#gideon the mastiff
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mastiffation · 1 year ago
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Gideon’s Thanksgiving. He says he is thankful for Dragons.
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sand-tower · 4 months ago
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Didn't know which to choose between french mastiff Gideon or Irish setter Gideon so you're getting both
Plus harrow as a bonus
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zixiza · 3 months ago
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''Hey, little one, why don't you come with me?'' an older man offered his hand to a little girl who was slightly petrified by him but still took his hand.
The man pulled the little girl to one of the cars in her family's driveway.
''The lights'' the little girl whispered. The man looked at her, she had stars in her eyes watching the lights from the cars flicker from red to blue.
''Agent Rossi, the girl needs to be taken to the hospital to get checked out'' a person in a fancy suit said to the man. He looked down at the girl who looked back at him. He looked back up at the person and led the girl to an ambulance.
The man was gonna leave, but, the girl did not let go of his arm.
''Please, stay'' the little girl whimpered. The man went with her to the hospital.
The entire ride to the hospital, the girl clings to the man, who let her play with his watch.
When they got to the hospital, the man followed the nurses as they led the girl and himself to a bed.
A doctor came and did a bunch of tests and told them to wait for some time.
While waiting, the man sat with the little girl, keeping her occupied with her soft deer toy.
The doctor came back after a while and told the man that the girl was fine, she was just a little shaken. Social services were there to take the little girl away.
“What’s your name?” the little girl asked the man. “My name is David Rossi, what’s yours?”
“Asher Yung'' the little girl said smiling widely at Rossi. He smiled back at her.
''David, how have you been?'' a social worker asked him that just continued to hold Asher.
''I've been wonderful, look, I wanna ask for a favor?'' Rossi asked the worker that just gave him a confused look. ''Alright, what is it about?''
''Maybe you can pull a few strings to let me take care of Asher'' he said and the worker nodded. ''I think I might be able to do that''
A 2 months later, Asher stayed with Rossi in his huge house. She had gotten an entire room to herself. The room was huge and had all of her favorite things in it.
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''Asher, can you come downstairs?'' Rossi shouted for the girl. ''Okay''
Asher ran down the stairs to be met by Rossi in the living room. She ran up to him and he grabbed her to hug her.
''I have a surprise for you'' he held Asher as he began to walk into his office. ''What is it?'' Asher said giving Rossi a toothy grin.
''Why don't you open that box and find out'' Rossi let Asher down and she immediately went to the box.
Asher jumped back when she saw that the box was moving. The box tipped over and something fell out.
It was a puppy. More specifically it was an English mastiff.
''Is it for me?'' Asher asked Rossi that nodded in response. She went forward to touch the puppy that brought its nose up to her hand, wondering if it liked Asher or not.
The puppy decided that it liked Asher and licked her hand. Asher sat down and the puppy went to sit in Asher's lap.
''What do you want to name him?'' Rossi asked. ''Ares''
''A wonderful name for such a brave dog'' Rossi said.
17 years later....
Asher and Spencer walked into a lecture hall where Gideon was giving a presentation on one of his old cases.
The class looked at them when they opened the door, as well as Gideon. Spencer pointed at the folder he was holding and Gideon nodded.
He excused himself from the lesson and followed Asher and Spencer out of the hall.
Spencer and Asher were bringing Gideon up speed. ''They're calling him the Seattle Strangler''
''Four victims in four months''
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aikidogs · 4 years ago
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My Babies
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joqatana · 4 years ago
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gingeredmink · 4 years ago
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heard AT LEAST one [1] good boy got confirmed for next TLT book and immediately thought of Gideon tryin to bring home a Saint Bernard or Mastiff
-obligatory joke about dogs liking bones so it shares same interests as harrow here-
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ayashameimaru · 3 years ago
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Presenting... The Leashed Tomb II: Old Dogs Edition
Modern Houses
Breeds under cut!
