#ghostly reviews
quillandrapier · 9 months
As the final episode has now aired I've finally updated the random ghosts episode generator here (x)
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You can change the settings to suit you and toggle off the episodes you've already seen but it might be a nice way to watch the series if you are bored following the usual order.
I'll be using it to post reviews under the tag #Ghosts:AnAutopsy
Enjoy the generator and thank you for the last five years guys. You are what made being a fan of ghosts special
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aroaessidhe · 5 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
Compound Fracture
YA thriller set in rural West Virginia
follows an autistic trans boy who survives being almost killed by the Sheriff’s son after a party, and accidentally kills one of the boys who hurt him when he tries to get back at him
and is pulled head-first back into the 100 year old feud between his & the sheriff’s families, that began when his great-great grandfather was executed after inciting a miner’s rebellion, the grandfather whose ghost has started to haunt him
community & family & socialist revolution
aro-questioning MC
arc from netgalley, out september 3
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redsamuraiii · 1 year
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Manga Yokai Stories: Ghostly Tales from Japan
A collection of tales consolidated by a Greek-Irish writer named Lafcadio Hearn who lived in Japan in 1904 and was fascinated by the stories he read and hear that he put them together into a book called “Kwaidan”. He finds the stories fascinating as it’s not the type of horror stories you would expect but rather presented in a different way focusing on the human nature of the ghosts like regrets, anger, loneliness and sorrow. It is essentially a story of letting go of the past and moving on in life as the ghosts return from the dead because they want vengeance against those who wronged them in life, to be with their loved ones who they still miss. Or even wanting a second chance in life after messing up in their unfulfilling life but can’t. So they are unable to die in peace and move on to the next world because their heart and soul are still clinging on to the world, to the past. A page turner filled with interesting stories with plot twists making you wonder if they are able to search for inner peace or what they are looking for and wonder if the story goes the way you expect it to. The illustrations by Inko Ai Takita is simply beautiful, with a blend of typical manga style and a touch of realism to it which helps in the dramatisation of the stories as you can feel the emotions showed by the characters. A good book to read if you’re interested in Japanese culture and folktales. Or if you love art and appreciate the amazing artwork and is more of a visual reader like me who likes reading books with illustrations.
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britishchick09 · 4 months
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@goodbye-little-yellow-bird recommended this self published phantom book and the preview is amazing! i was looking for the full thing...
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and discovered that it was originally a 2005 fic!! :o
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polarfarina · 1 year
After finishing Good Omens 2 I really was sitting there like "wow that was incredible.... the internet is going to hate this" and yeah. I wish I had been wrong
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miloscat · 9 months
[Review] Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures 2 (3DS)
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This puck has legs after all.
After Inti Creates phoned it in for the first 3DS companion game, Monkey Bar Games handled all versions of the sequel themselves. The result is a 3DS port with (I think) feature parity on the console version, albeit with graphical compromises and fewer enemies populating the levels. PMatGA2 is a pretty simple 3D platformer from a fixed perspective, with the occasional rail shooter/vehicle section/2D zone to mix things up, but the key difference from the first game on 3DS is that this actually feels good to play.
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Pac is quick on his feet, has a double jump, and can chomp ghosts in rapid succession, so the action feels snappy. The transformations can slow things down at times but no one section really lasts long enough that it drags. This time, Pac's forms are given to you when necessary and he can only use one at a time, so levels are more often built around their abilities. You're usually jumping between platforming setpieces and mini-combat arenas where a bunch of ghosts spawn in, although these can often just be skipped if you would rather keep moving.
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The forms include the returning fire (now with a cool gliding ability), ice, magnet, and chameleon, as well as the more limited rock ball, now joined by the rubber ball form. Also advertised are Pac-Zilla and Pac Kong but these are only used contextually for brief boss fights. The Pac-Zilla fight feels like the stilted Giant Battles in certain Mario & Luigi games, whereas the Kong one is a more engaging beat-down with a T-Rex. Some levels have you do a decent if basic rail shooter sequence, which is where Pac's off-the-rack friends get to have a playable appearance.
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The gameplay doesn't change too much from world to world—from the city to an Atlantis take to space to prehistory to the underworld—but each one at least looks distinctive. The story has a little more focus than the perfunctory plot in Inti's effort; there's voice acting here along with interstitial cutscenes. From what I can tell there's a lot of rehashing stuff from the show, but the turncoat ghosts, who I consider to be the most interesting characters, don't have much of a role, sadly. I did learn from in-game bios that Pinky and Cyli, basically the only two female characters in the main cast, have a jealousy subplot over Pac's affections. So that sucks! Makes me all the more glad that the show was cancelled and this new standard for the Pac-Man series has been left in the dust.
