#giftwrapped and with a bow on top
parttimesarah · 2 years
Dear Santa,
I have been very good this year. All I would really like for Christmas is…
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lightgriffinsect · 2 years
Ill-Gotten Gains
(Friday Night Funkin')
Chapter 2: Agoti
Words: 1560
Summary: The events transpiring up until the moment of Agoti's imprisonment, and his and Dearest's respective reflections on their relationship to this very night.
Notes: This chapter is the late part 😅 of a birthday gift for @fazar234, go check out his fics if you're into Amphibia!
It’s not fair, Agoti wants to scream. He still has so much more to offer. So much more to share with the world, to improve upon and perfect his craft. But all craftsmen start out as apprentices, and all apprentices need a good mentor.
A mentor, Agoti’s learned far too late, that is the opposite of these people. His idols. His controllers. His friends. His oppressors.
“Let me go!” he shouts, fighting against whoever it is that’s dragged him out here. As he tries to break free their grip only tightens on his arms, eliciting a barely muffled whine. It hurts. Agoti can only sag his head in the end, hissing a feeble “I hate you.”
He hates them. He can’t believe there was ever a time he could feel anything for them other than hatred. But embarrassingly enough, there was, and he’s paying the price for it now, here in a deserted part of the city, where no one will find his body when the Dearests are through with him. If there will be anything left of him to find. Chills slither down his spine at the idea. What will the Dearests do to him, now that he’s figured everything out? What did they do to singers in the past, who they’d exploited and hurt like Agoti? Is this what happened to Whitty, why he went silent after the infamous venue incident? Was it the Dearests who silenced him?
“Mm, yes, we do get that a lot.” Mearest’s tone is eerily nonchalant as she inspects her nails. Cold lead settles in Agoti’s stomach, his legs trembling. They’ve done this to other people in the past. So many other people, as it sounds. Maybe even Whitty himself. And now Agoti’s going to be another forgotten face, another disgraced name. Another statistic for the Dearests to note down and promptly forget, sweeping him under the rug when the media starts asking questions.
If the media starts asking questions. How long will it take for the world to forget him? It wouldn’t… that’s not going to happen. It won’t happen for a long time. His fans won’t forget him. His friends, his family won’t forget him. Will they? They… His family. Tabi. Aldryx. Sol. Will they look for him?
Agoti’s heart sinks. He hasn’t told anyone where he’ll be. In a moment of pride, mindless hubris, utter stupidity, he’d insisted to himself that he’d get home before the others. That he didn’t need to tell them anything. That he could make it on his own. But he’s been played for a complete fool. By the Dearests. By the universe. Shame clogs Agoti’s lungs, shame and fear and guilt. What will Aldryx and Sol think when he doesn’t return? Will they worry? Or will they decide to let him rot? How long will it take for them to start searching? His breathing only accelerates at the questions flooding his mind.
They don’t know. No one knows what the Dearests are really like. Only Agoti has put it together, and now he’ll never get to tell anyone. Tabi’s still with Girlfriend to this day. Aldryx finds the family a bit pushy, but he suspects nothing else as far as Agoti can tell. Sol is the only one who never trusted them. He’s the only one who might figure it out now, when Agoti disappears, when the Dearests imprison him or kill him or something even worse. Why didn’t he listen to his father? Why did he have to be so conceited? Why did he ever decide to trust a family of demons, no matter what influence they had on his music, no matter the inspiration they provided to him? For that matter, why did he turn to them for inspiration, out of everyone?
Agoti deserves this, doesn’t he? For his carelessness and arrogance and naivety. But they… they manipulated him. They can’t just hurt him, hurt so many people like this. It isn’t fair— they’re the bad guys and he’s just trying to make a living through his music. That’s all he’s ever wanted, not to exploit smaller artists or commit fraud backstage. That’s all them. All of this, his entire career, has just been them. They can’t just get away with everything they’ve done; that’s wrong. This is all wrong. They can’t do this, and he can only yell as much.
The first response is a kick to the ribs, from one of the henchmen who’ve hauled him here. Agoti crumples in agony, lightheaded and trembling. He could swear he hears a crack as he struggles to stand up, his legs inevitably giving out on him like they always do.
“And yet we are.” Dearest is clearly enjoying all of his downfall. Agoti rasps and curses himself, face burning with humiliation. He was so invested in his career, in his relationship with them… why had he cared so much? Why did he keep listening to their advice, trusting their judgment? Only now in hindsight can he see all the red flags, where they’d been motivated by their gain and his loss. It was all so obvious.
He should have gone to Aldryx, to Sol, at the first sign of doubt. As soon as the Dearests had seemed suspicious. The moment they’d tried to coerce him into anything immoral. He should have told Tabi about his girlfriend’s family. About— about her.
As Dearest approaches him in triumph, Agoti tries to glare in defiance but ultimately shrinks away. He’s never been strong enough, brave enough, to stand up to anyone. And just like his arrogance and idiocy, it’s come back to punish him.
“Of course, this wouldn’t be happening if it weren’t for your agreement, but it’s alright — none of us blame you. Who wouldn’t want to work with their heroes?” Agoti flinches, gaze locked on the ground. He can barely pay attention to what Dearest is saying, thoughts racing with dread and desperation and regret.
He knew, he suspected, but he didn’t say anything. And now everyone’s going to suffer. What’ll happen to Aldryx? To— to Tabi? Does he have any idea who he’s dating? Is she in on all of this? Has she been using Tabi the same way her parents used Agoti? Tabi… he needs to know. He has to know, but now he never will, and the Dearests will betray him too. And it’s all Agoti’s fault.
“You’d do well to fall behind us, you know,” Dearest tousles his tendril hair, and Agoti bites back a sob, get away don’t touch him— “A little bit of reflection on your choices shouldn’t hurt. No distractions, nothing. Just you and the void.”
“No,” Agoti finally whimpers. “No.” The void? The one Sol had warned him and Al against countless times throughout their lives, the same way he warned against demons, against people like Nikusa. The void. Bile rises in Agoti’s throat, panic surging in his chest. He has to get out, leave, escape, he can’t let them trap him, but his legs won’t listen. “No, not there. Nononononono—!”
“Stand back.” Dearest is done with him, nodding to his accomplices.
No no no wait please no… Agoti can’t run. He’s trapped, and what will happen to his family? What will Sol think? What about Aldryx? Tabi? They’re all in danger now and he has to run, he has to tell them— but then the ground splinters open, asphalt jolting and rearranging itself, giving way to nothing below.
Clouds of dust spiral from the collapsed earth, partially obscuring the alleyway. Agoti lurches forward, blindly and frantically, he has to get out of here, but the sea of debris catches him, dragging him into the void with it. “N-NO! PLEASE—!” Terror engulfs him, and he fires a tentacle out at the open sky.
By pure luck, it snags on a chunk of disrupted concrete, hope briefly flickering in Agoti’s chest. But there’s a snap and the ground he’s clinging to crumbles, plummeting into the void and taking Agoti with it, into empty oblivion.
All he can do is scream in rage, in despair, as his world is ripped away from him, as he falls through the white towards the growing darkness below. Above, the portal closes, his only way out vanishing for good.
For as long as your sanity holds out, Sol had repeatedly warned him and Aldryx, the void will be all you know. You will likely be trapped there for eternity. It will slowly erode away your sense of time, your sense of memory, your sense of identity. Like rivers flowing through the earth. And eventually, inevitably, it will erase you as well. Always be careful, you two.
He wasn’t careful enough. He was a stupid, stupid little boy, who trusted all the wrong people, let his pride overtake him, did everything Sol cautioned against doing. And now he’s been sealed off from his home, from everything he loves. Just like that.
A knot forms in Agoti’s throat, eyes burning with VHS film tears. He gives in, letting his grief and humiliation and anguish spill out into the void. No one can hear his wretched sobs down here, and for a while, he takes some bitter comfort in that.
The Dearests were always going to be on top, weren’t they? Whatever it took. Something Agoti, rash, selfish, worthless Agoti, has realized far too late.
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ceruleanwind · 6 months
4433 | Explicit | 3.7k | Read on AO3
He does like them, just a little, as much as it embarrasses him to admit it to himself. He studies his reflection in the mirror, his gaze tracing where the thin strappy waist wraps around his hip and connects the two tiny pieces of fabric. The panties do an extremely poor job of covering him—the tip of his cock seems to slip out into the cool air no matter how Max arranges himself—but he somewhat likes it, likes feeling so exposed, like he’s nothing but a meal. Or: Lewis gifts Max an article of clothing he's never dared to try on before. Max likes it more than he probably should.
