#gif: stephen crane
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marciabrady · 2 months ago
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"I turned and saw Lana approaching. I remember that moment clearly. I was struck, at once, by how tiny she was. When you're accustomed to seeing someone forty feet tall on screen, you expect that they will at least be taller than you are in real life. However, her size did nothing to diminish the breathtaking presence of the woman. She wore very little makeup, just lipstick and some eyebrow pencil, and her smile was wide and sensuous. She came forward, and because of her graceful carriage and the way her extended hand hovered lightly before her, she seemed to reach me a few paces before she did, as if to touch me and reassure me. There was nothing to fear. We were just two human beings who were going to sit down and talk...the light revealed the most beautiful complexion I have ever seen. Lana was pale but healthy looking, and there was something about her skin that made you want to reach out and touch it. I can only describe it as having the attraction of a fresh rose petal."
LANA TURNER footage from her visit at a Los Angeles Air Base during WWII, 1943
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emiliefitch · 2 years ago
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"In the Desert" by Stephen Crane
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renegadefearstreet1966 · 8 months ago
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gif credit to owner
The bus comes to a halt as Angelica feels herself jerk forward. She steps toward the entrance of the bus, going down the small set of stairs. Her foot lands on the pavement below. 
Angelica sits on the side of the road, knowing that her mom is gonna be pissed. Wondering where her friends went or what had happened, she watches Deena, Kate and Simon exit the bus. 
Rising, Angelica follows behind her friends before she stops in her tracks looking at the Sunnyvale cheerleader. Sam has a large gash on her forehead as blood sits around the wound. Simon kneels in front of Sam.
“Oh shit!” He says. 
“We should not be down here.” 
“Shut up, and help me carry her!” 
“We need to leave, like ten minutes ago.” 
“We have to clear her airway,” Simon speaks. 
“Quit it!” Angelica says. 
“Hey, I got this. Chill out.” He says, looking toward Deena then back at Sam. “I got this. How many fingers am I holding up?” 
“Three,” Sam weakly responds. 
“See? She’s fine.” 
Soon after, she pukes up blood on Simon’s white t-shirt. Soon the Sunnyvale cheerleader is on a stretcher getting rolled into an ambulance. 
Angelica stood beside Deena as they watch as Nick goode approaches the two girls, making them walk opposite directions, waiting for the sheriff to interrogate she after Deena. 
Soon, Deena finishes and the sheriff calls the blonde over as she rolls her eyes. Angelica is very unaware that she'll get some news about the sheriff soon as a long chill rolls down her spine.
“I am trying not to pressure you anymore, considering what happened last night, but I do need to know if you saw anything on the bus, or after?” 
“No, I was asleep in my seat on the bus next to Kate Schmidt. It didn’t occur to me that anything happened until I felt the bus halt, and I almost fell off the seat.”
“I see. Okay. Well, if you need anything, here is my number.” 
"I don't..."
"I'm on your side,"
The sheriff finishes writing something in his notepad before closing it and steps away as Angelica sighs in relief. 
Looking over to the destroyed vehicle, Angelica stalks closer to get a better look when she loses her footing, falling onto the red moss beneath. Something warm drips from her nose as she wipes it with her fingers. Looking down, her fingers were covered in blood from her nose. 
"Angelica," A voice calls out.
Angelica whirls her head around, questioning where the voice came from before she comes back to reality. She cranes her neck up, seeing the raven haired girl. Kate rests her hand on Angelica’s shoulder as the blonde breathes heavily as if she just ran a marathon. Standing, they make eye contact with each other. 
“Angel, are you okay? It looked as if you saw a ghost.” 
“I’m… I’m fine. I think.” 
They walk up to the street, stepping on the road as Angelica watches across the street. She watches her mom’s car pull up and stop before her mom almost stumbled getting out of the vehicle. Her other mom rushes out and over to Angelica. Kate steps back, leaving the three people alone. They hug her together before pulling away, looking at Angelica then the scene before coming back to their daughter. 
