#gianttiny prompt
gtbutterfly · 3 months
What's your most controversial g/t opinion? Most would probably be about a certain trope or something regarding angst or ethics, but mines much more stupid.
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I think borrowers calling humans "beans" is stupid. Like, why do they do it? I know they called humans that in the original book, but it just doesn't make sense to me, and sounds a bit too silly. Like, borrowers would know English from listening to humans talk, right? So why would they say bean? I gets it's like, a mispronounced version of "being" as in human being, but why mispronounce it? Is there something physically different about borrower anatomy preventing them from saying the g? Why don't they say other words differently then? Shouldn't they have like, a whole different accent all together?
And why shorten it to being? Why not say human? The word being is referring to humans in the term human being. Sure, borrowers probably wouldn't know that, but why say bean anyways?
What lilliputian with a speech impediment 100 years ago first ending up in human civilization heard a human say "human being" in some kind of context, and then went back to all their friends and told them that the big people call themselves "human beans" and how did that term spread across all of borrower culture across the world? It just never made any sense to me.
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thelilfae · 4 months
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helping a big ol lizard guy with his wounds~ 🩹
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this is ambrose!! still writing him but hes a woodland hunter-scout type character- very soft & attentive <3 he thinks daisy is very cute also which is why he's embarrassed ehehe >:3c
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starsinthenigth · 11 days
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★uurhh, thinking about a human/tiny lumberjack who swung their axe on a giant's ankle because they got too caught up on their job and mistook it for a tree trunk.★
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blu3-tea · 4 months
Gift - G/t
TW: Pet trope, swearing.
Premise: A world in which genetically engineered tinies or Littlins are viewed as pets. Ellen is gifted one on her grandpas' party, as she had graduated the week before.
Word count: 1,352
Note: I'm considering of writing more parts to this.
The dining room was livelier than ever. Chittering voices drowned out the clattering of forks and knives ripping through the steak. The smell of her aunt's golden casserole was overpowering. Colourful banners hung from all four walls. Rotund balloons were thrown around the room by her little cousins, across the dining table at times. Her grandpa, who was now a grand 80 years old, would occasionally join in their game, grinning like a schoolboy.
It was very rare for all of the family to gather together at once, so Ellen tried to capture every memory on her cellphone. They almost seemed normal. She showed the pictures she had taken of her grandpa blowing out the birthday candles to her aunt.
"Ellen! Come over here." Her dad called from the other end of the table. As she slid behind the occupied chairs, he placed a large box wrapped in blue wrapping paper in front of him.
"It was my idea." Her grandpa chimed in.
Her parents beckoned her to unwrap the gift right there and then with bright smiles. Her dad boasted about how expensive it was and Ellen in turn had repeatedly explained that she didn't need such expensive gifts.
"But grandpa should be opening his presents tonight."
"This is an exception. Come on! It can't wait."
Ellen felt a fluttering excitement grow in her chest, as she gingerly teared away the wrapping. What kind of computer had they bought her? Was it a monitor instead? Perhaps a jewellery box with the porcelain twirling ballerina inside? With a utility knife she carefully cut through the wide tape at the top of the box. She leaned over the open top. Her smile faded away.
Inside was a small hamster cage. Its floor was covered in spruce shavings. A blue plastic structure with a round roof stood in the corner, from where a tiny face peaked out from. Their eyes met her eyes for a moment, which felt like an eternity. The face disappeared back underneath the plastic.
What the actual fuck.
"Well, what do you think?"
"It's..." she forced a smile on "Wonderful."
"Before you go we'll give you its food."
"Ah... great. Thanks." She hugged them tightly, even though her skin tingled with disgust.
"Won't you take it out?"
"I-" Ellen stammered and glanced at the cage.
No, no, no.
"Yes, of course. I'll, umm, take them somewhere quieter." She shot a worrying glance at her clumsy cousins.
Before her parents could protest, she swiftly picked up the box and carried it upstairs to the spare bedroom. She slammed her door behind her and set the box in front of the nightstand. She kneeled down before it, looming over it.
She had always wanted to adopt a pet, either a dog or a cat. The last one, a goldfish, wasn’t fed whilst she had gone camping. So, when she had returned she found it floating on the water’s surface; her parents had forgotten to feed it. As long as she lived with them she could not have any pets or plants. Now, that she bought her own apartment she daydreamed of having a little furry friend run around the place.
What she never wanted was a littlin. The uncanny human resemblance cringed her. She knew that they were technically human, just shorter. Perhaps it was the sheer size difference that threw her off. Whatever it was that made her fidget with her dress and avoid looking at the box, she had to face it.