John & Alecto - Tibetan Mastiff & Mudi Gideon & Pyrrha - American Bulldog & Cane Corso Cyrus & Valancy - Husky & Irish Setter Ulysses & Titania - Irish Terrier & Bull Terrier Augustine & Alfred - Azawakh Cassiopeia & Nigella - English Cocker Spaniel & Boykin Cytherea & Loveday - Duck Tolling Retriever & German Shepherd Mercymorn & Cristabel - Saluki & Golden Retriever Anastasia & Samael - Whippet & Boerbel
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kittpaws · 2 years ago
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you are my only friend…i am undone without you….[drools all over a tennis ball and brings it to you]
(silken windhound harrow, tibetan mastiff gideon!)
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ollie-ollie-oxenfreee · 4 years ago
Thinking some Thoughts about a daemon AU for the Locked Tomb folks (based on the incredibly detailed personality outlines over at daemonsandanalyses and the Daemon Forum index). 
Cam’s would settle as a peregrine falcon - every bit as keen - eyed and sharp as she is while also being incredibly loyal, protective, practical and straightforward. More often than not he’s perched at her shoulder, chirruping dry quips in her ear, but occasionally if Cam’s own efforts aren’t working he’ll light down on Palamedes’s desk and stare with the full force of his piercing yellow eyes until the necromancer agrees to go to bed.
Harrow’s daemon settled very early on as a cat - a scraggly little thing, his wiry fur the same mottled white and gray as powdered bone. When she was young, he would curl up and sleep on her desk while she studied or gently tap her with a paw to ground her when she wasn’t sure of what she was seeing. As the awful events of her childhood unfolded, he grew much colder and more distant, and was rarely ever seen with her outside of church services / official Ninth functions - unless she was especially angry. Then he was right there with her, puffed up and hissing with feral rage, lashing out as only a scared, hurting creature could. 
(When things start getting better - when they start to heal - he quietly takes it upon himself to voice the feelings she can’t express. He winds his way around Gideon’s ankles, purring like a thunderstorm, baps Pal gently with his tail, settles by Cam’s feet and slow blinks up at her before sending a silent message through his bond to Harrow: We’re keeping them. They’re good, and they’re ours, and we’ll work to deserve them one day.)
Gideon’s daemon has always been a canine of some kind, but her breed shifted and warped with the weather back on the Ninth - a wolf, a mastiff, a sleek, muscly Doberman pinscher or a stocky pit bull. Always tough and scrappy enough to help them both in the next bloody fight (or see them through their first battle on the front lines). Much, much later, after taking her oath in the pool beneath Canaan House, her daemon chooses the form of a russet brown husky - headstrong, opinionated, dramatic and reckless but unshakably loyal and true.
(She has a scarred - over scratch on her muzzle in the exact shape of sharpened cat claws. He has ragged chunks torn from his ear and tail by her teeth. They’ve always fought, tooth and claw and spit and snarl, but as their people reconcile, they rest side by side.)
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camarilla-intuition · 4 years ago
Locked Tomb Daemon AU concept notes.
I’m leaving old concepts in these notes but crossed out, since I considered a couple options for each character. Contains only spoilers for Gideon the ninth, not Harrow. that will be a seperate post some other time!
Gideon: Lion? Strawberry tiger? Eagle? Bearded vulture for its bone Eatin. Big, gold and red, wants sun and space and freedom, Feral ish. He/him. Settles sometime in the normal puberty range, never thinks about it to much, because what is there to think about. but his settling does relate to their internal decision that they gotta get out of the Ninth for the second. Just as vocal with other people as Gideon is, which is odd to other houses where sometimes daemons just don’t address other humans.
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Harrow: Cotton mouth? Weasel? Horned sea snake, something that doesn’t know what the sun can do for it, salt water, venomous, slow on land, faster in the water which they don’t know, also wears bone paint. Weird intense eyes. She/her. Spends most of her time coiled around Harrows neck. I might draw a little comic about her settling later? idk but its serious spoilers. She for sure settled early
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Ianthe: oriental mini kingfisher? Small, Colorful, easily hidden? Blue headed hummingbird? Grey or Pied Butcherbird, Duller colors, surprising violence, corvid, song bird, makes symbolic sense out of her stabbing Nabs through. She/her
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Coronabeth: bird of paradise or golden pheasant, he/him, constantly strutting into room ahead of her, grooming hair and other twos feathers in private. 