“Oh, my Gosh. Your nose.” C. says, grabbing tissue from her purse and wiping her daughter's dried bloody nose. 
“Jesus Christ, what happened? You could have gotten yourself killed!”  
“The bus stopped because a car crashed behind it or something, I don't know. I was... uh, asleep.” Angelica lies.
“Let’s get you back home.” 
Angelica and her two mothers walk back to their car, stepping past Sheriff Nick Goode as he nods to one of your mom’s — Barbara Bishop.
Angelica furrows her brows at the two adults before getting in the vehicle. They drive home. She questions why her mom was almost upset at the sheriff. 
What happened between mom and the sheriff? 
The next night.
Angelica sits in lounge clothes and is currently on her bed and reads a horror novel written by Stephen King. She stops and closes the book, deciding to sneak out. The only way out is through the window and Angelica didn’t want to disobey her mom’s, but did so anyway. She also wasn’t thrilled about climbing out the window. 
After sliding on some different clothes and adding shoes, she slides the window open before climbing onto her roof. She closed the window behind her. She climbs down the side of the house on the trellis. 
Angelica jumps down as she looks back at her house, seeing her mom’s inside laughing together as they drink glasses of wine. Not turning back, Angelica scurries to Deena’s house, knocking. Josh lets her in as the blonde takes a seat in the living room before he runs down to the basement. The other female startles when she sees Angelica. 
“Sorry, Deena. I needed to get away from my parents. They won’t get off my back.” 
“It’s fine.” Deena says, looking in the opposite direction. 
Deena leaves Angelica alone, rushing toward her room. She sits there by herself, overhearing Deena speak to someone on the phone and Josh’s music blasting in the basement. She settles in, grabbing the remote and turns the television on as she sees the news is playing. Her mouth agape, seeing the picture of her former employee who worked in the neighboring store at Shadyside Mall. 
“The masked killer has been identified as mall employee Ryan Torres.” 
Tears prick at her eyes before turning the television off. She pulls her knees up to her chest and quietly sobs. Buzzing is heard as Deena calls out to her brother but nothing happens. Angelica stays in her seat, calling out to Deena and Josh as they approach. Deena and Angelica both see a masked figure standing in front of the house.
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beverlymarshisabadass · 7 years ago
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huntingingoodwill · 3 years ago
OMGGGG what you wrote about jonathan...absolute genius! i too have also been in a huge jonathan crane mood so i'd LOVEEEEE to hear abt your halloween headcanon!
also movie dates with jonathan is so cute ???? he'll pick the most gorey and scariest thing and not even blink, but he'd love to watch darling squirm and basically cower in fear. and later on he'd reanact the scenes...i cannot elaborate on this but i know he'd do it and darling'll just be like...jonathan 🙁 we talked abt this sweetheart...
ANYWAY tell me everything on ur mind abt jonathan rn even the halloween headcanon hehehe (also sorry but i've never seen trainspotting so idk who sick boy is 💔)
rpat ur cool. thank u rpat. love chatting with u rpat.
movie dates 🥺 i think that’s his fav boyfriendy activity/one of the few he bothers with. cant imagine him enjoying more active dates. music festivals would just be him carrying darling on his shoulders like 😑 the entire time. just pictured him miserably hiking. poor guy.
remember the sweet coffee ask? i think he loves popcorn, even if the movie is so gory no one else could stomach anything he’s just. munchin.
whenever he wants to do movie night he off handedly mentions to darling he picked up/wants her to pick up some popcorn from the store and she’s get so excited and it makes him smile :)))
maybe darling likes horror too! but he chooses a horror movie every time. he tries to act enthusiastic when darling plays something non-horror but he wants blood. gore. slasher stuff. psychological horror too because. obvious.
he loves to watch her fidget and have her move closer to him. yes. i will protect you.
re-enacting the scenes!!!
