mangabirdao3 · 1 year
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Review: This was beautiful. I've never been so immersed in a story before, it was actually unreal. I don't know you personally, but I'm proud of you, and you deserve so many headpats. ❤❤❤
Review: You recommended I read your favorite child here, and I'm glad you did. I'm loving this. I'm binge reading it.
John is such a sweetheart. And I can absolutely picture Takigawa as a laid back cop. I'm curious to see how things develop with Mai and Naru.
Can't wait to binge read more.
A companion tale set in the Detroit Become Human universe using the characters of Ghost Hunt. Fandom blind story!
John crouched and held the red Nikon up to his eye, taking his time to adjust the zoom just right. His blue orbs squinted as he looked through the small sight and twisted the thick lens. He snapped the shot. A bird’s nest nestled securely in a rusty, disused aerial with an endless sea of disused warehouses sprawled below, bathed in a red sunset. It was quite a breath-taking view. He got to his feet with a sigh and looked around in quiet awe. He’d taken quite a few shots from the old metal rooftops. It was a wonder the area hadn’t been flattened yet. He’d almost fallen through the rusted metal more than once already. He took a moment to return his camera to the protective backpack before taking off again.
His feet made loud metallic clanks on the sloping surface as he ran. He hopped onto the edge of the building before jumping across to a slightly lower rooftop. He looked around for a good route down. Maybe he could even get inside one of the dilapidated buildings. The place had been shut down for almost ten years now, and over the last decade even the security had disappeared. No one ever bothered to come here. Occasionally, there may be a few teens looking for somewhere to party, but they didn’t stick around. He’d photographed some amazing graffiti today, but all of it was quite old. Cracked and faded on rusted metal or crumbling concrete. Even students were going off this place as a secret hideout.
The warped metal creaked beneath his feet as he walked across the rooftop, coming upon an old skylight. He leaned down and ran a hand over the filthy glass. This looked like a possible entry point. The glass itself was still firm, but as he tugged the jagged metal frame, he could see the rusted seal giving way. He tugged on his protective gloves and pulled, feeling the rust turn to powder against the thick material as he heaved. There was a resounding crack as the window came loose and he pushed it aside.
He was careful as he knelt on the edge, using a small flashlight to look down into the darkness below. There was a metal bar just a few feet down, probably from the old lighting system. There were some gangways still standing, though he wouldn’t know how stable they were until he reached them. I just hope the lighting rails will hold, he thought as he got to his feet and took a few breaths. His best bet was to swing from the rail and onto one of the gangways as quickly as possible. He trusted the gangway more than the thin rail. With that in mind, he stepped over the edge.
He let out a small grunt as he grabbed the rail, gasping as the whole thing twisted, spinning him in dizzying circles. He hadn’t factored in chain supports that moved. One hand slipped as he looked around, trying to figure out where to go. At least the rail hadn’t fallen yet. He used his legs to swing the long bar, getting himself closer to the gangway. He released, his feet making a loud crash as he landed. The rail he’d been swinging from collapsed on one side and swung precariously with a high-pitched whine. That was closer than I’d like, John thought, adrenaline buzzing as he edged his way along the cracked surface.
“Agh!” he yelped in surprised as the metal section he was edging along fell through. He grabbed the walkway's edge with one hand, feet kicking as he tried to look around and get a better grip. He was still too high to simply drop to the floor below. Oh no! he thought worriedly, seeing only one way. There was a chain hanging close by. It had probably been used to heft larger loads like some sort of crane or pulley system. After all this time, it may not work, but he had little choice. Lord protect me…
Read more on your choice of platform! AO3, Wattpad, FFN and AFFN!
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mangabirdao3 · 1 year
"💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕"
Thank you for tagging me @winter-seabass
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Strange as it may be when I have so many other wildly more popular works, my favourites are:
Become Human? - my first DBH work that bridged the gap between my new and old fandom. It's a crossover with Ghost Hunt that can be read fandom blind on both sides. This was also the first long fic I've written from start to end in one go without breaks.
Unfixable: A Reed900 world war one au story that I wrote after seeing a historical styled pucture of Connor. I was really happy with how it turned out, and I think it's one of my best despite the lack of interest it gets.
I will tag @cryptidtrashpan @jceekay and @glxyqst to play next if they want to.
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mangabirdao3 · 1 year
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John suffers a harrowing experience.
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mangabirdao3 · 1 year
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John feels impish upon waking.
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mangabirdao3 · 1 year
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Lin buys a gift for John.
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mangabirdao3 · 1 year
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A coy picture gets John into a sticky situation.
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mangabirdao3 · 1 year
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Gene finally has his way.
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mangabirdao3 · 1 year
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Lin makes an unsettling realisation.
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mangabirdao3 · 1 year
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John has never felt so embarrassed.
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mangabirdao3 · 1 year
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John is overwhelmed by his first truly mated heat.
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mangabirdao3 · 1 year
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Rei makes John an offer.
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mangabirdao3 · 1 year
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John feels used.
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mangabirdao3 · 1 year
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Dinner is done, but tensions are high as Mai and Naru settle down after dinner.
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mangabirdao3 · 1 year
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My very first DBH fic finally hit 1,000!
Unfortunately, I'll never be sure how many people genuinely loved this story, but to those who did, I thank you.
Much love!
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mangabirdao3 · 1 year
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Lin walks John home, with a few stops along the way.
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mangabirdao3 · 1 year
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Mai sees Naru for the first time since his heat.
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