Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Sirius glanced at the secluded table in the corner for a second before he turned and headed for the counter instead. He didn’t want to distract Remus at work. But also he knew he would much rather be up here than in the corner. Even if he didn’t get to talk to his friend much.
“Your company is a good enough reason to stay, Moony.” He grinned while making himself comfy. He said it in a teasing tone but truly it’s the only reason he was here. “You should come visit me in the office one day. You would probably have a heart attack at the amount of work I do.” He said and pouted at the thought. He didn’t know when his brain switched from barely wanting to do anything to almost like a workaholic but it has. He now almost felt bad when he wasn’t working. “I always have energy to be dramatic. The day I don’t is the day you need to really worry about me.” He chuckled. “And if it keeps working in getting your attention then it’s never going to stop.”
Remus couldn’t say it out loud, but he was silently wishing Sirius would choose the counter. He knew Sirius would distract him either way, so at the very least he wanted his friend to be close to him. Remus rolled his eyes at Sirius’s comment, but he turned his back and grabbed a rag as he felt his cheeks get hot. Years had gone by and he still had a hard time being subtle.
“I went to school with you, Pads,” he said, turning so he could wipe down the counter. “I know how little work you do. Just now you get paid for it.” He tutted. “At least Moody must have known what he was in for. You’re lucky you’re talented.” He pulled out his wand again to help him along with a particularly grimy spot. He was right about the dramatics, but it didn’t mean it was always easy to deal with them. Remus didn’t have the energy for that at all times. “What if I just ignore you then?” To prove his point, he threw the rag over his shoulder and walked away from the counter. He went into the back to look for some pies. In a way he wasn’t really ignoring Sirius if he was leaving to get him what he wanted, but he’d write that off as minor details. He put a few pies on a plate and brought them out. “How was your day?”
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“I’m sorry I’m the one that’s had to break it to you. But someone had to eventually.” He said with as straight a face as he could manage.
“The next one.” He muttered to himself. The thought of this happening again made Sirius feel sick to his stomach. How much death did they have to deal with before this was all over? He knew the answer was not one he wanted. And he wondered just how much he was going to be able to handle before it broke him. He could see the cracks starting to form in some Aurors, and Order members, already. But he didn’t want to think about it. So he jumped onto Gideons idea. Yes, some fun is exactly what they both needed. “Alright.” He grinned and glanced around the bar. “Get your money out, Prewett. Cause this won’t take very long.”
“You just love to break my heart and you know it,” he teased back. This was one of the many reasons he liked Sirius. They could keep bantering like this and neither of them batted an eye.
He nodded. “Sorry for saying it, but I’m not going to delude myself. I’d much rather be ready.” He sighed and took another shot. At least the work day was over and they could just unwind. He didn’t think either of them had any Order work that night either. He rolled his eyes. “That’s what you think. But as you like to remind me, I’m older than you and thus have more experience.”
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“Who do I like? Are we back in school again?” Edgar asked with a laugh. Though he knew he was just trying to avoid the answer. It wasn’t something he has actually spoke out loud yet. Nor had he planned too. If he did then that would make it real and he didn’t want to deal with that. It was confusing enough as it is. “No, I’d rather you didn’t tell me about dead bodies if that’s alright with you.” He said while scrunching up his face. “The only things of interest I get upto anymore is my tasks for the Order. It seems to take up all my free time. Which I suppose isn’t bad but…it isn’t half boring as fuck sometimes.”
Gideon laughed. “I told ya I was kidding,” he said with a smirk. “But honestly I wouldn’t argue if you actually answered me.” Gideon couldn’t hide that he was a bit of a gossip. It came from having such a close knit family he supposed. They were always sharing information. Nothing was secret. “Well, the offer still stands if you decide to grow a pair,” he said, nudging him slightly across the table. Edgar was a bit more mild than Gideon and even if he felt a bit bad about it, Gideon felt it was fun to mess with him. “I like it better than my so called day job sometimes,” he said. “Kinda wish I was an auror right about now though. Apparently Moody lets them go on missions instead of their normal casework sometimes. Wish I could be that lucky.” He didn’t hate his job, quite the opposite, but right now Order work felt the most urgent to him. “I’d get so restless if I had your job. I’d call in sick every bloody day.”