they’re cooking dinner and he’s just mumbling: “i ate her liver... with some fava beans, and a nice-“ “shush jon”
he’d reenact the shower scene after they watch psycho. would include her almost giving him a concussion with a shampoo bottle and him hanging onto the shower curtain laughing the entire time
answering the phone to hear his voice on the other end the night after watching scream “surpriseee sidney!” *slam of the receiver on the other end, beep of the dial tone* “...hello? sidney?”
first draft of this response i went on a tangent about stephen chow’s the shining parody (i’ll reblog a gif so u can take a peek) but the tldr is that jon and darling dressing up as jack and wendy/ veronica and jd from heathers or vince and mia from pulp fiction?? (rob and darling would be holly golightly and paul/the couple from pretty woman)
okay now my halloween idea!!
he comes home and spots droplets of blood on the floor and his heart sinks. he’s on hyper alert and follows the trail to the bathroom
to find darling sitting on the sink, fake blood dripping from her mouth
she pulls a scream/ginger snaps move and swipes some from her lips, holds her fingers out to him like “corn syrup. sweet. wanna taste?”
we’ve established jon’s a horror/gore geek and i think he’d have a thing for blood so- knees weak arms heavy. he loves it.
he still kisses her probably. fake blood all over his face, handprints all over his dress shirt, on the mirror. a cleaning nightmare!!
if u ever do watch trainspotting,,, let's talk 👀
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nicolemagolan · 5 years ago
Two Cities, One Galaxy: How Star Wars Connects And Divides Us
Early in 2019, I wrote a personal essay about Star Wars. It centered around SWCC (Star Wars Celebration Chicago) and my experience of watching the live stream in my living room at 4am, when the episode IX teaser and title was unveiled. 
It’s about fandom, the internet, and isolation. It’s about how Star Wars impacted my life, and about my relationship with my brother.
It also, eerily, foreshadows the disappointment I would eventually feel about The Rise of Skywalker. So here it is, under the cut. Please give it a read, and let me know your thoughts!
My phone blinks 3:30am, April 13th, 2019. In Chicago it’s 10:30am, yesterday. I should be asleep. I should stay present in Auckland, where no one else is awake except the moths gathering on the kitchen window.
My brother is slumped beside me, eyes closed, lost somewhere between sleep and boredom. We sit in the darkness of our living room, outlined by the grey glaze of the television. I’m wearing pyjama pants and yesterday’s T-shirt. An empty bag of chips is screwed up on the carpet, a half-drunk can of Lift Plus sits on the mantelpiece.
I stare at the TV. Waiting. My knee bobs up and down. I glance at my phone, and refresh Twitter. The tweets are coming in a blur: people yelling in caps lock, streaming without punctuation, some of it indecipherable, some of it from me. It’s happening kids / MERRY IXMAS, EVERYONE / I'm trying to remember it's called Star Wars Celebration not Star Wars oh my god I'm so stressed-ebration / I AM READY TO BE EPISODE IXed. The world around me is asleep, but the world under my thumb has never been more alive.
I take another sip of Lift Plus and feel its energy tingle through my bloodstream. Or maybe that sensation is the force.
When I was in class earlier in the day, wearing a Star Wars tee, writing in a Star Wars notebook and drinking from a Star Wars bottle, I was already stewing in anticipation. My mind was in another galaxy; speculation ran through me like shooting stars. My dedication to the Star Wars universe is fuelled not by the incessant marketing or the cheap merchandise, but by the passion I have for stories, space wizards, and the cute-yet-creepy alien bird race known as the Porgs.
 Star Wars Celebration Chicago is set to begin livestreaming on YouTube in just a few minutes. A countdown slowly ticks on screen. This will be the first big panel of Celebration, and the one I am most eager to see. The panel is for Star Wars: Episode IX, consisting of a Q&A session with cast members. Our first real, palpable look at the film, at beloved returning characters, and the new additions, to hear from returning Director J.J. Abrams what his vision for IX is.
