#giftening 2020
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Giftening 2020: Obligatory Vote for These Post (non-spoiler version)
Want super spoilery version? Ones with * are my nominations, so you know where my biases lie. :P Bolded items are my top pick for the section.
Aggretsuko - A tv show about an unassuming shy red panda woman who works in an office building and deals with the stress of it by going to karaoke and screaming out death metal.
Fushigi Yuugi* - This is a story about two teens who used to be friends fighting over a man and, people, Jet has watched the whole damn thing once. You know you want to watch her squirm as she watches it again.
Archer* - I have no idea if Jet will like it but I know I want to see her react to the titular character. I also personally find it hilarious.
Daria - I really think that Jet will enjoy the humor in this and it's a TV show that holds up pretty well (or at least it did when I watched it a few years ago). (Jet, this is not a troll, I promise, I really do think you'll like the humor.)
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - This is smart, funny, and has depth. Plus it's a musical. It's basically perfect for Jet.
Hannibal* - The writing in this show is fucking breathtaking. It is some of the most subtle, smart, tight writing I've seen in any TV show. Honestly, I just recommend this in general.
Russian Doll* - This is just a fascinating show and I think it's one of those shows that would do really well with a deep, thoughtful watch. Also highly recommended in general
Crank* - You fucking know you want to watch Jason Statham running around doing just the most banana shit that a writer could think of. And you definitely want to do it with other people. SPARK SOME FUCKING JOY THIS GIFTENING.
Dale and Tucker vs Evil* - This is so fucking niche I expect it not to win at all and yet here I am. A deconstruction and parody of the killer hillbilly trope, this is a movie that has made me laugh a laugh that I've never heard before or since.
Doki Doki Lit Club - This is a genuinely good game that has a lot for Jet to enjoy. It does a good job of deconstructing tropes and exploring elements I haven’t seen explored. Would love to see her do more.
Slime Rancher (stream) - This is such a cute, fun little game and is genuinely fun to watch. It'd be a really chill stream and I love those.
Subnautica* - I fucking love this game. I love watching people experience it for the first time. It's both super calming to watch but also strangely suspenseful. And Jet's gotten far enough that I can now say that there's more to it than meets the eye.
We Happy Few* - This is a weird little game that's set in Britain in an alt universe. The art is really interesting, there's a lot of interesting world building, and the continual sense of unease from the atmosphere and the things you learn is brilliant.
MISC (there’s nothing spoilery here but it feels weird to not have it)
Interactive Horror Story Livestream - Doc has talked a bit about this in at least one of her Xmas streams and it sounds amazing. Not only is Jet hilarious with horror stuff but knowing Doc’s writing skill, it will be something that we’d never want to miss.
Bean Boozle When Failing a Hard Game* - I am a sadistic bitch, I admit to this, and I love watching people eat Bean Boozle, the jelly bean of horrible flavors. One of my favorite videos content creators has done is playing an incredibly difficult game and then being forced to eat a random one every time they fail. I’d say I’m sorry, Jet, but I’m not. ;)
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Paging Jetwolf
This post, directed at one @keyofjetwolf, is a shameless plug for various things nominated for this year’s Giftening. I already don’t remember half of what I voted for, but I did write down my particular nominations
Luck & Logic- An action fantasy anime based on a trading card game of the same name, Luck & Logic follows the goings-on of a special police force tasked with protecting the world from otherworldly beings.
Sweetness and Lightning- You know it, you seemed to enjoy it heartily last time. Please?
The Dragon Prince- Beautiful art style, amazing characters, and an interesting setting. I kinda fell in love with this one from the moment I first saw it.
She-Ra (2018)- So. Freaking. Good. The new show takes what was good about the original and makes it better, while fixing some of the more ‘ehhh’ bits that were standard of 80s cartoons.
Critical Role (The Night Before Critmas)- Witness as Liam hops into the DM chair for a delightful Christmas-themed adventure. Hijinks and plot twists the likes of which could only come from the CR cast ensue.
Cats (1998)- Because everyone deserves to see this musical as it’s meant to be seen. Not the uncanny valley nightmare fuel that Tom Hooper shat out.
Newsies (1992)- The musical that got me into musicals. Historical accuracy be damned, it’s a fun show with good songs and beautiful costumes.
Little Inferno- A lovely, simplistic little game with a beautiful soundtrack (I’d happily go so far as to say that Little Inferno has some of the prettiest music I’ve heard in a game in a while) and an art style that’s reminiscent of a Henry Selick movie
The 7th Guest- My favorite game of all time. Mystery, spoops, puzzles. A classic point-and-click
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Friends. Today, I present to you something I never thought to see. I have a post for you, right here before your eyes, containing the longest Usagi and Mamoru photoset I have ever compiled. Could I have made it shorter? No. It was impossible. It was all vital to properly communicate every single ridiculous fucking moment.
I’m as surprised as the rest of you to note that for the SECOND time, PGSM has created a situation where I actually like its take on Mamoru, and one of the few IN THE ENTIRE FRANCHISE where, for a second there, I purchased a ticket and voluntarily boarded the Usagi/Mamoru train.
In all seriousness, jesus wept, I am SO HAPPY PGSM made the decision to embrace the absolute absurditry in which it swims.
This was perfect. Absolute pitch perfection, and I hope three thousand years from now, they both still honour their mutual shameful unspoken agreement to never speak of this again.
#THE GIFTENING 2020#THE GIFTENING 2020 day 2#JW watches PGSM#pgsm ep 15#allowing them to be humans and thus disasters makes them so much more likeable and appealing WHO KNEW
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Mysterier- En Forestillingsanalyse
Kilden i Kristiansand slår til med en vill oppsetning av Knut Hamsuns “Mysterier”. Klassen vår på Litteratur, Film og Teater var å fikk se oppsetningen den 24. September 2020. Etterfulgt av denne reisen av en forestilling skal jeg ta for meg mine tanker og min gjenværende oppfatning av denne romanen gjenfortalt på scenen.