Ellen released a shaky breath.
Just do it already Ellen.
With stiff hands, she removed the cage and put it on the nightstand.
"Hello?" She didn't mean for her voice to crack.
A tiny figure marched out from the plastic cover to the centre of the cage. Under the yellow light, Ellen saw a bony girl with untamed, short, curly hair and chocolate coloured eyes as round as buttons. The littlin had to crane her head up to meet her gaze. She greeted her back, showing a toothy smile and placing her hands on her hips.
Ellen couldn't help but scoot a bit further back.
Just why?
Finally the cage was taken out. Any more hours left in that darkness and Nelly would have lost her marbles. Just as practiced, she presented herself as best as she could, in the hopes of making a good first impression and getting some food to eat. In her mind she battled the thoughts of hunger. She had to stay attentive for her new owner's commands.
For a couple long seconds the giantess remained silent. Her titanic eyes darted around the cage.
You hate it too? Great. Then for the love of god change it.
Nelly kept her stance friendly as she stared at the giantess, whose eyebrows twitched a bit into a frown, barely enough for a human to notice. She noticed a big lump travel down her throat - she had discreetly gulped.
I'll enjoy her nervousness while it lasts.
It felt somewhat empowering to watch a human struggle to meet her gaze and feel uncomfortable in her minuscule presence without even having to do anything. Every time, however, they turned into the others. She was no exception.
Two minutes had passed and Nelly's hands started to sweat.
What was she waiting for? Did I already fuck it up?
First impressions dictate almost everything. If you’re “good” you’re fed and cleaned right away, even though they toy with you at the same time. The next days they keep coming back, cooing at you to come out. If you’re gifted to children that a completely different story, which she didn’t need to worry about for the first time! That giant was unmarried and single, with no animal pets whatsoever; she heard her parents talk about that as they were strolling about the pet store. She seemed perfect. She would probably leave her alone most of the time and keep her well-fed. To Nelly she had won the lottery.
Just then the giantess turned to the box and dove her hands inside. She frantically rummaged through it, as if she had lost something. Nelly eyed her curiously.
"Is there a return card in here?"
Nelly's face momentarily went blank.
Return? We barely spent five minutes together! What the hell is wrong with her?
She couldn't- she wouldn't return to that hellhole they called a pet store.
"No, there isn't." Her smile returned.
"Does the shop accepts returns?"
"No." She lied. Hopefully, she’s naive enough not to google it.
The giantess crossed her arms and closed her eyes, creasing thin lines around them. Nelly's heartbeat quickened. That was certainly not a good sign.
Would she instead leave her at a park or on the streets? Her mind raced with all the horrors she would encounter if that were the case. Dogs, cats, birds, kids, rain, wind - everything out there can tear her apart.
"Do you mind staying in that cage a bit longer? It's just that there's kids downstairs and uh- you know. The party will be over soon." The woman explained quickly.
"No problem at all!"
Good enough. I might have more opportunities to convince her to keep me. Perhaps I should take on a more talkative approach.
"Alright. Great. I'll be right back." The woman hurried back to the dining room, making sure to silently close the door behind her.
Nelly could still hear the humans' loud voices and music, but at least she wasn't right in there pressing her hands against her ears to muffle the deafening noise.
She limped to the wall of the cage behind her and slumped down against it, her right leg bent close to her chest and her left one outstretched, releasing a sigh of relief. Even though it's been a year, her left leg still screamed with pain every time she moved it. It couldn't be helped. She had to perform for survival.
Thank you for reading!
Part 2: click here
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awkwardgtace · 6 months
Thinking about the eclipse today. Imagine a giant who doesn't know and gets panicked as the sun disappears. Grabs a human who hiked up a mountain to see it in an attempt to protect them. Awkward explanation that it's fine
Or a borrower who lives with a human that hangs out on their balcony a lot goes out and freaks cause again the sun is disappearing. Maybe they knock something down so the human notices them and the human is torn between the once in a lifetime eclipse and this little person looking thing having a panic attack
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gtzel · 5 months
Brainrot gt idea
what if like, a borrower and human were friends as kids. The human kid would maybe make the borrower tiny toys and stuff. They would be best friends. But what if one day the human kid-now a teenager- looses their memories, maybe they got into an accident and had to go to the hospital. Then when they return home, their tiny friend has no idea what happened. Since the human won’t remember the borrower, they are shocked when the borrower approaches-maybe concerned as to why the human had been gone for so long- and the borrower is hurt by their friend seemingly forgetting them. The borrower might stop trying to talk to the human, and the human would be shocked about the tinies existence. Maybe the human would try to bargain with the tiny, or befriend them. And the borrower would be hurting due to the loss of their friend. Also there could be a resolution if the human started to regain their memories.