Max doesn’t often receive gifts, if he’s honest. Even on special occasions growing up, like Christmas or his birthday, Max would be lucky to receive just one gift from his family, usually something practical and not at all fun.
He’s more than surprised, then, when he comes back to his driver’s room after a rather unexciting round of free practice to find a gift waiting for him on the table—a white box made of thin cardboard, tastefully wrapped in a thick purple ribbon. Max’s eyebrows furrow in confusion; he peers outside the door of his driver’s room, checking for anyone who might know who delivered the gift, but ultimately he decides to find out for himself.
The ribbon comes undone neatly when Max tugs at one of the ends of the bow. He sets the ribbon aside and reaches to lift the lid of the box, morbidly curious to see what’s inside.
Max’s breath promptly catches in his throat.
Inside the box, on a nest of white tissue paper, rests a gorgeous pair of silk panties; they’re a deep rich royal purple, all thin straps and silver detailing, trimmed with delicate scalloped lace at the edges. On top of them, near the edge of the box, lies a folded piece of paper—a note, presumably. Max picks up the note, hands nearly shaking with it.
Put these on, and then you know where to go tonight.
The worst part is, Max does know where to go. He and Lewis have been messing around for the greater part of the 2016 season; Max doesn’t exactly know when it happened—he knew he’d always been shy and awkward around Lewis—but suddenly Lewis had started flirting back, his touches lingering, and to make a long story short Max has ended up in his bed several times this season already. Sue him—he’s eighteen, naïve, and desperate to please; he can’t exactly resist when the driver he’s looked up to for years starts returning his advances.
He sets the note aside and glances around before lifting the panties out of the box, his face flushing as he realises what he’s about to do. The set really is nice, Max thinks. They’re obviously made out of real silk, beautiful and soft to the touch, and the lace doesn’t feel itchy at all. Max recalls Lewis saying that his favourite colour was purple, and his face flushes an even deeper red when he pieces together that he’ll be wearing Lewis’ colour, practically giftwrapped in it just for him. Max presses one hand to his cheek, feeling feverish. He’s really about to do this, isn’t he? Dress in women’s underwear just because Lewis told him to?
Max puts the panties down and lays a hand over the zipper of his race suit, contemplating it, before he tugs the zipper down with sudden impatience. He has half a mind to go over and lock the door of his room before sliding the rest of the race suit off of him, then moving on to his fireproofs. “Fuck,” he mutters when he’s standing just in his boxers, the white fireproofs pooling at his ankles. He knows he can back out if he doesn’t want to wear them, but . . . if Lewis asks, Max is a weak, weak man. Hooking his thumbs in the waistband of his boxers, Max sighs and tugs those down too.
Wincing at the cold air against his exposed skin, Max lifts up the panties again and holds them in his hands for a moment. He can just try them on, right? He doesn’t have to keep wearing them if he hates it. Lewis would understand. Slowly, Max steps into the panties and slides them up along his legs before settling them into position. The thin front piece barely covers his cock, the fabric straining with it, and the back piece slips between his cheeks as soon as he shifts to get a better look at himself.
He does like them, just a little, as much as it embarrasses him to admit it to himself. He studies his reflection in the mirror, his gaze tracing where the thin strappy waist wraps around his hip and connects the two tiny pieces of fabric. The panties do an extremely poor job of covering him—the tip of his cock seems to slip out into the cool air no matter how Max arranges himself—but he somewhat likes it, likes feeling so exposed, like he’s nothing but a meal.
A knock on the door makes Max jump out of his skin, hastily bringing a hand to his front to cover himself.
“Max! Hurry up, your ride’s about to leave,” one of the PR people shouts through the door.
“Okay,” Max says back, and his voice comes out a lot wobblier than he expected. He glances back in the mirror and his face flushes at the sight he’s faced with before he turns away, reaching for the folded casual clothes on the table to change into.
Lingerie like this, as it turns out, is rather uncomfortable.
Max hardly gets ten steps out the door of his driver’s room before he’s acutely aware of how poorly the panties cover his cock and how the thin fabric of the back piece rests between his cheeks. His face burns with just how naughty this feels—he’s a Formula One driver, for fuck’s sake, secretly wearing a skimpy women’s thong underneath perfectly presentable casual clothes. He doesn’t even want to think about what his dad would say if he found out, but the thought of Lewis sizing him up later tonight and telling him how nice he looks in those panties trumps all worry Max has in his head.
He shifts in discomfort the whole car ride back to his hotel, tapping at his phone to reply to his friends, when a particularly interesting message pops up at the top of his screen.
L: get my gift?
Max’s face immediately heats up. Oh, did he. He can’t wait for Lewis to see him in them.
M: Yeah M: Thank you
L: ofc. i’m in room 1016
He can’t help the way his stomach twists at the prospect of Lewis seeing him like this—dressed so normally on the outside but sporting something downright slutty underneath his jeans. It’s never been like him to do anything like this, really; Max has always been a bit of a goody-two-shoes—never partying, never going out late at night, never even dating or sleeping around, but when Lewis asks him to do that sort of thing Max is suddenly pliant and very much susceptible to suggestion.
Max’s breath nearly stops once he’s standing in front of Lewis’ hotel room door, his hand lifted to knock. He can’t go back after this—but would he want to, anyway? Max quite likes how he looks in Lewis’ favourite colour, dressed in nothing but tiny pieces of fabric that barely cover him as is. He hopes Lewis will like it too.
He reaches out and knocks.
The door opens a few seconds later, and Max hardly has time to react before Lewis pulls him inside by the front of his team polo. Max gasps, bites his lip, and hurriedly rushes out “Hey, how was free practice—” before Lewis gets him up against the wall, all up in his personal space.
“Shut the fuck up about free practice,” Lewis says before leaning in to bring their mouths together, all hot and slick and wet where their lips meet and where they’re both panting for it. His hands find Max’s lithe waist—his waist always fits so nicely in Lewis’ hands—and slip up underneath his team polo, wandering across smooth planes of skin.
Lewis pulls away, leaving Max dazed and gasping, before lifting up the bottom third of Max’s shirt, revealing what’s underneath. The tiny waist straps of the thong peek out over the waistband of Max’s jeans, pulled tight over his hips and teasing what lies a bit lower. “Oh,” Lewis hums, hooking his thumb underneath one of the straps and pulling back a little before letting it snap against Max’s skin, “that’s nice. They’re a perfect fit, aren’t they?”
Max hates to admit it, but just one touch from Lewis and he’s already riled up, his cock rapidly hardening in his tiny panties. He swallows thickly, nods his head the best he can, and croaks, “Yeah. They, uh, they’re really nice.”
Lewis laughs softly at that, pushing up at the hem of Max’s shirt and reaching to tug it over his head. “Then they were worth every cent,” he says before stepping back to take it all in. “Come on, show me the rest of them. I want to see what’s hiding under there.”
His cheeks flushing a potent pink, Max nods and fumbles with the fastening on his jeans. He’d expected this to be plenty embarrassing already, but with Lewis’ dark, hungry gaze on him, sizing him up like he’s his next meal, Max feels more flustered than ever. Max hesitantly unbuttons his jeans and works them slowly down his legs before letting them fall to the floor in a heap, revealing him wearing nothing but the tiny pair of panties. His cock hardens even further at the attention, the knowledge that Lewis is seeing him all like this, dressed like he’s nothing but a common little whore, and it makes him move his hands to his front in a weak attempt to cover himself. It would be better if Lewis would reach out and touch him, Max thinks, keeping his gaze firmly on the floor and nowhere near Lewis’ eyes, because he’s never felt so exposed, so humiliated, in his life.
“Purple looks good on you,” Lewis says softly, teeth catching on his bottom lip. “Turn around for me, will you?”
Max obeys, like he always does. He turns around, showing Lewis how the back piece covers nothing. It nearly makes him want to bend over just like that, beg for Lewis to fuck him already, but Max knows better than that—he’d get in real trouble if he didn’t let Lewis look.
Finally, Lewis is behind him, hands roaming once more over the gentle sloping curve of his waist, then down to his ass, tugging teasingly at the piece of fabric that disappears between his cheeks. “I think I have to make you wear these more often,” he says into Max’s ear, his lips brushing the shell of it. “Would you?”