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MOST PEOPLE DIDN’T UNDERSTAND, MARLOWE KNEW. Still, creatures were important to her; important enough for her to fight for them. “Because,” she said, shrugging. “Who else is going to fight for them if not me? No one else cares, and they don’t have the ability to do so… We’re making decisions for them, y’know? I just want them to be… free.” Maybe it was simply wishful thinking, but Lowe wanted all creatures to have the same choices they did.
She sunk down beside him, shaking her head at him. “Went on my trip after school,” she said, shrugging. “But spent most of my time in Brazil, so. Maybe this time I’ll fall in love there, instead of with moqueca.” She took a small sip, before raising a brow at him. She knew it was a little hard for him to talk about it, but sometimes, Lowe just wanted to know what was going on. The Order was a mystical creature to Lowe, and she wouldn’t have been much help if she joined anyways, but that didn’t mean… that didn’t mean she had her doubts about not joining them.
“If y’ask me, the damned Death Eaters are quite better at keeping themselves a secret. Have you lot ever thought of using masks to hide all your… deeds?”
Gideon wanted to understand, but just as Marlowe didn’t always understand why he was in the Order, he didn’t always understand her dedication to animals. He still respected her regardless. He always would. “I know,” he said. “I just-” He paused. “It doesn’t matter. This isn’t the conversation we need to be having.”
“Brazil is great too,” he said. “But Peru...” He trailed off. He’d met a lot of great people in Peru and he had a lot of stories he wouldn’t even want to repeat to Marlowe. He told his sister a lot of things, but some things he didn’t want to share with his little sister. He laughed. “Fall in love, eh? Are you itching for that or something?” He didn’t consider himself a romantic and he never saw his sister that way either, but maybe he was wrong.
Gideon couldn’t help but feel his blood spike every time he heard their name. He wasn’t as afraid as talking about them as some of the general public was, but their actions made him so angry. “What good would that do?” he asked. “They don’t wear masks to hide their deeds. They do it ‘cause they’re bloody cowards. We know who does what they do. We just don’t know exactly who.” He took a deep breath and then a drink to settle himself. “Sorry,” he apologized. “Got a bit worked up.”
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ROS FOUGHT A YAWN AS REMUS TALKED, AND TO HIDE IT SHE TURNED, GRABBING A FEW BASKETS OF FOOD AND TOSSING ONE TO REMY. At his words, though, she scoffed, pulling the basket back. “On second thought, I shouldn’t encourage ya,” she laughed. Of course, she’d be rather lonely without Remus there, but she also hoped he’d have some fun. These days, they all needed it.
A nod followed his words, and she took a chip to bite down on. “I’m alright,” she said, honestly. “A wee tired, but alright. Lestrange was in here earlier, trying to act all coy.” She rolled her eyes ever so slightly. “Thankfully, she didn’t try anythin’.”
Remus knew he probably shouldn’t stay long or Rosmerta would either get cross with him or put him to work. As much as he liked his job, he didn’t want to work when he didn’t have to. “Encourage me away,” he said with a smile as he took a chip out of the basket.
He nodded. He wasn’t surprised that she was exhausted and a bit sad. They all were. “Really?” he asked, gritting his teeth slightly. He didn’t like the sound of that, but he couldn’t protect everyone all the time even if he wanted to. “Good,” he said. “That’s good.”
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“Well, you know me. I’d make eyes at anyone in the hope of a free drink.” He joked back. Though if he had looked at her like that he surely hadn’t meant too. Sirius maybe a bit of a flirt but he wouldn’t come to Remus’ work and mess around with the people he had to work with. And he never had much interest in talking to anyone when he came to visit Remus. Just his friend. Which he supposed was a little off for him. But he didn’t think much of it.