I don't have too much more to say on this one. It's never very challenging which is just fine; in fact the game extravagantly throws extra lives at you, such that I was at the max of 99 in world 2 and never dipped below 95. It's just an easy, breezy 3D platformer which is a nice thing to have on a portable in particular. I would like to take this opportunity to have one final dig at the design of Pac himself, which is just so ugly, especially when he makes any kind of facial expression that's not the classic "wide open eyes and mouth". Rest in pieces, Ghostly Adventures.
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pointlessprism · 9 months
Did I gaslight myself into thinking that someone did an episode by episode full review of Pac Man and the Ghostly Adventures?
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sinceileftyoublog · 1 year
Julie Byrne Album Review: The Greater Wings
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(Ghostly International)
Albums billed as being shaped by grief often don't follow linear rules, or at least a perfect pipeline of death to grief to songwriting. Famously, when Jeff Tweedy sang, "Tall buildings shake / Voices escape singing sad sad songs," on "Jesus Etc.", released in 2002, many listeners thought the line to be about 9/11, even though Yankee Hotel Foxtrot was finished before the attacks. More recently, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds' Skeleton Tree hit shelves after his son Arthur tragically died from a fall; during its recording sessions, Cave amended many of the album's lyrics, which had been initially written by the time his son passed away, but to this day we don't know exactly what changed. On the title track to singer-songwriter Julie Byrne's new album The Greater Wings, she declares she will "name my grief to let it sing," rendering that grief a living, breathing entity, almost a character in the album. Halfway through the making of the record, Byrne's creative partner Eric Littmann suddenly passed away. After shelving it for six months, Byrne completed the album with producer Alex Somers, her first time in a conventional recording studio. The result is a stunning canvas of reflection on things that are no longer for this world, from people to relationships, filtered through Byrne's blue-colored glasses.
Really, a more apt timeline for comparison to The Greater Wings is Bell Witch's Mirror Reaper, an album that acts as a tribute to a former member while including documents of their physical presence, more living artifact than ghost. On Mirror Reaper, it was the late Adrian Guerra's voice; here, Littmann's synthesizers shine throughout the record, like his arpeggios harmonizing with Marilu Donovan's harp on "Summer Glass" and his wobbly instrumentation on "Conversation Is A Flowstate". To see how Byrne and Somers owned the material from there is breathtaking. It's hard to remember that before her previous record, Not Even Happiness, Byrne was a DIY folk singer. That album's glassy closing track "I Live Now As A Singer" not only informed The Greater Wings' expanded aesthetic, but it's proven to be a total turning point in Byrne's career. The production flourishes and additional instrumentation on The Greater Wings are sometimes subtle, but they move mountains. Synthesizers shimmer alongside acoustic guitar on the title track. Somers' backing vocals on "Portrait Of A Clear Day" nestle among Byrne's lead vocal turn, Donovan's harp, and Jake Falby's strings. "I get so nostalgic for you sometimes," Byrne sings, her hazy memories perfectly contrasting the crispness of the music.
In fact, contrast is a defining feature of The Greater Wings. On emotional centerpiece "Summer Glass", Byrne's words consist of recollections of specific moments in time ("You lit my joint with the end of your cigarette," "The tattoo you gave me lying in bed"), all-encompassing devotionals ("You are the family that I chose"), and broad therapeutic goals ("I want to be whole enough to risk again"). Even the instrumental "Summer's End" showcases the tactility of Donovan's harp against the atmospheric wash of the synthesizers and echoing bells. And Somers added textures to Littman's initial work on "Conversation Is A Flowstate", making it a harmonic, yet percussive and conversational push-pull as Byrne recites affirmations: "Permission to feel it, it's alright / Permission to grieve, it is alright / Healing can be heartbreaking, it's alright."
Making yourself "whole," or as close to it as possible, is not an easy or definite process, in life or in music. Even on a song like "Flare", Byrne goes through multiple so-called "stages of grief," including bargaining and acceptance, Jefre Cantu-Ledesma's modular synth buoying her words. The Greater Wings, then, is as close to universal art as it gets, a treatise on the human penchant for imperfection, for being naturally unable to fully appreciate something while it's there. "I tell you now what for so long I did not say / That if I have no right to want you / I want you anyway," Byrne sings with smoky heartbreak on "Lightning Comes Up From The Ground", a title that makes literal what happens when an event in your life shakes you to your core: It turns your world upside-down.