But the real reason anyone is staying up all night to watch the livestream isn’t to see Abrams dodge spoilery questions. It’s to be amongst the first to witness the Episode IX trailer. The very first teaser trailer. Imagine a choir singing angelic sounds behind that one word and maybe you’ll begin to understand. What I really want is to catch a glimpse of the upcoming film, to learn the title—oh my goodness, the title—along with thousands of far, far away fans; some watching live in the dead of night or crack of dawn. The lucky few are crowded into the panel room itself. I swipe through pixelated and blurry selfies posted with #SWCC. It’s a big auditorium, packed with media, families, and cosplayers, and many are swinging lightsabers above the crowd’s heads. Purple, blue, green, and red beams of light. The stage itself is lit up with a bright blue backdrop.
 When I told my parents I was going to camp out in the living room to watch the livestream of Star Wars Celebration, they rolled their eyes. When I asked my brother if he wanted to join me, he cried, ‘Whyyy,’ before revealing his true colours when he showed up on the couch at 2am.
He was all too keen to eat my snacks, but now as time crawls forward, he seems to have come to the conclusion that it is ridiculous to stay up for something you can watch on your phone, from your bed, when you wake up. I have come to the conclusion that he is lying to himself. On the path to the dark side, perhaps.
He’s always joined me on my silly adventures, making fun of me along the way. But the fact that he’s willing to be there is enough, as he is now. Star Wars has been a part of his life as much as mine; we grew up roaring Chewbacca impressions and fighting with cardboard lightsabers; He’d be Darth Maul and I’d be Obi-Wan (so I got to chop him in half every time). Kids would tell me I was a weirdo for liking Star Wars, for playing with Barbies and Darth Vader figurines, blurring the lines between allocated girls’ or boys’ toys. But my brother and I knew: Star Wars is a fun space adventure for whoever wants to enjoy it.
We got older and the movies lost a touch of their magic: the internet revealed the intense hatred shovelled at the prequel trilogy. Little-me had loved the ridiculous Jar Jar Binks, but the middle-aged fans who grew up with the original trilogy saw him as an offence to their childhood obsession. (JUSTICE FOR JAR JAR is the hill I will die on.)
Then Disney bought Lucasfilm and ushered in a new era. I have a series of selfies from midnight premieres—me grinning from ear to ear, my brother with eyes closed and discontented frown (his go-to photo pose)—in the blurry light of the Imax screen on Queen Street. But one glance at his smiling face during the film and you know he loves this galaxy as much as the next fan.
Sometimes that’s the problem: our love for this story is so great and so ingrained, that it can bubble over into endless online debates. Debates become heated, become personal, become hateful. In this era of social media, everyone has a voice, but the ones who spit poison are the loudest. We struggle to find common ground sometimes. But it’s always there, beneath out feet and on our TV screens. We love Star Wars. We love to watch it, re-enact it, dissect it, wear it, read it, and write about it. Whether the common ground we stand on looks like the sands of Tatooine or the lake country of Naboo, it’s all the same galaxy. Even though the galaxy-shattering film The Last Jedi threatened to destroy us, we can find a way to stand together. Because when the fans unite, at movie premieres, or conventions, the fandom can become something worth celebrating.
Like today, right now, 3:59am in my living room.
I look up from my phone. The countdown reaches zero. I hold my breath. A soft echo of music trickles through the speakers, and John Williams’ familiar score wraps around me like a blanket. Goose bumps pop up on my skin.
The Star Wars logo vanishes and the screen cuts to black. I snap up and nudge my sleeping brother’s arm with my toe. He jolts awake, looks at the black screen and scowls.
‘Nothing’s hap—’
He’s cut off by a roaring applause as the blue-lit panel stage lights up the screen. The room around me fades. I’m in Auckland with my brain fuzzy, and I’m transported to Chicago with heart thumping.
My brother jumps up and stands in front of the screen. ‘I’m going to the bathroom.’
I babble, ‘butthepanelisabouttostart,’ craning my neck around his legs.
‘Oh well,’ he says. He walks off.
