#gigi rutherford
rissyrosie · 2 months
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Book: Gigi, Listening by Chantel Guertin
book rating: 3 stars
who I pictured Gigi & Zayn: -Gigi Rutherford: Sara Carrolli -Zane Wilkenson: Zayn Malik
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onthisdayts · 2 months
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The 1989 Tour
July 11, 2015 - East Rutherford, New Jersey
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hotvintagepoll · 7 months
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Margaret Rutherford (Blithe Spirit, The Importance of Being Earnest, the 60s Miss Marple films)—Margaret Rutherford was a fantastic comic actress who also serves as an inspiration to anyone who feels they’re too old to pursue their dreams - she didn’t start acting professionally until her Kate 40s, but was eventually made a Dame!! Queen of oddball female characters, she is a delight to watch in every scene, and always has big lesbian energy. If you don’t think she’s hot you’re just being cowardly. Also this: [link to PopMatters article]
Cathleen Nesbitt (An Affair to Remember, Separate Tables)—I'd always assumed she was French, given her wonderful performance in an affair to remember, but turns out she's English. So beautiful and fragile in ghat film. Her grace and humour are just wonderful. Just watched so long at the fair where she plays a scheming hotelier, and she rocks that too!! Was also in a stage production of Gigi with Audrey Hepburn!!!
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
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ash-and-books · 2 years
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Rating: 3/5
Book Blurb: A touching and witty novel about a woman who takes an impulsive trip to England to meet the man behind the voice she’s fallen for. 
From the author of the PopSugar Beach Reads Selection Instamom, this book is perfect for fans of Kate Clayborn, Christina Lauren, and Sophie Kinsella.
Gigi Rutherford loves love stories. She reads them, she sells them at her romance bookstore, and she could spend hours imagining the meet-cutes of every couple she encounters. But when it comes to her own love interests, Gigi is out of stock. Instead of enduring bad date after bad date, these days she’d rather curl up with her favorite audiobook and the only man who makes her heart skip a beat: Zane Wilkenson, the smooth-voiced narrator Gigi is convinced is her soulmate.Then, she’s presented with the chance of a lifetime: a ten-day bus tour through the English countryside, an ocean away from her bookstore—all in the presence of Zane, in person, as he leads the tour.But when Gigi arrives at the bus terminal in London, Zane is nowhere to be found. Until he shows up, she’s stuck with an eclectic group of fellow travelers: recently widowed and chatty Charlotte;trivia-obsessed Francis; Jenny, a true-crime-makeup YouTuber documenting every detail for her subscribers; and Sindhi and Roshi, a long-married couple who can’t stop bickering. Then there’s the brooding bus driver, Taj, who Gigi finds infuriating yet also incredibly alluring . . .With heart and charm, warmth and humor, Chantel Guertin explores the meaning of love and family—and how, sometimes, the journey to yourself is where you’ll find everything you’ve been searching for.
Gigi is a romantic, her parents have the ultimate love story, she owns a romance bookstore, and she’s madly in love with the narrator of the romance audiobook she’s been obsessed with. Gigi Rutherford hasn’t had much luck in the romance department because she’s in love with Zane Wilkenson, the narrator of a book, and she’s convinced he is her soulmate, her friends buy her a 10 day trip to the english countryside with a tour guide... who is Zane. Gigi can’t wait, this could be the start of her love story, all she has to do is meet him and she knows they’ll have the perfect love story... except things get off onto a rough start as she arrives late, finds out that Zane is nowhere to be found, and theres a grumpy but cute bus driver who gets under her skin. Now she is stranded on this tour with an eclectic group of fellow travelers and has to figure out what her next step is, all the while she begins to spend more time with Taj, the grumpy bus driver who might have more to him than she realized. Gigi will have to ask herself what her happy ending truly is and if being in love with someone she’s never met but built an entire fantasy around is actually real... and when she does meet Zane if he is actually the guy she thinks he is or if Taj is the one she’s been looking for all along. The story was okay, albeit a bit cheesy but overall okay, it just didn’t catch me that much and for such a cute premise I thought I would have been hooked immediately but unfortunately it did not. Don’t get me wrong, it’s sweet in some of the parts but in other parts the drama felt unnecessary and overall it was an okay romance read. 