Mysterier følger den eksentriske agronomen Johan Nilsen Nagel. En reisende som raskt gjør inntrykk på både sørlandsbyen Kristiania og menneskene som bor i den. Vi får se hvordan han berører de lokale rundt seg, hans eksentriske nærmest bipolare oppførsel og spesielt hva for et menneske han blir da han møter den vakre Dagny Kielland. Vi får inntrykk i hvordan hans forhold med Minutten, en krøpling Nagel tar en sterk interesse i, utvikler seg til en nærmest overnaturlig besettelse. Samt Nagels interesse bak den hvite skikkelsen Martha Gude og hennes forunderlige øyne, for ikke å snakke om hennes gamle stol. Sterke spørsmål surrer i hodet mitt etter denne forestillingen, hvem er egentlig Nagel? Hva vil han? Og hva er det egentlig denne forestillingen vil fremstille? Det er kanskje nettopp på grunn av disse tankene at fortellingen heter “mysterier”, siden Nagel sin karakter er så mystisk, ja og ikke bare han men også hele byens virksomhet også!
Det første som tok min interesse var scenen. Gulvet var dekket i sopp og en stor grønn hest hang i taket. De brukte hele rommet da fortellingen ble fortalt, både tak- gulv samt åpninger i veggene. Man ble dratt inn i historien fysisk , den fjerde veggen ble brutt noen ganger hvor publikum ble snakket til og lignende- som fikk deg til å føles som en del av fortellingen personlig. Hva soppen og hesten angår falt tankene dypt inn i analysen av hva de betydde mer enn noe annet.
Både boka og forestillingen viser tydelig til en rusbruk og alkoholisme, som gjerne var nokså normalt innenfor den tidsperioden. Tankene raste da mot soppen som dekket halve scenegulvet, hvor min analyse av denne biten av scenografien kunne hinte mot nettopp dette- rusbruk. Hesten skapte større tanker, skulle den representere giften Nagel bar med seg hele tiden? Hadde grønnfargen noe å si for betydningen dens?
Det ble mye tenking frem og tilbake, men så kom jeg på at i noen kulturer betyr en hvit hest død. Det er en del fokus på død gjennom Mysterier. Vi får høre stadig om denne Karlsen som hadde tydelig tatt selvmord, med Dagny Kiellands brevkniv fordi han ikke kunne få henne- og senere tyder det også på at Nagel selv går mot sitt eget dødsleie. Den hvite hesten, som døden rir på, er av og til også avbildet grønn som da avgjorde mine tanker komplett.
Bruken av spesielt denne hesten syns jeg er viktig. Under en viktig samtale mellom Dagny og Nagel, diskutere de Minutten og temaet rundt hvorfor Nagel sier så mye stygt om seg selv. Nagel hjelper Dagny opp på denne grønne hesten- som kan symbolisere at han holder henne høyere enn døden selv, men da hun av seg selv går ned igjen fra hesten tolket jeg dette som en henvisning mot at hun kanskje ikke holder han like høyt eller vil være en grunn til Nagels fall.
Måten kostymene i stykket er fremstilt føler jeg kan tyde til hva slags historie vi faktisk følger. Vi vet vi følger Nagels historie- men siden stykket og boka selv er så surrealistiske er det vanskelig noen ganger å vite hva som faktisk skjer og hvorfor det skjer. Her spilte kostymene en stor rolle i min egen tolkning av stykkets vinkling. Kostymene som sto mest ut for meg var Sara og Dagny. Gjentatte ganger hører vi Nagels usmakelige kommentarer kastet mot Sara og hennes vakre saftige nakke eller vakre ben og kropp. Min første tolkning ble da at kostymet til Sara var sydd og laget på nettopp dette premisset- å skulle fremheve hans egen tolkning av henne. Samme slo meg ved Dagny Kiellands avbilding. Da jeg tok boka fatt tolket jeg henne som en velstelt og veloppdragen ung dame. Men da kostyme hennes ble vist- fikk jeg nesten en følelse av at hun ble fremstilt som litt “tøsete”. Hennes ben og lår helt bare, håret ser ut som håret etter en one-night stand eller ihvertfall dagen derpå. Samt hennes konstante utstråling av en tydelig seksualitet- som da hun kysset hunden sin og det ble fremstilt som en seksuell klining.
Gjennom kostymene alene ble tolkningen min at historien stykket fremstiller er vist fra Nagels egne hode. Alt vi ser på scenen, er det han så og det han hørte. Uansett hvor galt det måtte virke- dette var hva som foregikk inne i Nagels hode, tolker jeg.
Mysterier er et stykke helt uten like. Den tar reisen fra boka og var ikke redd for å vri det de ville til sitt formål- som fungerte superbra. Litt forvirring ble det, men hva mysterier angår så henger det kanskje mer på greip enn noe annet. Et høyst anbefalt stykke er det- uansett om boka er lest eller ei. Surrealistisk, galskap og en dyp hemmelig betydning bak det hele fanger deg inn på en uforglemmelig reise.
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Julian Hwang // Intro
Hello ! My name is Backy (she/her) ヾ(^∇^)❀ I'm 25 years old and I live in Canada! ❀ Feel free to like this post or drop me a message on discord if you're interested in plotting. I'd love to get to know you and your muses! (。’▽’。)♡ ❀
Without further ado, here's Julian Hwang (fc: Bang Chan (2010) // Im Siwan (2020)), my overworked friendly bean ❀
✮ Spotify playlist: Julian Hwang ✮ Pinterest: C: Julian
( Bang Chan & Im Siwan ) bopping along to I’m Yours by Jason Mraz is Julian Hwang, the twenty-one year old cismale thrown back to their business days with some of his memories. voted most likely to live in a library, Julian was known for being studious & self-destructive, go figures you’d always find them taking 15 minute power naps on top of a book, but grew up to be hard-working & fanatical .
