs for MMVing pff...
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liltaireissocute · 1 year ago
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