#ghosts poll
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rosalie-starfall · 6 months ago
Because I gotta know!
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I've gotten my whole family and many of my loved ones watching recently, and I find it so interesting how all of us have a different "Favorite" Ghost. Now I'm curious who everyone's else's favorite ghost is. Feel free to add content or tags about your fav!
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roseofithaca · 1 year ago
Apparently a lot of people were not happy with S4 when it aired? I don't quite get it, though again I did binge the show when S5 came out so maybe it was different watching it at the time. But I'm curious if that's still the majority view.
But S4 has a lot of stuff I love. Everything setting up Mary's departure is great and the exploration of grief is amazing, the Captain and Kitty moments are adorable, the Sorry Song, Julian and Alison teaming up to be chaos buds, Robin's whole big damn hero moment at the end. And also it has the best Christmas episode, and iPlayer includes that as part of the series. I've heard some people felt it became a little more serious and less comedy but I didn't really notice and the dramatic parts worked really well imo? Again, I've watched Being Human UK and Red Dwarf S7, I've seen how much worse shows can be when they shift tone.
I love the whole show but I guess if I was forced to pick a least favorite based on episodes I rewatch least, it's probably Series 1. Nothing against the quality, it's just the first three episodes especially feel a bit hectic with Alison very much struggling to keep her sanity, it can come across a bit cringy at times. Series 5 also has a couple weak points but that's mostly because pregnancy plotlines tend to grind the story down for me, it's just a personal thing, but again it has some amazing episodes and moments so puts it above Series 1.
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pseudospectre · 1 year ago
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gothamslostboy · 1 year ago
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geometricalien · 2 years ago
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rarely-online-glaucopis · 5 months ago
And since I have your attention now, please remember about my friend @ameinababa2024
Her fundraiser has been vetted here. She has four children: Jude (12, needs treatment for health problems), Habiba (10), Omar (6) and Maryam (1, born 3 months before the war). She is also raising funds for her brother's family of six. Please, help this family by donating and sharing.
Tagging for reach:
@dirhwangdaseul @gorgugplushie @genderkoolaid @opencommunion @stuckinapril
@sawasawako @metanarrates @beserkerjewel @mar64ds @soon-palestine
@infectiouspiss @timetravellingkitty @appsa @withthewindinherfootsteps @sillysymbol
@hiveswap @triangleguy @sketiana @funds4gaza @cetitan
@ankhisms @communist-ojou-sama @ghosthoodie @rickybabyboy @etchif
@fromjannah @catamaurrr-star @chronic-lesbian @wormzandgutz @postanagramgenerator
@toasty-self-shipping @butchfeygela @puppyizm @pulsingvoid @poetrylesbian
@skunkes @danijaci @girl-biter @cupiidzbow @junkirat
@maybuds @beetlebongos @littlegermanboy @dykentery @itwashotwestayedinthewater
@fishfingersandscarves @sunshinetomorrow @thetyrannosaur @worm-suggestion @nyaskitten
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nipuni · 7 months ago
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Casanova sketches!
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whatcha-thinkin · 1 year ago
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strawlessandbraless · 5 months ago
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pricetagged · 26 days ago
MEDIEVAL SCAMMER GHOAP?! Please enlighten us🙏🙏🙏
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Since you both asked so nicely, have a snippet of a whisp of a concept😅
I have an idea. Not fully fleshed out. I could go in two directions, either historical Ghoap working as Pardoners and taking advantage of ignorant village reader (corruption kink, religious themes, abuse of power etc.).
OR, for my monster-lovers, has anyone seen Dragonheart? I was picturing, like, one of them is something beastly, the other plays at knight = profit? Fantasy scam and rescue? So, it would go something like this:
(Tw kidnapping and kind of mean Ghoap)
Your situation didn't look any better flipped on its head. Flipped on your head, rather. Snatched and thrown over a bulky shoulder, high– higher than even your standing position. It was discomfiting; it was terrifying. Blood rushed to your face not only in fury but also in shame as your skirts fluttered in the breeze.
He noticed, too. His greedy fingers dug into your thighs, skimming down like he was soothing a skittish horse. But you felt the way he lingered. The way he chuffed and squeezed tighter when you kicked out with all the strength of a skittish colt.
Your fists pounded uselessly against heavy splint-mail, hands-catching on rough nodules and spikes that didn't quite register as pain. Not to your panic-stricken mind, thoughts flying off in the wind behind you as the beast carried you off.
But the smack registered.