*Thanks Netgalley and Kensington Books, Kensington for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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aliford · 19 days
the songs on the radio are okay, but my taste in music is your face || GIALI
tagging: Gigi Jones ( @giannajo ) & Ali Rutherford
date & time: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 some time at night
location: the PSU dance studio practice room
warnings: sober!ali lol but none
summary: pretty simply this is the first meeting between Gigi and Ali and it should have been nothing but it's kind of everything.
ALI looked at the time on her laptop, it had been like a full 12 hours since she last smoked, which explained why despite being in a sound proof studio everything was so... loud. Inside her head was a fucking nightmare or sounds, like music but out of order, upside down and backwards. Getting high calmed that, made things quiet again so she could do normal shit like sleep and watch tv, and talk to people, but the noise was good for her music so she didn't usually smoke on studio days or for gigs. But it had been fucking forever and she was gonna let her laptop and her decks get some rest. As she walked out something caught her attention from the corner of her eye. There was a dance studio accross the hall. She could only see part of whoever was in there but she already felt a pull and before she noticed her feet had brought her in full view of the dancer. The lines, her movements, how perfectly intune her body was with each and every beat that played, like her body and the music were one in the same. It was mesmerizing, so much so she hadn't realized she was just inside of the room, her head full of just the music coming from the speakers and her eyes focused on the physical embodiment of that music. Then their eyes met and Ali was brought back to reality. "Oh shit, my bad. I didn't mean to stare." She kinda yelled over the music.
GIANNA had been bored, to say the least, since she'd settled in back at home and been impatiently waiting for classes to start. Her mom had at least helped her spend a portion of the day going over future dance avenues she could explore after she obtained her next degree, but when the woman excused herself to go handle some work stuff, she'd decided to head to campus and take advantage of the dance studio. While she could have gone back to dancing at home, the full length mirrors in the studio and the sound system was just better for getting her in the zone. And as soon as she'd hit play on a track and started rehearsing old routines, the adrenaline was pumping and she was completely in her element. Gianna always felt at home when she was losing herself in a number, and this was no different seeing as how she was so lost that it took a few minutes before her eyes actually registered the other woman standing there, and the eye contact just barely startled her. Doing a pirouette en dedans to end her routine, she barely heard what the other woman yelled out so she stopped the music before turning to face her. "How long have you been standing there?"
ALI felt exposed as the music stopped and the uestion was a good solid question. Shame Ali didn't really have an answer that made sense. She didn't know the names of the moves and she definitely couldn't do them enough justice herself to show her what she saw. So, she did the only thing she could and mimicked the instrumentals with her voice, adding her hands to slap her legs for the percussive parts. No way she didn't look fucking ridiculous but surly the other woman would recognize that part of the song and get what she was trying to say. Stopping, because her legs were kind over the slapping, she just leaned against the bar along the wall. "About that long. I wasn't being creepy, I was just on my way out and it's hardnot to look at you." Thanks to the lack of weed, she processed what she said pretty quickly. "You're really fucking good, and it's hard not to watch." She tried to clarify.
GIANNA hadn't really met anyone that wasn't affiliated with the dance studio since enrolling in PSU, so the fact that someone who clearly wasn't a dance major had just stumbled in and watched her practice was surprising. She hadn't even expected anyone else to be around now, but she wasn't that bothered by it. When Ali started using her hand and legs to recreate the portion of the song she'd clearly walked in on, she was both impressed and conflicted as to why she didn't just give her a verbal response. Once she stopped the beat and finally spoke up again, Gianna blushed at her words. "Thank you." She answered through a cheeky grin. "Judging by the way you imitated that beat, I'm assuming you're musically inclined?" She questioned curiously before realizing they didn't even know one another's names. "I'm Gianna, by the way."