Stephen Colbert is pacing around the stage, babbling on about Dagobah and S-foils, trying to work the crowd up—unnecessary, since we are all waiting for the cast and crew.
I’m leaning forward, straining my eyes, and wondering if anyone actually finds his ‘jokes’ funny. Twitter tells me, yes, they do. The excitement level is high, making everything fresh and exciting, even if it’s a Star Wars pun heard years ago. I almost feel like I could twist my neck and hear people whispering behind me, instead of tweeting alongside me.
 The closest thing to this feeling in my own city is Armageddon Expo, the annual convention at the ASB Showgrounds in Greenlane. Nerds I’ve never met become my best friends. We jam the halls like squashed-up skittles. I don’t know their names but I know who they are. When I’m dressed in Rey’s dusty scavenger outfit, with staff in hand and hair bunched in three bobbles, young girls point and giggle. I wave at them, their eyes wide with wonder, and my heart is full.
The internet fandom space is a mix of tweet-before-thinking garbage and fun bite-sized meta. The real-world fandom spaces, such as Armageddon, are a big geeky party; no one hiding behind an anonymous wall, and no one left out.
This livestream is somewhere in between. I am connected online from where I sit in Auckland. Reading tweets and writing tweets and liking gifs. Yet I am in Chicago, oblivious to the sleeping city around me.
Stephen Colbert brings out Director J.J. Abrams and head of Lucasfilm Kathleen Kennedy, and the content we’re all waiting for finally begins. I take in every detail, every non-answer. I enjoy it. I loathe it. Stephen Colbert asks unanswerable questions, like the fate of Daisy Ridley’s character, or how the relationships develop. No word is uttered more than ‘spoilers’.
The cast members are introduced onto the stage; first is Anthony Daniels who plays C-3PO—one of the remaining few original cast members from 1977. He waves hello to the crowd before looking for the cameras. In his charming British accent, he says, ‘On tweets today people were, all over the world, saying “wish I could be here”. And I know we’re on camera, so I don’t know where the camera is, but whoever is in Australia or…’ He pauses for a flicker of a second, ‘…all the other countries around the planet; I wanna give you a big wave, and you are here in spirit. Okay?’
I grin a little wider. Of course he would mention our neighbour, Australia. So close, and yet so far.
 In New Zealand, despite the growing connections through social media, I feel isolated. Even in the vast Auckland city, where I easily get lost in the busy roads and busy people. New Zealand is separate. And that’s part of what makes it special.
But the isolation is also part of what makes being part the Star Wars fandom special.
It’s a larger world. Out there in space; out there in the world wide web. Legendary or anonymous, you can be a part of something. You can tell your story; you can make one up. After movie premieres, there is a sense of privilege and power in that none of my fellow fans in America have yet seen the movie. The Last Jedi came here a few days early, and I knew all the things before anyone else. We were isolated again. And it felt so good.
Did I go and post spoilers? No, because I’m not an asshole (you know who you are). But I told people they’re gonna love it. I told them the film is exciting and unexpected and dabbles deliciously in subtext in a way that’s fresh for Star Wars. I sign off with eagerness for the upcoming dissection and discussion of the film.
 The next day I’m shocked to learn that many many many people felt it was a ‘betrayal’ of Star Wars. A disaster of a movie. A cluttered mess of a story, an anti-climactic sequel that instead of building on what came before, tore the past to shreds. My brother is one of them.
And the fandom split in two.
But not today. Not tonight. I refuse, and so does everyone on my Twitter feed, because we’re tired of defending Rey, who is not a Mary Sue; and Vice Admiral Holdo, whose purple hair does not make her a lesser fighter; and Rose Tico, who fell victim to dude-bros saying she’s the worst character ever, she ruined their childhood, and Asians don’t belong in Star Wars; until eventually the actress, Kelly Marie Tran, deleted all her social media.
When Kelly walks onto the panel stage, she gets a standing ovation. There are tears in her eyes, and there are tears in mine.