Idk it’s been on my mind, and would be good for some hurt/angst/comfort tropes. If anyone decides to adapt this, please tag me so I can read it🙂
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welcometomylittlelife · 5 months
Hey Parker! I did some more drawings of you! Also I was wondering what your favorite hobby is?
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Best wishes, Zel
Hey @gtzel!
Woah haha nice! I wish I were that tall, but you definitely got my hair right. It's always been an unruly mess ever since I was a kid apparently. You should've seen some of the first haircuts my mom gave me 🤣
Anyway! Thanks a lot. You're seriously so talented. How long does it take you to draw stuff like this? It would take me a year and it still wouldn't look that good. Buildings I can do. People? Not so much lol
As for my favorite hobby, I do like writing a lot. Gaming doesn't really count as a hobby (at least according to my mom). I also like exploring and climbing. It's a bit tricky and dangerous, but I had this dream once when I was a kid about being a world famous explorer and finding all sorts of new worlds since no one else could really get to them.
Fun, yeah?
Anyway! Thanks again. You seriously rock!
So long! Parker
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spark-gt · 9 days
G/t idea/prompt
(First time ever doing this)
G/t Cursed Royal(s):
The idea for this G/t prompt is that basically that in a Kingdom (of your own creation), the King and Queen (or two kings or queens) both are celebrating the arrival of soon to be born heir or heirs of their kingdom. One day, a witch, wizard, or magical fairy (you can choose whatever you want) comes to give their blessings to the soon to be born heirs.
They begin to give some gifts to the parents for their child(ren), but the Royals begin to get even more greedy. They start asking for more and more magical gifts for their heir(s), and this causes the person giving said gifts to grow angry. They decided enough was enough and then cursed the heir. They said, "Your heir(s) will from now on reflect the height of your greedy hearts. Greed as tall as mountains and/or greed as miniscule as your lack of satisfaction."
This curse now affects the heir(s) height to now reflect what their parent or parents greed were when they were demanding gifts. The heir(s) would become as big as their parent(s) greed, making them giant and/or the heir(s) will as small as their parent(s) satisfaction for gifts resulting them in being tiny
How big or small the cursed royal or royals are all up to you. This idea is mostly for fluff or just wholesome g/t
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whumpthefuck · 7 months
I need more Giant/Tiny-pet content!!!
I NEED more Giant's keeping Tiny's as pets. It’s not something I see enough of and it’s driving me insane, so I am making this post in hopes that other feral creatives will help me fix the issue. 
I love the idea cause there are so many different ways you can take it!
They have a little enclosure like a hamster cage or something, fit with tiny furniture, and entertainment. Or maybe it’s only more basic stuff, like a makeshift bed and two bowls for food and water. This could be seen as caring and compassionate by the giant or made out to be an intentionally cruel or bad thing to do to a tiny. Maybe there are Giants who see the ownership of Tinys as slavery, and fight for their freedom, or maybe it’s been so normalized only a small few giants have issue with it. 
Maybe Tinies are sold off in pet stores, imagine how it’d feel to be in this giant glass home where giants are peering down at you all the time, no privacy or security. At any moment a Giant might unlock the enclosure, and reach down and pick you up. Giants tapping on the walls to get your attention. Or to be the giant, peering into this adorable little enclosure filled with tinies, some hiding some maybe walking right up to the glass hoping to get adopted so they can get out of that damned store. 
They keep the Tiny in a little travel carrier for vet visits. The feeling of the floor moving under their feet, clinging dearly to the bars so they don’t go flying across their carrier into the wall. 
Imagine how terrifying it would be for a tiny who got captured by a giant now being kept as a pet, how cute it'd be for a giant to hold this shaking little thing in their massive hands that practically swallow the tiny up whole. 
Then think how the vet visit goes, being poked and prodded by some giant stranger as they talk about the tiny like they aren’t even there. Massive fingers holding the tiny down with such ease and composure it feels humiliating to be unable to stop them. The tiny has a little collar or tracking device in them, so even if they escape they aren’t safe. Being found by any Giant could lead them right back to their owner. 
Tiny’s being separated from friends and family, being placed into some jail-like environment with other Tiny’s who may or may not be friendly or even safe to be around. Having to learn to survive with complete strangers. 