Naberius: Peahen Demoiselle crane? She’s Spurred and capable of fighting. Viewed as a matching set to the girls, iridescent feathers on neck. Less attention grabbing. Than Coronabeth but still pretty n vain.
Palamedes: wears a moth pin deceptively, long tailed weasel, stoat? Something with clever hands. She/her
Camilla: fisher cat, otter? Monitor lizard or Frill necked lizard? Also wears a moth pin. He/him
Abigail: ram, he/him,  
Magnus: mastiff or leonberger dog
Jeannemary: unsettled, Likes being a mimic of others based on the admiration she feels in certain scenes. he/him
Isaac: unsettled for most of book, likes being a hooved animal like Abigails, lots of pack species associated with fourth house. He/him. Settles into something maybe after the murder? uncertain. maybe beagle?
Judith: pony or working horse?
Marta: German Shepard? Gold retriever? Lots of practical working animals in second house
Dulcinea: Orchid mantis
Protesilaus: small Copper butterfly
These are stereotypical for seventh house. Easily mimic-able by Cytherea(will detail in harrow spoiler separate post)
Silas: a leech or tick spider monkey, douc, mangabey, White washed or albino. Freely handles colum’s daemon during soul siphoning. Not vise versa till right at the end maybe?
Colum: lab rat, spaniel type smaller dog?
Ortus: a shy Bull
Aiglamene: one eyed Horned Owl
Crux: a Shaggy Wolf or Coyote
World difference notes:
I’m not following the daemon gender=the gender of your romantic inclinations thing, just going with the feel of the daemons character.
Teacher and other first house constructs just don’t have daemons
People don’t bother identifying their animal species much, there are still the obvious, dogs are dogs and they have meanings like loyalty and companionship, but to most houses the difference between a wolf, a hyena, or a husky seem mostly behavioral that’s relegated to the individuals personality.... the exception is the 6th house who maintain a general knowledge of animal species and symbology of pre resurrection humanity to some extent.
Pal and Cam’s moth pins are not meant to last to long as far as tricks go, but do double as a kind of poker face, giving them a chance to read into the others daemons before people can see theirs. Also pretty common on 6th, where it’s not inappropriate or anything, but also discouraged to blatantly flaunt your daemon.
Sometimes its rumored that if you please God, he’ll tell you all about what your daemon Means. (this is where most of the 6th accounts come from).
There are stereotypes of daemons for each house, second is the most diverse but you’d see a lot of working animals, big ones are less a problem to daily life here than in some of the houses colonies. Third is known for ostentatious, haughty forms to match haughty peoples. Fourth, a lot of pack/schooling/family group animals. Fifth a lot of domesticated types. 6th seems to stay small with less fur or feather, more scales or other. Seventh is bugs, pretty ones esp. Eighth idk but i keep picturing paler colors. Ninth known for big sturdy things or guard dog types from its Cavs, and creepy crawlies from its Necros.
Rumors are that each house has some way to control the types they’ll settle into but its largely false. Eighth and Sixth probably get the most of it.
Dust is not a term used here probably died with Earth or fell out of fashion. Thanergy and Thalergy still the working terms, Sin is less of a prevalent theme, I’m thinking maybe they see Settling as a small death process?
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mastiffation · 1 year ago
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fromwilds · 4 years ago
gideon // intro
ϟ.  → dacre montgomery : cis male : he/him : hitwizard : invincible by the unlikely candidates ϟ  did you see GIDEON PREWETT? you know, 31 year old PUREBLOOD who was formerly in gryffindor. some say gideon can be quite loyal but are known to be stubborn. they are aligned with the order. maybe that’s why they remind me of full dinner tables, bright laughter, the flash of a spell, a mischievous glint in the eye.
ϟ. info .