 They introduce the new cast members, and display behind the scenes photos, and babble on about the brilliant practical effects. There’s a touching tribute to Carrie Fisher, an awkward bit about Adam Driver’s chest, and the introduction of new droid D-O. When the duck-inspired droid rolls onto the stage, you can hear cash registers ring.
My brother comes back in the room as the panel is winding up. He flops into the chair and sighs. ‘So, did I miss anything?’
‘You missed everything.’
‘So I didn’t miss anything then,’ he smirks.
Stephen Colbert asks J.J. Abrams if there’s anything he wants to leave with the fans. I lean forward. ‘This is it,’ I screech.
This is it. It boils down to this simple, repeated moment in time: the day, or night, or very-early-morning that a Star Wars trailer is about to debut. I am alone, and yet so very not alone, united in a nerdy passion that doesn’t call for such depth of devotion. But here we all are. Here I am. And here’s Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (omg).
 I switch off the TV. The darkness eats my eyeballs.
‘How am I supposed to sleep after that!?’ I yell. ‘Palpatine. Freaking Pal-pa-tine! NO! YES! Why?!’
My brother is asleep.
I throw a pillow at him. ‘DUDE! Palpatine is back!’
He mumbles, ‘Haha, lame.’ His eyes don’t open.
I slide down the couch until I hit the hard floor. The Rise of Skywalker. Doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue. I sit there in the lonely living room, and let my thoughts trail off into the dark.
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sewercircus · 5 years ago
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NAME:  richie MUN FC: sora from kingdom hearts GENDER: demiguy he/him HEIGHT: 5′4 HAIR COLOR: mousy brown EYE COLOR: a really light blue that can kinda look grey sometimes RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single SEXUALITY: pansexual BIRTHDAY: december 19th, 1998 ZODIAC SIGN: sagittarius NATIONALITY: american TIMEZONE: cst HOBBIES: drawing, editing gifs on photoshop, gaming, writing # OF SIBLINGS: one sister and two half-brothers # OF PETS: two dogs and one cat CURRENTLY HAVE A JOB: currently in training for one so yeah FAVORITE COLOR: pastel pink, creamsicle orange, royal purple FAVORITE SINGER/BAND: mother mother, cavetown, the crane wives LAST SONG LISTENED TO:  great vacation by dirt poor robins CURRENTLY LISTENING TO : metaphor by the crane wives LAST MOVIE WATCHED: joker (2019) FAVORITE BOOK: the bone series by jeff smith LAST BOOK READ: i honestly can’t remember CURRENTLY READING: IT by stephen king BEST SCHOOL SUBJECT: science MAC OR PC: pc DAY OR NIGHT: night technically? it’s more like dusk tbh SUMMER OR WINTER: fuck both it’s either too hot or too cold. fall all the way MOST-VISITED WEBSITE: probably youtube and tumblr
TAGGED BY: no one in particular.. i just saw it and wanted to do it TAGGING: anyone who wants to do it!
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sammyhale · 7 years ago
J2 Orlando Con 2018 Main Panel
 *Watch for panel videos or gifs for context/details :) 
J2 jump onstage. 
Jensen: What are we supposed to do with this flamingo? The boys are playing with the flamingos that were left by Rich in their chairs.
Lots of joking around already :P 
Jared: Are there any Latin teachers here? Jensen: Yeah, I think the Latin teacher section is right over there lol. 
Jared: Happy new year and happy old year. Jensen: That’s not a thing! Jared: It can be our thing *points to audience* it’s the new black! 
Jared is already cracking Jensen up :)
Jared would not kill anybody off an episode he’d write because he knows SPNFamily dearly and knows how pissed off we get. It would be based on Castiel. He would write a script about Cas sitting in the rain. 
Jensen says he would do an episode of an old civil war battle. He would kill off all of the ghosts. “Thanks for the idea, Krip, we’ll take it from here.” 
Jared is telling a story about going to Florida last April for his brother-in-law’s wedding and how he saw an alligator. His kids wanted to see alligators and he was like, there won’t be any but when he was going for a walk, he saw one on the streets lol!