“Yes, of course,” Max answers perhaps a little too quickly for his own good. His mind goes wild as he imagines all the scenarios Lewis might make him wear these panties in; would he have to wear a pair during a race? During an important sponsor event? During a drivers’ outing? His mouth feels dry as cotton and his head spins, but he tries putting more words together. “It felt so—so naughty, wearing these in public,” he admits, voice softer and coming out nearly as a squeak. “Made me feel really dirty.”
“Yeah?” One of Lewis’ hands strays from Max’s ass, slipping forward until it settles between his thighs, resting over his prominent hard-on, which is barely hidden by the thin silk fabric of the panties. “Oh, Max, you’re wetter than a girl,” he murmurs, running his finger along the length of Max’s cock through his panties. “Does dressing like a slut really turn you on this much?”
Max’s face flushes impossibly redder. He brings his hands up to cover his face, resisting the urge to rock his twitching cock into Lewis’ touch. “I—I’m not a—” he tries to say, but this time it does come out as a squeak as soon as Lewis takes his clothed cock into his hand. Max grabs at Lewis’ arm, tries to move his hips forward and chase more of that delicious friction, but to no avail; Lewis simply chuckles from behind him and lifts his hand away, using his hold on Max’s waist to turn him around.
“You’re not a slut? Really?” Lewis teases, leaning back to take a good look at the way Max’s hard cock strains against the rich purple fabric and stains it with a generous wet spot. “Okay. We could just do room service and watch a movie, then.”
Max whines, panic rising up in his chest. Lewis wouldn’t leave him like this, would he? He has to just be bluffing. “Wait,” he says weakly, “no, I—I need—” He looks at Lewis, pleading. Max has always been downright awful at voicing just what he wants; he finds it embarrassing to say it out loud, admit that Lewis is right about him being a slut. “Okay,” he huffs, frustrated and flushed, “I am, I am.”
Lewis smiles at that and decides to take pity on Max. “Oh, I get it now,” he says, infuriatingly smug as he guides Max over to the bed. Max, of course, follows, lets Lewis manhandle him into the mattress. “You want me to fuck you in those, don’t you?”
Max nods frantically, his eyes big and wide and blue. He thinks he might implode if Lewis doesn’t start touching him right now. “Yes, yes,” he begs, his breathing coming heavier in anticipation when he watches Lewis break away from him to get the lube and shove his clothes off. “Anything you want,” he adds for good measure, his cock twitching as soon as Lewis glances back at him with that addictive hungry look in his eye.
When Lewis returns to the bed, Max expects him to at least slide the panties down his thighs a little, if not take them all the way off, but in his haste Lewis merely moves the panties aside and spreads Max’s thighs apart. One slick finger moves between Max’s cheeks and nudges at the tight furl of his hole before his fingertip eases just inside of him. Max lets out a surprised breath, but relaxes the best he can regardless, whining as Lewis presses more and more of his finger into him.
“Ah—that’s—” Max shifts on the bed, splaying his thighs further apart and reaching for a pillow to shove under his lower back. Lewis brings a second finger up to nudge in alongside the first, opening Max up with ease.
“There, isn’t that good?” Lewis eases both fingers gently in and out of Max, then spreads them apart, stretching out his tight little hole. “You just needed something in you, didn’t you?”
Max whines, louder this time, bringing his hands up to cover his wonderfully flushed face. Lewis’ fingers always feel so good in him; they’re long and elegant and nimble and sometimes Lewis curls them in just the right way that makes his toes curl and his back arch. Lewis adds a third, curling them up into the tight heat of Max’s body, and Max doesn’t know how much longer he can go without losing his goddamn mind.
A surprised moan falls from Max’s lips when Lewis’ fingertips nudge into his prostate. He’s gasping for breath, needily shifting his hips in the direction of Lewis’ fingers, frantic for more, when Lewis chuckles softly and pulls his fingers out, leaving Max empty and clenching down on nothing. “Wait,” Max tries to beg, his eyes big and needy, “I wasn’t—I want—”
“You want,” Lewis teases, kneeling between Max’s spread thighs and squeezing lube out onto his cock. “You always want.” He moves the panties aside once more, exposing Max’s tight little hole and letting his cock spring free, hard and flushed and profusely leaking. Shifting closer, Lewis fits his slick cockhead against Max’s tight rim, exhaling softly as he takes in just how well they fit together, how hot and needy Max is for him. It drives Lewis wild.
Max, although thoroughly embarrassed, manages to squeak, “Please, please,” as he tries to rock his hips down to meet Lewis’ cock. “I’m sorry, I—” he moves to cover his face again, hardly able to look Lewis in the eyes out of embarrassment for being so needy.
Lewis pushes gently forward, letting the head of his cock slip just inside of him. He can’t help but gasp at the slick heat that envelops his cockhead, something downright addicting that lives constantly in his wet dreams. “Don’t be,” he insists, his breaths already coming heavy. “There, see? You always take it so well.”
Max whines, loud and desperate, as Lewis slowly sinks his cock into his tight little hole. He’s had Lewis in him before, of course, but he doesn’t think he’ll ever adjust to just how big Lewis is, all hot pressure that nearly splits him open. Max pants as he forces himself to relax, his desperate, untouched cock twitching as Lewis pushes further and further into him. The praise, of course, doesn’t mitigate his problem, either; in fact, it goes right to Max’s cock, the mere knowledge that he’s being good and taking it well making him crazy.
He barely has time to adjust to Lewis’ cock stretching him out before Lewis is pulling back and thrusting into him again, shocking a moan from his lips. He reaches up to grab at Lewis’ tattooed shoulders, blunt nails digging into his skin as he’s fucked, absolutely ruined, by the driver he’s looked up to for so long.
“That’s it,” Lewis encourages through his harsh breaths as he fucks up into the slick heat of Max’s hole, his hold on Max’s waist surely firm enough to bruise. He can’t stop thinking about how pretty they’ll look on Max’s skin tomorrow, purplish marks lining his waist, and he thinks he’ll have to teasingly press on them a little, just to watch Max gasp and hiss through his teeth at the pain. He leans down to mouth at Max’s neck, kissing hot and wet across that beautiful expanse of pale skin before sucking a generous mark into a spot right below Max’s jaw.
Max’s cock twitches when he feels Lewis suck a mark into his neck. That’s in a spot that’ll be hard to hide, for sure, but would he want to hide it anyway? He tilts his head back and moans as Lewis fucks into him again, his cockhead bumping deliciously right into his prostate and making his back arch. “More, like that,” Max begs easily, the embarrassment ebbing further with each second this goes on. He’s happy to be a slut if it’s for Lewis.
Lewis growls and fucks into him harder, adjusting the position of Max’s body to fuck into him at a better angle. His cock slides into Max impossibly deep, burying itself to the hilt, before pulling back and pushing up into his prostate yet again. He delights in the way a full-body shudder rips through Max as a result, goosebumps rising across the planes of pale skin. Max just feels so fucking good around his cock, all slick and hot and tight where he clenches down around him; Lewis doesn’t know how much longer he can last at this rate, with Max’s pretty sounds in his ear and the gorgeous sight laid out before him.
He brings one hand between their bodies, easily wraps it around Max’s flushed, leaking cock, and strokes it in time with his thrusts, his cockhead bumping into Max’s prostate each time. Max is a whining, moaning mess, his back arching impossibly high as he grabs at Lewis’ shoulders, then the sheets for something to hold onto. “Come on,” Lewis urges, his voice low and uncharacteristically gravelly. “You can come, come on.”
Max doesn’t need any further encouragement. He comes with a pathetic cry, his cockhead spurting hot and thick over his own stomach and Lewis’ fingers. It’s so intense that it nearly whites out his vision and leaves him gasping, his cock twitching with oversensitivity. The drag of Lewis’ cock against his hole immediately becomes too much; he whines with each push of Lewis’ cock into him, his legs instinctually kicking out in protest, but Lewis is unrelenting, using Max’s hole like a personal toy to chase his own orgasm.
“Fuck,” Lewis hisses, leaning down to press his lips against Max’s neck again, and that’s all the warning Max gets before Lewis comes in him, filling his tight little hole with it. Lewis fucks it into him with a few deep strokes, making Max twitch and let out a soft whine.
Finally, it all stops. They’re both left panting, trembling from overstimulation. Max looks downright ruined—his hair sticks to his forehead and his cheeks are impossibly flushed—but Lewis takes in the sight nonetheless, etching it into his memory.