Or maybe the giant is nicer, they make sure Tiny is well fed, safe, secure. The giant sees it as a way to take care of them, maybe tiny agrees, or maybe they don’t. Either way Gian thinks they are doing what’s best.
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gtbutterfly · 6 months
Thinking about tinies feeling bad that they can't do more for their giant friend/partner.
Like, the giant can protect the tiny physically from danger with their massive size, but also comfort the tiny, hold them in their arms and hands, hold them to their chest to warm them up, rub and massage their back with a single finger, carry the tiny over long distances so they don't have to walk, etc.
And what can the tiny do for the giant? They're too small to protect them in any way, or to give them a proper good hug or massage. Obviously, carrying them or warming them up with their body heat is out of the question. They could comfort the giant emotionally, but in most cases that's what the giant is doing for the tiny, and the tiny wouldn't know how to do that anyways.
So the tiny feels like they're useless to their giant, and they're a bad friend or partner for them because they can't do anything for them, regardless of if the giant feels the same way. And when they end up talking to the giant about this, the giant holds and comforts them, making them sure that they don't need to be useful or do anything for the giant to be important to them, and that they care for them no matter what.
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thelilfae · 4 months
thinkin about how laughter is contagious- and giant laughter would be very contagious !
sitting next to this big bass, of loud, concert levels of sound of just, pure happiness after laughing at a silly lil joke they read? you'd be bounced up and down like on a bouncy castle just from their chuckling, or feel the warmth coming from their face & body because of how funny it was, like cmonnn youd have to smile super hard and laugh along!! even though the loudness of their voice might be startling or a bit scary at first- the overwhelming amount of joy would be hard to ignore! their smile literally the size of a mile to a tiny. oh! and especially if they're trying to hide their own giggles and cover their mouth to stop laughing- but thatd be impossible to hide from a tiny, who would pester them till no end until they told them what had them in hysterics, the way you'd only see their happy eyes holding back tears of joy as they struggle to tell you just what was so hilarious, the tiny bursting into laughter aswell just from their attempts to be serious and form a sentence, ugh! so cute!!!!
those are my g/t thinky thoughts for today ty
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starsinthenigth · 23 days
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★ Okay so, concept ★:
— |★| A giant/human is walking home with a tiny being held as a captive in their pocket. Though once they arrive home and check to see how their new little 'friend' is doing— they are quite baffled to find out that there is nothing in the pocket but a large tear, meaning that the little bugger has somehow managed to claw or bite through the cloth in order to escape their prison of fabric. You can decide wether the giant/human will be on the hunt for the tiny for the xyz reason, or if they just forget about the whole ordeal— only being annoyed at the fact that they have to patch up their pocket or something.
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I love tinies with yoinkable clothing
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reborrowing · 1 year
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GT July - Caught
sooo embarrassing to be a trained killer stopped by some random panicky teenager with a cup
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smoll-stace · 9 months
its 3am again and my brain is too loud for comfortable sleep so uhhh here we go again lol
A borrower stealing stuff from stockings
Borrower clinging for dear life onto mistletoe as they look down at their grinning friend (/lover)
Borrower who keeps unplugging the Christmas tree cause it shines light into their room while they're trying to sleep
borrower who takes off with bits of tissue paper for projects
Giants in a town square putting the star atop the tree
Giants helping decorate houses (possibly even treating them like little ginger bread houses. (Not eating them like that silly but like having full power decorating them however they want)
Giants building igloos so they can stay closer to human towns
Giants who hibernate like bears, there friend/lover coming to keep them company (really the human is just lonely)
Sizeshifters that hide (small) in the tree surrounded by lights only and tinsel to jump out resizing and spook their partner
Sizeshifters who find it much easier to scoop the snow from the driveway then use a snow shovel. (They then scoop up their friend/partner up along with the snow and the shovel.)
Sizeshifters that try to be sneaky and peak at presents. (They of course get caught)
That's about all I can think of but feel free to add to this or make a story out of this
Please credit if you do for of inspo (or just tag me lol,) (I really would like to see what you come up with!
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coconutnutmilk · 4 months
G/t prompt
Gt prompt about a pretty giant obsessed with cute tinies, finds one stuck in one of those (horrible) glue mouse traps and now the tiny is kept because hes gravely injured but doesnt understand that tie G is helping him (and obsessing over him).
Extra points if the G has actually 0 patience and/or has some kind of "violent" occupation (boxer etc...) but hes has the face of an angel and the body of a body builder.
Pretty giants is what i crave.
I actually have two oc's that are already like this, but the possibilities are infinite.
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