J2 are so giggly and happy <3 
Jensen: “Is south Florida not a part of Florida? Hey, we have parts of Texas we don’t claim.” 
Jensen: There’s certain times when they yell cut where you’re not able to just stop, especially in emotional scenes. 
Jared is sticking his hands in Jensen’s shirt again. “He has pockets in his shirt.” He’s not over it, he loves the shirt pockets lol. 
Jared: My first day at work this year they call action and we say our lines and I couldn’t remember how to act. It was the first time he was able to take a break from Supernatural (over hiatus) and separate show from real life. Jared says things stay for him if he stays in what he calls work mode. 
J2 had five full days of filming this past week. 
Jensen is telling the story about the first day shooting the new season and the crane with the camera swinging around in the car. They did a driving sequence and they have a convo, but while Jensen was driving there’s another vehicle driving around them with the crane. First time doing that. 
Jensen teasing Jared: And genius here can’t remember his lines! 
Prank question: Jared and Jensen actually didn’t do anything to Misha in their last scene they shot together and Misha was so confused lol. “It was one of our better pranks by not doing anything at all.” 
Jensen: “Impromptu is being just us being super idiots.” Jared: Supernatural Jensen: Supernatural super idiots. 
J2 in sync. 
Norton is still messing with Jared by not giving him rimshots for some of his jokes lol. Jared will look at Norton to do it after he makes a joke, Norton doesn’t do it, Jensen repeats what Jared says and then Stephen does it :P
Jensen didn’t always know he was going to become an actor, it came to him naturally. 
Jared always knew he wanted to be an actor. After SPN, though, Jared says on acting: “I’m very, very excited to put this chapter of my life on hold for a while.” 
Would you allow your children to be on the show? Jared: Shep would be evil. A child of mine has been on the show. He won’t give ep info or details, though. 
J2 talking about if their kids wanted to act and that it would have to be something they would want to do and that the industry is difficult. Jensen says if they’re passionate about it, he’d support it. 
Jared about the series finale: I think at least one brother would have to die. 
Jensen says Dean’s heaven would be doing donuts in the Impala in the Hooters parking lot.  
Jared: If Sam and Dean have a heaven it would be helping people. 
Jensen is making funny faces at Jared. Jared: I can see you on the screen lol. 
Do they believe in the supernatural? Jared: I already believed in the supernatural before spn and I’ve had some strange experiences. Tells the haunted hotel in Austin story. 
Jensen: Did it ever occur to you that your wife enjoys watching Dean on TV? Jared: Yes, she’s been a fan of Gilmore Girls *crowd cheers*
Norton finally gave Jared a rimshot and Jared flipped his chair in excitement. The whole room cheered. 
In the last episode, running back to get the last piece of lizard wasn’t in the script. Jensen was like: Dean wouldn’t leave food. 
They attached chicken to a real taxidermy lizard so it looked realistic. 
Fan: I was wondering if Jesus was ever going to be on the show? Jensen points to Jared: Savior of mankind right here. Jared *flips hair* 
JJ wants Jensen to have a princess party and that he should be Ariel “merman” 
Jared’s Disney princess would be Rapunzel. 
Jensen just called Jared a princess. 
Jared is on the floor. 
Jensen to Jared: I think it would be “a whole new world” if you were Jasmine. Jared: I’d say Elsa but my microphone was “Frozen.” 
Favorite pie? Jared whispers to Jensen, they giggle. Fan: An appropriate pie. Norton gives the fan a rimshot lol. 
Jensen’s favorite pie is coconut cream pie. 
Jared: My fav pi is the circumference divided by the radius, which is 3.1415...
Jensen leaned back on Jared and acted like he was going to sleep. 
Jensen says Aurora all sexy. Jared collapses. 
Have Dean and Sam forgiven themselves for the things they’ve done? Jared: They still harbor some sadness for some people they couldn’t save, Charlie for example. But they’re doing good for the world, so they’ve forgiven each other and a major degree of themselves. 