BORN: england
STAR SIGN:  ( gemini; born june 2, 1949; thirty-one years old )
FAMILY: n/a prewett ( father ); n/a prewett ( mother ); fabian prewett ( brother ); molly prewett ( sister ); marlowe prewett ( sister )
POSITIVE TRAITS: loyal, charismatic, dedicated
NEGATIVE TRAITS: impatient, stubborn, carefree
WAND: 10 inch, aspen, dragon, slightly yielding
BOGGART: himself, completely alone
PATRONUS: mastiff dog
SCHOOL: graduated 1967; best subjects: DADA, charms, Care of Magical Creatures; worst subjects: transfiguration, potions, divination; gryffindor beater
ϟ. bio .
his siblings were his best friends, no one could ever make him change his mind on that. gideon was always in the thick of things with his family, playing with his brother or his sisters. he loved helping his parents around the house but was also always getting into mischief.
gideon was a huge quidditch fan. his father took them to games and he collected player cards and memorabilia. being a beater for gryffindor was like a dream come true.
gideon knew from an early age he liked boys and girls and it was something he never felt he needed to hide. he told his family when he was thirteen during the holidays after his first crush on a boy and it was like a huge weight had been lifted. he always wanted to be able to be himself with his family.
gideon loves animals and used to bring strays home. their parents always had to turn them away or keep them until they could find someone else to take them.
gideon was really crafty and always a bit of a prankster. he loved having fun and buying joke gifts. anything to get a laugh.
gideon took school seriously even if it didn’t seem like it. he was always a class clown, but he also took in information like a sponge. gideon did very well when he wanted to and when it came to his career, he really took it seriously.
marlowe traveling after hogwarts hit him hard, because she truly was his best friend. but he loved to see her grow and take on what she wanted in this world.
he wasn’t sure when becoming a hit wizard became his dream, but once he set his sights on it, he couldn’t think of anything else. gideon wanted to make the world a better place and he was going to do whatever he could for that to happen.
gideon was very loyal. if you were his friend, he would be your friend to the bitter end, but if you crossed him or someone you loved, he’d drop you just as quickly.
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the-doodle-nerd · 4 years ago
Please, please, please, share about the sibling rivalry between the Shanks kids!
So from oldest to youngest it goes Katrina, Gideon, and Logan. Katrina is 2 years older than Gideon and 3 years older than Logan.
When they were younger Katrina usually ended up having to corral her youngest brother (Logan). She loves him but he's an idiot. He's a jock, actions first questions later, like he tried to eat a rock when he was twelve because he thought it would make him stronger. He could be described as a himbo with a big heart. (sort of like Kronk from the Emperor’s New Groove) but he’s pretty funny. Katrina has to drag him out of situations he caused like making the neighbor's mastiff mad or trying to teach a cat to swim by dropping it into a pool. Also Millie's favorite ‘cause he’s the baby. 
Gideon is a charismatic social butterfly. Popular throughout all of school. He's very preppy, good at fencing, has a silver tongue, and usually enjoys watching Logan's plans backfire. He and Katrina made a business out of buying and reselling things at their schools. They made a lot of money. He actually enjoyed being the "forgotten middle-child" because that meant he could get away with his... less ethical business ventures. (Katrina has to drag him out of situations too)
Onto the sibling rivalry! Every summer without fail, there is a prank war. The Shanks own a large property with a lot of amenities, tennis court, pool, probably a garden, large house. In other words, the perfect battle field. There is a winner declared at the end of every summer. Katrina has won every time because she’s almost impossible to prank and she had a strange obsession with Rube Goldberg machines. Logan just does really obvious stuff, like throw a water ballon straight at Katrina, or put a rubber snake on top of her bed. One of the big rules is that if the prank misses or fails the person who set up the prank has to clean it up, not the victim. The pranks may get out of hand a lot but they’re pretty “honorable” about it. Armitage and Millie don’t care as long as there isn’t property damage and the mess is cleaned up.