♦ The Basics ♦
↣ Name: Julian Hwang ↣ Nickname: J, Kangaroo ↣ Age: Twenty-One // Thirty-One ↣ D.O.B.: October 3rd, 1988 ↣ Education: Third Year @ RVU (Business Management) ↣ Sexuality: Pansexual
↣ Occupation(s): Tutor, waiter, odd-jobs ↣ Languages: English & Korean ↣ Drinking, smoking, & drugs: Yes (socially), no, & yes (study drugs)
↣ Quirks: Drinks coffee with way too much sugar, randomly obsessed with knitted things, bites nails when stressed, left-handed, & has a horrible sense of direction ↣ Likes: Coffee, tea, spicy food, mangos, swimming, the stars, the colour orange, the ocean, & cooking ↣ Dislikes: Being late, bitter food, tequila, violence, horror movies, cold weather, flying, & cleaning
♦ background (then & now) ♦
↣ Hometown: Adelaide, Australia ↣ Nationality: Australian ↣ Ethnicity: Korean ↣ Parents: Namsung (Nora) & Chongyol (Jamie) Hwang // Step Dad: Flynn Caldwell
O1 x. Then - Originally from Australia, Julian moved to the states on a sports scholarship for swimming while taking his degree in business at SVU. His parents were less than thrilled to send him away but after a lot of reassurance that he was going to eat three meals a day & get plenty of sleep, the deal was sealed. Of course, Julian doesn’t do either of those things but what his parents didn’t know won’t kill them. Sleeping doesn’t earn scholarships, after all. O3 x. Then - However, sometime after being admitted to SVU, his parents got a divorce and Julian’s mom moved to the states to be closer to him. She had nothing left for her in Australia and considered it a fresh start. His dad stayed behind to run the family business, a small traditional Korean restaurant. Julian’s still close to both of his parents but considerably more so his mother. He couldn’t exactly afford to jet off to visit his dad every other weekend and even on a scholarship, Julian was working multiple jobs to pay his bills so as not to burnden his mother.
O2 x. Now - Julian graduated SVU, one of the top of the class, and moved into a job as a financial advisor for small and large hospitals alike. He frequently travels but still comes back home on occassion to visit his family. It’s been 10 years and Julian’s mom, Nora Hwang, is remarried to Flynn Caldwell. He’s also gained a step brother in the process, Austin Caldwell, who just so happens to have attended the same university as him. O4 x. Now - Julian can’t say that he necessarily dislikes the Caldwell’s but there’s some resentment there. Him and Austin led two very different lives growing up and couldn’t be more dissimilar. It wasn’t so much that Julian was never allowed to be a teenager, it was just never an option that crossed his mind considering their financial burdens. Of course, now with a financially stable husband, Julian feels as though his mom doesn’t rely on him as much anymore. It should be a relief, honestly, but what about all of his hard work? All those years he gave up? The many, many jobs he’d worked to make sure she’d never pay a dime for his education? It all seems so pointless now but what else can he do but keep working?
♦ personality ♦
↣ Good Traits: Hard-working, companionly, kind, & patient ↣ Neutral Traits: Quiet, frugal, paternal, responsible, & a perfectionist ↣ Bad Traits: Self-destructive, fanatical, uptight, & a pushover
O1 x. Self-Destructive - Has a bad habit of sacrificing himself for everything & anything else. Sleeping, eating, & socializing are no match for studying, clubs, & work. If he’s stressed, he’ll work himself into a tizzy about it until the job is done or he’s burnt out. Rarely fails at completing tasks, but has been known to spell his own demise by getting stress-sick or otherwise working himself up too much. Sometimes (read: all the time) he’s convinced he’s going to fail, drop out, & become homeless. Has a hard time looking at the silver lining when it comes to his own life, even if he is generally uplifting of others. These days he’s chilled out considerably since university but still tends to forget to take care of himself.
O2 x. Fanatical - Becomes obsessed with tasks, no matter the subject. Kind of a perfectionist & will work himself until he can’t anymore. Sometimes scares people with just how much he cares about things. Tends to go over & beyond what is expected or even wanted sometimes. It has landed him a couple of nice promotions up into the present day though. The only thing that’s changed since his university days is that he almost needs something to obsess over or he’ll remember how pointless it all really is.
O3 x. Hard-Working & Studious - Can be depended on to put in the proper effort & do it right. Rarely spends time not doing something productive and frequently multitasks. It’s not that he’s particularly giften in the brain department, he’s about average really, but the constant studying earned himself A’s throughout school and now a pretty swaggin job. Definitely not a quitter and pretty stubborn about finishing things and doing it right.
O4 x. Companionly - A good and trusting friend through and through. That mom friend at the party making sure you stay hydrated. Enjoys spending time with others no matter the occasion, wether that be his sports friends or study buddies. Loves his friends a little too much & tends to be really touchy. Expect many hugs & cuddles. Would do anything for his friends, sometimes a little too much, even if they don’t ask for it. Easy to get along with if you can handle his eccentricities. These days, Julian is still the same old friendly guy but with a more professional vibe.
♦ (wanted) connections ♦
Past (2010) O1 x. Drugdealer - Julian is usually pretty responsible but his need to work as much as possible has led him down a dangerous path, study drugs. Looking for someone who can deal him the good stuff to get him through on minimal sleep. Might involve a bit of debt. O2 x. Bad Influence - Julian is pretty goody two shoes but I’d love to have someone pull him out to parties (get him out of the library) - make him live a little and not totally regret working through his best years. O3 x. Mom? - Julian is pretty well known for being that mom friend, so if you need some good influencing, you’ve come to the right place! Just looking for some people he can take care of and be overbearing on. O4 x. College Sweetheart - Someone he’ll lay down the books for unconditionally, really. He may be a workaholic but he’s also a romantic at heart. Open to any gender. O5 x. Platonic Cuddles - Julian is just really touchy in general so someone he can just cuddle with without it being weird would be chill. Need some of that wholesome stuff in my life. O6 x. Good Influence - Julian is usually the good influence but I was thinking someone who brings him food, reminds him to eat, reminds him to sleep, and all that good self care shit he probably needs help with. Present (2020) O1 x. Significant Other - Someone he comes home to at the end of the day. Can be married, but maybe not. Take care of my dumbass. Open to any gender. Maybe they dated in uni, doesn’t really matter. Not really set on any details here so let’s talk about it! O2 x. Uni Friends - People he still hangs out with. Julian mostly stuck around the LA area so anyone else around hit a brother up ✌️ O3 x. Unresolved Tension - Idk maybe someone he had a crush on or vice versa? Make it awkward and weird because I love that. Bring up old memories and feelings. O4 x. Why weren’t we friends before? - Someone he wasn’t friends with in uni, but somehow met after the fact or maybe they were enemies. Someone he butted heads with but now they’re basically best friends??
These are really just some thoughts I had & I might add more later but I’m open to anything and everything so let’s talk about it!! Ofc I’m still looking for more generic plots like friends, hookups, enemies, etc, etc. The possibilities are endless!
