#ghouls (fallout)
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meltingangels · 11 months ago
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olliveolly · 11 months ago
I'm kinda happy that I finished it 🥰
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It's another fallout/the boys crossover ☺️
I think this is how they would look in the Fallout universe
Hope you enjoy ❤️
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sp-writes · 3 months ago
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Have a merry Christmas Eve everyone!!
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nerdygoth77 · 3 months ago
Today I learned if you give Raul a bandana, he’ll wear it!
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kittykatkatelol · 23 days ago
How ghouls work, the ghoulification process, and more below cut - aka extremely long description of ghoulification that Bethesda was too much of a coward to give us
disclaimer, I am well aware this probably isn't how Bethesda made ghouls work in fallout canon, but it is how they worked in my canon.
Ghoulification happens to many in the post nuclear world that is fallout - it happens for one reason, and one reason alone. Radiation. Though I am sure most already knew that, but if you didn't, there you go.
You have a certain threshold of how much radiation you can have in your system without becoming a ghoul. There are 4 thresholds total: From human to ghoul, from ghoul to feral, from feral to dead. Once you hit a threshold, there is no reversing it. No cure. Once it is done, it is done, and you have to learn to manage it best as possible. The likeliness of a cure for being a ghoul, is extremely, EXTREMELY unlikely. The only reason I don't say it's impossible, is because it is fallout, and weirder things have been achieved.
Well, Faraday, I hear you ask, how do you know when you've hit a threshold? To that I say, you don't lol. Well, kind of. If you have geiger counter, then you'll know when you hit the first threshold of becoming a ghoul, as your counter will not stop ticking. But for most, who don't have one, you don't know until you start getting symptoms.
What are these symptoms, Faraday? There are many, the vary from person to person, ghoul to ghoul. The symptoms everyone gets are intense weight loss in the span of a short period of time with no change to diet, hair loss, bloodshot eyes, patches of unusually dry skin. The ones that vary are coughing, usually coughing up blood, becoming sickly, often ill with fevers, vomiting, shakes.
There are of course more, but these are the most common. Patches of this dry, rot like skin will most likely start on your hands, feet, or face, as those are the places most likely exposed to radiation first. Though, for me, it was my upper arm, as that is where I injected the experimental radiation drug. It starts where the radiation was first exposed and it spreads.
So you start seeing the signs that you are becoming a ghoul, is there anything you can do to slow the process? Actually yes. Radaway. BEFORE you go down a bunch of radaway, listen to me very closely, radiation is now your life force. Even if you are still in the very early process of becoming a ghoul, you are still a ghoul. Radaway will kill you if you take too much all at once. Radaway will make you even weaker, even sicker, but it will postpone the ghoulification process. It should only be done if you are in a genuinely unsafe place for ghouls to be, such as the Brotherhood of Steel, or Diamond City, to name a couple examples. You will have to be hooked to a radaway 24/7 to keep from becoming visibly a ghoul, but you want to hurry up and get away from that dangerous place as it can and will kill you.
The process can take anywhere from a week to multiple months depending on how long you keep up the radaway. You can probably go for over a year, but at a certain point it just isn't worth it to keep taking, it's only going to get worse and worse the longer you take it. The normal I'd reckon is a month or two.
When you reach a certain point of radiation intake, the initial ghoulification hell will be over. You will still have some aches and pains and some really bad days, but the main hurdle will be done and you'll feel pretty much how you did before becoming a ghoul. Yay. What now you ask? Well, anything. You might look different, but you have the same capacity of doing things as a human can. You're healing is different, but overall, you can keep doing what you were doing with little repercussions. You don't heal with stimpaks that well, so radiation will be your new healing method. Ghouls vary in how they look, hair loss if dependent on how much radiation they have in their system and how far along they are. No one keeps their hair, a rare few will keep facial hair, but most are bald as a cueball everywhere lol. You will not gain weight, there is no such thing as a big ghoul, or a muscular ghoul, you are thin, you look malnourished, and I don't think there are any exceptions. Some lose their nails, some don't, some become extremely rotted, some have very minimal rot, some pure black eyes, some are just bloodshot - looks vary from person to person, ghoul to ghoul. No experience or appearance will ever be exactly the same as anothers.