Logan also has 3 kids and Gideon has 2, all boys. Katrina is their favorite. Which makes both Logan and Gideon kinda jealous. (mostly Logan) So when Katrina adopted Buck Gideon and immediately liked him and then tried to one up each other to make Buck pick them as “the favorite uncle.” When Katrina had Selah, they pretty much tried to bribe her with presents and treats. (They’re both incredibly well off because of their respective jobs, Shanks practically have success written in their DNA)
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aikidogs · 3 years ago
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joqatana · 3 years ago
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A Boy and his Dragon . #gideon #englishmastiff #mastiff #mastiffsofinstagram #giantdogsofinstagram #bigbrindlebaby https://www.instagram.com/p/CdtZZpApD5r/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tomerfridman · 4 years ago
Tomer Fridman Luxury Real Estate Agent
In case you’re movie star real property titan Tomer Fridman, sometimes you’re helping a Kardashian drop thousands and thousands on a new mega-mansion, and other times you’re mopping up wildlife droppings.“I’ll climb into attics; if I have to, I’ll clean up coyote poop from a kitchen. I do it. I just do what it takes,” the 39-yr-old said. “You have to keep humble when dealing with high-profile people. They’re the superstar, the celebrity. Not me.”
Fridman has built a name representing the Kardashian clan’s quite a few real property deals since 2013, including the $20-million sale of a Hidden Hills home to Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.Other notable clients: Britney Spears, Jennifer Lopez, Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne, and Jessica Simpson. He additionally dealt with the $7.2-million sale of Justin Bieber’s Calabasas digs to Khloe Kardashian in 2014.
Last 12 months Fridman crushed the $one hundred-million mark for closed sales in a single 12 months as partner and executive vice president with Ewing & Associates Sotheby’s International.
Given a profession finessing offers in such rarefied air, one may anticipate a personality that veers to the cosmetic. As an alternative, Fridman possesses an authentic allure that disarms - optimum for elite clientele who reside behind guarded gates. “He’s a sweetheart of a guy, very talked-about around the enterprise,” mentioned Ewing’s founder, Roger Ewing. “He has the ability to calm emotions and works well in sophisticated negotiations with quite a lot of egos.”
After quoting Fridman’s boss, it will appear disingenuous to subsequent quote his mother. However Isidora Fridman is Tomer Fridman’s 10-year, 50/50 enterprise accomplice; both at Ewing’s Calabasas office and in a burgeoning empire the pair have built as co-house owners of Sotheby’s Israel brand. Tomer Fridman is chief executive.“Tomer’s at all times had a passion for actual estate, even method earlier than I got into the business within the Nineties,” said Isidora, who was born in Romania and raised in Israel. In the Eighties she emigrated from Israel to the San Fernando Valley with her husband, Gideon, and Tomer.
Isidora recounts a time when she asked if 10-yr-previous Tomer wished to see a movie. “He said, ‘Mom, you realize, I’d really prefer to go take a look at this new gated neighborhood in Calabasas,’” she said. “Even as a toddler, he was hooked on real estate.” The Fridmans maintain an condo in Tel Aviv. Their Tel Aviv market is a portal to European deals, key to a worldwide actual estate trade that more and more fuels Los Angeles gross sales, especially in movie star-trendy Calabasas.
The Fridmans don’t a lot handle individual clients as they navigate the labyrinthine groups behind them. “There’s loads of transferring components in these negotiations,” said Tomer, recognized for being highly protecting of clients. Added Ewing: “Tomer understands the steadiness between coming from a powerful place, and still remaining friends. This is a small community.”
So small that the Fridmans both reside amid the Kardashians in the Oaks of Calabasas. Accomplished in shades of grey, the partitions of Tomer’s postmodern digs are adorned with Joan Miro coloration dashes amid monochrome furnishings.A Tibetan mastiff would possibly really feel at dwelling amid the Philippe Starck Louis Ghost chairs. However true to his affable nature, Fridman prefers rescue canine, and both of his are mutts: Griffin and Chloe.
To maintain clients happy, he affords a concierge service, says he is more a consultant than a salesman, and is available 24/7 for anything.Fridman’s enterprise and social Real Estate Agent Tomer Fridman lives typically fuse, given his orbit around Planet Kardashian. He’s an everyday at Kris Jenner’s Christmas Eve bash, held at her Hidden Hills home. And sure, Fridman has Kim Kardashian’s emoji app, Kimoji, loaded on his iPhone.
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