And that’s the end! If you read it all you’re the coolest but it’s also okay if you didn’t because that was a whole lot of bullshit tbh.
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Belastingdienst rondt eerste fase herstel box 3 af
De eerste fase van het rechtsherstel box 3 is volgens planning afgerond. Alle mensen die meededen aan de massaalbezwaarprocedure tegen de box 3-heffing over 2017 – 2020, hebben de afgelopen weken een brief van de Belastingdienst ontvangen. De Belastingdienst stuurde in totaal 225.000 brieven en 130.000 beschikkingen om mensen te informeren over de meest gunstige berekening van het box 3 inkomen. Zorgde de nieuwe berekening voor een lager box 3 inkomen dan volgde een brief en een beschikking met hoeveel geld ze terug krijgen. Er is ook een groep die geen geld terug krijgt, omdat de oude methode voor hen het meest gunstig was, zij kregen een brief met een toelichting. In reactie op de brieven en beschikkingen werden er ruim 5.000 vragen gesteld en kwamen er ruim 4.000 reacties binnen. Deze reacties worden door de Belastingdienst behandeld. Daarnaast krijgt een groep van 180 belastingplichtigen later te horen of en zo ja op welke wijze zij herstel krijgen, omdat er nog andere belastingzaken afgerond moesten worden. Zij hebben persoonlijk bericht gehad en krijgen rechtsherstel zodra dit mogelijk is. Definitieve aanslag inkomstenbelasting 2021 Op 22 augustus start de Belastingdienst met de verzending van de eerste aanslagen inkomstenbelasting aan mensen die aangifte hebben gedaan van inkomen in box 3 over het belastingjaar 2021. Deze aanslagen worden gefaseerd verstuurd om een te grote belasting van de Belastingdienst te voorkomen. Dit betekent dat mensen met inkomen in box 3 volgens de huidige planning van augustus tot en met half december hun definitieve aanslag inkomstenbelasting over 2021 kunnen verwachten. Zij hoeven hiervoor niets te doen. Met de online rekenhulp op de website van de Belastingdienst kunnen mensen hun box 3 inkomen zelf narekenen. Mensen met inkomen in box 3 over belastingjaar 2021 die aangifte hebben gedaan en hun partnerverdeling of aftrek van zorgkosten of giften willen aanpassen, kunnen hun aangifte over 2021 online aanpassen. Hiervoor is een nieuwe versie van het online aangifteprogramma beschikbaar op de website van de Belastingdienst. De aanslagen voor mensen met inkomen in box 3 over het belastingjaar 2021 worden opgelegd op basis van de spaarvariant als deze gunstiger is voor de belastingplichtige. Is dit niet het geval, dan wordt nog het oude box 3 stelsel toegepast. In de spaarvariant wordt aangesloten bij de werkelijke verdeling van spaargeld, beleggingen en schulden van een belastingplichtige. Mensen met spaargeld worden in deze variant belast op basis van de actuele spaarrente. Dat percentage is voor 2021 vastgesteld op 0,01%. Voor schulden wordt vastgehouden aan de hypotheekrente. Dat percentage is voor 2021 vastgesteld op 2,46%. Bij beleggingen (effecten, onroerend goed) wordt uitgegaan van het meerjarige gemiddelde rendement. Dat is 5,69%. Verdere planning rechtsherstel Vanaf medio september wordt volgens de huidige planning gestart met het rechtsherstel voor de aanslagen over 2017 tot en met 2020 die op 24 december 2021, de dag dat de Hoge Raad uitspraak deed, nog niet onherroepelijk vaststonden of nog niet zijn vastgesteld. De Hoge Raad oordeelde al eerder dat het kabinet juridisch niet verplicht is om rechtsherstel te bieden aan niet-bezwaarmakers. Het kabinet buigt zich nog over de vraag of en zo ja hoe er ook aan deze groep een vorm van tegemoetkoming kan worden geboden. Deze belastingplichtigen hoeven nu niets te doen om in aanmerking te komen voor een eventuele tegemoetkoming Bron: Rijksoverheid; foto: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en Read the full article
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Want to catch up on the fun? Here is the list for you!
Things that were part of THE GIFTENING 2015
Schedule post
Main tag for 2015
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Long Live the Queen
Petite Etrangere
‘Fic Day
Hatoful Boyfriend
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Doodle Day
Things that were part of THE GIFTENING 2016
Schedule post
Main tag for 2016
Princess Tutu
Animation Buffet (Princess Tutu, Gravity Falls, Cardcaptor Sakura, Utena)
Black Mirror
Movie Day
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Sailor Moon Day
TV Buffet (Star Trek DS9, Brooklyn 99, Xena, Buffy)
X-Men Day
Overwatch Day
‘Fic Day
Doodle Day
Outer Simshi
Life is Strange
Yomawari: Night Alone
Yuri Hell’s Kitchen
Things that were part of THE GIFTENING 2017
Schedule post
Main tag for 2017
Star vs. The Forces of Evil
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Movie Night (Kubo and the Two Strings, The Last Unicorn, Wonder Woman, The Others, Everything Is Illuminated)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Ghost Trick
Sweetness and Lightning
X-Men Evolution
Doki Doki Literature Club
The Good Place
Sailor Moon Day
Intros Only Day
Sera Myu (Petite Etrangere, The Forest of Transylvania)
Rock Band
Things that were part of THE GIFTENING 2018
Schedule post
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
The Good Place / Dramatic Fanfic Reading
Simshi / House Tour / Moana (movie)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
PGSM / Sailor Moon Fanfic Reblog & Discussion
Detentionaire / Jane the Virgin
Jet Wolf Paints Along With Bob Ross (Videos)
Gravity Falls
Pokemon GO / Coraline (movie)
Bring it On / Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken
Things that were part of THE GIFTENING 2019
Schedule post
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood / Mob Psycho 100
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Cats Are Not Dogs / Storytime with Jet Wolf
Long Live the Queen
Jet Wolf’s Top Ten Rei Hino Moments / Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse
Creative Shit Day
Gravity Falls
Deep Dive into Opening Credits / Hatoful Boyfriend
Xena / The Road to El Dorado
JETTY DAY (A Place Further Than The Universe / Firewatch)
NANA / The Tick (2016) / Batman (1966)
Moominvalley / Interstellar
Things that were part of THE GIFTENING 2020
Schedule post
The Owl House
Intros Only, Jet Wolf reviews her old Top 100 Sailor Moon Moments, Jet Wolf recreates scenes from Sailor Moon with Mina, Hot Pocket, and whatever shit she has lying around the house
The Animals of Farthing Wood
Live Action pitch winner
Anime pitch winner
Misc pitch winner(s)
Bonus Question winner
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Pflanzen sind eine reiche Quelle für viele Phytonährstoffe, die sie vor Krankheiten, Hitze, Strahlung, Giften und Schadstoffen schützen. Solche Phytonährstoffe haben auch zahlreiche gesundheitliche Vorteile für den Menschen, da sie die Zellen des Körpers antioxidativ schützen, Entzündungen bekämpfen und die Funktion des Immunsystems stärken können. In den Industrieländern zeigte sich, dass aktive Pflanzenbestandteile gegen wichtige Gesundheitsprobleme wie Krebs, Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, Diabetes und Bluthochdruck wirksam sind. Während der COVID-19-Pandemie haben die antiviralen Vorteile von Phytonährstoffen wie Quercetin (aus roten Zwiebeln), Curcumin (Extrakt aus der Kurkumawurzel), Grüntee-Extrakt und Resveratrol (aus roten Trauben) erneut an Interesse gewonnen.Mehr darüber kannst du unter https://www.dr-rath-foundation.org/2020/12/wie-pflanzliche-naehrstoffe-covid-19-bekaempfen-koennen/?lang=de&fbclid=IwAR2daiDY_omOq7HRPtCOmmAICLFM5S51X_vMfGGxo541cRWMsd9uIhyoFu0 lesen.