ALI felt the corner of her mouth go up in a rare but genuine smile at the sight of the other woman's flushed cheeks. It had been a while since she managed to elicit that kind of reaction out of anyone. Usually when she spoke people were confused, maybe they laughed but they never blushed, even if she was trying to pay them a compliment. "Yeah, I hit a drum here and there sometimes." It was a gross understatement, but it was meant to be sarcastic, hopefully that came through. "Gianna, sounds like a name my mom would like. My government name is Aliyah but only my mom calls me that, you can just call me Ali." She explained, pretty unecessarily but she was.... nervous? Is that what this flutter in her stomach and this warmth blanketing her skin meant? "There's a sound studio across the all, I've been in there the last 12 hours working on some new mixes. Didn't realize how late it got. I haven't seen you around the past ten years, you new to LA?"
GIANNA couldn't remember the last time someone had complimented her or made her blush, yet it was kind of nice. Sure, it was mostly her fault because she was usually so wrapped up in her studies and her family, but at least she was trying to find a balance now. She nodded at Ali's explanation of the music thing. "Just the drums?" She inquired. Sitting the remote for the music player down, she grabbed her water bottle and sipped on it as Aliyah kept talking. Maybe the girl was rambling now, like she normally did when talking to someone attractive, but she didn't mind it at all. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Ali. Good to know that your mom would like my name." She smiled. "12 hours is a long ass time to be tucked away in a studio, but I completely understand that. And no, I'm not technically new to LA. I was raised here, but I was in New York the last 9 years for ballet school. Figured it was about time I came to PSU for the experience though."
ALI wasn't good at much but when it came to music, she was, what some might call, gifted. So, no, technically it wasn't just the drums, but that was her favorite. "Uh, nah, I can play a few things, just like the drums the best." It felt oddly personal to answer that question and it made the drummer realize, she really doesn't talk to people. And Jake doesn't count, because he's not a person he's... Jake. At the dancer's response to her rambling, Ali kinda wanted to sink into the floor, and hopefully reemerge on the other side in a different universe where she hadn't just brought her mom up in casual conversation with arguably the most stunningly etheral woman she'd ever seen. Focusing, something she could do now she was sober, on what Gianna was saying she was impressed. "Ballet school is fucking rough. Was talking to a chick a while ago who was in ballet school and most of the people who start don't finish. You're some kind of super human. PSU'll be a fucking party compared to that." It was actually kind of dope being about to talk like a normal person for a change. Usually she was just spewing whatever dumbass thought was rolling around in her brain.
GIANNA smiled as Ali admitted that she could play a handful of things. "Well since you got to watch me dance, it's only fair that I get to listen to your music sometime, right?" She didn't know why she'd even suggested such, but it was too late to take it back so she just went with it. She blushed again as Ali seemed to think that she was special just because she'd stuck with the whole ballet school thing, which was hell on Earth but also one of the most rewarding things she'd ever done. "I'm a disciplined dancer so even when it was hard, I couldn't bring myself to just give it up. Not after I'd dedicated so much time and auditions to it. But a party, huh? I've never been the party type, and I don't make friends that easily, but I'm sure this school will be a lot less strict." Gianna nodded. "Did your friend drop out of ballet school? Or did you two cut things off before you found out how things ended for her?"