“Most of a shift.” He repeated with a sigh. He could just go home and come back later. But he knew once he was home he’d just want to sleep. So that wasn’t an option. So waiting it was. “See, you know just how to get me to stay. The promise of alcohol is all it takes.” He laughed. “I do actually have some reports left I need to finish so I suppose I can do those.” He said and motioned at the bag he was carrying. At least he would have something to do. So he didn’t mind waiting. “There better be pies left. Otherwise you are getting me tired and hungry. And that is not a good combination.” He laughed while following Remus inside. Glancing around he spotted a table free in the corner. “If you need me I’ll be over there.” He told Remus, pointing towards the table. “All alone. With no one to talk too and just myself as company. Just sitting there like the stray I am.”
Remus wanted to make a joke in return, but even he didn’t have enough guts to say: is that why you make eyes at me? He wasn’t so sure he wanted an answer to that, because he knew it wouldn’t be a serious answer, and if Remus were to ask that question, a real answer is what he would be after. He had gotten used to this, this banter that yielded nothing. It had bothered him at first, when he was young, but now he’d gotten quite comfortable in the fact that he’d always feel a way about his best friend that the other didn’t reciprocate. Life moved on, he hoped.
“I’d like to think there are other reasons you’re staying,” he teased as he took his place back behind the bar. He made his eyes wide in a dramatic fashion. “Sirius Black? Doing work? Never thought I’d see the day.” He pulled out his wand to clean the counter. He realized he should go in the back and see if they had any pies left, but he didn’t feel ready to leave Sirius just yet. “You can stay at the counter, you mongrel,” Remus tutted. “I thought you said you were tired. You seem to be using up a lot of that energy with the theatrics today, Pads.”
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Edgar wanted it to stop as well. More than anything he just wanted peace and to not wake up to more news of people being attacked. He had stopped reading the paper every morning because of it. But he didn’t see it ending anytime soon. And he was getting so tired of it all. “Alright, what do you wanna talk about?” He asked as he took a drink. “Must be something interesting going on in your life you wanna talk about. Certainly more interesting than me that’s for sure.”
A lot of people probably could have sat there in silence with very little conversation between them, but Gideon was not one of those people. He hated long silences and needed to fill them somehow. He didn’t see the point of spending time with someone if you didn’t spend the time talking or doing something else engaging. “No, nothing interesting in my life,” he said. He thought for a moment. A lot of work lately. A few hook ups. Not much to report. He put his head in his hands and leaned forward. “So who do you like?” he asked, drawing out the last syllable like a child. He stared all doe eyed at Edgar for a moment before drawing back. “Kidding,” he said. “I was hoping you’d have something more interesting to tell than me. I can’t very well sit here and tell you about the body I ID’ed the other day.”
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“Clearly not enough.” He joked. Of course, Gideon did have his respect. Everyone in the Order did. They didn’t need to fight and yet they put their lives at risk constantly. Even if Gideon already risked his life working where he did, he still respected him for what he did. But enough to give up his favourite seat? That was still up for debate.
“More shots sounds good.” He wouldn’t say no to more drinks. And the quicker he got a buzz the better. “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell everyone. Thinking about what we could have done isn’t going to put anyone in the right mindset for the next attack.” He sighed. Because there would be a next one. And they needed to be ready for it. Not get caught sitting around with their tails between their legs. “Something fun.” He muttered before laughing. “When was the last time I did something fun? I genuinely have no idea. And isn’t that just the saddest thing you’ve ever heard.”
“Oh, you wound me,” he joked, pressing a hand to his chest. “I thought I’d been commanding respect from the younger generation, but I guess not.”
