catlvrfl · 3 months
@ghostbite0!!! Tis was what I was talking about!!! Told u to be prepared!! HAHAHAHA, But uh actually dead serious, this was so hard and I'm afraid it is not the best!! But I tried, left is obv ur oc and right is mine!!! If u want I can post urs seperately!!!
(Ps.i used nobara and Toji chibis for base/reference)
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ashanimus · 11 months
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Birthday gift for @polyhexian
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draikinator · 1 year
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Commission for @ashanimus of their Transformers oc Ghostbite!
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polyhexian · 1 year
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me and @ashanimus tfocs lol
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pineconepaw · 2 years
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Oc lore >:))
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hei-n1cky · 8 months
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They're literally tragic lovers
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ghostbite0 · 11 days
this is probably a horrible idea but im thinking about rebranding / changing my username... i've had it for over five years but thats kinda why i want to change it ): ive already kinda made a name for myself though so its tricky
id still go by bite but im sooo bored of the ghost thing
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heremob · 10 months
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Me and the hallucinations that live in my mind
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kindlykolorful · 5 months
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guapoverseweek day five - defuntoduo
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makishimu · 2 months
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Boom double attack for Artfight!
This one is an attack on the amazing @ghostbite0. I drew their Kny Oc Ro and their Persona Bite :D
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mikaikaika · 8 months
Do you wonder if Abueloier and Ghostbit ever explored each other's bodies?
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alchemicaladarna · 7 months
Hey so while the server is closed for now, can we go back to QSMP prison for a minute? Because I think we moved on way too fast from ghostbit, Abueloier, and the implications of their relationship.
Ok, just so I don't get this wrong, that old man was Abueloier, right? He was working as a janitor for the prison, and the ghost of his old friend that he betrayed has been haunting him for what, 60 years?
Was it confirmed that the ghost was related to qCellbit? Like an ancestor, or was that just a headcanon? Because listen, if that ghost was qCellbit's grandpa or something, then everything about Spiderbit (all the way from when we first met Abueloier just became more tragic and hilarious)
So, I'm going to take the headcanon that the ghost in the prison was q!Cellbit's grandpa for my own timeline:
Ghostbit and Abueloier are individually arrested by the Federation in their 20s (???)
They meet in prison and become friends
They plan an escape together
As time goes on, Abueloier became paranoid and less trusting of Ghostbit
Just as when they're about to escape, Abueloier betrays and kills his beloved friend and is damned to a life sentence as a prisoner
After more than half a century has gone by, Abuleoier's grandson is engaged. He's heard some stuff about the guy, but he still wants to meet the guy his son is about to marry.
Then he meets qCellbit, and finds out he has the same voice and the same face as his old friend. How haunting is that?
Then qCellbit is just set on killing him and absolutely hates him (for all the right reasons ofc)
Isn't that just the most poetic form of karma? To be forever haunted by, not only the ghost of your old friend, but you also continue to see his face and be reminded about your betrayal in the man your grandson chose to love...
God, in every universe and timeline, Spiderbit is just doomed by the narrative, aren't they?
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ashanimus · 11 months
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these are the no text/no filter sketches for the birthday comp I made for my friend Nate. A gift basket of sketchy OCs!
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polyhexian · 1 year
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a very quick sketch of me and @ashanimus's tfocs being dramatic as hell lol
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fog-kid · 8 months
So... Cellboier decided to give us old man yaoi, I am honoring their wishes
(can't believe i am unaronically writing about Abueloier and his "friend", dear fucking god)
There was blood under his nails, but that wasn't new. He sometimes scratched too hard or got too rough with the guards after trashing around his cell. Those were the bad days, when he couldn't even control where his hands landed.
Any other day, he couldn't control where his thoughts landed. That was the real danger. Not the scratches and bruises, the teasers and beatings. None of that compared to what years of confinement can do to you.
It probably would've been even worse had he not met him.
"Hey" he had whispered one night from the cell next to his, just over a year ago, after the guards left "You okay?"
"De puta madre" Abueloier hissed, touching his busted lip "Y tu qué? You're new?"
"Got transfered today" the man behind the wall moved to the front of the cell, Abueloier instinctively followed "Are they always like that?"
"Only if you're crazy enough to start breaking shit in your cell and threatening to kill everybody"
"Are you?"
Abueloier almost heard a smile in his whisper. He'd always remember that as the moment he realized he had finally found a match, someone of his caliber. An equal, a partner.
"On my bad days" he answered.
The other huffed a short laugh "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you at your worst"
"I'd hope so, you would hate me at my best"
From then on, they moved together as one. It was them against the rest of the inmates, the guards, the entire prison. They shared every meal, every recess, and talked about what they'd do once they made it out.
"I'll build myself a house" he spoke around a spoonful of beans "Maybe a castle"
Abueloier laughed "You dream too big"
"Okay then, what will you do?"
He shrugged and looked down at the stale beans on his plate "Make tacos, probably"
The talking got to planning, the days got longer and Abueloier's mind got louder. Every time his new friend explained what they had to do, his voice morphed into some distortion of what he said. The last days were bad, worse than bad, and nothing could stop that train of thought from flying off the rails.
"How do you know their schedual?" his hands shook, they had been doing that for a while.
"I told you already, I sneaked into the office-"
"Yeah, right. Fucking likely" there was a noise coming from his right but nobody noticed, so Abueloier didn't turn to check. He kept staring into those wild, troubled blue eyes and decided that if there was a white figure at the corner of his eye, he'd not give it the satisfaction of being noticed.
"You trust me, right?" he tilted his head, some of his hair brushing the neck of his uniform. Had that smile always been part of the design on their uniforms? Was it there at all?
"I do" he sighed and closed his eyes, mostly to avoid noticing more than he could handle "We can do this, and we will. Together"
There was blood under his nails, and it wasn't his or from any guard. His only friend tried to sit up to cough up blood but winced when it only made the knife dig further into his abdomen.
"Why would you do this to me?" he heaved, but Abueloier was about to ask the same thing.
"Where do you know them from? Was this entire thing just a trick to get me to them?"
That smile was plastered everywhere, he could see it in the blood that poured from his friend. He would see it in the tears that fell to his hands.
"I would've gone to the end of the Earth with you, but you chose them" he pressed his forehead to a bloody chest, feeling the difficulty of its rise and fall "You chose them. You chose them. I would've chosen you"
The realization came seconds before those wild, troubled blue eyes dimmed into nothing. There was blood under his nails, on his hands, on his clothes, pouring from his friend's body. There was betrayal laced to his last words.
"I choose you too" it sounded like a scratched record, wet with the blood drowning the sound from his throat "At your worst and at your best"
The guards found him some time later, maybe minutes, maybe hours, could've been days for all he knew. Turns out they didn't wear white, never did, in fact. The smiles from the walls were no longer there, the eyes in every corner had completely dissapeared. No trace of bears or artificial voices telling him about other people's intentions.
All that was left was a life sentence and years worth of lagoons in his memory, blissfully blank and confused. Still, he managed. He got a job as a janitor, even went out sometimes to meet up with his grandson, but always tried to avoid that good for nothing husband of his.
Those eyes, they looked too lively. Too wild, too troubled for anyone's good
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blocosblr · 8 months
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Btw drew the guys ever at work today on MS paint. Kinda shitty because I did it with a mouse but its also the only fullbody references I have of them asdklfjsldf
The scars on Cellbit's arms, neck and hands are from the chainsaw :3
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