“Oh my God,” Max sighs once he gathers the ability to form words, wincing as Lewis slowly pulls out of him. “That was, ah. Really, uh, really needed, I think.”
“You think so?” Lewis asks, more of a tease as he pulls the panties to the side to cover Max’s softening cock with the royal purple silk again.
“Yeah. I think—oh God, Lewis, those are gonna get so dirty,” Max whines, his face flushing with embarrassment for what has to be the umpteenth time tonight. He presses one hand to his burning cheek, something twisting low in his gut at how Lewis smiles at him.
Lewis touches at the front of Max’s panties, running over his soft cock and making him twitch. “I will buy you hundreds of pairs of these if I have to,” he says decisively, his smile turning naughty, “but you’re right. Guess I should clean us up.” The mattress idly dips as Lewis slides off the edge of the bed and makes his way to the bathroom.
Max sighs, content, then looks down at himself—the streaks of come across his stomach, the way the panties strain against his cock, his shaking thighs. He really is a wreck, but if this is what he gets for obeying Lewis’ requests, this sure as hell won’t be the last time he’ll do so.
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ngl I was slightly disappointed that Claude allies with you in Azure Gleam, if only because I played Golden Trashfire first and wanted to beat his ass
Think of it this way dear anon: Azure Gleam is your giftwrapped, bow-topped apology for GW.
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desnik-lw · 1 year
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Lorch 27: Promise
Remember to carefully giftwrap your wolves, and to poke holes in the box
[img id] Digital art of a white, long-legged maned wolf leaping on a flat gray background. The wolf is rendered in a clean, cel-shaded style. Drawn on top of the wolf in pencil is a gigantic, shiny giftwrap bow, as big as the wolf's head. This bow is snugly wrapped around the wolf's neck, and perches on the shoulder. [/id]
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silverjetsystm · 2 months
"I...didn't know what to get you," she says softly. The apology in her tone is genuine. "So I'd both like to take that as an opportunity to make it up to you when you have time in your schedule, and...I hope you take this as a token of..." There the precise, carefully enunciated words trail off. Yes of course she appreciates Marc Spector. She considers him a close...friend...and there's affection for him, blatant to anyone within miles. No word she can reach for seems adequate. So instead, she proffers the long thin box, wrapped in black paper and silver bow. Not the most celebratory colour scheme. "I made it myself. If....if you don't...you can re-gift it. But. All the same, I wanted to wish you a happy birthday."
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Happy Birthday, Marc
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Brooklyn to Midtown is not the quickest of trips. Ask Jake. Hastily folded mask pokes out of a white trouser pocket. Three piece suit hovers in the Mission’s doorway, catching the rising orange light of day, the streetlights flicking off of night, brown eyes flicking from Beth to the black box with silver bow, her soft apology meeting his ears. He’s not a forthcoming person, from his birth date to his interests.
Someone helped with that.
Bare hands finger-comb maskhead hair. Gift is accepted with both large hands. Black and silver. His colors. Appropriate. He smiles wryly, expression softening crows feet and dark circles.
“Please come in,” he says in a voice devoid of the usual silver burr, stepping backwards into the Mission. He takes a minute to catch the dawn’s golden hour running through her dark hair, glowing her skin. A woman of the ocean. “It’s still early, after all. Did you just get up or are you heading to bed?” What could be taken out of context is a genuine query. Has she been awake all night or just got up? “I have time now if you do. Would you like coffee?”
The gift is placed on the kitchenette counter while he/they work the top of the line espresso machine Steven decided they needed. The next few minutes are a blur, an eyeblink to Marc.
Never mind Marc is supposed to be winding down.
Steven says “Hello” to Beth, smile knowing and understanding. He had demurred her gentle question of Marc’s birthdate; Jake filled Beth in. It’s Steven who heats coconut milk on the stove, adding sweetener. Steven who grinds the beans. Steven’s fingers tamping down, pulling the shots.
Two mugs, one from The Other Place and one from The Met, are offered to Beth. Latte art with crescent moon and flower top it off. His eyes go distant, looking through the wall.
Marc’s breathy growls. “He’s faster at it,” he mumbles, taking a seat next to Beth, hand close to hers. Latte is sipped and if his pinkie finger reaches towards hers, he doesn’t notice. Her time and presence is the real gift.
Carefully, he unties and sets aside the silver ribbon. Giftwrap one piece of tape peeled from the package at a time. Framed glass shaped into the phases of the moon greets him. Shells rainbow and gleam. Pulse races like he downed a couple extra shots, warm spreading up his spine. Fingers curl around the frame, gazing at her with wonder. “It’s beautiful. You made this,” wonder he holds for those who can heal and shape.
“Thank you.” He glances from her lips to her eyes. Scars stretch, cheeks flush. Swiftly, before all the usual tapes start up again, he leans in, kissing the corner of her mouth. “So much.”
In a bit, he’ll put it in the waiting room where it can be seen in the biggest light.
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pantherandtheseagod · 9 months
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deckof-dragons · 5 years
Christmas on the Surface
“So this whole Christmas thing is a thing,” Undyne said as she settled down in the break room at the table across from Edge.
“Yep, it uh… sure is,” Edge replied. He’d been surprised by it when he’d first heard about it too, a few years ago now. This would also be his first on the Surface though. Unsurprisingly because it was a holiday originated by humans it was an even bigger deal down here than it had been in the friendly universes’ Undergrounds.
Undyne fidgeted nervously, her eye quickly darting left to right to make sure they were alone before coming back to rest on Edge. “You going to celebrate it?”
“Of course.” On top of the fact that he’d been dragged into celebrating it by the friendlier universes the past couple years he also liked the holiday. The whole spending time with one’s loved one and exchanging gifts was a pleasant idea. He’d never admit it out loud though.
“Great! Awesome! What are you going to get for Slim?”
Edge opened his mouth to respond but nothing came out; he didn’t know what he was going to get for Slim. He’d been busy and hadn’t thought about it. It was important, this would be their first Christmas as a couple and it also being their first Christmas on the Surface meant it had to be special, right? But what? … “Why are you asking?”
“Well uh… you know.” Undyne shrugged, her grin obviously forced. “Just curious.”
Edge raised an ‘eyebrow’. “You’re asking because you don’t know what to get for Alphys and you’re hoping you’ll be able to take inspiration from me, right?”
Undyne frowned at him. “Fine, you got me. I don’t know what to get her. So… what you getting Slim? Al and him hang out with his Undyne sometimes so whatever you’re getting him might help me think of something good to get for Al.”
“That’s very sound logic but… I have absolutely no idea what I’m going to get for Slim.”
“Ah, bummer.” Undyne sighed, deflating a little as she rested her chin in her hand. “Looks like we’re in the same boat though, I guess.”
“Yep.” And Christmas was two weeks away, fast approaching. They needed to figure something out soon.
There was a long stretch of silence before Undyne broke it by slamming her fist determinedly down on the table, making it shake and rattle. “We’re going to the mall after we’re done working.” No invite or suggestion, she just assumed compliance from him. “We should be able to find something for our lovers there.” Hopefully anyway.
The mall was bustling with other people like them: people who’d waited until now to start their Christmas shopping. But it was only bound to get worse the closer Christmas came so best to do this now.
Finding something for Red was easy; he liked his magic tricks so something fancy from the magic store would be perfect. Edge got small little trinkets and baubles for all his friends as well based off their interests, nothing fancy or special though. He even spotted the perfect gift for Undyne that he’d have to come back for when she wasn’t accompanying him. But finding something for Slim was difficult, he was certainly into a lot of things but didn’t seem to be super passionate about any one thing over another most of the time.
“What about anime or manga?” he suggested to Undyne as they came upon an anime store. “Alphys likes that stuff.”
“Yes but whenever a new anime or manga comes out that looks interesting she buys it or I do, either way we got it. And nothing new has come out recently that looks good. What about for Slim though? I know he watches anime and sometimes reads manga.”
“Hmm, yes but… only sometimes and I wouldn’t know which he’s already seen or read or which ones he’d even like.”
So, they moved on with a sigh.
There were a ton of stores selling all kinds of different things. The number of options only made it harder to choose. But they did eventually find themselves in a small out of the way store that sold dragon figurines.
“Looks at this one,” Undyne said, pointing a large one that held a sword. “It’s badass!”
