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lukewhiteonthebeat · 5 years ago
Short cover of @aaronfisher “The Tracks” @aaronfisherandghostfleet • #music #musicians #cover #rnb #vibe #listentothis #ghostfleet (at The Fishbowl Recording) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4bW__ElJdf/?igshid=gxzz8sdsv2oa
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kramlabs · 5 years ago
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ricardosgamingchannel · 5 years ago
Ghost Fleet Offensive Mission 3 operation clean sweep Battlestar Galactica Deadlock Link:  https://youtu.be/nnYg1Ohr0AY Operation clean sweep is the 3rd campaign mission of Ghost Fleet Offensive. We see the Galactica jump in with its battle group to save the Battlestar Acheron but something is not right...  #GhostFleetOffensive #BattlestarGalactica #BloodandChrome @bsgDeadlock
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antorock · 5 years ago
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#luccacg19 e i suoi frutti, in ordine sparso: Biglietto d'ingresso per la conferenza stampa di #startrekpicard per ammirare Sir Patrick stewart. Maglietta e spilline di zerocalcare del nuovo reboot degli x-men. Omnibus di #uncannyxmen autografati da Chris Claremont. Variant LIMITED per Lucca di #umbrellaacademy, #zerocalcare, #danielcuello e #leragazzedelpillar. Variant di #perkeros con dedica di @JP Ahonen più gadget di #belzebubs #ghostfleet, #murderfalcon, magliette di @feudalesimoeliberta, cofanetto di black metal
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sandwichcontrol · 6 years ago
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This might be the greatest single panel in comicbook history. All thanks to @dcates and @danielwarrenart my day has been made. #ghostfleet #mickeyreno #bloodmutant #pantera #thismademyday https://www.instagram.com/p/B0GfDmyBNJ1/?igshid=2t3hzmikhz24
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Battlestar Galactica Deadlock Ghost Fleet Offensive DLC Fleet Admiral Difficulty Link: https://youtu.be/3nSD3ygijuA LAUNCH VIPERS!
The people of the Twelve Colonies believe that Colonial forces are keeping the Cylon threat in check. Truth is, the Ministry of Defense loses ground every day. Under Atropos’ command, Cylon attacks have become precise and terrifying. Perfectly timed ambushes designed to cripple communications and logistics. Efficient and methodical. Commander Nash and the crew of the Galactica have to keep up the claim of the good fight, never revealing how close the people back home are to the knife’s edge. Meanwhile, Admiral Sarkis has one last plan that could finally bring this war to an end or doom them all. It is time to activate the Ghost Fleet Offensive. #sosayweall #launchvipers #battlestargalactica
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chillinaris · 7 years ago
#CakNun: “Ayo belajar punya martabat, jangan ngemas-ngemis terus seperti sekarang. Itu yang hilang sekarang. (Kehilangan terbesar bangsa #Indonesia bukanlah harta benda seperti kekayaan alam dan sebagainya). “Yang hilang itu martabat, kita tak punya konsep jelas tentang harga diri". #NKRI #Quotes #GhostFleet #NgobrolTempo
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rullype · 7 years ago
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the fact is that some people get judged for being REAL while others get loved for being FAKE #2030 #ghostfleet #dilanthemovie😂
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ssalefishgso · 7 years ago
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Our @dcates Donny Cates signings have been rescheduled for Saturday, February 17th! Greensboro 12-2 PM and @ssalefish_comics_ws 4-6 PM! Come meet the writer of #thanos #doctorstrange #babyteeth #redneck #godcountry #atomahawk #reactor #buzzkill #ghostfleet and more!
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lukewhiteonthebeat · 6 years ago
Playing with the band on @liveonthelevee @aaronfisherandghostfleet 🎵🎸✊🏼 • #musician #music #musician #keys #drums #guitar #liveband #livemusic #venue #vibe #ghostfleet (at Live on the Levee) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzml62vHPkp/?igshid=14wmwdbwzx8zh
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ricardosgamingchannel · 5 years ago
Ghost Fleet Offensive | Mission 7 CIPHERS BattleStar Galactica Deadlock Link: https://youtu.be/me94ZSEGHVs A satellite network has been discovered in Cylcon space allowing the Colonial fleet to gather intel on Cylon movements #battlestargalactica #bsg #bsgdeadlock #battlestargalacticadeadlock
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rosetearabbit · 7 years ago
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Warmachine update: I know I haven't posted a lot but d*c has taken most of my time. Now that it's over I'm working on cleaning up my #circleorboros so I can eventually get some games in. Thinking a #krueger1 #devourershost defense skew and a #Baldur2 #bonesoforboros arm skew. Circle is in a bad place right now but they're so fun to play and people are much more likely to do pickup games than my usual #ghostfleet #darkhost pair. #warmachine #hordes #wmh #privateerpress
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fpicomics-blog · 7 years ago
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In November and December @imagecomics are truly spoiling us with so many fantastic graphic novels and beautiful hardcovers! Preorder in the link in our bio #eternalempire #ihatefairyland #shirtlessbearfighter #ghostfleet
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hikeawaywithme · 8 years ago
Oh you know, just chilling in the middle of the James River with the @usarmy #crosswayornoway #jamesriver #ghostfleet #tugboat #usarmy #soldiers #tuggingalong #knotsandstuff (at James River Ghost Fleet)
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kellyttkelly · 8 years ago
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1222與幽靈艦隊感覺很好看 但先入手的是哈利波特8😏 擁有整套波特當然這本也要買 那種看書聽音樂的愜意貌似又回來了 夾縫中求時間吧 在忙碌中偷個閒 #聽說上次休假是1號下次休假是27號 #其實現在是上班中場休息時間 #biotherm #beautymaker #beautycare #sogo #eslite #bookstore #harrypotter #cursedchild #eighth #1222 #ghostfleet #instalife #like4like (在 誠品書店忠孝sogo店)
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chillinaris · 7 years ago
#CakNun: “Yang jadi masalah, koe tetep dadi jongos (kamu tetap menjadi pelayan). Indonesia bukan lagi milikmu, anda bukan bosnya". #NKRI #Quotes #GhostFleet #NgobrolTempo https://nasional.tempo.co/read/1072566/cara-emha-ainun-najib-memaknai-pidato-prabowo
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