Perhaps it was the sound, the harsh slap of flesh on flesh. Whipping crack, like the snapping of a great branch. The precursor to an eerie stillness, violence begetting obmutescence. And it worked–
–for a second. For the time it took for your stinging nerves to catch up with your racing mind. Then you howled. Kicked and clawed and hissed like a feral cat as tears welled in your lash-line.
"How dare you–"
"Quit yer fashin'. Ye'll bring the whole kingsguard down this way–"
"–and then I'll have tae kill them all," That had your attention, legs tense under the heavy band of his bicep. "Dinnae much feel like sharin' ye around."
"Oh, you beast! You foul, vile, disgusting–" Your voice was high, words scratching as they hitched out of your aching throat.
It hurt to speak, vocal cords already shredded from the way you'd screamed when he'd first ransacked your village. Coughing on heavy, acrid smoke and crying futile warnings about the Black Knight and his monster-in-arms ('Quiet, girl. Viper-tonged harlot, slither off and for gods' sake, quiet!') . But it hurt more to be silent. You flung insults like broken arrows, hoping that they would somehow land. That they would hit, fortuitously, and pierce the thick-hide of this brute. But hope is vain, and the fancies of men make gods laugh.
You landed hard on something soft.
Ego almost as bruised as your knees, you kept your eyes low. Sweeping. Marshy, wet silt. Topsoil sluiced off, only mud and clay and reeds to your right. A cheerfully babbling brook just beyond, water murky and discoloured with backwash from– the water flowed past the estuary of the village so it must be– no–
The realisation was caustic. Mordant. Burning at you like the scorched air in your lungs.
"You're a monster," you spat the words, mouth watering in your haste to let ichor drip forth and blacken him as much as the foul, brackish water ahead.
"Noticed that, did ye," he laughed, words glancing off like feeble blows. "Best not tae piss me off, then. Stay there and behave yersel'. Company's comin'."
Glancing up at him was like a blow to the stomach, wind punched out and body shaking. You already knew that he was big, inhuman. But now you could see every inch; monstrous, twisted mockery of natural features. Like a man formed of rock, too immense and hard and jagged to pass for anything but artificial. Counterfeit. Contranatural. Creation's bastard. All tusks and teeth and shorn hair. Hair everywhere, even down his bare, bulging forearms and thick knuckles. Coarse, dark.
His eerie, bright blue eyes blazed around black, pupils wild and blown. It could be the thrill, cruel playfulness of an apex predator. Berserker-wide, coming down from the kill–
But he'd been carrying you for a while, bloodlust long-since sated on the men and manse of your homeland.
You shivered, sweat and cold mingling in a discomfiting damp that raised the hairs on your arms. (The hairs on the back of your neck were already needle-stiff and prickling).
You pocketed a stone, a big jagged filthy shard. One you hoped could bruise and slash and poison, turn wounds weeping and sick.
Now that you were silent, he seemed especially strident, swaggering around the barebones of what you supposed must be a dwelling. You felt the slight whistling of air from the cave behind, cavernous and black. If you had to run, to hide, you'd take your chances with the forest and river ahead. To be lost in the appetites of the mountain abyss would spell death as surely as at the hands of this creature.
You watched him, cocksure and comfortable as he shucked off his warhammer and began unbuckling his braces. If you could read the snarl of his crooked teeth, you'd perhaps say he was in high spirits. He sent you a wink as he shrugged off his splint-mail, gravelly laugh echoing in the cavern behind.
It disguised the approach of your visitor.
"Grabbed the wrong one, Johnny," you shrieked as something grabbed your forearm, hauling you up. Looking down you saw the muted sheen of a spiked gauntlet. Black patina, flaked in iron rust. You swallowed hard, lump in your throat so big that it caught any words that might try to escape. Him. The Black Knight. The Liar. 
"Ye said to grab the pretty one by the fancy house."
"She's not the magistrate's daughter. No ransom for her." He spun you around, metal biting hard into your chin as he arched your face towards his.
Cloaked in ink-black helm and visor, you could just about peer in to meet his gaze. He looked back with cold, assessing eyes. The voice that rumbled forth was as harsh and breccial as you remembered, words rending you apart with serrated precision: "Not worth a rescue mission."
He released your chin with a final shake of your head, huffing amusement as you rubbed at the thin scratches he left behind.
It was hard to breathe now, stomach swirling and head-light. Even if you could will yourself, it wouldn’t help. There was already a faint coppery smell leeching from the Knight; your heart recognised it even if you would not give name to it. It sped up, fast enough to rush past your ears with discordant force. 