Scratch his other gift idea for Undyne, Edge would have to come back here later to get her a dragon. “You think Alphys would like it?” He certainly thought so, both of them were into dragons.
Undyne gasped. “Maybe! Probably! I didn’t even know they sold these. I’m totally getting her one. Which one do you think she’d like best?”
Edge turned to study them. Clearly Undyne liked the one with the sword best so that’d be the one he’d get her so… “That one?” he said, pointing to another one of the large figurines; a dragon climbing a medieval castle. “Or maybe you could get her a couple of those?” He pointed to a series of smaller figurines depicting baby dragons hatching. “You know her best though.”
Undyne stared the self for almost a whole minute before bursting into action. “The castle,” she said as she carefully pulled if from the shelf so she could take it to the register.
While she paid, Edge looked at the dragons again. Maybe Slim would like one? Or perhaps one of the fairy figurines? He liked that kind of stuff but… it wasn’t a huge passion of his. So, if Edge couldn’t find something better, he’d settle for one of these.
An hour later though and he knew he wouldn’t have to settle because he’d found something better. The perfect gift… maybe. Slim would at least like it even if he didn’t love it as much as Edge hoped he would so there was almost a guarantee that it wouldn’t be a complete failure of a gift.
“Woohoo!” Undyne said, giving Edge a high-five after they finished securing their gifts in the car. “Mission accomplished! Halle-fucking-luiah!”
“Yes,” Edge said with a sigh of relief. The majority of his shopping was done, next year he’d make sure to have it done sooner and thus not have to deal with the crowds.
On Christmas, it was decided that the first part of the day would be devoted to their significant others, the second to their family, and for supper, all the Sans’ and Paps’ would get together for it. Which meant, that morning, it was just Edge and Slim, Red and Razz had left to be with their partners.
Despite the time of day and not having had coffee yet, Slim looked almost awake as they settled down at the kitchen table for a quick breakfast. He even managed a “Merry Christmas,” with a smile.
“Merry Christmas to you too,” Edge replied.
They exchanged a bit of small talk as they ate, especially as the coffee brought even more life to Slim. But it wasn’t much, neither of them were the chattiest people and thus tended to enjoy silence together every once in a while.
“Anyway uh… my gift is in the garage,” Slim said after they’d put the dishes in the sink. “So uh… we might want to do that first because it’s cold out there.”
“I’m all right with that.” Edge was a bit nervous anyway. And the curiosity about what Slim could’ve possibly gotten him that was big enough to warrant being in the garage was too much to resist.
Slim led the way to the door connecting to the garage. He opened it and stepped in. “Ta-da,” he said, turning on the light with one hand, flourishing Edge in with the other.
Next to the beat up car Slim had repaired with the help of a couple of the others, was a motorcycle. Shiny and new with a sleek black trim, it was gorgeous.
Edge was speechless as he approached to get a closer look at it. It was… a nice motorcycle, big, strong, and expensive. “It’s… amazing,” he finally said as he looked back up at Slim still standing in the doorway. Edge hadn’t been expecting this, despite wanting a new motorcycle for a while now. “Thank you, I appreciate it greatly.”
“You’re very welcome,” Slim said, smiling smugly as he leaned back against the wall. “After your other one got all dented and scrapped up by that asshat a few months ago, I knew I had to get you a new one. Razz helped me hide it by keeping it at his workplace until last night.”
Edge almost couldn’t wait to take it out for a spin but first… He walked over to Slim and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Now you’re turn.” Hopefully his gift would be good enough to stand up to a new motorcycle.
Once back inside, they split up, Slim to the living room and Edge to their room to retrieve his gift from the closet. “Merry Christmas,” he said again as he rejoined Slim.
Slim eagerly accepted the large giftwrapped box as they settled down on the couch. He wasted no time tearing the bow and paper off, not bothering to be neat about it either – not that Edge could truly be annoyed by that right now. He gasped once enough of the paper was gone to reveal what was written on the box. “Is this for real?” he asked, looking up at Edge.
“Yep,” Edge replied, please with the smile on Slim’s face. “You’ve mentioned multiple times that you want a VR headset so I got one. It was the last one they had too.” Come to think of it, the reason Slim didn’t buy one for himself was probably because he’d gotten Edge the motorcycle and thus couldn’t afford it.
“Sweet! I love you.”
“I love you too.” Mission success, both gifts were good. “Now which of us is going to get play with their gift first?”
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smolgreenbeanwrites · 6 years
A weirdly written thing for Keith's birthday
'Uh.. are you sure I can take this?'
'Of course, Keith! It's your birthday after all!'
Keith shakily and hesitantly reaches for the large, giftwrapped box Lance is holding in his arms. He almost feels too weird about accepting the gift. Keith wasn't too used to these sort of holidays. But, he figures it would be a lot more rude if he didnt accept the gift. So Keith slowly pulls the box closer, staring at the bright red bow on the top. He almost starts to feel a bit choked up.
'Woah.. dude, are you alright??'
'Yeah.. I'm g-good..'
Keith laughs, his voice cracking.
'Dude, you haven't even opened it! Don't start crying yet!'
Lance laughs, playfully nudging Keith.
'O-okay, okay!'
Keith gently begins taking off the bow, uncovering the contents of the box. His eyes widen. A large, red hippo is placed inside.
'..Oh my god, how did you-?'
'I just know these sort of things, dude.'
Lance grins at the sight of Keith pulling the heavy plush out of the box and squeezing it as tight as he can.
Keith buries his face into the soft hippo, not so subtly trying to hide the fact that he started crying. This had to be his best birthday yet.
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royalriii · 6 years
Saioumota Week Day 1
I am new to posting on this app, and do not know how to make a readmore. I'm sorry.
Please, do not hesitate to point out any grammatical, misspellings or characterization errors. I will do my best to fix it immediately.
"Glad you two caught me," Shuuichi smiled as he entered the room with Kokichi. "I was about to head out."
"Ehh?!" Kokichi complained. "But it's New Year's, Shuumai! Stay here!"
Shuuichi simply giggled, "New Year's Eve. And it's a private detective office Ko. I'm vice-head. I can't very well skip when Uncle's making everyone else report."
"No one'll be mad! You overwork yourself anyway! Today's the perfect time to stay in and cuddle with your boyfriends."
"Still unfair. The office is flooded with adultery cases at this time of the year. Next time tell me earlier and I'll be sure to schedule a leave, okay? Ah, I'm gonna be late-" Shuuichi quickly made his way towards the door and shoved his shoes and coat on.
"Be safe." Kaito kissed his forehead. "Don't forget to pull your hood up."
"Mhm. Bye, love you!"
3:00 pm
"Ugh!" Kokichi exclaimed.
"What's going on?!" Kaito immediately yelled back taking the stairs two at a time to get to where Kokichi was.
What he expects to find that Kokichi had stubbed his door into a dresser and was gonna over-dramatise it and make Kaito kiss it better.
Instead what he sees is Kokichi simply sitting on the floor with gift wrapper scattered everywhere.
Kokichi turned towards his direction and pouted.
"Remember when Nanami-chan texted and she said that we'd celebrate Hinata-chan's birthday with Kuwata-chans's on the third rather than tomorrow since everyone would be with their families on New Year?"
Kokichi pointed towards the mess on the floor.
"Well, I already got the gifts but I haven't wrapped them yet, so, yeah."
Kaito looked around at all the torn gift wrap, tape, and ribbons around the floor.
"...Kokichi? Do you not know how to wrap gifts?"
The answer was clear by the looks of the room. It had taken an extremely long time but Kaito had learned to see the slight change of expression as Kokichi weighed the pros and cons of either lying and shooing him away or telling the truth and getting his help.
"... Yeah. I don't. Never needed to before."
"Okay, I'll help you." Kaito kneeled down and grabbed one of the gifts. "...Really? A DIY grow-your-own-girlfriend kit?"
Kokichi giggled. "Some Danganronpees-" Now Kaito laughed at that fanbase name Kokichi coined. "-recognized me so I quickly went into the nearest store- which happened to be a prank shop, bought two of the same thing, and then bailed. They'll be grateful I didn't just lump it in with their Christmas gifts. But since I half-assed the gift so much, I at least wanna make the presentation look nice. So..." Kokichi waved a scrap of gift wrap around.
Kaito laughed again. "Okay, so, first you need to actually measure the amount of giftwrap to the gift itself. Unlike Shuu, I really just, y'know, eyeball this."
