#giant wasp spider
gaildaley · 10 months
I see it’s about time to post last year’s blogs to catch you up on what I’ve been doing this past year. Some months have very little in them, due to a series of fall I took in May and June.  I started going back to the Chiropractor again, and I’m doing much better, but I basically lost control of my ring and pinkie fingers on both hands, which makes me a slower typist. On a good note I am able…
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wwprice1 · 5 months
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The heroes of Marvel unite by Sanford Greene.
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smol-lucy · 1 year
This happened today (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
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guairescp · 1 year
Why do all the cutest and coolest insects have the most dangerous bites or stings? It's so unfair
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You all cannot tell me in good faith you don't want to be near these animals.
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sandymybeloved · 1 year
its really funny to me (and by funny i mean infuriating), how vastly different the acceptable levels of silly nonsense are between different eras of specifically the revival
its like, RTD era: incredibly dumb moment (affectionate), Moffat era: that's silly (derogatory), Chibnall era: I have to suspend my disbelief??? (borderline homocidal)
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browsethestacks · 2 years
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Comics (Sept1964)
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unreadpoppy · 2 months
stopping da2 for now because the amount of spider jumpscares i'm getting is making me very triggered
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holy-shit-comics · 8 months
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itsadragonaesthetic · 2 years
I'm starting to realize my fear of insects etc is kind of a detriment and it's annoying. I thought I was all good cuz I don't HATE insects and I'm better than uh... some people! But the fact that I'm so easily undone by things is kind of a problem and I kind of want to look to mending it.
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smashpages · 1 year
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Groot #2 (Marvel, June 2023) Stormbreakers variant cover by Martin Coccolo
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wwprice1 · 11 days
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Avengers art by the late John Cassaday.
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the-busy-ghost · 2 years
Constantly forget that the ceiling and windows are lower in the upstairs room, and think I finally know what people over six feet feel like
#I'm like a giant#Everything is so far away? The windows are lower? The fireplace is lower? I can't visualise furniture in there because my proportions are of#Not that I could get the furniture up the stairs anyway#Ah well that's the least of my problems currently I have one wall that was almost soaking wet the other night due to condensation#Which considering that that's really the only major issue in a house which dates back 400 years I'm trying to be chill about#But I am not succeeding; I'm just wandering around feeling like an utter failure because *checks notes* there is slight damp#which I already knew about because it was on the home report over a year ago when I moved in#And I had people come out and look at it and they told me exactly why and how and when it would happen#I just haven't been able to try their suggestion of the damp-proofing paint because it's winter#But then I'm also concerned because it may  be because of a lack of ventilation in the chimney#But I'm going to have reduce the ventilation further because a slug somehow got in#I'm pretty fine with bugs- thank god I'm not scared of spiders because this house has the biggest I have ever seen in my entire life#And I've been to Australia#And there's the odd case of the wasps that kept coming in JUST to die on my windowsill#But slugs are a  huge no; I detest them with all my heart and am only slightly better with them now#Because after a few years of mild gardening I a) know they can't catch me (haha slowcoaches) and b) they are good for compost#But they have no place inside my house LEAST OF ALL in the tiny tiny study room on the fourth floor of the building#I'm very very worried about that chimney but I can't open it up to have a look without opening a gigantic can of worms#So we're just going to have to try some tape and some paint and try not to think about the slugs#That's a long way of saying it's an absolutely darling little room and actually the issues on the chimney wall#are basically the only issues in the entire flat#So I really should NOT be complaining but yeah I still feel like I've failed myself and the house and everyone I know#Because a slug got in#The rest of the house is largely bug-proof and the windows the heating the water all work and I have a cosy bed#The roof I'm panicking about a bit but that's because I need to grow a spine and tackle my neighbours like a grown-up not long-term damage#I'm only responsible for part of the building and almost all of it is in good nick and I intend to keep it that way#But I'm still worried and if that little room falls apart it will be my fault but on the other hand it's been there since 1589 so not all me#But everything has been a failure there- none of the furniture fits up the stairs; the floor took three tries to finish; and now wet wall#First world problems EXTREMELY but also hard not to take it personally and feel like I've failed the house#Earth & Stone
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buriedpentacles · 1 month
When I say "connect with nature" I don't just mean the aesthetic forests with deer and beautiful flowers.
I mean the weeds growing through concrete, the fungus that grows on the rotten shed, the nettles that always seem to return and the scary, spindly cellar spider in the corner of the bathroom.
Nature is not always pretty or magical - the pigeons and seagulls you swat at are nature too, the wasps and flies that hover by your meals are animals too, store-bought strawberries and the leaves that fall from your neighbour's tree are not all that different from the Giant Sequoias and it's seeds.