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Giftening 2020: Obligatory Vote for These Post (spoiler version)
Want the non-spoilery version? Seriously, though, super spoilery for main plot points for a lot of these. Skip the ones you don’t want to know about.
Ones with * are my nominations, so you know where my biases lie. :P Ones in bold are my top pick for the categories. I did not include things that don’t need the boost (like Utena).
Aggretsuko - A tv show about an unassuming shy red panda woman who works in an office building and deals with the stress of it by going to karaoke and screaming out death metal. The show largely deals with her making friends with two women who she admires and a dude who likes her. The dude who likes her is actually a geniunely interesting storyline because at the end of the first season (which I’ve not seen beyond), he basically admits that he’s built this image of her in his head that isn’t real and he wants to know the real her. (Which, fuck yeah.)
Fushigi Yuugi* - This is a story about two teens who used to be friends fighting over a man which is literally the antithesis of everything Jet is. And yet, Jet watched the whole damn thing. Watch her squirm as she has to deal with that in a liveblog format. You can get a preview of some of that in Doc’s liveblog of it that she did for Jet.
Archer* - This is an animated parody of James Bond made for adults. It's offensive as fuck because Archer, the titular character, is a James Bond stand-in and that character can also be offensive as fuck. In fact, one thing to appreciate about this show is that all the characters are shitty, awful people and the show never attempts to excuse their shitty, awful behavior. Plus, it's one of the few shows where half the main characters are women. I am a tiny bit hesitant to rec this for a liveblog due to the offensivness however, as far as I can tell it's not popular on tumblr, and those are generally the ones that cause the most trouble so...
Daria - The story of a misanthropic teenager, her family, and her best friend. The characters are specifically meant to appear to be tropes before slowly being unveiled as three dimensional people. It's got a dry sense of humor that I think Jet will enjoy. I actually didn't know until years after I watched this that it was a spin-off of Beavis and Butthead (which I hated) so don't let that dissuade you.
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - I haven't seen past a certain point because it starts going super deep into exploring depression and that is one of my main triggers for a depressive episode, so I cannot speak of later eps. However, this show starts out funny and silly and evolves into a show exploring how toxic the main character actually is and how unhealthy her coping mechanisms are. It's amazing to see a character type whose actions are usually excused or written off as funny instead be specifically called out as being awful and toxic. (It was a Shit Show is still one of the best songs I've ever heard and Mr. Geeky and I sing it to each other whenever shit hits the fan.)
Hannibal* - If you know of Hannibal, you know the basics premise is that of a man who eats people and is chased by the FBI. The writing in this is some of the best writing I've ever had the pleasure of seeing in a piece of media: it's subtle, smart, and trust its audience to follow along without having their hand held. However, what's really great about the TV show is that it's not afraid to do its own thing. It constantly fucks with your expectations and deconstructs and explores tropes in ways I've never seen before. I haven't seen the ending yet but I highly doubt it's going to end in a place where Silence of the Lambs will happen. The acting is fucking great and even though Anthony Hopkins gives an amazing performance as Hannibal Lector, after seeing Mads Mikkelsen play him there's no going back to Hopkins. In general, if you're looking for something original (which is ironic considering it's based on a book and there are several movies) and smart, I cannot recommend this enough.
Russian Doll* - (Doc, please skip this one, as in 5 years when you're done with Two Storms, this is one of the things I'm considering nominating should I ever win a liveblog again.) I don't really know how to explain this show because it's so fucking weird and is so focused on character and ideas that the plot is both super simple and extremely complicated. It's a story about a woman who starts to relive the same day over and over again except, instead of the typical thing where it starts over when she falls asleep, it's only until she dies (so sometimes she lasts for hours, other times for a couple days). However, almost immediately there are signs that something else is going on, that something outside of the main character's repeating day, something has gone horribly wrong. (Count the fish.) It's a very thoughtful, character-driven show, more about exploring ideas than plot which I, personally, didn't mind at all. Another one I highly recommend overall with much less blood and gore than Hannibal.
Xena - IT'S FUCKING XENA PEOPLE! Okay, but just in case you don't know what the show is about is through cultural osmosis, Xena is a show about a woman who used to be a truly horrible murderous bitch and her continual attempts to make up for the wrongs she has done. The main relationship in the show is between Xena and her (girl)friend, Gabriel, and although the show can be ridiculously silly (time is made up and history doesn’t matter!), it also explores deep, dark issues. One of the best things this show explores is the idea of redemption and forgiveness and that perhaps nothing Xena does will ever get her those things.