You didn’t feel the other one step up behind you, not until it was too late. There, trapped between man and monster (man the monster), tight enough that you couldn't even shiver. You felt the power of the creature even more now without the armour, all muscle and fat, sheer power close enough to sink your fingers into. But you couldn't move, your shallow breaths already catching in your throat into soft, hitching whines. 
"Shh, it's alright, bonnie," Rough, clumsy fingers swiped under your eyes. You felt him crouch lower, stubbly hair and tusks digging into your powder-soft cheek. "Looks like we're gonnae have tae keep you, then."
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who-do-i-know-this-man · 21 days ago
Having now seen Dandandan I can confirm my sibling was right all along
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These are the same guy
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quarterlifekitty · 2 months ago
Desperate times
Based on the results of this post and poll
cw: dark content. Kidnapping, threats, drugging, noncon, restraint, the whole shebang.
❌ Gaz is starting to feel a little disheartened, babe. You don’t seem as committed to making this work as he is… But that’s okay. He told you he loved you, and love means always being willing to put in the effort, yeah? So if the public approaches aren’t working, maybe you need something more private. It’s easy to get one of his mates to follow you around bars, wait for the perfect moment, and slip something in your drink. It’s easy to know when on the walk home there won’t be any witnesses. The hard part is going to be training you out of hissing and spitting when he gives you sweet words and gentle touches. That’s no way for a bird to treat her man, not when he’s gone through so much for her.
❌Soap is starting to feel a little… restless. This was fun at first, this game of trying to win you back, of cornering you like he was some kind of creep, but now? He just wants his bonnie. He needs you, and he knows you’ll never be as happy with anyone else as you are with him. He starts right from when you wake up after that night of reigniting your passions. You’re saying things you don’t mean, things you’ll regret— and he’s never been able to keep his cool when you get emotional. So if he wraps his hands around your throat and squeezes until you still, he can’t be the only one to blame. Now, he’ll be the first to admit that his worship of your body last night was just a wee bit lackluster… he was too excited for the main event. When you wake up, tied to his bed and gagged, he won’t be making the same mistake. In fact, best start on it now.
⭕️ Ghost doesn’t keep it casual. He doesn’t take baby steps. Just as soon as you return one of his calls, you can barely say hello before he says “I’m comin’ over, dovie.” You’ve never seen him smile like he did on that day before, and quite frankly, you never want to see it again. He looks sick. Drunk on just his proximity to you. He attacks you with his mouth once you answer the door, grunting between heaving breaths that he knew, knew you’d come around, knew you were a good girl, knew you’d never wanna force him to do something he didn’t want to do. He takes you on a few surfaces before he can finally pull his mind together enough to take you to a real bed. Tells you he’s gonna put a ring on your finger and a baby in your belly so this can’t happen again, because honestly? He doesn’t wanna tell you what will happen if it does.
❌Nikolai thought it was cute at first, seeing you try to play at being the big, strong, independent girl. But while his love for you is endless, his patience isn’t. The longer he lets this go on, the more training you’ll need when you come back. So he decides to do the merciful thing, and take you home. It’s a shame you didn’t behave— he would’ve let you sit in the passenger seat with his hand on your thigh the way you used to love. Instead he had to drag you into the back, chemicals soaked in the cloth he put over your mouth and nose. It doesn’t do well for a princess to be out of her tower. No, it isn’t good for anyone, least of all the princess. You don’t realize the dragon is collared and chained to you, that’s okay— he’ll just have to put you in a collar and chains of your own while you get used to things again. Maybe you’d be a little happier with your life inside if you had something little and sweet to take care of, like he does? He could get you that, malýshka. You don’t even need to ask.
I was thinking of making this the last in the series, but maybe we can push it further?
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horrorpolls · 6 months ago
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incognitopolls · 1 month ago
We ask your questions anonymously so you don’t have to! Submissions are open on the 1st and 15th of the month.
What colour do you most strongly associate with ghosts? Red Orange Yellow Green Cyan Indigo Purple White Black Some other colour I don't associate ghosts with any colour
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yaboiyaoihaisel · 7 months ago
Being afraid of ghosts means you wouldn't want to be in an allegedly haunted place, or you watch a horror movie/game where there's ghosts and you're afraid.
I'm very curious about these results bc I think I might be in a minority with these options and I just wanna see.
Please reblog I want a decent population for my test lol
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juniper-clan · 6 months ago
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Moon 27: Walking on My Grave (feat @in-memoriam-tgwk Glowstar!)
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