He wasn’t going to argue with the idea of more alcohol on the table. He could hear Molly disapproving in the back of his head, but he would be egging her on if she were here. He nodded. “We have to be ready for the next one.” His mouth felt sour as he said it. He didn’t want to believe there would be a next one, but as he said it he realized he was in some way expecting another. He sighed. Sirius was too young to be that jaded already. He looked around. “Let’s say this. Whoever can get someone’s number first wins. Loser buys the next round.”
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THE DAY HAD BEEN A RATHER BUSY ONE. The professors were in more often than not these days; for a quick drink after they’d finished classes, or for food when the Great Hall felt a little overwhelming. Ros could understand, of course. She wouldn’t want to be trapped in a castle when the world was passing by around them. No matter how lovely the castle, it would always start to feel like a prison.
Still, maybe the pub was becoming that for her too. Except it was home, at the end of the day. She slept here, she ate here, she met her friends here. It was home for a lot of people, too, Ros knew, and for that reason she could never abandon it. Not now.
“Oi, Lupin, what are you doing here on your day off,” she laughed, shaking her head at him. “I know I’m a joy to be around, but y’should be off doing… other shite. Yea?” She shook her head at him, and then smiled softly. “For you? I’ll leave the rest of em’. How’s your day been?”
Remus could tell that it had been a long day. He could tell just by looking at her face, not that he would ever tell her that. He just knew the telltale signs of a grueling shift.
He smiled at her as she groaned at him. “You know you love me, Ros,” he said, leaning onto the counter. He was lucky enough that he actually liked his job enough that he’d go there when he wasn’t working. “Just wanted to check on you,” he said, knowing that he probably didn’t need to expand on that. They’d all heard the news. “Been okay. Bit on edge I think.”
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“Woe is us indeed.” Alice mused with a laugh. She liked Gideon. They had decent banter, and really, right at this moment, it was exactly what she needed. Things were so tense at the moment, that his banter, was much appreciated. “Hopefully sooner rather than later…” Because she really didn’t know how much more of this she could take. At least without having a break anyway. Maybe she should have some time off.
“I hate paper work….” She mused with a little laugh. She usually let it pile up, and then had to take whole days to complete it. “But I’ve done some time off with afternoon. Enforced. You know me. I don’t like leaving the office.” Apart from to go into the field.
Gideon needed something to cheer him up and it seemed Alice did too. He wasn’t oblivious to the fog that had settled over ll of them, even the ones who had to keep going like the aurors and order members. He nodded. He felt like they were sharing one brain, which was good considering he didn’t feel like airing all his fears out loud.
“Me too,” he said. “I should invent a spell that does it for you. I’d be a rich man, most celebrated wizard in history.” He chuckled. It was a joke, but it did get his wheels turning in his head slightly. “I’m shocked no one’s figured that out yet.” He nodded. He didn’t have to be told twice to go on a break, even if he did take his job quite seriously. “Glad you got out. Even if Moody had to take away your wand to get you to leave.”
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It has started to became a bit of a habit heading to Remus’ work after Sirius had finished his own. Especially when it had been a long day. Seeing his friend never failed to make all the stress melt away. Plus, he never said no to any alcohol that might be available. Though most nights he just waited outside and would make his way home with Remus. He was so busy these days it felt like the only time he got to see him sometimes. So he didn’t mind waiting. Though it was getting bloody cold.
He was completely lost in his thoughts when he was grabbed by his shoulders and his instinct had him reaching for his wand before he spun around and was greeted by Remus’ familiar face “You are such a dick!” He shouted, yet he laughed as he shook his head. “Course I’m waiting on you. Who else would I be freezing my ass off for?” He asked and looked past Remus’ shoulder and into the pub. “How much longer do you have left? And, more importantly, are there pies left? Cause if I need to wait then I may as well eat.”
Remus had known Sirius longer than almost any of his friends now, which meant he could anticipate his next move quite easily. Almost nothing surprised him with Sirius at this point and that was saying something, as Sirius was often quite surprising.