If you want to connect and understand nature, I mean *really* connect to it, in it's entirety, you have to seek out and learn about the ugly, scary and mundane things as well. You don't have to like it, just don't forget that it's there.
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bogleech · 1 year
Anyway while we're on the subject of public misconception towards living things (which is completely understandable because have you SEEN living things? There's like dozens of them!) here's a fresh rundown of some common mistakes about bugs!
Arachnids aren't just spiders! They're also scorpions, mites, ticks and some real weirdos out there
Insects with wings are always finished growing! Wings are the last new thing they ever develop! There can never be a "baby bee" that's just a smaller bee flying around.
That said, not all insects have larvae! Many older insect groups do look like little versions of adults....but the wings rule still applies.
Insects do have brains! Lobes and everything!
Only the Hymenoptera (bees, ants and wasps) have stingers like that.
Not all bees and wasps live in colonies with queens
The only non-hymenoptera with queens are termites, which is convergent evolution, because termites are a type of cockroach!
There are still other insects with colonial lifestyles to various degrees which can include special reproductive castes, just not the whole "queen" setup.
Even ants still deviate from that; there are multi-queen ant species, some species where the whole colony is just females who clone themselves and other outliers
There is no "hive mind;" social insects coordinate no differently from schools of fish, flocks of birds, or for that matter crowds of humans! They're just following the same signals together and communicating to each other!
Not all mosquito species carry disease, and not all of them bite people
Mosquitoes ARE ecologically very important and nobody in science ever actually said otherwise
The bite of a black widow is so rarely deadly that the United States doesn't bother stocking antivenin despite hundreds of reported bites per year. It just feels really really bad and they give you painkillers.
Recluse venom does damage skin, but only in the tiny area surrounding the bite. More serious cases are due to this dead skin inviting bacterial infection, and in fact our hospitals don't carry recluse antivenin either; they just prescribe powerful antibiotics, which has been fully effective at treating confirmed bites.
Bed bugs are real actual specific insects
"Cooties" basically are, too; it's old slang for lice
Crane flies aren't "mosquito hawks;" they actually don't eat at all!
Hobo spiders aren't really found to have a dangerous bite, leaving only widows and recluses as North America's "medically significant" spiders
Domestic honeybees actually kill far more people than hornets, including everywhere the giant "murder" hornet naturally occurs.
Wasps are only "less efficient" pollinators in that less pollen sticks to them per wasp. They are still absolutely critical pollinators and many flowers are pollinated by wasps exclusively.
Flies are also as important or more important to pollination than bees.
For "per insect" pollination efficiency it's now believed that moths also beat bees
Honeybees are non-native to most of the world and not great for the local ecosystem, they're just essential to us and our food industry
Getting a botfly is unpleasant and can become painful, but they aren't actually dangerous and they don't eat your flesh; they essentially push the flesh out of the way to create a chamber and they feed on fluids your immune system keeps making in response to the intrusion. They also keep this chamber free of bacterial infection because that would harm them too!
Botflies also exist in most parts of the world, but only one species specializes partially in humans (and primates in general, but can make do with a few other hosts)
"Kissing bugs" are a group of a couple unusual species of assassin bug. Only the kissing bugs evolved to feed on blood; other assassin bugs just eat other insects.
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girlballs · 22 days
you have to hype up your girlmutuals or god will send beetles and snakes and bees and wasps and spiders and giant crabs to kill you
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fran-valz · 4 months
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Some highlights from the slop that is the AI Worm audiobook on YouTube Music.
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Ai Taylor confronts lung, who has just transformed into a giant evil spiderman with bug wings.
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Taylor shows that the bug antennas are a canon part of the costume, she might be changing race every other chapter.
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Brian flexes on the dogs and a 10 year old Rachel (This is the only time Brian is portrayed as black)
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Wasp skitter fights the ghost rider gang.
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White Brian gives Taylor or Lisa a bug inside of a giant amber, while the rest of the Undersiders watch, including their latest recruit, a disembodied leg.
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Canary is on space trial being represented by a robot lawyer.
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DC fans execute nightwing cosplayer.
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Taylor or Faultline single handedly take down the merchants in their sci-fi military base.
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Superman checks his emails in a dark room.
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Skitter comes back to her modest cabin after a long day working in the mines, her wife is preparing some horrific looking food.
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The PRT council discusses a derpy-looking photo of Taylor.
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Theo fights Taylor using his iconic venom suit in front of the spider mastermind.
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Wasp Skitter and Mecha Weaver save the city once again
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