Crank* - Jason Statham plays a man who has been given a poison that slowly cuts off his adrenaline, meaning that eventually he'll die. He has to do increasingly ludicrous things to get his adrenaline pumping overtime to make up for it slowly being cut off. It's one of the most fucking bananas thing you'll ever watch but is just a bunch of fucking fun. (CW: Public sexual assault. I only mentioned because it’s a scene that last for a bit. It's a complicated scene so I won't get into it here but send an ask if you want more details.)
Dale and Tucker vs Evil* - Dale and Tucker, two hillbilly best friends, are going into the woods to fix up their vacation home when they stumble across some college kids. Random circumstances make the college kids think D&T have kidnapped their friend and so they decide they need to attack D&T to get her back. Hijinx ensue. I don't want to say much more because there's a moment that is, to this day, still one of the funniest fucking things I've ever seen, largely because I did not see it coming.
Doki Doki Lit Club - This is a game about games. You play a guy in a dating sim. Your first playthrough everything seems normal enough. You join the literature club, meet and talk to girls, and then one of the girls commits suicide. And then game restarts and the girl who committed suicide just... doesn't exist anymore. Your replay the exact same days but it's as though she never existed. Things only get weirder from there. This game does a great job of turning dating sim tropes on their head, as well as exploring games in general. (Content warning for a lot of things. Let me know if you want more details.)
Slime Rancher (stream) - There's really not much to spoil here. You play a woman who is in charge of a ranch full of slimes. There's some messages you'll find, left by the old owner, telling story about their romance. There also some messages between you character and a deliberately gender-ambiguous significant other. And that's about the closest to story you get. Otherwise it's just catching and ranching slimes.
Subnautica* - Fucking fuck I love this game. When this game first starts it appears to be your typical survival game with no real direction other than what you want to explore. But then you find an alien structure. And you realize that your spaceship didn't randomly crash. And you find out that there's no way get off this planet except to explore deeper and deeper and find out what the aliens were doing on this planet. A genuinely beautiful story, told mostly through entries in data pads and voice messages left behind, this ending is one of the most moving ends I've ever experienced and I never ever would have expected to be able to say that about a survival game.
We Happy Few* - In this alternate universe, the Germans invaded Britain during WW2 (although, through exploring the world, you learn that the differences started well before that). When the story starts up, the Germans have left Britain behind and Britain, for unknown reasons, appears to be cut off and/or abandoned by the rest of the world. The majority of the country is constantly hopped up on a drug called Joy, which is specifically used to help them forget something horrible that happened in the past. (I have theories.) The story starts when your character goes off his Joy and gets kicked out of society. There's a general sense of unease about everything and the more you learn the more that unease grows. The art style is great and the world building fascinating.
MISC (there’s nothing spoilery here but it feels weird to not have it)
Interactive Horror Story Livestream - Doc has talked a bit about this in at least one of her Xmas streams and it sounds amazing. Not only is Jet hilarious with horror stuff but knowing Doc’s writing skill, it will be something that we’d never want to miss.
Bean Boozle When Failing a Hard Game* - I am a sadistic bitch, I admit to this, and I love watching people eat Bean Boozle, the jelly bean of horrible flavors. One of my favorite videos content creators has done is playing an incredibly difficult game and then being forced to eat a random one every time they fail.
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Her very first picture
And her most recent, taken about 90 seconds ago.
#life with jet wolf#puppy of love and beauty#sorry to interrupt pgsm but i only just realized the date and assumed you all needed to know IMMEDIATELY#THE GIFTENING 2020#THE GIFTENING 2020 day 2#JW watches PGSM#pgsm ep 15
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Geef en doneer aan de Voedselbank
Help ons Moerwijk door de coronacrisis heen te helpen! Gestart als hulpactie voor de Voedselbank hier, is de Corona Hulp Actie Moerwijk inmiddels uitgegroeid tot een grootschalig initiatief waarmee we wekelijks circa 300 gezinnen in Moerwijk aan eten helpen. Dat zijn 300 gezinnen die net niet voor hulp van Voedselbank Haaglanden in aanmerking komen. En daar is geld voor nodig. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan het inkopen van de verse ingrediënten voor de maaltijden, de bakjes, labels, het verpakkingsmateriaal en het transport. Doneer dmv iDeal veilig en snel op Geef.nl!
Met jouw hulp kunnen we Corona Hulp Actie in Moerwijk voorzetten en blijven verlenen aan de mensen die het echt nodig hebben.
Help ons de meest verwaarloosde wijk van Nederland door de coronacrisis heen te helpen!
Geef en Doneer aan de Voedselbank Moerwijk. Geef en doneer eenvoudig, veilig en snel aan dit project met iDeal via Geef.nl
Het geld komt op een speciale rekening van de steunstichting en het geld zal gebruikt worden voor de Coronahulp in Moerwijk. Stichting Pionieren in Moerwijk heeft een ANBI status en giften zijn daarom aftrekbaar.
Geef je liever praktisch? Naast handzeep, handgel, houdbare levensmiddelen zijn ook je talenten als vrijwilliger van harte welkom.
Heb je vragen of juist een aanbieding? Neem dan contact op met: Bettelies: Bel, sms of Whatsapp 06 24 86 16 71 of stuur een mail naar [email protected] Neo : Bel, sms of Whatsapp 06 34 196 796 of stuur een mail naar [email protected] Henny : Bel, sms of Whatsapp 06 43 18 49 86 of stuur een mail naar [email protected]
Geef en Doneer aan de Voedselbank Moerwijk. Geef en doneer eenvoudig, veilig en snel aan dit project met iDeal via Geef.nl
Geef en Doneer aan de Corona Hulp Actie Moerwijk. Geef en doneer eenvoudig, veilig en snel aan dit project met iDeal via Geef.nl
Geef en Doneer aan Maaltijden voor Moerwijk Geef en doneer eenvoudig, veilig en snel aan dit project met iDeal via Geef.nl
Over de Moerwijk Cooperatie Voor wie ons nog niet kent. De Moerwijk Coöperatie is een bewonersorganisatie + bewonersbedrijf + bewonersplatform in 1.
Een bewonersorganisatie om de bewoners te vertegenwoordigen en dingen te kunnen agenderen en al dan niet samen met de gemeente te organiseren.