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Ghostly Touches by Salem Cross
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*Sighhhhh* This was SUCH a fun read y'all! It's been awhile since I've enjoyed a RH novel this much, and what a refreshing story at that! With a badass heroine and a few grumpy, groveling, and monster like men, this book was everything I needed and more😩 I went into this book with zero knowledge or any idea of what to expect, and honestly that made it soooo much more enjoyable. I also feel like this is one of those books that makes more sense if you just read it your self? I know that sounds a little questionable, but trust me on this one! With that being said.....I'm gonna spare you all the long review, in hopes that you'll just trust me on this one and read this book.
As Always,
Happy Reading❤️
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ghostmadewithlove · 2 years
Might just not go to class today and just chill in the library
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melaniem54 · 27 days
Review:  Review: Ghostly Death (Ghostly Book 6) by E M Leya
Rating:  4.75🌈 The Ghostly series by E M Leya continues its quiet, very terrific otherworldly journey with Ghostly Death, a poignant tale of young teenagers lost too soon to a mysterious serial killer, a disheartening investigation, and a crime whose resolution feels realistic, sad,and, as the officers and main characters will say, not entirely satisfactory.  Leya’s story is so well written,…
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quillandrapier · 2 years
Just a heads up, if you don't want my reviews clogging up the dashboard (which fair enough) you can mute the tag #ghostly reviews which should mean they don't all come up...but please do read them if you like! Trying to be thoughtful with them.
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New Audio: Brijean Shares Lush and Cinematic Lullaby "Euphoric Avenue"
New Audio: Brijean Shares Lush and Cinematic Lullaby "Euphoric Avenue" @BrijeanBand @ghostly @pitchperfectpr
Brijean is an acclaimed indie pop project that features:  Brijean Murphy, a Los Angeles-born percussionist, who can trace the origins of her music career to her childhood: Murphy’s father Patrick is a percussionist and engineer, who taught a young Brijean her first patterns on a pair of congas that she inherited from the late Trinidadian steel pan drum legend Vince Charles. As a percussionist,…
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ghostlylivresbooks · 4 months
Ond Eldr
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📚 I recently finished a reread of Sky in the Deep! My first read was in 2018; here are my thoughts 6 years later:
📚 I remember staying up all night to finish this one in 2018, and I definitely had a similar experience this time. It was so incredibly engaging; the flow of the story makes you want to keep turning pages to see where Eelyn will end up next, even if it's a calmer scene in the Riki village. The plot did a great job balancing quiet moments versus action without sacrificing engagement.
📚 SLIGHT SPOILERS AHEAD. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. I wish there was more done with the Aska. We spend a lot of time with the Riki, but the Aska culture isn't really explored. Neither is the nebulous Big Bad, the third clan. What God did they serve? What was their motivation? They weren't very compelling villains for me.
📚 The love story was so sweet and made me smile, but again, not quite as fleshed-out as I would have liked all these years later. I absolutely loved, loved, LOVED the focus on the changing meaning of family, though, and I really enjoyed how that kind of love took center stage.
📚 The final battle felt a little anti-climatic. And I am like, desperate for a sequel even though I don't think we'll get one.
📚 Overall, it definitely did hold up in some ways for me, but didn't in others. I had a TON of fun with it, and it was a fun trip down memory lane comparing my first read with this one. 6 years later, I would change my 5 star rating to probably 3.75, but I still absolutely love this book and the characters within it. Ond Eldr!
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annafromuni · 4 months
William Ritter's The Dire King - An Ending Rushed?
As the final book in William Ritter’s Jackaby series, The Dire King had a couple of things to do: wrap up a rather busy but interesting story, tie up loose ends with plot lines and characters, give a few conclusions for the romantic relationships that have been brewing since Jackaby. Unfortunately, it seems that too many cooks spoil the broth as elements of the narrative started to slip through…
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gbhbl · 5 months
EP Review: Ghostly Times - MIRAGE (Self Released)
Ghostly Times are in a creatively exciting place, where they are expanding on their rock sound, keeping it focused on effective melodic beauty, and still showing how capable they are at putting smiles on faces.
Brooklyn, New York rock band Ghostly Times are back with a brand-new EP called ‘MIRAGE’. The EP was released on April 12th, 2024, and is the long-awaited follow-up to their 2017 debut full-length album, ‘When All That’s Left Is Grey’. It’s been a long time since I wrapped my ears around Ghostly Times, and having thoroughly enjoyed the debut album, as well as the 2018 single ‘The Sender’, I can…
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