Jensen: I think Dean’s forgiven himself for the things he’s done but it’s hard for him to forgive himself for the things he didn’t do. Not being able to save the people he loved. 
Jensen called Jared Jasmine again :P
Jensen talking about Amara’s gift to Dean, Jared got teary eyed. Jensen to Jared: You okay there big guy? 
Jensen says Dean needed to get the weight of those feelings out during that scene with Mary when he said he hated and loved her. 
Last question!
Jared: Half the funny stuff is scripted, other half is off script (improv). 
They sang happy birthday to Clif. 
J2 fist bump, back tapping, and that’s the end of the panel! 
(Side note: The next convention is VegasCon on Feb 22-25, and I’m attending! :D Unfortunately, that does mean I won’t be able to do my panel summaries like normal. Follow Sil on Twitter here, on Tumblr here, and on YouTube here; she and her team do a great job of providing content from the cons, including panel summaries on Storify and panel videos! Thanks guys :)) 
Info via: Fangasm, Mel, NerdsandBeyond, Tina, Sil’s livetweet list
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marciabrady · 2 months ago
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"He was a struggling actor when he and Mother met. She had just returned from a war-bond selling tour." While only seen in minor roles, Stephen Crane was the charmer of Hollywood and had gone out with every female star, from Betty Grable to Lucille Ball. On three back-to-back nights, he took Lana Turner out, then Ava Gardner, then Rita Hayworth- a move which was considered legendary, even by Hollywood standards. Lana was his favorite though, after the dissolution of their marriage, he had a brief affair with Rita in the 1940s. "They had known each other anywhere from a few weeks to a few months (depending on who's telling the story) before July 17, 1942, when they flew to Las Vegas and got married. Their union was sealed by the same justice of peace who joined her in wedlock to Artie Shaw. 'Tie it tighter this time, Judge,' said Mother to Judge Marshall. "I think Mother always had a hold on his heart. My father never said a word against her. He was always very protective to the point of getting into fights with her suitors long after they split [like Frank Sinatra]. Frank wouldn't go to any of my father's restaurants, even when they were the most popular places to go. They got into public fights over Mother a few times, before and after my parents married. Frank thought that Dad was some sort of gigolo, not good enough for mother. The first time I know of them ever being civil to each other was at my twenty-first birthday party, in 1964.After her divorce from Bob Topping and his from Martine Carol in 1953, I recall him asking at the end of one of our Sunday outings if she ever asked me about him and if I thought there was a chance they might get back together. 'Well, I don't know,' I said. I was thrilled, but Mom wasn't interested in reuniting with Stephen. After he passed away, I found a couple of scrapbooks he had. Of all the press he received over the years, all he had held onto were those from the time of his marriage to Mother." -Cheryl Crane
LANA TURNER & STEPHEN CRANE footage from a Los Angeles Air Base during WWII, 1943
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marciabrady · 3 months ago
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Lana did as much as her work schedule at the studio allowed for the war effort. Above, she is captured visiting her second husband, Stephen Crane, who was stationed at Fort MacArthur, a military camp near their home, for six months. Giving some measure of comfort to the servicemen was always important to Lana, and her visits also provided some of her previous schoolmates, who were stationed there, a chance to see her in the flesh since their Hollywood High days when she was discovered at 16 by an agent while skipping class. One of her classmates described her as, "The most incredibly beautiful girl we had ever seen. Even the teachers stared at her. She'd walk down the hall, looking straight ahead while all the other kids gawked at her. Even then she had the bearing of a princess. We all knew she would be a movie star."
LANA TURNER footage from her visit at a Los Angeles Air Base during WWII, 1943
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beverlymarshisabadass · 7 years ago
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beverlymarshisabadass · 7 years ago
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beverlymarshisabadass · 7 years ago
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beverlymarshisabadass · 7 years ago
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beverlymarshisabadass · 7 years ago
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