He laughed at Sirius’s reaction. He didn’t think he’d get a rise out of him like that, but his cheeks flushed with laughter as he did. “Gotcha,” he said triumphantly. He patted Sirius’s shoulder to try to reassure him some. “I dunno, I’ve seen you make eyes at Ros before,” he joked. That was completely a lie, but he watched Sirius’s face all the same just to see the reaction. Remus didn’t exactly know what Sirius’s love life was looking like lately, but he didn’t make a habit of asking. “Most of a shift, Pads,” he said solemnly as if he was delivering the worst news ever. He knew if Sirius was waiting for him he might take it as such. “I know you like when I close though because you can drain the bottles that are almost empty.” He rolled his eyes. He didn’t let him do it often for many reasons, but probably the most important to Remus was how drunk Sirius got when he did that. Remus didn’t like to make a habit of having a drunk Sirius back at his place. It complicated things in a way Remus wasn’t ready to handle. “There are probably pies left,” he said, heading back inside. “Come inside, you stray, I can’t be fielding your questions all night. I have a job to do and contrary to your belief, it’s not babysitting you.”
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“In this context? I definitely agree.” Edgar was never a huge drinker. But after the last week he felt like it was more than warranted to have a few drinks and try to relax. It was hard though when his mind was all over the place.
“What happened was awful. But what mostly pisses me off is that it wasn’t a surprise.” People acted as though they had never seen it coming. Which Edgar thought was absolutely stupid. Of course it was coming. And he knew worse was yet to come. But what were they meant to do? “But I think we can find something a little less depressing to talk about.”
Depending on who his audience was, Gideon could have continued and made a very different type of joke, but he decided to spare Edgar. The other man didn’t need to hear him being so crass. “To not being hungover tomorrow,” he toasted.
He nodded as he listened to Edgar’s words. The worst thing was that he understood the sentiment all too well and he really wished he didn’t. “I just want the surprises to stop,” he said. “I want all of this to stop.” He furrowed his eyebrows, then sighed. Edgar was right. They were there to unwind. “Yes, anything but this. I agree.”
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“Respect is earned my friend.” Sirius laughed. It was nice to just be able to joke around with someone and not have the whole world on his shoulders. He missed just messing around and not having a single care. It almost made him crave to be back at Hogwarts. Though those years had issues of their own.
“Rough month.” He sighed but then Gideon said what he had been thinking the last few days and his shoulders relaxed as he nodded his head. “Exactly! Thank you! Everyone has been moping around as if that is going to bloody solve anything. It’s driving me insane. The office feels like I’m walking into a funeral everyday.” He said and motioned for another drink. “I’d rather be out doing something than sitting around feeling sorry for myself.”
“If I haven’t earned your respect by now, then I don’t know what I’ve been doing all these years,” he said with a chuckle. Even if he was older than Sirius he did see them as peers. He was never the kind of person to feel like he was superior to someone younger than him. It just never made sense to draw that dynamic to him.
“Month,” he repeated. “Maybe we need more shots,” he said. It was a bit of a joke, but it also felt so heavy between them. “I get it,” he said, looking down at the table. “But it’s also so hard to do anything when everyone seems in a funk. We can’t just lay down and take it.” He picked up another shot glass. “So, let’s stop being so down. What else is new? Something fun.”
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“I mean…. I know that….” Alice mused with a shrug. Of course she did. She was just tired lately. Alice really could do with actually sleeping more. But, she could do that when innocent people stopped getting killed. “But woe is the auror life dear.” She teased, a little grin on her face. She was only joking of course. Alice would never think her life was any more difficult than any of the others in the department. Law enforcement was tough, regardless of what division they were in.
“Yeah. I agree.” She murmured with a nod. She sighed, running a spare hand through her hair, before shrugging at Gideon. “It’ll get better….. it has to get better”
Gideon knew they both knew the same struggles. They were both tired and trying to protect their loved ones and still laugh and eat ice cream at the end of the day. It seemed like quite a tall order for people who were still so young. “Woe is us,” he said with a chuckle. “Better,” he repeated. “Yes.”