Kaito quickly laid the gift in the center of some wrapping paper and cut an amount of space around it then waited for Kokichi to do the same.
"Then, you fold this side over the gift, and this other side over that, then secure it with tape." Kaito quickly made a circle with the tape around his fingers then put it on the box.
"You fold this side down- tape. And then, the small triangles go inward. And then the bottom flap goes up- tape. Other side's the same way. Easy, right?"
"Huh?" Kokichi complained looking over. "Your tape is barely visible at all!"
"Takes practice. I always helped Grandma wrap the gifts for family. Yours is pretty damn good for a first timer though." Kaito complimented, turning his gift over. "Now, just put the ribbon under. Make it so it's this sorta cross then-" Kaito turned the gift over again. "Let them meet and seal with a bow!"
"This was easier than I thought." Kokichi happily hummed. "Hey- do you think Shuumai will be proud of me?"
"Dunno. But all that's left to do now is label it."
"Great! Lemme see! ... Oh." Kaito said as he realized that both of their gifts have been labelled as being for Hinata.
"Okay..." Kaito sighed and stretched his arms. "I'll redo mine. You go do whatever."
"Really? Yay! Thank you Kai-chan!"
6:00 pm
"I'm home!" Shuuichi shouted, instantly making Kaito's day.
"Welcome home, Shuumai!!!" Kokichi launched himself into Shuuichi's arms making the bluehead stumble back.
"How have you been? I've missed you terribly! Kai-chan gave me the most horrible day today! Wanna know what happened?!"
"I'll drop you."
Despite all their training, Kaito could see that Shuuichi was already tired and carrying their midget boyfriend wasn't exactly helping.
Standing up, he carefully transferred Kokichi to his own arms and carefully angling himself as to not hit the purplette anywhere he kissed Shuuichi's forehead.
"Welcome home, Shuu." He said, and set Kokichi down.
Smiling warmly, Shuuichi hugged them both, "I'm glad to be back."
7:30 pm
"You think that's done?" Kaito asked uncertainly as he looked at the creamy yellow sauce.
"Yeah, good job! Just pour it into the pasta and done." Shuuichi grinned before reaching into the cabinet and pulling out plates and cutlery.
"Smells yummy! Oooh, mac n' cheese!" Kokichi poked his head into the kitchen. "Y'know, thank goodness that even if it's Kai-chan's turn, Shuumai decided to help him. Otherwise, our last dinner of the year would be sooooo gross."
"Hey, you little shit!-"
"Have a seat at the bar. Dinner will be ready soon," Shuuichi smiled. "I made Kaito cook chicken as well and you are not complaining."
10:00 pm
Kaito sighed as he heard the familiar high-energy music bounce through the living room while waiting for the pot to boil.
He carefully transferred the hot water to mugs and dropped the tea bags Amami had gotten for them on one of his travels. After waiting for them to infuse he quickly took them out and threw it in the bin.
"I don't understand why you do this," Kaito mentions as he carried the two mugs to his boyfriends.
"Apple Cinnamon?" Shuuichi asked not bothering to look at Kaito or answer the question.
"Yeah," Kaito handed him a mug and Kokichi the other.
"It's cuz they're sick fucks." Kokichi snapped, answering Kaito's earlier question. He jabbed a finger at the screen as if it would stop Sonia refuting Hinata identifying Nanami as the traitor. "Of course they'd do this. Of course. On the eve of the protag's birthday. Of course."
"I see..." Deciding to be blunt, Kaito continued, "I don't think this was a good idea though, tonight was supposed to be happy but all you two are doing is giving those asses a higher viewership revenue."
"Yeah..." Shuuichi said staring somewhere else.
Kaito simply sighed, picking up the remote and changing the channel.
"I love you both, you know that? Please stop doing this to yourself."
Shuuichi hummed. "Yeah, love you too."
He set his mug down and hugged Kaito. After a while Kokichi decided to simply slip between their arms and they stay like that for a while
11:59 pm
"10!" The TV screamed.
"9!" Kokichi shouted at the top of his lungs as he ran into the room.
"Ko..." Shuuichi trailed off.
"Whaaat? Everyone's still awake by now. Only losers aren't."
"5." Kaito interrupted, smiling.
"4." Shuuichi continued.
"3! 2! 1! Happy New Years!!!!" Kokichi screamed. After hugging them one at a time, Kokichi bounced around.
Giggling, Shuuichi pulled out a wreath from behind the TV and hung it on their door.
"To a better year for everyone and our families?" Shuuichi asked uncertainly.
"Anyway... we should go to bed. We're going to a shrine tomorrow and then Kai-chan's grandparents! I'm excited for cookies and mochi!" Kokichi exclaimed.
"Weren't you the one who said only losers are asleep by now?" Shuuichi wondered.
"Yeah! Before the countdown! Duh..."
Laughing, as he remembered how much Kokichi loved his grandparent's mochi last year, he quickly agreed. "Fine, but we're cuddling some more, got that?"
"Yup! Did I ever say we weren't gonna?" Kokichi grinned, crossing his arms behind his head.
Yeah... it'd be a better year for everyone. Kaito was certain of that.
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ericamatthews · 4 years
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Christmas is on at @marksandspencer #AD #MyMarks 🎁✨ I was nominated to pick two gifts in 30 minutes for the M&S Christmas challenge! Here is what I bought: 🎁 Gift 1 🎁: - Satin butterfly pyjama set This present will be gifted to my Mum. I rate this a solid 10/10.. the pictures do it no justice! I love the print, the rich colour and the luxurious fabric! 🎁 Gift 2 🎁: - Satin Printed pyjama top and bottoms This present will be gifted to my Sister Kara I rate this a 9/10, I am hoping that she loves it! The trousers are an unusual shape and the top is a camisole. But the print, texture and the stretchiness of the waistband will make this set the perfect PJ’s to wear all year around! As you can see, I did more than just shop for my mum and sister at M&S. I saw so many items I loved, so I went back to pick up some more bits. Their gift edits make it super easy to find items that I know my whole family will enjoy. And they have the most beautiful wrapping paper and bows. ….Christmas. It’s on! at M&S!! www.Marksandspencer.com #Marksandspencer #ChristmasIsStillOn #GiftsForHer #ChallengeAccepted #giftideasforher #giftideas #giftwrapping @marksandspencerfashionpr @marksandspencerfoodpr @marksandspencerhomepr (at London, Unιted Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CH5kYM0gMw3/?igshid=4d7lq493jhzy
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trashyxocs · 7 years
Fresh Christmas Decorating Ideas
100 New Christmas Decorating Ideas
Everyone enjoys decorating for Christmas.  Get ready for wreaths, because here and catch your garland, Southern Living's editors share some of their treasured thoughts for Christmas decorating.  These decorating ideas for Christmas tree, mailbox, your mantel, front door, and much more will surely fill you with Christmas cheer.  We show you how you can give a twist on tradition with handmade wreaths that it is possible to use inside or outside.  We show you to give your dining table a focal point, and the way you can welcome your guests in style that is memorable, since you welcome your guests into a holiday meal, how to go merry.  Nevertheless easy or lavish your Christmas decorating may be, these ideas can help you bring the beauty of the holiday to each corner of your house. Set a Holiday Scene On Your Outdoor Room 1 of 104 Photo: Erica George Dines Set a Holiday Scene In Your Outdoor Space Do not limit your decorations to the inside of your property or your front porch; take advantage of the South's mild winters.  Bring cosmetic Christmas cheer out all the way to your garden.  This cozy and warm backyard oasis is decorated for the Christmas period, also acts to cosy up with a blanket on a snowy winter nighttime.  A Christmas tree takes centre stage, spun in classic garland and gold lights.  The Fireplace is adorned with fresh, aromatic greenery.  A evergreen wreath above the fireplace completes the scene.  Stock even light, and your bar a flame to get a snug gathering. Cheer Up Your Entry Way 2 of 104 Photo: Ralph Lee Anderson
Cheer Up Your Entry Way Pressed for time but want a huge display to greet guests and carolers in your holiday front porch?  Fit a magnolia into a decorative planter, also fill in around the edges using sprigs and magnolia branches of seeded eucalyptus -- silver or gold stuns well, although we picked red.  From the backyard for a token of holiday cheer, plant the magnolia following the holiday season.  Made to come together quickly and with limited training, this Christmas look is simple to tailor made for a variety of preferences.  Change colours or the plants to fit your taste -- Poinsettias are  a fantastic substitute. Create a Warm Welcome
Create a Warm Welcome Our favorite method to illuminate any season is a brilliant array of newspaper luminaries.  Line up them along your drive, along  walkway, or scatter them onto your own porch for a glowing, twinkling Christmas display that's so simple and economical to pull off.  You may purchase premade luminaries in on line, or make your own using pebbles, white newspaper totes, and LED candle lighting.  Place a handful of pebbles in the base of your newspaper bag so that it is not as likely to blow away after gathering your supplies or decrease.  Using your fingers, clean a place for your LED light (turned on) to break.   Wait till its dark outside, and you have a luminary to light up your driveway. Pile About Your Plaid Christmas Tree 4 of 104 Photo: Helen Norman