You will not catch diseases from animals or humans, your organs will not fail, cigs won't cause lung damaged, you will not feel things properly anymore (aka if you get shot it will be considerably less painful than it is supposed to be. You will be ""immortal"" - a term I use quite loosely since there are plenty of downsides to make up for ""immortality"".
To keep in mind, there are still 3 other thresholds. Radiation is your lifeforce, but too much of a good thing still exists. Too much will make you start going feral. How to prevent this is by have two days a year where you settle down, and take a radaway to flush your systems and reset things. It's going to be hell, it's going to feel like when you first became a ghoul, you are going to be fatigued, ill, and in a lot of pain. But it will be worth it to avoid going feral. Another thing, when you go into an extremely radiated place like the Glowing Sea, take a Rad-X. It won't flush your systems like a radaway, but it will limit how much radiation gets thrown into you.
How to tell if you are going feral? I honestly don't know too much. Amnesia, having big chunks of memory gone. Strange behavior. Headaches, twitching. I don't know what it feels like, but when friends went feral, that was seemingly the symptoms. Again, no cure, once you find out you are going feral, the best solution is to put yourself - or have someone else - out of your misery. To go feral is to become a zombie, it is better for everyone, including yourself, to just end it before it gets to bad.
Ferals don't live long, we all know this. You see one, you kill it, that's just how it goes. But they are capable of living a decently long time, like any ghoul. The final threshold is death, ferals can't do anything to stop radiation intact. If a bullet won't kill them, radiation will.
And yes, we could smell. Not too well, but we could still smell and breathe in through our noses before anyone asks.
I think that is about everything I can think of, if anyone has any questions I will do my damnedest to answer them.
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dykedvonte · 1 year ago
I can’t draw but ghoul girl band called “Rot Girls” who just tour the wastes performing unpopular songs about how much they love the radiation and how gross men smooth skins don’t hit on them anymore due to their ghoulification.
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rad-x-romance-gift-exchange · 8 months ago
12 days left till sign up opens!!
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Here is the Ghoulcy version of that art with their replacement fingers attached!! Art by @cat-shepard
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nukacoola · 8 days ago
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I don’t like 76 but this art is making me SOB with joy
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mentat2gh0ul · 9 months ago
To my understanding but seem stated within the Fallout universe as well, Ghouls turn feral mostly due mental instability... Hancock went through ghoulification recently so, idk, he seems pretty alright with it so I doubt he would even turn feral, psychologically speaking... BUT, makes me wonder how Vault-Tec rep managed to keep himself from going feral because he seems to be lamenting how miserable he feels- understandably so cause pre-war ghouls must have it p rough.
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meltingangels · 11 months ago
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olliveolly · 11 months ago
Hello guys 👋🏼
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hey, it so happened that in the absence of ideas, I actually did had an idea linked to the backdrop of a fresh fallout series that I just finished watching))
I don’t know if it will be interesting, but I was interested in imagining the boys’ characters in the Fallout universe, but I couldn’t decide on their roles, who would be who, so I drew bought versions😅
Hope you find it interesting ♥️
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sp-writes · 2 months ago
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John & Alyssa
More posts coming soon…
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nerdygoth77 · 8 months ago
Fallout 3 characters my beloved 💕
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Part 1 of my favorite screenshots in my Fallout playthroughs
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askyes-man · 4 months ago
What's your opinion on ghouls? Like, non-feral ones. (Asking for a friend. Totally.)
-RobCo Employee #127
Well, I don't know much ABOUT them, but they do look a little… frightening. They're still people, though.
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rad-x-romance-gift-exchange · 9 months ago
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Find yourself someone who looks at you the way The Ghoul looks at Dogmeat! Whos a good Puppo!!
16 Days until Signups for the Ghoul Romance exchange on AO3 are open!!
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