Een bewonersbedrijf om de nodige werkzaamheden zelf (betaald) uit te kunnen voeren. Genoeg te doen!
Een bewonersplatform om belangrijke zaken die in Moerwijk spelen en ons aan het hart gaan zichtbaar en bespreekbaar te kunnen maken.
Daarom zijn we samen met diverse wijkpartners de Corona Hulp Actie in Moerwijk gestart.
Wil je Coronahulp aanvragen? Kijk dan even hier>>
Wil je Coronahulp aanbieden? Kijk dan even hier>>
Heb je vragen of juist een aanbieding? Neem dan contact op met: Bettelies: Bel, sms of Whatsapp 06 24 86 16 71 of stuur een mail naar [email protected] Neo : Bel, sms of Whatsapp 06 34 196 796 of stuur een mail naar [email protected] Henny : Bel, sms of Whatsapp 06 43 18 49 86 of stuur een mail naar [email protected]
The post Geef en doneer aan de Voedselbank appeared first on Moerwijk Coöperatie.
source https://www.moerwijkcooperatie.nl/2020/11/geef-en-doneer-aan-de-voedselbank/ source https://daintlyskinny.tumblr.com/post/635501508979556353
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@ NlOnbehoorlijk: @JanvanD51840480 @wdrvdweerd @hnjansen ,,Hij heeft vaker gezegd dat hij geen politicus wil worden, maar hij was onrustig. En een denktank krijgt geen subsidie, amper giften van donateurs - die traditie hebben we in Nederland niet.”
,,Hij heeft vaker gezegd dat hij geen politicus wil worden, maar hij was onrustig. En een denktank krijgt geen subsidie, amper giften van donateurs - die traditie hebben we in Nederland niet.”
— Onbehoorlijk_NL (@NlOnbehoorlijk) September 16, 2020
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Flat Belly Detox Gewichtsverlust Programm für 2020!
Flat Belly Detox ist ein Entgiftungsprogramm, mit dem Sie Ihren Körper von schädlichen Toxinen befreien und hartnäckiges Bauchfett abschmelzen können. Es gibt keinen Ersatz für harte Arbeit, aber mit diesem Programm ist jeder Schritt unkompliziert, sodass Sie Ihre Ziele leicht erreichen können. Wenn Sie die Kraft von Ernährung und Bewegung kombinieren, können Sie auch gut aussehen und sich gut fühlen. Flat Belly Detox ist für diejenigen gedacht, die ihren Bauch glätten und gleichzeitig ihre allgemeine Gesundheit verbessern möchten. Wenn Sie drei wichtige Schritte ausführen, können Sie sich zusätzlich zu einer morgendlichen Übungsroutine wie eine ganz neue Person fühlen. Wenn Sie anfangen, mit Ihrem Körper zu arbeiten, ist das Ergebnis natürlich Unterstützung für eine optimale Funktion, Gewichtsverlust und positive Gesundheit.
Worum geht es bei der Flat Belly Detox?
Wie im Titel vorgeschlagen, hilft Ihnen dieses System, Bauchfett zu entfernen und gleichzeitig Ihren Körper zu entgiften. Sie erhalten Zugriff auf das Haupthandbuch, in dem das Schritt für Schritt Programm, eine Entgiftungsanleitung zur Schlafenszeit zur Unterstützung Ihrer Bemühungen sowie zahlreiche Schulungsvideos vorgestellt werden. Im Laufe von 21 Tagen spülen Sie mit den einfachen, aber wirksamen Tipps durchgehend Fett aus Ihrem Körper. Es gibt 3 Schritte, die Sie jeden Tag ausführen müssen, um sich am Ende des Tages selbst zu beurteilen. Wenn Sie beispielsweise 2 von 3 abschließen, erhalten Sie eine 2. Dies macht Sie verantwortlich und zeigt, wo Sie sich verbessern müssen. Mit vielen Rezepten und Ratschlägen sowie Trainingstipps beginnt Ihr überschüssiges Fett zu schmelzen.
Was ist in Flat Belly Detox enthalten?
Wenn Sie zum ersten Mal Zugriff auf Flat Belly Detox erhalten , können Sie eine Reihe von Ressourcen öffnen. Beginnen Sie mit dem Haupthandbuch, da es Sie in das Programm einführt und Sie für Ihre bevorstehende Reise begeistert. Innerhalb von 21 Tagen müssen Sie zusätzlich zu einer Morgen übung drei tägliche Schritte ausführen. Die drei wichtigsten Schritte beziehen sich auf Ihre Ernährung und ermutigen Sie, neue, gesunde Gewohnheiten aufzubauen . Schritt eins bezieht sich auf das Frühstück, Schritt 2 hebt das Mittag essen hervor und schließlich konzentriert sich Schritt 3 auf das Abendessen. Wenn Sie Änderungen in Ihrem Tagesablauf vornehmen, werden Sie sehen, wie Ihr Bauchfett schmilzt und Sie sich frisch und voller Energie fühlen. Detox Kurzanleitung: Dies ist die Kurzanleitung, die Informationen zum Starten mit diesem Programm enthält. Sie können dieses Programm heute Abend mit Hilfe dieses kurzen E-Books verfolgen. The Slimming Soup Detox: Dies ist das Rezept für eine schnelle Suppe, mit der Sie Ihren Körper entgiften können. Sie können diese Suppe zu Ihrem Nachmittagsessen haben Die Schlafenszeit Bauchentgiftung: Nach dem stressigen Tag ist es wichtig, den Tag mit einer guten Bauchentgiftungsformel zu beenden, die vom Autor in diesem Programm bereitgestellt wird. Sofortiges Energierezept: Wenn Sie die meiste Zeit draußen verbringen, ist dies das Beste, was Sie bei sich haben können. Diese sofortige Energie ist völlig natürlich und erfrischt Sie jedes Mal, wenn Sie sie trinken. Der Morgentrick : Dieser einfache Trick am Morgen hilft Ihnen, Ihre Fett verbrennungs fähigkeit gleich am Morgen zu steigern . Der 4-minütige Burst zur Fettverbrennung: Diese kleine Übung dauert nur 4 Minuten, erhöht aber den Stoffwechsel.
Wie Funktioniert Flat Belly Detox?