ALI nodded in agreement. "Fair's fair." She replied trying to hide a smile but probably failing. However, she didn't set any plans because she wasn't sure if that was a good idea or not and she wasn't sure why it would be a bad idea. God, if this girl kept blushing it was gonna get really hard not to reach out and feel just how warm she made her cheeks. But even thinking it sounded fucking creepy, so instead she listened to the music in her head and logged it away for later. A warm harp riff, it'd been a while since she felt the urge to break out the angelic instrument. Listening to her talk about her dedication to her craft, woke something up in Ali, something she hadn't paid any attention to for years at this point. That fire and passion she use to have for her music, not that she didn't still love it, but she was always so fucking numb, standing here with Gianna, it was like her senses were set alight and it was overstimulating but there was also a comfortable humm to it."We gotta change that, college is for partying and I'm at a lot of them, not really for the party, I'm just there to spin some decks for the people. I'm generous like that." She put her hand to her chest in fake humility. "She dropped, ended up in culinary school, which is pretty dope and she didn't connect to the music the way you do, like it's an extension of you, like it is you. She does have that with food though. I visit where she's a Sous Chef sometimes."
GIANNA couldn't recall ever blushing like this before with anyone else, but it was probably because Ali kept giving her compliments and she'd never had that happen before either. All of this was new for her, but she wasn't complaining about it either. Raising a brow at Ali suggesting she party more now, she then nodded along as she pointed out that she apparently did some dj'ing or something like that for parties. "Oh, aren't you sweet?" She teased. "But I don't know, I'm not really here to party, and big crowds aren't exactly my thing. But how about you let me know when you're actually working the party, and maybe I'll come just to see you in action." She suggested, walking over to her bag and grabbing her phone before she walked back over. "Here." She hummed, holding the phone out to Ali. "And as for the Sous Chef, that's still pretty damn impressive. For her. But dance is my life, kinda how music seems to be yours, so I couldn't imagine doing anything else. Even if I don't know what sort of career I'll have with this longterm, I just..can't do anything else." She admitted.
ALI found her own cheeks were starter to get a little warm with all this blushing the dancer was doing. Is sympathetic blushing a thing? Despite her head getting louder and louder, the other girl's voice was so loud and clear in her ears, and it made listening to her impossible not to do. Again, she found herself smiling as Gianna went to get, what ended up being, her phone and the warmth from her cheeks started to creep down her neck, and god damn she hoped she didn't look like she had some kind of rash. Although she doubted the flush looked as cute on her as it did the other. Taking the phone, she put her number in and made her contact name, 'Ali 🥁'. Honestly, Ali was too afriad to speak incase she fucked this whole thing up, so she just handed the phone back. Again the music was still in her head but Gianna's voice was wrapping around it like a melody. "I know what you mean." She said simply and then starter backing away with little finger guns like a dumbass. "I texted myself so, if you start getting random memes, I made them and you're welcome." With that she saluted, again, like a dumbass, and finally left her presense and god damn she needed something strong, her head has never been louder.
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🦇 Gigi, Listening Book Review 🦇
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐
❝ Mishaps make memories. ❞
❓ #QOTD If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?❓ 🦇 Gigi Rutherford doesn't just love love stories; she sells them in her romance-themed bookstore, where her parents had their very own meet-cute years ago. After finding an audiobook of the novel that brought them together, Gigi falls in love with the narrator's voice, keeping her now-deceased parents alive by listening to it on repeat. Her friends send her on a surprise bus tour through England for her birthday, where the book's narrator acts as the tour guide. Is this Gigi's chance at a happily ever after?
💜 Chantel Guertin does an amazing job guiding us through Gigi's tour of England. Every stop in Gigi's tour is captured with vivid detail, sweeping readers out of their seats and onto cobblestone roads. We accompany Gigi on every step of her adventure. Even more beautiful is the diverse cast of characters alongside her, each with their own history, story, and desires. The other tour attendees help Gigi on her adventure toward self-discovery in different ways; each person is there for a reason. The premise of Gigi seeking a love story that mimics her parents' meet cute is heart-warming. We see how hard she's worked, how much she deserves a story of her own, and can't help but root for her happy ending.