Pile On the Plaid Plaid isn't just for school uniforms and collared shirts.  Utilize plaid for a theme for a timeless spin on holiday cheer for your Christmas decorations.  To avoid overloading on a single pattern, don't be afraid to mix and match plaids of varying scales and sizes.  Begin with a plaid that is transparent decorate using  metallic, solid-colored ornaments, and garland.  By utilizing the presents beneath your tree as decorations the easiest and most method to incorporate plaid to a Christmas is.  Choose 2-3 plaid patterned traces of giftwrap, and 1-2 solid designs in complimentary colours.  Mix and match ribbons on each present for a layered demonstration of presents. 5 of 104  Photo from Jim Bathie Greet with a Garden Theme Convey a snug, cabin welcome with a garden-inspired vacation decorating theme.  This motif includes staircase, and aluminum containers arranged across the front door porch; it is perfect for busy families that see a lot of children and action .  This decorating theme works for the front and back porches.  Make your Christmas decoration function a purpose by filling the containers.  Some frequent Christmas herbs you can grow are myrtle, chervil,  borage tarragon, bay leaves, spearmint, lavender, lavender, basil, sage, and thyme.  By planting berries and red blooms add shade. Christamas decorating ideas: Paper white basket 6 of 104 Photo by Jim Bathie
Who says you've got to wait until spring to decorate your porch with flowers?  Spread Christmas cheer with a bright arrangement of seasonal paperwhites.  Paperwhites belong into the family, and will flower indoors at any time of year.  Since they don't even need dirt to develop they are easy to raise and maintain.  Put the paperwhite bulb in enough water to cover the lower part of the bulb.  Keep the bulb while growing the paperwhites.  Should you water them regularly, they will flower in a month or so.  After blooming, paperwhites last longer when placed in a cool place out of direct sun.  Organize the blossoms along with heather, juniper, and moss in a planter and then hang it directly. 7 of 104 Photo by Jim Bathie
This easy Christmas decoration is an effortless way to spruce up your front yard for the holiday season, and comes together with only a few supplies that you may already have on hand.  Top off a brick box with plenty of  plants.  Fill a shallow planter having a arrangements of winter plats like flowering cabbage pansies, bamboo, fir, lavender, and rosemary.  We trimmed ours to resemble a Christmas tree.  In contrasting colours, such as gold, tuck in ornaments.  Insert gaps to be filled by pinecones and add texture.  Finish your mailbox. 8 of 104 Photo from Jim Bathie Drape Your Mailbox
Readers with traditionally shaped mailboxes will try out this joyous approach to liven up a driveway for those holidays.  Switch your mailbox to some Christmas tree that is green and red.  Where required Wrap sheer ribbon drape the garland around the box and across a pine garland, securing with a thin tube or fishing line.  Wire clusters of bright Nandina berries to top off the post to top the screen off.  Organize the sheer ribbon at a bow to your finishing touch. Note: Nandina berries are very poisonous for birds and grazing creatures, so make certain that you keep them from the reach of almost any family pets.
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kyvir · 7 years
will you do a modern flowershop au where either sasu/saku works at the shop, and the other goes there to look for flowers, please? but they actually go to the shop to see the other? 🌸
Thanks for the request! This was a cute idea and I hope you like my version of this. :)
Sweet Summertime-
It was on a nice warm Summer day, the skies were blue and the wind flowing made it comfortable outside, or at least Sakura Haruno thought so as she made her was through town. She was wearing a white sundress. She loved dresses, they were cool in the summer time and girly enough to where she felt cute when wearing them. And today, she wanted to look cute.
She’d had to come to town for some shopping, and any time she was in town, there was a certain stop she just had to make. Though originally, she stopped because of her love of flowers- she always had to have something beautiful living up her home, but it didn’t take long for her to start going for an entire other reason, just to get a look at that flower shop’s owner.
Today she had a special reason for stopping by. It was his birthday. Sometimes when she’d stop in, they’d chat a bit, which was nice, though Sakura would have preferred more than that. Last week he’d told her his birthday was coming up, she’d asked when and he’d told her. When she asked what he’d had planned, he claimed he’d still be running the shop- that he wasn’t into celebrating. So, her shopping today had been only to find him a little something to thank him for running a shop that was so special to her.
The shop came into view as she was thinking over all their past interactions, which didn’t consist of much, but it was a lot to her. Sakura had been so busy with her life that she never took the time to date, but she couldn’t help her interest in this man. He’d caught her eye from the very first day she’d stepped foot in that flower shop, he was knowledgeable about his work and Sakura enjoying listening to him talk, so she’d ask any questions she could come up with, and she always ended up lingering for far longer than necessary, just to be around him.
She entered the shop, only vaguely aware of the bell chiming when she walked through the door, for she was already looking for him. She didn’t see him immediately, but she knew he’d be there. He was the only one who worked his shop. He’d told her before that it was a passion of his, and he didn’t really need extra help, so he ran it all alone. Though sometimes, his brother’s daughter would be there with him, however only being six, there wasn’t much she could do other than keep him occupied.
A couple steps inside and he appeared from the back of the shop, obviously hearing the bell from her entering. “Sakura.” He greeted her with a smile, but it was the briefest of smiles.
“Hello, Sasuke.” She smiled back.
They’d been on a first name basis for over a year and Sakura appreciated that. There was no other place she adored, like she did his flower shop. She admired him for a moment too long, yet too short for her. He was a stunning man, with perfect pale skin, a strong jaw and high cheekbones. He had the most beautiful, dark eyes and his raven hair was always in a perfect mess. She was sure he woke up just as perfect as he was.
“Welcome.” He said, disturbing her thoughts and she blushed before averting her eyes quickly. “What are you looking for today?”
“Not sure yet.” She told him, while taking a look around and walking to the table closest to her. Sometimes he’d help her make a special arrangement, and he was so good at it that it always surprised her, even after all this time.
He came from behind the counter to join her, making her all too aware of his presence. He smelled good. A mixture of cologne and flowers. It was a beautiful scent; one Sakura had grown to love. She inhaled deeply while staring at the flowers, though she wasn’t really seeing them.
“Well, if there’s nothing you have in mind, I have something I think you’ll like.”
“Oh?” She asked, turning to face him with interest. He was a few inches taller than her so she had to look up to meet those deep, black pools that were his eyes. Being this close to him sent a thrill through her that she just couldn’t ignore.
She couldn’t deny that she’d had a ridiculous crush on him since day one. It had been a couple years since then, but Sasuke had never made her feel as if he had any interest in her outside of her being his best customer.
“Yes, give me a moment.” He said before walking off. She watched him go behind the counter and into the back and with a sigh, she went to the counter to wait for him.
Sasuke was back a moment later, carrying the most beautiful arrangement she’d ever laid eyes on. And she’d seen many. Her eyes lit up as he sat the arrangement on the counter, it was already in a vase which she thought unusual, but she was too focused on the beauty of the arrangement to think much of it. Her hand automatically went up to touch one of the soft pink roses, they really caught her eye, though the whole piece was fascinating.
“I just made this, early this morning. It seemed perfect for the day. Clear blue skies, a cool breeze to make the summer heat bearable. I know you usually prefer the pinker roses, but these peach roses are nice too. The white daisy poms added a nice touch, and they contrast well together. Both representing a bright and sunny summer day. The blue delphiniums will remind you of the clear blue sky, the lime green carnations of the lifeful grass beneath your feet on the outside. The white monte casino and salal tips only add to the beauty this arrangement already is.”
Sakura was mesmerized by his words, and mostly by the man himself and she didn’t miss the fact that his eyes never left her during his whole explanation. She swallowed hard, her mouth suddenly dry as she met those obsidian eyes. She couldn’t help but look away, flustered that he could make her feel so much, with so little effort. No man had ever made her feel like he did. Ever.