“What else do you have going on for the day?” he asked. “I just filled out so much paperwork from my last case that I don’t think I’ll be able to hold that ice cream cone.” He was exaggerating of course, but it felt kind of true. “I need to sleep for like three days.”
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THE DRINKS STARTED POURING WITH A FLICK OF HER FINGER. Marlowe flopped on the couch beside him, reaching out as the drinks flew to their hands. For a moment, she sat there, sipping, listening to him talk. It was a nice reminder of why she came back home; to her her best friends by her side. Her family. Lowe supposed she was lucky that way, to have her best friend be her brother. Of course, she also had Alice, but there was something different with Gideon. She had someone who would always understand her; who knew her from her actual birth, watched her grow. Sometimes, Lowe wished she could see herself the way her brother saw her. It might make her life a little easier.
“I was stuck in a bloody room all day,” she said, shaking her head. “Literally. They locked me in until the negotiations were finished.” Lowe rolled her eyes, turning on her side to look at him. “They let me win, though. Too preoccupied with everything else, I s’pose.” A sigh followed her words, and she looked down at the drink in her hand. Lowe wished she could have one win, but it seemed that today wasn’t that day.
At his words, Lowe nodded ever so slightly and raised a brow. “Might be goin’ to Peru. Way today went, they’ll want me to run this mission after all this… Well, all the chaos. They’ll want it to go right.” Unfortunately, she couldn’t think of any better words, so instead, she took a small sip of her drink. “Mm! I know this isn’t exactly the best time, but did’ya ever figure out that case? The one in Greece?”
Gideon didn’t realize how much he could use a drink until she’d suggested it. Now that he felt more relaxed, he settled into his seat and waited for the drink to reach him. He didn’t need to worry anymore, he could just spend some time decompressing with his sister.
“I respect the hell out of you, sis,” he said as he took his glass. “But I don’t understand why you take animal negotiations so seriously. Like their safety is important, but it feels a little ... controlling.” He and his sister both cared for animals, but they didn’t always see eye to eye with some of the specifics. “No matter. I’m glad you got filled in and I found you.”
“Damn, have you been to Peru yet? I haven’t been in...” he paused to think for a moment. “Couple years at least.” He didn’t travel often for his job, but when he did it was worth it. He took a sip of his drink. “We have a new lead, but not really. The alibis are air tight.”
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Who: remus lupin & ted tonks ( @doctonks ) Where: ted’s place When: 27 august 1980
It probably wasn’t the smartest to go to Ted the day after the full moon. He could have blamed it on the Order like he’d done before, but Ted was smart. Remus was sure at this point that he’d put two and two together. Most of the Order members knew about his condition, but it was still something he didn’t like to wave around all the time.
He knocked loudly, knowing it was still relatively early for those who hadn’t been up all night. He had done his best to clean himself up, but what he really needed now was something to numb the pain and if he went to a shop that would be his earnings for the whole month. He could go to James for money, but he was always going to James. He felt like he was always cashing in favours just to get through the week. “Morning,” he said as Ted answered the door. “Hope you didn’t just get off shift,” he added. “I need something for pain, which I know sounds a bit dicey but...” He looked at Ted. “Please? Drinks on me all week.”
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Who: remus lupin & lily evans ( @xslythcrin ) Where: lily’s place When: 22 august 1980
He realized as he stood outside the door that Remus probably should have sent her a message before showing up like this, but after everything that had happened recently, he didn’t feel like he had the time for head’s ups. He just wanted to be with his friends. He had been working so much lately that he almost hand’t found out about the red wedding right away. Luckily word traveled fast.
Remus raised a hand and knocked on the door hoping she was home and not too occupied. He didn’t need to stay long, he just needed to see her. He was about to knock again, when the door opened. “Lils,” he breathed out, not realizing how nervous he had been until he saw her. “Sorry for dropping in like this. Just wanted to... see you. You know.”
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