Flat Belly Detox ist ein Entgiftungsplan für Männer und Frauen , die mit wenig Aufwand abnehmen möchten . Das Hauptgeheimnis, das der Autor in diesem Programm enthüllt, ist „Überwindung der Insulinresistenz“. Der Autor glaubt, dass viele Menschen nicht in der Lage sind, Gewicht zu verlieren, weil ihr Körper gegen Insulin resistent ist. Infolgedessen wird es schwierig, Zucker und viele Formen von Kohlenhydraten zu verarbeiten. Der Autor glaubt, dass Sie Ihre tägliche Ernährung komplett überarbeiten müssen, um die Insulinresistenz zu überwinden. Obwohl Sie einige Monate lang auf einige Ihrer Lieblingsspeisen verzichten müssen, bedeutet dies nicht, dass Sie Ihrer Ernährung langweilige Lebensmittel hinzufügen müssen. Aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen kann ich die Liste der Lebensmittel in dieser Bewertung von Flat Belly Detox nicht teilen , aber ich kann mit Sicherheit sagen, dass einige dieser Lebensmittel für mich einzigartig sind, da ich noch nie davon gehört habe und sie auch köstlich sind. Darüber hinaus teilte der Autor Josh Houghton einige Rezepte mit, die zur Überwindung der Insulinresistenz beitragen. Diese Rezepte sind einfach zuzubereiten, z. B. Sofort Energie Rezept usw. Josh hat die Schritt für Schritt Anleitung bereitgestellt, um Ihnen beim Abnehmen zu helfen. Es dauert jedoch jeden Tag 4 Minuten, um die in diesem Programm empfohlene Übung durchzuführen. Josh bietet einen einfachen Trick am Morgen, dem Sie folgen können, und es dauert nicht lange. Sie lernen alles, was Sie zum Essen und Trinken zum Abnehmen benötigen, und finden eine Liste von Lebensmitteln, die zur Verbesserung Ihres Hautzustands beitragen.
Die Vorteile des Flat Belly Detox Programms
Die Flat Belly Detox bietet viele Vorteile. Der Hauptzweck dieser Überprüfung des Programms zur Entgiftung des flachen Bauches besteht darin, Ihnen die besten und vertrauenswürdigsten Informationen über die Aufnahme Ihrer Nahrung zu liefern, damit Sie Ihr Bauchfett verlieren können. Untersuchen Sie dazu den Überblick über die Vorteile, die dieses Ernährungsprogramm bietet: 1. Der erste Schritt des Flat Belly Detox programms dreht sich alles um die Dosierung und berücksichtigt nicht die Nahrungsaufnahme. Sie erfahren, welche Art von Essen Sie einnehmen müssen und welche Art von Essen Sie vermeiden müssen. Dies ist die erste Maßnahme, die Sie ergreifen werden, um Ihren Bauch zu glätten. 2. Nach der empfohlenen Diät dieses Programms wird Ihr Körper alle giftigen Stoffe ausspülen und dadurch auch die Körperfette verbrennen. 3. Da dieses Programm in 21 Tagen und innerhalb dieser Zeitspanne läuft, können Sie ��Ihren Körper vollständig entgiften . 4. Dieses Programm umfasst mehrere Rezepte für Sie. Sie können einige wirklich gesundheitsfördernde und fett verbrennende Relish Lebensmittel zubereiten. 5. Mit dem E-Book dieses Entgiftungsprogramms für flachen Bauch können Sie das unerwünschte Fett, das sich um den Bauch befindet, auszahlen. Die Fette in diesem speziellen Bereich sind in der Regel sehr gesundheits schädlich. 6. Die Rezepte dieses Diätprogramms sind nicht nur ergebnisorientiert, sondern auch völlig saftig. Ein Apfelomelett und eine magere Putenschale sind die kleinen Einblicke in diese Rezepte. 7. Durch dieses Programm können Sie bestimmte Lebensmittel einpacken, die so aromatisch sind und einen hohen Nährwert haben, wie Kirschen, Karotten, Brombeeren, Bio-Eier usw. 8. Dieses Buch löst auch die Rätsel, warum einige gesunde Lebensmittel nicht häufig gegessen werden sollten. 9. Wenn Sie ein Buch oder Flat Belly Detox kaufen, erhalten Sie zusammen mit diesem eine Anleitung, die wertvolle Informationen zu den einfachen und effektiven Übungen enthält. Zweitens erfahren Sie, wie die Entgiftung mit flachem Mittelteil Ihren Magen während des Schlafes aufrichtet . 10. Dieses Programm wird Ihre Energie nach einer Jo-Jo-Diät nicht verbrauchen, sondern Sie verlieren nicht nur Ihre Fette, sondern stellen auch sicher, dass Sie sie nicht behalten. 11. Das Diätprogramm für flachen Bauch wird Ihren Körper nicht schwach machen, sondern ihn in einen schlanken, aber energiegeladenen Körper verwandeln . 12. Mit Hilfe dieses Programms können Sie Ihre Gesundheit wiederherstellen. Auch Ihre Essgewohnheiten und die Qualität des Schlafes verbessern sich spürbar. 13. Sie würden sich aufgrund der gewünschten Transformation Ihres Körpers emotional emporgehoben, strahlender und selbstbewusster fühlen .
Wenn Sie die Entgiftungsmethode anwenden, die sie hier für Sie haben, wird eine Menge passieren, die mehr ist als nur, wie Sie Gewicht verlieren. Ihr Körper ist frei von Giftstoffen und anderen Giften, die sich ansammeln. In dieser heutigen Welt atmen wir schlechte Luft, essen schlechtes Essen und nehmen auch alle möglichen Dinge auf, ohne es zu wissen. Aus diesem Grund benötigen Sie Flat Belly Detox, da dies Ihnen zu einer besseren Lebensweise verhilft, die die Auswirkungen Ihrer Ernährung und Ihrer Begegnung umkehrt.
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01: Paranoia Agent
It’s been nominated a bunch of times for THE GIFTENING, so I know the title, but that’s about it. From the thumbnail, it may be about terrifying gangs of rollerblading children armed with baseball bats? IT’S AN ANIMOO SO MAYBE
#THE GIFTENING 2020#THE GIFTENING 2020 day 3#THE GIFTENING 2020 intros only#oh god dammit i didn't do my tag updating for today#I AM EVERYWHERE THIS FINE MORN
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