“It’s gorgeous.” She murmured, though her thoughts were distracting her.
She was disappointed. Though she never really thought about it, she supposed she did keep coming to his flower shop time and time again, not only for the flowers, but in hopes that someday, something could blossom between them. But, would he ever take that leap? Did he have any interest in her at all? She didn’t know, but the majority of her believed he wasn’t interested. He had to know she was single, what with her buying flowers for herself every week, but he’d never asked. He’d never asked her anything aside from how her day was, or what kind of flowers she was in the mood for. She found herself pouting as she mulled over her thoughts.
It would be best if she just forgot about him. He obviously didn’t want to date, or at least… he didn’t want to date her.
“Well, I just had this feeling… that you’d be coming by today. I figured you wouldn’t know what you wanted, because you usually take my suggestions instead. So, I made this, hoping you’d like it.”
Heart skipping several beats, Sakura looked to him in surprise. Her pink lips parted as she stared at him with wide green eyes. Did he mean he was… thinking about her? He actually put this arrangement together, with her in mind? She couldn’t believe it. Her hope was suddenly brought back to life as she watched him, watching her. She had no idea how to respond to that.
“I love it.” She finally managed after what seemed like a lifetime. A deep rose color took to her cheeks as she turned away from him to look at the flowers instead. She was sure he thought she was some kind of idiot. “Um thank you… for doing this.”
It meant more to her than he would ever know.
“You’re welcome, Sakura.”
Sakura shivered at the way her name rolled off his tongue. She loved that voice, but there was something special about the way he spoke her name. But it could have been just her infatuation with him. She was sure she’d never get over this crush, because it felt like so much more than that.
“Oh, I almost forgot.” She muttered shyly as she searched through her purse and pulled out the small giftwrapped box. It wasn’t much, but she thought of him the moment she saw it, and to her, it was the perfect gift. She handed over the box, admiring the shiny black wrapping and silver bow on top. It was embarrassing to give it to him, but she had to do it. It was her way of thanking him for always being kind to her. “Happy birthday.”
He took the box hesitantly and she was sure he noticed the way she blushed so deeply. She could even feel the tips of her ears burning, it only worsened when their hands brushed each other’s.
“You remembered.” He chuckled lightly as he briefly looked over the box before looking to her again. His eyes were warm and soft then. “Thank you, but you shouldn’t have gone through the trouble of getting me anything.”
Sakura shook her head quickly. “No, I wanted to. Really.” She waved him off. Her mouth fell open when he immediately went to unwrap the gift. “Um… You’re going to open it now?” She was so embarrassed she didn’t know what to do with herself.
With a smirk and eyes that were all too knowing, he nodded. “Of course. Shouldn’t I open it while you’re still here?”
Sakura shrugged, shifting her feet nervously. She’d rather him open it when she wasn’t around, just in case he didn’t like it. “Well, if you want… I suppose.”
She watched anxiously as he took his time unwrapping the box. Her heart stopped when the paper was set aside revealing nothing but the black box beneath it. There was no hesitation then as he opened the box right up and gazed inside. Sakura held her breath, watching him for his reaction as he pulled the small keychain out from the box. It really wasn’t much, but when she saw it, when she took in the woodsy look of it, and how much variety there was, all the wildflowers, the sun, the earth- everything about it was Sasuke to her. When she saw it, he was the only thing she thought about.
The way those dark eyes of his lit up told her she was right, it really was perfect.
“I know it’s not much, but I thought-”
“It’s perfect.” He cut her off, his words making her swoon. Did he really like it that much? “Thank you, Sakura. This means a lot to me.”
“R-really?” She couldn’t believe it. But she was so happy, ecstatic even. She smiled brightly at him then. “I’m so glad you like it!”
He smiled back, his eyes returning to the keychain as his thumb traced over its edges. Sakura couldn’t help thinking that he appeared truly moved by her small gesture. It wasn’t expensive, it wasn’t the best gift, but Sasuke looked at it as if it was something he’d cherish forever, and that in turn, touched her in a way nothing else ever had. She was so glad she’d gotten that gift.
“Well… I guess I should be going.” Sakura told him, feeling a high unlike any she’d ever experienced before. She didn’t want to hang around and embarrass herself any further.
“Oh?” Sasuke frowned from across the counter, his eyes meeting hers once more. “Do you have plans?”
“What?” She blushed. “No, of course not.” She admitted to quickly for her liking and inwardly scolded herself. It might have been true that she had no life, but she could have played that off much better. “I mean… I don’t want to get in the way of your work or anything, and I was just going to head home… and put my flowers out.”
He was smirking now, and Sakura wasn’t sure what to make of that look, but she knew she liked it. “Well it’s not like business is booming today. Wednesdays are always slow. If you aren’t doing anything, maybe we could go out to lunch… or something.”
Did he just… Did Sasuke actually… Was he asking her on a date? Flabbergasted, Sakura could do nothing but gawk at him. She was sure she was dreaming now, there was no way he’d ever suggested such a thing. Biting her lip, she looked down at the counter, away from those dark eyes that she was certain could read her like an open book.
“Are you going to turn me down?” He asked, sounding amused.
Sakura was excited, anxious and confused so she didn’t know what to say and she just knew somehow, she would screw this up. “No. Actually,” She swallowed hard, willing herself to calm down. “I’d love that.”
“Hn. Good.” He smirked again and took her flowers and disappeared into the back of the store. He came back without the arrangement. “I put them back in the cooler. They’ll stay fresher that way.” He told her in explanation as he walked around the counter and came to stand before her.
She had nothing to say, and she couldn’t move or even breathe for that matter as she stared at him in awe, mind unable to grasp the fact that he really did ask her to go to lunch with him. When he offered her his hand and she took it, she finally smiled, relishing in the moment. She knew that this could have definitely been the start of something extraordinary, and she’d been waiting her whole life for it.
“Let’s go.” He said, smiling slyly at her.
“It’s about time.” She whispered back as they left his flower shop, and for the first time took to an entire different experience between them.
Sakura was happy, and she was so, so glad Sasuke had opened that flower shop. She felt sure she’d be spending even more time there in the days to come.
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bastienfiore · 5 years
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Bastien regretted signing up for the gift exchange as soon as he’d read the name he’d gotten. He’d never met the prince of New Zealand, but Tegan had quite the reputation, and Bas figured he was about to have a hell of a time trying to find a gift. Nevermind the fact that in writing the note attached to it, he had to remain formal. 
But even so, he chose the gift, and asked one of the other members of the kitchen staff to wrap it so there was at least a chance of it looking presentable, since Bas himself had the giftwrapping skills of a toddler. And once it was wrapped, a bow tied neatly around the box, he left it just outside the prince’s door, the note folded on top. 
Prince Tegan, 
I know that we have never met, but my sources tell me that you’re no stranger to alcohol. And if you’ll forgive the cliche: when in Rome do as the Romans do. Or in this case, do as the Russians do- the vodka is local. 
And as for the tea, well... I thought anything that has the potential to shorten a hangover might be worth a try. 
Merry Christmas, your highness. 
Respectfully,  Bastien
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dragonfireglass · 7 years
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It's time you buy yourself a gift 😎 We are shipping all gift boxes 🎁 wrapped with ribbon with a beautiful bow on top ❤ . . #statementnecklace #🎁 #giftwrapping #design #lookoftheday #jewelryoftheday #instajewelry #madeincanadamatters #jewelery #accessories #bestofetsy #etsy #style #weekendsale #jeweleryaddict #bow #dragonfireglass #pendant #swag #christmas #holiday #christmasgifts #etsyfinds #etsyseller #etsylove #cute #bestoftheday #cybermonday
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ecobowtique-blog · 6 years
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Order ready to ship tomorrow :) finishing up wrapping these 2 beauties with this beautiful butterfly fabric wrapping. Love the large print and the striking colors on this fabric. And to top off the day had a little video chat with my little nephew :D #bowtique #bows🎀 #wearableart #putabowonit #smallbusiness #etsy #outlander #butterfly #giftwrapping #etsy #etsyshop #etsyfinds #etsyseller #etsyfanatic #ribbon #butterflyfabric #elegant #unique #littledetails #finishingtouches #allinthedetails #wearableart #art #artist #designed https://www.instagram.com/p/BuXhcGbg3-j/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5w4cs5f41a7i
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