🦇 While it's always fun to see the title snuck into a book somewhere, we're hit on the head with the "Gigi, listening" concept way too many times in the final portion of the book. There's strength in subtly that was lacking here. There were also moments of unnecessary repetition we could have done without. Show, don't tell. Perhaps the biggest issue for me was Gigi's lack of self-awareness. She's smart, logical, organized, but her love of romance novels has created an obvious blind spot. She's projecting her parents' own love story onto her own life, which is a great way to start the story, but she should have been aware she was forcing herself to fall for the wrong guy sooner.
🦇 Recommended to anyone searching for a comfy love story or an escape through England without ever reading your reading chair. If you were a fan of the 1995 film While You Were Sleeping, this one's for you.
💕 (Kind of) Grumpy/Sunshine 📚 Book References 🧭 See the Sights 🏳️‍🌈 Lesbian Ship
🦇 Major thanks to the author and publisher for providing an ARC of this book via Netgalley. 🥰 This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.
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Two For the Road by Chantel Guertin (ARC Review)
Title: Two for the RoadAuthor: Chantel GuertinType: FictionGenre: Adult, Contemporary, RomancePublisher: Doubleday CanadaDate published: December 13, 2022 A complimentary physical copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Sometimes there are detours on the road to love . . .Gigi Rutherford loves love stories. She reads them, she sells them at her…
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newzzwired · 2 years
New Celebrity Couples 2022
New Celebrity Couples 2022
1. Chris Evans and Alba Baptista 2. Billie Eilish and Jesse Rutherford 3. T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach 4. JoJo Siwa and Avery Cyrus 5. Hunter Schafer and Dominic Fike 6. Leonardo DiCaprio and Gigi Hadid 7. Simu Liu and Allison Hsu 8. Chris Rock and Lake Bell 9. Chrishell Stause and G Flip 10. Lizzo and Myke Wright 11. Bradley Cooper and Huma Abedin 12. Iris Apatow and Ryder…
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love-icons · 3 years
halloween 🎃
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like if u save.
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boxycons · 4 years
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onthisdayts · 2 months
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The 1989 Tour
July 10, 2015 - East Rutherford, New Jersey
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twosfus · 4 years
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devon carlson + harry styles layouts.
like/reblog if u save ♡
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gigi at every reputation tour stop like
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packzineos · 7 years
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cause it's too cold whoOOOOOa
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daydreamrry · 3 years
Devon Carlson and Jesse Rutherford
Madelyn Cline and Chase Stokes
Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik
Kaia Gerber and Jacob Elordi
Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello
Harry Styles and Olivia Wilde
can’t wait to complete this❤️
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yaz-the-spaz · 4 years
I actually really like Bella? I’ve seen her on some vlogs from Jesse Rutherford’s (lead singer from NBHD) girlfriend and she actually seems really kind and sweet. Plus seeing the way their mother always treated Gigi with higher regard and attention always made me sympathize with her. The fact that she had to completely transform her appearance because of how insecure she was is tragic. Ironically, she’s the better model for sure. As for Anwar he seems really chill and doesn’t give a shit.
sorry but i had to look up who in the world nbhd even was cause i had never heard of them or that jesse guy before lol (so kudos to introducing me to them!) but yeah i get the same kind of vibe from bella and anwar as you and totally agree with you on feeling kinda sympathetic for bella b/c of the way she seemed to be treated. i really feel like g and y*landa are kinda two messed up narcissistic birds of the same feather whereas bella and anwar seem kinda like not with that energy if that makes sense lol...it’s part of the reason why it’s so interesting to me that they also still have yet to say anything (afaik tho someone please correct me if i’m wrong) about the pregnancy but it just adds to my theory that they are of a different elk than gi and yo 
(not to say that they haven’t occasionally done some problematic things but like i also kinda of expect that of most celebrities eventually anyway [including my faves] cause that’s just the way the game is played and also being rich and famous you’re generally just not gonna be as aware/conscious of things us plebs are lol cause you just don’t deal with it on a regular basis/are so removed from it but anyway that’s a whole separate topic that i don’t need to go into here lol)
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